Huygen's Disclosure To SUM UP the story in two lines: You have the chance to join either Alien/Great City or Ice City. You can also betray whichever side you sided with once you accomplish the task of depleting the entire city you initially chose to fight against. Or you can end the game by choosing not to betray. The "Neutral" zone divides up both cities. To access Puzzles, you must use "HAND" on active scene objects. To access Alien City Network Terminal, you must use "APPLY" by selecting any Access Card from the inventory panel as ACTIVE CURSOR. For Puzzles' solutions, please refer to the Puzzles Section. (ASSUME: ALL DIRECTIONS ARE RELATIVE TO THE SCREEN) (This is just one way of finishing the game) Neutral Zone (By default ASSUME player has not joined any SIDE yet - SOLO TRIP) LANDING SCENE - Scene 0: Think on space ship and pick up "thermos" and "spirulina" after Selecting "Better go back for another check" from the Root Level. At the same level, select "Send Transmission" and then write down the ship's landing co-ordinates (You'll need it later on). GOING LEFT - DEBRIS SCENE - Scene 1: nzn0001.bmp Pick up the optical cable-wire (Position 4), pipe (Position 3), lenses (Position 1) and pieces of the solar panel (Position 2) GOING STRAIGHT - HUYGEN'S PROBE SCENE - Scene 3: nzn0003.bmp If you try to kill Tiny Ziphosura (idling next to the Probe), it will scream and "Mammy" Ziphosura will kill you. If you shoot the Huygen Probe (Position 2) or Apply lenses on the Probe Itself, an explosion of the probe will kill you. Pick up Solar Panel (Position 1) AFTER solving Square Surfaces' Puzzle (Puzzle #7) You must drink the coffee left on your thermos and fill it up with the dripping fuel (Position 4). Pick up flashing Beacon (Position 3) and proceed immediately to exit the scene; otherwise, you'll be killed by "X-Large" incoming Ziphosura GOING BACK TO LANDING SCENE - THEN GOING RIGHT - Scene 2: Kill little worm. GOING RIGHT TO GREEN PLANT SCENE - Scene 4: nzn0004.bmp Pick up the green plant (Position 1) (Actually, it's NEVER used in the game: it's just a distraction item) GOING STRAIGHT DOWN - Scene 5: nzn0005.bmp (A bit tricky here!) If on Alien City Side (Fighting against Ice City) already, pick up some Oil (Position 1) with the shattered thermos (which is picked up after you bomb the entrance to Ice City with an assembled "Natural" Bomb). YES, you have to go back into the Neutral Zone to collect the oil before you proceed into Ice City. GOING LEFT IS NOT REALLY AN OPTION IF YOU KEEP GOING RIGHT - GUARANTEED DEATH SCENES - Scene 6, 7 and 8: Fighting FROM SCENE 4 (see right above) - GOING RIGHT - TEJU & WUBBLE CHASING SCENE - Scene 10: nzn0010.bmp The Chasing Scene with Spectacular Sound Effects by a MicroForum Employee: Wubble and Teju on the RUN. They will drop a blue tool (Position 1), you should pick it up. IF CHOOSING TO JOIN Alien City Side GOING TOP-LEFT THROUGH PASSAGE-WAY - Scene 14: nzn0014.bmp Pick up of green fuse (Position 1) IF NOT PICKED UP from SCENE 4 already. (Actually, it's NEVER used in the game: it's just a distraction item) GOING STRAIGHT DOWN - ALIEN CITY CREATURES ENCOUNTER - Scene 15: nzn0015.bmp Alien City (Odoben) Encounter: Use the same decryptor "trick" (talk up to 3 times to any alien creature and then apply the decriptor to any creature) if not used already in scene 13. You must talk to Zond. There are several talk tree branches leading you to join them in fighting against the "revels" - Searaphl's Ice City. You will be led to the Debrief with Zantusia and His Friends. GOTO "On AC SIDE" IF CHOOSING TO JOIN Ice City Side FROM SCENE 10 (see right above) - GOING STRAIGHT DOWN - Scene 11: nzn0011.bmp If player has not joined any side: fighting only Once you accept the challenge given by the Ice City Creatures (Corythox, Wubble and Viparay From Scene 13) to kill Ziphosura (a way to prove your new allegiance), you can lure a Ziphosura into the scene by placing your flashing beacon at a fixed location. You can actually place the flashing beacon in 2 places. If you apply the beacon in the wrong place (Position 1), Ziphosura will go near the beacon and "check it out". If you do not exit the scene within certain time, he will terminate you. You must place the flashing beacon near the center far wall (Position 2) and shoot at the rocks located at the top of the center wall and you must do this within a certain time frame. If you beat the clock, the rocks will crash the Ziphosura. And then, you can rip off one of his legs (Used as a proof for killing Ziphosura). Otherwise, the Ziphosura will kill you - a new Foreign Delicacy. (Anytime) If you shoot the rocks located at the top of the center wall, they will drop at a acceleration of 9.8m/s2. Watch Out! (Anytime) If you stand near the bottom of the center wall and at the same time shoot at the top rocks, you will be smashed by the gravitation-sensitive rocks. You will die. (Try not to do it too many times even though you may like the player's death animation). GOING RIGHT - Scene 12: nzn0012.bmp Pick up Brown Plant (Position 1 - Use as BOMB FUSE later on) GOING STRAIGHT DOWN - ICE CITY CREATURES ENCOUNTER - Scene 13: Ice City (Wubble) Encounter: You should speak to any creature at least three times and then apply the decryptor (Given at the beginning of the mission). Once you can understand the creatures, you should talk to Corythox. There are several talk tree branches leading to Corythox offering you a Challenge that ultimately earns you the right to join them in fighting against Zantusia's Alien City. In order to obtain a Ziphosura Leg retrace your steps to Scene 11. After you obtain the Ziphosura's Leg and bring it back to Scene 13, the I.C.C. (Ice City Creatures) will lead you to the Debrief with Snaiqua. GOTO "On IC SIDE" On AC SIDE: (You will be sent back into the Neutral Zone after the Debrief to Scene 9. Travel your way back to Scene 13). From Scene 13 - GOING TOP-RIGHT - ICE CITY BLOCKED MAIN ENTRANCE - Scene 16: nzn0016.bmp If on the solo trip, you will be killed by Wubble guards of Ice City Main Entrance. If on Ice City side, nothing will happen. If on Alien City Side, you have to build a bomb and destroy the main entrance's enforcement wall. You will take the thermos with fuel and the brown muroforcim plant and combine them inside the Main Inventory Screen (Hit "i"). (How? By Dragging & Drooping into the "Combine Black Square" next to the actual items' sprites (Bottom Right) - order is important) Once the bomb is assembled, you must "ready" it, and apply it on the far wall (Position 2). Then you must use the LENS on the Bomb (Position 2). The blast will expose the Ice City entrance. You should pick up the shattered thermos (Position 1) from the debriefs. GO BACK to Scene 5 to pick up the OIL. Return to Scene 16. GOTO "Inside AC" On IC SIDE: (You will be sent back into the Neutral Zone after the Debrief to Scene 16. Travel your way back to Scene 9). From Scene 8 - GOING RIGHT - ALIEN CITY MAIN ENTRANCE - Scene 9: nzn0009.bmp If on solo trip, player cannot access this scene at all. Neutral Zone's creatures will kill him in Scene 8. If on Ice City Side, shoot the panel. Two broken panels will appear. If you apply the Re-Built Solar Panel (picked up after solving the Square Surfaces' Puzzle) on the bottom access panel (Position 1), you will unlock the door. Otherwise, if applied to the top access panel (Position 2), you will be destroyed by a Security Cannon Shot. Make sure you write down the Alien Symbols (Position 3) in your MicroForum Notepad. GOTO "Inside IC" Alien City You can access the Network Terminal (N.T.) from the LAB, REGENERATION ROOM and HEADQUATERS. If you set the Security Alarm ON, it will alert your enemies of an possible intruder - YOU. You can access the N.T. with an Odoben, Zantusia and Zantusia Plus Card (in ascending Privileged Access Order). The Demagnetized Odoben Card and the Virus-Infected Odoben Card can not be used to access the N.T. Different Access Cards give you different options. Inside AC: (Go Left and Go Right only applies to corridors that have a T-Junction; otherwise, follow the only direction available inside any corridor) GOING INTO THE LAB - ONCE INSIDE - GO STRAIGHT - TAKE FIRST AVAILABLE LEFT - GO STRAIGHT - ALIEN CITY LAB - Scene 29: alb_0029.bmp Pick up CROWBAR (Position 1) and BONDING GUN (Position 2) on the table near to the screen. GOING LEFT - Scene 30: alb_0030.bmp Fighting GOING TOP-LEFT - Corridor Scene - Scene 32: GOING STRAIGHT DOWN - Scene 33: alb_0033.bmp Do not kill the Zantusia placed there. Once her health level goes down to 40%, she will implore for mercy. You should force her to shut down the Zond Production. Then, let her leave. Once she is gone, use "HAND" to access the computer. Select the option with many letter/number symbols. This option lets you update your Network Terminal Jack (given to you by the Ice City people). An access sequence must be entered - puzzle must be solved in order to update the jack. Once the jack is updated, you can use any valid access card on the N.T. systems. (Remember that an Odoben Card has a maximum of 3 access per card) "Think" on the Zond Parts' basket (Position 1) and select to pick up the two hidden Zantusia alpha-halves. GOING STRAIGHT DOWN - Scene 34: alb_0034.bmp - If Zond production is not stopped in Scene 33, whenever you try to pick up the Zond Claw (Position 1), you will be electro-shocked. You need to pick up the Zond Claw. RETRACE YOUR STEPS TO HEAD BACK TO SCENE 30. Once the jack is updated, you can use the N.T. systems. Access the N.T. (Position 1) with any access card. Click on "Maintenance" and Select the "MagnetoLift" Option. This will automatically move some crates around; thus, exposing 2 bottom crates (Position 2 & 3). To pry open each crate, you must apply the Zond Claws (picked up from Scene 34). Then, pick up from Crate 2 special bombs and from Crate 3 an Odoben Card with 2 accesses left. GOING RIGHT - SCENE 29. GOING RIGHT - Corridor Scene ONCE OUTSIDE THE LAB - GO LEFT - GO LEFT - GO RIGHT - GO LEFT - ALIEN CITY REGENERATION ROOM - Scene 37: ara_0037.bmp Pick up Empty Container (Position 1) GOING RIGHT - Scene 39: ara_0039.bmp From SCENE 39 - GOING RIGHT - Scene 40: ara_0040.bmp Turn off Local Security Alarm Check with the N.T. (Position 1) If the alarm already went off, you will encounter many unpleasant creatures here. Pick up Wire A (Position 2) Apply Wire A to Power Generator (across the Floor - Position 3) GOING RIGHT - Scene 42: ara_0042.bmp Apply Wire B to the liquid (Position 1) flooding the chamber. This will fry up all sleeping Odobens. You can not apply Wire B until Wire A is applied in scene 40. Apply "Empty Container" (Picked from SCENE 37) to the flooded area (Position 2) in order to obtained some Ammonia. If you enter the scene more than 3 times, without destroying the Odobens, they will wake up and kill you. If you attempt to shoot in this room, the Odobens will wake up and kill you. RETRACE