*********************************** * Priston Tale Fighter FAQ * * Copyright 2002 Holyknight14 * * Version 1.01 - (August 14, 2002)* *********************************** ------------------ / \ / \ FFFFFFF IIIIIII GGGGGGG HH HH TTTTTTT EEEEEEE RRRRRR FF III GG HH HH TTT EE RR RR FF III GG HH HH TTT EE RR RR FFFF III GG GGGG HHHHHHH TTT EEEE RRRRRRRR FF III GG GG HH HH TTT EE RR RR FF III GG GG HH HH TTT EE RR RR FF IIIIIII GGGGGGG HH HH TTT EEEEEEE RR RR \ / \ / ------------------ ----------------- Table of Contents ----------------- 1. FAQ/Personal Introduction 2. Basics of PT 3. Statistics Management 4. Equipment 5. Skills 6. Levelling 7. FateLingod 8. What to expect 9. Version History 10. Legal Junk 11. Credits ============================ 1. FAQ/Personal Introduction ============================ To start things off, this is my very first FAQ for Gamefaqs so if I make any errors, please don't shove it in my face but please email me and kindly tell me what I did wrong. I have been an active Messageboard user on Gamefaqs for 2 years now and during my time I have seen many FAQs and decided to write one myself. I love Priston Tale, it is a new MMORPG Beta that was released as an Open Beta recently and I have been playing it since the very first day it began. The Fighter class IMO is the best out of the four that you have choice in picking. Playing this game can be long and frustrating but I enjoy it and my goal is to help you save time by not making mistakes in the development of your Fighter so all that time put into him will not be a waste. IMPORTANT: READ MY SKILLS SECTIONS FOR UPDATES ON SECOND TIER SKILLS AND CLASS CHANGING. =============== 2. Basics of PT =============== In order to even begin developing your Fighter, you have to know the basic controls and buttons so that you don't go crazy trying to figure it all out in the middle of a battle :). Commands -------- "Enter" - pressed once, brings up the Chat Window, pressed after that, it enables talking or disables it so you can use the other battle commands. "C" - brings up the Status screen where you can see experience values and other vital statistics such as elemental defense, HP, MP and Stamina as well as Attack Rating and Defense. "V" - brings up the Inventory screen where your equipment and stored items are shown as well as Gold. "S" - brings up the Skill screen where you can view the 4 unique skills given to each class. Skills that have at least 1 point in them are orange colored while ones without a point are a dull color. The 3 empty windows with the axe symbol are not used in this current Beta. You only get 4 skills :(. "D" - brings up the Party screen, unfortunately parties are disbanded after leaving the game so I don't find it very useful. "R" - switches between running which consumes Stamina and walking which is very slow but Stamina free. "Tab" - switches map on or off "1, 2, 3" - there are 3 slots at the bottom of the screen next to the mouse buttons, they are used to store potions, pressing 1, 2 or 3 uses a potion. Other Commands -------------- "Whispering" - in order to whisper, first bring up the Chat Window and then type /:person's name instead of "person's name" put in the screename of the person. "Auto Walk/Fight" - This really doesn't work that well but it DOES work. To enable this, keep left clicking and pressing shift at the same time, like I said, this doesn't work to well, so only do when your walking so you don't have to keep holding the mouse button. "Hot Keys" - This is nice to know once you get Raving and Impact. Since you only have 2 spots for attacks, your gonna probably use your regular attack and then one of your active skills, when one is recharging, you can switch to another to use. Drag your mouse pointer over to Raving or Impact and at the same time, either right click or left click and press an "fx" button, so stick Raving on F1 and Impact on F2 or the other way around. Attacking --------- To attack enemies, you must use the mouse. On a standard mouse there are 2 buttons, therefore you have 2 buttons to assign an attack or skill. Until level 14 minimum, you will not have an active skill therefore the 2 boxes at the bottom of the player screen will both be Fist icons. Once you do aquire an active skill, lets say Raving, you open the skills window and then put Raving into the desired box by either right clicking or left clicking on the picture. Now once you find an enemy, click once then