======================================Mortician's=========================================== _ _ _ _ _____ _ _ _ | | ___ __| | (_) ( ) ___ |_ _| __ _ ___ | |_ (_) ___ __ _ | | _ | | / _ \ / _` | | | |/ / __| | | / _` | / __| | __| | | / __| / _` | | | | |_| | | __/ | (_| | | | \__ \ | | | (_| | | (__ | |_ | | | (__ | (_| | | | \___/ \___| \__,_| |_| |___/ |_| \__,_| \___| \__| |_| \___| \__,_| |_| __ __ _ | \/ | __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ | | | |\/| | / _` | | '_ \ | | | | / _` | | | | | | | | (_| | | | | | | |_| | | (_| | | | |_| |_| \__,_| |_| |_| \__,_| \__,_| |_| ================================Multiplayer FAQ v1.0======================================== Table of Contents: 1) What's new? 2) Introduction 3) Game Types 4) Force Powers 5) Weapons 6) Items 7) Strategies 8) What's still missing? 9) Special Thanks 10) Legal Crap -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) What's new? v1.0 - First Version -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Introduction: I'm Mortician and I want to take all needful hints and tips for the Multiplayer part of "Star Wars: Jedi Knight 2 - Jedi Outcast" (JK2) together and deliver them to you. It's an essential guide for newbies but also a nice treasure chest for pros. I've taken together all of my experiences, which are mainly about CTF and the force powers of the light side. That means I WANT YOU to give me any hints, strategies, critics or anything else, and I will add it here (along with your name, of course). Simply send your thoughts to THE_FOX33@HOTMAIL.COM or contact me at ICQ (76541915). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Game Types: 3.1) Capture the Flag (CTF) The goal of this mode is to steal the other team's flag and bring it to your flag, but your flag MUST be in its position in your base if an enemy has your flag, you (or someone else in your team) have to get it back before you can score. The mode only has four maps, while each two are alike. You can put them into two groups. The first group is the "Ground" group with ctf_yavin and ctf_imperial. The other group is the "Ground-less" group with ctf_bespin and ctf_ns_streets. The Groundless group has no floor, so pushing your enemies off the platforms becomes a good strategy, if used properly (see Force Powers: Push). The Ground group is more difficult for most players, because you have to fight your foes and cannot push them off somewhere. In the defence it is a good idea to lay Trip Mines around your flag, so that your enemy has to stop and shot them in order to get the flag. That's very effective in ctf_yavin (Jedi Academy) where you have Trip Mines in the walkways around the base. Normally you need 1-3 defenders, depending on the team sizes. You should have more attackers than defenders, and your defenders should have the pull or speed force so they don't lose track of the enemy flag carrier. See also the WEAPONS section for more information. Your defenders don't have to stand near the flag, instead they can stand at points where they can see the flag and shoot at enemies (ctf_yavin: on the roofs or on the platform over the big door which you can reach with force jump), or stand at points the enemy has to come through (ctf_bespin: the big round room in the middle). The attackers have to keep the enemies busy, while one of them steals the flag. If the flag carrier is in the enemy base or near it and you are fighting against an enemy somewhere else, you just have to keep him busy, but don't kill him. If you kill him he respawns in the base and is able to kill your Flag Carrier. Only kill your enemies if your flag carrier is already in your base. The Flag Carrier should have the Speed Force, so he can run away from his hunters. If your Flag Carrier doesn't have the Speed Force, he depends on some escort which can STOP the enemy attackers. It makes no sense to have an escort which runs after the Flag Carrier Hunters. The escort has to use push or pull and some fighting to enlarge the distance between them and the Flag Carrier. 3.2) Rest Sorry, but I didn't play the other modes yet, so please give me your thoughts about them, THE_FOX33@HOTMAIL.COM or ICQ 76541915. See also the "What's still missing" section for more stuff you can contribute. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Force Powers: 4.1) Push The Push Force Powers is as effective as easy. First, the Push Force doesn't work every time. Only newbies run to their enemy hacking the Push Force button 3-5 times and then they have no Force Power left. You have to wait for the right moment. There are only three times, when the Force Push works right. When your enemy is in the air (i.e. while jumping), when your enemy is giving up his defence while shooting a weapon, striking with the sabre or using a Force Power himself. Also, a good time for using the Push Force is when your enemy has no Force Power left. If you use Push correctly your enemy either falls off the platform (that's fun for you, but not for him ;) or he falls down. While he is lying on the ground, you can hit him once or twice and he'll be probably dead. But to strike him so easy you have to hurry up to get to him, before he is able to stand up, which means this is a good situation for using the Speed Force or rolling (Duck + direction) to him. If you're choked by an enemy, Push Force is supposed to free you of it, but it doesn't work all the time. The Push Force can also be used to throw Rockets and Grenades back at your opponent, which is surely fun to see. 4.2) Pull The Pull Force is as important as the Push Force in maps which have no floor. Pushing