YOUR STEPS TO SCENE 39: ara_0039.bmp Switch off the Energy Machine (Position 1) (If Local Security Alarm is ON, it will trigger the alarm; otherwise, you will be fine). Use "HAND" on center sphere (Position 2). A puzzle must be solved. They control the Zond Pods' Access Doors. There are 3 puzzles: each for each set of doors (Left, Center and Right) From SCENE 39 - GOING STRAIGHT UP - Scene 38: ara_0038.bmp You must solve at least 2 of the 3 puzzles to gain access to the Left and Center doors. (There is a one-to-one correspondence). Walk towards the respective Zond pods and they will automatically open. In the Left Set, once the Zond (Position 2) is exposed, you can pick up the Zond's Battery (Position 4) (There is a detailed Zond Description (AUDIO is currently missing) hidden inside the LAB's Special Computer Terminal in Scene 30). Pick up Wire B (Position 1) Pick up Beta Half of Zantusia Card (Position 5). After opening Center Set, you must shoot at the Left Fake Zond. After it falls apart, you must use "HAND" on the little square (Position 6) - LAUNCHES Scene 232: Pick up the Zantusia Plus Card (Position 1). If you access the Network Terminal (in Scenes 40, 30, or 68) with the Zantusia Plus card, you can turn off the "Cannon Systems" (within "City Administration") throughout the "Alien City". RETRACE YOUR STEPS TO HEAD BACK TO SCENE 37. GOING LEFT - Corridor Scene ONCE OUTSIDE THE REGENERATION ROOM - GO RIGHT - GO LEFT - GO LEFT - ALIEN CITY MEETING HALL - Scene 25: amh_0025.bmp You must Kill all Alien Creatures before you can proceed GOING RIGHT - Scene 26: amh_0026.bmp Use "HAND" to gain access to the Computer (Position 1) - Map Puzzle. You need the ship's landing co-ordinates in order to download an Alien City Map. GOING STRAIGHT DOWN - Scene 27 : amh_0027.bmp "Think" on the Radio System Controller (Position 2) and Turn it ON. Apply Normal Odoben Card on Loud Speakers (Position 1) (You get a Magnetized Odoben Card) GOING STRAIGHT DOWN - Scene 23: amh_0023.bmp IF YOU COME IN FROM SCENE 22 - STRAIGHT FROM THE CORRIDOR ONLY: Odoben will let down the bridge if you offer him a complete Zantusia Card by selecting the appropriate talk tree branches. How to get a Zantusia Card? Use the Combine Slot in the Enhanced Inventory Screen. Drag and Drop an alpha-half (two alpha-halves can be picked up from the LAB) and a beta-half (one can be picked up from the Meeting Hall and another half from the Regeneration Room) Zantusia Card. Then, combine the newly created object with the Bonding Gun (picked up from the LAB also) GOING LEFT - Scene 22: amh_0022.bmp You can pick up a beta-half Zantusia Card (Position 1) RETRACE YOUR STEPS TO HEAD BACK TO SCENE 25. GOING TOP-LEFT - Corridor Scene ONCE OUTSIDE THE MEETING HALL - GO RIGHT - GO RIGHT - GO RIGHT - GO LEFT - ALIEN CITY STORAGE ROOM - Scene 18: ast_0018.bmp Fighting GOING STRAIGHT DOWN - Scene 19: ast_0019.bmp FIRST Disable both cannons by shooting at them with "F3" or "F2" as active weapons Take off card marker cover (Position 1) Apply Zond's battery on the card marker. Apply Magnetized Odoben Card in order to get a Virus-Infected Odoben Card RETRACE YOUR STEPS TO HEAD BACK TO SCENE 18. GOING STRAIGHT UP - Corridor Scene ONCE OUTSIDE THE STORAGE ROOM - GO RIGHT - GO LEFT - GO RIGHT - ALIEN CITY HEADQUATERS - Scene 70: ahq_0070.bmp Talk to Viparay (If you want to only) Corridor Entrance: Apply Zantusia or Zantusia Plus Card to Door Control Panel (Position 1) GOING RIGHT - Scene 65: ahq_0065.bmp A Zantusia will request you to pass through the "Ammonia Scanner" (Position 1). If you have the container filled with Ammonia, the scanner should go off - expect