IMPERIUM GALACTICA 2 FAQ ________________________________________________________________________________ Author: Trombo Version 1.1 (11-11-2000) DISCLAIMER Take note that this is my first FAQ, so it may be a little ugly. The other problem is that my kra`hen cd donīt works, so if someone could send me some ideas I would appreciate that. I'm hoping that tips/strategies/hints from you are coming when I'm doing this FAQ (It's a matter of organization). So if you have downloaded this FAQ (If you are reading this it's because you downloaded it) and know any tip/strat/hint and you think it could be useful in this FAQ mail me, I'll read every mail and answer them. Donīt forget that this FAQ is to everyone :). ________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS Disclaimer Fights In Space In Ground Colony The Auto-Bld Features Buildings Civilian Buildings Industrial Buildings Military Buildings Commercial Buildings Spiyng Races Solarian Opening movie Messages Shinari Opening movie Messages Revision History Legal Stuff ________________________________________________________________________________ FIGHTS In Space - The first thing to do before entering a battle is to know how much ships the enemy has and how much ships you have. Always take in count the technology the enemy has and yours. And forget the number of fighters that the enemy has even it is more than 250, you can always destroy them if you have some big ships. Of course that you will lose if you only have 2 or 3 small destroyers. Always concentrate your fire of the entire fleet on one enemy ship than have the computer decide which ship attacks which, because the computer spreads the fires by every ship. By concentrating your fire will destroy the ships in a matter of seconds without losing any of your ship. The fighter IMO only work as a kind of support other by distracting the enemy ships or by helping the battle, but the fighters donīt do many damage and you can't redesign them. In Ground- If you are attacking first destroy the enemy tanks because they will be all together near a fortress waiting for you to come and the attack. This is bad because you will have to attack a fortress and the tanks and your fire will not be very concentrated. So you must destroy them before they agglomerate or by distracting them to a place were are no fortresses and then kill them. With the fortresses the thing is different. They can't move and some of them have a high firepower, many health and many turrets. I prefer to attack the fortress than taking the turrets one by one. The air strike pod and laser strike pod are a fine weapon but inaccurate. It's better to spend all of them before going in with the tanks, and in many cases they can destroy everything without moving the tanks! As I have said they are pretty inaccurate so you will need 2 or 3 Air Strike Pods to destroy a Machine Gun Fortress for example. But if the enemy fortresses are all together aim for the space between them and you will hit both. The Air Strike pod you call fighters to bombard (I donīt know if it will work if you have not fighters) and it's weaker than the Laser Pod. The Laser Pod will call the big ships to fire a bunch of lasers and will destroy a Machine Gun Fortress with one shot if you are lucky. I think that after 20 tanks they will group up appearing the number of tanks. This means that you will see one tank but it's three and when one dies the number decreases and you will continue to see one tank. This is good because the tanks will arrive one by one and when the second arrives the first is already being damaged. But when you have three tanks in one it's the firepower of three taking damage and one being damaged. And your screen won't be full of little tanks firing like crazy! ________________________________________________________________________________ COLONY When you start a game the first thing to do is search and colonize a few planets and assign them to some Auto-Building like Technological, Trade, Spy Centres and Production. In this way you will get a Trade Port, Spy Centres and some Tech buildings so you can research and a way to make new ships. Later you can put another Auto-Bld when you have more planets or all is done. The Auto-Bld is very useful because you can't assign what every planet will build and when you have a large empire that is impossible. I never select the civilian Auto-Bld because the only thing I think it does is to make population and to attend the planet problems like food or workers shortage. The other Auto-Bld features also to that and the population rises alone. I prefer to select Military because it builds fortresses and planetary guns to defend my planets. It may be more expensive but only in the early stage of the game you have money problems. -The Auto-Building Features - Civilian - Only build houses and attends to the planets problems (see above). Military - Builds planet fortresses, planetary guns and shields. Production - Builds Ships and Tank Factories. Technological - Builds Ships, Tanks, and Building research factories. Ship Production - Only builds Ships Factories Tank Production - Only builds Tanks Factories. Trade - Builds Trade Ports. Spy Centres - Builds Spy Centres (DUH!) I prefer Production to Ship or Tank Production because with production you can build ships and tanks at the same time. I only select Spy Canters one time and when all the 12 Spy Centres are done, (it's one Spy canter for one spy and you can only have 12) you can assign another thing. I put Technological in three or four planets and again I take it out when I donīt need more. When you defeat an enemy planet assign it immediately to Military so it builds some defences because the enemy will try to caught it when they are unarmed. The enemy can also caught a planet when a fortress is in the building phase so if it finishes it's in the possession of the enemy, and when you go to re-conquest the enemy that planet as a fortress that you have sent build. The priorities are the amount of money given to the planets. Higher priority will give more money to