FAQ TITLE: The Official Capitalized Plant List for Might and Magic VIII COPYRIGHT INFO: This FAQ is copyright (c) 2005, 2006 by Stanley E. Dunigan (dunigasewmconnectcom). This FAQ may be posted and used anywhere by anyone as long as it's unaltered, but always check GameFAQs.com for the latest version. Also, check the Universal Hint System website (www.uhs-hints.com) for my complete Might and Magic VIII hint file. It's not a FAQ-style walkthru, but it includes a lot more game details than this FAQ does. FAQ DESCRIPTION: This FAQ isn't a walkthru of any sort, but only contains details on the super- secret "capitalized plants" that MM8 has in it. Several of the trees and other plants have names that start with a capital letter, like "Tree" instead of "tree," "Flower" instead of "flower," etc. Each of these capitalized plants will do something special at least once if you click on them, and if your currently selected character has a certain number of points in the Repair skill (note that expert and master status don't count -- only actual points). If you know of a capitalized plant that I don't have listed, send me an e-mail at the address listed in the copyright section. VERSION 1.11 (3/14/2006) NOTES AND CREDITS: I removed the statement from the copyright section that complained about GameFAQS rejecting this file (because they finally accepted it!). VERSION 1.1 (3/10/2006) NOTES AND CREDITS: I've added two recent capitalized plant sightings, one in Garrote Gorge and one in Regna. VERSION 1.0 (5/17/2005) NOTES AND CREDITS: The creation of this FAQ was inspired by Flemming UpJohn of Arhus, Denmark, who recently wrote in with one of the best capitalized plant finds yet (the treasure-chest "Tree" in the Ravenshore area). I'd already decided to never do another release of my UHS hint file for MM8, so I created this FAQ to list the specific details of all known capitalized plants. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx *** Dagger Wound Island ^^^ Repair skill required: 3 for the first one, and 5 for the second one There are two known capitalized plants in this area. The first is a "Palm tree" that's very close to the caravan wagons where you start the game. Click on it to get a single cheap reagent or empty potion bottle. The other one is the "Flower" that's near the cluster of four treasure chests on one of the small islands that the teleporter stones can take you to. It's about halfway between the chests and the nearby huts. Click on it to get a one-time prize of a randomly generated level 1 treasure ring. It can be up to +5 in power, so you'll want to save your game before clicking on the "Flower" and keep restoring and trying again until you get something really good. *** Ravenshore ^^^ Repair skill required: none for the first two, and 3 for the third one This is rare three-plant area. One of them is a "Tree" which is in town. It's behind Reaver's home, east of the giant crystal. When you click on it, it'll find the first potion it can in your inventories (it goes in a left-to-right, top-to-bottom order), empty the potion out of the bottle, and hand you back the empty potion bottle. In other words, it's a stinkin' drunk! It can be useful if you have potions you don't want and are desperate for empty bottles, but don't let it slurp up your best potions! Antoher one, brought to my attention by Flemming UpJohn, is the real prize. Find the large bridge that crosses the river a ways north and west of the town and look for another "Tree" along the river's shore just west of the bridge's south end. It's one of those droopy willow-lookin' trees, and you'll probably get the attention of several dire wolves as you hunt for it. But it's mega- worth it because it opens up like a treasure chest and has a genu-wine artifact item in it! The artifact is randomly chosen when you first sail to Ravenshore from Dagger Wound Island, so you might want to save your game right before sailing and then restore it if the artifact you get isn't something you can use right away. David (penguinmaestro) wrote in to say that there's another "Tree" just NW of the scuzzy, dirty NW section of town. In particular it's the closest tree that's NW of Jack's Hovel. It, like the "Palm tree" on Dagger Wound Island, just gives a single cheap reagent or empty potion bottle when clicked on. *** Alvar ^^^ Repair skill required: 7 for the first one, and 5 for the second one Yet another two-plant area. The most useful one is a "Pine tree" that's up on a mountain near the very NW corner of the Alvar map. Search for it by going west from the ogre camp that has a cauldron. When you find the tree, click on it over and over to get lots of Boost potions. They have no power rating and are therefore useless to drink as is, but you can have an Alchemy grandmaster mix them with other potions (including catalysts to give them a power rating), or just sell them in town to make money. There's no limit to how many Boost potions you can get from this wondrous tree! The second "Pine tree" is in the wasp-infested mountain-top area that's SE of town. Find the local obelisk up there, then head directly SE to find the magic tree. It works just like the "Flower" on Dagger Wound Island -- it gives a one- time treasure of a level 1 ring. *** Garrote Gorge ^^^ Repair skill required: none There's a trapped treasure chest disguised as a small "Flowers" object just NE of the Arin Residence in town. Unfortunately, this treasure chest only contains cheap items -- no artifacts. (Someone wrote in with this one, but I lost the name -- sorry!) *** Ironsand Desert ^^^ Repair skill required: 3 The only known special plant in this region is the "Cactus" that's SE of the troll village. In particular, it's a short ways SE of Sethrc Thistlebone's home. It's one of the stubby cacti with four pieces sticking out -- not one of the taller, straighter ones. When you click on it, it'll give you one cheap reagent or empty potion bottle, like the "Palm tree" on Dagger Wound Island. *** Murmurwoods ^^^ Repair skill required: none The "Tree" in this area is a ways north of the village, and is pointed to by a bunch of small stones set in the ground. If you've fully explored the area, you can see the large arrow that the stones form by looking at the area map. When you click on the "Tree" that the arrow points to, it'll check the currently selected character's inventory for any of the ten kinds of gem in the game. If it finds one, it'll trade a specific item for the gem that depends on the gem's type -- see table below. (NOTE: Someone wrote in with this one a long time ago, but I forgot who and can't find the e-mail. Sorry, but thank you very much, whoever you are!) Gem Trade Item Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zircon Citrine Citrines are worth 500 gold more than Zircons Iolite Walking Boots The boots are worth much less than the Iolite Citrine Amethyst Another good +500 gold value trade Amber Swift Potion The potion is worth 250 gold less than the Amber Amethyst Emerald The third and last in the +500 gold value line Topaz random item The items vary widely in type and value Emerald Apple The most useless and costly trade **NEVER DO** Sapphire 2,000 gold Sapphires are worth exactly 2,000 gold, anyway Ruby Rejuvenation The potion is worth 250 gold less than the Ruby Diamond Horseshoe Diamonds are worth 3,000 gold, but the skill points you can get from the horseshoes can be more useful *** Regna ^^^ Required Repair skill: none William Chen wrote in to tell me about a "Tree" that's right between "Gifts of Regna" and "Burnkindle's Spoils" in the Regnan town area. It just gives one Telekinesis magic scroll the first time you click on it, and that's it.