GALACTIC CIVILIZATIONS II DREAD LORDS FAQ Game publisher Stardock Website ================================Version History============================== 1.00 - 18Mar06 The beginning... 1.01 - 24Mar06 Fixed some wording mistakes. Updated the Technology Tree section in include starbase unlocks. Turned tech unlocks into a list rather then in the notes of the tech. Corrected a few naming mistakes where I listed the internal name rather then the diplay name for a required tech. Added the Espionage section to Game Concepts 1.1 - 27Apr06 Updated tech tree to reflect changes made in release 1.1 of the game. Added AIValue tag to tech listing. Updated planetary buildings to reflect changes made in release 1.1 of the game. Fixed my usage of *affect* for *effect*. Thx to those that pointed this out :). Updated strategies section to take into account game changes from 1.1. Added brief section on the campaign. May expand in the future. Added section 6.6 predefined races and bumped all subsequent sections Adjusted economic section based on new 1.1 rules Added section 6.9 influence ============================================================================= ===============================Table of Contents============================= Section 1.0 - Getting Started 1.1 - Sandbox Mode Game 1.2 - Your First Turn 1.3 - Expanding Your Empire 1.4 - Winning The Game 1.5 - Campaign Section 2.0 - Technology Tree 2.1 - Communications Branch (Yellow) 2.2 - Propulsion Branch (Light Blue) 2.3 - Engineering Branch (Orange, Pink, Green, Blue) 2.4 - Galactic Warfare Branch (Red, Purple) Section 3.0 - Planetary Buildings 3.1 - Colony Buildings 3.2 - Production Buildings 3.3 - Research Buildings 3.4 - Economic Buildings 3.5 - Morale Buildings 3.6 - Influence Buildings 3.7 - Farming Buildings 3.8 - Terraform 3.9 - Defensive Buildings 3.10 - Trade Goods 3.11 - Super Projects 3.12 - Galactic Achievements Section 4.0 - Starship Components 4.1 - Defenses (Armor) 4.2 - Defenses (Point Defense) 4.3 - Defenses (Shields) 4.4 - Weapons (Gun) 4.5 - Weapons (Missile) 4.6 - Weapons (Beam) 4.7 - Engines 4.8 - Modules 4.9 - Hulls Section 5.0 - Starbases 5.1 - Military Starbase 5.2 - Economic Starbase 5.3 - Influence Starbase 5.4 - Mining Starbase 5.5 - Starbase Components 5.5.1 - All 5.5.2 - Military 5.5.3 - Economy 5.5.4 - Influence 5.5.5 - Mining Section 6.0 - Game Concepts 6.1 - Planet Building 6.2 - Planetary Invasion 6.3 - Ship to Ship Combat 6.4 - Economy 6.5 - Custom Race 6.6 - Predefined Races 6.7 - Relationships 6.8 - Espionage 6.9 - Influence Section 7.0 - Basic Strategies Section 8.0 - Legal Stuff ============================================================================= Section 1.0 - Getting Started Let me start off by saying that Galactic Civilizations II is one of the best if not the best 4x strategy game to be released in a very long time. If you are a fan of Sci-Fi or of turn based strategy games this is certainly one to try out. This guide will provide you with the basic understanding needed to start your empire building today. As the guide evolves I will add more and more strategies along with the insights of other players. So you've unwrapped the game disc and loaded the game and asked yourself "Now what?". First off make sure you are running the latest version of the game which at this point is version 1.1. Stardock is not like any other developer out there right now. They are actually committed to improving the game even after it's release. For the record there have been four updates so far without counting all the betas for v1.1 and plenty more in the works to come. Check their website often for any word on new versions. At the main menu you have three basic choices though two are similar. You can start a New Game sometimes referred to as Sandbox Mode. You can start a new Campaign which takes you through the story of the Dread Lords. You can also start a Metaverse game which is the same as Sandbox Mode except the game doesn't allow the use of mods and your final score can be uploaded to Stardock's website for comparison to all the other Metaverse players. For the purpose of this section we'll choose a new game in Sandbox Mode. Section 1.1 - Sandbox Mode Game Ok after clicking the New Game button you are presented with the universe setup information. There are several things you can adjust on this screen. Depending on how long you want a game to take adjust the galaxy size. This ranges from Tiny which is only 3x3 sectors up to Gigantic which is 16x16. If you want a game to last only a few hours go with anything under Medium. Anything above Medium can take several play sessions to complete. As a matter of personal preference I tend to play on Huge maps. That gives a fair amount of breathing room in the early go but doesn't take more then a couple of days to wrap up. Choosing a Scenario will alter the victory conditions and the rules for the game. For this example just leave it set to Normal which turns on all victory conditions. The boxes at the bottom of the screen affect the make up of your game universe. These settings allow you to alter the difficulty of the game apart from the AI intelligence that we'll get to later. The easiest setting to play on is for everything to be set to Abundant. Lower any of the options to reduce their overall number generated by the game. Star density controls how far apart stars are from one another. This can cause the universe to be made up of tight clusters of stars or can scatter all the stars across the entire game map. Technology rate alters the overall cost of all the techs in the game. This controls the pace of how rapidly you gain new techs in the game. If you want to race through the vast tech tree quickly set the rate to Very Fast. **New in version 1.1** The game now includes options to turn off tech trading, to turn off minor races, and to turn on blind exploration which only reveals an empire's influence coverage on the mini map if you've explored that region of space. Also the game now allows you to set the above galaxy options to random so you won't know what you are playing on until the game actually starts. ********************** The next screen allows you to choose one of the predefined races or create your own. When you are first starting out I suggest using one of the predefined races. As you become proficient at the game a custom race will allow you to tailor the game more to your preferred style of play. The next screen shows you an overview of your selected race's abilities, political party, color scheme and core ship design, and starting techs. For now click Next. I'll describe this in a later section. This last screen allows you to set the number of opponents and the overall difficulty of the game. There are twelve different difficulty settings ranging from Cakewalk - Suicidal. For your first game I would suggest 2-4 opponents and Easy difficulty. As you get proficient with the game concepts start to move up the difficulty scale and or increase the number of opponents you play against. This game does a very good job of allowing the player to tailor the experience to his/her own skill levels. I break down the difficulty settings later in the FAQ. **New in version 1.1** The game now gives you the option to randomly select your opponents and to randomize their intelligence setting. So for instance you can tell the game to give you 5 opponents from the list that are all set to a base of Normal but are randomized internally. This affects the AI by slightly altering what internal algorithms it has access to. This is one of those *under the hood* sorts of things but it does add a bit of mystery to the AI personalities. ********************** Section 1.2 - Your First Turn After dismissing the opening dialog box the game takes you to the technology screen. This screen is divided into three sections in the default mode. In the upper left area you see a list of all the available techs you can currently research along with the time in turns it will take in parenthesis. To the right of that selection list is a description of your currently selected tech along with the abilities, improvements, and future unlocks the tech gives you. The lower section of the screen is a fully expanded list of all the techs in the game. Depending on the starting techs of your race the first couple of selections will change. However for the most part your best first tech is going to be either New Propulsion Techniques or Universal Translator. As with a lot of things in this type of game make your choice based on what will benefit your empire the most. If you are in a remote area of the map you may want to get better engines for your colony ships. If there are AIs nearby you may want to get Universal Translator so you can speak with them sooner. After choosing your starting tech to research the next screen takes you to the Planetary Management screen of your home world. Here you can see all the buildings on the planet along with any special tiles. Unless your home world starts out with some bonus tiles that would lend it well to either manufacturing or research I'd suggest that you start out with a balanced set of buildings. I typically build the following on my home world: 2 x Basic Factory 2 x Xeno Lab 1 x Basic Farm 1 x Marketplace 1 x Entertainment Center 1 x Embassy (once unlocked) Also with 5000bc in the bank your first turn you may want to purchase your first factory just to give your home world a good start at producing more buildings and colony ships. After clicking Done on the planetary screen you finally see the main game screen. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the controls for moving the map around as well as zooming in and out. Of note is once you zoom out past a certain point the game switches from the 3D world to a 2D Strategic View. In the Strategic View you see icons to represent your ships and planets. This can give you quick information about the items shown without having to hover the mouse over them. Get used to switching into and out of strategic view. You won't regret it. Ok so now you see two ships. One is your flag ship and the other is your first colony ship. If you are playing as any race other then the Terrans you start out with a tech called Stellar Cartography. This allows you to see all the stars and planets on the minimap right from the start. If you don't see any anomalies right away then send your flag ship off towards any cluster of stars nearby. Along the way monitor the space that is uncovered looking for said anomalies and also floating space resources. Send your colony ship off in the general direction of the star clusters also. Do not waste your first ship on the Planet Quality (PQ) 4 planet in your starting system. There is plenty of time for that one later. Right now you are looking for at least a PQ8 or above so that you can get another planet similar to your home world up and running. To colonize a planet you find simply select the colony ship and then right click on the planet. Before you click the Turn button select your home world and purchase a new colony ship. That's all for your first turn. Your empire building days have begun. Section 1.3 - Expanding Your Empire Time for turn two through oh I don't know several hundred maybe. There are many effective ways for expanding your influence over the galaxy. Depending on your personal style of play some may appeal to you more then others. For the purpose of this guide I'm going to talk in broad generalities here and go into more specifics in the section about strategies. Your first fifty to a hundred turns (depending on the map size you chose) are going to be what I call the Colonizing Phase of the game. In this phase the most important thing to do is stay on top of your colonizing efforts. Don't expand too fast but try to maintain a steady rate of expansion. By this point you shouldn't need to rush build any more colony ships and shouldn't rush build any buildings beyond the first factory on your first few new colonies. The reason for this is you are going to be in the red for quite a while and the starting 5000bc bank is what keeps you afloat during this period. **New for v1.1** The colony rush has been toned down in this release. This occurred because Stardock changed how your population grows. Basically if you reduce a planets population to only a couple of billion it will take a really long time to recover. So it is vital that you temper your colony expansion with this in mind. I've adjusted my early game strategy to include a few planets that I use to build colony ships instead of just my home world. Something I probably should have done before but never bothered :). ***************** If you find any anomalies that give you money by all means rush build something that will benefit you like a colony ship to grab that juicy PQ18 planet you just found or a constructor to get the Research resource you found. For the most part though your first few colonies should be to the point where they can produce a constructor every twenty turns or so and your home world producing a colony ship every fifteen or so. During this early go try to keep your citizens happy. Happy citizens make you more citizens which pay more taxes. If you feel you've got to crank up your tax level so high that your approval falls below 70% you expanded too fast. If you can get your taxes to 49% and be in the black with an approval of around 78% then you are in pretty good shape. I'll discuss more economic concepts later in the FAQ. As you expand try to avoid spreading yourself out with gaps in your influence. This can happen when you've got a couple of star systems between your home world and a really nice set of planets. After the first four or five colonies feel free to fill in your sphere of influence with some of the lesser PQ planets. If you happen to have a strong cluster of planets leave the lesser ones for the AI to settle. Because you have so many planets in the area to his one your chances of taking the planet over later via influence go way up thus saving you a colony ship. However don't let the AI split your empire in half by colonizing several planets in one area. This can lead to you losing your influence on those outlying systems. Disaster to to say the least. Every time the research flag pops up make sure you chose something that will benefit your empire's immediate needs. This can change from one game to the next so don't concern yourself too much with following an *ideal* research path. Once the Colonizing Phase ends you are now in the mid game phase. This is by far the longest phase of the game. All of your starting efforts are to set you up for this point. By now you've made contact with some or all of the major races and probably one or two of the minor ones. Start trying to trade technology with them. Also start setting up trade routes to further expand your economy. Depending on the AI you are playing against a few wars may break out during this time. If you are a war monger then you probably started them :). Section 1.4 - Winning The Game There are four ways to win a game of GCII in the normal settings: Cultural Victory - Control 75% of the map assets along with having 75% of the map under your sphere of influence. You cannot be at war if you wish to achieve this victory. Diplomatic Victory - Make an alliance of all remaining major races. The most common way to get this victory is ally with who you can and wipe out the ones that don't want to see your way as better. Technology Victory - Probably the second most straight forward way to win. At the end of the blue techs is one called Technology Victory. Research it and you win. Conquest Victory - This is the most straight forward way to win. Wipe out everyone else. Section 1.5 - Campaign I've had several people request a walkthrough for the campaign. I would do that but to be honest I find the campaign too restrictive. Also I don't think that the campaign is a good place for new players to start. Since the goal of this FAQ is to give a new player the knowledge needed to start to enjoy this game I haven't put any effort into a campaign walkthrough. When I say the campaign is too restrictive what I mean is that you are limited not only in what techs you can research but also in what objectives you may or may not want to achieve. Another thing not to my liking is that everything you do in one scenario does not carry over into the next. So you end up starting a bunch of little mini games from scratch as you play through. I'm not faulting Stardock for what they did. It's just that a story driven campaign is not why I play 4x TBS games. I like to *choose my own adventure* so to speak :). ============================================================================= Section 2.0 - Technology Tree To say the tech tree in GC2 is big is a bit of an understatement. There are over 200 different technologies to research split into eight different categories. All information shown here is taken from the TechTree.xml file in the GalcCiv2 data directory. I will group them together by color trying to list them in order of requirements. Included is my opinion on how important a tech is in any given game circumstance. I added the AIValue tag to each of the techs. I'm not 100% sure what this does to the game but I'm pretty sure it influences not only how valueable the AI thinks a tech is in trade but also how likely it is to research it itself. I'm sure there are hard coded modifiers to this value in each of the AIs to give them some variety. But the knowledge if nothing else should answer the *why* on certain things in terms of what the AI does and does not research. Legend: RP - Research Points PI - Planetary Improvement SP - Super Project GA - Galactic Achievement SC - Ship Component SB - Starbase Component TG - Trade Good IT - Invasion Tactic Section 2.1 - Communications Branch (Yellow Color) This branch controls all influence, diplomacy, trade and morale technologies. I generally intermix these in my tech selections if I've just gotten a big upgrade that gives me a new planetary building and I want to give my planets time to build. Also this branch is very important if you want to go for either a Cultural victory or a Diplomatic victory. Xeno Communications Cost: 30 RP Requires: None Ability: +5 to diplomacy AIValue: 5 