Operation Body Count FAQ Final Revision By Shotgunner Version History 7/5/02 - Started FAQ - v.5 7/7/02 - Spellchecked FAQ, added a few hints - v1.0 7/8/02 - Added new enemy description, added section called demo level, made a few corrections - v1.25 8/26/02 - Added new hint, added new flamethorwer description, did some spellchecking, edited enemy description - v1.3 8/29/02 - Added enemies, added hint, new weapon, added site list in LEGAL INFO, changed layout - v1.4 8/30/02 - Added SCREEN LAYOUT - v1.5 8/30/02 - Added REAL LIFE WEAPONS - v1.65 8/31/02 - Fixed slight error in SCREEN LAYOUT, edited ENEMIES list, added new control, spellchecked FAQ, added FUTURE CONTENT - 1.77 9/1/02 - Added FINAL BOSS, edited necessary areas - v1.8 12:34 PM 12/30/2003 - Final Revision completed LEGAL INFO This document will hereby be called OBC_FAQ. This OBC_FAQ copyright Chris "Shotgunner" Sanicola July 2002. You may distribute, use, and/or download this OBC_FAQ under the following condititons: 1) You will not change this OBC_FAQ in ANY way, under ANY circumstances 2) You will not charge any fee of any kind for this OBC_FAQ 3) you will not bundle this OBC_FAQ with a copy of the game(Operation Body Count) on ebay, yahoo auctions, or other such sites 4) If you wish to download this OBC_FAQ and place it on your site, you will acquire my permission before downloading 5) If using any part of this OBC_FAQ in your own FAQ, you will give me credit for whatever part(s) you use. And for you magazines, both foreign and domestic, here's one just for you: 6) Any magazine found using this OBC_FAQ, for ANY reason, in part OR in full, will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I will go to China if I have to carry out any sort of legal action aganist a magazine. These rules are not hard to follow, so please do not break them. I have no problems calling my lawyer and pressing charges over copyright law violations. I'd at the very least get reimbursed for the legal fees, but don't push your luck. The following sites are allowed, by me, to post this FAQ on their site: Gamefaqs Gamewinners While both sites have permission to use this FAQ, Gamefaqs will always have the newest version. Lastly, this is not exactly legal info, but this needs to be said before I type any further: Neither this game, nor this FAQ, nor MYSELF, is/are promoting anti-Islamic views or messages. While the terrorists in the game look like Hollywood-typical Middle Eastern terrorists, this is just a GAME. Also remember that this game was made back in the mid 1990s - at least 6 years before 9/11/01. Remember this little tidbit about terrorists - they come in ALL nationalities, even here in the USA. Although few in number and even though we don't like to admit it, even WE have terrorists on our soil. Worse yet, they are DOMESTIC terrorists. If you can't realize that most Islamic people are actually good people who just want to live in peace and have condemmed those responsable for the so-called "holy wars" that kill hundreds every year, then you should not play this game nor read this document any further for both your benefit and my own. R.I.P all those who perished in the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. May God bless all of those heroic souls who are no longer with us, and those responsable burn in hell for all eternity. NOTICE - My hard drive recently got wiped out, and I can not find the game disc. Therefore, this document is considered the Final Revision. I will no longer update this guide anymore, as I have indeed double-checked all of the info contained heirin. Any info that that was still in doubt as of last week(when my HD got wiped) has been removed or changed. With the execption of requesting permission to host the guide on your website, please do not e-mail me about this guide. CONTENTS 1) Story 2) No Walkthrough? Why not? 3) Main Menu 4a) Controls 4b) Screen Layout 5a) Weapons 5b) Equipment 6) Enemies 7) Hints 8) Demo Level 9) Cheat Codes 10) Real Life Weapons 11) Contact Info 12) Future Contact 1) STORY NOTE - A friend gave me the game disc, but he did not have the manual, so everything from here on out is personal experience thru trial-and-error on my part. Therefore, the story and team name is UNOFFICIAL. If he(or I) find a copy of the manual I will change this FAQ as necessary. As with the team name and story, everything is UNOFFICIAL. Terrorists have taken over the UN Building. As a member of the Government Assault Team(G.A.T-nice nickname :p)your job is to eliminate the terrorists who have taken the building. You not only have to eliminate the terrorists, but also rescue the hostages. You will have to make your way thru the sewers to the basement of the building - the terrorists will not expect penetration from there. From there you will have to advance one floor at a time, clearing out terrorists and freeing hostages as you find them. Eliminate all terrorists on each floor before advancing. Good luck....you'll need it. Now get going! 