hold the button until the monster dies, rinse and repeat. ======================== 3. Statistics Management ======================== In Priston Tale there are 5 stats that require points to be added to every time you gain a level. Each level bestows 5 points that you must use properly otherwise your character may be drastically affected later on. The 5 stats are: Strength, Spirit, Talent, Agility and Health. Strength -------- Strength is the main requirement for most Weapons and Armor that you will need as a Fighter. It gives small boosts to your Weight Limit and also raises Attack Power a little. You will be increasing Strength constantly to enable the usage of better equipment as quickly as possible, not only for the better damage and defense but also for a better look ;). Also I now regard Strength as a more important stat than before. Defense is calculated by your Equipment armor + Strength stat, so you wanna have a lot of Strength to have good defense, luckily you'll be increasing it all the time. Spirit ------ As a Fighter, Spirit is very unimportant until higher levels simply because its gains aren't very beneficial at all. Spirit is a component for a few pieces of equipment but not the good ones that a Fighter needs. It gives big boosts to your MP and MP Recovery rate so don't worry about it until you are using skills constantly. Since you will need Strength and Talent almost all the time , you probably won't have points for this unless you sacrifice Health, now you choose between Health and Spirit. ;) Talent ------ Talent is a very good stat for a Fighter and on par with Strength in need. It is a necessary requirement for many of the Equips along with Strength that a Fighter is gonna have to use, therefore you should increase it as needed. Talent slightly increases Attack Rating and Defense along with a little bit of speed. Agility ------- Agility is a requirement for a lot of things instead of Talent that Fighters need, mainly boots. In addition, Agility is IMO the most important stat in the game. It greatly improves Attack Rating and slightly boosts Defense, if you desire early on to use a bow, it will also increase your projectile damage, however this is meager as you will not use that bow for much longer. Health ------ Health is not a requirement for any piece of equipment but that is no reason to neglect this stat. It alone raises HP greatly and also gives a large Stamina boost while also raising HP Recovery Rate. Early in the game this stat is not very important as the monsters are weak but later on when fighting in harder areas this stat will prove to be very useful for keeping your Fighter alive. Starting Status --------------- Strength - 28 Spirit - 6 Talent - 21 Agility - 17 Health - 27 As you can see, Fighters start off very Strength and Health heavy, making them pretty decent unarmed fighters for the first level until you can get some money. Leave Spirit alone and work on your Strength and Talent while not forgetting Agility. Increase Health only when you feel you can spare a few extra points. Follow the guide below to see where to stick your points for what equipment. Status Distribution ------------------- Now that the basic overview of the stats themselves is done, you should have a much better knowledge of your own status distribution that you will follow. For levels 1-10, you should mainly focus on getting the Strength and Talent requirements for the Long Sword, Clamshell Gauntlets, Brigandine and Steel Boots. If you don't want to bother with the 42 strength req. for the Battle Axe at such a low level, then don't bother with it, stick with a War Mace and you'll be fine till the Long Sword. If you finish that off then start working on getting 30 Agility for the Fold Armlets and Long Boots. Next up are levels 11-18, here your main focus is to be able to use a Fighter Spec. Broad Sword by level 13, aquiring one can be difficult, the best way is to wait in town and keep advertising that you are buying one until someone recognizes you, or just wait around until someone advertises they are selling one, this is how I aquired mine. It has quite a high requirement for that level but it is important to get it so you can use a shield, because mobs in the Foresty area by Minigues and Obits will drain your potion supply fast. A normal Broad Sword will not do, it is simply to weak and slow to be of any use, so if you give up on the Broad Sword, stick with a Long Sword and