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I wouldn't have missed much scenery anyway, only some giant fibreglass fruit. Anyway, then in 1994, I can remember almost shedding a tear after that bitch of a Mother Brain killed my courageous "little" baby Metroid *sniffs*. And now after a hiatus the size of J-Lo's arse, the Metroid saga is back with (count 'em) not one, but two new games! And Metroid Fusion has already given me a memory... that is: slaving over a FAQ/Walkthrough, instead of drinking beer, watching cricket, and soaking up the hot Summer sun... :/ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ I dedicate the work I poured into this FAQ/Walkthrough to Gunpei Yokoi, who was tragically killed in a car accident on the 4th of October, 1997. Yokoi-san was the engineering genius behind such marvels as the Love Tester, the Nintendo Game & Watch series, the Nintendo GameBoy, the Bandai Wonderswan, and of course... the Metroid series. However, he didn't get one mention in the Metroid Fusion credits... man, Nintendo are such honour driven arseholes sometimes. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1)THE STORY SO FAR... 2)CONTROLS i)Basic Controls ii)Advanced Techniques 3)GAMEPLAY OVERVIEW 4)FAQs 5)WALKTHROUGH 6)TANK LOCATION CHECKLIST i)Energy Tanks ii)Missile Tanks iii)Power Bomb Tanks 7)THANKS TO =============================================================================== 1)THE STORY SO FAR... =============================================================================== (Taken directly from Instruction Booklet) In Cosmic year 20X5, a Galactic Federation exploration vessel discovered an unknown organism on SR388. The hovering creature was a Metroid, an entity that exhibited frightening parasitic, energy-absorbing properties. Some time later, gifted bounty hunter Samus Aran was dispatched alone to engage the Zebesian Space Pirates who abducted the Metroid specimen for use as a weapon. On Zebes, Samus also encountered the biomechanical Mother Brain, leader of the Space Pirates, and dispatched her in a bitter fight. From then on, Metroids were viewed as a highly dangerous life form. Eventually, Samus Aran was sent to SR388 to exterminate the last remaining Metroids - but only after an entire Federation platoon was wiped out in an earlier attempt. At the end of her battle on SR388, one Metroid hatchling was born before Samus's eyes and it imprinted upon her as a mother figure. Samus took this larval Metroid, the last in the universe, to the Galactic Space Academy for observation and research. This research revealed several possible applications of Metroid-based technology for the betterment of humanity. The unique energy-absorption properties of Metroids could harnessed when they were artificially reproduced in captivity. Just when it seemed as if peace might prevail in the galaxy, Space Pirates returned for the Metroid hatchling and took it back to Zebes. Samus followed the Pirates back to Zebes and fought to exterminate their threat and save the last Metroid. In the final battle with Mother Brain, the hatchling saved Samus, giving up its life in the process. Samus succeeded in defeating Mother Brain, but the universe lost the promise of using Metroids for the power of good. =============================================================================== 2)CONTROLS =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i)Basic Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Control Pad: Up - * Aim Samus's beam-arm directly up. * Climb up ladders. * Stand up from crouch. * Crouch from ball. Down - * Aim Samus's beam-arm directly down whilst jumping. * Climb down ladders. * Crouch down from standing. * Morph into ball from crouch. Left - Move Samus to the left (hold to run). Right - Move Samus to the right (hold to run). A Button- Jump B Button- * Shoot beam (press while holding R to fire Missiles). * Plant bombs as ball (press while holding R to plant Power Bomb). L Button- * Aim Samus's beam-arm up at a 45° angle. * Aim Samus's beam-arm down at a 45° angle (whilst holding down). R Button- Shift Button (to use Missiles and Power Bombs). Start- Open Pause Menu (Map Screen). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii)Advanced Techniques ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bomb Jump ~~~~~~~~~~~ This was the only way to jump as a ball in the original Metroid. Simply lay a Bomb, and stay on it (whilst still a ball). When it explodes it will propel you up a little. It's good to know how to do this at the start of the game before you have access to the Jumpball. Mozou Screw Attack ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Also known as the "Spin Jump Attack" or the "Ghetto Screw Attack". If you have the Charge Beam, you can perform this weaker, consumable Screw Attack. Simply Charge up your beam so Samus is flashing, and then spin jump at an enemy to attack. You will have to recharge your beam every time you attack an enemy, and this Screw Attack is MUCH weaker than the true Screw Attack. Wall Jump ~~~~~~~~~~~ This technique was REALLY hard to do in Super Metroid. Thankfully, they've made it much more "user friendly" this time around. Anyway, to do it; spin jump at a wall and just as Samus touches the wall (I'm talking about the millisecond she does) simultaneously tap the A Button and the direction opposite to the wall. If done correctly, Samus will push off the wall into another spin jump. By "chaining" wall jumps together you can scale reasonably narrow shafts quickly and without the need of the Space Jump. Shinespark ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This wonderful technique was taught to Samus by a Dachora during her second (and presumably last, hehehe) visit to Zebes. To perform it, you must run at top speed for long enough to engage the Speed Booster. Once you are Speed Boosting, tap down to crouch down and "shine charge" Samus. Samus can use this charge in different ways; she can jumpA (whilst not pressing a direction) to launch herself skywards into an "Ultra Jump", or she can jump and then tap either Left or Right (or their upward diagonals) to "Shoulder Charge" in that direction. Also, if Samus Shoulder Charges a small ramp, she will begin running at full sprint from that ramp. =============================================================================== 3)GAMEPLAY OVERVIEW =============================================================================== Metroid Fusion is the 4th game in Nintendo's acclaimed Metroid series. VERY loosely based on Ridley Scott's Alien and various other sci-fi films; the Metroid saga is the story of a female bounty hunter called Samus Aran, who on a routine bounty hunt finds herself drawn into a timeless struggle against forces who wish to use beings of pure energy, Metroids, to reek havoc on the universe. If you have played any of the previous Metroid games (especially Super Metroid) this game will be very familiar territory. On the surface it seems to be an Action Shoot'em Up much like that of Contra or RockMan, but in fact it is much much more. The game takes place in essentially what is a huge labyrinth. As Samus progresses through this "labyrinth", she will gain abilities that allow her to access sections of the "labyrinth" which were inaccessible before. Upon exploring these new sections, Samus will find more abilities, which will in turn allow her to access even more of the "labyrinth", et cetera, et cetera. This time around, Samus's Power Suit exoskeleton is removed in the opening scenes; revealing what is basically the inner layer of the suit dubbed the "Fusion Suit". The removal of the bulky exterior allows Samus to be far more acrobatic this time around, and... vulnerable. She can climb up ladders, and hang from ledges "Flashback-style". Also, if hanging from the edge of a narrow tunnel (i.e. a tunnel you can only pass through as a ball); if you press Up, Samus will pull herself up into the tunnel and will Morph into a ball simultaneously. I bet you wish you could have done that in Super Metroid ^_^ Also, because of her infection and recovery from the X-pathogen. Samus is completely immune to the X parasite, and is capable of absorbing free-floating X to recover her status. The various different colours of free-floating X help her recover in different ways: Yellow (Energy) - Recover 10 Energy units. Green (Missile) - Recover 2 Missiles. Red (Full) - Recover 500 Energy units, 100 Missiles, and 10 Power Bombs. Blue (Cold) - Damages Samus, but with Varia Suit recovers 30 Energy units. =============================================================================== 4)FAQs =============================================================================== NOTE: This section contains some unexpected story-line spoilers, beware. Q: I'm having trouble performing the Space Jump. I can't seem to get any height with it. Do you have any tips for me? A: If you are not familiar with either Metroid II or Super Metroid, the Space Jump might be a little hard to adjust to. If you've finished Metroid II, it should be second nature to you because you had to use it so god'amn much. Anyway, the idea isn't to tap the A button as rapidly as possible, that will get you nowhere. You want to Spin Jump, then just as you are coming down from the apex (highest point) of the jump, press the A Button again so you spin further upwards. Rinse and repeat and you should be ascending tall shafts really quickly. - - - - - - - - - - Q: What is this "secret message" I keep hearing about? A: It's a message you can view in the Sector 4 (AQA) Navigation Room, after un-locking the red Level 4 locks, but before downloading the Diffusion Missile upgrade. In order to get to it you have to do a long complex chain of "Shinesparks". There are a couple of decent guide on how to see this message, try: * The Metroid Database: www.classicgaming.com/mdb/m4/tips.htm * Zauron's Metroid Fusion FAQ/Walkthrough found on GameFAQs.com I have some hints that may help you with this VERY hard task. When you are running into the first room with the Evirs, do not "shine charge" too early or you may get hit and loose your charge. It's better to blast through the Evirs while you are Speed Boosting and just overshoot the mark a little. Also, when you come running through the door to the bottom of the last shaft, keep holding right or you will come out the other side of the door without any charge. And finally, if you're having trouble blasting through the final barrier of Boost Blocks, there is an easier way. Once you enter the room, quickly shoot the two Skultera dead by holding L to aim diagonally upwards, then head partially down the ramp and tap A then diagonally left-up to Shoulder Charge diagonally through the Boost Blocks. - - - - - - - - - - Q: I'm unable to get to the "secret message". I'm not skilled enough; do you happen to have a transcript of the dialogue? A: Yeah. "A" is the dialogue spoken by Adam and "R" is the dialogue spoken by Renpou (Galactic Federation). Here it is: A- Samus, I'm impressed that you were able to make it back. That trick with the Shinespark was very... ingenious. R- That's our Samus Aran! Magnificent! Truly magnificent! As a reward, let's fill her in on our plan. Hmm, computer? A- That is... not advisable. R- Bah... A- No more joking. Samus, get back on task. Is your objective clear? R- I wonder how many players will see this message... ? - - - - - - - - - - Q: What extras did the Japanese version of Metroid Fusion get? A: Well, when you start a new game you are given the choice of two new options. Firstly, it asks you "MESSAAJI WA?" meaning "What Message type?", you can choose from either "OTONA MUKI (KANJI ARI)" meaning "For Adults (has Kanji)" and "KODOMO MUKI (HIRAGANA)" meaning "For Children (Hiragana)". Don't get too excited thinking that the "For Adults" mode has Samus nekkid or anything! All this option changes is how the text is displayed. Japanese is written using two types of scripts; kana (hiragana and katakana), which are two phonetic alphabets of 46 characters each; and kanji, which is a group of 2500+ characters with specific meanings. Children know hiragana very well, but their understanding of kanji is usually limited. So, Nintendo have provided a Kanji mode and a Hiragana mode so everyone can enjoy Metroid's storyline, regardless of their Kanji literacy. The second option is "GEEMU REBERU" which means "Game Level", initially you can only choose between EASY and NORMAL. But after you have finished the game once, you will be able to select HARD. The Game Levels only seem to change the amount of damage Samus sustains from enemies. The coolest addition to the Japanese version is the Gallery mode, which will appear once you have completed the game once. The Gallery mode displays all the ending pictures you have seen from finishing the game. The Japanese version also has "considerably" more endings than the American version. Most of these endings come from Kondansha's Metroid e-manga, which documents the origins of Samus. In the e-comic, her colony (K-2L) is destroyed by the space pirates and she is saved by the Chozo. You can view it here: http://kodansha.cplaza.ne.jp/e-manga/club/manga/metroid/vol01/index.html - - - - - - - - - - Q: I got killed by that huge spider (Yakuza). Once I restarted, I couldn't get down to the Reactor Silo because a cocoon is in my way. What's wrong? A: Remember you saved in your ship before Adam gave you new orders? So head back into the ship and he will give you orders to turn on the Auxillary Power. The cocoon will now be hollow, so you will be able to get past it to head down to the Reactor Silo. - - - - - - - - - - Q: I'm having trouble with the SA-X encounter in Sector 2 (TRO). She's absolutely destroying me! Do you have any tips? A: Here is a little walkthrough for that section by Ersk. 1. Drop down and freeze her. 2. Jump over him and go through the door. 3. Morph to a ball and set a bomb at the wall, then roll as close to the stump of vines as possible. 4. Stand up and freeze the SA-X again when she comes in. 5. Go through the door and shoot the shutter switches. 6. If you can make it into the next door, go to 7... If not, at the end of the room before the door is a little hole you can roll into as a ball. The SA-X will just continually jump over you until you stand. When the coast is clear, jump out and run into the dead end room. 7. Jump and climb/roll over to the left side of the room. The SA-X will enter for a few seconds and then leave. Now u can safely go back and shoot a Missle at the 'Missile Block' to fall through to the next part. - - - - - - - - - - Q: After regaining Samus's Gravity Suit, I boosted through some walls into a coral reef-like area of Sector 4. I can't seem to get back to Sector 5 because of Boost Blocks, and I can't progress further in Sector 4 because of the red Level 4 Security doors. Am I stuck forever? A: Nope, after defeating Nightmare you're _SUPPOSED_ to Speed Boost through to Sector 4. But the route to the Level 4 Security room is quite complex and maze-like, so consult a walkthrough. - - - - - - - - - - Q: I didn't collect the Power Bomb Tank in the Restricted Zone before the lab was jettisoned from the station. Is it possible to get it still? A: You didn't miss it. The Power Bomb Tank in the Restricted Zone is actually impossible to get while the laboratory is still connected to the station, you can only get it after the laboratory has been jettisoned. - - - - - - - - - - Q: I missed some Expansion Tanks in the air ducts that lead to Arachnus. The hatch on the Operations Deck is closed, and I can't head up through the Pit Blocks in the room I fought Arachnus. Is there another way? A: Yeah, there is a pile of rubble in a room left of where you fought Arachnus. Screw Attack through the roof above that rubble to reach the area above. - - - - - - - - - - Q: Do you know where I can find pictures of the different endings? A: Yes I do, you can find screenshots of all the endings at Rey's Video Game Museum: www.vgmuseum.com/end/gba/b/mf_2.htm - - - - - - - - - - Q: Wow, Samus is a girl? A: Yup. It was the twist at the end of the first Metroid on the Nintendo Entertainment System. The Instruction Booklet constantly referred to Samus as a him (e.g. Boosting Samus' power gives him new ways to attack), so you were lead to believe that "he" was a man. But if you beat the game fast enough, Samus would reveal "himself" to be a woman. Shock horror!!! - - - - - - - - - - Q: I don't understand the events at the start of this game! Is Samus disfigured from the surgery? And what is the Fusion Suit exactly? A: Samus is still her blonde, fit, pretty self; you can see that for yourself if you die or finish the game well enough. The X only infected her Power Suit and her central nervous system, so superficially, Samus is the same. She doesn't look like a half-Human half-Metroid either... The Fusion Suit is basically just the inner layer of Samus's Power suit, covered with a matrix of Metroid cells. You can think of Samus as wearing three layers. The first layer, her purple shorts and midriff top; the second layer, the semi-organic part of her Power Suit; and the third layer, the hard armoured exterior of her Power Suit. The doctors could surgically remove the "third layer", but they couldn't remove the "second layer" while she was unconscious, because it is wired directly to her central nervous system. The yellow parts of her Fusion Suit are this exposed "second layer". As for the blue parts... they are presumably Metroid cells which replaced the X once the vaccine was injected, and then formed a matrix over her suit. That's why she is vulnerable to Ice, has those three little nuclei on her back just like a Metroid, and she has fins coming off her wrists which resemble the "teeth" of a Metroid. - - - - - - - - - - Q: What were all those weird Metroid mutations in the tanks of the Restricted Zone? Is the Galactic Federation genetically engineering the Metroids? A: They are the stages of the Metroid's natural life-cycle, all witnessed during Samus's mission to SR388 in Metroid II. So no, the Galactic Federation is not tinkering with Metroid DNA to create mutations. - - - - - - - - - - Q: Why did the SA-X help Samus destroy the Omega Metroid? A: Well, on SR388 the Metroid is the natural predator of the X-parasite. So in theory it would naturally attack a Metroid in its second last stage of development, before it would attack a human. Granted Samus is infused with Chozo blood and filled with Metroid antigens, but she's still relatively human, right? The other theory is that Samus's humanity was so strong that it was powerful enough to overthrow the X-parasite in the SA-X, and make it help Samus destroy the Omega Metroid. This is backed-up by what Adam tells you, "The X can absorb the memories and knowledge of their prey." We will never know the real reason, believe what you wish! - - - - - - - - - - Q: Where does this game fit into the "Metroid Saga"? A: After Super Metroid. The saga goes in this chronological order: Episode 1 : Metroid Gaiden : Metroid Prime Episode 2 : Metroid II - Return of Samus Episode 3 : Super Metroid Episode 4 : Metroid Fusion - - - - - - - - - - =============================================================================== 5)WALKTHROUGH =============================================================================== After a series of events taking place on the surface of SR388 and in the Galactic Federation Headquarters; Intergalactic bounty hunter, Samus Aran, Docks with the "Biologic Space Labs" Station in orbit over SR388. Her mission, to investigate a mysterious explosion. Docking Bays ************** You are now given orders by the computer CO to "Go to Quarantine Bay. Access Navigation Room en Route.". Run to the left through two doors to reach a shaft. Jump up the platforms to the top of this shaft, and head left through the door at the top. Main Deck *********** Head left through two doors to the Navigation Room. Once inside, stop in front of the console to log-in, and then continue left through the door. Make your way to the top of this darkened shaft, and go left through the door. Drop down below, and go through the door down there. Only a single Hornoad is in the rubble which was once the Quarantine Bay. Kill it and it will reveal itself to be an "X" parasite. Make your way back to the Navigation Room and log-in. After debriefing you on the X parasites, your CO will give you these orders: "X parasite presence confirmed. Find origin of bio-signs". Head right to the next room. Climb up the shaft and enter the flashing grey door on your right (shoot it to open). Kill the Hornoad, and then head through the door ahead to the first Save Room. Once inside, jump on the floating platform in the middle of the room to save. Head right through the door. Climb up the shaft, killing the Zombie Researcher on the way. Enter the door at the top to reach a Navigation Room. Your orders have changed, "Missile data ready. Download immediately". So, go through the door to the right. Now jump up the platforms ahead and go through the door to the elevator. Take it up to the Operations Deck. On the way up, Samus will dub the computer CO - Adam, after her old CO. Operations Deck ***************** Go through the door. Enter the bottom door on the left to reach a Recharge Room, and go left again to a Save Room. Head back and go through the door above to enter a Navigation Room, then head left again to the Data Room. Enter the flashing chamber to download the missile upgrade and then head back, you'll here the power cut-out. Adam gives you new orders, "Elevators not operational. Find alternate route to the target." Go right through the door. Jump across the platforms to the right, and then fire a Missile (Hold R and then fire) at the yellow hatch to your right. Once it's blown open, jump over to the new opening and head right to the "hidden" passage. Shoot the X-Barrier up ahead with three missiles to destroy it, then walk over to where it was to drop through the crumbling "Pit Blocks". Jump up and climb over to the left and shoot the crumbled wall to break through. Shoot the Zombie Researcher. Fall through the Pit Blocks on your right, and then run over to the left to fall through yet more Pit Blocks. Jump to the right to cling onto the ladder, and then climb it up over the ledge and drop down below. Then, jump down the opening to your left. Once you land, collect the first Missile Tank in the game on your right. Then go through the passageway on your left. Jump and shoot the wall to the left until you uncover another Missile Tank. Head back, kill