Halflife Strategy Guide Author Author: Stijn Bolle E-Mail: Larian2@hotmail.com Homepage: http://surf.to/pcga Version: 1.2 - All of the information noted here can be read online with screenshot additions at http://surf.to/pcga - None of this file may be copied or ditributed in any way without explicit permission of the author. If you're not sure, mail me on Larian2@hotmail.com Index 1 Updates 2 Introduction 3 Multiplayer Tactics & Strategies 3.1 Starting 3.2 Controls 3.3 Using Sound 3.4 The Level starts 3.5 Multiplayer Opponents 3.6 General Tactics 3.7 Advanced Tactics 4 Weapons Guide 4.1 Crowbar 4.2 9mm Pistol 4.3 .357 Magnum 4.4 Sub-Machine Gun 4.5 Shotgun 4.6 Crossbow 4.7 R.P.G. 4.8 Gauss Gun 4.9 Egon Gun 4.10 Hive Hand 4.11 Trip Mines 4.12 Satchel Charges 4.13 Grenades 4.14 Snarks 4.15 Long Jump Module 5 Cheats 6 Downloads 6.1 Necessary Downloads 6.2 Maps 6.3 Themes\Sound\Other 7 Links (Under Construction) 8 Soon 9 Author Strategy Guide 1 Updates =========== *** Version 1.2 Various corrections has been added The "Controls (3.2)" section has been updated The "The Game Starts (3.4)" section has been updated The "Multiplayer Opponents (3.5)" section has been updated The "General Tactics (3.6)" section has been added The "Advanced Tactics (3.7)" section has been added *** Version 1.1 "Index" has been added Some Spelling Corrections The "Kind of Players" section has been added The Downloads Section has been added The Links Section has been added 2 Introduction =============== - I wrote this strategy guide for beginning to advanced players. You will read about simple tactics and strategies, but also about very advanced ones, that only the best players can perform. If you're able to use and perform everything written in this Strategy Guide, you may consider yourself as a "full-grown" half life player, ready to "kick some ass" - I would consider myself as an advanced player. I also have multiplayer experience with Outlaws, Jedi Knights, Unreal, Quake & Quake 2. Because I live in Belgium, It's rather hard to play over the internet (Lag & high telephone costs). Still, I have a 3-computer lan network at home which comes pretty close to the real thing. - I like Half Life very much. Not only because of the thrilling singleplayer games, but also because of the intensive multiplayer games. The game leaves much more space for creativity than for example Quake 2. The weapons in Half Life are strong nor fast and that means even less advanced players can survive for a while. You also have a lot of grenades and items like trip mines allow you to create some traps for other players. - For more information, surf to http://surf.to/pcga where you can also find special half life files to increase you multiplayer games and find a lot of other files & info. - Have fun and don't hesitate to e-mail new information or additions at Larian2@hotmail.com 3 Multiplayer Tactics & Strategies ==================================== 3.1 Starting ------------- A How good am I ? - No Single Player game can compare the real intense gameplay from a adrenaline-filled multiplayer game. Multiplayer Games are fun, but also extremely fast and difficult. No second chances. Before you rush into multiplayer games, continue reading first. B Modem & Connection Requirements - There's another aspect that make multiplayer games different. If you don't have a good internet connection, you will always lose, it doesn't matter how good you are or how fast your computer is. The minimum modem is a 33.6. This REALLY is the minimum. There's no big chance the game run fluid, but it just may do on a local server. - On the other hand, having a fast modem doesn't garantee fast multiplayer games. There's also something called lags. This means if you're playing on a server on the other end of the world, the game will run slower. If you're playing on a server near to you, the game will run more fluid. Still, this isn't always true, because there are fast and slower servers, no matter if they're near or not. C Measuring a server's speed - You really should download the program Gamespy (http://www.gamespy.com/). This program won't only show the ping times (the lags), it will also list all servers currently running half life games. Simply choose the game with the least number of lag. A server with a ping rate from 200 will run very smooth, but a ping rate from 400 or higher will cause the game to be unplayable. D Computer Requirements - If the game runs smooth on your computer in singleplayer, there's a big chance the game will run fine in multiplayer. The modem really does everything in multiplayer games. To improve your modem connection, download the Lowping File from my site (see the downloads section further this file) to improve your internet connection. 3.2 Controls ------------- - There's no such thing as ideal controls, but still, some people get much more advantage from their controls than others. Aiming with the mouse for example is a must. There are some people that stick to their keyboard (like I used to do once). Using the mouse will always allow you to aim better and quicker, no matter what others say. - To save specific controls, edit the autoexec.cfg file in the half life directory. These settings will be used then everytime you start the game. If you're just testing, make a back-up of the autoexec.cfg file first. Exercise your controls first in Singleplayer before rushing in Multiplayer Games until you're used to them. - I really think you should try to find you own way of controlling the game, but if you really can't do all the movements you want, you might try my configuration. (Azerty Keyboard, if you have a qwerty keyboard, replace Z with W and Q with A) - Configure your keyboard so that you strafe with two seperate keys instead of using one button and moving your mouse right or left to strafe. I chose a relaxed way to use my keyboard so I don't contort my fingers into some weird position. Some people still prefer a keyboard over a mouse and insist that it is better. It's completely up to you. So try everything until you find something that works for you. - Make sure that your mouse is on the fastest speed in the options menu. - Turn brightness all the way up so that you see things in shadows better. - Always turn on the crosshair. Even if you think, I don't need a crosshair, still turn it on, it's ALWAYS better. - Get to know your configuration by playing in single player mode until you are comfortable with it. Z = move forward (left hand, middle finger) S = move backward (left hand, middle finger) Q = strafe left (left hand, ring finger) D = strafe right (left hand, index finger) Shift = Duck (left hand, little finger) Space = Jump (left hand, thumb) Mouse = Aim (right hand) Left Mouse Button = Primary Fire (right hand, index finger) Middle Mouse Button = Cycle Weapons (right hand, middle finger) Right Mouse