Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Walk-through By the Silver Ghost This is one of Infocom's most delightful games ever. The plot is twisted, sometimes warped. There are seemingly silly things that are crucial to the solving of the game. It is also (in my opinion) one of the hardest games that has received the "standard level" rating. If you're planning on having a good time with this game, don't read this; it explicitly describes each scene and what to type. The significance of the Thing That Your Aunt Gave You That You Don't Know What It Is may have escaped you. It is a resevoir for items. You can put as much as you like into it, and never acquire any excess weight. Plus, you can drop it and it will return on your person about 12 turns later. This is fabulously useful, but not necessary to know when solving the game. The Guide is a database that can help you in time of need. You may CONSULT THE GUIDE ABOUT the following subjects: Alcohol, Atomic Vector Plotter, Babel Fish, Damogran, Earth, Fluff, France, Galactic Security Agency, Galaxia Woonbeam, Green Button, Heart of Gold, Infocom, Brownian Motion, Genuine People Personalities, Magrathea, Hitchhiker's Guide, Improbability drives, Intelligence, Large Plug, Long Dangly Bit, Matter Transference Beam, Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster, Peril-Sensitive Sunglasses, Protein, Nutrimat, Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal, Red Button, Santraginean Mineral Water, Sirius Cybernetics Corporation, Small Plug, Small Receptacle, Space, Thumb, Towel, Vogon Poetry, Vogons, Walking, the tools (listed later), and various weapons. Tools: there are ten tools that are necessary to the solution of the game. Their names and locations are as follows: Flathead Screwdriver - Your Bedroom Toothbrush - Your Bedroom Tweezers - Inside Trillian's handbag Hyperwave Pincer - On the Bridge Diffusion Rasp - In the Engine Room Hypersonic Pliers - In the Engine Room Thermo-fusion Chisel - In Marvin's Pantry Laser-assisted Wrench - In the Toolbox, on the Speedboat Vacuum Awl - In the War Chamber #12 Paint Chipper - You're Holding when you return from Traal Here is the walk-through. Editorial comments are in brackets. TURN ON THE LIGHT. GET OUT OF BED. GET GOWN. WEAR GOWN. OPEN POCKET. TAKE ANALGESIC. GET FLUFF. PUT FLUFF IN THING. GET ALL. PUT SCREWDRIVER IN THING. PUT TOOTHBRUSH IN THING. S. GET MAIL. S. LIE DOWN. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. S. W. WAIT. DRINK. ASK BARTENDER FOR SANDWICH. DRINK. DRINK. E. FEED SANDWICH TO DOG. N. HIT PROSSER. DON'T PANIC. WAIT. GET DEVICE. PUSH GREEN BUTTON. [You should now be in Dark. More about Dark later.] WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. SMELL. EXAMINE SHADOW. EAT PEANUTS. WAIT. WAIT. GET TOWEL. GET SATCHEL. REMOVE GOWN. HANG GOWN ON HOOK. PUT TOWEL ON DRAIN. PUT SATCHEL ON PANEL. PUT MAIL ON SATCHEL. PUSH BUTTON. GET ROBE. WEAR ROBE. GET TOWEL. FLIP SWITCH. [It should tell you that the password is the nth word of the second verse of poetry.] WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. ENJOY POETRY. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. [The second verse starts here. Remember the nth word.] WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. TYPE "[whatever that word was]". GET PLOTTER. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. [Here's that explanation of Dark I promised. There are actually eight different Darks in the game. You have just entered the second one, the Dark preceding the Heart of Gold scene. The first one was the Dark for the Vogon ship scene. The other six are: Traal, the Party, the Whale, Damogran, the War Chamber, and Earth. When in Dark, you will receive comments like "You see nothing, hear nothing, smell nothing, taste nothing, feel nothing, and aren't even sure who you are." Wait three times. After the third wait, the message will change to something like "You can hear nothing, taste nothing, see nothing, smell nothing, and don't even know who you are." In that example, the sense of taste was no longer mentioned (a different one may disappear). This is your clue as to where and who you are. When you FEEL, you will either feel a warm, wet, and squishy liquid, or a cold, wet, and squishy liquid. You are thus inside the whale, or at the party, respectively. You must EXAMINE the liquid to enter into the scene. Here is a table of the various Darks and pertinent information. Missing Sense Distinguishing Mark Location Character Sight Front of Eyes Country Lane, Earth Ford Sight