the Zombie Researcher and go right. Main Deck *********** Climb up above and enter the door on your right to enter a Save Room. Head back, drop down and run to the right. There is a "Living Door" up ahead. If its eye opens up with a pupil, shoot a Missile at it. If there is no pupil and the eye is flashing, get ready to jump a plasma blast. After three missiles it will die, leaving a red X in its wake. Anyway, go through the door it was guarding. Now Spin Jump back and forth up the railings to reach the top of the ledge above. Drop off the edge to your right, then jump up and grab the railing on the left. Spin jump and pull yourself up onto the ledge on your right. Collect the very first Energy Tank up ahead, and then walk right to stand on the edge of the ledge you're on. From here, fire two Missiles up above you to destroy two Missile Blocks. Jump up into the hole you opened up, and then head right to find another Energy Tank. Go back and drop down the shaft and you will fall through the Pit Blocks below. A Core-X is in the room you fall down into; it will transform into Arachnus, the mini-boss Samus killed on SR388 to get the Jumpball. A r a c h n u s --------------- Arachnus can only be damaged from the front, as its hard shell will deflect any projectiles coming at it from behind. So, keep firing Missiles at Arachnus's face while dodging its attacks. If it swipes its claws to create a sonic wave, simply jump the wave. But if it breathes fire, jump over and hang on one of the railings on either side of the room to stay away from the flames. If it rolls into a ball, jump over and hang from the railing, and then when it comes rolling your way, Spin Jump over it before it slams into the wall. After a while, the Core-X will change back to its true form. Absorb all of the X around it, and then attack it with Missiles. Do not shoot any Missiles while it's flashing, since any hits will not register. After you destroy the Core X's thorny membrane with three Missiles, jump up to absorb the Core-X to recover Samus's Morph Ball ability. --------------- Turn into a ball (tap down twice) and head left through the narrow tunnel. Jump over the pile of rubble and then jump up and grab onto the edge of the tunnel just ahead. Press up to pull up and become a Morph Ball, and then go through the narrow tunnel. Climb up the ladder to the left and roll through the narrow tunnel above, and then roll to the left through the narrow tunnel below. Jump up onto the ladder on your right, climb up to the top, then press left and fire your beam to destroy the two blocks blocking the way. Jump up and roll through the narrow tunnel you just cleared of blocks, kill the Zombie ahead, and then jump up and roll through the narrow tunnel ahead. Run to the left and jump up the platforms, you'll see an X-Barrier. Fire three missiles at it, and then go through the door it's guarding to reach a Recharge Room. Exit, drop down and head left through the door to a Save Room. Continue heading left via two doors. Descend to the bottom of the shaft, and then head left through the door to a Navigation Room. Adam tells you of the X invasion of Sector 1 (SRX), the habitat mimicking that of SR388. Your orders? "X detected in Sector 1 (SRX). Investigate and gather data". It's time to head down to Sector 1. Head left through the door. Climb up the shaft and roll through the narrow tunnel on your right to find a Missile Tank. Roll back to the shaft, climb up to the top of the shaft, and then head through the door up there. Jump over to the left and roll through the damaged narrow tunnel, then go through the door. Go left through another door to the elevator and take it down. An evil looking Samus will appear, causing damage to the station. Anyway, head to the left and take the elevator down to Sector 1. Sector 1 (SRX) **************** Enter the Navigation Room to the right. Adam will talk about the "unknown agent" and then will give you new orders, "Atmospheric stabilizers corrupted by X. Investigate". Head to the next area, going through Save and Recharge Rooms on the way. Shoot the Zombie Researchers in here, and then head right via the bottom right door. In the following corridor aggressive Amoeba will form from free-floating X. Shoot them and quickly absorb the X before they conglomerate into a larger Amoeba. Shoot the X-Barrier ahead with missiles, and then go through the door it was guarding. Make your way up and around to the X blocking the exhaust fan. Stand on the rock platform and fire three missiles up at the X's core to destroy it, unblocking the atmospheric stabiliser in the process. Now, head right through the flashing door. Shoot the Hornoads in here; the X they are made up of will reform into Halzyns. Run under the Halzyns so they thrust into the ground; then as they are floating back up, run under them and fire up to destroy them. You probably have noticed an Energy Tank in the bottom right corner of this room. To get it, crouch and fire at the rock blocking the left end of pipe the Energy Tank is inside, and then morph into a ball and roll through the pipe to collect another Energy Tank. Continue on through the door ahead. Jump over and go through the door to your right. Shoot the rock pillar ahead to break through and continue heading right. Once you're to the far right, jump up and head over to the left. Shoot the lone Hornoad, and then shoot at the rock above; to break a hole through. Climb up, and head over to the X blocking the stabiliser on your right. But make sure you jump over the thin bridge of Pit Blocks. Fire Missiles up at the X to unblock the stabiliser. Once you're done, head to the right to drop through some Pit Blocks, and then exit this area. Descend this shaft and go through the door below on your left. This reasonably long corridor is filled with rhino-like monsters called Moto. When they charge at you, jump over them and fire back at their vulnerable behind. Go through the door ahead, and then jump over and go through the door to the left. Jump up to the rungs (aka "monkey bars") and cross the lava to a rock platform with a Missile Tank on it. Collect the tank and then cross the lava again to exit this room. Descend this shaft whilst being careful of the Zebesian Space Pirates; they will pounce at you, fire spaser lasers at you, and are only vulnerable to Missiles. Anyway, head through the door at the bottom of this shaft. Jump over the crab-like monster called a Scizor, and head right to the next area. Jump over to the platform, and then jump up to the rungs above and swing across to the ledge over the other side. Drop down and then jump up to grab the ladder on your right. Climb it up to the top and fire Missiles to the left at the X blocking the stabiliser until you destroy it. Fall to the ground and head through the door below, but beware the Hornoads. Get past the Moto and continue ahead through two doors. Grab and spin jump up the pipe-like ledges to the top of this area, and then jump up to cling onto the rungs above. Swing over to the right and offload Missiles into the X blocking the stabiliser on your right to destroy it. When you drop down, watch out for the Hornoads in the pit below. Go through the door in the top left corner of this area, collect the Missile Tank and then exit. Descend to the bottom of this area and continue on via the door in the bottom right corner of this area. Ascend the shaft using the platforms and ladders, but beware the Zebesian Space Pirates that guard this shaft. Go through the door at the top. Shoot the flashing light to open up the shutter, and continue on through the door ahead. This water filled room is brimming with Scizor, if you shoot them they will simply reform further on down the line. Grab onto the rungs above and swing all the way over to the far left end of this room. Once you're there, fire at the rock to the left in order to create a small tunnel through. Drop off the rungs and pull through the tunnel, then go through the door ahead. Fall down through the Pit Blocks, roll through the narrow tunnel and then head through the door to the left. The Hornoads in this room will regenerate indefinitely; so keep shooting them and absorbing the free-floating X until you're pretty stocked up, then enter the Save Room on your left. Go back to the right via two doors and climb up the ladder to the Living Door. It's really hard to kill this Living Door, since you have to be really fast to dodge the plasma blasts. Once it's gone, go through the door it was guarding. A Torizo Statue is up ahead, shot the orb to find the Morphing Ball... wait, that's actually a Core-X. C h a r g e C o r e - X ------------------------ Keep running away from it, jumping over it whenever it corners you against a wall. Once its "eye" opens up, fire a Missile at it and jump immediately. If you do not jump just after shooting the Missile, you will be hit by a charge beam it counter attacks with. It will also fire the charge beam if you are too slow to attack. After four missiles, the thorny membrane will be destroyed. Absorb the Core-X to recover Samus's charge beam ability. ------------------------ Jump from platform to platform to reach the top right door and exit this room using it. Shoot at the roof to break open a hole through, and then jump up above. Jump up and cling on the rungs, and fire Missiles to the left to open up a tunnel. Pull yourself up through that tunnel to a secret room filled with Scizor. Collect the Missile Tank in the water, then head back through the tunnel and enter the door ahead. Make your way to the right past the Hornoads. Drop down and head over to the left, and then roll through the gap. Jump up and fire at the wall on the right to break through, and then shoot some missiles into the X. All stabilizers are online! Hooray! Now, exit this area via the door in the bottom right corner. Shoot the flashing light to open the shutter, and continue on through the door. Climb up to the top of this shaft, and head into the Save Room on your right up there. Once in the Save Room, shoot the crack in right wall to open up a narrow passageway. If you are a skilled Metroid player, you should be able to snag yourself another Missile Tank earlier than usual. Otherwise, wait until you recover your latent Space Jump & Jumpball abilities. Anyway, for the skilled; stand up against the right wall, jump, and at the peak of your jump press down twice quickly and then hold right. If done correctly, Samus should morph into a ball and roll into a narrow passageway over to the right. Now, this is a narrow-ish shaft with a Missile Tank at the top. So how are you going to get to the top without the Space Jump? Well... you are going to use the "Wall Jump" technique that the Etecoons taught Samus during her last visit to Zebes. To do it, spin jump at a wall and just as Samus touches the wall (I'm talking about the millisecond she does) simultaneously tap the A Button and the direction opposite to the wall. If done correctly, Samus will push off the wall into another spin jump. By "chaining" wall jumps together, you can scale narrow shafts quickly and without the need of the Space Jump. Anyway, get to the top of the shaft and collect the Missile Tank. Then roll back to the Save Room. Exit it and head through the door to the left. It's time to get out of Sector 1. So, ascend to the top of this shaft and then continue heading left over to the elevator, stopping in the Navigation Room on the way. According to Adam, X have infiltrated Sector 2. Your orders at the moment are "X detected in Sector 2 (TRO). Brief in TRO Navigation Room". On the way up to the Main Deck, Samus will reminisce about the real Adam. Main Deck *********** Run to the right through two doors to reach the elevator to Sector 2 (TRO). Then take it down. Sector 2 (TRO) **************** Go right to the Navigation Room. Adam has discovered the identity of the saboteur; it's an X mimicking Samus at her full capacity. Adam has named it the 'SA-X'. Anyway, your orders are "Bomb data ready. Unlock Data Room hatch and download." Head to the right via the Save and Recharge Rooms. Make your way down in this large green room. Charge up your beam on the way down, so you can spin jump at the Keyhunter Larvae that infest this area and kill them using a "Ghetto" Screw Attack. A green rectangular block obstructs your way at the bottom. kneel down and shoot at it to get it out of your way. Drop down and make your way right, then climb up to the door in the top right corner of this area and enter it. Watch the Keyhunter Larvae and continue right through the door ahead. Climb to the top of this shaft and go through the door up there. Drop down and log-in to the console below to unlock all Level 1 Security Doors. Now, exit this room using the Level 1 Security (Blue) door. Descend and head left through the door below, and then make your way left to the large green coloured room with the bubbling tanks in the background. Once there, head over to the door in the bottom left corner and go through it. Continue on through this corridor to the next area. The next area has a fly-like enemy called a Reo, blast it with charged shots. Enter the Data Room via the blue door above and to the left. Once in the Data Room, download the Bomb data and then exit. You'll hear a huge explosion followed by ominous footsteps. Oh no, the SA-X has damaged the only door back. Anyway, bomb the crumbled stone block in the top right corner of this area, and roll through the tunnel you created to reach a Missile Tank. Once you collect it, roll back through the tunnel and drop down to the floor below. Bomb the far bottom left corner of this area to reveal a tunnel below; so roll through it. Once down below, enter the Save Room to the right and save. Get out of the Save room, and head to the left; past the Reos and through the door. Morph into a ball and roll into the narrow tunnel ahead. Plant a bomb to bounce over the block in your way, and then bomb the block in your way down below it and to the right to blast through and continue. Shoot the Keyhunter Larvae and then bomb your way through the blocks on the left to drop down. Roll over to the right and then bomb the block there to drop down. Roll left and then once you drop down, jump and pull yourself up into the tunnel on the left. Lay many bombs in front of the Keyhunter Larvae in there to destroy it, then bomb the block on your left, drop down, and then bomb the block you land on to drop down to the bottom of the shaft. Enter the next shaft through the door down here. Fall down to the bottom of this shaft, and then go through the door at the bottom of it. This next area is overridden with plants and enemies. There are Reos, Keyhunter Larvae, and a spiny bipedal hopper called a Dessgeega. Watch out for the Dessgeega, since it will shoot spines at you. Anyway, bomb the thin cracked platform in the middle of this room to drop down below. Head left, and drop down through the pit blocks below. Kill the blue Keyhunter Larvae down here to release a red X. Bomb the bottom right corner of this chamber to expose a long narrow tunnel. Roll to the end of it and you'll fall down through a Pit Block. Kill the Keyhunter Larvae and then roll to the left to collect another Missile Tank. Shoot up at the ceiling and then jump up and roll back to the left. Then bomb the loose block on your right to blow a way through, and then head through the hole you made and enter the room up ahead to the right. Jump up and roll through the narrow tunnel up ahead. Kill the little leech-like Puyo that are bouncing around, and then bomb just to the left of the wall up ahead. A metal cylinder should rise up; use it as a platform to pull yourself and roll through the narrow tunnel up above. Then go right, to the next area. Don't climb this shaft just yet, go through the door on your right. You can either roll through the tunnel at the bottom of this corridor and then bomb at the end; to avoid the Puyo, or simply blast your way through the walls and toast them all. Either way, enter the Save Room on your right, and save. Head back via the room filled with Puyo to the shaft. Ascend the shaft and head through the second door on your right; it's the one with a wall in front of it, so you have to climb up and drop down to it. Quickly shoot the Dessgeega dead before it can attack you, and enter the room on your right. Head right again to enter another Save Room. Continue to the right once again, avoiding the spiny beetles called Owtches on the way. Collect the Energy Tank, and then shoot the middle of the floor so you can drop down. Kill the Living Door below using the same method as before, and then enter the door ahead. Jump over the wall and drop down to the right. There's a Core-X, and it becomes some sort of one-eyed leeching plant-like thing. " C y c l o p s L e e c h " ---------------------------- The main strategy in this battle should be evasion; keep avoiding it. If it jumps at you, run under it. You want to wait until it leaps up and dilates its funnel, this is the time you want to run under it and offload a ton of missiles into its core (Charged Beams also work). Make sure you run out of its way before it lands or it will engulf you. If it manages to swallow you, morph into a ball and lay heaps of bombs to escape. It should become shorter and shorter as you damage it more and more; eventually it will explode and change back into a Core-X. Attack the Core-X in the usual way, abstaining from shooting whilst it is flashing. Once you destroy the thorny membrane, jump up to absorb the Core-X. Samus will recover her Hi-Jump and Jumpball abilities. ---------------------------- Climb your way back up and exit this area. Jump up through the hole you made earlier, and make your way left to the Save Room. Head left to the next room; the Keyhunter Larvae have hardened into cocoons. Anyway, continue heading over to the left. The far left floor has been damaged! So bomb the deep crack to the right of it to drop down into the room below. Footsteps... it must be the SA-X! Whatever you do, don't run over to the right, shoot through the floor and then engage in battle with the SA-X. It will simply fire its freeze beam to turn you into a Samus-icle, and then will pound you with a Super Missile. Simply wait for it to head through the door below, and then follow it. No sign of the SA-X, but you can see the Keyhunter cocoons have almost finished going through their metamorphosis. Jump up over to the left and head through the door over there. Jump up to grab onto the rungs on the ceiling, and swing over to the left to find a Missile Tank. Jump in the water and shoot the Skultera (bony fish). But quickly absorb the X if you kill one or it will fuse with the living Skultera. This will turn it into in to a larger, beam-resistant Skultera-X, that can only be damaged with Missiles or a charged beam. Anyway, bomb under the far left palm tree to make a metal cylinder rise up. From it, jump over and pull yourself up through the narrow tunnel to the left, and then enter the next room. Bomb between the palm and the flower to make another metal cylinder rise up. Morph into a ball, and bounce over to the left from the metal cylinder; bomb at the peak of your jump to destroy the "loose block" in the wall. Now pull yourself through it to get to the Missile Tank, and then make you way back through the door. Bomb the lone block and another metal cylinder will rise up. Use it to get through the narrow tunnel, and then make your way back to the shaft filled with cocooned Keyhunters. Now, using the Keyhunters as platforms, ascend to the top of this shaft. Roll into the tunnel at the top and bomb the block in your way to destroy it. Keep rolling over to the left and jump whilst a Ball, at the height of your jump lay a bomb to destroy the block above. Roll through the gap you made and enter the next room ahead. Shoot the Reo dead, and then continue on to the right. Jump up and hang from the ledge up above, then spin jump over to the ledge on your right and pull yourself up to morph into a ball. Bomb the right wall to open up a tunnel to a secret annex. Collect the Missile Tank inside, then jump up to the ledge up and to your left, and pull yourself up onto it. Then roll all the way over to the left, and back to the large green room; with the bubbling tanks in the background. Bomb the block in your way, and then head out of the tunnel. Climb up above and go through the blue door. Jump up against the right wall and plant a bomb at the highest point of your jump to open up a secret passageway. Bounce up into it, and then roll on through. Collect the Missile Tank in here, and then head back to the green area. Make your way over to the middle door on the left side of this room, and enter it. Don't kill the Reos in this room, or the X they are made up of will fuse with the green hives, called Kago, to make them grow taller. Simply jump over the Kago and over to the Missile Tank. Once collected, head back to the green room, and then up and into the Recharge Room, head left again to Save, and then left again to the Navigation Room. Adam tells you that Sector 4 (AQA) has been breached by the X, your orders: "Aberration in Sector 4 (AQA). Proceed to Sector 4.". Take the elevator on your left up to the Main Deck. On the way, Samus will philosophise about the SA-X. Main Deck *********** Head right via the blue Level 1 Security Door, then take the elevator down to Sector 4 (AQA). Sector 4 (AQA) **************** Enter the Navigation Room ahead and log-in. Sector 4 has been damaged by the X, but some of the more erratic damage may have been caused by a large aquatic creature, called Serris. Your orders are simply to "Engage Serris". Adam tells you also to avoid the electrified water, as it will damage Samus. Continue heading to the left through the Save Room and the Recharge room to reach the next area. Jump over the platforms to the left and go through the door in the bottom left corner. Head left once more to the next area. Climb up, shooting the Scizor in your way, and then bomb the wall up above to your left. Now using the rungs on the roof, swing all the way over to the left and drop down. Jump across the platforms, all the way over to the left, and then go through the door in the top left corner. This room is filled with Scizors, and the tanks are filled with Skultera, so be careful. Make your way to the submerged door in the top left corner, and enter it. Quickly absorb the X before it becomes a Skultera-X. Climb up using the ladder ahead, and enter the Save Room from the door above. Exit, and head right; killing Scizors