=============================================================================== FAQ/Walkthrough for BROKEN SWORD 3: THE SLEEPING DRAGON =============================================================================== ___________________ | GUIDE INFORMATION | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо AUTHOR : Tom Hayes E-MAIL : tomhayes83(at)hotmail(dot)com SYSTEM : PC UPDATED : 22nd May, 2004 VERSION : 2.0 __________ | CONTENTS | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо 1. Introduction 2. Walkthrough 2.1. Congo 2.2. Paris 2.3. Congo 2 2.4. Glastonbury 2.5. Paris 2 2.6. Theatre 2.7. Paris 3 2.8. Congo 3 2.9. Paris 4 2.10. Theatre 2 2.11. Susarro's Castle 2.12. Paris 5 2.13. Montfaucon 2.14. Paris 6 2.15. Armillary 2.16. Glastonbury 2 3. Item List 3.1. George 3.2. Nico 4. Copyright information _________________ | VERSION HISTORY | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо VERSION 2.0 : 22nd May, 2004 Updated the format. VERSION 1.0 : 22nd March, 2004 First version. =============================================================================== 1. Introduction =============================================================================== Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon is the third game in the excellent Broken Sword series of graphic adventures. A young hacker, Vernon Blier, has decoded a document known as the Voynich Manuscript, which explains why many earthquakes have been occuring lately. He rings Nico (a journalist from the previous two games) and tells her to come to his apartment so that he can explain his findings, but before she arrives Vernon his shot dead by a mysterious killer, and Nico arrives only to be accused of his murder. This starts one of the most exciting Broken Sword games yet, which brings George Stobbart and Nico Collard across the world, from the Congo to Prague, and from Egypt to Glastonbury in England to discover the true source of these earthquakes. =============================================================================== 2. Walkthrough =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1. Congo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______ | PLANE | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо The game starts with George sitting in the seat of the crashed plane. Use the seat belt to unfasten it, and George will stand up. Get the bottle of beer from the floor and walk to the south side of the crate on the left. Use the buckle to unfasten it from the crate, then move around to right side of the crate. Pull the crate east once, then push the crate south to the back of the plane. We can now walk to the front of the plane without in overbalancing, so walk through to the cockpit of the plane to see Harry, who is currently unconscious. Look at Harry to discover a bottle opener. Combine the bottle opener with the bottle of beer in the inventory, then give the open beer bottle to Harry to wake him up. Get the nearby fire extinguisher, highlight the window and use the fire extinguisher to break the glass. Attempt to climb out of the window and the plane will start to tip again. Talk to Harry about Plane Tilts, and Harry will go and sit on the crate at the back of the plane. Climb out of the window, the plane will fall and Harry and George will both land on some cliff ledges. ______________ | CLIFF LEDGES | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо Jump over the gap to the platform and pull up to the next platform to talk to Harry, where George explains that he is here to meet Cholmondely. Walk over to the right side of the platform to drop down to the crumbling platform below, then quickly walk right again to drop down to the next platform. Jump up the ledge on the right to see a thin ledge leading around the rock on the right. Walk near to the wall and side step all the way around the ledge to the platform on the other side. Drop down the next ledge to land near a waterfall. Instead of jumping through the waterfall at this point, drop down the two platforms near to the left side of it. Now jump through the waterfall to the platform on the other side and step up the next platform to see another ledge. For this ledge, tap the climb off action command to hold onto the edge of the ledge, then continue moving right to make it to drop down to the platform on the other side. Side step around the next ledge. Climb up the next platform and jump over the gap to the other side. Climb up the next five platforms above, then drop down to the next platform. Sidestep around the next small ledge and jump up the two platforms on the left to arrive outside the cave. A cutscene will play here where a man named Susarro stands over Professor Cholmondely. As Cholmondely tries to explain, the man standing next to Susarro shoots him, and George's first section ends here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2. Paris ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____________________________ | OUTSIDE VERNON'S APARTMENT | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо Nico's first section starts with her wondering what has happened to her career in journalism, and she has decided to follow up on the story of Vernon. As she knocks on the door of his apartment, a gunshot is heard from inside. There is no way into the apartment through this door, so we will have to find another way in. Get the pencil from the pad on the wall, then open the window to walk outside. Pull the birdbath back once, climb over it and push it forward once. Climb on top of the birdbath, face right and jump to the pipe above. Move left and drop down to the balcony outside of Vernon's apartment. These windows can't be opened however, so half turn to face the railing and climb over it to the other side. Move left along the rail and then climb over to the next balcony after passing the spiked fence. Select the press card from the inventory and use it to unlock the window, then open the window to enter Vernon's apartment. ___________________________ | INSIDE VERNON'S APARTMENT | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо Open the door at the other side of the bedroom to discover Vernon lying dead on the floor. Look at the body to take Vernon's business card, then get the shell casing on the floor at the right side of the body. Walk through the arch to the next room, and a woman will jump out to point a gun at Nico. When you can, quickly pick up the frying pan and Nico will throw it toward the woman. She will shoot the gun, but it will hit the frying pan instead of Nico. Quickly open the fridge door to throw the woman over to the other side of the room. The woman will stand up and again try to shoot Nico, but the gun will fail and she will quickly run out of the door. Nico will run outside of the apartment to find that the mysterious woman has driven away in the car. Open the door to return to the apartment and walk through the arch to hear the floorboard creak under the rug. Move the rug and lift the loose floorboard to discover a small safe which is locked at the moment. Walk back into the kitchen and get the bank statement from the trash can. Listen to the answer machine to hear the first message from Vernon's mother, the second message is from Nico saying that she will be around at eight for the interview, and the third message is from Beatrice saying that she will be waiting for Vernon in the gardens after Nico's visit. Open the door to exit the apartment and arrive on the balcony. Climb down both of the ladders to arrive at the end of a small road near some trash cans. ____________________________ | OUTSIDE VERNON'S APARTMENT | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо There is nothing in the trash cans, but there is a piece of newspaper nearby. Get the newspaper, then climb over the wall at Nico's left side and drop down to the area on the other side. Walk to the bench at the left side of the area and get the black wig, which Nico recognises as being an exact copy of her own style. Look at the wig in the inventory to discover that the label had been cut out, but that a few strands of gold hair were left inside. Climb back over to the other side of the wall and run south to the main road. Quarter turn left, run forward and go down the next road on the left to see a woman with a broom outside of a restaurant. Ask her about the Blonde Woman, who it seems escaped in a sports car. Run back to the main road and talk to the skateboarder about the Sports Car to find out that it was red E-type Jag. Run down to the other end of the main road and talk to the traffic warden about the Shell Casing and Sports Car to discover its registration number. After the conversation, the police will arrive to talk to Nico. They take her to Vernon's apartment and accuse her of murdering him, but she explains to the inspector that it was someone else who did the murder. When Nico gets a chance to talk, tell the detective about the Blonde Woman, the Dark Wig, the Sports Car, Vernon Blier and finally Nico Collard. Exit the conversation menu and the detectives will take Nico away for further questioning. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.3. Congo 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________ | INSIDE THE CAVE | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо We join George inside the mysterious cave that was found toward the end of the first Congo section. Run south to find Cholmondeley lying on the floor mumbling something about the world being in danger. He finishes with the word 'Susarro', and then dies. Search Cholmondely to discover his I.D. Run to the table at the top-right corner of the room and get the postcard from Glastonbury in England, which was sent by someone called Bruno. Get the magnifying glass from the table as well, and then run south toward the crate. Push the crate south five times and it will move onto a pressure pad, causing a nearby door to open. Run through the newly opened door to arrive in a room with a strange machine which seems to have been partly destroyed. Use the panel in front of the machine and it will attempt to start. Move right slightly and pull the lever, which causes the machine to explode. The sound of men outside shows that George has attracted some attention, but don't worry about them for now. Run over to the right side of the destroyed machine and get the lever. Go west toward the exit of the room, but stop before the doorway to see a small device on the wall. Use the metal rod on the device and then pull it once. Walk through the doorway to the next room and pull the crate back three times (as the metal rod was used, the door remains open when the crate leaves the pad). Push the crate east to the next room, then push it north to the wall at the top of the room. Get the metal rod from the device on the left. Climb on top of the crate, walk forward and jump up to the ledge above. Walk north after landing on the ledge to arrive in a cave. Walk to the top of the path and use the metal rod to knock down the bird's nest. Get the nest from the floor and then walk south to find a thin ledge leading off to the left. Sidestep along this ledge to the platform on the other side. Jump up to the ledge above and climb left along and around the corner. Drop down to the platform below and jump over the big gap on the left. Continue left, jump and grab onto the ledge and pull up to exit the cave. __________________ | OUTSIDE THE CAVE | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо Run south to the top of the path to find a big statue of a dragon head. George will notice Harry in the truck below, as well as Susarro and two guards who are standing in the main area. Use the bird's nest in the hole of the statue, then use the magnifying glass on the bird's nest. The sun will reflect off of the rays of the sun and burn the nest, which will create a fire in the middle of the dragon's head. The guards will run away, but Susarro will start walking toward George. As soon as you gain control, quickly run toward the back of the truck and jump in to escape from Susarro. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.4. Glastonbury ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- George arrives in Glastonbury in search of Bruno, the man named in the postcard that was found in the Congo. Run up the road to the pub at the end and talk to the man sitting on the bench about Eamon O'Mara four times to discover that he is a poet and reporter, who has come to Glastonbury to do a TV show. Exit the conversation, cross to the other side of the road and enter The Cosmic Faerie about half-way up the road. Look at the postcards on the stand to see a stack of cards that look exactly the same as the one found in the Congo. Look at the poetry book on the counter and George will notice the silver coins. Read the book, and then talk to the shop owner, Tristram Hillage, about Eamon O'Mara. George will tell him that Eamon O'Mara may be interested in his poetry, so Tristram will give George a copy of his book. Exit the conversation and exit the shop. Walk back down to the pub on the other side of the road and talk to Eamon O'Mara about Tristram Hillage twice. George will show Eamon the copy of the Tristram's book and he will read it. After realising that the book is full of poetry written by other authors, Eamon charges into the Cosmic Faerie. While Eamon is quoting poetry to the Tristram, George can now walk up the steps at the side of the shop without being stopped. After gaining control, walk up the steps to the second floor to meet Melissa, the daughter of the Colonel that is angrily marching around outside. Ask her about the Man and Tristram Hillage twice. George will walk downstairs to tell Tristram that Melissa now knows that he had been copying poems. Ask Tristram about Colonel Butley and George will threaten to tell Butley about him. Ask about Bruno to get some boxer shorts, then exit the shop. Run down the road and enter Zazie's Kiosk. Combine the metal rod and the poetry book with coins in the inventory to remove the three silver coins from the book. Walk north to sit down at the table, then give her one of the silver coins. Show her the Glastonbury Postcard and she will say that the psychic imprint on the card is too faint to read well. She says she needs something more personal of Bruno's to make an accurate reading, so give her the boxer shorts. She will mention something about dragon fire, say something about Bruno only having minutes to live and will then faint on the table. George exits the kiosk to see a barn burning in the distance. Cross over to the other side of the road and try to open the door at the left side of the Yeomen's Arms pub to find that it is locked, so talk to Eamon on the bench and he will help to break down the door. George enters the area with the burning barn to see a hooded monk walking away, but decides not to follow as Bruno must be saved from the barn. Walk over to the front of the barn to find four crates. Pull the right crate back three times over to the front of the two middle crates. Push the left crate forward twice and right once, then push the highest of the two bottom crates forward twice. Climb on top of the highest crate, walk forward and climb into the barn. Walk forward and untie the hands of Bruno. Climb out of the barn, and George and Bruno will escape just before the barn explodes. George takes him to the main road and realises that Bruno is in fact Ostvald, a nobel prize winner that George last saw in the Hotel Ubu in Paris. Talk to him about the Robed Figure and Ostvald says that it may have been one of Susarro's men. Ask about Susarro three times, and Ostvald will explain that Susarro is now the new Grand Master of the Neo-Templars, which he has named The Cult of the Dragon. Ask about Dr Cholmondely twice, Earth Power twice to hear an explanation on geomantic energy and then ask about Glastonbury Tor. George's section ends here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5. Paris 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We rejoin Nico back in Paris, where it turns out she had been in a cell for two days on false charges. After the phonecall from Candice at Nico's work, open the apartment door and travel to Vernon's Apartment Area. You can ignore the two people that are discussing Nico in the first alley, as talking to them only reveals that one of the women still believes Nico to be the killer. Walk north down the road and go down the second alley on the right. Run to the end and climb up both ladders to arrive outside the door of Vernon's apartment. Use the newspaper on the door and Nico will slide it under. Use the pencil on the door, and Nico will push the key out of the keyhole so that it lands on the paper. Get the newspaper and use the key on the door. Open the door to enter the apartment kitchen. Run over to the top-right corner of the kitchen and get a tissue from the counter near the trash can. Walk through to the next room of the apartment. Open the door to the bedroom and give the tissue to Beatrice. Ask her about Vernon's Safe and she will say that she doesn't know what the password is, but that Vernon frequenly asked when her birth date was. Exit the conversation and open the door to exit the bedroom. Use the floor safe under the arch and select Beatrice to use her birth date as the combination, which opens the safe. Get the diagram and DVD from the floor safe, then open the kitchen door to exit the apartment. Climb down both ladders and run up the alley to the main road to see a red sports car suddenly drive toward her. Keep tapping the S key to dodge the car, which will drive away. Walk south to the end of the main road and select Nico's Apartment to return there. Run over to the table and use Vernon's DVD on the TV/DVD player. A movie of Vernon will be shown, who explains that the manuscript he had been paid to decode had a deadly secret, which tells of a power that could destroy all of mankind. The power flows around the Earth in ley lines, which an ancient civilisation found out about and used, but almost destroyed the world when they become greedy of the power. Vernon then says that the people that paid him want him to harness this power, which could mean the end of the world. He then says that two things are very important: The Key of Solomon and the phrase "Devils and Witches dance with cows on the Sabbath. He tells Beatrice that he fears for his life, tells her he loves her, and then the movie ends. After the movie, use the phone on the table and call Andre Lobineau. Tell him about Vernon Blier and Nico will explain about the DVD she just watched. Andre will agree to come over to the apartment to watch the DVD. Andre says that he has no idea what the diagram is, but explains that the Key of Solomon is a fabled book that holds the wisdom of Solomon. Nico then tells him about the strange phrase she heard, and Andre mentions that devils and witches used to dance on the Ile St Louis. Use the phone to call the Newspaper, and ask about the Theatrical Mask. Exit the apartment and select the Theatre. After the phone call from Nico's boss, Nico will exit the apartment to journey to the theatre. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.6. Theatre ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ | NICO | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо Nico arrives outside the theatre on the Ile St Louis at night, but as is to be expected from an old abandoned theatre the front doors are locked. Go right down the road and take the first alley on the left to see a red sports car at the end. It looks suspiciously like the one that tried to knock Nico over earlier, so check in the window of the car to see the theater mask that the traffic warden described. Run back around the corner in the road to view the building on the left and metal construction platforms on the other side. Jump and climb up to the first of these platforms platforms, then climb up the ladder to the second floor. Run around the corner to the end, half turn and pull up to the third floor. Walk forward slightly after landing and pull up to the fourth floor. Run around the corner, drop down to the third floor and climb up the ladder to the fifth floor. Pull up to the sixth floor just in front of Nico to see a billboard. Untie the string holding the billboard. Nothing will happen just yet as we have to move the base of the billboard. Drop down to the fifth floor, climb down to the bottom of the ladder and pull up to the fourth floor. Run around the corner and drop down two floors to the second floor. Run around the corner on the right and continue forward to see a ladder and a gap to the next platform. Ignore the ladder and jump over to the other side of the gap. Move forward to the end, half turn and pull up to the third floor. Run left and pull the crate back three times. Climb onto the crate, walk to the right edge and pull up to the platform where the base of the billboard can be seen. Unattach the metal clips at the base of the billboard and it will fall over to the building on the other side of the road. Nico will climb over to the building, and just as she jumps down to the metal platform on the other side the billboard will plummet down to the road. Climb up the nearby ladder to arrive on the roof, where all three of the doors up here are locked. Climb down the long ladder on the left and open the green double doors at the bottom to enter the theatre. Inside, walk down the steps and go through the doorway at the top-left corner of the room to enter the hall. Go down the three sets of steps and open the door at the bottom to enter the waiting area. Run left to the popcorn stand and Nico will hear someone coming. A few seconds later we hear the raspy voice of Susarro and Petra, the woman that tried to kill Nico. Nico leans on a paper cup and makes a small noise, which causes Susarro to rush over to the stand and find her. Nico's part ends here. ________ | GEORGE | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо George arrives outside the theatre with Bruno, who refuses to go any further at the moment. Run north up the road and go through the first arch on the right to arrive in an area with an orange recycling bin. Run over to the crate at the left side of the recycling bin and move it back three times, right nine times and forward three times so that it stops in the gap at the right side of the container. Climb on the crate, face left and close the lid of the container. Climb on top of the container and operate the window to unlock the latch, then open the window to arrive in the book repository. Run to the other side of the room and open the door to arrive in a large room. Walk north from where George is currently standing and open the door at the top-left corner to enter another small room, with three crates nearby and a single crate over in the top-left corner. Run to the top-left corner and pull the crate back twice and right seven times. Push the next crate on the right once to the right so that it touches the edge of the double crate. Push the previous crate right four times and then climb on top of it. Pull the top-right crate back one space to reveal a light switch. Press the light switch to turn on the lights in the store room. Climb back up on top of the right crate and push the top-middle crate once to the left. Drop off the right crate and pull the middle crate back twice to reveal a trap door. Open the trap door and George will climb down the ladder to the secret passage below. Run down this passage and climb up the ladder at the end to arrive in the boiler room. Climb up the ladder in this room to arrive in the theatre, where George sees some characters on the stage. Slowly, it dawns on him that the person on the stage is in fact Nico Collard. After Susarro and Petra leave the stage, George is left standing at the back of the room. Run to the top-left corner of the room, then run down the slope at the side of the room leading down toward the door near the stage at the bottom. Go through the doorway and climb up the ladder to the dangerous gangway above. Take the first gangway on the right and pull the wire to lower the lighting rig slightly. Jump to grab onto the edge of the rig, and slowly move left along to the gangway on the other side of the gap. Drop down, run around both corners and climb up the steps. Use the first sandbag, and George will drop the sandbag so that it lands near Flap. While he is glancing around trying to find out what happened, quickly use the second sandbag to push it on top of Flap. George will then climb down from the rigging to untie Nico from the chair. After bringing her up to date on the events that have happened so far, she will agree to explore the theatre. _________________ | GEORGE AND NICO | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо Flap can be searched but has nothing worth taking, so walk south to the edge of the stage and drop down to the floor. Run up the long slope to the top of the theatre room and go through the doorway on the left to enter the room with the popcorn stand. Run behind the stand and get the paper cup on the floor, then run back through the doorway to the theatre stage room. Run down the long slope toward the stage, and go through the doorway at the left side of the stage to see a long set of steps leading down. Run down these steps to arrive in an area under the stage. Take the first turn on the right, and then the next turn on the left to arrive in an area with an old elevator, which used to be used to transport actors up through a trapdoor to the middle of the stage. Run to the crate near the right side of this small room and get the theatrical grease paint from the box on top of the crate. Walk up the two steps to the elevator and press the button on the left to move up through the trap door to the stage. Combine the theatrical grease paint with the paper cup in the inventory, then use the cup holding grease paint with the stage light on the edge of the stage to make the cup of melted grease paint. Run down the steps at the top-left corner of the stage, then go south down the next set of steps to return to the area under the theatre stage room. Take the first turn to the right, run north to the junction, then turn right and open the first door on the right to enter a dressing room. Attempt to open the safe under the desk at the other side of the room and George will find that it is locked. Open the door to exit the room, run south, go around the corner at the end and open the door on the left. Run down the steps and a man will scream, shooting bullets through the door and yelling at George and Nico to go away. Open the first door on the right to enter a room which has a support strut in the middle. Look at the strut and George will figure out that it must be holding the weight of the safe in the dressing room above. Attempt to push the strut and George will be unable to move it. Use the melted grease paint on the strut, then open the inventory and select Nico. She will help George push the strut, which falls over and causes the safe to crash down into the room. The safe smashes open and reveals two items inside. Get the crystal covered artifact and the security swipe card, then open the door to exit the room. Run south down the hall to find the smoking remains of a dead body. Searching the body reveals nothing, so walk to the card reader at the right side of the large door and use the security swipe card on it to open the door. This reveals an elevator, which George and Nico step into to descend even further down into the mysterious theatre. When the doors open, run up the red tunnel to find a plate with a symbol carved on it. The plate is too heavy to lift up, so continue up the tunnel to arrive in a big circular room with lightning flashing from large crystals in a strange device below. A bridge leads out to a disc in the middle which has a column of energy that leads up from it. Cross the bridge and George will reach into the column. After he removes his hand from the energy, reach into it again to get the Omega stone that is hovering in the middle of the energy beam. Run south down the path and George will look down to the floor far below, seeing a cloaked man shooting lighting. Suddenly the elevator starts rising up the shaft, so quickly run to the edge of the path and climb down to hang onto the edge. Susarro and Petra will emerge from the elevator, so start moving along to the left until George is near Nico. Climb up and Petra will point the gun at George and fire, but it won't work. As she alters the gun to get a bullet that does work, the game will resume. Quickly tap left and then run down the tunnel, making sure to avoid bumping into the sides. At the end of the tunnel George and Nico will run into the elevator and move up to the floor above. After exiting the elevator, use the bottle opener on the doors to stop the elevator from going back down the bottom floor. Run all the way down the hall, climb up the steps at the end and open the door at the top. Run down this hall, take the first exit on the right and then run to the elevator platform on the right. Press the button to lower the elevator. Stand on it and press the button again to rise up to the middle of the stage. Climb down from the stage, run up the slope to the top of the room and climb down the ladder to exit the theatre. George steps outside and meets a man who asks him if he is George Stobbart. Saying yes was obviously not the wisest thing to do, as the man shocks George with a taser and steals the crystal covered artifcact. After a brief scene where Susarro and Petra