Realms Of Arkania III: Shadows Over Riva HINTS from The Guardian & The Avatar 1.The party must have a warrior, a dwarf, and a magician(minimum) 2.First thing in Riva go find the house where you can buy the map of Riva. 3.You can find the best bow-Extra Light Longbow-at the bower house. 4.1 gold ducat=10 silver coins=100 copper bits 5.In the Market Hall you can use pickpoket skill-but save first! 6.If someone in your party dies you can bring him back to life if you pray at Tsa temple. Do the same with hurt characters and they will be healed. 7.If one of your party members is dead try using the "Necropathia" spell and the dead one will help you with some hints. 8.The Elexirs give few bonus to the skills so sell them because they worth a lot. 9.STIPPEN`S QUEST--Blow the horn at this locations: In the S-W of the forest where are a pair of willow trees. In front of the painted dragon on the North town gate. In fronts of the bots of the warrior from the mountain. In front of the bridge boat. 10.THE DWARVEN MINE You can pull the hand from the water and throw it away(sometimes you get a sword). In one of the rooms you will find a broken chest, save first and then try openig the chest until you find the tenobaal bolts (You have only one try if no bolts found try loading until you find 'em). You can search the beads for goodies. Pull the dead dwarf from the barrel, take his key, use the key on the chest(one in the NW part), take the cross spaner, use the cross spaner on the left library, go and take the 70 ducats from the dwarf and read the scrool. Where the dead dwarfs are- you can use "Banish Spirits" spell or fight them. But first try fighting them they will not die but you will gain experience so use it like a training room. Answer the five questions of the statue in this order:NO,NO,YES, YES,NO. Answer to "What do you whant?" with "Remission". Use "Ignifaxus" and "Fulmiticus" spells to kill the demon. Use "Destructo" spell to destroy the demon book or you can leave the book there. 11.THE TOWER Open the three doors with: The N door->red+yellow diamonds (fire) The W door->green+blue diamonds (washes) The 2nd N door->red+blue diamonds (blood, cleans) The answer is "Blood washes fire cleans". At the question "Who am I?" answer "Borbarad". At the doors the aswer is "Flame". Use "Motoricus" spell to open the chest in Borbarad`s chamber. In the Magical Libray (the room with the Eye on the door) some of the books may be taken. One of this books is: The Codex Dimensions. If you are stuck in the library split your party in six and give every one a book taken from the library and try with every one to get out from the room. The one who can't get out, have a cursed book so get rid of it. The books you find in the Library worth a lot. 12.PIRATES SHIP Answer this to the small boy (the magician who asks you riddles): "Nose" "Sponge" "?" (I mean I don`t know, if you will find out contact us) At the first floor try to find the Magic Waterbag and the Magic Bread Bag. Try to hurry up. At the second floor try to find the Born Thorn throwing knife. 13.GHOST TOWER At midnight go to the small tower near the warehouse south of the Efferd Temple in the harbour and talk to the ghost. Go talk to the person (Charinje Elmsjen or something like that) next to the bower. Go talk to the person (Dorian Zandor or something like that) next to the graveyard doors. The spells ---------- THE SPELLS If your characters use magic, they can learn, depending on their character class, a variety of different spells. The following is a brief description of the various spells: 1. its origin (character class), 2. the corresponding checks, 3. an explanation of the spell and 4. the required astral points. Dispell Spells Domination Druid WD/IN/CH This spell is used to counter spells cast on a party character which impair his actions and thinking. Required astral points: variable (8-20) Destruction Magician WD/WD/DX This spell destroys magic artifacts. Required astral points: variable (5-50) Guardian Magician IN/CH/ST Produces a protective dome against many magic attacks (such as Fulminictus or Ignifactus). A useful spell during combat. Required astral points: selectable Illusion Magician WD/IN/CH Negates all illusions in a small area. Can be used in combat as dispell against illusionary