on the way. Jump up to the ladder above, and then flick over to the ladder on the right, and then flick over to the ledge on the left and pull yourself up through it. Enter the door ahead. The bad news, the path to Serris's Tank has been blocked by a fallen girder; the good news, an Energy Tank is lying there, waiting to be collected. And so, make your way back to the room that has tanks filled with Skultera. Once there, jump over to the right, drop down, and enter the door in the bottom left corner of this room. Shoot the large block up above the door, and then jump up and pull yourself up into the narrow space above. Bomb to the left to expose all the rungs on the roof, and then swing all the way to the left using them. Jump up to the room above, and climb up the ladder on your left, all the way to the top. You will pull yourself up into a secret tunnel, so roll over to the left and into the secret room. Kill the Owtches inside, and then roll over to collect the Missile Tank. Head back through the tunnel. Don't bother climbing further up this shaft, just drop down to the corridor below. Bomb through the wall on your left, and enter the door just ahead. The blue door to the left leads to the Pump Control Unit. Remember where it is, because you'll have to head there later on. Anyway, shoot the block just above the right door, and climb up the ladder above. Jump up to cling from the rungs above, and climb over to the left. Shoot above you to break through, and then jump up to the platform above. Roll over to the right and bomb the blue block, climb up the ladder just ahead, and swing across the rungs over to the left, sinc the blue block below is actually is made of pit blocks. Once on the other side, jump and shoot below you to drop down. Jump up on the ladder and shoot above to clear the blocks. Spin jump over to the right, and go through the door ahead to enter a Save Room. I suggest you save your game. Then from the Save Station, shoot to the right to destroy a cracked block. Roll through the hole you made over to the right. Bomb the row of blocks in your way and enter the door just ahead. It looks like something has eaten Serris whole, and then spat out his bones... head through the door to the right. Climb up the shaft using the ladders, and the drop down over to the right to the Living Door. It's harder this time around because you have less space to work with and the water slows you down. Head into the door it was guarding once you defeat the Living Door. Jump up to the top of this area, some of the platform will crumble... it seems Serris isn't dead after all. S e r r i s ----------- Serris is a huge eel with a hard exoskeleton. Only it's head is vulnerable to attack. Anyway, you can use one of two strategies to kill Serris. You can either; stay out of the water and shoot Serris as it loops around the platforms. Or, you can stay down in the water. If you stay in the water, wait for a puff of debris to come from the ground. That puff of debris is the precursor to Serris smashing up from ground at that point. So shoot a missile at his head once it pops up. Every time a Missile hits, Serris will Speed Boost all over this area. Just avoid him as it's very hard to hit him in this state. After five hits to the head, Serris will explode and become it's true form... a Core-X (as if we didn't already know). Again, remember to only shot missiles when the Core-X isn't flashing. Five missiles will destroy the thorny membrane, leaving you to absorb the Core-X and regain Samus's Speed Booster ability. ----------- Enter the flashing door in the top right corner of this area. Jump up and run all the way over to the right. Drop down, and bomb the wall on your left. You'll destroy the wall, and reveal the blocks below to be Boost Blocks. Run over to the left, clearing all of the Owtches out of the way as you go. When you reach the far left end, come running back to the right at full speed. You should destroy the Boost blocks and fall down below. You will fall down through Pit Blocks. Just after that, push to the far left so you don't fall all the way down. If you do fall all the way down, you will have to Wall Jump all the way back up. Anyway, from the left ledge you fell down onto, bounce up and bomb the row of blocks to the left. Roll through the tunnel you blew open and bomb to the far left to destroy the block covering the ladder, and then bomb to the left again to reveal a Missile Tank. Now, grab onto the ladder, and fire two Missiles to the left. You should destroy two Missile Blocks, opening up a passage to the left. Bounce up as a ball through the hole you created and roll over to the left to drop down. Keep heading down, then run over to the right and jump over pit ahead. Then from the ledge on the other side of the pit, jump up and shoot to the right to open up a passageway leading to a Missile Tank. Drop down the pit to the floor of this area, then enter the Save Room over to the right. Exit the Save Room, head over to the left and drop down to the area below. Now, make your way over to the blue Level 1 Security Door (that leads to the Pump Control Unit) in the far left end of this sector. I pointed it out to you earlier on. Once in the Pump Control Unit room, run full speed over to the left. You will blast through some Boost Blocks and over to the Pump Control console. Access it to lower the water level then climb a little down the ladder on your left, and then spin jump over to the ledge on the right. Roll through the gap to find a Missile Tank. Bounce up as a ball and roll over to the right. Jump up the platforms, and shoot the greenish grey bridge up above to break open a hole. Head up and through the door to the right. Go right once more. Morph into a ball, and roll over to the right to fall down to the floor. Kill all the Scizors down here, then head over to the left but stop before hitting the broken wires. Now, run over to the right. You will Speed Boost through Boost Blocks to the next room. Head over to the far right end of this room and jump up to the ledge above. Pull yourself up through the gap and head over to the left to get a Missile Tank. Now, jump up and roll through the tunnel to the left, you will fall thorough a Pit Block. From here, run over to the right at full speed. You'll Speed Boost through a couple of barriers made of Boost Blocks, all the way over to the far right door in the next area. Go through that door. The doors in here are locked. To open them, shoot the Scizor and the X it was made from will fly up and become a golden Scizor. This Scizor cannot be killed with just your beam, you must kill it with two Missiles, or charge beams. The doors will then flash, meaning you can go on through them. Go to the right, and head over to the Recharge Room via the top right door. Enter the Save Room to the right, and then head right once more to the Navigation Room. Adam says Galactic Federation HQ has a Missile Upgrade ready for you, your orders: "New Missile data ready in Sector 3 (PYR) Data Room". Go right and take the elevator up to the Main Deck. Main Deck *********** Head all the way over to the elevator to Sector 3 (PYR), take it down. Sector 3 (PYR) **************** Enter the Navigation Room to your right, and log-in. Adam gives you new orders; "Locate Security Room and activate green hatches". Head through the usual Save and Recharge Rooms (that are at the entrance/exit to every sector) over to the next area. Head down the zig-zagging path, and then shoot the wall ahead that has a tunnel below it to blast through. Head over to the right and drop down, then head all the way over to the left. Jump and shoot down to break a hole in the ground, then drop down through it. Run over to the right whilst shooting to clear the way, but don't go through the right door. Instead, run over to the left whilst shooting, to go through the door and blast through a wall of Boost Blocks in the next room. Bomb just to the left of the "hump" nearby to open a hole below. Drop down through it and then fire up at the top right corner of the ceiling to uncover a Missile Tank. Now head back up above. From the far right end of this room run over to the left, and then spin jump once you reach the "hump" in the ground just before the green door. You should smash through the boost blocks above the door. From up there, morph into ball, and bounce up into the gap in the far left corner. Bomb there to open up a passageway to the room to the left. Roll left and you'll fall through Pit Blocks. Log-in to the console to unlock all green Security Level 2 doors. S, exit this room using the newly unlocked green door. X have invaded this sector, forming into Side-Hoppers and strange looking enemies that will try to smash you with their fists. After killing them all with Missiles, run over to the far left, then run back over to the right. Jump once you reach the "hump" in the ground just before the right wall, to spin back through the Boost Blocks. Exit this room and run over to the right whilst shooting to blast through the walls and through the door to the right. Jump up above and kill the Fune with some Missiles. Run over to where it was coming out of the wall to fall down through some pit blocks. Shoot the flashing light to open the shutter. Then from just in front of the left door, run over to the right through the door and keep running to the right in the next room to burn through some Boost Blocks on the floor. Walk to the left where you destroyed the Boost Blocks to fall down through a Pit Block. Go through the door below. Descend to the bottom of this shaft, and head through the right green doort. Kill all the Owtches, then bomb the top edge of the large platform in the middle of this room to uncover a Missile Tank. Head back to the shaft, and climb it all the way to the top. Keeping moving up constantly to avoid being chomped by the Fune. The door to the right is damaged, so head into the left one. Morph into a ball and then bounce and bomb the left wall, to uncover two tunnels. Bounce up into the top tunnel, and roll over to the left to find a Missile Tank. Bomb to the left to destroy some blocks, and the bounce up and roll into the tunnel above you and over to the right. Bomb at the end of it to destroy more blocks. Then bounce up into yet another above. Roll over to the right in this tunnel and bomb the ned to open a way up into the corridor above. Head right through the door above. Head over to the right and through the door ahead, killing Side-Hoppers on the way and avoiding the fire dripping down from Nova; the fire bugs. Enter the Data Room on your right via the green Level 2 Security Door. Download the Super Missile Data from the flashing chamber... an explosion will rock this sector... exit the room. Head left to the next area. A large hole has been blown through the middle of the floor. Drop down into it, and then head through the door below to the Save Room. Save and then head right to a Recharge Room. Recharge then head right once more. Shoot both of the Side-Hoppers dead with your Super Missiles, then destroy the purple X-Barrier with three Super Missiles, so you can collect the Missile Tank. Back track all the way to the room that had the newly blown hole you dropped down through. Head over to the left and you'll see the door has been damaged. Suddenly the room will begin to shake, and debris will fall from the ceiling as if something large is walking in the area above you. So head right to the next area. A rogue Security Robot has gone berserk!!! S e c u r i t y R o b o t -------------------------- Jump up and cling from the rungs above, and stay hanging from them. If the Security Robot hits you down from them, jump back up. The Security Robot will jump all over the place, occasionally launching a blaze grenade. When you see its grenade launcher appear, swing away to avoiding being hit by the grenade. Then once it explodes, make sure you swing past the fire wall when it becomes very short. Anyway, you want to swing above the Security Robot and then offload some Super Missiles down into its centre. You'll be able to tell when you almost have it beat, because you will expose a huge throbbing brain inside of it. Once defeated, it will begin to flash and stumble over to the right. It will then blast up through the roof, raining debris down. -------------------------- Use the debris to climb up to the corridor above. Clear this corridor of all enemies. Then from the far left end, run over to the right at full speed and then tap down to Shinespark charge once you reach the "gutter" at the end. Now, tap A and then tap diagonal left-up. Samus will Shoulder Charge through the roof and then a wall of Boost Blocks. Collect the Missile Tank up there. Drop down and kill the Side-Hopper. Morph into a ball and bounce up to the left to bomb the block in your way. Then roll through the gap to the left. There is a structure poking down from the middle of the roof. Bomb the floor directly below it to make a metal cylinder rise up. Bounce and bomb constantly to uncover an Energy Tank above and collect it. Head over to the left, bounce up and bomb the block in your way above. Roll over to the left to the first area. Make your way over to the Recharge Room via the door in the top left corner, then head left over to the Save Room, then left through to the Navigation Room and log-in. Adam will give you new orders: "Download support data. Proceed to Sector 6 (NOC)." Head left and take the elevator back up to the Main Deck. Adam will have a very suspicious conversation with an unknown man; probably someone in the higher echelon of the Galactic Federation. Main Deck *********** Head all the way over to the right and down the elevator to Sector 6 (NOC). Sector 6 (NOC) **************** Head right to the Navigation Room, Adam will give you new orders; "Download Varia Suit data. Avoid blue X parasites." Head right through the Save and Recharge Rooms to the new area. Kill the Eeleyes and head right to the next area. Descend to the floor and then bounce and bomb the left wall to open up a narrow passage. Roll to the left through that passage to reach a small chamber with a Missile Tank inside. Roll back and destroy the X-Barrier ahead with your Super Missiles. Jump as a ball against the right wall and bomb to uncover another narrow passageway; head through it over to a secret room. From the edge of the ledge, bounce over to the right wall and lay bombs all the way down it. You should uncover three passageways. Roll over to the right via the top one, and then bomb at the end to drop down to the Energy Tank below. Head back to the darkened room and go through the door above. Shot the blue X with your beam to stun it. Then quickly run over to the right and through the door ahead. Descend to the bottom of this shaft quickly and go through the door at the bottom (avoid the other two doors, as they lead to rooms filled with blue X). Of the three big block to your right in the next room, only shoot the top two to avoid releasing a blue X. Jump down to the ladder on your right and climb down it a little. Shoot your beam at the thin wall to the left to destroy it. Then jump over to the left and quickly make your way over to the door in the bottom left corner and go through it. Run over to the left at full speed to blast through a wall of Boost Blocks and then land on a ladder. Climb down the ladder, and head through the door to your right. Kill all the Eeleyes to recover energy and missiles, then enter the Save Room on your right and save. Now head back to the left through two doors, and then go left once more to a new area. Collect the Energy Tank, and then bomb just to the left of where it was lying to drop down below into a narrow shaft. Roll over to the right to drop through Pit Blocks to a door below; enter that door. Run over to the right wall and bomb it to drop down below. Roll over to the left and the SA-X will enter the room. Follow it over to the right and it will drop a Power Bomb, destroying all the Power Bomb blocks. Stay under the part of the floor that didn't disintegrate, and wait for the SA-X to exit the room (you will hear it fire its Ice Beam to open the door). If you were impatient and it saw you, run like hell! Anyway, head over to the right and drop down below, then go through the door down here. If the SA-X is chasing you this room will be empty, otherwise it will be filled with grubs and Eeleyes. Shoot the left wall ahead to destroy it, and then bounce up into the tunnel ahead and roll over to the door on your left, go through it. Enter the Save Room on your left, save and then exit. Fire at the block in the middle of the room to drop down below. Blast your way to the bottom left corner of this room, and then roll through the hidden tunnel over to the left. Kill all the grubs in this secret room, and then jump up to the ledge above and pull yourself up into a ball. Bomb over to the left to uncover a Missile Tank. Now roll back to the previous shaft and blast your way to the right door. Kill all the Eeleyes, then jump over the small wall ahead over to the Living Door. Destroy it, then head into the Data Room. A Core-X is downloading the Varia Data! Head right to the next area to battle it. B a r r i e r C o r e - X -------------------------- The Barrier Core-X will float around the room, damaging Samus whenever she touches it. You cannot hurt it with Missiles or your normal beam, but charged beam shots work. So keep firing Charged Shots at it to take out its barrier of smaller Core-Xs, and then to damage it. Eventually it will turn red and loose its barrier, becoming a regular ol' Core-X. So destroy the thorny membrane using the usual method, and then absorb the Core-X to regain Samus's Varia (Barrier) Suit. -------------------------- Samus can now withstand extreme temperatures. Continue through the door ahead. Go through another two doors over to the right to a Save Room. Save and then exit. Climb the ladder to the top of this shaft, absorb a bunch of blue Core-X on the way and then enter the left door up there. Jump over to collect the Missile Tank, otherwise you'll fall down through Pit Blocks before you can collect it. After falling down through the Pit Blocks below, hold left; Samus will grab on to the edge of a narrow tunnel below. Pull up into it and roll over to the left. Shoot at the roof of this annex to uncover another Missile Tank. Exit this annex and drop to the bottom of this shaft, then head right through the door below. Climb up the ladder again, but this time head through the right wall. Kill all enemies inside then climb the ladder to the top of this short shaft and enter the door at the top. Roll over through the tunnel to the left to drop down through a Pit Block, then roll left through the tunnel. Make your way up to the door in the top left corner of this familiar room, and enter it. Now you have the Varia Suit, you can head into those two doors you avoided before because of the copious amounts of blue X inside them. Although, the one on the left leads to a dead end so there is no point heading into it. So head right into the door in the middle of this shaft. Shoot the blocks in your way and head into the door ahead. Try to collect the Missile Tank and you will find out it's actually a bat-like enemy mimicking one. So, bomb over to the right to find the real Missile Tank. Now, make your way over to the Navigation Room at the start of this sector. After talking about possible upgrades, Adam will give you new orders "Download Ice Missile data. Proceed to Sector 5 (ARC)." Go left and back up the elevator to the Main Deck. Main Deck *********** Head all the way over to the elevator in the far left end of this floor, and take it down to Sector 5 (ARC). Sector 5 (ARC) **************** Enter the Navigation Room on your right. Adam fills you in further and gives you orders; "Locate Security Room and activate yellow hatches". Continue right over to the next area through the Save and Recharge Rooms. Drop down to the ladder below on your left, and shoot from it to kill the bug-eyed insect, Zeela. Now climb to the top of the ladder, and fire two Missiles over to the right to open up a narrow tunnel. Jump up to it and roll over to the right and then go through the door ahead. The Chute Leeches in this area are a little different to their SR388 counterparts, they now drop acid. Fall to the bottom of this area and then head over to the right and climb up high, past the Chute Leeches. Then drop down to the door below and enter it. You old friends the Wavers will attack you in this icy area. Head over to the right, drop down below and then head over to the left. Bomb the floor below to head further down in this area, and then enter the left door. Shoot dead the three Zeela in this corridor, then shoot open the door back to the previous area. Now from the Shutter, run over to the right to the next room at full speed. You should Speed Boost through the floor ahead. Make your way down over to the left, and then head over to the right (bombing the block in your way) and through the door ahead. Bomb the right wall to destroy the barriers in this room. Releasing a bunch of Wavers, so quickly destroy them all and absorb the copious amounts of free-floating X. Go through the right door and fall down below; the door on the left leads to a dead end, so bomb the floor to drop down to a lower section. Go through the left door down there to enter a Save Room. Save and then exit via the door on the left. This corridor is bare apart from two dormant Kago, so go through the door ahead, and then left once again. You will enter the Level 3 Security Room. Access the console to unlock all the Level 3 doors. Then head left again to a shaft. The Zeela in this shaft are really annoying because they are everywhere. Ascend to the top of this shaft; do not step on the large square blocks, as they are made of Pit Blocks. From the tip of the ladder at the top of this shaft, fire up to destroy a block in your way. Then hold the L Button and fire to destroy another block. Jump up to the platform on your left, and then fire left up against the left wall to open up a hole to the door above. You can also bomb the left wall about half way up this shaft to uncover a ladder all the way to the top. The next room is a Save Room, so save and then go through the door on your right. Open the shutter, then head right to the large icy room. Make your way over to the flashing door to the right, and enter it. Shoot the flashing light to open the shutter, then head into the Data Room ahead. Download the Ice Missile data, then go through the door to your