GROUND CONTROL: DARK CONSPIRACY WALKTHROUGH by Briareos Kerensky (, briareos_HF), ver 1.0, 01/08/2002 Table of Contents 1-Update History 2-History Briefing 3-Crayven Corporation Units Briefing 4-Order of the New Dawn Units Briefing 5-Phoenix Mercenary Unit Units Briefing 6-Special Weapons Briefing 7-Special Equipment Briefing 8-General Tactics 9-Crayven Corporation Walkthrough 10-Phoenix Mercenary Unit Walktrhough 11-Order of the New Dawn Walkthrough 12-Credits and Misc **************** 1-UPDATE HISTORY **************** 01/08/2002-version 1.0. Finally I've found this data disk. And from the first mission it looks even better than the original game. However, parts of this document are taken from GC's original walktrhough, with nwe units, weapons, equipment and wlakthroughs added. ****************** 2-HISTORY BRIEFING ****************** Jarred Stone and Sarah Parker, two defecting officers of the two factions on Krig-7B, the Order of the New Dawn and the Crayven Corporation, destroyed the alien relics for which they were fighting for. Now, with the Order main sapceship destroyed, their Cardinal killed and nothing else to fight for, Crayven Corporation assumed control of the planet trying to hunt down the renegade officers; Sarah's objectives, however, are to leave the planet and find Enrica Hayes, her former commander, to make her pay for all the useless losses on this planet and to lear about the true nature of the destroyed relics... ************************************ 3-CRAYVEN CORPORATION UNITS BRIEFING ************************************ Just before beginning, a brief explanation of the parameters is a must; this will aply for both factions, of course. Firepower is self expliantory, though it tells only how much damage the unit does with a single salvo, and doesn't (repeat, IT DOESN'T) consider accurancy, rate of fire and projectiles trajectory or speed. Armor can be self expliantory too without the Resistance value; Armor describes the amount (tickness) of the unit's armor; this amount is then spread between front, sides and rear arcs, usually with a 50/20/10 proportion, but this might change; a thin armor makes the vehicle vulnerable to all weapons, while a tick one will make light weapons useless. Resistance indicates the vehicle's capability of taking damage, or Health Points, if you like it more. When a projectiles breach the Armor, it allocates damage. Note that EVERY shot will allocate a small amount of damage. Example: a Marine firing at a Grizzly in its front arc WILL allocate damage; however, the low firepower of the Marine and the Grizzly tick armor will let only the 1% percent of the Marine's firepowere penetrate and affect the Grizzly's Resistence (its HPs); so, a Marine can destroy a Grizzly, but he will take hours. Speed is self expliantory. Visual Range will describe how further the unit can see, NOT the ability to detect hidden units; this value is called Perception. Stealthness is self expliantory. The best value is awesome, the worst none, passing by wonderful, very high, very good, good, average, low and very low. Crayven Corporation bases its army (or "self-defense" force as Crayven likes to call it) on strong, heavily-armored tracked vehicles, the Terradynes. Though Order's units may be faster and more powerful, they cannot match Crayven's tick armor; their weapons are based on standard projectiles. ------------ --INFANTRY-- ------------ + Crayven armed infantry - CCMIB-2 "MARINES" Firepower: very low Armor: very low Resistence: low Speed: very low Visual Range: average Stealthness: average Perception: low Technology Level: 1 Elements in a Unit: 8 Special Weapons: RMM-9 infantry mortar; CG-89mm anti-tank rocket Special Equipment: personal medikit; portable radar Basic infantry unit; nothing much to say here. They can damage even Grizzlies or Wolves if they manage to get to their rear or they use their anti-tank rockets, though anti-infantry mortars, able to dispact enemy infantry almost instantanly is usually the best choice, as your own ground vehicles will face other heavy ground units; they can fire at low-altitude air-targets, but do not expect to use Marines to destroy incoming aerodynes, they are not so accurate. + Crayven special forces - CCSF-9 "JAEGER" Firepower: average Armor: none Resistence: low Speed: very low Visual Range: wonderful Stealthness: wonderful Perception: wonderful Technology Level: 2 Elements in a Unit: 4 Special Weapons: GyroJet ammo; 140mm RPG Special Equipment: personal medikit; satchel charge; image elaborator Crayven Corp's advanced infantry unit. Jaegers are specialized in stealth attacks, sacrificing armor for speed and stealthness, but not firepower: their K516d Gauss cannon, though not known to be the fastest rifle on Krig-7B, is actually powerful enough to penetrate front and lateral armor plates of the heaviest ground unit. Jaegers can also track air units, but their low rate of fire makes them ill-suited for this job; however, due to their low armor, when (and if) spotted, Jaegers are extremly prone to recieve damage even from the lightest weapon. Despite these drawbacks, Jaegers are excellent unit when used with artillery, attack or bomber aerodynes and any other kind of long-range support unit: they can easily sneak into an enemy base, palce satchel charges to destroy power buildings and then spot for artillery units, or just support (from afar) the main attack force. They are also the best unit to recon the map, thanks to the alredy described stealthness and their above-average perception and visual range. -------------- --TERRADYNES-- -------------- + Crayven scout terradyne - CLSV-112 FSV "LOCUST" Firepower: low Armor: low Resistence: average Speed: good Visual Range: wonderful Stealthness: good Perception: wonderful Technology Level: 1 Elements in a Unit: 4 Special Weapons: uranium ammo; HE grenade Special Equipment: repair module; minelayer + Crayven light terradyne - CT-917 FST "JACKAL" Firepower: average Armor: average Resistence: average Speed: good Visual Range: average Stealthness: low Perception: low Technology Level: 1 Elements in a Unit: 4 Special Weapons: uranium ammo; HE grenades Special Equipment: repair module; automatic defense cannon; defense rocket launcher; anti-aircraft defense unit + Crayven main battle terradyne - SFB-209 AAT "WOLF" Firepower: wonderful Armor: good Resistence: good Speed: average Visual Range: average Stealthness: none Perception: none Technology Level: 2 Elements in a Unit: 4 Special Weapons: HE ammo; HE mk.II ammo Special Equipment: repair module; advanced tracker; repair unit Crayven's main terradyne. The Wolf features a single-barrel 150mm cannon capable of piercing even the tickest armor. Its speed, combined with the strong armor and the medium visual range, makes of the Wolf the ideal unit to handle ground targets, whatever they are: they can easily outmaneuver larger terradynes and then open fire on their sides or backs and they can sustain heavy damage. Wolves cannot fire on air targets, nor they have Equipment that partially defend them from air threats. HE ammos are useful against infantry and lightly-armored targets, while HE mk.II are quite useful against larger enemies or when you need to destroy something quickly. Repair modules affact only Wolves, while repair units are fixed turrets capable of repairing evey unit, just like the APC's own repair gun: very useful if the APC took damage and the mission is just started. Advanced trackers are good only for novice units. + Crayven destructor terradyne - DTT-1203 "GRIZZLY" Firepower: good Armor: wonderful Resistence: wonderful Speed: low Visual Range: average Stealthness: none Perception:none Technology Level: 3 Elements in a Unit: 2 Special Weapons: HE ammo; HE mk.II ammo Special Equipment: repair module; anti-missile system The Wolf's big brother: it is less balanced than the Wolf, sacrificing speed for armor. It uses twin 120mm cannons instead of the Wolf's single 150mm cannon, partially reducing its firepower but allowing Grizzlies to fire at the same rate of a Wolf. The Grizzly is best suited as a strong hammerhead to destroy heavy defenses to allow Wolves (or Wolfs ?) to take out lesser foes. Like Wolves, Grizzlies cannot fire against air targets, though they can intercept incoming enemy missiles thanks to their anti-missile system. This doesn't matter much, has Grizzlies can take tremendous punishment before going down. If you are going to take AAA units with you, equip Grizzlies with reapir modules, so that you'll be ready to face eveyhting on the battlefield. + Crayven