_______________________________________________________________________________ LIERO îîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîî Weapon List, Version 1.31 by Grenadier (Martin Selano) E-mail: grenadier80@hotmail.com AIM: Grenadier32 Originally Submitted 10/7/03 This guide can be found at: http://www.gamefaqs.com http://www.neoseeker.com http://gamenotover.com _______________________________________________________________________________ I. TABLE OF CONTENTS îîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîî I. WHAT IS THIS ONE!? II. Introduction III. Version History IV. Math Explanations V. Weapon List a. Bazooka b. Big Nuke c. Blaster d. Booby Trap e. Bouncy Larpa f. Bouncy Mine g. Cannon h. Chaingun i. Chiquita Bomb j. Cluster Bomb k. Crackler l. Dart m. Dirtball n. Doomsday o. Explosives p. Fan q. Flamer r. Float Mine s. Gauss Gun t. Grasshopper u. Greenball v. Grenade w. Handgun x. HellRaider y. Larpa z. Laser aa. Mine ab. Minigun ac. Mini Nuke ad. Mini Rockets ae. Missile af. Napalm ag. RB Rampage ah. Rifle ai. Shotgun aj. Spikeballs ak. Super Shotgun al. Uzi am. Winchester an. Zimm VI. Credits VII. Contacting Me VIII. Legal Stuff _______________________________________________________________________________ II. INTRODUCTION îîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîî Who has heard of Liero? This won't look good on my recognition. . .but anyway, this guide is an in-depth guide which explains useful techniques and some of the math behind the weapons in Liero. Why did I make it? Boredom. Boredom rules all guide writers and is the driving force behind their creation. Any FAQ writer should know what I'm talking about. I promise you that in this guide there will be no spoilers. ;) _______________________________________________________________________________ III. VERSION HISTORY îîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîî 1.00, 1/24/01: -Added all weapons. 1.30, 1/30/01: -Fixed some formatting issues (non-centered words and the like) -Added Version History -Added Erik Lindroos to the Credits. -Fixed "chiquita" error. 1.31, 10/7/03: -Added Gamenotover.com to permissions list. _______________________________________________________________________________ III. MATH EXPLANATIONS îîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîî AHHHHHHH! MATH! Don't worry, this won't hurt too much. . .I'm just explaining what the numbers given for the weapon stats mean. First and foremost, the Recoil number is how far your worm will be pushed back when you fire the weapon. Obviously, the higher the number, the further you're thrown. As a comparison model, the Super Shotgun's recoil is 200, which is very, very high. The Greenball's Recoil is 0, which is no movement. Recoil will push you in the opposite direction as the one you are aiming in, so if you're aiming at the ground, the recoil will push you into the air. The Loading Time stat is how many frames of the game it will take for the weapon to reload with Loading Times set to %100. If you set it lower, the game will take the amount you set it to, multiply it by .01 and multiply the result by the Loading Time frame amount to determine the amount of frames it takes. The Delay Between Shots (not to be confused with Loading Times) stat is the amount of game frames between each possible shot of the weapon. In other words, the higher it is, the longer you have to wait after you shoot it to shoot it again. This is between shots that you get in a single reload--which means, if reloading a weapon gives you three shots, the delay frames will be between each of those three shots. CAUTION: Most throwing weapons (Big Nuke, Grenade, Chiquita Bomb) have a Delay of 0, which will mean that if you simply tap the button with Loading Times set to %0, you will throw about 6 bombs at a time because there is NO DELAY for loading time. You can hold down the button to completely devastate the area. Keep this in mind if you want to set to lower Loading Times. Last but not least, the Shots per Reload stat is just what it says. It's how many shots you get every time you reload the weapon. To actually estimate how long 30 frames is, Liero runs at about 70 FPS. Yes, this is ridiculous, so let's think of it this way: in Liero, the action updates about 70 times per second. This is not the same "frames" as graphic frames relating to smoothness in graphical animation, where the most you'll ever see is around 30. But anyway, if a weapon has a 30 frame Delay Between Shots, 30 is about %42 of 70. Thus, there will be about .42 seconds between each