right. Bomb the floor and you'll fall down a really long shaft. Ok, now climb to the top of the ladder on your right. Shoot the turtle-like Ripper up there with an Ice Missile when it's in the middle of the room, and then use it as a platform to jump over to the door on your left. The next room seemingly has an Energy Tank to collect in plain sight, but... it will reveal itself to be a bat-like mimic. So keep bombing the left wall to reveal the true Energy Tank. Exit this room and drop down to the bottom of the shaft. Morph into a ball and bounce against the right wall to head through a secret tunnel. Shoot the roof over to the right to open up a hole above. Then shoot the Zeela, but do not absorb the X it was made from; as it will reform into a Chute Leech. Walk near the Chute Leech and it will launch itself up, then fire a Ice Missile at it when it reaches its highest point. Use the frozen Chute Leech as a platform to jump up to the ledge above. Kill the Zeela on the roof; but as before, do not absorb the free-floating X since it will reform, this time into a Ripper. Freeze the Ripper with an Ice Missile when it's just a little to the right of the centre of the room. Jump over on to the frozen Ripper, and then shoot at the ceiling above to uncover a Missile Tank. Jump up to collect it. Roll back through the secret tunnel to the previous shaft, then head left through the yellow door. A Kago (hive) will mutate due to the free-floating X. Freeze it with an Ice Missile and then fire up above to open up a hole, jump up and pull yourself up through it then head through the door up there. Kill the Zeela'a over to the right, but do not collect the X; as it will reform into another Zeela. Kill the new Zeela, and the free-floating X will float down and mutate the Kago. Freeze the Kago, then run full speed to the left with guns a blazin' from the right tip of this platform. You'll run through the door ahead and will blast through the Boost Blocks ahead. Climb up above and go through the yellow door. Jump up above and head over to the right. You can't get past the Boost Blocks above, so blast the wall on your right. Go through the wall and jump up to the ledge above. Shoot to the left to destroy a open up a narrow tunnel, and then jump over to it and roll over to the left, you'll fall through a Pit Block. Make your way up to the top left corner of this area, and head through the door up there. A strange thing will constantly "buzz" Samus in the background, weird... Climb up the ladder above, head left, drop down below and then head left again. Don't go through the yellow door just yet. Instead, jump up above. When the Chute Leech reaches its height point, freeze it with an Ice Missile and then use it as a platform to get to the ledge above. Freeze the Chute Leech up there in the same way to get to the door above. In the room above, ignore the Chute Leech and collect the Missile Tank. Exit the room, drop down below and enter the yellow Level 3 Security Door. Quickly kill the large Geruta with two Missiles. Now, morph into a ball and bounce up to the top right corner of this room and bomb it to destroy a fake block. Bounce up and bomb there again once more to uncover a Missile Tank. So jump and pull yourself up to get it. Now head through the door on your left. What? Why is everything engulfed in flashing red light on? Head over to the Navigation Room, recharging and saving on the way. If you hadn't already figured out from the B.S.L computer's "Emergency in Sector 3" siren, Adam will tell you so, and will give you new orders: "Sector 3 (PYR) overheating. Proceed to Control Room". You have 6 minutes to do it. So, head left and up the elevator to the Main Deck. Main Deck *********** Head right and down the elevator to Sector 3 (PYR). Sector 3 (PYR) **************** You want to head to the left green door at the bottom of the really long shaft filled with Fune. You've been their before, but I'll give you directions anyway. Head right through the Navigation, Save and Recharge Rooms to the next area. Quickly head down below, and blast through the tunnel on your right. Drop down just ahead and run over to the left and down the hole you blew in the floor before. Now, run over to the right whilst firing your beam to blast through four barriers and through the door ahead. Jump up and shoot the Fune dead, then run over to where it was to drop through some Pit Blocks. Now, open the shutter, and run over to the right from the left door. You will burn through some Boost Blocks in the floor of the next room. Head left a little to fall down through a Pit Block, and go through the door down there. Fall down to the bottom of this very long corridor filled with Fune, and then enter the green door down there. Using the rungs all along the roof of this corridor, cross the sea of lava over to the door ahead. But watch out for the blasts of lava coming from below, as they will knock Samus into the lava. Also watch those enemies who will try to attack Samus with their huge claws. In the next room, coax the Nahime (essentially a Fune with eyes, that breathes blue fire) out of its hole and freeze it. Use it as a step to jump up to the door above and go through it. Avoid the fire dropping down from the Novas, and continue through the door ahead. Freeze the Nahime and use them as steps to the door above, and then head to the next area. Jump from the platforms over to the left. In this area don't worry about freezing the Nahime; instead kill them with a couple of Missiles. Jump up above and head to the right. Jump up to the platform above, kill the Nahime, then jump up over to the left. Head to the left but don't stop on the small bridge ahead, as it's made of Pit Blocks. So jump over it. Fall down to the door below and go through it. The Nova just to your left is scuttling on a platform made of Pit Blocks. So, freeze it with an Ice Missile and then use it as the platform to head over to the door to the Main Boiler Room. Ignore the Side-Hoppers (freeze them if you wish) and make your way to the Living Door in the top left corner of this area. Destroy it, collect the red X and then head through the door. Head over to the console. A scientist is causing the meltdown! Looks like Samus is going to kill her first human... shoot him. Wait, it's actually a Core-X... as if we didn't already know (for the second time). W i d e C o r e - X -------------------- Treat it like the Charge Core-X. Run away until its "eye" appears, then fire a Missile at it and jump straight away to dodge its Wide Beam counter attack. After three or so Ice Missiles, the thorny membrane will be destroyed. Absorb the Core-X to gain the Wide Beam. -------------------- Log-in to the console to overt the sector from overheating. Now, make your way back to that really long shaft filled with Fune/Nahime, and head through the right green door this time. Bomb the right wall to open up a passageway. Freeze the Nova ahead, and then use it to boost up to the ledge above. Go through the door up there. Head right and drop down below, jump over to the platform over the lava. All the other platforms are made of Pit Blocks that will crumble and make you fall into the lava. So, freeze the Nova on them with Ice Missiles. And then use the frozen Nova as platforms to head over to the right, and then jump up and pull yourself into the narrow tunnel ahead and collect the Energy Tank. Bounce into the tunnel above and to your left, and follow it all the way over to the left to collect a Missle Tank and then fall through a Pit Block. Open the shutter and head back to the long shaft filled with Nahime/Fune. Climb to the top of it and head through the door to the left. Bounce and bomb the left wall to to uncover two narrow tunnels. Ball-jump into the top tunnel, and roll over to the left. Bomb to the far left to destroy some blocks, and the bounce up and roll into the tunnel above you, and over to the right. Bomb at the end of it to destroy more blocks. Then, bounce up into yet another above. Roll over to the right in this tunnel and then bomb to open a way up into the corridor above. Shoot the X-Barrier in your way and head through the door on the left. Descend this shaft and head left through the door at the bottom. Shoot the walls in your way and enter the 2nd door from the bottom on the left side of this area. Cross the sea of lava using the rungs along the roof; watch out for the lava blasts and the Side-Hoppers, as they will knock you down into the lava. Anyway, head through the door ahead and collect the Missile Tank in the next area. Now make your way to the Navigation Room at the start of this sector. After discussing the X-parasites, Adam will give you new orders: "Bio-signs on Habitation Deck. Check for survivors.". So head left, and up the elevator to the Main Deck. Main Deck *********** Go over to the Main Elevator in the middle of this floor and take it up. Head through the damaged door to your right. Don't go through the door ahead, instead turn back and run full speed over to the left. You will run through the hole the SA-X made before and through a wall of Boost Blocks to a Missile Tank. Now, exit this room and make your way over to the Navigation Room over to the right. Then go through the right door and climb to the top of this shaft. Head through the green door on your left and then take the elevator up to the Habitation Deck. Habitation Deck ***************** The door on the right leads to a Save Room, the door on the left leads to the way to the bio-signs. In the next area, wait for free-floating X to form into a Fune. Coax it out of its hole and then freeze it. Use it as a platform to get up to the ledge above. Coax the Nahime up there out the same way and then freeze it. Jump up on it and then up to the door above. Enter the door. Etecoons and Dachoras, the little guys that helped you (and you hopefully rescued) on Zebes, are behind glass in the habitat in the background. Bomb the left large square block in the floor to drop down through some Pit Blocks to the floor below. Shoot the left wall to break through it and head to the left. If you bomb the large square block to the left in the floor you will see it is made of Boost Blocks. So head right and open the shutter. Now from the green door on the right, run at full speed over to the left to blast through the Boost Blocks and fall down to the floor below. Open the shutter on your right and collect the Missile Tank on the other side of it. Head back over to the left wall, and jump up against the left wall to find a secret passageway to a shaft. Make your way to the top of this shaft by grabbing onto the ladders, freezing the Fune on the other side of the shaft then using it as a platform to jump to the next ladder. Go through the opening at the top to head back into the habitat room and log-in to the console to rescue the Etecoons and Dachoras. Now head back to the elevator and take it down to the Main Deck. Samus will speak about the Etecoons and Dachoras on the way down. Main Deck *********** Head right, descend to the bottom of this shaft and then enter the Navigation Room on your left. Adam will give you new orders: "Download Power Bomb data. Proceed to Sector 5 (ARC)." So head over to the Main Elevator and take it down. Then go over to the far left end of this floor to the Sector 5 (ARC) elevator, and take it down. Sector 5 (ARC) *************** Enter the Navigation Room; Adam will remind you of the Data Room's position. Go through the Save and Recharge Rooms (using them on the way) to the following shaft. Fall to the bottom of this shaft, and through the left yellow door. Shoot all the Zeela in this room. The box the Missile Tank is in has a false bottom on its left side. So jump into the box from there to get the Missile Tank. Exit this room and make your way over to the Data Room; it's a fairly basic route you have traveled before. After downloading the Power Bomb data, head right. Bomb the floor of this room and fall all the way down the long shaft. Go left through the yellow door. There is a Save Room to the left if you want to save, and there is a Red Zeela in the room beyond that if you need to recover a lot. But anyway, use a Power Bomb in this room (the one to the right of the Save Room) to destroy a false block in the floor. Drop down it and head through the door below. Oh no... the SA-X has entered the room from the door behind you! Quickly run over to the left, scale the wall, and then bounce and use a Power Bomb to uncover two narrow tunnels in the left wall. Bounce up and roll through the top one, and then quickly head through the door on your left. Phew~ safe!. Use two Power Bombs in quick succession and stay in the same spot. The vacuum effect of the explosion will suck all the free-floating X towards you; one is a red X! Now collect the Power Bomb on your left. Climb up the ladder to the room above and then drop a Power Bomb to destroy a chunk of the roof. Jump up to the ladder above and climb up. Freeze the Rippers in this shaft so you can use them as platforms to head up to the door above. Go through the door and collect the Power Bomb Tank inside. Then exit this room, drop down, and head through the door on your left. Go left again to the shaft. Climb up to the second ledge of this shaft and lay a Power Bomb. Use the ladder you revealed to climb up to the yellow door above which leads to a Save Room. Save and then head right. Open the shutter and head right. You'll find a large X-Barrier blocking your way! Use a Power Bomb to destroy it and then head right to the large icy area. Head right a little and jump up to the ledge above. Use a Power Bomb and you'll destroy the large X-Barrier in the top left-hand corner of your screen, and open up a narrow tunnel above. Ball-jump into it and go through the door ahead. Go along the bottom of this room and use lots of Power Bombs to reveal where all the Pit Blocks are above. Now head back over to the right and jump up above. You want to freeze the Ripper ahead when he's just over the middle of the pit of Pit Blocks. Then Morph into a Ball and ball-jump into the tunnel above, bounce onto the Ripper and then over to the tunnel on the other side and roll through it. Freeze the next Ripper when he is in the middle of the next pit of Pit Blocks. Then morph into a ball, bounce into the tunnel above, then onto the frozen Ripper, and then over to the narrow tunnel ahead. Roll over and collect the Power Bomb Tank; but watch the Pit Blocks below. If you fall into the Pit Blocks, quickly tap up twice to "de-Morph" and the hold left. You should grab on to the ledge on your left, which you can pull up from to get the Power Bomb Tank. Now, exit this room and make your own way to the Navigation Room at the start of this sector. Adam will give you new orders: "Return to starship". So, go left and up the elevator to the Main Deck. Main Deck *********** Take the central elevator up to the higher floor. It will jam halfway up... so shoot to your right to uncover a tunnel and head on through it to the next area. Roll over to the right to drop down through some Pit Blocks. This corridor is filled with Seerook; they will move about until you come close and then they will retract into their spiny shell. You have to stay still for them to open back up, so you can blast their middle to kill them. To destroy the ones on the floor, stand right next to them and aim down (hold L and down). Then as soon as they come out of their shell, blast 'em. Anyway, bounce up against the right wall to roll into the Sub-Zero Containment room in which a frozen Ridley is being held. Walk towards Ridley, his eyes will glow... before disintegrating as a Core-X floats away. Walk over Ridley's frozen remains to fall down Pit Blocks to the ducts below. Lay a Power Bomb to uncover a long pipe on your left. Follow it all the way to the left and lay another Power Bomb. You will uncover another pipe heading up to a Power Bomb Tank. Jump up to collect it and then head back out of the pipe. Now, using Power Bombs, clear this corridor of all enemies. Once that's done, from the far left end of this corridor run at full speed over to the right. You'll blast through some Speed Blocks in the next room. Plant a Power Bomb here and you will uncover a Missile Tank and a way up to the corridor above. So collect it, head up, and go through the door on your right to the Docking Bays. Docking Bays ************** Make your way over to Samus's Starship and beam up into it. You will Recharge and be given the option to save. Adam will now give Samus new orders: "Central Reactor Core down. Engage auxiliary at target." and will question Samus about the "strange creatures" which have boarded her ship. Now head through two doors to the left. A Keyhunter has emerged from it's cocoon, kill it! use as Power Bomb to destroy some block on your left, so you can head into the Reactor Silo. Reactor Silo ************** Morph into a ball and roll over to the left, then roll over to the right and bomb the floor to drop down to the floor below, enter it. The core is entangled in foliage. Shoot through the vines... You know you really oughta! Move out of California!... and fall down to the bottom of the core. There is a Save Room beyond the vines to the right down here, but it's not operational due to the power outage. Anyway, climb up the right side of this huge room using the ladders and platforms to get to the door at the very top of it, then enter it. The Zebesian Space Pirates in here are really strong! Shoot them with two charged beams to kill them. Collect the Energy Tank to your right and then head right to the exit area. The scaffolding in this area is maze-like. If you ever get stuck, try using Power Bombs to find the way. Anyway, bomb the floor over to the far right, and drop down below. Head over to the left and kill the Zebesian ahead with charged shots. Bomb the floor to your left to drop down. You will see a Missile Tank below, ignore it for now. Head over to the right and bomb the floor over on your right and drop down. Kill the Zebesian, then morph into a ball and roll over to the left; bombing your way to the Missile Tank. Roll back over to the right, and bomb just to the right of where you bombed through to get to the Missile Tank and then drop down below. Shoot the Zebesian dead with charged shots and then bomb the floor to the left to drop down below. Of the floor below, bomb just to the left of its middle to destroy a false block. Then head into the tunnel below. Roll over to the right and you will fall through a Pit Block. Bomb then head over to your left and jump onto the ladder. From the top of the ladder, shoot to the right to destroy a fake block. Then jump over to the right and pull yourself up through the gap. Bomb just above the darker block below, to blast a hole up to the Living Door above. Kill it the normal way; if you are unlucky and see a flashing blank eye, run down the ramp to your right and crouch to avoid the blast. Head through the door and a giant insect (can't be a spider, since it has six-legs) will appear. Y a k u z a ----------- Yakuza will scuttle along the wall. If it gets near you, it will grab you and then pound you into the ground, causing MASSIVE damage. Avoid that at all costs by retreating to the corners and morphing into a ball, it will not be able to get you from there. It will also open up its mandibles and will breath fire down at Samus. Apart from being an annoying attack, this is your chance to damage it. As soon as it's "mouth" opens, fire a bunch of Ice Missiles right up into its open "trap" to cause heaps of damage; and then flee just before it breathes the fire. To know the right time to run, look at how much glare is building up in its mouth. After you have caused a lot of damage, Yakuza will discard its legs and begin to Space Jump all over the place whilst spewing out chunks of snake like debris down at Samus. Simply stay in one spot, aim up and constantly fire Ice Missiles. The missiles should either deflect the debris, or damage Yakuza. Both are good. After you have caused him a lot of damage, it will transform into a Core-X. Destroy the thorny membrane the usual way, and then absorb the Core-X to regain Samus's Space Jump ability. -------------- Space Jump into the camouflaged tunnel above and head left to enter the Auxiliary Power Station. Log-in to the terminal to turn on the Auxiliary Power then enter the Navigation room on your left. Now the secondary power has been activated, you can use Save and Recharge Rooms again. Adam gives you new orders: "Prior outage caused by plant root in core. Investigate". Head left, shoot the light to open the fat shutter and then head left to the Reactor Core. The Save Room in the bottom right corner now works. There are a bunch of vines covering a narrow tunnel just below the door in the top left corner of this area. Space Jump all the way up there and destroy all of the vines by firing and them to clear the way to the tunnel up there. Pull yourself up into the tunnel and roll over to the left. Bomb the vines out of the way and roll over to the left to enter Sector 2 (TRO). Sector 2 (TRO) **************** You will hear footsteps and ominous music... the SA-X must be below. Get ready for the hardest chase in the game. You want to drop down through the Pit Blocks below, freeze the SA-X with an Ice Missile and then quickly head through the door on your left. Jump over the vegetation and bomb the left wall to destroy it, then quickly head through the door ahead. Hold L (to shoot diagonally) and fire your beam while heading over to the left to open all of the shutters quickly. Go through the door ahead, jump and climb/roll over to the left side of the room. Don't drop a Power Bomb, or you will alert the SA-X to your presence. It will enter for a few seconds and then leave, breath a sigh of relief. Now head back, jump up and shoot a Missile down at the floor just to the right of the brown clump of vegetation near the door. You will destroy a Missile Block, now jump up once more and fire down at that spot to clear the way down below. Head left through the door down there. Space Jump up to the foliage above, there are some Keyhunters stuck in the vines, do not free them. Shoot through the vines to the left, and then blast down to the door below. Go through it and then head left again to enter a metallic room. Jump over the wall to your left, then Space Jump up the left side of this area to reach a ledge up above. Use a Power Bomb here to reveal a passageway below. Drop down and go through it. Shoot the right wall to blast through and kill all the Puyo on the