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Copyright and Information B. Revisions C. Storyline D. Notations E. System F. Hit Information G. Characters i. Voldo ii. Ivy iii. Sophita iv. Mitsurugi v. Kilik vi. Xianghua vii. Maxi viii. Nightmare ix. Taki x. Astaroth H. Time Release 1. Passwords xi. Hwang xii. Yoshimitsu xiii. Lizard Man xiv. Siegfried xv. Rock xvi. Seung Mina xvii. Edge Master I. Rumours J. Credits ============================================================== Soul Calibur A. Copyright and Information Soul Calibur and all related characters and other elements are copyright Namco, 1998. This FAQ is copyright Mark Griffin (Mr MG), 1998. You may copy the information contained within the FAQ for non-profit use and as long as you give credit to the author and the contributors. If you would like to use this FAQ commercially contact me and we can work something out. To view this FAQ correctly make sure that the numbers below line up with the dots, if they don't change font otherwise this FAQ might look a bit weird. Please send corrections and additions to mrmg@fighters.net. 12345678 ........ ============================================================== Soul Calibur B. Revisions *** COMING SOON *** - More Time Release Information - Missing Damages - Win poses - Tell me what you want to see, mrmg@fighters.net v. 0.7 - Added Edge Master and information about him - Added Seung Mina and her moves v. 0.6 - Added Rock and his moves v. 0.5 = 0.51 - Began Adding Combos (email me yours: mrmg@fighters.net) - Added Character Bosses (Stage 7) - Added Siegfried's Moves - Corrected the many spelling errors v. 0.4 = 0.42 - Added Siegfried's Description - Updated Time Release and Teaser = 0.41 - Added Lizardman's Moves - Added Character Ratings - Added Outfit descriptions (may need corrections) - Added Lizardman's Description - Updated Time Release Information and Teaser - Added Password Hints and Methods for Release - Coming soon added to Revisions v. 0.3 = 0.32 - Updated Time Release Info - Updated Teaser - Added Password Hints for released passwords = 0.31 - Minor fixes of Time Release info, teaser and avalibility - Corrected Hit Color information % Added Yoshimitsu's moves - Expanded Guard Impact information - Added Hit Information section v. 0.2 - Added Hwang's moves - Added Yoshimitsu information - Updated Time Release info and "Who could it be?" teaser v. 0.1 - FAQ written from scratch. - Some damages added - Some characters moves taken from original move list so some moves are missing ============================================================== Soul Calibur C. Storyline The story begins with Captain Cervantes, one of the most dreadful pirates of the era. After he acquired the evil twin swords "Soul Edge", Cervantes and his mighty ship the "Adrian" struck fear into the Atlantic Ocean. Once fully possessed by the demon swords, he slew his entire crew and the residence of his port base in Spain. After the bloodshed, Cervantes rested himself at the remains of what was once known as the "Black Tail Inn". Temporarily satisfied with its twisted desire to consume souls, the evil swords rested and prepared to create the "Child of the Evil Swords"... During the next twenty years, the rumors of the evil swords spread throughout the world. Some believed it was the sword of salvation, while others called it the ultimate weapon. Some, selected by destiny and history, sought Soul Edge for personal reasons. Fortunately, few reached Soul Edge; those that did cursed their fate as the evil swords devoured their souls. However there was one who fought the cursed fate... Sophitia, the sacred fighter of Hephaestus the God of Blacksmiths. During the grueling battle with Cervantes, she succeeded in destroying one of the twin swords. But in doing so, she was wounded as the pieces of the shattered sword rained upon her body. Cervantes, with wrath as if a part of him had been destroyed, was about to end her life when Taki the "Underground Hunter" challenged him. Due to his loss of control from the destruction of one of the blades, the intense battle between Taki and Cervantes ended with the victory of the "Underground Hunter". She completed her mission by gathering a piece of the destroyed Soul Edge and left with the injured Sophitia. Siegfried, the "Innocent Darkside," visited the port town seeking the sword of legend for his vengeance, only to find the corpse of a pirate captain. Attracted by a sword clutched in the dead pirate's hand, Siegfried walked toward it take possession of the blade, but suddenly the corpse rose up enveloped in hell fire. It seemed as if an evil spirit had materialized on earth consuming Cervantes' body. With a flash, mortal combat began. The Zweihander "Faust", roared in the hands of the boy, who seemed too little to bear such a heavy blade, and slashed through the air controlled by the madness in the youth's eyes. When the battle ended, all that remained was the burnt corpse and the boy grasping the now broken Zweihander. His green eyes reflected the Soul Edge bathed in hell fire... The youth's warped spirit extended a hand to Soul Edge, as if being guided by the evil spirit which longed for a new host to maintain its power and control... That night, some people at the Spanish seashore saw a mysterious but beautiful scene of a white column of light piercing the clouds and spreading through the sky. How could they have known, it was the birth of the Evil Seed, which would cause disasters throughout the world? ============================================================== Soul Calibur D. Notations This FAQ uses many notations to make reading the FAQ easier and to keep it simple when printing the file. Please check these notations as they may be different from what you as used to. Also note that some characters have their own notations for items such as stances. ub u uf Joystick directions. b n f u - up d - down b - back f - forward db d df n - neutral G - Guard l - While Walking to your Characters Left A - Horizontal Attack r - While Walking to your Characters Right B - Vertical Attack K - Kick A - Throws Air (avoided by not jumping (duh!)) H - High (blocked standing or avoided ducking) M - Medium (blocked standing) SM - Special Medium (blocked low or medium) L - Low (blocked low or avoided jumping . - Moves also hits Grounded Opponents [G],u - Jump [d] - Crouch G+A - Genric Throw (break with A) G+B - Genric Throw (break with B) A+B+K - Soul Charge (See Game Elements) A+B+K,G - Spirit Charge (See Game Elements) [x] - Hold button/direction 'x' x+y - Press x AND y at the same time x,y - Press x THEN y x/y - Press x OR y x~y - Press y as soon as you have pressed x but not both at the same time [WS] - While Standing up from a crouch [WC] - While you are fully crouched [WL] - While Laying on the ground [FD] - While Laying, Face Down [FU] - While Laying, Face Up [BK] - With Your Back Facing the Opponent [AD] - Auto Deflect throw - Any throw (ie, G+A or G+B) {SG} - Move Staggers if Blocked {SS} - Staggers to the side {SB} - Shows Opponents Back {B*} - Fall Back Stun on Counter Hit {C*} - Crumple Stun on Counter Hit {D*} - Double Over Stun on Counter Hit {d*} - Fall Down Stun on Counter Hit {T*} - Throws on Counter Hit ! - Unblockable (CT) - Move Requires Critical Timing (ie. after a jump you must time the move for when you land, not just any time after the jump) ============================================================== Soul Calibur E. System Air Control Hold any direction when knocked into the air - For all those who hate juggle combos here is your saviour. This move enables you to avoid being juggled while in the air, or to avoid being rung out. To use it hold the direction you wish to fall, however, be warned, impropper usage could lead to a much longer combo or cause you to ring your self out. Tech Roll Hold G and any direction during Half Down - Some moves will only knock you into a half down state, from here you are able to roll out of the way or any additional attacks which the oppoent may attempt. Tech Rolling is very simple, just hold guard and the direction you wish to roll in, just be careful that the roll is getting you out of the way of the move. Air Recovery Hold G and any direction when hit in the air - Very similar to the Tech Roll except it works while you are in the air and allows you to land straight on your feet. Use is like a cross between Air Control and the Tech Roll, you hold Guard and press the direction you wish to fall/land in. Throw Escapes Press the correct throw escape button just before the throw - It is possible to break out of almost every throw in the game by pressing either A or B. Although this may require some guess work with quick reactions and a good ear you can get the correct break out everytime. Each throw has a different sound just before the actually throw starts so if your speed is there you can break it. You'll have to get used to what sound means what though. Shift Stepping Tap any direction, neutral - This is similar to side stepping in Tekken. The biggest difference is that you can now step in any direction including diagonals. This move is best used aginst vertical attacks or to confuse the opponent 8-Way Run (8WR / ARS) Tap any direction, neutral, then hold a direction - The 8 way run is a new system to Namco fighting games. A good way to look at it is like in Tobal or Erhgiez, if you haven't played these it basically means instead of jumping or ducking when you press up or down you'll actually move in that direction instead (in or out of the screen). This is great because you can now move to exactly where you want to get. It is often best used in a similar way to shift stepping except it becomes even more useful against long combo moves and will allow you to get right around your opponent while they are stuck in the same direction. Guard Buffering Hold G, perform movement, release G, press buttons - Guard Buffering is a very useful system for preventing the opponent from knowing what move you are about to do. To perform the move you hold guard, perform the move needed, release guard and then press the buttons to perform the moves. Although this might not sound all too useful imagine you were doing a move like f,f,A. When you do the f,f normally your character will dash forward however with guard buffering you would perform [G],f,f,[G],A. Not only are you defended while performing the move you also will not be dashing forward meaning your opponent does not have an advanced warning of the move. Guard Cancelling Tap G during a move - Almost all moves from Neutral and most unblockables can be cancelled while they are part way through the move. This is great for putting off the opponent as they are expecting you to do one move just then you cancel it and possibly change to another just by tapping G and then performing the next move however your