missile launcher terradyne - DTA-266 AMRLT "FIRECRACKER" Firepower: good Armor: average Resistence: average Speed: average Visual Range: average Stealthness: none Perception: none Technology Level: 1 Elements in a Unit: 3 Special Weapons: Aries missile; Inferno missile Special Equipment: repair module; photomultiplier Medium-range fire-support unit. The Firecracker is essentially a multi-role missile battery on two thread, packed with enough equipment to let the crew drive it and enough armor to withstand light damage. Firecrakers can engage ground units (except infantry) and air units thanks to its missiles; those missiles are not highly powered, but are really accurate and then rate of fire of a fully equipped Firecracker unit can destroy everything in short time, provided that the unit is protected against enemy fire. As with most advanced units, Firecrackers carry three self-repair devices and three photomultipliers. Special weapons are dedicated missiles, the best in its own field of action: Aries missiles are powerful, if less accurate, anti-air missiles, while Inferno are designed as anti-tank ones. The main drawback of the Firecracker is its low armor resistance, enough to stop infantry and small-caliber fire, but not enough to stop large-caliber rounds or missiles; however, being able to keep up the pace with Wolves and Grizzlies, Firecrackers are good support units, though they might be eclipsed by the Jaeger/Hog combo. + Crayven anti-aircraft terradyne - APF-331 MAAG "OCELOT" Firepower: wonderful Armor: average Resistence: average Speed: good Visual Range: very good Stealthness: none Perception: average Technology Level: 2 Elements in a Unit: 4 Special Weapons: none Special Equipment: repair module; photomultiplier This terradyne is specialized in anti-aircraft roles. Ocelots cannot attack ground targets, and need at least one Marine squad to be defended. It is better to keep them near your strike force to give them protection against ground forces and give your ground forces a deadly protection against aerodynes. Against Ocelots it is better to use ground vehicles: 2 full groups of Ocelots can literally tear apart even the strongest aerodynes in few, well-placed shots. The Ocelot is one of the few units without special weapons; when equipping Ocelots, at least one group should use a photomultiplier; the repair module is higly optional, as you'll keep them near your APC (which has a repair gun). + Crayven artillery terradyne - APP-671 CAT "HOG" Firepower: awesome Armor: average Resistence: wonderful Speed: low Visual Range: low Stealthness: none Perception: none Technology Level: 4 Elements in a Unit: 1 Special Weapons: guided projectile; tactical nuclear bomb Special Equipment: repair module; photomultiplier Artillery. You'll love this unit. Each Hog squad contains only one artillery piece, and this is its main drawback. As all support unit the Hog should be placed behind your main strike force, where it can be defended against attacks. Remember that Hogs can fire when moving (they'll lose accurancy, though) but cannot fire at moving targets; well, tehy can, but the slow projectiles speed, their arched trajectory and the relative slowness of the Hog's artillery will make such shot only good for suppression fire; one of the most popular ways to use artillery is to have multiple units fire in suppression mode (CTRL button): with this order artillery units will begin to fire at a very large zone, eventually destroying everything; this always works well, especially when you are ging to assault a base, where defensive turrets are usually positioned near walls and near entrances. An ohter way to use artillery is to used light aerodynes, Jagers or Light Terradynes to highlight targets; of course, Jagers are the best units for such roles, and every Crayven unit with artillery support should have one squad of Jaegers for scouting duties. The standard artillery rounds are vulnerable to anti-missile defenses, and remember, they are slow: this means to wait 10/15 seconds before moving your units where Hogs bombarded, to avoid killing your units with your artillery fire. Repair modules affect only Hog units and photomultipliers are basically useless on such units. Guided Projectiles are really good, but have the same range of the standard projectiles; do not expect them to hit infantry units at extreme ranges, they are guided but not that accurate. Also, guided projectiles are VERY vulnerable to anti-missile fire. Hog's other Special Weapon is a nuclear bomb. As all artillery ordances is not accurate, but it does an hefty damage; infantry units will be killed or severly damaged within any explosion radius; light and medium ground targets will be destroyed with the 50% and it takes a very accurate shot to fully destroy heavy targets. However, it is deadly and psicologically devastating. Both Hogs and Sagittas (Order's artillery Hoverdyne) do not fire at will by standards. Also, they won't stop firing if friendly units are within their impact area. ------------- --AERODYNES-- ------------- + Crayven light scout aerodyne - AV/U-122 LSA "HAWK" Firepower: low Armor: low Resistence: average Speed: wonderful Visual Range: wonderful Stealthness: good Perception: good Technology Level: 1 Elements in a Unit: 2 Special Weapons: uranium ammo; HE grenade Special Equipment: photomultiplier; ECM; afterburner + Crayven strike aerodyne - AV/U-309 HAA "VULTURE" Firepower: good Armor: low Resistence: average Speed: wonderful Visual Range: average Stealthness: none Perception: none Technology Level: 5 Elements in a Unit: 4 Special Weapons: MCM-DI Tse Tse rocket; Fury HE rocket Special Equipment: photomultiplier; ECM; afterburner + Crayven hunt aerodyne - AV/F-1001 FA "DELTA" Firepower: wonderful Armor: average Resistence: average Speed: wonderful Visual Range: average Stealthness: low Perception: low Technology Level: 5 Elements in a Unit: 3 Special Weapons: advanced AI missile Special Equipment: photomultiplier; ECM; afterburner Crayven's fighter. Totally unable to target ground targets, Deltas are designed to control the skies, at every altitude. Though not capable to enter or exit the athmosphere alone, Deltas are capable of acceptable performances even at orbital altitudes; however, Deltas were principally designed as low-altitude highly maneuverable planes to hunt down every other hostile aircraft, a job that Deltas accomplish with great accurancy; they are only armed with N69-PDU "Glory" missiles, but are enough to counter the Order hunt aerodyne, the Draco, and destroy any other kind of aerodyne with few, well placed shots. Deltas can be equipped with special AI missiles with greater accurancy and explosive power than standard missiles, plus all other standard equipment for aerodynes. + Crayven bomber aerodyne - AV/U-45 SRBA "CONDOR" Firepower: wonderful Armor: low Resistence: good Speed: good Visual Range: average Stealthness: none Perception: none Technology Level: 5 Elements in a Unit: 4 Special Weapons: fragmentation bomb; tactical nuclear bomb Special Equipment: photomultiplier; ECM; afterburner Condor aerodynes are flying versions of the Hog artillery units. They share one the Special Weapons, the nuclear device, which is more powerful, as four independent units release one. The Condors are slow and very fragile, and can fire only to ground targets; they aren't very accurate (bombs are unguided), and are best used against installation and slow moving targets (infantry, teavy Terra/Hover -dynes) when everything capable of AA fire has being destroyed. When ordering a Condor to bomb a zone, be sure that all turrets or generators are gone, or they will be destroyed at once. The Fragmentation bomb is very useful against fleeing, relatively slow units; it is deadly against infantry and can damage every kind of ground armored target, though chances to destroy it are slim. Nuclear Bombs, though relatively more powerful than Hog's one and with a larger explosion radius, should be used in the same way, by picking up vital and semi-immobile targets; the nature of Condors' bombing run, however, makes them more suited for ground-zero tactics. Photomultipliers can be used for targeting moving targets and both ECMs and Afterburners are useful to avoid some enemy attacks, though they won't save Condors from multiple enemy fire (the Condors is big and slow; ECMs will increase its Stealthness, but logically Deltas and Vultures will benefit more; the same goes for afterburners). ------- --APC-- ------- + Crayven command APC - CLSV-601 "RHINO" Firepower: average Armor: average Resistence: very high Speed: average Visual Range: average Stealthness: none Perception: low Technology Level: none Elements in a Unit: 1 Special Weapons: none Special Equipment: none (APC repair equipment) Your APC. If you lose it, you'll be death. It is highly armored, so its endurance is more or less the same of a Wolf. Though the APC carries a medium gun, it is not intended for combat, nor for scout duties. APCs can also carry infantry squads: use them as protection for the APC. The APC cannot use neither Special Weapons nor Special Equipment, but it always mounts a special repair gun capable of recharging other unit's health bar. ------------- --NEW UNITS-- ------------- + Crayven radar Terradyne - CCRTR-11 "BAT" Firepower: Armor: Resistence: Speed: Visual Range: Stealthness: Perception: Technology Level: Elements in a Unit: Special Weapons: Special Equipment: + Crayven self-propelled armor - CCPWR-7 "BADGER" Firepower: Armor: Resistence: Speed: Visual Range: Stealthness: Perception: Technology Level: Elements in a Unit: Special Weapons: Special Equipment: ----------------- --FIXED TURRETS-- ----------------- + CCT-123 A three barrel, medium caliber machine gun mounted on a high turret. It is devoted to point defense against infantry attacks; it's deadly in its duty, but when facing even light vehicles the CCT-123 finds itself in real troubles. + AKA-125 A blocky, twin barreled, fast firing, 125mm cannon. It has a good destructive power, but it lacks range; also, being so short, it hasn't a very wide line of sight, making it a good target for long-range units; when detects a unit, however, the AKA-125 can deal some damages even to medium vehicles; it has some difficulties in targeting infantrymen. ************************************** 4-ORDER OF THE NEW DAWN UNITS BRIEFING ************************************** Main units of the Order are the Hoverdynes, hi-tech hovercrafts with energy weapons. Order units are less resistant than Crayven's but they tend to have more firepower and to move faster as they travel on air cushions rather than on threads. ------------ --INFANTRY-- ------------ + Order strike infantry - OCRU-1001 "CRUSADERS" Firepower: very low Armor: very low Resistence: low Speed: very low Visual Range: average Stealthness: average Perception: low Technology Level: 1 Elements in a Unit: 8 Special Weapons: focalized impulse; SMAUG-12 flamethrower Special Equipment: personal medikit; portable radar Basic infantry unit; all drawbacks and advantages of Marines apply here too, though Crusaders might be a little easier to kill. Their special weapons, however, seem to be a little bit more effective. Though from the name doesn't seem, the flamethower fires grenades in an arched trajectory, like the Marines' anti-infantry mortar. + Order anti-terradyne infantry - ATI-720 "TEMPLARS" Firepower: wonderful Armor: none Resistence: very low Speed: very low Visual Range: average Stealthness: average Perception: low Technology Level: 2 Elements in a Unit: 4 Special Weapons: Vendetta nuclear warhead; MIRV Vendetta Special Equipment: personal medikit; photomultiplier; personal stealth field Where Crayven Corporation has stealth units, the Order has shock troops. Templar units are composed only by seasoned women of the Pax Dei, and they carry one of the most advanced missile launchers ever developed, the GrU-6 Vendetta. This missile launcher is somewhat larger than a standard backpack, but its firepower can rival even tank-mounted weapons; this power comes primarly from the high accurancy of the missiles fired, capable of pin-pointing the weakest spot in targets' armor. Missiles follow an arched trajectory, and being fire-and-forget missiles, it is possible for Templars to move while firing without losing efficency. Each Templar fires 4 missiles per salvo, and the recicle rate for the salvos is very low for such a small weapon. Basically Templars are very powerful units, and the clever use of their Special Equipment and Weapons can made them even more deadlier. The ground to air MIRV (Multi Independent Re-entry Vector) Vendetta missiles are used only against Aerodynes, partially covering the inability of the Templars to lock on air targets. However, the Vendetta nuclear warhead is the real Special Weapon you should use; it is far less powerful and its explosion is smaller than an artillery's one, but the innate accurancy of the missiles often makes this shot deadly even for Grizzlies. To futherly enhace the Templars' accurancy photomultiplyers can be equipped, but personal medikit are useful if you are going to use them as part of the assault force (and if you aren't going to use the as an assault force, you didn't understood anything about Templar units). Stealth fields can be used to sneak Templars into a base. -------------- --HOVERDYNES-- -------------- + Order scout hoverdyne - W/SAH-4 "APUS" Firepower: low Armor: low Resistence: average Speed: wonderful Visual Range: good Stealthness: good Perception: good Technology Level: 1 Elements in a Unit: Special Weapons: Special Equipment: repair module; minelayer unit + Order light hoverdyne - 01/SAC-34 LAH "SCULPTOR" Firepower: average Armor: average Resistence: average Speed: good Visual Range: average Stealthness: low Perception: average Technology Level: 1 Elements in a Unit: Special Weapons: Special Equipment: repair module; portable defense system; portable stealth unit + Order main battle hoverdyne - 01/MAT-3 "LINX" Firepower: wonderful Armor: good Resistence: average Speed: good Visual Range: average Stealthness: none Perception: none Technology Level: 2 Elements in a Unit: Special Weapons: plasma hell; plasma charge Special Equipment: repair module; defense shield; speed pulse + Order heavy hoverdyne - 01/WL8 "VOLANS" Firepower: good Armor: wonderful Resistence: wonderful Speed: average Visual Range: average Stealthness: none Perception: none Technology Level: 3 Elements in a Unit: Special Weapons: plasma hell; plasma charge Special Equipment: repair module; defense shield; speed pulse + Order fire-support hoverdyne - 012/BT-MV mk.II "LACERTA" Firepower: awesome Armor: average Resistence: average Speed: good Visual Range: good Stealthness: none Perception: none Technology Level: 1 Elements in a Unit: 2 Special Weapons: multifrequency prysm; focalizer prysm Special Equipment: repair module; defense shields; photomultiplier As with Crayven's Fireckaker, the Lacerta is born for long-range fire support; this vehicle is still in experimental stage, but Order Deans are beginning to use this vehicle more often as they understand the true capabilities of this mobile weapon platform. As the Fireckacker, the Lacerta can fire to both ground and air targets, though fast-moving Aerodynes might pose problems, as the Lacerta's recycle rate and stright-beam weapon are less efficent than the Fireckaker's deadly accurate missiles; against ground-bound targets (both infantry and vehicles, though infantry will be hard to knock down with Lacertas only), however, the Lacerta is deadly: the X9k weapon system not only is very powerful, but also very accurate: it can rip apart heavy and assault vehicles with few, well placed shots, even if they hit the frontal armor. Not enough, if the other targets are close to the original impact point, the energy beam produced by the X9k can bounce between them, allocating extra damage (note: this is not like an artillery strike; I saw only five or six times the beam bouncing through targets, so do not expect that Lacertas alone can rip armies apart). This weapon system has also a very long range, and it is mounted on a full-rotating turret. Lacerta's Special Weapons improves the X9k accurancy (multifrequency prysm) and firepower (focalizer); if you are going to take Lacertas only for fire support (this duty includes anti-air fire-hey, I do not reccomend this), carry multifrequency prisms, as the X9k beam tend to be less effecfive against Aerodynes (as stated above). As with most Order Hoverdynes, Lacerta carry Defense shields, useful to avoid damage during high-pitch battles and repair modules for small self-repairs. Photomultipliers can enhace thier already good line of sight. + Order anti-aircraft hoverdyne - 01/AAPBT-600 "PAVO" Firepower: good Armor: average Resistence: average Speed: good Visual Range: good Stealthness: none Perception: none Technology Level: 2 Elements in a Unit: 4 Special Weapons: none Special Equipment: repair module; photomultiplier An extraordinary machine. The Pavo is reasonably fast and well armored for a support