Button = Secondary Fire (right hand, ring finger) - I can duck or jump anytime I want using this configuration. I don't use a turn left or turn right key, I simply move forward while moving the mouse left or right to turn. I can quickly pop up from around a corner, fire a shot and disappear again a second later using the strafe keys. - You don't need to copy this controls to become a good player. Just make sure you can perform all the techniques described above using your configuration and it will work out fine too. 3.3 Using Sound ---------------- A Why use sound ? - A far underestimated aspect of multiplayer games is the use of sound. Sound will give you a lot of information about the opponent. Is he far or near ? Which weapon is he currently carrying ? Of course, you get the best effects if you have a 3D sound surround system. This will leave no doubt about the coordinates of the opponent. If you don't have such a thing (like I do), you have to guess a bit. B I hear someone approaching. - If you hear someone approaching that is unaware of your position, you can consider hiding behind a wall or behind a crate and take him out from behind. You can also use a grenade, a satchel or some snarks to suprise him. Keep in mind that when you select the snarks, they often make a little sound you're opponent can hear and he will be warned then. C Footsteps - Make sure when you start a multiplayer game (when you're the host) that you enable the footsteps. This will allow you to hear the footsteps of your opponent. If you're running around in a not so crowded multiplayer game and you suddenly hear footsteps very near, stand still at once. Your opponent will maybe have heard them too, but because you're standing still he thinks he heard his own footsteps. If he does the same, simply wait until he moves again while trying to find out were he's hiding. - Still you don't have to stand still. You can crouch while moving forward. You will move forward very slow, but this can't be heard by your opponent. If he's listening if he doesn't hear you, simply try to sneak up on him using yhis technique. Very few people now crouching while moving forward disables footsteps, keep this technique for yourself, becaue this can be a great advantage in levels where you have to sneak around a lot. 3.4 The Level Starts --------------------- - Finally, the multiplayer level starts. You shouldn't start hunting for players at once (unless you're playing with 16 or more). Try to find some good weapons first and get as much armor as you can. I always go look for the long jump module too, because I feel safer while having it. - You really should study the level a bit before playing. Explore the level on your own until you know all the good spots where to hide and where to find weapons. This really will give you a lot of advantage, but don't go extreme. Don't explore the levels until you know where to find ANY texture, you will be sick of playing Half Life until then. - When you know where to find most things and the level starts, go look for some strong weapons first and try to find the enemy later. If you're really a rushing person, you can try to take him out, while he's only having a pistol. Listen carefully if you don't hear any footsteps nearby when the level starts. If you're confronted with another player while only having the pistol, simply use the secondary fire function and empty all your ammo in his head. If you can't take him out, flee. - The secret to knowing your way around in levels is based on experience. Don't worry about memorizing where a certain weapon is for every level. Instead, run around and pick things up until you realize that you know what's around the corner. 3.5 Multiplayer Opponents -------------------------- - When you play multiplayer games, logically, there are opponents. The nice thing about multiplayer games is that they can be very suprising, since no AI Routine can match the capriciousness of a Human Mind. That's why there are so many different playing styles. In this section, I'll try to explain some styles and how to deal with them. - Keep in mind that I invented all the terms to describe Player Types, so don't use talk about Hot Shots and Mister Ambush, because people who haven't read this Strategy Guide won't understand it. A Sitting Duck - This player never does something rational, he just runs like a whirlwind in every room and never thinks about his actions. His aim is to damage you as much as possible, not kill you. He usually plays using keyboard which means you can take him out from height because he'll need a second or 5 to aim up. If there's too much shooting, he hides in a corner until everything is back calm, a real beginner ! The Sitting Duck usually doesn't know the level, so he runs a bit around on places hes never seen before, a bit of sightseeing and then BANG ! - He's very easy to kill. Usually, he doesn't know nothing about strafing, circle-strafing or even aiming, so simply take a good shot at him from a high place and he goes down. B Fragger - Fragger (to frag = to get a kill) is someone who only tries to get as much kills as possible. He does a lot of running around and always uses the best weapons to kill everyone off quickly, mostly the secondary fire of the Sub-Machine Gun (a grenade). He first goes looking for some armor and then he tries to clean the entire level, while he stays near respawning places for easy kills. Fraggers are extremely dangerous persons since they're the type that can kill you with a blink of their eyes. They don't care about health or weapons. They use everything they have and if they get killed: "So What ?" they just start over again. If a fragger hasn't much health left, he won't go looking for new one, only if he would accidently bump into some, but he will go for one more frag instead for health. - A Fragger can be hard to kill. If he's used to Quake 2 Games, he's trained to give some accurate response to your fire. He stays cool in massive fire fights and has a good aim. Try to get him from the back or lure him into an ambush. Since he tries to get as much frags as he can, you can easily lure him with some weapon sounds. Sniping can be usefull too. C Hot-Shot - A Hot-Shot is a very enerving and nervous person. He can aim very quickly and likes to jump and duck around you all the time like one of those damned flies. He doesn't need strong weapons, since his movement is his strongest weapon. He can perform a combination of ducking, strafing and jumping so you can't aim at him while he takes you out. A hot-shot can also be described like a advanced fragger. Someone who dances around you like a prima ballerina while killing 3 persons in less than two seconds. - There are less hot-shot player than in Quake 2, because Half Life is a lot slower than Quake 2 (I mean the movement of the person). Still, this is