oppoent would be prepared for the previous move. Guard Impact === Deflects f+G - Deflects High and Medium Attacks df+G - Deflects Medium and Low Attacks - Deflects are moves which will knock your opponent back away from you when they try to attack. Deflects are best used against light moves and should be used when you are trying to create a distance between yourself and the opponent. Although a low deflect will work against medium attacks you will find a high deflect works best. === Parries b+G - Parries High and Medium Attacks db+G - Parries Medium and Low Attacks - Parries are a move which will force your opponent to swing to one side of your character pulling them in towards you. Parries are most useful when used against heavy attacks and should be used to force your opponent closer to you. After a parry there is a small window of opportunity for your to launch an attack however this move can be parried or deflected by the opponent. Although a low parry will work against medium attack you will get best results by using the high parry. Weapon Stripping Varies - Weapon Stripping is similar to Guard Impact moves and is used in a very similar way. The basic idea is that you hit the opponents weapon so far out of the way that it leaves them open to an attack. This is the advantage of the move is that they can not recover in time to block thus meaning you can thus get in a free hit. Gaurd stripping works best when used against someone in mid attack and is done by hitting their weapon with yours so that you knock theirs out of the way. Spirit Charge A+B+K,G - The spirit charge is a very interesting move and it looks like this might become quite a useful feature. What the move does is make your character glow yellow for a short while, during this time some of your moves will be powered up and could possibly be made into unblockables. Just remember if you block while you are charged you will lose the charge. Soul Charge A+B+K - This is the Soul Calibur equilivant of Tekken's agression charge. It will make your moves propities change to as if they had been counter hits. This is can be very useful as it can lead to stuns and thus combos however it is best not to try it against high level skill opponents as it takes a while to charge and will probably be blocked, however it might be worth a try if you can find the correct moment. Blocking again will lose the charge and you are vunerable throughout the charge. ============================================================== Soul Calibur F. Hit Information When you use an attack against your opponent you will see a mark appear. This section will tell you what each mark means. This can be useful if you need to know if you have connected on a counter hit or some other circumstance. Blocked: When a move is blocked there will be a small yellow explosion, about half the size compared to when a move connects. Move Connects: If a move connects with the opponent standing still and not attacking you will see a small yellow explosion. Move Connects on Counter Hit: When a move connects on counter hit you will see a small blue explosion coming from where you hit the opponent. Move is Deflected or Parried: If a move is deflected or parried a large yellow/green flash will apear. ============================================================== Soul Calibur G. Characters -------------------------------------------------------------- Soul Calibur i. Voldo Name: Voldo Weapon: Katar |-------------------------| Weapon Name: Shame and Blame | SPEED: **** | Style: Own Style | POWER: **** | Age: 46 | RANGE: *** | Birth date: August 25th |-------------------------| Family: Parents and four brothers, all killed in war Birth Place: Palermo, Italy Height: 6ft Weight: 185lbs Blood Type: A Stage 7 Boss: Ivy (in Siegfried's Stage) OUTFITS: A - Red and Yellow body suit B - Different blue shaded body suit K - Silver outfit with chains === Moves === --- Notations --- [CR] - Calisto Rush [BS] - Blind Stance [MC] - Mantis Claw [RC] - Rat Chaser --- Throws --- Move Name Break Height Damage G+A Spinning Umbrella A 50 G+B Centipede Nightmare B 55 G+K Bloody Drill A 75 [CR], G+A Life Sucker A 58 [BS], G+B Blind Ownership B varies [LEFT], throw Fools Inquest A/B 60 [RIGHT], throw Bush Wacker A/B 60 [BACK], throw Sadistic Spider A/B 72 --- Attacks --- Move Name Height Damage Note A,A Scissor Claw H,H 9,17 A,B,A Dark Shredder H,M,M 9,14,14 ^[b] Blind Stance [BS] A,K Side Claw Kick H,M 9,13 f,A Jolly Ripper H 26 f,[f]+A Elegant Claw H 23 {SG} df,A Blind Blade M 36 {SG} d,A,K Rat Chase L,H,M 13,28,4 d,A,A,A,K Rat Cheeze L,L,L,H,M 13,13,13,28,4 db,A Mouse Cutter SM 13 [WC] b,A,A Blind Spin H,H 17,24 {SG} [BS] b,[b]+A Lunatic Doll M 25 G+u,A Suspended Gears L 25 (CT) u+A Brain Robber H 20 [WS],A Scorpion Claw M 22 {SG} {D*} B,B Stampede Shredder M,M 23,18 [BK],B,B,B Full Stampede Shredder M,M,M 13,18,18 B~A Grave Digger L,L,L 4,4,4 f,B Blade Nail H 24 {B*} f,[f]+B Demon Elbow M 47 {SG} df,B,B Guillotine M,M 24,32 d,B ^B Power Slave M,M 28,28 {SG} ^[b] Blind Stance [BS] db,B,K Asylum Dance M,M 24,18 [MC] db,B,K,K Asylum Dance M,M,H 24,18,32 {SG} b,B,A Hell Chop to Blind Claw M,M 23,15 {SG} b,[B] Hell Digger M 37 ! G+u,B Suspended Pendulum M 21 (CT) u,B Floral Callus M 24 [WS],B,B Bat Taste M,M 28,28 [WS],[B],B Bat Taste M,M 28,28 [MC] [WC],df,B Rat Drill M 24 {SG} [BS] f,[f],K Bowing Lunatic Flip M 40 {SG} [BS] df,K Mute Mid Kick M 18 d,K Rat Kick L 15 db,K Scorpion Tail L 23 ^[f] ^End Facing b,[B],K Lunatic Flip M 22 G+u,K Rat Slaughter Kick L 25 (CT) u,K Rat Drop Kick H 28 [WS],K Lunatic Spin M 28 [BS] ^[f] ^End Facing f,[f],G+A+B,K Insane Freak M,H 42,52 {SG} A+B Praying Mantis M 37 {SG} f,A+B Katar Gore M 42 {SG} [BS] f,[f],A+B Gate Opener M,M 23,18 f,[f],A+B Gate Pryer M,M 23,27 {SG} d,A+B Evil Bow L 34 [WC] b,A+B Guillotine Scissor Alt M 37 [WC],df,A+B Blind Dive H 47 {SG} [WC],df,[A+B] Blind Dive H 75 ! A+K Death Rose M,M 23,28 [A+K] Death Rose M,M 33,37 ! df,A+K Mantis Crawl M 18 [MCf] d,A+K Mantis Crawl M 18 [MCb] b,A+K Web Weaver H 71 ! ^G ^Cancel [WL],A+K Mantis Crawl [MC] B+K Super Freak [EV] d,B+K Super Freak Inner [EV] u,B+K Super Freak Outer [EV] [WC],B+K Rat Bounce M 20 [WC] d,df,f Calistro Rush [CR] [WC],df,d,db Rat Chaser [RC] d,db,b Blind Stance [BS] --- Stances --- ---> Calistro Rush Move Name Height Damage Note A,A Katar Slap H,M 18,18 {D*} A,df,A Slap Behind Claw H,M 18,26 {SG} A,b,A Blind Slap H,M 18,18 {SG} [BS] B,B,B Mad Shredder M,M,M 40,18,33 {SG} K Rat Slaughter Kick L 28 [FD] A+B Snake Eater L 25 [WC] B+K Lunging Rat Bounce M 20 [WC] ---> Blind Stance Move Name Height Damage Note A Blind Claw H 24 f,A Madness Spin M 39 {SG} f,[f],A Lunatic Wheel M 29 {SG} b,A,B Mute Elbow Rush H,M 23,20 [BS] B Shredder M 18 f,B Rat Straight H 44 {SG} {B*} f,[f],B Red Stitch M 36 {SG} {b*} f,[f],B~A Scarecrow M 29 {D*} b,B,B Death Ensnare M,M 18,28 [b],B,B Mute Blade Rush M,M 18,18 {SG} [BS] K Blind Kick H 24 db,K Scorpion Tail M 23 b,K Mute Kick H 20 d,K Blind Drop Kick L 31 [FD] A+B Freak Roll M,M 25,30 ^[d] Spasm L 34 ^[G] Freak to Matis Crawl M 18 [MC] [d],A+B Reverse Evil Bow L 37 [BS] A+K Death Rose M,M 30,28 d,A+K Mantis Crawl M 18 [MC] ---> Mantis Crawl Move Name Height Damage Note A Twisted Salute (face) M 31 [BS] A Twisted Salute (away) M 42 B Asylum Breakout (face) L 26 {SG} [BS] B Asylum Breakout (away) M 38 {SG} K Scorpion Kick (away) H 32 {SG} K Bowing Lunatic Kick (face) M 23 [BS] f,[f] Mantis Fire Dance L 23 [MC] [f] Mantis Walk ---> Rat Chaser Move Name Height Damage Note K Scorpion Kick H 32 [db] Rat Retreat ---> 8 Way Run (ARS) Move Name Height Damage Note f,A Elegant Claw H 23 {SG} df/uf,A Silent Embrace H 30 {SG} d/u,A Blind Blade M 36 {SG} db/b/ub,A Lunatic Doll M 25 df/f/uf,B Demon Elbow M 47 {SG} d/u,B Despair M,M 18,13 db/ub,B Madness Scissors M 37 db/ub,[B] Delayed Madness Scissor M,M,M 37,18,18 b,[B] Hell Digger M 37 ! b,B,A Hell Chop to Blind Claw M,M 23,15 {SG} [BS] f,K Slide L 26 df/uf,K Demon Tail H 42 {SG} d/u,K Mute Low Kick L 22 db/ub,K Scorpion Tail M 23 [BS] ^[f] ^End Facing b,K Lunatic Flip M 22 [FD] d/df/f/uf/u,A+B Gate Opener M,M 23,18 d/df/f/uf/u,A+B,K Gate Pryer M,M 23,27 {SG} B+K Calistro Rush --- Combos --- Moves Hits Escape Notes db+K,A+B 4 4 Simple and good damage Not sure about the escape db+K,A,db+K 3 2 db+K,[b]+B,B,A+B 4 2 db+K,b+K,[b]+B,B 4 2 db+K,A,df+B,B 4 2 [WS],A(*),db+K,[b]+B,B,A+B 5 3 -------------------------------------------------------------- Soul Calibur ii. Ivy Name: Isabella Valentine Weapon: Snake Sword |-------------------------| Weapon Name: Ivy Blade | SPEED: ** | Style: Unrelated Link | POWER: **** | Age: 28 | RANGE: ***** | Birth date: December 10th |-------------------------| Family: Parents Deceased Birth Place: London, England Height: 6ft Weight: 128lbs Blood Type: AB Stage 7 Boss: Taki (in Yoshimitsu's Stage) OUTFITS: A - Purple leather body B - Red suit with Yellow trim K - Not Released === Moves === --- Notations --- [WP] - Weapon is Whip [SW] - Weapon is Sword --- Throws --- Move Name Break Height Damage G+A Primal Dominance A G+B Dominion Throw B df,ub,f,d,df,db,A+B Summon Suffering B [LEFT],throw Guiding Huntress A/B [RIGHT],throw Sunset Cradle A/B [BACK],throw Sweet Dominance A/B --- Attacks --- Move Name Height Damage Note A,A Ravens Beak H,H [A] Biting Raven H,H [WP] f,A Ravens Butt M [D*] f,[f],A Ravens Egg H {SG} df,A Cross Madness M b,A Menace Slice H [G],u,A Singing Sparrow L (CT) u,A Wing Blade M [WS],A Menace M B,B Immortal Wind M,M [B] Immortal Gale M,M {SG} B,f,B Squires Bow M,H ^[B] [WP] f,B Ivy Thrust M f,[B] Ivy Lash M f,[B],u,K Ivy Lick H,L {SG} f,[B],n,[d]/[u] Biting Ivy M,M f,[f],B Serpent's Breath M {SG} df,B Cursed Heavens M {SG} db,B Poison Ivy L db,[B] Extended Poison Ivy L,SM {SG} b,B Ivy Bite H b,B~A,B Spiral Punishment M,M,M,M {AD} {SG} b,[b],B Darkside M {SG} d,db,b,B Venom Lash M,M {SG} [G],u~B Fear's Lash SM [G],u,B Falling Sparrow M (CT) u,B Falling Flame M {SG} [WS],B Shameless M {SG} [WC],df,B Ivy Masquerade L {SG} ^[B] [WP] [WC],db,B Pride M f,K Raven Knee M {SG} f,[f],K Mind Shatter H {SG} df,K Foul Kick M df,[K] Delayed Foul Kick M {SG} db,K Evil Sparrow M {SG} {C*} b,K Raven Catcher M b,[b],K Diving Raven M {SG} [G],u,K Night Sparrow H {SG} u,K Rambler Sobat M {SG} [WS],K Rising Cross M [WC],df,K Nail Cross M f,A+B Freeze Gale M,M f,[f],A,B Insanity Light M ^[B] ^Throw {T*} df,A+B Eye of Madness L df,[A+B] Eye of Madness Charge L,SM ! ^b Canel d,A+B Dominance M {SG} {b*} db,A+B Razor's Bite L b,[b],A+B Crucifixion M {MS} b,[b],[A+B] Delay Crucifixion M ! uf,A+B,A God Whisper M,L [WS],A+B,A Demented Loop M,H,H,H [WC],df,A+B Masquerade of Madness L [WC],df,[A+B] Charged Masquerade M ! df,A+K Ancient Wheel L d,A+K Royal Huntress L f,d,df,A+K Serpent's Venom H ! ^G ^Cancel f,[f],B+K Embrace of Lust M ^[B+K] ^Throw d,B+K Fear's Void SM {SG} df,B+K Fear's Void Far SM {SG} db,B+K Fear's Void Close