_______________________________ / \ | | | G-NOME | | FAQ\WALKTHROUGH | | | | _______ | | | | | | | | | | |_______| | | | | | | | | | \_______________________________/ -Game: G-NOME -System: PC -Author: Locke130 -Author's E-mail: Locke130@yahoo.com -Version: 2.0 -Date: 5/19/02 THIS DOCUMENT COPYRIGHT 2001 LOCKE130, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. --PLEASE NOTICE: Before we start, there is a few things that you MUST agree to before reading on: 1. I do not own a burned CD, nor do I know of anywhere you can get it. If you're begging me to reveal the location where you can get a burned CD, you more than likely don't have the real CD. 2. Everything in the "Legal Info" section is legal and to break any rule stated there is illegal (hence the name "Legal" info). 3. I am not holding back any information. Everything I know about G-NOME can be found in this FAQ. IF YOU DON'T AGREE TO ANY OF THOSE THINGS, PLEASE LEAVE MY FAQ. ____________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS ____________________________________________________________________________ -I: Legal Info -II: Credits -III: Contact Info and Contact Rules -IV: Previous Versions -V: Intro -VI: Training -VII: Walkthrough -VIII: Multi-Player -IX: FAQ -X: Codes/Cheats/Fun Stuff -XI: Future Versions -XII: Closure ____________________________________________________________________________ I: LEGAL INFO ____________________________________________________________________________ This FAQ copyright 2001 by Locke130, all rights reserved. G-NOME copyright their respective companies, all rights reserved. You may not take any info in this FAQ, in whole or in part, and use it for your own FAQ. You may not post this FAQ on your website unless I give you permission to do so, nor link directly to this FAQ unless it's on your website. You may not alter this FAQ at any time, sell this FAQ in any way or put it in a magazine/book. You may distribute this FAQ freely as long as it's not altered in any way, sold or printed in a book/magazine. I am in no way affiliated with any companies that made this game. --TRANSLATED INTO PLAIN ENGLISH: You can't take anything out of the FAQ, even the smallest detail, and use it for your FAQ. You can't put this FAQ on your website unless I say you an and you can't link to the TXT file unless it's on your site. You can't change anything in this FAQ, sell it, or put it in a magazine/book. You can hand it out to your friends as long as you don't sell it, alter it or print it in a magazine/book. I didn't make G-NOME or even help. Now that you've seen it in 2 styles of English, you should know what's legal and what isn't. ____________________________________________________________________________ II: CREDITS ____________________________________________________________________________ Usually, this is one of the last sections but I think I should give credit to those who helped with the FAQ before the FAQ. Anyway, here it goes: -Thanks to: *The companies that made this game for making a fun, yet challenging game. *My friend for finding and questioning this game when I got my computer. *Gamefaqs for giving me the inspiration to write a FAQ, and posting my other FAQ. Also for keeping the site updated, even in the peak hours of the night. Also, for some of the codes. -Websites that can use my faq: I've decided to let anyone who wants to use this FAQ on their site use it as long as you e-mail me the location of the website where it can be found. If I find it altered in any way, you will be severly punished. ____________________________________________________________________________ III: CONTACT INFO AND CONTACT RULES ____________________________________________________________________________ -My e-mail address: Locke130@yahoo.com -TYPES OF E-MAIL I WILL NOT ACCEPT: *Job offers: Thanks for the offer but no thanks. If I wanted to work for you, I'd send you my resume. Case closed. *E-mails covering topics already answered in great detail: I don't mind a few of these e-mails so long as it's not a constant problem. I will accept e-mails covering topics that have little to no info in them. If it's a constant problem, I'll block your e-mail address. *E-mails with excessive bad spelling/grammar or language: This game would be probably be rated "T" so please don't send me e-mails with excessive spelling/grammar errors. Please put your e-mail through spell check before sending it or if you don't have one consult your local dictionary. I will definitely not accept an e-mail using bad grammar/spelling on purpose to look cool (ex. "Wuz up dawg! I reed yo FAQ n decided to help yo out with my knowledg!"). As far as language goes, no one wants to hear it so don't include it in your e-mail. *Argumentative letters about the game's material: Please don't send me a letter saying how G-NOME