the most annoying person to meet, especially if he uses the long jump module to fly around you all the time. I really hate it when someone kills me by jumping around me all the time, so I do a lot of misses. These players often have strange and wacky player models, like Homer. - A hot-shot is really hard to hit. I always switch to weapons that do radial damage. You will lose your health, but when you think you can hit the hot-shot, jump backwards while firing something painful at him to finish him off. If you don't think you're fast enough to beat a hot-shot, try to shoot from a high position with a weapon that does radial damage. A crossbow can't be used with these players because their moving too fast. D Camper - A camper is someone that always stay at places where there are a lot of weapons. He doesn't like to lose health or to have bad weapons. He always wants to be sure of his kills although he doesn't get much kills since he always stays at the same place. A smart camper doesn't exactly stay at a weapon's spot. If the weapon is lying in a room, he will hide behind a wall or a crate and get you as soon as you're going to take the weapon. The most annoying campers are the one at a higher place guarding a crossbow or other good weapons (like the crossbow weapon spot at the map Bounce, high in the air). Usually, there's always a back-door to take him out, but not in the map bounce, so that's really annoying. Having a camper in team play can be very usefull, because you can use that camping place as a basis then, where you know you're safe. A camper also usually knows where to find every weapon on any level. - Campers can be hard to take out. If they're hiding at their camping place, they're hard to spot. But they can trick you once, not twice. If you know where they're camping, you really should be able to take them out the second time. If the camper is camping near a respawning place, report this to other players to take him out a few times in group. It really sucks to be killed all the time one second after your revival. mmm, maybe hot-shots are the most annoying ones, the campers get a pretty good score in annoying too. E Sniper - The sniper is some sort of camper, only he doesn't guard a place, he wants a place to be safe and calmly take out some enemies out without being hit or spotted. A sniper usually uses the crossbow or the secondary fire mode of the Magnum. A smart sniper won't always stay at the same place, onca he's spotted he'll go look for another place. A sniper doesn't like trouble and mostly isn't good at one-to-one combat. He doesn't have fast reflexes or cannot strafe and jump at the same time, he's very slow. Still, a smart sniper can do a lot of kills, especially when he's hidden in a very huge, open area where they're a lot of places the sniper could be hidden. - A Sniper isn't that hard to take out. If he shoots at you and misfires with the crossbow, you'll hear a little "poooiiing" next to you. If you get the chance, look at the way the arrow is stuck in the ground, this can give you information about the position of the sniper. Then, if you're sure where he's hiding, shoot with a lot of weapons that do radial damage to his direction or throw a grenade. If that doesn't work, hide behind something. As soon as the sniper thinks you're gone (OK, you do not know what he thinks, but you can guess a bit), you move from behind the wall and take a good shot at him while he's not hidden. Because the sniper doesn't have such great reflexes, there's a big chance you hit him. You can also aim with your crossbow while you're ducking behind a crate or wall and then quickly stand up to fire at him. F Mister Ambush - Mister Ambush can also be a combination of other player types. It's the type of person that quickly drops satchels while you're running behind him or lures you into a room with a lot of well-placed tripmines. You won't meet this player types in Quake 2 because they're simply no weapons to perform the mister Ambush technique there. But, this is Half Life and it sure gives you the opportunity to perform some neat tricks (more on neat tricks further in the tricks and strategies section). I won't go deeper into the special ambush tricks now, but it really feels good to lure a good player into a simple trap. Record a demo to make him look like a fool :) - Getting Mr Ambush is quite hard. There are so many possible tactics for Mr Ambush, I won't explain them all right now, continue reading further and get a look at specific ambush situations to come up with a solution. Especially sound is important. When you're running behind someone and suddenly you don't hear no footsteps anymore when he disappears around a corner, you can be sure he's waiting there for you. G Mister Perfect - Ok, if you use a bit from a all playing kinds above, you become the perfect player. The most perfect player is the one that has perfect control of his controls (hot-shot), can do a lot of fragging at once (fragger), knows all the ins and outs of the level (camper). He is flexible in all situations and isn't afraid of some mean strategic tactics (Mister Ambush). Of course, if you want to become Mr Perfect, you need a very good aim (Sniper) and you are not afraid to take risks at cost of health. The only category you don't have to get some experience from, is the Sitting Duck, but I guess you al- ready knew that :) - Mister Perfect is extremely hard to get. Just look at some Quake 2 demos of players like Immortal (although he'll quit multiplayer gaming) and Thresh - I'm a bit a mix of a Mister Ambush, Sniper & Fragger. I'm pretty good at using traps and neat tactics and I can do a lot of quick movement and shooting, but when I'm with 5 people in a little room, I mostly lose control of the situation and die. 3.6 General Tactics -------------------- A. Defend yourself by running away. - The first thing I learned with 3D-shhot-em-up multiplayer games was that going after someone with your pistol right after you respawn is useless. You die right away. A lot of newbies just stand there and shoot right after they respawn. Experienced, well armed people know a quick score when they see one So, try to avoid all fire until you bump into some good weapons. Most people will chase you until they see someone else to frag; they are easily distracted. However, if you run don't let them keep shooting at your back. They will eat through your health extremely fast. If you have to run away, you can also consider running backwards while firing at your opponents. You can only do this when you've experience with the map. If you get stuck in corner while running backwards, you'll be an easy frag. - After a while, you'll find some good escape routes. Escape routes are places to go that involve an elevator or some kind of maze to get lost in. Your attacker will be right behind you until you