Secrets Can Kill FAQ/Walkthrough Meriane Norton 14 July, 2003 Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Characters 3. Settings (Locations) 4. Walkthrough 5. Extra Stuff 6. Credits 1. Introduction Good day mate. I'll be your tour guide for this afternoon. Welcome to Nancy Drew: Secrets Can Kill walkthrough. Secrets Can Kill is an adventure game created by Her Interactive ( and marketed by Dream Catcher Games ( Everything in this game is CRUCIAL to its outcome. You have to read and/or look at everything. If you don't, 1. The game will freeze and you'll have to start over, or 2. You'll get stuck and can't figure how to get out. I'll make a list of what you'll be looking at when you get there. Ready to go? Take a bit at the characters and scenery, then on to the game. 2. Characters Nancy Drew: You play as this lady. Intuitive, and smarter than I, she has a magnet for attracting friends. However, all her friends aren't so honest as she... Eloise Drew: Your aunt. You'll be staying at her house while you solve this mystery. She isn't home at the moment, but she begs you to make yourself welcome and have a look around. Hector "Hulk" Sanchez: *bangs head against keyboard* I hate this guy. You'll see why soon. Connie Porter: A nice girl. A bit suspicious at times, however. I would be too. Nancy does ask a multitude of questions. Hal Tanaka: An exchange student from Japan. A bit overworked and--but you'll see what I mean in a moment. Daryl Gray: He's helpful, cute and sweet. But guys that flirt so much just turn me off. Sorry then. Jake Rogers: Not exactly a character, but I couldn't leave him out. He's the guy that's been killed. 3. Settings (Loacations) Aunt Eloise's House: Not too much to do here but for the start of the game. There's a television that comes in quite handy later on. High School: This is where the main characters gather, and is also the scene of the crime. Maxine's Diner: Where Daryl works. Not much to do here but for a time. Pharmacy: You might wonder what a pharmacy is doing in a murder mystery. You'll see... 4. Walkthrough Click on Juniour Detective. Watch the opening scene. Aunt Eloise's House Walk over to read the note on the desk. Open a drawer on the desk and pick up the phone card. Walk into the living room. Look at the book next to the big chair. "Hidden Clues are Everywhere" reads MITCH in bright green letters. Turn around and read one book to the right of the television (it's in the cabinet). Inside is a key. Take it and use it to open the chest to your right. Get a quarter. Open a drawer on the table and get a remote to the telly. You can't use it yet. Read a letter in the same drawer. Letters at the top spell something like GOKS. Go back into the foyer and click on a tapestry in the corner. Open it and a safe comes up. Enter GOKS or whatever. Inside is the key to the library, and there's a puzzle. Try the puzzle if you want. I can't open it. The UHS help file (linked to by says that inside the box when you open it is the pass code for a computer in the high school. User name: Eloise Drew Password: O WISE ELDER That's all there is to do here, so save your game and exit the house via the big double doors. High School Look at all the decorations in the foyer. Turn to the right and go down the hall. Turn around slowly until you're facing a bulletin board and a note on the floor. There's a number on the note. 555-DRUG. Remember that. Look at the bulletin board. Turn around and look at another board. A code says "SEARCH BELOW DANGER SIGN IN KITCHEN". Click on a telephone symbol out in the hall. On the floow in this room is a library card. Read some magazines. Walk over to the phones and touch the phone book. Part of a page has been ripped out. I think it's time to call that number now. Insert your phone card and dial 555-DRUG. "Unforeseen depletions"? Fascinating. Read another bulletin board. Now you can talk to the girl. Ask her everything you can. You might have to talk to her again to get all of it. Go out of the room and turn right. Read the board in this room. "Jake's locker combo Was part of his fame. Just find a phone To decode his name." Talk to Hall Talk to him again after he says goodbye and you can ask him about Connie. Go out and look at the art and boards. Double doors lead to the library. Don't go there yet. One board reads "When things go astray Tonight at Vandelay It will not help to run So you must grab the gun!" Another says "There's more than one way To remove a chain so thick Aside from the combination Mel's bolt cutter can do the trick." Continue down the hall and another board says "In the face of danger Against a killer if you dare A very unlikely couple Could be a helpful pair." Another board on down the hall reads "Find the morning edition And discover another crime. The answer is in black and white To who will do the time." Go to Jake's locker. It's the one with yellow tape. The ombination is 5253, or JAKE on a phone. Read "Judo Today" and pick up the empty tape holder. Read English Essays. Click on Jake's jacket to