Notes: The start of the communication branch. Typically you start the game with this tech. Universal Translator Cost: 25 RP Requires: Xeno Communications Ability: +5 to diplomacy AIValue: 10 Unlocks: Embassy (PI) Foreign Relations Center (SB) Notes: Usually the second tech I research in a game. It is required to talk with all other races in the game. Interstellar Governments Cost: 200 RP Requires: Universal Translator Ability: +5 to diplomacy AIValue: 10 Notes: Must have tech in terms of advancing your empire's form of government. The more advanced governments give bonuses to MP, SP, and RP. However you do have to watch your approval rating more closely at the higher government settings. Also the higher forms of government can override your decisions on going to war if your approval rating is not high enough. Alliances Cost: 300 RP Requires: Interstellar Governments Ability: +10 to diplomacy AIValue: 30 Notes: Must have tech if you are going for a Diplomatic Victory. Also the AI does not need this tech for you to offer an alliance. You only need to obtain a relationship status with them of *Close*. Interstellar Republic Cost: 800 RP Requires: Alliances Ability: +10 to diplomacy; +5 to influence Bonus: +25 to SP, MP, RP AIValue: 15 Notes: Keep in mind that once you research a higher form of government the game will hold an election. If your party does not win because your approval rating is too low you will lose your party bonus. Also the winning parties bonus becomes negatives for your empire. Needless to say you don't want to lose an election. Star Democracy Cost: 1500 RP Requires: Interstellar Republic Ability: +10 to diplomacy; +5 to influence Bonus: +50 to SP, MP, RP AIValue: 15 Unlocks: Political Captial (SP) Notes: Same as above though you have to keep a higher rating now. Star Federation Cost: 5000 RP Requires: Star Democracy Ability: +10 to diplomacy; +5 to influence Bonus: +75 to SP, MP, RP AIValue: 10 Unlocks: Galctic Monument (GA) Notes: Same as above though you have to keep an even higher rating now. Diplomatic Relations Cost: 100 RP Requires: Universal Translator Ability: +10 to diplomacy AIValue: 7 Unlocks: Diplomatic Translators (TG) Interstellar Embassy (SB) Notes: If you seem to be unable to get good deals for trade from the AI try improving your diplomacy skill. Advanced Diplomacy Cost: 400 RP Requires: Diplomatic Relations Ability: +10 to diplomacy AIValue: 3 Unlocks: Cultural Exchange Center (PI) Galactic Forum (SB) Notes: If I'm going for a cultural win I try to get this tech ASAP. Expert Diplomacy Cost: 500 RP Requires: Advanced Diplomacy Ability: +10 to diplomacy AIValue: 1 Unlocks: Galactic Showcase (GA) Supreme Forum (SB) Notes: Majesty Cost: 1000 RP Requires: Expert Diplomacy Ability: +10 to diplomacy AIValue: 3 Notes: Total Majesty Cost: 1500 RP Requires: Majesty Ability: +20 to diplomacy AIValue: 5 Unlocks: Spin Control Center (SP) Notes: Trade Cost: 200 RP Requires: Diplomatic Relations Ability: +10 to diplomacy; +3 to trade routes; +10 to trade AIValue: 25 Unlocks: Economic Capital (SP) Restaurant of Eternity (GA) Trading Post (SB) Notes: This tech allows you to construct freighters. The planet the freighter is constructed at is considered the starting point for a trade route. So for the most part you should build freighters at your most profitable planet. Then surround that planet with economic star bases to maximize your trade revenue. Advanced Trade Cost: 400 RP Requires: Trade Ability: +3 to trade routes; +10 to trade AIValue: 10 Unlocks: Galactic Stock Exchange (GA) Galactic Mall (SB) Notes: Neutral Shipping Cost: 400 RP Requires: Trade Ability: +3 to trade routes; +10 to trade Alignment: Neutral only AIValue: 5 Notes: Master Trade Cost: 1200 RP Requires: Advanced Trade Ability: +3 to trade routes; +10 to trade AIValue: 5 Unlocks: Galactic Privateer (GA) Galactic Bazaar (GA) Advanced Trading Post (SB) Trade Center (SB) Notes: The two galactic achievements that this tech unlocks are very useful. If you are a war monger or an evil empire then the Galactic Privateer can help you keep your trade routes safe during your constant warfare. The Galactic Bazaar is very useful if you like to keep your economy going by trading techs and trade goods. Xeno Entertainment Cost: 300 RP Requires: Universal Translator Ability: +10 to morale AIValue: 3 Unlocks: Multimedia Center (PI) Notes: A good tech to get in the early stage of the game. Pick it up if you start to have approval difficulties. Xeno Business Cost: 400 RP Requires: Xeno Entertainment Ability: +5 to influence AIValue: 3 Unlocks: Interstellar Consortium (SB) Notes: Cultural Domination Cost: 800 RP Requires: Xeno Business Ability: +5 to influence AIValue: 3 Unlocks: Re-education Center (SP) Franchise Center (SB) Notes: Historical Assimilation Cost: 1000 RP Requires: Cultural Domination Ability: +5 to influence AIValue: 3 Unlocks: Franchise Headquarters (SB) Notes: Xeno Cultural Trends Cost: 1000 RP Requires: Historical Assimilation Ability: +5 to influence AIValue: 3 Unlocks: Frictionless Clothing (TG) Cultural Maximization Center (SB) Notes: Cultural Insurrection Cost: 1200 RP Requires: Xeno Cultural Trends Ability: +5 to influence AIValue: 3 Unlocks: Insurrection Coordinator (SB) Notes: Cultural Conquest Cost: 1500 RP Requires: Cultural Insurrection Ability: +10 to influence AIValue: 3 Unlocks: Hyper Distribution Center (GA) Cultural Conquest Center (SB) Notes: Extreme Entertainment Cost: 800 RP Requires: Xeno Entertainment Ability: +5 to morale AIValue: 5 Unlocks: Extreme Stadium (PI) Ultra Spices (TG) Xeno Concert Hall (SB) Notes: Zero G Sports Arenas Cost: 1500 RP Requires: Extreme Entertainment Ability: +5 to morale AIValue: 5 Unlocks: Zero G Sports Arena (PI) Gravity Accelerators (TG) Notes: The Gravity Accelerators is one trade good I try to secure for myself in all my games. Speed is a major advantage to keeping the initiative and since this adds +1 to all your ships it is of high value in my book. Virtual Reality Centers Cost: 2500 RP Requires: Zero G Sports Arena Ability: +5 to morale AIValue: 5 Unlocks: Virtual Reality Center (PI) Virtual Reality Modules (TG) Notes: Xeno Ethics Cost: 1000 RP Requires: Universal Translator Ability: +5 to diplomacy AIValue: 10 Unlocks: Harmony Crystals (TG) Notes: This tech allows you to choose an ethical alignment. I tend to wait on this tech until I've got enough espionage on my rivals to determine which way they maybe leaning. If you are going for a Diplomatic Victory it is easier to get them to ally with you if you are the same alignment. Good and Evil Cost: 1500 RP Requires: Xeno Ethics Ability: +10 to diplomacy AIValue: 3 Unlocks: Secret Police Center (SP) Notes: Required if you'd like to get to the galactic wonder for whatever alignment you chose. Concepts of Malice Cost: 1500 RP Requires: Good and Evil Alignment: Evil only Ability: +10 to diplomacy AIValue: 3 Unlocks: Temple of Malice (GA) Propaganda Center (PI) Artificial Slave Center (SP) No Mercy Invasion Center (GA) Mind Control Center (GA) Notes: With all the nifty things you get for being evil why would anyone ever want to be good? :) Balanced Vision Cost: 1500 RP Requires: Good and Evil Alignment: Neutral only Ability +10 to diplomacy AIValue: 3 Unlocks: Temple of Balance (GA) Notes: Neutral in my opinion needs some work. There just isn't enough useful stuff for me to recommend it beyond choosing it if the majority of empires in your game are already neutral and you are going for a Diplomatic Victory. Concepts of Righteousness Cost: 1500 RP Requires: Good and Evil Alignment: Good only Ability +10 to diplomacy AIValue: 3 Unlocks: Temple of Righteousness (GA) Empathic Tactical Center (GA) Hall of Empathy (GA) Notes: Section 2.2 - Propulsion Branch (Light Blue) "We like things that make us go" - Packleds ST:TNG. Sorry couldn't resist :) But basically that statement is really all you need know about the propulsion branch. Hyperdrive Cost: 50 RP Requires: None AIValue: 10 Notes: Most of the time this is one of your starting techs. New Propulsion Techniques Cost: 25 RP Requires: Hyperdrive AIValue: 25 Notes: This is normally one of the first techs I research in the game. The road to better engines can open up several useful strategies not only for combat but just expanding your borders as well. Ion Drive Cost: 50 RP Requires: New Propulsion AIValue: 20 Notes: Unlocks the Ion Drive ship component. See ship components for more info. Impulse Drive Cost: 150 RP Requires: Ion Drive Ability: +10 to speed AIValue: 30 Notes: Unlocks your first engine capable of more then 1 parsec / week movement. Impulse Drive Mark II Cost: 200 RP Requires: Impulse Drive AIValue: 12 Notes: Impulse Drive Mark III Cost: 300 RP Requires: Impulse Drive Mark II AIValue: 12 Notes: Warp Drive Cost: 1000 RP Requires: Impulse Drive Mark III AIValue: 30 Unlocks: Stellar Wake (SB) Notes: Warp Drive II Cost: 800 RP Requires: Warp Drive AIValue: 4 Notes: Warp Drive III Cost: 900 RP Requires: Warp Drive II AIValue: 3 Notes: Warp Drive IV Cost: 1000 RP Requires: Warp Drive III AIValue: 3 Unlocks: Inverse Tractor Beam (SB) Notes: Warp Drive V Cost: 1200 RP Requires: Warp Drive IV AIValue: 3 Notes: Hyperwarp Cost: 4000 RP Requires: Warp Drive V AIValue: 20 Unlocks: Interdiction Beam (SB) Notes: Hyperwarp II Cost: 3000 RP Requires: Hyperwarp AIValue: 3 Notes: Hyperwarp III Cost: 3200 RP Requires: Hyperwarp II AIValue: 3 Notes: Section 2.3 - Engineering Branch (Orange, Pink, Green, Blue) All planetary buildings are contained in this branch along with the upgrades. Also this branch controls your maximum hull size, ship range, and logistics. And for good measure the research branch is part of this too. Xeno Engineering Cost: 50 RP Requires: None Unlocks: Mining Center (SB) Ability: +10 to SP AIValue: 5 Notes: The start of the engineering branch. Also it is typically a starting tech. Basic Logistics Cost: 150 RP Requires: Xeno Engineering Ability: +4 to logistics AIValue: 30 Notes: This is probably the fourth or fifth tech I research in the game. The ability to put 3 small hull ships into a fleet in the beginning of the game is crucial if you end up in an early war. Enhanced Logistics Cost: 500 RP Requires: Basic Logistics Ability: +5 to logistics AIValue: 25 Notes: This tech can normally wait until either a war breaks out or you've researched Medium hulls. Advanced Logistics Cost: 1500 RP Requires: Enhanced Logistics Ability: +6 to logistics AIValue: 20 Notes: This tech can normally wait until you've researched Large Hulls. In general however if you are in a war the more ships you can get into a fleet the better that fleet's chances are of winning any given engagement. Expert Logistics Cost: 2500 RP Requires: Advanced Logistics Ability: +7 to logistics AIValue: 12 Unlocks: Hyperion Re-Supply Center (SP) Hyperion Logistics System (SP) Notes: Again this tech can wait until you've researched the larger hull sizes. The Hyperion Logistics System is a really nice super project. Building it as soon as you can really helps when war breaks out. Ultimate Logistics Cost: 4000 RP Requires: Expert Logistics Ability: +9 to logistics AIValue: 10 Notes: Guess what. This can wait and probably never get researched. General Life Support Cost: 50 RP Requires: Basic Logistics Ability: +20 to range AIValue: 15 Notes: A good tech to pick up early if you find yourself starting in an isolated part of the galaxy. Keep in mind that it will increase the range of your existing ship along with give you access to the ship modules for extending range. Extended Life Support Cost: 500 RP Requires: General Life Support Ability: +40 to range AIValue: 21 Notes: A bit pricey but again if you need to eek a little more range out of your existing fleet it does help. Advanced Life Support Cost: 2000 RP Requires: Extended Life Support Ability: +50 to range AIValue: 10 Notes: Really only need if you are stuck in a corner of the galaxy on a Large or bigger map. Ultra Life Support Cost: 4000 RP Requires: Advanced Life Support Ability: +50 to range AIValue: 5 Note: Here's a tip... save the RP and put some life support modules on your ships instead of researching this. Advanced Hulls Cost: 210 Requires: Basic Logistics AIValue: 35 Unlocks: Xinathium Hull Plating (TG) Notes: This is another trade good I always try to secure for myself. That 15% isn't much on a small ship but when you get into the medium and large hulls it can really make a difference. Also since the AI values it pretty well it is a nice trade good to help smooth relations with when trying to get to that clost status needed for an alliance. Medium Scale Building Cost: 800 RP Requires: Advanced Hulls AIValue: 40 Unlocks: Medium Hulls (SC) Battle Stations Mark II (SB) Notes: Superior Hulls Cost: 500 RP Requires: Medium Scale Building AIValue: 15 Notes: Large Scale Building Cost: 2500 RP Requires: Superior Hulls AIValue: 50 Unlocks: Large Hulls (SC) Battle Stations Mark III (SB) Notes: Master Hull Building Cost: 2000 RP Requires: Large Scale Building Ability: +15 to hit points AIValue: 30 Unlocks: Hyperion Shipyard (SP) Notes: Massive Scale Building Cost: 4000 RP Requires: Master Hull Building AIValue: 30 Unlocks: Huge Hulls (SC) Battle Stations Mark IV (SB) Notes: Reinforced Hull Design Cost: 1000 RP Requires: Master Hull Building AIValue: 5 Ability: +10 to hit points Notes: Always nice to increase the hit point of all your ships. If nothing else I use it to make my small/medium mixed fleets more viable against larger ships. Hardened Hull Design Cost: 2000 Requires: Reinforced Hull Design Ability: +10 to hit points AIValue: 5 Notes: See above :). Planetary Improvements Cost: 100 RP Requires: Xeno Engineering Ability: +10 to SP; +10 to MP; +10 to RP AIValue: 15 Notes: This is normally the second tech I research in a game. The +10 bonus to each production stat is a great help. Also I now make a beeline to Xeno Economics to get a good jump start on my economy. Xeno Industrial Theory Cost: 200 RP Requires: Planetary Improvements Ability: +10 to SP AIValue: 5 Unlocks: Factory (PI) Manufacturing Capital (SP) Adv. Starbase Factory (SB) Mining Headquarters (SB) Notes: The +10 to social production is also nice. If you feel you need to crank out buildings a little faster and don't want to increase your social spending then research this. Xeno Factory Construction Cost: 1000 RP Requires: Xeno Industrial Theory AIValue: 10 Unlocks: Enhanced Factory (PI) Massive Scaling Center (SB) Resource Excavation (SB) Notes: Bigger better factories. Depending on where you are in the game this can be a blessing or a curse. Manufacturing Centers Cost: 2000 RP Requires: Xeno Factory Construction AIValue: 10 Unlocks: Manufacturing Center (PI) Interstellar Collectors (SB) Extraction Center (SB) Extraction Complex (SB) Notes: More powerful factories. Also don't forget that there are two starbase upgrades for your econ and mining starbases in this tech. I sometimes forget to build the second :) Industrial Sector Cost: 4000 RP Requires: Manufacturing Centers AIValue: 5 Unlocks: Industrial Sector (PI) Orbital Replicators (SB) Resource Sector (SB) Notes: My opinion of this tech has changed. With the reduced cost in terms of research and the changes made to the economy starbase modules I do think this is now worth researching. Xeno Economics Cost: 100 RP Requires: Planetary Improvements Ability: +10 to economics AIValue: 10 Unlocks Adv. Market Center (PI) Notes: A good tech to pick up in the early stages of the game after you've gotten your production base rolling. Can help to push your economy into the black. Xeno Trade Centers Cost: 400 RP Requires: Xeno Economics AIValue: 3 Unlocks: Trade Center (PI) Notes: Xeno Bank Construction Cost: 500 RP Requires: Xeno Trade Centers Ability: +5 to economics AIValue: 5 Unlocks: Banking Center (PI) Notes: Can never have too many bcs. And for only 500 RP this is a bargain compared to the other planetary improvements at the same level. Galactic Stock Exchanges Cost: 800 RP Requires: Xeno Bank Construction AIValue: 5 Unlocks: Stock Market (PI) Notes: Again anything that improves bcs is a help. 800 RP is nothing at this point in the game typically. So picking this up in the early mid game can be an asset. Xeno Farm Construction Cost: 200 RP Requires: Planetary Improvements AIValue: 20 Unlocks: Xeno Farming (PI) Notes: Be wary of upgrading your farming capabilities. Without proper planning you can push your planets approval into the tank with too many people too fast. In general improve your entertainment capabilities first. Xeno Farm Construction II Cost: 2000 RP Requires: Xeno Farm Construction AIValue: 15 Unlocks Intensive Farming (PI) Notes: Same as with Xeno Farm I. Xeno Farm Construction III Cost: 4000 RP Requires: Xeno Farm Construction II AIValue: 5 Unlocks: Advanced Farming (PI) Notes: I don't think I've ever bothered with this tech. At least the 4000 RP price tag is much better then the 8k previous to v1.1. Soil Enhancement Cost: 400 RP Requires: Planetary Improvements AIValue: 25 Unlocks: Soil Enhancement (PI) Notes: Turn all those yellow squares into useable tiles. Can wait till the after the colonizing phase. Habitat Improvement Cost: 1500 RP Requires: Soil Enhancement AIValue: 25 Unlocks: Habitat Improvement (PI) Aphrodisiac (TG) Notes: Turns orange squares into useable tiles. Really not needed unless you have a lot of planets that have more then one of these color tiles. Terraforming Cost: 3000 RP Requires: Habitat Improvement AIValue: Not listed (typo maybe?) Unlocks: Terraforming (PI) Orbital Terraformer (GA) Notes: Allows you to use any remaining tiles that haven't turned green from the previous two techs. It does not as the description implies allow you to use all tiles on a planet. Shame they didn't add a tech to do that. Maybe in a future update. Xeno Research Cost: 20 RP Requires: Xeno Engineering AIValue: 20 Unlocks: Xeno Lab (PI) Notes: The start of the pure research branch. Typically a race starts with this tech. Advanced Computing Cost: 100 RP Requires: Xeno Research AIValue: 10 Unlocks: Technological Capital (SP) Smart Drones (SB) Notes: Basic Miniaturization Cost: 100 RP Requires: Advanced Computing AIValue: 20 Ability: +10 to ship hull space Notes: Miniaturization does not affect the component size of your ships directly. It does increase the amount of space any given