------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To win battles, you do not beat weapons. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CODENAME: ______ __ _ _ _________ _______ ______ ________ | ___ \ / \ | \ | | |_______ | | _____| | ___ \ | ______| | | | | / /\ \ | \ | | / / | | | | | | | | | | | | / / \ \ | \ | | / / | | | | | | | | | |___| | / / \ \ | |\ \ | | / / | |_____ | |___| | | |______ | ____/ | |____| | | | \ \ | | / / | _____| | __/ |______ | | | | ____ | | | \ \| | / / | | | |\ \ | | | | | | | | | | \ | / / | | | | \ \ | | | | | | | | | | \ | / /______ | |_____ | | \ \ ______| | |_| |_| |_| |_| \_| |_________| |_______| |_| \_\ |________| PHASE ONE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You beat the soul of man. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2004, 2005 - Staley, Deuce ex Defcon. Any site that wishes to host any of my guides is free to do so, provided you contact me prior to posting the guide(s), as I like to know where they're being used. I cannot guarantee any site other than GameFAQs will always have the most current form of my guides, so if there's ever any doubt, always check GameFAQs. If you find an outdated form of any of my guides on any site, please contact me, and I will contact the site to get it updated. All questions, comments, and so forth concerning this guide can be posted on my site here: http://thebrink.us/boards Otherwise, you can drop me an email at cmstale@ilstu.edu or try me on AIM at "Deuce ex Defcon". Note: I'm just writing about the methods that I personally used to win these missions. Don't be surprised if you find a strategy for some missions that's better than the ones I've written down. Hey, at least I tried, right? ============================================================================= | ------------------------- | | | | | | | CONTENTS | | | | | | | ------------------------- | ============================================================================= 0.00) A Few Notes Before You Get Started 0.10) Important Controls 0.20) Campaign Difficulty Setting 1.00) Hans von Grobel: The German Campaign 1.01) Airfield - Poland 1.02) Village - Poland 1.03) Headquarters 1 1.04) The Siege of Warsaw 1.05) Headquarters 2 1.06) Operation Sickle Cut 1.07) Headquarters 3 1.08) Matildas 1.09) Operation Mercury - The Invasion of Crete 1.10) Headquarters 4 1.11) The Invasion of the Soviet Union 1.12) Headquarters 5 1.13) The T-34 1.14) Well Deserved Holliday 1.15) Headquarters 6 1.16) Seven Tons of Ammunition 1.17) Headquarters 7 1.18) The Siege of Sevastopol 1.19) Headquarters 8 1.20) Stalingrad 2.00) Aleksander Vladimiriov: The Soviet Campaign 2.01) Defending Moscow 2.02) Headquarters 9 2.03) Tactic of Burned Earth 2.04) Headquarters 10 2.05) Stalingrad 2.06) Headquarters 11 2.07) Kursk 2.08) Headquarters 12 2.09) What? You're a woman?! 2.10) Headquarters 13 2.11) Spring Campaign (Operation Konrad) 2.12) Headquarters 14 2.13) Secret Weapons 2.14) Headquarters 15 2.15) The Siege of Berlin 2.16) The Reichstag 3.00) Jeffrey S Wilson: The Western Allies Campaign 3.01) The First Allied Troops in France 3.02) The First Liberated Town in France 3.03) Headquarters 16 3.04) Tiger Spotted 3.05) Headquarters 17 3.06) Through the Bocages 3.07) Headquarters 18 3.08) Rocket Base V-2 3.09) Operation Market Garden 3.10) Headquarters 19 3.11) Battle of the Bulge 3.12) Headquarters 20 3.13) Action That Merits the Medal of Honor 3.14) Hunting a Convoy 4.00) Unit List 4.01) Unit List Key 4.10) German Units 4.11) German Units - Infantry 4.12) German Units - Armored Vehicles. 4.13) German Units - Transport Vehicles 4.14) German Units - Artillery 4.20) Soviet Units 4.21) Soviet Units - Infantry 4.22) Soviet Units - Armored Vehicles 4.23) Soviet Units - Transport Vehicles 4.23) Soviet Units - Artillery 4.30) Western Allies Units 4.31) Western Allies Units - Infantry 4.32) Western Allies Units - Armored Vehicles 4.33) Western Allies Units - Transport Vehicles 4.34) Western Allies Units - Artillery 5.00) End 5.01) Version History 5.02) Closing ============================================================================= | | | --------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | 0.00) A FEW NOTES BEFORE YOU GET STARTED | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= In this section, I will list some notes about various things you should keep in mind while playing, in no particular order: I) Keep the map angle how it starts. - All of the directions I give will assume that you haven't altered the map's angle from its initial position. Regardless of what direction the camera is pointing, straight up on your screen will always be assumed to be north. It's just easier that way. If only game companies would realize how useless it is to have camera angles at all... Anyway, if, for any reason, I tell you to rotate the map, I will include some reference points to make sure you have it facing the correct direction. (The map can scroll by holding down the two mouse buttons and rotating it.) II) You can adjust the camera zoom. - By rolling the wheel in the middle of your mouse, you can make the camera zoom in or zoom out. I tend to keep it zoomed all the way out, since you are able to see more of the map on your screen at once. III) Optional and Secret objectives give extra Prestige Points. - The more objectives you complete, the more prestige you'll get, which means you'll be able to get more/better units during your trips to Headquarters. IV) Using Special Abilities doesn't cost you anything, and they do not stack. - Using Bomber attacks, Fighter-Bomber attacks, Artillery bombardments, and so forth doesn't cost you prestige. They don't pile up from one mission to the next if you don't use them either, so there's really no reason to not use them. V) This game has a 2X Speed option. - In the top-right corner of your game screen, you'll see the speed options. Clicking on the fast-forward icon will double the speed of the game, which I find very helpful through most of the missions. ============================================================================= | | | ----------------------------- | | | | | | | 0.10) IMPORTANT CONTROLS | | | | | | | ----------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= No offense to the people at CDV, but their set up sucks pretty bad... So I strongly suggest using the "classic" control set up. Every time I mention a command or hot key in this guide, I will assume you are using the "classic" set up style. (NOTE: I will only be listing the ones I find useful.) S: Stops the highlighted units. Very useful if you just accidentally sent a group of your units somewhere incredibly stupid. >_> A: Makes the highlighted units attack a target. very useful for destroying unmanned vehicles and buildings that haven't been identified as a threat. Changing the direction a unit is facing without actually moving: If you select a unit, then right click and hold it down, you will have an arrow that you can use to manually turn a unit without actually moving it. This is great for making sure your units are facing the enemy when they are lined up for defensive positions. Pause: Either use your Space bar or click on the pause button in the top-right corner of your screen. This is very beneficial on timed missions, when you might want to form teams without taking time off of the countdown timer. Double Speed: Either use your Backspace key or click on the fast forward button in the top-right corner of the screen. Honestly, there are very few cases where I don't suggest using this feature. Even on fast mode, this game is painfully slow for my liking. Making Groups: Holding the Control key while you have something selected, and then pressing a number key will form a group. Groups are invaluable for effective fast-passed combat. Once you've made a group, pressing the corresponding number key without having the group selected will select the group for you. Pressing the number while the group is already selected will center the screen on that group. Selecting Every Unit of a Certain Type: If you hold down the Control key and click on a unit, all units of that type will be selected. This is great for sorting out your forces and quickly making groups. Using Special Items/Weapons: When you have a unit selected, any special abilities or items the unit has will be shown in the command bar on the bottom-right of your screen. Left clicking on the icon will cause the unit to use the item. if it's a rubber boat, you must be standing on the water. If it's a grenade, Molotov, or so forth, you will have to select a target. Some things, like grenades, Molotovs, and even the cure ability medics have, can be set to automatic. Right click on the ability's icon, and you will see a green light come on. This means that the unit will automatically use their special ability when appropriate. Medics should always have their healing ability set on automatic, and infantry should have Grenades set on automatic if they will be fighting a tank. Entering/Exiting a vehicle or structure: You will be given a box with an arrow in it if you hover over something your unit can enter, whether it happens to be a vehicle or a building. Once inside a building or vehicle, the unit can be told to leave by clicking on the eject icon in the bottom-right corner of the command bar. ============================================================================= | | | -------------------------------------- | | | | | | | 0.20) CAMPAIGN DIFFICULTY SETTING | | | | | | | -------------------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= When you start a new campaign, you will be given the option to choose between three different difficulty settings. These are the settings: ----- EASY: ----- - When one of your core units is destroyed in combat, you will automatically be given reinforcements during your next trip to Headquarters. These reinforcements will still have the same amount of experience points as they did before they were destroyed in the previous mission. This makes each mission much easier than on harder difficulty settings, since you don't need to worry about losing units during combat. ------- NORMAL: ------- - When one of your core units is destroyed in combat, you will automatically be given reinforcements during your next trip to Headquarters. Unlike easy mode, these reinforcements will start with no experience points. This makes it a little more important to be careful with your units during the campaign, but it's still very easy to win the campaigns on this setting. ----- HARD: ----- - When one of your core units is destroyed in combat, you lose it permanently. Lost units will not be replaced during your next trip to Headquarters, so you will need to make sure you minimize your losses on each mission. Personally, I think this is by far the best way to play as far as fun goes, but a beginning player might become a tad frustrated while trying to play some of the missions without taking any casualties. ============================================================================= | ------------------------------------------------ | | | | | | | 1.00) HANS VON GROBEL: THE GERMAN CAMPAIGN | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------ | ============================================================================= ============================================================================= | | | --------------------------- | | | | | | | 1.01) AIRPORT - POLAND | | | | | | | --------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- MAIN OBJECTIVES: ---------------- 1) Occupy the Polish airfield. - Eliminate every enemy unit in and around the airfield to accomplish this. This is worth 150 prestige points. -------------------- OPTIONAL OBJECTIVES: -------------------- 1) Prevent the planes from starting. - There are four planes. Make sure you destroy the two southern ones as soon as you get near the base, as they will be the first to try and take off. This is worth 60 prestige points. ------------------ SECRET OBJECTIVES: ------------------ 1) Find the hidden support station. - The hidden support station is the group of buildings to the west of your starting position. You have to follow the road a long way to get there, but you will get the chance to heal your troops and reload/fix your vehicles if needed. This is worth 40 prestige points. ------------------- VICTORY CONDITIONS: ------------------- 1) Hans von Grobel must survive. - If he dies, you fail. If the vehicle he starts in takes too much damage, remove him from it and stick him in a safer vehicle. ------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES: ------------------ 3 Fighter-Bomber strikes 2 Recon Plane scouts ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Start by gathering your forces together into a tighter pile. You can leave the two transport trucks behind, since they can't attack. Take everything else slightly north, and you will quickly encounter a few Polish forces. Target the infantry first, since the tank will retreat father north. Use your Medics to heal any infantry that got injured, and then take your group farther north again. This time, destroy the tank first, and then destroy the field gun and any remaining enemies. Head west through the forest. Slaughter any troops you encounter, and work your way around the curving road. Stop when you are forced to turn north-west. Look to the other side of the river, select one of your Fighter-Bomber attacks from the command bar, and target it just above the sandbag area north of the river to destroy the field gun there. Approach the river with your units. An enemy tank will approach from the north-west, so prepare another Fighter-Bomber attack, and destroy the tank with it as soon as possible. Continue across the river, turn west, and proceed down the road. Eliminate everything along the way, and make sure your Medics heal any injured infantry units. There is a filed gun near where the water crosses the road to the south. Make sure you kill the men manning it first, and then turn your attention to the other two men. Proceed south across the river, and then kill the two sets of troops in the small base area. Once you've eliminated them, you will achieve the Secret Goal. Get your units close enough to the center building, and they will all be completely healed and reloaded. Head all the way back to the airfield. Approach it from the south corner, and make sure your vehicles go first to knock the fence down for your infantry. Immediately target the two airplanes in this corner before they get the chance to escape. Then deal with the field gun near the middle of the airfield. Head farther north into the base. Use your last Fighter-Bomber attack to eliminate the tank on this side of the base, and then destroy the two remaining Polish planes. Finally, eliminate all remaining forces from the airfield. ============================================================================= | | | --------------------------- | | | | | | | 1.02) VILLAGE - POLAND | | | | | | | --------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- MAIN OBJECTIVES: ---------------- 1) Gain control over the train station. - Eliminate the forces around the train station to accomplish this goal. This is very easy to do, since they give you a repair vehicle and a supply truck. Factor in three Fighter-Bomber attacks and a Carpet-Bomber attack, and this becomes even easier. This is worth 150 prestige points. -------------------- OPTIONAL OBJECTIVES: -------------------- - None. ------------------ SECRET OBJECTIVES: ------------------ 1) Save the Luftwaffe pilot. - When you advance a about half way up the map, you will see a cutscene. A plane will crash in the lake to the north-west, and the pilot will be stranded. All you have to do is send an infantry group up there, step into the water, select the Raft icon that will appear in the bottom-right part of your tool bar, and then approach the pilot in the raft. This is worth 40 prestige points. ------------------- VICTORY CONDITIONS: ------------------- 1) Hans von Grobel must survive. - If he dies, you fail. If the vehicle he starts in takes too much damage, remove him from it and stick him in a safer vehicle. ------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES: ------------------ 1 Bomber strike 3 Fighter-Bomber strikes 2 Recon Plane scouts ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ You'll notice that you now have a repair truck and an ammunition truck. Those two vehicles make this mission a cinch. Unhitch the field gun from the truck, and man it with the Rifle Squad. Start heading north-west towards the river, because the secret objective will be up there eventually. Keep all of your forces together in a tight group, and have the infantry lead the way. Destroy anything you encounter, and keep the repair truck and ammunition truck in the rear, bringing them up when needed. When you hit the west side of the map, head all the way to the north where the lake is. Use one of your groups of infantry to deploy a raft and rescue the stranded pilot. Then turn your forces due east towards the train depot. The city is fairly deserted, so your vehicles will have no problem clearing it out, as long as you keep them repaired and supplied. When you get near the depot, you will encounter several tanks and at least one field gun. I recommend using your three Fighter-Bomber attacks on these targets, since you won't need them for anything else anyway. Simply work your way around the area near the depot, and eliminate all of the enemy units, including the ones inside a few of the buildings. ============================================================================= | | | --------------------------- | | | | | | | 1.03) HEADQUARTERS 1 | | | | | | | --------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- PRESTIGE POINTS: ---------------- Assuming you've accomplished all of the available objectives, optional objectives, and secret objectives, you will have a total of 440 Prestige Points available for this trip to Headquarters. Keep in mind that you can only have a total of 25 units. Out of those 25, no more than 14 may be armored vehicles, no more than 8 may be transport vehicles, and no more than 8 may be artillery. ---------------- UNITS AVAILABLE: ---------------- Infantry: Riflemen...................40 Medics.....................40 AntiTank Riflemen..........46 Mortars....................60 Sub Machine Gunners........60 Machine Gunners............70 Tank Crew..................80 Flamethrowers..............95 Armored Vehicles: Panzer I..................118 SdKfz 223.................140 Panzer II.................141 Transport Vehicles: Kubelwagen.................24 Krupp......................25 SdKfz 10...................40 SdKfz 250/1................48 Krupp Ammo Truck..........100 SdKfz 11 Repair Truck.....150 Artillery: Pak 36 37mm................38 LeFh 18...................103 Sig 33....................113 ------------ WHAT TO BUY: ------------ You should already have a SdKfz 11 Repair Truck in your unit, so the next thing I suggest adding to your army is a Krupp Ammo Truck. You will have 340 points left to spend, so I suggest two Panzer II tanks and an AntiTank Riflemen squad. This should leave you with 12 points. Keep in mind, however, that what you buy is almost totally optional for each mission. I will give suggestions based on my personal preferences, and I will make special notes about any units that will greatly impact further missions as they come up. Also note that it is possible to "upgrade" vehicles that have a crew. For example, if you did not want that Panzer I tank, you could highlight it, and then click on the "Change Vehicle" button in the middle of the screen. This will cost much less Prestige Points than getting an entirely new tank and crew. ============================================================================= | | | ------------------------------ | | | | | | | 1.04) THE SIEGE OF WARSAW | | | | | | | ------------------------------ | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- MAIN OBJECTIVES: ---------------- 1) Find the Polish officer who is in charge of the defense of Warsaw and capture him. - The officer is in the house to the north. You will need the key to accomplish this goal. 2) Find a tool to open the door to the basement. Look for something suitable in other houses. - The key is in a house in the north-west corner of the map. It is not very heavily defended, so your infantry should be able to march all the way up there with ease. Simply eliminate anything you encounter, and capture a field gun to take with you if possible. Once you're at the house, you will notice a green marker symbol flashing on the west side of the house. Have an infantry unit stand on the symbol to start the scene, and you will receive the key. These two goals are worth 300 prestige points together. -------------------- OPTIONAL OBJECTIVES: -------------------- - None. ------------------ SECRET OBJECTIVES: ------------------ - None. ------------------- VICTORY CONDITIONS: ------------------- 1) Hans von Grobel must survive. - If he dies, you fail. If the vehicle he starts in takes too much damage, remove him from it and stick him in a safer vehicle. ------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES: ------------------ 2 Bomber strikes 4 Fighter-Bomber strikes 1 Heavy Artillery bombardment 2 Recon Plane scouts ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Group your five infantry units into a tight pile, and start heading north-west with them. Slaughter anything you encounter, and make sure you stay healed. Capture a field gun if you can. When you get to the north-west corner of the house, you should see a green flashing symbol on the west side of a fairly big pink house. Walk an infantry unit onto that symbol to get the basement key. Switch to your tank group. Put all five of them together, and keep the ammo and repair trucks behind the tanks. Proceed north-east, and eliminate the field guns around the southern part of the map, as well as the tanks and infantry. Make sure you keep your tanks well supplied and totally repaired. Scout the town to the north. There is only one unobstructed path to the house where the blue objective symbol is, so you'll have to work your way through it. Use your Fighter-Bomber strikes when you encounter enemy tanks, as they can take a long time to kill if you don't. Make sure you keep the repair and ammo trucks out of harm's way. You'll need to repair your tanks frequently. Once you've secured the area around the blue mission objective symbol, start advancing your infantry units towards it. They can pass through the gap between the trolley cars, so you won't need to follow the same path as you had to with your tanks. Get a group of infantry on the green flashing spot on the west side of the house, and you will complete this mission. NOTE: There are two Polish tent-like things set up on this map. You can capture them both by eliminating all surrounding Polish forces, but it won't help you as far as I know. They heal you and stuff, but they don't accomplish any secret goals or earn you any prestige (again, as far as I know...). ============================================================================= | | | --------------------------- | | | | | | | 1.05) HEADQUARTERS 2 | | | | | | | --------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- PRESTIGE POINTS: ---------------- You should have 358 Prestige Points if you've accomplished all available goals and purchased what I suggested. Keep in mind that you can only have a total of 25 units. Out of those 25, no more than 14 may be armored vehicles, no more than 8 may be transport vehicles, and no more than 8 may be artillery. ---------------- UNITS AVAILABLE: ---------------- Infantry: Riflemen...................40 Medics.....................40 AntiTank Riflemen..........46 Mortars....................60 Sub Machine Gunners........60 Machine Gunners............70 Tank Crew..................80 Flamethrowers..............95 Armored Vehicles: SdKfz 223.................140 Panzer II.................141 Panzer III F..............186 [NEW] Bison I...................239 Transport Vehicles: Kubelwagen.................24 Krupp......................25 SdKfz 10...................40 SdKfz 250/1................48 Krupp Ammo Truck..........100 SdKfz 11 Repair Truck.....150 Artillery: Pak 36 37mm................38 Pak 38 50mm................52 [NEW] LeFh 18...................103 Sig 33....................113 ------------ WHAT TO BUY: ------------ I suggest focusing on upgrades this time. Upgrade the Panzer I to a Bison I, and upgrade all three of your Panzer II's to Panzer III F's. Sell one of your regular Krupp trucks, since it's pretty useless to keep them around. Then buy a Sig 33 with your remaining prestige, and you should have 14 points left. ============================================================================= | | | ------------------------------- | | | | | | | 1.06) OPERATION SICKLE CUT | | | | | | | ------------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- MAIN OBJECTIVES: ---------------- 1) Join with Rommel's forces at the river Meuse. - Simply advance north into Rommel's camp to complete this part. You will see a short cutscene once you've done this. 2) Destroy the French army attacking our engineer company. - It's a VERY good idea to finish the next goal before attempting this. Once you've done so, head east along the dirt road, around all of the rugged cliff terrain. Then head for the south-east corner of the map. Eliminate all of the enemy forces in the area to finish this goal. Be prepared to head back west immediately after this though, and you will have to protect the engineer trucks as they head west as well. 3) Destroy the French bunker. - There are two heavy guns on top of a small hill near the middle of the map. Use your tanks to protect your artillery, and then use the artillery to blast both of the bunkers. 4) Escort the engineers to Rommel's army. (At least two engineer trucks must reach the destination.) - Once you accomplish the second objective, the engineer trucks will start to head for Rommel's base. Go out in front of them and clear the way, which is fairly easy to do. 5) Cross the river and destroy the three French artillery batteries. - This is misleading. There are actually seven field guns you'll have to destroy, although they are in three different spots. Start by making a rush towards the two in the north-east corner. Don't mess around, just get really close to the guns and kill the soldiers manning them. Heal your troops, and then do the same thing to the two groups of guns to the west. Or, if you have not used your air strikes yet, use the five Fighter-Bomber strikes on the two western locations (scout if necessary), and use the two Bomber strikes on the eastern location. These five goals are worth 350 prestige points together. -------------------- OPTIONAL OBJECTIVES: -------------------- 1) Take command of the three German squads on the other side of the river. - There are three German infantry units on the south side of the river near the rubber boats. You will get control of these units after the cutscene. There are also three more units on the north side of the river. Cross the river and approach those units to achieve this goal. This is worth 60 prestige points. ------------------ SECRET OBJECTIVES: ------------------ - None. ------------------- VICTORY CONDITIONS: ------------------- 1) Hans von Grobel must survive. - If he dies, you fail. If the vehicle he starts in takes too much damage, remove him from it and stick him in a safer vehicle. ------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES: ------------------ 3 Bomber strikes 5 Fighter-Bomber strikes 4 Recon Plane scouts ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ You will be attacked almost instantly from the west. Position your tanks to and block as much of the road as possible. Fire at anything you can. It's easy to kill the infantry groups, but the tanks will try and escape, and they will usually succeed. Don't worry about them for now. Instead, group your four Panzer IIIF's with the Bison, and head north. There's a field gun on the hill to the west, so destroy it as fast as you can once you can see it. Then go farther north, and deal with the tanks and second field gun. Once the area is clear, bring up your other stuff and repair your vehicles. The next target is to the east. There are two large French guns on a hill slightly north of the dirt road. Move your tanks closer to this hill, but try not to get so close the guns fire at you. Instead, start moving your artillery closer to the guns, and then destroy them both when you get close enough. Use your tanks to deal with anything that tries to attack your artillery, and make sure you remember to repair your vehicles if anything takes much damage. Leave everything but the Bison and the four Panzer IIIF's behind in a safe spot now, far to the south-west of the hill where the guns were. Proceed east along the dirt road. Eliminate anything you encounter along the way, and approach the engineer units from the north. Once you get close enough, a group of French troops will begin to attack the engineers. Rush all of your forces down there and wipe everything out. As soon as everything is destroyed, the engineer trucks will start to head north along the dirt road towards Rommel's base. Send your five vehicles north in front of the engineers to clear a path. A few units will attack you near the first west turn in the road, and then more will attack near the hill where the guns were. Simply eliminate them all as fast as possible. The engineers will turn north at the dirt road a little west of the hill where the guns were, so make sure you go there first. There's an infantry unit on the right side of that hill, so make sure it doesn't cause too much trouble. There's also an infantry unit in the forest to the west of that hill. Farther north, there's a tank and some more infantry. After that, it's clear all the way to Rommel's base. After the scene in the base, send a unit to the north-east. Three infantry units are there, and you will get control of them once you get close enough. Board the rafts, and then cross the river. Exit the rafts on the other side of the river, and take control of the other three infantry units there. If you haven't used any of your air strikes yet, you can finish the mission using them. Use your scout planes on the three blue objective symbols. When you can see the three field guns in the south-west location, use a Fighter-Bomber strike on all three. Then use the other two Fighter-Bomber strikes on the two in the north-western location. Finally, use the two Bomber strikes on the two field guns in the north-east location. If they don't do the trick, send the infantry up there to finish the job. ============================================================================= | | | --------------------------- | | | | | | | 1.07) HEADQUARTERS 3 | | | | | | | --------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- PRESTIGE POINTS: ---------------- You should have 424 Prestige Points if you've accomplished all available goals and purchased what I suggested. Keep in mind that you can only have a total of 25 units. Out of those 25, no more than 14 may be armored vehicles, no more than 8 may be transport vehicles, and no more than 8 may be artillery. ---------------- UNITS AVAILABLE: ---------------- Infantry: Riflemen...................40 Medics.....................40 AntiTank Riflemen..........46 Mortars....................60 Sub Machine Gunners........60 Machine Gunners............70 Tank Crew..................80 Flamethrowers..............95 Snipers...................145 [NEW] Armored Vehicles: SdKfz 223.................140 Panzer II.................141 Panzer III F..............186 Bison I...................239 Transport Vehicles: Kubelwagen.................24 Krupp......................25 SdKfz 10...................40 SdKfz 250/1................48 Krupp Ammo Truck..........100 SdKfz 11 Repair Truck.....150 Artillery: Pak 36 37mm................38 Pak 38 50mm................52 LeFh 18...................103 Sig 33....................113 ------------ WHAT TO BUY: ------------ Again, I'm a tank fan, so my suggestion is two more Panzer IIIF tanks. If you aren't comfortable with my suggestions, you should get units you feel more comfortable with. Note, however, that this guide will be written from my perspective, which means I will be giving strategies for a mostly-tank army. And you're going to want lots of heavy firepower in this next mission... ============================================================================= | | | --------------------------- | | | | | | | 1.08) MATILDAS | | | | | | | --------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- MAIN OBJECTIVES: ---------------- 1) Capture the estate at the end of the road. - In the north-west corner of the map, you'll find a group of buildings. There are several field guns and infantry units deployed in the estate, so be careful when you approach. I recommend coming in straight from the south, destroying the field guns and mortar troops, and then falling back to make repairs. When you're ready, drive into the middle of the estate to deal with the remaining infantry units, and a scene will occur. 