go up an elevator which doesn't go back down for a few seconds. That elevator gives you enough time to lose yourself. - Also always make sure to auto-enable auto run. You already move quite slow in Half Life, you need the extra boost. So, when you have enabled auto-run, run like mad ALL THE TIME. If you stand in one spot for too long you become an easy target. B. Vary your movements - Don't always move in the same way. Some people duck all the time if someone shoots at hem, or they always strafe right. Once your opponents get used with the way you move, you're lost. Use differents styles of strafe, jump and duck movement. - Varying your movement is not the only thing, also vary the paths you take. If you always move in the same circle around the map to get all good weapons, people will ambush you. Try different routes and try to find as much new ones as possible. C. Strafing - While you are learning how to run practice strafing. Strafing is a great way to avoid getting hit. If you're good they won't be able to touch you. If someone has a powerful weapon, you can use the strafing tactic to empty his ammo supply. It's also very useful at the egon gun. If someone get a two second full hit at you, you'll be killed, but if you strafe all the time you'll be a harder target and your opponent will lose a lot of ammo. First learn to strafe to avoid bullets, then learn to strafe and KILL !!! D Circle Strafing - Now that you can defend yourself, or at least know how, you can work on fragging. If you are good at strafing backwards and forwards you are ready to learn circle strafing. Circle strafing is what happens when you aim with the mouse, strafe, and/or run all at the same time while keeping something in the middle aimed at. This action is confusing to someone who is not used to it, especially when you combine shooting. That is why you should get used to plain old strafing while aiming forward first. - A good exercise is to find an object that you can walk all around. Keep it in aim while strafing and shooting. Strafe left for a time and then right while keeping the target in aim as well as strafing all around it. If you add forward motion the distance between you and the object is smaller and seems faster. If you add backward motion you can run in a small circle while shooting outward at someone. They will have a hard time getting you as long as you keep the backward motion going. - You have to configure your keys for circle strafing, if you don't know how, take a look at the contro;s section (3.2). - The drawback of circle strafing is that it is confusing when the other player is good at dodging also. To counter this run around your opponent without strafing sometimes. Confuse them as much as possible while keeping tabs on them. Get so that you can keep your aim on them no matter how confusing you run. - Run forward at them and when they get behind you, do a 180 degree turn, and shoot immediately. If a player is too hard to hit with these techniques back away from the player and try to get them from a distance 3.7 Advanced Tactics --------------------- A Camping - Camping is the act of hiding somewhere near important objects, such as good weapons, or places that players respawn and fragging the player as soon as they are seen with a high power weapon. It is an unfair strategy. The player does not get a chance to live and does not get a chance to get the weapon. A fair strategy is one that gives the player a chance to gib you. - It's not my place to say whether or not you should do it. It can be an excellent gibbing technique but it also makes a lot of people angry. People who camp even risk to be kicked off of a server for it. I would stop if people started to complain about it because I don't think you want to be hated. You will have more fun now and feel to get more respect. B Sniping - There is a thin line between sniping and camping. If you snipe you will be accused of camping by most people. Sniping is the act of hiding in some dark place possibly high above the ground and sniping people. The difference is that you do not do it where an important object is or where people are spawned. Sniping is more fair than camping because you are giving players a chance to play. If you decide to snipe, play on maps with a lot of open space, like "Bounce". You can snipe with the crossbow and with the magnum. For more information about snipers, read the Multiplayer Opponents, Sniper section. - Personally, I find both techniques A and B a waste of time since you are waiting for players to walk in front of you. I get more frags by going and finding players than any other way. 4 Weapons Guide ================ 4.1 Crowbar ------------ Primary Fire: Crowbar Slash Secondary Fire: None Hitting Rate: 4 hits per second Damage: 25% per hit (75% headshot) Shots before reloading: None Maximum Ammo: Unlimited Which Enemies attack with it ? Sound dogs, zombie scientists, head crabs, baby headcrabs, roof barnacle A Singleplayer - The crowbar is extremely important in singleplayer. You need to use the crowbar to break open all crates you find, that's saves you a lot of ammo. If you have a good timing, you can kill headcrabs with it and sound dogs (there are 4 seconds before they launch the sound wave). You even shouldn't waste ammo on the zombie scientists. Simply dash forward and hit him 3 times. Move back as he tries to hit you with his arms (one after each other). Then dash forward again and finish him off. To kill headcrabs, move forward to them, causing them to jump at you. Strafe right or left to avoid him and place a quick (but deadly) hit before they can attack you again. - If you've mastered the headcrab timing, you can also kill the roof barnacle without losing ammo. ONLY when they're not to high, let them suck you up and just before it will drain health, hit it with the crowbar. You will fall back down with the intestines of the dead barnacle next to you. :) - Anytime you get the change to sneak on an enemy from behind, you can easily hit it 3 or 4 times before it will react. Aim for the head for triple damage and you'll finish him off. - The crowbar is also one of the only weapons that can be used under water. Use it if you need to. B Multiplayer - The crowbar is also a far underestimated weapon in multiplayer games. Use this weapon to sneak up on enemies and aim for their head. Keep in mind that you can hit him 3 or 4 times in one second. - If you're in a narrow area and the enemy can't strafe, the crowbar is the most effective weapon. Just aim for the head. - If you should be out of ammo, use the crowbar to sneak around looking for ammo, but never go to open places, because you'll be dead meat there. 