opponents. Required astral points: (level of opponent - level of magician)x2, at least 5 Transformation Witch CR/WD/CH If one of your characters has been petrified or transformed, let's say into a mushroom, this spell reverses the transformation. Required astral points: variable (5-50) Domination Spells Ball and Chain Elf WD/CH/ST Keeps the victim from running away. Elf IN/CH/CH The spell target believes the caster is his friend. It means in combat that the opponent stops attacking. Required astral points: 8 Evil Eye Druid CR/CH/CH Forces an opponent in combat to attack his own companions. Required astral points: 8 Great Need Witch WD/IN/CH This spell causes such overwhelming desire for an object or a person in the target that he attacks less effectively in combat or even leaves the battlefield. Required astral points: 8 Confusion Druid WD/WD/CH This spell confuses the target so greatly that he attacks less effectively in combat. Required astral points: 8 Master of Animals Druid CR/CR/CH This spell tames animals so that they stop attacking. Required astral points: dependent upon the opponent class Horriphobus Magician CR/IN/CH Instills a great fear in the opponent such that she might panic and run away in combat. Required astral points: 7 Astral Theft Druid CR/WD/ST Steals astral points from a target and allows the caster to use them himself for a spell. Required astral points: 6 Respondami Magician WD/IN/CH This spell forces a target to tell the truth. This is extremely helpful for learning the true intention of a NPC. Required astral points: 5 Meekness Witch CR/CH/CH This spell helps to tame wild animals in order to prevent further attacks. Required astral points: dependent upon the opponent class Somnigravis Elf WD/CH/CH The spell's target is put into deep sleep. However, she will awake right away again in case of an attack. Required astral points: 8 Dance! Druid CR/WD/CH Forces the target to dance so that he can't attack effectively any more. Required astral points: 6 Movement Spells Acceleratus Elf WD/AG/ST Doubles the caster's attacks and increases the number of movement points. Required astral points: 7 Foramen Magician WD/WD/DX This spell magically opens locks of all kinds, e.g. on doors or chests. Required astral points: 6 Motoricus Magician WD/DX/ST This spell allows the caster to move little objects without touching them. Required astral points: variable (5-20) Without Trace Elf IN/AG/AG The spell allows the caster to move without leaving traces (important in caves and when close to opponents). Required astral points: 7 Transversalis Magician WD/ST/ST Allows the caster to teleport to a place he knows. A spell that is difficult to learn. It is not effective in every cave or town. Required astral points: variable, depending on distance (10-50) Walk on Ice Elf WD/DX/ST The caster can move on any frozen ground as securely as on solid ground. Required astral points: (game rounds x 3) + 5 Demonology Spells Blood and Furor Magician CR/CR/CH Conjures up lower demons to assist the party in combat. However, the demon can also turn against the characters during the course of the fight. Required astral points: variable (13-33) Banish Spirits Druid CR/CR/CH This spell banishes lesser ghosts or spirits such as the poltergeist. Required astral points: 13 Conjure Spirits Druid CR/CR/CH The caster can conjure lesser spirits to ask for small favors. Required astral points: 11 Heptagon Magician CR/CR/CH Conjures horned (higher) demons. These then assist the characters in combat. However, the demon can also turn against the party in the course of the fight. Required astral points: variable (13-37) Summon Crows Witch CR/CH/CH Calls an imaginary flock of crows which attack and confuse the opponent. Required astral points: 13 Skeletarius Magician CR/CR/CH Turns killed opponents into zombies which assist the characters in combat. Required astral points: 15 Elements Spells Conjure Elemental Druid CR/WD/CH Conjures a lower elemental spirit (e.g. fire spirit) for assistance in combat. Required astral points: variable (13-18) Nihilatio Magician WD/ST/ST Negates gravity in the area around the caster. Required astral points: radius x 5 Solidirid Elf IN/AG/ST Creates a rainbow-colored bridge of up to 50 paces in length. Required astral points: length x 2 Healing Spells