Heroes of Might and Magic II Necromancer guide by Lord Zero(Lord_0@yahoo.com) **************************************************************************** Index: 1.-File history. 2.-Intro. 3.-The Necromancer:Highs,Lows and Bottom line. 4.-The Necromancer Units. 5.-Strategies against certain enemies 6.-Skills that need to be learned. 7.-Magics that need to be casted. 8.-Worst enemy. 9.-Credits. 10.-Legal Sutff. **************************************************************************** File History: 1.0 start of the file.Everything I expected is up. 1.1 lots of mistakes arranged. 1.2 Added stats,speed,defensive and offensive uses,more tips... 1.3 added the strategies against certain enemies. **************************************************************************** Intro: So,Heroes of Might and Magic is one of the best games out there and no one is bored enough to make a faq just for the Kingdom they prefer? I am.I chose Necromancer,and probably I'll make another for the warlocks.I like evil ones.Ok,Barbarians units suck a big time but Necromacers and Warlocks are cool.I'm making Faqs for every game I like,cause I don't have anything else to do in my free time(besides Playing Pokemon)and I feel like I'm actually helping someone when I write a Faq. Thsi Guide had a lot of mistakes before,so I decided to write it again a bit. I received a lot of help from readers,I hope you understand my problem^_^. Whatever,I proudly Present to you my lastest Faq yet: **************************************************************************** The Necromancers: Highs:No Morale problems,strong and cheap units,quite powerful in magic, Vampires give a great advantage in med Game,Fast units.Almost invincible in the long game if not Warlocks are around :)Third best defense rating for a creature(Power liches),second most Destructive Unit(Bone Dragons)third best attack rating(Bone dragons)and third best HPs(Bone Dragons) Lows:No morale help,no a ultra great ultimate unit,kinda weak at defense,you can't build a tavern,so you are going to lose some comments.Somehow expensives in th early game.With the sole exception of the Royal Mummies,they are very slow in the beggining. Bottom Line:Powerful,they can stand against whatever it comes.They are specially good in medium maps,to get without too much effort Widzards or Warlock's castles. **************************************************************************** The Necromancer Units: All these units are undead,so Morale can't affect them.Plus,Besides the differents alignements penalty for other units,there's another-1 penalty"Some undead in the group".As you see,they are not much lovable. Skeletons:Attack-4-Defense-3-Hit Points-4-Damage-2/3-Speed Average-cost 75 Gold. Dwelling:excavation. Map Dwelling:Execution site.This one is only encountered in Deserts. Growth:8 per week. Unit type:Horde Stack. Unit Rank:1 On the long game these units are wonderful.They are quite strong, and if they strike first,the can make your army the winner.It's not strange to see more than 400 skeletons,cause NEcromancy will give you skeletons. Necromancy can give you even 30 % of the killed enemies into Skeletons-This means that if swarms of Peasants come later in the game,be prepare to receive lots of Skeletons. Never let armies escape from your skeletons.In the long game,1400 Skeletons are enough to kill anything,and the Necromancy is needed to achieve such number.In my opinion,the best of the first rank creatures. Defensive uses:Almost non-existant ;).Skeletons are really weak,and slow unless you are facing Gargoyles or Rocs you will have a tough time defending a castle with these. Offensive uses:Teleport them right on Titans,and watch the sparks fly!.The Skeletons have a very good attack rating(4)-for a first rank unit. Attribute:Necromancy. Ranking:**** Zombies:Attack-5-Defense-2-Hit Points-15-damage-2/3-Speed-Slow-Cost 150 gold. Mutant Zombies:Attack-5-Defense-2-Hit Points-20-Damage-2/3-Speed Average-Cost 200 gold. Dwelling:Graveyard.Can be Upgraded. Map dwelling:Can be fought in Graveyards for money,Artifacts or others. Growth:6 per week. Unit Type:Damage taker Stack. Unit Rank:2 These are good units,but you must upgrade them as fast as you can.However,they never made the exagerated damage the Skeletons can,but are far more resistant.It's one of the more useful