4.2 9mm Pistol ---------------- Primary Fire: Normal Fire Secondary Fire: Faster Fire Firing Rate: 3 shots per second (primary), 5 per second (secondary) Damage: 12% per hit (36% headshot) Shots before reloading: 18 Maximum Ammo: 250 Which Enemies attack with it ? sound dogs, zombie scientists, head crabs, baby headcrabs, bull chicken, roof barnacle A Singleplayer - Although it's the default weapon, you can store lots of ammo. Use it to take out the little enemies, but don't waste all your ammo on the big ones unless you use headshots. - If you really have lots of ammo, you can use it instead of the crowbar to break open all crates and finish off the easy enemies. - If you're really out of ammo, you might consider killing one of the security guards that fights along with you, because he uses that weapon too. B Multiplayer - This wapon can be used to to sneak up on enemies. If you use the secondary function, a few headshots from behind will finish your opponent off. - If you really have nothing better, you can use it from distance too, but use it to cover yourself from followers instead of hitting the person. It's also a ice weapon to lure enemies with sound, especially, when you're walking on some sort of terrain everyone recognizes. Simply keep shooting with the secondary function. 4.3 .357 Magnum ----------------- Primary Fire: Normal Fire Secondary Fire: Sniper Mode Firing Rate: 2 shots per second Damage: 40% per hit (120% headshot) Shots before reloading: 6 Maximum Ammo: 30 Which Enemies attack with it ? Use it to snipe on bigger enemies when you don't have the crossbow. A Singleplayer - The magnum is one of the most powerfull weapons in the game. A headshot will cause 120% damage. Don't waste your ammo on little enemies, use your pistol there. Use the magnum's secondary function to snipe on bigger enemies when you want to save your crossbow. B Multiplayer - Although the magnum sounds like to be a great weapon, there's also a disadvantage hidden in this sentence. There's quite some noise while shooting and shots can be heard all around the area. You only have 6 bullets before you have to reload and due to the long reloading time (at least 6 seconds), you will be an easy target. - The magnum is almost as good for sniping as the crossbow and sometimes even better, because when you're sniping with the crossbow and someone attacks you from the back, it's hard to take him out because the crosbow has explosive charges. That's no problem with the magnum. - When you snipe with the magnum, you see a little red laser dot. Enemies can't see this (it's no dot like the RPG), so you can aim carefully and take opponents out without them noticing you nor the red dot. 4.4 Sub-Machine Gun -------------------- Primary Fire: Normal Fire Secondary Fire: Grenade Firing Rate: 12 shots per second Damage: 12% per hit (36% headshot) Shots before reloading: 50 Maximum Ammo: 250 Which Enemies attack with it ? Marines, Alien Slave, Bull Chicken & Alien Grunt A Singleplayer - The gun is one of my default weapons. You feel pretty safe when you're dwelling around in buildings. Easy enemies can be taken out with the fast primary function and the secondary funtion comes in handy when you meet some tougher enemies. - This gun can also be used to quick strafe from behind walls due to its fast firing rate. B Multiplayer - If you aim for the head, you can quickly finish your opponent off. Enemies jumping around can be taken down quickly because the fire response when you pull the trigger is very accurate. The gun stores a lot of ammo and it has a fast reloading time. - The secondary function is quite handy too. When you're in the middle of a bunch of fighting people, simply move a bit backwards and shoot a grenade (secondary) to finish them all off. - When you have to cover anyone in team play, this should be your favorite pick too. The bullets have an unlimited range and the fast firing rate will stop everyone from coming near. Quickly stand up from behind a crate and empty your whole ammo storage. Your team mate will be safe before the opponent gets the chance to take him down. 4.5 Shotgun ------------- Primary Fire: Normal Fire Secondary Fire: Double Fire Firing Rate: 2 shots per second Damage: 8% per bullet primary, 16% secondary (2 bullets) Shots before reloading: 8 Maximum Ammo: 50 Which Enemies attack with it ? Alien Slave, Bull Chicken, Headcrabs, Marines (secondary) A Singleplayer - Use the shotgun to take out the easy enemies. It's not powerfull enough to take out bigger ones. Marines can be taken out with it using secondary fighters and also sniper babes. - Always reload after shooting enemies because the shotgun has quite a big reloading time for an entire shell of 8 bullets. B Multiplayer - This is not quite the shotgun from Quake 2. Normally, a shotgun does a lot of damage when you shoot an enemy very close to you. It isn't like that in half life. The secondary function can inflict quite some damage, but this gun shouldn't be used on open spaces. Use it in buildings where an enemy can appear quickly. Then use the secondary function and aim for the head to kill him off. - The gun needs quite an reloading time, but keep in mind that you can shoot while you're reloading the gun. So after shooting at an enemy, always reload your gun (even if you're in a dangerous place) because you can shoot anytime while reloading the gun. Do remember that the reloading will be aborted if you fire during the reloading process. 4.6 Crossbow ------------- Primary Fire: Normal Fire Secondary Fire: Sniper Mode Firing Rate: 2 shots per second Damage: 60-100% per arrow (radial damage) Shots before reloading: 5 Maximum Ammo: 50 Which Enemies attack with it ? Save the crossbow to take out big enemies from distance. A Singleplayer - In Singleplayer, the crossbow is less usefull than in multiplayer. In singleplayer, use the explosiv blasts of the crossbow to take out enemies from a little distance (not to close or you will hurt yourself), but the secondary option will give your more advantage, because it allows you to snipe and take out all the enemies from quite a distance. - Make sure you're in a safe position while sniping, because it takes some time to reload the bow. B Multiplayer - The crossbow surely is one of the weapon that is feared most in Multiplayer The crossbow allows you to snipe from quiet some distance and there's almost almost no sound that reveal your position. - The Crossbow does radial damage when using the primary fire mode. That means that (just like the Rocket Launcher in Quake 2), you better aim for the floor near the opponent (using the primary function) and the xplosive blast will damage your opponent. Aiming directly for the opponent is dangerous because he can easily strafe away and take you out while you're reloading the bow. - Make sure you're sniping on a safe place, because when someone attacks you from the back, you can't take him out with the crossbow because the blast will hurt yourself too. - It seems that the crossbow is often placed on places with a special sort of underground so that opponents who are nearby can hear when someone is going to get the crossbow. That's really handy to know because one aimed headshot will kill you, even if you have some armor. 