shot of this weapon (disregarding loading times). There, that wasn't so hard, was it? _______________________________________________________________________________ IV. WEAPON LIST îîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîî EXAMPLE: -----------------------------------WEAPON-------------------------------------- Recoil: Loading Time: Delay Between Shots: Shots per Reload: Bounce: Yes/No So, without further ado, here they come. . . -----------------------------------BAZOOKA------------------------------------- The Bazooka launches out a small missile, unaffected by gravity, that explodes on contact. It releases a minimum of particles, and causes little damage. It also causes little damage to the environment. Recoil: 15 Loading Time: 410 Delay Between Shots: 75 Shots per Reload: 3 Bounce: No ----------------------------------BIG NUKE------------------------------------- One of my favorite weapons, it launches out 50 small charges that scatter all over the place after 170 frames. Another 200 frames later, all of the charges explode. This is a very damaging weapon, and not to be used the wrong way. Recoil: 0 Loading Time: 700 Delay Between Shots: 0 Shots per Reload: 1 Bounce: Yes (Charges and original nuke all bounce off terrain) -----------------------------------BLASTER------------------------------------- The Blaster shoots a small bomb (affected by gravity) which hits the ground and explodes. The explosion is larger and launches more particles than a Bazooka. Recoil: 30 Loading Time: 320 Delay Between Shots: 80 Shots per Reload: 3 Bounce: No ----------------------------------BOOBY TRAP----------------------------------- The Booby Trap drops a fake crate or health power-up that acts as any other booby trapped crate. It explodes whenever a worm touches it, causing damage. If no worm touches it, it explodes in 4000 frames. Take care not to be blown up by your own traps (although it's pretty funny if it does happen). Recoil: 0 Loading Time: 300 Delay Between Shots: 0 Shots per Reload: 1 Bounce: Yes ---------------------------------BOUNCY LARPA---------------------------------- Like a Larpa, the Bouncy Larpa will fly out and drop particles all over the place which cause damage. Unlike the Larpa, the Bouncy Larpa will bounce off walls for 380 frames or until it hits a worm, whichever comes first. It also makes a small explosion at every point at which it bounces. Recoil: 20 Loading Time: 390 Delay Between Shots: 30 Shots per Reload: 4 Bounce: Oh, seriously, do I really need to tell you? ----------------------------------BOUNCY MINE---------------------------------- This one's probably self-explanatory, but I'll explain it anyway. Once dropped, it will fly forward until it hits a wall. Then it will bounce, making a small explosion each time, until 12000 frames or until it hits a worm, whichever comes first. Recoil: 0 Loading Time: 250 Delay Between Shots: 0 Shots per Reload: 1 Bounce: No (Yes, that is sarcastic) ------------------------------------CANNON------------------------------------- Excited about using a cannon for a weapon? This thing's name really seems hypocritical. It launches a small bomb which explodes upon contact. Its damage is larger than a Bazooka. Recoil: 40 Loading Time: 450 Delay Between Shots: 10 Shots per Reload: 6 Bounce: No -----------------------------------CHAINGUN------------------------------------ The Chaingun is a toned-down version of the Minigun. It has less recoil, but still packs a decent punch if you can get a long series of hits. It naturally shoots rapidly. Recoil: 6 Loading Time: 315 Delay Between Shots: 3 Shots per Reload: 50 Bounce: No ---------------------------------CHIQUITA BOMB--------------------------------- "Chiquita" means "banana", which is quite obviously a homage to the devastating Banana Bomb in Worms. The Chiquita Bomb is not to taken lightly. It explodes once and releases 22 banana-shaped particles which explode on impact. This weapon causes major damage to the ground (not to mention unlucky worms caught near its blast). Recoil: 0 Loading Time: 600 (!) Delay Between Shots: 0 Shots per Reload: 1 Bounce: Yes ----------------------------------CLUSTER BOMB--------------------------------- The Cluster Bomb simply explodes and releases tiny explosive shrapnel all over the place. It's not as devastating as a Big Nuke or a Chiquita Bomb, but it will probably kill any worm caught in the epicenter of its blast. Recoil: 0 Loading Time: 400 Delay Between Shots: 0 Shots per Reload: 1 Bounce: Yes ------------------------------------CRACKLER----------------------------------- Why