MECHWARRIOR 3 WALKTHROUGH by Briareos Kerensky (, briareos_CWE), ver 2.0 25/1/2001 Table of Contents 1-Update History 2-History Briefing 3-Weapons Briefing 4-'Mechs Briefing 5-Vehicles Briefing 6-How to costumize a 'Mech 7-General Tactics 8-Multiplayer Tactics 9-Instant Action 10-Walkthrough 11-Credits and misc **************** 1-UPDATE HISTORY **************** 25/1/2001-version 2.0. All sections completed. 21/1/2001-version 1.4. Mission 2 and 3 completed. Still no sign of MW4, though it is possible that distribution is beginning. I hope that in one week I'll be able to play it. 13/1/2001-version 1.2. How to Costumize a 'Mech, General Tactics and Operation 1 (walkthrough) Completed. 6/1/2001-version 1.0. As I'm writing three walkthroughs at once (MW2, MW2:GBL and MW2:Mercs), only few sections are online for now. ****************** 2-HISTORY BRIEFING ****************** After Comstar won on Tukayyid in 3052, freeing the Inner Sphere from the Clan threat for 15 years, all Great Houses united under the flag of a new Star League, with the task of defeating the Clans and driving them away from the Inner Sphere. The reformed Star League planned a massive campaign to drive the Smoke Jagaurs from the Inner Sphere. Codenamed BirdDog this campaign was planned as a years-long campaign, but incredibly took only few months to repel the Jagaurs. After this stunning success the Star League officers deciced to kill an entire Clan: once again the Jaguars were overunned by the League forces, and only small parts of the former Jaguar Touman reamins, operating in separate units on various planets in Clan space, especially on Tranquill... ********************* 3-WEAPONS TECHNOLOGY ********************* Before the description of every single weapon and equipment, here is a brief description of the categories. Remember that Clan equipment tend to be lighter, less bulkier and more powerful (damage, heat generated and range) than their Inner Sphere counterparts. + Energy weapons: energy weapons uses massive amounts of electricty produced by the 'Mech's reactor, and they can be fired without ammunition problems. This advantage is balanced by the large amounts of waste heat that they produce: the only way to dissipate this heat is to mount extra heat sinks, which compensates for their relatively light mass and compactness. Range are firepower increases in proportion. + Balistic weapons: these weapons must be fed by ammunition: this limits the times the weapon can be fired, and ammunitions explode when struck by weapon fire. They do not produce large amounts of heat, but are bulky and weight a lot. Lighter models have a longer range but less firepower; heavier models have more firepower than range, and carries less ammo. + Missile weapons: like balistic weapons they use ammunitions, and each launcher fire a specified number of missiles in a single salvo. Missiles are explosive, and they produce moderate amounts of heat. Damage is spread among the whole target, and not concentrated like other weapons. + Equipment: this category contains the larger variety of accessories a 'Mech can mount. They include alternative type of armors, heat sinks and EW (Electronic Warfare) suites. ------------------ --ENERGY WEAPONS-- ------------------ STANDARD/ER LASERS: normal lasers fire a single beam of coherent light, and the must recharge. Heavier is the laser, longer is this period. The ER (Extended Range) version of the standard lasers increase the maximum range, at cost of more heat produced per shot. Laser beams are the faster "projectile" in the game, and require little or not care about "lag fire" from the MechWarrior. Inner Sphere has access to all kind of standard lasers (Large, Medium, Small), but only to the ER version of the Large Laser; Clans haven't standard lasers, as all lasers they have are at least ER variants. Larger is the caliber, longer will be the range and greater will be the damage allocated and heat generated. PULSE LASERS: unlike standard lasers, which fires a single beam of light, pulse lasers fire multiple light beams in quick succession; this makes the Pulse Lasers more accurate than any other energy weapon currently deployed, though they produce more heat and do less damage. Weight and bulkiness are increased, too. A Pulse Laser's beam lasts for 3/4 seconds and during this period everything hit by a Pulse beam will recieve damage, though it will be very light. Pulse Lasers need a slightly longer recharge time than normal lasers. Both Inner Sphere and Clans have the full range of Pulse Lasers (Large, Medium and Small), though the IS lasers have a much shorter range. STANDARD/ER PPCS: Particle Projection Cannons. They produce a lot of damage but a lot of heat too, and you must be careful in firing too many of them in a single salvo (firing 4 ER PPCs will shut down you 'mech, no matter what how many heat sinks you have). PPCs, especially their ER (Extended Range) version have a medium/long range, and they theorically are the best weapon you can use, especially the Clan version, which allocates the same damage as a Gauss Rifle without needing ammunition. A PPC's shot is slower than lasers and normal AC shells, and you'll have to practice a bit to learn how to make long-range attacks with them. I'd say they are only for veteran and elite pilots, for the monstrous amounts of heat they produce and relative slowness of a beam. FLAMERS: a Flamer. Nothing more, nothing less. It spits super-hot gases tapped directly from the 'Mech reactor; it doesn't allocate too much damage, but increase target's heat value a lot. Note that if you shut down a 'Mech with flamers, and continue to hit him with flamers to make its reactor explode, the explosion will destroy both 'Mechs. Effective as anti-infatry weapon and for fast-moving boats, though it is one of the worst tactics you can use in multiplayer. --------------------- --BALLISTIC WEAPONS-- --------------------- MACHINE GUNS: fast-firing, short-range guns. They eat ammo in huge quantity, and each shell allocates light damage. They do not produce eat, and a single Inner Sphere gun weights half a ton, while the Clan version only 0,25 tons. Both versions occupy one critical slot. STANDARD AUTOCANNONS: ACs fire a stream of high-velocity AP rounds toward a target. Smaller is the caliber, lighter will be the damage allocated and longer will be the range. The Inner Sphere has access to the full range of standard ACs, while the Clans rely on the other models. The projectiles are fast, not as Lasers, but faster than PPCs and missiles, and the damage is allocated in a single location. LB-X AUTOCANNONS: LB-X ACs can fire two types of ammo, solid and cluster rounds. In MW3, solid LB-X shells do not exists (they'll act as normal rounds, BTW), and LB-X are loaded with special cluster rounds: unlike standard rounds, these projectiles will divide into several submunitions that will strike a different part of the 'Mech; they have more knockout power than other ACs, though the patches reduced it a lot. Inner Sphere players can use only the 10-X version of this AC, while the Clans have all ACs (2, 5, 10 and 20). ULTRA AUTOCANNONS: if you want to allocate pure damage to a single location of your target, Ultra ACs are the best choice. Ultra ACs fire two rounds in a single salvo, and both shells allocate full damage if they hit. Note that ammunition will be depleted at a faster rate, and this will limit Ultra ACs. Inner Sphere has only the U/5 variant, while Clans all. GAUSS RIFLES: Totally different from any other ballistic weapon, the Gauss Rifle fires a single, large slug of metal by electromagnetically accelerating it. The Gauss Rifle is a long-range, hard-hitting weapon. Both versions (IS and Clan) allocates 15 damage points, generate little heat and has a good shell/ton ratio. The projectile is faster than an AC shell, though sligthly slower than lasers. Inner Sphere version weights more and occupies more critical slot. AMS: Anti-Missile System. This modified machine gun will shoot down any incoming missile. A single AMS has 100 rounds, and the only way to increase this load is to mount an other system. ------------------- --MISSILE WEAPONS-- ------------------- LONG RANGE MISSILES (LRM): Long-Range Missiles. These missiles need a lock to effectively follow the target, and they are the best when engaging target on rolling hills. LRM salvos come in 5, 10, 15 and 20 missiles per shot, though it is rare that all missiles hit the target. Artemis IV can upgrade LRMs. SHORT RANGE MISSILES (SRM): a single Short-Range Missile allocates more damage than a single LRM but has half of its effective range. SRMs fire 2, 4 or 6 missiles in a single salvo, and tend to be less accurate than LRMs. SRMs can be upgraded with Artemis IV FCS. STREAK SRMS: advanced SRMs. If you fire an Streak SRM salvo (2, 4 or 6 missiles at once) after you have a full lock, all missiles will hit the target (provided if it hasn't AMS). Streak SRMs are equal to normal SRMs except for the homing system. Artemis FCS won't upgrade Streak launchers and ECM Suites won't stop Streak system. NARC MISSILE BEACON: NARC Missile