2) Defend the convoy from the attacking British forces. (75 of 100 trucks must pass through the area and arrive at their destination.) - A large convoy will start heading north-west along the paved road on the west side of the map. You'll see three blue symbols on your map. Those are the locations where the British tanks will attack. The first one will be at the middle point, the next one at the top, the third one at the bottom, then another at the top, and finally one more in the middle. 3) Destroy the British Matilda tanks. - The convoy is usually done by the time the fourth group of Matildas arrives. Once the remaining two groups are destroyed, you should accomplish this part of the mission. 4) Destroy the British forces gathering near the windmill. - Be careful when you approach the windmill. There are several more field guns down there, as well as a couple more vehicles. Run your tanks in, blast the field guns, and then retreat to repair anything that gets severely damaged. Then go back in and finish any survivors. These four goals together are worth 350 prestige points. -------------------- OPTIONAL OBJECTIVES: -------------------- 1) Use the 88mm antiair guns to destroy the British tanks. - Once the first set of Matildas arrive, Rommel will send you three 88mm antiaircraft guns from the north to help deal with the tanks. Once you've dealt with the first group of Matildas, look for the three guns. They will have stopped somewhere near the northern blue symbol, by the dirt road. Simply unhitch them to accomplish this goal. This is worth 60 prestige points. ------------------ SECRET OBJECTIVES: ------------------ - None. ------------------- VICTORY CONDITIONS: ------------------- 1) Hans von Grobel must survive. - If he dies, you fail. If the vehicle he starts in takes too much damage, remove him from it and stick him in a safer vehicle. ------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES: ------------------ - None. ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Send all of your infantry, your truck, and your field gun to the west side of the paved road to the west. They will not be very useful in this mission, so it's better just to stick them out of the way than to risk losing any of them. Place your six Panzer IIIF's and the Bison into a group, and start heading north along the east side of the dirt road. You'll encounter a pair of British tanks and some infantry, so eliminate them as fast as you can. Keep your tanks completely repaired at all times during this mission. You can't afford to get any of them destroyed. Once you're repaired, take your vehicle group north-west, deal with the next tank you encounter, and eliminate the infantry units that will most likely try and retreat to the west. DON'T let them stay over there, or they'll attack the convoy trucks later. Just hunt them all down now while there's nothing else to interfere with you. Repair your vehicles again, and then head north towards the estate. Approach it directly from the south, with your tanks lined up in a row and the Bison behind them. Get close enough to quickly destroy the three enemy field guns and the mortar unit, but don't actually cross the hedges into the estate yet. Instead, repair anything that needs it. Once you've done that, move in to the estate and eliminate the remaining infantry units. You will see a scene, and then you'll be warned that some Matilda tanks are approaching from the north. These are actually coming from the east, so don't stay up by the estate. Instead, send your vehicles south to the middle of the three blue symbols on the map. Make sure you have them in a tight pile, and then destroy the three Matilda tanks that will approach from the east, along with the infantry that come with them. Keep an eye on your vehicles' health. If one goes into the yellow, retreat it behind the others and repair it. Quickly repair everything and reload the Bison. See those three trucks that brought the 88mm's into the area? Unhitch all three of them. Now send your vehicles to the east and slightly south of that position. More troops and Matildas will arrive from the north-east of the 88's, so eliminate them all. Quickly repair your vehicles once you're ready, but don't worry too much about the 88's. Head down to the farthest south blue symbol on the map now, and prepare to deal with another group of Matildas and infantry from the east. Carefully watch your damage again, and retreat anything before it gets too badly hurt. Repair everything when you're done with this attack. The seventy-five convoy trucks you need should be finished by now, or will be shortly. You'll be told to eliminate the remaining Matildas now. The next attack will come at the northern blue symbol, so head up there and deal with it. Repair your vehicles, and then deal with the final group of Matildas, which will come in at the middle blue symbol. Repair your vehicles, and make sure they have enough ammo. All that's left to do is eliminate the troops around the windmill. This can be very hard to do without losing some vehicles, so I highly recommend you save your game right now. Send your vehicles into the area from the north, and target the artillery units first. Keep a close eye on your vehicles' health, and be sure to retreat any damaged units before they get destroyed. When the artillery units are destroyed, retreat your entire group for repairs. Then head back in and destroy any remaining forces. Sometimes the trucks will head into the forest, so if you can't seem to find any more enemy units around the windmill, search the forest. ============================================================================= | | | ---------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | 1.09) OPERATION MERCURY - THE INVASION OF CRETE | | | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- MAIN OBJECTIVES: ---------------- 1) Destroy the 6 British antiair guns near the airfield. - There are enemy antiaircraft guns at each of the six blue objective symbols on your map. You must destroy these guns to accomplish this part of the mission. Your mortar groups work well for this. 2) Help Oberst Ramcke capture the airfield. - Large groups of German reinforcements will rush the airfield after you finish the first objective. Use the special abilities you'll be given to take care of large groups of enemy troops. I suggest targeting the mortar units near the south and west entrances, then hitting the group of vehicles in the center, and finally destroying the tank in the northern part of the field. Then simply use your troops to remove anything else from the area. These two objectives are worth 200 prestige points together. -------------------- OPTIONAL OBJECTIVES: -------------------- - None. ------------------ SECRET OBJECTIVES: ------------------ 1) Occupy the Radar Station. - The Radar Station is next to the south-west antiaircraft gun. Simply send a unit of infantry into the building to accomplish this goal. This is worth 40 prestige points. ------------------- VICTORY CONDITIONS: ------------------- 1) Hans von Grobel must survive. - If he dies, you fail. I recommend keeping him out of the battle, just to make sure nothing unfortunate happens to him. 2) Hans von Grobel's brother Walter (Kurt...) must also survive. - Exactly the same as Grobel himself. Again, it's safer just to stick him somewhere out of harm's way. (Oddly enough, the objective calls him Walter, but his name is clearly Kurt when you select him in the game.) ------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES: ------------------ These will become available after you destroy the six antiaircraft guns: 2 Paratroop drops 5 Bomber strikes 10 Fighter-Bomber strikes ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Leave Hans von Grobel next to the gliders, and group all of your remaining troops into one pile. Head west to the road, and then head north along it. You will encounter a short scene. Send Walter (Kurt...) over to Hans von Grobel's position for safe keeping. Head west on the road that goes through the hills. Eliminate the two small infantry groups along the road. Stop when you get to the second barricade spot where the infantry unit was. A truck is going to come up the road from the same direction you just came from, so turn around and destroy it and the troops that come out of it as fast as possible. Take some time to make sure all of your units are fully healed. Head along the road along the hill, and take out the troops and antiaircraft guns at the south-west blue symbol on your map. Heal your troops, and then send a unit into the Radar Station east of the antiaircraft gun's location. You will accomplish the secret objective once you've done this. Head for the closest blue objective symbol and eliminate the gun and any nearby soldiers. Make sure you heal your men again, and then head north to the third blue objective symbol. Make sure you don't get too close to the airfield yet. You don't want to have to deal with any of the forces inside it. Head south again, and start heading east a little below the airfield. You do NOT want to get too close to the house between the airfield and your gliders. There are a couple machine gun units in the house, and some mortar troops south of it. It's a much better idea to avoid them than to try and eliminate them all. Eliminate the antiair gun and the accompanying troops at the south-east blue symbol location, and then heal your troops once again. There's a fishing boat along the shoreline to the east. Stick a group of Medics and your Machine Gunners in the fishing boat and head north. You'll want to land just barely north of the rock near the south-east corner of the airfield's fence. Otherwise, the antiaircraft gun to the north might see you and start firing. Once you've dumped those two units onto the beach, take the boat back and grab both of your units of mortar men. Land them with your other troops, and then proceed to destroy both remaining anitaircraft guns and the soldiers around them. Once you've destroyed all six antiaircraft guns, you will be told to assist in the attack on the airfield. Two large groups of paratroopers will arrive (one in the south and the other in the north-west). You will not be able to control these units, but they will rush the entrances to the airfield. You'll also be given two paratroop drops, five bomber strikes, and ten fighter-bomber strikes to use. There's a unit of mortar troops near each of the two entrances the paratroop units will be attacking. Use your planes to eliminate them, and then switch your targeting to the vehicles in the middle of the airfield. Save two fighter-bomber strikes for the big British tank in the northern part of the airfield, and try to blast it if one of your other planes happens to let you see it during its flight. Use your two paratroop drops in the north where your mortar men and other units are. Group everyone together, and then enter the base from the north. Simply eliminate any survivors in the airfield to finish the mission. ============================================================================= | | | --------------------------- | | | | | | | 1.10) HEADQUARTERS 4 | | | | | | | --------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- PRESTIGE POINTS: ---------------- You should have 702 Prestige Points if you've accomplished all available goals and purchased what I suggested. Keep in mind that you can only have a total of 25 units. Out of those 25, no more than 14 may be armored vehicles, no more than 8 may be transport vehicles, and no more than 8 may be artillery. ---------------- UNITS AVAILABLE: ---------------- Infantry: Riflemen...................40 Medics.....................40 AntiTank Riflemen..........46 Mortars....................60 Sub Machine Gunners........60 Machine Gunners............70 Tank Crew..................80 Flamethrowers..............95 Snipers...................145 Armored Vehicles: SdKfz 223.................140 Panzer II.................141 SdKfz 10/4................160 Panzer III F..............186 Bison I...................239 Panzer IV D...............242 [New] Transport Vehicles: Kubelwagen.................24 Krupp......................25 SdKfz 10...................40 SdKfz 250/1................48 Krupp Ammo Truck..........100 SdKfz 11 Repair Truck.....150 Artillery: Pak 36 37mm................38 Pak 38 50mm................52 Flak 88mm..................93 [New] LeFh 18...................103 Sig 33....................113 ------------ WHAT TO BUY: ------------ Upgrade your Panzer III F's to Panzer IV D's. Sell the Sig 33 and the regular Krupp truck, as they have outlived their usefulness. Use your remaining points to get another Panzer IV D and another Bison. You should have 79 points left over after this, but there isn't really anything important you can get for that little, so just save the points. ============================================================================= | | | ------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | 1.11) THE INVASION OF THE SOVIET UNION | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- MAIN OBJECTIVES: ---------------- 1) Capture the fuel depot in the northern area. - Crossing the train bridge with your forces is a suicide mission. Many heavy Soviet vehicles are over there, and they will slaughter your tanks before you even come close to securing the area. Instead, I recommend using your special air attacks to secure the depot. Use a scout on the area on the east side of the depot (where the entrance and the flag are), and then drop all four of your heavy artillery attacks on the targets you see. Use another scout if the first one gets shot down, and then use fighter-bomber strikes on any vehicles that survived. Use another scout if necessary, and then use all of the bomber attacks to eliminate the crews that came out of the vehicles. You should capture the depot once everything is destroyed. You can also use the train to transport some infantry units over there, but that is dangerous, so I do not suggest it. 2) Infiltrate the castle and capture the radio station. Use a civilian vehicle to enter it unrecognized. - Once you capture the fuel depot, a civilian car will become available, with Karl inside. Send this car north to the castle, and drive into its perimeter. 3) Capture the castle. - There are a few infantry units outside the castle on the south side, and one more unit barely inside by the entrance. Use your last scout near the entrance of the castle, and then use your remaining fighter-bomber strikes to eliminate the infantry piles. If anything survives, use your infantry units (which should be at the northern part of the ropeway if you sent them there earlier) to clear the rest of the enemy units out of the castle. These three objectives are worth 300 prestige points together. -------------------- OPTIONAL OBJECTIVES: -------------------- - None. ------------------ SECRET OBJECTIVES: ------------------ 1) Occupy the train. - There is a train parked on the east side of the map, where the train tracks are located. Eliminate all of the enemy forces nearby to accomplish this goal. BE CAREFUL. There's a minefield south-westish of the area, and it can have devastating effects. Approach the area from as far north and west as possible to try and avoid the mine field. You can use this train to safely transport your infantry over to the fuel depot, but it's not necessary. Instead, I suggest using your special air attacks to liberate the fuel depot. 2) Use the mine ropeway. - When you get near the ropeway, you'll be given the suggestion to use it. Simply place some infantry units inside the building at the south end of the ropeway to accomplish this secret objective. (Might as well stick them all in there, seeing as there isn't anything else to do with them.) These missions are worth 80 prestige points together. ------------------- VICTORY CONDITIONS: ------------------- 1) Hans von Grobel must survive. - If he dies, you fail. If the vehicle he starts in takes too much damage, remove him from it and stick him in a safer vehicle. 2) Karl must survive. - Once you secure the fuel depot, Karl will be inside the civilian car. If the car manages to get destroyed somehow (I have no idea how it could, unless you destroy it yourself), you will lose the mission. ------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES: ------------------ 3 Bomber strikes 5 Fighter-Bomber strikes 4 Heavy Artillery bombardments 4 Recon Plane scouts ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Gather all of your infantry units together and send them east to the other side of the small stream. Head north-east towards the mining ropeway building, and send all of your infantry units into it. It takes them quite a while to make it to the other side, so you'll want to do this now rather than have to wait for them later. Collect your tanks and artillery units into a group, and head north-east. You will encounter several Soviet vehicles, but they will be no match for your heavier tanks. Continue north-east until you get underneath the ropeway, where you will encounter additional Soviet units. Eliminate them, and then repair your vehicles if any of them are severely damaged. DON'T go any farther east. There's a mine field over there that can devastate your vehicles. Instead, head north until you hit the larger stream, and then head north-east until you hit the railroad tracks. Head east along the tracks, and eliminate the forces guarding the train. Crossing the train bridge with your forces is a suicide mission. Many heavy Soviet vehicles are over there, and they will slaughter your tanks before you even come close to securing the area. Instead, I recommend using your special air attacks to secure the depot. Use a scout on the area on the east side of the depot (where the entrance and the flag are), and then drop all four of your heavy artillery attacks on the targets you see. Use another scout if the first one gets shot down, and then use a couple fighter-bomber strikes on any vehicles that survived. Use another scout if necessary, and then use all of the bomber attacks to eliminate the crews that came out of the vehicles. You should capture the depot once everything is destroyed. You can also use the train to transport some infantry units over there, but that is dangerous, so I do not suggest doing it unless you absolutely need to. Once all of the forces near the fuel depot have been eliminated, you will see a short scene. You'll find yourself in control of a civilian car, with Karl inside of it. The Soviet forces won't shoot at this vehicle, so you have a clean ticket to get inside the castle. Head north-east to the second bridge, cross it, and head west to the castle. Enter the castle's perimeter with the car to accomplish the second main objective. All that's left is to eliminate the remaining forces guarding the castle. Use your last recon plane to scout the entrance to the castle, and then use your last fighter-bomber strikes to eliminate as many of the infantry units there as possible. Go grab your infantry units at the northern part of the mining ropeway, and send them towards the castle. use them to clean up any left-over Soviet units, and the mission will be complete. ============================================================================= | | | ----------------------------- | | | | | | | 1.12) HEADQUARTERS 5 | | | | | | | ----------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- PRESTIGE POINTS: ---------------- You should have 459 Prestige Points if you've accomplished all available goals and purchased what I suggested. Keep in mind that you can only have a total of 25 units. Out of those 25, no more than 14 may be armored vehicles, no more than 8 may be transport vehicles, and no more than 8 may be artillery. ---------------- UNITS AVAILABLE: ---------------- Infantry: Riflemen...................40 Medics.....................40 AntiTank Riflemen..........46 Mortars....................60 Sub Machine Gunners........60 Machine Gunners............70 Tank Crew..................80 Flamethrowers..............95 Snipers...................145 Armored Vehicles: SdKfz 223.................140 SdKfz 10/4................160 Panzer III F..............186 Bison I...................239 Panzer IV D...............242 Transport Vehicles: Kubelwagen.................24 Krupp......................25 SdKfz 10...................40 SdKfz 250/1................48 Krupp Ammo Truck..........100 SdKfz 11 Repair Truck.....150 Artillery: Pak 36 37mm................38 Pak 38 50mm................52 Flak 88mm..................93 LeFh 18...................103 Sig 33....................113 ------------ WHAT TO BUY: ------------ Your points are fairly limited this time, so I recommend just adding one more Bison to your group. Don't worry about purchasing a tank crew to use for capturing the T-34 in the next mission: You are provided with one when the mission starts. (You should have 220 prestige points left after this.) ============================================================================= | | | --------------------------- | | | | | | | 1.13) THE T-34 | | | | | | | --------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- MAIN OBJECTIVES: ---------------- 1) Take one of the new Russian tanks under your control. - There's an abandoned T-34 in the town where the blue mission objective symbol is located. Luckily for you, they start you with a spare tank crew for this mission. Unfortunately, capturing the tank turns out to be the easy part of this mission. 2) Escort the tank to the railway. - Once you get the tank crew inside the T-34, you will lose control of it, and the tank will proceed south on its own. When it gets to the clearing north of the river, it will break down. There's nothing you can do to prevent that, and the Soviets will not attack the tank at all, so just ignore it for now. Later, you will have to use a Soviet repair truck to fix the tank, and then it will proceed farther south to the railroad tracks. 3) Defend the T-34. - If it gets destroyed, you lose. Luckily, the Soviet units will not attack it no matter what. 4) Manage to get a Soviet repair car and fix the T-34. - Once the T-34 breaks down, a Soviet repair truck will also break down in the north-east part of the map. Kill the driver, then approach the vehicle to take control of it. Drive it straight south down the east edge of the map to avoid enemies, and then repair it. Use your air strikes to eliminate as many of the enemy units as possible from the area around the T-34, and then use your tank group to take care of the rest. Cautiously approach the T-34 with the Soviet repair truck when you are ready, and then retreat the repair truck to the south once the T-34 is moving again. These four objectives are worth 200 prestige points together. -------------------- OPTIONAL OBJECTIVES: -------------------- 1) Try to enter the settlement unseen. - This isn't too hard if you're careful. Send the tank crew all the way east at the start of the mission, and then head due north. You'll want to start heading west into the town once you are a little south of the cemetery. Don't try to go above the cemetery, as there are several Soviet vehicles near the aid station. Crawl through the town now, staying as far north as possible until you get to the tank. Enter it, and the tank crew will automatically drive south with it. As long as nothing saw you during your approach to the tank, you will accomplish this optional goal. This goal is worth 60 prestige points. ------------------ SECRET OBJECTIVES: ------------------ - None. ------------------- VICTORY CONDITIONS: ------------------- 1) Hans von Grobel must survive. - If he dies, you fail. If the vehicle he starts in takes too much damage, remove him from it and stick him in a safer vehicle. ------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES: ------------------ 2 Paratroop drops 3 Bomber strikes 3 Fighter-Bomber strikes 3 Recon Plane scouts ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Immediately send the tank crew and the Panzer with Grobel in it south. Form a defensive line with your Panzers and Bisons, because several units are going to attack your position. They will be no match for your tanks though, so you can just ignore them once you have your line set up. Send the tank crew and the rest of your infantry units all the way to the east side of the map. Head north along this side of the map, hugging the side all the way up to avoid enemy units in the middle of the map. When you get to the edge of the forest right before the road to the north, leave everything but the tank crew in the forest. Send the tank crew farther north, and turn west towards the town. Enter the town just south of the cemetery. Cross the first street in the town, and keep heading west. Turn north at the next intersection, and head for the blue objective symbol. None of the enemy units should see you, but if you have trouble getting in without being seen, you can try crawling through the town. Once you can see the T-34, make the tank crew get inside. The T-34 will drive south by itself, so there's nothing you can do at the moment. Once it reaches the clearing north of the river, it will have some technical difficulties. The Soviets won't shoot at the T-34, so don't worry about defending it. Conveniently, a Soviet repair vehicle has also been stricken with some mechanical problems a little north of where I had you leave your infantry units. Select them now, and kill the driver of the repair vehicle. Approach the vehicle with some of your men, and you will automatically gain control of it. Send it south down the east edge of the map, just to avoid enemy units like you did earlier with your infantry units. When it reaches the south part of the map, send it west to your repair vehicle to fix it. Use your scout planes to view the area around the T-34. Use bomber strikes to eliminate as many of the infantry units as you can, and then use fighter-bomber attacks to deal with the Soviet tank on the east side of the clearing. Once you've destroyed everything you can with your air power, take your tank group north and eliminate any survivors. Don't get too close to the T-34 though: a large artillery unit will start firing at anything that gets too close. Send the Soviet repair vehicle north to the damaged T-34. Don't stay around too long: A large artillery unit will fire at the repair vehicle as soon as it gets near the T-34. The T-34 will start heading south again on its own, so simple retreat the Soviet repair vehicle and the rest of your forces to the south. ============================================================================= | | | --------------------------------- | | | | | | | 1.14) WELL DESERVED HOLLIDAY | | | | | | | --------------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- MAIN OBJECTIVES: ---------------- 1) Arrest the Serbian guerilla leader "Wolf." - You'll chase Wolf through numerous secret paths on the map. After you go through each new secret path, you'll have to deal with additional guerilla troops. If you keep all of your men together, this isn't too hard to accomplish. This objective is worth 100 prestige points. -------------------- OPTIONAL OBJECTIVES: -------------------- 1) Eliminate the Serbian guerillas. - You must kill every enemy infantry unit to accomplish this objective. There are only two units you might not encounter on your own. The first is a small group directly west of where Wolf stops after leaving the church in the early part of the mission. The second unit is in the house on the west side of the map. They will fire at you on your way past, so it will be quite apparent what house they're in. Simply send your submachine gunners into the house to deal with the squad inside. This objective is worth 60 prestige points. ------------------ SECRET OBJECTIVES: ------------------ - None. ------------------- VICTORY CONDITIONS: ------------------- 1) Hans von Grobel must survive. - If he dies, you fail. His firepower is fairly vital to the success of this mission though, so keeping him out of combat is not really an option. Just be careful. ------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES: ------------------ - None. ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ It is vital that you keep your units close together for this mission. Grobel's firepower is vital to your success, so you shouldn't try to keep him out of the fight. Just be careful with him, and keep an eye on his health. Follow the local man to the east side of the church area. Approach the church slowly, and deal with the infantry unit above it. Then head a little to the west to deal with the two additional infantry units in the area. When all three of them have been dealt with, send a unit to the flashing green objective symbol on the west side of the church. Head back out the east side of the church area. Follow the local man north, and when he stops moving again, turn your attention a little west of his position. There is an enemy infantry unit crouched in the grass there, so eliminate it. Then continue following the man to the house in the north-east. When you get to the house, stand some of your men directly in front of it to enter it. After another short scene, you will find that some of your troops are now much farther south than the house. Scroll back up to the house, and send the rest of your troops through this "tunnel" by sending them to the spot slightly in front of the house (the same way you entered the house earlier). Once all of your forces are together at the tower to the south, eliminate the two infantry units to your west. Kill the northern unit first, because it is armed with machine guns. Wolf will head through another tunnel to your west. Group your men together, and send them all through the tunnel. (Make sure ALL of them are through it, not just some. Sometimes you have to order each unit individually.) There are three infantry units on the north-west side of this tunnel's exit. Eliminate them all. Be especially careful when dealing with the north-eastern unit, as it will sometimes toss a grenade at you. Proceed west, but don't go south down the road. There's a house down there, and a unit of enemy troops is inside. Send your submachine gunners into the house, and they will kill the occupants. (If your submachine gunners are badly injured, send your riflemen instead, assuming they aren't also badly injured.) Eject your unit from the building, and proceed south. Eliminate these two units, and give priority to the eastern unit (machine gunners). Send everyone through the next tunnel as fast as possible. There are two more enemy units on the other side, so be prepared to deal with them. Finally, head north with your forces. There are two enemy units guarding the gap in the hills next to the truck. Eliminate them both to accomplish the optional objective, and then proceed through the gap to finish the mission. ============================================================================= | | | --------------------------- | | | | | | | 1.15) HEADQUARTERS 6 | | | | | | | --------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- PRESTIGE POINTS: ---------------- You should have 640 Prestige Points if you've accomplished all available goals and purchased what I suggested. Keep in mind that you can only have a total of 25 units. Out of those 25, no more than 14 may be armored vehicles, no more than 8 may be transport vehicles, and no more than 8 may be artillery. ---------------- UNITS AVAILABLE: ---------------- Infantry: Riflemen...................40 Medics.....................40 AntiTank Riflemen..........46 Mortars....................60 Sub Machine Gunners........60 Machine Gunners............70 Tank Crew..................80 Flamethrowers..............95 Snipers...................145 Armored Vehicles: SdKfz 223.................140 SdKfz 10/4................160 Panzer III F..............186 Bison I...................239 Marder II.................241 [NEW] Panzer IV D...............242 Stug III F................251 [NEW] Panzer IV F2..............265 [NEW] Transport Vehicles: Kubelwagen.................24 Krupp......................25 SdKfz 10...................40 SdKfz 250/1................48 Krupp Ammo Truck..........100 SdKfz 11 Repair Truck.....150 Artillery: Pak 36 37mm................38 Pak 38 50mm................52 Flak 88mm..................93 LeFh 18...................103 Sig 33....................113 ------------ WHAT TO BUY: ------------ Sell all five of your infantry units. They've outlived their usefulness for now, and you're going to want as much heavy firepower as possible for the next mission, especially if you want to get through it without losing anything. Upgrade all of your Panzers and all of your Bisons to Panzer IV F2's, and then buy two more Panzer IV F2's and another Repair Truck with your remaining funds. You should have 40 prestige points left at the end of this trip to headquarters. ============================================================================= | | | ----------------------------------- | | | | | | | 1.16) SEVEN TONS OF AMMUNITION | | | | | | | ----------------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- MAIN OBJECTIVES: ---------------- 1) Recapture the area around the railway fork, set the switch in the switch house, and hold the area until the train arrives. - This is timed, so there is no time to spare. As soon as the mission starts, hit the pause button (or your space bar, which has the same effect). Hold down the "control" key on your keyboard, and click on a Panzer IV F2 tank. It will highlight them all for you. Make them Team One. Then make one of your Repair Trucks Team Three, and make the other one Team Four. Scroll over towards the blue objective symbol, unpause the game, and send Team One to a spot slightly south-east of the house near the split in the train tracks. Send Teams Three and Four a little farther south than Team One. (NOTE: Don't bother to stop and fight anything on the way; your tanks will destroy them as they move.) Make sure Team One is in a tight group, and then proceed into the town area. Completely destroy the building directly east of the blue objective symbol, because it has a unit of infantry inside that will cause you harm later. Continue heading north through the town, and destroy the field gun north of the blue objective symbol. Now turn your attention south again, and eliminate the field gun and small tank south-west of the blue objective symbol. A large group of vehicles will appear farther to the south-west. They will attack your position, so start heading towards them. Destroy the large tank first, and then destroy the Katyusha rocket launcher. Eliminate any remaining forces, and then send all but one of your tanks to the west side of the northern part where the train tracks split. Eject the crew from the tank you left behind, and have them enter the small building where the blue objective symbol is located. Exit the building, and put them back in the tank. Use your two repair trucks to repair the two most damaged tanks. The train will most likely arrive any second now, and you will see a short scene. Once it's over, select your entire tank pile and head south-west along the other split in the tracks. Eliminate everything you encounter, being sure to target large tanks and artillery units first. The forces that got off the train should be able to handle the enemies that attack it, but if anything too big makes it through, send a tank or two up there to deal with it. 2) The train must survive. - You have to intercept the large wave of Soviet forces that comes from the west before it gets the chance to damage the train. Don't throw caution to the wind though; Keep your formation tight, and make sure you don't let any tanks get too damaged or destroyed. 3) Secure the area around the railway bridge. - Not much to this. It's fairly lightly defended, assuming you have as much firepower as you should. Just approach the area from the north-west, eliminate the tanks and artillery first, and then clean up any remaining infantry and small vehicles. 4) Find a shallow part of the river where you can cross. - This actually comes before the third objective. There are two shallow spots where you can cross: One is in the north-west, the other is in the north-east. Since you're already closer to the north-west one, I suggest using it. Simply head up there with your tank group, eliminate the resistance on the south side of the river, and then cross it. These four objectives are worth 310 prestige points together. -------------------- OPTIONAL OBJECTIVES: -------------------- - None. ------------------ SECRET OBJECTIVES: ------------------ - None. ------------------- VICTORY CONDITIONS: ------------------- 1) Hans von Grobel must survive. - If he dies, you fail. Keep an eye on the vehicle he starts in, and if it takes too much damage, either fix it or send him to another vehicle. ------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES: ------------------ 2 Recon Plane scouts ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ This is timed, so there is no time to spare. As soon as the mission starts, hit the pause button (or your space bar, which has the same effect). Hold down the "control" key on your keyboard, and click on a Panzer IV F2 tank. It will highlight them all for you. Make them Team One. Then make one of your Repair Trucks Team Three, and make the other one Team Four. Scroll over towards the blue objective symbol, unpause the game, and send Team One to a spot slightly south-east of the house near the split in the train tracks. Send Teams Three and Four a little farther south than Team One. (NOTE: Don't bother to stop and fight anything on the way; your tanks will destroy them as they move.) Make sure Team One is in a tight group, and then proceed into the town area. Completely destroy the building directly east of the blue objective symbol, because it has a unit of infantry inside that will cause you harm later. Continue heading north through the town, and destroy the field gun north of the blue objective symbol. Now turn your attention south again, and eliminate the field gun and small tank south-west of the blue objective symbol. A large group of vehicles will appear farther to the south-west. They will attack your position, so start heading towards them. Destroy the large tank first, and then destroy the Katyusha rocket launcher. Eliminate any remaining forces, and then send all but one of your tanks to the west side of the northern part where the train tracks split. Eject the crew from the tank you left behind, and have them enter the small building where the blue objective symbol is located. Exit the building, and put them back in the tank. Use your two repair trucks to repair the two most damaged tanks. The train will most likely arrive any second now, and you will see a short scene. Once it's over, select your entire tank pile and head south-west along the other split in the tracks. Eliminate everything you encounter, being sure to target large tanks and artillery units first. The forces that got off the train should be able to handle the enemies that attack it, but if anything too big makes it through, send a tank or two up there to deal with it. Eventually, the enemy will retreat, and you will accomplish some of your goals. Take some time to mop up any survivors, and also take some time to repair your tanks. When you're ready, head north-east across the top of the map towards the north-west blue objective symbol. There are not any enemy forces between your current location and the river, so you can safely drive there with no worries. Eliminate the weak resistance at the edge of the river, and then send your tanks across. Head east and then south, making your way towards the center blue objective symbol. As long as your tanks are still in a fairly tight pile, you should be able to storm into the middle of the area and wipe out all of the enemy forces with no problems. Scout the area for crouched troops. You'll win the mission as soon as the area around this center blue objective symbol is clear of enemy units. ============================================================================= | | | --------------------------- | | | | | | | 1.17) HEADQUARTERS 7 | | | | | | | --------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- PRESTIGE POINTS: ---------------- You should have 350 Prestige Points if you've accomplished all available goals and purchased what I suggested. Keep in mind that you can only have a total of 25 units. Out of those 25, no more than 14 may be armored vehicles, no more than 8 may be transport vehicles, and no more than 8 may be artillery. ---------------- UNITS AVAILABLE: ---------------- Infantry: Riflemen...................40 Medics.....................40 AntiTank Riflemen..........46 Mortars....................60 Sub Machine Gunners........60 Machine Gunners............70 Tank Crew..................80 Flamethrowers..............95 Rocket Soldiers...........100 [NEW] Snipers...................145 Armored Vehicles: SdKfz 223.................140 SdKfz 10/4................160 Panzer III F..............186 Bison I...................239 Marder II.................241 Panzer IV D...............242 Stug III F................251 Panzer IV F2..............265 Transport Vehicles: Kubelwagen.................24 Krupp......................25 SdKfz 10...................40 SdKfz 250/1................48 Krupp Ammo Truck..........100 SdKfz 11 Repair Truck.....150 Artillery: Pak 36 37mm................38 Pak 38 50mm................52 Flak 88mm..................93 LeFh 18...................103 Sig 33....................113 ------------ WHAT TO BUY: ------------ Add one more Panzer IV F2 to your army, and you should have 85 prestige points left over. ============================================================================= | | | ---------------------------------- | | | | | | | 1.18) THE SIEGE OF SEVASTOPOL | | | | | | | ---------------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- MAIN OBJECTIVES: ---------------- 1) Find the three ammunition depots and destroy them. - Two of them are displayed by the blue objective symbols. There is a pile of ammo that serves as a target near both locations. Simply destroy these piles to finish this part of the mission. Line your tanks up along the south edge of the block of houses near the north pile, and then use your two scout planes to get a glimpse of the ammo pile. Target it with your tanks until it gets destroyed. 2) Find the statue of Stalin. - It's in the north-west area of the map. From the northern ammo pile, just head west along the top part of the map. When you get to the town square area, you'll see the statue. You don't even need to eliminate the enemy forces near it. Just drive directly at it, and the mission will complete itself. These two objectives are worth 300 prestige points together. -------------------- OPTIONAL OBJECTIVES: -------------------- - None. ------------------ SECRET OBJECTIVES: ------------------ 1) Elimination of the commissars. - On the west side of the city, near the center of the map, there is a pair of black cars parked on the west side of some buildings. Destroy the cars, and then destroy the house to the east of them to force two men out of the house. Kill those two men, and you will accomplish this objective. This objective is worth 40 prestige points. ------------------- VICTORY CONDITIONS: ------------------- 1) Hans von Grobel must survive. - If he dies, you fail. Keep an eye on the vehicle he starts in, and if it takes too much damage, either fix it or send him to another vehicle. ------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES: ------------------ 2 Recon Plane scouts ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Immediately pause the game when the mission starts. Hold down your "control" key, and click on a Panzer IV F2 to highlight them all. Unpause the game and send them north-west a little. Several Soviet vehicles are going to attack from the north along this road, so be prepared to attack them first with your entire tank group. Target the large tank first, and retreat any of your own if they take too much damage. Next, rush forward and destroy the Katyusha before it gets a the chance to attack again. Finally, destroy any remaining forces and repair your damaged vehicles. Fighting your way through the city will be safer if you travel in a smaller group. I recommend leading with the Tiger and keeping five Panzer IV F2's close behind it. Keep the two repair trucks close too, and make sure they don't get destroyed. Advance north along the street you're on, and destroy anything you encounter, fixing your tanks when necessary. It's important that you don't stop for long in any location though, since artillery will sometimes rain down on you, and it hurts. A lot. When you see a large church, turn east and head for the first blue objective symbol. Destroy the ammunition dump inside the ring of buildings, and then fix your vehicles again. Advance north along this edge of the map, and make your way towards the second blue objective symbol. If you advance slowly, keep the Tiger in the lead, and make repairs when necessary, you should have no problem making it to the second blue objective symbol without any casualties. This next part will be slightly annoying if you took my advice and traded your infantry in at the last trip to Headquarters. Line your tanks up along the southern edge of the group of buildings surrounding the second ammunition dump, and start destroying the buildings between your tanks and the ammunition dump. Once you've destroyed them all, use your scout planes on the spot where the blue objective symbol. Highlight your tanks, and as soon as the planes reveal the ammunition dump, target it. It might take a few passes, but eventually you should be able to destroy the pile. Now it's time to do a little side quest, so to speak. Head west to the next road, and then head south on this road until you're in that large open circular area. Almost exactly in the middle of the map on the far west side, there are two black cars parked outside of a building. You have to head over there, destroy the cars, and then destroy the house directly east of them. Two men will come out of the house. Killing them will complete the secret objective. Repair your vehicles, and then head back to the spot on the north of the map where you were before you started this little quest. Start heading west along the northern part of the map. The statue you're looking for is in the town square area in the far north-western corner. You don't actually need to eliminate the enemies around it; simply getting close enough to the statue will end the mission. ============================================================================= | | | --------------------------- | | | | | | | 1.19) HEADQUARTERS 8 | | | | | | | --------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- PRESTIGE POINTS: ---------------- You should have 425 Prestige Points if you've accomplished all available goals and purchased what I suggested. Keep in mind that you can only have a total of 25 units. Out of those 25, no more than 14 may be armored vehicles, no more than 8 may be transport vehicles, and no more than 8 may be artillery. ---------------- UNITS AVAILABLE: ---------------- Infantry: Riflemen...................40 Medics.....................40 AntiTank Riflemen..........46 Mortars....................60 Sub Machine Gunners........60 Machine Gunners............70 Tank Crew..................80 Flamethrowers..............95 Rocket Soldiers...........100 Snipers...................145 Armored Vehicles: SdKfz 223.................140 SdKfz 10/4................160 Panzer III F..............186 Bison I...................239 Marder II.................241 Panzer IV D...............242 Stug III F................251 Panzer IV F2..............265 Transport Vehicles: Kubelwagen.................24 Krupp......................25 SdKfz 10...................40 SdKfz 250/1................48 Krupp Ammo Truck..........100 SdKfz 11 Repair Truck.....150 Artillery: Pak 36 37mm................38 Pak 38 50mm................52 Flak 88mm..................93 LeFh 18...................103 Sig 33....................113 ------------ WHAT TO BUY: ------------ Get another Panzer IV F2 and another repair truck, and you should have 15 prestige points left after this trip to Headquarters. Not that it really matters, since this the next mission is the last mission in this campaign... ============================================================================= | | | --------------------------- | | | | | | | 1.20) STALINGRAD | | | | | | | --------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- MAIN OBJECTIVES: ---------------- 1) Join our attacking forces and reinforce them. - Don't worry about this part of the mission. You can't possible avoid doing it. 2) Leave immediately and advance to the school. Help out our forces there. - Simply gather your tanks and head west. Since this is the last mission in this campaign, it's not really necessary to worry about losing units. Still, don't get totally reckless. Once you destroy the heavy forces attacking the school area, this part will be complete. 3) Assist our troops around the factories. - Head north and eliminate the forces around the next blue objective symbol to complete this part of the mission. 4) Support the troops around the railroad buildings. - Eliminate the forces gathering around the next blue objective symbol to complete this part. 5) Create a defensive position inside the storehouse beside the main station. - The train tracks have land mines laid between them. Rather than trying to avoid them, I recommend just sending your tanks across, and then repairing the ones that get damaged by the mines. Once you've gotten all of your tanks to the northern side of the tracks, head along the top of the tracks until you get to the eastern side of the next blue objective symbol. Eliminate any forces on that side, and then enter the building. Once you eliminate the remaining vehicles inside the building, the mission (and the German campaign) will be completed. -------------------- OPTIONAL OBJECTIVES: -------------------- - None. ------------------ SECRET OBJECTIVES: ------------------ - None. ------------------- VICTORY CONDITIONS: ------------------- 1) Hans von Grobel must survive. - If he dies, you fail. Keep an eye on the vehicle he starts in, and if it takes too much damage, either fix it or send him to another vehicle. ------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES: ------------------ - None. ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Since this is the last mission in the campaign, there's no need to be too concerned about losing some of your tanks (unless you just take pride in a casualty-less campaign, like me). Head west with your tanks, eliminating any resistance you encounter along the way. Your first destination is in the south-west corner, where the blue objective symbol signifies the school. Eliminate the Soviet resistance around it, and then repair your tanks if they need it. You'll be told to assist the troops near the factories, so head north. You need to eliminate all resistance near the new blue objective symbol once again, and then this objective will be complete. Continue on to the next blue objective symbol and eliminate all resistance there as well. Make sure you repair all of your tanks before you try to cross the railroad tracks. There are land mines between some of the tracks, but as long as your tanks have a decent amount of health, they will not be destroyed. They will, however, be immobilized. Repair all of your damaged tanks, and then send them to the other side of the tracks to join the rest of your group. The last objective is over to the east, so follow the top of the train tracks to that side of the map. Head north once you make it to the east side of the storehouse building, and eliminate all of the enemy forces there. Finally, head inside the storehouse and eliminate the vehicles inside to finish the mission as well as the campaign. ============================================================================= | ------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | 2.00) ALEKSANDER VLADIMIRIOV: THE SOVIET CAMPAIGN | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------- | ============================================================================= ============================================================================= | | | --------------------------- | | | | | | | 2.01) DEFENDING MOSCOW | | | | | | | --------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- MAIN OBJECTIVES: ---------------- 1) Head towards the village of Dimitrov. - This will be complete as soon as you leave the confines of the town you start in. 2) Destroy the German recon forces that launched an attack at the marked place. - Eliminate all of the enemy forces around the first two blue objective symbols to accomplish this. The best way to do this is with your tanks. Keep the repair truck nearby, and quickly repair any damage you receive. 3) Liberate the village of Dimitrov. - If you want to do this without taking any loses, you'll need to make several small raids, retreat, repair your vehicles, and then make amore raids. Begin by attacking the south-west corner of the town to eliminate the field gun and the tank, then retreat to make repairs. Next, raid the middle of the southern side, and then retreat to make repairs once again. Raid the east side of the town next, again making repairs after you retreat. Finally, make a run towards the center of the town. These three objectives are worth 200 prestige points together. -------------------- OPTIONAL OBJECTIVES: -------------------- - None. ------------------ SECRET OBJECTIVES: ------------------ - None. ------------------- VICTORY CONDITIONS: ------------------- 1) Aleksander Vladimiriov must survive. - If he dies, you fail. Keep an eye on the vehicle he starts in, and if it takes too much damage, either fix it or send him to another vehicle. ------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES: ------------------ - None. ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Gather your three vehicles together and send them north out of the town. Send your repair vehicle right behind them. The Germans will attack two small outposts in the middle of the map. Use your tanks to eliminate the forces around the eastern one first, and then make repairs on all of your vehicles. Attack and eliminate all of the forces around the western location next, and make sure you repair your tanks again when you're done. You'll be told to liberate the town of Dimitrov, which will now have a blue objective symbol in its center. If you want to do this without losing any units, you will have to make several quick raids, retreating to make repairs between each raid. Begin by attacking the south-west corner of the town to eliminate the field gun and the tank, then retreat to make repairs. Next, raid the middle of the southern side, and then retreat to make repairs once again. Raid the east side of the town next, again making repairs after you retreat. Finally, make a run towards the center of the town. ============================================================================= | | | --------------------------- | | | | | | | 2.02) HEADQUARTERS 9 | | | | | | | --------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- PRESTIGE POINTS: ---------------- You should have 200 Prestige Points if you've accomplished all available goals and purchased what I suggested. Keep in mind that you can only have a total of 25 units. Out of those 25, no more than 14 may be armored vehicles, no more than 8 may be transport vehicles, and no more than 8 may be artillery. ---------------- UNITS AVAILABLE: ---------------- Infantry: Riflemen...................40 Medics.....................40 AntiTank Riflemen..........46 Mortars....................60 Sub Machine Gunners........60 Machine Gunners............70 Tank Crew..................80 Armored Vehicles: BA 64.....................140 Gaz AA - AntiAircraft.....153 BA 12.....................180 T-26......................191 BT 7M.....................193 Transport Vehicles: Gaz AA - Truck.............25 Gaz AA - Ammo Truck.......100 ZIS-20 - Repair Truck.....150 Artillery: - None available yet. ------------ WHAT TO BUY: ------------ I suggest upgrading all three of your vehicles to BT 7M's, and purchasing a fourth one. Sell both units of Submachine Gunners and the unit of AntiTank Riflemen, and buy two units of Machinegunners. You should have 26 prestige points left after this trip to headquarters. ============================================================================= | | | ---------------------------------- | | | | | | | 2.03) TACTIC OF BURNED EARTH | | | | | | | ---------------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- MAIN OBJECTIVES: ---------------- 1) Secure at least 30 tanker trucks on their transit to Majkop. - Trucks will start to move north-west across the map from the road to the east. They must make it to the depot intact, so your job is to defend them from enemy attacks. The only place you really need to concern yourself with is the junction of the road where the tankers enter the map and the next road that heads north. Soviet units in the north-west (which you can't control) will be able to handle most of what happens on that side of the map. Use your Fighter-Bomber strikes to eliminate a few of the tanks that attack those forces if necessary. This objective is worth 350 prestige points. -------------------- OPTIONAL OBJECTIVES: -------------------- - None. ------------------ SECRET OBJECTIVES: ------------------ - None. ------------------- VICTORY CONDITIONS: ------------------- 1) Aleksander Vladimiriov must survive. - If he dies, you fail. Keep an eye on the vehicle he starts in, and if it takes too much damage, either fix it or send him to another vehicle. ------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES: ------------------ 2 Paratroop drops 5 Fighter-Bomber strikes 2 Recon Plane scouts ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Tankers will move north-west across the map to the depot from the road in the east. Your job is to protect these tankers from enemy attacks. There are Soviet forces guarding the depot in the north, and you will not be able to control them. They should be able to handle things on their own, so focus your attention on the first intersection of the road the tankers are traveling on. Immediately send all of your vehicles and infantry to that intersection. Destroy anything that comes down that road, and make sure nothing manages to sneak past you to the road. Keep your tanks repaired, and try to use your infantry to eliminate the large groups of German antitank infantry before they get the chance to rip up your tanks. There's no sense in letting those two paratroop drops go to waste either, so drop them with the rest of your men as soon as possible. If any tanks make it through the depot's defenses, use your Fighter-Bomber strikes to destroy them. Make sure your targets are stationary before you try and hit them. You can't afford to take anything from your southern defenses to help out in the north. Once thirty trucks make it through the depot, this mission will be over. ============================================================================= | | | ---------------------------- | | | | | | | 2.04) HEADQUARTERS 10 | | | | | | | ---------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- PRESTIGE POINTS: ---------------- You should have 376 Prestige Points if you've accomplished all available goals and purchased what I suggested. Keep in mind that you can only have a total of 25 units. Out of those 25, no more than 14 may be armored vehicles, no more than 8 may be transport vehicles, and no more than 8 may be artillery. ---------------- UNITS AVAILABLE: ---------------- Infantry: Riflemen...................40 Medics.....................40 AntiTank Riflemen..........46 Mortars....................60 Sub Machine Gunners........60 Machine Gunners............70 Tank Crew..................80 Flamethrowers..............95 [NEW] Snipers...................135 [NEW] Armored Vehicles: BA 64.....................140 Gaz AA - AntiAircraft.....153 BA 12.....................180 T-26......................191 BT 7M.....................193 T-34......................270 Transport Vehicles: Gaz AA - Truck.............25 ZIS - Truck................40 [NEW] Gaz AA - Ammo Truck.......100 ZIS-20 - Repair Truck.....150 Artillery: ZIS-2......................58 [NEW] M-30......................116 [NEW] D-1 152mm.................126 [NEW] ------------ WHAT TO BUY: ------------ Update all four of your BT 7M's to T-34's. Sell your three infantry units, and use the points to get a BT 7M. You will have 55 prestige points left after this trip to headquarters. ============================================================================= | | | --------------------------- | | | | | | | 2.05) STALINGRAD | | | | | | | --------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- MAIN OBJECTIVES: ---------------- 1) Retake the factories in the north. - Enter the factory area by the blue objective symbol from the western entrance. There are several vehicles and field guns in the area, so move fast and pick your targets wisely. Once you eliminate all resistance in the area, repair your tanks. DON'T waste any of your Fighter-Bomber strikes on this. 2) Eliminate the enemy units around the school in the north-west part of the town. - The school is dead center in the northern part of the map. It's hard to miss it, seeing as it now has a nice blue objective symbol on it. Advance carefully to the school, making repairs as necessary. Once you destroy all enemy forces in this area, this part of the mission will be complete, and you will gain control of several vehicles in the area. DON'T waste any of your Fighter-Bomber strikes on this part of the mission, either. 3) Eradicate the Germans from the south-west part of the town. - Make sure everything is completely repaired, and then line your forces up on the road in the middle of the town that heads south-west directly towards the blue objective symbol. Head down there quickly, destroying anything you see along the way. When you reach the indicated area, use all five of your Fighter-Bomber strikes on five of the enemy tanks in the area, and use your tanks to destroy all of the survivors. These three objectives are worth 250 prestige points together. -------------------- OPTIONAL OBJECTIVES: -------------------- - None. ------------------ SECRET OBJECTIVES: ------------------ - None. ------------------- VICTORY CONDITIONS: ------------------- 1) Aleksander Vladimiriov must survive. - If he dies, you fail. Keep an eye on the vehicle he starts in, and if it takes too much damage, either fix it or send him to another vehicle. ------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES: ------------------ 5 Fighter-Bomber strikes 2 Recon Plane scouts ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Gather your tanks together and head north to the blue objective symbol, eliminating all enemies along the way. I suggest entering the factory area from both entrances. Send two tanks in through the south entrance, and send the rest through the west entrance. Once you've eliminated all of the enemies in the area, repair your tanks. The next target is to the north. Head up through the city, and be careful when dealing with flamethrower units. Keep your tanks repaired, and eliminate all resistance around the school. You'll gain control of several units in the area when you complete this objective, so group them all together on the road that heads south-west. Begin the drive down to the last blue objective symbol. You will encounter light resistance at first, but as you get closer to the blue objective symbol, you will run into a rather large group of German tanks. Hopefully, you've saved all of your Fighter-Bomber attacks. Target five separate tanks with them to maximize the damage, and then quickly mop up the survivors. ============================================================================= | | | ---------------------------- | | | | | | | 2.06) HEADQUARTERS 11 | | | | | | | ---------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- PRESTIGE POINTS: ---------------- You should have 305 Prestige Points if you've accomplished all available goals and purchased what I suggested. Keep in mind that you can only have a total of 25 units. Out of those 25, no more than 14 may be armored vehicles, no more than 8 may be transport vehicles, and no more than 8 may be artillery. ---------------- UNITS AVAILABLE: ---------------- Infantry: Riflemen...................40 Medics.....................40 Mortars....................60 Sub Machine Gunners........60 Machine Gunners............70 Tank Crew..................80 Flamethrowers..............95 Snipers...................135 Armored Vehicles: BA 64.....................140 Gaz AA - AntiAircraft.....153 BA 12.....................180 T-26......................191 BT 7M.....................193 T-34......................270 ZIS-6 (Katyusha)..........413 [NEW] Transport Vehicles: Jeep.......................21 [NEW] Gaz AA - Truck.............25 ZIS - Truck................40 Gaz AA - Ammo Truck.......100 ZIS-20 - Repair Truck.....150 Artillery: ZIS-2......................58 ZIS-3......................76 [NEW] M-30......................116 D-1 152mm.................126 ------------ WHAT TO BUY: ------------ Upgrade your BT 7M to a T-34, and buy a new BT 7M. You should have 35 prestige points left after this trip to headquarters. ============================================================================= | | | -------------------------- | | | | | | | 2.07) KURSK | | | | | | | -------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- MAIN OBJECTIVES: ---------------- 1) Delay the German advance in the village until the minefield is finished. - This is fairly simple with the forces you should have by now. The first attack will be by the south-east blue objective symbol, the second will be by the north-western blue objective symbol, and the third attack will be by the middle blue objective symbol. Just keep your tanks repaired, and this is easy. 2) Withdraw behind the minefield. - As soon as you're done defending against the last rush, send all of your units north to the new blue objective symbol. A huge rush of German troops and vehicles is going to be following you. Make sure you park all of your forces north of the aid station where the blue objective symbol is located. 3) Take command over the allied units and destroy the enemy in the area. - You will gain control of several vehicles and groups of infantry. Send them to the pile of your other units by the aid station and wait for the German rush to stall on the mine field. Once you're sure there are no more units advancing towards the field, use your search planes around the mine field. Use your Fighter-Bomber strikes on any Tiger tanks you see. If you run out of Tigers to target, start hitting the larger Panzers. Once you run out of aircraft attacks to use, start making strikes with your tanks. Retreat to repair them if you need to, and continue making strikes along the mine field until all the stalled German units are destroyed. These three objectives are worth 300 prestige points together. -------------------- OPTIONAL OBJECTIVES: -------------------- - None. ------------------ SECRET OBJECTIVES: ------------------ - None. ------------------- VICTORY CONDITIONS: ------------------- 1) Aleksander Vladimiriov must survive. - If he dies, you fail. Keep an eye on the vehicle he starts in, and if it takes too much damage, either fix it or send him to another vehicle. ------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES: ------------------ 3 Bomber strikes 5 Fighter-Bomber strikes (This will increase to ten after the first objective.) 4 Recon Plane scouts ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Select all of your tanks and send them to the south-eastern blue objective symbol. The first German rush will appear here, so destroy it swiftly. Then send all of your forces back to the western blue objective symbol, which is where the second attack will be. Try to repair any serious damage to your tanks before the rush arrives, and then destroy the second rush. Repair your tanks again, and then cross the river to the south. The third and final rush will be here. Eliminate everything, and make sure you keep your tanks repaired. Once things have called down, you will be told that there is another rush coming. You'll be ordered to head for the other side of the new mine field, so take all of your forces north immediately. There is an aid station thing where the new blue objective symbol is. To keep your units safe, you should park them all north of that aid station. You will be given command of a few more vehicles and some infantry units, so send them over to the rest of your forces. Now sit and wait patiently for the German forces to approach the mine field. You don't want to engage them until all of them have been stopped by the mine field. Once you're sure they are all stopped, use your scout planes to reveal sections of the mine field. Use your Fighter-Bomber strikes to hit as many Tigers as you can, and target the larger Panzers when you run out of Tigers to hit. (You don't want to waste more than one strike on any Tiger; if it doesn't get destroyed from one hit, just leave it for your tanks to finish.) When you run out of aircraft strikes, start making quick strikes with your tank group. Eliminate all of the German vehicles on the mine field, taking time to repair your tanks between strikes as necessary. Work your way down the entire mine field, and the mission will be over once the German vehicles have all been eliminated. ============================================================================= | | | ---------------------------- | | | | | | | 2.08) HEADQUARTERS 12 | | | | | | | ---------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- PRESTIGE POINTS: ---------------- You should have 335 Prestige Points if you've accomplished all available goals and purchased what I suggested. Keep in mind that you can only have a total of 25 units. Out of those 25, no more than 14 may be armored vehicles, no more than 8 may be transport vehicles, and no more than 8 may be artillery. ---------------- UNITS AVAILABLE: ---------------- Infantry: Riflemen...................40 Medics.....................40 Mortars....................60 Sub Machine Gunners........60 Machine Gunners............70 Tank Crew..................80 Flamethrowers..............95 Rocket Soldiers...........100 [NEW] Snipers...................135 Armored Vehicles: BA 64.....................140 Gaz AA - AntiAircraft.....153 BA 12.....................180 T-26......................191 BT 7M.....................193 SU-85.....................265 [NEW] T-34......................270 ZIS-6 (Katyusha)..........413 Transport Vehicles: Jeep.......................21 Gaz AA - Truck.............25 ZIS - Truck................40 Gaz AA - Ammo Truck.......100 ZIS-20 - Repair Truck.....150 Artillery: ZIS-2......................58 ZIS-3......................76 M-30......................116 D-1 152mm.................126 ------------ WHAT TO BUY: ------------ Upgrade your BT 7M to a Katyusha and buy a Gaz AA - Ammo Truck. You should have 15 prestige points left after this mission. ============================================================================= | | | ---------------------------------- | | | | | | | 2.09) WHAT? YOU'RE A WOMAN?! | | | | | | | ---------------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- MAIN OBJECTIVES: ---------------- 1) Detect the Russian spy. - Simply reach the blue objective symbol in the north-east to accomplish this. Drive a tank onto the small green circle south of the building to accomplish the goal. 2) Locate and capture the German headquarters. - A blue objective symbol will appear by the location of the headquarters once you complete the first objective. Head west across the map, and then approach the headquarters from the south-west. All you have to do is drive a vehicle up to the small green circle south of the building to accomplish this goal. NOTE: The small brown fence will confuse your tanks if you order them to the other side of it while it's still intact. Either wait until your tanks fire at something (and knock it down in the process), or simply order your tanks in front of it, and one of them will knock it down when it gets too close. These two objectives are worth 300 prestige points together. -------------------- OPTIONAL OBJECTIVES: -------------------- - None. ------------------ SECRET OBJECTIVES: ------------------ 1) Received the list of spies. [Poorly worded, but that's what it says.] - There is a building with two German flags near it in the south-west corner of the map. Send a unit of infantry into that house to accomplish this goal. It won't be easy to do: The path to the building, regardless to which way you take, will be extremely well defended. This is worth 40 prestige points. ------------------- VICTORY CONDITIONS: ------------------- 1) Aleksander Vladimiriov must survive. - If he dies, you fail. Keep an eye on the vehicle he starts in, and if it takes too much damage, either fix it or send him to another vehicle. ------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES: ------------------ 3 Bomber strikes 5 Fighter-Bomber strikes 4 Recon Plane scouts ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Line up your tanks and start heading north up the road. Proceed slowly, and don't go too far north. Make repairs as necessary, and make sure you keep the Katyusha and the heavy tank supplied with ammo at all times. When you get to the large building with the aid station near it, head east. Do NOT go all the way to the barricades north-west of that aid station. Those rocket troops will destroy you quickly if you do. Head south once you get to the other side of the large building. There are two Tigers down there, so destroy them quickly. Make repairs and check your ammo. Now continue north up the road. Stop when you are approximately in the middle of the map. Scroll north to the blue objective symbol, and use one of your scout planes a little south-east of it. When the plane reveals a field gun, use one of your Fighter-Bomber strikes to destroy it, and then use another one to hit the antitank vehicle nearby. Now head north with your vehicles. Enter the area from the south, directly below the blue objective symbol. Quickly eliminate any survivors from earlier, giving priority to the mortar troops on the west side. Once all resistance has been dealt with, move a tank onto the green circle near the blue objective symbol to complete this part of the mission. Make sure your vehicles are properly repaired and supplies, and then line them up on the road to the west of the house you found the spy in. A huge rush of German troops is going to approach from the road to the north-west, and you want to be very well prepared. Enter the intersection north-west of the house you found the spy in when you're ready. Target the flamethrower troops first, since they have the greatest potential to cause serious harm to you. Then just target the rest of the troops in any order until they're all dead. Some Soviet troops (which you will not be able to control) will appear from the north to help you with this task. Make your repairs, and resupply your vehicles once again. Head west across the northern road on the map. Crush all resistance along the way, and take note that there's an aid station inside the a fenced area. It's not heavily defended, so taking control of it is easy. Clear out all of the Germans south along the road until you come to the next intersection with a road heading west. Send your vehicles west along this road all the way to the west edge of the map. Make sure you move quickly, and make sure you bring your ammo and repair vehicles with you. Scroll south along the western edge of the map until you see a house with two German flags on its west side. Use a scout plane above that house, and then use a Fighter-Bomber strike on each of the two German vehicles you see there. Send your vehicles down there now, but be very careful along the way. Once you're down there, send a tank up against the western edge of the house to complete the secret objective. Repair and resupply your vehicles once again. Head back north a little until you are one road south of the location of the headquarters building. Approach it from the south-west, going through the fenced area by the first group of houses. There are many bazooka troops in the area, as well as some seriously heavy German artillery. I suggest you just make a mad sprint for the headquarters building. Just get a tank on that small green circle south of the building to complete the mission. NOTE: The small brown fence will confuse your tanks if you order them to the other side of it while it's still intact. Either wait until your tanks fire at something (and knock it down in the process), or simply order your tanks in front of it, and one of them will knock it down when it gets too close. ============================================================================= | | | ---------------------------- | | | | | | | 2.10) HEADQUARTERS 13 | | | | | | | ---------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- PRESTIGE POINTS: ---------------- You should have 355 Prestige Points if you've accomplished all available goals and purchased what I suggested. Keep in mind that you can only have a total of 25 units. Out of those 25, no more than 14 may be armored vehicles, no more than 8 may be transport vehicles, and no more than 8 may be artillery. ---------------- UNITS AVAILABLE: ---------------- Infantry: Riflemen...................40 Medics.....................40 Mortars....................60 Sub Machine Gunners........60 Machine Gunners............70 Tank Crew..................80 Flamethrowers..............95 Rocket Soldiers...........100 Snipers...................135 Armored Vehicles: BA 64.....................140 Gaz AA - AntiAircraft.....153 BA 12.....................180 T-26......................191 BT 7M.....................193 SU-85.....................265 T-34......................270 T-34/85...................284 [NEW] ISU-152...................340 [NEW] ZIS-6 (Katyusha)..........413 Transport Vehicles: Jeep.......................21 Gaz AA - Truck.............25 ZIS - Truck................40 Gaz AA - Ammo Truck.......100 ZIS-20 - Repair Truck.....150 Artillery: ZIS-2......................58 ZIS-3......................76 M-30......................116 D-1 152mm.................126 ------------ WHAT TO BUY: ------------ Upgrade all of your T-34s to T-34/85s, and then get another T-34/85. You should have 1 prestige point left after this trip to headquarters. ALTERNATE: If you're not comfortable with my mass tank approach, you might want to consider trading in the Katyusha for several units of Riflemen armed with land mines. The next mission can be frustratingly difficult, and some mine fields can make it much easier. ============================================================================= | | | --------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | 2.11) SPRING CAMPAIGN (OPERATION KONRAD) | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- MAIN OBJECTIVES: ---------------- 1) Meet up with the allied forces at the marked area. - There's an allied base in the far western corner of the map. Take your forces across the river and enter the base to accomplish this objective. 2) Defend the village against the German and Hungarian troops. The church mustn't fall into enemy hands. - Pile your tanks around the church in the town. Make sure at least one is always near the church, and use the others to destroy the attacking German forces. Be careful when dealing with the long range artillery units, because if you leave the church completely unguarded, the Germans will take control of it just by having a unit close enough, and you will automatically fail the mission. 3) Stop the German attackers along the defense line. Our base mustn't fall into enemy hands. - Huge amounts of troops and vehicles will poor onto the map from the north-east. There are two decent strategies to use for this part of the mission. I) Minefield. If you get a bunch of Riflemen groups from headquarters right before this mission, and arm them with mines, you can put a small mine field at each of the three river crossings. Many of the German vehicles will be disabled on the mine field, which significantly reduces the strain on your tanks. II) If you went pure-tank at the last headquarters, you'll just have to group all of your core units and the reinforcements. Pick a spot between the three blue objective symbols and your base, and blast anything that tries to go past you. Don't let your guard down, even for a second; those German rocket launchers will shred you fast if you don't hunt them down. 4) Launch a counterattack and destroy the base of the enemy. - There's a German camp in the north-east corner. I recommend using a scout plane on the area, and then unloading all of your air strikes and artillery on various targets. Just make sure you don't let a target live, or it will be repaired quickly. Once you've destroyed everything you can, send your tanks in to finish the job. These four objectives are worth 300 prestige points together. -------------------- OPTIONAL OBJECTIVES: -------------------- - None. ------------------ SECRET OBJECTIVES: ------------------ - None. ------------------- VICTORY CONDITIONS: ------------------- 1) Aleksander Vladimiriov must survive. - If he dies, you fail. Keep an eye on the vehicle he starts in, and if it takes too much damage, either fix it or send him to another vehicle. ------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES: ------------------ 2 Bomber strikes 7 Fighter-Bomber strikes 3 Heavy Artillery bombardments 3 Recon Plane scouts ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Destroy the weak forces that attack you from the north at the beginning of the mission, and then send your forces west into the town. Pile your tanks on the north-west side of the church, and prepare to fend off two attacks. The first will come from the north, and the second will come from the west very soon after the first. DON'T stray too far away from the church, or the Germans will occupy it, which will cause you to fail the mission. Once the two waves of German forces have been eliminated, that part of the mission will be complete. Repair and resupply your vehicles, and then send them north-east of the blue objective symbol (where your base is). If you're planning on using the mine field approach, don't enter the base area yet. Instead, send your Riflemen north to the three blue objective symbols. Use a couple of units at each crossing, and deploy two vertical rows of mines on the east side of each crossing. Use every mine you have available. If this works like it should, many of the German vehicles will be stuck on the mine fields, which means your tanks won't have to deal with as much stuff on the other side of the river. Send your Riflemen back to the base for safe-keeping when you're done. You'll see a short video once they reach the base. As soon as it's done, gather the tanks from this base and send them to the rest of your vehicles. Also send the repair truck that's in the base as well as the ammunition truck that's west of the farthest south blue objective symbol. Keep your eyes open for any German troops that make it through the river crossings, and promptly destroy them. Be especially alert when there's artillery involved, because those German rocket launchers hurt. A lot. Leave the infantry and the two Katyushas in you base to deal with anything that manages to get past your tanks. Once the German rush dies off, repair and resupply your vehicles. If you utilized the mine field strategy, your next task will be destroying the vehicles stalled on the three mine fields. Once every vehicle is destroyed, you should accomplish the third objective. Make sure your tanks are repaired and resupplied. Scroll over to the newest blue objective symbol in the north-east corner of the map, and use a scout plane above the aid station. Use all of your air strikes and artillery bombardments on the targets your scout plane reveals. Make sure that anything you target gets completely destroyed, or it'll just get repaired, and you'll have basically wasted your attacks. Once you've done all the damage you can with the air strikes and artillery, send your tank group in to finish the job. The mission will be complete when you take control of the aid station. ============================================================================= | | | ---------------------------- | | | | | | | 2.12) HEADQUARTERS 14 | | | | | | | ---------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- PRESTIGE POINTS: ---------------- You should have 301 Prestige Points if you've accomplished all available goals and purchased what I suggested. Keep in mind that you can only have a total of 25 units. Out of those 25, no more than 14 may be armored vehicles, no more than 8 may be transport vehicles, and no more than 8 may be artillery. ---------------- UNITS AVAILABLE: ---------------- Infantry: Riflemen...................40 Medics.....................40 Mortars....................60 Sub Machine Gunners........60 Machine Gunners............70 Tank Crew..................80 Flamethrowers..............95 Rocket Soldiers...........100 Snipers...................135 Armored Vehicles: BA 64.....................140 Gaz AA - AntiAircraft.....153 BA 12.....................180 T-26......................191 BT 7M.....................193 SU-85.....................265 T-34......................270 T-34/85...................284 ISU-152...................340 IS2.......................382 [NEW] ZIS-6 (Katyusha)..........413 Transport Vehicles: Jeep.......................21 Gaz AA - Truck.............25 ZIS - Truck................40 Gaz AA - Ammo Truck.......100 ZIS-20 - Repair Truck.....150 Artillery: ZIS-2......................58 ZIS-3......................76 M-30......................116 D-1 152mm.................126 ------------ WHAT TO BUY: ------------ Switch your Katyusha into an ISU-152. Turn your two highest experienced T-34/85s into ISU-152s, and then sell your lowest experienced T-34/85. Convert your remaining three T-34/85s into IS2s, and get a new Gaz AA - Ammo Truck and a new ZIS-20 - Repair Truck. You should have 2 prestige points left after this trip to headquarters. (Usually, I wouldn't recommend switching the T-34/85s for IS2s due to the fact that IS2s have poor machine gun capabilities. For the next mission, however, infantry will not be much of a problem, because the ISU-152s will be able to deal with them. The IS2s have MUCH better armor than the T-34/85s, so switching for them will make it much easier to minimize your loses in the next mission.) ============================================================================= | | | --------------------------- | | | | | | | 2.13) SECRET WEAPONS | | | | | | | --------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- MAIN OBJECTIVES: ---------------- 1) Take the secret weapon factory. - There are six parts to the factory, and each one is clearly identified on your map by a blue objective symbol. You must eliminate all German forces near each of these six areas to take control of the parts of the factory, thus "destroying" them. 2) Arrest the scientists in the laboratories. To do that, destroy the ventilation building. - The final building of the factory is a little to the north of the north-west blue objective symbol. It's not heavily defended, so simply advance to it and destroy it to complete the mission. These two objectives are worth 250 prestige points together. -------------------- OPTIONAL OBJECTIVES: -------------------- - None. ------------------ SECRET OBJECTIVES: ------------------ - None. ------------------- VICTORY CONDITIONS: ------------------- 1) Aleksander Vladimiriov must survive. - If he dies, you fail. Keep an eye on the vehicle he starts in, and if it takes too much damage, either fix it or send him to another