------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "As a kid, I used to dream about going to France..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ _ _ _ _____________ | | | | | | | | |__ ___ __| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | FRONTLINE | | /\ | | | | /\ | | | | | | | | / \ | | | | / \ | | | | | | COMMAND | |_/ \_| | | |_/ \_| | | | | | | /\ | | /\ | __| |___| |__ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ |_____________| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "...but never in my wildest dreams did I expect to see it like this." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2004, 2005 - Staley, Deuce ex Defcon. Any site that wishes to host any of my guides is free to do so, provided you contact me prior to posting the guide(s), as I like to know where they're being used. I cannot guarantee any site other than GameFAQs will always have the most current form of my guides, so if there's ever any doubt, always check GameFAQs. If you find an outdated form of any of my guides on any site, please contact me, and I will contact the site to get it updated. All questions, comments, and so forth concerning this guide can be posted on my site, found here: http://thebrink.us/boards Otherwise, you can drop me an email at cmstale@ilstu.edu or try me on AIM at "Deuce ex Defcon". Note: I'm just writing about the methods I personally used to win these missions. Don't be surprised if you find a strategy for some missions that's far better than the ones I've written down. Hey, at least I tried, right? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ======================== | | | | CONTENTS | | | | ======================== | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.00) A Few Notes Before You Get Started 1.00) Recruit Mode Walkthrough 1.01) Radar Raid 1.02) Bridge Control 1.03) D-Day 1.04) Search and Destroy 1.05) Appropriate an Airfield 1.06) Chateau Assault 1.07) Secure the Train Depot 1.08) Veghel 1.09) Secure the Dam Area 1.10) Bridgehead 1.11) Depot Destruction 1.12) Air Raid 2.00) Veteran Mode Walkthrough 2.01) Radar Raid 2.02) Acquire Axis Plans 2.03) Bridge Control 2.04) Roadblock 2.05) D-Day 2.06) Search and Destroy 2.07) Escort Elimination 2.08) Appropriate an Airfield 2.09) Close the Gap 2.10) Chateau Assault 2.11) Secure the Train Depot 2.12) Take the Rail Line 2.13) Prepare for Paratroopers 2.14) Veghel 2.15) Secure the Dam Area 2.16) Breach the Siegfried Line 2.17) Bastogne 2.18) Bridgehead 2.19) Depot Destruction 2.20) Air Raid 2.21) Capture the Factory 2.22) Destroy Dora 2.23) Liberate the Lost 2.24) Bridge Assault 2.25) Final Battle 3.00) End 3.01) Version History 3.02) Closing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ========================================================= | | | | 0.00) A FEW NOTES BEFORE YOU GET STARTED | | | | ========================================================= | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I) You don't build things during the missions in this game, unlike most RTS games out there. You will either start with or be given every unit that you'll use in every mission. II) Infantry are much more useful in this game than they are in most RTS games out there. A rocket from an Engineer can actually destroy a vehicle in one hit, depending on the vehicle. III) The controls are a little confusing if you try to play without either reading the manual or playing the training missions. I suggest you do at least one of them. I read the manual, and then played the missions, but I'm fairly confident that the missions are enough to teach you what you need to know. IV) Formations are annoying as hell, but there doesn't seem to be anything you can do about it. When you highlight multiple units that are standing on the terrain and tell them to move somewhere, they will stay fairly close to the same relative position as they were before you moved them. Make sure you keep your units close together, and make sure stragglers don't end up stuck on the wrong side of where you wanted them to be because the formation split them from the rest of your forces. V) The gameplay has an initial "Recruit" difficulty, and then has a "Veteran" difficulty after you complete the Recruit difficulty. So, don't worry when you blow through the missions at first with no challenge, and don't worry about how few missions there appears to be. VI) Many missions will start with the camera pointing in an odd direction. I always start each mission by changing the camera to point due north. I suggest you do the same, simply to avoid confusion with the directions I use in the mission walkthroughs. To rotate the camera, hold down the right and left mouse buttons, then move the mouse. Let go of the buttons to leave it in place. VII) The camera can be zoomed in an out. Depending on how you like to play, you might want to change it. I always zoom it all the way out, just so I can see more of the map at once. To change the zoom, simply roll the wheel of your mouse in the appropriate direction. ============================================================================= | ----------------------------------------------- | | | | 1.00) RECRUIT MODE WALKTHROUGH | | | | ----------------------------------------------- | ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ================================= | | | | 1.01) RADAR RAID | | | | ================================= | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Destroy the Axis radar bunker ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- Start by using an Engineer to blow up the barn on the far east of the screen, just barely north of your position. Have him crawl through the hedges near the barn, or he'll get shot before he can place the bomb. (In case you don't know how to use the bomb function: Highlight an Engineer unit. See the little bazooka symbol on the bottom-left of the screen? Hover your cursor over it, and another symbol will appear above it. Click on that symbol to prepare the bomb attack, and then left click on the target.) Once that barn is destroyed, you can win this mission using only that same Engineer unit. Just to be safe though, you might want to bring all three of them along. Take them north along the far east side of the map, making sure to stay on the east of the hedge rows so that no enemy soldiers attack you. Go north until you hit the edge of the map, directly east of the bunker you want to destroy. Slowly edge the Engineer west along the top of the screen towards the bunker. If you see any enemy soldiers, wait for them to leave the area before you keep going. When you get near the bunker, select the bomb attack. Continue running along the top of the screen and tell the Engineer to bomb the bunker. Even if he gets shot at, he shouldn't get killed. If he gets the bomb placed, you'll win once it blows up. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ===================================== | | | | 1.02) BRIDGE CONTROL | | | | ===================================== | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Secure the town by destroying the two bridges to the west 2) Secure the eastern bridge by destroying its defenses ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- You start with three groups of infantry. Start with the farthest western group. Hug the river to the west, and take all of the infantry north. There is a bunker to the left of the bridge, and there is an SMG unit above the bunker. Take the Engineer up along the river until he is directly to the west of the SMG unit. Slowly move him towards the SMG unit until you can blast it with a bazooka shell. It should kill the whole unit. Now select your Rifle squad. Use their Grenade option (accessed in the same way as the bomb command for Engineers) to rush the bunker and chuck grenades at it. Destroy it, and then line all of your troops up to defend against a group of infantry that will come from the north. Now head over to your middle pile of infantry. Take them all west, and head north along the river. Take out the SMG unit below the bunker, and then use some Rifle guys to lob grenades at the bunker. Defend against the groups of infantry that will appear from the north and the east. Then take your infantry from the other side of the river and cross to the east side. Use the Engineer to bomb the bridge. Take your units east towards the other river, and then head north-east along it. Take out any resistance you encounter, and use a Rifle unit to throw grenades at the bunker on the west side of the bridge. Now clump your forces together to defend against possible attacks. Go to your third group of infantry, on the east side of the eastern river. Go east into the small village, and take out any enemy forces you encounter. Use a Rifle Group to chuck grenades at the bunker to destroy it. Once you've eliminated all resistance, cross the bridge and join your other group of units. Remember: You do NOT want to destroy this bridge. Take your forces slightly east, and then head north, bypassing the town entirely. Work your way through the hedges and crap all the way to the north, where you'll see some train tracks. Head due west when you get to the tracks, and take out any enemy units you encounter along the way. When you get to the bridge, use your Engineer to bomb it. If you somehow lost your Engineer, just use Mortar units or some grenades. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ============================ | | | | 1.03) D-DAY | | | | ============================ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Destroy the channel gun 2) Destroy beach defense bunkers 3) Destroy the command bunker in the Axis camp ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- This mission is chaos. Most of your infantry will be slaughtered before they can even get a few steps off the beach. Concentrate your efforts on the center landing zones, where there is a gap in the machine gun fire. Run anything you can directly to the west and seek safety against the cliff wall. You should be close to the Channel Gun, so use your forces to destroy it. (Use the grenade option from the Rifle units if necessary.) Head south with those units and destroy the machine gun bunker against the cliff. Be careful not to get too far in front of it. Head farther south, and carefully approach the farthest south bunker. Destroy it just like the other two. Then gather any troops that are on the south parts of the beach and form one large group. Head up the cliffs. Take out the machine gunner and the bunker near the ramp that heads up the cliff. Then head north, destroying anything you encounter along the way. Eventually you will come to a fenced-in camp. Destroy the bunker inside the camp. Then continue north along the cliff and destroy the third machine gun bunker. If you have quite a few troops left in your group, you can continue north and destroy the last machine gun bunker. If you're low on forces, go get the piles of infantry from the beach. If you stay next to the cliff, you can approach the ramp in the hills without the bunker firing at you. Approach it carefully just like the other bunkers, and destroy it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ========================================= | | | | 1.04) SEARCH AND DESTROY | | | | ========================================= | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Destroy the Axis mobile radar trailers ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- You have three groups of units, and there are three mobile radar vehicles. Convenient, isn't it? Take the south-east group all the way to the far south east corner of the map. Take out the mortar unit nearby, and then head due west across the bottom of the screen. You can drive vehicles through hedges just like infantry can walk through them. Continue west along the bottom until you see an area inside some hedges that has a bunker in it. Approach the area carefully, and stay even with the entrance. Once you get close enough, your tanks will take shots at the vehicles inside the hedge area. One of them is a mobile radar vehicle. If you do it correctly, you can destroy the radar vehicle without disturbing the Panzer IV's that are also inside those hedges. With that one destroyed, take that group of tanks a little to the east. Go north through the first gap in the hedges that you see. Cross the road, and continue north through the gap in the hedges on that side of the road. A little farther north, you should see a small clearing. Hedges should be on the left, and concrete walls on the right. There is another mobile radar vehicle in that clearing. Approach it and destroy the vehicle. You can do it without anything firing at you if you approach slowly from the left side, but it doesn't really matter if you get destroyed or not. Go up to the north-western group of your units. Send them due west across the top of the map. You'll run into a clearing in the trees that heads south-west. Follow the clearing, and you should see another hedge area with a bunker in it. Approach the entrance to the hedge area slowly, and you should be able to blast the third mobile radar vehicle eventually. Once you do, you can just wait for the mission to be completed. It just takes the game a little while to say it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ============================================== | | | | 1.05) APPROPRIATE AN AIRFIELD | | | | ============================================== | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Secure the airfield