Beacon is a missile version of the Artemis FCS. Rather than using a single Artemis for all launchers on a 'Mech, the NARC fires a single missile that, if the missile hits, provides the same effect of an Artemis FCS. NARC informations can also be used by all you allies, unlike Artemis ones. You must first enter effective range (about 500 meters), hit the target with a missile and then redo the whole procedure for an other target. ECM Suites disrupt NARC effects. ------------- --EQUIPMENT-- ------------- JUMP JETS: Jump Jets give jump capability. Each jet allows you to jump for about 30 meters, and they can be mounted on any 'Mech, but only in leg and torso sections. In MW3 jump jets weight half a ton and occupies one critical slot whatever the 'Mech's weight is, and there is no distinction between Clan and Inner Sphere versions. HEAT SINKS: one heat sink weights 1 ton and occupies one critical slot, and dissipate one heat point. There is no difference betwwen Inner Sphere and Clan standard (single) heat sinks. DOUBLE HEAT SINKS: a Double Heat Sink weights one ton and occupies 3 criticals (Clan Double Heat Sinks only 2), but dissipates 2 heat points. One of the greatest assets in 'Mech construction. ENDO STEEL INTERNAL: it halves the weight of internal structure at cost of available critical slots. Inner Sphere 'Mechs with Endo Steel internals will find 14 slots occupied by this structure, while Clan only 7. It is not possible to mount Clan Endo Steel on Inner Sphere 'Mechs and viceversa. FERRO-FIBROUS ARMOR: this particular armor compound lightens the weight of standard armor at cost of internal space. Ferro-Fibrous armor multiplies current armor value by 1.2 if using Clan F-F and 1.12 if using Inner Sphere F-F; not enough, Clan F-F uses 7 criticals, while Inner Sphere armor 14. Unlike XL Engines and Endo Steel structure is possible to mount Clan Ferro-Fibrous Armor on Inner Sphere 'Mechs and viceversa. XL ENGINE: Extra Light engines weight half of a standard engine but takes up more critical slots in the lateral torsos. Inner Sphere XL Engines take 3 slots in each side torso, while the Clan engines only two. Like Eno Steel structure, It is impossible to mount Clan Endo Steel on Inner Sphere 'Mechs and viceversa. MASC: MASC (Myomer Acceleration Signla Circuitry) is used to give a 'Mech an extra burst of speed when needed. When engaged the MASC makes the legs move faster, allowing you to run up to twice your walking speed value. Better to use its tonnage for jump jets. CASE: Cellular Ammunition Storage Equipment. It is used in the same location where there is any kind of explosive equipment (ammo and Gauss Rifles). When struck by enemy fire these components will explode, and the damage is allocated directly to the internal structure, and the damage will spread into the 'Mech until the explosion's force is estinguished. CASE keeps the explosion in the location where it is mounted, preventing the explosion to spread in other locations. Clan CASE weights and occupies none, while Inner Sphere versions use half a ton and one critical. ARTEMIS IV FCS: this particular device is used to increase the numbers of LRMS and SRMs (but not Streak SRMs) hitting the target. It must be placed in the same location of the launcher you want to upgrade, and the Artemis Fire Control System must be used on all launchers of the same type (i.e.:if you use an Artemis on an LRM-10, you must place an Artemis with all other LRMs, any type of salvo they fire.). Inner Sphere and Clan versions weight one ton and occupy one slot. ECM Suites block both versions. C3 COMPUTERS (MASTER and SLAVE): There are two types of C3 Computers: Master and Slave. If you are going to use this equipment be sure to have at least one lancemate, and to mount the Master device on your 'Mech, and the Slaves on your lancemate(s). A working C3 Network allows each 'Mech composing a lance to share radar datas. ECM Suites block both Computers. Master device weights 5 tons and occupies 5 critical slots, while the Slave weights only one ton and occupies one critical slot. TAG: this is a special laser used to paint targets for homing Arrow IV artillery missiles. It deosn't allocat neither damage nor heat points. Weights one ton and occupies one slot. TARGETING COMPUTER: one of the most deadly breakthroughs made by the Clans, the Targeting Computer enhaces the standard targeting datas providing a small yellow circle indicating where to place the sight to hit the 'Mech. It also provides targeting datas to hit limbs of a moving 'Mech. It can direct direct-fire weapons only (PPCs, Lasers, ACs, Gauss Cannons, etc.), weights one ton and occupies one critical slot. ECM Suites block Targeting Computers. BEAGLE ACTIVE PROBE and ACTIVE PROBE: The Active Probes allows you to detect shut-down 'Mechs. The Inner Sphere version, dubbed Beagle, weigths 1.5 tons and occupies one critical slot. The Active Probe, manufactired by the Clans weights one ton and occupies one critical slot. ECM Suites block both Probes. ***************** 4-'MECHS BRIEFING ***************** Notes: Clan 'Mechs have tow names: the original and the Inner Sphere codename, in brackets. If the 'Mech has Omni capabilities, I'll write the "locked" specs of the chassis. The word "fragile" in a description means that I've found the 'Mech very susceptible to lose its arms or other limbs; dunno why, maybe coders did it for maximizing differencies between 'Mechs of the same tonnage. --------------- --CLAN 'MECHS-- --------------- ADDER (PUMA) Mass: 35 tons Tech: OmniMech Cruising Speed: 64,8 km/h Maximum Speed: 97,5 km/h Torso Twist: limited Arms Twist: yes This light 'Mech is renowed for its impressive firepower: in its primary configuration the Adder uses twin ER PPCs linked to a targeting computer, and it is fast enough to keep itslef away from larger opponents while firing its weapons. It cannot twist its torso, and to engage enemies in circling battles must use its arms, which limits its firepower. SHADOW CAT Mass: 45 tons Tech: OmniMech Cruising Speed: 65 km/h Maximum Speed: 97 km/h (130 km/h with MASC) Jump Capacity: 180 meters Torso Twist: yes Arms Twist: yes A medium weight OmniMech with superior agility and firepower; in all configurations the Shadow Cat has MASC and jump jets and still has enough space to carry large weapons. The Primary configuration uses a Gauss Rifle with twin ER Medium Lasers, and, so far, it is the best version the Clans have delopyed. Other versions are missile carriers or substitutes the Gauss Rifle with large energy weapons. NOVA (BLACK HAWK) Mass: 50 tons Tech: OmniMech Cruising Speed: 54 km/h Maximum Speed: 86 km/h Jump Capacity: 150 meters Torso Twist: limited Arms Twist: yes The origin of this 'Mech is a secret: the Clan Nova has two hands and a different torso/arm structure, and the 'Mech in this game is too similar to the Black Hawk KU, a 60-ton Inner Sphere OmniMech developed to fight the original Nova (called the Black Hawk in the Inner Sphere). However, here it is one of the most powerful 'Mechs in the Clan arsenal: in its primary configuration this OmniMech has 12 ER Medium Lasers, 6 in each arm, and enough heat sinks to alternate fire between 3 groups of 4 lasers each. Other configurations feature mixed weapon loads, though they are all centered around a long-range weapon with a smaller, back up weapon. The Nova has a low profile, but cannot twist its torso. MAD DOG (VULTURE) Mass: 60 tons Tech: OmniMech Cruising Speed: 54 km/h Maximum Speed: 86,4 km/h Torso Twist: yes Arms Twist: yes An OmniMech designed for fire support. All Vulture versions have at least two medium long-range guns. All configurations haven't a good heat-dissipation capability, except the alternate C, which has two Gauss Rifle, and no other weapon. CAULDRON BORN Mass: 65 tons Tech: OmniMech Cruising Speed: 54 km/h Maximum Speed: 86 km/h Torso Twist: limited Arms Twist: yes An OmniMech developed and deployed by Smoke Jaguar Clan, the Cauldron Born is a good all-around 'Mech in all of its configurations. The main problem of the Cauldron Born, aisde the limited torso twist capability, is its tendency to overheat in all of its configurations or to run out off ammunition quickly. The basic chassis if very flexible, however, and has a low profile; the torso tend to cover legs when engaged in the frontal area. SUMMONER (THOR) Mass: 70 tons Tech: OmniMech Cruising Speed: 54 km/h Maximum Speed: 86,4 km/h Jump Capacity: 150 meters Torso Twist: yes Arms Twist: yes One of the few 'Mechs capable of making me seasick, the Thor is a good combination of mobility and firepower. The Primary configuration is depends too much on ammunition, though other versions are better. TIMBER WOLF (MAD CAT) Mass: 75 tons Tech: OmniMech Cruising Speed: 54 km/h Maximum Speed: 86,4 km/h Torso Twist: yes Arms Twist: yes The most famous Clan 'Mech, and probably the most famous 'Mech of all ever. The Timber Wolf is a perfect mixture of agility and firepower, and it is the primary heavy 'Mech of Clan Wolf, though all other Clans use it in smaller numbers. Every configuration of the Timber Wolf is good at any range, thanks to