2) NO WALKTHROUGH? WHY NOT? Since no one was intrested in doing a FAQ of any kind of this game, I see no reason to do a walkthrough. Besides, this is a First Person Shooter were talking about here - with the only twist is that you have hostages to rescue in addition to the terrorist killing(and even then you don't see the hostages until the very end of the game). If you are constantly getting plastered by a single enemy, then check the section called "Enemies"; I'll list the most effective ways to eliminate each enemy type. If you feel that a walkthrough is necessary for this game and want to take the time to write one, then by all means go ahead and make one. If you just want to do a walkthrough, I'd be more than happy to place it in my FAQ, giving you proper credit for it, of course. But unless someone decides to make a walkthrough, I will not make one. To be honest, I don't have the time to do one. 3) MAIN MENU Ah, the famed Main Menu....what? You don't know what I'm talking about? Just kidding. Ok, here's how the Main Menu is laid out: View Size - This is how big the "window" of the game is(you know, the part where all the action is). XS, S, M, L, & XL are your choices. XS(Xtra Small is the smallest and Xtra Large is the biggest. You can figure out what the others are, right? :p) Game Type - The difficulty setting. Settings are as follows: 1 - The easiest setting 2 - The normal/average setting 3 - The hard setting R - The random setting is kinda like a hybird of the three previous settings. If you can beat the game in this mode, you should consider joining your local police department's SWAT team.... N - Network Play. Your standard Deathmatch T - Same as above, but with teams. M - Modem. I recently played with this setting and was transported into a room that was a deathmatch arena made popular in Doom and Duke Nukem. This is a dial-in type of deathmatch that was avaliable with Doom. Unless your buddies have a copy and they feel like dialing in, you will have no use for this setting. If you try to play with it, remember to switch it back to the difficulty setting of 1, 2, 3, or R to allow you access to the single player game; the setting is not switched back unless you do so manually. High Scores - Self Explanatory. Audio Mix - Your basic sound config options. More advanced ones may be set by running setup Start Game - Start the game(duh!) Continue - An option that is selectable only if going to the Main Menu while playing a game, this lets you resume your current game. Abort Game - Another option that can only be accessed by going to the Main Menu while playing a game, this cancels, or aborts, your current game in progress. Exit to DOS - quit Operation Body Count and go back to DOS/Windows Load Game - Loads a saved game Save Game - Lets you save a game. Only avaliable by going to the Main Menu during a game(press Esc key to go to Main Menu) 4a) CONTROLS The controls are as follows: Move - Up, Down, Left & Right arrow keys Strafe - hold Alt key Use/Open - Spacebar Shoot current weapon - Control(Ctrl) key F - have your teammates do various actions, from follow you around to fighting the terrorists to the death Esc - Exits to the Main Menu 1 - 9 - Select Weapons TAB - show map C - Display croshair on-screen S - Switch to a teammate and make all teammates stop in their tracks. Basically switches your current self with a teammate, but allows you to keep whatever weapons/ammo you have found to date. H - Displays your current health in numbers W - sometimes during the game, the VIEW SCREEN will get splattered with blood or, while in the sewers, slime. Pressing W wipes the VIEW SCREEN clear. 4b) SCREEN LAYOUT Please forgive me for the bad ASCII art:( I put the numbers for each section as close to(or, in some cases, IN) the bad art they represent during gameplay. |---------------------------------------------------------------| | GALIL 13 -|-xxx | | 11 | | |---| | | | 10| | | | | | | |---| | | 1 | | | | | | | | | --|-- | | |9 | | | | | | | | | | __ | | | | | | | | | | |12| | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | |x|?| 4 |H --------------------------| 6 | | 2 |-|-|i-------|A ------------------------ |-------------- | | |x|3| // '|| |AR------------------ 5 | 7 | 8 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| 1- The view screen. This is where all the shooting and dying takes place. 2- A small box that shows an image of what ammo or equipent item you just got. Weapons are NOT displayed. 3- This small box turns from red to yellow to cayan(green) depending on how many terrorists are dead on the level. Red means near full, yellow is 2/3 to 9/10, and cayan is all dead. 4- This is a picture of the weapon you have currently equiped. 