more alien creatures in the next scenes. Otherwise, you will "breeze" to Lyzy's Main Chambers. GOING RIGHT - Scene 66: ahq_0066.bmp Fighting GOING STRAIGHT UP (MAYBE TOP-RIGHT) - Scene 67: ahq_0067.bmp Solve "Drag and Drop" Puzzle. Access the Elevator Control Panel (Position 1) ONCE PUZZLE IS SOLVED - GOING THROUGH THE ELEVATOR DOORS - Scene 68: ahq_0068.bmp Don't Apply Container with Ammonia on the acid pool (Position 1) unless you want to listen to the amazing sound effects. You can save the game first, of course. Good insensitive to test SAVE/LOAD. Use "HAND" on Lyzy's TitanNet-Mail Terminal (Position 2). Solve the Screen Saver's Puzzle. Browse through Lyzy's Personal Mail. Write down the symbolic table described in one of her mail pages. (You need the table of solve another puzzle hidden in the REGENERATION ROOM) Use Zantusia Plus Card on N.T. (Position 3). Turn OFF Virus-Detection (within "City Administration") and then Log Off (or Log On As A Different User). Log On again with the Virus-Infected Odoben Card. (Do not infect the system with the virus until you have: (1) turned off the Local Security Alarm Check in the Regeneration Room; (2) moved the crates around in the LAB to obtained Special Grenades and/or (3) disabled the cannon system throughout Alien City. GOING LEFT - Scene 69: ahq_0069.bmp (Assuming you started helping Ice City) You can betray Ice City by choosing the appropriate Talk Choices (If you haven't already betrayed the other side YET). Or You can engage in battle with Lyzy; right now, your shooting is disable by her and your only chance to win is to APPLY the container with Ammonia on the Bio-Computer Mouth (Position 1) during the battle with Lyzy (One Type of Ending). Or You will be killed by Lyzy's Creatures. If you did not infect the Network Terminal with the Virus (using the Virus-Infected Odoben Card), you will be killed by a Ziphosura-Teju Breed. Ice City Inside IC: GOING INTO THE MEETING HALL - GO RIGHT - ICE CITY MEETING HALL - Scene 52: imh_0052.bmp You will meet a Wubble guard standing on a pressure plate. The Wubble will prevent you from entering the room. You must talk to the Wubble and reason with him. If you try to cross without reasoning with Wubble, the Amoebae "monster" from the TANK will kill you. GOING LEFT - Scene 51: imh_0051.bmp There are two computers. One computer (Position 1) is protected by a FORCE-FIELD. The FIELD must be shut off by solving the Puzzle at the right computer control terminal (Position 2). Computer in Position 1 contains a City Map. You must solve another PUZZLE in order to retrieve it. If you applied the Shattered Thermos with oil in Scene 48, the amoebae monster (Position 3) should be on the floor, you can suck in the Amoebae into the empty SYRINGE (picked up from the Sleeping Room). If you try to reach the MAIN COMPUTER while the FORCE-FIELD is ON, it will kill you. RETRACE BACK TO SCENE 52 Fighting GOING STRAIGHT UP - Scene 49: imh_0049.bmp In this scene you can pick up the defective POLICARBONE Plate (Position 1). GOING TOP-LEFT - Scene 48: imh_0048.bmp Once you cross halfway through the scene, you will see an Amoebae "monster" dropping off a stalagmite. The amoebae will start chasing you. To destroy the monster you must apply the Shattered Thermos with oil (from Neutral Zone Scene 5) on the hot spot (Position 2) right under the right stalactite (Position 1). If you do not apply the Shattered Thermos with oil, the Amoebae "monster" will drop from the stalactite and come after you and try to kill you. You can avoid it by leaving the room first. GOING TOP-LEFT - Scene 47: imh_0047.bmp You should pick up the TWO CRISTALS (Position 3 & 