find out that the safe was broken open, George and Nico's section at the theatre will end here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.7. Paris 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After his shock with the taser, George finally comes around in Nico's apartment back in Paris. With him are Andre Lobineau and Bruno Ostvald. Ask about the Omega Stone and George will mention that he has seen the exact same symbol before at the Congo, in a slot in the wall. Ask about Bruno Ostvald, Andre Lobineau, Key of Solomon twice and Nico Collard. Exit the conversation menu and George and Nico will agree to head back to the Congo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.8. Congo 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________ | TEMPLE | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо Harry drops George and Nico off outside the temple. Walk to the doors, open the inventory and select Nico, who will pull the doors. While she is pulling, use the metal rod on the doors to pry off the padlock. Open the doors to enter the temple and run through the arch to the next room to hear a quiet earth tremor. Walk to the door at the top-left corner of the room and use the Omega stone on the slot to open the door. Run through the doorway to arrive in a long room with a dead guy lying on the floor in the middle of the room. Run down the steps and step on the yellow slabs to trigger some spikes, which shoot out toward George. Nico quickly rushes out to grab George and pull him out of the way just in time. Walk to the ledge on the left and jump up to hang onto the edge. Climb right all the way along the ledge to pass the three sets of spikes, and then drop down to land on the floor. Walk to the pair of cogs and use the metal rod on them to allow Nico to cross. After Nico makes it to the other side, move over to the left side of the room to find two block. Move the nearest block back twice and then left seven times. The spikes will pop out as usual, but will be stopped by the block. Run back to the other block and move it back three times and left four times. Climb over to the other side of the block and push the first block forward twice so that the second set of spikes appear. Climb over the block and search the skeleton on the floor to find an ancient scarf. Look at it in the inventory to find a metal plate. Run back to Nico and go through the doorway to the next room. ___________ | TILE ROOM | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо Walk forward after entering the room to see that the floor is paved with tiles that have drawings of different animals carved on them. Open the inventory, select Nico and ask her to stand on the fish tile. When she does this, all tiles that have the fish carving on them will be illuminated and safe to walk on. Have George walk forward, left, forward twice and then left to make it onto the next blank tile. Next tell Nico to stand on the Scorpion tile, and follow the illuminated path along to the second blank tile. Tell Nico to stand on the snake tile, and follow the lit tiles. Fish tile next, then the bird tile, and then the scorpion. After following the scorpion path along to the next blank tile, we reach a junction in the maze where snake tiles lead off in various directions. Tell Nico to stand on the snake tile, and then follow the bottom-left snake path to the next blank tile. Tell Nico to stand on the bird tile and follow the path to the end, then the fish tile, scorpion, and finally the snake. Follow the snake path along to the blank tile, climb up the ledge and run through the doorway to the next room. ________ | TEMPLE | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо Run to the bottom-left corner of the room and hang off the edge of the ledge. Drop down to the platform below and jump over the gap to the next platform. Hang off the edge of the platform and climb right along the small ledge as far as George can go. Drop down to the platform below, walk right and drop down to the next platform. Drop off the south edge of this small platform to land on the floor at the bottom of the cave, then walk through the nearby entrance to arrive in a room which contains one of the most difficult block puzzles so far. Climb up the first step in the middle of this room to find three red blocks. As the blocks are all at different heights, I'll refer to them as low block, middle block and high block. Push the middle block north onto the top of the low block, then push the middle block west seven times and north once. Move the low block south twice, west nine times, north four times and east twice. Push the middle block north twice. Move the top block east four times. Move the middle block south three times, east four times and north three times. Push the top block east three times. Move the middle block south three times and east twice. Move the low block west twice, south four times, east nine times and north twice. Move the middle block east once and north twice. Move the top block south once and east three times so that the right edge of it rests on the long bridge of rock. Now the block will prevent the bridge from tipping up when George attempts to run over it, so run over to the other side of the bridge, jump the gap and go through the tunnel to the next room. We now find ourself in a large circular room with four strange devices pointing toward a pit in the middle of the room. Run over to the control console at the other side of the room to see two extra options appear on the command menu: Rotate left and rotate right. Start by rotating the dial left twice to move the direction of the electricity. Press the panel and the bottom-right piece of machinery will move into the middle of the area. Rotate the dial right, then press the panel so that it joins the piece at the top-right corner. Move the top-left piece into the middle, rotate it left once and then move it forward so that it joins the piece of machinery at the top-right corner. Move the bottom-left piece forward to the middle, then move it again so that it joins the rest of the machinery at the top-right corner. With all of the pieces joined, a beam of light will be blasted through to the next room. Run to the arch below the beam of light and George will spot a lightning symbol, which he says is just like the one in Paris. Continue thorugh the arch to the next room. ______________ | CRYSTAL ROOM | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо Run forward after entering this room to find a series of crystals, with the beam of light from the previous room bouncing off the first crystal. Rotate this crystal right once and the light will bounce off to the second crystal on the left. Rotate the second crystal left twice, the third crystal right once, ignore the fourth crystal and rotate the fifth crystal left once to push the machinery piece left. Run up the newly revealed steps to find Nico, who follows George back down to the room with the crystals. Rotate the third crystal left once so that the energy beam is flowing toward the sixth crystal on the left. Turn the sixth crystal left twice and the seventh crystal right once. The beam of light should now reflect off the eighth crystal and hit the piece of machinery. Run through the arch to the previous room with the four pieces of machinery that have been placed together, and push the panel on the right machinery piece to reverse the energy flow of the beam. Run back through the arch to the room with the crystals. As the flow of energy was reversed, the beam will pull the piece of machinery back from the pillars at the top-left corner of the room. Press the panel near Nico and some lights will appear on the lightning symbol. Press the other panel on the left, then go and talk to Nico about the panel. She will agree to press the panel at the same time as George. Walk over to the panel on the left and press it, which causes all of the lights around the symbol to light up. Run through the newly opened door to exit the crystal room. ____________________________ | JOURNEY TO THE ALPHA STONE | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо Drop down the ledge on the right, jump over the gap and follow the path around the corner and along. Climb up the next small step and continue through the doorway to arrive in a room with a large door. Use the metal plate on the panel on the wall, then quickly use the scarf on it to prevent the plate from popping out. George will ask Nico to hold the plate. When she does this, run through the open door to arrive in another power site that seems exactly the same as the one back in the theatre in Paris. Walk down the path and get the alpha stone from the column of energy. Run back along the path and go through the doorway to return to the room with Nico, then continue forward and go through the next doorway to return to the large cave. Drop down the step and move forward slightly to hear a familiar voice: Petra, who is once again pointing a gun toward George and Nico. As the earthquake happens and Petra falls down, quickly run left to avoid the two falling rocks. As soon as you gain control, quickly run left and jump over the gap before the next piece of rock falls. Climb up the ledge and run through the doorway to exit the Congo and return to Paris. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.9. Paris 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- George and Nico return to the apartment to find Andre sitting down on a chair. The apartment has been searched by some of Susarro's goons, and the detective that arrested Nico on false charges is currently talking on his phone. The detective explains that it wasn't his choice to keep Nico in jail for so long, that the red sports car has had all information regarding it mysteriously classified, and that there was a source of Susarro's within the police force that actually had control. Beatrice will come into the apartment to join the conversation, and George and Nico bring her up to date on the events that have happened. After the conversation ends, Nico will return to the theatre. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.10. Theatre 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Run right after arriving in the theatre to enter the stage room. Run down the slope toward the stage, then go down the steps at the left side of the stage to enter the hall. Run north down the hall to the junction and open the first door on the right to return to the room where the safe used to be. Walk over to the other side of the room and climb down the hole to drop down to the room with the fallen support strut. Open the nearest door to exit the room. Run north around the corner and open the first door (which the man was shooting bullets through earlier) on the right. Run through the doorway to the next room and Flap will grab Nico. Press the operate button when it appears and Nico will hit Flap with a vase. Walk through the doorway, move around to the other side of the table and look at the security report to find the location of Susarro's castle in Prague. Nico will automatically travel to the castle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.11. Susarro's Castle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________ | GEORGE | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо George and Nico arrive outside the door of Susarro's castle. Press the button near the right side of the door to meet the guard, who grumpily tells George to get lost. Talk to Nico about the button, and she will agree to try and distract the guard while George creeps inside. Run away from the door and hide behind the left wall until Nico walks away with the guard. When he faces toward Nico, creep onto the path and move through the doorway. After passing into the area outside the castle, climb up the wall on the left and jump down to the grass area on the other side. Run left after landing to find the exit of the area, but don't leave just yet. Watch the guard and his dog walking nearby. When they walk toward the arch near the top-right corner of the screen, then quickly creep out and climb the steps at the top-left corner to arrive in an area with a moving spotlight. Run south after entering the area and follow the wall along to the corner to find a series of trash cans. Look in the left trash can to find some string. Run right and look in the third trash can for the half-eaten burger, and also look in the right trash can for the aluminium foil. Run right from the trash cans to the curved wall, and then run around to the right side of the wall to see some windows. When the spotlight moves south, run right through the arch at the other side of the area to arrive in a small area with some crates. Push the top-left crate forward once. Pull the single left crate down once, right twice and forward once so that it is now on the right side of the two crates. Push the top-left crate right onto the single crate, climb up onto the top-right crate and then climb up to the gap above. Drop down to the walkway and run south to the wall at the end. Climb up to the top of the wall and run along the thin ledge at the side of the building. Climb over the two walls and continue around the next corner in the ledge to see a guard down on the left. Climb down from the wall and run south through the arch to arrive in a small grass area with a tree at the top. Go through the arch at the right side of the grass area to see a guard walking up at the top of the screen. When he walks right and pauses, quickly creep right across to the next arch to arrive in an area with another crate puzzle. Start by pulling the nearest crate south once. Climb over it and pull the second crate east once. Climb over it and push the third crate north once, then push the fourth crate west once. Climb on top of the fourth crate, jump to hang onto the wall and then climb up to view an area below with a guard standing at the right side of a large container. Drop down from the wall and creep along at the side of the fence to see a dog. Give the half-eaten burger to the dog and it will no longer growl when George walks near. Creep around the large container and move to the top-left corner of the area, then creep right staying close to the wall and pass through the arch. Walk south on the other side of the arch, then walk east along near the wall to meet Nico, who says that George needs to find a remote control to open the gate. Continue following the wall east until George arrives in an area with a jeep. Look in the front of the jeep and George will find a remote control. Follow the wall back along to Nico and use the remote control on the gate to open it. The guards will be attracted by the noise, but George and Nico will automatically run and hide behind a container. Continue east from here to find a small gate with a red button nearby. Press the button to open the gate, which will close when George lets go. Open the inventory, select Nico and she will agree to hold the button. Run through the open gate and get the piece of coal, and also get the car jack handle from the door. Run back out of the gates and continue running along near the wall to return to the area with the jeep. Use the car jack handle on the car jack under the back of the jeep, then release the handbrake at the front of the jeep. Move around to the back of the jeep again and push it. Climb on top of the front of the jeep and then climb up over the wall to land on the roof. Use the drainpipe on the side of the building and George will climb up. It will break as he reaches the top, leaving Nico alone on the roof. ______ | NICO | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо Get the drainpipe bracket on the floor near Nico, then climb down from the roof by the leftmost gap to land on the front of the jeep. Drop off the side of the jeep and run toward the black car at the top-left corner of the area. Climb onto the front of the car and use the drainpipe bracket on the window to open it, then climb through the window to enter Susarro's castle. There's nothing to do in this room, so run up the steps and open the door at the top. Nico will automatically creep to the entrance hall of the castle to hear two guards talking about Petra. Run north after regaining control and climb up the steps to the second floor. Run north up the hallway and go through the first door on the right to arrive on the second floor of the foyer, where Nico will accidentally step on a creaking floorboard. The guards will come upstairs, but Nico will hide behind a plant to avoid being seen. The floorboard won't creak again, so run back that way and go through the doorway with the red curtains at either side. Run all the way along this hall and open the final door on the left to enter Petra's bedroom. Open the case at the bottom of the bed and get the hair dryer. Run around the purple screen at the corner of the bedroom and open the case. Get the wig from inside the case, then look at the case to discover that it has a hidden compartment. Try to open the case and Nico will find a tiny button. Use the pencil on the case and Nico will press the button, which opens the compartment containing three knives and a grind stone. Get the grind stone, exit Petra's room and run back down the red hallway. At the end of the hallway, go through the first door on the right, go down the steps at the end of the hall and then run left at the bottom to arrive in the room with the guards. Run across to the other side of the room and open the door to enter the kitchen. An annoyed-looking chef will be struggling to cut some carrots with a dull knife. Give him the grind stone, and he will turn away. Get the industrial bleach from the shelf at the side of the kitchen, then exit the kitchen and run back up to Petra's room. Enter the bathroom and put the wig in the sink, then use the industrial bleach on the wig to dye it and use the hair dryer to dry it. Nico will put on the wig, and will now look very similar to Petra. Exit the bedroom, run down the hall and Nico will be caught by the guards. ________ | GEORGE | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо We rejoin George back on the high ledge that he climbed up to by using the drain pipe. There's no way back down that way, so run south to find a crate. Move the crate west five times, south three times and west once, then climb on it and jump up to the high path above. Run up the steps to find a door at the top, which won't open. Climb over the low ledge on the right, run along to the corner and push the weather-weakened gargoyle off the ledge. Continue running along the ledge at the side of the building until the ledge narrows. Move close to the side of the castle and press the action button to press up close to the wall. Walk east along the thin ledge, then get off at the other side to safely make it onto the wide ledge. Run around the next corner of the ledge and then drop down to the roof below. Face the right side of the two windows and jump up to grab onto the beam above. Climb right and drop down to the floor below at the far right side. Climb through the open window to enter a small store room. Run to the other end of the room and climb up the steps to find some crates, four of which are moveable. Start by pushing the high top crate north once so that it moves onto the top-left crate. Move the bottom-left crate east twice and north once. Pull the high top-left crate east twice, pull the low top-left crate south once, then climb over it and go through the gap to exit the room. Run north after arriving on the walkway, follow it around the corner and run down the steps to the area with the tree at the bottom. Run straight forward to the alley and look at the old drain pipe. Get the tin cup from the drain