hoverdyne, and still has room for one of the most advanced Order weapons, FUR/X9 "claw"; the FUR/X9 fires huge blue/white balls composed of electricity, capable to lock on targets and follow them until they reach the designated targets. However, the particular nature of this weapon makes impossible to target ground units, to the Pavo became a dedicated anti-aircraft weapon. The ability of a single Pavo unit to destroy enemy aerodynes taking little or no damage is impressive, as it is seeing the blue bolts coming from a Pavo home on their target and severly damage it. As with Crayven's Ocelot, the Pavo doesn't carry any special weapon, and its special equipment is basic, with repair modeules and photomultipliers. + Order artillery hoverdyne - 04/DN9-FO OAH "SAGITTA" Firepower: awesome Armor: average Resistence: wonderful Speed: average Visual Range: low Stealthness: none Perception: none Technology Level: 4 Elements in a Unit: 1 Special Weapons: anti-tank charge; long-range charge Special Equipment: repair module Just the Order counterpart of the Crayven's Hog artillery tank. Sagittas might be a little more accurate than Hogs but have a slightly (very slightly) less powerful weapon; armor stats are equal, but the Sagittas move a little faster. Both vehicles share Special Equipment, but have different Special Weapons; the long-range charge, though doesn't increase neither firepower nor accurancy can really make the difference in highly defendable positions (hills, ridges) and when coupled with scout units. Anti-tank charges increase firepower and are useful against heavy vehicles and fixed turrets. + Order robot-modules mobile base - 011/BEHCCA "ORION" Firepower: average Armor: average Resistence: wonderful Speed: average Visual Range: good Stealthness: none Perception: awesome Technology Level: 3 Elements in a Unit: Special Weapons: advanced robot modules Special Equipment: repair module; defense shield; photomultiplier There's nothing in the Crayven army capable to match the Orion for the idea. Reading this description can make the Orion looking like a worthless scrap of metal, to be substituted with Sagittas or Lacertas; however, the Orion has unique capabilities, which make such units the perfect counterpart for the other support unit in the Order army. Orions are well protected, with good movement capabilities, but no "real" weapons. To attack objectives Orions rely on GHE robots, small automated units resembling spiders with a powerful shaped charge. Those robots can target ground units (except infantry) and buildings and Orions release three of these units per "sweep" until the target is destroyed. Relying on such small robots rather than Order's standard energy weapons might make the attacks a bit slow, but those units are capable of homing on their targets and have a long autonomy, allowing Orions to stay hidden and continually pounding the enemy with explosions; often, this tactic shatters the enemy ground force even before Orion platforms have been located. Orions are vulnerable to air attacks and cannot reply with the GHE robots to infantry. The advanced robots possess a more power explosive charge and better tracking devices, almost capable of tracking down Apuses and Locusts. Special equipment is standard-issue for Order units. ------------- --AERODYNES-- ------------- + Order scout aerodyne - OA1/FAS-T12 "LYRA" Firepower: low Armor: low Resistence: average Speed: awesome Visual Range: wonderful Stealthness: good Perception: good Technology Level: 1 Elements in a Unit: Special Weapons: Special Equipment: defense shield; perception enhacer; photomultiplier + Order strike aerodyne - OA2/HAA-309 "PHOENIX" Firepower: good Armor: average Resistence: average Speed: wonderful Visual Range: average Stealthness: none Perception: none Technology Level: 5 Elements in a Unit: Special Weapons: fragmentation torpedo; Helios torpedo Special Equipment: defense shield; photomultiplier Though classified as a strike Aerodyne, the Phoenix can engage both air and ground targets thanks to its Fire Control System and the Hugh SZX-3000 "Jaguar" torpedoes. Those missiles are very effective against any kind of armor, as they rely on twin shaped charges, one to open holes in the target's armor, then a second to penetrate within the target and explode inside. Basically, it has the same damage value of a Delta, but the SZX-3000 are less effective against infantry, as their warhead soen't spread any shrapnel onto the battlefield. Also, Phoenixs are able to target other Aerodynes, but the SZX-3000 relatively slow-speed make them very limited in anti-air capabilities, leaving these Aerodynes easy preys for Deltas and Dracos. All Order aerodynes are more durable than Crayven ones thanks to their defense shield, which can protect them enough to retreat or to allow support hoverdynes to destroy any hunter aerodyne. The Phoenix special weapons specializes in anti-infantry (fragmentation torpedoes - not efficient as the standard ones against ground targets due to their anti-infantry warhead) and in anti-building roles (Helios torpedoes - slower but more powerful than standard missiles, not reccomended against any faster than a Grizzly). + Order hunt aerodyne - OA3/AN-9000 "DRACO" Firepower: wonderful Armor: average Resistence: average Speed: wonderful Visual Range: average Stealthness: low Perception: low Technology Level: 5 Elements in a Unit: Special Weapons: advanced plasma missile Special Equipment: defense shield; photomultiplier ------- --APC-- ------- + Order command APC - 05/DCAPC Firepower: average Armor: average Resistence: very high Speed: good Visual Range: average Stealthness: low Perception: low Technology Level: 1 Elements in a Unit: 1 Special Weapons: none Special Equipment: none (APC repair equipment) Your APC. If you lose it, you'll be death. It is highly armored, so its endurance is more or less the same of a Wolf. Though the APC carries a medium gun, it is not intended for combat, nor for scout duties. APCs can also carry infantry squads: use them as protection for the APC. The APC cannot use neither Special Weapons nor Special Equipment, but it always mounts a special repair gun capable of recharging other unit's health bar. ------------- --NEW UNITS-- ------------- + Order ZEALOT Firepower: Armor: Resistence: Speed: Visual Range: Stealthness: Perception: Technology Level: Elements in a Unit: Special Weapons: Special Equipment: + Order self-propelled armor - CCRTR - "THE GIBBON" Firepower: Armor: Resistence: Speed: Visual Range: Stealthness: Perception: Technology Level: Elements in a Unit: Special Weapons: Special Equipment: ----------------- --FIXED TURRETS-- ----------------- + AERIS-4 PULSE LASER TURRET Anti-infantry turrets; they can be a trouble for vehicles if there is a large group of them, but they are lightly armored, and even a Marine squad will be able to destroy them with minimum losses. They have a normal perception and line of sight. + TIER-7 GUANA Their objective is simple: to destroy everything moving onto the ground. And they do it too well. They have a relatively limited range, but extended enough to reply Wolf's and Grizzly's fire. A single Tier-7 is capable of decimating a single Wolf unit in no time, but has problems in targeting infantry and has not a very long line of sight, nor it has an high perception. It is usually backed up by an Outpost. + PULSE TURRET Inexpensive turrets. They do not pose a problem for every fighting unit, though they posses the best line of sight and perception of all Order turrets. Their range is very limited, but have a fast rate of fire. Jaegers can eliminate such structures from afar, or just move in whatever you have to quickly dispatch them. + LINDAU-666 Nothing more than an artillery cannon mounted on a fixed position. All warnings and weak points of artillery units apply here too, with the exception that the Landau won't be able to withdraw if under attack. + DEFENSE CANNON A small caliber machinegun with some firepower; it is enough to destroy infantry units in few shots and enough to damage medium ground units, but it is lightly armored, so even Marines will be able to destroy it before it does too much damage. + HUGH TA/9 MISSILE LAUNCHER Though classified as a missile launcher, the TA/9 fires the same energy bolts of the Pavo, but a much slower rate. Also, when took alone, it poses no treat to strike Aerodynes as it is too lightly armored to withstand heavy assaults and has too low rate of fire to destroy incoming aerodynes; however, whan a group of these concentrate fire, they