Back of Eyes Speedboat, Damogran Zaphod Hearing Far Above You Heart of Gold Arthur Hearing Far Below You War Chamber Arthur (???) Smell Being Waved Under Vogon Hold Arthur Smell Waving Under Beast Lair, Traal Arthur Touch Warm, Wet, Squishy Inside Whale Arthur Touch Cold, Wet, Squishy Living Room, Party Trillian EXAMINE the Dark to enter that scene, or WAIT to choose another (if you're using Real Tea--more on that later. Otherwise you have to EXAMINE it sooner or later.) When the text says "WAIT UNTIL FOO (BAZ)", you wait until you can enter the FOO scene, which is accessed through sense BAZ. The number of waits necessary to do this changes randomly. But continuing...] WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. LISTEN. [You're in the Heart of Gold.] S. W. [I use NSEW instead of Fore Aft Starboard Port.] GET PINCER. PUT PINCER IN THING. DROP PLOTTER. D. S. S. YES. YES. S. NO. LOOK. LOOK. GET PLIERS. GET RASP. PUT PLIERS IN THING. PUT RASP IN THING. GET DRIVE. N. N. U. DROP DRIVE. D. W. PUSH PAD. GET ATS. E. U. DROP ATS. PUT BIT IN ATS. PLUG SMALL PLUG INTO SMALL RECEPTACLE. TURN ON DRIVE. [You are now in uncontrolled Dark and on your way to getting some Real Tea.] WAIT UNTIL TRAAL [SMELL]. SMELL. EXAMINE SHADOW. SAY MY NAME. E. GET STONE. PUT TOWEL OVER HEAD. CARVE MY NAME IN MEMORIAL. REMOVE TOWEL. W. SW. GET INTERFACE. NE. WAIT. [You're back in the dark preceding the Heart of Gold.] WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. LISTEN. S. PUT CHIPPER IN THING. S. W. OPEN PANEL. REMOVE BOARD. INSERT INTERFACE INTO NUTRIMAT. PUSH PAD. E. U. PLUG LARGE PLUG INTO LARGE RECEPTACLE. WAIT. TURN ON DRIVE. D. W. GET TEA. E. U. DROP TEA. REMOVE BIT. PUT BIT IN TEA. TURN ON DRIVE. [You are now in controllable Dark. First stop: Damogran.] WAIT UNTIL DAMOGRAN [SIGHT]. LOOK AT DARK. LOOK AT LIGHT. PUSH BUTTON. STEER TOWARD FRANCE. LOOK UNDER SEAT. UNLOCK TOOLBOX. GET WRENCH. STAND. N. READ. SMILE. WAVE. WAIT. WAIT. GUARDS, DROP THE RIFLES. TRILLIAN, SHOOT THE RIFLES. E. [Back in the HoG.] WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. LISTEN. S. S. S. D. GET WRENCH. GET FLUFF. PUT WRENCH IN THING. PUT FLUFF IN THING. U. N. N. U. TURN ON DRIVE. [Going for the whale now.] WAIT UNTIL WHALE [TOUCH]. FEEL DARK. TASTE LIQUID. GET POT. PUT POT IN THING. PRESS RED BUTTON. SHOW GUARANTEE TO ROBOT. PUSH GREEN BUTTON. [Back again.] WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. LISTEN. S. S. U. TURN ON DRIVE. [Heading back to Earth, this time as Ford.] WAIT UNTIL EARTH [SIGHT]. LOOK AT DARK. LOOK AT LIGHT. N. OPEN SATCHEL. GET TOWEL. GET FLUFF. GIVE TOWEL TO ARTHUR. IDIOT. GO AROUND BULLDO. PROSSER, LIE DOWN. S. W. DRINK BEER. DRINK BEER. E. N. GIVE FLUFF TO ARTHUR. GET THUMB. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. [Guess where? Monotonous eh?] LISTEN. S. S. U. GET SATCHEL FLUFF. PUT SATCHEL FLUFF IN THING. TURN ON DRIVE. [Party time, as seen through Trillian's eyes.] WAIT. FEEL DARK. TASTE LIQUID. EXAMINE ARTHUR. DROP WINE. GET FLUFF. PUT FLUFF IN HANDBAG. GET WINE. [WAIT until Phil (Zaphod) takes you away.] WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. LISTEN. S. S. U. OPEN HANDBAG. GET JACKET FLUFF. GET TWEEZERS. PUT JACKET FLUFF IN THING. PUT TWEEZERS IN THING. TURN ON DRIVE. [Last scene: The War Chamber.] LISTEN. S. GET AWL. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. [You are now inside your own brain. Move in any direction you please three times successfully (being blocked doesn't count) until you encounter the Particle. READ it if you like, then] TAKE PARTICLE. [Back for the last time.] WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. LISTEN. S. S. U. [There are two major unsolved puzzles about to be solved. First, the fluff stuff.] GET POT. GET SATCHEL FLUFF. GET JACKET FLUFF. GET CUSHION FLUFF. GET POCKET FLUFF. PLANT SATCHEL FLUFF. PLANT JACKET FLUFF. PLANT CUSHION FLUFF. PLANT POCKET FLUFF. [Hold off on this puzzle for a while and start on the tea teaser.] GET TEA. GET NO TEA. [Remember, you took your common sense out of your brain in the 'maze'.] WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. W. EAT FRUIT. [This is a vision of the future. Remember which tool Marvin asked you for.] DROP POT. D. S. KNOCK ON DOOR. DRINK TEA. W. MARVIN, OPEN THE HATCH. GET CHISEL. PUT CHISEL IN THING. E. D. DROP ALL BUT THING. GET [whatever tool you saw]. DROP THING. E. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. GIVE [the tool] TO MARVIN. W. D. You have just finished The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galax