the planet. I think that priority are only useful in war when you conquer a planet where you need to build fast. The planets near other that produces ships or tanks, or that are building defences can also have an higher priority. ________________________________________________________________________________ BUILDINGS -Civilian Buildings- _____________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | NAME | COST | ENERGY | WORKERS | PROVIDES | |________________|__________|___________|___________|_________________| | | | | | | | Small House | 4000 | 100 | 150 | 7000 Workers | |________________|__________|___________|___________|_________________| | | | | | | | Large House | 6000 | 150 | 150 | 12000 Workers | |________________|__________|___________|___________|_________________| | | | | | | | Colony Hub | 10000 | 0 | 500 | | |________________|__________|___________|___________|_________________| | | | | | | | Food Factory | 6000 | 300 | 300 | 9000 workers | |________________|__________|___________|___________|_________________| | | | | | | | Auto Food Fac. | 10000 | 450 | 400 | 18000 workers | |________________|__________|___________|___________|_________________| | | | | | | | Hospital | 5000 | 200 | 300 | 8000 workers | |________________|__________|___________|___________|_________________| | | | | | | |Police Station | 5000 | 150 | 400 | 15000 workers | |________________|__________|___________|___________|_________________| | | | | | | | Fire Brigade | 5000 | 300 | 250 | | |________________|__________|___________|___________|_________________| | | | | | | | Park | 5000 | 50 | 50 | | |________________|__________|___________|___________|_________________| | | | | | | | Bar | 8000 | 50 | 100 | | |________________|__________|___________|___________|_________________| | | | | | | |Recreation Cent | 10000 | 150 | 350 | | |________________|__________|___________|___________|_________________| | | | | | | | Stadium | 20000 | 450 | 600 | | |________________|__________|___________|___________|_________________| -Military Buildings- _____________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | |Planetary Gun 1 | 5000 | 400 | 1000 | | |_______________ |__________|__________|____________|_________________| | | | | | | |Planetary Gun 2 | 10000 | 500 | 1500 | | |_______________ |__________|__________|____________|_________________| | | | | | | |Planetary Gun 3 | 15000 | 1000 | 2000 | | |________________|__________|__________|____________|_________________| | | | | | | |Planetary Gun 4 | 2000 | 12000 | 25000 | | |________________|__________|__________|____________|_________________| | | | | | | |Rocket Fortress | 5000 | 0 | 1000 | | |________________|__________|__________|____________|_________________| | | | | | | |Machine Gun Fort| 10000 | 0 | 1500 | | |________________|__________|__________|____________|_________________| | | | | | | | Laser Fortress | 15000 | 0 | 2000 | | |________________|__________|__________|____________|_________________| | | | | | | | Heavy Fortress | 20000 | 0 | 25000 | | |________________|__________|__________|____________|_________________| | | | | | | | Planet Shield | 20000 | 350 | 200 | | |________________|__________|__________|____________|_________________| | | | | | | |Adv. Planet Shld| 25000 | 750 | 300 | | |________________|__________|__________|____________|_________________| -Commercial Buildings- _____________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | Trade Centre | 10000 | 100 | 5000 | | |________________|__________|__________|____________|_________________| | | | | | | | Bank | 20000 | 100 | 3000 | | |________________|__________|__________|____________|_________________| | | | | | | | Trade Port | 10000 | 700 | 2000 | | |________________|__________|__________|____________|_________________| | | | | | | | Fusion Plant | 3000 | 0 | 300 | 600 | |________________|__________|__________|____________|_________________| | | | | | | | Solar Plant | 4000 | 0 | 400 | 1000 | |________________|__________|__________|____________|_________________| | | | | | | | Magma Plant | 5000 | 0 | 500 | 1995 | |________________|__________|__________|____________|_________________| | | | | | | | Mezon Plant | 6000 | 0 | 600 | 2000 | |________________|__________|__________|____________|_________________| When I say that the Food Factory provides 9000 workers I mean that provides food for 9000 workers. With the Hospital and the Police Station it's the same thing, the Hospital provides assistance to 8000 workers and the Police Station provides security to 15000 workers. That's the way I think this works and if I'm wrong say something. ________________________________________________________________________________ SPIYNG The spies are very useful, even more if you are playing with the Shinari. They can acquire information, steal credits or inventions, kill enemy spies or incite some revolts in other planets. The spies will appear periodically for hire. When some appears, a message will say that he is waiting for you. Go to the spying menu to see the new spy. Here you can see the information about the new spy. In the early phase of the game, you should hire every spy even if it's on level 1 with everything on 1, because they will improve later. In an advanced phase, choose only the good ones. You have only space for 12 spies, which consist in one spy centre to one spy. Therefore, you only need 12 spies centres. To train the spies you have 5 options. Each one costs more than another and gives more experience, but missions give more experience than training. You have also the percentage of succeeding in some jobs. If the percentage is low it's a bit risky to send the spies, cause they can be captured and killed. Send only with high percentage of succeeding. When you manage to capture an enemy spy, you have the options to kill him, having him joining your empire or becoming him a double agent. If the enemy has a poor rank kill him, it's one spy less for the enemy empire and one less to bug you. If the loyalty is low make him and double agent, he will have a super probability