is "a game based killing others with guns and other harmful materials" because like I stated before, I didn't make the game nor did I know anyone that did so please don't send me this type of letter. *Advertisements: No matter how much money you offer, how many new cars I'll own if I click on the link, I will NOT advertise for you. I get 20 advertisements a day (at least) and I don't need any more to accompany the other junk. *Plagiarized work: If I can find your exact e-mail on any major code/faq site or FAQ, I will delete it. I don't care if it's the rarest code on the planet and there are only 2 locations to find it, because it's going straight in the ol' dumpster. The only exceptions to this rule are if you attach an e-mail from the original contributor of the code saying it's alright to use the info or if you're the one who contributed it in the first place. -TYPES OF E-MAIL I WILL ACCEPT: *Questions/Comments/Suggestions: As long as the e-mail doesn't conflict with one of the above rules, I'm all for it. I love receiving these types of e-mail because it tells me what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong. These types of e-mails are gladly accepted and you'll probably get a reply from me about it. *Contributions: If you're sending me this type of e-mail, and it's your own work, I'll gladly put it into the FAQ and give you credit. I'll send a reply to all legal contributors...hopefully. Sorry if I was a little harsh or offensive up there, but I knew that someone would do one of those things if I didn't outlaw them here and now. ____________________________________________________________________________ IV: PREVIOUS VERSIONS ____________________________________________________________________________ -Version 2.0: MAJOR update. Finished Levels 2 + 3 walkthrough and fixed a couple spelling errors. Added more codes. -Version 1.2: Added another site that can use my FAQ. Still haven't gotten enough time to work on the walkthrough though. -Version 1.1: Added a site that can use my FAQ. -Version 1.0: Got the thing up and running with 12 sections! Added an incomplete walkthrough, but I hope to get it complete in the future. ____________________________________________________________________________ V: INTRO ____________________________________________________________________________ It may sound silly to have the introduction in the middle, but IMO (In my opinion), the above sections should go above everything in my FAQ. ANYWAY, this is a great, challenging game that you'll be playing for a while. This is the place to find out how to beat the game, read my strategies or just hang out until the popcorn finishes. Oh and by the way, sorry if the art at the top doesn't look like a CD (I'm not too good). Here is my basic walkthrough setup for this game explained: _________________________________________________________ MISSION 1 <-- Tells you what mission it is _________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ Level 1-1: Renegade Mercs <-- The mission #, level # and name __________________________________________ -Objectives: <-- In this FAQ, I call the "things to do" objectives and assign each one a number. 1. Head for waypoint one 2. Primary: Destroy Merc raiding party -Enemy Races Encountered: <-- What enemy races you'll find in this level *Mercs -Characters Encountered: <-- What characters you encounter in this level (None) -Order Completed: <-- The order the objectives are completed in 1. Head for waypoint one (objective 1) 2. Primary: Destroy Merc raiding party (objective 2) --OBJECTIVE 1: HEAD FOR WAYPOINT ONE: <-- What I do so you will notice which objective you are having trouble so you can learn about THAT OBJECTIVE. (Walkthrough and additional objectives follow) And that's my setup. Hope it's easy to read. Here are the controls you need to know: *H: Help and learn the controls That's all you need to know to learn the controls. Well, if you're ready, let's take that glorious step into the world of G-NOME training! ____________________________________________________________________________ VI: TRAINING ____________________________________________________________________________ The training appears on the "Game" menu. Here's what the options on the left do: *New: Starts a new game *Load: Load a saved game *Save: Save your current progress in the solo missions *Credits: View the credits Click on new. Here's what the new options do: *Campaign: Start a new game *Training: Brings up the training sub-menu where you start training. *Mission: Select a mission to play (as long as you've beaten it, you can select it and play it). Click on training and then on the first option, "HAWC Refresher". -HAWC REFRESHER TRAINING: Wait for the game to load, then you'll start out in a HAWC. You'll shortly hear from your training officer, who you