HOME IS WHERE THE HEART STOPS - A PLAYERS GUIDE TO MICROPROSE'S "THE LEGACY - REALM OF TERROR" INTRODUCTION Welcome to "The Legacy". Most likely, the reason you are reading this is because you have been slightly baffled by the game and have no idea how to proceed, or you have completely given up on the game because you were totally stuck. The following pages include descriptions and locations of all of the game objects, names and descriptions of all of the monsters (and other assorted beings), and complete solutions to all of the game puzzles. We hope you find this helpful. Have fun! -- Dave Ellis MicroProse Quality Assurance ****ADDITIONAL GAME CREDITS**** QUALITY ASSURANCE (U.S.)..................MIKE CORCORAN DAVE ELLIS AL ROIREAU DESTIN STRADER TIM TRAIN PLAYER'S GUIDE TEXT, MAPS & RESEARCH......DAVE ELLIS U.S. PRODUCT MANAGER......................MONIQUE CARON (VERY SPECIAL THANKS TO PETER WOODS AND JIM BAMBRA FOR ALL THEIR HELP AND COOPERATION IN HELPING TO PUT TOGETHER THIS HINT GUIDE, AND TO QUENTIN CHANEY FOR HIS HELP IN ITS DISTRIBUTION.) ********************THE BEST "LEGACY" HINT OF ALL*********************** "THE LEGACY" IS NOT A GAME OF COMBAT - IT IS A GAME OF WITS AND PUZZLE- SOLVING. IN MOST CASES, THE BEST ADVICE I CAN GIVE IS TO JUST RUN, DODGE, AND AVOID BATTLE UNLESS AS AN ABSOLUTE LAST RESORT! ************************************************************************ (1) OBJECTS One of the best ways to utilize your resources wisely while playing "The Legacy" is to know where you can get the items you will need to perform a task or to solve a puzzle. Below, is a list of all of the items in the game, where they can be found, how many of each item is available in the game, whether it is specifically used to solve a puzzle, and a brief description of each. Item: Astrolabe Number in Game: 1 Location(s): Basement Level 2 Needed for Puzzle Solution?: Yes Description: A device used in conjunction with a telescope by ancient astronomers to track the movement of stars. Item: Batteries Number in Game: 2 Location(s): Level 3 (The Asylum); Basement Level 1 Needed for Puzzle Solution?: No Description: Used to power the flashlight and boom box. Each set lasts 2 - 4 game hours. Item: Book of Matches Number in Game: 2 Location(s): Level 2; Basement Level 2 Needed for Puzzle Solution?: Yes Description: An ordinary book of matches, which can be used for burning and lighting many things (see Sections 6.02, 6.04, & 6.09 for details). Item: Brief Case Number in Game: 1 Location(s): Level 1 (The Ground Floor) Needed for Puzzle Solution?: No Description: Used to store and carry objects. Item: Chinese Coins Number in Game: 5 Location(s): Level 3 (The Asylum) Needed for Puzzle Solution?: Yes Description: You must possess these five coins in order to summon the Karcist. (See Puzzles and Solutions for more details). Item: Circlet of Magic Protection Number in Game: 1 Location(s): Level 3 Needed for Puzzle Solution?: No Description: Helps protect you against magical attacks. Item: Coffin Dust Number in Game: 7 Location(s): Level 1; Mausoleum Needed for Puzzle Solution?: Yes Description: A small leather pouch, containing dust from the inside of a coffin (see Section 6.05 for details). Item: Crystal Glasses Number in Game: 1 Location(s): The Ethereal Plane (in possession of the Occultist) Needed for Puzzle Solution?: No Description: Makes the player immune to random teleports on The Astral Plane. Item: Crystal Flute Number in Game: 1 Location(s): The Egyptian Tomb Needed for Puzzle Solution?: Yes Description: This is a small, green flute which is needed (indirectly) in order to complete the game. When blown in the proper place, it will solve part of a puzzle. (See Puzzles and Solutions for more details.) Item: Demonic Statues Number in Game: 3 Location(s): Level 1 (Entrance Level); Level 2; Level 3 (The Asylum) Needed for Puzzle Solution?: Yes Description: The statues of Cartag, Pthark, and Skaruk. They are part of the solution to a puzzle on Level 4 (The Museum). (See Puzzles and Solutions for more details.) Item: Electronic Tool Kit Number in Game: 1 Location(s): Basement Level 2 Needed for Puzzle Solution?: No Description: Used to pick electronic locks and repair electrical devices. Item: Document Wallet Number in Game: 2 Location(s): Level 2; Basement Level 1 Needed for Puzzle Solution?: No Description: A portfolio for holding documents. Handy for carrying around multiple notes, diary pages, etc. Item: Eye of Agla Number in Game: 1 Location(s): Must be constructed Needed for Puzzle Solution?: Yes