Complete Walkthru for DREAMWEB Note: Whenever possible original format of document is retained. ________________________________________________________________________________ The door number of Ryan's flat - 5106 . You begin in Eden's flat. Look around, and find your wallet on the desk. Pick this up. Go to the right and examine the microwave. Open it and move the key to your inventory. Go into living room and examine Network Cartridge labled Sartain Industries. Put it into your inventory for later. Walk to the lift, use the controls next to the doors Walk into the lift. Use the control box. Walk through Eden's garage and examine the car - do not leave the room - you won't be able to get back in yet. Take the screwdriver and the wrench from the garage. Leave the room and walk off to the left. On the travel screen select "Ryan's Flat" Walk to your front door. Examine the keypad that is to the left of the door. Use keypad. Enter your number 5106. Go into the bedroom. Pick up the knife from the bed. Pick up the red Network cartridge close to the machine - if you examine it you will find that it is marked "Important!" Examine the network interface by the window. Open it and place the cartridge inside. Examine the Network monitor. Use it. When it has initialised type "LIST" and press ENTER. Type "LOGON RYAN" Type "LIST CARTRIDGE" Type "READ PRIVATE" You will be given the door numbers for Eden's and Louis's. Note down the numbers. Leave your flat and go to the lift. Use the lift control. Go to Louis' flat. Here you will be mugged as you enter the building. You can no longer leave until you find some suitable footwear. Walk to Louis' door. Examine and then Use the keypad. Enter the number - 5238 . Walk into the room. Go and talk to Louis. Open the cupboard by the monitor (the drink machine is on top of it). Move the red pool hall card into your inventory. Examine it (click right button). You now have access to the pool hall. Look in the toilet and pickup both trainers on the floor. Use each trainer to place them on your feet - you can now leave Louis's. Open your inventory. Press the right button when over the wallet. Open it and remove the card. Put this in your inventory. Leave Louis. Go to the street and leave. Select "Sparky's bar" Enter the bar. Walk to the seat in front of Sparky. Examine and Use the seat. Talk to Sparky. Examine the card reader on the bar. Use the card reader with the credit card. Examine the credit card (right button on the card in your opened inventory) Use the card and you will see your balance. Talk to the man sat next to you. He'll tell you about the Hotel. Leave the bar. Go to the pool hall. Walk into the lift and use the controls there. Talk to the man behind the bat. He will help you. In the pool hall head left until you can go no further. Use the keypad and enter the number - 5222 . In the office use the card reader with your credit card. Take the gun from the desk. Leave the location by going to the lift and using the controls. Walk through the alley and back out into the street. Go to the Hotel on the travel screen. Talk to the receptionist. Use the card reader with your credit card. Take the key from the desk (this is very hard to spot but it must be taken - it appears in front of the receptionist). Go to the lift. Use the pad on the wall. Enter the lift, use the control with your room key. Walk out of the lift and go left. Go down and examine the firepoint. Open it and remove the axe. You may go into your room if you wish, but you don't need to. (it is to the right). Go back into the lift and use the controls with the knife from your flat. Examine the wire and use it with the knife. Examine the handle and Use it. Once on top of the lift examine the doors and Use them with the axe. In combat, open your inventory and use axe when the game allows you to. After the guard misfires ( CLICK comes up ) use gun. Walk past the pool into the room to the left. Walk down and examine the gun in your inventory. Select "Use gun" when the game lets you. In the Dreamweb talk to the monk. Find the door that will let you out (first on in right hand corridor at bottom of map). Use the door. In the Dreamweb room use the plinth with the key. Ryan will find himself in a skip in an alley. Walk to the right. Walk down. Go home and enter your bedroom. Use the Network monitor. LIST NEWSNET READ TVSPECIAL EXIT You will now know about the general. Leave your flat. Go to the TV studio. Walk right as far as you can and then walk down until you come to the sign painted on the floor. Go left and when you come to the barrier use the gun in your inventory. Examine the controls behind the window by the barrier. Use the controls. Walk left and then up into the TV studio. Pick up Magazine off of the Reception Desk and drop it. Pick up Key for Storeroom. In the