vehicle. ------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES: ------------------ 2 Fighter-Bomber strikes 5 Recon Plane scouts ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Line your tanks up with your artillery behind them, and start heading east on the road. Decimate all resistance, and make your way to the bridge on the far side of the river. Eliminate the forces in front of and on the bridge, but don't cross the river yet. Instead, repair and resupply your vehicles, and then line the three artillery units up along the edge of the river south of the bridge. Line the tanks up a little ways away from the bridge, but keep them facing it to deal with anything that tries to cross. Use one of your scout planes on the opposite side of the river. As soon as it reveals some of the enemy units, your artillery will fire at them. Watch carefully, and make sure nothing gets too damaged. Continue this process until all the area on the other side of the bridge is clear, and then send your tanks and artillery to the other side. There are a couple bazooka troops and a field gun in the trees to the west, so take care of them. Once the area is secure, take control of the aid station a little north of the bridge and repair/supply your vehicles. No sense wasting parts and ammo from your own trucks when you can use the station, eh? Continue on along the road to the west. You'll encounter light resistance on the way, so just blast anything that attacks you. Watch out for the bunker on the east side of the road about half way to the west, because it has a group of bazooka troops in it. Destroy the building form a distance, and then kill the bazooka troops. Continue west, but before you enter the weapons factory area, make sure you fully repair and resupply all of your vehicles. Head north to the area near the first blue objective symbol. Start destroying all of the German units in the area. Concentrate on the rocket launcher to the north first, and then the heavy tanks and mortar troops. Once all German units in the area have been dealt with, the flag will switch from German to Russian, and you will have "destroyed" one of the six parts of the factory. Repair and resupply your vehicles. Head east along the next road. There isn't much in your way until you actually reach the next part of the factory, so don't be too concerned about that. When you reach the next part of the factory, destroy the rocket launcher first, and then the heavy tank. If the flag doesn't change switch when you've cleared out the area, check the south side of the buildings for infantry units. Sometimes a tank crew will run back there to hide. Continue north to the third blue objective symbol. Enter the area east of the building, destroy the heavy tank, and then destroy the two smaller vehicles. Get rid of all the infantry units in the area, and if the flag doesn't switch to the Russian one, you'll have to enter the large building and kill the units inside. This can be tricky to do, but if you put two of your artillery units by the entrance, and send the third one in, they should be able to handle it. Send your vehicles west underneath the large building. There's an aid station slightly north-west of the building, and that is your next objective. Take over the station, and then defend yourself from the German counter attack. Let the station repair and resupply you, and then continue up the road to the next blue objective symbol. Eliminate all of the Germans in the area, and make sure the flag switches to a Russian one. Head south-west from this area to the next part of the factory. There isn't much defending this section, so take control of it and the aid station slightly north-west of it. Once the aid station has repaired and resupplied you, head north to the final part of the factory. Take control of this last part, and you will accomplish the first goal of the mission. A new blue objective symbol will appear to the north. Make sure your vehicles are repaired, and then head towards the ventilation building. There isn't much resistance on the way, so don't be too concerned about damage. Manually target the ventilation building to destroy it, and the mission will be complete. ============================================================================= | | | ---------------------------- | | | | | | | 2.14) HEADQUARTERS 15 | | | | | | | ---------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- PRESTIGE POINTS: ---------------- You should have 252 Prestige Points if you've accomplished all available goals and purchased what I suggested. Keep in mind that you can only have a total of 25 units. Out of those 25, no more than 14 may be armored vehicles, no more than 8 may be transport vehicles, and no more than 8 may be artillery. ---------------- UNITS AVAILABLE: ---------------- Infantry: Riflemen...................40 Medics.....................40 Mortars....................60 Sub Machine Gunners........60 Machine Gunners............70 Tank Crew..................80 Flamethrowers..............95 Rocket Soldiers...........100 Snipers...................135 Armored Vehicles: BA 64.....................140 Gaz AA - AntiAircraft.....153 BA 12.....................180 T-26......................191 BT 7M.....................193 SU-85.....................265 T-34......................270 T-34/85...................284 ISU-152...................340 IS2.......................382 ZIS-6 (Katyusha)..........413 Transport Vehicles: Jeep.......................21 Gaz AA - Truck.............25 ZIS - Truck................40 Gaz AA - Ammo Truck.......100 ZIS-20 - Repair Truck.....150 Artillery: ZIS-2......................58 ZIS-3......................76 M-30......................116 D-1 152mm.................126 ------------ WHAT TO BUY: ------------ There's not much you can do with this pathetic little amount of prestige... I suggest getting four units of Mortar Infantry. You will have 12 prestige points left after this trip to headquarters. ============================================================================= | | | -------------------------------- | | | | | | | 2.15) THE SIEGE OF BERLIN | | | | | | | -------------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- MAIN OBJECTIVES: ---------------- 1) Eliminate all German troops. - Your allies will take care of the western side of the map, so all you have to worry about is the eastern half, until you get to the river. Advance north carefully, and destroy everything you can find. When you get to the other side of the river, you'll have to check the entire area, not just the eastern half. This mission will not give you any prestige points. -------------------- OPTIONAL OBJECTIVES: -------------------- - None. ------------------ SECRET OBJECTIVES: ------------------ - None. ------------------- VICTORY CONDITIONS: ------------------- 1) Aleksander Vladimiriov must survive. - If he dies, you fail. Keep an eye on the vehicle he starts in, and if it takes too much damage, either fix it or send him to another vehicle. ------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES: ------------------ 2 Paratroop drops 3 Bomber strikes 5 Fighter-Bomber strikes 3 Heavy Artillery bombardments 2 Recon Plane scouts ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ This mission is fairly simple. Your allies to the west will take care of the western half of the map, so you can concentrate on the eastern half until you get to the river. Advance north carefully, with your IS2s in front, followed by your artillery, and finally your mortar men. Clear out anything you see, and just make sure you keep your vehicles repaired and supplied. Don't worry too much about losses unless you want a perfect campaign, because your units will not carry over to the next mission. When you reach the bridge over the river, use a scout plane on the northern side of the river. Use your air strikes to eliminate anything you can, and then cross the bridge. Destroy everything on this side of the river. If the mission doesn't end, you'll have to search the southern part of the map for scattered units. Use your second scout plane to find them, and then destroy them all. ============================================================================= | | | -------------------------- | | | | | | | 2.16) THE REICHSTAG | | | | | | | -------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- MAIN OBJECTIVES: ---------------- 1) Eliminate all German troops. - This is pathetically simple thanks to the massive amount of air strikes and artillery bombardments you have, not to mention the paratroopers. Start by using your scout planes to find targets, and then use your artillery and bomber attacks to decimate anything you can find. Once the area is fairly clear, drop a bunch of paratroops with the rest of your forces and clear out any remaining forces in front of the Reichstag. This objective is worth 500 prestige points. -------------------- OPTIONAL OBJECTIVES: -------------------- - None. ------------------ SECRET OBJECTIVES: ------------------ - None. ------------------- VICTORY CONDITIONS: ------------------- 1) Aleksander Vladimiriov must survive. - If he dies, you fail. Keep an eye on the vehicle he starts in, and if it takes too much damage, either fix it or send him to another vehicle. ------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES: ------------------ 25 Paratroop drops 20 Bomber strikes 30 Fighter-Bomber strikes 30 Heavy Artillery bombardments 5 Recon Plane scouts ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ This is pathetically simple thanks to the massive amount of air strikes and artillery bombardments you have, not to mention the paratroopers. Start by using your scout planes to find targets, and then use your artillery and bomber attacks to decimate anything you can find. Once the area is fairly clear, drop a bunch of paratroops with the rest of your forces and clear out any remaining forces in front of the Reichstag. ============================================================================= | --------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | 3.00) JEFFREY S WILSON: THE WESTERN ALLIES CAMPAIGN | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------------------- | ============================================================================= ============================================================================= | | | -------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | 3.01) THE FIRST ALLIED TROOPS IN FRANCE | | | | | | | -------------------------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- MAIN OBJECTIVES: ---------------- 1) Capture the 'Euston II' (East) bridge. - Grab all your troops and cross the small stream to the east. Kill the two soldiers on the west side of the eastern bridge, and then run back to the west. Let the German troops come to you, and kill them all. If you hear the mortar troops fire, immediately move your troops before the shells land on them. Once all the other troops are killed, run towards the bridge and quickly eliminate the two groups of mortar troops. 2) Capture the 'Euston I' (West) bridge. - Cross the fence to the west of your starting point. Approach the western bridge from the south side of the bunker, and kill the two guards above it as well as the two guards that will come out of it. Eliminate the troops that cross the bridge, heal yourself, and then cross the bridge to take care of the remaining German troops. 3) Hold the western bridge at all costs. - Two Panzers are going to come down the road on the west side of the river. Two groups of bazooka troops (which you can't control) will run to the western side of the river. The northern group will easily destroy the first Panzer, but they will not live much longer after that. Have all of your troops stand right on the same spot as the second group of bazooka troops to help them live longer. Set your Riflemen squad and your Sub Machinegunner squad to throw grenades automatically (right click on the grenade icon when you have those units selected). The Panzer will come up to you, get hit a few times from the bazooka men, take a few grenades, and then try to retreat north. 4) Don't let the second tank get away. - Send all of your forces north as the tank runs. It will stop momentarily at the northern edge of the map, so have your men throw whatever grenades they have left, and hopefully the tank will be destroyed. These four objectives are worth 150 prestige points together. -------------------- OPTIONAL OBJECTIVES: -------------------- - None. ------------------ SECRET OBJECTIVES: ------------------ - None. ------------------- VICTORY CONDITIONS: ------------------- 1) James Barnes must survive. - If he dies, you fail. Keep a close eye on him throughout the mission to make sure he doesn't get killed. ------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES: ------------------ - None. ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Grab all your troops and cross the small stream to the east. Kill the two soldiers on the west side of the eastern bridge, and then run back to the west. Let the German troops come to you, and kill them all. If you hear the mortar troops fire, immediately move your troops before the shells land on them. Once all the other troops are killed, run towards the bridge and quickly eliminate the two groups of mortar troops. Make sure you heal all of your troops before heading to the western bridge. Cross the fence to the west of your starting point. Approach the western bridge from the south side of the bunker, and kill the two guards above it as well as the two guards that will come out of it. Eliminate the troops that cross the bridge, heal yourself, and then cross the bridge to take care of the remaining German troops. Stay on the bridge and heal yourself. While you're healing, select your Riflemen and your Sub Machinegunners. Both of those units have some grenades, so select each unit and right click on the grenade icon in their command bar to make them automatically throw them when appropriate. Two Panzers are going to come down the road on the west side of the river. Two groups of bazooka troops (which you can't control) will run to the western side of the river. The northern group will easily destroy the first Panzer, but they will not live much longer after that. Have all of your troops stand right on the same spot as the second group of bazooka troops to help them live longer. The Panzer will come up to you, get hit a few times from the bazooka men, take a few grenades, and then try to retreat north. Send all of your forces north as the tank runs. It will stop momentarily at the northern edge of the map, so have your men throw whatever grenades they have left, and hopefully the tank will be destroyed. This mission, in my opinion, is one of (if not the) hardest missions in the game to win without taking any losses. ============================================================================= | | | --------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | 3.02) THE FIRST LIBERATED TOWN IN FRANCE | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- MAIN OBJECTIVES: ---------------- 1) Gather your men. (5 squads) - There are five little green circles on the ground indicating the locations of the five squads. Two are a little west of your starting point, and the other three are a little west of your starting point. WILSON must get very close to each unit in order to gain control of it. 2) Neutralize the southern artillery by 0600. - The "southern artillery" is located a little north of your starting position on a small hill. Simple send your troops up there and eliminate all of the Germans manning the guns. 3) Take the small town by 0600. - The town is quite a ways to the west. It is only lightly defended, so it will not be difficult to capture it. Make sure you send troops inside the buildings to deal with the enemy units in them. There are three field guns in the town, so man all of them with your troops. Two more field guns will be sent through the town by trucks, so destroy the trucks and capture those two field guns as well. 4) The small town may by no means be captured by the enemy. - Send all of your field guns and troops to the intersection on the west side of the town slightly north-east of the aid station. Destroy the first wave of stuff that tries to make its way to the beach, and then leave these forces here to deal with the next German attack later in the mission. 5) Destroy the defensive position at the coast. - Massive amounts of infantry and tanks will be given to you along the shore. Salvage as much as you can, and get the Sherman tanks east to the aid station as fast as possible to help defend the town against the upcoming Panzer rush. Once that goal is taken care of, send all of your forces to the beach to destroy the two large German bunkers. These five objectives are worth 300 prestige points together. -------------------- OPTIONAL OBJECTIVES: -------------------- 1) Prevent German troops from reaching the coast. - After capturing the town, a small group of German forces will try to head for the beach along the road west of town. Sit all five of your field guns in the intersection slightly north-east of the aid station, and then destroy anything that tries to make it past you. This objective is worth 60 prestige points. ------------------ SECRET OBJECTIVES: ------------------ - None. ------------------- VICTORY CONDITIONS: ------------------- 1) Jeffrey S Wilson must survive. - If he dies, you fail. Keep a close eye on him throughout the mission to make sure he doesn't get killed. ------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES: ------------------ - None. ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Immediately run west to the first two green circles on the ground. Get Wilson close to each of the circles, and you will gain control of two of your infnatry groups. Now head east towards the other three green circles. Kill the Germans you encounter along the way, and then get Wilson close to each of these three circles to gain control of your other three units. Head slightly north-west and eliminate every German around the artillery emplacement to finish the second objective. Run west down the hill, deal with the Germans that come out of the jeep, and continue west to the town. Clear out the Germans from the town, including the men inside the building on the southern part. There are three field guns in the town: One to the south, one to the west, and one near the center. Take control of them all, and send them to the intersection on the west side of town, just a little north-east of the aid station. A group of Germans will try to head for the coast on this road. Eliminate them all without letting any get past you, and you will accomplish the optional objective. Use the aid station to repair/heal if you need to, and then turn your attention to the coast. You will eventually gain control over a rather large amount of infantry and tanks along the coast. Quickly group them together and head inland. Make your way to the aid station near the town, and deal with any serious threats along the way. Use the tanks and your field guns to fend off the German attack on the town. When you're sure it's been dealt with, regroup your tanks and troops to make an attack on the beach defenses. There are two large bunkers near the beach, and they both take quite a bit of work to destroy. Approach them and eliminate anything that tries to stop you. Then just sit there and hammer on each one until they are both destroyed. The one farthest to the east is better defended than the western one, so don't get overconfident if you're trying to minimize your losses. ============================================================================= | | | ---------------------------- | | | | | | | 3.03) HEADQUARTERS 16 | | | | | | | ---------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- PRESTIGE POINTS: ---------------- You should have 510 Prestige Points if you've accomplished all available goals and purchased what I suggested. Keep in mind that you can only have a total of 25 units. Out of those 25, no more than 14 may be armored vehicles, no more than 8 may be transport vehicles, and no more than 8 may be artillery. ---------------- UNITS AVAILABLE: ---------------- Infantry: Riflemen...................40 Medics.....................40 Mortars....................60 Sub Machine Gunners........60 Machine Gunners............70 Tank Crew..................80 Flamethrowers..............95 Rocket Soldiers...........100 Snipers...................135 Armored Vehicles: M2A1......................120 Humber Mk IV..............152 M7 Priest.................218 Sherman...................265 Transport Vehicles: Willys Jeep................21 Dodge WC57.................25 Bedford QL.................25 M2A1 - Truck...............40 Bedford QL - Ammo Truck...100 M2A1 - Repair Truck.......150 Artillery: 6-Pounder..................57 25-Pounder.................93 BL5.......................117 ------------ WHAT TO BUY: ------------ As always, I'm a heavy vehicle advocate. I suggest selling all of your infantry units and getting two more M7 Priests and one more Sherman. You should have 144 prestige points left after this trip to headquarters. ============================================================================= | | | --------------------------- | | | | | | | 3.04) TIGER SPOTTED! | | | | | | | --------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- MAIN OBJECTIVES: ---------------- 1) Clear out the village from the German attackers. - This isn't too hard if you have a good army. Simply work your way around the outside of the town and destroy anything you find. Resupply and repair your vehicles when it becomes necessary. There's an aid station to the south-west of the town if you get desperate (or if you let your vehicles get destroyed...). If you appear to have cleared out the town, but the objective doesn't automatically complete for you, start searching the outskirts of the town in the trees. The tank crews and scattered infantry units will run there to hide from your tanks. Some of them might even make it as far as the south side of the river. If the objective still doesn't complete for you, you'll have to search the town. Drop all of your paratroopers, and start working your way through the town systematically. German troops inside the houses won't fire at your tanks if they can't damage them. They WILL, however, fire at your paratroopers. So, walk by the houses and through the alleys, and the Germans will fire at your paratroopers. Kill whatever you find using either the paratroopers themselves or your vehicle group. 2) Destroy the Panzers east of the village. - Actually north of the village from your view, but either way, they are your next target. If you haven't done so already, head to the south-west corner of the map where the aid station is. You will find an extra repair vehicle there, as well as two more tanks for you to use. Group all of your forces together, make sure you're totally supplied and repaired, and then attack the western blue objective symbol. Destroy everything there, repair your vehicles, and do the same thing to the forces by the eastern blue objective symbol. 3) Take care of the surviving British soldiers. - You'll be given two groups of Medics near the aid station in the south-west corner of the map. Send them up to the two groups of injured British troops, completely heal them all, and you should finish the mission. These three objectives are worth 300 prestige points together. -------------------- OPTIONAL OBJECTIVES: -------------------- - None. ------------------ SECRET OBJECTIVES: ------------------ - None. ------------------- VICTORY CONDITIONS: ------------------- 1) Jeffrey S Wilson must survive. - If he dies, you fail. Keep an eye on the vehicle he starts in, and if it takes too much damage, either fix it or send him to another vehicle. ------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES: ------------------ 3 Paratroop drops 3 Bomber strikes 3 Heavy Artillery bombardments 5 Recon Plane scouts ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Group your vehicles together as fast as possible. The Germans will attack from the north side of the river very early in the mission, so be prepared to fend them off. Cross the river, and a Tiger will approach from the north-east. Destroy it as fast as possible, because its shells do a lot of damage. You'll see a nifty scene once this Tiger is destroyed. Keep your tanks repaired and supplied at all times. The town must be cleared of German units, and this will not be a very easy task. I suggest starting by making a lap or two all the way around the outside of the town, eliminating anything along the outskirts as well as anything in the buildings you can hit from the outside of the town. Once you've done that, head to the aid station in the south-west corner of the map. You'll find another repair vehicle there, so add it to your group, and make sure everything is in good condition. Now it's time to head into the middle of the town. Drive through all parts of the town, and destroy any vehicles or troops you come across. If you appear to have cleared out the town, but the objective doesn't automatically complete for you, start searching the outskirts of the town in the trees. The tank crews and scattered infantry units will run there to hide from your tanks. Some of them might even make it as far as the south side of the river. If the objective still doesn't complete for you, you'll have to search the town. Drop all of your paratroopers, and start working your way through the town systematically. German troops inside the houses won't fire at your tanks if they can't damage them. They WILL, however, fire at your paratroopers. So, walk by the houses and through the alleys, and the Germans will fire at your paratroopers. Kill whatever you find using either the paratroopers themselves or your vehicle group. Hopefully, the objective will be complete fairly soon after you try this. If not, you'll have to keep scouring the outskirts and the buildings/alleys in the town. You'll be given two additional tanks near the aid station, so add them to your group. Send your vehicles to the western blue objective symbol in the north, and prepare to fight a rather large battle against a group of German vehicles. Once you've destroyed them all, repair and resupply your vehicles. Head east to the second blue objective symbol and eliminate all resistance there as well. The last objective is to "take care" of the surviving British troops. There are two units of Medics by the aid station in the south-west, so send them north to the western group of British troops. The troops are in the trees, and can be difficult to see. Scroll around with your medics to make sure they heal all of the troops, and then do the same thing with the eastern group. You should win the mission as soon as all of the British troops are fully healed, so if you don't, keep looking for other units of British troops in the trees. ============================================================================= | | | ---------------------------- | | | | | | | 3.05) HEADQUARTERS 17 | | | | | | | ---------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- PRESTIGE POINTS: ---------------- You should have 444 Prestige Points if you've accomplished all available goals and purchased what I suggested. Keep in mind that you can only have a total of 25 units. Out of those 25, no more than 14 may be armored vehicles, no more than 8 may be transport vehicles, and no more than 8 may be artillery. ---------------- UNITS AVAILABLE: ---------------- Infantry: Riflemen...................40 Medics.....................40 Mortars....................60 Sub Machine Gunners........60 Machine Gunners............70 Tank Crew..................80 Flamethrowers..............95 Rocket Soldiers...........100 Snipers...................135 Armored Vehicles: M2A1......................120 Humber Mk IV..............152 M7 Priest.................218 Sherman...................265 Firefly...................283 [NEW] M36 Slugger...............302 [NEW] Transport Vehicles: Willys Jeep................21 Dodge WC57.................25 Bedfored QL................25 M2A1 - Truck...............40 Bedford QL - Ammo Truck...100 M2A1 - Repair Truck.......150 Artillery: Bofors 40mm................44 [NEW] 6-Pounder..................57 25-Pounder.................93 BL5.......................117 ------------ WHAT TO BUY: ------------ I suggest selling the rocket soldiers you were given, and sell the M7 Priest that has the least experience. Convert all of your remaining Shermans and M7 Priests into M26 Sluggers. Get a tank crew and seven Riflemen units. It is VERY IMPORTANT that the Riflemen are all armed with land mines, too. You should have 14 prestige points left after this trip to headquarters. ============================================================================= | | | ------------------------------ | | | | | | | 3.06) THROUGH THE BOCAGES | | | | | | | ------------------------------ | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- MAIN OBJECTIVES: ---------------- 1) Locate the five antiair guns and destroy them. - They are clearly indicated by the blue objective symbols. They are also very heavily defended. Because of that, I suggest only destroying the one in the middle of the southern side with your forces. Use your air strikes to destroy the other four, but not until you've finished your preparations for the rest of the mission. 