Monk FAQ .996 by Akumu X for Final Fantasy XI on Seraph server character name Kirei (75Mithra MNK) E-mail - AkumuXhotmailcom Live Journal: My First FFXI movie: ---Movie-Project ^(no spaces)^ My First WoW movie (if ya like that game):;4158598;;/ fileinfo.html ^(no spaces)^ Soon...My 2nd FFXI movie. (Much better editted.) To start - thanks for being interested in my FAQ. Please report any grammar/spelling errors, or just errors in general. =================== =====Contents====== =================== I.Intro to Monk II. Ver. History III. Job Abilities IV. Job Traits V. Stat Equipment Importance Vb. Artifact Armor Vc. Artifact II Armor/Relic Knuckles Vd. Dynamis Explination Ve. The Black Belt Vf. Shura Set (Dryadic Abjuration Set) Vg. God Armor VI.Job Combinations VII. Playing as a Monk VIII. Listed Equipment IX. Weapon Skills X. FAQ (Maat FAQ in this section) XI. Credits & Thanks XII. Summary ==================================================================== I. Welcome to Monk. It is pretty much fact, that by most NA players Monk is one of the more overlooked jobs. It's not "advanced", we get no damn "circles" abilities or "killer" traits. We just do damage. It is a pretty simple class to play, however still possible to screw up. Wielding a set of knuckles, a monk attacks twice per round. These two attacks are actually considered as one by the game. Boosting before battle gets your first series of attacks a boost in damage. NOT just the first punch. (I've done extensive research on this.) Well, that said. Let's see what this "simple" job has going for it. ==================================================================== II. This is version .1 More revisions will be forthcoming as they are deamed necessary. .2 Added a question and answer to the FAQ chapter. .3 Fixed a spelling error, added the to be more updated, Equipment section. .4 Added an AF How to guide, under Equipment. .5 It seems I left out a whole damned section "Playing as a Monk" >.> That's now corrected. .6 Added a FAQ, Added Artifact II Armor Stats and Location .7 cleared up a few typos .8 Added in Tourney Patas (40) .9 With the new Oct-Dec 2004 Update I added the equips that I thought should take over the "old" equips position. (What's better for you.) Also, added in Black Belt quest how to, since I literally had to figure out how to do it myself. (Yea, I got my Black Belt ^_^) Also added Monk/Samurai/Ninja cursed gear. Shura set. Also added God Armor. .99 Small word changes. .991 Small text changes, and added new level 30 Bracers .992 Added further, more accurate, info on upgrading Dynamis Knuckles .993 Added AF +1 armor .994 More minor text changes .995 Added WS dmg determination and section 'Weapon Skills' .996 Completed how to get Sprahai ==================================================================== III. Job Abilities Hundred Fists - Level 1 - 2:00:00 timer - 1:00 Duration If you've seen this, you know the beauty of it. Hundred Fists is awesome, there's no way around it. Assuming you can actually hit the target, it not being IT+++, this will take a significant chunk out of a target's HP. However, it will draw hate onto you, so the healer had better be prepared to shell out some cures. Use this for a chain 5, or if your group maybe pulls a link into camp. Boost - Level 5 - :15 timer - 3:00 Duration Many monks don't know if boost is worth it or not. Yes, it can seem repetitious to keep boosting while the puller is out getting a new mob. I can only tell you that it is indeed worth it. It is even more worth it when you get Chi Blast, which is highly effected my how many times you've boosted, and yet even more worth it when you get you AF gloves (Temple Gloves) which increase the power of boost yet further. Please boost before new fights, I would not recommend boosting during fights, as it slows do your attacks, unless you, for some reason are tanking. Boost draws small aggro, and a Monk tanking can use that to an advantage. Dodge - Level 15 - 5:00 timer - 2:00 Duration Dodge is what is says. Once every 5 minutes, for 2 minutes you get a slight evasion increase. The increase strenghtens with AF boots (Temple Gaiters), this is primarily a hate generating tool for when you're tanking. There really is no reason to use it otherwise. The evasion bonus isn't too noticeable, and especially not to IT monsters. Focus - Level 25 - 5:00 timer - 2:00 Duration Focus is a beautiful thing. It noticeably increases you accuracy for two minutes. Use this as soon as it's up. Chakra - Level 35 - 5:00 timer - Instant (on self) Chakra is simply a healing ability. Your VIT multiplied by 2 (or 3 with AF body gear Temple Cyclas). Very good for farming, also very good when fighting mobs with nasty AOEs. Chi Blast - Level 41 - 3:00 timer - Instant (to monster) Chi Blast, early on, is simply a means for the Monk to tack on more damage as the mob is coming in to the camp. Chi Blast power is affected by how many times you've boosted in conjunction with your MND stat. Late game, for HNM fights Monks are called on to use Boost and Chi Blast (along with as much MND gear as they can get their hands on) to Chi Blast the HNM. Doing 700-1100 damage is NOT uncommon. Use this ability whenever it's up, and properly boosted. It's more damage done by you, the damage dealer. Counterstance - Level 45 - 5:00 timer - 5:00 Duration Counterstane drops you def down to 30-60, while greatly increasing your chance to counter. It's typically not worth it to use Counterstance unless you have a large amount of +counter gear or the AF2 boots (Melee Gaiters) and even then. It's still more of a personal preferance to use. You either like this ability, or you don't. I don't use it that much, maybe when farming if I can remember, but I'd rather not play around with Counterstancing on VT/ITs. That's just me. ====================================================================== IV. Job Traits Martials Arts Level 1, 31, 46, 61, 75. Unlike any other job save Ninja, Monk get their own built in Haste. Monk's Hand to Hand fighting has a default delay of 480. The chart below shows how your base delay drops, as your levels rise. HTH Delay = 480 HTH Delay with Martial Arts I [Monk Lv1] 400 HTH Delay with Martial Arts II [Monk Lv16] 380 HTH Delay with Martial Arts III [Monk Lv31] 360 HTH Delay with Martial Arts IV [Monk Lv46] 340 HTH Delay with Martial Arts V [Monk Lv61] 320 HTH Delay with Martial Arts VI [Monk Lv75] 300 As you can see, Monks get quite speedy come 61+ - 75. Tack on your weapon delay (usally +86, +96, +112) and you have a not so bad damage over time situation. ^_^ Counter - 10 - You will occasionally counter a mobs attack, directed at you. (Will never hear anyone complain about this) Max HP Boost - 15, 35, 55, 70. Ahh, what monks are known for before the fights even begin. Is that an Elvaan WAR? No, it's a Taru MNK. Monk get sick HP, which is very nice, considering we need an offset to our pretty damn low