------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULL SOLVE FOR DIZZY WORLD FANTASY DONE BY THE GAMEBOY & MARKYEAH ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is the full solve for dizzy world fantasy. We just played the whole game and found all things by ourselves. We probably wouldn't have made it without the trainer (done by Excalibur of the Untouchables). So, here we go : First, you throw the jug of water in the fire, and give the apple to the troll. Then you take the loaf of bread and give it to the rat, and it will run away (probably doesn't like old bread). Take the boulder and go to the entrance hall. You can get some bonuspoints if you go left first to the smuggler's cave. In the entrance hall : go left, push the lever. Go up, then right, talk to Denzil and you will get a rope. Jump on the table and then jump left (you must be on the most left of the table). Go up twice, and take the meaty bone. Go down,right, and get the gold key. Go back to the entrance hall, go right and put the rope around the snout of the crocodil. Go right and take the second boulder and the bottle (don't no what to do with it, you can drink it, but that will only get you drunk). Back to the entrance hall, go left, over the bridge, give the bone to the amorog, and get the third boulder (it lies in front of the cave). Go left twice, and throw the three boulders in the water. The water will rise and you can get over it. Take the second key, and go left till you meet Dozy. Talk to him, and he will give you a sleeping potion. Go back to the crocodil, jump over it and throw the potion to the dragon. Go right, and get the bag on the well. (Now you are able to carry more things).You can take some leaves too (right of the well, but they are of no use). Go right three times and take the pigmy cow. Talk to Dylan and take the key on the right. You now have three keys, which fit in the lift controls. So go back to the lift control hut and use the keys. Then go right, up in the tree house, go left, take the lift up, right, jump up and you will get to the elders. Take the lift up and talk to grandpa. Take the crowbar, go right and take the doorknocker. Go left two times, and take the pickaxe. Go back all the way to the entrance hall. Up, and use the doorknocker on the door on the left. It will open and you can take a bucket. Go back to the well. Now use the crowbar to open the well. Then something very funny will happen. You tumble down, and the whole world is turned upsidedown. Ring the bell, and the shopkeeper appears. Offer him the pigmy cow. He will give you a bean. Jump on the barrel and jump right. Take the fourth key in the church. Go back to the lifts. Go right. Plant the bean in the dry manure. Go right, and fill the bucket with water (just walk into in the water). Empty the bucket on the manure. And then the bean will start to grow. Climb up in the beanstalk, talk a few coins. Then you have to go to the utmost right in the clouds. (Just try a couple of times, it is very hard to find !) You are now in front of the cloud castle. Take the heavy dragon egg, and return to the lifts. Use the last key in the lift control hut. Go down. Use the lift to go down. Put the dragon egg next to the other dragon egg. Go right, take some points, and then use the pickaxe to open the wall on the left of the screen. Go left. Take the rug. Go all the way back, through the clouds to the castle. Put the rug on the daggers, to get over them. Go right, up, left, up, right, right, down, left, and there she is, finally : DAISY !!!!!!!!!!! Daisy will ask you to collect 30 coins, so you can build a nice home for the two of you. So you take the map (activate with spacebar) and start the quest for the last coins you haven't found yet............ That's all for this game. C u soon on a bbs nearby, or in another solve-file. GAMEBOY & MARKYEAH ! May 1992 Schijndel, The Netherlands.