an effective mix of various kinds of weapon. It has few problems with heat management, however, in most versions. The basic Timber Wolf chassis is flexible, with a good engine and enough space to mount nearly any weapon. SUPERNOVA Mass: 90 tons Tech: BattleMech Cruising Speed: 32 km/h Maximum Speed: 54 km/h Jump Capacity: 90 meters Torso Twist: yes Arms Twist: yes Weapons: 6 Clan ER Large Lasers The only Clan BattleMech represented in this game. The Supernova is a bigger version of the Nova OmniMech, and has similar capabilities, though it cannot exchange pods like its smaller cousin. The Supernova is slow, though it has jump jets to improve its agility, but its six ER Large Lasers greatly compensate for this drawback. Though it carries a lot of Double Heat Sinks, do not pretend to fire all Lasers in one salvo, or you'll shutdown immediately. DIRE WOLF (DAISHI) Mass: 100 tons Tech: OmniMech Cruising Speed: 32,4 km/h Maximum Speed: 54 km/h Torso Twist: yes Arms Twist: yes Daishi, or Great Death, as its Inner Sphere name can be translated. The Daishi is slow, but ffeatures huge arrays of weapons in all configurations, especially the Primary config; this config has some problems with heat (4 ER Large Lasers plus other beam, AC and msiisile weapons...), though all other version keeps it under control without losing too much firepower. You'll encounter only two or three Daishis throughout the game, and everyone is a good piece of battlefield salvage. ELEMENTAL Mass: 1ton Tech: Power Suit Cruising Speed: 10 km/h (?) Maximum Speed: 20 km/h (?) Jump Capacity: 90 meters Weapons: 1 Clan ER Small Laser, 1 Clan SRM-2 (2 salvos), 1 Machine Gun (50 munitions) It is not exactly a 'Mech, but it is totally different from a vehicle. The Elemental is a small foot soldier usually operating in groups of five; in MW3 they cannot perform swarm attacks, but can be a nasty opponents at close ranges. It is impossible to pilot an Elemental in Instant Action or during the campaign. ----------------------- --INNER SPHERE 'MECHS-- ----------------------- FIREFLY Mass: 25 tons Tech: BattleMech Cruising Speed: 54 km/h Maximum Speed: 86 km/h Jump Capacity: 120 meters Torso Twist: yes Arms Twist: limited Weapons: 3 Medium Lasers, 1 LRM-5 (2 tons), 1 AMS The Firefly is a light BattleMech, though its armor and standard engine increase its lifespan somewhat. The most distinctive feature is its AMS which protects it against missiles. Nothing more than a nuisance, however. OWENS Mass: 35 tons Tech: OmniMech Cruising Speed: 86 km/h Maximum Speed: 130 km/h Torso Twist: limited Arms Twist: yes One of the first Inner Sphere OmniMechs ever deployed, the Owens specializes in recon missions, with a complete load of specialized electronic suites. The Owens is strangely "though" for a light 'Mech, and shouldn't be understimated; limited torso twist capacity limits this 'Mech. STRIDER Mass: 40 tons Tech: OmniMech Cruising Speed: 65 km/h Maximum Speed: 97 km/h Torso Twist: yes Arms Twist: limited BUSHWACKER Mass: 55 tons Tech: BattleMech Cruising Speed: 54 km/h Maximum Speed: 86 km/h Torso Twist: yes Arms Twist: yes Weapons: 1 AC/10 (1 ton), 2 LRM-5s (1 ton), 1 ER Large Laser, 2 Machine Guns (1/2 ton) The Bushwacker is a medium-weight BattleMech with good long-range firepower, though it cannot compete with Clan 'Mechs. It will be your first 'Mech, a good choice, though you won't be able to costumize it until mission 3 or 4. Its two main weapons, the AC/10 and the ER Large Lasers tend to create too much heat, and the first thing to do on a Bushwacker is to change is single heat sinks with Double ones. Removing the Machine Guns for a LB 10-X, a LRM-10 and AMS is an other popular variant durign the first missions. CHAMPION Mass: 60 tons Tech: BattleMech Cruising Speed: 54 km/h Maximum Speed: 86 km/h Torso Twist: yes Arms Twist: limited Weapons: 1 SRM-6 with Artemis IV FCS, 2 Medium Lasers, 2 Small Lasers, 1 LB 10-X AC (2 tons) An other good 'Mech limited by its single heat sinks. The Champion is a good all-around 'Mech, though it relies on ammunition weapons too much. It cannot twist its (huge) arms and has a very small head section, though its torso is good target. One of the most interesting features of this is 'Mech is that center torso-mounted weapons do not follow the crosshair, but are fixed in the center of the screen. AVATAR Mass: 70 tons Tech: OmniMech Cruising Speed: 43 km/h Maximum Speed: 65 km/h Torso Twist: yes Arms Twist: yes Weapons: 2 Medium Lasers plus Omni pods The best Inner Sphere heavy OmniMech so far. Every configuration of the Avatar has two hardwired medium lasers in the center torso, plus enough space to mount other large-caliber weapons. One version of the Avatar features a C3 computer for sharing targeting datas. ORION Mass: 70 tons Tech: BattleMech Cruising Speed: 43,2 km/h Maximum Speed: 64,8 km/h Torso Twist: yes Arms Twist: yes Weapons: 1 LB 10-X AC (2 tons), 1 SRM-4 (2 tons), 1 LRM-20 (2 tons), 2 Medium Lasers, 1 Narc Beacon (2 tons) An other 70 tons 'Mech, the Orion is a standard BattleMech designed to provide direct and indirect fire support. The Orion is good at close ranges too, thanks to its twin Medium Lasers and SRM-4, and the effectivness of its launcher can be ehnaced with the Narc Beacons. SUNDER Mass: 90 tons Tech: OmniMech Cruising Speed: 43 km/h Maximum Speed: 65 km/h Torso Twist: yes Arms Twist: yes The first assault OmniMech ever produced, the Sunder was designed to fight against the Thors and Gladiators OmniMechs, though it cannot match the felxibility of both Clan designs. The Sunder is extremely efficent in close range fightings when deployed in its Primary configs; other configs use ER PPCs and Gauss Rifles or LRMs as main firepower, and the latter has two C3 Computers for coordinating company-wide C3 networks. ANNIHILATOR Mass: 100 tons Tech: BattleMech Cruising Speed: 22 km/h Maximum Speed: 32 km/h Torso Twist: yes Arms Twist: yes Weapons: 4 LB 10-X ACs (4 tons), 4 Medium Pulse Lasers Fast and agile as a slab of marble, the Annihilatr features impressive medium/short range firepower thanks to its 4 LB 10-X AutoCannons. The Medium Pulse Lasers are optimal backup weapons. Its main drawnback is its very low speed, plus a relatively thin armor. The first thing to modify in an Annihilator is its engine, and maybe its tendency to make me seasick. Strangely enough, it is relatively easy to do an head-shot to an Annihilator, especially with Gauss Rifles. ******************* 5-VEHICLES BRIEFING ******************* Unlike all other BT-related games (except MechCommander), vehicles play a major role in MW3: starting from the most important, the MFB, vital to your campaign, other vehicles will be always against you, and in large numbers may pose a big threat even for medium/heavy 'Mechs. APC Mass: 10 tons Cruising Speed: 65 km/h Flanking Speed: 97 km/h Weapons: 2 Machine Guns Though usually deployed to carry infantry, the APC in MW3 are used to garrison low-priority targets. Thier machine guns may become a nuissance, but they're lightly armored and seldom travel at maximum speed. HARASSER Mass: 25 tons Cruising Speed: 108 km/h Flanking Speed: 162 km/h Weapons: 2 SRM-6 Fast and with good short-range firepower, the Harasser usually operates in group; pilots prefer to keep circling around their targets and fire their SRMs where the armor is lighter. Lightly armored, but can be dangerous if you are swarmed. BULLDOG Mass: 60 tons Cruising Speed: 43 km/h Flanking Speed: 65 km/h Weapons: 1 Large Laser, 2 SRM-4, 1 Machine Guns Though slower than the Harasser, the Bulldog is havily armored and effective at any range, and can be deadly for light 'Mechs in close combat. Try to blown it from afar, and keep hitting the same location, especially the sides or the rear, where its armor is thinner. DONAR Mass: 21 tons Cruising Speed: 97 km/h Flanking Speed: 151 km/h Weapons: 1 Clan ER Large Laser, 2 Clan Streak SRM-2 The only airborne fighting vehicle in MW3, the Donar is a fast assault helicopter capable of dealing moderate amounts of damge thanks to its ER Larg Laser. As genuine Clan vehicle, its weapons are Clan quality. Lighty armored; a direct it to its rotor will cause it to crash. STRIKER Mass: 35 tons Cruising Speed: 54 km/h Flanking Speed: 86 km/h Weapons: 1 LRM-10, 1 SRM-6 This wheeled light tank is famous for supporting its allies from afar and then closing in to fire its SRMs. Not heanvily armored, however. MOBILE FIELD BASE Mass: 200 tons Cruising Speed: 43 km/h Flanking Speed: 64 km/h Weapons: none Three of these vehicles will support you during your campaign on Tranquill. Each vehicle can support up to 300 tons of equipment, and can transport up to two other 'Mechs. During missions, you can order the MFBs to deply as a mobile repair base, which will repair your armor and replenish your ammo bins; these repair won't replace lost arms and equipment in them. ************************** 6-HOW TO COSTUMIZE A 'MECH ************************** In this section I won't explain how to use the 'Mech Lab (the istruction booklet exists for this), but some guidelines to create a powerful 'Mech. As MW3 has a