defense. You Galka monks better get used to being 150-400 HP above the next highest HP character in your party. Kick Attacks - 51, 71. Kicks are completely random, but do generate TP and are an extra attack in the Monk's favor. They typically do roughly 1/2 of the damage of a punch. Fun to watch, more damage on the mob, who can complain? ====================================================================== V. Stat Equipment Importance Being a damager dealer, the main purpose of the job is to (of course) deal damage. However, Monk are the most straight-forward damage dealers in the game. No spells to debuff, no break WSs to use for the benefit of the party, no acid/sleep etc arrows/bolts. Just straight out damage. That being said, Monk is pretty easy to go shopping for. My list of importance for all Monks save Elvaan, and maybe Galka goes STR>ACC>ATK>DEX. Elvaan would be ACC>STR>ATK>DEX, due to their high STR. Build your gear accordingly. Haste items are more often than not, a luxury. If you can afford them, and can still hit hard and often with them, more power to you. ====================================================================== VI. Job Combinations First off, I'm just gonna list possible VIABLE combinations. Crap like MNK/DRG is RIGHT OUT. (Don't give me that haste earring crap, it's RIGHT OUT!) MNK/WAR - This subjob leads the Monk in it's highest dmg output w/o relying on skillchains. Double Attack, Berserk, Warcry, Atk Bonus, Defense Bonus. These things can not be disputed. However, there are situations when you'll be forced to sub THF. MNK/THF - Not worth it before 67. Gaining Steal, Gilfinder, and Sneak Attack. While discarding Double Attack, Berserk, Atk Bonus and Def Bonus is not a choice you should willingly want to make. However after 67 in bones parties if there isn't a Dark Knight closing the Light skillchain. You WILL be asked to close it, and if you value your life and the sanity of your Paladin and White Mage, you WILL sub THF (with it being at least level 30, for Trick Attack) You don't sub THF in a bones party, you die or AT LEAST have unnecessary cures burned on you while the Paladin tried frantically to get hate back, not to mention doing less damage because both hits of your Dragon Kick aren't guarenteed to connect like with /THF. (Also use /THF for farming. Treasure Hunter at 15, and Flee (which is really fun) at 25. Why not just take the bugger to 30 for the Trick Attack? Right?) MNK/SAM - I'm not a fan of it. Monks are already typically waiting for every other job besides RNG and SAM (maybe a non tanking WAR/NIN) to get TP. Thus being at being at 175TP (due to your Store TP traits) when the DRK, DRG, PLD and what have you get 100, isn't worth it. That extra TP means just about bugger. Try it sometime. Do a 100TP Howling Fist. The a 175TP Howling Fist, the difference makes you wonder. ...and Meditate then soloing your WS. >.> Why bother? Especially since this game is built on leveling off of things like crabs and beetles. As mentioned in the MNK/THF part. Come 67, if you're in a bones party, that MNK/SAM just don't play. Cuz now you're hitting too damn HARD. Thus screwing up the hate system for the PLD, draining the healers MP, trying to heal our gross HP. Causing unnecessary agg on the WHM for having to spam Cure IVs. It just doesn't fly...on bones MNK are Dragon Kick closers or using Raging Fists to make Fusion for the DRK/THF. And a DRK/THF no way, no how can keep up with a MNK/SAM in TP. MNK/Mage - No. Only time a MNK/mage works is for HNM battles. The hard ones. And that's MNK/WHM (MAYBE MNK/SMN) for the MND bonus. From, if you were paying attention, Chi Blast being directly related to MND (and Boost). MNK/WHM with +MND gear = SICK Chi Blast dmg. Especially if the MNK is Elvaan, and to a lesser degree Galka. ======================================================================== VII. Playing as a Monk Hit Control+A or type in /assist (name of tank here, minus parenthesis) Congrats. You can now play as a Monk! Honestly folks, this is the easiest job in the game to play. There is no debuffing, tanking, jumping, repeated skillchaining, or anything else the melee do except damage. The reason why Monks are so great at damage is because that's ALL they do. A good DRK will toss out some Absorb spells or Aspir on the inevitable crab you're fighting. Dragoons, well they're next simple, but they at least jump. We Berserk (if WAR sub) and Focus. Dodge is an utter waste, Chakra only when hit by AOE, Boost in battle is a no no unless you're trying to hold hate, and Chi Blast is horrible unless Boosted up. That is the simplicity of the Monk. However, some think that simple job = unfun or even "bad" job. Simply not the case. All through my levels I never got tired of Monk. Never "stopped for a break", LOVED pounding the hell outta things, and did so in a sound, and better manner than many a Monk I've partied with. The extras definately help. Boost before every fight while the puller is out getting the mob. Once you get Chi Blast, boost then Chi Blast as the mob is coming in. However, please don't boost too high (post 54) lest you screw up the PLD getting hate. It is possible to do 300-500 damage Chi Blast to the mob as it's coming in. A Paladin provoking after that, means nothing. The Paladin would have to flash as well, as they should, and even then you're on thin ice till full hate is established. So, some extra steps to playing your job to it's pinnacle. -Boost before all fights, but NOT during them. -Boost Chi Blast mob as incoming, though don't get crazy. -WAR subbers, if with a NIN tank and see NIN having trouble casting Utsusemi, voke, take a few hits to let the NIN cast. -If hit with a blind, or poison (paralysis after 58) attack/AOE try telling the WHM not to worry about you. You have Chakra to clear that out of your system. (Then use Chakra, thus saving them some MP) -EAT YOUR MEATS/Sole Sushi, sadly I dont see this early on, Monk LIVE off STR. EAT THEM MEATS! (Though, sushi is damn good too.) -Keep your gear UP TO DATE. Sadly, yes this means take time out to go and farm/fish/raise a craft. Please guys, just do it. You're so much better of a Monk with better equips. I'm sure I'll think of some more. That's it for now. Any suggestions? Holler at me. ======================================================================== VIII. Listed Equipment This is the list such as it is. Will update from time to time with any new items that S-E adds. Also, please keep in mind, expensive things like Cross-counters, Scorpion Harness and Peacock Charm, aren't expected. They're just added into the list for completeness sake. This layout is very similar to Effen's layout. (He has a FAQ on Allakazham, it's similar because I agree on ALL of his choices. He seems very wise in the way of the Monk, though he, like I, have long since quit FFXI. [Last I checked anyways.] ^_^;) The equipment list may be slightly dated, S-E keeps adding more equips and I'm not always able to get ahold of information on just what they added. Disclaimer of sorts: There are indeed many items in here that are not mentioned. The Shura set, God Armor, HIGH gold smithing items, RSE1/2, Diving Might earring, Triumph Earring, +1 lvl 72 Rings etc. These are not mentioned for basically the following reasons. 