SM {SG} b,B+K Heel Explosion M ! ^G ^Cancel b,[b],B+K Exile M b,[b],[B+K] Exile Charge SM ! ^b ^Cancel L 31 [WS],B+K Asylum M,M [AP] [WP],d,df,f Punishment Change [SW] [SW],d,db,b Punishment Change [WP] --- Stances --- ---> 8 Way Run (ARS) Move Name Height Damage Note f,A Raven's Egg H {SG} df/uf,A Wolf Lash H {SG} d/u,A Insanity Light M {SG} db/ub,A Ancient Wheel L [SW] b,A Raven Claw H f,B Serpent's Breath M {SG} df/uf,B Poison Ivy L df/uf,[B] Extended Poison Ivy L,SM {SG} d/u,B Drowning Madness M {SG} db/b/ub,B Darkside M {SG} f,K Slide L df/uf,K Evil Sparrow M {SG} d/u,K Royal Huntress L [WC] db/ub,K Rambler Sobat M {SG} b,K Diving Raven M {SG} f,B+K Embrace of Lust M ^[B+K] ^Throw b,B+K Exile M b,[B+K] Exile Charge SM ! ^b ^Cancel L --- Combos --- Moves Hits Escape Notes f+B+K,df,ub,f,d,df,db+A+B 2 1 Quite easy to escape but insane damage and it looks great b,[b]+B+K(*),f+B~u 4 n/a Sidestepable at start but you can't escape off (*) df+B(*),f+B~u 3 n/a Inescapeable, good damage df+B(*),df+[A+B],b 2 1 Quite funny because you can time it how you want df+B(*),f+A+B 3 n/a df+B(*),B,f+B 3 n/a df+K,db/d/df+B+K 2 n/a Useful d+A+B(*),f+B~u 3 n/a Good damage, no escape d+A+B(*),B,f+B 3 n/a -------------------------------------------------------------- Soul Calibur iii. Sophitia Name: Sophitia Weapon: Short Sword and Small Shield |-------------------------| Weapon Name: Omega Sword and Elk Shield | SPEED: ** | Style: Saint Athena | POWER: **** | Age: 21 | RANGE: *** | Birth date: March 12th |-------------------------| Family: Father (Achelous), Mother (Nike), Younger Brother (Lucius), Younger sister (Cassandra) Birth Place: Athens, under occupation of Ottoman Empire Height: 5ft 6 Weight: It's a secret! Blood Type: B Stage 7 Boss: Nightmare OUTFITS: A - Blue and White 'Maids' outfit, gold trim B - Blue and White 'Maids' outfit with some armour, gold trim K - Full Body Armour with a Pink Bow in Hair === Moves === --- Notations --- --- Throws --- Move Name Break Height Damage G+A Widow Maker A G+B Heaven B G+B,d,B Heaven to Hell B f,[f],G+A Heaven's Writing A+B [LEFT],throw Round Knocker A/B [RIGHT],throw Broken Promise A/B [BACK],throw Bottoms Up A/B --- Attacks --- Move Name Height Damage Note A,A Second Strike H,H A,K Slide Tornado H,L f,A,B Slide Flow H,M f,[f],A Silent Cross M {SG} df,A Angel Punisher M {SG} d,A Underside Blade SM [WC] db,A,A Iron Butterfly L,M b,A,A,A Cutlass Europa H,L,M b,[A],A,A Delay Europa H,L,M {SG} b,A,B Cutlass Titan H,M b,[A],B Delayed Titan H,M {SG} b,[b],A Reverse Mirage M,(M*) d,df,f,A,A Angel Satellite M,L d,df,f,d,n,A,A Angel Satellite Beta M,L [WS],A Goddess Salute M [G],u,A Under Stream L u,A Air Side Spin H B~A,A,A,A Nasty Impale L.L.L.L. B,B Twin Flow M,M B,K Angel Flow M,H {SG} f,B Quick Strike M {SG} f,[f],B Olympus Cannon M {SG} df,B Grace Heaven M d,B,B Gaurdian Strike M,M [WC],df,B,B Gaurdian Strike M,M d,B,B~A,A,A,K Gaurdian Judgement M,M,M,M {SG} [WC],df,B,B~A,A,A,K Gaurdian Judgement M,M,M,M {SG} db,B Under Splash M [WC] b,B Sword Shower M {SG} b,[b],B Gaurdian Upper M {SG} b,[b],B~A Heaven's Gate M ! ^G ^Cancel d,df,f,B Angel's Strike M d,df,f,d,df,f,B Heaven's Strike M {SG} d,df,f,B~A,A,A,K Heaven's Judgement M,M,M {SG} d,df,f,d,n,B,A,B Jet Stream Rush M,H,M {SG} f,[f],B+K,A,B Jet Stream Rush M,H,M {SG} [G],u,B Flare Upper M (CT) u,B Diving Splash M [WS],B Exile M K,K Kick Duo H,M f,[f],K Plasma Blade M df,K Angel Side Kick M d,K Spring Under Kick L [WC] db,K Low Tornado Kick L b,[b],K Gaea Kick M uf,K,A,B Angel Spiral Alpha M,L,M {SG} uf,K,B Angel Fall M,M {SG} uf,K,K Angel's Salute M,M [WS],K Angel's Spring M {SG} d,df,f,d,n,K Holy Crest Kick M {SG} [G],u,K Moon Mirage Kick M G,u,K Holy Crest Kick M df,A+B Angel's Spiral M {SG} u,A+B Gaea Temor M {SG} u,[A+B] Gaea Quake M ! [WS],A+B Mirage Satellite M A+K High Tornado Kick H {SG} A+K,K Tornado Feint M B+K,B Temperance Strike SM,M {SG} B+K,B~A,A,A,K Temperance Judgement SM,M,M,M {SG} b,[b],B+K Olympus Shower M {SG} [WS],B+K Tower Upper M d,df,f Angel Step d,df,f,d,df,f Twin Angel Step d,df,f,d,n Angel Step Cancel d,df,f,d,df,f,d,n Twin Angel Step Cancel d,df,f,d,[df] Twin Angel Step Alpha [WC] --- Stances --- ---> 8 Way Run (ARS) Move Name Height Damage Note df/f/uf,A Silent Cross M {SG} d/u,A Shield Rush H {SG} db/ub,A,A Silent Stream L,M {SG} db/ub,A,[A] Heavenly Stream L,M ! b,A Reverse Mirage M,(M) f,B Olympus Cannon M {SG} df/uf,B Ascension M {SG} d/u,B Shield Smash M {SG} db/b/u,B Tower Upper M {SG} f,K Slide L df/uf,K Plasma Blade M d/u,K Angel Side Kick M db/ub,K High Tornado Kick H {SG} db/ub,K,K Tornado Feint M b,K Gaea Kick M A+B Spiral Upper M {SG} A+K High Tornado Kick H {SG} A+K,K Tornado Feint M f,B+K,A,B Jet Stream Rush M,H,M {SG} df/d/db/b/ub/u/uf,B+K Olympus Shower M {SG} --- Combos --- Moves Hits Escape Notes f,[f]+B,f,[f]+B+K,A,B 4 2 Has Jet Stream Rush =) f,[f]+B,f,[f]+K,f,[f]+K,f,[f]+K 4 2 Tripple Kick Juggle df+B,b+A,A,A 4 2 -------------------------------------------------------------- Soul Calibur iv. Mitsurugi Name: Heishiro Mitsurugi Weapon: Katana |-------------------------| Weapon Name: Shishi-Oh | SPEED: *** | Style: Tenpo-Kosai-Ryu Kai | POWER: **** | Age: 25 | RANGE: *** | Birth date: June 8th |-------------------------| Family: Parents and Brothers, all taken by disease Birth Place: Japan Height: 5ft 7 Weight: 143lbs Blood Type: AB Stage 7 Boss: Taki (on Mitsurugi's stage during the winter) OUTFITS: A - Red 'Samurai' outfit B - White shirt and black pants K - Not Released === Moves === --- Notations --- [MT] - Mist [RL] - Relic --- Throws --- Move Name Break Height Damage G+A Sea of Madness A H G+B Pulling Ivy B H [LEFT],throw Gate of Hell A/B H [RIGHT],throw 8th Bill of Punishment A/B H [BACK],throw Divine Gift A/B H --- Attacks --- Move Name Height Damage Note A,A Samurai Slashes H,H f,A Calm Breeze H f,[f],A Sudden Gale M {SG} df,A Splitting Gold M {D*} d,A Knee Slice SM [WC] db,A Shin Slicer L ^[A] Delay Shin Slicer L ^B Shin Slicer Feint Upper M ^B Shin Slicer Feint Upper M b,A Drawn Breath M ^[f] ^Mist [MT] b,[b],A Vacuum M {SS} ^[A] ^Relic [RL] [G],u,A Stump Banish L (CT) u,A Stump Cross H [WS],A Silent Step Slash M B,B Forced Prayer M,M ^[f] ^Mist B~A Mountain Divide M {SG} B,f Mask H {SG} f,B Wind Hole M f,B,d Low Wind Hole L (CT) f,B,u High Wind Hole H f,[f],B,B Heaven Dance M,M {ST} (CT) f,[f],[B],B Heaven Dance to Relic M,M {ST} (CT) df,B Heaven Cannon M db,B Cloud Divide M b,B Wind Hole Vortex M {SG} ^[f] ^Mist b,[b],B,B Forced God M,M {SG} d,df,f,B Samurai Thrust M {SG} d,df,f,[B] Samurai Thrust Delay M {SG} [G],u,B Dragon Fly Slash M [WC] u,B Stalk Cutter M {SG} [WS],B Pocket Pick M [WC],df,B Time Hole M [WC],db,B,B Cloud Divide to Cold Stitch M,M {SG} K~B Obedience M,M {SG} f,K Wheel Kick H df,K Front Kick M f,[f],K Rising Knee M {SG} d,K,B Stalk Shaver L,M ^[f] ^Mist db,K Hem Stitch L b,K,B Bullet Cutter M,M {SG} [WS],K Front Kick M [G],u,K Outer Snap L u,K Shadow Kick M A+B Steel Slicer M,M {SG} f,[f],A+B Phoenix Tail M {SG} ^G ^Cancel d,A+B Cold Stitch M u,A+B Wheel Slash M [WC],db,A+B Shin Banish L A+K Dividing Thrust M {T*} A+K,[f] Variant Thrust M {T*} B+K Autumn Requieum M {SG} [WC] df,B+K Driving Stitch M {SG} b,B+K Parting Thrust H {SG} b,A+B Relic [RL] f,A+B Mist [MT] f,df,d,db,b,A Half Moon Death ^A Half Moon Slice M ! f,df,d,db,b,B Full Moon Death ^B Full Moon Slash M ! f,df,d,db,b,[A] Fake Moon Death H d,df,f Silent Step --- Stances --- ---> Mist Move Name Height Damage Note A Mist Stab H [MT] A,A,A Mist Stab Fury H,H,H B Dividing Thrust M {SG} [T*] B,[f] Variant Thrust M {SG} [T*] K Water Mist Kick L [WC] A+B Divide M {SG} [AD] [f]/[b] Mist Walk f/b,n Mist Dash [uf]/[u]/[ub] Mist Hop B+K Relic [RL] ---> Relic Move Name Height Damage Note G False Purification G,M,M,M [RL] [G] False Purification G,M,M,M A Cross Sword Steal H [RL] [A] Cross Sword Steal H B Slash Sword Steal M [RL] [B] Slash Sword Steal M K Low Relic Kick L [RL] [K] Low Relic Kick L [A+B] Bill of Fire H !(CT) [A+B] Ticket to Hades M !(CT) [A+B] Path of Damnation L,L !(CT) B+K Mist [MT] [f]/[b] Relic Walk f/b,n Relic Dash ---> 8 Way Run (ARS) Move Name Height Damage Note df/f/uf,A Sudden Gale M {SG} l/b,A Drawn Breath H ^[f] ^Mist [MT] r,A Vacuum M {SS} ^[A] ^Relic [RL] db/ub,A True Vacuum L [WC] df/f/uf,B,B Heaven Dance M,M {SG} ^[B] ^Relic [RL] d/u,B Hell Flash M {SG} db/ub,B,A,B Peak of Flames M,H,M {SG} ^G ^Cancel 3rd Hit b,B,B Forced God M,M {SG} df/f/uf,K Rising Knee M {SG} d/u,K Wheel Kick H db/b/ub,K,B Bullet Cutter M,M {SG} A+B Phoenix Tail M {SG} ^G ^Cancel B+K Trooper Roll M {SG} A~B Mist [MT] B~A Relic [RL] --- Combos --- Moves Hits Escape Notes df+B,A,d+K,B 4 2 Paul Phoenix Style df+B,K,b+K,B 4 2 Yoshimitsu Style df+B,A,A+B 4 2 Mitsurugi Style =) d+B,A,f,[f]+B,B 4 2 Can delay the last hit df+B,A,f,[f]+K,b+K,B 5 2 df+B,K~B 3 3 I like it -------------------------------------------------------------- Soul Calibur v. Kilik Name: Kilik Weapon: Rod |-------------------------| Weapon Name: Kali-Yuga (Rod), | SPEED: *** | Dvapara-Yuga (Mirror) | POWER: *** | Style: Secret Art of Ling-Sheung | RANGE: ***** | Su Style Rod |-------------------------| Age: 19 Birth date: Feburary 9th Family: Unknown Birth Place: Unknown Height: 5ft 6 Weight: 139lbs Blood Type: A Stage 7 Boss: Nightmare OUTFITS: A - Red body suit, split on chest B - Blue shirt with yellow trim, yellow pants K - Not Released === Moves === --- Notations --- [MN] - Monument --- Throws --- Move Name Break Height Damage G+A Heavens Monument A 55 G+B Light Breeze B 60 [LEFT],throw Cutting Sadness A/B 55 [RIGHT],throw Summer Gale A/B 55 [BACK],throw Phoenix Pounce A/B 55 --- Attacks --- Move Name Height Damage Note A,A,B Bo Rush Combo H,H,M 17,20,30 {SG} A,A,u/d Bo Rush Feint H,H 17,20 A~A,B Twin Phoenix H,H,M 17,9,37 {SG} A~B Phoenix Feint M 18 f,A,A,A Raging Phoenix H,H,H 14,23,23 {SG} f,[f],A Cross Bow H,H 23,23 {SG} df,A,A Advancing Ling Su M,H 24,18 {SG} [WC] d,A Inner Peace L 23 db,A Low Bow Slice L 18 b,A Escaping Bo H 23 {SG} [WC] b,[b],A Cross Tide M,L 23,23 [G],u,A Quake Wave Divide L 28 u,A Sky Divide M 23 [WS],A Ling Sheung Slash M 25 B,B Rushing Waterfall M,M 20,24 B~K Sheung Mirage Kick H,M 18,18 f,B Bo Thrust M 20 {SG} f,B,d Feint Bo Thrust L 28 {SG} f,[f],B Heavy Bo M 20 {SG} df,B,B Twin Bo Upper M,M 17,23 {SG} d,B Waterfall M 24 [WC] db,B Advancing Bo M 26 {SG} b,B Phoenix Thrust M 42 b,[B] Heavy Phoenix Thrust M 55 {SG} b,[b],B Steam Thrust L 18 {SG} [G],u~B Midnight Sun M 23 {SG} [G],u,B Raven Slaughter M 24 {SG} u,B Yang Falling M 33 {SG} d,db,b,B Yin and Yang M 70 ! [WS],B Ling Sheung Slash M 30 {SG} [WC],db,B River Thrust L 15 {SG} l,B Bridge H 18 {SG} K Sheung Front Kick H 14 K~B Sheung Illusion Kick H,L 14,14 f,K Sheung Lunge Kick M 24 f,K~B Sheung Lunge Combo M,H 23,23 {SG} f,[f],K,K,B Rising Phoenix M,M,M,M 18,23,23,23 {SG} df,K Sheung Side Kick M 22 d,K Sheugn Su Low Kick L 9 [WC] db,K Sheung