go down. Pick up the knife and read the paper. Go then to the gym and read the board. "Nowhere to turn to, Nowhere to hide. Let the books in the library Be your answer guide." "A symbol of Kanji Worn with great pride Reflects a big secret That someone must hide." "He did what it took To make his grade Even if it meant cheating To keep up his charade." An eye-examining chart on the walls says (backwards) "If you can read this, make no mistake A genuine first-class detective you'll make." Talk to Hulk. Talk to him again. Talk until he's angry, or, rather, "not into pushy girls". Now go back and talk to Connie and Hal. Talk until they're silent. Then go to the library. Use the silver key to get in. This is like the bulletin boards. Everything is critical! So here's a list of what you need to look at: SAT Preparation (sabatoge should cause concern, but with the gloves, you will not burn) Kanji book Morse code book (tape, VCR, find) Braile book Maps (the bolt cutter you must take, or you could be the next Jake!) call cards Magazines (ESSENTIAL!!) Various books Dream symbols book (don't run Nancy) Don't forget upstairs too! A notepad with a code I'm too lazy to decipher Various books Go out and talk to the others. Go out side and click on the high school again. Walk right until you see a window. Use the knife on the window to get into the teacher's lounge. Despite the scary music, you will not get caught in here. So take your time. Click on the computer and type your user name and password. Look at everything and copy down the passcode to the maintenence room: NOTE. Check out the administration board. The letters going down say "Tanaka Cheats". A map on the wall says "A trophy was not the only prize But also money of a greater size." Check out the student files, the one for Hal Tanaka. Go back inside the school and confront Hal for cheating. Finally, save your game and leave. Maxine's Diner Look at the menu in front of you. Red letter spell "soupl ladle, bolt cutter". Turn to your right and put a quarter into the juke box. Notice the song titles. haha. Go into the kitchen, A cutting board under a knife says "Watch out". Get a soup ladle from a box on the sink. Click below the knife to see a pair of bolt cutters holding up a pipe. Grab them and replace them with the ladle if you do not want to die a horrible death. Go out and talk to Daryl. He tells you some important things about Jake's murder. Talk to him again. He tells you there is a note for you. Click on the counter beside Daryl. Save your game and go out. High School Go inside and check out a door that says "Maitenence Room". Its lock is in Braile. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NOTE. Go in. You're facing an elevator. Click the button. In the boiler room, read "Emergency instructions" to the left. Click on a box and get gloves. Use the bolt cutters on the chains binding the boiler valves. Once you do that, there's a timed bomb set off. Grab the gloves to put them on. You have to make the valves under the levers match those of the wall. One click on the left lever makes the middle one work. Two click on the left lever and one on the middle makes the right on move. Good luck! When you have it, turn to go out. The elevator's broken! To the boiler's right, hidden in the shadows, is a ventilation shaft. Go through it. Pick up the tape. Aunt Eloise's House Click on the television with the remote. Put the tape in. Tach Jake's video of his classmates. Save your game and go to the high school. High School Talk to the others, making them confess. Hal won't confess, because he already told you he had been cheating. Maxine's Diner Talk to Daryl. He says he'll help you catch Mitch. Go to the high school. High School Talk to them, trying to get their help. Sexist pigs. Nobody cares. Go back out. Pharmacy You get there and Daryl and Mitch are fighting. Mitch pulls out a gun. Connie jumps in and hits Mitch, making him drop the gun. You automatically pick it up. Really fast, point it at Mitch's back and use it. You might have to do it a couple of times. When you get it right, the cops come. You've won! Watch the end sequence. The game she's talking about is "Stay Tuned for Danger". I have an FAQ for that as well on 5. Extra Stuff The book you get the key from is entitled "Secrets Can Kill", and reads like the end sequence. Fifteen Magazine. Neopolitan magazine. Some numbers you can call to get a funny reply. 555-TONY 555-4855 555-JUDO 1-800-432-JOIN 555-5253 (Jake's locker) POPSI in the soda machine lol There are several famous paintings hanging in the library. "The Story of Her Interactive, and the Making of Nancy Drew" in the library. Various Nancy Drew books make cameos in the library, under the author name of several people involved in the production of "Secrets Can Kill". You can mess around with the pinball table in the diner using your quarter. 6. Credits Amen and holla back. I'd like to thank that dude that wrote the UHS help file, otherwise I'd still be stuck in that boiler room. *screams inwardly* Meriane