Balm of Roond Elf CR/IN/CH The astral points of the healer are turned into life points of the patient. This spell can save a character's life in combat. Required astral points: adjustable (at least 7) Witch's Spit Witch IN/CH/DX Similar to Balm of Roond but with different results depending whether it is used on poison, diseases or wounds. Witch's Spit has the same life-saving characteristics as Balm of Roond in combat. The spell can't be used on the caster himself. Required astral points (2 x LP) Pure and Clear Magician WD/WD/CH Used to remove poison. A character poisoned during a fight can be healed in the turmoil with Pure and Clear. However, it does not return life points to him. Required astral points: dependent upon the poison. Rest the Body, Rest the Mind Elf WD/CH/ST Provides the target with a deep and restful sleep for the next night. It supports the regeneration over night. Required astral points: 7 Heal Animals Witch CR/IN/CH The spell helps wounded animals. It turns the caster's astral points into life points for the animal. Required astral points: (AP = LP) Clairvoyance Spells Eagle's Eye Elf WD/IN/DX The use of this spell raises the perception skill and its corresponding combat values. Required astral points: 5 Analyze Magician WD/WD/IN This spell lets the caster analyze the nature of a magic artifact. Required astral points: 10 Attributes Elf WD/IN/CH The spell reveals the opponent's inner values. It is particularly useful in combat when the character wants to know what he is facing. Required astral points: 7 Exposami Elf WD/WD/IN When the caster wants to know which monsters or opponents are still going to face him during combat. The spell can reveal the presence of hidden opponents. Required astral points: 5 Odem Arcanum Elf WD/IN/CH Shows whether an object has a magic aura. Required astral points: 5 Penetrating Magician WD/WD/WD The spell is used to find one's way in unknown rooms. After the use of this spell the caster can look through walls in order to gain an overview of unknown territory. Required astral points: 5 Sensible Elf WD/IN/CH Enables the user of the spell to read the true thoughts of his counterpart. Required astral points: 5 Illusion Spells Chameleony Elf IN/CH/AG With this spell the caster can disguise herself so well that she won't be recognized by most opponents. The spell is effective as long as the caster does not move. Required astral points: 5 Duplication Magician WD/CH/AG The caster creates a ghosty double of himself which makes him much harder to hit in combat. Required astral points: 8 Camouflage Witch WD/CH/AG The caster appears to any observer as a child, which allows him to disguise his true nature. Required astral points: 6 Witch's Knot Witch WD/IN/CH The spell creates an illusionary barrier that is impassable for the opponents. However, it does not block arrows, bolds and spears, etc. Required astral points: 4 Combat Spells Lightning Elf WD/IN/AG Blinds the opponent with a magical lightning. Blinded, the opponent loses his sense of orientation and can't therefore attack any more. Required astral points: 5 Darkness' Power Magician CR/WD/ST The magician's shadow separates from the caster and fights at her side. Required astral points: (2 x level) + 5 Iron Rust and Rotted Wood Magician WD/CH/AG Causes the immediate rusting of the opponent's weapon. The caster has to touch the weapon in combat first, though. Required astral points: 5 Fulminictus Elf WD/AG/ST A magic missile that can cause severe damage to an opponent without being intercepted by his armor. Required astral points: AP = Damage Points Ignifaxus Magician WD/AG/DX Conjures a lance of fire of enormous energy. The power of the flame varies dependent upon the experience level of the caster and can be controlled by him. Required astral points: AP = Hit Points Plumbumbarum Magician CH/AG/ST The arms of the opponent turn heavy as lead, making attacks and parries difficult. Required astral points: 5 Terror Broom Witch CR/IN/CH The broom of a witch becomes independent and starts attacking the opponents. Required astral points: 4 Terror Power Magician CR/IN/CH Pushes the spell's target into a berserker-like rage whereby body strength and attack are increased but the parry decreases. Required astral points: variable (3-22) Accurate Eye Elf