pipe, then run back up the steps and go through the window to return to the store room. Climb over the crate, run to the other side of the room and use the oil lamp to start the oil dripping. Use the tin cup on the oil, then turn off the oil lamp, climb back over the crate and go through the window to exit the store room. Run north up the walkway and go back down the steps to return to the area with the tree. Run to the top-right corner of the area to find an old iron grate. Try to open the grate, and George will explain that the hinges were too badly rusted for the grate to open. Use the cup filled with oil on the grate, then open the grate and climb down through the hole to enter the castle. ______ | NICO | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо Due to Nico wearing the blonde wig, the guards assume that Nico is Petra and will walk away. Now Nico can walk freely around the castle without being caught, so open the front door to the castle to walk outside. Run right and go down the steps to an area with a guard at the top. Run north to the guard and pass around either side of the small building behind him, then talk to the next guard standing under the arch to receive an unvalidated card. Run back to the left around the side of the building, then continue up the steps at the other side of the area. Open the front door to return to the castle. Run right after entering the castle and open the door to enter the security room. Give the unvalidated card to the woman at the desk, then get the validated card and exit the room. Run right to the other side of the castle to see a door with a card reader. Use the Page Up button to select the card reader, then use the validated card on the door to open it. Climb down both sets of steps and follow the tunnel to see a shadow moving down the hall. Nico picks up the fire extinguisher and gets ready to attack. ________ | GEORGE | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо After opening the grate and climbing down the hole, George has arrived in a room with an old washing machine at the top-left corner. Move the washing machine west twice, south twice and west nine times to push the machine onto the trolley. Run around to the other side of the wall and use the trolley to push it and break open the locked door. Run south down the hall and around the first corner, then take the second exit on the right and continue north to meet Nico, who promptly smacks George with the fire extinguisher. _________________ | GEORGE AND NICO | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо So, that's who was walking toward Nico! After George manages to stand up and find out that he's not face to face with Petra but instead Nico wearing a blonde wig, the gameplay will resume. Run south toward the security door on the left, then open the inventory and use Nico on the door to unlock it. Open the door, run over to the other side of the room and get the guards uniform from the open locker. After George has changed, open the door to exit the room, run north up the tunnel and then west at the junction. Continue north up the tunnel to meet a guard, who jumps out to say that he should go to the front desk to check that George and Nico will pass. A quick threat from Nico soon scares the guard, and the duo continue through to the other side of the door. Run south down the steps and around the corner in the tunnel, then continue south and run through the gate at the end to arrive in a room with some crates. Yes, it's yet another crate puzzle. Move the only single crate south three times. Move the left double-crate nearest the gate west once and south three times. Move the single crate near the gate south four times and east twice. Move the top crate west twice and north once. Push the middle crate north twice and west once, then push the top crate north once more so that it is below the grille on the wall. Listen through the grating to see Bruno in the next room. George and Nico will call him and he will wake up. Bruno explains that they have been torturing him, and that he has told Susarro everything except the location of the Key of Solomon. Susarro, the real Petra and Flap then enter the room. Susarro sees the scarf that Flap is wearing and figures out that it was the St Stefan emblem of the Knights Templar, and says that he shall go to Paris to retrieve the key. After the cutscene, use the silver coin to unfasten the screws and then tell Nico to climb through the grille. After Nico unlocks the door, run north up the tunnel and open the door to arrive in the room where Bruno was sitting. A map is on the wall that matches the diagram in the video, and seems to indicate that the Armillary is located in Egypt. Look at the desk and George will look under it to discover a secret button. Use page down to select the button, then press it to open a hidden door. Run north through the doorway to exit the castle and see Bruno being loaded into a helicopter to be taken off to the Armillary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.12. Paris 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- George and Nico return to Nico's apartment in Paris to see Andre and Beatrice sitting on the couch. George asks Andre to explain about the St Stefan chapter emblem on the coat of arms, and Andre explains that the chapter used to have their old base in Montfaucon. George remembers from his first adventure that the catacombs under Montfaucon were used as a secret Templar meeting place, so he decides to head off alone to Montfaucon to find some clues. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.13. Montfaucon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________ | SURFACE | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо After arriving in Montfaucon, run south from the fountain to see a house that is currently under construction. Climb up to the platform at the right side of the house, climb up the ladder to the second floor and then jump over the gap. Walk forward and the woman will tell George to climb down. After he returns to the bottom of the scaffolding, run to the left side of the house and talk to the woman that is sitting on the chair. Ask her about the urinals three times and George will insult her pissoir, which she goes off to clean immediately. When she does this, quickly climb up the scaffolding of the house, jump over the gap again and run around the corner. This time the woman won't tell George to get down, so climb down from the end of the platform and drop down to the platform below to see some rope. Get the length of rope, then jump up to the second floor again to climb down from the house. Run south and walk around to the other side of the yellow truck. Turn off the compressor, then quickly run around the truck and get the sewer key from Flobbage's tool-bag. Combine the length of rope with the sewer key in the inventory, then use the rope tied to sewer key with the manhole. Run around to the front of the truck and look at Alphonse. Run to the back of the truck and talk to Flobbage about himself twice and then Alphonse twice. Exit the conversation, run to the back of the truck and talk to Alphonse in the truck. George will shout that there is an earthquake and Alphonse will drive away, dragging the manhole cover with him. Climb down through the ladder in the manhole to enter the sewers. ________ | SEWERS | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо Run across the bridge and follow the path left around the corner to see a door with a skull on it. Use the stone cylinder on the skull, and a secret doorway will slide open. Run through the newly opened door to descend some steps to the Templars hideout. Follow the hallway along until the first junction, where we have the choice of running straight on or going right. Take the right path and follow it along to discover a pool of blood on the floor. Silent Hill, anyone? Continue on down the hall to the next junction. Follow the bloody footsteps north up the hall and through the first doorway on the right to arrive in a room of Templars which had been killed by Susarro and his men. Search the body behind the door to discover an old iron key. Exit the room and run north up the hall to see a guard in the kitchen. Run south back down the hall and go through the first doorway on the right to return to the room with the dead Templars. Use the microwave at the corner of the room, then quickly run out into the hall and through the doorway on the left. The microwave will ring after a few seconds, which brings the guard running down from the kitchen at the north end of the hall. The guard will stop near the room where George is standing, and will then walk into the room with the dead Templars. When he does this, quickly run out into the hall and close the door, then use the old iron key on the door to lock it. Run north back up the hall to enter the kitchen, and then go through the door at the right side to enter a hall where the trail of blood continues. Follow the trail of blood along to the wine cellar, where the trail of blood disappears into the wine rack at the corner. Run toward the wine rack to see five bottles, which can be individually selected by using the Page Up and Page Down buttons. Pull the left green bottle, the left red bottle, the right red bottle, the white bottle and then the blue bottle to open the secret door. Go through the doorway and run down the hall to see the Templar that mugged George outside of the theatre. He asks George to protect the key, tells George that there is something important about the statue, and then dies. Run north up the steps and walk through the door to arrive in a changing room. Open the door at the right side of the changing room to arrive in a large room with guards walking around near the middle. Wait for the nearest guard to start walking down the steps, then creep up to the podium on the left and read the bible. When the guard walks down the steps again, walk out from behind the podium and run behind the screen on the stage. When the guard walks down the steps again, run right and open the door on the other side of the room. That wasn't so bad. We'll have to do it again in a minute, but as long as you remember only to run when the guards is walking down the steps then you should be fine. Anyway, George has now arrived in a room with various books, a stopped clock at the left side and three statues at the right side. Look at the middle statue to discover a brass plaque. Select the plaque and look at it to discover a verse from Revelation. Open the door to exit the room and run across the large room again to the podium with the bible. Read the bible and George will discover that the verse mentioned by the plaque on the statue was Revelations chapter one, verse three: 1:03. Run back across the room and open the door to return to the room with the three statues. Use the clock and enter the Number from Bible on it, which causes the middle statue to move out of the way revealing some steps. George climbs up these and meets the Preceptor of the Temple. The Preceptor mentions that Solomon's key must be used in the Armillary, but that it's location has been forgotten. After being knighted to become a member of the Templars, George returns to Paris. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.14. Paris 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- George brings Andre, Beatrice and Nico up to date on the latest events that occured in Montfaucon, and explains that Susarro is currently on his way to the Armillary. After the conversation ends, talk to Nico about Egypt and she will mention that she has found a DVD containing satellite maps. She loads it up on the computer and displays a map of Egypt. Use the map with the Psi stone, and Nico will bring up a closer view of the Nile. Use the Omega stone to enhance the view of a bend in the river, and then finally use the alpha stone to find the location of the Armillary, which George and Nico both travel to. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.15. Armillary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________ | OUTSIDE THE ARMILLARY | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо George and Nico arrive outside the Armillary, where various guards are standing with their Dobermann dog's ready to attack. Nico makes a run for it and makes it over to the other side of the clearing, but not without making a noise which startles the guards out of their peace. They will start patrolling around the outside of the clearing, so first of all run left to get a bird's-eye view of the area. Run behind the small crumbling wall to start with, then wait for the guard and his dog to walk over to the red tent before making a dash over to the left side of the wall which curves around to the right. Continue running left to meet up with Nico. Walk over to the exposed area of stone on the left and look at it to see that it has faint carvings of the three alphabet stones. Use the car jack handle on the area of stone to open a secret doorway, then walk through it. After a brief cutscene with Flap, George and Bruno, we return to George and Nico standing in a room where the entrance has sealed behind them. The lights come on and George and Nico meet Anubis, a fierce-looking hologram who says that two tests must be passed in order to continue onwards. Anubis disappears, leaving George and Nico alone in the room. ______________________ | INSIDE THE ARMILLARY | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо Run north to the other side of the room and use the Alpha, Omega and Psi on the door to open it and pass the first test. Run through the circular doorway to arrive in a chamber with a river in the middle. Anubis appears again to explain that a puzzle must be solved in order to progress further. Anubis tells of the tale of Horus, which is similar to the story that Andre told back in Paris. The three members of the tale must be carried through the river in seven journeys, making sure that certain members of the tale are not left with other members. Walk to the right side of the platform in the middle of the room and use the panel. Select the killer, and then select the panel to take the killer to the other side of the river. Select the panel to make Horus return to the right side of the river. Select the brother and cross the river. Select the killer and cross the river. Select the witness and cross the river. Cross the river and select the killer, then cross to the other side of the river to complete the second text and open the door leading to the next room. Run through the newly opened doorway to view a cutscene involving Bruno and Susarro, where Bruno is forced into setting off a sequence which will release Dragon Energy in 24 hours. After the cutscene, keep pressing the action button to jump over the railing and land on flap. Press the action button again and George will kick the gun out of Susarro's hand. After a short sequence, Petra will arrive and point a gun at George and Nico. Susarro stands up and orders Petra to kill them both, but then her real boss, the Grand Master, appears and decides to give George and Nico a chance to escape. Run north up the steps at the other side of the room and then run to George's right at the top to find a bomb. As soon as George sees it, keep pressing the action button to jump over the railing and land on the floor below. The bomb will explode, causing a large crack to appear in the room. Drop down into the crack on the left to see a block in it. Move this block east once, then south once. Climb left out of the crack and run left to find another block. Pull this block back once, left five times and then left eight times so that it crosses the top of the lower block in the crack. Now move the block north five times, west (toward the crack) four times and then north once so that it stops at the right side of the crack. Drop back down to the crack and move the lower crate north once, west twice and then north five times. Push the top block west twice so that it crosses over the crack, then push it north five times. Climb on top of the block and climb up both ledges above to exit the room. Nico notices the sphere before leaving the room and sees that the lines are converging in Glastonbury. Bruno, George and Nico return to the room with the river puzzle, where Anubis is still waiting. Use the panel and George will decide to cheat and be killed in order to let Bruno and Nico live. While George and Nico are arguing, Bruno decides to sacrifice himself instead of George. After a moving scene where Bruno is killed by the guardian Anubis, George and Nico will exit the temple and fly to Glastonbury. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.16. Glastonbury 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harry flies George and Nico in his new plane to a wet and rainy Glastonbury. Colonel Butley will appear to thank George for saving his daughter from Tristram Hillage. After Butley takes Harry into the pub for a drink, run north to the top of the road and go through the open gate on the right to arrive in an area which contains the final and most difficult crate puzzle of the game. ______________ | CRATE PUZZLE | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо Start by pushing the single crate at the left side of the triple-stacked crates north once and east twice. Move the crate at the right side of the small wall east once. Move the crate at the right side of the bench south twice and west once. Move the crate at the bottom of the bench east once and north once. Pull the crate on top of the bench east once, then move the crate at the right side of the bench south once and west once. Move the crate on top of the bench south twice and west once. Move the crate at the top of the small wall west once. Move the crate at the bottom of the bench west twice and south once. Move the top double-stacked crate west once so that it moves to the right side of the small wall. Move the left single crate north once and west twice, then move the right single crate north once and west twice. Push the top double-stacked crate north once and west twice. Move the single crate at the right side of the double-stacked crate north once, west twice and south twice so that it moves to the left side of the triple-stacked crates. Move the top-right single crate west once, north once, west twice and south once so that it moves to the left side of the double-stacked crate. Push the top double-stacked crate west once and then south once so that it moves to the left side of the triple-stacked crates. Climb on top of the small wall and move the top triple-stacked crate west once, then climb on top of it and climb through the gap in the wall to drop down to the other side of the wall. ____________ | THE DRAGON | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо George and Nico run up the path to meet the Grand Master, who transforms into a dragon. The dragon hits the floor and George falls down through a crack to land in the tomb of King Arthur. Run toward the sword and try to remove the sword. Use the key of solomon on the plinth that holds the sword, then use the glowing sword to remove it. George exits the tomb to see the massive red dragon standing near the broken building. As soon as you gain control, quickly run right to dodge the first set of flames. Continue moving right and stand behind the wall, where George will be safe from the flames for now. Run left away from the wall, then quickly run back to the right. When the dragon glows blue, run left and forward to avoid the next set of flames, then continue moving quickly forward toward the dragon. When George gets near, use the sword action button to kill the dragon and complete the game. After the dragon