Su Sweep L 22 [WC] b,K Biting Kick M 17 [AD] b,K~B Biting Heaven M,M 14,23 {SG} [AD] b,[b],K Cloud Kick M 28 {SG} [G],u,K Sheung Su Jumping Sweep L 18 [WC] (CT) u,K Lian Hua Jump Kick H 18 {SG} [WS],K,B Phoenix Hop Kick M,M 22,22 {SG} G+K Retreating Thrust H 6 A+B Phoenix Roar M,M,M,M,M 14,14,14,14,14 {SG} f,A+B Biting Phoenix M,M,M,M,M 18,18,9,9,14 b,A+B Phoenix Flare M,M,M,M 8,8,8,8 b,A+B,B,B Flare to Slaughter M,M,M,M,M,M 17*4,34,20 {SG} df,A+B Tricky Bo L,throw 9,35 d,A+B Lower Bo Smack Down L.L.L.L. 9,9,18,18 db,A+B Dirty Bow L,throw 9,40 [WC],A+B Pounding Stones M,M,M 18,18,18 {SG} [WL],A+B Heaven's Monument M 42 {SG} ^G ^Cancel A+K Phoenix Cross M,H 18,23 {SG} f,A+K Bo Smack Down H,H,H,H,H,H 18,14,7,7,7,7 df,A+K Phoenix Claw L 23 {SG} d,A+K Wave Divide L 26 {SG} db,A+K Phoenix Tail L,L 18,18 {SG} [WL],A+K Rising Flare L 33 {SG} B+K Feint Upper Bo M 47 {SG} ^G ^Cancel f,B+K Yin Rising M,M 14,23 {SG} db,B+K Playful Phoenix M 28 ^[d] ^End laying on back ^[u] ^End laying on face b,B+K Feint Lower Bo L 42 d,df,f Monument [AD] [MN] --- Stances --- ---> Monument Move Name Height Damage Note A Inner Peace L 23 {SG} [FC] B Advancing Bo M 20 {SG} K Scythe H,H 18,18 {SG} A+B Heavens Monument M 42 {SG} ^G ^Cancel A+K Wave Divide L 24 {SG} B+K Feint Upper Bo M 47 {SG} ^G ^Cancel d/u,n False Statue ---> 8 Way Run (ARS) Move Name Height Damage Note f,A Cross Bo H,H 23,23 {SG} df/uf,A,A Gale Divide M,M 28,33 {SG} d/u,A,A Wind Divide M,L 23,28 {SG} d/u,A,B Mountain Carve M,H 23,28 {SG} db/ub,A Ling Sheung Slice L 23 b,A,A Cross Tide M,L 23,23 df/f/uf,B Heavy Bo M 20 {SG} d/u,B Raven Slaughter M 34 {SG} db/ub,B Phoenix Thrust M 42 {SG} b,B Stream Thrust L 18 {SG} df/f/uf,K,K,B Rising Phoenix M,M,M,M 23,23,22,22 {SG} d/u,K~A Moutain Breaker L,H 20,31 db/b/ub,K Sheng Heh Kick M 28 {SG} --- Combos --- Moves Hits Escape Notes df+B,B,K~A 4 3 They don't know where the last hit comes from df+B,f+A+K 4+ 4 Great to watch df+B,df+K,db+B 3 2 -------------------------------------------------------------- Soul Calibur vi. Xianghua Name: Xianghua Weapon: Chinese Sword |-------------------------| Weapon Name: Krita-Yuga | SPEED: **** | Style: The sword art learnt | POWER: * | from her mother | RANGE: ** | Age: 16 |-------------------------| Birth date: April 2nd Family: Father is said to be dead. Mother passed away 5 years ago. Birth Place: Ming Empire Height: 5ft Weight: 101lbs Blood Type: B Stage 7 Boss: Nightmare OUTFITS: A - Red Body B - White Body, blue pants K - White top, black shorts, blue hairband === Moves === --- Notations --- --- Throws --- Move Name Break Height Damage G+A Yuen Chuei Shaur A 55 G+B Long Ling Sheang B 60 [LEFT],throw Tien E Sheang A/B 62 [RIGHT],throw Yng Dyi Yann A/B 55 [BACK],throw Yuh Luen Shaur A/B 65 --- Attacks --- Move Name Height Damage Note A,A,B Beautiful Rhythm H,H,M 11,14,18 A,A,b,B,B Tzau Lan Hua Rhythm H,H,M,M,M 11,14,17,15,23 ^G ^Cancel 4th Hit A,A,b,B,B,B False Tzay Lan Hua H,H,M,M,H 11,14,17,15,35 {SG} A,A,d/u False Rhythm H,H 13,13 A~B Lian Hua Twist Left M 32 A~K,B Feung Yun Feint M,M,L 17,18,28 {SG} [WC] A~K,K Doubt Feung Yun M,M,M 17,18,27 {SG} f,A Cross Lian Hua H 21 f,[f],A Striking Lian Hua H 30 {SG} df,A Shui Shian Strike L 32 [WC] d,A Rhythm Halt SM 12 [WC] db,A Chia Hua L 22 [WC] b,A Storming Lian Hua M 26 b,[b],A Lan Hua Slice M 24 b,[b],[A] Lan Hua M,M 24,20 [G],u,A Falling Chia Hua L 14 u,A Yann Slice M 31 [WS],A,A Muu Jiann Rhythm M,M 17,15 B,B Elegant Rhythm M,M 15,19 B~A Lian Hua Twist Right M 37 [AD] B~K Mei Hua Circle M,M 23,34 {SG} f,B,A Advancing Rhythm H,M 22,25 f,B,B Deadly Rhythm H,L 22,18 {SG} f,[f],B,B Playful Rhythm M,M 25,33 {SG} ^[b] ^Laughing Bea Her Hua [AD] df,B Lian Hua Upper M 28 b,B Rhythm Break M 17 [WC] db,B,A Shan Ji M,L 25,26 {SG} b,B,B Tzao Lan Hua M,M 15,15 ^G ^Cancel 2nd hit b,B,B,B Tzao Lan Hua Feint M,M,H 15,15,23 {SG} b,[b],B Vengeful Lian Hua M 40 ^[b] ^Laughing Bea Her Hua [AD] [G],u,B Shiang Ryh Kwei M,M 26,17 {SG} b,B Yann Slash M 28 {SG} [WS],B Shaing Ryh Kwei M,M 26,17 {SG} [WS],B~K Shaing Ryh Kwei Feint L 26 [WC],df,B Mei Guei Hua M 37 {SG} [WC],df,B,B Mei Guei Hua Feint L 39 K Yuen Kick H 11 K~B,B Outer Heh Kick M,M 23,28 {SG} f,K Heh Kick H 24 f,[f],K Woan Shyong Swing M 22 {SG} df,K Sheau Shan Kick M 16 d,K Woan Shyong Nibble L 11 [WC] db,K Circle Breaker L 26 db,K~A,A,B Circle Breaker Feint M,M,M,L 32,17,18,28 db,K~A,A,K Circle Feint to Feug Yun M,M,M,M 32,17,18,27 b,K Shan Kick H 18 b,[b],K Ta M 30 [G],u,K Lian Hua Sweep L 22 (CT) u,K Inner Heh Kick M 11 {SG} [WS],K Rising Shui Shuian M 22 A+B Muu Jiann M,M 18,33 {SG} f,A+B Muu Jiann Advantage M,M 18,18 f,[f],A+B Great Wall M 45 {SG} df,A+B Lian Hua Cannon M 37 {SG} d,A+B Yann Dive L 23 [WC] b,A+B Muu Jiann Retreat M,M 27,35 {SG} [WS],A+B,B Mei Hua Divide L,H,H 17,14,35 {SG} [WS],A+B,d,B Mei Hua Carve L,H,L 17,14,23 {SG} [FD],A+B Guei L 12 [FD] A+K Hou Lee [WC] ^B+K ^Lower Great Wall M 48 {SG} d,A+K,K Lian Hua Sweep L,L 33,28 f,[f],B+K Advancing Bea Her Hua M [AD] df,B+K Lower Great Wall M 48 {SG} d,B+K Quake Step SM 40 {SG} bd,B+K Hwu Dye M 33 b,B+K Muu Ling M 61 ! ^G ^Cancel b,[b],B+K Retreating Bea Her Hua M [AD] --- Stances --- ---> 8 Way Run (ARS) Move Name Height Damage Note f,A Striking Lian Hua H 30 {SG} df/uf,A Li M 33 {SG} d/u,A Spinning Lian Hua M,M 18,18 [WC] db/ub,A Ing Hua H 34 b,A Lan Hua Slice M 24 b,[A] Lan Hua M,M 24,20 f,B,B Playful Rhythm H,M 25,33 {SG} ^[b] ^Laughing Bea Her Hua [AD] df/uf,B San Jann M,M,M 24,18,18 {SG} d/u,B Playful Slice M 28 db/b/ub,B Vengeful Lian Hua M 40 {SG} ^[b] ^Laughing Bea Her Hua [AD] f,K Slide L 26 df/uf,K Circle Breaker L 26 df/uf,K~A,A,B Circle Breaker Feint M,M,M,L 32,17,18,28 df/uf,K~A,A,K Circle Feint to Feug Yun M,M,M,M 32,17,18,27 d/db/ub/u,K Outer Heh Kick M 23 {SG} b,K Ta M 30 f,A+B Great Wall M 45 {SG} df/d/db/ub/u/uf,A+B Ma Chiueh H 28 A+K Hou Lee [WC] ^B+K ^Lower Great Wall M 48 {SG} f,B+K Advancing Bea Her Hua M [AD] df/d/db/ub/u/uf,B+K Bea Her Hua M [AD] b,B+K Retreating Bea Her Hua M [AD] --- Combos --- Moves Hits Escape Notes df+B,f+B,f+B,f+B,[f]+B,B 6 2 Xiayou reminding juggle df+B,f+B,db+K 3 2 Useful if opponent escapes the above df+B,A+B 3 2 df+B,f+B,f,[f]+A 3 2 Hard to escape df+B,b+B+K 2 1 Funny if they get up quick df+B,K,f,[f]+K,df+K 4 3 Nice all kick juggle df+B,df+B+K 2 2 -------------------------------------------------------------- Soul Calibur vii. Maxi Name: Maxi Weapon: Nunchaku |-------------------------| Weapon Name: Fatibaru | SPEED: **** | Style: Shissen Karihadi | POWER: *** | Age: 24 | RANGE: *** | Birth date: May 1st |-------------------------| Family: Parents passed away Birth Place: Ryukyu Kingdom Height: 5ft 9 Weight: 126lbs Blood Type: O Stage 7 Boss: Astaroth OUTFITS: A - Elvis impersonator kit B - Blond hair, gold top, green pants K - Black suit with red trim === Moves === --- Notations --- [RO] - Pure Soul Right Outer [BL] - Pure Soul Behind Lower [RC] - Pure Soul Right Cross [LO] - Pure Soul Left Outer [LI] - Pure Soul Left Inner --- Throws --- Move Name Break Height Damage G+A Falling Heaven Dragon A 55 G+B Lynching B 60 [LEFT],throw Dragon Destroyer A/B 55 [RIGHT],throw Leaving the Dragon Nest A/B 55 [BACK],throw Parting the Waves A/B 55 --- Attacks --- Move Name Height Damage Note A,A Twin Snakes H,H [RC] A~K Stonewall H,M {SG} [LO] A~K,[b] Stone Kick M {SG} f,A Lunging Snake H [RO] f,[f],A Striking Snake H {SG} df,A Lotus M {D*} d,A Tongue SM [WC] db,A Snake Scythe L {SG} [WC] b,A Nunchaku Slap H {SG} [LO] b,A,B Nanchaku Slap to Dragon H,H {SG} ^~B ^Steel Loop [LO] b,A,B,[b] Nanchaku Slap to Brand H,M,M,M,M,M {SG} [LI] ^G ^Cancel b,A,B~A,A,B Serpent's Bane H,M,M,M {SG} b,[b],A Wave Slice L [WC] d,df,f,A Dandy Suprise L,L,L,L,L [BL] [G],u,A Snake Scythe to Soul L (CT) [RC] u,A Snake Wing H [WS],A Nunchaku Cross M [WC],df,A,A,A Rope Dancer L,L,L {SG} [RO] B Snake Bite M [RO] f,B Steel Dragon H {SG} ^~B ^to Pure Soul [LO] f,B,[b] Branding Nanchaku M,M,M,M,M {SG} [LI] ^G ^Cancel f,B~A,A,B Serpent's Desire M,M,M {SG} f,[f],B Return of Fear M {SG} [BL] ^G ^Cancel [RC] df,B Biting Upper M d,B Falling Fang M [WC] db,B Inner Biting Upper M {SG} b,B Snake Kiss M [LO] [G],u,B Venom Fang M {SG} [LO] [G],u,B Nanchaku Lick L (CT) [RO] u,B Dragon's Judgement M {SG} [WS],B Rolling Biting Upper M [LI] K~B,A Falling Dragon M,L [WC] K~B,K Dragon Pounce M,M {SG} f,K Left Roundhouse H {SG} f,[f],K Dragon Roar H {SG} df,K Snap Kick M d,K,B Illusion Kick L,M [RO] d,K,K Illusion Low Kicks L,L [WC] db,K Quick Slice L [WC] b,K Right Roundhouse H {SG} b,[b],K Rolling Sobat H {SG} [G],u,K Stone Kick M (CT) {SG} u,K Dive Kick M d,df,f,K Hurricane M,M,M,M {SG} ^Any Direction ^Cancel [WS],K,K Dragon Scream M,H {SG} A+B Serpent's Pleasure M,M {SG} A+B,[d] Serpent's Soul M [RC] b,A+B Rage of Pleasure M,M {SG} [WS],A+B Dragon's Brand M [RC] [WC],A+B Dragon's Brand M [RC] df,A+K Guillotine Dance L,H B+K,B,B,B,B Fury M,M,M,M,M,M,M,M,M {SG} [RO] f,[f],B+K Dragon Cannon M {SG} df,B+K Nunchaku Lick L ^~B ^to Pure Soul [RO] d,B+K,B Tiger Slaughter L.L. b,B+K Twisted Loop M ! ^G ^Cancel A+K Side Winder [LI] --- Loops --- Move Name Infinite Loop [f] Pure Soul Loop 1 Behind Lower, Right Cross, Right Outer [b] Pure Soul Loop 2 Right Cross, Behind Lower, Right Outer A+K Pure Soul Loop 3 Right Outer, Left Outer Note: These are only the infinite parts of the loop. You will have other stances precding the loop depending on your ending stance. --- Stances --- ---> Pure Soul Right Outer Move Name Height Damage Note A Bite H [BL] A,K Dragon Bite H,M B,B Dragon Wing M,M [RC] K,A Falling Dragon M,L [WC] K,K Dragon Pounce M,M {SG} ---> Pure Soul Behind Lower Move Name Height Damage Note A Inverted Moon H B Lunging Biting Upper M {SG} [SL] K,K Fury Kicks L,H {SG} ---> Pure Soul Right Cross Move Name Height Damage Note A Tiger Pounce M,M {SG} [WC] B Mark of the Beast M,M,M,M K,K Water Slice L,M {SG} ---> Pure Soul Left Outer Move Name Height Damage Note A,K Bloody Cross L,M {SG} [WC] B,K Wing Sobat M,H {SG} [RC] K Circle Kick L [WC] ---> Pure Soul Left Inner Move Name Height Damage Note A Purity Cross H {SG} A~A Purity Cross Loop H {SG} [RC] K Wheel Kick M {SG} {*C} ---> 8 Way Run (ARS) Move Name Height Damage Note df/f/uf,A Striking Snake H {SG} r,A Northern Lights to Soul M {SG} [LI] l,A Northern Lights M {SG} db/b/ub,A Wave Slice L [WC] df/f/uf,B Return of Fear M {SG} [BL] ^G ^Cancel [RC] d/u,B Steel Dragon H [LO] d/u,B,b Branding Nunchaku M,M,M,M {SG} [LI] ^G ^Cancel d/u,B~A,A,B Serpent's Desire M,M,M {SG} db/ub,B Mark of the Beast M,M,M,M b,B Snake Kiss M [LO] f,K Slide L df/uf,K Back Kick M r,K,K Water Slice L,M {SG} l,K Circle Sweep L [WC] db/b/ub,K Rolling Sobat H {SG} d/df/f/uf/u,A+B Serpent's Pleasure M,M {SG} db/b/ub,A+B Rage of Pleasure M,M {SG} A+K Dandy Suprise L,L,L,L [BL] df/f/uf,B+K Dragon Cannon M {SG} d/db/ub/u,B+K Hurricane M,M,M,M {SG} ^Any Direction ^Cancel b,A+K Twisted Loop M ! ^G ^Cancel --- Combos --- Moves