become dangerous as a Pavo squad. *************************************** 5-PHOENIX MERCENARY UNIT UNITS BRIEFING *************************************** The Phoenix Mercenary Unit was formed by a former Crayven armymen, Kristoff Cobb, and its homeplanet is Crim-12. This unit is formed by engineers, former armymen and miners left behind by Crayven Corporation when Crim-12 was left when all of its resources where depleted. These men begun adapting all old equipment found to form this army. The Phoenix unit has some unique technologies, and their vehicles aren't armored or hi-tech as other factions, but have a greater firepower, concentrating on tactical stregnht rather than brute force. ----------- --INFANRY-- ----------- + Phoenix infantry - PXWR 5113 "WARRIORS" Firepower: Armor: Resistence: Speed: Visual Range: Stealthness: Perception: Technology Level: Elements in a Unit: Special Weapons: Special Equipment: + Phoenix special forces - PXSNP-1113 "MARKSMAN/LYNCEUS" Firepower: Armor: Resistence: Speed: Visual Range: Stealthness: Perception: Technology Level: Elements in a Unit: Special Weapons: Special Equipment: + Phoenix self-propelled armor - PXPAR/3676 "TALUS" Firepower: Armor: Resistence: Speed: Visual Range: Stealthness: Perception: Technology Level: Elements in a Unit: Special Weapons: Special Equipment: + Phoenix grenadiers - PXPGA-1025 "FURY" Firepower: Armor: Resistence: Speed: Visual Range: Stealthness: Perception: Technology Level: Elements in a Unit: 5 Special Weapons: Special Equipment: -------------- --HOVERDYNES-- -------------- + Phoenix scout - MHKPX 134 "BASILISK" Firepower: Armor: Resistence: Speed: Visual Range: Stealthness: Perception: Technology Level: Elements in a Unit: Special Weapons: Special Equipment: + Phoenix light hovertank - ACDMH 6541 "CHIMAERA" Firepower: Armor: Resistence: Speed: Visual Range: Stealthness: Perception: Technology Level: Elements in a Unit: 4 Special Weapons: Special Equipment: + Phoenix medium hovertank - JJDVS/3675 "MANTICORE" Firepower: Armor: Resistence: Speed: Visual Range: Stealthness: Perception: Technology Level: Elements in a Unit: Special Weapons: Special Equipment: + Phoenix heavy hovertank - LWHS-3-02 "MINOTAUR" Firepower: Armor: Resistence: Speed: Visual Range: Stealthness: Perception: Technology Level: Elements in a Unit: Special Weapons: Special Equipment: + Phoenix Pyrodyne - JMDP 1812 " PROMETEUS" Firepower: Armor: Resistence: Speed: Visual Range: Stealthness: Perception: Technology Level: Elements in a Unit: Special Weapons: Special Equipment: + Phoenix anti-aircraft unit - JHCS-8813 "ICARUS" Firepower: Armor: Resistence: Speed: Visual Range: Stealthness: Perception: Technology Level: Elements in a Unit: Special Weapons: Special Equipment: + Phoenix artillery - STNK 336-11 "HYDRA" Firepower: Armor: Resistence: Speed: Visual Range: Stealthness: Perception: Technology Level: Elements in a Unit: Special Weapons: Special Equipment: ------------- --AERODYNES-- ------------- + Phoenix recon aerodyne - DHVS 715-00 "PEGASUS" Firepower: Armor: Resistence: Speed: Visual Range: Stealthness: Perception: Technology Level: Elements in a Unit: Special Weapons: Special Equipment: + Phoenix strike aerodyne - ALRPX 0128 "GRIFFON" Firepower: Armor: Resistence: Speed: Visual Range: Stealthness: Perception: Technology Level: Elements in a Unit: Special Weapons: Special Equipment: + Phoenix hunt aerodyne - AIN-2/B1 "WYVERN" Firepower: Armor: Resistence: Speed: Visual Range: Stealthness: Perception: Technology Level: Elements in a Unit: Special Weapons: Special Equipment: + Phoenix swarm - SMND-1200/A "GOBLIN" Firepower: Armor: Resistence: Speed: Visual Range: Stealthness: Perception: Technology Level: Elements in a Unit: Special Weapons: Special Equipment: ------- --APC-- ------- + Phoenix Command APC - 10496-J "CARONTE" Firepower: Armor: Resistence: Speed: Visual Range: Stealthness: Perception: Technology Level: Elements in a Unit: Special Weapons: Special Equipment: ----------------- --FIXED TURRETS-- ----------------- ************************** 6-SPECIAL WEAPONS BRIEFING ************************** ------------------- --CRAYVEN WEAPONS-- ------------------- Type: RMM-9 infantry mortar Available to: Marines Load: 3 Effect: three bombs with an arched trajectory Use: very useful against infantry, though they can be useful against light and medium terradynes. Type: CG-89mm anti-tank rocket Available to: Marines Load: 3 Effect: large rocket with straight trajectory Use: useful against light and medium terra- and hover- dynes. Against heavy vehicles you should circle the enemy to fire this rocket in their thinner rear armor. Type: GyroJet ammo Available to: Jaegers Load: 1 Effect: they looks like normal Jeagers ammo, though they create an explosion when impacting Use: to be used against vehicles. Can destroy medium ground vehicles with direct hits to the sides or to the rear. Type: 140mm RPG (rocket propelled grenade) Available to: Jaegers Load: 1 Effect: mortar-like projectiles, though they have a straight trajectory Use: against infantry. Very effective. If you're lucky you should be able to kill an entire unit with one shot. Type: uranium ammo Available to: Locusts, Jackals, Hawks Load: 3 Effect: fast, straight-trajectory grenade-like projectiles Use: anti-armor projectiles. Very effective against light/medium vehicles and, when shot from behind and sides, against heavy vehicles. Type: HE grenade Available to: Locusts, Jackals, Hawks Load: 3 Effect: mortar-like projectiles. Use: those grenades are designed to handle infantry and lightly armored vehicles. They allocate some damage to more armored vehicles, but not that much. Type: HE ammo Available to: Wolves, Grizzlies Load: Effect: Use: Type: HE mk.II ammo Available to: Wolves, Grizzlies Load: Effect: Use: Type: aries missile Available to: Firecrackers Load: Effect: Use: Type: inferno missile Available to: Firecrackers Load: Effect: Use: Type: guided projectile Available to: Hogs Load: 3 Effect: they look like normal artillery rounds. Use: very accurate; use them against valuable targets, such as defense turrets or slow moving targets; very vulnerable to anti-missile systems. Type: MCM-DI Tse Tse rocket Available to: Vultures Load: Effect: Use: Type: fury HE rocket Available to: Vultures Load: Effect: Use: Type: advanced AI missile Available to: Deltas Load: Effect: Use: Type: fragmentation bomb Available to: Condors Load: Effect: Use: Type: tactical nuclear bomb Available to: Hogs, Condors Load: 1 Effect: large (VERY large) blue explosion Use: Mhmm...only precise strikes. In fact, the bomb is ideal against a single, important unit. Only direct hits will allocate decent amounts of damage, while the explosion does only light damage. Good graphic effect, however. ----------------- --ORDER WEAPONS-- ----------------- Type: Available to: Load: Effect: Use: ------------------- --PHOENIX WEAPONS-- ------------------- Type: Available to: Load: Effect: Use: **************************** 7-SPECIAL EQUIPMENT BRIEFING **************************** -------------------- --COMMON EQUIPMENT-- -------------------- Type: personal medikit Available to: Marines, Jeagers; Crusaders, Templars Load: 3 Effect: none visible; restore health of all units in the squad Use: when the health of your infantry is low, use on medikit to fully restore the whole squad's health. Note that when their health bar is below the 50%, the medikit won't completely restore it; maximum capacity is about 40% of the element's health. Type: portable radar Available to: Marines; Crusaders Load: 1 Effect: small tripod with a small radar antenna on it Use: basically useless. The radar scans a little portion of the map. When deployed, it is impossible to move it (though you can destroy it). Type: repair module Available to: Locusts, Jackals, Wolves, Grizzlies, Firecrackers, Ocelots, Hogs; Apuses, Sculptors, Lynxes, Volanses, Lacertas, Sagittas, Orions Load: 3 Effect: the same of the personal medikit Use: just like the medikit, though this is for vehicles. Like the medikit, units below the 50% won't be completely restored by a repair module. Type: minelayer Available to: Locusts; Apuses Load: 3 Effect: Use: Type: photomultiplier Available to: Firecrackers, Ocelots, Hogs, Hawks, Vultures, Deltas, Condors; Templars, Lacertas, Orions, Lyras, Phonixes, Dracos Load: 3 Effect: increases line of sight Use: it increases line of sight for a brief moment. Useful for scout units and if you are going to take novice units in advanced missions for the first time. --------------------- --CRAYVEN