+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Solution to Lunatix: The Insanity Circle (v.1.1), Written by Mike Snyder | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This solution is copyright (C)2003 by Mike Snyder & Prowler Productions. | | It is available for private use only. Any distribution of this walkthrough | | (except by Prowler Productions or GAMEFAQS.com or when authorized in | | writing by Prowler Productions) is absolutely PROHIBITED. If you received | | this walkthrough from some other method or website, please notify me at | | wyndo@prowler-pro.com. Thank you, and enjoy the solution! | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ---> REVISION: 09/25/2003 ---> CONTENTS: (1) About This Document (2) The Walkthrough (3) The Solution (4) The Four Codes (5) The Asylum Map +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | (1) ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Keep in mind that using a walkthrough should be your last resort. Every puzzle in the game is designed to be solved through in-game clues (look at things, talk to people, etc). When using a walkthrough, it's easy to see too much and accidentally get the answer to puzzles you haven't even reached yet, thereby spoiling the fun of solving the game. However, there comes a time in many games when you feel totally stuck and it's only fair that you see the rest of the game if you choose to do so. For that reason, this walkthrough is available. THE WALKTHROUGH is designed to provide more access to the story. It's not just a list of commands like the "solution" section is. The walkthrough explains what to do and why you're doing it. Although it's lengthier than the straight command-by-command "solution," it is more geared at showing the story instead of just getting to the end. THE SOLUTION, on the other hand, is designed to serve as (more or less) the shortest path through the game. It is important to realize that it includes NONE of the extra moves which would allow you to understand why you're doing what you're doing (for that, see the "walkthrough"). For example, in the first room you wouldn't even realize that there was a refrigerator here unless you looked at the desk (to see that the area under the desk is shrouded in shadows) then look under the desk to see the refrigerator. Also, many of the actions taken to solve the game could have been expressed in different ways. For example, "fill cup" could also have been expressed as "get water in cup" if you prefer. The parser is *fairly* flexible. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | (2) THE WALKTHROUGH | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Before you start, note that most of the people you talk to in the game know (at least a little) about the insanity circle and you can ask them for a little info. Also, you can carry only 7 items. It's often necessary to drop things you don't need to make room for other things. If in doubt, you can always drop your things and come back for them later. You might want to make your office the "dumping ground" for things you think you might need to go back for later. You *can* go all the way through without ever having to go back for an item but that would depend on knowing what you need again later and what you don't. Also, look at things. Look under things. Here we go! You start in your office. Look at your desk and get the cigs and the cup you find there. The description mentions that the area under your desk is shrouded in shadows. Look under the desk and you'll see the refrigerator. Look at it and even open the refrigerator door. It works too well. If you look at the computer you'll see that it's plugged in by another cord that trails away under the desk. This other cord must be for the refrigerator. Go to the west where "Jesus" is standing guard at the exit door. Talk to him a couple times and you'll find out that he stole your keys while you were sleeping. Go ahead and ask him for your keys back (if you ask him things he doesn't understand instead, he'll tap his pocket as a reminder to put you back on track). He won't give your keys back yet, but he will drop a pill and tell you to take it. Look at the pill and you'll see that it's pretty big. Don't try swallowing it yet or you'll choke and die. Go back to your office to the east, then south into your bathroom. The only thing here that's important is the tub. You can look at