1. They all costs millions/are crafted from very very high level synthesis, or are God armor or Rare/Ex. I don't add these because I don't want to insult the intelligence of my FAQ readers, you all know that you'd want Byakko's Haidate for the 5% Haste, you don't need me to tell you which god peices you'd want, I'm sure you're already drooling over them. Likewise for the Shura set, especially for the Shura set because many of it's peices are strictly judgement calls on how you'd like your Monk to be. As far as Triumph Earrings, they cost millions, 2STR is never worth millions. Alky Bracellets push it, they're barely worth the money because you're adding 2STR on top of Pallas's. Once again though, this is my judgement call, in these regards I ask you to make yours. Hand To Hand: Cesti(1), Ryl Ftm Cesti(10), Republic Knuckles (15), Impact Knuckles(32), Mythril Knuckles(38), Tourney Patas(40), Pata +1(48), Tactician Magician's Hooks(50) Cross-Counters (50), Bone Pata+1(56), Spartan Cesti(58), Feral Fangs (66) > Avengers (68) Indra Katars (73) or Narasimha/Vishnu Cesti (67) Notes: First off, your AF1. As SOON as Oggbi hands them to you, DROP THEM. They are complete crap, and you shouldn't even entertain the notion of using them in an XP pt. (Yea you can still do AF quests if you don't have your Beat Cesti) This is how I figure Monk knuckles. On the skill chain chart, 85% of the time, Monks are skillchain closers, typically closing Fusion. With high dmg knuckles you, of course, get higher damage closing Fusion. Which leads to higher damage Fusion, which leads to the mob dying faster, which leads to quicker XP. Monks attack fast enough that they don't need a 0 delay weapon. Please purchase what's on the list. I can assure you, it is what's best for your Monk, and for your XP pt. Newly added: Updated to show Indras and Nara Cesti, also Avengers as nice as there are to look at are placed IMO on the same pedistal as Ferals. The thing Ferals has over Avengers is, of course, the one damage, but also more importantly. Ferals can be bought. Avengers are rare/ex drop off of the Bomb Queen in Ifrit's, and she is a stingy one. Indras are a semi-rare drop off of Steam Cleaner, a pot that is a sky trigger. If you have sky, and your LS is going to be doing Gods, they'll need to kill Steam Cleaner if they want his drop.(Gem Of the East) used to spawn a god. Now as far as the Cesti go, I really can't recommend them, until your delay drops to 300 base. That is to say 75. At 75 Cesti, to be honest, rip mobs up. You lose a few dmg per fist, surprising not much, and a nice chunk off of your weapon skills, but good lord the attack speed.It gets down right crazy if you add your haste gear, and maybe Haste from a RDM or WHM. Usually don't use Cesti in xp on anything other than bones, but it's not unheard of to use them for everything. I do not add Kaiser/Koening. Koenig is only better from Ferals because of some acc, acc that is nice, but you don't need. Kaiser, have never been sold on Seraph. They are a +1 of Koenig, which is a lvl 90+ synth. Kaiser are beautiful indeed, however, not attainable. Head: Bronze Cap(1), Hachimaki(8), Monk's Headgear(11), Merc. Hachimaki(20), Emperor Haripin(24), Merc Cpt Headgear(30), Voyager Sallet (41), AF (56) [If you like "The complete AF look"], Melee Crown (75) or Optical Hat (70) depending on what you're doing. Notes: Hairpin is nice, I don't expect you to have it. But at that low of a level, DEX is your friend since ACC isn't around yet. Voyager Sallet added Dec 9th 2004 has that nice +3STR, great for a Monk. Toss up between Opt Hat and Melee Crown, depending on your task. Whether you need the accuracy or not, of course. (Crown is +5STR amongst other things.) Body: Bronze Harness(1), Kenpogi(8), Power Gi(13), Beetle Harness(21), Merc. Cpt. Doublet(30), Jujitsu Gi(40), Shinobi Gi(49), Master Gi(55), Scorpian Harness(57)[Hope ya got $$], AF(58) Notes: Our AF body is beautiful, look forward to it. Before then get yourself a Jiujitsu Gi at 40~ish, and if ya got some extra bucks. A Masters at 55 for added D. No need for a Shinobi if you have Jujitsu, it's just on the list for those Monks that don't have Jujitsu. Hands: Any, Battle Gloves(14), Fed. Tekko(25), Hume RSE [if you're Hume of course] (27), Gigas Bracelets (30), Ochiudo Kote(34), AF(54), Pallas's Bracelets (60), Alkyoneus's Bracelet(70) Notes: Definate pick up them Battle Gloves. Gigas Bracelets have nice +HP and +STR come level 30 if you wish to gettem. As far as Ochi's Kote. There is so indistinguishable difference between Ochi's and AF gloves that I just sold Ochi's and used the 700k (at the time) and put it towards my Spectacles fund. Alky Bracelets at 70, are PLENTY rare, and plenty expensive. Got my pair from killing the NM (w/ help of course, thanks Gork) Legs: Bronze Subligar(1), Sitabaki(8), Linen Slops(12), Beetle Subligar(21), Republic Subligar(25), Jujitsu Sitabaki(37), Shinobi Hakama(49), Master Sitabaki/+1(53), AF(60), Rasetsu Hakama(72) Notes: Straight forward. Make sure to pick up Republic Subligar. Has a decent +ATK. Wear that for as long as you like, and aren't taking hits. Because the other Legs are pretty much just more D/for the looks. AF is debatable. Whether you wanna stick to Master Sita +1 or AF is up to you, and depends on how you like the look/how you play. Feet: Bronze Leggings(1), Kyahan(8), Light Soleas(13), Beetle Leggings(21), Windurstian or Fed. Kyahan(25), Merc. Cpt. Gaiters(30), Fuma Kyahan(39), AF(52), Rasetsu Sune-Ate(72) or Fuma Sune-Ate (72) or Melee Gaiters (71) Once again, it all lies in what you're doing...that dictates what you need. Notes: Pretty straight forward. I don't have the "Kung-Fu Shoes" series in here. They have a hidden effect to increase kick damage, but are SO rarely on the AH that they aren't even worth mentioning. If you get tired of Orange, at 72 you can buy the Rasetsu boots, some +ATK. Usually I just wear the whole Rasetsu set or the whole AF set. They look stupid mixed. (Also, I'm not a big fan of Fuma, give me AF2 boots) Belt: White Belt(1), Purple Belt(18), Brown Belt(40), Life Belt(48), Black Belt(70) Notes: ACC > Haste. Those are my "words of wisdom". Once you find that your attacks are being missed. Then try removing Life Belt for Brown. If you still hit well (or have 2 Sniper's) then Brown Belt can stay on. About the Black Belt, oh man what a trip that thing is to get. You won't get it at 70. 