EQUIPMENT-- --------------------- Type: satchel charge Available to: Jaegers Load: Effect: Use: Type: image elaborator Available to: Jaegers Load: Effect: Use: Type: automatic defense cannon Available to: Jackals Load: Effect: Use: Type: defense rocket launcher Available to: Jackals Load: Effect: Use: Type: anti-aircraft unit Available to: Jackals Load: Effect: Use: Type: advanced tracker Available to: Wolves Load: Effect: Use: Type: repair unit Available to: Wolves Load: Effect: Use: Type: anti-missile system Available to: Grizzlies Load: Effect: Use: Type: Afterburner Available to: Hawks, Vultures, Deltas, Condors Load: Effect: Use: Type: ECM Available to: Hawks, Vultures, Deltas, Condors Load: Effect: Use: ------------------- --ORDER EQUIPMENT-- ------------------- Type: Available to: Load: Effect: Use: --------------------- --PHOENIX EQUIPMENT-- --------------------- Type: Available to: Load: Effect: Use: ***************** 8-GENERAL TACTICS ***************** I'll speak about combat first. The preparation sequence before a mission is delicate, too, but let's start with the heavy metal first (moment suggestion: Cirith Ungol's 100 MPH). In Ground Control, as its name suggests, you'll lead various type of units, ranging from infantrymen to heavy artilelry platforms, passing through aeroplanes; your main strike force will be ALWAYS a ground one, and seldom you'll need some real support from Aerodynes, which will limit their use to fast hit-and-run attacks toward far, far away galax...ehm, targets. Also, do not consider basic infantry (Crusaders and Marines) totally useless: they are extremely useful for guarding the APC or to sneak some units behind enemy lines while your Hover and Terra Dynes take the brunt of the assault; of course Jeagers (if you play with the Crayven Corporation) are better suited for this task and they can work completely alone and Templars (Order of the New Dawn) should help the HoverDynes in the assault, as their firepower is amazing. ********************************** 9-CRAYVEN CORPORATION WALKTHROUGH ********************************** Mission 1: ARTIC ESCORT New Units: none (considering you've played the original Ground Control, all units under your command will be standard - every unit and equipment is available too; you'll start with 2 Infantry units, 4 Tanks, 3 Supports and 4 Aerodynes.) Objectives: + Move your APC to the east side of the base to meet with Jarred Stone + Protect all trucks while moving to the DropZone Briefing: Jarred Stone, former deacon of the Order of the New Dawn, and Sarah Parker, former major of the Crayven Corporation, are planning to steal as mcuh equipment they can and to find a way to leave Krig-7B; units under their command are not enough, but Saergent Cole knows a mercenary unit on Crim-12 that can help out. Stone fell under attack by Crayven forces, and reinforcments must be sent before his position collapses. Dropships available: 1 Map and Weather Description: artic map, with fine weather. The map itself is very classical (for Ground Control), with a base hidden in a canyon maze with three access points (east, south and west). DropZone is in the south, on a small mesa, at the same level of the base; the base itself is protected by few Pulse Laser turrets, two Hugh TA/9 missile turrets and two Tier-7 Guana turrets; there are 2 Crusader units, 1 Templar unit and an Order APC with Jarred onboard. There are also 4 Hovertrucks. Unit Deployment: This mission is pretty fast and easy, though you'll have a single DropShip to deploy troops, the possibility to deploy everything you need makes this mission a lot easier. As it is an assault-and-evac mission, Hogs are not recomended, just like grizzlies. There will be no enemy Aerodynes in this mission, and enemy anti-aircraft guns will be scarce; if you want, deploy a Jaeger squad, a Wolf one and two Vulture squads. It is also possible to use a Jaeger unit, two Wolf squads and one Firecracker unit. Artillery could be useful in the first minutes, but you'll need at least one fast-response unit during the remaining mission time. On The Field: Assuming that you deployed aerodynes, move your Jaegers toward the allied Outpost and beyond; keep them as invisible as possible: you'll find two enemy Firecracker units and a Jackal squad few meters beyond the Outpost. Use your aerodynes to destroy them (engage the ECM to nullify your losses when attacking the Firecrackers and support your Aerodynes with the Wolves and the Jaegers. Now move into the base; Jarred will greet you, and will ask you to protect the four Hovertrucks while they proceed to the DropZone; these trucks will move toward the DropZone one by one, making the extraction procedure safer but a little long. Meanwhile, Crayven units will begin to assault the east and west access points of the base; from the east, 2 Wolf squads, easy enough to destroy thanks to your Aerodynes and from the west a larger force, composed of 2 Marine squads, 2 Grizzly and 2 Wolf units, plus one artillery tank. Use your Jaegers to destroy the artillery, the enemies will try to establish a line to defend themselves. You'll also know Davidson, the men replacing Enrica. Do not attack, just wait for the trucks to complete their movements. However, three Jackal squads will attack the trucks near the DropZone, so move your Aerodynes to destroy them and do not retreat until the last truck has started to move. Once all trucks are arrived, mission is accomplished. De-Briefing: Jarred risked much, but without these parts, him or Sarah wouldn't have been able to leave this planet. Sarah considers Jarred an excellent leader, but also a good friend. Mission 2: SEARCHING IN THE RUBBLES New Units: none Objectives: + Start from this point + Search for the Communication Array parts + Reach the Order base at the east and destroy the AA gun to leave the area Briefing: Jarred does not like working with mercenaries, but there is no other way to leave this planet; to contact them, you'll need to recover three parts of an inter-planetary communicator in an old Order base, a primry depot for Krig-7B during the relics days., Dropships available: 1 Map and Weather Description: A very cimplicate map. The south section is hilly, but not too much, while the north area is a big, black crater, left by the explosion you caused at the end of the original Ground Control. The area has some containers and crates spread throughout the north sector, where you'll have to search for the communicator. The area is patrolled by light Order Hoverdynes and Crusader squads. In the north east there is a small Order base with a unit of medium and assault Hoverdynes, few Pulse Turrets and an AA gun, plus a DropZone. The original DropZone is to the south. Unit Deployment: Do not deploy Aerodynes, though they will be very useful; again, slow units like Grizziles or Hogs won't work well in this mission. Use a squad of Marines (carry the anti-infantry mortars), two Wolf units and one Firecracker squad. Also, be sure that the Fireckacers will always be behind the Wolves to recieve protectiong and the Marines boarded on the APC. On The Field: Ignore stealthness and move your Wolves toward the base, followed by all other units; have the Wolves and the Firecrackers destroy anything they encounter, you'll have just to order them to reach the point shown on the map. Once you are there, Jarred will tell you that he'll need your APC sensors to locate the various parts (three in total); those parts doesn't seem to be randonly located, but you'll need to rush a bit in this mission. Move toward the first set of crates on the east side of the canyon (the easiest way to understand how to reach a location is to order your units to move to the crates, they'll navigate without any problems, but be sure that Firecrackers are protected by Wolves all the time), you'll find the first part, the energetic core (move your APC near the crates to have the piece automatically collected). Now move toward the center of the crater, then to the west. Some Apus and Light Hoverdyne squads will attack you, but nothing to serious, their attacks will be too widespread and too weak to be effective. For now, ignore the north contact and head toward the southern-most set of craters in the west: have your Wolves for a line near the entrance of the canyon with the crates and place your Firecrackers behind, while your APC moves toward them. The crates contain a Pulse Generator and are protected by a Crusader unit; have your Marines destroy them with the anti-infantry mortars, board them again and move toward the