different weapon balancing, most players from MW2 or BattlTech itself will find some weapons too powerful and other not enough. These drawbacks and advanages will be explained in the following sections. MechWarrior 3 has less chassis than other MW games (Mercs in primis), though the selection here tries to cover the widest range of possible tonnages. Some chassis may be "thougher" than others, and this might be explained as the coders' will or simply a factor rose after the polygonal models and never resolved; "though" 'Mechs are the Shadow Cat, the Owens, the Timber Wolf, the Nova (Black Hawk), the Bushwacker and the two 100 ton-'Mechs (though their total in-agility makes them nearly useless). Remember that the Owens, the Nova (Black Hawk), the Adder (Puma), the Cauldron Born and the Firefly have limited torso-twist capacities. After you chosed the chassis, it is time to chose what kind and what rating the engine; MW3 isn't precise to allocate critical damage (read below for more info), and an XL engine will be the best for every chassis, freeing up tons and leaving enough criticals for most weapons. Unlike MW2 or BattleTech, it is possible to mount any kind of engine on any kind of 'Mech, instead of the standard 10 kph (1 Movement Point for the board game) increments and it is possible to lighten the engine without losing too much speed. However, try to use at least an engine that will give at least 50 kph to a heavy/assault 'Mech and 70 kph for others (though you can decrease the speed a bit for medium 'Mechs). Now go to the armor tab and assign the maximum armor points allowed for the 'Mech. If you are using an Inner Sphere 'Mech and you want to costumize it with ferro-fibrous armor, it is better to switch the internals, you'll save more tonnage. Note that Clan 'Mechs can accomodate both ferro-fibrous and endo steel in the same space as a single Inner Sphere improvment. Now switch back to the weapon tab and begin to assign weapons. The head and the center torso sections should be used for AMS if playing as a Clan pilot (CASE is totally free). Inner Sphere 'Mechs can use center torso crits for a large laser or other small weapons (DO NOT include ammo in the CT, if you overheat the 'Mech will explode), while the head is a good place for equipment like C3 Slaves or Targeting Computers. Place Double Heat Sinks (Clan palyers) or jump jets (both factions) in the legs; note that Jump Jets cannot be allocated in head or arm sections; then place the remaining weapon starting from the lateral torsos and then in the arms. Arms are ideal for placing ammo in them. Always mount two or three AMS plus CASE on any 'Mech you have, plus some back-up weapons for ammo-boats like Medium Lasers (std, Pulse or ER, doesn't matter, what you prefer). This might seem a short description of the 'Mech lab, but in MW3 how you place your items doesn't matter too much (unfortunately). ***************** 7-GENERAL TACTICS ***************** Keep moving. It is the basic rule of any engagement, and MW3 isn't an exception to that rule. One of the best improvments of MW3 is that the terrain isn't a flat table like it was in MW2 (all games), and has several hills, ridges, bridges, houses and natural obstacles which will help you during the battles. Always try to keep something between you and your enemy, and let him waste amnmo or heat to destroy the obstacle (if possible). Heat tracking is also different, more realistic ( is closer to the board game, though 'Mechs tend to overheat a bit), and continously firing weapons will make you shutdown. Heat Sinks are capable of dissipating an amount of heat equal to their total number in about 7/8 seconds, and a PPC (for example) is ready to fire in 4/5 seconds; be careful with the heat, and keep in mind that you have always a limited escort of coolant to use; the coolant used is equal to one half of the total heat of your 'Mech, and the usage will vary from pilot to pilot. An other way to dissipate heat is to submerge your 'Mech, though submerging the torso will make ballistic and missile weapons useless, and only energy weapons will be able to fire. Submerging even a leg without heat sinks will dramatically reduce the internal heat, and if you like to use energy weapons a lot, be sure to have a body of water before unleashing several alpha strikes in quick succession. Combats are different, too: a 'Mech can be knocked down by some weapons, and weapons with an high impact force (Gauss Rifles, AC/20, sometimes PPCs) will make your torso or arm move, effectively moving your sight; LB-X ACs are the best weapons for knocking down 'Mechs, especially if you aim for legs; with the patches their force was reduced, but they are still capable of taking down 'Mechs with few concentrated shots. Once you're grounded the preferred tactic of the CPU is to leg you at the most damaged limb; quickly regain your feet and MOVE; your damaged limb will make movements very difficult, so try to withdraw to the MFBs for repairs. If combat is different, weapons are totally different from MW2 or even BattleTech: the best Laser weapons are ER or standard model, as they allocate on a single location; Pulse Lasers can allocate more damage and can be aimed more easily, but it's not so easy to keep the beam on target; they are quite good for sniping and massed Medium Pulse Lasers can be deadly. PPCs produce a lot of heat, but are the deadliest of the laser weapons, especially the Clan version: you must be good at "lag shooting" and to anticipate enemy's movements; three ER PPCs fired togheter will make your 'Mech very close to shuttdown, and four ER PPCs will make you shutdown; if you are going to use a 'Mech with a similar way (for example the Primary configuration of a Black Hawk or a Supernova) is better to alternate fire of single weapons or small groups (usually two, four for the Black Hawk). Remember that extreme heat will make your 'Mech slower and your cockpit instruments will shows statics; extreme damage to the center torso will produce the same statics as extreme heat, but won't reduce your speed. Ballistic weapons can be used as main weapons, though you'll need some energy weapon to compensate for the ammo. They are good for legging 'mechs and inflict high damages without risking too much about heat. Missiles are the best weapon of the game. They are guided, LRM can fire lots of missiles, allocate high damages and unlike standard BT launchers, they tend to concentrate damage, especially on torso sections. Four LRM 20s with Artemis FCS and 3 tons of ammo each can devastate any kind of 'Mech on the battlefield. AMS and ECM Suites are here to counteract missiles; ECM can block Artemis, and enough AMS can block great number of missiles, though you'll need about 6 AMS for four LRM-20 salvos fired at once. CASE protects you from ammo explosion, events that will make the entire 'Mech blow into pieces. Other equipment like BAP (Beagle/Clan Active Probe) and C3 Computers are nearly useless. Note that MW3 only assigns weapons and ammo critical hits, and XL engines, even in Inner Sphere variants, aren't subject to hits, like gyro, jump jets and other equipment. Head shots are relatively hard, and enemies will prefere to go for your legs; keep the maximum protection for the head, however. ********************* 8-MULTIPLAYER TACTICS ********************* The multiplayer matches have some differences from their single-player counterparts, though all tactics previously described are still .... First of all, you won't play against AI 'Mechs but against humans, so expect them to act in a more intelligent way the AI bots, and also expect a general flatness in weapon configs, especially after the patches; also, the Clan room generally contaist few players, unlike the Inner Sphere one, busy at all the times. MW3 lag is also remarkable, especially for players with slow connections (56K modems or less); I've heard that MW4 is much better, but we aren't here to speak about internet protocols and programming... First of all, you won't see assault 'Mechs on the net; they're extremely slow and offer a large target for boaters; the heaviest 'mech I've ever seen was a Supernova with modified engine, though the Mad Cat and other 70-75 tons 'Mechs are the heaviest. Other 'Mechs frequently used are the Owens and the Shadowcat; you'll probably see "no SC" or "no Owens" in the battle room, because these 'Mechs have a "strong" it however you want, but destroying an Owens or a Shadowcat is like bringing down a Black Hawk or similar 'Mechs-dunno why, but it is. The best way to survive in multiplayer battles is to keep the engine rating high (enough to give 50 kph as walking speed), but do not exceed: you can mount a 390XL engine on a Mad Dog which will make it very fast (90 kph maximum), though you'll have some problems in short-range battles if you haven't a good control over the throttle. Boaters are the wort thing of MW3; first there were LB-X or small laser boats, capable of knocking down or destroy a 'Mech's leg with a single salvo, but the patches reduced the power of LB-X ACs and increased the small lasers' heat output, so these