it. It's filled with water and steaming (must be hot) which is confirmed if you try to get the water with your bare hands. Get water in the cup (or "fill cup"). You can try drinking it but it's very hot and you'll die. Instead, take it north back to your office. You can put the cup in the refrigerator but you'll find out that it freezes because the thing works too well. If you do this, pour out the ice and go fill the cup again, it's no big deal. You need to unplug the refrigerator, then put the cup inside. Now the water will be cold (just right). Now would be a good time to look at the nine notes on the wall and look at the calendar if you haven't already. This is a wealth of clues for later spots in the game. Go back to the west where Jesus is. Swallow the pill now and you won't choke because you'll automatically wash it down with the cup of water. Jesus will give your office key to you and explain that he doesn't have your other keys (the Insanity Circle does). Ask him about the insanity circle for a brief comment. While you're here, look at the chairs (the west one, in particular). A cafeteria tray is there, which you can either take now, or come back for later (you can carry only 7 items at a time). Go back to the east and you can unlock and open the door to the east. Go east into the hall. Go to the north and check out the squid monster. (What kind of pill did you just take???) You can't really do anything with the squid right now except look at him. You can try talking to him. You can even hug him. If you try to kill him you'll get a hint that you're on the right track. Go south until you're at the guarded doors. Look at both of them (man and woman) and you'll see that they're guarding the doors. Gordon is guarding the south and southeast doors. Jenkins is guarding the southwest door. The east door isn't being guarded at all. Open it and go to the east. In this cell, look under the bed and you'll find a hypodermic syringe. Look at it. It's filled with sedative. You can go into the cell's closet to the east and have a look at the 6-colored emblem that looks like a cat's face, but you can't do anything with it yet. Go back to the guards and talk to the woman. Her hand is twitching and she mentions her habit. Ask about her habit, and she'll tell you that she's a smoker. Give the cigarettes to her and she'll stop guarding the southwest door. You'll still have to open it before you can go inside. Before you do that, try opening the south and southeast doors. You can't, but the male guard will tell you what he wants in order to stop guarding them. Try going those two directions and he'll even be more specific. In the room to the southwest, look at the bed. The mattress is lumpy, so look under the mattress. You'll find $100 crazy. That's all you need for now. You might notice from the room description that the room to the west (the closet) is really really bright. Don't go in there yet or you'll die. Go back to the guards (northeast) and give the money to the male guard. He'll let you into the south room, so open the south door and go in. Because you hit the jackpot by looking under the mattress in the last room, you're bound to look under this one too. You'll find a valentine there (if you remember looking at the calendar in your office, you'll recall that it's February). However, unlike all the other patient rooms, this one has a rug too. Look under the rug and this time you'll discover $200 crazy bucks. You need to get them and give them to the male guard so he'll stop guarding the door to the southeast. The guard gives you an important hint when you pay him the $200 crazy bucks. He says the guy in the southeast cell has a homemade knife and he seems to go for the heart with it. You'll need the cafeteria tray that you found on the chair by Jesus. Look at it -- it's made of metal. Wear it (or put it under your shirt) before you open the southeast room and go inside there. Chuck will attack you with his homemade knife, but he can't hurt you as long as you're wearing the tray. He'll be a little confused by this. You should have the hypodermic needle, so give him a shot with it (or "inject" him with it). Now he's safely incapacitated and you can look at him (find his glass knife) and look under the bed (find a pair of welder's goggles). Look at the goggles. The knife was made out of the lens, but you can't really put it back in the goggles. With the man