Maximizing damage FAQ [In depth] By Cactusjack23 =========================================== Table of Contents =========================================== 1) Legal junk 2) What does maximizing damage mean? 3) How to maximize damage for each bot 4) Things I need 5) Contact info and thank you's =========================================== Legal junk =========================================== This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. This FAQ can currently be hosted on the following sites: - - -Http:// If you happen to see this FAQ on any other site, please e-mail me, at OR AIM me at Teh1337oneGB =========================================== What does maximizing damage mean? =========================================== Ever notice how come some of your shots do less damage, compared to an opponents, even if they are the same shot with same weather effects against the same bot? Your opponent either was lucky, or he knew how to maximize that particular bot's damage. Let me give you an example. You and your opponent are using turtles. You use shot 2, and deal a measly 150 damage. On his turn, he high angles you with shot 2 and hits your for 250 damage. Why? Turtle's shot 2 is spread out for the first few seconds after it leaves the cannon, so getting both streams of water to hit is a pain. However, if you high angle it and let it get airborne for around 2-3 seconds, the water streams merge, and both streams will hit, resulting in a LOT more damage. Maximizing damage is essential in winning 1v1 matches, and can help increase your average hit =========================================== How to maximiaze damage for each bot =========================================== This is the meat of the FAQ. I will provide instructions on how to get the most damage out of every bot, other than dragon and knight. Look for the bot you need with Ctrl + F The golden rule : ALWAYS use true angle. What is true angle? For the Boomer, Ice, Grub, Bigfoot, and Armour Mobile, true angle is the darkened shade of green, in the middle of your angle. Using that part of the angle to shoot makes your bot do 33% more damage. That is A LOT. These are, so far, the only bots with true angle. Another rule : For bots with splash damage, try not to dual with them. Quite a portion of your damage will come from splash damage, which will only kick in once a turn. So, if you dual with a cake, which averages with 100 normal damage and 64 splash, don't expect to get 164*2 damage. Only the normal damage is done twice, the splash damage will only kick in once. ADUKA Shot 1: Does a measly 150 damage on hit. Out of the 150, 64 damage is splash damage, so it ignores defence. Shotgun it to get the most damage. However, the delay on this shot is too high for it to be used as a staple attack.Stick with shot 2 and SS. Shot 2: Shoots 3 mini adukas, with thor's laser hitting the area between thor and the tracer landing spot. If it hit's a mobile, thor gains experience. Thor starts out at lvl 1. Lvl 6 is the highest thor will go, doing an average max of 350 per hit. In 4v4 aduka games, thor's level increases extremely fast, making the game end faster than a normal 4v4. SS: Similiar to naks SS, except it doesn't explode on contact. When the SS touches a enemy mobile, thor's laser hits it. The best way to use this is to SS the opposing team when they are in a straight line. Don't worry about hitting teammates, you won't unless they are in the small splash area. Also, another effective way to do additional damage is to use the SS when the enemy mobile is overlapping a tornado. The SS will spin and hit the enemy twice, sometimes 3 times, doing a total of 500+ average damage. Additional notes about aduka: In all aduka shot 2/SS games, don't be afriad to use shot 1 as a first turn shot. The damage to delay ratio is much better than shot 2 with lvl 1 thor. Sure, you might get kicked, but there are other aduka games around. However, make sure you say something to the line of "Opps, wrong shot", or everyone else will start to use shot 1 for the rest of the game too, resulting in a VERY slow 4v4. =========================================== ARMOUR MOBILE Shot 1: This shot does about 120-150 on contact. The only way to increase damage is to use true angle, and hit the opponent exactly in the middle. Shot 2: Does around 200-250 damage on a normal hit, around 300+ if you hit it correctly. How do you do that? Armours shot 2 consists of 2 rockets, the first one being larger, and the second one a little smaller than the first. Land your shot a little in front of your opponent, around the legs area, not in the middle of him. Why? The first shot penetrates the amour of the mobile, and the 2nd shell explodes inside it. However, dualing Shot 2 will rarely result in 600+ damage even if you did 300+ with the first shot of the dual. After