KEYS: U=up, D=down, F=forward, B=backward, P=punch, K=kick B F=press and release backward and then press forward U+P=press up and punch simultaneously, P+(B F)=press and hold punch while hitting back then forward F->B=rotate joypad/stick in a semicircle or hit keys F FD D FB B MOVES FOR ALL FIGHTERS: Trounce: body slam when opponent is knocked down: U+P Kick opponent when rising from knockdown: U+K Foot sweep opponent when rising from knockdown: D+K Roll forward after knockdown/run forward while standing: F F Roll away after knockdown/quick step back while standing: B B Projectile: B F+P or P+(B F) for Ashraf, Kiko, Magnon, Venam Flying punch: FU+P or FU P Flying kick: FU+K or FU K Sweep kick: BD+K (except Magnon and Sheba) Block/defend: B+P ASHRAF's moves: Spin Hook: U+P Back Breaker (near opponent): F->B+P Elbow Lunge: F+P or F D+P Lunging overhead punch: F F+P Forcefield push: F D F+P or FD + P while crouching Handstand kick: F B+K Punch combo: F B P Double air roundhouse kick: F U+K Running multi-punch lunge combo: F+P P P P Backflip: B B (press longer on first back movement) Chakra Ball: B F+P Underhand punch: B P CYBEN 30 moves: Shock attack (near opponent): F+P Flying drop attack (near opponent): U+P Lunge punch and spin punch combo: P+(F B) 2-hit swing punch: D+P Swing kick: D+K 4-hit cyclical punch: F F+P Flying torpedo attack: B F+P Roundhouse kick: F F+K Handstand kick and roll: F B+K JAKE's moves: Double Fisted Punch: U+P Speed Bag Punch (near opponet): F F+P Uppercut: B F+P 3-hit combo: spin punch, punch, and kick: F B+P Sweep kick: F D+K Hammer punch: F D+P High kick: F F+K Headbutt: F F+P Overhead slam: F D B+P 4-hit combo: F->B+P 4-hit forward and spin punch combo: F B+P P P P 35% combo: (tap)U+F+K (tap)U+F+K B+K (U+P when oponent is on the ground) for a (hold)U+F+K (tap)U+F+K B+K U+P F+K KIKO's moves: Throw star: B F+P Defensive kick: B B+K 3-hit combo: 2 punch, 1 kick: B B P Knee throw: F BD+P Drop kick: B F+K Handstand face kick (opponent facing away): BD+K Split kick: F D+K Power punch: F F+P Double knee slam (near opponent): F F+P Lunge kick: F F+K Knee kick: F+K Triple kick: K K K Knift kick: F K 3-hit combo: 1 kick,2 lunge kick: K F Upward lunge roll (when our back is facing opponent): DF+K Ground punch (when the opponent is knocked down): DF+P MAGNON's moves: Upward lunge roll (while crouching): FD+P Earthquake stomp: F F K Magma breath: B F+K Cycle punch combo: B F+P Uppercut double-punch: F F+P Get autistic: BD+P Crushing hug (near opponent): B+K Leg toss (near opponent while lying down): FD+P Final crush: D+K SHEBA's moves: Foot charge (crouching): F B+K Face rake (crouching): F+K Backwards cartwheel: B+K Throw opponent (near opponent): F B+K Takedown (near opponent): F B+P Sweep punch: D+P Handstand kick and throw: F F+K Hop roundhouse: B F+K Punch kick combo: B F+P 4-hit punch: F B P SIREN's moves: Flip Kick: B+U+K Flip opponent: F F+P Rolling kick: F F+K Telekinetic throw (near opponent): U+P Judo throw: BD+P VENAM's moves: 4 hit (25%) combo: F+P B+P Leg throw (near opponent): B F+K 2-hit combo (near opponent): F F+K Lunge punch: F+P Spinning punch combo: F B+P P P Acid spray: B F+K Leg grab and toss (very quickly and very close): B F K Combo attack and back toss (near opponent): P+(F B F B) Chewing attack: F->B+P Throw: F D+P Sources for FX Fighter: FX-Fighter Combo List, modified by, Gary Kwok and Paul.Dillinger@SWCBBS.COM, Paul "Samurai" Dillinger and Terry@NUDGE.IO.ORG, Terry Lin This list is excellent and we took most of the moves for FX Fighter from this compilation and the inspiration for the format of the database from this list. Keep on doing the good work, guys. Other sources: Bob's FX Moves FAQ Text Version by Bob Yahner,