Hits Escape Notes df+B,A,A,K,K,A,A,K,K,(...) n/a 2 Often a relaunch on people not paying attention -------------------------------------------------------------- Soul Calibur viii. Nightmare Name: Nightmare Weapon: Soul Edge |-------------------------| Weapon Name: Soul Edge | SPEED: ** | Style: The Memories of Soul Edge? | POWER: **** | Age: Unknown | RANGE: **** | Birth date: Unknown |-------------------------| Family: Unknown Birth Place: Unknown Height: 5ft 6 Weight: 209lbs Blood Type: Unknown Stage 7 Boss: Sophita OUTFITS: A - Full Armor B - Armor with one bare arm K - Not Released === Moves === --- Notations --- [NB] - Night Behind Stance [NL] - Night Lower Stance [NS] - Night Side Stance --- Throws --- Move Name Break Height Damage G+A Hilt Impact A G+B Nightmare Slasher B [WC],G+A/G+B Flap Jack A+B (OD),[WC],G+A/G+B Downed Flap Jack [LEFT],throw Calamity Fall A/B [RIGHT],throw Unholy Terror A/B [BACK],throw Witch Hunt A/B --- Attacks --- Move Name Height Damage Note A Slash H ^[A] ^Night Side Stance [NS] A,A,B Slash Cross H,H,M {SG} A,d,A,A Double Grounder H,L,L {SG} f,A Quick Spin Slash H ^[A] ^Night Side Stance [NS] f,[f],A Right Slasher M {SG} df,A Armet Crusher M {SG} d,A Leg Slasher L [WC] db,A Shadow Slicer L db,[A] Delay Slicer L b,A Backspin Slash H [WC] [G],u,A Diving Leg Slash L (CT) u,A Jumping Backspin Slash H {SG} [WS],A,A Maelstrom SM,L {SG} ^[d] ^Cancel 2nd Hit [WC] B Sword Buster M ^[B] ^Night Lower Stance [NL] B,f Gun Turret Buster M B,b Rampart Buster M [WC] B~G,B Helm Divider M,L {SG} ^[B] ^Night Behind Stance [NB] B~G,K Break Kick M,M B,B Mail Splitter M,M {SG} B,d,A Buster Grounder M,L {SG} ^[b] ^Cancel to Night Behind Stance [NB] B,d,[A] Delayed Buster Grounder M,L {SG} ^[b] ^Cancel to Night Behind Stance [NB] f,B Piercing Strike M {SG} f,[f],B Lock Splitter M {SG} [WC] f,[f],B~A Cannonball Splitter M,M {SG} [WC] df,B Sky Splitter M ^[B] ^Night Behind Stance [NB] d,B Shadow Buster SM ^[B] ^Night Lower Stance [NL] db,B Drilling Thrust M/throw {SG} b,B,B Double Headbutt M,M {SG} b,[b],B,B Fatal Dive M,L {SG} b,[b],[B],B Fatal Dive M,L {SG} [SG] d,df,f,B Earth Divide M ! ^G ^Cancel [G],u,B Diving Cannonball Lift M (CT) ^[B] ^Night Behind Stance [NB] u,B Fatal Buster H {SG} [WS],B Cannonball Lift M ^[B] ^Night Behind Stance [NB] [WC],B Splitter Buster SM [WC] ^[B] ^Night Lower Stance [NL] f,K Jade Crusher H {SG} f,[f],K Shoulder Rush M {SG} df,K,K,B Accel Headbutt M,L,M d,df,f,K,K,K,K,K,K Stomping L.L.L.L.L.L d,df,f,[K] Stamp Through the Earth L [G],u,K Diving Accel Kick L u,K Rolling Sobat M {SG} [WS],K Rising Night Kicks M,M f,[f],A+B Flying Edge M {SG} ^[d] ^End Laying Down [FD] df,A+B Dark Soul Impact L {SG} A+K,A Spin Kick to Slash H,H ^[A] ^Night Side Stance [NS] A+K,A,A,B Spin Kick to Slash Cross H,H,H,M ^[B] ^Night Lower Stance [NL] A+K,A,A,d,A Spin Kick to Grounder H,H,L,L {SG} A+K,K Spin Kick Combo H,M f,[f],B+K Drop Kick H {SG} B+K Night Behind Stance [NB] f,B+K Night Lower Stance [NL] b,B+K Night Side Stance [NS] --- Stances --- ---> Night Behind Stance Move Name Height Damage Note d/u,B+K Side Spin [NB] A Night Annilation H,M [A] Night Shift H [NS] B Terran Stomper M {SG} K,K Night Knee Rush M,H f,B+K Night Lower Stance [NL] b,B+K Night Side Stance [NS] ---> Night Lower Stance Move Name Height Damage Note A Leg Hacker L {SG} [A] Leg Shift L [NS] B Citadel Lift L {SG} [B] Citadel Shift L [NS] B~A Cannonball Splitter M,M {SG} K Night Salute M {SG} A+B Lock Splitter Alternative M {SG} B+K Night Behind Stance [NB] b,B+K Night Side Stance [NS] ---> Night Side Stance Move Name Height Damage Note A,A Cross Grounder L,H {SG} A,d,A Double Grounder Alpha L,L {SG} B Cannonball Lift M [B] Cannonball Shift M [NB] B~A Feint Cannonball SM {SG} K Night Front Kick H {D*} B+K Night Behind Stance [NB] f,B+K Night Lower Stance [NL] ---> 8 Way Run (ARS) Move Name Height Damage Note f,A Brutal Cross H {SG} df/uf,A Right Slasher M {SG} [D*] d/u,A Alternate Cross M {SG} db/ub,A Quick Back Spin Slash H {SG} b,A Back Spin Slash H {SG} f,B Lock Splitter M {SG} [WC] f,B~A Cannonball Splitter M,M {SG} df/uf,B Sky Splitter M ^[B] ^Night Behind Stance [NB] d/u,B Sword Buster M ^[B] ^Night Lower Stance [NL] d/u,B~G,B Helm Divider M,L {SG} ^[B] ^Night Behind Stance [NB] d/u,B~G,K Break Kick M,M d/u,B,B,B Armour Breaker M,M,L {SG} ^[B] ^Night Behind Stance [NB] d/u,B,B,K Extended Break Kick M,M,M {SG} d/u,B,d,A Buster Grounder M,L {SG} ^[b] ^Cancel to Night Behind Stance [NB] d/u,B,d,[A] Delayed Buster Grounder M,L {SG} ^[b] ^Cancel to Night Behind Stance [NB] db/ub,B Shadow Impact L b,B,B Fatal Dive M,L {SG} ^[B] ^Night Lower Stance [NL] f,K Slide L df/uf,K Shoulder Rush M {SG} d/u,K,A Spin Kick to Slash H,H ^[A] ^Night Side Stance [NS] d/u,K,A,A,B Spin Kick to Slash Cross H,H,H,M ^[B] ^Night Lower Stance [NL] d/u,K,A,A,d,A Spin Kick to Grounder H,H,L,L {SG} d/u,K,K Spin Kick Combo H,M db/b/ub,K Rolling Sobat M {SG} f,B+K Drop Kick H {SG} df/d/db/ub/u/uf,B+K Night Behind Stance Spin [NB] ^f,B ^Gun Turret Buster M b,B+K Night Side Stance [NS] --- Combos --- Moves Hits Escape Notes df+[B],B 2 n/a This is about as good as it gets for Nightmare -------------------------------------------------------------- Soul Calibur ix. Taki Name: Taki Weapon: Ninjatou |-------------------------| Weapon Name: Rekki Maru and Mekki Maru | SPEED: ***** | Style: Musou Baton Ryu | POWER: ** | Age: 25 | RANGE: * | Birth date: Unknown |-------------------------| Family: Parents and brothers, all taken by diseases Master Toki Birth Place: Japan Height: 5ft 7 Weight: 117lbs Blood Type: A Stage 7 Boss: Nightmare OUTFITS: A - Deep red 'ninja' outfit B - Dark blue 'ninja' outfit K - Not Released === Moves === --- Notations --- [WR] - Wind Roll [PS] - Possession --- Throws --- Move Name Break Height Damage G+A Return of the Sun A H 48 G+B Departure in Fire B H 55 f,[f],G+B Crossing the Cliff B H 60 [LEFT],throw Cellar Drop A/B H 55 [RIGHT],throw Jute Burial A/B H 65 [BACK],throw Dropping the Bottle A/B H 60 --- Attacks --- Move Name Height Damage Note A,f Shadow Shrine M,M A,A,A Shadow Ripper H,H,M A,A,f,A Silent Shadow H,H,M A,B,B Darkness Illusion H,M,M ^[db] ^Shift to Possession [PS] A,B,K Shadow Rush H,M,H A,B,b,B+K Shadow Cannon H,M,L ^A ^Cancel to Mekki-Maru H f,A False Shadow H f,[f],A,[db] Possessed Misery H [PS] f,[f],A,B,B,B Burning Misery H,M,M,M df,A Shadow Split SM [WC] d,A,K Earth Scroll L,L [WC] db,A Reaping Hook L [WC] b,A Curse L [PS] b,[b],A Bamboo Cutter H [G],u,A Hanging Phantom L (CT) u,A Air Phantom M [WS],A,A,A Shadow Claw M,H,M {SG} B,A,[db] Shadow to Possession M,H [PS] B,A,A Shadow Scroll M,H,L B,A,K Shadow Banishment M,H,H B,A,[K] Heavy Banishment M,H,H {SG} B,B,f,K Shadow Banishment M,H,M {SG} B,A,A+B Shadow to Stalker M,H B,A,d,A+B Shadow to Stalker M,H B,A,u,A+B Shadow to Stalker M,H B,B,B Lightning Strike M,M,M ^[db] ^Shift to Possession [PS] B,K,A Blood Scroll M,H,H B,[K],A Heavy Scroll M,H,H {SG} f,B Silence M f,[f],B Assasin's Strike M {SG} df,B Assasin's Feather M d,B,A Mekki-Maru's Darkness M,H ^A ^Cancel db,B Free Shadow M [WC] b,B Darkness to Possession M [PS] b,[b],B Seal M {SG} [G],u,B,B Darkness Banishment M,L {SG} (CT) u,B Air Calm M {SG} b,db,d,df,f,B Seal of the Fire Dragon M ! ^G ^Cancel [WS],B,B Darkness Banishment M,L {SG} [WS],B,A+B Banishment to Stalker M {SG} [WS],B,d,A+B Banishment to Stalker M {SG} [WS],B,u,A+B Banishment to Stalker M {SG} [WB],B,A+B Darkness to Stalker M K,K,K Haste H,H,H K,K,d,K Water Haste H,H,L [WC] f,K,A Divine Punishment M,H f,[f],K Hurricane Punishment SM,SM df,K,K,K Rapid Destruction M,M,M ^B+K ^Cancel to Wind Roll Front [WR] ^d,B+K ^Cancel to Wind Roll Lower [WR] ^u,B+K ^Cancel to Wind Roll Upper [WR] d,K,K Punishing Strike L,M db,K Sealing Punishment L b,K,K Water Kick H,L [WC] b,[b],K,K Mat M,M {SG} [G],u,K,K,K Alt Rapid Destruction M,M,M (CT) ^B+K ^Cancel to Wind Roll Front [WR] ^d,B+K ^Cancel to Wind Roll Lower [WR] ^u,B+K ^Cancel to Wind Roll Upper [WR] [G],K,K,K Hades Alternate H,L,H [WS],K Divine Cannon M {C*} [WC],df,K,[db] Punishment to Possession L [PS] A+B Stalker d,A+B Stalker Lower u,A+B Stalker Upper [WC],db,A+B Poison Dart SM A+K Advancing Cloud Scroll M,M {SG} f/b,A+K Hurricane Punishment SM,SM d/u,n,A+K,A Storm Cloud Scroll H,H,M {SG} ^B+K ^Cancel to Wind Roll Front [WR] ^d,B+K ^Cancel to Wind Roll Lower [WR] ^u,B+K ^Cancel to Wind Roll Upper [WR] d,A+K Fog Blanket M {SG} [WC],A+K,K Divine Cannon Combo L,M {SG} [WB],d,A+K Fog Blanket M {SG} b,B+K Ninja Cannon L ^A ^Cancel to Mekki Maru H B+K Wind Roll Front [WR] d,B+K Wind Roll Lower [WR] u,B+K Wind Roll Upper [WR] [WB],B+K Heavy Burden M {SG} --- Stances --- ---> Wind Roll Front Move Name Height Damage Note A Mekki Maru Wind H B Divine Wind M {SG} B,B,B Wind Death Sault M,M,M {SG} B,K,B Wind Death Rush M,M,M {SG} ---> Wind Roll Lower / Upper Move Name Height Damage Note A Side Breeze H ---> Possession or Possession Rush Move Name Height Damage Note f Possession Rush A Storm Scroll M {SG} b,A Mekki Meru Wind H B Dream Scroll M {SG} K Dragon Wheel M d,K Vacuum Drop Kick L ub,u,uf,K,A Awakening Rush M,M,M {SG} A+B Exorcsim M ! ---> 8 Way Run (ARS) Move Name Height Damage Note df/d/uf,A,[db] Possessed Misery H [PS] df/f/uf,A,B,B,B Buring Misery H,M,M,M d/u,A Wind Scroll M {D*} db/ub,A Shadow Linker H ^Any move that starts with A b,A Bamboo Cutter H df/f/uf,B Assasin's Strike M {SG} d/u,B Illusion Scroll M {SG} d/u,B~A Scroll of Darkness M {SG} db/ub,B Darkness Linker M ^Any move that starts with B b,B Seal M {SG} f,K Slide L df/uf,K Heavy Burden M {SG} d/u,K Cloud Scroll H,H ^B+K ^Cancel to Wind Roll Front [WR] ^d,B+K ^Cancel to Wind Roll Lower [WR] ^u,B+K ^Cancel to Wind Roll Upper [WR] d/u,K,A Storm Cloud Scroll H,H,M {SG} db/ub,K,K Water Kick H,L [WC] b,K,K Mat M,M {SG} A+B Stalker A+K Possession [PS] B+K Wind Roll [WR] --- Combos --- Moves Hits Escape Notes df+B,B,A,A 4 2 Often a 3 hitter df+B,df+K,K,K 4 2 Just looks good b+B+K,b+B+K 2 1 Re-Launch them sometimes -------------------------------------------------------------- Soul Calibur x. Astaroth Name: Astaroth Weapon: Giant Axe |-------------------------| Weapon Name: Klsdf Py Gyst | SPEED: * | Style: Glkks | POWER: ***** | Age: 3 | RANGE: ***** | Birth date: September 3rd |-------------------------| Family: None Birth Place: Unknown Height: 6ft 4 Weight: 209lbs Blood Type: None Stage 7 Boss: Maxi OUTFITS: A - Pink skin with black pants B - Purple skin with black pants K - Not Released === Moves === --- Notations --- --- Throws --- Move Name Break Height Damage G+A Malestrom Drive A H G+B Colossus B H G+B,[f] Titan Bomb A H G+B,[b] Flight of the Wicked B H d,db,b,A Posedion Tide A H G+B Wrath of Damned B A d,G+A Drop of Lava A L d,A+B Burial A . d,B+K Burial B . [LEFT],throw Beat Down A/B H [RIGHT],throw On Silent Wings A/B H [BACK],throw The Rack A/B H --- Attacks --- Move Name Height Damage Note A,A Annihilation H,H [A],[A] Delay Annihilation H,H !