5- This is your status bar. Everyhting is fully spelled out in the game; I had to shorten it for the FAQ. H is Health, A is Ammo, and AR is Armor. 6- This is your score. 7- This is the total number of terrorists YOU have killed. Your teammates' kills are NOT recoreded in your kill count. 8- This is the current level you are on. 9- This is your crosshair that you can turn on or off at will. 10- This is your map that you can turn on or off at will. 11- This is an alternate health meter that uses numbers instead of blocks to mark your health. Turn on or off at will. 12- This is an image in the view screen of your hands holding whatever weapon is equiped. 13- This is your message area. It tells you important stuff, like what type of weapon or ammo you found, or when you have "unfinished business". Also lets you know when you have reached UN TOWER #2(displayed as UN Building 2) ? I do not know what this box is for, but it is always saying 1. Anyone know what it is for? Let me know if you do; it would be appreicated. 5a) WEAPONS As of this version, I have found all of the weapons avaliable to the player. Shotgun - Unlimited ammo. Your last weapon should you exhaust all of your other ammo. Ideal for taking out the Rats from Hell. Press 1 to select. Uzi - Your other starting weapon, it takes 9mm ammo. You start with 2 boxes(clips?) in your status bar on the bottom of the screen. Collect more Uzis or Ammo crates of 9mm ammo to fill this up. Press 2 to select. Galil - a 7mm sub gun. It seems to be more powerful than the Uzi, but ammo is not plentiful until the ninth or tenth floor. Use the Uzi until then, then leave the Uzi for emergency use. Press 3 to select. Flamethorwer - How do you like your terrorist - Regular or Extra Crispy? Keep in mind that random flamethower fire WILL ignite tables and chairs, creating a leathal hazard on the level. Anything that can burn will ignite if touched by flames, regardless if they come from your flamethorwer or if they are touched by another burning object. Also, burning objects will move slowly across the floor, adding to the danger of the flames. Fortunetly, they will not go thru walls or closed doors(hint, hint). Also, the flames will burn themselves out after a random period of time. Sometimes it's right away, sometimes it's a long time. Press 4 to select. Grenade Launcher - Explosive firepower when you need it most. First found on Level 19. Conserve ammo and only use it when you absolutely need it most(like a room full of Cell Bosses and/or Terror Bosses). Press 5 to select. 5b) EQUIPMENT Health Pack - Restores some of your health. Flak Jacket - restores some of your Armor. Ammo Cases - A case of bullets with the word "AMMO" printed clearly on the side. However, don't let it's appearnace fool you - the cases can hold bullets, grenades AND fuel, but the grenades and fuel are rare finds in ammo cases. Grenade Shell - a single explosive shell for the Grenade Launcher. Sadly, each one you find only increases your ammo count by one. Fuel Can - Fuel for the Flamethrower. In the demo version it was sometimes boobytrapped. As of this version I am going to say the fuel cans are NOT boobytrapped at all. 6) ENEMIES As of this version, I have encountered all of the enemies. I have added descriptions of their appearance so you can tell at a glance who's who. Remember there are MY names, not the official names of each. Rat From Hell - Big as a dog and just as hungry. Not too tough to kill, but if they gang up on you, you are in trouble. Uzi fire works best on them, but if you can get a grate between you and them, use your shotgun. Also, don't let even one of them get behind you and start chewing - you'll die in short order. Best way to attack them is to backpedal(go backwards) while firing, espceially if you are down to your shotgun as a weapon. Since you go thru them while moving, you won't take massive damage if any were behind you, and you kill them right away to boot. They are NOT confined to the sewers. Rat From Hell II - Bigger, meaner, and dumber than the Rat From Hell. Still killed easily with the shotgun. Other differences include deeper growls, does more damage, and you CAN NOT walk thru this one. Poor guy - A fat guy who lives in the sewers. Easily killed; drops an Uzi. Makes you wonder where, or more importantly, HOW, he got it.... Swamp Thing - There are parts of the sewers that look like swamp. Accurate description, as there is usually mold hanging from the celing, making it hard as hell to see anything on the other side of it. These humaniod creatures live in this area, popping up from the swampy areas to attack you. If you can see them, unleash some serious Uzi firepower at it. If you are in heavy swamp, where the mold is thick, and you are