boats are rare today. Flamer and machine gun boats are also present, though they are less effective. Missile boats are the most effective boats on the battlefield, and MicroProse/Zipper/Micro$oft/whoever else never reduced their power; unlike the original BT rules, missiles tend to strike the torso, in a very concentrated pattern; they aren't affected by pings (only when you aim, though) and when 4 LRM-20s fire at once even 6 AMS can shoot down the missiles. League rules tend to limit the numbers of weapons installable on 'Mechs, though every league has its own rules. PPCs and Gauss Rifles are nearly useless as their projectiles tend to be slow when compared to anything else (missiles excluded, but they are guided...), generate too much heat (PPCs) or have a very limited ammo supply (Gauss Rifles). The best Lasers are the standard/ER ones, as you haven't to keep the beam on the target for long times to allocate damage, though Medium Pulse Lasers can be useful at close range against (relatively) slow 'Mechs. Always allocate the maximum armor points on every 'Mech, and remember to use the MFBs on the map to repair damages (if you chosed to play with MFBs; these vehicles are invulnerable), and to use water to cool down. Jump jets should be used to climb ridges and to gain an edge over your opponent, and destroy that light 'mech before it can get too close (if it hasn't fired its LRM yet...oh, always keep at least two AMS on you 'Mech). **************** 9-INSTANT ACTION **************** ----------------------- --INSTANT ACTION MAPS-- ----------------------- + GORGE: a good map featuring any kind of object you will find during the game: water, buildings, hills, bridges etc etc. There is a river running throughout the map, starting from the south; it divides itself in two branches in the center of the map, where a small city rests. One branch continues toward north, and the depth of this part is enough to hide a BattleMech. The other branch turns toward west. Near the beginning of the river there is a small waterfall, and in the east portion of the map there is a small firebase. Hills sorround the map, and most are accessible even wwithout jump jets. + BIG LAKE: very flat terrain sorrounded by hill with few access points for 'Mechs without jets. On the west part there is an abandoned base, and you'll start in a small city where you can destroy almost everything (including the two men running away >:). Near the city there is a small firebase, and the north side of the map as the big lake giving the map its name. The lake can submerge a 'Mech in almost its surface. Good map if you like energy-only 'Mechs. + GRASSLAND: realtively flat area with ridges blocking the way. If you want to climb these hills you'll need jump jets or prepare yourself for a long journey. Near the starting position there is a small base and the north has an (out of order) elevator tower and a road going from east to west. the south east part has some water sorrounded by tall ridges and the south-west part is the dry lake bed you'll encounter during the second campaign. It is rumored that coders placed here an ester egg, at the north entrance to the lake bed (coordinates A-2, IIRC), though I've never seen it; it should be a green gift pack with red stripes. If anyone has info, please tell me. + ROLLING HILLS: like the name says, this map is covered by rolling hills which all 'Mechs can climb. You start near a burnign DropShip, and the flat areas form an ideal road to the DropShip. The west part of the map has a small river with a road. The TOD is night. ---------------------------- --BATTLE PROGRESSION WAVES-- ---------------------------- FIRST WAVE Owens, alternate C SECOND WAVE Bushwacker THIRD WAVE Strider, alternate B Strider, alternate C Strider, Primary FOURTH WAVE Puma, Primary Puma, alternate B Owens, alternate B Owens, Primary FIFTH WAVE Bushwacker Bushwacker Shadow Cat, alternate B SIXTH WAVE Orion Shadow Cat, Primary Shadow Cat, alternate A SEVENTH WAVE Strider, alternate D Strider, Primary Orion Orion Puma, alternate B EIGHTH WAVE Thor, alternate C Thor, Primary Thor, alternate A NINTH WAVE Mad Cat, Prime Mad Cat, alternate B Vulture, Prime Vulture, alternate C TENTH WAVE Orion Puma, Primary Strider, alternate B Mad Cat, alternate A Bushwacker ELEVENTH WAVE Vulture, alternate B Champion Thor, alternate B Shadow Cat, alternate A TWELVETH WAVE Black Hawk, alternate A Black Hawk, alternate C Black Hawk, alternate D Mad Cat, Primary Orion Champion ************** 10-WALKTHROUGH ************** Notes: the salvage after the missions is randomly decided by the computer. Normally it includes tons of armor, various ammo types and other misc equipment; remember that every 'Mech is salvageable: by destroying one leg, the 'Mech will be destroyed and you'll have it. Note that if the enemies destroy one of your legs you'll have to reply the whole mission. There aren't any weight limitations, so bring the best 'Mech you have. You'll start with a Bushwacker, standard configuration. Harder difficulty levels will increase AI values and not your enemies' tonnage. --------------- --OPERATION 1-- --------------- While you were droppoed on-planet by the DropShip Warhammer, the DropShip came under attack by something from the planet. The Fate of your lancemates, the other commando groups and the DropShip itself is unknown. Operation one was planned to destroy Clan Communication Centers and a 'Mech Production Facility. MISSION 1 Primary Objectives: + Take the Comm. Center offline at Nav Point Able + Destroy fixed emplacemnets + Rendezvous with the MFBs at Nav Point Baker You'll start with the beach on your left, inside the sea. The MFBs are at Nav Point Baker, and will keep a low aspect and radio profile to avoid detection; you won't be able to use them in this mission. Begin to advance toward the two SRM turrets directly in front of you; two APCs will "intercept" you: destroy them with laser fire while in water to improve cooling capabilities and save ammo. Do the same with the two turrets and cross the bridge: 3 trucks are trying to escape, but destroy on ly the first and approach the bridge: it will explode, with the other two trucks on it. An Owens (alternate C) will approach from the ridge previously connected by the bridge. Destroy it (remember that your Bushwacker has only standard heat sinks and using the laser only isn't a good idea; the AC combined with the Machine Guns are an ideal back-up system), and the use the wrecakges of the bridge to climb the ridge. The Comm. Center is on the right; target the antennae on the top and then target the remaing SRM turrets. Now go to Nav Baker to rendezvous with MFBs. MISSION 2 Primary Objectives: + Capture the barracks at Nav Point Able + Destroy Missile Platforms at Nav Point Baker Secondary Objectives: + Destroy all enemy units The MFBs technicians were able to pierce the encripted Clan communications, and you'll have direct access to their communications. In addition, all other troops dropped reported in, but the Blackhammer did not. Dominic Pain will join later, at the 'Mech Factory. You now have to attack two heavy missile platforms: they have an extreme range, but there is a blind spot in the south. Begin by following the road in front of you: two APCs and an Owens (alternate C) are going to the barracks at Nav Able to reinforce the current garrison force; take out the APCs first and then concentrate on the Owens before the Strider (alternate D) garrisoning the barracks will come to help his sibkin (a Clan term; simply put, a sibkin is someone you grwon with). Destroy these two 'Mechs (oddly enough the Strider will be an easier kill with its huge torso...) and target the first missile platform (the active one). Now step in the lake and destroy the approaching Bulldogs (they should four). Now climb the small hill and destroy the last platform. MISSION 3 Primary Objectives: + Destroy East Facility at Nav Point Able + Destroy West Facility at Nav Point Able + Escort MFBs at Nav point Charlie Secondary Objectives: + Destroy all enemy units After your succesful attack at the missile platforms the DropShip Eclypse, an other DropShip dispatched to attack Tranquil transmitted that it will wait you in the area north of you. The MFBs crew also discovered that the Blackhammer was probably shot down by Naval Lasers mounted on fixed emplacements. Follow the small road, and destroy the Firefly coming from the left. Stay on the ridge and use your long-range weapons to destroy the 2 APCs and the 3 Bulldogs protecting the first facility. Descend the hill and kill the Strider D patrolling the area around the East Facility; step in the river and destroy the pop-up missile turret; now destroy one support pilon for each structure of the first facility to destroy the buildings, and approach the second facility; destroy the other hidden turret and then destroy the Bulldog comong from Nav Charlie. Do the same with the Bushwacker, and use the river to avoid legging and to dissipate heat in a much efficent way. Now order the MFBs to move to Nav Charlie and wait them. MISSION 4 Primary Objectives: + Destroy Enemy Structures at Nav Point Able + Destroy Power Station at Nav Point Baker + Destroy Laser Towers at Nav Point Charlie Secondary Objectives: + Destroy all Jaguar forces Operation Final Objective: + Destroy 'Mech Fatory at Nav Point Able Some infos on the current situation: the Eclypse, the DropShip waiting for you is trying to hide from an entire front-line Trinary, and Team 2 reported that they succesfully destroyed the dam in their operation area. It is now time to destroy the 'Mech Factory and end the first operation. Begin to head at Nav Able, and destroy the Firefly and the Black Hawk protecting the greenhouses; Dominic Paine, piloting a Shadow Cat Primary, will enter the area from the west, targeting the greenhouses first. Try to salvage the Black Hawk, you'll need a good 'Mech for the next mission. Now destroy the Power Station and the turrets (4 SRM Turrets) protecting the 'Mech Factory. Two 'mechs will come from Point Charlie, namely a Strider and an Owens, both C variants. Order Paine to destroy the Owens while you take out the other one. Now call the MFBs for replenishing your ammo bins and repair your armor and begin to soften up the Orion protecting the Factory with long-range fire. As its torso armor reaches very low levels or the 'Mech is completely destroyed, cross the lake and destroy the factory. --------------- --OPERATION 2-- --------------- MISSION 1 Primary Objectives: + Destroy fixed emplacements at Nav Point Able + Destroy local commander + Escort MFBs to Nav Point Charlie Secondary Objectives: + Destroy all Jaguar forces This area was previously visited by Team 2. The dama that was used to be here is no longer operative thanks to your allies; Team 2 ecncoutered heavy resistance, and there are no datas on the present activities. Begin to head toward the destroyed dam; it will be your door to the dried lake, where's an entrance to underground facility. A Strider C will try to intercept you, and will call for reinforcments: 4 Bulldogs and 3 Strikers will come from the right, and when you'll reach the dam, an Owens B will enter the fight. The dam itself is protected by two SRM turrets. As you step into the dried lake, 5 Elementals will ambush you, and a Firefly will come to help its smaller friends. Once entered the lake, destroy the to inactive turrets on the right and then call your MFBs for repairs. A Shadowcat will begin to run toward; try to pick it out with long-range fire; this Shadowcat is an A variant, and doesn't have the Gauss Rifle. Once the Shadowcat is no longer operative, recall you MFBs for an other repair session (if needed) and head toward Nav Point Charlie; a Noruff-class Assault Dropship will take off from the main elevator tube, followed by a Thor C, a version carrying an LB 20-X. Try to salvage this 'Mech, and have no mercy for its pilot; one of the best tactics is to send Paine to engage it first, and then fire at the Thor's legs as Paine keeps him occupied. After this battle, call your MFBs for a rendez-vous at Nav Charlie and prepare to descend. MISSION 2 Primary Objectives: + Destroy docking station at Nav Point Able + Destroy headquarters at Nav Point Baker + Destroy all Smoke Jaguars Secondary Objectives: + Destroy the convoy The only infos you have on this zone was a short video shooted by an infiltration team. They got out from where you'll enter, and entered from where you'll go out. Near the exit there is a tank of a corrosive tank capable of destroying your armor, and you'll be death if it is released. There is a small HQ and Nav Point Baker and two low-orbit shuttles that have to be destroyed at Able. As you powerup, an Orion and a Shadowcat A will enter the elevator room; the Orion will attack you, while the Sahdowcat will go after the MFBs. Concentrate on the Orion before destroying the Shadowcat. Now follow the paved road and begin to take out the truck composing the convoy headed to the headquarters. 2 Bulldogs and a Bushwacker are protecting it; destroy the Bushwacker and then the Bulldogs. Now aim your weapons on the shuttles and destroy them. Head to the headquarters: advance slowly, and stop when you get into a valid range for your weapons: destroy the 2 Laser Turrets, the 5 Elementals and the Firefly with long-range fire, and you won't have to fight them in close quarters. To destroy the HQ, destroy the tall column on the left; you'll salvage a Thor by destroying the colum; now climb the small building and destroy the trucks, and collect your salvage. A Black Hawk B will power up; engage it in the HQ chamber, or the mission will become too risky. Now head toward the exit, and you'll hear the Clan commander ordering to blow the gas tank. Engage the Orion doing so ASAP, or the mission will fail. After the gas threat has been eliminated, reach the armored door behind the tank, blown it up and step in the small corridor to reach an other elevator. MISSION 3 Primary Objectives: + Destroy elevator at Nav Point Able + Destroy buildings at Nav Point Baker Secondary Objectives: + Destroy all Jaguar forces More informations about the Eclypse; the front-line Trinary patrolling the area is still present, and Kit Andrews suggests a more prundent approach. Epona Rhi's position is still unknown, but she might be only on radio silence. You'll begin this mission just outside the elevator that brought you on surface; blown it to pieces and engage the two Firefly sent by their commander to investigate. No move toward Point Baker slowly, and destroy the three Donars patrolling the area before engaging the Strider Primary and its escort of four Harrassers. Now you should be near the river. Destroy the four Pumas (two B and two Primary) with long-range fire and then cross the water and destroy the several APCs patrolling the area. Call the MFBs and dock for repairs before destroying the building at Nav Baker. Head toward Nav Point Charlie, and destroy the Champion protecting the entrance to an underground 'Mech facility. Step into the cave and reach Nav Point Charlie to end the mission. MISSION 4 Primary Objectives: + Destroy mining equipment at Nav Able + Destroy 'Mech factory at Nav Baker Secondary Objectives: + Destroy all enemy units This is an other 'Mech production site; it should have been Team 3's job, a full lance of heavy 'Mechs, and this will be hard. Fortunately enough Epona Rhi will assist in the attack. Begin to walk into the corridor, until it turns right: on the small platform at its end, an Owens Primary is waiting you; try do destroy it with a direct leg attack or at least to heavily damage it; as you step on the platform, two Thors will power up: order to Paine to take the D variant (the one with a jungle camo) while you destroy the other one, a Primare config. As these tow 'Mechs are down, destroy the Owens if you still have to do this and call your MFBs, you'll surely need repairs after this fighting. The cave you're in has tow lines moving mined material: to destroy them you must obliterate the support pylons: the lines themsleves are invulnerable; be sure leave the south line intact, or you won't be able to proceed in you mission (if you haven't jump jets). The mining equipment is powered by a laser turret in the building which connects the lines: destroy it. Now use the small concrete ramp to access the southern mining line and step in the building where the turret was: on you left there's an armored door that have to be destroyed to let you enter the 'Mech facility (side note: it is extremely rare that your lancemate would be able to follow you: when I played this mission for writing this walkthorugh, it fell from the line and destroyed its own head, or something similar: I know only that Paine's 'Mech didn't survived for head damage). Follow the tunnel until you see the 'Mech factory, shrouded in a green light: a Puma A is patrolling the area, and it is better to take it out before entering the factory: an Annihilator is awaiting you, but it will be engaging Epona's Bushwacker, leaving you free to palce few shot before it begins to fire at you. After this 'Mech target the center column and destroy the factory; you'll salvage a Vulture, a Thor and an Annihilator everytime. --------------- --OPERATION 3-- --------------- MISSION 1 Primary Objectives: + Destroy headquartes at Nav Able + Escort MFBs at Nav Charlie Secondary Objectives: + Destroy all enemy units For the intelligence, Operation Area 3 is th hardest of all areas; it had to be swept by Team 4, 5 and 6. Kit Andrews is still trying to meet you, but he suggests to rendez-vous in the north. In this operation area it is vital to destroy the spaceport and the city near it. Meanwhile, you have to pick up salvages for R&R. As soon as you power up you'll notice an Orion on your left: after the small ridge you'll see that this 'Mech is standing on a small platform: try to shoot at him ASAP, or it will continue to fire LRMs at you. Other 'Mechs will join the battle: two Striders (Primary and C variants) will directly attack you, while an Avatar Priamry will join the HQ defenses. The Striders can be easily took out with long range fire, and it is also possible