the first shot, the enemy mobile will be lowered, making the second shot hit futher from the legs. This results in around 200 damage for the second shot. So, when dualing with armour, make the first shot count. It's essential if you want those 500 damage duals. SS: Shoots out a small rocket, which turns into a missle around 1.8 seconds after being airborne. The un-changed rocket does around 200 damage, and after it changes, it does around 400 damage. Remember to land your SS in the middle of the opponents bot. Additional notes about Armour mobile: Use armour mobile to counter Boomer, or other HIT type bots, as they do less damage to Armour which is a mechanical/metal bot. Also, for hitting more accurately with the armour, get a few "standard shooting" angles. A few good ones are 70, for high angling, 32, the base angle you start on a flat ground, and also an ideal angle for hitting the opponents legs, for a stronger shot 2. You can also pick a few other angles of your choice. Practice those angles, and soon you will be very accurate with the Armour. You can also look for armour charts, they help a lot. =========================================== A.Sate Shot 1: The sate shoots a tracer, and where the tracer lands, the hovering shooter above sate will shoot a single laser at where the tracer lands. Note that the shooter hovers pretty low from the ground with shot 1. Land the tracer just behind the opponent if you are in a far rage fight. Landing the tracer directly on the enemy mobile may cause the laser to swoop past the mobiles head, not doing any damage. Shot 2: Shoots the same tracer as 1, but the shooter is at a higher point now. This shot shoots 3 lasers, each doing around 80-90 damage. Do NOT shotgun all the time with this. You will miss about half of the shot. There is a trick on getting all 3 lasers to hit. When shooting from LEFT TO RIGHT, land the tracer directly ON THE OPPONENT. If you shotgun it, the tracer will hit the front of the opponent and so will the lasers. However, when shooting from RIGHT TO LEFT, shotgunning will make all 3 lasers hit, unlike from left to right. Generally, when using sate, try to be on the right side of the opponent. It makes a lot of difference. There are plenty of sate players that don't know this, and shotgun this shot, only to have 1 of the 3 lasers hit. At long range, the sate can only hit an opponent with one or two lasers, as the lasers spread out too much. SS: Shoots a similiar tracer, except it's green. However, when the tracer touches ground, the satelite hovers over to where the tracer lands and shoots 6 lasers down, doing a total of around 450 damage. The tip to doing more damage is to make the tracer land lower than the opponent, as the lasers are more packed being airborne more. Lobbing does the most damage. Also note that the Satellite is lowered by around 2 mobile lengthes for this shot. Additional notes about Sate: There is a very cheap strategy for all you sate users, play tag games and choose a bungebot, preferably bigfoot as your main bot, and sate as your tag. Play a map like miramo town, where the land is thick. Dig a tunnel with your bunge bot than continue tunneling horizontally until you are under your opponents mobile. Switch to sate, than tap with shot 2. >_> Your tracer will land just on you, and the lasers will hit your opponent, as he is between the sattelite and where the tracer lands. However, if you see any people with a rank higher than battle axe, do NOT use this strategy against them. They will know what you plotting, and they will dig their own tunnel. You will have to fight a underground match with them, and you only have a bigfoot. =============================================================== BOOMER LAUNCHER Shot 1: Shoots a single boomerang, doing around 150 damage. Hitting in the middle of the bot does the most damage. Since high angling with 0 wind is 100% precise, use that to your advantage to hit the middle. A high angle can vary from 100 to 170 damage, depending on where the shot lands. Don't forget to use true angle. Also, backshots backshots and boomer shots increase your damage by 20%. Shot 2: The shot is excatly same as shot 1, except it fires 4 boomerangs instead of 1. SS: Shoots a single boomerang again, and after 1.8 seconds airborne, it changes into a yellow boomerang. After changing, It does an increased max damage of 500 damage. There are a few ways to get the full damage from the SS even in close-mid range distance. When having hook wind, use a 40 angle, or 38 if there is 20+ wind to shoot. More often than not, the boomer SS will change on it's way down from the hook or at the peek of it's hook. When there is no wind, simply use full power high angles. When there is wind pointing towards the direction you are shooting, do a 60 angle backshot. The backshot will let the SS have enough air-time to change. Backshotting with the boomer: Wind above 2 pointing the direction you want your shot to hit is required. Face against the wind, i.e if the wind is pointing towards the right, you face your boomer to the left. Using 70 angle will be the best option, but you can try out new ones. After you got your angle correct, charge your power. The distance of which your backshot travels is VERY dependant on the wind power. 