should listen to very carefully. Once he's done, press 9 and run forward toward the mountain. Press to select an abandoned building, then, if you're lazy, press A to put your HAWC into autopilot. Follow the pathway until you reach it, then your sarge will tell you to destroy it. Destroy it with the method he describes (press buttons 1-4, can't be number pad next to arrow keys), then wait for his next message. He'll tell you to eject using , so do so. Wait for a couple of seconds to complete the first level of training. --MISSION COMPLETE-- Once it loads back up, select the next option, "Advanced HAWC". -ADVANCED HAWC TRAINING: You'll be starting out in a HAWC when the computer finishes loading, but don't get too used to it. Listen to the sarge and he will tell you about moving your views and highlighting waypoints. Once he's finished, highlight waypoint 1 and go there. Once there, it will automatically select waypoint 2, so do as your instincts want and start over there. Once you hear the sarge, immediately STOP WHERE YOU ARE. Listen for his instructions and aim towards the meson tower. Start open-firing on it, just like you did with that abandoned building in the last training. Just press 1,2,3 and 4 at the same time rapidly to send your opponent a few going-away gifts. Once it's gone, wait around in your HAWC to complete the mission. --MISSION COMPLETE-- As soon as you return to the main menu, select the last and final option, "G-Nome Tactics". -G-NOME TACTICS: Hey, remember how you started out in HAWCs the last 2 times? Well, kiss it goodbye because you start on your feet. Wait for the sarge to speak, then run up towards the tank in front of you (don't worry, its the sarge's tank and he'll let you ride in the back until you get to your rendezvous point). Accept his generosity (yeah right) and run into the tank. This will cause you to enter and you cannot do anything except eject while here. Watch the background movement closely until the tank stops and the sarge tells you to get out with . Ignore him and then listen on what you're supposed to do next. Once you know clearly what to do, eject from the vehicle. Once out, immediately press 9 and run toward the meson tower. Once you get close, use a Gashr on it to send the occupant out. Show this enemy who's the best at G-Nome and start shooting it with your PRIF44 (Laser). Once it explodes (it really does!), enter the tower. The sarge will again annoy you with another broadcast, but this time it's very handy. Press E to find the nearest enemy, then turn towards it. Press F1 and tell the sarge to attack it, while blasting it yourself. Once it's blown up, press E again. You'll find a small structure that the sarge will miss a lot, but still tell him to attack it. Blast it with a couple of rockets to blow it up, then the sarge will say his final words to you and you'll complete the mission. --MISSION COMPLETE-- Congrats! You've completed G-Nome training! ____________________________________________________________________________ VII: WALKTHROUGH ____________________________________________________________________________ Once you've completed the training, select "Campaign" from the menu. It will set you up with a new G-Nome game which you can do. _________________________________________________________ MISSION 1 _________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ Level 1-1: Renegade Mercs __________________________________________ -Objectives: 1. Head for waypoint one 2. Primary: Destroy Merc raiding party -Enemy Races Encountered: *Mercs -Characters Encountered: (None) -Order Completed: 1. Head for waypoint one (objective 1) 2. Primary: Destroy Merc raiding party (objective 2) --OBJECTIVE 1: HEAD FOR WAYPOINT ONE: You'll start out on foot with a mech straight in front of you. If you like first person mode, keep it on that mode. If not, press C for a "stay-behind -me" type camera view or press Z for another cool one. Either way, press 9 and run straight for it. Bump into it and you'll enter it. If you're lazy or in the middle of something that won't take very long, press s and press a to automatically go to waypoint one. If not, select it with s and then run towards it. Once you get there, this objective will be complete. --OBJECTIVE COMPLETE-- --OBJECTIVE 2: DESTROY MERC RAIDING PARTY: If you had autopilot on, you'll automatically go to waypoint 2. Go towards there and you'll see a red dot on your radar. Press e and you'll see its an enemy merc. Press a to automatically go to it, or manually go there. Whichever way you choose, he will start to run at you so shoot the crap out of him. You can do so by pressing 1 and 2 at the same time. -BATTLE: Merc -Difficulty: Medium -His tactics: Run around you in circles and shoot every 5 seconds. -What you should do: Go into first person (by pressing the button you