hull size has by the percentage listed. Enhanced Miniaturization Cost: 500 RP Requires: Basic Miniaturization Ability: +15 to ship hull space AIValue: 26 Unlocks: Micro Repair Bots (TG) Notes: A nice advance to have just as medium size ships become available to you. Advanced Miniaturization Cost: 1000 RP Requires: Enhanced Miniaturization Ability: +15 to ship hull space AIValue: 25 Notes: My opinion on this tech has changed given the research cost reduction. While it is still a good idea to research the larger hulls first you can't ignore the +40% to hull space you get by the time you research this tech. Expert Miniaturization Cost: 2500 RP Requires: Advanced Miniaturization Ability: +15 to ship hull space AIValue: 25 Unlocks: Hyperion Shrinker (SP) Notes: See above :). Ultimate Miniaturization Cost: 5000 RP Requires: Expert Miniaturization Ability: +20 to ship hull space AIValue: 15 Notes: Umm... well not no now that it is only 5000 RP instead of 8400. But I still rarely research this because if you factor in the Hyperion Shrinker from the last tech you basically bump hull sizes by one in terms of component sizes. This starts the diminishing returns on miniaturization. Also I think the AI feels the same way since the value of this tech is 10 less than previous ones. Supreme Miniaturization Cost: 8000 RP Requires: Ultimate Miniaturization Ability: +25 to ship hull space AIValue: 4 Notes: If it is unlikely for me to justify 5000 for the previous tech how likely do you think it would be fore me to justify 8000 for this one? I'd go for a tech victory long before this becoming useful. And with an AI value of 4 it appears I'm not alone in my thoughts :). Research Centers Cost: 200 RP Requires: Xeno Research AIValue: 5 Unlocks: Research Center (PI) Notes: Research Academies Cost: 500 RP Requires: Research Centers AIValue: 4 Unlocks: Research Academy (PI) Notes: Neutrality Learning Center Cost: 2000 RP Requires: Research Academies Alignment: Neutral AIValue: 5 Unlocks: Neutrality Learning Center (PI) Notes: Neutral players rejoice this is finally fixed in v1.1 :) Invention Matrix Cost: 2000 RP Requires: Research Academies AIValue: 4 Unlocks: Invention Matrix (PI) Notes: Discovery Sphere Cost: 6000 RP Requires: Invention Matrix AIValue: 4 Unlocks: Discovery Sphere (PI) Omega Research Center (GA) Notes: Deeper Knowledge Cost: 3000 RP Requires: Discovery Sphere AIValue: 1 Notes: Only continue to research down this path if you are going for a Technological Victory. Didn't realize that the AI will most likely never try for a tech win :). Galactic Understanding Cost: 6000 RP Requires: Deeper Knowledge AIValue: 1 Notes: Only continue to research down this path if you are going for a Technological Victory. Near Omniscience Cost: 12000 RP Requires: Galactic Understanding AIValue: 1 Notes: Only continue to research down this path if you are going for a Technological Victory. Beyond Mortality Cost: 18000 RP Requires: Near Omniscience AIValue: 1 Notes: Only continue to research down this path if you are going for a Technological Victory. Technology Victory Cost: 40000 RP Requires: Beyond Mortality AIValue: 1 Notes: You win a technology victory. Duh! :) Stellar Cartography Cost: 25 RP Requires: Xeno Research AIValue: 1 Notes: All races except the Terrans start with this ability. It allows you to see the planets and stars on the mini map. Sensors Cost: 100 RP Requires: Stellar Cartography Ability: +1 to sensor ability AIValue: 1 Unlocks: Survey Module (SC) Perimeter Scanners (SB) Notes: Well with an AIValue of 1 no wonder the AI never seems to research this branch. Sensors Mark II Cost: 200 RP Requires: Sensors AIValue: 1 Unlocks: Nano Recorders (TG) Galactic Guide Book (GA) Sector Scanners (SB) Notes: Galactic Guide Book is almost useless since unless you specifically go for it in the early stages of the game all the anomalies are gone. Nano Recorders I know is listed but I'm not sure it is even in the game. Sensors Mark III Cost: 300 RP Requires: Sensors II AIValue: 1 Unlocks: Sector Surveillance Scanners (SB) Notes: Sensors Mark IV Cost: 500 RP Requires: Sensors III AIValue: 1 Unlocks: Eyes of the Universe (GA) Ultimate Surveillance Scanners (SB) Notes: The Eyes of the Universe galactic achievement is worth the 1100 total RP it takes to get to Sensor IV. During war it makes keeping tabs on the AI ships a lot easier without risking any defenseless scouts. Section 2.4 - Galactic Warfare Branch (Red, Purple) WAR!... can't live without it... pass the Phasor. Galactic Warfare Cost: 25 RP Requires: None Ability: +10 to military production AIValue: 10 Notes: Typically a race starts with this tech. If not it should be in the top 5 of starting research projects. Space Militarization Cost: 50 RP Requires: Galactic Warfare Ability: +10 to military production AIValue: 20 Notes: Obviously if you are going for a conquest win then you want to start your war machine early. However even a peaceful style shouldn't neglect weapons or defenses for too long. The more aggressive AIs do like to pick on the little kids. Space Weapons Cost: 150 RP Requires: Space Militarization AIValue: 10 Unlocks: Battle Stations (SB) Fighter Drones (SB) Notes: Planetary Invasion Cost: 900 RP Requires: Space Militarization AIValue: 18 Unlocks: Troop Module (SC) Traditional Warfare (IT) Gas Warfare (IT) Information Warfare (IT) Notes: Obviously you need to get this before you go to war. Also if you can get it before the AI then you can take their planets but they are no threat to yours. Planetary Defense Cost: 300 RP Requires: Planetary Invasion Ability: +10 to soldiering AIValue: 38 Unlocks: Orbital Fleet Manager (PI) Planetary Defense (PI) Omega Defense System (SP) Notes: Advanced Planetary Defense Cost: 2000 RP Requires: Planetary Defense Ability: +10 to soldiering AIValue: 4 Unlocks: Hyperion Fleet Defense (SP) Notes: Supreme Planetary Defense Cost: 6000 RP Requires: Advanced Planetary Defense Ability: +10 to soldiering AIValue: 4 Notes: Planetary Bombardment Cost: 600 RP Requires: Planetary Invasion Ability: +5 to soldiering AIValue: 12 Unlocks: Mass Drivers (IT) Notes: Tidal Disruption Cost: 600 RP Requires: Planetary Bombardment Ability: +15 to soldiering AIValue: 4 Unlocks: Tidal Disruptors (IT) Notes: Space Marines Cost: 400 RP Requires: Planetary Bombardment Ability: +15 to soldiering AIValue: 12 Unlocks: Tir-Quan Training (TG) Core Detonation (IT) Notes: Advanced Troop Module Cost: 500 RP Requires: Space Marines AIValue: 25 Unlocks: Adv Troop Module (SC) Notes: Shock Troops Cost: 500 RP Requires: Advanced Troop Module Ability: +15 to soldiering AIValue: 8 Unlocks: Mini-Soldiers (IT) Notes: Starbase Defenses Cost: 500 RP Requires: Space Weapons AIValue: 18 Unlocks: Beam Interceptor (SB) Energy Grid (SB) Missile Defender (SB) Notes: The path starting with this tech has gotten more expensive in an effort to curtail a rush tactic using military starbases. Time play testing by us will let Stardock know if this is enough or if other measures need to be added. Starbase Mobilization Cost: 1500 RP Requires: Starbase Defenses AIValue: 10 Unlocks: Omega Cannon (SB) Missile Bloom (SB) Beam Multiplier Field (SB) Notes: Starbase Projection Cost: 2500 RP Requires: Starbase Mobilization AIValue: 3 Unlocks: Beam Multiplier Field III (SB) Omega Cannon III (SB) Missile Bloom III (SB) Notes: Superior Starbase Defense Systems Cost: 3500 RP Requires: Starbase Projection AIValue: 5 Unlocks: Beam Multiplier Field IV (SB) Omega Cannon IV (SB) Missile Bloom IV (SB) Notes: Starbase Conquest Strategy Cost: 4500 Requires: Superior Starbase Defense Systems AIValue: 5 Unlocks: Beam Multiplier Field V (SB) Omega Cannon V (SB) Missile Bloom V (SB) Notes: Beam Weapon Theory Cost: 100 RP Requires: Space Weapons AIValue: 10 Notes: Unlocks the beam weapon branch of the ship weapons. Laser Cost: 75 RP Requires: Beam Weapon Theory AIValue: 10 Unlocks: Laser Equalizer (SB) Notes: Laser II Cost: 200 RP Requires: Laser AIValue: 10 Notes: Laser III Cost: 350 RP Requires: Laser II AIValue: 8 Notes: Laser IV Cost: 400 RP Requires: Laser III AIValue: 8 Notes: Laser V Cost: 500 RP Requires: Laser IV AIValue: 8 Notes: Plasma Weapons Cost: 1000 RP Requires: Laser V AIValue: 8 Notes: Plasma Weapons II Cost: 700 RP Requires: Plasma Weapons AIValue: 8 Notes: Plasma Weapon III Cost: 800 RP Requires: Plasma Weapons II AIValue: 8 Notes: Phasors Cost: 2000 RP Requires: Plasma Weapons III AIValue: 8 Unlocks: Hyper-Phasors (SB) Notes: Phasors II Cost: 1600 RP Requires: Phasors AIValue: 8 Notes: Psyonic Beam Cost: 900 RP Requires: Phasors Alignment: Evil only AIValue: 8 Notes: Phasors III Cost: 1800 RP Requires: Phasors II AIValue: 8 Notes: Phasors IV Cost: 2000 RP Requires: Phasors III AIValue: 8 Notes: Phasors V Cost: 2100 RP Requires: Phasors IV AIValue: 8 Notes: Phasors VI Cost: 2200 RP Requires: Phasors V AIValue: 8 Notes: Phasors VII Cost: 2400 RP Requires: Phasors VI AIValue: 8 Notes: Disruptors Cost: 4000 RP Requires: Phasors VII AIValue: 8 Unlocks: Focusted Disruptors (SB) Notes: Disruptors II Cost: 3200 RP Requires: Disruptors AIValue: 8 Notes: Disruptors III Cost: 3500 RP Requires: Disruptors II AIValue: 8 Notes: Subspace Blaster Cost: 6000 RP Requires: Disruptors III AIValue: 8 Notes: Subspace Annihilator Cost: 5200 RP Requires: Subspace Blaster AIValue: 8 Notes: Doom Ray Cost: 9000 RP Requires: Subspace Annihilator AIValue: 8 Notes: Mass Driver Theory Cost: 100 RP Requires: Space Weapons AIValue: 10 Notes: Start of the gun branch of ship weapons. Miniballs Cost: 75 RP Requires: Mass Driver Theory AIValue: 10 Unlocks: Sniper Turrets (SB) Notes: Miniballs II Cost: 100 RP Requires: Miniballs AIValue: 10 Notes Mass Drivers Cost: 500 RP Requires: Miniballs II AIValue: 8 Notes: Mass Drivers II Cost: 800 RP Requires: Mass Drivers AIValue: 8 Notes: Mass Drivers III Cost: 1000 RP Requires: Mass Drivers II AIValue: 8 Notes: Singularity Driver Cost: 1200 RP Requires: Mass Drivers III AIValue: 8 Unlocks: Atlas Sling (SB) Notes: Singularity Driver II Cost: 900 RP Requires: Singularity Driver AIValue: 8 Notes: Singularity Driver III Cost: 800 RP Requires: Singularity Driver II AIValue: 8 Notes: Singularity Driver IV Cost: 1000 RP Requires: Singularity Driver III AIValue: 8 Notes: Graviton Driver Cost: 2000 RP Requires: Singularity Driver IV AIValue: 8 Notes: Graviton Driver II Cost: 2400 RP Requires: Graviton Driver AIValue: 8 Notes: Graviton Driver III Cost: 2500 RP Requires: Graviton Driver II AIValue: 8 Notes: Graviton Driver IV Cost: 2600 RP Requires: Graviton Driver III AIValue: 8 Unlocks: Graviton Snipers (SB) Notes: Psyonic Shredder Cost: 1000 RP Requires: Graviton Driver III Alignment: Evil only AIValue: 8 Notes: Quantum Driver Cost: 4000 RP Requires: Graviton Driver IV AIValue: 8 Notes: Quantum Driver II Cost: 4200 RP Requires: Quantum Driver AIValue: 8 Notes: Quantum Driver III Cost: 4400 RP Requires: Quantum Driver II AIValue: 8 Notes: HD Spike Driver Cost: 5000 RP Requires: Quantum Driver III AIValue: 8 Notes: HD Spike Driver II Cost: 5200 RP Requires: HD Spike Driver AIValue: 8 Notes: HD Spike Driver III Cost: 5300 RP Requires: HD Spike Driver II AIValue: 8 Notes: HD Spike Driver IV Cost: 5800 RP Requires: HD Spike Driver III AIValue: 8 Notes: Neutrino Bullets Cost: 8000 RP Requires: HD Spike Driver IV AIValue: 8 Unlocks: Neutrino Snipers (SB) Notes: Black Hole Gun Cost: 8000 RP Requires: Neutrino Bullets AIValue: 8 Notes: Missile Weapon Theory Cost: 100 RP Requires: Space Weapons AIValue: 10 Unlocks: Missile Launchpads (SB) Notes: Start of the missile ship weapons branch. Stinger Cost: 150 RP Requires: Missile Weapon Theory AIValue: 10 Notes: Stinger II Cost: 300 RP Requires: Stinger AIValue: 10 Notes: Stinger III Cost: 400 RP Requires: Stinger II AIValue: 8 Notes: Stinger IV Cost: 800 RP Requires: Stinger III AIValue: 8 Notes: Harpoon Cost: 1200 RP Requires: Stinger IV AIValue: 8 Notes: Harpoon II Cost: 800 RP Requires: Harpoon AIValue: 8 Notes: Harpoon III Cost: 900 RP Requires: Harpoon II AIValue: 8 Notes: Pysonic Missile Cost: 600 RP Requires: Harpoon III Alignment: Evil only AIValue: 8 Notes: Photonic Torpedo Cost: 1600 RP Requires: Harpoon III AIValue: 8 Notes: Photonic Torpedo II Cost: 1200 RP Requires: Photonic Torpedo AIValue: 8 Unlocks: Sub-Space Warheads (SB) Notes: Photon Torpedo Cost: 2400 RP Requires: Photonic Torpedo II AIValue: 8 Notes: Photon Torpedo II Cost: 2800 RP Requires: Photon Torpedo AIValue: 8 Notes: Photon Torpedo III Cost: 3000 RP Requires: Photon Torpedo II AIValue: 8 Notes: Anti-Matter Torpedo Cost: 5000 RP Requires: Photon Torpedo III AIValue: 8 Notes: Anti-Matter Torpedo II Cost: 5200 RP Requires: Anti-Matter Torpedo AIValue: 8 Notes: Anti-Matter Torpedo III Cost: 5400 RP Requires: Anti-Matter Torpedo II AIValue: 8 Notes: Quantum Torpedo Cost: 6000 RP Requires: Anti-Matter Torpedo III AIValue: 8 Notes: Quantum Torpedo II Cost: 6200 RP Requires: Quantum Torpedo AIValue: 8 Notes: Quantum Torpedo III Cost: 6800 RP Requires: Quantum Torpedo II AIValue: 8 Notes: Positronic Torpedo Cost: 7000 RP Requires: Quantum Torpedo III AIValue: 8 Notes: Positronic Torpedo II Cost: 8000 RP Requires: Positronic Torpedo AIValue: 8 Notes: Blackhole Eruptor Cost: 9000 RP Requires: Positronic Torpedo II AIValue: 8 Unlocks: Matter Detonators (SB) Blackhole Torpedo (SB) Notes: Starship Defenses Cost: 50 RP Requires: Space Militarization Ability: +10 to defense AIValue: 15 Unlocks: Protective Fields (SB) Notes: Path to all of the ship defenses for research. Armor Theory Cost: 80 RP Requires: Starship Defenses AIValue: 15 Notes: Research armor if you wish to counter ships using mass driver based weapons. Titanium Armor Cost: 80 RP Requires: Armor Theory AIValue: 15 Notes: Titanium Armor II Cost: 190 RP Requires: Titanium Armor AIValue: 5 Notes: Titanium Armor III Cost: 300 RP Requires: Titanium Armor II AIValue: 4 Notes: Duranthium Cost: 400 RP Requires: Titanium Armor III AIValue: 4 Notes: Duranthium II Cost: 400 RP Requires: Duranthium AIValue: 3 Notes: Duranthium III Cost: 500 RP Requires: Duranthium II AIValue: 15 Notes: Tri-Strontium Cost: 600 RP Requires: Duranthium III AIValue: 3 Notes: Arnorian Battle Armor Cost: 500 RP Requires: Tri-Strontium Alignment: Good only Ability: +5 to ship hit points AIValue: 3 Notes: Enhanced Tri-Strontium Cost: 600 RP Requires: Tri-Strontium AIValue: 3 Notes: Superior Tri-Strontium Cost: 600 RP Requires: Enhanced Tri-Strontium AIValue: 3 Notes: Kanvium Cost: 900 RP Requires: Superior Tri-Strontium AIValue: 3 Notes: Kanvium II Cost: 1000 RP Requires: Kanvium AIValue: 3 Notes: Kanvium III Cost: 1000 RP Requires: Kanvium II AIValue: 3 Notes: Duralthene Armor Cost: 1500 RP Requires: Kanvium III AIValue: 3 Notes: Adamantium Armor Cost: 1500 RP Requires: Duralthene Armor AIValue: 5 Notes: Adamantium Armor II Cost: 2000 RP Requires: Adamantium Armor AIValue: 3 Notes: Ultimate Adamantium Armor Cost: 2500 RP Requires: Adamantium Armor II AIValue: 3 Notes: Zero-Point Armor Cost: 2500 RP Requires: Ultimate Adamantium Armor AIValue: 5 Unlocks: Overload Armor (SB) Zero-Point Armor (SC) Notes: Missile Defense Theory Cost: 80 RP Requires: Starship Defenses AIValue: 4 Notes: Research missile defense theory to counter ships with missile weapons. Chaff Cost: 60 RP Requires: Missile Defense Theory AIVAlue: 15 Notes: Smart Chaff Cost: 80 RP Requires: Chaff AIValue: 4 Notes: ECM Cost: 100 RP Requires: Smart Chaff AIValue: 4 Notes: ECM II Cost: 150 RP Requires: ECM AIValue: 4 Notes: ECM III Cost: 250 RP Requires: ECM II AIValue: 3 Notes: Telepathic Defense Cost: 300 RP Requires: ECM III Alignment: Good only Ability: +5 to defense AIValue: 3 Notes: Point Defense Cost: 300 RP Requires: ECM III AIValue: 3 Notes: Point Defense II Cost: 400 RP Requires: Point Defense AIValue: 3 Notes: Point Defense III Cost: 500 RP Requires: Point Defense II AIValue: 5 Notes: PD Combo Cost: 800 RP Requires: Point Defense III AIValue: 3 Notes: PD Combo II Cost: 1000 RP Requires: PD Combo AIValue: 3 Notes: PD Combo III Cost: 1000 RP Requires: PD Combo II AIValue: 3 Notes: Droid Sentries Cost: 1500 RP Requires: PD Combo III AIValue: 3 Notes: Droid Sentries II Cost: 1500 RP Requires: Droid Sentries AIValue: 3 Notes: Droid Sentries III Cost: 2000 RP Requires: Droid Sentries II AIValue: 3 Notes: Aereon Missile Defense Cost: 2500 RP Requires: Droid Sentries III AIValue: 3 Unlocks: Hyper Computers (TG) Electro-Magnetic Surge (SB) Notes: Shield Defense Theory Cost: 80 RP Requires: Starship Defenses AIValue: 4 Notes: Research shield defenses to counter ships with beam weapons. Deflectors Cost: 90 RP Requires: Shield Defense Theory AIValue: 15 Notes: Enhanced Deflectors Cost: 130 RP Requires: Deflectors AIValue: 4 Notes: Advanced Deflectors Cost: 300 RP Requires: Enhanced Deflectors AIValue: 4 Notes: Superior Deflectors Cost: 400 RP Requires: Advanced Deflectors AIValue: 4 Notes: Shields Cost: 500 RP Requires: Superior Deflectors AIValue: 5 Notes: Shields II Cost: 600 RP Requires: Shields AIValue: 4 Notes: Shields III Cost: 650 RP Requires: Shields II AIValue: 4 Notes: Subspace Rebounder Cost: 200 RP Requires: Shields III Alignment: Good only Ability: +5 to defense AIValue: 4 Notes: Barriers Cost: 1000 RP Requires: Shields III AIValue: 14 Notes: Barriers II Cost: 900 RP Requires: Barriers AIValue: 4 Notes: Barriers III Cost: 1000 RP Requires: Barriers II AIValue: 4 Notes: Dynamic Shielding Cost: 300 RP Requires: Barriers III Alignment: Good only Ability: +5 to defense AIValue: 4 Notes: Force Fields Cost: 1500 RP Requires: Barriers III AIValue: 14 Notes: Advanced Force Fields Cost: 1500 RP Requires: Force Fields AIValue: 4 Unlocks: Invulnerability Bloom (SB) Notes: Superior Force Fields Cost: 1500 RP Requires: Advanced Force Fields AIValue: 4 Notes: Invulnerability Field Cost: 2000 RP Requires: Superior Force Fields AIValue: 4 Notes: Invulnerability Field II Cost: 2000 RP Requires: Invulnerability Field AIValue: 4 Notes: Ultimate Invulnerability Cost: 2500 RP Requires: Invulnerability Field II AIValue: 4 Notes: Starbase Fortification Cost: 400 RP Requires: Starship Defenses AIValue: 10 Unlocks: Ray-Shielding (SB) Combat Armor (SB) Missile Defender (SB) Subspace Blaster (SB) Ship Pounder (SB) Star Javelin (SB) Notes: Starbase Fortification Mark II Cost: 1000 RP Requires: Starbase Fortification Mark AIValue: 3 Unlocks: Ray-Shielding II (SB) Combat Armor II (SB) Missile Defender II (SB) Subspace Blaster II (SB) Ship Pounder II (SB) Star Javelin II (SB) Notes: Starbase Fortifications Mark III Cost: 4000 RP Requires: Starbase Fortification Mark II AIValue: 3 Unlocks: Ray-Shielding III (SB) Combat Armor III (SB) Missile Defender III (SB) Subspace Blaster III (SB) Ship Pounder III (SB) Star Javelin III (SB) Notes: ============================================================================= Section 3.0 - Planetary Buildings This section describes all planetary buildings in the game. All this info is from the PlanetImprovements.xml file in the GalCiv2 data folder. I will group the buildings according what they affect in the game. In general if a planet contains special bonus tiles make sure you build the proper building on it to receive the listed bonus. Section 3.1 - Colony Buildings These are auto buildings the game places. Initial Colony Cost: 0 (this is placed automatically when you colonize a planet) Morale Bonus: 5 Maintenance: 12 bc Industry: 12 Food: 5 Research: 10 Limit: 1 per planet Indestructible Notes: This is what your colony ship becomes after making planet fall. As you can see from it's stats it does give your new planet some basic things. Of note is the 12 bc per week maintenance cost. This is what can cause financial trouble during the colonization phase if you expand too fast. Civilization Capital Cost: 0 (placed automatically on your home world) Morale Bonus: 0 Influence Bonus: 25 Maintenance: 0 Industry: 24 Food: 10 Research: 24 Limit: 1 per planet Indestructible Notes: As you can see your home world starts off with a good bit of industry and research. This should allow you a good head start on developing your empire. Section 3.2 - Production Buildings If you want to build things then you've got to have production buildings. Anything that produces Industry impacts your military and social production. Depending on your spending levels these values can be the same or very different. However you build the same buildings to increase both. Starport Cost: 20 SP Maintenance: 1 bc Limit: 1 per planet Notes: Can't build starships at a planet without one of these. However not all planets need one. Basic Factory Cost: 50 SP Maintenance: 1 Industry: 8 Notes: The first thing I typically build on all new colonies. Sometimes I rush build one depending on my current cash situation. In v1.1 these now cost 1 maintenance. Factory Cost: 75 SP Maintenance: 2 Industry: 10 Required Tech: Xeno Industrial Theory Upgrades: Basic Factory Notes: Better version of the factory. A few of these and a planet can crank out most things in a reasonable time frame. Keep in mind that in v1.1 they added a maintenance cost of 2 to this improvement. Enhanced Factory Cost: 100 SP Maintenance: 2 Industry: 14 Required Tech: Xeno Factory Construction Upgrades: Factory Notes: A slightly improved factory. Manufacturing Center Cost: 200 SP Maintenance: 2 Industry: 16 Required Tech: Manufacturing Centers Upgrades: Enhanced Factory Notes: Another balancing tweak they reduced the cost of this enh to pull it more in line with previous upgrades. Industrial Sector Cost: 400 SP Maintenance: 2 Industry: 20 Required Tech: Industrial Sector Upgrades: Manufacturing Center Notes: Section 3.3 - Research Buildings Generate RPs with these buildings. Basic Lab Cost: 40 SP Maintenance: 1 Research: 6 Notes: Increase the research production (RP) of your planet with these buildings. In v1.1 the maintenance has been increased from zero to one. Keep that in mind as you build these in the early go. Xeno Lab Cost: 60 SP Maintenance: 2 Research: 8 Required Tech: Xeno Research Upgrades: Basic Lab Notes: Because the immediate upgrade to the basic lab requires 2 maintenance you may want to hold off on Xeno Research until your economy can afford the increased maintenance. Research Center Cost: 100 SP Maintenance: 2 Research: 10 Required Tech: Research Center Upgrades: Xeno Lab Notes: For 40 extra SP you gain 3 RPs. You make the call. Research Academy Cost: 150 SP Maintenance: 3 Research: 12 Required Tech: Research Academy Upgrades: Research Center Notes: With v1.1 this building has been tweaked to be more in line with the set progression. Neutrality Learning Center Cost: 300 SP Mainenance: 4 Research: 22 Required Tech: Neutrality Learning Center Alignment: Neutral only Notes: v1.1 finally got this building in the game :). And since it is the best of the research buildings makes going for a tech win as neutral a bit easier. Invention Matrix Cost: 200 SP Maintenance: 4 Research: 16 Required Tech: Invention Matrix Upgrades: Research Academy Notes: Again the cost of this building was reduced in v1.1. Discovery Sphere Cost: 250 SP Maintenance: 4 Research: 18 Required Tech: Discovery Sphere Upgrades: Invention Matrix Notes: See above. Section 3.4 - Economic Buildings Market Center Cost: 35 SP Economic Bonus: 10 Maintenance: 0 Notes: Because this building has zero maintenance it makes sense to build at least one provided a planet has space. This increases your tax revenue by 10%. Adv. Market Center Cost: 60 SP Economic Bonus: 15 Maintenance: 0 Required Tech: Xeno Economics Upgrades: Market Center Notes: Another zero maintenance building. If you have space build at least one. Trade Center Cost: 90 SP Economic Bonus: 20 Maintenance: 0 Required Tech: Xeno Trade Centers Upgrades: Adv. Market Centers Notes: Same as before. Build at least one. Banking Center Cost: 250 SP Maintenance: 0 Economic Bonus: 24 Required Tech: Xeno Bank Construction Upgrades: Trade Center Notes: Hey guess what. Zero maintenance. Build one. Also cost has changed in 1.1 to be more in line with the rest of the buildings. Stock Market Cost: 150 SP Maintenance: 1 Morale Bonus: 10 Economic Bonus: 30 Influence Bonus: 5 Required Tech: Galactic Stock Exchange Upgrades: Banking Center Notes: Now wait just a minute. Your telling me I get a morale bonus, an influence bonus and the economic bonus. And it is only 1 maintenance now. Sign me up! I'm not 100% sure if the cost is a typo on the devs part or not. Seems odd that it is 100 cheaper then the bank. Section 3.5 - Morale Buildings Keep people happy. Happy citizens happily pay taxes. Make sure you keep it that way. Or they will happily show you the door. Entertainment Network Cost: 55 SP Maintenance: 1 Morale Bonus: 25 Notes: Basic morale building. Build these on tiles with a happiness bonus to get the bonus. Multimedia Center Cost: 100 SP Maintenance: 2 Morale Bonus: 30 Required Tech: Xeno Entertainment Upgrades: Entertainment Network Notes: The improved entertainment building. Of note is the 2bc maintenance. Keep it in mind as you grow your economy. Extreme Stadium Cost: 250 SP Maintenance: 2 Morale Bonus: 45 Required Tech: Extreme Entertainment Upgrades: Multimedia Center Notes: Another boost to morale for the same maintenance. Can't go wrong with that. Zero G Sports Arena Cost: 300 SP Maintenance: 2 Morale Bonus: 50 Required Tech: Zero G Sports Arena Upgrades: Extreme Stadium Notes: Yet another boost for still 2bc maintenance. Virtual Reality Center Cost: 400 SP Maintenance: 2 Morale Bonus: 60 Required Tech: Virtual Reality Centers Upgrades: Zero G Sports Arena Notes: The top building for this set. And still only 2bc. Section 3.6 - Influence Buildings Expand your influence in the galaxy by building these. Embassy Cost: 60 SP Influence Bonus: 15 Maintenance: 1 Required Tech: Universal Translator Notes: Build an embassy on any planet with a population over 5b. Also if a planet is near or within an AIs influence build an embassy to combat the affects of the outside influence. Cultural Exchange Center Cost: 250 SP Influence Bonus 25 Maintenance: 1 Required Tech: Advanced Diplomacy Upgrades Embassy Notes: More bonus for same maintenance. Propaganda Center Cost: 150 SP Maintenance: 4 Resistance Bonus: 10 Required Tech: Concepts of Malice Notes: Helps to prevent an influence take over of the planet. Section 3.7 - Farming Buildings Old MacDonald had a... oh never mind. Farms increase the population cap of a planet. Keep in mind that under a PQ8 there is a population cap enforced by the game. So no matter how many farms you manage to build it will never go beyond that. Even the devs say not to bother building farms unless you can offset the population penalty to your planet's morale. I tend to agree. Basic Farming Cost: 50 SP Maintenance: 0 Food: 4 Notes: More people equal more taxes. However you must balance these people with entertainment or your approval for the planet will plummet quickly. A good practice is to build two entertainment buildings for every farm you place. Xeno Farming Cost: 100 SP Maintenance: 0 Food: 6 Required Tech: Xeno Farm Construction Upgrades: Basic Faming Notes: As with all farming techs be careful when you upgrade them. You've got to ensure you can keep your morale up with the increased population. Intensive Farming Cost: 120 SP Maintenance: 0 Food: 8 Required Tech: Xeno Farm Construction II Upgrades: Xeno Faming Notes: As with all farming techs be careful when you upgrade them. You've got to ensure you can keep your morale up with the increased population. Advanced Farming Cost: 150 SP Maintenance: 0 Food: 10 Required Tech: Xeno Farm Construction III Upgrades: Intensive Farming Extended Farming Cost: 210 SP Maintenance: 0 Food: 11 Required Tech: Xeno Farm Construction IV Upgrades: Advanced Farming Notes: This building is in the file. However there is no Xeno Farm Construction IV listed in the technology tree. Ultra Farming Cost: 250 SP Maintenance: 0 Food: 12 Required Tech: Xeno Farm Construction V Upgrades: Extended Farming Notes: As with Extended Farming this building is listed however the required tech is not in the technology tree. Section 3.8 - Terraform Reclaim those unusable squares. Soil Enhancement Cost: 50 SP PQ Bonus: 10 Required Tech: Soil Enhancement Upgrades: Yellow tiles to green Notes: For the most part this is a worth while thing when a planet has exhausted all other tiles. Habitat Improvement Cost: 30 SP PQ Bonus: 10 Required Tech: Habitat Improvement Upgrades: Orange tiles to green Notes: Same as with Soil Enhancement this is worth while if the planet has no more tiles to build on. Terraforming Cost: 50 SP PQ Bonus: 20 Required Tech: Terraforming Upgrades: Red tiles to green Notes: More of the same. Section 3.9 - Defensive Buildings Make it very expensive for the other guy to take your planets. Orbital Fleet Manager Cost: 50 SP Maintenance: 0 Limit: 1 Required Tech: Planetary Defense Notes: When you build this improvement all ships in orbit around your planet will form a fleet up to your max logistics ability if it is attacked. Suffice it to say this is a huge improvement over the one ship at a time approach. Planetary Defense Cost: 200 SP Maintenance: 1 Planetary Defense Bonus: 25 Required Tech: Planetary Defense Notes: Not sure if this increases your number of soldiers or improves your soldier ability. Going to need to confirm what this affects. Section 3.10 - Trade Goods These not only benefit your empire but also can be very lucrative trade items. Keep in mind that you may not want certain enemies to get their hands on the bonus so be wary of who you trade with. Also it is possible to capture a trade good that another race built by taking the planet. Just don't use any invasion tactic that has a chance of destroying a building. Xinathium Hull Plating Cost: 600 SP Maintenance: 0 Effect: +15% to ship hit points Required Tech: Advanced Hulls Notes: A definite must for the war monger. Everyone else should also try to build this if for no other reason then to keep it out of the AIs hands. Diplomatic Translators Cost: 500 SP Maintenance: 0 Effect: +25% to diplomacy Required Tech: Diplomatic Relations Notes: Useful under a diplomatic strategy. I rarely try to build this myself. Aphrodisiac Cost: 500 SP Maintenance: 0 Effect: +50% to population growth rates Required Tech: Habitat Improvement Notes: With the population changes in v1.1 this trade good has gone up in value in my book. Harmony Crystals Cost: 570 SP Maintenance: 0 Effect: +20% to morale Required Tech: Xeno Ethics Notes: Ultra Spices Cost: 500 SP Maintenance: 0 Effect: +15% to morale Required Tech: Extreme Entertainment Notes: Virtual Reality Modules Cost: 500 SP Maintenance: 0 Effect: +12% to morale Required Tech: Virtual Reality Centers Notes: Frictionless Clothing Cost: 510 SP Maintenance: 0 Effect: +10% to approval rating ability Required Tech: Xeno Cultural Trends Notes: Nano Recorders Cost: 500 SP Maintenance: 0 Effect: +10% to research ability Required Tech: Sensors II Notes: Not sure if I've ever seen this in the game. Hyper Computers Cost: 540 SP Maintenance: 0 Ability: +20% to research ability. Required Tech: Aereon Missile Defense Notes: I personally think it is odd that this trade good is in the missile defense branch. Seems it really would fit better in the research branch. But I'm sure there was a reason for it I'm just not aware of :). Micro Repair Bots Cost: 400 SP Maintenance: 0 Effect: +20% to ship repair rate Required Tech: Enhanced Miniaturization Notes: Tir-Quan Training Cost: 600 SP Maintenance: 0 Effect: +25% to soldier ability Required Tech: Space Marines Notes: Gravity Accelerators Cost: 500 SP Maintenance: 0 Effect: +1 to all ship movement Required Tech: Zero G Sports Arena Notes: +1 to all ship's movement. Nuff said. Section 3.11 - Super Projects You are only allowed one of these super projects per empire. However it is possible to capture the AIs building and keep it as your own for another bonus. Manufacturing Capital Cost: 250 SP Maintenance: 0 Manufacturing Bonus: 50 Economic Bonus: 10 Required Tech: Xeno Industrial Theory Notes: Typically you'll want to build this on your most productive planet. However there are times where you'll get more out of it by using it to upgrade one of your mid ranged production planets. Use your best judgment of course but be sure to place this building as soon as you can. Change in v1.1 this building costs half what it did and gives half the bonus :). Technological Capital Cost: 400 SP Maintenance: 0 Research Bonus: 100 Required Tech: Advanced Computing Notes: Place this planet on your highest RP planet and watch the techs roll in. Also in v1.1 the research bonuses are applied as is so no more under the hood reduction of 50%. Economic Capital Cost: 200 SP Maintenance: 0 Economic Bonus: 50 Required Tech: Trade Notes: As with all planetary super projects place this one where it will make the most impact. Whatever planet is producing the most base bcs will get the most out of the bonus. Political Capital Cost: 150 SP Maintenance: 0 Morale Bonus: 50 Influence Bonus: 25 Required Tech: Star Democracy Notes: I typically put this on whatever planet has the lowest approval rating. However if you are going for an influence victory you may want to place it where you can get the most out of the influence bonus. Spin Control Center Cost: 400 SP Maintenance: 0 Might Multiplier: 5.0 Required Tech: Total Majesty Notes: Build this on a planet with lots of big ships in orbit and your military rating will jump through the roof. Hyperion Fleet Defense Cost: 1000 SP Maintenance: 0 Required Tech: Advanced Planetary Defense Notes: Now all ships in orbit around this planet will defend it regardless of your logistics ability. Use this to help protect a really vital planet. Re-education Center Cost: 600 SP Maintenance: 0 Required Tech: Cultural Domination Notes: The super project prevents the planet it is built on from ever being taken over by the influence of an AI. Personally I don't find much use for this. Secret Police Center Cost: 600 SP Maintenance: 0 Morale Bonus: 20 Required Tech: Good and Evil Notes: For 600 SP there are better ways to improve the morale of a planet. Hyperion Shipyard Cost: 1000 SP Maintenance: 0 Ship Speed Bonus: +1 Required Tech: Master Hull Building Notes: This is nice improvement on the surface since it increases ship speed. However in practice because most of us put ships into fleets the +1 to some of the ships doesn't apply to the fleet. That is unless of course you make a fleet of only ships from this single planet. Omega Defense System Cost: 800 SP Maintenance: 0 Effect: Double hit points of ships in orbit of this planet Required Tech: Planetary Defense Notes: Hyperion Re-Supply Center Cost: 500 SP Maintenance: 0 Effect: +25% to ship range Required Tech: Expert Logistics Notes: Artificial Slave Center Cost: 800 SP Maintenance: 3 Effect: Increase MP by ?... File says AbilityFactor 0.5 whatever that is. Required Tech: Concepts of Malice Notes: Would be nice to have a better idea of what the increase is. Hyperion Shrinker Cost: 800 SP Maintenance: 0 Effect: +15% to miniaturization Required Tech: Expert Miniaturization Notes: Hyperion Logistics System Cost: 800 SP Maintenance: 0 Effect: +6 to logistics Required Tech: Expert Logistics Notes: +6 to logistics means larger fleets. Larger fleets normally mean more battles won. Definitely worth building. Section 3.12 - Galactic Achievements There can only be one of each of these for the entire galaxy. So if you want it make sure you are the first with the tech and then put everything you can into building it. If the AI builds it first you can still conquer his planet to get the benefit for yourself. Galactic Privateer Cost: 1500 SP Maintenance: 0 Might Multiplier: 5.0 Required Tech: Master Trade Notes: An enemy AI can no longer destroy your freighters. Quite handy for a war monger to build. Omega Research Center Cost: 500 SP Maintenance: 0 Research Bonus: 50 Required Tech: Discovery Sphere Notes: If you are going for a Technology Victory make sure you grab this achievement. Galactic Showcase Cost: 1800 SP Maintenance: 0 Ability: +25% to diplomacy Required Tech: Expert Diplomacy Notes: The brief says influence and the description says diplomacy. Going to need to confirm which goes up when this is completed. Orbital Terraformer Cost: 1200 SP Required Tech: Terraforming Notes: Instantly makes all potentially useable tiles on all your planets green. I guess if you bothered to research to Terraforming you might as well build this achievement. Also same effect as having a neutral alignment. Galactic Guide Book Cost: 400 SP Maintenance: 0 Required Tech: Sensors II Notes: Allows all ships to survey. Honestly I've never built this nor have I ever seen the AI build