IN/AG/DX Spins a magic string from the caster to his target which makes it easier to hit the spot targeted. Required astral points: 5 Communications Skills Witch's Eye Witch IN/IN/CH With the help of this spell witches can recognize each other by looking at their eyes. However, any other caster using this spell can spot witches as well. Required astral points: 2 Necropathia Magician CR/WD/CH Enables the caster to contact the spirits of dead characters. This is a way for the rest of the party to gain information. Required astral points: 11 Transformation Spells Eagle, Wolf Elf CR/IN/AG Allows the caster to take on animal shape. However, the animal can't be smaller than a rat nor larger than a horse. Required astral points: 7 Arcano Magician CR/WD/CH Raises the magic resistance of the caster and is of advantage when fighting against magic-using opponents. Required astral points: 7 Magic Armor Elf IN/AG/ST Creates a magic armor of a strength of up to 9 additional points. Required astral points: AP = (AC - points) x (AC - points) Increase Courage Magician WD/CH/CH Increases the courage by a few points. Required astral points: 7 Increase Wisdom Witch CR/CR/ST Increases the wisdom by a few points. Required astral points: 7 Increase Charisma Elf WD/CH/DX Increases the charisma by a few points. Required astral points: 7 Increase Dexterity Elf WD/CH/AG Increases the dexterity by a few points. Required astral points: 7 Increase Agility Elf WD/IN/CH Increases the agility by a few points. Required astral points: 7 Increase intuition Elf WD/CH/ST Increases the intuition by a few points. Required astral points: 7 Increase Strength Magician WD/WD/CH Increases the strength by a few points. Required astral points: 7 Fire's Bane Witch CR/CR/ST Makes the caster a lot less susceptible to fire, dragon breath and the Ignifaxus spell. Required astral points: 7 Ocean's Floor Elf CR/WD/CH Enables the caster and his companions to breath under water for a limited time. Required astral points: AP = (GR x 7 x number in party) / 2 Mutabili Magician WD/AG/ST This spell creates chimary beings. The required alchimic ingredients are currently not available in the northlands of Arcania. Required astral points: 50 Paralyze Magician IN/CH/ST Petrifies the target of this spell. Such enchanted opponent is no longer dangerous during the entire duration of combat. Required astral points: 13 Salother Magician WD/IN/CH Turns the spell's target into a mushroom. Required astral points: AP - (MR of opponent) x 3, at least 25 Visibility Elf WD/WD/AG Turns a character invisible so he can explore a cave without being molested by some opponents. Required astral points: AP = (GR x 5) Transmutation Spells Abvenenum Elf WD/WD/DX This spell purifies poisoned or spoiled food. Required astral points: 5 Aeolitus Elf WD/CH/ST Creates a small breeze. Required astral points: 5 Burn! Magician CR/WD/ST Burns inflammable material. E.g., torches can be lit without the use of a fire stone, steel and tinder. Required astral points: variable (1-20) Claudibus Magician WD/DX/ST Magically locks doors and other lock mechanisms for a certain time. Required astral points: AE = (spell level + level) x 2 Darkness Druid WD/WD/DX Creates a magic darkness around the caster. In combat, this spell reduces the attack chances of the opponents but unfortunately also the ones of the party. Required astral points: 3 Fiat Lux Elf WD/WD/DX This spell creates a magic source of light in the caster's hand which shines as bright as a torch. Required astral points: 1 Melt Solid Magician CR/WD/ST Turns any dead materials soft and easy to shape. Required astral points: 1 Silentium Elf WD/WD/CH Supresses all sounds around the caster. Required astral points: 5 Calm Storm Elf WD/CH/ST Creates a zone around the caster to protect her from the effects of a hurricane. Required astral points: 5 Freeze Soft Magician CR/WD/ST This spell turns any fluids into solid material. Required astral points: 5 THE CLASS REQUIREMENTS The Warrior Warriors are masters of armed combat techniques and are sorely needed to ensure a party's survival in these dark times. They have the right to wear the heaviest armor and to carry two-handed swords. Their code of honor prevents them from using poisons. Equipment dagger sword leather armor Minimum requirements for