Busted Hints for the interactive fiction title, "Busted." Written by Jon Drukman using the INFORM adventure language. -------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a very explicit hint file. Give it to someone, like a wife (who isn't mad at you at the moment!), who will dole-out the answers - you know, make you beg a little. QUICK REVIEW: I really enjoyed this game. It creates a little world that feels as if it's alive. Drukman knows how to write. You may not agree with him politically, but you'll enjoy his sense of humor! With the exception of a few seriously frustrating dead-end traps, I heartily recommend it. --------------------------------------------------------------------- As the adventure begins, your friend has left a message on your dorm room's answering machine. He's been arrested and implores you to find and destroy all incriminating evidence. You're nothing if not loyal.. SEARCH THE ASHTRAY (NOT "ash tray", as the game calls it). Take the ROACH, leave the ASHTRAY. Get the NOTE (or at least read it and write the number down). Get the JOINT, ID, LIGHTER. Open the wallet and get the MONEY. Leave the wallet. Eventually, your girlfriend will show up and throw a TEDDY BEAR at you. Take it. You're getting hungry. Head over to the dining room. On the way, a guy shows up and 'needles' you a bit. Think nothing of it. There, show the woman your ID. By the way, make note of your student number on your ID card for later. Go to the food line. STAND IN LINE. You'll get some food on a tray. You're hungry enough to DIE in few more turns - but that's still not enough to make THIS food appetizing! Go to the smoking section. Light and smoke the ROACH. EAT. Nearby, find your burn-out friend, Milton. He wants that JOINT. You'll have to light it first. One of the "traps" I mentioned happens here. Had you smoked the JOINT when you needed the "munchies," you wouldn't be able to finish the game. Milton won't accept the ROACH. He wants the JOINT. In the kitchen, get the OIL. Get the CEREAL. OPEN it, SEARCH it, EMPTY it. Eventually a PENDANT will fall out. THAT'S what you want. Leave the CEREAL (but try EATING it first). Up on the roof, get your BONG. This is the first piece of contraband you are trying to collect and destroy. Leave the kitchen (remove the clothing Milton gave you). Head back east, past your dorm to the Student Center Concourse. You can't carry everything you need. Somewhere around here would be a good place to start a great big pile. Get anything that's not nailed down (because there isn't a hammer in this game). Get the stuff in the Lost and Found box. Leave that girl alone! You'll need the UMBRELLA, WALKMAN, GLOVES, SUNGLASSES. Keep movement economical because, like the race to EAT, you're coming up on another deadline: the race to SLEEP. Don't go up the elevator yet! OPEN THE UMBRELLA and head east (outside the Concourse), then north, then east to the library. PUT ID IN SLOT then type the number on the NOTE you found at your dorm on the computer terminal. Get the BOOK. OPEN it, SEARCH it, TEAR OUT THE PREFACE. This your second piece of incriminating evidence. Get your ID. Leave the BOOK. Go back to the west, go north to the elevator. Head up the elevator to floor "L". This is another trap. If you'd already been here, and had you given your ID to the woman at the counter, you wouldn't be able to finish the game - and you wouldn't know that for a frustratingly long time. Because she CUTS IT UP, you wouldn't have had it to put in the library's computer later. Not really fair. So be sure you've used your ID in the library BEFORE she gets a hold of it! Go north. ASK EMPLOYEE ABOUT ROOM. If you give her your your ID, she cuts it up. Go north, past the duck pond into the administration building. TURN THE SIGN. Go west into the admin office and ASK BOB ABOUT FORM. Tell Bob the student number on your ID card. Get the FORM. Take it up to the hotel lobby. Give it to the employee and get the ROOM KEY. Go to floor "H". Get some sleep. Go back to the Student Concourse. Go north to the Jesus freak. This is yet another place where you can unknowingly make a game-ruining move. Notice the BARRY MANILOW TAPE he has. Show it to him. He'll give it to you. But he won't let you KEEP it until you show him the PENDANT; he runs off frightened and forgets you have it. The problem? He'll also run off WITH the tape if you haven't asked him for it first - never to be seen again! Go as far east as you can. POUR THE OIL on the grate and open the grate. Go down. Open the CHEST and get the PLIERS. You can leave the CHEST. There's nothing more to do here - that drain is not of use. Put BARRY in the WALKMAN. WEAR WALKMAN. PLAY IT. WEAR GLASSES. Now you can go into the area with the flashing lights (north of the Student Concourse). Get the LUNCH BOX and other stuff. Use the PLIERS to get the QUARTER in the game machine. Go east until you get to the DRINK MACHINE. Buy and get the COFFEE. Go upstairs until you get to the REPUBLICAN. Give him the ECSTASY. Give him the TEDDY BEAR. Get the third item you need, the SCALE. Wander over past the pond west and north to the doctor's office. WAIT in the waiting room. Drink the COFFEE, then go in and say, DR., EXAMINE ME. He'll give you a PRESCRIPTION. Take it to the PHARMACY and get VALIUM. Things wrap up quickly, now. You're potentially mellow enough to get past the police roadblock. Put the three incriminating items in the LUNCH BOX. CLOSE IT. EAT THE VALIUM. Walk past the barriers. (Be sure you have the VIAL OF LIQUID.) There's a fourth item here you need to collect. SEARCH THE BUSHES. You'll find an ADDRESS BOOK. Take it. Go east and down to the incinerator area. Drink the VIAL. Go to the incinerator. Throw the four incriminating items into the fire. Leave. Win. I finished with 158 points out of a possible 154! Damn, I'm good! - hope you were too! Things never used: ------------------ The ASH TRAY, the KATE BUSH TAPE, the TOOL BOX, the TEA or SOUP in the vending machine, the NEWSPAPER, the PEPPER SHAKER, the FOOD TRAY, the strange GREEN LIQUID, the freak's PAMPHLETS - probably a couple more.