it. Seems like a waste since usually by the time I get around to researching Sensors Mark II I've already scouted most of the galaxy. Eyes of the Universe Cost: 500 SP Maintenance: 0 Effect: All ships are visible on the mini map. All ships and star base sensor range is increased to 15 pc. Required Tech: Sensors Mark IV Notes: I like getting this achievement before going to war. Helps keep track of all enemy activity. Also keep in mind that the game puts a cap on sensor range of 15. This means that if you plan on building this GA don't bother putting a bunch of sensors on your ships. They may increase the 15 pc cap in a future update. Galactic Stock Exchange Cost: 500 SP Maintenance: 0 Economic Bonus: 25 Influence Bonus: 25 Required Tech: Advanced Trade Notes: Galactic Monument Cost: 400 SP Maintenance: 0 Economic Bonus: 10 Influence Bonus: 33 Required Tech: Star Federation Notes: Restaurant of Eternity Cost: 600 SP Maintenance: 0 Effect: +20% influence ability Required Tech: Trade Notes: Hyper Distribution Center Cost: 800 SP Maintenance: 0 Economic Bonus: 10 Influence Bonus: 200 Effect: +33% to influence ability Required Tech: Cultural Conquest Notes: Galactic Bazaar Cost: 900 SP Maintenance: 0 Effect: +50% to perceived value of trade items Required Tech: Master Trade Notes: No Mercy Invasion Center Cost: 1600 SP Maintenance: 5 Effect: Eliminates the cost of the special planetary invasion tactics Required Tech: Concepts of Malice Notes: Very nice to have if you like using the special tactics a lot. Temple of Evil Cost: 1600 SP Maintenance: 0 Effect: +25% to your trade Required Tech: Concepts of Malice Notes: I'm not 100% sure on that bonus. The game file lists OwnerBonus as 0.25 and NonOwnerPenalty as 0.40. This implies that you receive a 25% boost while others receive a 40% penalty. Would need confirmation about this. Temple of Righteousness Cost: 1600 SP Maintenance: 0 Effect: +25% to your trade Required Tech: Concepts of Righteousness Notes: See Temple of Evil. Temple of Neutrality Cost: 1600 SP Maintenance: 0 Effect: +25% to your trade Required Tech: Balanced Vision Notes: See Temple of Evil. Empathic Tactical Center Cost: 3000 SP Maintenance: 0 Effect: +20% to ship defense Required Tech: Concepts of Righteousness Notes: Mind Control Center Cost: 1000 SP Maintenance: 0 Effect: Any AI planets ready to defect do so immediately. Required Tech: Concepts of Malice Notes: I think this GA is broken atm. According to the file it lists an ability amount of 100 but does not list an AbilityType modifier. My guess is that right now the game defaults to an economy bonus since that is what is listed when you select this building now. Hall of Empathy Cost: 900 SP Maintenance: 0 Effect: Doubles the odds of an AI surrendering to you Required Tech: Concepts of Righteousness ============================================================================= Section 4.0 - Starship Components This section contains all available ship hulls and components. They are grouped by type and then sub class. All information is taken from the GC2Types.xml file in the GalCiv2 data folder. Section 4.1 - Defenses (Armor) Protect your starships from gun type weapons with armor. Armor Plating Cost: 3 MP Size: 10 SizeMod: 20 Absorption: 1 Required Tech: Starship Defenses Titanium Armor Cost: 30 MP Size: 6 SizeMod: 5 Absorption: 1 Required Tech: Titanium Armor Titanium Armor II Cost: 30 MP Size: 5 SizeMod: 4 Absorption: 1 Required Tech: Titanium Armor II Titanium Armor III Cost: 30 MP Size: 4 SizeMod: 4 Absorption: 1 Required Tech: Titanium Armor III Duranthium Armor Cost: 50 MP Size: 7 SizeMod: 3 Absorption: 2 Required Tech: Duranthium Duranthium Armor II Cost: 50 MP Size: 6 SizeMod: 3 Absorption: 2 Required Tech: Duranthium II Duranthium Armor III Cost: 50 MP Size: 5 SizeMod: 3 Absorption: 2 Required Tech: Duranthium III Superior Duranthium Cost: 70 MP Size: 5 SizeMod: 3 Absorption: 4 Required Tech: Superior Duranthium Arnorian Battle Armor Cost: 140 MP Size: 4 SizeMod: 4 Absorption: 6 Required Tech: Arnorian Battle Armor Tri-Strontium Armor Cost: 70 MP Size: 6 SizeMod: 3 Absorption: 3 Required Tech: Tri-Strontium Tri-Strontium Armor II Cost: 70 MP Size: 6 SizeMod: 3 Absorption: 3 Required Tech: Enhanced Tri-Strontium Tri-Strontium Armor III Cost: 70 MP Size: 5 SizeMod: 3 Absorption: 3 Required Tech: Superior Tri-Strontium Kanvium Cost: 80 MP Size: 6 SizeMod: 3 Absorption: 4 Required Tech: Kanvium Kanvium II Cost: 90 MP Size: 5 SizeMod: 3 Absorption: 5 Required Tech: Kanvium II Kanvium III Cost: 100 MP Size: 4 SizeMod: 3 Absorption: 5 Required Tech: Kanvium III Duralthene Armor Cost: 110 MP Size: 6 SizeMod: 2 Absorption: 6 Required Tech: Duralthene Armor Admantium Armor (think this is a typo in the game file) Cost: 110 MP Size: 6 SizeMod: 2 Absorption: 7 Required Tech: Adamantium Armor Admantium Armor II (think this is a typo in the game file) Cost: 120 MP Size: 5 SizeMod: 2 Absorption: 7 Required Tech: Adamantium II Ultimate Adamantium Cost: 120 MP Size: 4 SizeMod: 2 Absorption: 7 Required Tech: Ultimate Adamantium Zero-Point Armor Cost: 140 MP Size: 3 SizeMod: 2 Absorption: 10 Required Tech: Zero-Point Armor Section 4.2 - Defenses (Point Defense) Protect your starships from missile based attacks with point defense. Chaff Cost: 30 MP Size: 10 SizeMod: 5 Absorption: 1 Required Tech: Smart Chaff Smart Chaff Cost: 30 MP Size: 8 SizeMod: 5 Absorption: 1 Required Tech: Smart Chaff ECM Cost: 40 MP Size: 6 SizeMod: 3 Absorption: 1 Required Tech: ECM ECM II Cost: 40 MP Size: 5 SizeMod: 3 Absorption: 1 Required Tech: ECM II ECM III Cost: 40 MP Size: 4 SizeMod: 3 Absorption: 1 Required Tech: ECM III Telepathic Defense Cost: 70 MP Size: 4 SizeMod: 3 Absorption: 3 Required Tech: Telepathic Defense Point Defense Cost: 55 MP Size: 5 SizeMod: 3 Absorption: 2 Required Tech: Point Defense Point Defense II Cost: 55 MP Size: 4 SizeMod: 3 Absorption: 2 Required Tech: Point Defense II Point Defense III Cost: 55 MP Size: 3 SizeMod: 3 Absorption: 2 Required Tech: Point Defense III PD Combo Cost: 70 MP Size: 4 SizeMod: 3 Absorption: 3 Required Tech: PD Combo PD Combo II Cost: 70 MP Size: 3 SizeMod: 3 Absorption: 3 Required Tech: PD Combo II PD Combo II Cost: 80 MP Size: 3 SizeMod: 3 Absorption: 4 Required Tech: PD Combo III Droid Sentries Cost: 90 MP Size: 3 SizeMod: 2 Absorption: 5 Required Tech: Droid Sentries Droid Sentries II Cost: 100 MP Size: 4 SizeMod: 2 Absorption: 6 Required Tech: Droid Sentries II Droid Sentries III Cost: 100 MP Size: 4 SizeMod: 2 Absorption: 6 Required Tech: Droid Sentries III Aereon Missile Defense Cost: 140 MP Size: 4 SizeMod: 2 Absorption: 10 Required Tech: Aereon Missile Defense Section 4.3 - Defenses (Shields) Protect your starships from beam weapon based attacks with shields. Deflectors Cost: 30 MP Size: 9 SizeMod: 4 Absorption: 1 Required Tech: Deflectors Enhanced Deflectors Cost: 39 MP Size: 8 SizeMod: 4 Absorption: 1 Required Tech: Enhanced Deflectors Advanced Deflectors Cost: 30 MP Size: 6 SizeMod: 4 Absorption: 1 Required Tech: Advanced Deflectors Superior Deflectors Cost: 30 MP Size: 4 SizeMod: 4 Absorption: 1 Required Tech: Superior Deflectors Shields Cost: 50 MP Size: 6 SizeMod: 3 Absorption: 2 Required Tech: Shields Shields II Cost: 50 MP Size: 5 SizeMod: 3 Absorption: 2 Required Tech: Shields II Shields III Cost: 50 MP Size: 4 SizeMod: 3 Absorption: 2 Required Tech: Shields III Subspace Rebounder Cost: 60 MP Size: 6 SizeMod: 4 Absorption: 5 Required Tech: Subspace Rebounder Barriers Cost: 55 MP Size: 3 SizeMod: 3 Absorption: 2 Required Tech: Barriers Barriers II Cost: 60 MP Size: 4 SizeMod: 3 Absorption: 3 Required Tech: Barriers II Barriers III Cost: 60 MP Size: 3 SizeMod: 3 Absorption: 3 Required Tech: Barriers III Dynamic Shielding Cost: 90 MP Size: 5 SizeMod: 3 Absorption: 5 Required Tech: Barriers IV Dynamic Shields Cost: 120 MP Size: 4 SizeMod: 6 Absorption: 6 Required Tech: Dynamic Shielding Force Field Cost: 80 MP Size: 4 SizeMod: 2 Absorption: 4 Required Tech: Force Fields Advanced Force Fields Cost: 90 MP Size: 5 SizeMod: 2 Absorption: 5 Required Tech: Advanced Force Fields Superior Force Fields Cost: 90 MP Size: 4 SizeMod: 2 Absorption: 5 Required Tech: Superior Force Fields Invulnerability Field Cost: 100 MP Size: 4 SizeMod: 2 Absorption: 6 Required Tech: Invulnerability Field Invulnerability Field II Cost: 100 MP Size: 3 SizeMod: 2 Absorption: 6 Required Tech: Invulnerability Field II Ultimate Invulnerability Cost: 140 MP Size: 3 SizeMod: 2 Absorption: 9 Required Tech: Ultimate Invulnerability Section 4.4 - Weapons (Gun) Projectile based weapons. Space Cannon Cost: 16 MP Size: 16 SizeMod: 5 Damage: 1 Required Tech: Mass Driver Theory Railgun Cost: 18 MP Size: 12 SizeMod: 5 Damage: 1 Required Tech: Miniballs Railgun MK II Cost: 19 MP Size: 10 SizeMod: 5 Damage: 1 Required Tech: Miniballs II Railgun MK III Cost: 22 MP Size: 8 SizeMod: 5 Damage: 1 Required Tech: Mass Driver Railgun MK IV Cost: 22 MP Size: 7 SizeMod: 5 Damage: 1 Required Tech: Mass Drivers II Railgun MK V Cost: 22 MP Size: 6 SizeMod: 5 Damage: 1 Required Tech: Mass Drivers III Railgun MK VI Cost: 22 MP Size: 5 SizeMod: 5 Damage: 1 Required Tech: Mass Drivers III Singularity Driver Cost: 28 MP Size: 8 SizeMod: 4 Damage: 2 Required Tech: Singularity Driver Singularity Driver II Cost: 28 MP Size: 7 SizeMod: 4 Damage: 2 Required Tech: Singularity Driver II Singularity Driver III Cost: 28 MP Size: 6 SizeMod: 4 Damage: 2 Required Tech: Singularity Driver III Singularity Driver IV Cost: 28 MP Size: 5 SizeMod: 4 Damage: 2 Required Tech: Singularity Driver IV Nano Ripper Cost: 150 MP Size: 9 SizeMod: 4 Damage: 5 Required Tech: Singularity Driver IV Notes: v1.1 Nerfed! :)... still good weapon for where it appears in the tech tree. Graviton Driver Cost: 33 MP Size: 8 SizeMod: 4 Damage: 3 Required Tech: Graviton Driver Graviton Driver II Cost: 33 MP Size: 7 SizeMod: 4 Damage: 3 Required Tech: Graviton Driver II Graviton Driver III Cost: 33 MP Size: 6 SizeMod: 4 Damage: 3 Required Tech: Graviton Driver III Graviton Driver IV Cost: 33 MP Size: 4 SizeMod: 4 Damage: 3 Required Tech: Graviton Driver IV Psyonic Shredder Cost: 150 MP Size: 9 SizeMod: 4 Damage: 10 Required Tech: Psyonic Shredder Quantum Driver Cost: 37 MP Size: 8 SizeMod: 4 Damage: 4 Required Tech: Quantum Driver Quantum Driver II Cost: 37 MP Size: 7 SizeMod: 4 Damage: 4 Required Tech: Quantum Driver II Quantum Driver III Cost: 37 MP Size: 6 SizeMod: 4 Damage: 4 Required Tech: Quantum Driver III HD Spike Driver Cost: 37 MP Size: 5 SizeMod: 4 Damage: 4 Required Tech: HD Spike Driver HD Spike Driver II Cost: 37 MP Size: 4 SizeMod: 4 Damage: 4 Required Tech: HD Spike Driver II HD Spike Driver III Cost: 37 MP Size: 3 SizeMod: 4 Damage: 4 Required Tech: HD Spike Driver III HD Spike Driver IV Cost: 42 MP Size: 4 SizeMod: 4 Damage: 5 Required Tech: HD Spike Driver IV Neutrino Bullets Cost: 67 MP Size: 6 SizeMod: 4 Damage: 9 Required Tech: Neutrino Bullets Black Hole Gun Cost: 100 MP Size: 6 SizeMod: 4 Damage: 16 Required Tech: Black Hole Gun Section 4.5 - Weapons (Missile) Missile based weapons. Sparrow Cost: 16 MP Size: 15 SizeMod: 3 Damage: 1 Required Tech: Missile Weapon Theory Stinger Cost: 50 MP Size: 18 SizeMod: 3 Damage: 2 Required Tech: Stinger Stinger II Cost: 50 MP Size: 16 SizeMod: 3 Damage: 2 Required Tech: Stinger II Stinger III Cost: 51 MP Size: 14 SizeMod: 3 Damage: 2 Required Tech: Stinger III Stinger IV Cost: 51 MP Size: 12 SizeMod: 3 Damage: 2 Required Tech: Stinger IV Harpoon Cost: 55 MP Size: 11 SizeMod: 3 Damage: 3 Required Tech: Harpoon Harpoon II Cost: 55 MP Size: 10 SizeMod: 3 Damage: 3 Required Tech: Harpoon II Harpoon III Cost: 55 MP Size: 9 SizeMod: 3 Damage: 3 Required Tech: Harpoon III Psyonic Missile Cost: 100 MP Size: 10 SizeMod: 3 Damage: 6 Required Tech: Psyonic Missile Photonic Torpedo Cost: 55 MP Size: 10 SizeMod: 2 Damage: 4 Required Tech: Photonic Torpedo Photonic Torpedo II Cost: 55 MP Size: 9 SizeMod: 2 Damage: 4 Required Tech: Photonic Torpedo II Photon Torpedo Cost: 55 MP Size: 9 SizeMod: 2 Damage: 5 Required Tech: Photon Torpedo Photon Torpedo II Cost: 55 MP Size: 8 SizeMod: 2 Damage: 5 Required Tech: Photon Torpedo II Photon Torpedo III Cost: 55 MP Size: 9 SizeMod: 2 Damage: 6 Required Tech: Photon Torpedo III Anti-Matter Torpedo Cost: 55 MP Size: 9 SizeMod: 2 Damage: 7 Required Tech: Anti-Matter Torpedo Anti-Matter Torpedo II Cost: 66 MP Size: 9 SizeMod: 2 Damage: 8 Required Tech: Anti-Matter Torpedo II Anti-Matter Torpedo III Cost: 66 MP Size: 8 SizeMod: 2 Damage: 8 Required Tech: Anti-Matter Torpedo III Quantum Torpedo Cost: 80 MP Size: 9 SizeMod: 2 Damage: 9 Required Tech: Quantum Torpedo Quantum Torpedo II Cost: 70 MP Size: 9 SizeMod: 2 Damage: 10 Required Tech: Quantum Torpedo II Quantum Torpedo III Cost: 70 MP Size: 8 SizeMod: 2 Damage: 10 Required Tech: Quantum Torpedo III Positronic Torpedo Cost: 70 MP Size: 9 SizeMod: 2 Damage: 11 Required Tech: Positronic Torpedo Positronic Torpedo II Cost: 70 MP Size: 11 SizeMod: 2 Damage: 15 Required Tech: Positronic Torpedo II Black Hole Eruptor Cost: 160 MP Size: 11 SizeMod: 2 Damage: 25 Required Tech: Blackhole Eruptor Section 4.6 - Weapons (Beam) Beam based weapons. Psyonic Beam Cost: 150 MP Size: 8 SizeMod: 4 Damage: 12 Required Tech: Psyonic Beam Particle Beam Cost: 25 MP Size: 14 SizeMod: 10 Damage: 1 Required Tech: Space Weapons Particle Beam II Cost: 25 MP Size: 12 SizeMod: 10 Damage: 1 Required Tech: Beam Weapon Theory Laser Cost: 25 MP Size: 10 SizeMod: 5 Damage: 1 Required Tech: Laser Laser Mark II Cost: 25 MP Size: 8 SizeMod: 5 Damage: 1 Required Tech: Laser II Laser Mark III Cost: 25 MP Size: 6 SizeMod: 5 Damage: 1 Required Tech: Laser III Laser Mark IV Cost: 25 MP Size: 5 SizeMod: 5 Damage: 1 Required Tech: Laser IV Laser Mark V Cost: 25 MP Size: 4 SizeMod: 5 Damage: 1 Required Tech: Laser V Plasma Cost: 35 MP Size: 8 SizeMod: 5 Damage: 2 Required Tech: Plasma Weapons Plasma II Cost: 35 MP Size: 6 SizeMod: 5 Damage: 2 Required Tech: Plasma Weapons II Plasma III Cost: 35 MP Size: 5 SizeMod: 5 Damage: 2 Required Tech: Plasma Weapons III Phasors Cost: 40 MP Size: 7 SizeMod: 4 Damage: 3 Required Tech: Phasors Phasors II Cost: 40 MP Size: 6 SizeMod: 4 Damage: 3 Required Tech: Phasors II Phasors III Cost: 40 MP Size: 5 SizeMod: 4 Damage: 3 Required Tech: Phasors III Phasors IV Cost: 45 MP Size: 7 SizeMod: 4 Damage: 4 Required Tech: Phasors IV Phasors V Cost: 45 MP Size: 6 SizeMod: 4 Damage: 4 Required Tech: Phasors V Phasors VI Cost: 50 MP Size: 7 SizeMod: 4 Damage: 5 Required Tech: Phasors VI Phasors VII Cost: 50 MP Size: 6 SizeMod: 4 Damage: 5 Required Tech: Phasors VII Subspace Blaster Cost: 60 MP Size: 6 SizeMod: 4 Damage: 6 Required Tech: Subspace Blaster Disruptors Cost: 65 MP Size: 6 SizeMod: 4 Damage: 7 Required Tech: Disruptors Disruptors II Cost: 65 MP Size: 5 SizeMod: 4 Damage: 7 Required Tech: Disruptors II Disruptors III Cost: 70 MP Size: 5 SizeMod: 4 Damage: 8 Required Tech: Disruptors III Door Ray Cost: 150 MP Size: 10 SizeMod: 4 Damage: 22 Required Tech: Doom Ray Section 4.7 - Engines Make your ships go fast. HyperDrive Cost: 5 MP Size: 6 SizeMod: 10 Speed: 1 Required Tech: HyperDrive HyperDrive Plus Cost: 6 MP Size: 5 SizeMod: 10 Speed: 1 Required Tech: New Propulsion Theory Ion Drive Cost: 7 MP Size: 4 SizeMod: 9 Speed: 1 Required Tech: Ion Drive Impulse Drive Cost: 8 MP Size: 7 SizeMod: 8 Speed: 2 Required Tech: Impulse Drive Impulse Drive Mark II Cost: 9 MP Size: 5 SizeMod: 7 Speed: 2 Required Tech: Impulse Drive Mark II Impulse Drive Mark III Cost: 12 MP Size: 4 SizeMod: 6 Speed: 2 Required Tech: Impulse Drive Mark III Warp Drive Cost: 15 MP Size: 6 SizeMod: 6 Speed: 3 Required Tech: Warp Drive Warp Drive Mk. II Cost: 17 MP Size: 5 SizeMod: 6 Speed: 3 Required Tech: Warp Drive II Warp Drive Mk. III Cost: 18 MP Size: 4 SizeMod: 6 Speed: 3 Required Tech: Warp Drive III Warp Drive Mk. IV Cost: 18 MP Size: 3 SizeMod: 6 Speed: 3 Required Tech: Warp Drive IV Warp Drive Mk. V Cost: 10 MP Size: 4 SizeMod: 6 Speed: 4 Required Tech: Warp Drive V Hyper Warp Drive Cost: 10 MP Size: 3 SizeMod: 5 Speed: 4 Required Tech: Hyper Warp Hyper Warp Drive Mk. II Cost: 10 MP Size: 4 SizeMod: 5 Speed: 5 Required Tech: Hyper Warp II Hyper Warp Drive Mk. III Cost: 10 MP Size: 5 SizeMod: 5 Speed: 6 Required Tech: Hyper Warp III Section 4.8 - Modules Add special abilities to your ships. Survey Module Cost: 45 MP Size: 8 SizeMod: 5 Sensor Range: 2 Required Tech: Sensors Notes: Gives your ship the ability to scan anomalies. Useful to build an upgraded flag ship. Sensors Cost: 2 MP Size: 3 SizeMod: 8 Sensor Range: 1 Sensors Mk. II Cost: 3 MP Size: 2 SizeMod: 8 Sensor Range: 1 Required Tech: Sensors II Sensors Mk. III Cost: 4 MP Size: 2 SizeMod: 5 Sensor Range: 1 Required Tech: Sensors III Sensors Mk. IV Cost: 6 MP Size: 3 SizeMod: 5 Sensor Range: 2 Required Tech: Sensors IV Basic Support Cost: 2 MP Size: 2 SizeMod: 5 Range: 6 General Support Cost: 3 MP Size: 2 SizeMod: 4 Range: 8 Required Tech: Basic Life Support Extended Support Cost: 4 MP Size: 2 SizeMod: 3 Range: 10 Required Tech: Extended Life Support Advanced Support Cost: 5 MP Size: 2 SizeMod: 2 Range: 12 Required Tech: Advanced Life Support Ultra Support Cost: 6 MP Size: 2 SizeMod: 2 Range: 14 Required Tech: Ultra Life Support Colony Module Cost: 35 MP Size: 25 Capacity: 500 Notes: Put this on a ship to allow it to colonize planets. More then one allows you to carry more colonists to the new planet. Troops Module Cost: 40 MP Size: 20 Capacity: 500 Required Tech: Planetary Invasion Notes: Put this on a ship to allow it to carry troops to invade a planet. More then one allows you to carry more troops at once. Adv Troops Module Cost: 70 MP Size: 12 Capacity: 1000 Required Tech: Advanced Troop Mods Notes: A nice upgrade to the troop module. Constructor Module Cost: 80 Size: 35 Notes: Only one allowed per ship. Allows you to build new star bases and add modules to existing ones. Trade Module Cost: 60 MP Size: 30 Required Tech: Trade Notes: Allows you to build a freighter ship. Useful if you wish to extend the range of the core design. Only one per ship allowed. Section 4.9 - Hulls There are a few models for each hull type. They do have the same stats so I will list only one of each size. Tiny Hull Cost: 35 MP Size: 16 HP: 6 Speed: 1 Sensor Range: 2 Logistics: 2 Required Tech: Xeno Industrial Theory Small Hull