Rayman 2: The Great Escape (PC) Boss FAQ Written by Thunderbird *********************************************************************** Copyright Notice *********************************************************************** This FAQ is copyright (c) 2002 by Sean Taylor This FAQ is merely intended to assist you, the reader, with the bosses that you will find in Rayman 2: The Great Escape for the PC. You may not post it elsewhere without first asking for permission. You may not modify this FAQ and then post it as your original work. You may not use this FAQ for money making purposes (this includes running ads on the same page as this FAQ). If this FAQ is posted on your site (with permission), it may not be placed in an area that requires a special membership (paid or otherwise) to access. If you would like to ask permission to post this FAQ on your site, please email me at thunderbird@shatteredstar.com and I'll probably allow you to do so. *********************************************************************** Copyright Notice *********************************************************************** Revision History V0.9- First version of the FAQ, mostly complete V1.0- Completed the game itself, changes done to the final boss (once I reached his second phase) Table of Contents 1. FAQ introduction 2. List of bosses 2.1. Axel 2.2. Umber 2.3. Foutch 2.4. Clark 2.5. Grolgoth (Razorbeard) Phase One 2.6. Grolgoth (Razorbeard) Phase Two 3. Conclusion 1. FAQ Introduction When I came upon the first boss of Rayman 2 not long after buying this great game, I was completely baffled about how to proceed. I did manage to figure it out without having to consult any online sources, but later on when I looked at GameFAQs (the best site for gaming information IMO), there was no specific FAQ tailored to the bosses of this game, and finding the information in the single complete walkthrough that was posted (which wasn't even for the PC version of the game) proved hard. So I decided to make a FAQ tailored specifically for taking out the bosses of the game while trying to avoid spoiling the plot by describing each level in detail. 2. List of Bosses 2.1. Axel Not too terribly difficult to overcome, but not too easy for the first boss. As noted by Ly, you have to somehow drop the stalagmite in the rear on top of him. Problem is, he's nowhere near it, and the shots you fire at him have no effect in making him back up. You also cannot pursue him up the slope because it is slippery and will cause you to come right back down. The key to defeating him is the purple lums that wander above him. Grab onto the first one and you'll see the second one come into view. Jump off and repeat the process. Make sure you only make your jump shortly after he fires one of his icicles at you or else you could easily fall back onto the slope and have to start over. Move around on the lum to avoid his shots, as if one hits you, it will knock you off. Once you reach the last lum, jump off and fire at the stalagmite at the top (Rayman's shots will go directly for it). You only need to do this once to take him out of commission. Afterwards, scale the lums again (Axel was changed into a purple lum over the last gap) and collect the 1st mask. If you revisit his level to collect more yellow lums, you will not need to face him again. Obviously though, you will need to scale the lums again, and the boss music for him will play while you're doing this. 2.2. Umber It is a mystery why this weird boss is the guardian of the Sanctuary of Stone and Fire. He doesn't even require a strategy to defeat, but since the game lists him as a guardian, I'll cover his strategy here. No directions are given to you for defeating him, but it's very simple. After making him activate, you'll see him stop at an area just below a yellow lum (it won't be there if you return to this stage, but he'll be somewhere in the center). Simply jump on his head (he won't harm you) and watch him carry you to the edge. Once you regain control, you will need to jump off his head quickly or else Rayman cannot jump off in time. If you manage to end up off the sides (you will need to go down once to place the blue crystal), use the purple lum that came down here to get back up. Go on to collect the 2nd mask. Because facing this boss is required to get across to the end, you will meet him every time you come to this area, even if you already have the mask here. 2.3. Foutch This boss is very difficult. You might think at first that he's in the Sanctuary of Rock and Lava, but this is not the case (he's underneath it in the next level). During the introduction where he's appearing, he will cause Rayman to lose his ability to fly with his helicopter (you really think the game would have let you keep that ability after this stage?) and the fight will take place on the ground (mostly). Once the battle begins, it is well advised for you to run around the room jumping to avoid his blazes of fire (if he shoots a vertical one, move to a side to dodge it). Once you come up to a spider web, jump on it and shoot the stalagmite to drop it on his head and shave away roughly 1/3 of his life bar. After the first hit, he'll add the vertical fire streams into the mix and the frequency of his shots will increase. Once he gets nailed with a stalagmite for the 2nd time, the shot frequency will be even greater, but no new tricks will be utilized. Drop the last stalagmite on his head and watch him perish. Go on to collect the 3rd mask. Thankfully, you do not need to face him again should you revisit this stage, but Rayman will still lose his helicopter ability upon leaving (either through the entrance or the exit). 