generation: CR: 12WD:12 AG: 12 VT: below 6 Skill increase attempts: (per level) 2 The Rogue Whether as a pick-pocket or swindler, the rogue feels at home in cities and among people to whom he or she can prove his or her skills. While he is lost in the wilderness, the rogue is a man-about-town in matters of money. Equipment: Dagger lockpicks rapier Minimum requirements for generation: CR: 12DX:12 AG: 11 AV: 7 Skill increase attempts: (per level) 20 The Jester Jesters are men and women of the road. They are well-versed in all kinds of survival techniques. Equipment: 2 throwing knives dagger Minimum requirements for generation: CR: 11DX:12 AG: 13 SN: 7 Skill increase attempts: (per level) 20 The Thorwalian Good living and a lust for battle -- be it against others or the forces of nature -- are the characteristics of the hulking Thorwalians, who are equally honored and feared as fighters and sailors. Equipment: sabre brandy bottle skraja Minimum requirements for generation: CR: 11AG:11 ST: 12 SN: 6 CL: 4 Skill increase attempts: (per level) 20 The Hunter These remote loners possess a thorough knowledge of the wilderness and its dangers. They are experienced in the use of all kinds of missile weapons. Because of their isolation, they don't think about money much. Equipment: dagger longbow 20 arrows Minimum requirements for generation: AG: 12IN:12 CL: 7 Skill increase attempts: (per level) 20 The Dwarf The little people are excellent smiths and excel at estimating the value of precious items. Furthermore, they are feared axe fighters. Dwarves typically have a bit of money. Equipment: crowbar hammer mace Minimum requirements for generation: DX: 12ST:12 AV: 7 Skill increase attempts: (per level) 20 The Magician The adepts of the magical arts consider themselves to be scientists and delight in the discovery of new spell formulas and other arcane mysteries. Their sorcery skills allow them to survive in hostile surroundings. Their weapons are either a magic wand or a dagger. Equipment: dagger writing utensils magic wand robes Minimum requirements for generation: WD: 13CH:12 SN: below 5 CU: 6 Skill increase attempts: 15 Spell increase attempts: (per level) 40 The Witch In contrast to magicians, the source of witchcraft is not the knowledge of the centuries, but rather the intuitive knowledge of human and animal nature. Unfortunately these character types can only fight with selected weapons. Equipment: two loneberries witch's broom Minimum requirements for generation: CH: 13IN:12 AC: below 5 Skill increase attempts: 20 Spell increase attempts: (per level) 25 The Druid Typical characteristics of the secretive druids are the knowledge of dark spells of control, as well as their love of nature. Their beliefs forbid them use of metal weapons or armor. Equipment: whirlweed joruga root obsidian dagger Minimum requirement for generation: CR: 13WD:12 NE: less than 5 Skill increase attempts: 20 Spell increase attempts: (per level) 25 The Green Elf These elven folk are the ones which have the closest contact to the people in Arkania. Many magicians received magic training from the Green Elves early in their careers. Equipment: rapier harp long bow 20 arrows Minimum requirements for generation: CH: 12AG:12 IN: 13 AV: less than 5 Skill increase attempts: 20 Spell increase attempts: (per level) 20 The Silvan Elf Silvan elves live secluded life in the dense forests of northern Arkania. They are rumored to be masters of the bow, and to possess many survival skills needed for wilderness life. Equipment: knife flute long bow 20 arrows Minimum requirements for generation: CH: 13AG:13 IN: 13 AV: less than 5 SN: less than 5 VT: less than 5 Skill increase attempts: 20 Spell increase attempts: (per level 20 The Ice Elf Only a few members of their population have ventured forth to the southern parts of Arkania. Ice elves possess many magics unknown to other creatures. Equipment: flute spear seal slayer Minimum requirements for generation: CH: 12AG:13 IN: 13 AV: less than 5 SN: less than 5 Skill increase attempts: 20 Spell increase attempts: (per level) 20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Written by The Guardian (14.01.2000) Phone Number (004)039-611614 Braila/Romania Distributed by The Avatar (15.01.2000) Phone Number (004)039-636740 Braila/Romania E-Mail