2) Locate the positions of the German heavy artillery. - Their location will be made obvious to you. Simply group your tanks together and rush at the guns. Destroy them all, and make sure the infantry are dealt with as well. 3) Hold on while your reinforcement arrives and defeat the German attackers. - This is by far the hardest thing you've had to do in the game so far. Start by laying a minefield with your Riflemen around the road at the top of the map. Put a few on the road, and concentrate the rest of them on the east side of the road in the grass. DO NOT put any mines at the very top of the screen, or some of the German vehicles can fail to appear on the screen for you, meaning you will not be able to finish the mission. Instead, start about a tank's length south of the very top of the screen. Once the field is ready, destroy the last antiaircraft gun, and then prepare to defend the blue objective symbol area. These three objectives are worth 300 prestige points together. -------------------- OPTIONAL OBJECTIVES: -------------------- - None. ------------------ SECRET OBJECTIVES: ------------------ - None. ------------------- VICTORY CONDITIONS: ------------------- 1) Jeffrey S Wilson must survive. - If he dies, you fail. Keep an eye on the vehicle he starts in, and if it takes too much damage, either fix it or send him to another vehicle. ------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES: ------------------ 2 Paratroop drops 3 Bomber strikes 3 Fighter-Bomber strikes 3 Recon Plane scouts ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Group your tanks together and head north-west to the shallow spot in the river. Drive into the water, but don't actually go to the other side yet. Instead, destroy the antitank gun north of the river, and gun down the infantry. Then repair your tanks, and line them up in a two-wide column. If you haven't already done so, take Wilson out of the Sherman and place him in one of your high-experience M36 Sluggers. Send the column north across the river. Your target is the middle antiaircraft gun on the southern side of the area. Head slightly north-east, and then turn north-west towards the gun (the purpose is to make the broad side of your column face the gun, so more of your tanks will be able to fire at it faster). Send your column towards the gun, and immediately target it when it comes into view. Then eliminate the infantry in the area, which includes destroying the building north-east of the gun's location. Then make your repairs, and also resupply your vehicles with ammunition if necessary. Your next goal is the cluster of houses to the north. Approach them and destroy the two farthest to the east. Make sure you keep your eyes open for the rocket soldiers that will come out of the northern one on the east side. Then move to the west, and eliminate the antitank gun there as well as the infantry. Destroy the other two buildings, too. Drive around the small area of houses with your tanks and make sure none of the German soldiers are still around. Don't get too close to the next antiaircraft gun though, since it is extremely well defended. Repair your tanks again, and then send the spare tank crew you got from your last trip to headquarters north to the empty Tiger you found between the buildings. Transfer an experienced crew and Wilson into the Tiger, and then put the new crew in the vehicle that's now empty. Make sure you remember to remake your group if you've been using one. Take your tank pile (you should have nine of them now) a little north, and then head east. You don't want to go too far north near the barricades, and you don't want to stay too far south near the farthest east antiaircraft gun. Instead, pick the halfway point, and head east to the edge of the map. Then head due north to the location of the heavy artillery. Get your tanks into a tight pile, and then rush the artillery position. Destroy all of the units, and make sure you get all of the crews as well. Send your repair and ammo trucks up there to repair and resupply your vehicles. Go down to your Riflemen groups now, and start marching to your tanks. Make sure you take a safe path through the middle of the map. You can't afford to lose any of these Riflemen. Leave them where the artillery used to be once you have gotten them all up there safely. Grab your tanks again, and head west towards the paved road. There are two artillery units near the barricades, and there are three Panzers inside the edge of the small town west of the road. Make a column with your tanks again, and head west. Take out the two artillery units first, and then the three Panzers. Do this quickly, or you're likely to lose a tank or two. Clear out the infantry (including the building on the west side of the road to the north), and then make your repairs again. Now it's time to set up the minefield. Send all of your Riflemen west to the northern end of the paved road near the middle of the map. Start placing your mines about a tank's length away from the actual top of the screen, because some of the German vehicles can get stuck off-screen and cause you to fail if you place the mines at the very top. Stick a few on the road, but concentrate the majority of them in the grassy area east of the paved road. Don't place them too close together, and don't try to spread them too far to the east. Once you've placed all of your mines, send the Riflemen east to a safe spot. Now it's time to eliminate the antiaircraft guns. Rather than risk your tanks for this, I suggest using your air strikes. Use a scout plane on the gun farthest to the east. As soon as you can see it, drop a Fighter-Bomber strike on it to destroy it. Repeat that process with the two remaining guns that are farthest to the south. For the fourth gun, use one of your regular bomber strikes as close to the center of the blue objective symbol as possible, and then target the other two on the gun when it is revealed. As soon as all of the antiaircraft guns have been destroyed, a new objective will be announced. Send your tanks to the new blue objective symbol if they aren't there already, and a large group of German vehicles will approach from the direction of your minefield. Some of them will be taken out by the mines, and others will be slowed down trying to evade the damaged vehicles. Use your tanks to destroy the ones that make it through to the blue objective symbol area. When no more are approaching you, repair and resupply your tanks. Then head to the minefield, and carefully eliminate all of the vehicles stuck on it. Once all of the first-wave vehicles have been destroyed, a group of friendly units will approach from the south-west. Retreat your forces slightly south-east of the blue objective symbol area, and wait for the friendly forces to arrive. By then, the second wave of German vehicles will be making its way through the minefield. Just like before, use your tanks to destroy the entire rush, but you can also let the friendly vehicles handle some of it. Try to let them take as much of the damage as possible. Again, once all of the advancing German vehicles have been destroyed, head up to the minefield to eliminate the ones stopped there. Then retreat to a spot slightly south-east of the blue objective symbol area again to repair and resupply if necessary. A third rush of German vehicles will approach from the minefield, and this rush will be the largest of them all. Assist your allied units in the battle, and try to target the rocket launchers and repair trucks first. If you are fast and efficient, you can still win this mission without taking any casualties. If you have trouble doing it, consider restarting from before this mission, and trading in one of your Sluggers for a lot more Riflemen to increase the size of your minefield. ============================================================================= | | | ---------------------------- | | | | | | | 3.07) HEADQUARTERS 18 | | | | | | | ---------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- PRESTIGE POINTS: ---------------- You should have Prestige Points if you've accomplished all available goals and purchased what I suggested. Keep in mind that you can only have a total of 25 units. Out of those 25, no more than 14 may be armored vehicles, no more than 8 may be transport vehicles, and no more than 8 may be artillery. ---------------- UNITS AVAILABLE: ---------------- Infantry: Riflemen...................40 Medics.....................40 Mortars....................60 Sub Machine Gunners........60 Machine Gunners............70 Tank Crew..................80 Flamethrowers..............95 Rocket Soldiers...........100 Snipers...................135 Armored Vehicles: M2A1......................120 Humber Mk IV..............152 Bishop....................185 [NEW] M7 Priest.................218 Archer....................240 [NEW] Sherman...................265 Firefly...................283 M36 Slugger...............302 Transport Vehicles: Willys Jeep................21 Dodge WC57.................25 Bedfored QL................25 M2A1 - Truck...............40 Bedford QL - Ammo Truck...100 M2A1 - Repair Truck.......150 Artillery: Bofors 40mm................44 6-Pounder..................57 25-Pounder.................93 BL5.......................117 ------------ WHAT TO BUY: ------------ I suggest selling all of your Riflemen and your spare tank crew. Buy two more M36 Sluggers and another repair truck, and you should have 85 prestige points left after this trip to headquarters. ============================================================================= | | | -------------------------- | | | | | | | 3.08) ROCKET BASE V-2 | | | | | | | -------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- MAIN OBJECTIVES: ---------------- 1) Demolish the main parts of the V-2 facility, and secure the nearby area. - When you approach Barnes, he will send his men out to clear a path in the minefield. Once they're done, send your forces through the path to the other side. There are two powerful guns on the south side of the V-2 factory, so quickly destroy them first. Then manually target the three parts of the factory on the south side of the building (two missiles and a section of the actual factory). Head west, eliminate the guard tower and the gun next to it, and then send the M26 into the factory from the west. Kill the flamethrowers and rocket soldiers first, and then manually target all of the remaining parts of the factory from the inside. 2) Eliminate Michelle's capturers at the ruins and free her. - The ruins are extremely heavily guarded. Head north along the west side of the map, and then head east to a spot a little south-west of the ruins. Destroy the German rocket launcher and heavy tanks on the edge of this hill, and then retreat to make repairs. Now head all the way to the north-west side of the map, and then head due east along the top of the screen to the ruins. (If you have some air strikes left, use a scout plane on the ruins and try to target the two antiaircraft guns nearby.) Destroy EVERYTHING near the ruins. And I mean EVERYTHING. This objective is extremely touchy, and if you don't kill absolutely everything within about a full screen of the ruins, you will not complete the objective. And even worse yet... you have to go back to the V-2 facility and kill the infantry units around the building. This is a long and tedious task, especially if any of the German infantry units run for the minefield. These two objectives are worth 250 prestige points together. -------------------- OPTIONAL OBJECTIVES: -------------------- - None. ------------------ SECRET OBJECTIVES: ------------------ - None. ------------------- VICTORY CONDITIONS: ------------------- 1) Jeffrey S Wilson must survive. - If he dies, you fail. Keep an eye on the vehicle he starts in, and if it takes too much damage, either fix it or send him to another vehicle. 2) James Barnes must survive. - If he dies, you fail. You shouldn't have much trouble with this, seeing as he will leave the map after the first part of the mission. ------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES: ------------------ 4 Bomber strikes 5 Heavy Artillery bombardments 3 Recon Plane scouts ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Approach Barnes with a unit, and he will send some of his men out to clear a path in the minefield. Once the path is done, send your tanks through it. The first target you'll want to focus on is the antiaircraft gun on the south-east corner of the V-2 facility, followed by the second one on the south-west corner of the facility. Destroy them both as well as any German infantry in the area, then make repairs on any severely damaged vehicles. Head around the west side of the facility and take out the guard tower and antiaircraft gun there. Next, you'll want to line up your Sluggers along the south side of the railroad tracks. Then send the Pershing into the west entrance of the V-2 facility. Kill all of the infantry inside, and then manually target the pieces of the factory indicated by the green circles. Once you've destroyed them all and completed that part of the mission, send the Pershing back to the rest of your vehicles. A large group of German infantry will attack your line of Sluggers from the north side of the track. Most of them will be killed fairly quickly by concentrated machine gun fire from the line of tanks. The rocket soldiers, however, will be outside of your view, so you'll have to drive to them and take care of them. Make repairs and resupply if necessary. Head to the west side of the map, and start heading north through the area. Destroy the antiaircraft gun and infantry around the guard tower, and then keep heading north. Eventually, you'll want to turn north-east to approach the hill near the ruins. Destroy the German rocket launcher and heavy tanks on that hill, and then retreat to make repairs. Use your scout planes on the ruins to find the two antiaircraft guns (one on each side of the ruins), and then use your bombers and artillery on the guns when you can see them. Head all the way to the north-west corner of the map now, and then turn east towards the ruins. Demolish any and all resistance in the area. You'll have to make a very thorough sweep of the area to make sure there are no well-hidden units of German infantry. When you're sure the area is clear, head back to the west side of the map and back south to the V-2 facility. Make sure your vehicles are fully repaired and supplied. Make your way to the east side of the V-2 facility by going underneath it. There are a lot of German infantry units on the other side, and you do not want them retreating into the minefield if you can help it. Make a thorough sweep of the V-2 facility area, including inside the facility. If a unit runs from your tanks, you must hunt it down, no matter how far it goes. This perhaps the worst and most annoying part of the entire game. If you think you've gotten rid of all the German infantry units, but the mission is still not complete, you're going to have to start searching every square inch of the map for surviving German units. Good luck with that... ============================================================================= | | | ---------------------------------- | | | | | | | 3.09) OPERATION MARKET GARDEN | | | | | | | ---------------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- MAIN OBJECTIVES: ---------------- 1) Join the Allied forces and safely reach the bridge at Arnhem. - Two groups of soldiers will work their way north to the blue objective symbol. Leave your four groups of tank crewmen behind, and send the rest of your soldiers towards the group in the middle of the town. Assist them in the march towards the objective symbol. They might take an indirect path, but keep following them anyway. Eventually, they should attack an aid station area on the west side of the map. Make sure you're careful with your men during that part of the attack, because there are German flamethrower troops over there, and they can make short work of your men. DO NOT GO NEAR THE BLUE OBJECTIVE SYMBOL until you are fully prepared (which I will explain later). 2) Hold your position at the northern beachhead until reinforcements arrive. - Before you approach the blue objective symbol, head to the top-left area of the town. There are two disabled Panzers and a field gun here. Send a unit of tank crewmen into each of the tanks, and then send them down to the aid station for repairs. Take the field gun with a unit of your troops and send it to a spot slightly south of the blue objective symbol. Next, take another unit of tank crewmen all the way to the top of your screen and find the abandoned Tiger in the trees. Send it down for repairs as well. When all three of the tanks are ready, send them all (along with your soldiers and another vehicle if you were able to capture one) to the blue objective symbol. Line the tanks up facing the bridge, and be prepared to defend your position. Target the German flamethrower units first, followed by the other infantry piles. As long as you can keep from getting your vehicles overheated, this will not be too difficult. Defend against three attacks, and you will complete this objective. 3) Move all your soldiers to the riverside, and escape through the river. - Simply send all of your survivors down to the blue objective symbol on this side of the river, have them board the rafts, and then send them across the river. These three objectives are worth 300 prestige points together. -------------------- OPTIONAL OBJECTIVES: -------------------- - None. ------------------ SECRET OBJECTIVES: ------------------ - None. ------------------- VICTORY CONDITIONS: ------------------- 1) James Barnes must survive. - If he dies, you fail. Keep a close eye on him during this mission, and take him out of combat if he takes too much damage. ------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES: ------------------ 2 Bomber strikes 3 Fighter-Bomber strikes 5 Recon Plane scouts ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Leave your four tank crews behind, but select the rest of your infantry. Send them towards the group of Allied units in the town, and start helping them move towards the blue objective symbol. Follow them as they make their way through the town. Eventually, they will wind up attacking an aid station on the left side of the town. Make sure you help them out there, and take control of the aid station. Be careful of the German flamethrowers in that area, as they can make short work of your troops. Above that aid station, you will find two abandoned Panzers and a field gun. Take control of the field gun with a unit of troops, and send it to an area slightly below the blue objective symbol. Put a tank crew in each of the Panzers, and send them down to the aid station for repairs. Take another tank crew all the way to the top of the map and search the trees on the right to find an abandoned Tiger. Occupy it, and then send it down to the aid station. Make sure you don't accidentally drive through the blue objective symbol area, or you will start the next objective before you're ready. Once the Tiger is repaired, send all three of your tanks to the same spot that you sent the field gun earlier. If you managed to overheat any offensive German vehicles on the way up here, go take control of it with your fourth unit of tank crewmen, repair it at the aid station, and then add it to the pile of your forces. You should now be ready to defend against the bridge attacks, so send your vehicles, the field gun, and all of your troops to the blue objective symbol (make sure Barnes gets in the Tiger). Line the tanks up facing the bridge, stick the field gun behind them, and leave the infantry nearby. If you have any rocket troops left, send them into nearby buildings. As the Germans come over the bridge, target the flamethrowers and other infantry first. As long as you can keep your vehicles from getting overheated, it should be easy to defend against the German attacks. Be careful with your own rocket troops though: if they start firing at the Germans, they can sometimes hit your vehicles on accident, which cause major damage. If any of your vehicles take a lot of damage between attacks, send them down to the aid station quickly to repair them, and then send them right back to the bridge. After three German attacks, you will accomplish the second main objective. You'll be told to get your remaining forces to the boats on this side of the river. Simply send all of your forces down there, and then take Barnes out of the Tiger, get him in a boat, and send him across the river. ============================================================================= | | | ---------------------------- | | | | | | | 3.10) HEADQUARTERS 19 | | | | | | | ---------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- PRESTIGE POINTS: ---------------- You should have 635 Prestige Points if you've accomplished all available goals and purchased what I suggested. Keep in mind that you can only have a total of 25 units. Out of those 25, no more than 14 may be armored vehicles, no more than 8 may be transport vehicles, and no more than 8 may be artillery. ---------------- UNITS AVAILABLE: ---------------- Infantry: Riflemen...................40 Medics.....................40 Mortars....................60 Sub Machine Gunners........60 Machine Gunners............70 Tank Crew..................80 Flamethrowers..............95 Rocket Soldiers...........100 Snipers...................135 Armored Vehicles: M2A1......................120 Humber Mk IV..............152 Bishop....................185 M7 Priest.................218 Archer....................240 Sherman...................265 Firefly...................283 M36 Slugger...............302 M26 Pershing..............335 [NEW] Calliope..................440 [NEW] Transport Vehicles: Willys Jeep................21 Dodge WC57.................25 Bedfored QL................25 M2A1 - Truck...............40 Bedford QL - Ammo Truck...100 M2A1 - Repair Truck.......150 Artillery: Bofors 40mm................44 6-Pounder..................57 25-Pounder.................93 BL5.......................117 ------------ WHAT TO BUY: ------------ Upgrade all of your Sluggers to M26 Pershings, and then buy one additional Pershing. You should have 3 prestige points left after this trip to Headquarters. ============================================================================= | | | -------------------------------- | | | | | | | 3.11) BATTLE OF THE BULGE | | | | | | | -------------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- MAIN OBJECTIVES: ---------------- 1) Defend the fuel base. - Don't let too many Germans make it there, or they will overwhelm the Allied defenses. At the start of the mission, drop all five of your paratroop drops next to the two tanks on the right side of the depot. Those men and the rest of the Allied defenses should be able to handle the depot for the rest of the mission, assuming you use your tanks properly. 2) Eliminate the remaining attacking forces. - You'll have to destroy all of the German vehicles around the map, as well as the vast majority of infantry. Use your scout planes to find the stragglers, and use your Fighter-Bomber strikes on any heavy tanks you find. Then drive your Pershings around the map systematically. Keep them repaired, and it shouldn't be hard to finish the mission. These two objectives are worth 300 prestige points together. -------------------- OPTIONAL OBJECTIVES: -------------------- - None. ------------------ SECRET OBJECTIVES: ------------------ - None. ------------------- VICTORY CONDITIONS: ------------------- 1) Jeffrey S Wilson must survive. - If he dies, you fail. Keep an eye on the vehicle he starts in, and if it takes too much damage, either fix it or send him to another vehicle. ------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES: ------------------ 5 Paratroop drops 5 Bomber strikes 2 Fighter-Bomber strikes 4 Heavy Artillery bombardments 3 Recon Plane scouts ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Send all of your vehicles to the top-left area of the map. Scroll to the fuel depot and drop all five of your paratroop units near the two tanks on the right side. These forces should be able to defend the depot against the infantry groups that will attack it from this side. Huge groups of German forces will start attacking the line of Allied forces along the top of the screen. Starting in the upper-left, use your tanks to crush all German resistance along the line. Work your way all the way to the other side of the map, and then stop to make sure you are fully repaired. Then start working your way back to the left again. If you manage to destroy a certain Tiger, you'll be treated with a nice little cutscene. Once a lot of the Germans have been stopped, you will complete the first part of the mission. You'll be told to destroy the remaining German forces in the area, so make sure your tanks are fully supplied and repaired. While you're doing that, deploy your scout planes around the map to get a view of as much of it as possible. Use your Fighter-Bomber strikes to take down any heavy tanks you can catch while they're not moving. Systematically work your way around the outside of the map, and work your way in towards the middle from there. As long as you keep your tanks repaired, this is not a difficult task. Just watch out for those monster German artillery units. Then can wipe out a Pershing in two shells, so if you see one of them, target it immediately. ============================================================================= | | | ---------------------------- | | | | | | | 3.12) HEADQUARTERS 20 | | | | | | | ---------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- PRESTIGE POINTS: ---------------- You should have 303 Prestige Points if you've accomplished all available goals and purchased what I suggested. Keep in mind that you can only have a total of 25 units. Out of those 25, no more than 14 may be armored vehicles, no more than 8 may be transport vehicles, and no more than 8 may be artillery. ---------------- UNITS AVAILABLE: ---------------- Infantry: Riflemen...................40 Medics.....................40 Mortars....................60 Sub Machine Gunners........60 Machine Gunners............70 Tank Crew..................80 Flamethrowers..............95 Rocket Soldiers...........100 Snipers...................135 Armored Vehicles: M2A1......................120 Humber Mk IV..............152 Bishop....................185 M7 Priest.................218 Archer....................240 Sherman...................265 Firefly...................283 M36 Slugger...............302 M26 Pershing..............335 Calliope..................440 Transport Vehicles: Willys Jeep................21 Dodge WC57.................25 Bedfored QL................25 M2A1 - Truck...............40 Bedford QL - Ammo Truck...100 M2A1 - Repair Truck.......150 Artillery: Bofors 40mm................44 6-Pounder..................57 25-Pounder.................93 BL5.......................117 ------------ WHAT TO BUY: ------------ I suggest getting two extra repair trucks. You're certainly going to need to be able to repair your tanks quickly in this next mission... You should have 3 prestige points left after this trip to Headquarters. ============================================================================= | | | ------------------------------------------------ | | | | | | | 3.13) ACTION THAT MERITS THE MEDAL OF HONOR | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------ | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- MAIN OBJECTIVES: ---------------- 1) Hold off the German attack. - Immediately send your Pershings towards Wilson and his Slugger. The German attack is fairly easy to defeat. There are a couple Tigers and some infantry, and that's about it. Once you defeat the attack and clear the area around the Slugger, Wilson will jump out of it. Stick him in one of your Pershings. 2) Start a counter-attack and take the woods in the east. - The forest is extremely well defended. Start attacking it from above, and make quick strikes farther and farther down the map, repairing your tanks between attacks. Once you eliminate every single German vehicle and infantry unit, this objective will be complete. These two objectives are worth 300 prestige points together. -------------------- OPTIONAL OBJECTIVES: -------------------- - None. ------------------ SECRET OBJECTIVES: ------------------ 1) Take the village in the south. - The village isn't hard to find. It's directly above Wilson's Slugger. Work your way around the town, starting at the bottom-left corner, and eliminate all German units from the area. Be very careful when dealing with rocket troops, as they can destroy your tanks incredibly easily. Once every single German unit has been cleared out of the town, you will complete this objective. This objective is worth 40 prestige points. ------------------- VICTORY CONDITIONS: ------------------- 1) Jeffrey S Wilson must survive. - If he dies, you fail. Once you get the area around the Slugger secured, Wilson will jump out of it. Stick him in one of your Pershings after that. ------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES: ------------------ 3 Paratroop drops 3 Fighter-Bomber strikes 2 Heavy Artillery bombardments 4 Recon Plane scouts ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Send your Pershings towards Wilson and his Slugger. Take care of the two Tiger tanks first, and then clear out the infantry units. Once the area is secure, send all of your vehicles to Wilson's Slugger, and he should jump out of it. Stick him in a Pershing, and then turn towards the town above your current position. Starting at the lower-left corner of the town, work your way around it, destroying all German resistance. Make sure you keep your tanks repaired. Those groups of rocket soldiers can cause a lot of damage in a short period of time. Once every German unit has been removed from the town, the secret objective will be complete. Make sure you are fully supplied and repaired, and head above the blue mission objective symbol that's in the forest. Start making fast raids into the forest, destroying a few units at a time, and then retreating to make repairs. Continue these raids all the way through the area to the bottom of the screen. Every German unit must be eliminated from the forest area before the second mission objective will be complete. ============================================================================= | | | --------------------------- | | | | | | | 3.14) HUNTING A CONVOY | | | | | | | --------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= ---------------- MAIN OBJECTIVES: ---------------- 1) Take the town in the valley. - The town is completely void of German forces. Approach it from the road you start on, and stop when you get to the intersection of roads near the bottom right corner of the town. Put your machine gun soldiers into the building on the left (just barely south of the flag pole), and stick the rocket troops in a building on the right side of that street (directly across from the flag pole). Then send your submachine gunners and Wilson to the flagpole to trigger the next objective. 