are there so many "Devastator" weapons beginning with the letter C? The Crackler simply drops as far as it will go and bounces around, all the while releasing tiny particles in all directions. Great for clearing space and driving annoying worms out of their shelters. It lasts for 400 frames, and is NOT destroyed if it hits a worm (if any worm survives the particles it releases). Recoil: 0 Loading Time: 550 Delay Between Shots: 0 Shots per Reload: 1 Bounce: Yes --------------------------------------DART------------------------------------- Someone has got to invent exploding darts in real life! The Dart just flies forward until it hits something. It is affected by gravity, but the gravitational pull on it is fairly weak. It can go pretty far before it starts to sink in its path. It creates a tiny explosion when it hits the ground, and it causes a deceptively large amount of damage to worms, as my brother taught me the hard way. . . :(. Also, note that its front does not have to hit a worm for it to cause damage; once, my brother threw a dart, I shot a Gauss Gun at him, flew up in the air, and flew so fast that I caught up with the dart in the air and was killed by it! Recoil: 0 Loading Time: 200 Delay Between Shots: 30 Shots per Reload: 5 Bounce: No ------------------------------------DIRTBALL----------------------------------- The first of the "Weird" weapons, the Dirtball shoots a small ball of dirt which doesn't cause any damage if it hits anything. Instead, it becomes a small clump of dirt in 80 frames. It can be used to bury your worm in dirt to create cover from enemy fire, or it can be used to bury your enemy for hilarious scenes. Recoil: 0 Loading Time: 225 Delay Between Shots: 20 Shots per Reload: 5 Bounce: Yes ------------------------------------DOOMSDAY----------------------------------- This weapon is not what you might think it is from its name. It launches rockets that shoot forward until they hit something, 2 at a time, and cause a decent amount of damage. Recoil: 15 Loading Time: 500 Delay Between Shots: 11 (It seems like nothing because it shoots 2 at a time) Shots per Reload: 8 (Technically 16) Bounce: No -----------------------------------EXPLOSIVES---------------------------------- A relatively useless weapon which simply drops 3 very small grenades at a time. They detonate for a medium amount of damage after 55 frames. They're not very useful because they detonate so early. Recoil: 0 Loading Time: 113 Delay Between Shots: 0 (This is why it uses its ammo so quickly) Shots per Reload: 1 Bounce: Yes (But they usually don't get a chance to) ---------------------------------------FAN------------------------------------- The Fan is another "Weird" weapon. It causes no damage; rather, it exerts a force upon objects within its range (the distance it goes in 40 frames). The force is fairly powerful, and can push away most projectiles shot at you. It also works on particles falling in the wake of a Devastating weapon, as well as your enemy worm. CAUTON: Do not expect this to save your life in a duel. It will not work on all weapons; it only works on slower ones, and you never know when your opponent will switch to something faster. Recoil: 2 Loading Time: 220 Delay Between Shots: 0 Shots per Reload: 150 Bounce: No --------------------------------------FLAMER----------------------------------- The Flamer is not as damaging as it is useful. It causes little damage to worms; however, because it shoots so quickly, it is very effective as a digging tool. It releases no shrapnel (being a flamethrower) and makes a small tunnel in the direction you shoot it in. Its range is the same as that of the Fan (the distance it goes in 40 frames). Recoil: 0 Loading Time: 320 Delay Between Shots: 2 Shots per Reload: 100 (Releases 1 flame every 2 frames) Bounce: Ever seen a flame bounce? ------------------------------------FLOAT MINE--------------------------------- The Float Mine simply releases a small explosive which stays hovering in the air where you put it. It then explodes in 13000 frames or until a worm hits it, whichever comes first. Explosions will push it away, but shots from weapons will not; in other words, if a bomb explodes next to it, it moves, but if it is hit by a Handgun bullet, it stays in its place. Recoil: 0 Loading Time: 280 Delay Between Shots: 20 Shots per Reload: 2 Bounce: Yes, if it is moved by an explosion -------------------------------------GAUSS GUN--------------------------------- Powerful with low loading times but weak with high ones, the Gauss Gun (I'm in