a jumping enemy might just bring him to his destination faster, but pulling him will almost always cause his fall and death. The Pull Force is also very important if you want to stop an enemy you're hunting. Pulling him once or twice while striking him with your sabre directly into the back will surely kill him. The Pull Force does also only work when your enemy is in the air (i.e. while jumping), when your enemy is giving up his defence while shooting a weapon, striking with the sabre or using a Force Power himself or when he has no Force Power left. If you use Pull correctly your enemy either falls off the platform or he falls down right in front of you. While he is lying on the ground, you can hit him once or twice and he'll be probably dead. If you're choked by an enemy, Pull Force is also supposed to free you of it. 4.3) Rest Sorry, I haven't tested the other Force Powers yet, so I would appreciate your help. Contact me at THE_FOX33@HOTMAIL.COM or ICQ 76541915. See also the "What's still missing" section for more stuff you can contribute. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) Weapons: 5.1) Lightsaber Well, the art of Lightsaber fighting... Probably the most important part of this FAQ and of the game. First I want to start with the Lightsaber Styles and objectively rate them, before I'll tell you which to use when and why and how to fight best. First of all, you can forget the defence Lightsaber Style (indicated by a blue bar at the bottom left). It's not faster as the Medium style but does much less damage. The Medium Style (indicated by a yellow bar at the bottom left) does moderate damage and has moderate speed. It's cool when fighting someone who uses the Aggressive Style, because you can hit him just while he draws back for a heavy slash. The Aggressive Style (indicated by a red bar at the bottom left) does kill. Oh man, does it kill, given that you hit your enemy. That's the problem, you are very slow and thereby vulnerable for enemy counterattacks but if you hit, you normally hit fatally. You should start swinging (pushing your "fire weapon" key) while you are 2 or 3 steps away form you enemy, and then run into him. After all, you should be using the Medium Style, unless you fight a 1v1 (also in other modes) or if you can sneak up behind your enemy to strike a fatal blow with the Aggressive Style form behind ;) But some things apply for all Styles, which I want to discuss here. Running around hitting your fire button like crazy, while you turn around so nicely is only for newbies. The good fighter does not only slash when the time is right, he also uses his brain and ultimately his Force Powers to win a fight. Not slashing is being able to defend, which means the enemy can do what he wants, but he won't hit you, as long as you face him with your Lightsaber drawn and NOT slashing and unless your enemy uses the Aggressive Style, which might bash through your defences (but only sometimes that happens). I once fought against a newbie, who was standing with his back at the wall. He was slashing around crazy, not hitting me but losing health himself and ultimately dying, while I did nothing else than standing there, facing him and wait. What did happen? I blocked all his attacks, that's why I wasn't hit, but how did he die? Simply, the game obeys physics as in reality. So that means, if you Lightsaber ONLY TOUCHES an enemy, he loses health. And while the newbie was slashing, my Lightsaber was just pierced through his head, even as I defended. That means defending yourself might also kill your enemy and using your slashes carefully might save your life. I want to repeat again, that your enemy can also block your slashes at any time, unless he is attacking himself. ATTACKING MEANS LOSING YOUR DEFENCE. Although my reaction was thoughtfully, I might have killed him faster if I just slashed on or two times, because slashing reduces the enemy health faster than simply pointing through the enemy. But attacking would mean to lose my defence, and as he was slashing like crazy, he would have probably hit me before I hit him. Although you can attack your enemy while he isn't equipped with a Lightsaber and while he attacks (and ultimately loses his defence) you shouldn't attack on front. Always try to run around your enemy, or use some crazy wall- running and repelling to get BEHIND your enemy and slash him into the back (i.e. with the Aggressive Style). This is much more effective. It's even enough to just stand next to your enemy and hit him in the right angle from the side, to hit him properly. Let's sum up: DONT LOSE YOUR DEFENCE IF YOU STILL NEED IT TRY TO ATTACK YOUR ENEMY FROM THE BACK USE YOUR BRAIN FIRST! AND THEN FIGHT 5.2) Disruptor The Disruptor is the ultimate sniper weapon. Their second fire mode triggers the scope which can be zoomed in and allows you to shoot far away enemies. But like every sniper rifle, it's not easy to hit with the Disrupter, especially if your enemy is running from left to right or the other way round. It's easier if he's facing you or turning his back at you. If you think you have the time, hold down the Fire Button to power the laser up, which will inflict more damage IF you hit the enemy. Always try to hit the head. The Disrupter's laser can be deflected, unless you shoot in the back or shoot an enemy who is already busy ;) 5.3) Repeater The Repeater is to be feared by everyone. The first fire mode can be deflected and has therefore no relevance in fighting an enemy equipped with a Lightsaber. The second fire mode however is a sphere of pure deadly energy which will drain the health of enemies as if it was nothing. The second fire mode is shot ballistically, which means that the sphere falls down on the earth. So if you want to hit your enemies, you have to count in the distance to them and point your crosshair corresponding higher. A few hits of this little baby will kill everyone, especially Flag Carriers ;) I think this is the best weapon besides the Lightsaber. 