2.4. Clark You may be wondering why Clark is classified as a boss. He seemed pretty friendly in the Menhir Hills. If you look closely during the boss introduction, you will notice a big box on his back. Clark is being controlled by one of the pirates and you will have to destroy the box controlling him (hitting him directly has no effect). Hitting the box is easier said than done though. Most of the time he's headed straight for you to try and toss you around the room. In order to hit the box on his back, you need to make him fall flat on his face. Since he won't do it on his own, you need to find a device to make him trip. The three buttons lining the back wall will do the trick, but if you remember from earlier levels, you will know that these buttons are timed (they will deactivate after a predetermined amount of time). All three need to be active to have an effect. Once the forcefield over the red line is active, jump across it and Clark will follow, tripping over it. Shoot the box on his back (you don't have time to charge a shot) to damage it. You may have time to trip him up a second time before the forcefield shuts off, so take advantage of the opportunity. It will take a bit to bring him down, but with enough perseverance, you should manage it. Clark will revert to normal after the box is destroyed. 2.5. Grolgoth (Razorbeard) Phase One This guy is a real pain in the neck. His life bar is huge, and hitting him with the right weapon doesn't do much damage to him. Your shots have absolutely no effect on him. In order to hit him, you need to make one of the bombs hit him (shooting them will cause them to rebound). However, direct shots will make him move out of the way. One strategy consists of shooting the three bombs in different directions, making him hit one as he scuttles out of the way of another. Or you can send all three while Rayman is going left or right and you might be able to hit him. It is fairly difficult however. Razorbeard has some other attacks to supplement his bomb flinging however. If he takes a hit, he'll be in the air for a bit shooting energy balls at you (similar to the other pirates' weapons). Dodge these as best you can (it may be helpful to let go of your strafe key/button). His other attack involves him flying high up into the air and coming down HARD. This is often easy to avoid as long as you are moving (do not use the strafe function or you will take a hit). If he misses you with this, he may try and step on you. If you are far enough away, he'll miss and resume his bomb chucking. This first phase of his takes only 3 hits with barrel bombs, and it can be quite easy once you figure out a pattern. 2.6. Grolgoth (Razorbeard) Phase Two Thought the first battle was bad? This gets even harder. In between the battles with Razorbeard you will see a cinematic (in the Rayman style of cinematics) where Rayman seems to get some more power (no power is actually described though). Rayman gets some encouragement from Ly, finds a shell in the Crow's Nest (which seems to have taken a liking to him) and hops on. You will complete this phase of the battle while on the flying shell. Razorbeard is even harder to defeat here. His life bar is unchanged from what he was at when he tried to stomp Rayman and fell through. Rayman cannot fire while on the shell, and since he's on it for the duration of this battle, you need to find a way to damage the Grolgoth machine. Simple. Notice the two cavern areas in this small area? One of the two (it's random) contains a sparkling item at the far end. Have Rayman fly over it and he will gain 5 web shots. It can be a little difficult getting back out, especially in late in the battle. Once you get back out, shoot both hands that are holding onto poles and watch Grolgoth burn its butt for a little bit. After taking a hit to the lava the first time, Razorbeard will launch 2 energy shots at you (accompanied by a voice quote from him, which varies). They are unlike normal shots in that they seek you out. Going straight, they are faster than you, so be sure to zigzag about. If they both hit something (other than Rayman's shell), Razorbeard may or may not replenish them (it's been variable in my experience). Simply continue the pattern of shooting his hands and watching him burn for a bit. If no energy shots are present when you nail Razorbeard, you can expect him to remedy that quickly after he gets up off the lava. You may or may not want to save that extra shot you'll have after hitting Razorbeard twice, it's your call (I've trashed him both ways). Should you choose not to hit Razorbeard with it, fire it off to get the weapon energy sparkles to reappear. Once Razorbeard has taken 4 hits on the lava, he will increase the stakes by causing the lava to rise approximately 1-2 seconds after you enter a cavern area. You'll need to get out quickly. I think it takes about 7-8 hits on the lava to put an end to his machine. Once you have done this, simply sit back and watch the ending! A couple of things to note: If you die (by hitting the walls or the lava), Razorbeard's life bar will reset to what it was when the battle began. All of his attacks are reset too, but Rayman's life bar is reduced since he bit the dust. Second note: It might not be obvious, but you will have to refight this boss every time you visit the Crow's Nest (no real need to revisit this place, as it has no Lums or cages), but the opening level cinematic will be skipped. 3. Conclusion I'd like to thank the following groups: UbiSoft for making this great game GameFAQs for posting this FAQ Have I missed anything? Do you have a strategy that I don't know about? Feel free to email me at thunderbird@shatteredstar.com and I will add your tip here (and give you proper credit of course).