26 wind pointing diagonally upwards can make your shot travel pointing VERY far. Also, for boomer backshots, wind pointing diagonally upwards is stronger than straight to the right or left. Another point to take note is NOT to use full power, unless there is very strong wind, 20 or above. Using full power will result in your shot curving downwards in front of you, instead of landing behind you. That kind of shot is called a hookshot, you can use it as an alterative to normal low angle shooting when the wind is against you. Boomer is best used when you have a chart handy. =============================================================== BIGFOOT Shot 1: Shoots 4 rockets, each doing around 50 damage if you are using true angle, around 20-30 if you are not. The only way to maximize damage is to go melee an opponent. I can't apply the "Hit in the middle" rule here, considering that all 4 rockets split up once released from the cannon. This is a very powerful weapon when used in a melee battle. Shot 2: Shoots 6 rockets. To maximize the damage, shotgun it to make sure all 6 rockets hit. This does around 200-300 damage. SS: Shoots 12 rockets, doing a total of around 400+ damage. Do NOT shotgun with this. The first few will hit and lower the opponent, and the others will miss. Go close range and lob this at an opponent. Additional note about bigfoot: Bigfoot is only good at melee battles or bunging. A bigfoot will have difficulty doing more than 100 damage per shot 1 with any distance futher than half the screen. If you teleport, you will get pummeled by boomers/armour mobiles becase of your low defence. However, bigfoot is a good counter against the Armor Mobile. =============================================================== GRUB Shot 1: Shoots a single ball of electric, doing a whooping 100 damage for an accurate shot. Do not use this unless you have to clear land, or bunge. Shot 2: Shoots 4 balls of electric, however, they do not explode on contact. Instead, they roll around for around 3 seconds or hit a bot. Than they explode. The longer the balls roll, the more damage they do. Also, boomer shot bonuses are extremely easy to make with the grub. After all, you the grub makese so much money gold. Not to mention boomer shots increase damage too. SS: Shoots a single ball that doesn't explode on contact or toucing a bot, instead they explode only after approximately 3 seconds. During that 3 seconds, it will roll around, doing damage to each bot. The longer it touches each bot, the more damage it does. Maximizing damage requires the opponent to be in a narrow hole, but not too deep. Drop the SS into the hole, and watch the damage pile up. Also, making the ball roll faster does more damage. This SS does anywhere from 300-1000+ damage on a good hit. Additional note about grub: Besides the grub having a shot that will allow a very easy hit, My reccomandation is that you do NOT use grub, unless you want to makese money gold. The SS is to conditional to be used effectively. =============================================================== Ice Shot 1: Shoots a single, sharp icicle thing that does around 150 damage on a good hit. You can shotgun it for the best effects, or lower the opponents defence with shot 2 or SS to get even higher damage. Shot 2: Shoots a round ball of ice. Note that this shot's shooting point is lower than shot 1. This shot reduces the target's defence by 5%. The defence reduction remains even after the enemy has died in a Score game. However, in a Tag game, it only affects the mobile that was hit by it. The defence reduction lasts the whole game. SS: Shoots a snowflake. This shot works like shot 2 , but this time, it reduces a whooping 20% defence. Shotgun this shot, or keep reducing enemy defence to get more damage. The damage only has a small area of effect, but the defence reduction affects everything in the snowflake. The SS itself does around 200-250 damage. Additional notes about Ice's defence reduction: This is undoubtly Ice's best way of achieving a high damage. Note that the defence reduction caps at 50%, so one of the better tatics is to SS first turn at a group of enemies bunched together. The SS itself is pretty weak, but after the SS, you can hit a shot 1 for around 180-200 damage.Note that the defence reduction only applies for Hit attacks. Other types, laser, electric, explosion, do not get a