other side. Head right to find a Power Bomb Tank. Now head back out of this chamber and back up to the ledge above, then head through the door on your right to a Save Room. After saving, head to the right through two doors. Shoot the roof above you to create an opening and then jump up through it to the chamber above. Blast your way through the vines to the right, and then up to the Living Door above. Destroy it, absorb the red free-floating X and then enter the door. You will drop down to the source of the roots, the Nettori. N e t t o r i ------------- The most important thing to know in this battle, is that if you fall into one of those carnivorous plants do not try to spin jump rapidly out of its clutches, that will not work. You have to hold down jump (A Button), so Samus does one strong, clean, fluid jump from its clutches. It's the only way out. You want to constantly blast the Nettori with either Ice Missiles or charged shots. The best place to do this from is the platform really close to it. If you stay on the left edge of this platform and morph into a ball, the deadly spores will not be able to get you. Or, you could simply shoot the spores before they hit you. Power Bombs will damage the Nettori lightly and will destroy all spores on screen. After causing a lot of damage, the Nettori's head will fall off (revealing vines which shoot Plasma Beams) and the buds releasing the spores will wither. Just keep firing at it; whilst crouching to dodge the high shots, and jumping the low shots. Ice Missiles will be deflected by the Plasma Beams, so it's probably better to use the charged shots (which are weaker). After a while it will transform into a Plasma Core-X. Run over to the open space on your right, and then battle it much like the "beam" Core-Xs before it. That is, run away until its "eye" opens, then fire an Ice Missile at the eye, jumping just after you do so to avoid its Plasma Beam counterattack. After five Ice Missiles, the thorny membrane will break, allowing you to absorb the Core-X and regain the Plasma Beam. ------- Head right, ignore the Keyhunters and just make your way down to the door below and go through it. Go left and through the door at the end of this corridor. Enter the Save Room to the left to save, then exit it via the left door. Run to the left, fall down to the floor below and go through the door below. Space Jump up this shaft, and roll to the first door on your left and enter it. It was blocked by a KeyHunter cocoon before. If you use a Power Bomb, you will see that the rows of blocks between the Ripper are made of Pit Blocks. Jump up to the rungs above and swing over to the left. Freeze a Ripper when it is directly below you, and then drop down onto it. Now aim downwards to the left (hold down L and down), and fire a Ice Missile at a Ripper when it's just below and a little to the left of the barrier in your way. Now, morph into a ball and bounce under the barrier over to the other frozen Ripper, and then over to the Power Bomb Tank. If you are having some trouble, freeze the Ripper below them when it's over to the far left. You can then use it as a safety platform, because if you fall down onto it you can jump up to the Power Bomb Tank. Anyway, after collecting the Power Bomb Tank you will fall down through a Pit Block into a hidden tunnel. Bomb once you land to uncover another Power Bomb Tank. After falling through another Pit Block, bomb again to exit the tunnel. Now, exit this room, drop down to the door below on your right and go through it, then Space Jump directly up to the ledge above, and then head over to the right to the Save Room. Save and then head right again. Space Jump up to the ledge above on your right, and roll over to the right via a hidden tunnel to reach Recharge Room, so you can recover. Roll back to the shaft and climb to the top of it, then go through the right door. Kill the Owtches then jump against the right wall and hold right. You should grab onto the edge of a hidden narrow tunnel. So pull yourself up into it and roll over to the right. Head over to the right wall, jump up and fire to the left to uncover an Energy Tank. Collect it, and make your way back to the shaft. But this time head into the left door. Kill the Keyhunters then roll through the tunnel ahead to the first area of Sector 2 (TRO). Use a Power Bomb to destroy the block in your way, then make your way to the Navigation Room at the beginning of this sector. Something has damaged the ARC Data Room; "Locate source of trouble in Sector 5 (ARC). Engage." Head left and take the elevator up to the Main Deck. Main Deck *********** Run over to the elevator in the far left end of this floor, and then take it down to Sector 5 (ARC). Sector 5 (ARC) **************** Enter the Navigation Room ahead. Adam will tell you that the source of the damage was the bio-medical weapon, Nightmare. Your new orders: "Organism 'Nightmare' is on a rampage. Find it and engage." So head right through the Save and Recharge Rooms to a shaft. Drop down to the bottom of the shaft and go through the right yellow door at the bottom, then head right again. The Nightmare has made a real mess of this area. Space Jump to the top of it and then open the door on your left but don't enter it just yet. Instead, head over to the right, destroying all the Chute Leeches. Now from the right wall, run over to the left at full speed and just before you reach the gap ahead press down to "shine charge". Shoulder Charge (tap A then tap Left) through the door on your left and then through a wall of Boost Blocks to a small room with a Power Bomb Tank. Collect it then head back to the ruined room. Fall down all the way to the floor, and then go through the broken door on your far right to the next area. This area has defrosted... go through the broken door to your direct right (which was formerly a red door). Shoot up at the roof to break through, and then hop up there. Plant down a Power Bomb and you will open up a tunnel just above the door. So jump up through it and pull yourself up. Use another Power Bomb to kill the Zebesian and destroy fake blocks which will allow you to progress up. Kill the Zebesian up above, and then shoot up from the right wall to open up a hole above. Space Jump up there and shoot the flashing light to open up a shutter. Drop back down and shoot up from the left wall this time to open up another hole. Space Jump up there and shoot the light on this side to open the last shutter. Now, head over to the right and bomb the ground to destroy a fake block, bomb again, and then bomb to the left to uncover a Power Bomb Tank. Collect it and then make your way down to the very bottom of this segmented shaft. Head right to the next room, and then go right yet again. One of the Geruta's in here will become a red free-floating X. Anyway, make your way to the right and through the passageway to the next area. Bomb the floor to drop to the bottom of this shaft into the water. Ignore the enemies and head right. Blast through the Skultera and Zebesians with Ice Missiles. If a free-floating X from a Skultera makes contact with a Zebesian, it will splice them together making an aquatic Zebesian; a Zebtera if you will. Go over to the right but don't go through the door ahead. Instead, jump up onto the platform above. Head through the door on your left, then climb up above and go through the door up there. Shoot the roof where the Geruta are hanging from to blast through it. Jump up above and head through the doorway on your left. Use a Power Bomb to kill all the Zeela and reveal a Power Bomb Tank. Kill the leftover red Zeela for a red free-floating X, collect the Power Bomb Tank and exit this room. Head over to the right and jump up to the ledge above when you see it. Detonate a Power Bomb here reveal a narrow tunnel heading over to the left. Pull yourself up into it and roll over to the left, try bouncing near the end to find a hidden passageway leading across above the door. Bomb to the left up there to uncover a Power Bomb Tank. Just use a Power Bomb if you are having trouble. Anyway, once you collect the Power Bomb Tank, head into the flashing door to the Recharge Room. Recharge and then exit. Bounce up into the gap to your right and bomb to re-reveal the hidden tunnel, roll over to the right and go through the door it leads to, to enter a Save Room. Save and then exit the room, drop down below and go through the door on your right. Kill all the Zeela and head right and then up to the Living Door. Kill the Living Door and then head on through it. Use a Power Bomb to reveal the correct route over to the Energy Tank. Bounce into the tunnel above, roll over to the right and drop down the Pit Blocks to the Energy Tank, and then roll over to the left to drop down through Pit blocks to an ominous room. Nightmare will materialize... it's time for a boss battle. N i g h t m a r e ----------------- Nightmare can be a very hard boss if you are not proficient with the Space Jump. Anyway, it's all about falling into safe predictable patterns. Firstly, you want to wait for Nightmare to fire its lasers, quickly jump them (the higher you jump the better), then dash under it and offload one or two Ice Missiles into the flashing thing under it and then quickly retreat back to the left. Rinse and repeat this pattern. After four Ice Missiles it will engage its gravity manipulator; this will make the screen wavy and reddish. Keep the same attack pattern but with some slight changes. You will now have to use Charged Shots, as Ice Missiles will be deflected down because of the gravity field. You'll also have to stay out its way as the Nightmare sways back and forth. Once the front panel explodes revealing a gelatinous grotesque creature, things will begin to heat up. So jump up onto the ladder in line with the center of this "face" and offload as many Missiles as you can until he gets really close. Which is when you should climb to the top of the ladder and spin jump over him. Now, the Nightmare will begin to actively hunt you. So begin to Space Jump away from him (without touching the ground or Nightmare) and begin to encircle the room in an orbit. This will go forever unless you float relatively still directly in front of his face. So do a couple of revolutions of the room, then float near the ladder and he should stop ("should" being the operative word). Now grab onto the ladder and offload missiles directly at his face. If you can't attack him from the ladder, jump up and shoot the Ice Missiles at his face. There is only a very small window in which you can shoot the Ice Missiles through to hit him. After his face gets really droopy and red, he will explode into a Core-X. Destroy the thorny membrane with 6 Ice Missiles, then absorb the Core-X to regain Samus's Gravity Suit. ----------------- From the right wall run full speed over to the left through the door, and continue in the next room to blast through a barrier of Boost Blocks. Head left through two doors, drop down and go through the door below. Head over to the right, fall down to the floor, and enter the door on your far left. Space Jump up and shoot a Missile at the left wall directly opposite the nook in the right wall. You should destroy a Missile Block. Now Spin Jump up there and pull yourself up into the tunnel and roll into a secret room on your left. Basically, stay as a ball and hold the A Button to constantly bounce. Head over to the left, up through the false roof and over to the right to collect the Energy Tank. Then fall through the Pit Blocks on your right and exit this room. Drop down below and go through the door at the bottom back to the corridor filled with Zebesians. Clear the corridor of enemies, then from the left end of this corridor run full speed over to the right while firing your beam to head through the barriers of Boost Blocks in the next room. As soon as you do that, press Down to "shine charge". Now back track a little to where the barriers were and "Hyper Jump" upwards (press A), you'll blast through some Boost Blocks to a chamber above. Collect the Power Bomb Tank and then drop through the Pit Blocks on your left. Now run full speed to the right, you will head through a tunnel into Sector 4 (AQA) Sector 4 (AQA) **************** Keep Speed Boosting to the right and then spin jump over to the right at the end of the second ramp. You should blast through a wall of Boost Blocks over to a door on your right. Enter it, and you will now be in a coral reef-like section of this Sector. The door on your right leads to a Save Room; so save in it. Drop down a tad to the door on your right, and enter it. This corridor is filled with shellfish called Gravitts, and grey cracked blocks. Blast through both (use charged beams on the Gravitts) to make your way over to the Missile Tank in the far right end of it. Exit this corridor back to the shaft. Jump over to your left, morph into a ball and bounce against the left wall. You should find a hidden tunnel which leads to a Power Bomb Tank; collect it then head back to the shaft. Descend to the very bottom and go through the left door. This room seems to be a dead end because of the red door at the end. But if you lay a Power Bomb in the yellow-ish tube, you will reveal a bunch of Missile Blocks above. Blast through them using Ice Missiles, jump up there and then jump up on the ledge on your right to reach a higher area. Jump up and fire at the top-right corner to destroy a fake block. Pull yourself up to where it was, and bomb over to the right to find a Power Bomb Tank. Roll back over to the left. Jump up and shoot the block in the top left corner of this room to open up a passageway. So pull yourself up into it and roll over to the left to a new area. Destroy the giant prawn-like creatures, Evir, with charged shots and then bomb the floor (grey blocks) over to your left to drop down below. Now, of the four grey blocks below, bomb the third from the left. Fall down below through the hole you made, and then bomb the block you land on to fall down further. Stand up and shoot over to the right; notice your shots went through wall and killed the Skultera? So morph back into a ball and ball-jump against the right wall to roll through a gap over to the right. Now, bomb the block below to head further down and then bomb the block below to the left. Now, crouch up and fire at Skultera to your left. Notice some of the shots went through the wall behind it? So roll over to the left and through the false wall. Finally, bomb the grey block below to fall down into the Level 4 Security room. Access the console to unlock all the red doors. Once that's done exit via the red door on your right. N O T E : This is the time where you can see the "Special Navigation Room Event". So please refer to the FAQs section if you wish to see it. Space Jump up this shaft, but look for a nook along the right side, it's directly opposite a bunch of Scizors. Morph into a ball in this nook, and bounce over to the right to enter another room via a hidden tunnel. Head to the bottom and drop a Power Bomb then quickly flee from it. Don't collect the free-floating X the Scizor become, as it will reform into two Golden Scizor. Blast the two Missile Blocks out of the way, and then get in that small chamber and kill the Golden Scizor with Ice Missiles. The door below will now flash, meaning you can go through it. Once you've entered the door below, jump up to the ledge above and blast your way though the grey blocks over to the right to find an Energy Tank. You could always just use a Power Bomb to destroy all the blocks in one go. Now, exit this room and roll back through the tunnel at the top to the previous shaft. Space Jump to the top of the shaft and go through the red door at the very top. Make your way over to the right and enter the door ahead, then go right through yet another door. Detonate a Power Bomb in the yellow-green tube ahead to destroy a part of its floor. Fall down below to find a Missile Tank then head back up and through the door on your right. Ascend this shaft, killing the Evir and Skultera in the way, and then go through the red door above. Shoot the grey blocks in the wall to your right, and make your way through the gap to the other side of it. Go right and enter the Save Room up ahead. Save and then exit it. Jump up to the ledge above and make your way over to the left, you should be able to see a puffer fish on your right that will block your way if you get too close. Stay over to the left so it's deflated then fire an Ice Missile over at it to freeze it. Head right, bounce over the frozen puffer fish and go through the door ahead, and then head right again. Kill the Gravitts, then from just in front of the Kago barrier, run to the left at full speed while shooting to head through two doors and then fall through some Boost Blocks. Go though the door below. Clear this corridor of all Gravitts just to be safe. Now, from just outside the left door run full speed over to the right to engage your Speed Booster. Tap down before you reach the right door to "shine charge", then walk over to where the pink coral is in the background and "Hyper Jump" up. You'll fly up through the false roof and some Boost Blocks above to a small chamber with a Power Bomb Tank inside. After collecting that, there is still another Expansion Tank to collect up here. So drop back down to the corridor below, then space jump back up to the room above and push against the left wall at the top to hang from a hidden tunnel. Pull yourself up into it and roll over to the left to find a Missile Tank. Roll back, drop down to the corridor below and then head through the door on your right. Quickly spin jump to the ladder at the top of this shaft before the puffer fish can form from the free-floating X. Once you're on the top ladder, tap left so Samus releases her gun arm, then tap down to aim below and fire an Ice Missile to freeze the puffer below her. Stand on the frozen puffer fish and fire Missiles up at the roof above to destroy some Missile Blocks. Now, jump up to the ledge above, pull yourself up and go through the door to the next room. Place a Power Bomb to kill the Owtches and destroy the barriers, then go through the red door. Fall down to the floor below, and enter the Data Room. Download the Diffusion Missile upgrade, then exit. Fire a Diffusion Missile over to the left to freeze the deflated puffer fish, then roll through the gap over to the left and continue through the grates on your left to another area. Destroy the X-Barrier with Missiles and then head over to the left. Bomb under the frayed electrical wires to uncover a Missile Tank. Shoot up the shutter and head back to the previous room. Climb up the ladder to the door above, and enter it. Make you way up and over to the door on your left and go through it. Morph into a ball and bomb to your left, roll into the tunnel and then bomb to fall down below. Now, plant a Power Bomb at the bottom of this chamber to reveal a Power Bomb Tank over to the left. Collect it, head back to exit this room, then make your own way over to the Navigation Room at the start of this sector. Adam will give you new orders: "Security Robot B.O.X. detected in Sector 6 (NOC). Engage." So head right and take the elevator up to the Main Deck. Main Deck *********** Go right and take the elevator down to Sector 6 (NOC). Sector 6 (NOC) **************** Enter the Navigation Room ahead, Adam tells you to leave Sector 6 as soon as you destroy the Security Robot, as the SA-X is tracking Samus. Keep going right though the Save Room, the Recharge and then three areas until you reach a shaft. Descend the shaft and go through the first door on your left. Detonate a Power Bomb in the dead end of this corridor to destroy a wall of rock (which was actually a wall of Power Bomb Blocks), then go through the red door ahead. Shoot the Eeleyes and fall down to the door below, and go through it. Walk a little forward to drop through some Pit Blocks and enter the door below. Continue over to the left through the door ahead, drop down below and enter the Save Room down there. After saving, exit the Save Room and bomb the floor outside to fall down to the door below, go through it. At the end of this corridor is a shutter, once approaching it a Security Camera will detect Samus. Backtrack and you will hear the Security Robot up ahead. It's time for a another battle with this robot. S e c u r i t y R o b o t B O X --------------------------------- Stay out of the water, as electricity from the Security Robot is running through it. Detonate a Power Bomb to reveal rungs running along the roof. Now, you would usually have to keep moving on those rungs, swiftly dodging missiles and shooting Missiles into the robot's core. But there is an easier way... Jump up to cling from the rungs and swing all the way over to the far left until you can't swing any more. Then, face right and follow this pattern: when the robot launches a bunch of missiles, shoot your Plasma Beam right ahead to destroy them all before they can hit you. The Security Robot will then run towards you and hit the step below. Causing it to bump backwards, stunned. This is your chance to fire a bunch of Missiles diagonally down (hold L) into its core. After a receiving a lot of punishment, the armature will explode leaving only the brain, which then transforms into a Wave Core-X. Stay away from the Wave Core-X; and then as soon as you see its "eye" appear fire an Ice Missile at it. Remember to jump just after firing the missile, to dodge the Wave Beam it counter attacks you with. After three or so Missiles you will destroy the thorny membrane, allowing you to absorb the Core-X and regain the Wave Beam. --------------------------------- Head through the door on your right, shoot through the shutter at the end of this corridor to hit the flashing light, opening the shutter in the process. Collect the Missile Tank and then make your way back over to the shutter that was guarded by that security camera. Shoot through the shutter to hit the flashing light to open it. Then roll through the tunnel on your left to enter the Restricted Zone. Restricted Zone ***************** Roll over to the left and fall through the Pit Blocks to the door below, it leads to a Save Room. Save your hard earned progress and then exit this room via the left door. Continue on to the left and you will come across a room filled with tanks full of larval Metroids, and then a room displaying the stages in a Metroids natural life-cycle; an adult Metroid, an Alpha Metroid. a Gamma Metroid, and a Zeta Metroid. But where are the Omega and