pray you don't get mobbed heavily. If you manage to stock up 40k Gold (its a lot) head on over to the Second town, located at the very top of the Wasteland maps, its after a long bridge with a guard on it, run to the back of the ruin like area and you will find the shopkeepers. Here you want to get Finger Gauntlet and Chain Boots, also get the Scale Armlet if you wish although it is not to important, If you are using the Broad Sword then also buy a Tower Shield. If they sell a Fighter Spec Double Sided War Axe, buy it. In Ricarten buy Steel Armor and make sure you can use that by level 17. By level 16 you have a choice in weaponry, either go for a Fighter Spec, Double Sided War Axe for sheer power or go with the Broad Sword + Tower Shield combo. The first will make you powerful as hell (especially if you are still fighting in the foresty area), The latter will keep you alive and against mobs you probably won't even have to use potions at all in the Foresty area. The War Axe needs 69 Strength though and I think that is way to high to reach by 16 without neglecting all the other stats so I decided to go Broad + Tower. By the time you hit level 18 your Strength should be pretty high, around 50-60, Talent at 35-40, Agility at 35-40, Spirit at 6 and Health at about 30-35. For levels 19-?? you have to do your future planning for equipment based on what you see in shop listings and such. Currently at level 20, Fate does not have any additional equipments other than what is in my equipment listings. Until level 22 minimum, there won't be any major upgrades, so until then look around and see what you want to use. ============ 4. Equipment ============ Probably the most important part of your Fighter in PT is his equipment, depending on your equipment you will either win or lose each battle. Of course fighting without equipment against enemies of your own level is stupid. One important note is the usage of the word "Spec." that you will see on some pieces of equipment. "Spec" is followed by one of the 4 classes, for instance Fighter Spec. This is found at the bottom of an equipment's description and all it indicates is a boost in the equipment's stats for that certain class. It is highly reccomended to use Fighter Spec. equipment whenever possible as the small boosts can prove very useful. The basic layout of what your character can wear includes: 1 weapon, 1 shield (only if using a 1 handed weapon), 1 armor, 1 pair of boots, 1 pair of gauntlets, 1 pair of armlets, 2 rings, 1 amulet and 1 stone. Early on rings and amulets are pretty useless and should be sold unless the boosts are to your liking. In this section I will list some important equipment for your Fighter upto my level. Of course updates will follow as I grow stronger. Equipment strength can vary a little bit, for instance Celtic Daggers can be attack power 2-4 and another could have 2-5, so the ones that I list are what I have used. Any value listed after a "+" is a spec. value, any equipment that is a Fighter Spec. is shown under Gold. Abbreviations ------------- AP = Attack Power, WS = Weapon Speed, C% = Critical %, AR = Attack Rating It = Integrity, DR = Defense Rating, As = Absorb, B% = Block %, Sp = Speed, Pt = Potion Storage, Og = Organic, Fm = Flame, Fo = Frost, Lt = Lightning Po = Poison, Str = Strength, Tal = Talent, Agi = Agility, Lvl = Level Rec = Recovery, St = Stamina, Spr = Spirit, Het = Health Weapons ------- "Celtic Dagger" AP = 2-4 "War Mace" AP = 3-5 Str - 30 1 handed WS = 7 1 handed WS = 7 180 G C% = 1 460 G C% = 3 AR = 59 AR = 45 It = 31 It = 30 "Battle Axe" AP = 4-6 Lvl - 4 "Long Sword" AP = 7-11 Lvl - 9 1 handed WS = 5 Str - 42 2 handed WS = 7 Str - 40 800 G C% = 4 WS + 2 2600 G C% = 7 Tal - 30 Fighter Spec. AR = 39 AP + Lvl/5 AR = 40 It = 42 It = 48 "Broad Sword" AP = 7-10 Lvl - 13 "Double Sided AP = 9-17 Lvl - 16 1 handed WS = 6 Str - 57 War Axe" WS = 6 Str - 69 5k - 7k G C% = 5 Tal - 36 5520 G C% = 9 Tal - 36 Fighter Spec. AR = 47 WS + 1 Fighter Spec. AR = 60 It = 61 AP + Lvl/5 It = 62 Body Armor ---------- "Battlesuit" DR = 8 "Brigandine" DR = 16 Lvl - 10 400 G As = 0.3 2500 G As = 0.6 Str - 52 It = 18 It = 25 Tal - 30 Og = +1 Og = +2 Fm = -1 Fm = -1 Fo = +1 Fo = +2 Lt = -1 Lt = -1 Po = +1 Po = +2 "Steel Armor" DR = 35 Lvl - 17 "Rounded Armor" DR = 52 Lvl - 22 5000 G As = .8 Str - 60 12000 G As = 1.1 Str - 66 It = 30 Tal - 36 It = 34 Tal - 44 Og = +2 Og = +3 Fm = +2 Fm = +3 Fo = +2 Fo = +3 Lt = -1 Lt = -1 