Cost: 55 MP Size: 26 HP: 10 Speed: 1 Sensor Range: 2 Logistics: 3 Medium Hull Cost: 80 MP Size: 38 HP: 16 Speed: 1 Sensor Range: 3 Logistics: 4 Required Tech: Medium Scale Building Large Hull Cost: 110 MP Size: 55 HP: 30 Speed: 1 Sensor Range: 3 Logistics: 6 Required Tech: Large Scale Building Huge Hull Cost: 160 Size: 80 HP: 50 Speed: 1 Sensor Range: 4 Logistics: 8 Required Tech: Massive Scale Building Cargo Hull Cost: 55 Size: 55 HP: 1 Speed: 1 Sensor Range: 3 Logistics: 5 ============================================================================= Section 5.0 - Starbases Ah those floating platforms in space. This section will describe not only the function of each of the starbase types but also list all components. Some components are specific to only a certain type of starbase while others can be placed on any starbase with an open module slot. To construct a starbase you must first build a Constructor ship either the core design or one of your own. From there move the constructor to an open parsec of space and click the *Construct* button in the ship command section. You are limited to 4 total starbases in any given sector of space. This is a rule change from previous versions. The game will prompt you for what type you wish to build. For mining starbases simply direct the constructor to intercept the space resource. This will construct the starbase automatically. Also new to v1.1 the game now displays a circle around the constructor showing what the starbases sphere of influence will be if you were to build it in that square. Very handy when you are trying to get the most coverage for your base. To upgrade your starbase after construction command a constructor to move to the base. The game will ask you if you wish to upgrade the starbase. If you click yes you will be given a list of modules that are available to add to the starbase. Keep in mind that certain modules require other modules to be added to the starbase first. Also there are United Planets laws that can restict the total number of modules you can add to a starbase. Another use of starbases is to increase your ship's range. Since the max range of a ship is tied to its distance from a planet or starbase you can use these to get ships into enemy territory before you actually take any of their planets. Very useful if you don't want to waste time taking a bunch of border worlds or if their really juicy worlds are further into their empire. Section 5.1 - Military Starbase This type of starbase is designed to help you augment your ships in every way possible. You can improve their fire power. You can improve their defenses even giving them defenses to weapon types you didn't research the tech for. You can increase their speed and even slow the enemy ships. In short use military starbases to protect you vital star systems. All starbase offensive assist modules are only affective if the ship already has an attack of that kind. Granted it can be just one but it can't be zero. Defense works a little different. In order to benefit from the assist the ship must have at least one point of any type of defense. The game then augments the defenses of the ship based on the level of module you put on it. When in battle the best defense for the weapon fired is used. In this way you can have shields on a ship that previously only had armor on it. Very handy if all of a sudden your mortal enemy switched to beam weapons to try to negate your armor technology. These should be a priority to destroy when you are waging war. If your fleets are fast enough you can typically bypass any ships the AI is moving to intercept you. Don't ever let the enemy catch you inside the influence of one of their military bases. If they do you'll barely scratch them while they will annihilate you. If you need a little extra fire power with your invasion fleet build some constructors and take them along. Then when you are about to start the fight quickly build and upgrade a military starbase. Suddenly that heavily fortified area of all battleships will fall to your fleets of fighters. In short military starbases can give you a large advantage to help either widen a technology gap or close it if you are behind. Section 5.2 - Economic Starbase Economic starbases serve two purposes: - One to boost trade revenue from freighters - Two to boost the production of any planets within is sphere of influence The bonus from multiple starbases does stack. Therefore you can really boost your production values with several positioned around a star system. Keep in mind that you are allowed only 4 per sector but it is ok if the sphere of influence of the base overlaps a few sectors. To maximize the trade revenue from your freighter routes try to originate all of them from a single planet and then make sure all econ starbases around that planet have the trade boost modules. There is enough room on a starbase for you to have both the trade and production modules on the same starbases. So build as many of these as you can. Remember in the early part of the game your first few starbases are free to build aside from the Constructor you had to create. Use those freebies to create a couple of economic starbases around multi planet systems. Even the initial 3% upgrade can be of help to a starting planet. The bonuses to production have been reduced in v1.1. So it now takes a few more starbases to get the same sort of bonus. Still every bit does help and with the economy changes it's even better. I'll discuss those later. Section 5.3 - Influence Starbase These starbases expand your influence in the galaxy. The basic goal of this is to take over an enemy planet without firing a single shot. In order for this to occur you need to produce on the planet 4 times the native influence. With a high enough espionage rating you can see what the influence for a given planet is. The number in parenthesis is what you are producing relative to the planet. You can also use these to protect your planets from the AI taking them in the same manner. These act as a multiplier for your influence in a a given area of space. Therefore if you want to flip some enemy planets build the base near those planets. You don't need any of your planets in the area to generate the bonus influence. Once fully upgraded you can increase your influence in the area by over 300%. The cost of the influence modules has also changed in v1.1. Now you are only charged bc for the first one of a branch. All subsequent upgrades are free provided they are in that branch. The two branches are the diplomacy techs and the influence techs. Section 5.4 - Mining Starbase Find those little nuggets in space and mine the heck out of them. You can get a huge boost to your military, research, moral, economy, or influence from these. The components list shows each of the bonuses. Be sure you protect these well. The AI loves to hunt these down and take them out with a constructor right behind the fleet to take it over on you if they win. Be sure to use that tactic when you plan on taking one out for yourself. Oh and not just your enemies. I've had my allies run a constructor up to a resource I just sacrificed a fleet to take out. And they didn't even thank me the ingrates. Section 5.5 - Starbase Components All information from this section is taken from the StarbaseModules.xml file contained in the data folder of the GalCiv2 folder. This section is divided based on what type of starbase the component is allowed to be placed on. Required module means that you must have put that module on the starbase before this module will be available in the list. All starbase modules do stack effects. Section 5.5.1 - All Overload Armor Required Tech: Zero-Point Armor Required Module: Battle Stations Size: 2 Effect: +16 Armor Invulnerability Bloom Required Tech: Advanced Force Fields Required Module: Battle Stations Size: 2 Effect: +16 Shields Electro-Magnetic Surge Required Tech: Aereon Missile Defense Required Module: Battle Stations Size: 2 Effect: +16 Point Defense Atlas Sling Required Tech: Singularity Driver Required Module: Battle Stations Size: 2 Effect: +7 Mass Driver Attack Devastation Beam Required Tech: Subspace Ripper (unknown tech... not sure it's in the game) Required Module: Battle Stations Size: 2 Effect: +7 Beam Attack Matter Detonators Required Tech: Blackhole Eruptor Required Module: Battle Stations Size: 2 Effect: +7 Missile Attack Battle Stations Required Tech: Space Weapons Size: 2 Cost: 200 bc Effect: +1 to mass driver, beam, and missile attacks Battle Stations Mark II Required Tech: Medium Scale Building Required Module: Battle Stations Size: 2 Cost: 100 bc Effect: +2 to mass driver, beam, and missile attacks Effect: +2 to armor, point defense, and shield defenses Battle Stations Mark III Required Tech: Large Scale Building Required Module: Battle Stations II Size: 2 Cost: 100 bc Effect: +4 to mass driver, beam, and missile attacks Effect: +4 to armor, point defense, and shield defenses Battle Stations Mark IV Required Tech: Massive Scale Building Required Module: Battle Stations II Size: 2 Cost: 200 bc Effect: +6 to mass driver, beam, and missile attacks Effect: +6 to armor, point defense, and shield defenses Ray-Shielding Required Tech: Starbase Fortification Required Module: Battle Stations Size: 2 Effect: +5 to beam defense Combat Armor Required Tech: Starbase Fortification Required Module: Battle Stations Size: 2 Effect: +5 to armor defense Missile Defender Required Tech: Starbase Fortification Required Module: Battle Stations Size: 2 Effect: +5 to point defense Ray-Shielding II Required Tech: Starbase Fortification Mark II Required Module: Ray-Shielding Size: 2 Effect: +10 to beam defense Combat Armor II Required Tech: Starbase Fortification Mark II Required Module: Combat Armor Size: 2 Effect: +10 to armor defense Missile Defender II Required Tech: Starbase Fortification Mark II Required Module: Missile Defender Size: 2 Effect: +10 to point defense Ray-Shielding III Required Tech: Starbase Fortification Mark III Required Module: Ray-Shielding II Size: 2 Effect: +20 to beam defense Combat Armor III Required Tech: Starbase Fortification Mark III Required Module: Combat Armor Size: 2 Effect: +20 to armor defense Missile Defender III Required Tech: Starbase Fortification Mark III Required Module: Missile Defender Size: 2 Effect: +20 to point defense Subspace Blaster Required Tech: Starbase Fortification Required Module: Battle Stations Size: 2 Effect: +5 to beam attack Ship Pounder Required Tech: Starbase Fortification Required Module: Battle Stations Size: 2 Effect: +5 to mass driver attack Star Javelin Required Tech: Starbase Fortification Required Module: Battle Stations Size: 2 Effect: +5 to missile attack Subspace Blaster II Required Tech: Starbase Fortification Mark II Size: 2 Effect: +10 to beam attack Ship Pounder II Required Tech: Starbase Fortification Mark II Size: 2 Effect: +10 to mass driver attack Star Javelin II Required Tech: Starbase Fortification Mark II Size: 2 Effect: +10 to missile attack Subspace Blaster III Required Tech: Starbase Fortification Mark III Size: 2 Effect: +30 to beam attack Ship Pounder III Required Tech: Starbase Fortification Mark III Size: 2 Effect: +30 to mass driver attack Star Javelin III Required Tech: Starbase Fortification Mark III Size: 2 Effect: +30 to missile attack Perimeter Scanners Required Tech: Sensors Size: 1 Effect: +1 Sensor Range Sector Scanners Required Tech: Sensors II Required Module: Perimeter Scanners Size: 1 Cost: 100 bc Effect: +2 Sensor Range Sector Surveillance Scanners Required Tech: Sensors III Required Module: Sector Scanners Size: 1 Cost: 150 bc Effect: +3 Sensor Range Ultimate Surveillance Scanners Required Tech: Sensors IV Required Module: Sector Surveillance Scanners Size: 1 Cost: 200 bc Effect: +4 Sensor Range Section 5.5.2 - Military Protective Fields Required Tech: Starship Defenses Size: 1 Cost: 100 bc Effect: +1 to shield, point defense, and armor of your ships Notes: The ship must have at least one of any type of defense to benefit from this. Also the ship must be within the sphere of influence of the starbase. Stellar Wake Required Tech: Warp Drive Size: 1 Effect: +1 to ship speed Inverse Tractor Beam Required Tech: Warp Drive IV Size: 1 Effect: +1 to ship speed Interdiction Beam Required Tech: HyperWarp Size: 1 Effect: -1 to enemy ship speed Fighter Drones Required Tech: Space Weapons Required Module: Battle Stations Size: 2 Effect: +1 to beam attack of your ships. Notes: Ship must be equipped with beam based weapons to receive the bonus. Omega Cannon Cost: 300 bc Required Tech: Starbase Mobilization Required Module: Energy Grid Size: 2 Effect: +1 to mass driver attack of your ships. Notes: Ship must be equipped with mass driver based weapons to receive the bonus. Missile Bloom Cost: 300 bc Required Tech: Starbase Mobilization Required Module: Missile Defender Size: 2 Effect: +1 to missile attack of your ships. Notes: Ship must be equipped with mass driver based weapons to receive the bonus. Beam Multiplier Field Cost: 300 bc Required Tech: Starbase Mobilization Required Module: Beam interceptors Size: 2 Effect: +1 to beam attack of your ships. Notes: Ship must be equipped with beam based weapons to receive the bonus. Beam Multiplier Field III Cost: 400 bc Required Tech: Starbase Projection Required Module: Beam Multiplier Field Size: 2 Effect: +2 to beam attack of your ships. Notes: Ship must be equipped with beam based weapons to receive the bonus. Omega Cannon III Cost: 400 bc Required Tech: Starbase Projection Required Module: Omega Cannon Size: 2 Effect: +2 to mass driver attack of your ships. Notes: Ship must be equipped with mass driver based weapons to receive the bonus. Missile Bloom III Cost: 400 bc Required Tech: Starbase Projection Required Module: Missile Bloom Size: 2 Effect: +2 to missile attack of your ships. Notes: Ship must be equipped with mass driver based weapons to receive the bonus. Beam Multiplier Field IV Cost: 500 bc Required Tech: Superior Starbase Defense Systems Required Module: Beam Multiplier Field III Size: 2 Effect: +3 to beam attack of your ships. Notes: Ship must be equipped with beam based weapons to receive the bonus. Omega Cannon IV Cost: 500 bc Required Tech: Superior Starbase Defense Systems Required Module: Omega Cannon III Size: 2 Effect: +4 to mass driver attack of your ships. Notes: Ship must be equipped with mass driver based weapons to receive the bonus. Missile Bloom IV Cost: 400 bc Required Tech: Superior Starbase Defense Systems Required Module: Missile Bloom III Size: 2 Effect: +3 to missile attack of your ships. Notes: Ship must be equipped with mass driver based weapons to receive the bonus. Beam Multiplier Field V Cost: 500 bc Required Tech: Starbase Conquest Strategy Required Module: Beam Multiplier Field IV Size: 2 Effect: +4 to beam attack of your ships. Notes: Ship must be equipped with beam based weapons to receive the bonus. Omega Cannon V Cost: 500 bc Required Tech: Starbase Conquest Strategy Required Module: Omega Cannon IV Size: 2 Effect: +5 to mass driver attack of your ships. Notes: Ship must be equipped with mass driver based weapons to receive the bonus. Missile Bloom V Cost: 500 bc Required Tech: Starbase Conquest Strategy Required Module: Missile Bloom IV Size: 2 Effect: +4 to missile attack of your ships. Notes: Ship must be equipped with mass driver based weapons to receive the bonus. Sniper Turrets Cost: 300 bc Required Tech: MiniBalls Size: 2 Effect: +1 to mass driver attack of your ships Notes: Ship must be equipped with mass driver based weapons to receive the bonus. Laser Equalizer Cost: 300 bc Required Tech: Laser Size: 3 Effect: +1 to beam attack of your ships Notes: Ship must be equipped with beam based weapons to receive the bonus. Missile Launchpads Cost: 300 Required Tech: Missile Weapon Theory Size: 2 Effect: +1 to missile attack of your ships Notes: Ship must be equipped with missile based weapons to receive the bonus. Graviton Snipers Cost: 400 bc Required Tech: Graviton Driver IV Required Module: Sniper Turrets Size: 2 Effect: +2 to mass driver attack of your ships Notes: Ship must be equipped with mass driver based weapons to receive the bonus. Hyper-Phasors Cost: 400 bc Required Tech: Phasors Required Module: Laser Equalizer Size: 2 Effect: +2 to beam attack of your ships Notes: Ship must be equipped with beam based weapons to receive the bonus. Sub-Space Warheads Cost: 400 bc Required Tech: Photonic Torpedo II Required Module: Missile Launchpads Size: 2 Effect: +2 to missile attack of your ships Notes: Ship must be equipped with missile based weapons to receive the bonus. Neutrino Snipers Cost: 500 bc Required Tech: Neutrino Bullets Required Module: Graviton Snipers Size: 2 Effect: +4 to mass driver attack of your ships Notes: Ship must be equipped with mass driver based weapons to receive the bonus. Focused Disruptors Cost: 500 bc Required Tech: Disruptors Required Module: Hyper-Phasors Size: 2 Effect: +4 to beam attack of your ships Notes: Ship must be equipped with beam based weapons to receive the bonus. Blackhole Torpedo Cost: 500 bc Required Tech: Blackhole Eruptor Required Module: Sub-Space Warheads Size: 2 Effect: +4 to missile attack of your ships Notes: Ship must be equipped with missile based weapons to receive the bonus. Beam Interceptor Required Tech: Starbase Defenses Required Module: Battle Stations Size: 2 Effect: +2 to beam defense of your ships. Notes: Ship must be equipped with a defense to receive the bonus. Energy Grid Required Tech: Starbase Defenses Size: 2 Effect: +2 to armor defense of your ships. Notes: Ship must be equipped with a defense to receive the bonus. I think it is a typo that this does not require battle stations. Missile Defender Required Tech: Starbase Defenses Size: 2 Effect: +2 to missile defense of your ships. Notes: Ship must be equipped with a defense to receive the bonus. I think it is a typo that this does not require battle stations. Section 5.5.3 - Economy Starbase Factory Size: 1 Effect: +3 to MP, SP, and RP Adv. Starbase Factory Required Tech: Xeno Industrial Theory Required Module: Starbase Factory Size: 1 Effect: +4 to MP, SP, and RP Massive Scaling Center Required Tech: Xeno Factory Construction Required Module: Adv. Starbase Factory Size: 1 Effect: +5 to MP, SP, and RP Smart Drones