units,but not the best Keep it with your Liches to defend them.The Upgrade is one of the most needed,in my opinion,because this guys are so freaking slow,that using them as one of your basic units,is simply annoying.The Mutant zombies are a unit that you should ussually leave in your castles for defense,very frustrating even in high numbers,because of it's lousy attack. Defensive uses:Protecting Liches,Protecting any Ranged unit,getting in the way-any use that you should think could annoy the opponent. Ofensive Uses:none,really.Skeletons are way better,but they simply get big by themselves.The Zombies are just a defensive unit. Attribute:- Ranking:** Mummies:Attack-6-Defense-6-Hit Points-25-Damage-3/4-Speed-Average-cost 250 Gold. Royal Mummies:Attack-6-Defense-6-Hit Points-30-Damage-3/4-Speed-Fast-Cost 300 gold. Dwelling:Piramid.Can be upgraded. Map Dwelling:Can be fought in Piramids for a high level spell along with Vampire Lords. Growth:4 per week. Unit Type:Standar Fighter. Unit Rank:3 Like Zombies,they will never do such an exagerated damages,but are really fast and Royal mummies can inflict Curse.Really good unit.They can give you the first strike,but remember you should be defensive.The Mummies are not really needed later in the game,though Curse can really help you sometimes,they have too little damage available like to stand against Magi,or Champions Defensive Uses:Just like the Zombies,with more ofensive power,and minor availlability.Ussually,these guys are just a very average fighter. Ofenssive Uses:Very limited.Even Being a Fast unit capable of Cursing enemies, they are quite weak.3/4 Damage is very pitiful in the long run. Attribute:Curse Ranking:*** Vampires:Attack-8-Defense-6-Hitpoints-35-Damage-5/7-Speed average-Cost 500 gold. Vampires lords:Attack-8-Defense-6-Hitpoints-40-Damage-5/7-Speed Fast-cost 650 Gold. Dwelling:Mansion.Can be upgraded. Map Dwelling:Can fought in Piramids alongside with Mummies. Growth:3 per week. Unit Type:Power strike Stack. Unit Rank:4 These are GREAT units!Quite expensives,but is worth the money.Vampre lords can even suck life from enemies!However,you can never get more vampires,so if you start the battle with 90 Vampires,you can suck life till 90,so If your vampires aren't killed,this doesn't work. Defensive Uses:The Vampires make excelent castle Defenders,since they can fly,and being fast(When upgraded),they can get early in the round against ranged units. Offenseive Uses:almost the same as defense.The Vampires,when in high numbers, are very dangerous.120 Vampires are a very fearsome stack,sucking life until the battle is over. Attribute:Flying,Suck Life,Enemies can't counter. Ranking:***** Liches: Attack-7-Defense-12(!)-Hit Points-25-Damage-8/10/Speed-Fast-Cost-750 gold. Power Liches:Attack-7-Defense-13(™!)-Hitpoints-35-Damage-8/10-Speed Very Fast, Cost 900 gold. Dwelling:Mausoleum.Can Be Upgraded(and you should). Map Dwelling:They DO have one,but I just can't remember it. Growth:2 per week. Unit type:Ranged Power Stack. Unit Rank:5 Another good unit.They are really weak,even if they have such a high defense rating,but they are destructive and can hurt more than one unit at time.Protect them with zombies.They have the third best defensive rating of the game, and may provided extra firepower to your armies,and being the only ranged unit of the Necromancer,this is almost a must.They are better than they seem. Defensive Uses:As any other ranged unit,a Lich Stack behind the Castle Walls,is a killer weapon.With the proper planning,the Liches are the most important weapon when defending Castles. Offensive Units:They are very vulnerable,but still a powerful unit.Try to keep them protected against Sorceress,and always try to get the first strike. Put them in the Top Stack. Attribute:Splash damage. Ranking:****. Bone Dragon 11/9/150/25-45/4/1500 Bone Dragon:Attack-11-Defense-9-Hitpoints-150-Damage-25/45(™!