4.7 RPG -------- Primary Fire: Normal Fire Secondary Fire: Disable\Enable Laser Dot Firing Rate: 2 shots per second Damage: 120% per shot (radial damage) Shots before reloading: 1 Maximum Ammo: 5 Which Enemies attack with it ? Big & Tough Enemies A Singleplayer - The RPG doesn't get used to much in singlepayer, only to waste the giant monsters or to take out three marines standing together at the same time. - That is really the greatest advantage of the RPG, it doest quite some radial damage that will hurt grouped enemies. Never use the RPG in tight places, because that will damage you as well. B Multiplayer - The RPG isn't used like most people think. It's not a rocket launcher (and you sure can't do any rocket-jumping, only gauss jumping) The RPG can only be used in open areas, where there are no hiding places. When you shoot with the RPG, you can still move the red dot and the rocket will follow the dot. The rocket goes very fast, so you can't make very tight corners with it. - If you fire the RPG at someone, keep the dot over the runnning opponent and it will hit him. - The RPG has a very long (but cool looking) reloading time, so make sure, you're somewhere safe. You usually get one try to shoot, because the reloading time will take about 4 seconds and that will give your opponent enough time to flee or take you out. * Advanced Tactic: Disable the Laser Dot - This isn't really an addvanced tactic, but is simply something some (even advanced players) forget to do. Walking around with the rpg in multiplayer often revals your position due to its red laser dot flying around all over the level. Most players gtet easy located and killed then. Simply press the secondary fire function and the laser dot will disabled, leaving you invisible to all other players. The only disadvantage is that you won't be able anymore to correct your shot after the rpg has been shot. * Advanced Tactic: Shooting around walls - You probably noticed already, if you move the laser dot while the missile is in the air, you can still move its path. If you're sure someone is hiding behind a wall, aim extremely left or right from the wall and when the rocket reaches is almost at the same horizontal line as the wall, aim the laser dot as fast as you can to the wall where you're opponnent is hiding and the missile will move behind the wall. - Of course, this asks some practice. If you have mastered it, you might also consider learn to take out an enemy ducking behind a crate by sending the missile high in the air, and then moving it down fast for a direct hit. * Advanced Tactic: Moving the opponent's missile - Half Life doesn't make a difference between different laser dots. That means you can easily take over the missile of your opponent using your own laser dot and aim it to him. This asks A LOT of practice and I succeeded only once in performing this action (my opponent was extremely confused after my action, he had no clue how I did that and he started to shout at me that I was cheating, hehehe. 4.8 Gauss Gun -------------- Primary Fire: Normal Fire Secondary Fire: Load a blast Firing Rate: 4 shots per second Damage: 20% per shot Shots before reloading: 100 Maximum Ammo: 100 Which Enemies attack with it ? None A Singleplayer - I personally never use the Gauss Gun in Singleplayer, because it uses the same ammo as the Egon Gun and as you probably know, the Egon Gun can do much more damage and is much more effective against enemies. - Still you can use the gauss jumping ability (sse further below), even in Singleplayer. One great advantage of the gun is that there's no reloading time, but be carefull when using the secondary funtion of the weapon. If you keep it more than 11 seconds charged, it will be overheated and blow all in your face. It would be wisely to release it a bit earlier. B Multiplayer - The Gauss Gun can be used to take out enemies from distant or near, but especially the gauss jumping function is important (see lower) to get enemies from your tail. - It's an allround gun with very fast beams and no reloading time, but the egon gun still always is better. - Another ability of the gauss gun is the shooting through walls. If you charge the gauss to its maximum, it's possible to shoot through thin walls, causing more than 200% radial damage (kills everyone off). Still, you need a perfect timing and sometimes, the beam reflects and when you stand to near to the wall, you get hit yourself. * Advanced Tactic: Gauss Jumping - Guass Jumping is like rocket jumping in Quake 2, except for the less loss of damage while gauss jumping. Gauss Jumping is also much easier than rocket jumping. Simply hold the secondary fire function for six seconds, look to the ground while walking or running and you will be launched extremely high in the air. - You shouldn't use this to avoid enemies, but to get to high places, where you need to go through a lot of stairs otherwise. If you mastered the rocket jump in Quake 2, you can master this very quick. 4.9 Egon Gun -------------- Primary Fire: Normal Fire Secondary Fire: None Firing Rate: 5 cells per second Damage: 100% if you keep it on an enemy for 1 full second. Shots before reloading: 100 Maximum Ammo: 100 Which Enemies attack with it ? Use this gun to take out all the big enemies A Singleplayer - The Egon Gun is definetely the most powerful gun in the game. Its blue beam cuts through everything in no time and has no reloading time. Save as much ammo as you can and use it to out all big enemies easily. The Egon is extremely powerful and the firing rate is even slower than the Gauss Gun. B Multiplayer - The Egon Gun cuts through players, just like the rail gun, so the Egon should be jused in crowded places. Holding the egon one full second on an opponent will finish him off. There's no distance limit and hitting a wall will do radial damage. Carrying this gun around allows you to wander safely and kill any opponent in your neigborhood. - That's sounds fine, but what to do if someone else has the egon ? If you see, someone has the egon, try to hide behind boxes and throw some grenades and stuff to cover yourself. Then flee. There's really no use in fighting back, but you might consider sniping with the crossbow or fighting back with the egon to take him out. - You won't have the time to use any other weapon because the egon can kill you in one second. 