to the north 2) Destroy anti-air guns at the camp to the northeast ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- Unload all of your Half Tracks. The infantry inside will do you more good if they're outside, especially since they'll all get killed if the Half Track gets destroyed. Take everything you have and head directly north through the hedge rows, and stop right before the train tracks. Now take all of the infantry a little to the east, and stop underneath the small bridge that crosses the train tracks. There's a bunker on the other side of the tracks, so don't go any farther north. Use your Howitzer Half Tracks to destroy the bunker (use the Force Fire command if you have to). Cross the tracks a little to the left of the small bridge. Make sure you keep all of your infantry close together. Position the Howitzer Half Tracks just barely above the tracks, and then slowly move forward with your infantry. Do not go farther than the intersection of the road just north of the bridge. Take out the infantry and small vehicle you encounter. Now deploy your Field Guns just below the town and man them with some Rifle units. Point them all to the north. Run an empty Half Track north along the road above the bridge. A sniper will shoot the Half Track from a building, but the Field Guns should quickly destroy it. Unman the Field Guns and hitch them back up. You can now head all the way up the road until you are right in front of the airfield. Deploy your Field Guns Close to the fence near the small entrance, and man them all with Rifle units. Point them north to cover the airfield. Position your Howitzer Half Tracks next to the Field Guns. Group the rest of your stuff into a tight pile in the clearing near your Field Guns. Use a Commander's binocular function to scan the airfield through the fence. The Field Guns should be able to destroy most of the enemy forces before they can do anything. Your primary concern is the Panzer IV. Once it's destroyed, look for Engineer units. Once you can't see anymore units on the airfield with the Commander's binocular function, take him inside the perimeter of the airfield through the small gap in the fence. Proceed carefully, and make sure your Field Guns can cover him. Continue using his binocular function as you move forward. There is an Engineer unit in the north-west. If you still have your Sniper, you can use it to take out that Engineer. Once you have the west half of the airfield secure, you can move the Howitzer Half Tracks through the gap in the fence. Use them to destroy any other forces you can see to the east with the Commander. Also use them to destroy buildings, which can have enemy units hiding inside. Make sure you destroy the guard towers at the southern entrance to the airfield. Once every enemy unit is destroyed, you will get a message saying that you've accomplished the first objective. If you still have your Howitzer Half Tracks intact, then you can leave your Field Guns behind. Take your infantry and the Howitzer Half Tracks out of the airfield area and head east along the top of the map. When you arrive at the enemy base area, take the Howitzers along the top and fire at the two AntiAircraft Guns there. Once they're destroyed, you will win the mission. Use the infantry to defend against any possible attacks that might come up. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ====================================== | | | | 1.06) CHATEAU ASSAULT | | | | ====================================== | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Assassinate the officers at the Axis HQ ----------- WLAKTHROUGH ----------- Start by taking your five tanks north-west along the river. Destroy the bunkers and enemy troops you encounter along the way. Continue north with them until you get to the second bridge along the river. Send the Howitzer Half Track from the south-west across the river at the first bridge, and then send it north to your tanks. Group all of your infantry together, and make sure you are towing both Field Guns. Send all of that stuff up to your tanks as well. The road you've been following turns east above the second bridge. Follow this road, but only until you are half way between the river and bridge. Deploy and man both of your Field Guns, and turn them north. Use a Commander's binocular feature to look up there, and you should see an enemy field gun. Your Field Guns should destroy it as soon as you see it. Now unman the Field Guns, and move them to a spot slightly south-west of the spot where you just destroyed that gun. Man them and point them east towards the Chateau. Use the Commander to see what's around the Chateau. Your Field Guns should be able to destroy a Panzer IV or two before they can even move. Run your infantry pile towards the Chateau from the west. The Field Guns and your Engineers should be able to handle the guard towers. Your tanks will have to deal with the Panzer IV's that are going to come up from the city. Use your troops to destroy the Chateau. Keep them south of the building, because enemy commanders will try to flee the building through the front once you've destroyed three sections of the Chateau. Kill the commanders, and you will win the mission. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ============================================= | | | | 1.07) SECURE THE TRAIN DEPOT | | | | ============================================= | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Secure the Axis depot ----------- WLAKTHROUGH ----------- Start with the western group of your forces. Send them south to the bottom of the screen, then east all the way to the river. Leave these forces here. Turn your attention to the south-east group of your forces. Take the two tanks north-west towards the small town. Keep them by the tree at the south-east entrance, and wait for German forces to make their way past your position. Your tanks should destroy several groups of infantry, and make sure that you target the tank as soon as you see it. Proceed through the town and cross the bridge to the west over the river. You can leave this group of forces with your first group for now. Select your last group of forces. Head towards the bridge, but make sure you destroy the two buildings in the north-west corner of the town first. There are troops in them, and they will hurt you a lot if they get the chance. Cross the bridge with this group, and all of your forces will be together in a nice little pile. Deploy all of your field guns, and point them south-west at the train depot. Line up your tanks pointing that direction too. Use a Commander to locate targets inside the depot, and then target anything you find. Use force fire if necessary. You don't want to deal with anything while inside the depot if you can avoid it. Once there are no more visible targets for you to hit from your current position, move everything south into the trees. Redeploy your field guns, and line your tanks up again, just to be safe. Scout again and destroy anything you can see. Don't forget to destroy the guard towers around the fence of the depot, either. Continue this pattern through the entire depot. Don't get overconfident and try to move west too fast. Take your time, and make sure the area is clear before you advance. Fighting too many units in close quarters is almost certain to screw you over. Once you destroy every unit in the depot, including the guard towers around it, you will win the mission. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ============================= | | | | 1.08) VEGHEL | | | | ============================= | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Secure the town square ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- This is by far the hardest mission yet. Your troops will parachute into the large clearing area. Sort them out, putting each type of unit into a group with the other units of the same type. Head across the bridge a little to the east once you're ready. Don't go too far over it until you have everything across, though. Position the Engineers south of the houses to the left, and position the Mortar Troops a little farther south than that. Put the Riflemen east of there, and stick the rest of your troops behind the pile, where it should be fairly safe. Now just sit back and watch as German units approach. Most of them will either be instantly destroyed by the Engineers or hit by mortar shells. Meanwhile, take two Engineers from your pile and head into the forest to the east. Hide them behind two different trees at the northern edge of the forest, and send another soldier with them (either a Sniper or a Heavy Machine Gun soldier, because the unit is almost certainly going to be sacrificed, so you will want to try and minimize how much you lose). Keep your eyes on the road leading east, and when a tank approaches from it, run your solitary soldier towards it so you can see it, and then have the two Engineers fire at it. You will almost certainly lose the solitary soldier, but you will prevent the tank from devastating the rest of your troops. Leave the two Engineers in the forest, because another tank will come by here later. Now it's time to start the slow, dangerous approach towards the town square. Select your entire Riflemen pile, and send them north-east. You don't want to go completely around the town, but you don't want to go through it, either. Instead, go up the first road inside the town, so there is a single row of buildings to the west, and the rest of the town is to the east. Keep your Mortars and Engineers close behind the Riflemen. If anything fires at you, have the Mortars blast it, especially if it's enemy mortars. Proceed up the side of the town, past the church, and all the way to the top of the town. Keep your eyes peeled for garrisoned buildings. If you see one that looks suspicious, or if one of them fires at you, immediately destroy it with the Mortars or Engineers. When you are even with the town square, select a unit of Riflemen. Head all the way up above the city, and then approach the town square from the north-west. Immediately take out the field gun, and you will be told to defend the square against the German counter attack. If the field gun is still operational, have your Riflemen man it, turn it eastward, and blast the house with the sniper in it over there. Then turn it south-east and prepare to fire at the incoming tank. If the field gun is destroyed, or if you get your Riflemen killed shortly after using it, carefully send your Mortars and Engineers into the town. Try to lure the tank in front of a sidestreet with mortar fire, and then blast it with an Engineer. Use the Mortars to deal with the sniper building if you were unable to destroy it earlier. Once you remove the German units from the immediate area, this mission will be complete. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ========================================== | | | | 1.09) SECURE THE DAM AREA | | | | ========================================== | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Secure the dam by clearing the compounds on either side ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- Send all six of your tanks south-east to the intersection of the roads. Send everything else you have into the fenced-in field where a lot of your forces start. Deploy the field gun there, and face it south. Line up all of your infantry along the southern fence. Some German forces are going to enter the area from the south later, and you'll want these forces to be able to handle them without your help. Take one of your Commander units and send it over to your tank pile. Proceed westward with the tanks along the southern edge of the map. When you reach the western side of the small town, you'll have to drive up a hill. Send the Commander up the hill first to scout ahead, and then send the tanks up. Wait here, watching the road to the north with the Commander's binoculars. Eventually, a Tiger 2 heavy tank will approach from the east. Immediately target it with all of your tanks. It will almost certainly destroy one, but there isn't much you can do about it. When the Tiger 2 is destroyed, start scouting farther to the west with the Commander. Pick off any nearby infantry with the tanks, and blast all three of the guard towers on the eastern side of the small German camp to the west. Slowly work your way westward, scouting with the Commander before moving your tanks. Destroy the German tanks as you start to see them. There should be a total of three in that base, so don't let your guard down until they have all been dealt with. Kill any infantry you see, and don't forget to get the bunker in the middle of the area either. Once this small camp area is clear, send your Commander and surviving tanks west to the dam. Get on top of the damn, make sure nothing is on it, and then proceed to the northern side of the river. Go east down the hill, and park your tanks by the fence of the next German camp. Use the Commander to scout the camp, and use the tanks to destroy anything you see. There are several vehicles hiding on the east side of the buildings, so don't get fooled into thinking the camp is secure before it actually is. Work your way eastward with caution, taking your time and using the binoculars to scout ahead at all times. Make sure you remember to destroy the guard tower in the north-east corner of this German camp before you move on. Your next objective is the bush area in the very north-east of the map. Several soldiers are hiding there, so eliminate them all. If you don't win the mission after that, it means there is a straggler on the map somewhere that you missed early. Start looking around, and be thorough. This can be quite frustrating sometimes, but just keep looking, and you will find it eventually. Just don't let your guard down. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ================================= | | | | 1.10) BRIDGEHEAD | | | | ================================= | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Secure the two west bank bridgeheads 2) Use the amphibious reinforcements to move to the east bank and secure the east bridgeheads ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- Start by grouping all of your forces together into separate piles. Then head east along the southern edge of the map, leading with a Commander so you will have a large field of vision. Wipe out the small groups of soldiers you encounter, and move all the way to the west side of the small town near the river. There is a bunker north of the town, and a group of soldiers by the tree south of the bunker. Use your Mortar troops to deal with both of those threats, and make sure you keep the rest of your infantry near the Mortars in case something tries to attack them. There is also a group of German soldiers in the middle of the small town, so make sure you eliminate them as well. Once the area is clear, turn your attention north-west, along the edge of the larger town area. There is a vehicle near the tents between the river and the town, so scout ahead with the Commander's binoculars, and have your Mortar men blast the vehicle. Then proceed north along the edge of the river. Leave everything but a Commander and the Mortar men at the tent area. A group of enemy soldiers is going to approach form the south, and you will want your men there to stop them before they get the chance to kill your Mortar men. Keep your eyes on a small square house west of the tent pile just barely inside the edge of town. It has a sniper it in, so use your Mortar men to destroy it, even if you have to force fire to do it. When the house half-collapses, the sniper will exit the building. Have your Commander search that area so you can kill the sniper before it gets the chance to pick off your Mortar men. Continue north between the river and the edge of town. When you get to the top of the town, turn west. Go almost all the way into the north-west corner of the map, and then start edging your way east along the dirt road. If you use a Commander to search that direction, you will notice that there are two sniper units, a mortar unit, a commander, and a riflemen group in the area directly west of the bridgehead. Carefully edge towards the enemy positions. Keep using the binoculars, and get close enough so your Mortar men will lob shells at anything they get the chance to see. Slowly and carefully eliminate all of the soldiers in this area, and you will accomplish the first part of this mission. Reinforcements will arrive in the south-west. Send them south into the bushes, and then send them all the way east to the river. Cross the river, and land the tanks on the very southern edge of the other side. Work your way north, eliminate all opposition, and finally eliminate the Panzer IV sitting next to the bridgehead. Get back into the water. Head north up the river, and then get back on the eastern bank just a little bit south-east of the second bridgehead. Eliminate the Panzer IV near the bridgehead first, and then eliminate the soldiers that will also be nearby. Once the immediate area is secure, you will accomplish the second objective, and the mission will be over. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ======================================== | | | | 1.11) DEPOT DESTRUCTION | | | | ======================================== | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Destroy Axis ammunition dumps 2) Destroy Axis artillery ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- This mission is fairly easy. Start by selecting your forces in the south-west, and send them east across the bridge to the middle pile of your forces. Send your south-eastern pile up to the pile on the east side of the bridge too. Sort out your units, and put all nine of the tanks into a tight group. Find both of your Commanders, and put them near the tanks as well. All of your other forces aren't really necessary. Deploy the field gun and turn it north-east. Then just line up the rest of your forces near the field gun and leave them here to defend themselves. Start scanning to the north with your Commanders. Use your tank pile to blast anything you see. Proceed north all the way along the edge of the river into the north-west corner of the map, carefully eliminating every German unit along the way. When you get to the corner, start moving into the base across the top of it. Be even more careful now, since you can get surprised by enemy units much easier in the base than you could out in the open. Just like before, keep your tanks in a tight pile. Make your way east along the road, and blast everything you encounter. You will drive directly south of the first two ammunition dumps, so destroy them both. Continue farther to the east, and you will see the last two ammunition dumps across the road. Once all four of the ammo dumps are destroyed, you will be notified of the remaining mission objective. There is only a single artillery unit as far as I know, and it's in the north-east of the base. Simply continue making your way east from the road you're on, and then turn north when you start hearing and seeing shells land around you. Take out the artillery unit in the corner, and this mission is over. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | =============================== | | | | 1.12) AIR RAID | | | | =============================== | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Destroy anti-air sites guarding Axis production facilities 2) Hold off Axis anti-air reinforcements long enough to allow the bombing run to take place ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- As usual, start by grouping your units together. Put all of your tanks and the Howitzer Halftracks into a tight group (unhitch the Field Gun from the Howitzer that has it attached). Use a Commander to start scouting the area to the east. Keep the pile of tanks near him, and they will promptly destroy anything he sees. Proceed farther east, and continue scouting and blasting anything you see. The first target is in the base area to the south, near the middle of the bottom part of the map. Park your tank pile inside the fence area at the entrance to this base area, and then have your Commander search into the area. You will see several piles of infantry, a Tiger tank, and a mobile flak vehicle. Destroy everything, with priority going to the Tiger, seeing as it poses a big threat to your vehicles. Keep going east, carefully eliminating any German forces around the train tracks. Your next objective is to the south-east, so start working your way down there. Cross the tracks, and park your tank pile on the west side of the area where the two mounted antiaircraft guns are located. There are several more vehicles in that area, including a tank right on the other side of the buildings you're behind. Line up your tanks on the road leading in there, and send them in quickly. Start firing at anything you can see, giving priority to tanks. Once you're sure the area is secure, destroy the two mounted antiaircraft guns. Don't fail to check for German units north-east of these guns, or you could find yourself getting attacked from the rear on your way to the next objective. Exit the area you're in and head north along the eastern side of the train tracks. Just like before, scout ahead and keep your tanks close to deal with anything you find. When you get to the north side of the dock, turn your tanks east along that road. At the end of it, you will see two more mounted antiaircraft guns. Destroy them both, and then head back out to the tracks. Cross over to the western side of the tracks, scout to the north, and deal with the Germans in the area. Once they're cleared, advance until you can fire at the last two mounted antiaircraft guns. Once they're destroyed, the first part of the mission will be complete. Turn your tanks around and face north-east. A fairly large group of German vehicles will arrive. Destroy them all as fast as you can, including the mobile flak vehicle. Then send all of your forces south to the other end of the train tracks. Another group of German units will have arrived in this area, so destroy them all as fast as possible. Your main objective should be the mobile flak vehicle. All you need to do now is sit back and let the mission finish itself. The air raid will happen, and you'll finish the Recruit Mode. ============================================================================= | ----------------------------------------------- | | | | 2.00) VETERAN MODE WALKTHROUGH | | | | ----------------------------------------------- | ============================================================================= There're a few noteworthy differences between Recruit Mode and Veteran Mode: I) There're more mission in each block during Veteran Mode. Each block now has five missions, four of which must be beaten to advance to the next block. You're allowed to skip one mission in each block, but you cannot skip the fith mission of the block. II) Bonus objectives have been added to the first four missions of each block in Veteran Mode. These extra objectives don't need to be completed to finish each mission, but if you want to get the most out of the game, you should try to complete them every time. III) Your units now suffer from an ammunition limit, which means they have a finite number of shells, rounds, grenades, and so forth. When they run out, they won't be able to attack anymore. Luckily, they also give you a Supply Truck in most missions. Target the truck on a unit to resupply it with full ammunition. IV) Although both modes of play share some of the missions, that doesn't always mean the mission will be the same in Veteran Mode as it was in Recruit Mode. Extra enemy units might be on the map, you might start with different units, and so forth. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ================================= | | | | 2.01) RADAR RAID | | | | ================================= | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Destroy the Axis radar bunker ---------------- BONUS OBJECTIVES ---------------- 1) Destroy the Axis anti-air sites ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- Group your units as usual, then head to the east side of the map. Destroy the barn in the first field before anyone inside has a chance to attack you, then head north along the road. When you come to a small inclosed area with a few buildings in it on the east side of the road, destroy the north-western building in the group, since it has Germans in it. When you reach the end of the hedge rows in the north, turn to the open field to the west. Move forward slowly, though, since an SDK is waiting to attack. Use your Engineers to make short work of it and the bunker nearby, then send everything to the western edge of this large clearing. Directly above you are the two antiaircraft guns, so use the Engineers to destroy them. Don't let your guard down, though - several German infantry units might attack you while you're busy with the antiaircraft guns. With both antiaircraft guns destroyed, the final objective is to plant a bomb on the radar station. Send your Rifle units towards the station from the far western side first to draw the attention of any nearby Germans, then send an Engineer in behind the station. Use its bomb feature on the station, and the mission will be complete. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ================================= | | | | 2.02) ACQUIRE AXIS PLANS | | | | ================================= | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Steal documents from Axis officer in the camp 2) Return documents to drop point to transmit details of enemy positions ---------------- BONUS OBJECTIVES ---------------- 1) Kill the officers meeting in the town hall ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- This mission is fairly simple, so you shouldn't need to be very careful. Start by making the Commander into a group, then the two Engineers, then the two Mortar teams, and then put all of the Riflemen and SMGs into the fourth group. As always, scout with your Commander before you do anything else. He'll reveal an infantry unit to your south-east, but it'll likely be immediately pulverized by your Engineers and Mortars. Head north-west along the edge of the river, eliminating the sparce infantry units you encounter along the way. Watch out for the first house on the right; there're troops in it. Blast it with your Engineers from a safe distance using the force-fire order. Make sure the infantry units north-east of the bridge are eliminated, then move all of your units close to the bridge. A single Panzer IV is patroling the town on the west side along with several infantry units. Use your Commander to spy on the town from the east side of the river until the Panzer IV starts heading west along the southern edge of the town, then quickly target it with your Engineers (it'll stop momentarilly on the road just barely south of the town). While your Engineers are moving in, send all of your other units over the bridge to help deal with the infantry units that'll come rushing towards you after you destroy the tank. Nothing major here, just all weak infantry units. More infantry will be waiting for you at the Town Hall, so make sure all of your units are grouped tightly together. Slaughter everyone in front of the Town Hall, and you'll accomplish the bonus objective. Time to head south through the bushes. Send your Riflemen and SMGs down first, followed closely by your Engineers and Commander. Only some more infantry stands between you and the camp, but you won't want to get those Engineers killed yet, so be careful. Use your Commander's binoculars to spy on the camp when you reach it, then position your entire force right next to the camp's fences on the north-west side. When you look into the camp, several infantry units will be revealed, as well as a machine gun vehicle. None of it should pose much of a threat, especially if your Engineers get the chance to fire at the vehicle. When you're sure you've killed everything inside the camp, send a unit in and grab the small hovering file to complete the first objective. The trip back to your landing zone will be almost completely uneventful if you re-trace the exact same path you took to get to the camp. The only thing you'll need to be careful of is a small ambush when you near the town, which will somehow come from the south. Once it's dealt with, the rest of the path to the landing zone will be clear, so send the unit with the file down there, and the mission is complete. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ============================= | | | | 2.03) BRIDGE CONTROL | | | | ============================= | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Secure the town by destroying the two bridges to the west 2) Secure the eastern bridge by destroying its defenses ---------------- BONUS OBJECTIVES ---------------- 1) Destroy the Axis communications bunker to the west of the river ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- Your forces start in three separate locations. Select the farthest group to the west first, and make the Engineer a separate team from the rest of the men. Head north until your Engineer has a shot at the bunker on the west side of the bridge, but run the Engineer south again as soon as he fires. An enemy infantry unit will come down to attack the Engineer, so use your other men to eliminate it. Continue firing bazooka shots at the bunker until it's disabled, then clump all of your men and the Engineer together to defend against attacks from the north. Meanwhile, go make three teams with your central force - one team should be the Commander, one should be the Mortar units, and the third team should be the rest of the men. Use the Commander to take a look to the north, and you'll see a rather large cluster of troops guarding the eastern side of the bridge. Keep your Riflemen and SMGs in front of your Commander and Mortars, then slowly move north until your Mortars start to take shots at the Germans. Let the Germans rush at you when they get attacked, and your men will slice them down like they're not even there. Watch out for a machine gun vehicle from the east side, though, since it likes to attack while you're busy with the bridge guards. Your Mortar men will make short work of it when they get the chance. Destroy the pillbox on the eastern side of the bridge with your Mortar units, then cross the bridge with all of these units to join your Engineer and other units to the west. Use the Engineer's bomb ability to destroy the bridge, and then turn your attention to the large communications bunker a little to the north. Carefully move towards it, but don't get too close - it's armed with a rather heavy machine gun, which will slaughter you if you're not careful. Force-fire at it with your Mortars and Engineer if necessary, and never take your eyes away from the area north of the bunker, since several infantry units might attack you from up there. When the communications bunker is destroyed, you'll accomplish the bonus objective. Destroy the nearby pillbox when you're done with the communications bunker, then move your men north to the bridge with the train tracks on it. Watch out for enemy Mortar troops, then use the Engineer to destroy the bridge. Retreat to the south once it's destroyed, since this group's no longer needed. Instead, go find your third group of troops in the south-east. Make the Mortar unit a team, then make the other units into a team. Head east into the shrubs and small village, then turn north along the far eastern edge of the map. Several units of infantry are guarding this side of the bridge, but your men can handle them easily. Just don't approach the bridge until you destroy the pillbox on the eastern side, or it'll shred you. Use your Mortar unit to destroy that pillbox as well as the pillbox on the other side of the bridge, and you should complete the mission. If not, cross the bridge with your units and look for stray German soldiers. Killing them will free the bridge, ending the mission. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ======================== | | | | 2.04) ROADBLOCK | | | | ======================== | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Secure roads by destroying bridges to the west ---------------- BONUS OBJECTIVES ---------------- 1) Destroy the supply depot at the railyard ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- Collect all of your units into one pile where your north-eastern unit is (except for the unit farthest to the south-east - it takes too long to grab for how weak it is). Once you have everything together, head north-east, dealing with the bunker on the road. Head farther east along the road, then head toward the entrance to the railyard. There're two large guard towers guarding the entrance, so make sure you destroy them with your Mortars from a distance. Destroy the buildings directly north of the guard towers to complete the bonus objective, but make sure that the machine gun vehicle on the west side of the railyard doesn't catch you by surprise. When you've completed the bonus objective, head due west along the tracks until you come to the bridge, then use grenades or Mortar shells do destroy it. Backtrack down the tracks to the east, then head south-west when you can. Take the roads south until you reach the road with the bridge on it, then head west and destroy it. There isn't much in your way, just a few infantry units and a pillbox, so this mission is fairly easy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ==================== | | | | 2.05) D-DAY | | | | ==================== | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Destroy the channel gun 2) Destroy beach defense bunkers 3) Destroy the command bunker in the Axis camp ---------------- BONUS OBJECTIVES ---------------- - None. ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- Shells and machine gun bullets will be falling from every direction, so you'll want to move as fast as possible. Concentrate all of your forces from the central group and send them west towards the cliff, slightly north of the large channel gun. They should be safe from the bunkers here, so try to send as many units as you can to this spot. Your first task is to destroy this channel gun, which shouldn't be too hard. Target it with your Engineers and Mortar crews, and it should go down fast. Work your way south after that, destroying any bunkers you come across along the cliff. When you get to the path leading up the cliff, clear out the German units, then head north along the top of the cliff. You'll be able to destroy the rest of the bunkers easily from up here, including the command bunker in the middle of the fenced-in camp. Once all of the large maching gun bunkers, the channel gun, and the command bunker are destroyed, the mission is over. I wouldn't even bother trying to save any units that get landed on the northern two spots of the beach if I were you; you won't need them anyway, and you'll spend more time trying to make progress with them than you will moving a little slower with less men from the lower parts of the beach. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ========================================= | | | | 2.06) SEARCH AND DESTROY | | | | ========================================= | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Destroy the Axis mobile radar trailers ---------------- BONUS OBJECTIVES ---------------- 1) Kill the officer on the base to the west of the map ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- Highlight the group where your camera starts the mission, then send them west to the road. Follow the concrete all the way to the south of the map until you're directly across from the small camp in the field down there. There's a group of mortar troops behind those sandbags, so deal with them before they get the chance to fire at you. Continue west along the bottom of the map until you see an area inside some hedges that has a bunker in it. Approach the area carefully, and stay even with the entrance. Once you get close enough, your tanks will take shots at the vehicles inside the hedge area. One of them is a mobile radar vehicle. If you do it correctly, you can destroy the radar vehicle without disturbing the Panzer IV's that are also inside those hedges. Take your units back down to the far southern edge of the map and continue all the way to the west where the road heading north can be found. Follow that road all the way to the small fenced-end headquarters camp, where you'll encounter a tank, a maching gun vehicle, and most importantly, the officer you need to kill for your bonus objective. Eliminate him after dealing with the vehicles, then head all the way back down to the southern part of the map. Continue back to the east along the bottom of the map, then head north when you're below the western edge of the city in the middle of the map. See the clearing on the western side of the city where one side is concrete and the other side is hedges? There's another radar trailor in there, so approach the clearing slowly from underneath and destroy the trailor before the Panzers notice you. They'll probably wipe you out after you destroy the trailor, but it doesn't matter. Swith to your north-western group of units now. Take them due west through the forest on the top of the map, then follow the clearing to the south-west. See the bunker in the hedge area right where the forest stops? The last radar trailor's in there. Approach the entrance slowly, and you should be able to destroy it before anything sees you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ================================= | | | | 2.07) ESCORT ELIMINATION | | | | ================================= | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Destroy the Panzer IV division ---------------- BONUS OBJECTIVES ---------------- 1) Destroy the convoy ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- Take all four tanks and your field gun east over the bridges and then north to meet the rest of your forces. Head east along the top of the map from there, taking all eight tanks, both field guns, and your Commander with you. There's a clear path from there all the way to the western side of the small base in the north-east corner, so move everything all the way over there to the edge of the base. Deploy your field guns near the open part of the hedge row below you and point them at the base, then use your Commander to take a look inside. If your timing was good, you'll be in position before the convoy trucks make it to the base, and your tanks will pick them off one at a time as they try to enter it. If not, you'll have to edge your way closer until you get a shot at the ones stopped inside the base. Once all of the convoy trucks are destroyed, the bonus objective will be complete. The only thing left to do is destroy the Panzer IVs in and around the base. I suggest moving your entire tank pile north of the base, then using the Commander to take a look inside. You should have no problem destroying the ones in the base, and then you can work your way around the east side to finish off any stragglers outside of the base. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ============================================== | | | | 2.08) APPROPRIATE AN AIRFIELD | | | | ============================================== | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Secure the airfield to the north 2) Destroy anti-air guns at the camp to the northeast ---------------- BONUS OBJECTIVES ---------------- 1) Destroy armored train on railway line ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- Micro-managing field guns sucks, doesn't it? Yeah, well... you don't have much of a choice in this mission, the field guns are pretty much vital to your success. Start by sending all of your infantry, both Howitzer Halftracks, and both towed field guns to the road east of your starting spot, then head north-east along the edge of the water. Be ready to deal with a few weak infantry units, but don't get any closer to the parked train near the bridge than you absolutely have to. Deploy your field guns so they can just barely reach all of the secions of the train. Target them one by one until they're all destroyed, and you'll accomplish the bonus objective. Careful though - you don't want to disturb the Panzer sitting south of the train if you can help it. You're not exactly equipped to handle a tank at the moment, so if it sees you, you can pretty much guarantee you're going to lose at least one unit. With the train destroyed, the next objective is the airfield to the north. Send all of your forces a little back to the west where the road was, but stop well south of the bridge crossing the tracks where the bunker is sitting. Redeploy your field guns and point everything north along the road, then use your Commander's binoculars to look up there. Your howitzers and field guns should pretty much destroy all of the infantry and the vehicle on their own, but if something makes it through (particularly the Engineer), make sure you're ready to eliminate it with your infantry. When the immediate area around the bridge is clear (including the bunker), send your infantry across, then your Howitzers, and finally your towed field guns. [NOTE: Make SURE your halftracks with the field guns drive over the bridge, not the track. Some sort of glitch can sometimes cause the halftracks to lose the field gun when they drive over the track, and there's no way to get it back.] Redeploy the field guns and point them north along the road. See the first house on the east side of the road? Blast the crap out of it, then use your Commander's binoculars to scout for an enemy Sniper that's going to come out of the building's debris. Once the Sniper's dealt with, you can safely send all of your forces north to the clearing directly south of the airfield. Every enemy unit within the vicinity of the airfield must be destroyed before you can take it, and there're quite a few units in there. Deploy the field guns a little below the fence and stick the Howitzers next to them along with the infantry, then start using your Commander to look for enemies. Make sure that any vehicles and engineers get your priority, since they'll destroy your artillery easily. If you eliminate everything in the airfield and you still don't accomplish the objective, start bombing the structures inside the fenced area. Some of them will have infantry inside, and they must be eliminated before you can sieze control of the field (and don't forget about the guard towers, either). Last step is to destroy the two antiaircraft guns in the small compound in the north-east corner of the map. You can safely send your forces east across the road directly below the airfield, but make sure you stop when you get to the road heading north to the compound. Some infantry and an SDK will attack you at the intersection, and there's a Panzer inside the compound. Deploy your field guns far enough south-west of the compound to avoid the Panzer (which is in the compound's south-east corner), but make sure they can still reach the two antiaircraft guns. Destroy them both, and the mission is complete. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ============================ | | | | 2.09) CLOSE THE GAP | | | | ============================ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Destroy the Axis supply convoy north of the river 2) Ensure at least one bridge remains useable by our forces ---------------- BONUS OBJECTIVES ---------------- 1) Destroy the communications bunker near the railway line ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- Form three groups - one should contain your tanks, the second should contain your mortars and engineers, and the third should contain all of your other infantry units. Send all three groups east over the tracks, then head north to the communications bunker. A few units on the west side of the tracks will probably draw your fire, but they're nothing to be concerned about. Destroy the bunker to accomplish the bonus objective, then send all of your groups to the bunker's remains. Cross the tracks to the west right in front of the fence, then deal with the infantry and Panzer that surface from the town. Head north to the bridge where the tracks cross the water after that, and use your mortars/engineers or tanks to destroy the bunker on the other side. Send your regular infantry over the bridge first, looping them around to the clearing on the east side of the town when they get across. You'll be told that the enemy Panzer division is nearing, so work quickly. Send your tanks across the bridge next, then the engineers/mortars. That edge of the town is going to become infested with German vehicles and infantry in a few seconds, so send all three of your groups north, then west across the top of the town. Try to ignore anything that attacks you, and instead keep heading west until you see the convoy vehicles parked in a clearing. Destroy them all to finish the mission. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ====================================== | | | | 2.10) CHATEAU ASSAULT | | | | ====================================== | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Assassinate the officers at the Axis HQ ---------------- BONUS OBJECTIVES ---------------- - None. ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- A few of your units start on the western side of the river for some reason, so start by sending them north towards the first bridge. Don't get anywhere near that armored train on the track though - use your Howitzer to force-fire at it until it's destroyed. Take out the bunker on the other side of the river, then deal with the infantry that attack from the north and from the other side of the bridge. Time to concentrate on the rest of your forces. Take the five tanks and the commander north along the river, blasting the bunker and the houses where the infantry are standing. Join your Howitzer and any other surviving units at the bridge, then send everything north towards the second bridge. Destroy that bunker, then move your units into the clearing nearby. You'll want to bring all of your forces up from the bottom now to join your tanks and commander, including the ammo truck and your field guns. Before you proceed towards the chateau, scout with your Commander into the forest west of the structure to find an enemy field gun, and use your tanks to blast it before it has a chance to fire at you. Move your field guns to where that enemy field gun was and deploy them facing east at the chateau. Put the Howitzer, your Mortar crews, and the Engineers with them as well as the rest of your infantry, then park your tanks south-east of them. When you start attacking the chateau, several Panzers are going to come out of the town, so you'll want your tanks sitting there for protection. Use the Commander's binoculars to scout the chateau, and your field guns should be able to pick off several units of infantry as well as a Panzer. Take out the bunker and guard towers, then destroy three sections of the chateau. When the third part is destroyed, send everything you have left at the front entrance to the chateau. Several enemy Commanders will try to escape out the front door, and all you have to do is kill them to complete the mission. If any of them run away before you can kill them, you lose. Also, the enemy has mortar units behind the chateau, so don't move in until you've actually destroyed the third section of the building. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ============================================= | | | | 2.11) SECURE THE TRAIN DEPOT | | | | ============================================= | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Secure the Axis depot ---------------- BONUS OBJECTIVES ---------------- 1) Destroy the train before it leaves ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- Move your northern group a little bit west to the road, then deploy the field gun and point it south. Make sure the area around the church and cemetary is in your firing range, then park the tank a little in front of the field gun. Now take control of your south-eastern group and head north, eliminating the infantry units you ecounter near the edge of the town. See the fenced-in field south of the cemetary? Head into that field with your units and set up your field gun so it can reach the cemetary, then stick your two tanks next to it so they can also fire into the cemetary. Now that both of your groups are ready, lob a field gun shell into the cemetary near the tent. There's a Panzer IV in there, and hitting it will hopefully make it move, which will let your other units get a chance to see it. Once the Panzer IV is taken care of, concentrate on getting rid of the infantry left in the town, and be catious around the north-west corner. There's a sniper in one of those buildings, but don't waste your field gun shells trying to destroy them. You'll need those shells later, and you won't be able to resupply for a while. Make your way to the northern bridge and cross it with your three tanks, then set up a defensive perimeter south of the windmills. Make sure your field guns are pointing south-west towards the depot, then use them to destroy the armored train waiting on the tracks near the platform in the north-east corner of the depot. When both sections of the train are destroyed, the bonus objective will be complete. Time to concentrate on your western forces. Thankfully, there's a Commander in your halftrack, which will make the rest of the mission a lot easier. Send everything south, then work your way east along the bottom of the map slowly and carefully. Try not to provoke any of the tanks inside the depot, but it won't hurt to try and hit the infantry units with your Howitzer. Don't forget to destroy the guard towers along the southern edge of the depot, and when you reach the river, head north all the way to the rest of your units. Resupply your field guns, then slowly start working your way closer and closer to the depot, eliminating anything you can see. I suggest entering the depot from the gap in the fence near the middle of the eastern side, since there's a fairly large clearing in there for you to set up your field guns. Continue scouting ahead and destroying anything you see until you reach the other side of the depot. Watch out for snipers and well-hidden Panzers, but for the most part, the rest of the mission will be easy if you're careful. Destroy every enemy unit in the depot to finish the mission, and don't forget to destroy all of the guard towers. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ================================= | | | | 2.12) TAKE THE RAIL LINE | | | | ================================= | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Destroy Axis artillery to secure railway ---------------- BONUS OBJECTIVES ---------------- 1) Destroy the rail blockade ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- Start with the western group of your forces, heading a little to the east, then slightly up the road. The first group of enemy units is on the north side of the first structure you'll see, so deploy your field guns so they can reach up there. Use your Commander to scout, and have your tank and mortars ready to help if necessary. The Panzerwerfer is what you need to destroy for the objective, but it's hardly the main threat - target the Panzer IV as soon as it becomes visible, then deal with the Panzerwerfer and infantry. When you've cleared all of the enemies from that camp, head north up the road until you're directly south of the town. See the tents in the forest east of the town? That's where the next Panzerwerfer's waiting. Move your field guns into the field south of the forest and deploy them, then scout up there with a Commander until you can see the Panzerwerfer. Hopefully the field guns will destroy it before the Panzer IV and infantry have a chance to do something, but if not, run your tank into the forest as fast as you can and take out the Panzerwerfer. This is the last thing you really need your western group for, so don't be concerned about taking losses. Time to move to your eastern group. Head north up the road until you get to the break in the fence to the west, then send your tanks and field gun in there with the Commander. The Panzerwerfer is sitting north-west of the tents near the train tracks, but I recommend taking care of the infantry around there first. Also, watch out for the Panzer IV a little farther to the north. It usually attacks you after you destroy the Panzerwerfer. Take your forces north up the road until you're south of the next town. Aim your field gun west into the forest, where another group of tents marks the location of the fourth Panzerwerfer. Decimate everything around this group, but be careful if you try to approach it with infantry, since there's a pillbox about halfway between the road and the tents. Your next objective is to eliminate the armored train inside the depot, as well as the vehicles and infantry around it. Deploy your field gun on the hill to the south-east of the depot so it can just barely reach the train, then destroy it. A Panzer will usually attack you from the north along the fence, so have your tanks and Engineer ready to deal with it. When the train depot is clear of all enemy units, the bonus objective will be complete. Cross the train tracks using the small bridge south of the depot. Turn north when you get around the depot, and make your way to the bush area that's housing the final Panzerwerfer. The western side of the bushes has a Panzer IV and some infantry guarding it, but it's not really necessary to go through that way. I suggest simply sending everything you have left into the bushes on the south side near the middle, and the tanks/Engineer will almost certainly blast the Panzerwerfer before it can do anything. If not, the field gun will handle it, assuming you deployed it before you attacked. When the Panzerwerfer is destroyed, the mission is complete. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ======================================= | | | | 2.13) PREPARE FOR PARATROOPERS | | | | ======================================= | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Destroy the two anti-air sites ---------------- BONUS OBJECTIVES ---------------- 1) Destroy the communications bunker ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- Take your sniper up the road a little and use your scope to look ahead. A unit of Mortar men is waiting near a tree on the east side of the road, so pick them off from a distance before they can do anything to you. Continue a little more to the north and check the trees on the east side for a unit of Riflemen, then pick all of them off (even though it might take a while...). Farther to the east is a small farm, and several units are waiting near the tents. Bring your Howitzer, Engineers, and Sniper up there, then try to land a shell in the middle of the infantry pile to wipe some out. Pick more of them off with the sniper, and be ready so use your Engineers on an SDK that'll join the fight eventually. Return to the main road and use the Commander's binoculars to scout directly north up it. A Panzer IV is waiting for you, so slowly send your Engineers up the road (crawl with them if you want to be safe). Keep using the binoculars, and when the Engineers get close enough, they'll take out the tank. The road's clear all the way to the communications bunker in the north-west corner of the map. Send all of your forces up there, but stop well below and to the east of the base. Take your Churchill flame tank all the way east to the river, then turn north and go all the way to the bridge. There's an enemy field gun there, and if you slaughter the infantry manning it, you can take the gun with your own men and use it yourself. Make sure you kill the sniper near the gun as well, then send a Halftrack up there and take it. Use your sniper to scout the area above the communications bunker, then pick off the Commander. Don't fire anything at the SDK or the Panzer IV, since the Panzer will cause a lot of problems if it decides to attack you. Instead, deploy the field gun on the road north-east of the communications bunker so that it can just barely reach the bunker, then start firing at it until it collapses, which will complete the bonus objective. (If the SDK decides to attack, use your Engineers to pulverize it as soon as it exits the south side of the base.) Time to cross the bridge where your Churchill should still be sitting. Cross with the Churchill first and use it to hose the infantry and SDK waiting on the thin strip of land, then send the rest of your forces over. Cross the second bridge with your Churchill and head for the first building you see, which will be crawling with enemy infantry. Burn them all, then use your Howitzer to deal with the Mortar unit above your Churchill before it causes any serious damage. You now have a clear path all the way east to the first anti-aircraft site. Send everything over there, but stop well west of the compound and scout ahead before you do anything else. There are enemy infantry, snipers, a commander, and a bunker to deal with, so make sure you're aware of where everything is before you proceed. Deal with the bunker first, blasting it with your Howitzer from long range. Pick off the infantry that escape from it along with any others in the area after that, and finally, crawl close enough to the anti-aircraft guns to destroy them with your bazookas. Try to avoid fighting the Commander, Sniper, and any infantry on the far eastern side of the compound if possible. The second set of anti-aircraft guns is directly south of your current position near the northern edge of the town. Park your Howitzer north of the compound and drop a few force-fire shells on the spots where the infantry are standing. You should be able to wipe them all out before they can leave the compound, so the only thing left to do is destroy the anti-aircraft guns. If you have enough shells left in your Howitzer, just force-fire at them until they're destroyed. If not, you'll have to sneak your Engineers down there. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ============================= | | | | 2.14) VEGHEL | | | | ============================= | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Secure the town square ---------------- BONUS OBJECTIVES ---------------- 1) Destroy the supply dump in the northwest ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- Your troops will be scattered when they drop, so your first task should be to form five groups; your Commander should be one for easy scouting, your Engineers should be one, your Mortars should be one, your Snipers should be one, and your remaining Riflemen/Machine Gunners should be one. Head north across the river using the shallow spot on the west side. Scout around to make sure there aren't any enemy infantry around, then send all of your forces north between the two windmills. Go a little to the west once you're past them and start scouting north with your binoculars to see the supply depot. Several groups of mortar troops are stationed south of the depot, and several vehicles are stationed in the middle and in the eastern side. I suggest using your snipers to tag as many mortars as possible, then have your Engineers ready to deal with the vehicles when they attack you. Meanwhile, force-fire on the two structures on the western side of the depot with your Mortar units until they're both destroyed to accomplish the bonus objective. Once the area is fairly clear, return all of your forces to the area between the windmills. Stand your Engineers on the eastern side of your pile, then scout to down the road to the east with your binoculars. Several vehicles will come towards you on the road, but your Engineers should make short work of them. Continue scouting with your binoculars to get rid of the scattered infantry units as you make your way east towards the town. Find the town square, then group your units outside of it on the western side of the town. I highly suggest you save your game now if you don't want to have to play this mission again. Send your Riflemen/Machine Gunners into the town square from the north-west corner, and they'll attack the field gun deployed there. Meanwhile, send all of your other forces into the square from the next road to the south. Your Mortar crews should be stuck in the north-eastern corner of the square, your Engineers should be split into three groups and sent into three different structures (one on the east, one on the west, and one on the south side of the square), and the rest of your forces should stand in the middle of the square. You must destroy all of the German units that're about to attack the town square. If you managed to get your Engineers in place, this shouldn't be too hard. The tanks are your main concern, but the Engineers should be able to handle them. If a tank starts firing into the square and the Engineers can't reach it, immediately send all of your available forces to the tank and try to destroy it with grenades. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ========================================== | | | | 2.15) SECURE THE DAM AREA | | | | ========================================== | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Secure the dam by clearing the compounds on either side ---------------- BONUS OBJECTIVES ---------------- - None. ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- Find all six of your tanks and stick them in a pile on the intersection of the two roads to the west. Send your Commander over there too, then group all of your remaining forces together around your field gun. Deploy the field gun and point it west towards your tank pile. A group of German units is going to enter the map from the southern road, and you'll want these units to be able to handle them on their own. Meanwhile, enter the town with your tanks and eliminate the infantry units. Turn north when the road does and head for the bridge on the river. A Tiger 2 heavy tank is going to come across that bridge eventually, so have all of your tanks ready to start firing as fast as they can. The Tiger 2 has insane armor, so don't be surprised if it takes out two of your Shermans before you destroy it. Head west over the top of the town when you're done with the Tiger 2, stopping a little north-west of the town. By now, your other group should be done with the attack in the south, so pack your field gun up and move it over with your tanks. Bring any Snipers and Engineers that survived too, and make sure you bring the supply truck. Resuplly all of your tanks if necessary, then deploy the field gun so it can reach the bunker inside the south-western enemy base. There are several tanks inside the base, so use your Commander's binoculars to find them. The field gun will hopefully deal quite a bit of damage, but the tanks are going to be your main attack force. Try to isolate each enemy tank before you attack so your tanks will take as little damage as possible. When this base is cleared out, resupply your tanks and field gun, then pack the field gun up. Head west again into the remains of the enemy base, then drive onto the dam and move north to the other side of the river. Deploy the field gun near the western edge of the second enemy base, and station your remaining tanks in front of the field gun (along with any snipers and engineers you have left). Several vehicles and infantry units are stationed in this base, most of which are safely hidden on the eastern side of the buildings. If you have an Engineer (or both) left, send them into the base along the southern edge and take a peek around the buildings. They'll probably destroy the first target they see, so retreat back to your tanks and repeat the process once they're reloaded. If you don't have any Engineers left, you'll have to use your tanks for this. Either way, destroy every unit and guard tower in that base, and if the mission doesn't end, start scouring the map for a stray unit. Sometimes they hide in the bushes in the north-east corner. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ======================================== | | | | 2.16) BREACH THE SIEGFRIED LINE | | | | ======================================== | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Cross the Siegfried line ---------------- BONUS OBJECTIVES ---------------- 1) Secure the gate area ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- Take your Commander, Engineers, and Mortars south to the road, scouting ahead to see some infantry units farther to the south. Continue south down the road all the way to the forest, then turn to the east and head towards the Siegfried line. More infantry will be waiting in the clearings, so stay alert. Move all of your forces down to meet the others now, then prepare to attack the gate area. Deploy your field guns close to the Siegfried line so they can easily hit all of the bunkers in the immediate vicinity of the gate area. Destroy those bunkers to complete the bonus objective. Scout the eastern side of the Siegfriend line, then move your field guns closer when you have the chance. Slaughter the infantry and vehicles on the other side of the line, then move your forces over. Start heading north now, destroying every German unit along the way. Destroying the bunkers isn't necessary, but watch out for the Panzer IV and the enemy field gun near the northern edge of the map. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ======================= | | | | 2.17) BASTOGNE | | | | ======================= | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Hold off enemy attack on the railyard ---------------- BONUS OBJECTIVES ---------------- 2) Destroy the Axis outpost ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- Ah, the dreaded Bastogne. Seems like there's no way to win this mission, eh? Well, if you try to defend the rail yard like you're supposed to, you pretty much have no chance. But, if you're willing to use a really cheap tactic to outsmart the computer... >_> When the mission starts, correct your camera so that north is actually pointing directly up like it should be, then send all of your units due west of the town, including the group that starts below the lake. All your units except one, that is. Leave a unit of Mortar troops inside the large structure in the middle of the train yard. This will prevent the enemy from taking the yard when you abandon it. Why Mortars? Because they can't fire out of buildings, and the computer's too stupid to destroy any buildings unless something attacks them from it. <_< With the Mortar unit safely inside the building, you can quite literally never lose the mission. German forces will swarm the train yard, so send all of your stuff south from your current position, then work your way east underneath the lake. Scout ahead with your Commander, and if you find anything, set up your field guns and blast it. Be especially careful when you find the Tiger 1 tank sitting on the road far to the east, since it takes a lot to destroy it. When your forces reach the south-eastern edge of the map, head north towards the bunker. Deploy your field guns to wipe out any forces that stayed behind to defend the bunker, then destroy the bunker itself to accomplish the bonus objective. Time to head west and attack the pile of German units around the train yard. Take the Commander ahead and scout thoroughly before you do anything else. Your primary targets should be the Panzer IV tanks, the Flakpanzers, and then any Engineers and Mortar crews. When they're dealt with, you're free to concentrate on anything and everything that you can find. When you clear out the area outside of the train yard, move your field guns and redeploy them right next to the fence north-east of the yard. There are likely several more units of Germans on the other side of the yard, and this is the best place to fire at them. Why? Because you have the least chance of hitting the building where your Mortar crew is hiding. Remember, if you destroy that building on accident, you risk instantly losing if there's a German unit inside the yard at the time. Continue blasting German units until the mission is over. I'm not exactly sure what makes you win, since there were still units actually sitting on the tracks when I won. It might be based on the number of German units destroyed or something. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ================================= | | | | 2.18) BRIDGEHEAD | | | | ================================= | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Secure the two west bank bridgeheads 2) Use the amphibious reinforcements to move to the east bank and secure the east bridgeheads ---------------- BONUS OBJECTIVES ---------------- 1) Knock out Axis artillery defenses on the east bank ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- Group your forces into three groups; the Commander, the two Mortar groups, and everything else. Head due east through the bushes towards the area south-west of the bunker by the southern bridgehead. You'll encounter one unit of enemy infantry along the way, so stay alert. When you get near the bunker, make sure you scout ahead. There's a sniper standing next to a tree south-east of the bunker, and there's an rifle unit standing by another tree nearby. Use your mortar groups to clear these guys out, and be especially careful around the sniper. If he runs, he'll sometimes hide on the other side of the ridge near the water, and sometimes he'll actually stand in the water. Another rifle unit will come up from the farm, and then several more infantry units and an SDK will come in from the west along the road. Destroy the bunker first, then prepare to defend against those units. Every unit near the bridgehead has to be killed, so if the sniper ran, you must hunt him down. After that, you have a choice - you can head north along the river to get to the second bridgehead, or you can head underneath the town to the bushes on the far western side of the map, then head up. The benefit of the second option is that you won't have to deal with the snipers in the town, at least one of which will fire at you if you follow the river's bank. When you get to the western edge of the road that used to cross the northern bridge, start slowly moving east, scouting ahead with your Commander. You'll seen an enemy rifle unit first, and hopefully your Mortar crews can kill the entire unit before it does anything. Farther east, there're two snipers, a mortar crew, a Commander, and another rifle unit. Move east slowly, and if you're lucky, your first mortar shot will do serious damage to the snipers and mortar crew. After that first shot though, your cover's blown, so rush towards them with everything you have. Target the mortars first if they're still alive, then the sniper, then the commander, and the rifle unit last. When they're all dead, you'll accomplish the first objective, assuming you cleared everything out of the southern bridgehead already. You'll be sent reinforcements in the form of seven amphibious tanks and three amphibious transports. Carefully work your way back down to the transports with your Commander if he's still alive, then have him board a transport. Send all of the new units to the southern bridgehead, then group the tanks and transport into a tight pile and send them as far south into the water as possible. Cross the river, staying as far south as you can. When you get to the other bank, keep going east along the bottom of the map until you reach the main clearing. Eject your Commander from the transport and start scouting the area to the west, where the other side of the souther bridgehead is sitting. Several infantry units are along the road, and two Panzer IV tanks are sitting closer to the bridgehead. Destroy them all, preferably one at a time so you can avoid taking too much damage. Time to head north along the road by the shore. See that small camp up there? There's a Tiger 1 sitting in the southern part of the fenced area between the two rows of buildings. Position your tanks so they'll all be able to fire as soon as they see it, then use your binoculars to reveal it. If you're lucky, you'll destroy it before it destroys any of you. Clear out the rest of the enemies around the small camp once the Tiger's dealt with. Two more Panzer IV tanks are waiting for you on the western edge of the town. Use the same tactic as before, parking your tanks within range of the town, then finding the Panzers with your binoculars. Once those two are destroyed, the tricky part starts. Two more Panzer IV's and some infantry (including a sniper) are defending the northern bridgehead. The "Axis artillery defenses" you're supposed to destroy for the bonus objective aren't actually artillery at all - you just have to destroy all six Panzer IVs and the Tiger, which means the two Panzers next to the northern bridgehead have to be destroyed before the infantry, or you risk failing the bonus objective. The good news is that if you approach them from the south-east, the northern-most infantry unit should be easily avoidable until after you destroy the Panzers. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ======================================== | | | | 2.19) DEPOT DESTRUCTION | | | | ======================================== | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Destroy Axis ammunition dumps 2) Destroy Axis artillery ---------------- BONUS OBJECTIVES ---------------- 1) Destroy all Axis supply trucks ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- Immediately highlight the tanks you start near and head north-west. Three Panzerwerfers are going to come down from the north and try to destroy the bridge, which you absolutely do not want to happen. Destroy all three of them and the infantry that trail behind them, then send the western group of your forces to meet your central group. You only really need a supply truck, your Commander, and the tanks to win this mission, so leave the rest behind. With the exception of the the north-eastern one, all of the other areas marked for the second objective are actually occupied by tanks, not artillery. Head to the south-eastern one first, destroy everything in the town, and then head a little north-west to the next pile of tanks. Destroy them, then move farther north-west and head up to the west side of the lake. Four Opel Blitz supply trucks are in the extreme north-western corner, and destroying all four will accomplish the bonus objective. Head east over the top of the lake, and you'll find yourself directly above all four ammunition dump structures. Destroy all four, and then head due east along the road. A Panzerwerfer should eventually attack you, and your tanks will destroy it. This should be the last unit you need to destroy to accomplish the second main objective. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | =============================== | | | | 2.20) AIR RAID | | | | =============================== | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Destroy anti-air sites guarding Axis production facilities 2) Hold off Axis anti-air reinforcements long enough to allow the bombing run to take place ---------------- BONUS OBJECTIVES ---------------- - None. ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- The compound in the south on the west side of the train tracks is your first target. Move eastward with your Commander, keeping your tank and howitzer pile close at all times. Whenever your Commander sees an enemy tank, your vehicles should destroy it almost instantly, but always keep your guard up just in case. When you reach the entrance to the first compound, park your tanks just barely above it, then take a look inside with your Commander. Tons of troops and vehicles are in there, inlcuding a Tiger 1. Wipe them all out, including the Flakpanzer, which you should receive a notification for when you destroy it. Continue eastward, crossing the train tracks and heading for the two large anti-aircraft guns in the south-east corner of the map. Another large pile of German forces is waiting in this compound, so make sure your tanks are all lined up near the entrance when you scout in there. A few tanks might also hide close to the eastern edge of the first row of buildings, so you might actually have to enter the compound before you can get rid of them all. Destroy the two anti-aircraft guns, then head north to the other side of the water. Two more anti-aircraft guns are sitting here, and they aren't nearly as well-defended as the last pair. Blast them from underneath, then move westward towards the third set of anti-aircraft guns. Clear out the enemies from around them, but DO NOT destroy them. You'll want to take some time to prepare your defensive positions first. Track down your two field guns and tow them to the south-western compound. Deploy them both on the road heading towards the train tracks. You'll want them between the compound's buildings, not actually outside the compound. Face them to the east, since a Panzer IV will sometimes come down this path. Stick your spare Commander at the northern entrance to this compound, since you might need him to scout later. As for your tank pile, head all the way north on the main road to the top of the screen. The first wave of German reinforcements will enter the map from this road, so line your tanks and howitzers up just above the fence. Now use a unit to destroy the two remaining anti-aircraft guns, then send that unit to join your tanks. A Panzer IV will enter the screen first, and your tanks should blast it before it even knows what hit it. Another Panzer IV will follow shortly after that, and then two Flakpanzers followed by a Tiger 1. As soon as both Flakpanzers are destroyed, send all of your surviving tanks all the way down to the south-eastern corner of the map where the anti-aircraft guns used to be. You absolutely have to do this as fast as possible, so make damn sure your tanks take the road, and don't stop for any reason, even if you're losing vehicles to stray tanks. While the tanks are in transit, go back to your field guns. The Panzer IV will be long gone by now if it attacked, so turn your attention westward to the compound. A Flakpanzer will have snuck underneath the compound and made its way to the middle, so turn your field guns to face it, then find it with your spare commander. Two shells should destroy it, and your tanks should be nearing the south-east corner. You must destroy the two Flakpanzers that'll be sitting east of where the anti-aircraft guns used to be, and you must do it as fast as possible. Even half a second of delay can cost you the mission. If you manage to destroy them both before the bombers start their attack, you'll win the mission. If not, prepare to be frustrated while you perfect your speed. >_> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ================================ | | | | 2.21) CAPTURE THE FACTORY | | | | ================================ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Destroy the gun emplacements guarding the entrances to the underground facility 2) Eliminate enemy forces defending the installation ---------------- BONUS OBJECTIVES ---------------- 1) Capture enemy scientists ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- A few seconds into the mission, enemy forces will attack you from the north and from the east. Leave everything where it starts, and you should be able to fend off the attack with no (or minimal) casualties. You might want to use your Commander to scout to the north before the attack though, since the increased visual radius might help you pick off a few of the vehicles a little faster. Once the initial attack's done, gather your tanks and howitzer on the east side of the town. Send them east all the way over the train tracks, then position them around the south-east corner of the train yard. There's a U-shaped group of buildings north of the train yard where a pair of tanks and some infantry are hiding. Fire a shot up there to make them move, then keep your binoculars on them until your tanks destroy them all. Move your tanks back west to the main road, then head north towards the first part of the compound. Only light resistance is waiting for you until a little east of the anti-aircraft guns, where a tank destroyer is waiting. Line your tanks along the northern edge of the first fence, then move them all north at the same time. They'll pulverize the tank destroyer, and they should only take one hit from it in return. Continue moving your tank cluster north between the mountains, turning to the east as soon as you get around them. They should destroy the closest bunker as soon as it fires at them, but they might not be able to see the Tiger 1 waiting to the east. Target it manually if necessary, then turn south to get under the factory buildings there. Destroy the transport in the fenced area, then move your tanks south to the piece of building sticking out from the mountain. Some scientists will emerge from it, and you'll be given control of them. Send them back to the anti-aircraft guns for safe keeping. As long as they stay alive for the remainder of the mission, you'll accomplish the bonus objective. Move your tanks all the way east, then move north and destroy the three bunkers in the central area. Enemies troops will poor out of the factory entrances in the north and east, so make sure you gun them all down as fast as possible. When everything in this area is eliminated, send your tanks back west all the way to the airstrip area. There's a Tiger 1 waiting in the concrete area near the bunker, and you'll want to get underneath it to have a better angle when you attack. After it's dealt with, destroy the bunker, then destroy the infantry that vacate the last factory entrance. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | =========================== | | | | 2.22) DESTROY DORA | | | | =========================== | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Destroy the Dora train gun ---------------- BONUS OBJECTIVES ---------------- 1) Destroy the gun before it can be fired ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- This mission is ridiculously simple... Send your four tanks west over the bridge, take care of the infantry units, then head south towards the entrance to the compound. There's a field gun directly between the compound's fence and the mountain, but your tanks will destroy it before it causes any serious damage. A Panzer IV will attack from the entrance to the compound, but it won't last long against your tanks. Send your tanks into the compound and wait a little north-west of the hill that leads south towards the train. Another Panzer IV will eventually come down the road, but your tanks will blast it instantly. Meanwhile, go stick one of your Engineers into your Halftrack and send it down to your tanks. When it gets there, eject the Engineer, then send all four tanks south towards the train, completely ignoring the anti-tank gun to the east when it fires at you. Move the Halftrack in front of the anti-tank gun so it'll draw its fire, then tell the Engineer to use a bomb on Dora. Your tanks should be able to hold their position just fine, and when the bomb blows up, you'll accomplish the bonus objective as well as the main objective. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ================================ | | | | 2.23) LIBERATE THE LOST | | | | ================================ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Enter the POW Camp and return at least 60 of the prisoners alive ---------------- BONUS OBJECTIVES ---------------- 1) Rescue at least 80 prisoners ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- Take all seven of your tanks north towards the town in the north-east corner, destroy roaming infantry and the SDK near the factory along the way. When you reach the town, send your tanks up the west side of it, stopping short of the train yard. Scout the yard with your Commander, and he'll see several tanks and a Panzerwerfer stopped there. Your tanks should be able to destroy them all without taking much damage. Make sure the rest of the town is cleared, then park your tanks on the west entrance of the POW Camp. Scout ahead with the Commander and destroy anything you can, then send your tanks into the camp. Several heavy vehicles and a lot of infantry will attack you, so keep moving eastward. When you get to the other side of the camp, turn north and take care of the Tiger and Panzerwerfer in the north-east corner of the camp. Make absolutely sure the camp is completely cleared, then take your tanks all the way back down to your base along the exact same path you took to reach the POW Camp. You'll notice that a rather large group of German reinforcements has moved in near your drop zone, so wipe them all out. Double check the entire path back to the camp, and when you're ready, take control of the POW units and move them all in one giant cluster all the way to the extraction point. [NOTE: Just get a unit inside the fenced POW detainment areas to take control of them.] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ============================= | | | | 2.24) BRIDGE ASSAULT | | | | ============================= | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Eliminate the Axis presence at the town 2) Secure the bridgehead ---------------- BONUS OBJECTIVES ---------------- 1) Sweep and secure the canyon bed ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- You don't have much in the way of force, so you'll want to be as absolutely careful as you possibly can with every one of your units during this mission. You should start with your western group, using the Sniper to scout forward. Turn south when you hit the road and eliminate the infantry units around the buildings. If a unit makes it inside a building, there isn't much you can do other than run. Your target is the entrance of the canyon at the south end of the road. Several infantry units are waiting for you in the canyon, but if you snipe at them a few times before they attack you, you should be able to finish them off easily with your Riflemen groups. When every unit in the canyon is defeated, you'll accomplish the bonus objective. Turn around and head north up the road, avoiding buildings if they have units in them. Go over the top of the northern group of buildings and head east, but stop above the middle of the farm area. There's a heavy machine gunner behind a tree at the end of the fence, and he'll cut you up pretty badly if you try to attack him. Instead, concentrate on your other group of units now. Take them all south to the intersection, then leave the Mortar guys there. Send the Commander and the Riflemen squad into a building on the east side of the road past the intersection. Four units of enemy infantry will come up the road to attack, but your units in the building should be able to handle them easily, especially with the Mortar unit helping out. When all of the enemy units are destroyed, eject your units from the building and head west along the bottom edge of the mountain. Scout farter to the west until you find the heavy machine gunner I mentioned earlier, then let your Mortar unit kill him before he can attack you. Send your other Riflemen and your Sniper over to your Commander's group now, but stay as far north as you can to avoid fire from the buildings to the south. Head back to the western edge of the town, then head south towards the bridgehead. There's a respectable amount of enemy infantry around the bridge, so move forward slowly and snipe at them. When you get the chance, move south-west towards the rows of hedges and enter them. Move all the way to the south, then exit the hedges to the east. From here, you should have perfect angles to snipe (or mortar) the enemy mortar crew near the sandbags. Destroy every unit you can find, and watch out for units inside the barn and the structure north of it. Knock those buildings down with your Mortars, then clean up any remaining infantry units until you're told that the bridgehead is secured. Head north into the town and turn to the east after that, scouting ahead with your Sniper to find a large group of enemy infantry near the middle of the town on the far eastern edge. Pick them off with Sniper bullets and mortars until they either rush at you or run towards the town. If they rush at you, just use your Riflemen and Commander to hose them all. If they run towards the town, send your entire force north-east to the main road, then turn to the west with a unit of Riflemen. The enemy's likely hiding in a building, and the Riflemen will work as bait to get the enemy to reveal its position. As soon as you know what building they're in, blast it with mortars, then rush in to slaughter what comes out of the building. This should be all that remains inside the town, but if you don't win the mission when you destroy them, you'll have to scour the town for survivors. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | =========================== | | | | 2.25) FINAL BATTLE | | | | =========================== | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OBJECTIVES ---------- 1) Destroy the enemy strongholds in the villages ---------------- BONUS OBJECTIVES ---------------- 1) Take loot from buildings back to the base camp to gain reinforcements [Note that this objective is not written on the briefing screen, but it is read by the narator during the brieging.] ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- Collect your four tanks and find your Commander, then head south out of your base. Scout ahead for enemy troops, then work your way east over the top of the town. The town's swarming with heavy vehicles, so you'll want to avoid it until you can get some reinforcements. Head north when appropriate and attack the forces defending the north-eastern town. When the defensive position is cleared, send an infantry unit into the western house of the pair in the south-east corner of the town to find some valuable wine. Return the infantry unit to your base, and you'll be given two Riflemen squads and two more Fireflies. Send the Fireflies over to your other four tanks, then head south along the west side of the river. Use your Commander to scout the town near the bridge, then use your tanks to pick off the Pak 38 and infantry inside the town. Several tanks and vehicles are inside the town, so move progressively farther to the south, destroying them one by one. Be careful not to destroy the building in the middle of the town - there's gold in it, and returning it to your base will cause you to receive another two Riflemen units and another two Fireflies. If you haven't deployed your base forces yet, do so immediately. A wave of about a half dozen Tiger 1 tanks will attack your base from the south one at a time over the next few minutes. Put an Engineer on each side of the road, put all three units of Mortar troops in the forest (spread them out so they won't all get killed from one shell), and point both of your field guns towards the road. These forces should be able to hold out against the Tigers without the help of your tanks, but if you're not comfortable with that, send your tanks to the north and work your way west into your base. When the Tigers stop attacking, launch your own assault on the town directly south of your base. Most of the heavy vehicles I warned you about were just involved in the assault on your base, so taking this town should be a lot easier now. Watch out for the field gun in the south though, and make sure it gets destroyed before it accidentally destroys any buildings in the town. The house in the north-east corner of the town contains a candelabra, so return it to your base to receive additional reinforcements. When you're ready, head for the bridge in the south-west corner of the map, destroying Pak 38s along the way. Turn to the east after crossing to the southern side of the river, then assault the last strong hold. There's not much need to be careful, since only a few vehiclesm a pair of Pak 38s, and some infantry is all that's waiting for you. Once every German unit is eliminated from the town, you'll win the mission as well as the game. ============================================================================= | ---------------- | | 3.00) END | | ---------------- | ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ============================ | | 3.01) VERSION HISTORY | | ============================ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- September 29th, 2004 -------------------- - Submitted the first part of the guide. The entire Recruit Mode is done, but I do not intend on finishing the Veteran Mode walkthroughs until I finish Codename: Panzers and Metroid Prime 2, which means it's very likely that the Veteran Mode walkthroughs will not get posted until February of 2005 or later. ------------------ January 27th, 2005 ------------------ - The good news is that I'm done with Codename: Panzers and Metroid Prime 2. The bad news is that I still have several other current projects that I'd prefer to finish before starting the guide for the Veteran mode in this game. I apologize to any loyal readers that were waiting for it, but I can help many more gamers with my current projects than I can with this one. Updated a few small details, as well as the copyright section. --------------- June 21st, 2005 --------------- - Reworked the table of contents to make things look a little better, and changed all of the section headers to look a little less... Ecksy. Anyone that saw the original version would know what I mean. >_> --------------- July 23rd, 2005 --------------- - Finally got around to adding the entire Veteran Mode walkthrough. Sorry it took so long. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ==================== | | 3.02) CLOSING | | ==================== | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- As always, any comments are more than welcome. If you need more specific help, feel free to contact me on my site, and I'll see if I can hook you up with a quick screenshot or two to help out. http://thebrink.us/boards Otherwise, you can drop me an email at cmstale@ilstu.edu or try me on AIM at "Deuce ex Defcon". Thanks for checking out the guide, and enjoy the game. I hope this guide will help at least a few people out... so if you even glance at it just for a little tip, please let me know. I'd appreciate it.