2) Hold off the attack. - A small group of German soldiers will approach from above the flag pole. Retreat your submachine gunners and Wilson to a spot between your two occupied buildings, and then use all of your troops to slaughter the German soldiers. 3) Capture the trailers (5) packed with treasures and bring them back to the church ruins. - You will receive some reinforcements on the road near where you started the mission. Send them all up to the spot you're already defending. Place the two Sluggers between your two occupied buildings, with the two field guns and repair truck directly below them. Unload the soldiers from your other vehicles, and send the second set of rocket soldiers into another building above the one your first set is in. Don't forget to take the medics out of the big truck: They can be quite useful to help defend your field guns. Simply blast everything that comes your way. The German will bring one of those huge Sturmmorser artillery units with them along with another Tiger during the last attack. Use your Fighter-Bomber strike on the Sturmmorser, and then target it with everything you have. Once all of the Germans have been eliminated, you can start moving the five carts to the church ruins near where you started the mission. All five of them must be within the walls of the ruins, and they all must be unhitched from any vehicles. Additionally, you need to have an infantry unit inspect each cart, and it needs to be a different unit for each cart. Three of the carts will cause Wilson to make a comment, and that's the only way I've been able to find to make the comments occur every time. 4) Take the Eagle's Nest. - A single Panzer and a unit of machine gun troops are guarding the entrance to the Nest. Eliminate them, and then gather all of your remaining infantry units together next to the tunnel. Group them all in one group and send them through the tunnel. They will kill the guards by the entrance of the Nest, and you will complete this mission (as well as the campaign). These four objectives are worth 500 prestige points together. -------------------- OPTIONAL OBJECTIVES: -------------------- 1) [???] - [???] This objective is worth [??] prestige points. [NOTE: I have no idea what the optional objective is, and I've played this mission over and over again just trying to find it. If you can help me out, please contact me at http://thebrink.us/boards .] ------------------ SECRET OBJECTIVES: ------------------ - None. ------------------- VICTORY CONDITIONS: ------------------- 1) Jeffrey S Wilson must survive. - If he dies, you fail. Stick him in one of your Sluggers as soon as you get the chance. ------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES: ------------------ - None. ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ The town is completely void of German units, so don't bother being careful when you approach it. Head along the road you started on, and stop when you reach the intersection on the lower-right corner of the town. Take all of your soldiers out of the jeeps. Stick the machine gunners in the house on the left side of the road, just barely below the flag pole. Stick the rocket troops in the house directly across from that one, on the right side of the road. Then approach the flag pole with Wilson and your submachine gunners to start the next objective. Retreat Wilson and your submachine gunners to a spot between your two occupied buildings. A small group of German soldiers is going to approach from above the flag pole, so let your soldiers in the buildings start firing at them, and then send Wilson and the submachine gunners in to help. After you eliminate all of the Germans in that rush, you will receive reinforcements from the road near where you started the mission. Send them all to the spot between your two occupied buildings as quickly as possible. Put the Sluggers first (and put Wilson in one of them), then deploy the two field guns below them. Have the repair truck sit behind the Sluggers, and send the second group of rocket soldiers to a house above the one where you have your first group of rocket soldiers. Don't forget to take the medics out of the large truck, since they can be very useful in defending your field guns. Several attacks will come from above the flag pole. Destroy everything, and try to stay completely repaired. Don't worry about moving the carts until all five of them have been stopped. The Germans will send a Sturmmorser and a Tiger with the last cart. Use the Fighter-Bomber strike on the Sturmmorser, and then quickly finish destroying it with the rest of your forces. Once the area is clear, start using infantry units to move each of the five carts. Three of the five carts will cause Wilson to say something when you grab them with an infantry unit, but you must use a different infantry unit on each one of the carts for it to work. Once you've gotten three different treasure descriptions from Wilson, you can use your trucks/jeeps to haul the carts down to the church ruins. Once all five of them are within the walls of the ruins and unhitched from any vehicles, that objective will be complete. All that's left is to take control of the Eagle's Nest. A single Panzer and a unit of machine gun soldiers are the only things that stand in your way. Crush them, and then pile all of your remaining infantry next to the entrance of the Nest. Send them through when you're ready, and they will easily kill the units guarding the other side of the tunnel. You'll win the mission after that, as well as the campaign. ============================================================================= | -------------------------- | | | | | | | 4.00) UNIT LIST | | | | | | | -------------------------- | ============================================================================= ============================================================================= | | | -------------------------- | | | | | | | 4.01) UNIT LIST KEY | | | | | | | -------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= - In the following sections, I will list information about the various units you can control in Codename: Panzers. The main aspects I will be focusing on are the following: --------- PRESTIGE: --------- - This is the amount of Prestige Points needed to purchase the unit. ------- HEALTH: ------- - This represents how much damage the unit can take before it is killed or destroyed. ----- AMMO: ----- - This represents the number of times the unit can fire its weaponry before it must reload. An "N/A" is listed for all units that have no ammo restrictions. ------ SPEED: ------ - This represents how fast the unit can move relative to other units. Infantry have a speed rating of Zero, even though they are actually quite fast compared to many vehicles. For vehicles, a higher speed number means a faster relative speed. ------- DAMAGE: ------- - This represents the unit's ability to damage targets. The higher the number, the more damage each hit from the unit will do to its target. It should be noted that not all weapons can damage all units, though. For example, rifle bullets will not damage a tank, and antitank soldiers can't fire at other infantry. Some of the damage types I will be listing are: I) AntiTank. This just means that the weapon is a shell, and will be more effective against vehicles than infantry. II) High Explosive. This means that the shells will knock down trees, destroy houses easier, and be more effective against infantry than antitank shells. Don't be fooled, though; they are still very effective against vehicles. III) Bullet. This means that the weapon is only effective against infantry or vehicles with no armor. ------ ARMOR: ------ - Heavy vehicles and some other vehicles have armor plating on one or more sides. The more armor, the more difficult it is to damage that unit. I will be using a symbol like this to show the ratings of armored units: 60 ---- | | 40| |40 | | ---- 30 The top value represents the armor on the front of the vehicle, which tends to be the thickest. The sides are the two 40's, and the rear of the vehicle is expressed by the 30 value. Pretty straight-forward. --------- CAPACITY: --------- - This will be used for all units that can hold troops, supplies, or tow field guns. ------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES: ------------------ - This mostly pertains to the special items infantry units can wield, such as mines and Molotovs. Other unit-specific abilities will be noted here when appropriate. ------ NOTES: ------ - General notes about what the unit can do, as well as my personal comments on the value and usefullness of the unit. ============================================================================= | --------------------------- | | | | | | | 4.10) GERMAN UNITS | | | | | | | --------------------------- | ============================================================================= ============================================================================= | | | -------------------------------------- | | | | | | | 4.11) GERMAN UNITS - INFANTRY | | | | | | | -------------------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= NOTE: Infantry can be used to man field guns and occupy buildings, among other things. Only the Rocket Soldiers and Snipers are particularly valuable in my opinion, but if you can find good uses for them that outweigh the benefit of getting an armored vehicle, then by all means, knock yourself out. --------- Riflemen: --------- Prestige 40 Health 500 Ammo N/A Speed 0 Damage 5 Special Abilities: Grenade, Molotov Cocktail, Magnetic Mine, Explosives, Tank Mine, Binoculars, Boat, and Mine Detector. NOTES: Basic infantry units. In large groups, they can do some serious damage to other infantry, and if properly equipped, they can be a nuisance to tanks and other vehicles. They can enter buildings, empty vehicles, and can man field guns. Very easy to kill, so I consider them to be an unwise waste of Prestige Points. ------- Medics: ------- Prestige 40 Health 300 Ammo N/A Speed 0 Damage 5 Special Abilities: Grenade, Molotov Cocktail, and Boat. NOTES: These can be used to heal other infantry units. If they are injured, they will heal any other nearby damaged units first, and then they will heal themselves (slowly). ------------------ AntiTank Riflemen: ------------------ Prestige 46 Health 200 Ammo N/A Speed 0 Damage 22 Special Abilities: Grenade, Molotov Cocktail, Explosives, Tank Mine, Binoculars, Boat, and Mine Detector. NOTES: These infantry units are armed with powerful rifles that will damage the armor on vehicles. In large groups, they can be devastating. These units can't fire at other infantry, however, which makes them sitting ducks at times. -------- Mortars: -------- Prestige 60 Health 200 Ammo N/A Speed 0 Damage 55 Special Abilities: Grenade, Molotov Cocktail, Tank Mine, Binoculars, and Boat. NOTES: These are very effective against both vehicles and infantry. They have a fairly slow rate of fire though, and they have trouble damaging moving targets at times. ------------------- Submachine Gunners: ------------------- Prestige 60 Health 625 Ammo N/A Speed 0 Damage 6 Special Abilities: Grenade, Molotov Cocktail, Magnetic Mine, Explosives, Tank Mine, Binoculars, Boat, and Mine Detector. NOTES: Much more effective against infantry than Riflemen are. Like Riflemen, these units are great for manning field guns, clearing out buildings, and so forth. ---------------- Machine Gunners: ---------------- Prestige 70 Health 200 Ammo N/A Speed 0 Damage 8 Special Abilities: Grenade, Molotov Cocktail, Explosives, Tank Mine, Binoculars, Boat, and Mine Detector. NOTES: Very effective against infantry, but they also die fairly easily. They are great for clearing out occupied buildings, and they're also great for setting up ambushes inside buildings. ---------- Tank Crew: ---------- Prestige 80 Health 400 Ammo N/A Speed 0 Damage 4 Special Abilities: Can control a tank. NOTES: When they're out in the open, these function like a weaker version of Submachine Gunners. The benefit of these units is that they can be used to take control of a tank. When one of your tanks is destroyed, the crew will often jump out, which allows you to retain the experience of the crew if you're lucky. -------------- Flamethrowers: -------------- Prestige 95 Health 360 Ammo N/A Speed 0 Damage 60 Special Abilities: Grenade, Molotov Cocktail, and Boat. NOTES: Very lethal against infantry, especially if you can surprise them. These can also be devastating to vehicles, especially if the vehicle doesn't have any machine guns. When Flamethrower units cause a vehicle to get too hot, the crew of the vehicle must abandon it, and you are then able to steal the vehicle once it cools down. ---------------- Rocket Soldiers: ---------------- Prestige 100 Health 200 Ammo N/A Speed 0 Damage 50 Special Abilities: Grenade, Molotov Cocktail, Tank Mine, Binoculars, and Boat. NOTES: Extremely effective against vehicles, especially vehicles that are not moving. A few units of these in a forest or town can really decimate a tank force if used properly. -------- Snipers: -------- Prestige 145 Health 200 Ammo N/A Speed 0 Damage 80 Special Abilities: Grenade, Molotov Cocktail, Explosives, Binoculars, and Boat. NOTES: Rather slow rate of fire, but they can still cause quite a bit of trouble to enemy infantry forces. They also have a pretty nice visual range. ============================================================================= | | | ---------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | 4.12) GERMAN UNITS - ARMORED VEHICLES | | | | | | | ---------------------------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= NOTE: All units in this section come with a Tank Crew when you buy the unit, and they will need a crew at all times to function properly. If you take the crew out and get some of it killed, the crew may not be able to use the vehicle properly anymore. For example, most medium and heavy tanks have four spots for crewmen: A driver, a main gun, and two machine guns. If the crew were to drop down to two men, you would not be able to use your machine guns. If you have a crew with only one man, all you'll be able to do is drive. ---------------------- PANZER I - Light Tank: ---------------------- 13 Prestige 118 ---- Health 400 | | Ammo N/A 13| |13 Speed 16 | | Damage 8 (Bullet) ---- Damage 8 (Bullet) 13 NOTES: This is just a machine gun tank. It's very effective against infantry, but it is completely helpless against armored vehicles. Since most large tanks have machine guns mounted on them anyway, these are pretty much useless. ------------------ SDKFZ 223 - Recon: ------------------ 8 Prestige 140 --- Health 400 | | Ammo N/A 8| |8 Speed 22 | | Damage 8 (Bullet) --- 5 NOTES: This is just a fast vehicle with a single machine gun mounted on it. It's very effective against infantry, but it is defenseless against armored vehicles. Again, I find these to be a waste of prestige in almost all cases. ----------------------- PANZER II - Light Tank: ----------------------- 32 Prestige 141 ---- Health 400 | | Ammo 180 20| |20 Speed 16 | | Damage 10 (AntiTank) ---- Damage 8 (Bullet) 15 NOTES: This is the first tank you'll have access to with Germany that has a main gun to use against other tanks. They are very weak later on in the game, so trade them in as soon as possible. ---------------------------------------- SDKFZ 10/4 - Self-Propelled Air Defense: ---------------------------------------- 5 Prestige 160 --- Health 300 | | Ammo 300 5| |5 Speed 16 | | Damage 20 (AntiTank) --- 5 NOTES: Mobile antiair vehicle that can also fire at ground targets. This vehicle cannot hold troops or tow field guns. --------------------------- PANZER III F - Medium Tank: --------------------------- 30 Prestige 186 ---- Health 400 | | Ammo 131 30| |30 Speed 13 | | Damage 37 (AntiTank) ---- Damage 8 (Bullet) 21 Damage 8 (Bullet) NOTES: A tank with dual mounted machine guns. It's nice when you first get to use it, but like a lot of the units in this game, it quickly becomes obsolete. --------------------------------- WESPE - Self-Propelled Artillery: --------------------------------- 25 Prestige 196 ---- Health 350 | | Ammo 42 15| |15 Speed 13 | | Damage 105 (High Explosive) ---- 12 NOTES: A self-propelled artillery unit. The shells are very effective against buildings, infantry, and vehicles of pretty much all types. -------------------------------------------------------- JAGDPANZER 38(T) "HETZER" - Self-Propelled AntiTank Gun: -------------------------------------------------------- 60 Prestige 218 ---- Health 400 | | Ammo 40 20| |20 Speed 13 | | Damage 65 (AntiTank) ---- Damage 8 (Bullet) 20 NOTES: It's lack of dual machine guns will almost certainly lead to its unfortunate demise during most missions. Against computer opponents, infantry are a bigger threat than tanks, so I recommend a Panzer IV instead of these. ----------------------------------- BISON I - Self-Propelled Artillery: ----------------------------------- 13 Prestige 239 ---- Health 350 | | Ammo 30 13| |13 Speed 10 | | Damage 150 (High Explosive) ---- 13 NOTES: Very effective against pretty much all targets. Its total lack of machine guns will hamper its performance, but if you can manage to keep them behind your tanks, these will aid you with eliminating those pesky infantry groups a lot faster. ---------------------------------------- MARDER II - Self-Propelled AntiTank Gun: ---------------------------------------- 35 Prestige 241 ---- Health 350 | | Ammo 50 15| |15 Speed 16 | | Damage 75 (AntiTank) ---- 10 NOTES: It's total lack of machine guns and low attack power make it an inexcusable waste of prestige. -------------------------- PANZER IV D - Medium Tank: -------------------------- 30 Prestige 242 ---- Health 400 | | Ammo 80 20| |20 Speed 13 | | Damage 65 (AntiTank) ---- Damage 8 (Bullet) 20 Damage 8 (Bullet) NOTES: A step up from the Panzer III F. These are fairly good tanks, and will provide the base of your core army during the German campaign (until you upgrade them all to Panzer IV F2's). ----------------------------------------- STUG III-F - Self-Propelled AntiTank Gun: ----------------------------------------- 50 Prestige 251 ---- Health 350 | | Ammo 44 50| |50 Speed 13 | | Damage 75 (AntiTank) ---- 30 NOTES: These would be a lot better if they had machine guns... Since they don't, they are basically useless. They do have better armor than a Panzer IV though, so they can be useful for absorbing large amounts of enemy fire during combat. --------------------------- PANZER IV F2 - Medium Tank: --------------------------- 60 Prestige 265 ---- Health 400 | | Ammo 100 30| |30 Speed 13 | | Damage 75 (AntiTank) ---- Damage 8 (Bullet) 20 Damage 8 (Bullet) NOTES: Higher main gun attack power and double the forward armor compared to the Panzer IV D. Once you can upgrade to these, do so. They will be the main element of your core during the German campaign. ------------------------------------------ JAGDPANTHER - Self-Propelled AntiTank Gun: ------------------------------------------ 100 Prestige 279 ----- Health 400 | | Ammo 60 65| |65 Speed 10 | | Damage 88 (AntiTank) ----- Damage 8 (Bullet) 40 NOTES: Better main gun and armor than the Panzer IV F2, but only half of the machine gun strength. Still, I'd go with the Jagdpanther if I had the choice. Unfortunately, these are not available to you during the German campaign. ----------------------- PANTHER A - Heavy Tank: ----------------------- 70 Prestige 288 ---- Health 400 | | Ammo 79 50| |50 Speed 10 | | Damage 75 (AntiTank) ---- Damage 8 (Bullet) 40 Damage 8 (Bullet) NOTES: Better than a Panzer IV F2 in terms of armor, but unfortunately, this is yet another unit that is not available to you during the German campaign. ------------------- TIGER - Heavy Tank: ------------------- 102 Prestige 325 ----- Health 400 | | Ammo 92 72| |72 Speed 10 | | Damage 88 (AntiTank) ----- Damage 8 (Bullet) 82 Damage 8 (Bullet) NOTES: A very powerful tank. Its heavy armor can withstand a massive beating, and it's firepower makes it a formidable threat. Aside from the one Grobel starts in during a few of the last missions, these are not available to you during the German campaign. ------------------------ KING TIGER - Heavy Tank: ------------------------ 125 Prestige 338 ----- Health 400 | | Ammo 60 80| |80 Speed 10 | | Damage 88 (AntiTank) ----- Damage 8 (Bullet) 80 Damage 8 (Bullet) NOTES: Extremely powerful tank. The armor allows it to take an insane amount of damage before being destroyed. The small ammo supply can be annoying, but as long as you have an ammo truck nearby, it will not be an issue. These are also not available to you in the German campaign... ---------------------------------------- PANZERWERFER - Self-Propelled Artillery: ---------------------------------------- 8 Prestige 388 --- Health 350 | | Ammo 20 8| |8 Speed 13 | | Damage 150 (High Explosive) --- 8 NOTES: A rocket launcher. Absolutely devastating, too. If you can keep them behind a line of good tanks, they are invaluable in combat. The low ammo supply is a nuisance, but it's pretty much a necessity to help scale back how much damage you can do with them. ---------------------------------------------------- STURMTIGER (STURMMORSER) - Self-Propelled Artillery: ---------------------------------------------------- 125 Prestige 532 ----- Health 350 | | Ammo 29 70| |70 Speed 10 | | Damage 380 (High Explosive) ----- Damage 8 (Bullet) 80 NOTES: No, that main gun damage is not a typo. After you encounter one of these in an Allied mission, you'll know why it costs so much Prestige. Two shells from one of these things can totally destroy a perfectly repaired Pershing heavy tank. They also have an insane amount of armor. Fortunately for Allied players, Sturmtigers have a painfully slow rate of fire. Still, a group of two or three of these things aided by some support vehicles would be absolutely devastating to anything they attacked or defended against. ============================================================================= | | | ------------------------------------------------ | | | | | | | 4.13) GERMAN UNITS - TRANSPORT VEHICLES | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------ | | | ============================================================================= NOTE: All of the vehicles in this section are either empty or have an irremovable driver when you buy them. You do not need a tank crew to operate them, but some of them do require some form of infantry unit before they are very useful to you. ------------------- KUBELWAGEN - Recon: ------------------- 0 Prestige 24 --- Health 200 | | Ammo N/A 0| |0 Speed 25 | | --- 0 Capacity: One infantry unit of any size. NOTES: This is just a normal car. It starts totally empty, so you will need to put an infantry unit in it before it can be useful to you. They can't tow anything, and they have no offensive abilities whatsoever, so these are utterly useless in my view. -------------- KRUPP - Truck: -------------- 0 Prestige 25 --- Health 200 | | Ammo N/A 0| |0 Speed 22 | | --- 0 Capacity: Two infantry units of any size. NOTES: No offensive capabilities. They can tow field guns and other tow-able items, and they come with a driver that cannot be removed. ----------------- SDKFZ 10 - Truck: ----------------- 5 Prestige 40 --- Health 300 | | Ammo N/A 5| |5 Speed 22 | | --- 5 Capacity: Two infantry units of any size. NOTES: No offensive capabilities. They can tow field guns and other tow-able items, and they come with a driver that cannot be removed. The difference between these and Krupp trucks is the armor, which makes the SdKfz 10 able to resist damage from small weapons. -------------------- SDKFZ 250/1 - Truck: -------------------- 12 Prestige 48 ---- Health 400 | | Ammo N/A 8| |8 Speed 22 | | Damage 8 (Bullet) ---- 8 Capacity: One infantry unit of any size. NOTES: Comes with an irremovable driver, and can tow things. It has a machine gun, but it will not be usable until you put an infantry unit into the vehicle. ------------------- KRUPP - Ammo Truck: ------------------- 0 Prestige 100 --- Health 200 | | Ammo N/A 0| |0 Speed 22 | | --- 0 Capacity: 5000 ammo units. These will be expended as you resupply ammo to a vehicle, and the only way to refill them is by sitting the truck next to an aid station. They refill VERY slowly, however, so that's really not a practical option. NOTES: These are used to give more ammo to your vehicles during combat. Depending on what units you're using, you might need to use these frequently, or you might be able to get by with a few uses per mission. ------------------------ SDKFZ 11 - Repair Truck: ------------------------ 5 Prestige 150 --- Health 300 | | Ammo N/A 5| |5 Speed 22 | | --- 5 Capacity: 5000 repair units. These will be expended as you make repairs to a vehicle, and the only way to refill them is by sitting the truck next to an aid station. They refill VERY slowly, however, so that's really not a practical option. NOTES: Arguably the most valuable component of your army. These are used to make repairs on all types of vehicles, even allied vehicles that are not under your control. ============================================================================= | | | --------------------------------------- | | | | | | | 4.14) GERMAN UNITS - ARTILLERY | | | | | | | --------------------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= NOTE: All of the following units require an infantry unit to operate them. Infantry units can slowly move most of these units, but only if there are at least two men in the unit being used. All of them can be towed by a unit with towing ability. --------------------------- PAK 36 37mm - AntiTank Gun: --------------------------- 20 Prestige 38 ---- Health 200 | | Ammo 50 0| |0 Speed 6 | | Damage 37 (AntiTank) ---- 0 NOTES: You must man field guns with an infantry unit, which makes them a tad vulnerable to enemy fire. They have almost no armor, a slow rate of fire, and most of them are not very powerful. Not a particularly good investment in most cases, but if you can manage to find an abandoned one in a mission, you might as well take it. --------------------------- PAK 38 50mm - AntiTank Gun: --------------------------- 20 Prestige 52 ---- Health 200 | | Ammo 50 0| |0 Speed 4.5 | | Damage 51 (AntiTank) ---- 0 NOTES: You must man field guns with an infantry unit, which makes them a tad vulnerable to enemy fire. They have almost no armor, a slow rate of fire, and most of them are not very powerful. Not a particularly good investment in most cases, but if you can manage to find an abandoned one in a mission, you might as well take it. ---------------------------- FLAK 88mm - Air Defense Gun: ---------------------------- 0 Prestige 93 --- Health 350 | | Ammo 100 0| |0 Speed N/A | | Damage 86 (AntiTank) --- 0 NOTES: These things can be devastating if you can manage to set a few of them up in a good defensive position. They can hit ground and air targets, and they have a fairly fast fire rate. The problem is, even infantry can't move these on their own. You must have a vehicle tow them everywhere. --------------------------- LEFH 18 - Medium Artillery: --------------------------- 30 Prestige 103 ---- Health 200 | | Ammo 45 0| |0 Speed 3.5 | | Damage 105 (High Explosive) ---- 0 NOTES: These do a fair amount of damage, but since they are a field gun type unit, they still require too much work to use them efficiently. ------------------------- SIG 33 - Heavy Artillery: ------------------------- 30 Prestige 113 ---- Health 200 | | Ammo 30 0| |0 Speed 3.5 | | Damage 150 (High Explosive) ---- 0 NOTES: These do extreme damage, but the fact that they're field guns really detracts from their potential. ============================================================================= | --------------------------- | | | | | | | 4.20) SOVIET UNITS | | | | | | | --------------------------- | ============================================================================= ============================================================================= | | | -------------------------------------- | | | | | | | 4.21) SOVIET UNITS - INFANTRY | | | | | | | -------------------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= NOTE: Infantry can be used to man field guns and occupy buildings, among other things. Only the Rocket Soldiers and Snipers are particularly valuable in my opinion, but if you can find good uses for them that outweigh the benefit of getting an armored vehicle, then by all means, knock yourself out. --------- Riflemen: --------- Prestige 40 Health 500 Ammo N/A Speed 0 Damage 5 Special Abilities: Grenade, Molotov Cocktail, Magnetic Mine, Explosives, Tank Mine, Binoculars, Boat, and Mine Detector. NOTES: Basic infantry units. In large groups, they can do some serious damage to other infantry, and if properly equipped, they can be a nuisance to tanks and other vehicles. They can enter buildings, empty vehicles, and can man field guns. Very easy to kill, so I consider them to be an unwise waste of Prestige Points. ------- Medics: ------- Prestige 40 Health 300 Ammo N/A Speed 0 Damage 5 Special Abilities: Grenade, Molotov Cocktail, and Boat. NOTES: These can be used to heal other infantry units. If they are injured, they will heal any other nearby damaged units first, and then they will heal themselves (slowly). ------------------ AntiTank Riflemen: ------------------ Prestige 46 Health 200 Ammo N/A Speed 0 Damage 22 Special Abilities: Grenade, Molotov Cocktail, Explosives, Tank Mine, Binoculars, Boat, and Mine Detector. NOTES: These infantry units are armed with powerful rifles that will damage the armor on vehicles. In large groups, they can be devastating. These units can't fire at other infantry, however, which makes them sitting ducks at times. -------- Mortars: -------- Prestige 60 Health 200 Ammo N/A Speed 0 Damage 55 Special Abilities: Grenade, Molotov Cocktail, Tank Mine, Binoculars, and Boat. NOTES: These are very effective against both vehicles and infantry. They have a fairly slow rate of fire though, and they have trouble damaging moving targets at times. ------------------- Submachine Gunners: ------------------- Prestige 60 Health 625 Ammo N/A Speed 0 Damage 6 Special Abilities: Grenade, Molotov Cocktail, Magnetic Mine, Explosives, Tank Mine, Binoculars, Boat, and Mine Detector. NOTES: Much more effective against infantry than Riflemen are. Like Riflemen, these units are great for manning field guns, clearing out buildings, and so forth. ---------------- Machine Gunners: ---------------- Prestige 70 Health 200 Ammo N/A Speed 0 Damage 8 Special Abilities: Grenade, Molotov