/{SG} A,B Destruction H,M {SG} f,A,B Grip Shot to Ax Volcano H,M ^[B] ^Delay Second Hit M !/{SG} f,[f],A,B Tornado Spike M,M {SG} df,A Vicious Circle H {SG} df,[A] Violent Circle H ! d,A Hades Break L [WC] db,A Discus L [WC] db,[A] Delay Discus L {SG} [WC] b,A Hades Control H b,[b],A Hades Divide H b,[b],[A] Hades Divide Extra H {SG} d,db,b,A,A,A,A,A Posedion Tide M,M,M,M,M [G],u,A Jumping Hades Break L (CT) [WC] u,A Decapitator H {SG} [WS],A Reverse Spiral Axe H {SG} B,A Bear Tamer M,M {SG} [B],A Late Bear M,M {SG} B,b,A Bear Tamer Alternate M,M {SG} [B],b,A Late Bear Alternate M,M {SG} B/[B],B/[B] Great Divide M,M {SG} B/[B],B,f Axe Side Divide M,M {SG} {D*} B/[B],f Axe Butt M {SG} f,B Axe Side Cannon M {SG} {D*} f,[f],B Axe Crash M {SG} df,B Axe Volcano M {SG} df,[B] Axe Erruption M ! d,B Hades SM {SG} d,[B] Hades Opening M ! db,B Axe Grave L [WC] b,B Bear Fang M [b],B Delayed Bear Fang M {SG} b,[b],B Canyon Creation M {SG} b,[b],[B] Delayed Canyon M ! [G],u,B Falling Divide M {SG} [WC] (CT) u,B Jumping Divide M {SG} [WS],B Hades Rising M {SG} K Bull Kick H ^[K] Delayed Kick H f,K Hades Knee M f,[f],K Bull Rush M f,[f],[K] Bull Charge M {SG} df,K,A Dark Tamer M,H df,[K],[A] Alternate Dark Tamer M,M {SG} d,K Bull Low Kick L [WC] db,K Hades Sweep L [WC] b,K Command Kick M [WC] b,[b],K Lower Command Kick M [G],u,K Base Command Kick L u,K Dive Kick M [WS],K,A Rising Cyclone M,L {SG} A+B Titan Axe M {SG} df,A+B Titan Swing Right H df,[A+B] Titan Swing Right Extra H ! b,A+B Tidal Wave M b,[A+B] Tidal Throw T ! B+K Gaurd Crusher H {SG} [SB] f,B+K Body Splash H f,[B+K] Power Splash H df,B+K Axe Lower Cannon L {SG} d,df,f,B+K Demented Moon M ! ^G ^Cancel [BK],B+K Side Divide M {SG} {D*} --- Stances --- ---> 8 Way Run (ARS) Move Name Height Damage Note df/f/uf,A Tornado Spike Feint M df/f/uf,A Tornado Spike M,M {SG} d/u,A,A Poseidon Crest M,M {SG} db/ub,A Discus L [WC] db,[A] Delay Discus L {SG} [WC] b,A Hades Divide M b,[A] Hades Divide Extra M {SG} f,B Axe Crash H {SG} df/uf,B Axe Volcano M df/uf,B Axe Erruption M ! d/u,B Hades Cannon M {SG} db/b/ub,B Canyon Creation M {SG} db/b/ub,[B] Delayed Canyon M ! f,K Slide L df/uf,K Bull Rush M df/uf,[K] Bull Charge M {SG} d/u,K Stamp of Hades M d/u,[K] Stamp of Hell M {SG} db/b/ub,K Lower Command Kick M ub/u/uf,A+B Titan Swing Right H ub/u/uf,[A+B] Titan Swing Right Extra H ! db/d/df,A+B Titan Swing Left H db/d/df,[A+B] Titan Swing Left Extra H ! --- Combos --- Moves Hits Escape Notes G+B~[b],G+B 2 1 Twin Throw Combo! f,[f]+B,d+B+K 2 2 Mix d+B+K with d+A+B so its harder to escape d,df,f+B+K,G+B 2 n/a If you hit this, mad damage df+[B],G+B 2 n/a Easier to hit than above ============================================================== Soul Calibur H. Time Release Like the Tekken series, Soul Calibur features a time release system. Over time extra characters, stages, weapons and outfits will be released. These will be covered here along with a rough amount of time it takes for that time release. Order ----- 1. Unknown Soul (Hwang) - 11 Days 2. Hwang (xi) - 21 Days 3. 1st Password - 21-26 Days 4. Hwang's Stage - 28 Days 5. Unknown Soul (Yoshimitsu) - 32 Days 6. Yoshimitsu (xii) - 42 Days 7. Xianghua 3rd Outfit - 42-47 Days 8. Lizardman's Stage - 42-47 Days 9. 2nd Password - 42-47 Days 10. Unknown Soul (Lizard Man) - 53 Days 11. Lizard Man (xiii) - 63 Days 12. 3rd Password - 63-68 Days 13. Sophita 3rd Outfit - 63-68 Days 14. Siegfried's Stage - 70 Days 15. Unknown Soul (Siegfried) - 74 Days 16. Siegfried (xiv) - 84 Days 17. Maxi 3rd Outfit - 84-89 Days 18. Unknown Soul (Rock) - 95 Days 19. Rock's Stage - 98 Days 20. Rock (xv) - 105 Days 21. Voldo 3rd Outfit - 105-110 Days 22. Unknown Soul (Seung Mina) - 116 Days 23. Seung Mina (xvi) - 126 Days 1. Passwords ------------ When playing the game you will sometimes be given a password. This happens during VS matches and when you complete the game but occurs randomly, some passwords are also revealed under special circumstances. Just try doing some special things. The passwords are for use at the Namco Soul Calibur site (www.soulcalibur.com) and allow access to some special 'secret' pages with some pretty cool things on them. The passwords and what is on these pages is going to stay secret. They aren't that hard to get if you play the game a little. Although I am not going to give out passwords I will give some hints towards them and the method of getting the game to show them. The (x) shows how far the time release has to be before the release system becomes active for that password. Password 1 - "At the boundry of the spirit" **** of **** Random VS wins or Complete the game (Hwang) Password 2 - "A noble soul from the past" **** of ******* Win three VS games in a row (Xianghua's Third Outfit) Password 3 - "A sword made of fire" ***** of ***** Complete the game (Lizard Man) Password 4 - "A blade made from that which the rivers come from" ***** of ***** Win with a ring out during a VS game (?) (Rock) Password 5 - "Used to take flight for those who can follow religion" ***** of ***** Win one round with a perfect in a VS game (Rock) Password 6 - "One could fall from the sky to find the true path" **** of ******* Complete the game and ...(?) (Mina) Password 7 - "An Expert of that used to fight" ****** of ****** ??? (Edge Master) PLEASE DO NOT E-MAIL ME FOR PASSWORDS... I WILL NOT GIVE THEM OUT!!! Characters ---------- -------------------------------------------------------------- Soul Calibur xi. Hwang Name: Hwang Sung Kyung Weapon: Chinese Sword |-------------------------| Weapon Name: Blue Thunder | SPEED: *** | Style: Hwang's Long Blade | POWER: **** | Age: 28 | RANGE: *** | Birth date: August 8th |-------------------------| Family: Parents Deceased. Master Seung Han Myong Birth Place: Chi-Ri San, Lee Dynastiy Korea Height: 5ft 7 Weight: 137lbs Blood Type: AB Stage 7 Boss: Mina (in Hwang's stage) (Maxi in Hwang's stage before Mina is released) OUTFITS: A - White pants with 'X' braces B - Pale blue pants with black marks on chest K - Not Released === Moves === --- Notations --- --- Throws --- Move Name Break Height Damage G+A Falcon Dive Kick A H 55 G+B Machine Gun Kick B H 55 [LEFT],throw Blue Thunder Punishment A/B H 65 [RIGHT],throw Fierce Flame Divide A/B H 60 [BACK],throw Life Extinguish A/B H 80 --- Attacks --- Move Name Height Damage Note A,A,B Heavy Claw Flames H,H,M A~B Base Return Blade M {SG} A~K,B Sunset Dance Thrust M,M,L {SG} [WC] A~K,K Rapid Sunset Dance M,M,M {SG} f,A Burning Slash H f,[f],A Void Shatter Slash H {SG} df,A,A,B Parting the Storm L,H,M {SG} d,A Leg Cutting Strike SM [WC] db,A Dimension Shatter Slash L {SG} b,A Pulling Inner Strike M b,[b],A Jolting Inner Strike M {SG} [G],u,A Diving Sweep Slash L (CT) u,A Diving Wind Divide H [WS],A Falling Raven Bite M B,B Parting Flames M,M B~A Hail Storm M {AD} B~K Forced Flames M,M {SG} f,B,A Thrusting Slash H,M {SG} f,B,B Thrusting Slash Feint H,L {SG} f,[f],B,B Splitting Red Sky M,M {SG} ^[b] ^Rain Storm {AD} df,B Forced Flame Divide M d,B Broken Divide M [WC] db,B Opening Void Slash L {SG} b,B,B Inner Shatter Split M,M,M ^G ^Cancel 2nd Hit b,B,B,B Inner Shatter Slash M,M,H {SG} b,[b],B Piercing Heaven M {SG} ^[b] ^Rain Storm {AD} [G],u,B Cloud Void M,M (CT) {SG} u,B Striking Void M {SG} [WS],B Cloud Void M,M {SG} [WS],B~A False Dividing Thrust L {SG} [WC],df,B Radiant Cross M {SG} [WC],df,B,B False Radiant Cross L K Bullet Kick H K~B,B Falling Willow M,M {SG} f,K,K Falmingo Bite H,M f,[f],K.K.K Circular Heaven Kicks M,M,H {SG} df,K Falcon Bite M d,K Mountain Shatter Kick L d,K,K Falling Mountain Kick M {SG} db,K Inner Water Kick L db,K~A,A,B Sunset Dance Circle M,M,M,L [WC] db,K~A,A,K Rapid Sunset Circle M,M,M,M {SG} b,K Temple Kick H b,[b],K,K Liquid Kick H,L {SG} [G],u,K Hidding Leg Sweep L u,K Shatter Star Kick M {SG} [WS],K Handstand Kick M A+B Twin Heavens M,M {SG} f,A+B Twin Illusion Strike M,M f,[f],A+B Hill Shatter Thrust M {SG} df,A+B Ultimate Void Divide M {SG} b,A+B Twin Void Part M,M {SG} [WS],A+B Flying Void M {SG} A+K Dancing Leaf Kick H,H d,A+K,K Twin Crushing Kicks L,L df,B+K Forced Divide M {SG} {AD} d,B+K Crushing Heel M {SG} db,B+K Willow Slice M b,B+K Hwang's Blazing Thrust M ! ^G ^Cancel f,B+K Snow Storm {AD} b,[b],B+K Fog Storm {AD} --- Stances --- ---> 8 Way Run (ARS) Move Name Height Damage Note f,A Void Shatter Slash H {SG} df/uf,A Willow Inner M {D*} d/u,A Willow Blade M,M [WC] db/ub,A Burial Slice L {SG} b,A Jolting Inner Strike M f,B,B Splitting Red Sky M,M {SG} ^[b] ^Rain Storm {AD} df/uf,B Thunder Dance Blade M,M,M {SG} d/u,B Willow Spin M db/b/ub,B Piercing Heavens M {SG} ^[b] ^Rain Storm {AD} f,K Slide L df/uf,K Inner Water Kick L df/uf,K~A,A,B Sunset Dance Circle M,M,M,L df/uf,K~A,A,K Rapid Sunset Circle M,M,M,M d/u,K Roundhouse Kick H {SG} db/ub,K Hook Claw Kick M {SG} b,K,K Liquid Kick H,L f,A+B Hill Shatter Thrust M {SG} f,B+K Snow Storm {AD} b,B+K Fog Storm {AD} df/d/db/ub/u/uf,B+K Wind Storm {AD} -------------------------------------------------------------- Soul Calibur xii. Yoshimitsu Name: Yoshimitsu Weapon: Katana |-------------------------| Weapon Name: Yoshimitsu | SPEED: *** | Style: Manji Ninjitsu | POWER: **** | Age: Unknown | RANGE: ** | Birth date: Unknown |-------------------------| Family: Unknown. Clan Perished Birth Place: Unknown Height: 5ft 7 Weight: 126lbs Blood Type: O Stage 7 Boss: Nightmare OUTFITS: A - Tekken 2 'Classic' Yoshimitsu, with flag (Cyber Samurai) B - Purple 'Pjyama' suit with flag K - Not Released === Moves === --- Notations --- [PG] - Sword Pogo [ST] - Sit --- Throws --- Move Name Break Height Damage G+A Jaw Smash A H 55 G+B Jumping Body Slam B H 55 d,db,b,A+B Rainbow Drop A H 70 [LEFT],throw Elegant Storm A/B H 70 [RIGHT],throw Manji Ninjitsu Blend A/B H 70 [BACK],throw Tornado Drop A/B H 80 --- Attacks --- Move Name Height Damage Note A,A Rapid Gale H,H f,A Gale H f,[f],A Bad Breath M {SG} df,A Scattering Wealth M {D*} d,A Parting Grass SM [WC] db,A,A,A,A,A Stone Backhands M,M,M,M,M [WC] b,A,A,A,A,A Stone Fist H,H,H,H,H b,[b],A Mouthless M {SG} [G],u,A Bill of Demon L u,A Rebirth of Demon H [WS],A Sunflower M [WC],db,b,A Sword Sweep L B,B Rapid Grace M,M B~A Ninja Blade Rush M {SG} {t*} f,B Sword Spirit M f,B,u Sword Spirit High H f,B,d Sword Spirit Low L f,[f],B Firmiana Branch M {SG} df,B Pomegranate M d,B Rain Time M [WC] db,B Sword Slice M db,[B] Sword Slice M ! b,[b],B Sword Impale M ! ^G ^Cancel b,[b],B~A Spinning Sword M b,[b],B~A,G Quick Spinning Sword M d,df,f,B Double Front Slice M,M ! [G],u,B 11th Moon M (CT) [WC] u,B Autum Moon M {SG} [WS],B Tangled Beating M [WC],B~A Manji Carve Fist SM [WC] [WC],df,B Heretic Sword M {SG} {b*} K Kogarashi H f,K,K Zig-Zag H,H {SG} f,[f],K Knee Bash M {SG} df,K Hail M d,K Dust Banishment L [WC] db,K Kangaroo Kick M {SG} b,K,B Bullet Cutter M,M {SG} b,K,[B] Bullet Rapid Hell M,M ! [G],u,K Oroshi M [G],u,K Moutain