incapacitated, you can go east into the closet without him stabbing you in the back now. In the closet, read the note that's on the floor (you don't necessarily need to take it with you unless you want to). There is a weird poetic clue written on it (for instructions on what it means, see the section below about the four codes - this is the first one). Go west and northwest to leave the room, then east and east again to go back into that closet where you saw the weird colored emblem on the wall. You have to press the colors in the right order (one at a time) and the order is explained on the note. Once you've pressed in the right color code, a dark lens will appear. This is what you can use to fix the goggles. Go back to the room with the bright closet (the southwest room from where the guards are) and wear the goggles. Go west into the closet and get the salt. Leave the closet and it's ok now to drop the goggles (you won't need them again). Take the salt to the squid and pour it on him. He'll swiftly melt and leave the path north, west, and east open. (A clue that you should pour salt on him can be obtained if you ask the male guard about the squid.) Hang on to the salt... you'll need it a couple more times. Unlock and open the door to the west. You can go into the lab, but before you do, go north as far as you can. You'll find a room where the hall ends with a statue and a conference room door is to the west. Look at the door and look at the statue. These are important clues for later. Go back to the lab. There is a black bag on the floor of the lab. Its only purpose is to tell you the hot tub floor to select when you're in the elevator later. Look at the bag and remember this number. You can't get the bag, it's just here to provide the code. You can look inside it but it's empty. While here, look at the equipment. There is an invention here that's supposed to take saline solution (plain old salt water) and turn it into milk. The machine isn't complete (it's missing a gear). You now know that you need salt water. You can go fill your cup again but the water has gone cold. You can try mixing the salt with the water but it won't work - the water has to be hot. While you're back near your office, go talk to Jesus again. He should be getting hungry by now. Go east until you're in the elevator. There is a panel here that looks like a little door, but you can't open it. You can, however, push it and a gear will fall out. While you're here, press the code to go to the hot tub floor. Go west out of the elevator and you'll be at the hot tub. Look at the flowers to find a water gun. If you have any water in your cup, pour it out and fill it here. With a cup of hot water, you can pour salt in it (or mix salt with water) and end up with saline solution. Viola! Now take the cup back to the lab (you'll need to "press 1" in the elevator to go back to the first floor). Fix the machine using the gear you found, and pour the salt water inside. Milk doesn't come out, but butter does. The butter is ok sitting in the machine's holding bin, but if you try to get it, it's going to melt. If you do this, just go get more hot water from the hot tub floor, pour salt in it, and bring it back here and create more butter. You need to find a way to keep the butter cold. Not a problem. Go back to your office and fill the cup in your bathroom. Put the cup in the refrigerator and it'll freeze over (because the water was cool to begin with). You can also put a cup of hot water in there (if you fill the cup at the hot tub) but it turns cold first -- you'd have to put it in a second time to freeze it. Go east, north, west to arrive back at the lab and now you can get the butter. Go east twice then north to the cafeteria. Nothing is here, but Socrates is to the north, Napoleon is to the northeast, and the cafeteria lady (Sandy) is to the east. You can go talk to Sandy. If you recall one of the 7 notes on the wall in your office, there was a recipe for potato soup with a footnote to tell Sandy to stop poisoning people. Talk to her about poison (or arsenic) and she'll volunteer to make a bowl of soup for you to prove her innocence. You need the three ingredients plus $300 crazy bucks. Give her the butter and some salt. Now go talk to Socrates and Napoleon. If you try taking anything they have on their tables (or if you try to "buy" anything) they'll tell you that you can sell to them, but