getting attacked by nothing, spray some fire in the area of the mold. That is usually where the SOB is hiding. If you have a Galil then waste what ammo you have - they can kill you pretty quickly. Once you make it into the UN Building Lobby, then you are freed from this menace. Electro Moth - Don't really know what these things are. All I know is that they slightly resemble a moth and they explode when shot. They attack by electrocuding you. Can kill you quickly; take them out ASAP. Maybe they are part of the UN Tower's security system? Weak Terrorist - Armed with an Uzi, he is easily killed with the same weapon(Uzi). Easy enough to kill with the shotgun when alone, but these guys in packs are much worse than the Rats from hell. Also likes to shoot you in the back whenever possible. Wears a greeen jacket with a turban wrapped around his head and face, leaving his eyes exposed. I know there is another name of this type of head-dress; I'll add the proper name if I find it. Toilet Terrorist - Same as the Weak Terrorist, but found on the can. You always catch this guy with his pants down - literally. Drops an Uzi. Drop him before he "pulls up" and becomes a Weak Terrorist. Terrorist - Dressed in all black and packing a Galil sub gun, these guys are a little harder to take out. However, They drop Galils so take them out quickly. Best weapon is THIER preferred weapon - the Galil. Cell Boss - As big as the Poor Guy but armed with twin uzis and wearing a flak vest. Drops you if you dont drop him first. The galil works best aganist him. When he sees you it sounds like he is saying "Charging!" Be ready to rock if you hear it. He usually drops an Uiz, but you'll pretty much have to walk over his body to find it; it is behind him, and the 2-D sprites don't help you any. Wears a red flak vest and blue pants. Terror Boss - Worse than the Cell Boss, his twin magnums pack one hell of a punch. However, He is unarmored and his death is pretty grisly - some of his skin drops off his frame and reveals bone. Thank god for the cheap 2-D sprites. Kill him quick. First found on Level 23 in a room full of Terror Bosses and Cell Bosses. Wears a white turban on his head and greenish pants. Mercenary - These guys are packing a powerful shotgun that fortunetly has a slower fire rate than your shotgun. First found on level 37 and encountered on every floor for the rest of the game. Wears green pants and a red beret. Victor - The final boss. The head terrorist. The guy responsable for the long hours of playing this game. This guy is serious bad news. He packs a shotgun, but unlike the Mercenary it is a semi-auto shotgun so it fires EXTREMELY fast. Victor doesn't move much so take advantage of this. He wears shades and a brown trenchcoat. 7) HINTS You know the grenades you've been collecting and saving thru the game? Well Victor is NOT armored, and besides, could YOU survive after being nailed dead center with a rocket? Level 40 is the final level. There is a ton of health as soon as you enter the level to your right in a dead-end corridor. USe it as necessary. Level 39 is a literal mess. Explosive damage, fire, dead bodies - the bulk of the fighting during the takeover happend here. Beware of the fire and terrorists hiding in every nook and cranny of the level. Strangely enough, you find Toilet Terrorists on this level. This level also has a crapload of ammo and weapons lying about. Make sure you refill your ammo before you leave the level. Do NOT use the grenade launcher on this level - there are enogh things for you to hind behind from the Cell Bosses and Mercenaries. Level 24 starts UN Tower #2. You will still have whatever weapons/ammo you have acquired up to that point, but you will not have any teammates with you for the rest of the game. Level 20 is a prison area. However, no terrorists are present - just electromoths. Beware - there are between 50 and 65 of them on the level, mostly hidden around corners in the various rooms of the level. Some of the bodies on the floor(the ones clad in brown clothing) are dead bodies of UN personnel. However, some of them are boobytrapped with explosives. Avoid walking over them at all costs; usually they can and will kill you. Like above, you will sometimes find bodies of terrorists on the floor. However they will rise up and shoot you. Look for the telltale redness beneath them to tell if they are dead or not. If you are lucky, you will catch them with a burst of bullets as they are rising to their feet. You can send out your teammates onto a floor when you first start a level, and they will usually clear about 35% to 50% of the enemies for you if left alone. However they don't "check their six"(behind themselves you non-military types:p), so your best bet is to peel away from them in the opposite direction and fall back if you have