Po = +2 Po = +3 Shield ------ "Wood Shield" DR = 4 "Kite Shield" DR = 25 Lvl - 9 1 handed As = 0.3 1 handed AS = 0.6 Str - 50 120 G B% = 6 3300 G B% = 8 Tal - 30 It = 15 It = 40 Og = +1 Og = +2 Fm = -1 Fm = +2 Fo = +1 Fo = +2 Lt = -1 Lt = +2 Po = +1 Po = +2 "Tower Shield" DR = 35 Lvl - 16 1 handed As = 0.8 Str - 62 6200 G B% = 10 Tal - 36 It = 40 Og = +2 Fm = +2 Fo = +2 Lt = +2 Po = +2 Gauntlet -------- "Clamshell Gauntlet" DR = 20 Lvl - 9 "Finger Gauntlet" DR = 20 Lvl - 16 2500 G As = 0.5 Str - 40 6600 G As = 0.6 Str - 50 It = 44 Tal - 30 It = 52 Tal - 40 Og = +3 Og = +2 Fm = +3 Fm = +2 Fo = +3 Fo = +2 Lt = -1 Lt = -1 Po = +3 Po = +2 Footwear -------- "Steel Boots" DR = 9 Str - 34 "Long Boots" DR = 12 Lvl - 9 1200 G As = 0.2 2800 G As = 0.2 Str - 40 Sp = 0.6 Sp = 0.8 Agi - 30 It = 31 It = 34 Og = +1 Fo = +2 Fm = +1 Po = +2 Po = +1 "Chain Boots" DR = 17 Lvl - 16 6600 G As = 0.3 Str - 55 Sp = 1.0 Agi - 40 It = 38 Fm = +2 Fo = +1 Po = +1 Armlet ------ "Leather Armlets" DR = 3 "Fold Armlets" DR = 8 Lvl - 9 150 G AR = 10 2800 G AR = 20 Str - 40 It = 38 Agi - 22 Pt = 20 Pt = 26 It = 26 It = 38 "Scale Armlets" DR = 10 Lvl - 16 5000 G AR = 24 Str - Pt = 30 Agi - 26 It = 46 Sheltom ------- "Lucidy" HP Rec = 0.1 Lvl - 5 "Sereneo" HP Rec = 0.2 Lvl - 12 500 G MP Rec = 0.2 2000 G MP Rec = 0.3 This is the path I took in my equipment choices, as you may notice a lot of the equipment I chose does not become available until level 9. I did this on purpose, I would keep my choices very limited until level 9 because those equips in some of the categories are the best you can buy in Ricarten. Until level 9 I amassed the required money for everything while molding my stats accordingly. Once I hit level 9, my Fighter became a Defensive and Offensive monster against the newbie monsters and levelling became much easier, plus HobGoblins dies very easily. I left out Rings and Amulets because I find them very insignificant and I don't use them. Fighter Spec. equipment is proving to be a lot better than the normal stuff. I reccomend that you never use normal stuff after a Long Sword since levelling will be a lot easier with Fighter Spec. stuff. As I get more powerful, expect many more equipment listings. ========= 5. Skills ========= This is the category that seperates each of the characters in PT and makes them unique. The Fighter has a very good assortment of skills, all of which are useful in most situations. It's good to get all the skills first before putting more points into one of them, that way you get to feel for all the skills so you can see which you dont care for and which should get points. The deal with Second Tier Skills and Second Classes is that, once your Fighter reaches level 20, you will be able to do a quest to change to the next class, in this case "Warrior." With that class change comes the Second Tier Skills and a new look. Also you will have the choice of re - pooling your skill points so you can distribute them again if you screwed up the first time, bear notice that you will have to pay the skill cost again if you wish to do this. There are 2 bars next to the Skills in the Skill Window. One is green and the other is orange. The green displays your progress with the skill (only for active ones) and increases as you use it. The orange is your recharge timer. After using an active skill, it has to recharge, and you can see how much you have left to wait by looking at the orange bar. By increasing your green bar, the recharge timer decreases to almost instant recharge. Passive Skills -------------- "Melee Mastery" This great skill raises the attack damage of any Melee Wepon to grace the Fighter's hands, at beginning levels with weak weapons the gains aren't great but later on this skill can make a Fighter much more poweful. I reccomend putting only 1 point in this until later levels when better weapons are available. Melee Mastery seems to be the only 1st Tier Skill that I find will be valuable even when the 2nd Tier is released. "Fire Attribute" This skill increases resisitance to Fire attacks, by quite a bit, I have yet to find any monsters that actually use something that this skill protects against so I don't find it useful at all yet. Only put 1 point into this so you can proceed onto Raving. I don't know a lot about later enemies but they may have fire attacks so this "might" become useful. I say don't bother but you never know, wait till you get into later areas before upgrading