75 More likely, since you need to kill 3 HNM (King versions drop the items 100%) WELL worth it! Earring: Bone Earrings +1 (16), Beetle Earrings +1(21), Spike Earrings(55), Tortoise Earring+1 [if you can find them] (45)Coral Earrings(63) Notes: Nothing hard here, +ATK earrings all the way, unless you have gil pouring out of your eye sockets to get the end game strength earrings or Supomomimi +2STR earrings from the 5 at once Ark Angel fight. Necklace: Spike Necklace(21), Peacock Charm(33), Spectacles(59) Notes: Spike Necklace is your friend. STR is more important that ATK. STR, not only is a calculation of ATK, it also *gasp* raises your STR. (ATK *gasp* doesn't raise your STR) Specs are entirely up to you. The sure were nice to have for me, but if you feel you don't need them, then give it a try w/o them. Rings: Courage Ring(14), Puissance Ring(36), Sniper's Ring(40), Sun/Victory Ring(54), Ruby Ring (72) Note: I have Sniper's Rings in there. Because some Monks like to get their +acc out of the Rings slot, and use Brown Belt. Of course, this way is also more expensive, but viable. Either way you should have either 2 sniper's or a Life Belt. You decide, how you want to play it. Back: Wolf Mantle +1 (28) > Amemit Mantle (61) Note: If +Agi, or +Eva is your thing, feel free to go that route. Vb. Artifact Armor AF Quest name: Wandering Ghost Lvl req: 40 Talk to whom: Oggbi, Port Bastok/The Restaraunt AF Name: Beat Cesti/The Knuckles That Puke Built AF Stats: Lv 42, Damage +4, Delay +48, DEX +2, VIT +2, Hit +3 How To: Bring the 'Pendant of Pickaxe' dropped by Wandering Ghost, which appears when A pickaxe is used to A small hole at the inner Gusgen Mines. Tips: Trade a Pickaxe to the ??? in the lower level of the Gusgen Mines. Go through 2 doors,staying on the left hand side. Drop down a hole in the floor, and go to the ??? in the left corner there. You will see a ???. (If lost, maybe ask a miner there) Kill the Wandering Ghost and get the Pendant. And bring it to Oggbi. PT Needed: 2 LV55 OR 6 members of LV45 at least. (Ghost type mob resist physical attacks) AF2 Quest name: Re-encounter Lvl req: Monk lvl 50 (having completed MNK AF1) Talk to whom: Oggbi, Port Bastok/The Restaraunt AF Name: Temple Gaiters (Feet) AF Stats: Lv 52, Def 12, HP +12, DEX +3, Light Resist +10, Enhances 'Dodge' Effect How To: Go to Fei'yin, get into the BC and leave. An event will take place. After that, investigate the tent at F-6,7 IN Davoi. The two NM Orcs appear. After killing them, investigate the tent again, the get a key item (You'll have to run around to look for a new flap to lift up. The book will be under that) 'The Book On Martial Arts of San d'Oria'. Take it to Oggbi. PT Needed: 5 members of LV55 at least. AF3 Quest name: Something To Protect Lvl req: Monk lvl 50 (cleared 'Re-encounter') Talk to whom: Ayame, Bastok Metalworks, Gun Powder Room, Left Side. AF Name: Temple Hose (Legs) AF Stats: Lv 60, Def 29, HP +18, Guard Skill +10, Counter +1 How to: Trade A Yaqgudo Drink to the ??? that is in front of the room with a brass door at the top of Castle Oztrjoa. (Just keep going up in Castle O. Top of the steps on a torch you'll see the ???) An NM 'Huu Xalmo the Savage' appears. Kill it and get the 'Xalmo Feather'. Trade it to Ayame, and the quest is completed. PT Needed: 15 members of LV58 at least. Note: This bird counters ALOT. Make sure the Monks are healed, since we attack twice a round it hurts ALOT to fight this thing. And the higher the level of the tank, the better. Tank should probably use Invincible during the Bird's Hundred Fists. AF Quest: Boghertz's Gloves LVl req: Monk lvl 50 (cleared 'Re-encounter') Talk to whom: Guslam, Upper Jeuno, Armor Shop AF Name: Temple Gloves (Hands) AF Stats: Lv 54, Def 14, HP +14, STR +4, Dark Resist +10, Enhances 'Boost' effect (about doubles the power of it) How to: Get a Crawlers' Nest Coffer Key (dropped off of Helm Beetle, Crawler Hunter, Knight Crawler, Water Elemental and Wespe) Now search the area for a coffer. (I recommmend going to MysterTour and going to there Map1 section, then Crawlers' Nest to look up the exact coffer spots) Now that you have the "old gauntlets" go talk to Guslam. Then go to Port Jeuno near the Auction House/Chocobo station. You'll see a ???. Touch it to get a cutscene. Go Castle Zvahl Baileys talk a straight path (no lefts/rights off of the main hall. (Stay sneaked and invis, and in the MIDDLE of the path once you get to a 4-way intersection. Come to a gate with for torches. Touch a torch to spawn Dark Spark (bomb NM). Defeat him and touch the torch again to get your flame. Now go back to Port Jeuno and touch the ??? again. Grats, done. PT Needed: Basically just an XP PT to do some Helm Beetles, but DS requires 6~ish ppl 55+. Of course, the higher the better. AF Quest: Garlaige Citadel Coffer Lvl req/conditions: Having completed Boghertz's Gloves AF quest. AF Name: Temple Crown (Head) AF Stats: Lv56, Def 21, HP +16, MND +5, Enhances 'Focus' effect How to: The Coffer Key drops off of Fallen Mages, Fallen Majors, Wraith Hellmine, Over Weapon, Vault Weapon, Magic Jug, and Tainted Flesh. I recommend sticking with the first two. The most abundant, and you hit hard on skeletons. Once you have the coffer key you need to go behind the 2nd/3rd Banishing Gates. The map is on under Map1 Garlaige Citadel. (better than trying to explain the spawns). You WILL need 4 people to get you behind the gates, and their are platforms you need to stand on. AF Quest: Beadeaux Coffer Lvl req/conditions: Having completed (or even started?) Boghertz's Gloves AF quest. AF Name: Temple Cyclas (Body) AF Stats: Lv 58, Def 41, HP +20, VIT +3, Accuracy +5, Enhances 'Chakra' effect. How to: The Coffer Key drops off of Darksteel Quadav, Sapphire Quadav, Ancient Quadav and Platinum Quadav. Once you get the key the coffer area is very close, and very easy (though you might have to eat a death) Once again, check MysteryTour for the map. (You have the Beadeaux map, right? If not, buy it in Bastok) Vb1. Artifact Armor +1 I do not have all of the knowledge of how to get these items, except for the they're in Limbus, and it's something involving collecting chips from defeating and trading XX amount of chips and your original AF to XX NPC to get AF peice +1. Temple Crown +1 DEF:23 HP+16 MND+8 Enhances "Focus" effect HP recovered while healing +1 Temple Cyclas +1 DEF:44 HP+20 STR+6 VIT+6 Accuracy+5 Enhances "Chakra" effect Temple Gloves+1 DEF:15 HP+14 STR+6 Enhances "Boost" effect "Subtle Blow"+4 Temple Hose+1 DEF:31 HP+18 MND+4 Guarding skill +15 "Counter"+3 Temple Gaiters+1 DEF:15 HP+12 DEX+5 MND+5 Evasion+10 Enhances "Dodge" effect Head: Melee Crown Lvl 75 Def 23 Effects: HP+5% STR+5 Enmity-3 "Subtle Blow" +6 Dropped where?: Hell. Er, Dynamis - Xarcabard. Body: Melee Cyclas Lvl 74 Def 44 Effects: HP+5% VIT+5 HP Regen HealingHP +6 Dropped where?: Dynamis - Beaucedine Hands: Melee Gloves Lvl 73 Def 15 Effects: HP+3% Attack+16 "Subtle Blow"+4 Enhances "Chakra" effect Dropped where?: Dynamis - Jeuno Legs: Melee Hose Lvl 72 Def 31 Effects: HP+6% AGI+4 "Kick Attacks"+5 "Subtle Blow"+5 Dropped where?: Dynamis - San d'Oria Feet: Melee Gaiters Lvl 71 Def 15 Effects: HP+4% DEX+4 Guard skill+12 Enhances "Counterstance" effect Dropped where?:Dynamis - Bastok Weapon: Relic Knuckles Dmg 1 Delay 999 Dynamis Dmg/Delay: Same Dropped where?: Dynamis - Windurst Upgrade 1 of Relic Knuckles - Militant Knuckles Dmg 1 Delay 96 Dynamis Dmg/Delay: +16/96 (Water +7) Upgrade 2 of Relic Knuckles - Dynamis Knuckles Dmg 16 Delay 96 Dynamis Dmg/Delay: +18/96 (Water +9) Upgrade 3 of Relic Knuckles - Caestus Dmg 23 Delay 96 Dynamis Dmg/Delay: Same Additional Effect: In Dynamis, may use "Final Heaven" Weaponskill Final Upgrade Relic Knuckles - Spharai Dmg 23 Delay 86 Dynamis Dmg/Delay: Same Additional Effect: May use "Final Heaven" Weaponskill out of Dynamis. Attack +20, Enhances "Counter" effect. How to upgrade your knuckles: Switchstix can upgrade degraded weapons if you bring him the things he wants. The first upgrade will require: Relic Knuckles x1 Koh-I-Noor x1 Griffon Leather x1 Adaman Sheet x1 Fee: 100 Byne Bill x4 The Relic Knuckles are a drop from Dynamis - Windurst. The Koh-I-Noor is either crafted (HQ3) or bought with 33 100 Byne Bills from an Goblin NPC in Beadeaux. Trade all four items and payment in Byne Bills to Switchstix and he make your Militant Knuckles. You will need to wait one game day. The second upgrade will require: Militant Knuckles x1 Bronze knuckles x1 Metal knuckles x1 Koenigs knuckles x1 Fee: Monitont Silverpiece x14 The third upgrade will require: Dynamis Knuckles x1 Attestation of Might x1 61 L.Jadeshells The Attestation drops in Dynamis - Beacedine. Trade these two items to Switchstix and he will make you the Caestus. This will enable you to use the special weapon skill "Final Heaven", but only in Dynamis areas. The fourth upgrade will require: Caestus x1 Mystic Fragment (from Animated Knuckles in Dynamis-Xarcabard) Necropsyche (from the dragons in Dynamis-Xarcabard) a 10,000 Byne Bill fee You trade all 4 to a blank target in Castle Oztroja and receive the Spharai. This will upgrade the Caestus to the final weapon Spharai, which allows you to use the weapon skill "Final Heaven" anywhere. Rumors about "Final Heaven" from Allakazham. "Some interesting info - The skill Final Heaven builds in strength the more you use it. Rough guesses from things I've read are about +5% damage per 100 uses, so after 1000 uses, you'd be at about a +300 damage adder to it. Not sure if this caps, or gets exponentially harder to build like limit points meaning that first upgrade after 100 uses, then 2nd upgrade after 250 uses, then 3rd damage upgrade after 500 uses, etc. Regardless, it does get more powerful over time. The weapon skill does NOT get a damage modifier with Sneak Attack, much like elemental based attacks don't. Much as Apocaypse and Namas Arrow can build an additional skillchain burst off of Light or Dark, Knuckles can also. Ex. two people skillchain & burst dark, you then use Final Heaven and burst Dark again off of that kind of like an L4 burst. *** let me add the disclaimer that none of this info should be taken at face value, however, I've read instances of these things from multiple sources and believe them to be at least partially true. Got most of the information from JP sites like eLeMeN, stuff like that. Reputable places. My advice would be to search yourself and corroborate my findings. Use Google Language Tools to translate since it works very well with Japanese to English translation." ======================================================================== Vd. Dynamis Explination: ======================================================================== For those of you that don't know what Dynamis is, you need an alliance of usually at least 30 people if you hope to clear an area. There are 6 areas. Dynamis - Bastok (Takes place in the Bastok Mines) Dynamis - San D'Oria (Takes place in Southern San D'Oria) Dynamis - Windurst (Takes place in Windurst Walls) Dynamis - Jeuno (Takes place in Ru'Lude Gardens) Dynamis - Beaucedine Glacier Dynamis - Xarcabard Upon leveling to level 65, if you visit Xarcabard you will be treated to a cutscene with Raogrimm. (Assuming you've defeated the Shadow Lord) You may now enter Dynamis from the Trail Markings spots in the area above that I've mentioned. You trade a perpetual hourglass, which is purchased for 1,000,000 gil from the Goblin in Castle. Oztroja, trade this hourglass to the trail markings. If it's your first time to that Dynamis you will get a cutscene. Congrats, you're now in the chaos that is Dynamis. I can only recommend, as a Monk, going there at 70+. And to be honest, most Dynamis Linkshells require you to be 70+. Honestly, 65-69 you can't hit a damn thing. 70 you start to do well, at 75 you're on easy street. In Dynamis every mob you fight has a job, and uses two hour when at a certain amount of health. There are even jobs that you've never seen before Orc Ninja and such. I won't go into further detail, because this isn't a Dynamis FAQ. It's a Monk FAQ. I will impart some advice to the Dynamis bound Monks. Sub Ninja. These Dynamis area are FULL of vicious AOEs (from statues, and the []Mega Boss[]) subbing Ninja will make your party WHM very happy, also your party PLD. The WHM needs to worry about curing the PLD, not your ass. Subbing NIN helps this as much as it can be helping. Utsusemi:Ni come 74 is preferrable, but honestly even Ichi is fine. Another tidbit, for Ninja and Thief mobs don't bother using Raging/Asuran Fists unless you're a Focussed 74-75. Stick with Dragon Kick or Howling Fist. Keep an eye out for the PLD and THF two hour. You, of course, can not hurt them unless you're a mage at this time. When you defeat the []Mega Boss[] where the boss was defeated a ??? will appear. You must click this if you haven't cleared the area already. This will give you a key item and change your title to Dynamis Interloper. You must defeat Dynamis Bastok, San D'Oria, Windurst, and Jeuno to gain access to Dynamis Beaucedine. Pretty sure you must beat Beaucedine to get to Xarcabard. ======================================================================== Ve. The Black Belt: ======================================================================== 1. Prereqs: Have your high Norg fame (Riceballs @144 for me) Have completed Purple Belt, and Brown Belt quests. 2. Talk to Vola, you'll get a small cut. 3. Go to leave Neptune's Spire the way you came in. 4. When you open the door to leave you'll get a cutscene with Atori-Tutori he will tell you the items you need. (Wyrm Beard, Behemoth Tongue and Adamantoise Egg) 5. When you aquire the Wyrm Beard walk up to the door in the main hall of Neptune's Spire (the one with the first Tenshodo member you see behind it.) 6. Trade the Wyrm Beard to the door, you'll get a cut with Atori-Tutori, he will tell you clues, who you want to talk to next is Degenhard in Bastok (I-10 in Bastok Markets) you will get a small cut with him, I beleive he should tell you to aquire a Behemoth Tongue. 