pressed to get out of it) and then hold the button that will make your mech follow him (left/right). Do so and then shoot him with your weapons until he dies. Congratulations on your first official victory! Press E again to see there is another in the distance, but don't worry about him yet. Continue to waypoint two and on your way, you'll notice rockets heading your way. Turn to them and you'll notice another Merc. -BATTLE: Merc -Difficulty: Medium -His tactics: Run around you in a zig-zag pattern. Then he stops and shoots at you. -What you should do: Same as before. As soon as he's dead, you'll complete the mission. --OBJECTIVE COMPLETE-- --MISSION COMPLETE-- __________________________________________ Level 1-2: Drawbridge __________________________________________ -Objectives: 1. Commandeer Darken vehicle 2. Primary: Lower bridge and cross River Angada 3. Avoid sweep turret. Eject if surrounded. -Enemy Races Encountered: *Darken -Characters Encountered: (None) -Order Completed: 1. Commandeer Darken vehicle (objective 1) 2. Primary: Lower bridge and cross River Angada (objective 2) 3. Avoid sweep turret. Eject if surrounded (objective 3) --OBJECTIVE 1: COMMANDEER DARKEN VEHICLE: After the loading, you'll find you're in the middle of nowhere. Press E and go towards the target. You'll find a short, stubby little creature. This is a darken soldier. Shoot him until he explodes. If he lies down, lie down too with j. After that, another darken will come from behind him and will start attacking you as well. Attack him until he's dead, then get up (j) and look toward the hill northeast of the darken soldiers. You see a vehicle right? It's unmanned so go get it! If you don't see it, search that area until you do. Once you're in it, you'll complete the objective. --OBJECTIVE COMPLETE-- --OBJECTIVE 2: LOWER BRIDGE AND CROSS RIVER ANAGADA: Go to the other side of the hill. See that building? Go towards it. Once you're about 50 meters away, eject and enter the building which happens to be a bridge control building. The reason you're in here is because the bridge is up and you have to get across it. When you get in the control building, look near the picture of a bridge. Pull the lever there and the picture shows the bridge lowering. Eject and get back into your mech. The bridge is lowered, right? Before you cross it, destroy the little building to the right of the other side of the bridge. Why? If you eject at any point, this stupid little building will kill you instantly. Cross and you'll complete the objective. --OBJECTIVE COMPLETE-- --OBJECTIVE 3: AVOID SWEEP TURRET. EJECT IF SURROUNDED: Before you start dancing a victory dance, there are a few guys that want you dead. 2 are to your left, 1 to your right. Once you cross the bridge, 2 of these guys will immediately start attacking you. -BATTLE: Darken x2 -Difficulty: Very Easy -His tactics: Run towards you then backs away. After their vehicle blows up, shoot lasers and the occasional Gashr. -What you should do: Just rapidly press 1 and 2 at the same time as fast as you can. After their vehicle blows up, run towards him to kick them and they'll explode. If they get you out of your vehicle, just go back in and repeat. There. Those 2 are dead, now go towards the one on your right. He won't notice you until you shoot him. Just use the strategy you did for the other 2 guys and you'll beat him easily. After he's dead, you'll complete the mission. --OBJECTIVE COMPLETE-- --MISSION COMPLETE-- __________________________________________ Level 1-3: Convoy __________________________________________ -Objectives: 1. Primary: Enter Darken HQ at Chansk 2. Obtain IFF code from motor pool 3. Commandeer Union HAWC 4. Join Darken convoy to Chansk -Enemy Races Encountered: *Darken -Characters Encountered: (None) -Order Completed: 1. Commandeer Union HAWC (objective 3) 2. Obtain IFF code from motor pool (objective 2) 3. Join Darken convoy to Chansk (objective 4) 4. Primary: Enter Darken HQ at Chansk (objective 1) --OBJECTIVE 1: ENTER DARKEN HQ AT CHANSK: After completing objective 4, follow the group of Darken until you reach the darken headquarters. Eject from your mech and enter the headquarters. --OBJECTIVE COMPLETE-- --OBJECTIVE 2: OBTAIN IFF CODE FROM MOTOR POOL: Finish objective 3 and then come back to this one. Exactly after you complete objective 3, a HAWC will attack you. Blow it up and look around. -BATTLE: Darken -Difficulty: Very Easy -His tactics: Run towards you then backs away. After their vehicle blows up, shoot lasers and the occasional Gashr. -What you should do: Just rapidly press 1 and 2 at the same time as fast as you can. After it's vehicle blows up, run towards it to kick it and it'll explode. If it gets you out of your vehicle, just go back in and repeat. You should see a building around you somewhere (depends on where