Cocktail, Explosives, Tank Mine, Binoculars, Boat, and Mine Detector. NOTES: Very effective against infantry, but they also die fairly easily. They are great for clearing out occupied buildings, and they're also great for setting up ambushes inside buildings. ---------- Tank Crew: ---------- Prestige 80 Health 400 Ammo N/A Speed 0 Damage 4 Special Abilities: Can control a tank. NOTES: When they're out in the open, these function like a weaker version of Submachine Gunners. The benefit of these units is that they can be used to take control of a tank. When one of your tanks is destroyed, the crew will often jump out, which allows you to retain the experience of the crew if you're lucky. -------------- Flamethrowers: -------------- Prestige 95 Health 360 Ammo N/A Speed 0 Damage 60 Special Abilities: Grenade, Molotov Cocktail, and Boat. NOTES: Very lethal against infantry, especially if you can surprise them. These can also be devastating to vehicles, especially if the vehicle doesn't have any machine guns. When Flamethrower units cause a vehicle to get too hot, the crew of the vehicle must abandon it, and you are then able to steal the vehicle once it cools down. ---------------- Rocket Soldiers: ---------------- Prestige 100 Health 200 Ammo N/A Speed 0 Damage 50 Special Abilities: Grenade, Molotov Cocktail, Tank Mine, Binoculars, and Boat. NOTES: Extremely effective against vehicles, especially vehicles that are not moving. A few units of these in a forest or town can really decimate a tank force if used properly. -------- Snipers: -------- Prestige 145 Health 200 Ammo N/A Speed 0 Damage 80 Special Abilities: Grenade, Molotov Cocktail, Explosives, Binoculars, and Boat. NOTES: Rather slow rate of fire, but they can still cause quite a bit of trouble to enemy infantry forces. They also have a pretty nice visual range. ============================================================================= | | | ---------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | 4.22) SOVIET UNITS - ARMORED VEHICLES | | | | | | | ---------------------------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= NOTE: All units in this section come with a Tank Crew when you buy the unit, and they will need a crew at all times to function properly. If you take the crew out and get some of it killed, the crew may not be able to use the vehicle properly anymore. For example, most medium and heavy tanks have four spots for crewmen: A driver, a main gun, and two machine guns. If the crew were to drop down to two men, you would not be able to use your machine guns. If you have a crew with only one man, all you'll be able to do is drive. -------------- BA 64 - Recon: -------------- 13 Prestige 140 ---- Health 400 | | Ammo N/A 12| |12 Speed 22 | | Damage 8 (Bullet) ---- 9 NOTES: Just a basic machine gun vehicle. It's fast and has some armor, but it will most likely be pretty useless to you most of the time. --------------------- GAZ AA - Air Defense: --------------------- 0 Prestige 153 --- Health 200 | | Ammo N/A 0| |0 Speed 22 | | Damage 16 (Bullet) --- 0 NOTES: Mobile antiaircraft defense. Not much point in trying to defend yourself from air attacks though, so I don't recommend spending your prestige on these. -------------- BA 12 - Recon: -------------- 15 Prestige 180 ---- Health 400 | | Ammo 100 13| |13 Speed 16 | | Damage 45 (AntiTank) ---- Damage 8 (Bullet) 12 Damage 8 (Bullet) NOTES: Basically, it's a light tank. The only reason I can think to buy a lot of these would be if you need a lot of cheap infantry defense, which the double machine guns will provide. ------------------- T-26 - Medium Tank: ------------------- 15 Prestige 191 ---- Health 400 | | Ammo 100 16| |16 Speed 16 | | Damage 45 (AntiTank) ---- Damage 8 (Bullet) 16 NOTES: Slightly better armor than the BA 12, but only half the machine gun power. I'd go with the BA 12 over the T-26, unless I was sure I wouldn't need to fight much infantry. -------------------- BT 7M - Medium Tank: -------------------- 26 Prestige 193 ---- Health 400 | | Ammo 100 13| |13 Speed 16 | | Damage 45 (AntiTank) ---- Damage 8 (Bullet) 13 NOTES: Better forward armor than the T-26, but less armor on the sides and rear. Still only a single machine gun, so I would still pick the BA 12 over the BT 7M if I had the choice. ------------------------------------ SU 76 - Self-Propelled AntiTank Gun: ------------------------------------ 35 Prestige 237 ---- Health 400 | | Ammo 60 15| |15 Speed 16 | | Damage 76 (AntiTank) ---- 12 NOTES: It's total lack of machine guns make it necessary to keep it behind your other tanks for protection against enemy troops. If you can manage to do that well, these are a good supplement to BA 12's. ------------------------------------ SU-85 - Self-Propelled AntiTank Gun: ------------------------------------ 60 Prestige 265 ---- Health 400 | | Ammo 45 45| |45 Speed 13 | | Damage 85 (AntiTank) ---- Damage 8 (Bullet) 45 NOTES: These are fairly decent vehicles, since they have good armor, high attack power, and a machine gun. Until better tanks become available, I'd take these over any of the other vehicles. ------------------- T-34 - Medium Tank: ------------------- 45 Prestige 270 ---- Health 400 | | Ammo 76 45| |45 Speed 13 | | Damage 76 (AntiTank) ---- Damage 8 (Bullet) 40 Damage 8 (Bullet) NOTES: If you know you'll be dealing with enemy infantry, these are a little better than SU-85's because of the dual machine guns. ---------------------------------- SU 122 - Self-Propelled Artillery: ---------------------------------- 45 Prestige 278 ---- Health 400 | | Ammo 40 45| |45 Speed 13 | | Damage 122 (High Explosive) ---- 45 NOTES: Low ammo, and no machine guns. The damage is good though, even against infantry. A few of these lined up behind some other tanks makes for a good battle unit. ---------------------- T-34/85 - Medium Tank: ---------------------- 60 Prestige 284 ---- Health 400 | | Ammo 55 45| |45 Speed 10 | | Damage 85 (AntiTank) ---- Damage 8 (Bullet) 45 Damage 8 (Bullet) NOTES: A step above regular T-34 tanks. These will be the main component of the Soviet army through most of the Soviet campaign. ----------------------------------- ISU 152 - Self-Propelled Artillery: ----------------------------------- 82 Prestige 340 ---- Health 350 | | Ammo 20 75| |75 Speed 10 | | Damage 152 (High Explosive) ---- 60 NOTES: No machine guns, and a dangerously low ammo supply. Still, these are a great addition to your forces. Keep them behind other tanks with machine guns, and these things will really deal out the damage. They also have good armor. ------------------ IS 2 - Heavy Tank: ------------------ 110 Prestige 382 ----- Health 400 | | Ammo 28 90| |90 Speed 10 | | Damage 122 (AntiTank) ----- Damage 8 (Bullet) 75 NOTES: It's slightly hindered by only having one machine gun, but it is still a very good tank. Its dangerously low ammo supply will make you keep a close eye on it though. -------------------------------------------- ZIS-6 (KATYUSHA) - Self-Propelled Artillery: -------------------------------------------- 7 Prestige 413 --- Health 200 | | Ammo 32 4| |4 Speed 16 | | Damage 82 (High Explosive) --- 2 NOTES: It's a mobile rocket launcher. You'll be constantly refilling the ammo for it, and it is not as effective as it's German counterpart. Still, if you can get a couple of them firing at once, they can cause massive amounts of damage. ----------------- KV2 - Heavy Tank: ----------------- 100 Prestige 435 ----- Health 400 | | Ammo 36 65| |65 Speed 8 | | Damage 152 (AntiTank) ----- Damage 8 (Bullet) 65 NOTES: A good heavy tank. Only one machine gun, and low ammo supply, but good armor and main gun damage. ============================================================================= | | | ------------------------------------------------ | | | | | | | 4.23) SOVIET UNITS - TRANSPORT VEHICLES | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------ | | | ============================================================================= NOTE: All of the vehicles in this section are either empty or have an irremovable driver when you buy them. You do not need a tank crew to operate them, but some of them do require some form of infantry unit before they are very useful to you. ------------- JEEP - Recon: ------------- 0 Prestige 21 --- Health 200 | | Ammo N/A 0| |0 Speed 25 | | --- 0 Capacity: One infantry unit of any size. NOTES: This is just a normal car. It starts totally empty, so you will need to put an infantry unit in it before it can be useful to you. They can't tow anything, and they have no offensive abilities whatsoever, so these are utterly useless in my view. --------------- GAZ AA - Truck: --------------- 0 Prestige 25 --- Health 200 | | Ammo N/A 0| |0 Speed 22 | | --- 0 Capacity: Two infantry units of any size. NOTES: No offensive capabilities. They can tow field guns and other tow-able items, and they come with a driver that cannot be removed. --------------- ZIS-20 - Truck: --------------- 5 Prestige 40 --- Health 300 | | Ammo N/A 5| |5 Speed 18 | | --- 5 Capacity: Two infantry units of any size. NOTES: No offensive capabilities. They can tow field guns and other tow-able items, and they come with a driver that cannot be removed. The difference between these and Gaz AA trucks is the armor, which makes the Zis-20 able to resist damage from small weapons. -------------------- GAZ AA - Ammo Truck: -------------------- 0 Prestige 100 --- Health 200 | | Ammo N/A 0| |0 Speed 22 | | --- 0 Capacity: 5000 ammo units. These will be expended as you resupply ammo to a vehicle, and the only way to refill them is by sitting the truck next to an aid station. They refill VERY slowly, however, so that's really not a practical option. NOTES: These are used to give more ammo to your vehicles during combat. Depending on what units you're using, you might need to use these frequently, or you might be able to get by with a few uses per mission. ---------------------- ZIS-20 - Repair Truck: ---------------------- 5 Prestige 150 --- Health 300 | | Ammo N/A 5| |5 Speed 18 | | --- 5 Capacity: 5000 repair units. These will be expended as you make repairs to a vehicle, and the only way to refill them is by sitting the truck next to an aid station. They refill VERY slowly, however, so that's really not a practical option. NOTES: Arguably the most valuable component of your army. These are used to make repairs on all types of vehicles, even allied vehicles that are not under your control. ============================================================================= | | | --------------------------------------- | | | | | | | 4.24) SOVIET UNITS - ARTILLERY | | | | | | | --------------------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= NOTE: All of the following units require an infantry unit to operate them. Infantry units can slowly move most of these units, but only if there are at least two men in the unit being used. All of them can be towed by a unit with towing ability. --------------------- ZIS-2 - AntiTank Gun: --------------------- 30 Prestige 58 ---- Health 200 | | Ammo 45 0| |0 Speed 4.5 | | Damage 57 (AntiTank) ---- 0 NOTES: You must man field guns with an infantry unit, which makes them a tad vulnerable to enemy fire. They have almost no armor, a slow rate of fire, and most of them are not very powerful. Not a particularly good investment in most cases, but if you can manage to find an abandoned one in a mission, you might as well take it. --------------------- ZIS-3 - AntiTank Gun: --------------------- 30 Prestige 76 ---- Health 200 | | Ammo 35 0| |0 Speed 4.5 | | Damage 75 (AntiTank) ---- 0 NOTES: You must man field guns with an infantry unit, which makes them a tad vulnerable to enemy fire. They have almost no armor, a slow rate of fire, and most of them are not very powerful. Not a particularly good investment in most cases, but if you can manage to find an abandoned one in a mission, you might as well take it. ----------------------- M-30 - Heavy Artillery: ----------------------- 30 Prestige 116 ---- Health 200 | | Ammo 50 0| |0 Speed 3.5 | | Damage 122 (High Explosive) ---- 0 NOTES: These do a fair amount of damage, but since they are a field gun type unit, they still require too much work to use them efficiently. ---------------------------- D-1 152mm - Heavy Artillery: ---------------------------- 30 Prestige 126 ---- Health 200 | | Ammo 40 0| |0 Speed 3.5 | | Damage 152 (High Explosive) ---- 0 NOTES: These do extreme damage, but the fact that they're field guns really detracts from their potential. Still, if you really want to use a field gun, these are the obvious choice. ============================================================================= | ------------------------------- | | | | | | | 4.30) WESTERN ALLIES UNITS | | | | | | | ------------------------------- | ============================================================================= ============================================================================= | | | ------------------------------------------ | | | | | | | 4.31) WESTERN ALLIES UNITS - INFANTRY | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------ | | | ============================================================================= NOTE: Infantry can be used to man field guns and occupy buildings, among other things. Only the Rocket Soldiers and Snipers are particularly valuable in my opinion, but if you can find good uses for them that outweigh the benefit of getting an armored vehicle, then by all means, knock yourself out. --------- Riflemen: --------- Prestige 40 Health 500 Ammo N/A Speed 0 Damage 5 (British), 5.5 (American) Special Abilities: Grenade, Molotov Cocktail, Magnetic Mine, Explosives, Tank Mine, Binoculars, Boat, and Mine Detector. NOTES: Basic infantry units. In large groups, they can do some serious damage to other infantry, and if properly equipped, they can be a nuisance to tanks and other vehicles. They can enter buildings, empty vehicles, and can man field guns. Very easy to kill, so I consider them to be an unwise waste of Prestige Points. ------- Medics: ------- Prestige 40 Health 300 Ammo N/A Speed 0 Damage 5 Special Abilities: Grenade, Molotov Cocktail, and Boat. NOTES: These can be used to heal other infantry units. If they are injured, they will heal any other nearby damaged units first, and then they will heal themselves (slowly). ------------------ AntiTank Riflemen: ------------------ Prestige 46 Health 200 Ammo N/A Speed 0 Damage 22 Special Abilities: Grenade, Molotov Cocktail, Explosives, Tank Mine, Binoculars, Boat, and Mine Detector. NOTES: These infantry units are armed with powerful rifles that will damage the armor on vehicles. In large groups, they can be devastating. These units can't fire at other infantry, however, which makes them sitting ducks at times. -------- Mortars: -------- Prestige 60 Health 200 Ammo N/A Speed 0 Damage 55 Special Abilities: Grenade, Molotov Cocktail, Tank Mine, Binoculars, and Boat. NOTES: These are very effective against both vehicles and infantry. They have a fairly slow rate of fire though, and they have trouble damaging moving targets at times. ------------------- Submachine Gunners: ------------------- Prestige 60 Health 625 Ammo N/A Speed 0 Damage 6 Special Abilities: Grenade, Molotov Cocktail, Magnetic Mine, Explosives, Tank Mine, Binoculars, Boat, and Mine Detector. NOTES: Much more effective against infantry than Riflemen are. Like Riflemen, these units are great for manning field guns, clearing out buildings, and so forth. ---------------- Machine Gunners: ---------------- Prestige 70 Health 200 Ammo N/A Speed 0 Damage 8 Special Abilities: Grenade, Molotov Cocktail, Explosives, Tank Mine, Binoculars, Boat, and Mine Detector. NOTES: Very effective against infantry, but they also die fairly easily. They are great for clearing out occupied buildings, and they're also great for setting up ambushes inside buildings. ---------- Tank Crew: ---------- Prestige 80 Health 400 Ammo N/A Speed 0 Damage 4 (American), 4.5 (British) Special Abilities: Can control a tank. NOTES: When they're out in the open, these function like a weaker version of Submachine Gunners. The benefit of these units is that they can be used to take control of a tank. When one of your tanks is destroyed, the crew will often jump out, which allows you to retain the experience of the crew if you're lucky. -------------- Flamethrowers: -------------- Prestige 95 Health 360 Ammo N/A Speed 0 Damage 60 Special Abilities: Grenade, Molotov Cocktail, and Boat. NOTES: Very lethal against infantry, especially if you can surprise them. These can also be devastating to vehicles, especially if the vehicle doesn't have any machine guns. When Flamethrower units cause a vehicle to get too hot, the crew of the vehicle must abandon it, and you are then able to steal the vehicle once it cools down. ---------------- Rocket Soldiers: ---------------- Prestige 100 Health 200 Ammo N/A Speed 0 Damage 50 Special Abilities: Grenade, Molotov Cocktail, Tank Mine, Binoculars, and Boat. NOTES: Extremely effective against vehicles, especially vehicles that are not moving. A few units of these in a forest or town can really decimate a tank force if used properly. -------- Snipers: -------- Prestige 145 Health 200 Ammo N/A Speed 0 Damage 80 Special Abilities: Grenade, Molotov Cocktail, Explosives, Binoculars, and Boat. NOTES: Rather slow rate of fire, but they can still cause quite a bit of trouble to enemy infantry forces. They also have a pretty nice visual range. ============================================================================= | | | -------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | 4.32) WESTERN ALLIES UNITS - ARMORED VEHICLES | | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= NOTE: All units in this section come with a Tank Crew when you buy the unit, and they will need a crew at all times to function properly. If you take the crew out and get some of it killed, the crew may not be able to use the vehicle properly anymore. For example, most medium and heavy tanks have four spots for crewmen: A driver, a main gun, and two machine guns. If the crew were to drop down to two men, you would not be able to use your machine guns. If you have a crew with only one man, all you'll be able to do is drive. ------------------- M2A1 - Air Defense: ------------------- 12 Prestige 120 ---- Health 300 | | Ammo N/A 12| |12 Speed 18 | | Damage 4 (Bullet) ---- 6 NOTES: It's fast and has some armor, but it will most likely be pretty useless to you most of the time. --------------------- HUMBER MK IV - Recon: --------------------- 12 Prestige 152 ---- Health 200 | | Ammo 100 12| |12 Speed 22 | | Damage 15 (AntiTank) ---- Damage 8 (Bullet) 12 NOTES: A very light tank. It becomes obsolete very early on in the game. ---------------------------------- BISHOP - Self-Propelled Artillery: ---------------------------------- 60 Prestige 185 ---- Health 350 | | Ammo 32 50| |50 Speed 16 | | Damage 87.5 (High Explosive) ---- 40 NOTES: Mobile artillery with good armor and firepower. No machine guns though, so I would suggest getting the slightly-less armored, higher-firepower M7 Priest instead. ------------------------------------- M7 PRIEST - Self-Propelled Artillery: ------------------------------------- 40 Prestige 218 ---- Health 400 | | Ammo 40 25| |25 Speed 13 | | Damage 105 (High Explosive) ---- Damage 8 (Bullet) 20 NOTES: Not as much armor as the Bishop, but it has more firepower and a machine gun, so I suggest it over the Bishop. ----------------------- CRUSADER - Medium Tank: ----------------------- 50 Prestige 222 ---- Health 400 | | Ammo 130 30| |30 Speed 13 | | Damage 40 (AntiTank) ---- Damage 8 (Bullet) 20 NOTES: A very basic tank. Only one machine gun, and slightly vulnerable to attacks in the rear. ------------------------------------- ARCHER - Self-Propelled AntiTank Gun: ------------------------------------- 60 Prestige 240 ---- Health 400 | | Ammo 39 45| |45 Speed 16 | | Damage 76 (AntiTank) ---- 30 NOTES: It's total lack of machine guns make it necessary to keep it behind your other tanks for protection against enemy troops. If you can manage to do that well, these are a good supplement for a group of Crusaders. ---------------------------- CROMWELL MK I - Medium Tank: ---------------------------- 60 Prestige 262 ---- Health 400 | | Ammo 64 30| |30 Speed 13 | | Damage 75 (AntiTank) ---- Damage 8 (Bullet) 30 Damage 8 (Bullet) NOTES: An improvement over the Crusader, so replace any Crusaders you might've been using with these at your earliest opportunity. ---------------------------- MATILDA MK II - Medium Tank: ---------------------------- 70 Prestige 262 ---- Health 400 | | Ammo 67 65| |65 Speed 16 | | Damage 40 (AntiTank) ---- Damage 8 (Bullet) 55 Damage 8 (Bullet) NOTES: Better armor than a Cromwell, but in my opinion, the armor doesn't make up for the lack of firepower. --------------------------- M4A4 SHERMAN - Medium Tank: --------------------------- 55 Prestige 265 ---- Health 400 | | Ammo 97 50| |50 Speed 13 | | Damage 65 (AntiTank) ---- Damage 8 (Bullet) 35 Damage 8 (Bullet) NOTES: A well-rounded tank for the Allies, but they should be replaced with Fireflies as soon as you get the chance. ---------------------- FIREFLY - Medium Tank: ---------------------- 65 Prestige 273 ---- Health 400 | | Ammo 97 50| |50 Speed 13 | | Damage 76 (AntiTank) ---- Damage 8 (Bullet) 40 Damage 8 (Bullet) NOTES: Better forward and rear armor and better main gun strength than a normal Sherman tank. ------------------------- M36 SLUGGER - Heavy Tank: ------------------------- 60 Prestige 302 ---- Health 400 | | Ammo 47 40| |40 Speed 10 | | Damage 90 (AntiTank) ---- Damage 8 40 Damage 8 NOTES: These will make up the bulk of your Allied core during the campaign. They are a fairly well-rounded tank, although they could use a little more armor. The ammo supply is also quite low, so you'll have to keep a close eye on them during combat. ------------------------------- CHURCHILL MK VII - Medium Tank: ------------------------------- 105 Prestige 310 ----- Health 400 | | Ammo 84 90| |90 Speed 10 | | Damage 75 (AntiTank) ----- Damage 8 (Bullet) 50 Damage 8 (Bullet) NOTES: Its main gun is lacking, but it is very well armored. -------------------------- M26 PERSHING - Heavy Tank: -------------------------- 102 Prestige 335 ----- Health 400 | | Ammo 70 75| |75 Speed 10 | | Damage 90 (AntiTank) ----- Damage 8 (Bullet) 50 Damage 8 (Bullet) NOTES: An excellent heavy tank. ------------------------------------ CALLIOPE - Self-Propelled Artillery: ------------------------------------ 55 Prestige 440 ---- Health 400 | | Ammo 40 50| |50 Speed 13 | | Damage 63 (High Explosive) ---- Damage 8 (Bullet) 35 Damage 8 (Bullet) NOTES: It's a mobile rocket launcher. If you can get a few of them together, they are absolutely devastating. Unlike their German and Soviet counterparts, these have dual machine guns, which make them well worth the investment in the long run. ============================================================================= | | | ---------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | 4.33) WESTERN ALLIES UNITS - TRANSPORT VEHICLES | | | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= NOTE: All of the vehicles in this section are either empty or have an irremovable driver when you buy them. You do not need a tank crew to operate them, but some of them do require some form of infantry unit before they are very useful to you. -------------------- WILLYS JEEP - Truck: -------------------- 0 Prestige 21 --- Health 200 | | Ammo N/A 0| |0 Speed 25 | | --- 0 Capacity: One infantry unit of any size. NOTES: This is just a normal car. It starts totally empty, so you will need to put an infantry unit in it before it can be useful to you. They can't tow anything, and they have no offensive abilities whatsoever, so these are utterly useless in my view. ------------------- BEDFORD QL - Truck: ------------------- 0 Prestige 25 --- Health 200 | | Ammo N/A 0| |0 Speed 22 | | --- 0 Capacity: Two infantry units of any size. NOTES: No offensive capabilities. They can tow field guns and other tow-able items, and they come with a driver that cannot be removed. -------------------- DODGE WC 57 - Recon: -------------------- 0 Prestige 25 --- Health 85 | | Ammo N/A 0| |0 Speed 25 | | Damage 8 (Bullet) --- 0 Capacity: One infantry unit of any size. NOTES: It starts totally empty, so you will need to put an infantry unit in it before it can be useful to you. These units can tow things, and since they also have a machine gun, they are leagues better than normal jeep units. ------------- M2A1 - Truck: ------------- 12 Prestige 40 ---- Health 400 | | Ammo N/A 12| |12 Speed 18 | | Damage 8 (Bullet) ---- 12 Capacity: One infantry unit of any size. NOTES: It starts with an irremovable driver, but no gunner, so you will have to put an infantry unit in it before you can fire the gun. These units can tow things. -------------------------- UNIVERSAL CARRIER - Truck: -------------------------- 10 Prestige 48 ---- Health 400 | | Ammo N/A 10| |10 Speed 22 | | Damage 8 (Bullet) ---- 10 Capacity: One infantry unit of any size. NOTES: It starts with an irremovable driver, but no gunner, so you will have to put an infantry unit in it before you can fire the gun. These units can tow things. ------------------------ BEDFORD QL - Ammo Truck: ------------------------ 0 Prestige 100 --- Health 200 | | Ammo N/A 0| |0 Speed 22 | | --- 0 Capacity: 5000 ammo units. These will be expended as you resupply ammo to a vehicle, and the only way to refill them is by sitting the truck next to an aid station. They refill VERY slowly, however, so that's really not a practical option. NOTES: These are used to give more ammo to your vehicles during combat. Depending on what units you're using, you might need to use these frequently, or you might be able to get by with a few uses per mission. ---------------------- M2A1 - Repair Vehicle: ---------------------- 12 Prestige 150 ---- Health 300 | | Ammo N/A 12| |12 Speed 18 | | ---- 6 Capacity: 5000 repair units. These will be expended as you make repairs to a vehicle, and the only way to refill them is by sitting the truck next to an aid station. They refill VERY slowly, however, so that's really not a practical option. NOTES: Arguably the most valuable component of your army. These are used to make repairs on all types of vehicles, even allied vehicles that are not under your control. ============================================================================= | | | ------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | 4.34) WESTERN ALLIES UNITS - ARTILLERY | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= NOTE: All of the following units require an infantry unit to operate them. Infantry units can slowly move most of these units, but only if there are at least two men in the unit being used. All of them can be towed by a unit with towing ability. -------------------------- BOFORS 40mm - Air Defense: -------------------------- 0 Prestige 44 --- Health 200 | | Ammo 100 0| |0 Speed N/A | | Damage 20 (AntiTank) --- 0 NOTES: These can only be moved by towing them with a vehicle. They are a lot like the German Flak 88, only much, much less effective. ------------------------- 6-POUNDER - AntiTank Gun: ------------------------- 27 Prestige 57 ---- Health 200 | | Ammo 40 0| |0 Speed 4.5 | | Damage 40 (AntiTank) ---- 0 NOTES: You must man field guns with an infantry unit, which makes them a tad vulnerable to enemy fire. They have almost no armor, a slow rate of fire, and most of them are not very powerful. Not a particularly good investment in most cases, but if you can manage to find an abandoned one in a mission, you might as well take it. ----------------------- 25-POUNDER - Artillery: ----------------------- 20 Prestige 93 ---- Health 200 | | Ammo 42 0| |0 Speed 4.5 | | Damage 87.6 (High Explosive) ---- 0 NOTES: These do a fair amount of damage, but since they are a field gun type unit, they still require too much work to use them efficiently. ----------------- BL 5 - Artillery: ----------------- 30 Prestige 117 ---- Health 200 | | Ammo 32 0| |0 Speed 4.5 | | Damage 140 (High Explosive) ---- 0 NOTES: These do extreme damage, but the fact that they're field guns really detracts from their potential. Still, if you really want to use a field gun, these are the obvious choice. ============================================================================= | -------------------------- | | | | | | | 5.00) END | | | | | | | -------------------------- | ============================================================================= ============================================================================= | | | -------------------------- | | | | | | | 5.01) VERSION HISTORY | | | | | | | -------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= -------------------- NOVEMBER 11TH, 2004: -------------------- - Posted the first version of the FAQ, which included the entire walkthrough for all three campaigns and the unit lists for the Germans, Soviets, and the Western Allies. I am missing one tiny component for the walkthrough: The optional objective for the Hunting A Convoy mission. If anyone knows how to complete it, please contact me, and I will gladly give you credit for your assistance. You can reach me here: http://thebrink.us/boards ------------------- JANUARY 27TH, 2005: ------------------- Updated some small things and changed the copyright section. --------------- JULY 9TH, 2005: --------------- Completely restructured the headers for every section to get rid of the old letter-based table of contents. Looks a lot better with a number-based one, and those old X headers looked a lot worse than the dash and equal sign ones. ============================================================================= | | | -------------------------- | | | | | | | 5.02) CLOSING | | | | | | | -------------------------- | | | ============================================================================= As always, any comments are more than welcome. If you need more specific help, feel free to contact me on my site, and I'll see if I can't hook you up with a quick screenshot or two to help out. http://thebrink.us/boards Otherwise, you can drop me an email at cmstale@ilstu.edu or try me on AIM at "Deuce ex Defcon". Thanks for checking out the guide, and enjoy the game. =============================================================================== DEUCE EX DEFCON ===============================================================================