Queen Metroids? Anyway, go through the door above. After walking forward in this room you'll hear a crash and then the sound of rapid gunfire. Quickly backtrack to the room you first saw the larval Metroids. Ransha! The SA-X is trying to kill all the larval Metroids, but they fly down and start sucking it dry. You now have a minute before this sector is detached and the self-destruct explosives are detonated. So quickly space jump up the top of this shaft and go through the red door. Make sure you don't touch the larval Metroids or they will hinder your space jumping, knocking you down. Once you exit the lab you will see a small cut-scene of the lab being jettisoned, disappearing in a giant nova. Head right to enter a Navigation Room. Adam will reprimand you for ignoring orders, and will explain the Federation's Metroid breeding program. He will also disclose that there are about 10 SA-Xs... your orders are just to leave the space station. Head right and up the elevator to Sector 1 (SRX). On the way up Samus will bitch about the computer. Sector 1 (SRX) **************** Go through the door to the next area. Spin jump up to the top of the metal pillar and fire a Diffusion Missile over to the right. You will reveal a passage to an Energy Tank and freeze the nearby Rippers. Pull yourself up into the gap and roll over to the Energy Tank. Head back out of this nook and fall down to the floor below. Kill the Gerutas down there and head up the zig-zagging path to the door above, and enter it. Avoid the toxic green liquid and the Amoebas which will try to drain your energy, so quickly head through the door ahead. Bomb the floor near the right door to blast a hole down. Drop through it and head over to the left to find a Gravitt in a steel "cage", detonate two Power Bombs to kill it. But don't absorb the free-floating X it becomes, so it can fly over and reform into a Geruta. Kill the Geruta with your Missiles, and the free-floating X will reform into a Golden Zebesian. To kill the Golden Zebesian, run towards it and it will jump over you. Quickly spin around and fire a Missile at its back. After three missiles it will be gone, so collect the free-floating X and then head through the newly flashing door on your right. Collect the Power Bomb Tank, exit, and jump up to the area above. Go through the door on the right to save, and then head back to this shaft. Space Jump up to the ladder above, and climb it all the way to the top to morph into a ball. Bomb the right wall up above to reveal another ladder. Climb it up to the top, ignore the Zebesian and go through the door. Use Power Bombs in this room to kill the aliens below and destroy the dividing barrier. The X will reform into two Golden Zebesians, kill them in the same way stated before and then head through the flashing door on your left. The door up above leads to a save room, I suggest you save in it! Descend to the bottom of this shaft and go through the left door. Freeze the Rippers and make your way across the toxic liquid to the Living Door ahead. Kill it and then enter the next room. You will fall down and find a very desiccated Ridley. But suddenly the X mutates him into something quite different. R i d l e y - X --------------- It's the same music as Super Metroid! Anyway, Ridley has a lot of attacks up his sleeve, but he should be easy stuff with your amount of fire power. However, do not use Missiles against Ridley! They cause a decent amount of damage, but you'll have to blast him with like 50 or so to kill. Because of Ridley's huge body mass, it's much better to use charged Wave Beam shots; as they will cause continuous damage as they pass through him. So constantly aim diagonally up (hold L) and keep firing at Ridley with charged Wave Beam shots. Ridley will try to toast Samus with huge fireballs, all you can do is run out of the way. He can also pick Samus up in his talons and drain Samus's energy. To escape from Ridley's talons fire up at him rapidly with Missiles. After causing some damage, Ridley will being to use his tail to attack. Whipping Samus and using the same "jack hammer" attack he used in Super Metroid. Anyway, after a lot of damage, Ridley will explode (whilst making a blood curdling scream) and turn into a Core-X. The Core-X will use weak Screw Attacks at you, just keep blasting away at it. But remember, don't waste Missiles on it whilst it's flashing. Six Missiles will destroy the thorny membrane. Allowing you to absorb the Core-X to regain Samus's Screw Attack ability. --------------- Space Jump up to the door above and go through it. You can simply Screw Attack through the Rippers to get to the door ahead. Head though it, climb up this shaft and enter the Save Room at the top. Save, exit and then go through the door below. Use Power Bombs to kill the aliens below, and then simply Screw Attack at the Golden Zebesians to kill them, then go through the door on your right. Bomb the floor against the right wall and climb down the ladder below. Head over to the left, roll through the gap and then grab onto the ladder on your left. Fire a Diffusion Missile over to the right to reveal a tunnel over to the door on your right. Pull yourself up and roll through it, then head over to the next area. Screw Attack through the floor to head down. Kill the Zebesian down below, and then pull up through the gap to your right and drop down to the door below. Go through it to the next area. Screw Attack the wall ahead to make a small gap and then roll through it. Keep Screw Attacking though the barriers and Rippers ahead until you see a shudder. Shot the flashing light to open the shutter, and then roll through the gap you made with your Screw Attack and go through the door ahead. Space Jump up this Zebesian filled shaft and Screw Attack through the roof to the doors above. Now, head through the right door and follow the fairly linear path to the Save Room below the room where you fought the Torizo (Charge Core-X). Once there, from the left side of the Save Room run over to your right at full speed whilst shooting. You should head through the room with the two Hornoads, and then blast through the wall in the next room, to yet another room. Once you do that, press down before you reach the edge to "shine charge". Do a Spin Jump to down below so you Screw Attack the Scizor in the water, then head over to the right wall and "Hyper Jump" up to blast through the Boost Blocks above. Fire at the left wall to uncover a Power Bomb Tank, collect it and then head back to the Save Room. Now, from the left wall again, run over to the right whilst shooting you beam. After exiting the room with the two Hornoads press down to "shine charge". Space Jump up to the door above, shoot it open and then "Shoulder Charge" (tap A then tap left) through the door. You'll hit the ramp in the next room and begin running again, tap down just before you reach the far left. And then spin jump over to the left wall and "Ultra Jump". You will blast up through some Boost Blocks into a room with an Energy Tank. Collect it, then drop back down to the room below and exit it via the top right door. Continue on and make your way over to the lava filled room around the top left end of this sector. To get there, just continue on then when you reach the second shaft with yellow/black platform,s go through the middle door on the left side. Follow this long corridor inhabited by Moto (rhino bugs) over to the left, and then go left again. Once there, Space Jump over the lava to the top left corner of this area to find a Missile Tank. Now, jump in the lava to fall down to the floor, morph into a ball and roll over to the right(through a hidden passageway) to a chamber with a Missile Tank inside. Head back and go through the green door in the bottom left corner of this area. Space Jump up this shaft to the blue door above and go through it to enter the first area of this sector. Then, go through the green door in the top right corner of this area and Screw Attack through the ceiling to reach a room with a Power Bomb Tank. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You shouldn't head into the Navigation Room just yet if you wish to collect all of the Expansion Tanks before the game's big finale, as Adam will lock all the doors to each Sector. However after finishing the game once, all the doors will be unlocked again. Here are some tips on achieving 100% Item Collection; * Look for any open circles on your maps, they indicate a Expansion Tank which has been detected in that area but not collected. * Bomb everything and bounce up against every wall. Remember that the Power Bomb is this game's X-Ray Scope, so detonate one whenever you have a gut feeling that an expansion Tank may be nearby. * Complete the game. This will allow you to see how many Tanks you have collected compared to how many exist, and whether you have cleared a sector of all Tanks of one type. These both can be viewed on the Map screen. If you have collected all the Tanks of one type in a Sector, it will display an icon of that type of tank with a tick over it. * Compare the Sector Maps which come with the zipped version of this FAQ, with your in-game maps to determine the Tanks which you have missed. The number of the Tank on a Sector Map corresponds with the number of the Tank in the "TANK LOCATION CHECKLIST" section of this FAQ/Walkthrough. So you can use that section to easily collect any given Expansion Tank. I really only recommend you avoid the Navigation Room if you are trying to finish the game in under 2 hours. If you are doing so, you should only be missing Expansion Tanks in Sector 2, Sector 3, Sector 6 and the Main Deck. The most direct (time saving) route would involve the following: Head to Sector 3 via the tunnel to the left of the blue door at the beginning of this Sector. Clear this sector of all Tanks you are missing, sweeping it anti-clockwise so you end up back to the tunnel to Sector 1. Go through that tunnel to Sector 1, and then head through the tunnel to Sector 2, which is right of where you got the last Power Bomb Tank in Sector 1. Clear Sector 2 of all missing Tanks and then head through the tunnel to Sector 4. There should be no Tanks for you to collect in Sector 4, so quickly scale the shaft to reach the tunnel to Sector 6. In Sector 6, collect all the Tanks you are missing and then head down to the Restricted Zone. Upon collecting the Power Bomb Tank in space, you will head up to the top of the Restricted Zone and back to Sector 1. Now continue on with the Walkthrough as usual. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Head over to the Navigation Room at the start of this Sector (Save and Recharge on the way). After Adam tells Samus of the Federation's plot to capture the X-parasites, Samus will give a monologue about her duty to destroy the X-parasites and save the universe. Adam has locked Samus into the Navigation Room to prevent her destroying the X-parasites. So, log-in to the console once again. After having a heated argument with Smaus, Adam will have a change of heart, and will tell Samus how to destroy the X-parasites properly! Even Samus is surprised, just look at her facial expression. Adam will give you your final orders: "Set orbit to impact SR388. Return to ship and evacuate." Go left and take the elevator up to the Main Deck. Main Deck *********** Head to the main elevator in the middle of this floor and take it up to the floor above. Make your way over to the Navigation Room closest to you. Once there, head right and climb up to the top of this shaft. Use a Power Bomb to destroy the X-Barrier, and then go through green door it was blocking. Jump up on the ledge and morph into a ball. Ball-jump and once you hit the roof hold right, you should roll into a hidden tunnel. Ball-jump again and hold right, you should bounce over a block and drop down below (bomb to determine your location). Now roll over to the left to Collect a Power Bomb Tank and you will fall through a Pit Block. Roll over to the left and bomb yourself out, then exit this room. Make your way over to the elevator up to the Operations Deck and take it up. Operations Deck ***************** Exit the elevator room, and then space jump over to the door in the top left corner of this area... Hey, it's locked! You'll hear an ominous explosion... it's the SA-X. S a m u s A r a n - X ---------------------- This can be quite a battle... that's not surprising since you're basically battling a clone of yourself. The SA-X will Screw Attack Samus and fire the Ice Beam rapidly at her; both causing considerable amounts of damage. Just stay in the lower part of this area and follow this pattern: Hold B to begin charging your beam and then immediately Screw Attack away from (or over) the SA-X. Your beam while charge whilst you are in the air and will be ready when you land. Once you land, shoot the SA-X with it as soon as it's open for attack (i.e. not Screw Attacking). Rinse and repeat and you should have the SA-X down in no time. Do not worry if you Screw Attack into each other, it will cause damage to both you and the SA-X. Also note that you can freeze the SA-X temporarily with your Ice Missiles. So do so if it gets annoying. After 15 or so hits from a charged beam, the SA-X will crouch down in submission... but, it will transform into an abomination of a creature. It looks ugly but it's super weak; just stay away from it and fire three charged beam shots at it. It will then slump into a heap and transform into the Ice Core-X. If you are low on Energy or Missiles, Screw Attack the Ice Core-X. You will not sustain any damage, but you will knock bits of free-floating X off it to absorb and recover. Stay away from the Core-X and Space Jump over it when it corners you. Whenever its "eye" opens up, fire a Missile at it and jump immediately to dodge its Ice Beam counter attack. After six missiles you will destroy the thorny membrane, and the Core-X will float up above. Go to absorb it, but it will fly away from you into the air ducts. ---------------------- Now, enter the flashing door in the top left corner. Access the stations controls to alter its orbit. You now have 3 minutes until impact. Quickly exit this room, head to the elevator, and take it down to the Main Deck. Main Deck *********** Make your way to the Docking Bays to get to Samus's Starship. It's a very easy route, just head down over to the left until you get to a Save Room. Then drop down the shaft to the left of it and go through the right door at the bottom, and continue down the corridor to the Docking Bays. Docking Bays ************** Do a Spin Jump to Screw Attack through the platforms below, and then head through the door at the bottom. Jump through this damaged corridor and enter the Docking Bays. Head over to your Starship... but it's not there. The air lock is broken and in place of your ship is a giant Metroid shell, the kind left behind each time a Metroid molts to transform into a stronger form. So head back to the left... oh no... an Omega Metroid will blast through the wall. Fighting it is futile in your current form. It will always slash at Samus, knocking her back and draining her energy down to one unit. Luckily, the Ice Core-X comes floating in and transforms back into an SA-X. It fires the Ice Beam at the Omega Metroid causing it to submit in pain, but the Omega Metroid then gathers its energy and smashes the SA-X back into the free-floating Core-X. What ever you do, don't touch the Omega Metroid as it will be Samus's demise, just jump up and absorb the Core-X to regain Samus's Ice Beam ability and some of the lost parts of her Power Suit. Now for "il battaglia finale"! O m e g a M e t r o i d ------------------------ If you were quick in reaching your ship, you should have about two minutes. You don't want to get slashed by the Omega Metroid, as it will stun Samus momentarily and will cause considerable damage. To kill it, always aim diagonally upwards (hold L), run up to the foot of the Omega Metroid, shoot up at its core twice, and then retreat quickly before it slashes you. But, if you see the Omega Metroid step back in agony, keep blasting away at it with your Ice Beam to cause heaps of damage. Eventually the Omega Metroid will go bright red and will explode. ------------------------ Samus's Starship will fly in and rescue her just in the nick of time. Congrats, you've completed Metroid Fusion! Sit back and enjoy the great ending! After the ending you will get to see a little "demo" of Samus; a tradition of the Metroid series. There are five possible demos to see, the one you get being determined by how well and fast you finished the game. The first part is solely determined by how long you took to finish it. The camera will pan out from a side view of Samus's head to a full front view. If you took over four hours she will stay fully suited up, If you took between four and two hours she will remove her helmet revealing her flowing golden hair, and if you took under two hours she will fully remove her suit. After that it will scroll down a large picture of Samus, here is a list of all five and their requirements: * Over 4 hours, less than 100%: Samus wearing her final Fusion Suit in a victory pose. It's good to view if you want to see what her suit looks like after absorbing the final Core-X. * Between 4 and 2 hours, less than 100%: Samus with her helmet off and back turned to us. There is a bright star in the background which causes a really cool lighting effect, great picture! * Under 2 hours, less than 100%: Samus relaxing with her head tilted back. She has her suit off, revealing the purple midriff top and shorts she wears under it all. Decent picture. * Over 2 hours, 100%: Samus with her suit off, running her fingers through her hair against the backdrop of a futuristic skyline. The best picture in my opinion. * Under 2 hours, 100% A full shot of Samus sans Fusion Suit in a "perky" pose. There is close-up of her upper half ghosted in the background. A pretty cool picture. S E E Y O U N E X T M I S S I O N ! http://www.rubendevela.com/pictures/Gallery/29.htm =============================================================================== 6)TANK LOCATION CHECKLIST =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i)Energy Tanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main Deck *********** [ ] 1. - - Very hard to miss. It's on the ledge up above where you fight Arachnus. [ ] 2. Missiles Stand on the far right edge of the same ledge you found the previous Energy Tank on. From there, fire two Missiles up at the roof to destroy two Missile Blocks. Then jump up through the hole you created and head right to find the Energy Tank. [ ] 3. - - You would have to actually actively try to avoid this Energy Tank in order to miss it. It's laying in plain sight in the corridor which stems from the top right door of the central Reactor Core. Sector 1 (SRX) **************** [ ] 1. Morph Ball After the area with the first atmospheric stabiliser is a room filled with Hornoads (frogs) and Halzyns (one-eyed bugs with spiked shields). In the bottom right corner of this room is a pipe with a visible Energy Tank inside. Crouch and fire at the rock blocking the left end of the pipe, and then roll through the pipe to collect the Energy Tank. [ ] 2. Diffusion Missiles From the elevator to the Restricted Zone, head right to the next room. Space Jump up to the top of the metal pillar in front of you, and then fire a Diffusion Missile to the right to clear some blocks to a Energy Tank and freeze the nearby Rippers. Now, pull yourself up into the gap you cleared and roll over to the Energy Tank. [ ] 3. Speed Booster From the Save Room below the room you fought the Charge Core-X, run from the left wal over to the right at full speed whist shooting your beam. After going through the room with two Hornoads, press down to "shine charge". Quickly Space Jump up to the door above and shoot it open. Tap A then left to "Shoulder Charge" through the door into the next room. You should hit a ramp and begin running again. Before reaching the area the Torizo was before press down to "shine charge". Now spin jump over to the left wall and "Ultra Jump". You will blast through Boost Blocks above into a room with an Energy Tank. Sector 2 (TRO) **************** [ ] 1. - - It's lying on a ledge in plain sight, in the room to the left of the area you fight/fought the "Cyclops Leech" in. [ ] 2. Space Jump From the Save Room in almost the direct center of this sector (via the top right door of the large bluish metallic room), head right to enter a long shaft. Space Jump up to the top of this shaft and enter the right door at the top. Kill all the Owtches in this room, then jump and press against the right wall to hang from the edge of a hidden tunnel. Pull up into it and roll over to the right. Head over to the right wall, jump up, and fire to the left at the height of your jump to uncover a Energy Tank. [ ] 3. Screw Attack From the Level 2 Security Room, Screw Attack against the left wall near the top of the room to blast through some Screw Attack Blocks. Head into the next area via door ahead. If you detonate a Power Bomb you will be able to see that most of the platforms are made of Pit Blocks. So Space Jump over to the Energy Tank on your far left, staying as high as possible most of the time. You will have to drop down a couple of times to get under some barriers. Near the end (once the Energy Tank is in sight) you should be able to fall on to the Pit Blocks. Just make sure you jump as soon as you hit solid ground below, or you will get stuck under Pit Blocks. If you do get stuck, morph into a ball and roll over to the left and bomb your way out. Sector 3 (PYR) **************** [ ] 1. Bombs After damaging the Security Robot, on your way back to the Navigation Room you will come across a room with a structure poking down from the middle of roof. You can get there later by Screw Attacking through blocks in the top right corner of the first area, and then rolling over to the right. Anyway, Bomb the floor directly below the structure to make a metal cylinder rise up from the ground. Bounce and bomb constantly to uncover the Energy Tank. [ ] 2. Ice Missiles From the really long shaft filled with Fune/Nahime, head through the right green door at its base. Bomb the right wall (if you haven't already) to open up a passageway. Freeze the Nova ahead, and then use it to boost up to the ledge above. Go through the door up there. Head right and drop down below, jump over to the platform over the lava. Freeze the Nova to use them as platforms (as the platforms they are on are made