turns to ice and explodes, George climbs up to the top of the hill where he finds Nico safe and alive. He throws the sword into the lake to see if the hand of the Lady of the Lake will appear to catch it, but to his disappointment nothing does. Nico smiles and tells him to get real, and then the game ends. =============================================================================== 3. Item List =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1. George ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALPHA STONE Found in the column of energy in the large room in Congo 3. It is used on the map of Egypt in Nico's apartment in Paris 6, and is also used on the door in the Armillary to pass the first test given by Anubis. ALUMINIUM FOIL Found in the right trash can outside of Susarro's Castle. It is not used. ANCIENT SCARF Found by searching the skeleton in the room with the spikes in Congo 3. It is used to hold the metal plate on the panel in the wall later on in this Congo section, which will open a door leading to the next room. BIRD'S NEST After using the crate to climb up into the tunnel in the machine room in Congo 2, the bird's nest is found by walking north and using the metal rod. BOTTLE OF BEER Found on the floor of the plane in the Congo. It is opened with the bottle opener, and is then given to Harry in the cockpit of the plane. BOTTLE OPENER Found by looking at Harry in the cockpit of the plane in the Congo. It is used with the bottle of beer in the inventory, and is also used on the doors in the theatre to stop the elevator from rising. BOXER SHORTS After meeting Melissa in Glastonbury, the boxer shorts are found by asking Tristram Hillage in the Cosmic Faerie about Colonel Butley. They are given to Madame Zazie in Zazie's Kiosk. CAR JACK HANDLE After Nico holds the button to open the gate outside of Susarro's castle, the car jack handle is found on the other side of the gate. It is used on the back of the jeep, and is also used on the area of stone at the Armillary. CHOLMONDELY'S ID CARD Found by searching Cholmondely's body in the cave in Congo 2. It is not used. CRYSTAL COVERED ARTIFACT Found after opening the safe in the theatre. It is not used. CUP FILLED WITH OIL Made by using the tin cup with the oil lamp outside of Susarro's castle. It is used with the hinges of the grate to enter the castle. CUP HOLDING GREASE PAINT Found by combining the theatrical grease paint with the paper cup in the inventory. It is used with the stage light on the stage. DAMAGED POETRY BOOK Made by using the metal rod with the poetry book to remove the three silver coins. It is not used. GEORGE'S NOTEPAD Available at the start of the game. It is used to view George's notes of the important things that have happened so far in the game. GLASTONBURY POSTCARD Found on the table in the cave in Congo 2. It is used to find out that the man named in the postcard, Bruno, had travelled to Glastonbury in England. HALF-EATEN BURGER Found in the third trash can outside of Susarro's Castle. It is given to the dog behind the fence to stop him from growling. KEY OF SOLOMON George gets the key of Solomon from the machine after the bomb explodes in the Armillary. It is used on the stone in King Arthur's tomb. LENGTH OF ROPE After explaining to the woman in Montfaucon that her pissoir is in need of cleaning, the length of rope is found by climbing over the scaffolding of the house. It is combined with the sewer key in the inventory. MAGNIFYING GLASS Found on top of the table in the cave in Congo 2. It is used to set fire to the bird's nest after it has been put in the hole of the statue. MELTED GREASE PAINT Made by using the cup holding grease paint with the stage light on the stage. It is used on the strut in the room below the dressing room in the theatre. METAL PLATE Found by looking at the ancient scarf in the inventory. It is used on the panel in Congo 2 to open the door leading to the room with the Alpha stone. METAL ROD Found on the floor near the machine in the cave in Congo 2. It is used on the device on the wall to stop the door in the cave from closing. OLD IRON KEY Found by searching the body of the Templar behind the door in the catacombs under Montfaucon. After attracting the attention of the guard by setting the timer on the microwave, it is used to lock the door to the room. OMEGA STONE Found in the column of energy in the large room of the theatre. It is used on the map of Egypt in Nico's apartment in Paris 6, and is also used on the door in the Armillary to pass the first test given by Anubis. OPEN BEER BOTTLE Made by combining the bottle opener with the bottle of beer in the inventory. It is given to Harry in the cockpit of the plane to wake him up. PAPER CUP Found behind the popcorn stand in the theatre. It is combined with the theatrical grease paint in the inventory. PIECE OF COAL After Nico holds the button to open the gate outside of Susarro's castle, the car jack handle is found on the other side of the gate. It is not used. PIECE OF STRING Found in the right trash can outside of Susarro's Castle. It is not used. POETRY BOOK WITH COINS Found in Glastonbury after telling Tristram in the Cosmic Faerie that Eamon may be interested in his poetry. It is combined with the metal rod in the inventory to remove the silver coins from the book. PSI STONE Given by the Preceptor of the Temple in the catacombs of Montfaucon. It is used on the map of Egypt in Nico's apartment in Paris 6, and is also used on the door in the Armillary to pass the first test given by Anubis. REMOTE CONTROL Found by looking in the front of the jeep outside of Susarro's castle. It is used after returning to Nico to open the gate. ROPE TIED TO SEWER KEY Made by combining the length of rope with the sewer key in the inventory. It is used with the manhole near the back of the truck in Montfaucon. SECURITY SWIPE CARD Found after opening the safe in the theatre. It is used on the card reader near the smoking remains of the dead body in the theatre to open the door. SEWER KEY After turning off the compressor in Montfaucon, the sewer key is found in the tool-bag at the left side of the truck. It is combined with the length of rope in the inventory to tie the rope to the sewer key. THEATRICAL GREASE PAINT Found in the box of grease paints near the stage elevator in the theatre. It is combined with the paper cup in the inventory. THREE SILVER COINS Found by using the metal rod with the poetry book. They are given to Madame Zazie in Zazie's Kiosk in Glastonbury. TIN CUP Found on the drain pipe near the grate outside of Susarro's castle. It is used with the oil lamp outside of Susarro's castle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3b. Nico ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BANK STATEMENTY Found in the kitchen of Vernon's apartment. It is not used. BROWN WIG Found by looking at the case in Petra's bedroom in Susarro's castle. It is put in the sink in the bathroom and is dyed with the industrial bleach. DARK WIG Found by climbing over the wall outside of Vernon's apartment. It is looked at in the inventory to discover that the killer's hair is blonde. DRAINPIPE BRACKET After George climbs up the drainpipe outside of Susarro's castle, the bracket is found on the floor. It is used on the window near the left car. GRIND STONE Found inside the secret compartment of the case in Petra's bedroom. It is given to the chef in the kitchen of the castle. HAIR DRYER Found in the case at the bottom of the bed in Petra's bedroom in Susarro's castle. It is used with the wig in the sink after it has been dyed. INDUSTRIAL BLEACH After the chef in the kitchen of Susarro's castle has been given the grind stone, the bleach can be taken from the shelf in the kitchen. It is used with the brown wig after it has been put in the sink in Petra's bathroom. LIPSTICK Available at the start of the game. It is not used. NEWSPAPER Found in the trashcan outside of Vernon's apartment. It is pushed under the door of Vernon's apartment and is used to catch the key. NICO'S NOTEPAD Available at the start of the game. It is used to view Nico's notes of the important things that have happened so far in the game. PAPER TISSUE Found by looking in the trash can in Vernon's apartment. It is given to Beatrice in the bedroom of the apartment. PENCIL Found on the pad in the wall outside the door to Vernon's apartment. It is used on the door on the other side of the apartment to push the key out. PRESS CARD Available at the start of the game. It is used to unlock the window to enter Vernon's apartment. SHELL CASING Found on the floor at the right side of Vernon's body in his apartment. It is shown to the traffic warden in the road outside of the apartment. UNVALIDATED CARD After Nico wears the wig in Susarro's castle, the unvalidated card is found by talking to the guard standing under the arch outside of the castle. VALIDATED CARD Made by giving the unvalidated card to the woman in the computer room of Susarro's castle. It is used with the card reader on the door in the castle. VERNON'S BUSINESS CARD Found by looking at Vernon's body in his apartment. It is not used. VERNON'S DIAGRAM Found by opening the floor safe in Vernon's apartment. It is not used. VERNON'S DVD Found by opening the floor safe in Vernon's apartment. It is used with the TV/DVD player in Nico's apartment. VERNON'S KITCHEN DOOR KEY Found by sliding the newspaper under the door of Vernon's apartment and then using the pencil to poke the key out so that it lands on the newspaper. It is used to unlock the door to Vernon's apartment. =============================================================================== 4. Copyright Information =============================================================================== This document is Copyright 2004 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of this document can be found at www.gamefaqs.com.