7. Next, when you get the Behemoth Tongue. Again trade it to the door (I don't think you'll get a cut [I traded two at the same time]) you'll remember from your cut with Degenhard that he mentioned his friend Maat. (We ALL know who Maat is.) 8. Go talk to Maat (Ru'Lude Gardens I-6) you will get a cut with him, he tells you to get an Adamantoise Egg. 9. When you have gotten one, trade it to the previously mentioned main hall Neptune's Spire door. 10. You will be asked to trade your Brown Belt to the door also. Trade your Brown Belt to the door, and prepare to be entertained =p That's it, you now have the Black Belt. Keep in mind, you only talk to Vola once. All the other transactions are to the main hallway door (not the door to get into the place by the Mithra clerk, the one further back.) Also, I had the tongue and beard and I can not remember which I traded to the door first, I beleive it was the Beard, if not, then definately the Tongue. Just switch their orders. Enjoy that belt, I know I am. ======================================================================== Vf. Shura Set (Dryadic Abjuration Set.) First off please tell me if you know of an error with which God/HNM drops which abjuration. My information may not be complete as far as drops. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dryadic Abjuration: Head Cursed Kabuto makes Shura Zunari Kabuto Lv 73 Def 20 HP-25 STR+5 Accuracy+5 Cursed Kabuto -1 makes Shura Zunari Kabuto+1 Lv 73 Def 21 HP-30 STR+6 Accuracy+6 Dropped off of: Aspidochelone, Seiryu. Ingredients/Skill needed to make the Cursed Kabuto: Woodworking 97 Items needed: Earth Crystal, Ancient Lumber, Divine Lumber Animal Glue, Urushi, Zunari Kabuto Comment: Not bad...Opt Hat for accuracy but if you ever don't need the accuracy there's this or the Melee Crown for +5STR on ya. Dunno if it's worth the money for the ingredients, though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dryadic Abjuration: Body Cursed Togi makes Shura Togi Lvl 73 Def 40 HP-50 Acc. +10 Atk. +20 Cursed Togi -1 makes Shura Togi +1 Lv 73 Def 41 HP-55 Acc. +11 Atk. +22 Dropped off of: Kirin Ingredients/Skill needed to make the Cursed Togi: Woodworking 99, Leathercraft: Unknown but supposedly needed Items needed: Wind Crystal, Ancient Lumber x2, Divine Lumber x2 Urushi, Animal Glue, Tiger Leather, Hara-Ate Comment: Also prettttty nice. The Acc is lovely, the Atk never hurt, it's just a matter of choosing this Melee Cyclas (for soloing maybe?), Scorp Harness (also for soloing, due to evasion), or Osode for raw power w/ no Acc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dryadic Abjuration: Hands Cursed Kote makes Shura Kote Lv 73 Def. 16 HP-20 Acc. +4 Enhances "Resist Paralyze" effect Cursed Kote -1 makes Shura Kote+1 Lv 73 Def. 17 HP-25 Acc. +5 Enhances "Resist Paralyze" effect Dropped off of: Suzaku Ingredients/Skill needed to make the Cursed Kote: Woodworking 96 Items needed: Wind Crystal, Kote, Divine Lumber, Ancient Lumber Animal Glue, Urushi Comment: Crap. The Acc is nice, the Resist enhace is a joke. +5Acc over the +STR bracellets/gloves (or +Atk if that's your thing)? No thanks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dryadic Abjuration: Legs Cursed Haidate makes Shura Haidate Lv 73 Def. 30 HP-35 STR+5 Acc.+7 Cursed Haidate -1 makes Shura Haidate +1 Lv 73 Def. 31 HP-40 STR+6 Accuracy+8 Dropped off of: Byakko Ingredients/Skill needed to make the Cursed Haidate: Woodworking 93 Items needed: Earth Crystal, Divine Lumber, Animal Glue, Urushi Haidate Comment: IMO the best peice in the set. We need STR, we get it here. We need Acc, we get it here. Like all Abj set it all comes down to "Is it worth the price, due to the fact that I can not sell it once it's made." IMO that's a borderline question. Right now AF2 Pants w/ Dune Boots (More Kick Attacks from Pants, Harder Kick Attack from Boots) is going just great. Even Byakko's is nice...yummy haste. Lots of good pants for Monk, take your pick people. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dryadic Abjuration: Feet Cursed Sune-Ate makes Shura Sune-Ate Lv 73 Def. 16 HP-20 Acc. +4 Enhances "Resist Gravity" effect Cursed Sune-Ate -1 makes Shura Sune-Ate+1 Lv 73 Def. 17 HP-25 Acc. +5 Enhances "Resist Gravity" effect Dropped off of: Aspidochelone, Byakko Ingredients/Skill needed to make the Cursed Sune-Ate: Woodworking 94 Items needed: Wind Crystal, Divine Lumber, Animal Glue, Urushi Sune-Ate Comment: Crap. The Acc is nice, teh Resist Gravity is a joke. Boots are a weak spot for Monk. Probably best off with AF2 when soloing stuff you think you can counter, and Dune Boots for power. (Maybe some Fuma Sune's for that haste...) ======================================================================== Vg. God Armor ======================================================================== I add this section on request, it's probably nice to have it seeing as Monk benefit from a good many God Armors. May I also say, unlink Shura this entire set looks GREAT. Body Kirin's Osode: Lv 75 Def. 52 Used by: WAR/MNK/BST/BRD/RNG/SAM/NIN Stats: MP+30 STR+10 DEX+10 VIT+10 AGI+10 INT+10 MND+10 CHR+10 [LIT]+50 Comment: As you can see, yea...that's +10STR and what is it (besides Acc that adds the most to Monk dmg? Yea. This is THE Monk armor if you have enough Acc on your person.) Head Genbu's Kabuto Lv 75 Def. 35 Used by: WAR/MNK/BST/BRD/RNG/SAM/NIN StatsL HP+50 VIT+15 [WTR]+50 Comment: Chakra macro? Yup. Hands Seiryu's Kote Lv 75 Def. 26 Used by: WAR/MNK/BST/BRD/RNG/SAM/NIN Stats: HP+50 AGI+15 Ranged Accuracy+10 Comment: No use for Monk at all, really. Legs Byakko's Haidate Lv 75 Def. 42 Used by: WAR/MNK/BST/BRD/RNG/SAM/NIN Stats: DEX+15 [LTG]+50 Haste+5% Comment: Meh, DEX. But that Haste...hey now. A very fine set of pants. Right up there with AF2 Pants, and Shura Haidate. Feet Suzaku's Sune-Ate Lv 75 Def. 30 Used by: WAR/MNK/BST/BRD/RNG/SAM/NIN Stats: MND+15 [FIR]+50 Blaze Spikes when damage is taken. Comment: Chi Blasting gear, plain and simple. ======================================================================== IX. Weapon Skills Grapple WS 100% 200% 300% #Hits Secondary Attribute Combo 1.00 1.50 2.00 x3 STR_20%, DEX_20% Shoulder Tackle 1.00 x2 VIT_30% One Inch Punch 1.00 x2 VIT_40% Backhand Blow 1.00 x2 STR_30%, VIT_30% Raging Fists ??? ??? ??? x5 STR_??? Spinning Attack 1.00 x2 STR_35% Howling Fist 1.50 2.00 3.00 x2 STR_20%, VIT_50% Dragon Kick 2.00 2.50 3.00 x2 STR_50%, VIT_50% Asuran Fists 1.00 x8 STR_50% or VIT_50% Final Heaven 1.00 ??? ??? x2 STR_??? Let's face it folks. We're monks here, if there's one thing Monks know it's our weapon skills, and everyone is jealous of our weapon skill in terms of looks, though we can get the shaft due to their elements. Even 1 hit WS, for some reason in game, register as 2 hits due to 2 hits being a Monk's 'round' of attacks. Names are listed by America/Japanese