your battle lead you). Blow up the attack tower next to it and enter the building (eject first!). Stay in there for a couple seconds. Make sure you remember the IFF code. Write it down if you need to. Eject to complete the objective. --OBJECTIVE COMPLETE-- --OBJECTIVE 3: COMMANDEER UNION HAWC: This is the first one you'll complete. When you start, you should see a HAWC in the distance to the northeast. Run towards it and once you enter it, this objective is completed. --OBJECTIVE COMPLETE-- --OBJECTIVE 4: JOIN DARKEN CONVOY TO CHANSK: When you get back into your vehicle, immediately change your IFF code to the one in the motor pool. Do this by pressing the u, i, o and p keys until the number on the screen is the same as the one you got in the motor pool. From the attack tower (when its on the left of the motor pool), go right and through the first opening. You should see three darken vehicles. If your IFF is set to the one in the motor pool, they will be green on the radar. If not, they will be red and will start to attack you. Make sure that your IFF makes them green, then approach them. The leader will tell you to identify yourself. Press F1, then press F9. The leader will then tell you their mission. After the leader is done, the objective is completed. --OBJECTIVE COMPLETE-- --MISSION COMPLETE-- __________________________________________ Level 1-4: LATLON __________________________________________ -Objectives: 1. Primary: Enter and Disable LATLON array 2. Defeat facility defenses 3. Destroy Shield Generator 4. Destroy LATLON/Evacuate Area COMING SOON ____________________________________________________________________________ VIII: MULTI-PLAYER ____________________________________________________________________________ Now onto one of the better parts of the game, the multi-player. Even though the name is "multi-player", two people at the same computer can't play it. One person can play against others on the internet/network, or against AI players. Let's talk about the menu options: ________________________________ OPTIONS ________________________________ -Host: Create a multi-player game. -Join: Join a created multi-player game. -Protocol: Choose how you'll play the game (i.e. network, internet) If you're playing alone, select host and choose your protocol (if you're playing by yourself, choose the Internet TCP option). It will ask you for a name for the game and yourself. Do so and it will have some game options. -Deathmatch/Cooperative: Choose which type you want. Deathmatch is usually free-for-all, kill each other and the other is usually team related. ______________________________ COOPERATIVE GAMES ______________________________ -Last Defense- *Teams: 2 *Objectives: Team one attacks the base, team two defends it. *Tips: There is a energy border around team two's area with the base. Just destroy the building with what looks like antennas and you'll destroy the field. *Best type of vehicle: Hover *Win if: Frag limit is reached; Team one destroys team two's base; Team two stays alive for 20 minutes. -RedHot Bottleneck- *Teams: 2 *Objectives: Destroy the other teams base. *Tips: Have a group on your team for attacking and another for defending. After a guy on the attacking group dies, have him switch with a member of the defending team to be even. *Best type of vehicle: A powerful mech for attacking, a defensive mech for defending. *Win if: Frag limit is reached; One team destroys the other's base. -King of the Hill- *Teams: 2 *Objectives: Occupy the Citadel for a minute. *Tips: Attack the opponent who goes for it and then go for it yourself. Make sure you don't blow up the Citadel. *Best type of vehicle: A fast one. *Win if: Frag limit is reached; Opponent's team destroys the citadel; Occupy the citadel for 1 minute. ____________________________ DEATHMATCH GAMES ____________________________ ==SINCE ALL DEATHMATCH GAMES ARE ALIKE, HERE IS A UNIVERSAL INFO SHEET== -Teams: usually none, but there can be up to four. -Objectives: Reach frag limit. -Tips: Look at the crate design before picking it up. If you don't, you could blow up. -Best type of vehicle: A strong one with high defense. -Win if: Frag limit is reached. _____________________________ OPTIONS (cont.) _____________________________ Now, back to the ol' selections. -Team Play: Allows you to play with teams. In cooperative, there can be a max of 2 teams. Deathmatch can have 4. -AI Players: Will the computer be allowed to play? -HAWC Regeneration: Will your HAWC reappear in it's original location if it blows up? -Frag Limit: How many kills are needed to win. Must not be unlimited in deathmatch games or else it will never end. ______________________________ GAME OPTIONS ______________________________ After you choose a game, there will be the following options (most are for the host). -Player: Shows