to. You can not advance a floor until MOST hostiles(terrorists, rats, and so on) are killed. If you try to leave via elevator, then you will get an "Unfinished Business" message; go find the other terrorists. Or, wait until you see the red box turn yellow. However, I don't know if this alters the game any in terms of difficulty or increasing the number of enemies on the level Stay away from small round objects on the floor - they are mines Kill enemies as soon as you see them as they will not hesitate to do the same to you While in the sewers, check all the corners; it is too dark to really see the floor, but there are weapons and equipemnt hidden, just barely outlined in the dim light Some floors have their own power generator. If you want to, shut it off, but be forewarned - all of the enemies on the level will be alerted to your presense if you do this. Not advised, but worth it if you just want to fool around for a bit. Some floors are the exact opposite of above; the power is OFF. Find the generator and put the power back on to make life easier for you. If while using your grenade launcher you knock the power out, you're in luck - all you did was trip the circuit breaker. FInd the Generator panel and turn it off, then on again. However, if you nail the generator panel with a grenade and blow the power, you're outta luck. Use your MAP(press TAB) at all times. While it just shows part of the layout of the level, you can see where secret rooms are, and therefore try to determine where the secret push walls are. Also, if you find a Map Thermosensor(it is an orange or yellow card-type icon), all of your enemies will be displayed on the map as red dots. I don't know what hostages will come up as, or if you even need the Thermagraph to see them. Also, the terrorists will appear on the map regardless if they are moving or not. Just because a dot is not moving means it is a dead terrorist... Your teammates will appear on your map as orange/yellow dots. Instead of turning the corners, strafe across the corridor opening. This way you have the advantage should terrorists be in the corridor. If you absolutely have to, you can kill your teammates for their armor, weapons, or health packs. However, don't do this often(or at all) as I have no idea if you will recieve any sort of penalty for doing this...... Your teammates are very HEALTHy. 8) Demo Level The Demo Level is an early version of Level 5 or Level 6(I forget which) with a tazer-type device in place of the shotgun. In the released product, however, they altered some things, but left the level largely intact from the demo version. The demo version is populated by some Rats From Hell, some Weak terrorists, some Terrorists, and a single Terror Boss. The weapons are Uzi, Galil, Flamethrower, Grenade Launcher(rarely avaliable and only on the harder difficulty levels) and Tazer. If you want the demo level, just ask me! I'll send it via e-mail in a compressed(zip) file. 9) CHEAT CODES Due to my Hard Drive loss, the original "Final Revision" was lost, and henceforth, the cheat codes as well. The cheat codes DO exist, but it is a matter of finding them on the internet. A lack of time, combined with this game's age, will prevent me from ever updating this section. All I can say is that the cheat codes DO exist, but you'll have to find them yourself. 10) REAL LIFE WEAPONS This section contains some brief info on real life versions of the weapons found in the game. However, I am NOT claiming to be a weapons expert; I just happen to have an intrest in firearms and have armed myself with an encyclopedia of firearms. Most info comes from there(changed a little to avoid legal issues, of course). My source is "The New Illustrated Encyclopedia Of Firearms" by Ian V. Hogg. It's an older book whos 1993 reprint is what I am using for this section. Your local library might have a copy of it. What info that was not covered in detail from the book comes from personal experience or knoweledge I've already had. SHOTGUN No info in the book, so I'm just gonna make an assumption here. I assume it is a Remington pump action 12 Gauge loaded with 00 shot. Pump action(for those of you who honestly don't know) is how you reload the weapon - there is a slight grip or handle that is horizontally set into the barrel that you slide back towards you and then towards the front of the gun. This ejects the empty shell and slams a new one into the firing chamber. This causes a slight delay of about 1 1/2 seconds between shots. 