Description: This item is vital: without it, you cannot get to Belthegor's lair and end the game. (See Puzzles and Solutions for details.) Item: First Aid Kit Number in Game: 17 Location(s): See description. Needed for Puzzle Solution?: No Description: The First Aid Kits don't solve puzzles, but they are vital to finishing the game, and must be used wisely. Each kit contains between 4 and 8 bandages. Below is a list of the levels where First Aid Kits are located, and how many kits are on each of the levels: Level 1 - 3; Level 2 - 3; Level 3 - 2; Level 4 - 1; Mausoleum - 3; Egyptian Tomb - 2; Basement Level 2 - 1; Basement Level 3 - 2 There are no First Aid Kits on Basement Level 1, The Astral Plane, or The Ethereal Plane. Item: Flashlight Number in Game: 1 Location(s): Level 1 Needed for Puzzle Solution?: No Description: Just like every flashlight, it lights up dark rooms! Item: Food Number in Game: 8 containers (multiple servings in some containers) Location(s): See description. Needed for Puzzle Solution?: No Description: Food in the game comes in two forms: fast food, and tasty Snax. Below is a breakdown of the levels where food can be found, and the number of food items on each level: Level 1 - 1; Level 2 - 1; Level 3 - 1; Level 4 - 2; Basement Level 1 - 1; Basement Level 2 - 1; Basement Level 3 - 1 There is also a third (and rather unsavory) source of food on Basement Level 3 (see "Scummy Jar" description for details). There is no food available in the Mausoleum or the Egyptian Tomb. Item: Funerary Urn Number in Game: 1 Location(s): Basement Level 1 Needed for Puzzle Solution?: Yes Description: Contains the spirit and remains of the Japanese warrior Shintaro Fujiyama. When brought together with all of Fujiyama's earthly belongings, certain weapons become magically enhanced. (See Puzzles and Solutions section for details.) Item: Fungi Number in Game: 2 Location(s): Level 3; The Egyptian Tomb Needed for Puzzle Solution?: No Description: A useless magical plant which causes you to drop items from your inventory at random. Item: Gas Number in Game: 3 Location(s): Basement Level 1; Basement Level 3; The Mausoleum Needed for Puzzle Solution?: No Description: Fuel for the chainsaw. Item: Green Gem Number in Game: 1 Location(s): Level 3 (The Asylum) Needed for Puzzle Solution?: Yes Description: When placed in the proper location, this gem unlocks a secret door (see Puzzles and Solutions section for details). Item: Ghetto Blaster (Boom Box) Number in Game: 1 Location(s): The Egyptian Tomb Needed for Puzzle Solution?: No Description: The music from the Ghetto Blaster decreases the accuracy of Carrion attacks. Item: Golden Torc of Gothua Number in Game: 1 Location(s): The Mausoleum Needed for Puzzle Solution?: Yes Description: A gold crown. You must have it to win the game. Item: Hand of Glory Number in Game: 1 Location(s): Level 3 (The Asylum) Needed for Puzzle Solution?: Yes Description: This is the hand of a criminal, which has been mounted on a candlestick and turned into a gruesome candle (see Section 6.04 for details). Item: Heart of the Karcist Number in Game: 1 Location(s): Level 4 Needed for Puzzle Solution?: Yes Description: A ghastly object which looks like a human heart with thorns stuck through it (see Section 6.06 for details). Item: Holy Water Number in Game: 12 Location(s): Level 1; Level 2; Basement Level 1; The Mausoleum Needed for Puzzle Solution?: No Description: Restores a small amount of health and magical energy if you drink it. Holy Water can also be used as a weapon (against Daemons and Ghosts), and can be drunk to counteract the effects of poison. Item: Horned Skull Number in Game: 1 Location(s): Egyptian Tomb Needed for Puzzle Solution?: No Description: A demonic skull used in cult rituals. Item: Incense Burner Number in Game: 1 Location(s): Basement Level 2 Needed for Puzzle Solution?: Yes Description: A container used for burning powdered incense (see Section 4 for details). Item: JuJu Fetish Number in Game: 1 Location(s): Level 1 Needed for Puzzle Solution?: Yes Description: A symbol of strong voodoo magic which looks like the forearm and hand of a human skeleton (see Section 6.01 for details). Item: Lantern Number in Game: 1 Location(s): Level 3 Needed for Puzzle Solution?: No Description: An oil-burning lantern. Item: Mayan Jade Effigy Number in Game: 1 Location(s): Level 4 Needed for Puzzle Solution?: Yes Description: A ceremonial Mayan statue (see Section 4.10 for Details). Item: Mechanical Tool Kit Number in Game: 2 Location(s): Level 1; Basement Level 3 Needed for