to damage the Avatar before it exits your firing arc. All other 'Mechs are projected by the platform where the Orion was, and are inoffensive, though they'll block you weapons; there's no way to destroy the platform and its projector, so ignore them. Head toward the enemy HQ: you already know that it is protected by an Orion and an Avatar Primary, but there are also a Bushwacker and two Laser Turrets; take out the 'Mechs first, then the turrets and finally the HQ. Call your MFBs and dock fro repairs. Now head toward the small river on the south: destroy the turret protecting an armored gate and move past it; the local commander is awaiting you there and when you encounter a Vulture Primary it will challenge you to a one-on-one duel. The Vulture is protected by some ruins and continues to fire LRMs, so move in ASAP and destroy it: now move to kill the commander, piloting a Mad Cat Primary. Call your MFBs to rendez-vous at Nav Charlie and prepare yourself for the next mission. MISSION 2 Primary Objectives: + Take control over the fortress at Nav Able + Protect the fortress core The datas you have are old, as the previously unknown presence of that holoprojector proved; from the datas recovered from the HQ, the Jaguars have enough men but no 'Mechs, as you destroyed their factories. It also apperas that Galaxy Commander Ratache Osis is leading a force to track you down. Not enough, the MFBs are in need of refit and repairs, and Andrews reported strange movements from the west. Kit Andrews also reported some strange movements on the west. The fortress is protected by an Annihilator and a Mad Cat A. Split your lancemates evenely between these two targets and attack. When the Annihilator comes down one Shadow Cat Primary will power up, trying to help is sibkins; kill it too and call the MFBs, but do not dock for repairs, there's no time: a Sunder Primary cmoing from the east brought more enemies: fortunately enough this 'Mech is piloted by Alan Mattila, your last lancemate: order the lancemate piloting the lighest 'Mech to take on the Shadowcat B, and order Alan to destroy the Vulture B; you have to engage the Mad Cat B, which is the commander, while the remaining lancemate closes and finishes off the Thor C. MISSION 3 Primary Objectives: + Secure the DropShip at Nav Able with the MFBs + Protect DropShip from attacks Alan reports that the Blackhammer crashed, and he had to run when the Jaguars came to collect the salvage, eventually entering in your operation area. Kit Andrews is near, and it is possible to use his Arrow IV missiles with the TAG equipment in the DropShip. Begin to destroy the Avatar Primary guarding the hill in front of you: three Striders will power up: the two on the left (D and B variants) will go to the DropShip, and the third, a B variant, from the right, will attack you. Move past the bridge and order your MFBs to move to the DropShip when the last Strider falls under you fire. The area will become very hot, with three Donars doing high speed passes over you and 5 Elementals attacking your moving MFBs; an Orion will also enter the area, followed by two Avatars (C and Primary configs): take out the Donars and the Elementals first, then the Orion and finally the Avatars; concentrate fire and do not slipt your forces. MISSION 4 Primary Objectives: + Destroy facilities and bridges at Nav Able + Destroy the central bridge + Destroy towers and bridge at Nav Charlie Secondary Objectives: + Destroy all Jaguar forces Mission Final Objective: + Defeat Ratache Osis Unfortunately the Clans where able to take a great deal of equipment from the Black Hammer; you have to take them back or at least deny them to the Jaguars, or you and the rescue team will be cut off. This area also features two Naval Lasers that need to be destroyed. Once again, destroy the 'Mech (a Shadowcat B) guarding the hill in front of you, and then move toward the river. Take out the two turrets and let your lancemates destroy the bridges. When you spot the two pyramids, destroy the nearest: a Black Hawk primary will power up: take it out while its Lasers cannot reach you. Other 'Mechs will power up: order two of your lancemates to destroy the Vulture B on the left, while you and the other one take out the Cualdron Born B and the Mad Cat A on the right. Destroy the second pyramid and head toward Nav Charlie. Ratache Osis, in his Thor C, will challenge you to a Circle of Equals: show him who is the real trueborn (side note: one of the greatest things of MW2 and GBL is that you are a Clanner, and not an Inner Sphere pilot...maybe in MW5 Clanners like me will be able to stage single players campaigns with their beloved Clan...) and destroy the two towers supporting the Lasers and the last bridge. MISSION 5 Primary Objectives: + Destroy urban complex at Nav Beta + Blast open corridor gate at Nav Charlie Secondary Objectives: + Take over loading dock at Nav Dog + Defeat all Smoke Jagaur units. Ratache Osis is still alive. He's very angry now, and he will use any kind of resource to track you down. It is now time to strike the city near the spaceport and access it by a tunnel; this tunnel is heavily protected, by Kit Andrews is in poistion, ready to use its Arrow IV missiles when you'll highlight targets with the TAG you recovered from the Black Hammer (you lef the TAG in the previous mission? Not too bad, it is useless even in the only mission you have artillery support). There's also a Clan DropShip at the spaceport, your only ticket out of here. Begin to head toward Nav Dog: destroy the Puma B and the two Bulldogs there and return to the starting point: two Owens (A and B configs) will welcome you, plus a Vulture A and an Annihilator shooting at you from the big pyramid a the center of the map. Take out ther light 'Mechs first, then concentrate on the Annihilator and finally on the Vulture. Now climb the pyramid and get rid of the three Bulldogs protecting the city; descend from the structure and approach the city gates (in the right corner from where you are) and destroy the two Pumas (B and C configs) patrolling the city. Move in wth your lancemates, and begin to shoot at the three structures under construction on the opposite side of the side; when you approach to them an Annihilator and an Avatar Primary will power up, trying tod efend the complex; slipt your lancemates evenly and destroy them. Now exit the small city and place yourself in front of the corridor; begin to destroy every turret protecting it; if you have the TAG, use your zoom to target the door and wait for the Arrow IV missiles; if haven't this system, just enter the corridor to blast the door open with your weapons; in both cases an other Annihilator will try to stop you; it will be always active, and you should be able to pick it out with aimed long-range fire. MISSION 6 Primary Objectives: + Destroy the fortress at Nav Able + Destroy the spaceport at Nav Baker Secondary Objectives: + Destroy all Jaguar forces Final Objective: + Defeat Ratache Osis You're near the spaceport, but it is protected by a fortress that could support an entire Trinary; there's also an other Naval Laser tower in the spaceport; seems also that the rescue trams are pulling back, so your only chance to left this planet is to capture the DropShip. Begin to walk toward the fortress: 4 Elementals and six Strikers will power up: use long range weapons to take them out and destroy the fortress central pylon to reduce it to rubble. An Avatar B and a Mad Cat Primary will come to stop you; there's no need to use your lancemates: the Avatar can be easily destroyed with long range fire, and the Mad Cat won't pose a great threat if you have a similar or heavier 'Mech. Now move to the spaceport: it is protected by a short-range turret and four 'Mechs: two Cauldron Borns B will try to flank you, so redirect two of your lancemates to destroy them: order the third lancemate to destroy the first Avatar C while you take out the second. There are also three Donars in the zone: be sure to take them out before assaulting the spaceport. After the main spaceport structure is gone, Ratache Osis, this time piloting a Supernova will powerup: take it out and prepare for some bad news. --------------- --OPERATION 4-- --------------- MISSION 1 Primary Objectives: + Destroy North Tower at Able + Destroy South Tower at Charlie + Destroy East Tower at Baker + Destroy train at Dog Secondary Objectives: + Destroy all Jaguar forces Ratache Osis is finally dead, but Galaxy Commander Corbett took the command of the operations on Tranquill. The DropShip you planned to capture lifted off after dropping enough Jaguar forces to retake Tranquill; this was broadcasted by Corbett himself on all open frequencies, and the Eclypse commander ordered to all rescue teams to pull back; looks like you're stranded on a hostile world. As soon as you powerup, move north, heading toward Nav Able; it is the area wiht less resistance, and the train won't wait for you, so the first part of this mission is going to be a hit and run. Near Nav Point Able you'll find two Cauldron Borns (B and C variants): order your lancemates