00 shot is military grade buckshot. As with all shotguns, the shot is spread out in flight, increasing your chances of hitting the target. Accuracy at long ranges, however, is non existant. UZI The Uzi is an Isreli submachine gun invented by then Isreli Major Uziel Gal. He had studied several subguns that were avaliable in the Middle East during that time(the Arab-Isreli War to be exact). He began development of the Uzi in 1949. Firing 9mm ammo, it pounds out 600 rounds a minute from a standard 32 round magazine(or clip). Total length is 17 1/2 inches long. There have been three variations of the Uzi since it's first appearance in 1952: the Mini-Uzi, which is similiar execpt for it's smaller size, the Micro-Uzi, even smaller but still firing 9mm rounds, and the Uzi Pistol, which is a single shot Micro-Uzi. The Mini-Uzi fires a total of 900 rounds a minute, due to it's lighter bolt. The Micro-Uzi, however takes the cake at 1250 rounds a minute. The weapon used in Operation Body Count is most likely the Mini-Uzi. GALIL Another Isreli weapon, the Galil is considered as an assault rifle, but Isrel has developed several variations. With a bipod(an upside down metal V that steadys the weapon when fired from a prone position) it can be used as a light machine gun. With a special launcher it can fire anit-personnel or anit-tank grenades(thank god THIS variation is not in the game). It fires 5.56mm rounds(yet the game claims it fires 7.62mm, or more accuratly, 7mm rounds...) at a rate of 650 rounds a minute. The Isrelis have also developed a SAR(Short Assault Rifle) version with a shortened barrel and a front grip making it in effect a sub machine gun. I believe that the full size Galil is the one used in the game. FLAMETHORWER No info in the book. What I DO know is that a real life flamethorwer uses a napalm-like fuel. Sticking to what it hits, the flames then burn the target to a crisp. Napalm is a sticky fuel that is highly flammable. During WWII the flamethrower was fed from a pair of tanks that the soldier wore on his back. If any modernized flamethrowers exist, I would not be surprised if they were like the ones from Aliens or Resident Evil(the game, not the movie) with a small fuel tank that mounts partway down the length on the weapon on the bottom and screws in like a lightbulb. If this is the case, it makes the most sense by making the tanks smaller and reducing the chance of a bullet hitting the tanks, causing the "flamer" to become a human torch. GRENADE LAUNCHER Again, no book info avaliable. The weapon in the demo vrsion seemed to be a modified M-79, better known as a "Blooper" or "Bloop Gun". The final version of Operation Body Count, however, seems to be a Russian RPG-7("R"ocket "P"ropelled "G"renade). I am unsure of it's caliber, but I believe it would be either 25mm or 35mm. The RPG was created as an equal to the USA's LAW(Light Anti-tank Weapon). Where the LAW is a one shot tube and useless after it is fired, the RPG can be reloaded and used over and over as long as the user has rounds. Both have advantages: the LAW doesn't require excess weight from an all-metal launcher and extra rounds, while the RPG allows the user to continue to lay down rocket fire. The RPG also has a more powerful rocket. 11) CONTACT INFO If you wish to contact me about this FAQ, send all e-mail to -> csanicola@yahoo.com Please state that your e-mail is about my Operation Body Count FAQ in the subject line; if you don't do this your chances of recieving a reply are slim to none. Please do not send me e-mails asking me more about the real life weapons from the game. What I was comfortable giving out was placed in the FAQ. While it is not illegal for me to give out such info, I do not want to give full details about the weapons. And besides, I do not need the CIA, FBI, ATF, or other government agency knocking on my door and saying "Federal Agent. Please come with me sir.", ok? Besides, I know that some people take an intrest in military weaponry and would like to learn a little about the weapons in the game they just played. That is the sole reason I gave the Real Life Weapons Info. Any abusive or threatening e-mails will be reported to both your ISP and the police. If you wanna flame me, then do it in a proper manner - dont send me an e-mail saying that I suck and you're gonna kill me. If you have a problem with my FAQ, please state what the problem is and I'll try to resolve the issue if possible. If you have a problem with me all I can say is stick your problem in an uncomfortable place and rotate on it until hell freezes over. Lastly, please do not e-mail me asking for the full game. Legally I can't do this as Capstone has not released this game to the public as freeware. The best I can offer is the demo, which is a single level which ends as soon as you are killed or when you kill all of the terrorists. Besides, the demo is more than enough to help you decide if it is worth the time and effort to hunt down a copy of this game. E-mails asking for copies of the full game will be ignored. 12) FUTURE CONTENT Being the Final Revision, there will be no future content. E N D O F F A Q