they can't sell to you. Give the cafeteria tray to Napoleon (he can resell it) and he'll pay you $300 crazy bucks. Give the water gun you found at the hot tub to Socrates. He'll give you a rotten potato. Take these ingredients to Sandy and give them both to her and she'll cook some pretty foul-smelling soup. Don't eat the soup yourself (you'll get very sick and lose the game) but take it to Jesus who is pretty hungry. He'll eat it but he won't get sick right away. Instead, he'll drop a napkin. Read it (you don't even have to pick it up) to get a 4-digit binary number. Go back to the patient access hallway and go south (two rooms south of the cafeteria). Press in the code you got from the napkin and then go east into the shock therapy room. Look at the chair and turn the dial. This will put it on a low setting instead of a lethal one. Sit in the chair and you will get some temporary strength. Now go back to the hall north of where the squid was (employee hall #3) and push or move the wall. The path to the north will now open up. Go to the north and you'll be in an "odd ward" with 3 patient room doors, a life-size model car, and lots of bugs crawling around. You can't do much of anything until you get rid of those bugs. Somebody had already tried before, and if you look under the car you'll find a can of bug spray. Use it to kill the bugs and now you can open any of the doors (northwest, north, and northeast). You can also open the trunk of the car and find an umbrella. A clue on one of the 7 notes in your office warned you not to open an umbrella indoors. If you open it anyway, you'll die, so don't. You can check out all three of the rooms here, but you don't really need to go into the northwest one. Go into the north one and there is a man here who speaks a language you can't understand. You'll understand it ok if you read each word backwards and remove the double vowels. Talk to the man and he'll mention (in this "psychospeak") that there is a bomb. You need to ask him about the bmoob (that's "bomb" in psychospeak). He'll tell you the sequence of wires to cut on the bomb (which you haven't found yet). Make a note of what he says (after you decipher it, of course). You can also ask him about the "eelcriic" if you wish (circle). Go south and go into the northeast room. There is a man sleeping here. Go into the closet to the east. Nurse Kandi is here. There are two important things to know. One is that a clue (one of the 7 wall notes) in your office said to be nice to the nurses. That clue mentioned the "holiday of love" and since it's February, that means Valentines Day. You found a valentine earlier, so give it to her. This will soften her up for your next question. The door to the conference room (which you looked at when you looked at the statue) needs a passcard. Yours is missing and only staff members have them. So, ask Kandi for the passcard (or "key") and she'll give it to you. You can now unlock and open the door to the conference room. The patient room to the northwest of the odd ward is the one you don't need to visit. If you had, though, you would find a female patient sleeping, with Nurse Todd hiding in the closet. The same thing of giving the valentine and then asking for the key would work with him too. Go to the conference room and look under the desk. There is a book here. You can read it but the info won't sink in. A clue on one of the notes in your office encourages you to study, so you can study the book to learn how to hypnotize people (or, you can "learn hypnosis from book" if you wish). The book mentions needing a hypnotic item. It suggests a pendant, which is purposely misleading. There is no pendant in the game. A different item will work when the time comes. After you've studied the book you can drop it here. You don't need it. You can go up (or northwest - both will work) to the central cooling room. It should be evident that going farther up to the heating room is a bad idea, but you can try it if you want to die. The fans are in your way so you need to deactivate them. Look at them and you'll see that there is a control dial, but you won't be able to turn it with your bare hands. Go back down to the conference room. Go to the unfinished lounge to the west. Rob is here. Look at him for some info about why he's upset with you. (Why did you use his sister like that?) Ask Rob about his sister and you'll strike a nerve with