4.10 Hive Hand ---------------- Primary Fire: Normal Fire Secondary Fire: Fast Fire Firing Rate: 5 hits second (8 secondary) Damage: 5-10% per hornet Shots before reloading: 8 Maximum Ammo: 8 Which Enemies attack with it ? Take out tiny creatures with it or use it to finish of bigger ones. A Singleplayer - The Primary Mode of the Hive Hand automatically tracks opponents. This means that the hornets you shoot, will turn around corners and go around boxes and so ... - Since the Hive Hand has unlimited ammo, this is very usefull. If you think there's an enemy around the corner, simply shoot a few hornets and see if they change direction. If they do so, it means there's someone there. - Although the hive hand is one of the weakest weapons, you can use it on a an enemy from distance, since the hornets track there targets and you won't suffer any loss of ammo. - The Primary Function of the Hiva Hand will fire homing hornets that will track the enemy. After shot 8 of them, your weapon will reload automatically to 8 hornets again. The Secondary function will fire much faster, but the hornets wo'n track the enemy. Use it only if you're sure to get 8 direct hits because they don't do much damage. B Multiplayer - In Multiplayer, the hive hand is extremely usefull to chase down enemies. While you do so, your opponent will try to avoid you and duck behind boxes and so. When he's doing so, switch to the hive hand and the hornets will track the enmy and go around corners. - The Hive Hand can also be used when you're about to enter a suspicious area Although you don't hear any footsteps, it's possible that an enemy is waiting for you there. Fire some hornets using the primary function and look if they're changing direction. If they do so, you'll be warned, someone is waiting there for you. - The Hive Hand can also be used to take out snark easily that are throw to you. Because the Hive Hand will track them, a single shot per snark will do. 4.11 Trip Mines ----------------- Primary Fire: Place one Secondary Fire: None Firing Rate: none Damage: 140% (direct hit) Shots before reloading: none Maximum Ammo: 5 Which Enemies attack with it ? None, use it to cut off passages A Singleplayer - In Singleplayer, trip mines are not so usefull. You can use them to block off enemies that are coming after you, but you need to be quick because it takes some time. - Use them everytime you have to possibility, especially when a Alien Grunt is following you. Trip Mines have a big blast radius and they will get killed surely. B Multiplayer - In Multiplayer, the trip mines are very useful in teamplay. If you camp with your team on a certain place, you can cut off passages by placing two or three trip mines. Don't place only one, because your opponent will jump over it or crouch under it. - Trip Mines won't make a place unreachable, keep in mind that your opponent can shoot the trip mines from distance. If you're standing to close to it then, you will be hit by the large blast radius. - Trip Mines can't be really used like Snarks, grenades or satchels. You can't block off an enemy that is on your tail that easily. It takes some time to place the trip and the enemy can easily avoid it. - You can also use this nice tactic: Place a trip mine on the ground by looking down. Do this around a corner or so, that your opponent will not have the time to take it out. Then go to a safe distance and change to sniper mode (with the magnum or the crossbow). When an enemy comes around the corner, shoot the trip mine and he'll be dead without knowing what happened. 4.12 Satchel Charges --------------------- Primary Fire: Throw one satchel Secondary Fire: Throw more satchels Firing Rate: none Damage: 100% (direct hit) Shots before reloading: none Maximum Ammo: 5 Which Enemies attack with it ? Marines & Big Monsters A Singleplayer - Trip mines can be used to take out sniper babes, marines or bigger monsters Simply throw one around the corner and detonate it at once. It just like throwing the grenade, there will only be a little more time before the satchel explodes, because it takes some time to press the button then. - You can also drop a satchel, go look for a marine (you can shoot with another weapon) and let him follow you. Then switch back to the satchel detonator as the marine approaches the satchel and gib him ! B Multiplayer - The satchel can be used to get rid of an enemy chasing you. Simply drop one while running in a passage and detonate it when your opponent walks over it. There are lots of other sneaky ways to use it like throwing it out of a window, but I think you guys are inventive enough. I even heard of someone who put a satchel next to some spawned satchels. Your opponent won't see which ones are real and which ones are not. Detonate him ! - Although it's a great weapon, many players (actually losers) put one on camper spots for easy frags. Report this to other players to get rid of such cheap players. 4.13 Grenades --------------- Primary Fire: Throw one Secondary Fire: None Firing Rate: 2 per second Damage: 100% (direct hit) Shots before reloading: none Maximum Ammo: 10 Which Enemies attack with it ? Marines & Big Monsters A Singleplayer - In Singleplayer, use the grenades just like satchels to take out marines and sniper babes. The advantage of grenades is that you can throw them over walls. Pull the pin, count three seconds and throw the grenade. It will explode at once then and the marine will not have the chance to avoid it or to run away. They often use this tactic too. B Multiplayer - If you hear footsteps on the other side of a wall, you might consider throwing a grenade. Always count to three before throwing it, because one can easily avoid it otherwise. - Grenades can also be used to get rid of chasing enemies. Look down while running and throw the grenade at once (don't count to 3). You have a fair chance then that your opponent hasn't seen the grenade and will be popped. - If you look a bit up while throwing a grenade and you even run a bit, you can throw the grande a lot further than normally. This can be very usefull to kill someone placed on a platform above you. 4.14 Snarks ------------ Primary Fire: Throw one Secondary Fire: Faster Throwing Throwing Rate: 4 per second Damage: 10% per bite, 20% exploding damage Shots before reloading: none Maximum Ammo: 15 Which Enemies attack with it ? Marines & Sniper Babes A Singleplayer - In Singleplayer, snarks are not so useful. You can throw them at marines and maybe one gets killed. The marines often shoot it at once, so you might consider throwing them as a sneaky tactic to take them out. B Multiplayer - Probably the most annoying weapon in the game. If you throw lots of these creatures, they can do serious damage: 10% per bite (20% if they explode, normally after 20 seconds). To achieve this, throw lots of them, it's quite difficult to handle 10 snarks jumping around and biting you. Make sure you throw them from a high place, because when they don't see an enemy or hit a wall, they can return and attack you ! - You should always be prepared to this. If this might happen, use your hive hand to take them out one by one, because the hive hand will track them. - This is a very good weapon to be used on a chasing enemy. Drop a few and make sure they don't attack you. You can flee now while the snarks distract your opponent or you can attack your opponent. If you throw lots of snarks, make sure to get out of there when he's killed, because the snarks will be looking for a new victim then ! 