Hints and Docs for Lost Vikings Well here we are again with another help-file. You play the roles of 3 vikings who are taken prisoner by the evil Tomator, and just want to go home. Lost Vikings was a fairly awsome game in my opinion. It took me about 3 days to beat this one. The levels went from absurdly easy to incredibly hard. There are three characters in the game. Below are their names and controls Erik: jumps head butts (when running) Baleog: sword arrows (unlimited supply, can also hit buttons) Olaf: put his shield in front or on top (glider when on top) shield also works as a platform and is magnetic. Micselaneous keys: to press buttons and flip switches to use items to go to item section while in item selection to trade items Ok well a step by step rundown of the levels would be extremely impractical for the size of the game (37 levels) and the fact that it uses codes. So I've included all codes and a rundown of the last level. 1. STRT 19. PLNG 2. GR8T 20. BTRY 3. TLPT 21. JNKR 4. GRND 22. CBLT 5. LLM0 23. H0PP 6. FL0T 24. SMRT 7. TRSS 25. V8TR 8. PRHS 26. NFL8 9. CVRN 27. WKYY 10. BBLS 28. CMB0 11. VLCN 29. 8BLL 12. QCKS 30. TRDR 13. PHR0 31. FNTM 14. C1R0 32. WRLR 15. SPKS 33. TRPD 16. JMNN 34. TFFF 17. TTRS 35. FRGT 18. JLLY 36. 4RN4 37. MSTR Ok I'm assuming most of you will skip right to the last level... That's fine but you will be in for it. First off take Olaf and, using his shield as a glider let him go down the hole to the right and glide between the lasers. work your way up, by jumping on the bouncers (red springs) collecting bombs. you will come to the green guy. Watch Tomators shot pattern, while staying at the bottom of the ladder below his gun range (When bombs are off the screen they don't come down). He shoots 3 shots and then 2 bombs. Right after he gets out two bombs get above him and drop a bomb. three seconds later drop another. Then get the one on the right. repeat. After third is dropped and detonates, he will fall beneath the floor. Get the key and bomb and get out through transporter. Leave him where he ends up. Ok now have Baleog fall down the hole to the left, grab the ladder on the way down. Go right, get the arrow, shoot the button to stop the lifters. Keep going until the elevator. Again watch his pattern (While toggling the elevator between up and down. 4 shots, 1 bomb, 4 shots, 1 bomb, long pause, repeat. Durring the pause you want to go up and shoot the two levers in order to open the floor beneath Tomator. After he falls shoot the top lever to close the floor again. Take the elevator to the top. Start it on descent and jump off on to the platform, get the key and get back on the elevator. Go back to the hole you came down and go to the bottom and exit out the transporter. Have Erik take the route down the hole all the way and exit with Baleog. Now You should all be in a place with Tomator on the other side of a door. Check inventory. You Must have one bomb left (Olaf). You should have a couple of red things with skulls on them (give you four energy). Possibly some food too. Use Olaf to be a platform (with his shield) for Erik to jump off of. Erik uses the transporter to get to the other side of the wall. Now observe Tomator's routine. 2 bombs, 3 shots (I think). But the key here is that his force-field comes and goes regularly, and he paces back and fourth. Jump down when he is away from you. Get fairly close in to avoid bombs and jump lasers. When he stops and he has no shield run in and head-butt him into a laser. You both recuperate. Jump up to the ladder and climb up. Let him pass under and repeat the process until he disappears leaving a key. Release your friends by using the key to open the door and then have Baleog shoot an arrow and switch immediatly to Erick to have the arrow hit the button rather than go off the screen. Have everyone go in the transporter on the right. The lifters are all going up. The way to go down them is to walk off the edge (Olaf, Baleog) and jump up and on the way down the jump start heading down the lifter (Erik). Have Olaf walk under the platform and start heading up the lifters on the right. when he gets over Tomator let him gide over Tomator and drop a bomb. Quickly bring him back to the other side, to guard the others. Now be sure you are in very tight with Tomator to avoid bombs (Olaf is shielding lasers). Have Baleog use the flame arrow to deactivate Tomator's shield. Shoot him again to stun him. When he's stunned use Erik to ram him.. Repeat until he goes up the lifters. Have Olaf follow him up so he can set up guard. Have the others come up. Then use the same process as before to ram him up to the wall. Then stun him and have Erik flip the switch. That's It!!!