TV studio go left and then down into the storeroom and use key. Examine the fusebox. Use the fusebox with the screwdriver. Take the fuse (this is very small and is on the fusebox). Leave the room and go left twice and then up. Use the ladder. Walk to the winch control. Examine it and open it. Remove the blown fuse and put in the new fuse. Use the winch control. You will then enter the Dreamweb - remember to speak to the keeper. In the Dreamweb you must locate a crystal before you can leave, it is at the bottom of the map in the centre. You find yourself outside Sparky's. Go back to Eden's. Open her door using the keypad to its right. Enter the number - 2865 Go to the lift and use the controls. You will now find that Eden is in the bath. Walk to Eden's bedroom. Examine the diary on the bed and use it. You will be given information on Sartain Industries' address. Leave Eden's flat. Go to your flat and view Sartain Network Cartridge you picked up at Eden's. Put cartridge into the interface. Logon as Ryan on Network and List Cartridge. Read Meeting and then read Code for the Sartain Industries Keypad-- 7833 Go to Sartain Industries on the travel screen. Walk into the building and open your inventory - use the gun. Go left and enter the lift. Use the controls. Once in combat open your inventory. Examine and then use the crystal. Walk down and then in the small door to the right. Examine the briefcase. Open it and take the papers from inside. Examine the papers - you now know where to find Underwood and Chapel. Go up the stairs and onto the roof. Go left onto the helipad. Use the gun to explode the helicopter. Dream number 3 takes place here You find yourself in the car park. Find the van with the tarpaulin in it. Take the wire cutters. Go to the Chapel's house. Use the wall to climb over it and look around - you find a blue Network Cartridge with info on the Church. Go back to your flat, put in the new Cartridge and logon as Beckett. Just hit enter for Password, then List Cartridge... Read BREIF. Go to the church. Use the wrench on the chain on the gate. The chain breaks and Ryan pushes open the gate. You find the big doors at the front of the church locked, so leave here for now. Go to the Underwood's boathouse. Examine the pipe in the water and use it with a cup or bottle. Pick up the railing that is on the sand. Walk right and you will find yourself by the boathouse. If you use the balcony the security system will be activated and will kill you. Examine the metal plate in the top left of this location. Use metal plate - Ryan brushes the sand off to reveal an electrical junction box. Use metal plate with railing - Ryan opens the junction box. Use the junction box with the cup (or bottle) and the security system will be destroyed. You can now use the hole in the balcony to climb up. Use the hole in the window to enter the boathouse. Shoot Underwood after you have talked to her. Dream number 4 takes place here. You wake up further along the beach. Go to the church and you will find the doors are now open. Pick up Hand Walk down until you come to the altar Pick up and drop the cloth and 2 candlesticks from the Alter. Examine the hole in the alter, use hand with hole. Examine the altar and Use it. Examine the hole in the floor and use it. Use the tomb - Ryan pulls back the lid to reveal two crystals, a dagger and a rock. Take all of these items. In the jar by the tomb lid is another crystal. Place the crystals in the stone design on the floor. The exit will open up. In the first section of corridor your way is blocked by a stone door. At the top of the corridor is a statue - use this. Just hit the crystal The door will now be open The door to the bottom left has a triangular hole in it - a key hole. Go up and find the trolley. There are rocks scattered around collect them all (there are 8 of them) Put rocks in trolley. Use the trolley - Ryan gives it a big push and it flies off the screen. The screen shakes - there is a crash, and a wheel bounces back along the corridor. The door is now open, walk down and you will find the priest. The priest has already changed from human form into something else, you find his remains. Where the priest was is a hole into the outside. This leads to the subway. Get down onto the track by using the ramp at the top of the Screen. Walk upwards until you see a hole in the left hand tunnel wall. Walk to this and you will find the Madman's lair. As you explore he will appear and attempt to kill you. Fight and kill the Madman by luring him underneath a passing subway train. Ryan is then whisked off into the Dreamweb where the keeper speaks to him. Ryan wakes up in the real world to the sound of sirens. He is then shot by the waiting police. /......................./ : Scott A. Jones : : Internet address: : : : /......................./