Wind M (CT) u,K Storm M [WS],K Mizore M [WC],df,K Lunging Sweep L [WC],db,K,K,K,K,K Spinning Low Kicks L,L,L,L,L f,A+B Backhand H f,[f],A+B Crying Spirit Sword M {SG} ^G ^Cancel f,[f],A+B,G,B Crying Spirit Death L f,[f],A+B,G,[u] Crying Spirit to Pogo d,A+B,B Digging Cyclone M,M {SG} uf,A+B Helicopter Leap M ! ^[d] ^Helicopter Down Slash M ! ^[b] ^Reverse Helicopter M ! d,A+K Standing Suicide M ! f,[f],[A+K] Turning Suicide M ! f,[f],A+K Fake Turning Suicide [WB] f,B+K,B,B,B Door Knocker M,M,M,M {SG} f,[f],B+K,A+B,K Shark Attack Combo M,H,M {SG} f,[f],B+K,[A+B] Shark Helicopter M,H,M ! ^[d] ^Helicopter Down Slash M ! ^[b] ^Reverse Helicopter M ! df,B+K Circium M {SG} uf,B+K Poison Wind M {SG} b,B+K,B,B,B,B,B,B Spinning Evade --- Stances --- ---> Sword Pogo Move Name Height Damage Note K Kangaroo Kick M {SG} f,f Pogo Rush L,L,L ^[f] ^Add Distance ub/u/uf Pogo Hop M ! [SP] B+K Sit [ST] ---> Sit Move Name Height Damage Note n Gain Life b/f Teleport ---> 8 Way Run (ARS) Move Name Height Damage Note df/f/uf,A Breath M {SG} r,A Hiraki H l,A Mouthless M {SG} db/ub,A Mist Banishment L [WC] b,A Mouthless M {SG} df/f/uf,B,B Firmiana Branch M {SG} d/u,B Rain Thicket M {SG} db/ub,B,A,B Crying Hell Flames M,H,M {SG} ^G ^Cancels Third Hit b,B Sword Impale M ! ^G ^Cancel f,K Slide L df/uf,K Knee Bash M {SG} d/u,K Whirlwind H db/b/ub,K,B Bullet Cutter M,M {SG} db/b/ub,K,[B] Bullet Rapid Hell M,M ! A+B Crying Spirit Sword M {SG} ^G ^Cancel A+B,G,B Crying Spirit Death L A+B,G,[u] Crying Spirit to Pogo [PG] df/f/uf,B+K,A+B,K Shark Attack Combo M,H,M {SG} df/f/uf,B+K,[A+B] Shark Helicopter M,H,M ! ^[d] ^Helicopter Down Slash M ! ^[b] ^Reverse Helicopter M ! B+K Ninja Sun Flare M {SG} d/db/b/ub/u,B+K,d Ninja Sun Flare to Sit [ST] d/db/b/ub/u,B+K,u Ninja Sun Flare to Pogo [PG] -------------------------------------------------------------- Soul Calibur xiii. Lizard Man Name: Lizard Man Weapon: Short Sword and Small Shield |-------------------------| Weapon Name: Xi Sword and Game Shield | SPEED: *** | Style: Unknown | POWER: **** | Age: 3 | RANGE: *** | Birth date: Unknown |-------------------------| Family: Unknown. There are many similar creatures Birth Place: Unknown Height: 6ft Weight: 190lbs Blood Type: Unknown Stage 7 Boss: Astaroth (in Rock's stage) OUTFITS: A - Green(ish) skin B - Yellow(ish) skin with colored spikes on head K - Not Released === Moves === --- Notations --- --- Throws --- Move Name Break Height Damage G+A Meze Sadistic Rush Lift A H 55 G+B Meze Sataba Storm B H 55 d,db,b,B+K Meze Retile Rumble B H 68 [LEFT],throw Meze Scale Brusher A/B H 65 [RIGHT],throw Meze Sand Tomb A/B H 65 [BACK],throw Meze Sand Bomb A/B H 70 --- Attacks --- Move Name Height Damage Note A,A Refrain Edge H,H A,K Edge Low Kick H,L f,A,B Grip Blow H,M f,[f],A Meze Grit Draft M {SG} df,A Grit Draft M {SG} d,A Lower Side Edge SM [WC] db,A,A Twolnu Grit Breeze L,M b,A,A,A Twolnu Gathering Refrain H,L,M b,A,A,B Twolnu Vesper Warning H,L,M {SG} b,A,B Twolnu Gathering Blade H,M b,[b],A Trap Mirage M,M d,df,f,A,A Kamira Grit Temperance M,L [WS],A Climb Side Edge M [G],u,A Under Base Cut L (CT) u,A Hopper Spinning Edge H B~A,B,B,B,B Twolnu Nasty Blade L.L.L.L.M. B~A,f,B Twolnu Feint Nasty Blast L.M. B,B Scale Strike M,M B,K Blade Round Kick M,H {SG} f,B Spot Strike M {SG} f,[f],B Twolnu Dune Riser M {SG} df,B Rising Grit M d,B,B Meze Shield Blast SM,M [WC],df,B,B Ducking Shield Blast SM,M db,B Base Scale Blade M [WC] b,B Meze Lightning Head Masher M {SG} b,[b],B Weapon Geyser M {SG} d,df,f,B Meze Grit Blast M d,df,f,d,df,f,B Meze Power Blast M {SG} d,df,f,d,n,B,A,B Meze Shield Rush M,H,M {SG} [G],u,B Tail Geyser M (CT) u,B Hopper Base Scales M [WS],B Tail Weapon Geyser M K,K Double Gloom Kicks H,M f,[f],K Gloom Front Kick M {SG} df,K Gloom Middle Kick M d,K Romper Base Kick L [WC] db,K Meze Singer Spin Kick L {SG} b,[b],K Sand Splash Kick M {SG} d,df,f,K,K,A,B Kamira Romper Float M,M,M,M,L,M {SG} d,df,f,K,K,B Kamira Romper Cascade M,M,M,M,M {SG} d,df,f,K,K,K Kamira Romper Sault M,M,M,M,M [WS],K,K,A,B Kamira Romper Float M,M,M,M,L,M {SG} [WS],K,K,B Kamira Romper Cascade M,M,M,M,M {SG} [WS],K,K,K Kamira Romper Sault M,M,M,M,M [G],u,K Romper Base Tail M (CT) [G],u,K Sand Arch Kick M uf,K,A,B Kamira Grit Float M,M,L,M {SG} uf,K,B Kamira Grit Cascade M,M,M {SG} uf,K,K Kamira Grit Sault M,M,M df,A+B Twolno Double Rising Beat M,M {SG} u,A+B Meze Deser Warning M u,[A+B] Meze Deser Explosion M ! [WS],A+B Twolnu Climb Tempest M A+K Meze Twister High Kick H {SG} A+K,K Meze Grit Twister Kick M B+K,B Kamira Air Shield Blast M,M {SG} f,[f],B+K,A,B Meze Shield Rush M,H,M {SG} db,B+K Meze Sand Revenger M ! b,B+K Sand Revenger M {SG} b,B+K,G Grit Sand Revenger M b,[b],B+K Twolnu Grit Avenger M {SG} [WS],B+K Weapon Geyser M {SG} d,df,f Serpent Slide d,df,f,d,df,f Double Serpent Slide d,df,f,d,n Serpent Slide Cancel d,df,f,d,df,f,d,n Double Serpent Slide Cancel d,df,f,d,[df] Kamira Double Serpent Slide [WC] --- Stances --- ---> 8 Way Run (ARS) Move Name Height Damage Note df/f/uf,A Meze Grit Draft M {SG} d/u,A,A Meze Double Shield Swing H,H {SG} db/ub,A,A Kamira Lava Current L,M {SG} db/ub,A,[A] Kamira Lava Spite L,M ! b,A Trap Mirage M,M f,B Twolnu Dune Riser M {SG} df/uf,B Meze Shield Cannon M {SG} d/u,B Meze Shield Jolt M {SG} db/b/ub,B Weapon Geyser M {SG} f,K Slide L df/uf,K Ranting Kick M d/u,K Gloom Middle Kick M db/ub,K Meze Twister High Kick H {SG} db/ub,K,K Meze Grit Twister Kick M b,K Sand Splash Kick M {SG} A+B Twolnu Double Rising Beat M {SG} f,B+K,A,B Meze Shield Rush M,H,M {SG} df/d/db/b/ub/u/uf,B+K Twolnu Grit Avenger M {SG} -------------------------------------------------------------- Soul Calibur xiv. Siegfried Name: Siegfried Schtauffen Weapon: Zweihander |-------------------------| Weapon Name: Requiem | SPEED: *** | Style: Self Taught | POWER: **** | Age: 19 | RANGE: **** | Birth date: February 6th |-------------------------| Family: Mother (Margaret), killed his own father (Frederick) Birth Place: Holy Roman Empire Height: 5ft 5 Weight: 110lbs Blood Type: A Stage 7 Boss: Mitsurugi (in Rock's Stage) OUTFITS: A - Silver Armour with no helmet B - Gold Armour with no helmet K - Not Released === Moves === --- Notations --- [SH] - Side Hold [BH] - Base Hold [CH] - Chief Hold --- Throws --- Move Name Break Height Damage G+A Hilt Impact A G+B Nightmare Slasher B [WC],G+A/G+B Flap Jack A+B (OD),[WC],G+A/G+B Downed Flap Jack . [LEFT],throw Calamity Fall A/B [RIGHT],throw Unholy Terror A/B [BACK],throw Witch Hunt A/B --- Attacks --- Move Name Height Damage Note A Slash H ^[A] ^Side Hold [SH] A,A,B Slash Cross H,H,M {SG} A,d,A,A Double Grounder H,L,L {SG} f,A Quick Spin Slash H ^[A] ^Side Hold [SH] f,[f],A Right Slasher M {SG} df,A Armet Crusher M {SG} d,A Leg Slasher L [WC] db,A Shadow Slicer L db,[A] Delay Slicer L b,A Backspin Slash H [WC] [G],u,A Diving Leg Slash L (CT) u,A Jumping Backspin Slash H {SG} [WS],A,A Maelstrom SM,L {SG} ^[d] ^Cancel 2nd Hit [WC] B Sword Buster M ^[B] ^Base Hold [BH] B,f Gun Turret Buster M B,b Rampart Buster M [WC] B~G,B,B Armour Breaker M,L {SG} ^[B] ^Chief Hold [CH] B~G,B,K Break Kick M,M,L B,B,B Armour Breaker M,M,L {SG} B,B,K Break Kick M,M,L {SG} B,d,A Buster Grounder M,L {SG} ^[b] ^Cancel to Chief Hold [CH] B,d,[A] Delayed Buster Grounder M,L {SG} ^[b] ^Cancel to Chief Hold [CH] f,B Piercing Strike M {SG} f,[f],B Lock Splitter M {SG} [WC] f,[f],B~A Helmet Divide M,M,M {SG} [WC] df,B Sky Splitter M ^[B] ^Chief Hold [CH] d,B Shadow Buster SM ^[B] ^Base Hold [BH] db,B Thrust Throw M/throw {SG} b,B,B Double Headbutt M,M {SG} b,[b],B,B Fatal Dive M,L {SG} b,[b],[B],B Fatal Dive M,L {SG} [BH] d,df,f,B Earth Divide M ! ^G ^Cancel [G],u,B Diving Swing Splitter M (CT) ^[B] ^Chief Hold [CH] u,B Fatal Buster H {SG} [WS],B Cannonball Lift M ^[B] ^Chief Hold [CH] [WC],B Splitter Buster SM [WC] ^[B] ^Base Hold [BH] f,K Jade Crusher H {SG} f,[f],K Shoulder Rush M {SG} df,K,K,B Accel Headbutt Upper M,L,M d,K Grind Low Kick L [WC] b,K Darkside Kick M d,df,f,K,K,K,K,K,K Stomping L.L.L.L.L.L d,df,f,[K] Stamp Through the Earth L [G],u,K Diving Accel Kick L u,K Jumping Brave Kick M {SG} [WS],K Rising Kicks M,M A+B Blaze Wind M,M,M [SH] A+B,A Blaze Storm M,M,L f,[f],A+B Flying Edge M {SG} ^[d] ^End Laying Down [FD] df,A+B Dark Soul Impact L {SG} A+K,A Spin Kick to Slash H,H ^[A] ^Side Hold [SH] A+K,A,A,B Spin Kick to Slash Cross H,H,H,M ^[B] ^Base Hold [BH] A+K,A,A,d,A Spin Kick to Grounder H,H,L,L {SG} A+K,K Spin Kick Combo H,M f,[f],B+K Drop Kick H {SG} B+K Chief Hold [CH] f,B+K Base Hold [BH] b,B+K Side Hold [SH] --- Stances --- ---> Chief Hold Move Name Height Damage Note d/u,B+K Side Spin [CH] A Tera Sercure H,M [A] Tera Shift H [SH] B Tera Stomper M {SG} K,K Tera Belfree M,H f,B+K Base Hold [BH] b,B+K Side Hold [SH] ---> Base Hold Move Name Height Damage Note A Grieve Slice L {SG} [A] Grieve Shift L [CH] B Grieve Lifter L {SG} [B] Lifter Shift L [SH] B~A Air Divide M,M,M {SG} K Grieve Rum M {SG} A+B Fiend Shatter M {SG} B+K Chief Hold [CH] b,B+K Side Hold [SH] ---> Side Hold Move Name Height Damage Note A,A Double Phantom Slash L,H {SG} A,d,A Phantom Slash Grounder L,L {SG} B Phantom Dipper M [B] Phantom Shifer M [CH] B~A Soul Biter M {SG} K Phantom Toe Kick H {D*} B+K Chief Hold [CH] f,B+K Base Hold [BH] ---> 8 Way Run (ARS) Move Name Height Damage Note df/f/uf,A Right Slasher H {SG} d/u,A Wind Slash M {SG} db/b/ub,A Back Spin Slash H {SG} f,B Lock Splitter M {SG} [WC] f,B~A Helmet Divide M,M,M {SG} df/uf,B Sky Splitter M ^[B] ^End in Chief Hold [CH] d/u,B Sword Buster M ^[B] ^End in Base Hold [BH] d/u,B,f Gun Turret Buster M d/u,B,b Rampart Buster M {SG} d/u,B~G,B,B Armour Breaker M,L {SG} ^[B] ^Chief Hold [CH] d/u,B~G,B,K Break Kick M,M,L d/u,B,B,B Armour Breaker M,M,L {SG} ^[B] ^Chief Hold [CH] d/u,B,B,K Break Kick M,M,L {SG} d/u,B,d,A Buster Grounder M,L {SG} ^[b] ^Cancel to Chief Hold [CH] db/ub,B Shadow Impact L b,B,B Fatal Drive M,L {SG} b,[B],B Fatal Base Drive M,L {SG} [BH] f,K Slide df/uf,K Shoulder Charge M {SG} d/u,K,A Spin Kick to Slash H,H ^[A] ^Side Hold [SH] d/u,K,A,A,B Spin Kick to Slash Cross H,H,H,M ^[B] ^Base Hold [BH] d/u,K,A,A,d,A Spin Kick to Grounder H,H,L,L {SG} d/u,K,K Spin Kick Combo H,M db/b/ub,K Jumping Brave Kick M {SG} f,B+K Drop Kick H. {SG} df/d/db/ub/u/uf,B+K Spin to Chief Hold [CH] b,B+K Side Hold [SH] -------------------------------------------------------------- Soul Calibur xv. Rock Name: Rock Adams Weapon: Battle Axe |-------------------------| Weapon Name: Apocalypse | SPEED: ** | Style: Self Taught | POWER: **** | Age: 38 | RANGE: **** | Birth date: December 14th |-------------------------| Family: Parents Missing. Bringing up Native American Orphan, Bangoo Birth Place: London, Raised in the New Continent Height: 5ft 9 Weight: 187lbs Blood Type: Unknown Stage 7 Boss: Lizardman (in Rock's stage) OUTFITS: A - Minator Mask with golden fur outfit B - Minator skull with greys outfit K - Not Released === Moves === --- Notations --- --- Throws --- Move Name Break Height Damage G+A Rock Slam A H G+B Canyon Dive B H d,db,b,G+B Slam Vortex B H d,db,b,G+B,u/d,A+B Hyper Slam Vortex B H df,G+A Crack Driver A L d,G+A Hyper Dynamite Slam A . d,G+B Hyper Dynamite Slam B . [LEFT],throw Horn Fling A/B H [RIGHT],throw Face Crush Throw A/B H [BACK],throw Atomic Drop Maximum A/B H --- Attacks --- Move Name Height Damage Note A,A Gale Axe H,H {SG} A,B Swing Cannon H,M {SG} f,A Grip Shot H f,A,B Grip Crater H,M {SG} f,[f],A Axe Shot M f,[f],[A],B Tornado Spike M,M {SG} df,A Typhoon Axe H {SG} d,A Horizon Axe L [WC] db,A Cyclone Axe L {SG} [WC] b,A Reverse Breeze Axe H b,[b],A Rock Tomahawk M d,db,b,A,A,A Spiral Axe M,M,M [G],u,A Canyon Tomahawk L [WC] u,A Hill Tomahawk H {SG} [WS],A Reverse Spiral Axe H {SG} {D*} [WC],A,B Sunrise Axe L,M {SG} B,A Rock Steer M,H {SG} B,b,A Reverse Rock Steer M,H {SG} B,B Rock Crater M,M B,B,f Rock Launcher M,M {SG} {D*} B,f Rock Grip M {SG} f,B Axe Side Cannon M {SG} {D*} f,[f],B Gravity Axe H {SG} df,B Axe Volcano M d,B Mountain Crusher M [WC] db,B Hill Crusher L [WC] b,B Bear Fang M b,[b],B Rock Hammer Axe M. {SG} [G],u,B Hill Spliter M (CT) {SG} [WC] u,B Hill Chop M {SG} [WS],B Mountain Demolition M {SG} K Rock Front Kick H K~B Kneel Kick M {SG} f,K Rock Knee M f,[f],K Shoulder Tackle M {SG} [WC],df,K Shoulder Tackle M {SG} df,K,A Kick Vortex M,H {SG} df,[K],[A] Bear Kick Vortex M,M {SG} d,K Rock Bear Kick L [WC] db,K Horizontal Clip Kick L [WC] b,[b],K Rock Stomper M. {SG} [G],u,K Knee Buster L u,K Stomach Buster M [WS],K,A Round Vortex M,L {SG} A+B Storm Gust M {SG} df,A+B Axe Hurricane H {SG} b,A+B Tidal Wave M f,B+K Rock Press H d,df,f,B+K Ultimate Volcano M ! ^G ^Cancel [BK],B+K Back Side Grip M {SG} {D*} ---> 8 Way Run (ARS) Move Name Height Damage Note df/f/uf,A Axe Shot M df/f/uf,[A],B Tornado Spike M,M {SG} d/u,A,A Hunting Roar M,M {SG} db/ub,A Cyclone Axe L {SG} [WC] b,A Rock Tomahawk M f,B Gravity Axe H {SG} df/uf,B Axe Volcano M d/u,B Hunting Breaker Wave M {SG} db/b/ub,B Rock Hammer Axe M {SG} f,K Slide L df/uf,K Shoulder Tackle M d/u,K Hunting Quake M {PS} db/b/ub,K Rock Stomp Kick M ub/u/uf,A+B Axe Hurricane H {SG} db/d/df,A+B Reverse Axe Hurricane H {SG} f,B+K Rock Press H -------------------------------------------------------------- Soul Calibur xv. Seung Mina Name: Seung Mina Weapon: Ancestral Zanba-to |-------------------------| Weapon Name: Scarlet Thunder | SPEED: *** | Style: Seung's Long Blade and | POWER: ** | Ling-Sheng Su Style Rod | RANGE: **** | Age: 19 |-------------------------| Birth date: November 3rd Family: Father Seung Han Myong, mother and bother deceased Birth Place: Chili-san, Lee Dynasty Korea Height: 5ft 4 Weight: 106lbs Blood Type: A Stage 7 Boss: Hwang OUTFITS: A - Red Dress B - Green Dress with brown(?) body K - Not Released === Moves === --- Notations --- --- Throws --- Move Name Break Height Damage G+A Dropping Embrace A H G+B Crushing Soul B H [LEFT],throw Riding Mustang A/B H [RIGHT],throw Mina Frankensteiner A/B H [BACK],throw Stalk Cutter A/B H --- Attacks --- Move Name Height Damage Note A,A,B Wind Gale H,H,M {SG} A,A,d/u Gale Feint H,H A~A,B Gale Stream H,H,M {SG} f,A,K Blunting Kick H,H f,[f],A Strangling Flower H,H {SG} df,A Strangling Slash M {SG} d,A Sweeping Circle L [WC] db,A Biting Strike L [WC] b,A Shadow Step Slice L b,[b],A,A Wing Cross M,L [G],u,A Diving Bite L (CT) u,A Gale Cross M [WS],A Fang's Way M B,B Splitting Divide M,M B~K Sheng Mirage Kick H,M f,B,A Hidden Fang M,L f,B,B Thrusting Fang M,M f,[f],B Heavy Fall M {SG} df,B Lifting Heavens M d,B Air Parting M [WC] b,B Spinning Divide M {SG} b,[b],B Earth Poke L {SG} [G],u,B Rising Moon M {SG} [G],u,B Diving Heavens M {SG} u,B Moon Falling M {SG} [WS],B Lifting Wing M {SG} [WC],db,B Liquid Poke L {SG} [WC] l,B Willow Branch H {SG} K~B Gale Kick H,L f,K Banishment Kick M f,K~B Banishment M,H {SG} f,[f],K,K,K Circular Heaven Kicks M,M,H {SG} df,K Belly Crush M d,K Earth Kick L [WC] db,K,K Liquid Rising L,M {SG} b,K Fatal Kick M [AD] b,K~B Check Mate M,M {SG} [AD] b,[b],K Thunder Kick M {SG} [G],u,K Opening Kick H [G],u,K Falling Earth L [WC] u,K Quake Mask Kick H {SG} [WS],K Shattering Kick M {SG} G+K Retreating Fang H A+B,A,B Dancing Crane M,M,H,M {SG} A+B,A+B Heavy Crane M,M,M,M,M,M,M f,A+B Fang Barrage M,M,M,M,M b,A+B Spinning Ritual M,M,M,M b,A+B,B,B Rapid Spinning Ritual M,M,M,M,M,M {SG} df,A+B Opening Treasure L,throw d,A+B Rapid Earth L,L,L,L db,A+B Holding Treasure L,throw u,A+B Radiant Wing M {SG} uf,A+B Crushing Long Blade M ! ^G ^Cancel [WC],A+B Glory Fan M,M,M {SG} A+K Circular Blade Kick M {SG} f,A+K Zanba-to Smackdown H,H,H,H,H,H df,A+K Earth Fang L d,A+K Fang Sweep L {SG} db,A+K Power Fang Sweep L,L {SG} B+K Glory Wing M {SG} ^G ^Cancel f,B+K Wheel M,M {SG} d,B+K Rock Breaker L b,B+K Oak Branch L uf,B+K Heaven's Wheel M,M ---> 8 Way Run (ARS) Move Name Height Damage Note f,A Strangling Flower H,H {SG} rf,A,A Willow Divide H,H {SG} lf,A,A Heavy Willow M,M {SG} d/u,A,A Falling Fang Divide M,L {SG} d/u,A,B Black Wing M,M {SG} db/ub,A Sparrow Sweep L b,A,A Wing Cross M,L df/f/uf,B Heavy Fall M {SG} d/u,B Rising Void M {SG} db/ub,B Spinning Divide M {SG} b,B Earth Poke L {SG} f,K Slide L df/uf,K,K Wild Leaves M,M,M {SG} d/u,K~A Dark Curtain L,H db/b/ub,K Thunder Kick M {SG} df/f/uf,B+K Wheel M,M {SG} d/u,B+K Glory Wing M {SG} ^G ^Cancel -------------------------------------------------------------- Soul Calibur vii. Edge Master Name: Edge Master Weapon: All Weapons |-------------------------| Weapon Name: | SPEED: varies | Style: Any Style | POWER: varies | Age: Unknown | RANGE: varies | Birth date: January 1st |-------------------------| Family: Lived with Kilik for three years Birth Place: Unknown Height: 5ft 9 Weight: 176lbs Blood Type: O Stage 7 Boss: ? OUTFITS: A - ? B - ? K - Not Released === Moves === NOTE: Edge Master does not have any moves of his own, instead he impersonates other characters thus at the start of each match you will have to work out who's weapon he is holding to find out which moves to use. ============================================================== Soul Calibur I. Rumours Please note that nothing in this section has been confirmed or verified by me, nor have I been able to get a reliable source to confirm the information. All that is here are rumours about what people have said is in the game or what might happen, it may never happen or might have already happened I can't tell so until I can confirm it all rumours will go here. If you have any rumours about the game (please make sure there is some truth to it, don't just make up the wildest thing you can think of) then send them to mrmg@fighters.net NOTE: Any rumours from TC will be thrown straight into the trash but probably I've laughed at them. -------------------------------------------------------------- Soul Calibur Rumoured Time Release Characters: Li Long Toki Cervantes Soul Edge Seung Han Myong Unknown Soul as a Character Unknown Soul is Inferno's 2nd/3rd Outfit Arthur is Mitsurugi's 3rd Outfit Kunimitsu (Tekken 2) Other Tekken Characters Other Rumours: Astaroth is Bangoo All characters have third outfits Some stages have closed arenas (no ring outs) Season changes on all stanges ============================================================== Soul Calibur J. Credits Thank you for using this FAQ. I hope that you have found it useful and informative. Remember for the latest version of this FAQ go to fighters.net (http://www.fighters.net) the best source for fighting game information on the net. For more information about the game check Namco's offical site at www.soulcalibur.com. You might want to check my own Soul Calibur dedicated site at http://www.vibe.mcmail.com/soulcalibur/ and also the number one fan site by Wind-X, the Soul Calibur Network (http://luminpro. com/soulcalibur/). Finally whats left is for me to thank all those of have made this FAQ possible: Mr MG (me!) (mrmg@fighters.net / www.fighters.net) - Writting and Compiling of the FAQ Jarney and Kaipo (jarney@namco.com / www.soulcalibur.com) - Helping by making a great offical site for the game so that I could have the correct move names and damages. As well as providing a great system section (and soon Technical System section) which greatly helped this FAQs system to be correct Rugalz - Comments and information about the game Don 'Gamera' Chan - For keeping track of the japenese sites and message boards giving us the latest news on time release and other features Seph (seph@fighters.net / www.fighters.net) - Ascii Art and Comments Mishmashi (earmishima@hotmail.com) - Game Discussion, Comments and Proof Reading Three-11 (311@fighters.net / www.fighters.net) - Proof Reading and Comments CKA (cka@fighters.net / www.fighters.net) - Proof Reading and Comments Iron Frost - Proof Reading and Comments Iron Fist (dhwang99@hotmail.com) - Proof Reading and Game Discussion AL-X (al-x@fighters.net / www.fighters.net) - Proof Reading and Comments dfdp5 - Proof Reading and Comments The Faceless MasterT (faceless@fighters.net / www.fighters.net) - For Not Reading the FAQ When Everyone Else Did, Constantly Changing IRC Channel Topics, Logging Typos and For Reading the Credits Section TheLegend and Mr_Master (http://calibur.hypermart.net) - For hosting my message board (don't visit their site unless you want spoilers Wai Dat (waidat@flirble.org) - Competition / Game Discussion at Namco Station and Namco Wonderpark Lawrence, David, Roberto - And all the other staff at Namco Station, County Hall, who played against me (and probably lost =) Derrick Lynch (DerrickLynch@namco.co.uk / www.namco.co.uk) - For getting the game to the UK (especially Namco Station) quickly Fighters NET Message Board (www.fighters.net) - Thanks to everyone who posted about the FAQ or Soul Calibur on our message board. Namco's Soul Calibur Forum (www.soulcalibur.com) - Thanks to everyone who discussed time release, rumours and game tactics on the forum, special thanks to all those who helped with the FAQ from there. Soul Calibur Network Forum Combo Project (www.luminpro.com/soulcalibur/) - Thanks to all those who posted on the SCN message board about the game and special thanks to Wind-X for maintaining a great site. Namco Station, County Hall & Namco Wonderpark, Picadilly Circus - Thanks to all those who discussed game tactics and who played against me and let me try things out. #fighters.net, #soulcalibur and #tkn (IRC Chat on EF NET) #mkdomain (IRC Chat on Undernet) - Thanks to everyone on IRC who helped with the FAQ, proof reading or tactics. Thanks to anyone I've missed, if you think you're name should be on here tell me. If you have anything to add or correct in this FAQ please e-mail me at mrmg@fighters.net ============================================================== Soul Calibur WHO COULD IT BE? ?????????????? Patrick Hofmann