dispute with my brother over how you pronounce "Gauss") launches a VERY fast projectile which causes damage similar to a Cannon. There's no dodging this one if it's shot at you, it's so fast. It can be used for digging on low loading times, since the particles released by its explosions don't fly very far. Be careful when shooting straight up with it, though. Also, beware the high recoil. On low loading times, you can actually use this as a jetpack. Recoil: 90 Loading Time: 400 Delay Between Shots: 5 Shots per Reload: 1 Bounce: No -------------------------------------GREENBALL--------------------------------- Another "Weird" weapon, the Greenball rapidly fires small green particles which create small patches of green dirt upon contact with ground or worms. It can be used for creating shelters or delaying an opponent's charge toward you. There's also a famous strategy of tossing a Nuke on top of an enemy and Greenballing him/her in place (this, of course, only works with Load+Change on). Some players also like to virtually fly over an area by pointing a Greenball straight down in front of them and walk off a cliff while firing it; this can actually make a path in midair which you continue to walk on! Of course, it does nothing a rope won't do, but it's pretty cool nonetheless. Recoil: 10 Loading Time: 220 Delay Between Shots: 4 Shots per Reload: 40 Bounce: No -------------------------------------GRENADE----------------------------------- Who needs Grenades when you have BIG NUKES and the like? But anyway, the Grenade flies out and explodes in 115 frames. Its power is decent, but nowhere near catastrophic enough to kill a target instantly. It will cause damage, and it makes decent holes in the ground, but it pales in comparison with the heavier throwing weapons like the Big Nuke or Chiquita Bomb. Recoil: 0 Loading Time: 260 Delay Between Shots: 0 Shots per Reload: 1 Bounce: Yes -------------------------------------HANDGUN----------------------------------- The Handgun is a small weapon which slowly shoots bullets at targets for low damage. WTF makes it worthy of your loadout, then? Maybe the Laser Sight. When selected, the Handgun will create a red line showing the target area starting at the end of the weapon. The aiming square also turns green when the beam is directly aimed at the enemy. The downside is that your enemy will know when s/he's got a Handgun aimed at him/her. This is why I prefer the Laser for sighted weapons. In addition, the Rifle is another sighted weapon which causes a lot more damage. If you really want a weapon easy to aim, skip over the Handgun and get a Rifle. Recoil: 20 (For a Handgun?) Loading Time: 220 Delay Between Shots: 20 Shots per Reload: 15 Bounce: No -------------------------------------HELLRAIDER-------------------------------- Ouch. Beware this one. On higher loading times, it's not so much to worry about, but on lower ones, no one ever survives using it. It unleashes a large fireball which seems to fly around in random directions for 150 frames before exploding and dropping small charges all over the place which explode on contact. This one is, as they say, uncontrollable. While it does seem to evade the user at first, don't be surprised if it turns around and incinerates you. It is good for suicide attacks, though. Recoil: 50 Loading Time: 640 Delay Between Shots: 0 Shots per Reload: 1 Bounce: Yes ---------------------------------------LARPA----------------------------------- Some people like to call the Larpa a "bomber" because of its function. It flies forward until it hits something, all the while dropping small particles in its wake (every 4 frames). They don't cause much damage; the missile itself doesn't either. So far, I haven't found any good Larpa strategies. Recoil: 20 Loading Time: 360 Delay Between Shots: 20 Shots per Reload: 5 Bounce: No ---------------------------------------LASER----------------------------------- The Laser. . .errr, shoots a laser. It is useful for drilling through the ground, and it carries a weaker version of the laser sight used by the Handgun. The aiming square turns green if the Laser is pointed at an enemy. It can cause substantial damage if you hold the Laser on your target. Also, you can aim the Laser straight up, shoot it all the way, and then shoot your rope to easily go high up through the dirt and make a nearly impenetrable shelter. Recoil: 0 Loading Time: 400 Delay Between Shots: 0 Shots per Reload: 80 Bounce: The ground is not a mirror, dude. That'd be cool, though. ---------------------------------------MINE------------------------------------ I think we've all played enough action games to know what a Mine does. Just drop it on the ground, and hopefully an enemy'll step on it and take damage. It lasts for 15000 frames, or until someone steps on it. Their color is the same brown as the ground itself; thus, they blend in perfectly, unless there's a layer of blood on the ground or you drop it on a rock. Recoil: 0 Loading Time: 220 Delay Between Shots: 0 Shots per Reload: 1 Bounce: Yes --------------------------------------MINIGUN---------------------------------- The very powerful Minigun shoots a steady stream of bullets at the enemy. This weapon is good for digging on lower loading times; on higher ones, it can be used for short bursts of bullets shot toward your enemy. The recoil is enough to allow the Minigun to be used as a jetpack on lower loading times. The shots ARE affected by gravity, so don't expect to effectively use this at long ranges. Recoil: 6 (Seems like a lot because it fires so rapidly) Loading Time: 500 Delay Between Shots: 0 Shots per Reload: 70 Bounce: No -------------------------------------MINI NUKE--------------------------------- The Mini Nuke flies for 70 frames and releases 6 charges which explode after 100 more frames. The damage is decent if a worm is caught in the epicenter of all of the charges. It doesn't make big holes in the ground, though. You also get 2 nukes per reload, which is higher than a Big Nuke. Recoil: 20 Loading Time: 450 Delay Between Shots: 30 Shots per Reload: 2 Bounce: Yes ------------------------------------MINI ROCKETS------------------------------- Mini Rockets shoot rapidly, one at a time, and cause a medium amount of damage. They're weaker than Doomsdays and better than other shooting weapons. They reload relatively quickly as well, so they're good for a heated engagement. Recoil: 5 Loading Time: 380 Delay Between Shots: 7 Shots per Reload: 10 Bounce: No --------------------------------------MISSILE---------------------------------- Here's a cool one. Once launched, your view will follow it, and pressing Left and Right will steer its flight ("Racecar" movement). Pressing Up will accelerate it, and releasing it will slow it down. It's a lot like the Super Sheep from Worms. Also, this weapon can be used for some cool-looking tricks with no loading times. Be careful for your worm when using it; you can't see it. Recoil: 15 Loading Time: 480 Delay Between Shots: 0 Shots per Reload: 1 Bounce: No (I WANT A BOUNCING MISSILE!) --------------------------------------NAPALM----------------------------------- The Napalm acts like a Grenade when you throw it, but it is much more effective once it explodes after 120 frames. Upon exploding, it launches out a 17 fireballs in all directions which travel as far as they can go in 40 frames. They cause substantial damage if they hit something, and can be used at a safe distance for clearing land. Recoil: 0 Loading Time: 260 Delay Between Shots: 0 Shots per Reload: 1 Bounce: Yes ------------------------------------RB RAMPAGE--------------------------------- The Rubber Bullet Rampage shoots a stream of small bullets which are slightly weaker than Chaingun bullets. They will bounce off walls and leave small holes where they hit. They last for 580 frames or until they hit a worm, whichever comes first. Recoil: 4 Loading Time: 260 Delay Between Shots: 2 Shots per Reload: 10 Bounce: Yes --------------------------------------RIFLE------------------------------------ The Rifle is another Handgun-style Laser Sight weapon. It gives you the laser sight, visible by your opponent, and also turns the aiming square green when it's aimed at an enemy. It causes a lot of damage if you can hit with it, and it's usable as a jetpack on very low loading times. Recoil: 70 Loading Time: 275 Delay Between Shots: 0 Shots per Reload: 1 Bounce: No -------------------------------------SHOTGUN----------------------------------- The Shotgun launches 15 very small bullets with a small spread, affected by gravity, which cause decent damage if you can hit with all of the shots. It's more or less useless on low loading times because of the delay between shots. Recoil: 55 Loading Time: 235 Delay Between Shots: 57 Shots per Reload: 5 Bounce: No ------------------------------------SPIKEBALLS--------------------------------- A single throw of Spikeballs will throw 8 spikeballs which land on the ground and stay there for 700 frames or until a worm hits one, whichever comes first. They cause a decent amount of damage; one useful strategy is to use them to make your opponent