this one. Active Skills ------------- "Raving" This skill is sort of like Kaio-Ken from Dragon Ball Z in that it super powers your attack for one swing so that you hit twice and do more damage with it at the cost of life. The life lost is measly, it may get high at higher skill levels but the way it seems to increase (.2% a skill level) I don't really see a problem. I personally like Impact a lot better, more on this at the bottom of this section. "Impact" This skill is a cool looking quick 2 slice chop at the enemy that is supposed to raise attack rating. The increases on the skill's description do not mention any sort of attack rating bonus unless "Add Attack Power" is supposed to be "Add Attack Rating". I assume it is the latter so I use that instead of Raving. The big question as of now, without 2nd tier skills is Raving? or Impact? In my earlier version I thought of combining Raving and Impact. I now beleive that is impossible as they are both very quick attacks. I thought at first that Raving was over a short period of time as the description reads, but it isn't, therefore I say pick one! Here is the low down on the first two skill levels of both skills. Raving Level 1: Add Damage - 13% Pros Number of hits - 2 ---- Life Decrease - 1% per hit - Extra Hit MP usage - 14 - Increase Damage Stamina usage - 35 - Fast Raving Level 2: Add Damage - 16% Cons Number of hits - 2 ---- Life Decrease - 1% per hit - Life Lost Per Hit MP usage - 16 - Doesn't look as good as Stamina usage - 37 Impact Impact Level 1: Add Attack Power - 20 Pros Damage Boost - 20% ---- MP usage - 16 - Adds Accuracy Stamina usage - 37 - Increase Damage more than Raving Impact Level 2: Add Attack Power - 40 - Looks cooler Damage Boost - 25% - Fast MP usage - 18 Stamina usage - 39 Cons ---- - Costs more - No Double Hit Now after careful examination, I beleive Impact to be better for one of two reasons. If Impact does add Attack Rating instead of Power, then it will miss a lot less then Raving. However If it really does add Attack Power in addition to the Damage Boost %, then it's shear power rips Raving apart. On the other hand, if Raving becomes 3 hits in later skill levels then kiss Impact goodbye as their would now be no contest. Impact can't be used with Hammers but that really shouldn't be a problem, stick to Axes or Swords, they do the job quite nicely. ============ 6. Levelling ============ The main part of any RPG Beta is to level up your character and become strong. PT is no exception, all you do in this game is fight, knowing the right enemies to fight at what level will greatly speed up the process and prevent unwanted deaths so you dont lose EXP unnecessarily. Lvl 1-10 -------- Fight in Newbie Monster Land right outside of Ricarten, the Hoppies, Armas and Mushroom Ghosts are very easy to beat with little equipment and will gain you fast levels (as long as you gain kills) until level 6. After that you will have to fight a lot more to gain levels but you have to stay here until level 9 minimum when you get the major equipment upgrade. Until level 9 avoid at all costs the Hobgoblins roaming around, unless you have potions or your feeling dangerous, just remember, death takes away EXP, so be careful. I say to stay here till level 10 so you can get Melee Mastery for a little damage boost in the next area. Lvl 11-17 --------- Move on to the Foresty Ruins area located North West of Ricarten. Here you can fight Miniques, Orbits, Dorals and Plants. In this area, mobs are a problem for someone not using a good shield for the extra defense, so if you cant handle a mob, DONT FIGHT IT, find some people to help you and then take them on or run. Levelling here will seem awesome after pummelling all those weaklings that only offer 75-100 EXP a kill, here you gain around 300 a kill. Another note, beware of Plants when fighting other enemies, even with a shield, Plants are annoying they have a lot of HP, Defense and Offense, use potions when needed and you will be fine. My favorite levelling spot is a bit Northwest of the entrance. It looks like a type of ruins and it has a great spawnrate while being the least crowded in the area. Here the monsters spawn in groups of 2. That means 2 Miniques, 2 Orbits and 2 Imps. Dorals and Plants spawn occasionally as 1 because they are tougher. The enemies spawn in the same places so stick to those areas, if your lucky you'll get a good amount of kills and your EXP will soar, once you get