the human players under the host's name. -Team: Shows what team the player is on (can only change own, option avalible to joiners). -Race: Shows what race the player is (can only change own, option available to joiners). -Vehicle: Show what vehicle the player has (can only change own, option available to joiners). -Status: Wait or go (can only change own, option available to joiners). This decides whether the player is ready to play or not and you can't start the game until every player has go. -Launch: Start the game. -Reject: Boot out the selected player. -Abort: Cancel the game. -Setup: What the game options are. -Chat: This is where the humans can chat. A computer named Trivia! will randomly post trivia things in which the human can try to name (i.e. State Capitols). Select launch to start the game. Remember to go easy on them! ____________________________________________________________________________ IX: FAQ ____________________________________________________________________________ Q: Why can't I go full speed? My mech just goes about 5MPH. A: Press 9 to go full speed. Q: Hey! The cheats don't work when I play multiplayer! How come? A: Think about it. You're on the internet and you start shooting the heck out of a guy with ion cannons. He doesn't take a bead of damage. He shoots you...no damage. This would go on forever and since most games end when a frag limit is reached, they wouldn't ever end. That's why. Better yet, imagine if someone has invincibility and you don't. How do you expect to win? Q: My mech is going very slowly, even though I pressed 9. How come? A: You legs are severely damaged and are about to break. If you're playing multiplayer, find a new mech, avoiding battles, and take that one. If you are playing the solo-missions, check for solo enemies. If you find 1, shoot them out of their vehicle (use a Gashr) and use that one. ____________________________________________________________________________ X: CODES/CHEATS/FUN STUFF ____________________________________________________________________________ -Open cheat prompt: Press Ctrl + F1 to open the cheat prompt. -Invincibility: Open the cheat prompt, then enter "Had A Nude On" exactly like that. You'll hear a ding if you did it right. Press ctrl + I in a mission to gain invincibility. -Gain Ammo: Open the cheat prompt, then enter "Brass Clue" exactly like that. You'll hear a ding if you did it right. Press ctrl + Z in a mission to gain ammo. -Destroy Target Instantly: Open the cheat prompt, then enter "Rotted Drop" exactly like that. You'll hear a ding if you did it right. Press ctrl + F in a mission to instantly kill whatever you targeted. -Funny Voices: Open the cheat prompt, then enter "Dunk It Here" exactly like that. You'll hear a ding if you did it right. You should now hear a funny recording. -Play any Level: Open the cheat prompt, then enter "Redtop Trod" exactly like that. You'll hear a ding if you did it right. Now go to the mission select screen and play any level you want. -Teleport to your Target: Open the cheat prompt, then enter "Half Libel" exactly like that. You'll hear a ding if you did it right. Now, when you're playing a mission, choose a target and press ctrl + B to teleport to your target. -7th Level HQ: Open the cheat prompt, then enter "Swiss Throat" exactly like that. You'll hear a ding if you did it right. When you get to level 2-6, enter the citadel. This is now the 7th Level HQ. -Irish Drill Sargent: Open the cheat prompt, then enter "O'Sarge" exactly like that. You'll hear a ding if you did it right. Now, when you open the training missions, the sargent will talk in an Irish accent. -Take Screenshots: Open the cheat prompt, then enter "A Scramble On" exactly like that. You'll hear a ding if you did it right. In a mission, hold Shift + Ctrl and press the right button on your mouse. This will create a picture of the screen right now and make it your desktop. -Mount Rushmore: Open the cheat prompt, then enter "Mother Mourn Us" exactly like that. You'll hear a ding if you did it right. In mission 1-5, one of the mountains will resemble Mount Rushmore, only the heads will be of the developers. ____________________________________________________________________________ XI: FUTURE VERSIONS ____________________________________________________________________________ In the future versions, I hope to have: -A complete walkthrough -More codes ____________________________________________________________________________ XII: CLOSURE ____________________________________________________________________________ In conclusion, I loved writing this FAQ and I hope you enjoyed it too. This awesome game never was too popular and I don't see why. Well, have fun with the game! Other FAQs written by Locke130: *Caveman Games (NES) *Dogz II (PC) *Carmen Sandiego: Word Detective (PC)