Combo - Useable by: Monk, Ninja, Warrior, Thief. Over 100TP gained results: Extra Damage Capable of opening: Liquefaction Capable of closing: Fusion Weapon Skill needed: Hand to Hand 10 Looks: Three hits. Not exactly a Killer Instict 'Ultra Combo!' Sounds: Sounds cool enough...nice big booms. Summary: Stacks very well with Sneak Attack if you fancy Monk thief. A surprisingly strong WS you'll be using this one well up to Backhand Blow or even Raging Fists, if you're not a Backhand fan. Shoulder Tackle/Tackle - Useable by: Monk, Ninja, Warrior, Thief Over 100TP gained results: Longer Stun Duration Capable of opening: Induration Capable of closing: Impaction, Fragmentation, Fusion Weapon Skill needed: Hand to Hand 40 Looks: Looks good actually, funny to see all the races in this stance. Sounds: Sounds good too, very appropriate for the WS. Summary: To be mainly used for it's effect, that is to stun. (Be they Goblin Bombs, slow mob abilities, Ancient Magic.) Doesn't stack with SA. One Inch Punch/Tankei - Useable by: Monk, Ninja, Warrior, Thief (need Monk sub if you're not a Monk) Over 100 TP gained results: Extra armor ignored Capable of opening: Transfixion Capable of closing: Gravitation Weapon Skill needed: Hand to Hand 70 Looks: Doesn't look THAT bad, but one punch WS are...bleh. Sounds: Sounds, many hits which makes sense I guess. Summary: Craptastic! Stick with combo if you like, I know I did. >.> Bruce is rolling over in his grave. Doesn't stack with SA. Backhand Blow - Useable by: Monk, Ninja, Warrior, Thief Over 100TP gained results: Damage Capable of opening: Gravitation Capable of closing: Detanation Weapon Skill needed: Hand to Hand 100 Looks: Quick. Can look nice if your race has a sweet backhand animation. Sounds: Quick, some what plain. Summary: Damage can be pretty sweet on this WS actually. Sure no Fusion closer, but nice if you're forced to solo your WS. Doesn't stack with SA. Raging Fists/Rangeki - Useable by: Monk, Ninja, Warrior, Thief (need Monk sub if you're not a Monk) Over 100 TP gained results: Damage Capable of opening: Liquefaction Capable of closing: Fusion Weapons Skill needed: Hand to Hand 125 Looks: Delicious! Combo with 2 more, and it works out. Sounds: Lovely! I could listen to this damn WS all day. Top 3 Best in game. Summary: Damage is capable of disgustingly good figures. 1200 Raging Fists in KRT yesterday (with Berzerk). 1200dmg with a lvl 41WS? Um, yes please! Granted I had WAR sub, also this does stack nicely with SA. (Which is why Thieves like this WS for any soloing.) Spinning Attack - Useable: Monk, Ninja, Warrior, Thief Over 100 TP gained results: Area of Effect Capable of opening: Scission, Fusion Capable of closing: Liquefaction Weapon Skill needed: Hand to Hand 150 Looks: Not bad, I guess. Sounds: The sound isn't too bad, but the sound of it hitting all of the mobs around is sweet. Summary: To be used for farming in a lowbie zone, bout it. You have Raging Fists, no need to use this crap in exp groups. Doesn't stack with SA. Howling Fist/Kuu Mei Ken - Useable: Monk onry Over 100 TP gained results: Damage Capable of opening: Distortion (yay) Capable of closing: Fusion Weapon Skill needed: Hand to Hand 200 Looks: This things looks like it could blow the side of someone's house out. It's only 1 punch, but they did good making it look fierce. Sounds: Not a bad sounding WS... Summary: You're new best friend till bones parties. Congrats, THF's now love you. Doesn't stack with SA. Dragon Kick/Double Dragon - Useable: Monk onry Over 100 TP gained results: Damage Capable of opening: Fragmentation, Light, Distortion Capalbe of closing: Light Weapon Skill needed: Hand to Hand 225 Looks: Pretty damned nice. Completely new animations for all races, though seeing Galka and Taru do this always kills me. (<3) Sounds: Sounds like it looks, a pack of rocks slapping together and falling, not bad. Summary: You're true love. Just this WS, combined with the dmg we do to bones, assures that they're dropping...and they're dropping quickly. It's best to stack this with Sneak and Trick Attack because it can get QUITE strong, and cause hate problems. (Trust me.) Wanna break 1500dmg? This is the Monk WS, short of Final Heaven, that's most likely to do it when stacked with SA/TA. Asuran Fists - Useable: Monk onry (Who else could front this sort of awesomeness? No one.) Over 100 TP gained results: Accuracy (They damn sure didn't make it Damage or this would be the strongest WS in the game...BAR NONE. [Imagine all 8 crits or double attacks]) Capable of opening: Fusion, Darkness, Fragmentation Capable of closing: Gravitation, Liquefaction Weapon Skill needed: Hand to Hand 250 Looks: I'd rather it looked like Raging Fists +3, but alas this design is not bad at all. My problem is that it's really busy. You actually need to spin the camera around as you're doing it to see what your character looks like doing it. You're just too damn fast, and there's color blurs everywhere. All this said, it is a beautiful weapon skill. Sounds: Sounds beautiful. Dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-POING Just wait till you hear it. Summary: My WS of choice, it simply looks too nice. Quest: "Akumu, how do I get Asuran Fists?" you ask. Well here's a step by step. The quest is started from Oggbi in Port Bastok's resteraunt. (Surely, you know him by now.) Have your Hand to Hand at 250 or above LV71 to start the quest. He'll give you the 'Knuckles of Trials' a hand to hand weapon which you use to collect 300 weapon skill points. 1 point for regular WS, 3 points for LV2 Chain, 5 points for Light. I recommend you CLOSE these Weapon skills to ge the points. You have to use these monsters that return XP to you. When you have worked off all your points the latent effect on it will disappear. Every so often pay attention to the check and see if the +20HP is still on you or not. When it's gone give it back to Oggbi. He will direct you to Bostaunieux Oubliette in Chateau D’Oraguille, San D'Oria. You may wish to have the map, or at least someone who's done the quest before. (I didn't have either, but we made due.) You'll want 10-18 people depending on how many Monks you have with you. I say Monk make a difference because the mob, Bodach, is a skeleton. He's at I-8 in the basement of Bostaunieux Oubliette. Remember in Bostaunieux head toward I-8. Take care about the holes, make sure you are with Sneak/Silent Oil and then have your group drop down. You're now in the basement of the joint, continue on toward I-8. You're now in a small room with a ???. When you touch the ??? the WSNM Bodach will appear. Might as well Hundred Fists the damned fool. When he topples over head on back to Port Bastok, might have want to set your HP here in the first place, go back to the Oggbi for a short cutscene, and receive the weapon skill that not even Cornelia mastered. (Poor Cornelia.) Congratulations! Final Heaven is mentioned previously in this