=>See Boss: To see the leader of the next stage, simply kill the first boss and pause the game as he flies off the screen. =>Continue: At the end of the first stage, just before the G sign, will be some platforms and a cliff. Jump up at the edge of the cliff to reveal an egg containing the Hudson Bee. Grab it, and you can continue your game on the Game Over screen by holding R and pressing START. Or, hold U+A+SELECT and press START. =>Controller: In world 1-4, play until you see a red flower, which indicates that a coyote will attack you from behind. Shoot the coyote two times while jumping, and a Nintendo controller will appear. Grab it for 1000 points. =>Stage Select: On the title screen, press D U L R B A B A. (C) Copyright 1999 by David Dayton E-mail: DavidDayton@bigfoot.com http://www.bigfoot.com/~daviddayton