Puzzle Solution?: No Description: A set of tools which can be used to pick mechanical locks and to repair jammed firearms. Item: Meteorite Fragment Number in Game: 1 Location(s): Basement Level 3 Needed for Puzzle Solution?: Yes Description: An item needed to construct the Eye of Agla (see Section 6.07 for details). Item: Mogana Leaves Number in Game: 1 Location(s): Basement Level 2 Needed for Puzzle Solution?: Yes Description: The leaves from the Mogana plant, sometimes used to make incense (see Section 6.09 for details). Item: Mortar and Pestle Number in Game: 1 Location(s): Basement Level 2 Needed for Puzzle Solution?: Yes Description: A bowl and rod, used to grind objects into powder(see Section 6.09 for details). Item: Museum Plaques Number in Game: 3 Location(s): Level 2; Basement Level 1; Basement Level 2 Needed for Puzzle Solution?: Yes Description: Gold plaques with descriptions printed on them (see Section 6.04 for details). Item: Oil Number in Game: 3 Location(s): Level 2; Level 4; Basement Level 1 Needed for Puzzle Solution?: No Description: Fuel for the lantern. Item: Red Liquid Number in Game: 1 Location(s): Basement Level 2 Needed for Puzzle Solution?: No Description: "Tonic of Bodily Fortitude". Drinking it increases your strength. Item: Remote Control Number in Game: 1 Location(s): Level 3 Needed for Puzzle Solution?: Yes Description: Controller which looks like a VCR remote control, used for opening some electronic locks (see Section 6.03 for details). Item: Security Card Number in Game: 1 Location(s): Level 3 Needed for Puzzle Solution?: Yes Description: An electronic key-card, used to open some electronic locks (see Section 6.03 for details). Item: Vanity Mirror Number in Game: 1 Location(s): Basement Level 2 Needed for Puzzle Solution?: Yes Description: A gold-plated, hand mirror (see Section 6.07 for details). (2) WEAPONS Below are all of the weapons available in the game, listed by the level where they are found. The type of skill needed to use each is listed, along with a rating of the weapon's effectiveness (* = weakest, ***** = most powerful). ****LEVEL 1**** Weapon: Green Bottle Number in Game: 2 Skill Used: Club Weapons Rating: * Weapon: Metal Vase Number in Game: 1 Skill Used: Club Weapons Rating: * Weapon: Poker Number in Game: 1 Skill Used: Club Weapons Rating: ** Weapon: Small-caliber Revolver Number in Game: 1 Skill Used: Firearms Weapons Rating: ** ****LEVEL 2**** Weapon: Baseball Bat Number in Game: 1 Skill Used: Club Weapons Rating: ** Weapon: .38 Revolver Number in Game: 1 Skill Used: Firearms Weapons Rating: *** ****LEVEL 3**** Weapon: Axe Number in Game: 1 Skill Used: Club Weapons Rating: ** Weapon: Fire Extinguisher Number in Game: 2 Skill Used: Firearms Weapons Rating: None (***** vs. Fire Spawn) Weapon: .45 Automatic Pistol Number in Game: 1 Skill Used: Firearms Weapons Rating: *** ****LEVEL 4**** Weapon: Assegai (Zulu Spear) Number in Game: 1 Skill Used: Club Weapons Rating: * (**** when used with Zulu Shield vs. Hellions) Weapon: Katana Sword Number in Game: 1 Skill Used: Blade Weapons Rating: ***** Weapon: Winchester Rifle Number in Game: 1 Skill Used: Firearms Weapons Rating: **** ****THE MAUSOLEUM**** Weapon: Chainsaw Number in Game: 1 Skill Used: Blade Weapons Rating: ***** Weapon: Double-Barrel Shotgun Number in Game: 1 Skill Used: Firearms Weapons Rating: ***** ****BASEMENT LEVEL 1**** Weapon: Kitchen Knife Number in Game: 1 Skill Used: Blade Weapons Rating: ** Weapon: Savage .311 Shotgun Number in Game: 1 Skill Used: Firearms Weapons Rating: * (***** vs. Death Leaches) ****BASEMENT LEVEL 2**** Weapon: Wakizashi Sword Number in Game: 1 Skill Used: Blade Weapons Rating: **** Weapon: .44 Magnum Revolver Number in Game: 1 Skill Used: Firearms Weapons Rating: **** ****BASEMENT LEVEL 3**** Weapon: M-16 Number in Game: 1 Skill Used: Firearms Weapons Rating: ***** Weapon: Sacrificial Dagger Number in Game: 1 Skill Used: Blade Weapons Rating: ** (***** vs. Servitors) No weapons are available in the Egyptian Tomb, or on the Astral and Ethereal Planes. (3) SPELLS Below are all of the spells available in the game, listed by the level on which they are found. A brief description of each is given, along with the type of spell (offensive, defensive, or enhancement) and a rating of the spell's offensive or defensive effectiveness (* = weakest, ***** = most powerful). The differences in effectiveness shown indicate difference between a standard strength and a "prepared" (higher strength) spell. ****LEVEL 1**** Spell: "Iron Fist of Agatta" Type: Enhancement