him -- he'll throw a heavy wrench at you (and miss). You can get it and throw it back at him, but there is no point. Take it back up to the central cooling room and turn the dial with it. The fans stop and you can go up to the heating room. The only important thing here is the yellow cabinet. Open it to reveal the bomb that you heard about earlier. You'll also need the glass knife from earlier in the game. Cut the wires in the sequence given to you by the psychospeaking man. You need to cut them all at once, on the same command line (you can separate the colors with commas or spaces or whatever). This will deactivate the bomb (whew). You're done here. Go down and go back to the entrance where Jesus is. As you arrive, he will get sick from the soup (finally) and leave the path to the south open. Go south and you'll find yourself outside (at least, that's what it seems to be). There are two pagan dudes in goat masks here burning a pile of hay. If you talked to Jesus about the insanity circle already, then he should have told you that they'd rather kill you than talk to you. True to the prediction, if you talk to them in any way, you'll die. You need to hypnotize the goat men. You already have what you need - the umbrella and the power of hypnosis you learned from the book. Since you're not "inside" now, you can open the umbrella safely and hypnotize the goat guys with it. They'll enter a hypnotic trance, and you can close the umbrella now. You're able to talk to them now. Ask them about the circle, they'll tell you about their scheme. Ask them about the scheme, they'll tell you about the bomb. You can feel smug now, if you wish, knowing that you've already ruined their plan. Jesus mentioned (at the beginning) that he only had one of your keys and that the circle had the others. Since the goats are the insanity circle (a little cult of their own) you can ask them for your keys. One of them will drop the master key and the "outside" scene goes away. You'll find yourself in the hallway (of course, you were there all along). Go north and unlock the exit door. Open it and leave to the north. Now you really are outside the institution. Your car is here but you're still tripping from the pill Jesus gave you (you can't drive anywhere). The only thing you need to do now is look in the grass and find the four leafed clover. This is your lucky day... the pill wears off and you can go home. Congrats, you won, etc etc etc. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | (3) THE SOLUTION | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ LOOK DESK GET ALL S FILL CUP N UNPLUG REFRIGERATOR PUT CUP IN REFRIGERATOR W TALK TO MAN TALK TO MAN ASK MAN FOR KEYS GET PILL EAT PILL LOOK W CHAIR GET TRAY E UNLOCK E DOOR OPEN E DOOR E. S. GIVE CIGARETTES TO WOMAN OPEN SW DOOR SW LOOK UNDER MATTRESS GET MONEY NE GIVE MONEY TO MAN OPEN S DOOR S LOOK UNDER MATTRESS LOOK UNDER RUG GET ALL N GIVE MONEY TO MAN OPEN SE DOOR OPEN E DOOR E LOOK UNDER BED GET SYRINGE W WEAR TRAY SE INJECT MAN WITH SYRINGE LOOK UNDER BED LOOK MAN GET ALL E READ NOTE <-- (gets code #1) W. NW. E. E. (see instructions for code #1) DROP SYRINGE GET LENS FIX GOGGLES WITH LENS W. W. SW. WEAR GOGGLES W GET SALT E. NE. N. N. POUR SALT ON SQUID UNLOCK W DOOR OPEN W DOOR W LOOK BAG <-- (gets code #2) E. E. N. NE. GIVE TRAY TO NAPOLEON SW. E. GIVE MONEY TO SANDY GIVE SALT TO SANDY W. S. E. (see instructions for code #2) W LOOK PLANTS GET GUN FILL CUP E PUSH 1 PUSH PANEL DROP GOGGLES GET GEAR W. N. N. GIVE GUN TO SOCRATES S. E. GIVE POTATO TO SANDY W. S. W. W. FIX MACHINE WITH GEAR POUR SALT INTO CUP POUR WATER INTO FUNNEL E. S. W. S. FILL CUP N PUT CUP IN REFRIGERATOR E. N. W. GET BUTTER E. E. N. E. GIVE BUTTER TO SANDY W. S. W. S. W. W. GIVE SOUP TO MAN READ NAPKIN <-- (gets code #3) E. E. N. E. S. (see instructions for code #3) E TURN DIAL SIT IN CHAIR W. N. W. N. MOVE WALL N LOOK UNDER CAR GET CAN SPRAY INSECTS LOOK IN TRUNK GET UMBRELLA OPEN N DOOR N ASK MAN ABOUT BMOOB <-- (gets code #4) S OPEN NE DOOR NE. E. GIVE VALENTINE TO KANDI ASK KANDI FOR PASSCARD W. SW. S. UNLOCK DOOR OPEN DOOR W LOOK UNDER TABLE DROP SPRAY GET BOOK STUDY BOOK DROP BOOK W ASK ROB ABOUT SISTER GET WRENCH E. U. TURN DIAL WITH WRENCH U OPEN CABINET (see instructions for code #4) D. D. E. S. S. W. W. S OPEN UMBRELLA HYPNOTIZE GOATS WITH UMBRELLA CLOSE UMBRELLA ASK GOATS FOR KEY DROP WRENCH GET KEY N UNLOCK N DOOR OPEN N DOOR N LOOK