FAQ. I don't have the link to it's video, but it is a 1 hit punch in the same animation of One Inch and Howling Fist, of course with different SFX around it. I've heard, of course, it's quite powerful. ======================================================================== X. Frequently Asked Questions Feel free to send me your questions. There are some FAQs on other forums. If you need my opinion on what to do I'd be happy to add it into the FAQ. Typical questions are: "What's the best race for Monk?" Answer: Elvaan > Galka > Mithra = Hume > Taru. Explination: Elvaan have the highest STR, and the highest MND. The difference between an Elvaan Monk and a Mithra, Hume, Taru Monk of the same level with the same gear (like that ever happens) is pretty noticeable. Difference between Elvaan and Galka, in both categorys isn't that noticeable. Keeping in mind there is nothing wrong with being any kind of Monk so long as you respect yourself enough to always have the best equipment you can get, w/o going crazy (Peacock Charms, Scorp Harnesses and what have you). Also, please keep in mind, I'm a Mithra. ^_^; not biased to the Elvaan at all. Just stating what I see to be fact. "Why do I get picked last for parties?" Answer: Because pre-60 in the cookie cutter leveling places that many people have set in their minds. Distortion is THE skillchain. Monks can NOT makes Distortion before 60. Explination: Get used to making your own parties, and doing second hand skillchains till 60. (Cept on beetles, they're weak to Fusion.) People love to level on the crabs. They think there's "no other place to level" Which is bull, they just don't wanna deviate from the proven semi-effective norm.) You get picked last for parties also, because many many players like to see what I call "big stupid numbers" they'd rather see another job hit for 76 a swing, then a Monk hit for 40 each punch. This view changes VERY MUCH come "late game" when everyone is begging you to party on the fastest XP in the game with them. (Bones with Light skillchain) In the mean time, you're gonna have to suffer through it. Make your own parties, and try and keep your chin up. From a post on the GameFAQs forums "Which are better Ochiudo's Kote or Temple Gloves?" (My reply in the post) First off, been there done that with the "Boost with AF gloves, fight with Kote" crap. Just not worth your character blinking every damn fight so you can get a good strong Chi Blast off, and fight with Kote on. Second, it is my beleif that Temple Gloves > Kote 54+. Especially come 65+ you have TOO much damn atk (especially if subbing WAR and having Berserk, eating meat miths) for 20attack to mean a damned thing. ATK caps, STR doesn't. ATK is a function of STR! I've also parsed this damage on various mobs. Bones, crabs, crawlers. The damage from Kote seems to help WS damage bottom come up a bit, but straight punching it's all Temple Gloves. (Though my Mithra ass uses Alkyoneus's bracellets). +STR > +ATK for a Monk. It's just that at 34 when the Kotes become available the amount of ATK they add outshines the STR you can get at that level, but rest assured as levels rise, the returns diminish. If you're doing more damage with Kote then with Temple Gloves on you still need to sell them Kote get your $$ and buy some more +STR gear. A whole damn lot of it you could get with the price of them Kote. (650+K) Besides even if you are a +ATK freak Melee Gloves (AFII) > O. Kote. Though I'd use those just to stack the "Enhance Chakra" on with Temple Cyclas. "What food should I eat as a Monk?" Well, that's basically up to you with two popular choices. A type of sushi product. (Most popular for monks being Sole Sushi, due to the STR it adds.) Or Meats (Most popular 30min food being either a jerky or a good old fashioned Meat Mithkabob.) You basically buy both, eat both and judge your performace on them. Sushi adds ACC, Meat add ATK, they both add STR. For more food info you may wish to check out... "How does a Monk defeat Maat?" I didn't add it in my monk FAQ because there are WAY too many ways to go about it. My way hasn't worked for but 2 people and I, my way specifically didn't work for some people, there's too many damn ways to go about it. Try mysterytour genkai 5 information. Though if you need to know, what I did was: Sleep to 100% TP with Opo-Opo Necklace Boost 9, yes 9 times Focus and Dodge Engage turned around so as not to hit him Activate 100 Fists Chi Blast Icarus Wing Raging Fists Wait for TP from Hundred Fists Raging Fists I don't mean to brag, but no one, but NO ONE has killed Maat, and had as much HP left over as me, and I knew every 70+ NA Monk back in the day. Try and beat my record of 580HP left over. ^_^ My friend Zeroth beat him in record time, but only because he didn't sleep with Opo. Homsar of the Seraph server said he beat my HP record, and says he sent a pic of it to me well, damn hotmail never gave it to me. Ah well, regardless that dude's one mean Monk. (Galka) ========================================================================= XI. Credits Thanks to the board trolls for having me fall asleep laughing every night. Keep up the funny XXX vs YYY threads! Thanks to the people in game that helped me get my Monk to were it is. ...and that's about it. Thanks to all of my friends on Seraph. The list is much to long to lay out, or maybe I just don't want to, because if I forget someone I'd hurt their feelings. =p But the closest ones Horgatz (retired), Zeroth, Homsar, Shamgi (retired), Scheme (retired), Beezel (retired) and Gork (retired) who where in my short lived LS, thanks guys. Extra special thanks to all of my Monk brethern, they (the FFXI people) FINALLY recognize our strength! Hell, it'd only taken YEARS! Keep on rocking it hard, guys. Take care. See you again! Copyright Akumu X 2004-2005 ========================================================================= XII. Summary Monk is straight damage that can't make distortion till 60, and doesn't hit particularly hard on beetles, and is pretty much double wammied on crabs. However, these set-backs make end game all the more bitter sweet. Come 67, the XP just don't stop. You may not get too many JP invites, but once you take some NA down into Gustav Tunnel and you're chain 4ing your first time there, everyone will decide that's where they want to level. I've been invited solely because people wanted to lvl there. I being the only NA Monk 67-74 at the time, there was little option. It was if Kirei's on, get her. (Though I'm a guy, people call me "her" because I am a Mithra) This is what you have to look forward to. Struggle on to acheive it, because I guarentee, you won't be disappointed. On a final note, as much as I'd like to help people out, please don't ask me to help with your Genkai and AF quests. Rather, you can ask, but don't be dissapointed if I can't come. ==========================================================================