Dig Dug 2 FAQ for NES Written by Raging_DemonTEN Copyright 1982,1989 Namco FAQ Copyright 2001 E-Mail Address: eagle25_100@yahoo.com This FAQ is not to be copied or reproduced in any way,shape, or form without my permission. I will gladly give my permission if you would kindly e-mail me first at eagle25_100@yahoo.com. Version History ---------------- V 1.0 - FAQ completed Table Of Contents ------------------ 1. Introduction 2. Overview And Controls 3. Point Values 4. Monsters And Drilling 5. Tips And Strategies 1. Introduction ----------------- Dig Dug 2 has the same premise as Dig Dug, but adds a twist with a drill, which adds an entire new level of startegy to the game. I really enjoyed this game, and since I've already written a FAQ for the original Dig Dug, I'll write one for this game also. 2. Overview And Controls ------------------------- After exterminating the pests underground in the first game, Dig Dug decides to take a vacation in the Carribean. However, now the pests have come to the islands, and they are above ground and hunting Dig Dug. However, Dig Dug learned a new trick along the way, which is drilling the ground at certain points to sink parts of the island. Hopefully, Dig Dug can make it out alive and back to wherever he lives. The controls for Dig Dug are as follows: A Button - Drills the ground B Button - Uses the pump D-Pad - Moves Dig Dug START Button - Pauses the game 3. Point Values ---------------- This game really doesnt have an end, so the basic premise of the game is to score points. There are many ways to score points, but the best way is to drill and destroy pests. The default high score is 30000, which is also the amount of points it takes to get a 1-Up. Here are the point values for your actions: 200 points - Using your pump to destroy your enemy 600 points - Mushroom 800 points - Eggplant 1000 points - Tomato 1000 points - Sinking part of the island with one enemy on it 2000 points - Sinking part of the island with two enemies on it 4000 points - Sonking part of the island with three enemies on it - After this, the points are added as follows: 7000 for four enemies,11000 for five, etc. So for two enemies, its +1000,three,+2000 ,four, +3000. I hope you get this, and I know there is an easy formula to find it out, but I have to find it in my notes. If you do have one, e-mail me at eagle25_100@yahoo.com. 4. Monsters And Drilling -------------------------- There are two monsters in the game: Pookas and Fygars. Pookas look like red blobs with googles, and Fygars are fire-breathing dragons. Both have the same attack pattern and movement, but Fygars sometimes shoot fire from their mouth which can travel a long distance, so beware. Drilling adds an entire new level of strategy to the game. You drill at certain spots on the map, which look like brown blobs. You cannot drill anywhere else on the map. When you drill, a crack appears in the island, like so: DigDug<--Drills here DigDug X ------> X ! ! To sink parts of the island, you have to connect enough cracks to seperate a whole part of the island. Once this is done, the SMALLER piece of the island will sink. Any enemy or fruit on that part of the island will sink also, and you get some points. However, you have to be careful not to sink yourself. Another consideration is when the level you are on is getting smaller, and connecting some cracks may result in sinking yourself. The best bet in this situation is to use your pump. It may result in lower points, but at least you get to keep a life. You control the direction the crack in the ground goes by hitting a direction on the D-Pad plus the A Button simultaneously. You can't go diagonal, or drill in the same direction more than once. Heres an example of incorrect drilling: !------------------------! What is wrong with drilling there is ! Should drill here ! youre only sinking one enemy, and its ! X P X ! still risky due to the small area you ! F ! are on. Two tips to always follow are ! X ! drill often, and drill in the widest ! !------------ space possible. Most deaths ! F DigDug ! occur when youre trapped in a ! P X drills ! small area of the island with ! here ! lots of monsters. Always try --------------------------------------- to leave a lot of room after you drill, and the more monsters you sink, the better. I hope this helps a bit with your drilling skills. Im sure you'll reach a high score in no time. 5. Tips And Strategies ----------------------- - Try to lead all the monsters to one side of the island that is heavily cracked. Then just cross the cracks, which they cant unless in ghost form, and sink the section of the island. - Dont be afraid to use your pump. Its pretty fast, effecient, and can cleanup a drill job that got bungled, or take out the last enemy on the screen. Level Select Cheat -------------------- - After the title screen finishes scrolling, press and hold Select while simultaneously pressing A and Start. You can then pick the level you want to play with Up and Down on the D-Pad and A to confirm. Well, I hope you enjoyed my FAQ. This is my 15th FAQ, and I hopefully have many more to come. Thanks to GameFAQs for posting my FAQs, and Namco for making this game. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to e-mail me at eagle25_100@yahoo.com.