of succeeding the mission only against his empire. Alternatively, you can have them joining you team. In peacetime put every spy in Counter Intelligence so, they will prevent attacks to your empire. In wartime, choose the best spies to sabotage ships and building and one very good spy to incite revolt or to assassinate leader. These two are very difficult to accomplish. With the sabotage of ships, the enemy fleets will become weaker, so it's better if you choose first bigger ships to destroy. With the buildings, choose only fortresses so you have less opposition waiting for you. The incite revolt has only one problem: the planet in cause can become neutral or rebel or join an empire. The problem is that they will join the empire with better relations and that can be any empire. The information you can obtain in the spying menu it's these: Name - Shows the name of the spy. Race - Shows the race of the spy (It can appear some races that aren't in the game). Xp - Now were getting into interesting ones. The Xp shows the total experience that the spy has. More experience means better spy. This experience can be raise by training or successful missions. The type of mission affects the type of improvements. Rank - This is the rank of the spy. Usually higher is better but sometimes it isnīt that. The spy can be level 99 and be level 1 in all areas except the loyalty. I now that loyalty is very beautiful, but isnīt very useful. When hiring a new spy have attention in the combat and infiltrate areas. Infiltrate - This is the capability in infiltrate in other empire without being noticed. This is good when you send your spy to work in other empire. Counter Int. - This is better when you select the Counter Intelligence option. Counter Intelligence is the capability of catching enemy spies working against you. Combat - If you order your spy to hunt enemy spies or assassinate leaders you must have this area very high. Sometimes a spy can't kill another because one spy is stronger than other. Loyalty - Having this high prevents your spy to work as a double agent or becoming an enemy spy. ________________________________________________________________________________ RACES There are 3 races in the game: The Solarian, The Shinari and The Kraīhen. Each race has it's specifications. SOLARIAN The Solarian are the most average race in the game, although their research is faster and cheaper. They have a storyline that consists in finding four special crystals that is give you some special power (I have not found all four). The problem is that you probably will beat all the other races before you find the crystals. -Opening Movie - (Yet to be completed) -Messages - Here I will post the messages by chronological order that appeared in my game. These messages are a bit random and can appear in other time in other game and some of them can even not appear. Unidentified Ship closing in - Your advisor says that unidentified ships are approaching and that they have enough power to attack. Your mission is to destroy that ships. When you do that you will win an alien ship design Terrorists threaten to release a virus - A terrorist faction claims that they have stolen a virus from one of your laboratories and say that they will release the virus if you do not pay a random fee (7000 credits in my game). I donīt know if you have the choice to choose if you pay or if you attack but you advisor advises you to attack. If exists a choice I said no, so the terrorist say that he will release the virus. A ship appears in the map going towards one of your planet and you must destroy it. I donīt know what happens if the ship is not destroyed and what are the consequences because I destroyed it. Treasure map found - Your advisor says that a scientist has found a treasure map during his research and that treasure is in one planet. It appears that the map as the name but that name should be obsolete so you must send a fleet to every planet of that name. When you encounter the planet a new message will say that the treasure was true and that theyīve found some money (20000 in my game) Small riots disturb our cities - Your advisor informs you that a group called Brotherhood of Tears is asking governmental aid to search the Tears, which they claim is the lost heritage of men. You advisor says too that the support of this group is growing. Here is the first time you ear about the crystal and the brotherhood of tears. Morgan Kam`r - Offering the services of my son and I - This Trademan is asking you to put his son in your spying agency. He also says that if you do this he will search and upgrade your new ships that you have designed. News about the recent problems - Before this message arrives you will see a neat cutscene (they are all neat) in which a man driving a tank shoot upon his teammates. After this you will receive a message saying that in some planet there are alucinacion drugs and to solve this problem you need to invest in medical research, this is to make new hospital. At least two will do. Software pirates entered our system - The governor says that a group of pirates has cracked the bank security codes and accessed the transaction system stealing the taxes. Later the governor will say that that pirates have been caught but there's no trace of the money. (I donīt know if they could find the money or is it in this way) New pirate threat - It appears that there's a rebellion in one of the planets caused by a crime syndicate that occupied the governmental buildings and the police stations. Your objective is to build more police stations on that planet. Two or three should do. When all is resolved a message comes and says that everything is all right and the morale has boosted 20% and there's a new design of a fortress. Juno Leoni - This man claims to be an inventor and he has an invention to sale. Some inventions are true, others not like weapons to destroy planet or to move planets. I once get a Mezon Plant for 15000 credits. Banking System Malfunction - Your Fleet Advisor says that the intergalactic system has malfunctioned and that