to engage them while you run toward Nav Able: there you'll find the first Comm Tower; ignore it for now and destroy the 4 Strikers protecting it, and wait for you lancemates to arrive. The train is protected by a Thor C and a Mad Cat Primary: order your lancemates to destroy them and move to destroy that train, which should be at the depot now. Now regroup and finish off any Comm Tower and 'Mechs in the area. MISSION 2 Primary Objectives: + Destroy village at Nav Able + Destroy laser tower at Nav Baker Secondary Objectives: + Destroy all Jaguar forces This is going to be a simple smash and run mission; in the area there is an other Naval Laser, plus a small village used by Clan warriors. Move to destroy the three laser towers in front of you: 'Mechs will power up on any side: take care of the Champion first: it will go after the MFBs. Now concentrate on the Thor C and the Mad Cat D. The village itself is not protected, but other 'Mechs will come from Nav Able: the first that you have to take down is the Annihilator, followed shortly by the Supernova and then by the Champion. Head toward Nav Baker: a Supernova is still active, but a Daishi B will power up: try to salvage both 'Mechs is you use assault 'Mechs, or simply destroy them is you use more agile 'Mechs; destroy the laser tower and hit CTRL and Q to end this mission. MISSION 3 Primary Objectives: + Capture supply depot at Nav Point Able + Capture Shuttle Pad at Nav Beta The rescue company is pulling back, but they are waiting for you where they can. Begin to move along the shore you are on; beyond the hill two Vultures (C and A configs) will power up, ordering to all other 'mechs to power up; start the fight with the Vultures, and pay attention when two Orions enter the battle, or their missiles will make your life very difficult. Once you've destroyed the first four 'Mechs call the MFBs and dock for repair; cross the nearby bridge and ignore for now the supply base: destroy the Orion and Annihilator patrolling the shore where you are now and then head back; if you don't destroy them now, the Orion's missiles will be a pain during the attack to the base. ow proceed to capture the base: it is protected by four Strikers and two Supernovas, plus three PPC turrets; not enough, three Donars will begin to sweep the area as the ground forces engage you. Let your lancemates engage the vehicles while you take out the 'Mechs and the turrets; when you destroy all threats in the base, it will be captured. Call on more time the MFBs for repair and proceed toward Nav Baker, and destroy all turrets your sensors show; Nav Baker is protected by 5 Elementals and 2 Annihilators: the Elementals will attack first, while the Annihilators will try to flank you in a pincer move. Split evenly your lancemates between these two 'Mechs and proceed to Nav Baker: a shuttle will take off, but there's nothing you can do for now. MISSION 4 Primary Objectives: + Capture Clan base at Nav Point Able Secondary Objectives: + Capture warehouse at Nav Point Baker The MFB crew was able to track the shuttle to a peninsula north of your position; it appears to be Corbett's personal shuttle, and it is your only way to escape from the planet; this means abandoning our 'mechs, though. The shuttle is somewhere near this fortified base you need to capture to discover its position. The MFBs will remain in a small cave to avoid threats (and if you need to repair you'll need to run for a full kilometer to reach them). The warehouse (Nav Baker) is protected by a turret and an Elemental, and there are two 'Mech patrols in the area, plus one composed of three Elementals; the first patrol has two Mad Cats (Primary and D configs) and one Thor C; these 'Mechs will engage you just outside the cave where the MFBs are, and they'll prefer to engage your Mobile Bases tham engagin you directly. After having destroyed this patrol move to the warehouse and annihilate any opposing force (the warehouse will give you 4 Clan LRM 20s). Move toward the base: the second patrol, this time a Thor B and two Orions, will block your way; in the meantime, three Donars will begin to stage strafing runs; destroy the 'mech first and then the VTOLs; the base itself is protected by two pop-up turrets with Gauss Rifle, plus a Mad Cat A and a Thor Primary moving along the border; you can take out these two 'Mechs by sniping them from afar; the turrets active themselves when you are about 400 meters away from the base, and they'll need few shots to go down. The last two 'Mechs are two Daishis (one A and one B configs), near the generator you need to destroy, on the fortress' roof; use one of the horizontal supports to climb on the roof and snipe the two Daishis: the place where they are is very tigh, and with their firepower will destroy you in seconds; your lancemates won't follow you on the roof because they don't know how climb the support, so you're going to engage two Daishis alone; to destroy them, engage them from above, and try to gain a position from where you hit their torsos but where they can't shoot back. When these two 'Mechs are down, step where they were and destroy the dome generator. MISSION 5 Primary Objectives: + Destroy Core Tap at Nav Point Able + Destroy Core Tap at Nav Point Baker + Destroy Core Tap at Nav Point Charlie + Destroy Core Tap at Nav Point Dog + Destroy all Smoke Jaguar forces Final Objective: + Reach elevator at Nav Point Echo This is going to be a solo mission. This lava pit is capable of producing enough energy for the whole peninsula. If intelligence is correct this pit is guarded only by Elementals and light 'Mechs; you won't have MFB support. Do not destroy the core tap until you reach the elevator, and be sure to do not destroy the small bridge connecting the platforms. The area is protected by at least eight Elementals and three Sunders (one Primary and two C configs...light 'Mechs, quiaff?); the three Sunders are near the first (Nav Able) core tap, the second (Baker) and the fourth (Dog), and the Elementals are two groups of four each (or five...I think there are 10 Elementals, but one or two will jump directly into the lava...ah, falling into the lava means immediate death for everything) near the first core tap and the third; it also possible that tehy'll split into smaller groups, depends on how many of them ended in the lava. Note that the lava greatly increases your heat output, and the best thing to do here is to use Gauss Rifles. Once you have reached the Elevator, destroy the four core taps and enter the elevator. MISSION 6 Primary Objectives: + Destroy all Jaguar 'Mechs The shuttle is out there and the Eclypse is waiting in orbit for you. However, Corbett is out there too, and he's waiting in the caldera: you have to buy some minutes to allow the MFBs crew to prepare your only escape from Tranquill. There are four 'Mechs: Corbett's Daishi Primary, one Mad Cat D, one Cauldron Born B and one Supernova. They will go after you, and looks that your lancemates are dumber than usual: they'll tend to fire only when they reach 500 meters, and the Clan 'Mechs are piloted by elite 'Mechs who'll place their shots wherever they want; no wonder that your legs will become their favourite target. Let your lancemates engage first (advance slowly and issue the attack order), or the Jaguars will make a short work of you. You won't have MFB support. Sit back and enjoy the ending. Just to write something else, the highest score I've ever did is 240000, with the rank of Captain. ******************* 11-CREDITS and MISC ******************* First credit? To Fasa for having created the whole BattleTech universe. Then to me, Briareos Kerensky (Zone ID: briareos_CWE) and to all site showing this FAQ with my permission; visit them at: 1) The Clans Hall (; it's my site. Visit it and leave your sign on the guestbook, this will make me very happy) 2) GameFAQs ( 3) Neoseeker ( 4) The Cheat Empire ( 5) Video Games Strategies ( 6) Sjel's Walkthrough Page ( 7) Cheat City ( 8) Free Games ( or, translated in Italian and Spanish 9) Gamespot ( an everyone who helped with this document. Special thanks to: all italian BT/MW players; all programs I used to do this FAQ; my turtle and my dog (he's not died yet); my PC (asking every time to kill him when I push any of its buttons); Dynamic Italia for having published Evangelion's 10th Genesis and other tapes I and the italian otaku community were waiting for; all soundtracks that accompained me during this long work (nominally: all Eva OSTs, Cowboy Bebop OST, and everythign from Beethoven, Back, Pachelbel, Wagner, Saint Saen, Orff and everyone I forgot); my still trasparent and bodyless girlfriend. To ask permission to post this document, just send a mail writing down the URL. To contact me, write at; ICQ UIN is 40534369; Odigo ID is 264286. Write only about this FAQ or if you have a cute (female)friend/sister to introduce. Copyright (c) Briareos Kerensky 2000/2001. Reproduction and translation of this document (as a whole or parts of its) in any mode without permission is strictly forbidden. All names and marks are proprieties of respective owners.