damage bonus against bots with defence reduction. The best time to use ice is when your teammates are a group of pro Boomers/Nakmachines/Ices. Their damage, not to mention yours, will hit cosiderably high numbers. UPDATE: Now, Ice's SS is bugged. It only reduces the defence of the player who is in the damage zone of the SS, and the defence reduction is the same of that shot 2. It's an unwise choice to use the SS. Shot 2 wins it in both damage:delay ratio and angle size. =========================================== JD Shot 1: Shoots a single ball of electricity, doing 180 damage average, 200 damage on a good hit. Out of the total damage, 64 of it is splash, which means it ignores defence as well as attack avatars. This shot's damage is horrible with dual, doing only around 250 damage. JD is pretty good before Double Death, but after that, you have to depend on your teammates to do damage. The only way i know of to increase damage is to shotgun, but than again, with double death on, the second shot will hit the land behind the target, as this shot's bunging ability is pretty strong. Shot 2: Shoots a single magnetic ball. This shot attracts all mobiles/corpses near it, and is great for bunging, but I won't go into it. Does around 100-150 damage. The only way to maximize damage is to hit in the middle of the enemy mobile, but than again, you shouldn't be using JD's shot 2 to do damage. SS: Usually does 250-270 damage. Also, this shot pushes all mobiles away from where it lands. It used to be able to bunge, but they removed the feature. The only way to maximize damage is too shoot it in such a way that the opponent is pushed until they can't be pushed futher, but is still taking damage. It results in 300+ damage. However, this fails often. You are much better off just landing the shot in the middle of the opponents mobile. Additional notes about JD: JD's damage:delay ratio for it's shot 1 is broken. You can do 180-200 damage for a measly 740 delay. Cake is especially godly in avatar on, as a portion of it's damage ignores defence, and for ONLY 740 delay. However, cake suffers from not having as much boost as other bots from Heart/Defence avatars. Cake has a natural low defence, so shields do not boost Cake's endurance by much. Also, cake is a shield bot, so hearts are less effective for cake. Despite the HP/Defence penalty, Cake is still one of the most widely used bots in Avatar on. =========================================== NAKMACHINE Shot 1: Just hit the middle or shotgun. Also remember to use true angle. Shot 2: This shot is VERY strong. With true angle, 300+ damage is possible, so are 600+ duals. The trick to doing that amount of damage is to hit EXACTLY in the middle of the opponent. This is very hard, considering that you have to take into consideration the time it stays underground and where it comes up. SS: Some guy said that this shot can do 400+ damage, if you are overlapping an enemy mobile. I have not tested this yet, considering i wrote this FAQ when GB was down >_> This shot usually does 200+ damage. The path of this shot when it is underground is NOT affected by wind or tornado. Wind only affects how the shot enters the ground, and the shot will only be affected by a tornado if it was riding a one when it touches ground. Additional notes about nak: Nak may be the new fad bot, as the GIS team just gave him a 2% defence raise, and turned all of his angle into true angle. The nakmachine is a very strong bot, the only disavantage is that it needs land to work. If theres a newbie using bigfoot or raon in the game, you are going to have a hard time hitting anyone. Also, if someone is hugging a wall, don't use shot 2, use 1. Shot 2 will most likely fail, either catching the wall and hitting the ground above the enemy, or you will undershoot, doing very poor damage. UPDATE: Now, all of nak's angle is a true angle, and it has a 2% defence raise. =========================================== MAGE Shot 1: Hitting in the middle of the enemy mobile or shotgunning does the most damage. Shot 2: This shot consists of two lasers, circling each other in a tornado pattern. There will be a period of time where the two lasers will meet, hence concentrating the damage in one spot, resulting in a stronger shot. When the shot is at it's maximum height, the lasers twist much faster and tighter, making the chance of the two lasers meet higher. Try shooting this shot so that it will hit the enemy when it is at the peak of it's maximum height. Alternatively hitting the middle works well. Shotgunning with dual is a b ad move. The first The first set of beams will lower your opponent, and the second set of beams will hit the land behind your opponent. Use lob to get the best damage. SS: The SS does around 250 damage on direct hit, and everything in it's blast radius has it's shield