4) needed to destroy the Wubble Pods in scene 45. In order to cross over the gap, you must do a "think" on the GROWTH (Position 1). You must choose "I'll try something different" and then "I'll climb the tree". You need to pick up the Plate of POLYCARBON (Position 2) and lay it across the gap (Position 5). If you use the defective plate (picked up on scene 49) instead, you will fall into the gap. ONCE YOU GET MAP FROM MEETING HALL (SCENE 51), USE IT AS CITY GUIDE (Your current position inside the city will always be reflected in the MAP by a flashing DOT). GOING LEFT - Corridor Scene GOING RIGHT - ICE CITY SLEEPING AREA - Scene 62: isa_0062.bmp If you shoot or trigger the Security Trap (A metal ball will drop on the track, and eventually hit the Sentrix Gong), you will confront many creatures in the next scene (Scene 61). A nearly invisible wire stretches across the room. If you notice it by looking or thinking on it (Position 1), you will not trip over the wire; rather, you'll step over it automatically each time. You can also prevent the Sentrix Alarm by picking up the pillow (Position 2) and placing it on the Sentrix Gong (Position 3). The cushion will prevent the noise, and allow you to continue exploring in safety. GOING RIGHT - Scene 61: isa_0061.bmp If you have made too much noise on the previous screen. Corythoxes are up and ready to fight. If you enter quietly, you can think on the Cabinet, then pick up the syringe. The other things are "For Your Eyes Only". RETRACE YOUR STEPS TO HEAD BACK TO SCENE 62. GOING LEFT - Corridor Scene ONCE OUTSIDE THE SLEEPING AREA - GO LEFT - ICE CITY MEETING HALL (Once AGAIN) - Scene 47: imh_0047.bmp GOING RIGHT - Scene 48: imh_0048.bmp GOING BOTTOM-RIGHT - Scene 49: imh_0049.bmp GOING BOTTOM-RIGHT - Scene 52: imh_0052.bmp GOING LEFT - Scene 51: imh_0051.bmp Apply Syringe on "Amoebae" puddle. GOING RIGHT - Scene 52: imh_0052.bmp GOING RIGHT - Corridor Scene ONCE OUTSIDE THE MEETING HALL - GO RIGHT - GO LEFT - ICE CITY LAB - Scene 45: ilb_0045.bmp You must use the two BLUE CRISTALS (picked up from the Meeting Hall).You can apply them on the Wubble's Pods (Position 1 & 2) and then shoot at them. You will set them on fire and all Pods will be destroyed. Be careful! You can actually fall from the narrow passage. GOING LEFT - Corridor Scene ONCE OUTSIDE THE LAB - GO LEFT - GO RIGHT - ICE CITY STORAGE AREA - Scene 63: isa_0063.bmp A mouse-like creature come out from the wall towards the barrel when you cross the hot zone (Position 1) near the entrance. You must shoot the barrel (Position 2) to scare the mouse. The mouse will run over to the wall, dropping the coins in the process. You can then pick up the coins - Used in the Headquarters. If the player destroyed the barrel before the mouse comes out, the mouse will never come out; in this case, you must sacrifice your Zond in order to get into the HEADQUATERS (one way of two ways). GOING STRAIGHT DOWN - Scene 64: isa_0064.bmp A group of Wubbles and Mantid will be expecting you. Mantid will talk at 40% strength. He will tell you about the secret route to Searaphl's hideout (mainly, the Puzzle before an elevator). In order to destroy the food pile (Position 1) you have to apply the SYRINGE loaded with the Amoebae "blob" monster on it. (Visual effects: Giant Amoebae Blop). Pick up the Tiny Computer Chip (Position 2) RETRACE YOUR STEPS TO HEAD BACK TO SCENE 63. GOING STRAIGHT UP - Corridor Scene ONCE OUTSIDE THE STORAGE ROOM - GO RIGHT - GO STRAIGHT - GO LEFT - ICE CITY SLEEPING AREA - Scene 62: isa_0062.bmp You must apply the BLUE tool on the Sentrix (Position 3) in order to gain access to the Sentrix Puzzle. Use "HAND" on