™)-Speed Average- Cost 1500 gold. Dwelling:Laboratory. Map Dwelling:none. Growth:1 per week. Unit Type:Flying death Stack ;) Unit Ranking:6 The Bone Dragons are quite powerful,more than you could think.They have the advantage of the relative good cost,they don't need any special Mineral, and can be built without an excess of money.They are a match for almost any unit in the game,with the sole exception of Crusaders,even can stand against Black Dragons(Well...that's very hard to do,but it can be done).The Perfect Titan Killers :). Defensive Uses:the same as the Vampires,but to a lesser extent.Bone Dragons are weak against massive Crusaders,so they are not very recommended to go against them. Offensive Uses:Countless!They can break thru any defenses and easily dispatch most opponents.Cyclops and Titans are dead meat against these collosus. Attribute:lowers enemy Morale by 1,Flying. Ranking:**** -************************************************************************* Strategies against certain enemies: -Knights:Well...good luck :).The Power Liches can prove to be useful here, to get the first,or at least second strike.use it casting mass haste or something like that.The Knight's units are very fast,and with the Crusader's 2x bonus against undead...well,you have the odds against you.Keep bashing the Crusaders,use lighitng against them. -Barbarians:This is very easy,since their best unit,the War Trolls,are dead meat against Bone Dragons and Vampire lords.The Ogre Lords are a very dangerous enemies,try to blind them,or at least cast slow on them.The rest of the Barbarian's army sucks compared to yours. -Sorceress:Again,another easy strike!Phoenixes and Unicorns are the only real threats here,say good bye to yer liches,the phoenixes are the fastests creatures in the game.Basically,keep going for them.Vampire Lords are a good unit to waste them,since they can't retailate against them.Also useful against Sprites,to get back lost Vampires.The Mummies also are extremely useful here, since curse wipes on half of the Phoenix damage. -Widzards:the only real threat are the Titans,since you aready have plenty of counters against the other units,Rocs vs Skeletons,Vampires against Archmagi,the other armies are no danger.The Titans should be the target for everything here,get you bone dragon's asses to kill them,use Bloodlust, steelskin and curse the enemy. -Warlocks:Basically,too hard in the late game.Dragons = Power Liches dying again.Use your Bone Dragons and Vampires with Dragon Slayer to beat them. The other armies are crap. -***************************************************************************- Skills that need to be learned: Necromancy:Well,duh...The more skeletons you have,the more chances you have to win...Actually the Necromancers learn Necromancy very often,and it's a chance you are not supposed to miss. Wisdom:Well,duh again...Necromancers tend to have a little problem in learning this skill,so pick it whenever you can.This should be your second nature. Luck:Because the undead can't be affected by morale,so you're going to need another asset to help you.Luck is really effective with Liches and Vampires, and a good luck will always help you. Estates:Liches and Vampires are quite expensives,and any extra boost can't hurt you.Get this one as soon as you can. -***************************************************************************- Magic that need to be casted: Bloodlust:Use this to make your Liches and Vampires killing machines.This should be casted as fast as you can-This spell is often neglected because of it's low cost,but it's VERY useful. Haste and Mass haste:If you wanna drive anyone mad,these spells will give Liches an Ultra-fast stat,so you can wipe out those Phoenix before they can make a dent on your units. Death wave:Well,Duh...It's not very useful at the end of the game,but during early game it will help you a lot.Since your units are all undead,you will receive no damage. Animate Dead:This is so frustrating :)use this to keep your Bone Dragons in the fight. **************************************************************************** Worst enemy: DRAGONS:Red,green,black or whatever,they are inmune to magic,and though Vampires can actually kill em,they leave you on your own,cause Necromancers are quite dependant in magic.Warlocks are their worst enemy. **************************************************************************** Credits: -Me...I wrote it! -Vincent Telamon.Yipee!Someone gave me credit for something! -New world Computing for making this game and not a RTS one like C&C. -Skie Priestly for giving me a lot of info. **************************************************************************** Legal Stuff: This file is copyrighted by Lord Zero(lord_0@yahoo.com)all rights reserved.