of Pit Blocks) and make your way over to the right. Then jump up and pull yourself into the narrow tunnel ahead to collect the Energy Tank. [ ] 3. Space Jump From the first area, head into the middle door on its left side. Cross the lava over to the door ahead and go through it. Jump up on the step and begin running at full speed over to the left while shooting. You should clear a lot of blocks out of the way. Before you hit the left wall press down to "shine charge". Walk right against the left wall and Hyper Jump up through the Boost Blocks above. Now Space Jump up to the Energy Tank above. Sector 4 (AQA) **************** [ ] 1. - - If you head the most direct way to Serris's Tank, you'll find an Energy Tank at the dead end where a girder had fallen down. Otherwise, from the room that has water tanks filled with Skultera, head through the top left door. If you keep following the path that door leads to, you will eventually reach the Energy Tank. [ ] 2. Gravity Suit From the shaft to the right of the Level 4 Security Room, Space Jump up to the nook in the right wall approximately half-way up. Morph into a ball and bounce over to the right to find a hidden tunnel, and follow it all the way over to the right. Drop to the bottom of this area and place a Power Bomb. But flee away from the Power Bomb, as all the X will fly towards its "ground zero". You don't want to collect the X, because you want the X to reform into Golden Scizor. Blast the two Missile Blocks out of the way with Ice Missiles, and then kill the Golden Scizors with Ice Missiles inside that chamber.. The door below will now flash, meaning you can go through it, so go through it. Place a Power Bomb to destroy all the grey blocks uncovering an Energy Tank. Then roll through the winding tunnel at the top of the room to reach it. Sector 5 (ARC) **************** [ ] 1. Ice Missiles Just after downloading the Ice Missile data, you will fall down a very long shaft filled with Rippers (flying turtles). In this shaft, climb to the top of the ladder on your right. Shoot the Ripper up there with an Ice Missile when it's approximately in the middle of the room to freeze it. Then use it as a platform to jump over to the door on your left. The Energy Tank ahead is actually a bat-like mimic, so kill it. Then keep bombing the left wall to reveal the true Energy Tank. [ ] 2. Power Bombs In the room just above the area you fight Nightmare. Detonate a Power Bomb to reveal a secret tunnel that will allow you to collect the Energy Tank. Bounce up into it and roll over to the right to fall through some Pit Blocks and collect the Energy Tank. [ ] 3. Gravity Suit From the former red door in this sector, head to the right beyond it through four doors to a seemingly dead end. Bomb the floor to drop down into a shaft. You should have noticed a nook in the right wall. Space Jump up and shoot a Missile at the left wall directly opposite that nook to destroy a Missile Block. Now pull yourself up into the tunnel you opened up and roll through it to a secret room. Basically, stay as a ball and hold the A Button to constantly bounce. Head over to the left, up through the false roof and over to the right to collect the Energy Tank. Sector 6 (NOC) **************** [ ] 1. Jumpball From the first darkened room. Bounce and bomb against the bottom right wall to uncover a narrow tunnel. Roll through that tunnel to a secret room. From the edge of the ledge inside the secret room, bounce over to the right wall and lay bombs all the way down it. You should uncover three passageways. Roll over to the right via the top one, and bomb at the end to drop down to the Energy Tank below. [ ] 2. - - On the way to downloading the Varia Suit. You will Speed Boost through a wall and will land on a ladder. After heading down and through the door to the left. You will find an Energy Tank lying there in plain sight [ ] 3. Screw Attack Head to the first Level 4 Security Door in this sector. In the corridor on its right side is a block protruding out of the middle of the floor. Screw Attack that block out of existence. Now run over to the left until you cannot any more, then turn around and run to the left whilst shooting. After you go through the door, tap down to "shine charge" and then Shoulder Charge (tap A then tap right) over to the right. You will blast through a ton of boost blocks over to a door. Enter that door. There is an Energy Tank over to the right but it's incased in Boost Blocks and there is no place long enough to engage your Speed Booster. But if you detonate a Power Bomb in this room, you'll see that it's filled with "trigger" metal cylinders, some of which "bridge" the four platforms in this room. So exit and re-enter the room to reset them. Now, bomb the middles of the two large platforms and the medium-sized platform. The tips of metal cylinders should poke out of their ends. Then bomb the small platform's edges to complete your "runway". If you accidentally trigger one of the vertical metal cylinders, reset the room and try again. Now once your "runway" is complete, from it's left edge run full speed over to the right and spin jump tot the Energy Tank once you reach the end. You should blast through the Boost Blocks. To exit this room, open the left door, use the "runway" to Speed Boost and then tap down to "shine charge", and then Shoulder Charge through the door, to blast through all those Boost Blocks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii)Missile Tanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main Deck *********** [ ] 1. - - It's in the air-ducts between the Operations Deck and the Main Deck. After falling down past severed cables look to the right to find your first Missile Tank. [ ] 2. - - In the same immediate area as the previous Missile Tank, head through the passageway on your left after falling down past the severed cables. In that room shoot at the left wall to uncover a Missile Tank. [ ] 3. Morph Ball From the shaft to the right of the Sub-Zero Containment room. Roll through the narrow tunnel in the right wall to reach a chamber containing a Missile Tank. [ ] 4. Speed Booster Go to the place where the SA-X originally appeared. Remember? Samus took the main elevator down to the lower floor, and then it blasted itself through the wall and through the door ahead. Go there and go through the blasted door on your right. From the door over to the right, run full speed over to the left. You will run through the hole the SA-X made before and then through a wall of Boost Blocks leading to a Missile Tank. [ ] 5. Ice Missiles On the Habitation Deck, freeze the Fune/Nahime in the shaft to make your way up to the top green door, and then enter it. Now bomb the far left block in the floor to drop down a level, then bomb the near-by block to fall down yet another level. A Missile Tank will be near-by waiting for you to "yoink" it. [ ] 6. Power Bombs A while after falling down past the frozen Ridley, you will get back to the "main" section of the Main Deck by planting a Power Bomb. This bomb will also uncover a Power Bomb Tank. If you missed it, coming from the Docking Bays use a Power Bomb in the first purple corridor of the Main Deck. [ ] 7. Bombs From the central Reactor Core, head into the top right door to enter a corridor filled with Zebesians. Follow the this corridor to the next large area. Head over to the right and bomb the floor to drop down below. Go over to the left and kill the Zebesian ahead with the charge beam. Bomb the floor over to the left to drop down. You will see the Missile Tank below, but you can't get to it from here. Head over to the right and bomb the floor to the right and drop down through the hole you created. Kill the Zebesian, then morph into a ball and roll over to the left, bombing your way to the Missile Tank. Sector 1 (SRX) **************** [ ] 1. - - In the middle of this sector is a shaft filled with Zebesian Space Pirates. Head left through the door at the top of this shaft to enter an area filled with lava. Cross the rungs at the top of this room to reach a platform with a Missile Tank on it. [ ] 2. - - From the "atmospheric stabiliser" area in the bottom right corner of the map (it should be the fourth one you visit), head through the door in the top left corner of the area to enter a room with the Missile Tank in plain sight... although, it's guarded by a Scizor. [ ] 3. Missiles From the room in which your fought the "Torizo" Charge Core-X, head through the top right door. Shoot your way through the ceiling, and then cling from the rungs above and fire two Missiles to the left. Roll through the narrow tunnel you blasted to enter a room filled with Scizor (crabs). Collect the Missile in the water, in the bottom right corner of the room. [ ] 4. Space Jump From the Save Room in the far right edge of the sector, shoot the crack in the right wall to open up a narrow tunnel. If you have the Jumpball, simply bounce up and roll on through; if you don't, stand up against the right wall, jump, quickly press down twice and then hold right. Once in shaft, if you have the Space Jump, simply jump up to the top of the shaft and collect the Missile Tank. If you don't have the Space Jump, you'll have to use continuous Wall Jumps. To Wall Jump, spin jump at a wall and just as Samus touches the wall simultaneously tap the A Button and the direction opposite the wall. Samus should flick off into another spin jump, so "chain" them to reach the top of the shaft to collect the tank. [ ] 5. Space Jump There is a very long shaft (the longest in this sector) filled with Zebesians in the central part of this sector. Go through the top left door of this shaft to enter a room filled with lava. Space Jump over the lava to the top left corner of this room to find a Missile Tank. [ ] 6. Gravity Suit In the same room you got the previous Missile Tank, jump into the lava to drop to the bottom of this area. Morph into a ball and roll all the way over to the right through a hidden passageway to a hidden area with another Missile Tank. Sector 2 (TRO) **************** [ ] 1. Bombs From the Data Room, enter the room to the right. Bomb the crumbled stone block in the top right corner of this room and then roll into the tunnel you opened up to find a Missile Tank. [ ] 2. Bombs From the room in the far bottom left corner of this sector. Head to the bottom left corner to drop down through the pit blocks. Then, bomb the bottom right corner of this chamber to expose a long narrow tunnel. Roll over to the far right, and you'll fall down through a Pit Block. Then, simply roll to the left to collect the Missile Tank. [ ] 3. Hi-Jump Off the central shaft of this sector is a room filled with water, with two Skultera swimming in it. Anyway, the ceiling of this room has rungs to swing across. Jump up to them with Samus's Hi-Jump and then swing all the way to the left to find a Missile Tank. [ ] 4. Jumpball From the same room the previous Missile Tank was found in. Jump in the water and bomb under the far left palm tree to make a metal cylinder rise up from the ground. From it, jump over and pull yourself up through the narrow tunnel to the left, and then go through the door ahead. Bomb between the palm and the flower to make another metal cylinder rise up. Now, Morph into a ball and bounce over to the left from the metal cylinder; bomb at the peak of your jump to destroy the "loose block" in the wall. And then pull yourself up through it to get to the Missile Tank. [ ] 5. Morph Ball From the large green area at the start of this sector, roll through the tunnel in the bottom right corner to another room. In this room, drop down to the floor and then jump up and hang from the ledge up above. Now, spin jump over to the ledge on your right and pull yourself up to morph into a ball. Bomb the right wall and roll over to the right to head into a secret room with a Missile Tank inside. [ ] 6. Jumpball From the large green area at the start of this sector, enter the blue Level 1 Security Door in the top right corner. In this room, jump up against the right wall and plant a bomb when you reach the jumps peak. Jump as a ball up into the passageway you opened up, and roll over to the right to find a Missile Tank. [ ] 7. Hi-Jump From the large green area at the start of this sector, enter the middle door on the left side. Avoid the Reos and jump over the nest to reach the Missile Tank. [ ] 8. Hi-Jump Just below the Data Room is a very long shaft. You can't get to it the most direct way. Remember the SA-X destroyed the door after you downloaded the Bomb data? So you will have to go the long backwards way to get to it. Anyway, once you reach the door at the top of it, stand on the lone block and Hi-Jump up to the ledge above. From this ledge, crouch and fire your beam to the left to destroy a fake block. Jump over and pull yourself through the gap you created. Stand on the lone block in this room and Hi-Jump up to the Missile Tank on the ledge above. [ ] 9. Screw Attack From the room in which you fought the "Cyclops Leech", Space Jump up to the ledge in the top right corner, and Screw Attack through the right wall to reach a door on your right, then go through it. Drop down to the floor below and detonate a Power Bomb to uncover a Missile Tank and some Boost Blocks. So, head over to the right wall, turn around and then run back over to the left. Tap down before you reach the left wall to "shine charge". Now space jump up high, fire you beam to stop spinning, then Shoulder Charge to the right once you are in-line with the Boost Blocks. It doesn't matter if you only manage to destroy one, you can still easily roll over to the Missile Tank. Sector 3 (PYR) **************** [ ] 1. Bombs In the room to the right of the Level 2 Security console (you must Speed Boost from the first area in this sector to get to it). Bomb just to the left of the "hump" near the wall you Speed Boosted through to open up a hole. Drop down through it and then fire up at the top right corner of the ceiling to uncover a Missile Tank. [ ] 2. Bombs There is a very long shaft in this sector filled with Fune (mouths which extend out to bite Samus). Head to the right through the green Level 2 Security Door at the bottom of this shaft to enter a room filled with Owtches (spiny beetles). Kill all of the Owtches, then bomb the top edge of the large platform in the middle of this room to uncover the Missile Tank. [ ] 3. Bombs This tank is unavoidable; you must collect it in order to get to the Super Missiles. Anyway, for checklist purposes, from the long shaft filled with Fune (mouths which extend out to bite Samus), head through the door at the very top to enter a seemingly dead end. Morph into a ball and bounce up against the left wall whilst constantly laying bombs. You should uncover two tunnels. Bounce up into the top tunnel, and roll over to the left to find the Missile Tank. [ ] 4. Super Missiles Just after downloading the Super Missile Data, you will hear an explosion. Upon heading to the far left you will find a huge hole in the middle of ground. Head down it, and then head over to the far right, through Save and Recharge Rooms. Kill both of the Side-Hoppers, then destroy the purple X-Barrier with three Super Missiles, and then collect the Missile Tank. [ ] 5. Speed Booster After defeating the Security Robot, debris will rain from the ceiling. Climb up this debris to the corridor above. Kill everything in this corridor. Then from the far left end, run over to the right at full speed, and then tap down to "shines charg"e once you reach the gutter at the end. Now tap A and then tap diagonal left-up whilst you have your charge. Samus will Shoulder Charge through the roof, and then through a wall of Boost Blocks. The Missile Tank is up for grabs up there. [ ] 6. Ice Missiles From where you got the 2nd Energy Tank in this sector (follow its entry). Bounce into the tunnel to your left, and follow it all the way over to the left to collect a Missile Tank. [ ] 7. Varia Suit From the first area in this Sector. Enter the 2nd door from the bottom on the left side of this area. Once inside, cross the lava using the rungs which almost run along the entire roof of this corridor to the door ahead. Go through it and then collect the Missile Tank in the next room. Sector 4 (AQA) **************** [ ] 1. Morph Ball Go to the room that has rungs all across its ceiling. Swing across these all the way to the left, and then head up through the gap above. Climb the ladder on your left all the way to the top. You will morph into a ball and roll into a secret tunnel at the top. So roll left into a secret room, kill the Owtches inside and then roll over to collect the Missile Tank. [ ] 2. Bombs Further on after defeating Serris, there is a corridor which you must run down at full speed to blast through some Boost Blocks in order to fall down below. After doing this, hold left to land on a platform. From there, bounce up and bomb the row of blocks to the left. Roll through the tunnel you created, and bomb the far left wall to destroy the block covering a ladder, then bomb to the left again to reveal a Missile Tank. [ ] 3. Bombs Beginning from where you got the previous Missile Tank, grab onto the ladder to your right and fire two Missiles at the wall to your left. You should destroy two Missile Blocks opening up a tunnel. Bounce up as a ball into the tunnel and roll over to the left to drop down. Keep heading down then run over to the right and jump over the pit ahead to the other side. From there, jump up and shoot to the right (at the peak of your jump) to open up a passageway, leading to a Missile Tank. [ ] 4. Speed Booster It's just below the Pump Control Console, in the far left end of this sector. After breaking through the boost blocks to the left, climb a little down the ladder on your left and then spin jump over to the ledge on your right. Then roll through the gap as a ball to find a Missile Tank. [ ] 5. Speed Booster Go to the room that has rungs all across its ceiling. You must have already lowered the water level before doing this. Jump down to the floor of this area, and head to the left as far as possible (stopping short of getting zapped by the live wire). Now run over to the right at full speed. You will Speed Boost through Boost Blocks to the next room. Head over to the far right end of this room, and jump up to the ledge above. Pull yourself up through the gap, and head over to the left to get a Missile Tank. [ ] 6. Gravity Suit After Speed Boosting into this sector from Sector 5 (ARC). Enter the door below the door that leads to the Save Room. Blast through the cracked grey blocks to make your way over to the far right, and collect the Missile Tank. [ ] 7. Power Bombs From the first shaft of the coral reef area in this sector, head through the right door at its very bottom. Detonate a Power Bomb in the yellow green tube to destroy a part of its floor. Then drop down below to find a Missile Tank guarded by an aquatic Zebesian. [ ] 8. Gravity Suit In the coral area, after Speed Boosting through a floor there is a very long corridor with some Gravitts in it. Just above the right door in this corridor is a divot in the roof. Space jump up through that divot to head into a room above. Push against the left wall up there to find a hidden tunnel. Pull yourself up into it and roll over to the left to find a Missile Tank. [ ] 9. Super Missiles From the area that leads to the Data Room, head through the passageway in the bottom left corner to enter another area. Destroy the X-Barrier in there with your Missiles and then head over to the left. Bomb under the broken wires to uncover a Missile Tank. Sector 5 (ARC) **************** [ ] 1. Ice Missiles Just after downloading the Ice Missile data you will fall down a very long shaft filled with Rippers (flying turtles). At the bottom of this shaft, morph into a ball and bounce against the right wall to head into a secret tunnel. In the room it leads to, shoot the roof over to the right to open up a hole above. Then shoot the Zeela, but do not absorb the X; as it will reform into a Chute Leech. Walk near the Chute Leech and it will launch itself up, then fire a Ice Missile at it when it reaches its highest point. Use the frozen Chute Leech as a platform to jump up to the ledge above. Kill the Zeela on the roof; but as before, do not absorb the free-floating X since it will become a Ripper. Freeze the Ripper with an Ice Missile when it's just a little to the right of the centre of the room. Jump on to the frozen Ripper and shoot at the ceiling above to uncover a Missile Tank. Jump up to collect it. [ ] 2. Ice Missiles At the start of this sector is a large area filled with Chute Leeches. From the bottom left corner of this area, jump up to the ledge above. When the Chute Leech on that platform reaches its height point, freeze it with an Ice Missile and then use it as a platform to get to the ledge above. Freeze the Chute Leech up there in the same way to get to the door above. In the room above is a Missile Tank. [ ] 3. Jumpball Head though the right yellow door at the bottom of the first shaft. Quickly kill the large Geruta hanging from the roof above with two Missiles. Then morph into a ball and bounce up to the top right corner of this room and bomb it to destroy a fake block. Bounce up and bomb there again once more to uncover a Missile Tank. So jump and pull yourself up to get it. [ ] 4. - - Go through the left yellow door at the bottom of the first shaft. Kill all the Zeela inside, as they will get in your way. The box the Missile Tank is inside has a false bottom on its left side. So jump up into the box from the false bottom and collect the Missile Tank. Sector 6 (NOC) **************** [ ] 1. Bombs From the first darkened room. Bounce and bomb against the bottom left wall to uncover a narrow tunnel. Roll through that tunnel to reach a small chamber with a Missile Tank inside. [ ] 2. Bombs There is a room just after where SA-X hunted you down, which is filled with large blocks which can be destroyed with your beam. Blast your way to the bottom left corner of that room and then roll to the left through the hidden tunnel over to a secret room. Kill all the grubs in this secret room, and then jump up to the ledge above and pull yourself up into a ball. Bomb over to the left to uncover the Missile Tank. [ ] 3. - - Just after recovering the Varia Suit, there is a shaft filled with blue X that also has a ladder running along it's right side. Go through the left door at the top of this shaft to enter a room with a Missile Tank lying in plain sight. Jump over to collect it, otherwise you'll fall down through Pit Blocks before you reach it. [ ] 4. Hi-Jump Just after collecting the previous Missile Tank, you'll fall down through some pit blocks. Immediately hold left and Samus will grab on to the edge of a narrow tunnel below. Pull up into it and roll over to the left into a secret annex. Shoot at the roof inside it to uncover the Missile Tank. [ ] 5. Varia Suit From the start of this sector, keep heading right until you reach a shaft. From the top of the shaft drop down and enter the first door on your right. Once inside, shoot the large square blocks in your way and head through the door ahead. The Missile Tank you see ahead is actually a bat-like enemy mimicking one. So kill it, and then bomb over to the right to find the real Missile Tank. [ ] 6. Wave Beam From the room you fought the Security Robot for the second time, head through the door on your right. Run over to the shutter ahead and fire diagonally up (hold L) at the flashing light to open the shutter. Now collect the Missile Tank. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii)Power Bomb Tanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main Deck *********** [ ] 1. Power Bombs Just after falling down from where the frozen Ridley disintegrated, use a Power Bomb to uncover a long, winding pipe over to the left. Morph into a ball,and follow the pipe all the way to the left, and then use another Power Bomb. You will uncover another pipe heading up to a Power Bomb Tank. If you missed it, you can't get to there via the Sub-Zero Containment room. You must instead place a Power Bomb in the first purple corridor of the Main Deck (coming from the Docking Bays). [ ] 2. Power Bombs There is an X-Barrier across from the door that leads to the Habitation Deck elevator. Detonate a Power Bomb to destroy the X-Barrier, and then enter the door it was blocking the path to. From the small ledge on your right, morph into a ball and ball-jump. Once you hit the roof, hold right to roll into a hidden tunnel. Ball-jump again and hold right, you should bounce over a block and drop down below (bomb to determine your location). Now roll over to the left to collect the Power Bomb Tank. [ ] 3. Speed Booster From Sector 6 (NOC), head to the bottom part of Restricted Zone where the Lab was once coupled to the station. From the Save Room down there, run over to the left whilst shooting your beam. Once you head through two red doors press down to "shine charge". There are two structures in the foreground of this glass tube which Samus can past behind. Stand behind the left one and Hyper Jump to collect a Power Bomb Tank floating out in space. Sector 1 (SRX) **************** [ ] 1. Power Bomb From the lowest Save Room in the sector (near the elevator down to the Restricted Zone), head left to a shaft. Bomb the floor of this shaft to drop down to an area below. In the left end of this area is a Gravitt out of your reach, so kill it with two Power Bombs. Retreat after detonating the second Power Bomb to avoid absorbing the free-floating X the Gravitt becomes. It will reform into a Geruta, kill it and the free-floating X will reform once again into a Golden Zebesian. To kill the Zebesian, run near it so it lunges, then quickly spin around and fire a Missile at its back to damage it. After three Missiles to the back it will be toast and the door to your right will be flashing. Go through it to enter a room with a Power Bomb Tank waiting to be collected. [ ] 2. Speed Booster From the Save Room below the room you fought the Charge Core-X, run from the left wall to the right at full speed with guns a blazin'. You should blast through the Hornoads and then through a wall to a cave area. As soon as you enter the cave area, press down to "shine charge". Now, spin jump down below so you Screw Attack through a Scizor, run over to the right wall and Hyper Jump up. You should blast through Boost Blocks up above. Shoot the left wall to reveal a Power Bomb. [ ] 3. Screw Attack From the first area of this sector infested with zombies. Enter the green door in the top right corner. Screw Attack through the ceiling of this room to reach an area above with a Power Bomb Tank to collect. Sector 2 (TRO) **************** [ ] 1. Space Jump Roughly in the middle of this sector is a large bluish metallic area. In this area, Space jump along the left side of it to reach a ledge way up above. Plant a Power Bomb while up there, and you will open up a hole in the left edge of the ledge. Drop down and go through that hole, then fire at the bottom of the right wall to open yet another hole. Destroy all Puyo on the other side and then collect the Power Bomb Tank ahead. [ ] 2. Ice Missiles There was a door in the central shaft of this sector that was blocked by a Keyhunter Cocoon. After regaining the Plasma Beam, the cocoon will have hatched. So roll through the gap and enter the door. The rows between the Rippers are made of Pit Blocks. So to get to the Power Bomb Tank on your left, you must jump up to the rungs above and swing over to the left. Then shoot a Ice Missile at a Ripper when it is directly below you then drop down onto it. Now aim downwards to the left (hold down L and down), and freeze the other Ripper when it's just below and a little to the left of the barrier in your way. Now, morph into a ball and bounce under the barrier over to the Ripper you just froze and then bounce over to the Power Bomb Tank. [ ] 3. Ice Missiles See the previous Power Bomb Tank entry. After collecting that Power Bomb Tank you will fall down through a Pit Block into a hidden tunnel. Bomb the block in your way down there to uncover another Power Bomb Tank. [ ] 4. Screw Attack From the Level 1 Security Room, Screw Attack through the left wall at the top of the room. Go left through the door to the next room. Most of the platforms in the area are made of Pit Blocks, so you must stay airborne at all times. Space Jump over to the left, and when the path splits into two, take the bottom route and carefully Space Jump over to the Power Bomb Tank. If you fall through the Pit Blocks you'll have to restart. [ ] 5. Screw Attack From the room where you battled the "Cyclops Leech", Space Jump up to the ledge in the top right corner and Screw Attack through the right wall. Go through the door ahead. Drop down to the floor below, now run full speed over to the right. Before you reach the right wall, press down to "shine charge". Now spin jump up to the platform above and Shoulder Charge into the ramp to your left; you will begin running again. Before you hit the left wall, press down to "shine charge", then spin jump up to the platform above and Shoulder Charge into the ramp on your right. Continue using this technique until reach the top "floor" of this area. It has a step in the middle of it, so you must tap down before you hit the step to "shine charge". Then you must spin jump on to the step and Shoulder Charge to your left. You should hit a ramp and run through some Boost Blocks to a Power Bomb Tank. Sector 3 (PYR) **************** [ ] 1. Screw Attack From the first room of this sector (it's red and has water tanks in the background), go through the middle door along the left side. Cross the lava over to the next room. Blast your way over to the left wall. Drop a Power Bomb to reveal some Screw Attack Blocks below. Screw Attack through them and head through the door below. Use a Power Bomb to destroy a fake block and reveal a Power Bomb Tank. Jump up to collect it. [ ] 2. Power Bombs Near the beginning of this sector is a shaft with a shutter and some Fune/Nahime. Kill the bottom Fune/Nahime and then head over to where it was coming from to drop down through some Pit Blocks. Shoot the flashing light to open the shutter and then open the right door. Now from the left door, run over to the right at full speed. You should blast through some Boost Blocks in the floor ahead. Head left a little to drop down through a Pit Block to the room below. Detonate a Power Bomb down here to open up a passageway in the top left corner, pull yourself through it to the next room. Lure the Fune/Nahime out and then freeze it with an Ice Missile. Use it as a platform up to the Power Bomb Tank. [ ] 3. Gravity Suit From the long shaft filled with Fune/Nahime, go through the left door at the very bottom. Cross the lava pit over to the next room and then detonate a Power Bomb to destroy the Power Bomb Block in the bottom left corner. Drop down through the hole to the lava maze below. In the lava maze, fall down once more and head over to the right. Don't fall down the false floor ahead, jump up to the ledge on your right and pull yourself up on it. Then jump up through the false roof and head over to the right. Now make your way around the perimeter of the room; down, roll over to the left, up, and then pull yourself through the hidden tunnel above on your right and collect the Power Bomb Tank. [ ] 4. Screw Attack Head over to the area filled with lava in the far bottom right corner of this Sector. Jump in the lava and head over to the right. Screw Attack though the wall, and then keep Screw Attacking until you clear all the blocks of the wall. Now head left to the edge of the lava and then run right at full speed whilst shooting to head through a door to another room. Tap down in this room to "shine charge" and then run over to the right wall and Hyper Jump up through the Boost Block above. You will collect a Power Bomb Tank on the flight up. [ ] 5. Screw Attack Beginning from where the previous entry left off, drop down the narrow shaft you just flew up threw. Hold left to fall into a small alcove, with a Power Bomb Tank visible on your left. Screw Attack through the roof to a hidden tunnel and then Screw Attack down to the Power Bomb Tank. [ ] 6. Screw Attack Head to where you collected the 1st Energy Tank of this Sector. Remember you had to make a metal cylinder rise and then bomb above to uncover it? Anyway, head there and Screw Attack up through the blocks above to a higher room. Use a Power Bomb to reveal a narrow tunnel leading over to the left. Go through that tunnel to reach a room with a Power Bomb Tank. Sector 4 (AQA) **************** [ ] 1. Morph Ball After receiving the Gravity Suit and speed boosting into the "coral" section from Sector 5. Drop down to the ledge below, and then jump over to the small ledge on your left. Now, morph into a ball and bounce against the left wall to find a hidden tunnel. Roll through it to reach a small chamber with a Power Bomb Tank inside. [ ] 2. Missiles From the first shaft of the coral area, head left through the door at the bottom. Place a Power Bomb in the yellow-green tube to reveal a bunch of Missile Blocks above. Blast through them using your Missiles and then jump up on top of the tube. Jump over to the right and then up to the higher section. Now jump up and fire the top right corner of this room to destroy a fake block. Jump up there and bomb over to the right to reach a small room with a Power Bomb Tank. [ ] 3. Gravity Suit In the coral area of this secto, there is a long corridor completely void apart from some Gravitts. From the left door of this corridor, run full speed over to the right and then tap down before you reach the right door to "shine charge". Now, walk over to where the pink coral is in the background (there should be a divot in the roof above you) and "Hyper Jump". You'll fly up through the false roof and some Boost Blocks above to a small chamber with a Power Bomb Tank inside. [ ] 4. Power Bombs From the first area, head to the left through two doors to a large square room. Morph into a ball and bomb to your left, roll into the tunnel and then bomb at the end to fall down below. Now, plant a Power Bomb at the bottom of this chamber to reveal a Power Bomb Tank over to your left. Sector 5 (ARC) **************** [ ] 1. Power Bombs Just after being chased by the SA-X you will head into a room with a visible Power Bomb Tank in the bottom left corner. Use a Power Bomb to clear the way, and then collect it. [ ] 2. Power Bombs Starting from where the previous tank left off. Climb up the ladder to the room above, and then use a Power Bomb to destroy a large portion of the roof. Jump up to the ladder above and climb up it. Freeze the Rippers in this shaft so you can use them as platforms to head up to the door above. Once you reach the door, go through it and collect the Power Bomb Tank inside [ ] 3. Power Bombs In the huge icy room filled with Wavers, along the left side you will see a large X-Barrier on the other side of a wall. Use a Power Bomb and you will destroy the X-Barrier and reveal a tunnel. Jump up and go through the tunnel above and then enter the door ahead. Go along the bottom of this room and plant Power Bombs to reveal where all the Pit Blocks are up above. From the right end of this corridor, jump up to the ledge above. Shoot an Ice Missile at the Ripper ahead when it's just over the middle of the Pit Blocks. Then morph into a ball and bounce into the tunnel above. Jump onto the Ripper and then over to the tunnel on the other side, and roll through it. Freeze the next Ripper when it is in the middle of the Pit Blocks up ahead. Bounce into the tunnel above, then onto the frozen Ripper, and then over and through the tunnel ahead. Stand up and jump over the Pit Blocks below to get the Power Bomb Tank. [ ] 4. Speed Booster You can only do this after the Nightmare has made a right mess of the place. Space Jump up to the door in the top left corner and shoot it open. But don't go through it just yet. Head to your right and kill the two Chute Leeches up there, then from the right wall run full speed over to the left. Press down to "shine charge" just before you reach the gap ahead, then Shoulder Charge (tap A then tap left) through the door to your left. You will punch through some Boost Blocks to a room with a Power Bomb Tank up for grabs. [ ] 5. Space Jump After Nightmare's trashing of Sector 5. From the room which was once icy, go through the door in the top right (which was once a red Level 4 Door. Shoot up at the roof to destroy some fake blocks, and then jump up above through the hole you created. Use a Power Bomb and you will open up a narrow shaft just above the door. So jump up and pull yourself through it. Use another Power Bomb to kill the Zebesian, and destroy fake blocks which will allow you to progress up. Kill the Zebesian up above, and then shoot up from the right wall to open up a hole above. Space Jump up there and shoot the flashing light up there to open up a shutter. Drop back down and shoot up from the left wall this time to open up another hole. Space Jump up there and shoot the light on this side to open the last shutter. Now morph into a ball, head over to the right and bomb the ground to destroy a fake block, bomb again to destroy another two fake blocks, and then bomb to the left to uncover a Power Bomb Tank. [ ] 6. Power Bombs On your way to Nightmare you should come across two Geruta (huge clawed bats) hanging from the roof. Fire up at that roof to break a hole through, and then jump up there go through the door on your left. Use a Power Bomb in here to kill all the Zeela and reveal a Power Bomb Tank. [ ] 7. Power Bombs Just outside the door to the Save Room near Nightmare, use a Power Bomb to reveal a narrow passageway leading over to the left. Jump up into it and roll over to the left, but try bouncinge near the end of it to head into a secret tunnel above. Roll to the left in this tunnel and bomb at the end to reveal a Power Bomb Tank. [ ] 8. Gravity Suit In the bottom-right end of this sector is corridor filled with heaps of Zebesians and Skultera. Clear this area of all enemies, then run from the left end of this corridor full speed over to the right while firing your beam to head through the barriers of Boost Blocks in the next room. Once you blast through those blocks, press Down to "shine charge". Now back track a little to where the barriers were and "Hyper Jump" upwards, you'll blast through some Boost Blocks to a chamber above containing a Power Bomb Tank. Sector 6 (NOC) **************** [ ] 1. Screw Attack Head to the corridor that is on the right side of the first Level 4 Security Door in this sector. In this corridor, there is block protruding out from the middle of the floor. Screw Attack that block to destroy it. Now shoot open the left door but don't go through it yet. Instead, from the right door run full speed over to the left. As soon as you begin Speed Boosting, tap down to "shine charge" and then jump up on the ledge ahead and Shoulder Charge through the left door. You should blast through tons of Boost Blocks over to a large room. You probably noticed that you passed a Power Bomb Tank, that's the one we're intending on getting. From the platform running along the top of the room, run from its right edge over to the left and tap down to "shine charge" before you fall from its left edge. Drop off the platform and Shoulder Charge to the right once you are in-line with the Power Bomb Tank. You just want to skim above the row of blocks the Power Bomb Tank is resting on. [ ] 2. Screw Attack In the same room you got the previous Power Bomb Tank, drop down to the floor. From the left wall run over to the right at full speed. Before you hit the right wall press down to "shine charge". Now spin jump up to the ledge above and Should Charge (tap A then tap left) into the ramp on your left to begin running again. As soon as you reach the top of this small ramp begin Space Jumping over to the right (gaining as much height as possible) and then drop down to blast through the top of the structure up ahead. You will land down to a chamber with a Power Bomb Tank inside. [ ] 3. Screw Attack Above where you fought the Security Robot is a small area. Remember it's where you fell through a bunch of Pit Blocks from? Head to that area and make sure you jump over to the other side of the Pit Blocks. Now Screw Attack through two walls on your right over to a door and enter it. Use a Power Bomb to reveal a Power Bomb Tank in the top right corner and a bunch of Pit Blocks. Jump up and head into the narrow tunnel running along the roof over to the Power Bomb Tank. Now the next bit is tricky, so read it carefully. You have to roll over onto the Pit Blocks, quickly tap up twiceto "de-Morph" and then quickly jump as you touch the Pit Blocks to jump over to the Power Bomb Tank, and then pull yourself up. =============================================================================== 7)THANKS TO =============================================================================== Phoenix 1911, for spotting a couple of typos for me. Ersk, for the excellent strategy for getting away from the SA-X in "TRO". Wildrows, for info about the Japanese version. I can never access it, but apparently he has a very good site: members.truepath.com/wildrose/metroid.html Senko LKE, for confirming Ridley's sex and a correction about getting away from the SA-X in Sector 5. Demajen, for helping me along the way. ShdwRlm3, for putting up with me constantly sending him back-ups of this FAQ! He's also one hell of a FAQ Writer too... when he has the motivation ^_^ The Metroid (NES), Metroid II: Return of Samus (GB), Super Metroid (SNES) and Metroid Fusion (GBA) Instruction Booklets for various official enemy names. marshmallow's Super Metroid FAQ/Speed Guide, for a couple of the official enemy names which are not mentioned in the Instruction Booklets. Veggeto96, for supplying some official boss names from Prima's Metroid Fusion Strategy Guide. Jebus, because he died for my "sins" at the hands of Jubas. ******************************************************************************* VERSION HISTORY -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version 1.0 21/01/03 Absolutely everything has been completed... thank god! Now I can go relax in the hot summer sun. Most of it probably needs a good proof-read to become coherent, but that can wait another day. Version 1.1 22/01/03 OK, so "another day" was the next day, so sue me. Anyway, I've proofread the entire FAQ/Walkthrough so it should be largely coherent. On a lighter note, the next Massive Attack album is out on February 10th, JOY! Version 1.2 03/02/03 Fixed a bunch of typos thanks to Phoenix 1911, and elaborated on the SA-X encounter in Sector 2 (TRO) thanks to Ersk. Version 1.3 02/03/03 Added a Frequently Asked Question about the Japanese version, and fixed the Yakuza strategy to avoid frustrated players trying to escape from his clutches. Version 1.4 11/03/03 Fixed a couple of errors, some thanks to Senko LKE. Version 1.5 05/08/03 Some slight corrections, and fixed a link that was dead. FAQ STATS -=-=-=-=-=- Version 1.5 Update No 5 Size 187KB Pages 54 Words 34696 Characters 184978 Paragraphs 2846 Lines 3286 GameFAQs CONTRIBUTOR PAGE- www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/4127.html EMAIL- tetsuwan_blue(at)yahoo.com.au If I don't reply, it's either; I don't know the answer to the question, the answer to your question is in the FAQ, or you're sending me info I already know or someone else has sent before you. IMAGE CREDITS & COPYRIGHTS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Initial screenshots of in-game maps were supplied by Demajen. They were then altered and optimised for use as "Expansion Tank Location Maps" by AstroBlue. Game Images © 2002 Nintendo Initial image of SD Samus taken from scans of the August 1994 issue of Shounen Oh Comics "Game Comic" found on the Metroid Database: www.classicgaming.com/mdb The picture was then rendered by Demajen and edited by AstroBlue. For those who want to know, Samus is saying "Ridley is a bitch!" in Japanese. SD Samus Image © 1994 Shounen Oh Comics LEGAL SECTION -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- No material from this FAQ may be paraphrased, copied, changed or re-formatted without my permission. It may only be posted on GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com) and IGN FAQs (faqs.ign.com). Under no circumstances may this FAQ be posted on Cheat Code Central. This document was written exclusively for use on the internet. It is not intended to be used in any way that is profitable for anyone other than the author. It is not to be reproduced in any way without express written permission from the author. More information on copyright laws can be found at the copyright section of the official Library of Congress web site. (http://www.loc.gov/copyright). Metroid Fusion and related characters are trademarks of Nintendo Pty. Ltd ______________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright 2003 AstroBlue