WEEDS +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | (4) THE FOUR CODES | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Code #1: This code is written on the note in cell #127's closet. It is kind of cryptic and is probably as hard or harder than code #4. Basically the sentences about animals start with the same letter (for example "Raging Rabbits Rarely Rest"). The code mentions colors. In cell #126's closet there is a colored emblem on the wall. The six colors start with the same letters as the six rhyming sentences (plus a clue states that the emblem looks like a cat's face). Anyway, the animal sentences on the note are listed in the order R (for red), P (for purple), Y (for yellow), B (for blue), G (for green), and O (for orange). The last part of the note gives an order such as "one, four, two, six, five, three." This code is random each game, so you have to either write it down when you read the note, or take the note with you. In cell #126's closet where the emblem is, simply press the colors in the correct order. Reference the colors in order, and use the sequence given at the end of the note. For 1/4/2/6/5/3 (the example above) you would press each color in order. PRESS RED, then PRESS BLUE, then PRESS PURPLE, then PRESS ORANGE, then PRESS GREEN, then PRESS YELLOW. Your code will be random, so you have to press the colors in the correct order for your code. It doesn't matter if you mess up. There is no penalty. Simply start over and once you've pressed all six in order, it'll work. Code #2: In the lab is a black bag you can't get (Nurse Todd's empty duffel bag). If you look at it, you'll see a 4-digit number. This is a floor number. When you are in the elevator, press this number. For example, if the code written on the bag was "1234" then you would type PRESS 1234 in the elevator to go to the hot tub floor. Code #3: You get this code from the napkin that "Jesus" drops after you give him the bowl of soup. It will be a 4-digit binary number. Write it down (or take the napkin with you) and key in this code at the shock therapy room door. If the code is "1111" for example, then PRESS 1111 to open it. Code #4: You get this code from the guy in patient cell #157. This guy talks in "psychospeak" so to understand what he says, read every word backwards and remove all the double vowels. When initially talking to the man, he mentions a "BMOOB" (not necessary in the walkthrough) which in psychospeak is "BOMB." When you ASK MAN ABOUT BMOOB he will tell you (in psychospeak) to cut all the wires at the *same time* in the right order. He will give you the correct order, simply read the words backwards as described above. At the central heating room, you discover the bomb. You must cut the wires in the right order. The important thing is that you must do it all on one command line. For example if the order is brown, green, gray, red, black, and blue, then you would "CUT BROWN, GREEN, GRAY, RED, BLACK, BLUE." The commas are optional. Cutting the wires wrong is a penalty of death, so be careful here. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | (5) THE ASYLUM MAP | +-----------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ |(1_) (2_) (3_) (4_)--(5_) | 1) Central Heating 2) Patient Cell #156 | | | | \ | / | 3) Patient Cell #157 4) Patient Cell #158 | | | | \ | / | 5) Cell #158's Closet 6) Central Cooling | |(6_) (7_) (8_) (9_) (10) | 7) Cell #156's Closet 8) The Odd Ward | | \ | | / | 9) Socrates: Weapons 10) Napoleon: Defense | | \ | | / | 11) Unfinished Lounge 12) Conference Room | |(11)--(12)--(13) (14)--(15) | 13) Employee Hall #3 14) Asylum Cafeteria | | | | | 15) The Kitchen 16) Outside Asylum | | | | | 17) Research Lab 18) Employee Hall #2 | |(16) (17)--(18)--(19)--(20) | 19) Patient Hallway 20) Inside Elevator | | | | | | 21) Asylum Entrance 22) Your Office | | | | | | 23) Employee Hall #1 24) ShockTherapy Door | |(21)--(22)--(23) (24)--(25) | 25) Shock Therapy Room 26) Main Hallway | | | | | | 27) Private Bathroom 28) Guarded Doors | | | | | | 29) Patient Cell #126 30) Cell #126 Closet | |(26) (27) (28)--(29)--(30) | 31) Cell #129 Closet 32) Patient Cell #129 | | / | \ | 33) Patient Cell #128 34) Patient Cell #127 | | / | \ | 35) Cell #127 Closet 36) Todd's Hot Tub* | |(31)--(32) (33) (34)--(35) | *(Note that #36 is a room directly above #19)| +-----------------------------+----------------------------------------------+