crates to collect the part, then head back toward you other units. While you are attacking the Crusaders, or probably even sooner, Jarred will inform you that two Crayven DropShips have entered the area, and a much larger force is arriving within 15 minutes; there is a small Order base protected by defecting Order units in the east: if you destroy their AA gun, you'll be able to leave the base. The two Dropships contain three Marines and three Jackal units, and your Wolves and Firecrackers will be enough to destroy them; use Special Weapons and Equipment wisely, you'll need them later. Once the threath has been eliminated and the second part collected, move toward the Order base: the third part (a sub-spatial transmitter) is on your route: it is the second set of containers from the Order base, the north-most; Jarred will tell you take a piece is right on top of you when you'll get near. The order base is protected by three Pulse Turrets, few light Hoverdynes and a squad of Medium and Assault Hoverdynes. Destroy them quickly, then locate the AA gun and destroy it. If the Crayven forces land, you'll automatically lose. Why? Simple enough, they are mostly composed of bomber and strike Aerodynes headed right for your APC. Once they land, you'll need about 15 seconds to find you, so be quick. De-Briefing: Sarah never realized how many Orders soldiers were left behind, and that without a strong opposition Crayven had so much freedom of action. However, your task is to leave Krig-7B and find Enrica. Mission 3: EMERGENCY CALL New Units: none Objectives: + Destroy all defenses and escort Jarred to the Communication Center + Destroy all defenses of the energy generator + Bring the APC to the DropZone + Destroy all attacking Crayven units + Kill Davidson + (optional) Use the shortcut to reach the DropZone + (optional) Find and destroy the additional Crayven units headed for your position Briefing: Sarah's accounts have been blocked, so Cole is going to pay for the mercenary's help. Jarred wants to beam a communication to them using a Crayven installation and Sarah will assault and conquer the two bases needed to operate the transciever, the Comms Center itself and a power generator. Dropships available: 3 Map and Weather Description: Sunny, desertic map. Like the first, this map is pretty classical, with bases protected by canyons and some heavy guns; access point are relatively large, though slow units will have problems crossing them. The DropZone is in the center; on its right, there is the energy generator, protected by few fixed turrets and one infantry squad. The larger base, the Communication Center, is in the north, protected by turrets and Marines. There are few patrols of Jackals in the area. Unit Deployment: One Marine and one Jaeger unit. All tank units could be Wolf of Grizzly, in this mission they'll both work fine. Ignore Hogs, deploy Firecrackers and Ocelots (3 and 2 units). Aerodynes will play an important role in this mission: deploy 3 squads each of Deltas and Vultures; Condors would be useful, but are too slow. On The Field: Begin to move your units (except the APC and the aerodynes; leave them be for a while)near the Comms Center, just before the south access point; take care of any Jackal squad you'll see, then send your strike aerodynes to level the turrets and all Marine squads in the perimeter. Meanwhile, move your ground units toward the power generator. Use your aerodynes to destroy all turrets (engage the TA/9 first. If you want, recon the base with the Jaeger squad to pinpoint them. Try to engage the turrets from the north-west or the south-east, the aerodynes will be less exposed to counter-fire; after the TA/9s are gone, destroy the Marines and then the Tier-7s), then move your ground units to the south access point, the one pointing toward the lower edge of the map. Ocelots and Firecrackers should be the nearest units to the base, but they need to stay with the other ground units. Once all possible threats have been eliminated and the units are in position, move the APC (remeber to have Marines and Jaegers onboard) near the main building of the Comms Center; Jarred will tell you that now you'll need to conquer the power generator, and to do so, the APC must be near the main building of that base. Move you APC near the main building of the east base; Jarred will try to communicate, but will report off-scale values; before Sarah could tell him to evacuate, the entire complex, Jarred and his units will explode. Three Crayven Dropships full of units will land just outside the power generator, in the west; Davidson will "greet" you, telling you that the complex was full of TDX explosive and was obviously a trap; he came for you, and facing it right now it is not the right thing to do. The Dropships will deploy Condors, Deltas and Vultures, plus Firecrackers, Grizzlies, Wolves, Jackals and Marines; the Aerodynes will be the first unit to reach your forces; Firecrackers and Ocelots should take care of them, but send Vultures to engage any remaining Aerodyne while Deltas engage everything they found; probably this won't buy you too much time, but Cole will send you a shortcut to reach the DropZone. Follow his suggestion. Once near the DropZone, Davidson will show his face on the battlefield: use every unit you have to destroy his APC, then engage any remaining Crayven unit in the area. Davidson's APC is in the south-east from your DropZone, and will be protected by Firecrackers and Wolves. An other small Crayven force will start to come after you; as it is an optional objective, you can ignore this group (it is composed by Grizzlies, Marines and one Hog) and concentrate on eliminating every other Crayven unit in the area; if you have only ground units left (highly probable), you will have to destroy only units capable of ground fire, meaning that if there is left any hunt aerodyne, there will be no need to destroy them. De-Briefing: Jarred has been killed by regular Crayven troops; Sarah asks herself how history will remember them, just hoping that historians would never be foolished by Crayven's propaganda. Was that a rumor outside? Mission 4: ADVENT OF THE PHOENIX New Units: none (note that you'll have only an Infantry unit and a Tank deployable on this mission) Objectives: + Follow Cole to the Phoenix base + Follow the crest to reach the Order commander + Destroy the Order APC Briefing: The Order sent an other spaceship that destroyed the Crayven orbiting one, and immediately sent a DropShip on the planet. The DropShip meant less trouble that Sarah originally thought. Kila Balor, an order Cardinal arrived on the planet to pay Sarah to destroy the Order faction on Krig-7B and other planets, apparently seceded from the main Order church, telling that the Order itself cannot act in that way for possibilities of a civil war. Sarah replies that she needs to go on Crim-12 to hire the mercenaries Cole was talking about, she has no enough forces to do it alone. Proably that DropShip meant even more trouble... Dropships available: 1 Map and Weather Description: This mission is set on Crim-12, as the ongoing mission will be. This planet is darker an more mountanious that Krig-7B: the mercenary base is placed at the bottom of a deep canyon, well defended by mercenry medium tanks and infantry units but not by turrets. There is a large crest at the north of the base, with some mercenary units on it. Ignore all Order attacks at the mercenary base, they will be able to withstand them, though turtling isn't a good choice. DropZone is near the crest's west access point, few clicks away from the mercenary base. Unit Deployment: The infantry unit can be whatever you want. One Wolf unit. On The Field: Immediately move your units toward the first point; remember to board the infantry on the APC. Once you have reached the designated point, Marc Herra of the Phoenix mercenary unit will "gently" ask you to leave the planet, e's already got his hands full with Order troops; Cole will tell that Sarah will be able to overtake the enemy commander, so Herra will trasnfer under you command a Light Tank and a Grenadier unit. Board the Grenadiers on the APC and move toward your DropZone, to climb the crest from the west, where two mercenary Pyrodynes await; once you are there, these tanks will move toward the base. Move toward the four medium hoverdynes directly in front of you, and help out the Light Tanks under attack. As a reward, these tank will follow and will help you out, but they won't be under direct command. Continue to move north: two