destroyed, resulting in around 400-500 total damage. Plus, this stops stops shield regeneration for 4 turns against all affected bots. The shield destroying effect has a medium blast radius, but the other damage only has a small area. The best thing to do is to SS first turn against shield bots, especially if they are grouped together. Also, if you are meleeing an opponent, MOVE before you shoot. You will most likely hit yourself with the shield stripping effect. Additional notes about mage: When shooting a target just below you or next to you, DO NOT TAP the spacebar/mouse button. Your shot WILL hit yourself. It's the nature of the mage, the laser's have a very unnoticibale 'home in' capibilities if your the path of your shot passes a player's mobile. When meleeing, try to drag the fight as long as possible. Mage is a shield bot, so more turns means more shield regenerating, which in turn means more HP. If another shield bot uses the same tatic you do, move away from him and throw a SS. He's shield regenration will be canceled for 4 turns,and will think twice before playing with delay against you. =========================================== LIGHTNING Shot 1: Shoots a tracer. A lightning bolt from excatly above where the tracer lands follows. This does around 200 damage on a good shot, and only 76 (which is also the splash damage) on a bad shot. One thing to note about shot 1 and 2 for the lovebot, this shot does NOT make thunderbolts appear when the tracer touches a bot. The thunders only comes if your shot has hit land, making shotgunning with this bot completely usless. If there is something between where the tracer lands and the sky directly above it, the lightning bolt will hit the land above it. Useful it that thing happens to be an enemy bot. Shot 2: Similiar to shot 1s tracer, but instead 2 lightning bolts in a V shape are applied. To maximize the damage, hit slightly to the right of the opponents bot. The nature of the V shaped lightning bolt is that the right hand of the V will hit harder. 300+ damage with this shot is considered a good shot Also, DO NOT MELEE with this shot. More often than not, you will hit yourself. SS: This shot shoots a tracer, which, unlike the other 2 shots, will hit other bots, and not just land. When it connects a bot/land, there will be a roundish, blue radius on the spot of contact. Any bot in that radius will get hit by a thunderbolt that comes from ABOVE them, similar to shot 1. If there is land above the bots that are in the blast radius, the lightning bolt will hit the land. The splash damage from this shot is around 46. Don't worry about hitting your team mates with this shot. The blast radius only picks up enemy mobiles, not friendly ones. The only way a team mate could get hit is if he/she is overlapping an enemy bot that is in the blast radius. More notes about Lightning: In my opinion, lovebot is THE strongest bot in a blow to blow battle, maybe only matched by the Nak. He has a strong defence, a very good delay to damage ratio, as well as a regenerating shield. However, his downfall is that he will NOT be able to do large amounts of damage at a time. A dualed shot 1 will rarely do more than 350 damage. Most players take 3 dualed armour or boomer, So lovebot has a hard time fighting back with his own duals. Lastly, Dual pluses get the Lovebot more damage than a dual, as well having a much lower delay. =========================================== RAON LAUNCHER Shot 1: Shoots 3 roundish mushroom shaped thingies that circle around each other. They do 50-60 damage each on contact. The best thing to do for Raon is to lob. Getting all 3 to hit isn't hard. Also, do NOT shotgun. The raon launcher is a bungebot, so shotgunning will lower your opponent and the remainder of your shot will miss. Shot 2: Shoots 2 mines, or mini raons. The raons seldom explode on contact, unless they hit exactly in the middle of a mobile, in which they will explode. Otherwise, the raons will walk to the nearest mobile, within an approximate 1 inch radius. The detecting distance is greatly reduced for bionic mobiles. They do 130-150 damage EACH. Shotgunning is one of the ways the pros use raon shot 2, as the mines explode on the same turn they shoot if their shot lands accurately. SS: Shoots a single, walking larger form of shot 2. It's easy to hit with this shot. The more the raon walks, the less damage it does, so try to make it land near to the enemy. Which direction the raon walks is decided on which way the raon was shot from when it lands. Additional notes about Raon Launcher Raon is another bot with a high defence. Fightning raon is usually very frustrating for other players, as it is hard to get 500+ damage duals against him. The raon seems to face the same problem as lovebot, not being able to do large amounts of damage at one time. It's