Required Tech: Advanced Computing Required Module: Massive Scaling Center Size: 1 Effect: +6 to MP, SP, and RP Interstellar Collectors Required Tech: Manufacturing Centers Required Module: Smart Drones Size: 1 Effect: +7 to MP, SP, and RP Orbital Replicators Required Tech: Industrial Sector Required Module: Interstellar Collectors Size: 1 Effect: +8 to MP, SP, and RP Trading Post Required Tech: Trade Size: 1 Effect: +10 to trade revenue Advanced Trading Post Required Tech: Advanced Trade Required Module: Trading Post Size: 1 Effect: +20 to trade revenue Trade Center Required Tech: Master Trade Required Module: Advanced Trading Post Size: 1 Effect: +30 to trade revenue Section 5.5.4 - Influence Diplomatic Outpost Cost: 500 bc Size: 1 Effect: +5 influence Foreign Relations Center Required Tech: Universal Translator Required Module: Diplomatic Outpost Size: 1 Effect: +7 influence Interstellar Embassy Required Tech: Diplomatic Relations Required Module: Foreign Relations Center Size: 1 Effect: +10 influence Galactic Forum Required Tech: Advanced Diplomacy Required Module: Interstellar Embassy Size: 1 Effect: +15 influence Supreme Forum Required Tech: Expert Diplomacy Required Module: Galactic Forum Size: 1 Effect: +25 influence Interstellar Consortium Required Tech: Xeno Business Required Module: Interstellar Embassy Size: 1 Effect: +20 influence Franchise Center Cost: 500 bc Required Tech: Cultural Domination Required Module: Interstellar Consortium Size: 2 Effect: +25 influence Franchise Headquarters Required Tech: Historical Assimilation Required Module: Franchise Center Size: 2 Effect: +30 influence Cultural Maximization Center Required Tech: Xeno Cultural Trends Required Module: Franchise Headquarters Size: 3 Effect: +40 influence Insurrection Coordinator Required Tech: Cultural Insurrection Required Module: Cultural Maximization Center Size: 3 Effect: +60 influence Cultural Conquest Center Required Tech: Cultural Conquest Required Module: Insurrection Coordinator Size: 3 Effect: +100 influence Section 5.5.5 - Mining Mining Barracks Size: 1 Effect: +2 to resource Mining Center Required Tech: Xeno Engineering Required Module: Mining Barracks Size: 1 Effect: +3 to resource Mining Headquarters Required Tech: Xeno Industrial Theory Required Module: Mining Center Size: 1 Effect: +4 to resource Resource Excavation Required Tech: Xeno Factory Construction Required Module: Mining Headquarters Size: 1 Effect: +5 to resource Extraction Center Required Tech: Manufacturing Centers Required Module: Resource Excavation Size: 1 Effect: +8 to resource Extraction Complex Required Tech: Manufacturing Centers Required Module: Extraction Center Size: 1 Effect: +10 to resource Resource Sector Required Tech: Industrial Sector Required Module: Extraction Complex Size: 1 Effect: +12 to resource ============================================================================= Section 6.0 - Game Concepts Ok so now that you've seen all the internal guts of this game let's talk about how the game works with all those tables. This section is mostly my opinion on what the observations I've made playing mean in terms of each of the various game systems. This is by no means the authoritative work on these issues and I would certainly appreciate an other insights you may have regarding these ideas. You can think of this game in terms of sub systems. Each one plays a role in the game universe. In an ideal game you strive to both balance and maximize each of these sub systems. This is one of the things Stardock did to make the AI as good as it is. On any given turn it will optimize its entire empire. While it is not impossible for you to do this it can be difficult without understanding what you are affecting. I'll try to give you that knowledge here. Section 6.1 - Planet Building As with everything else in this game there are several approaches to improving your planets usefulness. Your first instinct may be that every planet should have at least one of every type of building you have to build. It turns out that this can lead to most of your planets being under utilized. So here we will talk about specializing your planets. First let me say that you don't have to figure out what a planet will be to your empire when you colonize it. Also what a planet is doing for you may change as you continue through the game. Don't be afraid to examine all your planets once in a while to see if you've got some doing things that aren't in the best interest of your empire's goals at this moment. Remember what I said about maximizing your potentials. Alright so let's say you've found a really nice PQ12+ planet. Unless there are any manufacturing or research bonus tiles on the planet turn the majority of these you find into cash planets. Not all mind you but a few in your empire can keep you in the black even while you are building massive fleets to show your current enemy that they should not have insulted your mother. To create a cash planet build one or two factories. Then fill the rest of the planet with up to 2 farms and 4 entertainment buildings. Beyond that add as many economic buildings as there is room. Remember that you will want to adjust your buildings as you go up the tech tree. But in general entertainment to farms should be a 2:1 ratio. You can use the tool tip that pops up over the approval number for the planet to judge what you can change. A solid planet of this type can produce well over 100bc a turn with very little being used because there are no research buildings and only a couple of factories. Try to place your Economic Capital on one of these worlds for an even larger boost. Turn any planet that happens to have a manufacturing bonus into well I'm sure you guessed: a factory world. Keep in mind that a factory world is not all factories. You'll want to leave open spaces for super projects, galactic achievements and trade goods. I will caution you however into not building everything you can on a single planet because if the AI manages to take it from you then you are going to be hurting to say the least. To create a factory world simply place anywhere from 4 - 6 factories on the surface. In v1.1 of the game unused social production is no longer wasted. It is transfered to military production on any turn that you do not build a planetary improvement. If you aren't building a ship then the bcs go back into the treasury. What this means is that you don't pay for production you do not use. Also make sure that you always turn on "Focus" for these planets. This maximizes your spending for the area you want to well focus on. Never let these planets sit with nothing to build. Turn any planet that happens to have a research bonus into a research world. Unlike the factory world it is ok to fill the world with research buildings along with maybe one or two factories and one entertainment building. Set these planets to focus on research and forget about them for the most part. You may want to adjust them to social focus any time you upgrade your research buildings just to get them done faster. Just don't forget to go back to research focus once the upgrade is complete. Now your thinking "what if a planet has more then one bonus". Well obviously you want to place the buildings that take advantage of the bonus on the tile. All except farming bonus unless you have the space to build equivalent number of entertainment of course. Anyway I tend to turn these planets into my fillers. They build the ships that my mainline factory worlds would overkill. Also if I managed to trade or acquire another tech that has a good special with it I may get one of these to build it while my factory worlds focus on the one I really want. I will say the same thing about planets I say about a lot of the game. Always build to what your empire needs right now. If you are in a dog fight on a small map the game really isn't going to last long enough for you to specialize too much beyond getting more ships. Don't forget about the couple of defensive buildings either. Then can make a difference if you've got an aggressive AI trying to wipe you out. Section 6.2 - Planetary Invasion An invasion is governed by a few things in the game. However for the most part if all you understand is Soldiering Ability, Tech Rating, and Att vs Def value then you'll be ok. In general you want your soldiering and tech rating to be higher then your opponent. Research the invasion branch to increase your soldiering along with a few random events that occur. Your tech rating has to do with your overall technology level in the game. The Attack vs Defense number can be thought of as a straight multiplier to your troops. There are some other things involved but that simple explanation will get you by. So if you invade a planet with 2000 troops and get a bonus of 10 for attack then you in effect have 20000 troops on the planet. In all simplicity you can think of invasion as just a war of attrition. When the other guy runs out of soldiers you win the planet. Doesn't really matter how many troops it took you to take it. Well I shouldn't say that because you had to build those ships but for the most part just keep sending troops in until you win. The information for the tactics is taken from the InvTactics.xml file in the GalCiv2 data folder. I will include in my notes when I use each one and why. Traditional Warfare Notes: This is the default attack. I use this one if I out number the planetary defenses or if my soldiering and tech rating are high enough compared to the enemy that my troops can take them without any additional advantage. Very good thing to use if you want to try take the planet without losing any buildings or PQ rating. Mass Drivers Cost: 200 bc Required Tech: Planetary Bombardment Effect: +100 - +200 attack value Effect: -10 - -50 PQ Effect: -50 - -100 planetary buildings Notes: This attack is great if the enemy out numbers you by a large amount. Also if you don't care about the PQ or building left after the attack you may use this to ensure you will win a close fight. One useful tactic is to use this attack with a minimum of your troops trying to lose the encounter. This prevents the negative affects and allows you to wipe out a significant portion of the defensive force. Then you can use a less destructive attack to take over the planet with your next wave. Core Detonation Cost: 250 bc Required Tech: Space Marines Effect: 50 Luck Effect: +40 - +50 attack value Effect: -10 - -30 PQ Effect: -20 - -30 planetary buildings Notes: This is a good tactic to use if you need some bonus but Mass Drivers would be overkill. Or if you are trying to limit the collateral damage you do to the planet. Again the same tactic that works with Mass Drivers will work with this. Tidal Disruptors Cost: 200 bc Required Tech: Tidal Disruption Effect: 20 Luck Effect: +40 - +50 attack value Effect: -80 - -100 planetary buildings Notes: This is an excellent tactic to use if you wish to have an advantage but don't want to take the hit to the PQ of the planet. Make sure you check the planet ahead of time to ensure there are no special buildings on it you may want to capture as this does tend to wipe most of them out. Mini-Soldiers Cost: 500 bc Required Tech: Shock Troops Effect: 60 Luck Effect: +40 - +70 attack value Effect: -5 - -10 planetary buildings Notes: This is my favorite tactic to use. It gives a nice bonus while at the same time minimizing the damage you do to the planet. There have been lots of occasions where I've used this and the planet comes through without losing any buildings. Gas Warfare Cost: 200 bc Required Tech: Planetary Invasion Effect: 20 Luck Effect: +15 - +30 attack value Effect: -5 - -20 PQ Notes: I don't think I've ever used this. Normally I'd rather wipe out all the buildings rather then lose any PQ of the planet. Information Warfare Cost: 800 bc Effect: 80 Luck Effect: +20 - +40 of people will defect and fight for you Notes: This is a good tactic to tip a close fight to your favor. However to be honest for the price you can probably just send in another wave of troopers. Also if the enemy's approval is really high there is no point in using this. Section 6.3 - Ship to Ship Combat Ship design is another part of this game where there is lots of room for style. I will express my opinions here on what makes a good ship and it's up to you to decide what to follow. In general it can be said that you should build ships that meet the needs of your empire. Now what in the world does that mean? Well for the most part it means that if you need a longer range colony ship to reach planets out of reach of the core ship then your empire needs that ship. If your fleets are being slaughtered because the enemy is using beam weapons and all you have are armor defenses then you may want to switch your defensive schemes. Same thing goes for your attacks. When building a warship always counter whatever your enemy is doing even if it means that you've got to use slightly less affective components because your research lagged in one area. Now granted if you greatly out class the ships you are going up against it doesn't really matter what defenses they have. However in a closely matched fight it can make all the difference in the world. This is my understanding of how combat works. Attacking fleet always has the first volley. Ensure most of the time you have this advantage and a lot of encounters will go your way. However it's not enough to always attack first. You have to have ships that counter your opponents offensive and defensive abilities. I'll talk more about this in a moment. Ok back to combat the combat engine. For each weapon the attacker rolls from 0 to the max attack value. If the defender has a defense the matches the attack it makes a roll from 0 to max defense. If the attack roll is greater then the defense roll the defender loses the difference in hit points. Then the attacker and defender roles are reversed. This continues until one ship has zero hit points. Now if the defender's defenses do not match the attacker weapon then the defensive roll is based on the square root of the value. So if you have a defense of 4 armor against a beam weapon the defense is actually 2. Otherwise the combat occurs as before. It gets much more complicated when you've got multiple types of weapons on a ship or multiple defenses. To figure that out you add the attacks and defenses together taking into account when a square root may apply to the defense roll. That then gives you the combined values for the roll. The game displays this one result but will highlight what weapons or defenses were taken into account. So what does all that mean to ship design? Well from my experience it shows that some defense is better then no defense at all. Typically you have to sacrifice fire power to place that defense but overall you still come out ahead of the game. And since any ship that survives combat can earn experience to increase its hit points it is in your best interest to try to keep ships around as long as you can. Fleet battle takes place as a series of individual battles. However in a fleet situation the ships will target whatever they can take out the quickest followed by whatever poses the largest threat to the fleet. The thing they can take out the quickest is any ship that might be wiped out in one volley without ever returning a shot. So they will go after damaged ships first. Of course that is still not an absolute rule. As I mentioned if your attack is a lot higher then the defense you'll knock out the ship no matter what. Also if you are the attacker and get in the first volley if you hit for more hit points the defender has you destroy them without them being able to retaliate. For me personally I do not mix weapon types on ships. I will build different versions of the same ship to accomplish this and then put them into fleets together to take advantage of the different weapons. Defenses however I try to place what I can to counter what the enemy is building. The AI tends to mix weapons on it's larger ships. So I mix my defenses accordingly. Hopefully this gives you enough understanding of the ship combat to make good decisions for what you need. I'm sure I'll be expanding this section as Stardock tweaks the game. Section 6.4 - Economy I don't think there has been anything else in the game so far that has touched off as much debate as the in game economy. I'm not going to comment on what I think is *right* or *wrong* here. What I am going to do is provide you with my understanding of how this works and how to get it to work for you. Stardock has said that they are not going to change the economy except maybe in terms of how certain information is displayed. With that in mind we'll work with what we've got. You can think of your economy as two separate pieces: - Your Revenue - Your Spending Now your revenue is made up of taxes, trade, tribute from UP laws and tourism. Your spending is the sum of your MP, SP, RP, ship maintenance, colony maintenance, espionage, and any UP laws that affect you like the war tax. If your revenue is larger then your spending then your economy is positive and the bank number on the main screen is green. If your spending is larger then your revenue then your economy negative and the bank number on the main screen is yellow. So long as you have funds there is nothing wrong with having a negative balance. Heck the US has been doing it for the past oh what 200 years. But I digress To attempt to balance your revenue vs. spending is where the sliders on the economic screen come into play. However they are not the only thing but we'll get to that in a moment. Alright the easiest one to see the effect of is the tax rate slider. The higher this goes the more taxes you generate from your population base. If you increase your population base you get more taxes for the same tax rate. Keep in mind that as you adjust your tax rate your approval rating will change accordingly. There is also an additional penalty for every 10% so in general if you can it is better to be at say 39% then 40%. **New in v1.1** Your tax rate affects your morale slight less now. So it should be easier to maintain a higher morale at the higher tax rates. *************** Trade revenue will fluctuate. It is a function of the distance the freighter is from its home port. The