trader fleets must transport the taxes The problem is that these trader fleets are very weak and the pirates already know this, so they will be for some easy money. T his can only end capturing the pirate's base or destroying the pirate's fleet. Ion storm damaged our radars - A freak ion storm has affected one planet and his radars donīt work. This ends over some time. ________________________________________________________________________________ SHINARI They are the diplomats and merchants in this game. They have a good relation with the traders league and even do some jobs for them. Their spies are also very good having the double chances of succeeding a mission. Their trade agreements also have the double outcome. They can easily foul and lit to the enemies. Never trust these guys. -Opening Movie- In this movie we see a merchant asking for Shinari escort. they agree but in the middle of the escort they turn against the merchant stealing it's cargo. It seems that the merchant didn't said everything about it. -Messages- The messages I post here concern only to the Shinari. For information about the common messages see the Solarian messages. Again these messages are posted in chronological order of my game. New about a forthcoming call - You advisor says that a number of traders have been making inquiries as to your production output. It seems that the Traders League is sizing you up and that could increase the trade income. Merchant - New offer - A merchant says that a customer has placed an order for light tanks (wheeled tanks). If you want you can build these tanks in a certain planet that he will give you a reward. Merchant - New offer: Spaceships wanted - Now the merchant wants mid sized ships (destroyers). So you must build destroyers and sell them for double the money. Volcanic activity increased recently - A planet has some anomalous seismic phenomena and the volcanic activity has increased. a scientist says that a Prof. Zaschkin can solve the problem but he his now working for other empire. You must go to the spying menu and choose Locate Prof. Zaschkin. Chance to invite Prof. Zaschkin - Your agent says that the Prof. Zaschkin is working in a military project but is unhappy with is situation and is leaving. You can catch him in 30 days. Prof. Zaschkin rescued - The Fleet Commander says that they rescued the professor and he is going to the planet in 10 days About my recent findings - Prof. Zaschkin says that the planet is doomed if you donīt research a new invention, the Thermal-Cooler. He also brings a new alien ship design. Research completed - The governor informs you that the planet condition is under control. The morale in that planet boosts and Prof. Zaschkin influence boost your research capability in 25%. Pergan - Do you want some information? - This Pergan has an offer to do. He offers information about the fleets outside your radar, of course, for a small fee. Now what will happen is that this trader will gain a small radar so you can see where he is going. Help in creating a trade agreement - The chairman of traders comes to you to propose a trade agreement between some empire. Note that you will not pay anything. Research cooperation offered - Some empire will ask you fo research cooperation. You can accpet or refuse and wonīt pay anithing but the pact will end some time later. News about the Solarian Empire - Your advisor says that they caught some information about the Brotherhood of Tears. This story will continue to evolve with more messages until they found the cristals. We have discovered interesting rocks - A cristal has been found in one cave and the governor wants 2000 credits to put it in a theme park, that will generate some funds. You have the option to accept and to refuse. I think thatīs better to refuse because the solarian could do something about it. Meteorites heading for your colony - Before this message a cutscene will appear, showing some asterois approaching a planet. In the message a scientist orders you to destroy it with your fleet. The asteroid will appear in the tactical map. Report about recent pirate activity - The Governor asks you to destroy a group of pirates in a certain planet. Send a fleet with some tanks and the job is done. In my game, this was the last planet of pirates so the traders league offers you a 20% discount in trade. Mineral quarry found - A Scientist says that they found a quarry mine in a planet, so the productivity in factories have a bonus of 20% A serious problem requires your help - The chairman of the Traders League needs your help to save his daughter, that was kidnapped by some pirates. The problem is that they have she in an Auto-Destructive Building so you need many tanks to occupy the planet before it blows. Finish this and the chairman wants to recompensate. You can ask for discount in trades, having his daughter has an financial advisor or asking nothing. If you choose the financial advisor you will not win nothing but if you choose to ask for nothing he will give you 500000 credits and a monthly payment of 125000 credits. ________________________________________________________________________________ REVISION HISTORY Version 1.1 (11-11-2000) - More Shinari messages Version 1.0 (8-11-2000) - Added some Shinari information - Added the Spying Menu Version 0.6 (12-10-2000) - Now on GameFAQS - Added the Shinari and more buildings Version 0.5 (8-10-2000) -First version ________________________________________________________________________________ This document is copyright (c) 2000 Trombo. All rights reserved. This document can't be sold for profitable use and cannot be posted in any website without my express permission and with all credits including my name. It may be printed or copied for personal, private use only and it may not be placed on a CD, written in a magazine or other kind of Publication. All mail sent to become my property and I can use them at my will whether to be posted in this FAQ or to print it out or only to read it. Take note that every mail I post here will receive his rightfully credits.