Sentrix to Solve Sentrix Puzzle. You must have picked up a Replacement Computer Chip from the STORAGE ROOM. Otherwise even the right activation code will not trigger. You must also need to talk to the Sentrix in order to get the right self-destruct sequence. The binary sequence code is 1100111. It is revealed by Sentrix every time he mentions self destruction (Watch for the repetitive verbal error). Once you solve the Puzzle, you'll automatically go out to the corridor and the Sleeping Area will explode. ONCE OUTSIDE THE SLEEPING AREA - GO RIGHT - GO RIGHT - ICE CITY HEADQUATERS - Scene 60: ihq_0060.bmp Fighting GOING BOTTOM-RIGHT - Scene 59: ihq_0059.bmp If player advances through the openned entrance directly, he will be electrocuted. You must use the RED COIN to loosen up the screws from the Grave marker's base (Position 1). Then, you can perform a "think" on the markers and you must choose to PUSH the Grave marker (Cigar-like tube) towards the door in order to short circuit the lightening trap set up by Ice City. You can also sacrifice your Zond to enter the area by selecting the appropriate talk branches with him. GOING RIGHT - Scene 57: ihq_0057.bmp You need to solve The Pillar Puzzle. You have to pass through each pair of pillars once and only once. If you solve the Puzzle, you can access the elevator on scene 56. GOING LEFT - Scene 56: ihq_0056.bmp Be careful! You can fall down into the deep holes. You will meet two Mantid guards, They will attack you. You need to use the elevator to go to next scene. The elevator panel (Position 1) will reflect the condition of the Pillar Puzzle. (Green=Solved and Red=Unsolved) GOING TOP-LEFT - Scene 53: ihq_0053.bmp You just walk through this scene. Easy one! GOING LEFT - Scene 55: ihq_0055.bmp You will be forced a conversation with Searaphl. During this conversation, you will have three opportunity: Searaphl will kill you, You will win by convincing him to sacrifice himself for Earth People or You will betray Alien City and join Ice City (If you haven't already betrayed the other side YET). Puzzles Cheat CODES: Press + + + simultaneously (where # is the puzzle number as described below). In order to use Puzzle Cheat Codes you must be at the scene where the puzzle can be launched (In 3rd person view) Puzzle #0: Network Terminal Jack Update Click on any button on the right access panel. Once a wheel flap opens up, continue to click on it 5 times. Puzzle #1: Semaphore You must try to get all Green Crystals across the middle panel. Once you get any green lights, remember the switch and its position. The first three switches' positions are always the same, but the last switch is randomly selected. Use the RESET button once you make a mistake. Puzzle #2: Drag&Drop Puzzle (AC HQ) "K" "O" "N" "N" "Y" (Spells LYZZY) Puzzle #3: AC Computer LAB: puzzle3.bmp Power ON (Position S) Select "Satelite Link" (Position G) (Listen to the AUDIO clip) Input: Ship Landing Co-ordinates are Nord 212/Oust 122 (Position N, 2, 1, 2, O, 1, 2, 2) LEFT set of Buttons) Select: "Download" (Position M) (Listen to the AUDIO clip) Puzzle #4: Mantid Head Rearrange Mantid Head (Watch the surrounding tiles!) Puzzle #6: Sentrix Self-Destruct Once you obtained the GOOD CHIP from the IC Storage Room, Set DIP switches to 1100111. Puzzle #7: Square Surfaces Re-arrange all solar cells into a complete panel (Use visual LOGIC) Puzzle #8: Electronic Circuits Closed Path Disconnect all circuit component in a closed path fashion Puzzle #9: Symbolic Wheels Rotation Keep rotating all circular tiles until you get a "hilited" spot. Write it down and try to get them all "hilited" at the same time. Good Luck!