cautious of a certain spot. After all, the effect isn't really in the damage; it's in the fear it creates in your opponents, and the spots you can block with them (making it more or less useless against AI). Recoil: 0 Loading Time: 400 Delay Between Shots: 0 Shots per Reload: 1 Bounce: Yes, for a very short time ----------------------------------SUPER SHOTGUN------------------------------- As would be expected from its name, the Super Shotgun is a much larger and stronger version of the Shotgun. It will cause MAJOR damage if all of the shots hit (it fires 40, in comparison to the Shotgun's 15). It also boasts the highest Recoil in the game, making it useful for dodging bullets while hanging from a rope (hang from a rope, get shot at, aim the shotgun toward the bullet coming at you, fire). This is a very useful in a game with high loading times, but like the Shotgun, the delay between shots makes it less useful on lower loading times. It also has some use as a digging tool. Recoil: 200 (!) Loading Time: 420 Delay Between Shots: 80 Shots per Reload: 2 Bounce: No --------------------------------------UZI-------------------------------------- Another rapid fire weapon. The Uzi is the weakest of the three weapons of its type. Unlike the real Israeli gun, Liero's Uzi is deceptively accurate, despite its high gravitational pull. Its bullets tend to fire in a straighter stream than the Minigun's or Chaingun's. Recoil: 2 Loading Time: 140 Delay Between Shots: 1 Shots per Reload: 15 Bounce: No -----------------------------------WINCHESTER---------------------------------- The Winchester is like a more powerful Handgun without the Laser Sight. It's hard to use at long distance, but it does get many shots per reload, so it is decent as a big melee weapon. Don't expect to score many hits with it, though. Recoil: 35 Loading Time: 410 Delay Between Shots: 35 Shots per Reload: 9 Bounce: No --------------------------------------ZIMM------------------------------------- The Zimm is a VERY POWERFUL small bullet which can bounce off walls. It lasts for 1000 frames or until it hits a worm, whichever comes first. It causes no damage to the ground. It also has an annoying (if not deadly) tendency to bounce back towards the player who used it. This thing can kill a worm with %100 health in 2 shots. Be very careful. Recoil: 30 Loading Time: 540 (Thank god it's not less) Delay Between Shots: 70 Shots per Reload: 2 Bounce: Yes _______________________________________________________________________________ V. CREDITS îîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîî -Thanks to Kevin and Sniffnoy for finding this great (free) game. -Thanks to Mets„n El„imet for making this great (free) game. -Thanks to Sniffnoy for checking some of the stuff in here. -Thanks to Erik Lindroos for making LieroKit (GREAT program!). -Thanks to DT for downloading LieroKit and thinking he found an error. -Thanks to Toreun for threatening to submit his own guide and make mine useless, thus speeding my guide's completion. _______________________________________________________________________________ VI. CONTACTING ME îîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîî The easiest way to contact me is to e-mail me at grenadier80@hotmail.com. You may also use MSN Messenger if you have it. You can also catch me on AIM in the rare times when I use it. My AIM name is Grenadier32. Things to contact me with: -New Liero release notifications -Spelling/grammar error notifications -Corrections on information in the list -Questions not covered in this guide Things NOT to contact me with: -Flames -Attachments (Viri) -Stuff about Mods for Liero -Stuff unrelated to Liero If you send me any of the stuff on the no-no list, I take your e-mail address and use it to sign up for as much annoying junk mail as possible. If you use AIM, I'll use your AIM name to sign up for the Alien Adoption Agency and let their conspiratorial administration deal with you. Believe me, I went through it. It's not fun. Get my drift? ______________________________________________________________________________ V. LEGAL STUFF îîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîî This guide is for non-profit use only. You may take it and put it, UNMODIFIED, on another site, WITH MY PERMISSION. In this case, it is YOUR responsibility to check back on GameFAQs to get the latest version. If you steal it and modify it, you are guilty of PLAGIARISM, which is as much a crime as stealing a car or money in a bank account. You must also credit me with the work. Copyright ¸ 2002, Martin Selano