to level 17, you should indulge in some new upgrades to make your life easier. Lvl 18-??? ---------- Start levelling in the Wasteland areas and make use of your better armor and the Impact skill, be careful of mobs and if you can try to team up with a second Fighter for help Tanking or an Archer for Long Range support. Plant Lords are trouble but give a whopping 2500 EXP, fight at your own risk. Zombies seem to be slower and stupid compared to Skeletons, so I prefer to fight them as opposed to the latter. If you feel you want more than these simple creatures than head on over to Wasteland area 2 where you can fight Cockrices and Mephits. These enemies are rather tough so I wouldn't bother. Getting mobbed by these monsters can mean a lot of wasted pots or fast death. Cockrices and Mephits are worth more EXP then Skels and Zombies so if you want to, go fight there, its a bit north of Wasteland area 1, keep going till you start fighting them. As always updates will follow when I gain to higher levels. ============= 7. FateLingod ============= In this section I just wanted to show my character's progress so you can get an idea as to your Fighter. He will be updated every 5 levels, since he is level 20 now, next update will be at level 25. FateLingod Lvl - 20 Fighter HP - 116 Og - 4 Str - 69 AR = 316 MP - 41 Fm - 15 Spr - 10 AP = 21 - 36 St - 161 Fo - 5 Tal - 40 DR = 146 Po =-2 Agi - 40 As = 7 Lt - 5 Het - 35 Sp = 2 His equipment, is the last one of every category in the equipment section, unless there is a choice to make like Broad or War Axe. As you can see I fumbled on his stats a little bit increasing Spirit 4 points but he is still a fine warrior and now that I stick to my FAQ plan he is better than ever. ================= 8. What to expect ================= This FAQ is far from being done and it will slowly progress as Fate levels, I hope to get the equipment section updated as well as the levelling section, and I want more information on the skills and skill levels, Eventually I wish to add a step by step stat distribution guide, but that wont come for a long time. I also want any feedback on my FAQ so I can make it better based on Gamefaqs member's opinions. ================== 9. Version History ================== August 8, 2002 Version 1.0 - I did much more than I actually thought I could do and completed many sections in one Version. August 14, 2002 Version 1.01 - Early update, Fate is only level 18, but I wanted to inform Fighters about 2nd Tier skills, changed format a bit, added information to nearly every category. August 19, 2002 Version 1.1 - This update was rather small since I covered most of the new stuff in Version 1.01. I added a few things, updates on new skills and stuff, plus more levelling tips and status help. ============== 10. Legal Junk ============== Look, as with all FAQs, this is copyright Holyknight14, yes thats me, not you, not your Hamster, no one but ME. If this FAQ shows up on any site but Gamefaqs I will take action and just simply teach the person who stole it physically until that person learns to behave. You know the rules, anyway if you do want it on your site, email me at Videoidiot14@hotmail.com asking permission and the automatic response will be yes, unless of course your charging for it, thats just silly. Use this guide to improve your knowledge of PT and I will be happy, you will be happy, and CjayC will be happy err I guess. Contacts: Email: Videoidiot14@hotmail.com AIM: videoidiot14 I also have MSN but I don't really use it =========== 11. Credits =========== Hopefully people will help me more so I can expand this section :) "Triglow Pictures" - Bless them for making this excellent Beta RPG and for providing excellent service, rock on Triglow! "CjayC" - For making the excellent site we call gamefaqs, with out which I wouldn't have a life :P "EternalSpirit" - For allowing me to use his FAQ Format and for answering my newbie questions, a very nice person "Dr Poo" - For pointing out several formatting errors and for giving me some sense of confidence that my FAQ is actually good :P "Instant Noodles" - For pointing out that I misspelled Fighter at the top :( "Isoacid" - For noticing various spelling errors. "FateLingod" - For being my Fighter and taking all that damage from Plants "Drew (me)" - For writing this FAQ! "Ragnarok Online Message Board" - Without going there I would have never found PT! "PTProphecy" - Constant news on Priston Tale