5.4) Flechette The Flechette is also a weapon to be feared. Its first fire mode can be deflected but it's a good choice if shooting one or multiple enemies in the back because of its dispersion. The second fire mode is two bullets which fly around, repel from walls and then explode like Thermal Detonators. The explosions of 4-6 bullets kill every enemy. 5.5) Merr-Sonn (Rocket Launcher) The Rockets of the Merr-Sonn Rocket Launcher are a little slow, so it's difficult hitting your enemy, but worth training. Two Rockets kill every enemy (if hit directly), but the area of destruction is even greater than with the Repeater. It's nice for killing groups of enemies. The second fire mode is supposed to be a "smart missile" which should follow your targeted enemy, but I've never seen it working so forget about it. 5.6) Explosives (Thermal Detonator, Trip Mine, Detpack) The Thermal Detonator is nice for blow up a group of enemies and the Detpack is best use for laying a line of three and detonating them if an enemy comes along. Very efficient if a group of enemies comes along. The Trip Mine is nice for mining narrow hallways so your enemy has a hard time getting through. Another very popular use for the Trip Mines is to lay them around your flag in CTF and repel every enemy capture attempt, unless two or more are coming and one is sacrificing himself or is able to shoot at the mines. Most enemies, who are on a capture run, want to get in and out of your base the fastest way without concern of casualties, so they'll run into your mines. In other cases, you should have a little defence force, which keeps the enemy capture-attempters frenzy, so they don't have time to aim for a clean shot on the mines. 5.7) Rest The Rest of the weapons (Stun Baton, Blaster Pistol, Blaster Rifle, Bowcaster and DEMP2 if it exists in MP) have no significance in multiplayer because they are weak and can easily be deflected. If anyone thinks different and sees something I fail to see, contact me: THE_FOX33@HOTMAIL.COM or ICQ 76541915. See also the "What's still missing" section for more stuff you can contribute. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) Items: 6.1) Healing and Armour (Medpac, Bacta, Armour) Well, you ask why writing about them? Just for curiosity? Or just for completeness sake? Probably, but always try to use them, even if you have Heal Force. I have seen Flag Carriers holding out waves of enemy attacks, because cleverly using the Madpacs and Armour which normally lies around in the bases. Sometimes doing a little "detour" for healing can give you better chances in a fight. 6.2) Seeker Drone and Sentry They are both useless, because of their blast which can be deflected easily. But they both have another benefit. To deflect the blasts of your Seeker Drone, the enemy has to give up its defence, which is a good situation to use Push or Pull Forces and sabre your enemy. If the sentry is standing around anywhere, your enemy will likely want to destroy it. So they go and in 80% of the cases, they use the Lightsaber. They stand, slashing on the thing and wondering, why it's not destroyed and they lose health. That's because they leave their defence while slashing and thereby the Sentry can hit them. Then the stupid Lightsaber user is kneeing down and slashing. After a while he is dead or if he has luck, he is able to destroy the sentry but will die in the explosion. ALWAYS USE PROJECTILE WEAPONS, if you can. Even the Blaster Pistol can destroy the sentry with one shot. 6.3) Stationary Shield The Stationary Shield is giving the game a whole new tactical dimension. You can virtually block hallways. But only until the Stationary Shield depletes its power source or if it's getting constantly hit. For Flag Carriers without the Speed Force, the Stationary Shield can be a life saving device. So don't forget to use it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) Strategies: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) What's still missing? - 3) Games: Free For All, Holocron FFA, Jedi Master, Duel, Team FFA, Capture the Ysalamari - 4) Force Powers: Jump, Speed, Seeing, Protect, Absorb, Heal, Mind Trick, Team Heal, Grip, Drain, Lightning, Rage, Team Energize - 5) Weapons: Stun Baton, Blaster Pistol, Blaster Rifle, Bowcaster, and DEMP2 Of course I also need as much strategies as possible. Also, you can send in your comments and everything I couldn't think of. THE_FOX33@HOTMAIL.COM, ICQ 76541915 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9) Special Thanks: Well, I give thanks to Lucas Arts and Raven Software for making this game and for making a SW fan out of a trekkie like me (no flames, please ;} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10) Legal Crap: Star Wars(tm) and every trademark or stuff which is copyrighted is the property of their respective owners, which probably goes down to George Lucas. The texts I wrote and the FAQ as a whole may NOT be printed somewhere without my permission. ONLY the texts and contribution of other authors may be printed somewhere with the permission of their respective authors. If you want to place my FAQ on your site or on your favourite site, simply contact me: THE_FOX33@HOTMAIL.COM or ICQ 76541915.