4.15 Long Jump Module ---------------------- Hitting Rate: none Damage: none Shots before reloading: none Maximum Ammo: none Where to use it ? Multiplayer, Xen, Gonarch's Lair, Interloper, Nihilanth A Singleplayer - The Long Jump Module is an item that will give you the ability to jump further using a special combination of keys. In order to perform these long jumps, you should first find the long jump module. You'll get this item from the scientists before leaving for Xen, very far in the game already. - The Long Jump is maybe quite tricky to master, but when you get the hang of it, you'll be long jumping all around the levels. To perform the long jump, press "Crouch" and then "Jump" quickly in succession. This seems maybe difficult, but you should practice this jump in the hazard course, because you'll going to need it anyway. - If you really can do it, you can use the aliases to bind the long jump to one single key (B): alias +ljm "+duck; wait; +jump;" alias -ljm "-duck; wait; -jump" bind b +ljm B Multiplayer - You may seem have noticed that you can't move as fast as in Quake and other games. That's the Main Reason to search for the Long Jump Module as fast as you can. - It won't give you the ability of moving faster in all directions, you will only able to jump further (only forward). This will help you to escape quicker from certain areas and get everyone from your tail. It also helps in crossing platforms faster. - I always try to get the module as fast as I can, because I feel much more comfortable having one, especially in open levels with people dragging egon guns, the module is very welcome. 5 Cheats ========== - Start Half-Life with the -console parameter. - So you have to start the game like this: hl.exe -console - This will let you access the console using <~> (the key above - You have to type "sv_cheats 1" in console first. The following commands are available in console then: /GOD : God Mode /NOCLIP : No clipping Mode & Fly Mode /MAP xxxx : go to map xxxx. - To use these below, you have to start the game with: hl.exe -dev -console - This will let you access the console using <~> (the key above - You have to type "sv_cheats 1" in console first. The following commands are available in console then: /GIVE xxxx : give item xxxx. - The following items are available: item_airtank ; item_antidote ; item_battery; item_healthkit ; item_longjump item_security ; item_sodacan ; item_suitammo_357 ; ammo_9mmAR ; ammo_9mmbox; ammo_9mmclip ; ammo_ARgrenades ; ammo_buckshot ; ammo_crossbow ; ammo_egonclip ; ammo_gaussclip; ammo_glockclip ; ammo_mp5clip ; ammo_mp5grenades ; ammo_rpgclipweapon_357 ; weapon_9mmAR ; weapon_9mmhandgunweapon_crossbow ; weapon_crowbar ; weapon_egon; weapon_gauss ; weapon_glock ; weapon_handgrenadeweapon_hornetgun ; weapon_mp5 ; weapon_pythonweapon_rpg ; weapon_satchel ; weapon_shotgunweapon_snark ; weapon_tripmine *** Map List - Use the first parameter to start halflife, then go into the console and enter /map xxx (where xxx represents one of the maps below) * Single Player c0a0 ; c0a0a ; c0a0b ; c0a0c ; c0a0d; c0a0e ; c1a0 ; c1a0a ; c1a0b ; c1a0c c1a0d ; c1a0e ; c1a1 ; c1a1a ; c1a1b; c1a1c ; c1a1d ; c1a1f ; c1a2 ; c1a2a c1a2b ; c1a2c ; c1a2d ; c1a3 ; c1a3a; c1a3b ; c1a3c ; c1a3d ; c1a4 ; c1a4b c1a4d ; c1a4e ; c1a4f ; c1a4g ; c1a4i; c1a4j ; c1a4k ; c2a1 ; c2a1a ; c2a1b c2a2 ; c2a2a ; c2a2b1 ; c2a2b2 ; c2a2c; c2a2d ; c2a2e ; c2a2f ; c2a2g ; c2a2h ; c2a3 ; c2a3a ; c2a3b ; c2a3c ; c2a3d; c2a3e ; c2a4 ; c2a4a ; c2a4b c2a4c ; c2a4d ; c2a4e ; c2a4f ; c2a4g ; c2a5; c2a5a ; c2a5b ; c2a5c ; c2a5d c2a5e ; c2a5f ; c2a5g ; c2a5w ; c2a5x ; c3a1; c3a1a ; c3a1b ; c3a2 ; c3a2a c3a2b ; c3a2c ; c3a2d ; c3a2e ; c3a2f ; c4a1; c4a1a ; c4a1b ; c4a1c ; c4a1d c4a1e ; c4a1f ; c4a2 ; c4a2a ; c4a2b ; c4a3 ; c5a1 * Multiplayer/Deathmatch boot_camp ; bounce ; datacore ; lambda_bunker ; snark_pit ; stalkyard ; subtransit ; undertow * Hazard Course t0a0 ; t0a0a ; t0a0b ; t0a0b1 ; t0a0b2 ; t0a0c ; t0a0d 6 Downloads ============ 6.1 Necessary Files -------------------- *** Halflife Low Ping File A file that disables decals and other supports in multiplayer games. For Example, it will remove blood and bodies after a while It really works ! Everybody should use this file. * Download it from http://members.xoom.com/larian2/half/lowping.zip *** Halflife Patch from to The patch from the CD Version to version The patch will remove bugs, enable IPX support and add 2 new maps. ( is the default version number) * Down: http://www.planetquake.com/dl/dl.asp?half-life/patches/10051008.exe *** Halflife Patch from to The patch from the version to version The patch will remove bugs, enable IPX support and add 2 new maps. * Down: http://www.planetquake.com/dl/dl.asp?half-life/patches/10061008.exe *** Halflife Multiplayer Content Pack A pack from Valve for Multiplayer Games including new decals, player models & maps * Download: http://www.planethalflife.com/dl/dl.asp?planethalflife/HLMPC.zip *** Gamespy 2.08 A very neat utility to look up halflife servers (or servers from other games) You also see the ping, so you know whic game ill run the smoothest. * Download: http://www.gamespy.com/download/ 6.2 Maps --------- - Good sources for maps are: http://www.pcgamer.com http://www.planethalflife.com/radium 6.3 Sound\Theme\Other ---------------------- *** Halflife Winamp Skin A skin for the famous mp3 player winamp. The skin is not so special, just ok * Download: http://members.xoom.com/Larian2/half/halfskin.zip *** 3 Halflife Wallpapers 3 very nice wallpapers * URL: http://www.planetquake.com/dl/dl.asp?half-life/theme-bg/half-back.zip *** Desktop Theme 1 * Download: http://members.xoom.com/Larian2/half/halflife.exe *** Desktop Theme 2 * URL: http://www.planetquake.com/dl/dl.asp?half-life/theme-bg/theme1.zip *** Desktop Theme 3 * URL: http://www.planetquake.com/dl/dl.asp?half-life/theme-bg/theme2.zip *** Desktop Theme 4 * URL: http://www.planetquake.com/dl/dl.asp?half-life/theme-bg/hl-theme.zip *** Halflife Font * Download: http://www.planetquake.com/half-life/hlfont.zip 7 Links ======== http://www.planethalflife.com http://halflife.gamedesign.net/ http://www.valve.com http://www.sierra.com 8 Soon ======= Special Tactics for advanced players Neat Tactics Map Descriptions and Strategies What Player do you want to be (Updates) Links (Updates) 9 Author ========= Author: Stijn Bolle E-Mail: Larian2@hotmail.com Homepage: http://surf.to/pcga Other Walkthrough written: Aliens vs Predator Character Guide Baldur's Gate Additions