further away the more you make. I'm not sure what the exact percentages are but I do know it won't go to zero when the freighter reaches the home port and begins to journey back to the destination planet. You can also increase the trade revenue by placing trade modules on any starbase the freighter passes. Tourism is a function of your influence. The larger your influence the more share of the galaxies tourism dollar you get. This takes into account the total population of the galaxy along with your percentage of influence over it. Tribute is based on the particular UP law. For instance there is a law that penalizes empires for having planets inside another empires border. You are paid for that in tribute from the other empire. Now spending is where this starts to get hazy because there are several factors involved here. I'll take them in order of easiest to see. Espionage is simply the sum of what you are spending on each AI. You adjust this in the relationship tab of the foreign policy screen. Colony maintenance is the sum total of all the maintenance of all the buildings on your planets. Ship maintenance is 2.5% of the original cost to build the ship summed up for all your ships. And any penalties imposed by the United Planets are a function of whatever the rule is. Ok so that leaves MP, SP, and RP. This is where a lot of the confusion for new players starts. There are three factors to consider when coming up with these values. The first is your allocated spending slider setting. This tells the system how much of your overall production capacity you want to use. Next is the individual spending sliders for each type. This tells the system how much of your allocated spending you want to place into each of the three production types. All three sliders must always add up to 100%. The final piece of this puzzle is all the factories and research buildings you have built. It takes 1bc to produce 1MP/SP/RP. So a factory that produces 8MP will cost you 8bc per turn it is running at 100% capacity. If you can get your head around this idea you can really take a hold of your economy. By adjusting your allocated spending and the individual sliders there are times where you can "balance your budget" so to speak and stay in the black without changing your tax rate. In general if you are in a time of peace then you might want to drop your military spending way down since you aren't building a bunch of war ships. Same goes for when you are war. You might want to boost your military spending and drop the other two to a minimal. In the long run all I can suggest is you move the sliders around and pay attention to what values change. With enough tweaking you'll come to understand what is going on and then be able to make informed decisions about what to change when you are in need of cash. Rest assured that I will update this section as Stardock tweaks the economy information. I've had people ask me what I do with the particular sliders. Since my style of play tends towards the peaceful victory conditions I use the following guidelines. At the start of the game I increase my taxes to 39%. I adjust the sliders for each of the three production types so that they read 30/30/40. This stays this way for the first dozen or so turns just until I can get a few colonies under my control and my population starts to grow. After I've built an entertainment building on each planet I start to increase my taxes to 49% while trying to keep my morale over 70%. In doing this I also increase spending accordingly until I max out at 100% As the expansion of my empire starts to slow I again adjust my spending to 20/30/50 or sometimes even 10/35/55 depending on if I need constructors or not. Once I've got enough of a population base to maintain this sort of spending I don't need to adjust it again until I need to build ships for a war. Of course like a lot of people I ignore my military except for a few token defenders until needed because I don't like to pay the ship maintainence costs in the early go. So if a war breaks out I may go 40/20/40. Also I will buy any ships I can afford during this time. If done with the proper timing and with enough morale bonuses either racial or space resource you can easily maintain 95%+ morale and 49% taxes with 100% spending. I've even had games where I've found enough space morale resources that I was able to push my taxes up to 59% and still have 90% or higher morale. Section 6.5 - Custom Race If you are like me then the predefined races just don't cut it for you. So we turn to custom races to get even more out of the game. This game provides you with a large array of abilities to tweak to tailor your custom race to your particular style of play. I am not going to list what each one does that information is in the manual. However I will list the stats for each. This information is in the AbilityBonuses.xml file in the GalCiv2 data folder. You have 10 points to spend on any combination of these traits. For the record my custom race is: - Economics: Gifted 20% - Morale: Naturally Happy 15% - Population Growth: Very Frisky 20% - Influence: Advanced 15% - Luck: 25% Economics Advanced: 10% Cost 2 Gifted: 20% Cost 3 Master: 30% Cost 4 Weapons Superior: 15% Cost 1 Master: 20% Cost 2 Defense Advanced: 10% Cost 1 Gifted: 20% Cost 2 Master: 30% Cost 3 Propulsion Extra 1 Parsecs/Month: 1 Cost 5 (wonder if this is supposed to be / wk) Extra 2 Parsecs/Month: 2 Cost 8 Morale Naturally Content: 10% Cost 1 Naturally Happy: 15% Cost 2 Naturally Joyous: 20% Cost 3 Population Growth Frisky: 10% Cost 1 Very Frisky: 20% Cost 2 Fruitful: 30% Cost 3 Don't Ask: 70% Cost 6 Social Production Advanced: 10% Cost 1 Gifted: 20% Cost 2 Master: 30% Cost 3 Ultra: 50% Cost 5 Military Production Advanced: 10% Cost 1 Gifted: 20% Cost 2 Master: 30% Cost 3 Ultra: 50% Cost 4 Research Advanced: 5% Cost 1 Gifted: 10% Cost 2 Master: 15% Cost 3 Ultra: 20% Cost 4 Influence Advanced: 5% Cost 1 Gifted: 15% Cost 2 Master: 25% Cost 4 Commercial Giant: 30% Cost 5 Repair Gifted: 20% Cost 1 Master: 40% Cost 2 Sensors Advanced: 1% Cost 1 Gifted: 2% Cost 2 Master: 4% Cost 3 Espionage Advanced: 15% Cost 1 Gifted: 30% Cost 2 Soldiering Hardy: 10% Cost 1 Tough: 20% Cost 2 Invincible: 30% Cost 3 Planet Quality Green Thumb: 10% Cost 3 Magical: 20% Cost 8 Trade Gifted Traders: 10% Cost 1 Superior Traders: 20% Cost 3 Master Traders: 30% Cost 5 Trade Routes Gifted Traders: 1 Cost 3 Superior Traders: 2 Cost 6 Master Traders: 3 Cost 9 Diplomacy Talented Diplomats: 5% Cost 1 Skilled Diplomats: 10% Cost 2 Master Diplomats: 20% Cost 4 Expert Diplomats: 30% Cost 5 Hit Points Superior: 10% Cost 1 Exceptional: 20% Cost 2 Invincible: 30% Cost 4 Range +1 to Initial Range: 10sct Cost 3 Luck Exceptionally Lucky: 25% Cost 1 Courage Brave: 25% Cost 1 Creativity Highly Creative: 25% Cost 1 Loyalty Mostly Faithful: 10% Cost 1 Devoted: 20% Cost 2 Section 6.6 - Predefined Races This section lists the predefined races bonuses. All information is taken from the RaceConfig.xmp file in the GalCiv 2 data folder. Terran Alliance Alignment: 50 Research: 10 Trade: 25 Morale: 10 Diplomacy: 25 Hit Points: 10 Trade Routes: 1 Logistics: 6 Starting Techs: Xeno Communications Hyper Drive Xeno Engineering Dregin Empire Alignment: 1 Weapons: 20 Morale: 25 Military Production: 20 Research: 10 Hit Points: 10 Soldiering: 20 Logistics: 7 Starting Techs: Galactic Warfare Hyper Drive Xeno Engineering Stellar Cartography Altarian Republic Alignment: 99 Economics: 10 Morale: 20 Luck: 30 Creativity: 30 Logistics: 5 Starting Techs: Xeno Communications Hyper Drive Xeno Engineering Stellar Cartography Acrean Empire Alignment: 50 Morale: 20 Social Production: 20 Military Production: 20 Hit Points: 10 Soldiering: 10 Logistics: 7 Starting Techs: Galactic Warfare Hyper Drive Xeno Engineering Xeno Communications Xeno Economics Stellar Cartography Torian Confederation Alignment: 80 Morale: 25 Population Growth: 10 Social Production: 20 Trade: 10 Sensors: 1 Luck: 10 Courage: 20 Loyalty: 10 Logistics: 6 Starting Techs: Galactic Warfare Hyper Drive Xeno Engineering Xeno Industrial Theory Xeno Economics Stellar Cartography Yor Collective Alignment: 25 Economics: 10 Morale: 10 Military Production: 20 Soldiering: 20 Loyalty: 100 Logistics: 8 Miniaturization: 25 Starting Techs: Galactic Warfare Hyper Drive Xeno Engineering Xeno Industrial Theory Ion Drive Xeno Economics Stellar Cartography Dominion of Korx Alignment: 1 Economics: 15 Trade: 25 Soldiering: 10 Trade Routes: 3 Courage: 10 Logistics: 6 Starting Techs: Galactic Warfare Hyper Drive Xeno Engineering Ion Drive Stellary Cartography Drath Legion Alignment: 75 Economics: 10 Defense: 50 Military Production: 25 Morale: 10 Diplomacy: 25 Espionage: 50 Trade Routes: 1 Loyalty: 10 Logistics: 6 Starting Techs: Galactic Warfare Hyper Drive Xeno Engineering Xeno Industrial Theory Ion Drive Stellar Cartography Thalan Empire Alignment: 50 Population Growth: 20 Social Production: 20 Military Production: 20 Research: 10 Loyalty: 40 Logistics: 6 Miniaturization: 10 Starting Techs: Hyper Drive Xeno Engineering Xeno Industrial Theory Space Militarization Xeno Economics Stellar Cartography Iconian Refuge Alignment: 90 Economics: 10 Research: 20 Logistics: 7 Starting Techs: Hyper Drive Xeno Engineering Starship Defenses Xeno Economics Armor Theory Stellar Cartography Section 6.7 - Relationships Here I'm going to discuss what you can do to try to get the AI to like you. Or conversely what you can do to annoy it. Both are simple concepts so this should be short. To get it to like you you can: - Set up lots of trade routes with them. The more trade revenue they get from you the more they like you. - Give them gifts of technology or bcs. The AI places a value on every tech in the game so giving them something like Manufacturing Centers will earn you more good points then say Sensors. - Be the same ethical alignment as them. This goes a long way towards helping you establish a Close relationship so you can ask for an alliance. - Help them out when they tell you a particular empire is beating them in a war. To get it to hate you you can: - Place lots of war ships or starbases near it's borders. - Reject any demands they may make of you. - If they are evil be good if they are good be evil. - And the top one... attack something of theirs. Section 6.8 - Espionage The current espionage system in GC2 is rather simple. I believe in a future expansion Stardock will be expanding upon the system. However for now let's look at the system as it stands. Espionage level gives you the ability to view a variety of information about the target empire. With a high enough rating you can see what is on their ships, what are their abilities, what their economic situation is, what they are currently researching, what they have built on their planets, and what they have on starbases in terms of modules. To gather all this information goto the Relations tab of the Foriegn Policy screen. When you highlight a particular race you will see a slider below the portrait of their leader. This is how you adjust the amount you wish to spend in order to spy on them. That amount then comes out of your budget every week. As you spend money on espionage you will start to get reports that inform you that you have reached a certain level of knowledge with regards to their empire. To view this information goto the stats or report tabs on the Foriegn Policy screen. This will fill you in on the newest information you can access about them. Once you reach an Advanced level of knowledge there is no need to continue to spend money spying on that particular empire. Also keep in mind that it is better to spend a small amount over a long period then it is to spend a lot for a short period. However I do believe the overall amount you have to spend is still the same. At some point I may workout exactly what each level works out to in terms of cost. That is if someone hasn't already listed it. Section 6.9 - Influence This is a measure of how much impact your society as a whole has on the galaxy. With a high enough value you can start to take over other empire's planets without the need to send in troops. Also if you can get 75% of the galaxy under your influence while controlling 75% of the assets on the map you win a Cultural Victory. There are a few ways to increase your influence over a given area. The most obvious is if you have a planet in the region of space. The population on that planet produces influence. The larger the population the more base influence you produce. You can increase the planetary influence by building an Embassy or Cultural Exchange Center on the planet. To extend your influence into areas where you may not have a planet to colonize you must build influence starbases. These multiply your influece in their sphere of influence by the bonus the modules on the starbase provide. No need for one of your planets. So lets say you've got a couple of colonies from another empire within your borders. If you have at least a LOW espionage rating with the empire you can see what the influence that planet is producing and also what value above that you are producing. If you achieve a value of 4.00+ then your influence will start to sway the population to revolt and join your empire. Influence starbases that have these planets within their sphere of influence can help to really increase the likelyhood of them defecting. If another empire is threating on of your planets you can counter their influence in the same manner that you use to increase yours. This is why there are times the AI will build a lot of farms and/or embassies on a planet. It is trying to keep the planet from defecting. ============================================================================= Section 7.0 - Basic Strategies In a game of this type there is not one sure fire way to victory. There are a lot of things that can happen between turn two and turn five hundred. So the best strategy is a flexible one. That being said there are things you can do to try to come out on top. - Never start a war unless you are ready. By this I mean make sure you've gotten all the intelligence you can about their planets and ships. Build ships that counter theirs both offensively and defensively. Identify all starbases and be sure they are priority targets. - Try to get your economy positive as soon as possible. It's ok to run with a negative net for a while but if your funds dip much below 500 bc you should start looking hard at getting some more money either through trade or balancing your budget. - Always colonize any PQ8+ planet you can find. If you have the majority of planets in a given cluster it's ok to leave that PQ5 planet for the AI. And after it colonizes the planet chances are it will flip to you later anyway. - Attempt to maximize your economy starbase's sphere of influence. The circle that represents this is 16pcs in diameter. Use that number to try to center the starbase so the greatest number of planets fall within. Version 1.1 shows a circle that represents where this sphere will be before you commit to the building. - Always upgrade your starbases with the latest modules. Keeping them up to date gives you the most bang for you buck. - Don't rush to upgrade your starships just because you've gotten a new toy. Unless it represents a significant leap in either attack or defense or you are at war and need every little bit it can wait. Also sometimes it is better to decommission obsolete ships rather then upgrade them. I do this a lot when thinning out my fleets after a major war. - Don't expand too fast in the early game. This can lead to financial trouble as your economy can't support the maintenance of all those initial colony buildings. Also expanding too fast can drain your planets population to the point where it will take it a very long time to recover further crippling your economy. - When attacking consider rush building some constructors to get a few military starbases up in the theater of war. The ship assist modules can really boost your power and turn the tide of battle. - In general it is cheaper to build something then it is to buy it. The exception to this is if you are a Neutral alignment. You get a discount for buying ships. - Always post sentry ships with your best sensors on your borders. The AI at the higher difficulties is notorious for sneaking ships into you blind spots. - Always try to keep a quick reaction fleet near any important planets or starbases to destroy any would be attackers before they can get into range. - Any planet you plan to defend with ships in orbit MUST have an Orbital Fleet Manager built. - Build fast ships. Not only can you respond to any incursions by the AI fleets but you can get away from them too. - Try to maintain a balanced approach to your research. If something is going to take more then 24 wks to get you might want to adjust your spending or build more research buildings to get it sooner. Or for that matter it may be time to research the next tech that gives you an upgraded research building. - Always use the Focus check when you are building special planetary improvements. - Periodically scan through all your planets to make sure they are doing what you want. This is especially important after a load since the game doesn't show you any messages about planet production at load. - Don't mix ships of different speed in a fleet. The slow ones bring the fast ones down. Defeats the point of having fast ships. Well that's all I can think of now. I'll expand this section as I come up with new ideas or people submit ideas to me for inclusion. ============================================================================= Section 8.0 - Legal Stuff This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Contact: Please keep any correspondence game related. Any non game emails will be deleted and the sender blocked. Galactic Civilizations II Dread Lords is a registered trademark of Stardock, Inc. The website authorized to post this FAQ is GameFaqs. Please let me know if you see it posted on any other site so I can contact them to get it removed. Copyright (c) 2006 Jason Bodine. All rights reserved. ============================================================================= 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234568901234568901234567890123456789