Alternate ending: Collecting at least 100 Power Cells and complete the game succesfully to view an alternate ending. What is behind the percuros door: If you look at the "boarder" around the map on the back of the instruction booklet you will notice it looks a bit like writing. Well it is and this is the translation: "In ancient, dreamless, uninvaded sleep, the silent giants wait to be awakened. Deep will their slumber be, silent their once ecoing voices, untill the world has no memory of their beginnings. In the gloom they will watch and they will wait. those whh go to them for answers will return only with new questions. But there will come a time when silence ends. The one who carries the light will awaken the voices. With him, one whose fate was twisted towards darkness in the time before time. When the lilstan ght bursts from the earth the answers to the questions will begin. But only begin, for still the world will not be ready to learn the truth of it's past, or the secrets of it's future." This explains what is inside the precusor door at the ending and it fites with what Samos says at the beging. Submission: Liz Jelly Bean (