Manticores, the mercenary's medium tanks, are under attack by a single Orion; destroy it and stop there for a while. The tanks you just saved will head toward the base. Send your infantry units to scout out the crest at the north of the base: they'll find two Templar units, have them kill everyone, then board your infantry again and move all your forces toward the allied contact on the upper-right corner of the map: this artillery piece is under attack by two Lacertas: help it out and will support you, just like the light tank unit you saved before. Now move toward the place where the Order commander is, and destroy everything you find; artillery won't be that useful, but the Light Tanks will be: ignore the Sagittas placed at the edge of the crest (I'm still wondering why they do not fire at you or at the base...) and concentrate your fire on the Order APC. De-Briefing: Cobb, the original mercenary commander, was taken by the Order for his actions against them; looks like that all Phoenix customers doesn't like the Order of the New Dawn. Sarah hopes that the mercenaries will never know for who Sarah is working for, as who's using who. ************************************* 10-PHOENIX MERCENARY UNIT WALKTHROUGH ************************************* Mission 5: EVASION New Units: 3 infantry squads (all units, weapons and equipment), 5 tank units (all units, weapons and equipment) Objectives: + Bring the engineer truck near the enemy repair station to stop their communications + Wait until the captured Hoverdynes destroy the energy generator, then attack + Bring your APC near the Command Center to inspect the prison registry + Evacuate to the DropZone Briefing: Marc wants to assault the Order prison to free Cobb; however, this will be a massacre, the prison is too well defended for a direct assault. Sarah suggests to steal few Hoverdynes from a nearby repair base and use them to infiltrate some men that will destroy the main reactor, niceably diminishing the Order firepower. Dropships available: 2 Map and Weather Description: An hilly map, not too difficult to navigate but with very narrow access points and full of hiding places for Order units. The DropZone is in the center of the map. The repair base is in the lower-left corner of the map, and it is lightly protected only by Hoverdynes; the prison, much more defended, is on the upper-left corner of the map. It is heavily defended by Hoverdynes (artillery, fire and robot platforms, heavy and medium hoverdynes) with a large number of turrets (Hugh TA/9 missile launchers, Tier-7, Lindau 666 and defense cannons), plus external patrols (composed by two artilleries and one heavy hoverdyne squad). Unit Deployment: All you infantry units will be Marksman; carry Hermes rounds and Personal Medikit. Convert all your tank units to medium tanks (Manticore) with ground/air emulators and repair modules. On The Field: Do not board the Marksmen, send order them to reacht the Order repair base and see what route they use; they should walk on a narrow passage. As they reach the top of the mesa, they'll spot one squad of Light Hoverdynes and two Templar squads. Use the Hermes round to quickly destroy the Hoverdynes and then order the Marksmen to kill every Templar. Now move the remaining troops where the Marksmen are; board them on the APC and move toward the repair base. To limit confusion in the narrow passages that links the DropZone with the Mesa and the repair base, order only two or three tank units to reach the enemy base while the others remain at the DropZone. Before attacking, be sure that the engineer truck is blocking all transmissions, then move your tanks to destroy the 4 Aeris-4 turrets protecting the perimenter and destroy the two light Hoverdyne squads. Be sure also to destroy the truck trying to escape from the base, you really do not want to face the Order units now. When targeting the enemy units, be sure that the Hoverdyne repair structure isn't between your or your enemy's fire, it is is destroyed, the mission is failed. As all resistance has been eliminated, move the engineer truck and the APC near the Hoverdyne repair structure: your men will capture two medium Hoverdynes and will start moving toward the prison; move all your remaining units to the point indicated and wait until the power generator is destroyed. Your men in the Hoverdynes will move toward the prison power generator, but they will be caught when installing the explosive; they will blow up themsleves, the generator, silencing all turrets, and most of the units protecting the prison. Now move your attack units toward the prison, begin sure to destroy at least the patrol (one Heavy Hoverdyne squad and two Sagittas) near the observation tower in south-east. Before assaulting the prison, be sure that the APC have healed every unit in every squad. Once again, disembark your Marksmen and with them begin to destroy any enemy infantry unit in the area, while the tanks take care of every remaing Order Hoverdyne. Once the area is secured (you can ignore all turrets, they will no longer fire), move only two tank units within the prison perimeter while the other remain outside the prison perimeter. These two units have to be placed near the small generator on the Command Center's left. Once in position, board the infantry on the APC and move it near the Command Center. Marc will start searching for Cobb, but he'll find out that he has been already eliminated; not enough, Galen Yi, an Order Cardinal just ordered you to surrender and dropped 3 DropShips directly in the prison perimeter. Immediately destroy the generator, this will open all cells, freeing some Warrior ad Grenadier units; they won't be under your control but will do some confusion to let you escape. As the Order force is composed mostly by heavy units including Sagittas, Lacertas and strike aerodynes, move all your units toward the DropZone at once; use the tanks' ground/air emulator to destroy few enemy Aerodynes to protect the APC while retreating. De-Briefing: Without Cobb, all men seem demoralized. Sarah one again they'll never discover she is working for Kila, and that Galen Yi is on her black list, Sarah cannot afford to lose this army. Mission 6: FAST REVENGE New Units: 2 support squads (all units, weapons and equipment), 3 Aerodyne squads (all units, weapons and equipment Objectives: Briefing: Dropships available: 3 Map and Weather Description: Unit Deployment: On The Field: De-Briefing: Mission XX: New Units: Objectives: Briefing: Dropships available: Map and Weather Description: Unit Deployment: On The Field: De-Briefing: Mission XX: New Units: Objectives: Briefing: Dropships available: Map and Weather Description: Unit Deployment: On The Field: De-Briefing: ************************************ 11-ORDER OF THE NEW DAWN WALKTHROUGH ************************************ Mission XX: New Units: Objectives: Briefing: Dropships available: Map and Weather Description: Unit Deployment: On The Field: De-Briefing: Mission XX: New Units: Objectives: Briefing: Dropships available: Map and Weather Description: Unit Deployment: On The Field: De-Briefing: Mission XX: New Units: Objectives: Briefing: Dropships available: Map and Weather Description: Unit Deployment: On The Field: De-Briefing: ******************* 12-CREDITS AND MISC ******************* Well, the first credit always goes to the software house which have done te, thanks to Massive Entertainment; then to my new computer: without it I wouldn't be able to play this great game; then to myself for this great walktrhough (gee...); to everyone reading this walkthrough, everyone showing it with my permission and to everyone playing Ground Control (which isn't exactly a best-seller...dammit, forget about C&C and play real games!); thanks to Leader for having published Dark Conspirancy only in a value series and in a combo box with the original game and the data disk; I'd have preferred a separate full box for Dark Conspiracy only, but now I have two original copies of the original game with at a relatively low cost ;) Here are all sites that have my permission to show this document: 1) GameFAQs ( 2) My site, WolfArt ( 3) Esprit Network (, translated in French If someone sees this document in other sites, please mail me. To ask permission to post this document, just send a mail writing down the URL. Copyright (c) Briareos Kerensky 2001/2002. Reproduction and translation of this document (as a whole or parts of its) in any mode without permission is strictly forbidden. All names and marks are proprieties of respective owners.