insta-explode shot 2 is too hard to pull off in non-shotgun range, and shot 1 does too little damage. Also, in a long battle against organic/creature mobiles, you WILL have to use shot 1 the whole fight. Your shot 2 spreads too much, If one of them they picks up an organic mobile, the organic can easily move out of the detecting range of the raon, or shoot them. However, in a melee situation, especially against bots that need an angle to do damage, namely Armour Mobile, Raon Launcher shines. UPDATE: Apparantly, the Nak can screw up a raon's mines by shotgunning it's shot 2 out of the map's left side, causing all of the mines on screen to explode. I have not tested this, and I need confirmation on this part. =========================================== TRICO Shot 1: Single cabbage which does most damage in the middle of a mobile. Shot 2: Shoots 3 cabbages, each doing 80-100 damage each. If the cabbages weren't so hard to line up, this would be the most damaging shot 2 in Gunbound. Here is a pretty good guide for getting 3 in 1s with trico: Unless you are a trico master, which i am not, shotgunning will be the best choice. Another thing to note is that your cabbages are released differently when you shoot from left to right, compared to right to left. I cannot explain how to get 3 in 1's with the trico, as i am no trico pro. SS: Shoots a rainbow coloured cabbage. A few explosions will happen where it lands. The most damage can be achieved by shotgunning someone who is on a thin piece of land from below. I've gotten 500-600 damage from tricos SS using that metheod. Additional notes about Trico : There are two types of people who would trico. One of them is the newbie, who would complain about it's small angle range and how it's shot 2 is weak, not knowing that they only hit 1 of the 3 cabbages. The other is the pro, who can dual first turn through a sunbeam and across the entire map to hit all 6 cabbages, doing 700+ damage, i.e Gilly. =============================================================== TURTLE Shot 1: Single stream of water, hit it in the middle of the enemy bot, or shotgun. Shot 2: This shot shoots 2 streams of water, spread out by around 1.5cm. If you lob this shot, you will only do around 120-150 damage, as only one stream of the water will hit, unless you happen to be very lucky with the timing. The only way to get both streams of water to hit is to high angle, keeping it airborne for 2-3 seconds. This results in around 300 damage. The other uber cheap way to use this shot is to have your turtle overlap the enemy mobile. Than, either full blast or tap lightly. Your shot will hit excatly in the middle, doing 300-400 damage. Dualing while thor is on with this methoed can kill most bots even when they still have 3/4 of their health left. However, you will do about 200-300 damage to yourself, and you should not use this unless your shot will win the game. SS: Like trico's shot 2, this is amazingly easy to hit with, but takes a master to maximize the damage. Keep the waterball airborne for 3 seconds, and it will turn into many smaller water droplets. It's rare getting a good damage with this. Some tatics of getting all the balls to hit is to time your shot so that the waterball changes just a split second before it hits the enemy mobile. The second methoed would be to time it so that it changes when it is at the peak of it's flight. The SS will fall in a pillar like formation. I've done 695 damage using the second methoed before. 695 is weak, considering that is was done against a JD and thor was on. Jinty has his own metheod about hitting full damage with the turtle. I'm not too sure about how it works, but apparantly, you have to high angle shot 1 or 2 so that it hits the opponent, than SS, but use just a tad less power. Additional notes about Turtle : I take back what i said about turtle being weak. Turtle is quite strong, after looking at Jinty and Mezat play it. =========================================== Things i need =========================================== -Information on how to get all 8 balls of turtle's SS to hit. -Corrections to spelling/grammer mistakes, as well as false information or information i may have missed out. =========================================== Contact info and thank yous =========================================== My contact info: Email - AIM - Teh1337oneGB Gunbound s/n - Teh1337one *Lists out my gunbound friends who helped me with this guide as well as kept me entertained when i was bored* Dizz Amy DabeTse Mezat Craiken GundamFreak Mezat Richard As well as everyone else i've missed out ^_^ I'd like to thank Softynx for making such a great game, as well as GameFAQs for putting up this guide. I hope. o_o As a last thank you, i've decided to be cheesy and thank you, the reader, for supporting this guide by reading it >_>