Rating: * to ** Description: Temporarily increases your strength. Spell: "Shroud of the Dark Walker" Type: Defense Rating: * to ** Description: Reduces the effectiveness of physical attacks by monsters. ****LEVEL 2**** Spell: "Aura of Mystic Defense" Type: Defense Rating: ** to *** Description: Reduces the effectiveness of magical attacks by monsters. Spell: ""Flames of Desolation"" Type: Offensive Rating: *** to ***** (* vs. Fire Spawn) Description: Launches powerful fireballs at your attacker. ****LEVEL 3**** Spell: "Crimson Mists of Myamato" Type: Defense Rating: ** to **** Description: Protects you from physical attacks by monsters. Spell: "Dimensional Rift" Type: Special Rating: N/A Description: Opens portals to the Ethereal Plane when cast on a rune or a Rune Stone. Spell: "Key of the Shadow Lord" Type: Special Rating: N/A Description: Unlocks most doors, whether mechanically or magically sealed. ****LEVEL 4**** Spell: "Guiding Eye of Xython" Type: Enhancement Rating: * to ** Description: Increases the accuracy of melee and ranged attacks. ****THE MAUSOLEUM**** Spell: "Sight of the Dark Walker" Type: Enhancement Rating: N/A Description: Allows you to see in the dark. Higher level prepared spells allow you to see even more clearly. Spell: "Sword of the Shadow" Type: Offensive Rating: * to ** Description: A ranged, magical attack. ****BASEMENT LEVEL 1**** Spell: "Belgor's Mental Violation" Type: Offensive Rating: ** to *** Description: A ranged, magical attack which affects the mind of the victim. Spell: "Elixir of Health" Type: Enhancement Rating: N/A Description: Increases your health. Higher level prepared spells add more health than standard level spells. An excellent substitute for First Aid Kits. ****BASEMENT LEVEL 2**** Spell: "Arcane Tower of Reason" Type: Defense Rating: ** to *** Description: Protects you from becoming paralyzed by fear. Spell: "Maelstrom of the Mind" Type: Offensive Rating: ** to **** Description: Affects the mental capacities of the victim. ****BASEMENT LEVEL 3**** Spell: "Malevolent Compression" Type: Offensive Rating: * to ** Description: Shrinks your victims a fraction of their original size, reducing the strength of their attacks. Spell: "Swift Limbs of Mercury" Type: Enhancement Rating: N/A Description: Increases your speed, making it easier to dodge enemies and run away from unpleasant situations. ****THE EGYPTIAN TOMB**** Spell: "Malevolent Compression" Type: Offensive Rating: * to ** Description: Shrinks your victims a fraction of their original size, reducing the strength of their attacks. Spell: "Mantle of Endurance" Type: Enhancement Rating: N/A Description: Improves your health and endurance. Spell: "Obsidian Shards of Annihilation" Type: Offensive Rating: *** to **** Description: Powerful spell which launches balls of pure energy at your opponent. ****THE ETHEREAL PLANE**** Spell: "Winds of Destruction" Type: Offensive Rating: ** to *** Description: Hurls miniature hurricanes at your opponent. (4) PEOPLE, MONSTERS, AND DEITIES Below is a description of each of the people, creatures, and evil deities you will encounter as you wander through the house, along with information on where they are found, how they attack, and which attacks and defenses work best against each of them. ****THE PEOPLE**** DEE KIRBY (PRIVATE DETECTIVE) Location: Level 2, Room #7 Attack: Physical Best Attack: Any Best Defenses: Bulletproof Vest, Samurai Armor, Zulu Shield, "Crimson Mists of Myamato", "Shroud of the Dark Walker" Description: Dee is a private investigator who was hired to investigate the strange events taking place in the house. She is a young woman with short, dark hair. When you meet her, you will swear you have seen her wandering the halls of Level 2, but she has actually been locked in this room since before you arrived. Talk to her; she has a definite attitude problem, but she will provide you with some interesting and useful facts. She will not attack unless you attack first. ELLEN PRENTISS Location: Level 3 (The Asylum) Attack: Physical (Axe) Best Attack: Any Best Defenses: Bulletproof Vest, Samurai Armor, Zulu Shield, "Crimson Mists of Myamato", "Shroud of the Dark Walker" Description: Ellen is a middle-aged woman of large build with dark hair. She was driven insane by the strange events in the house. She now just wanders the halls of the Asylum, cackling insanely to herself. You will have to kill her to retrieve the items she carries. CHARLES WENLOCK (The Occultist) Location: The Ethereal Plane Attack: Physical Best Attack: Any Best Defenses: Bulletproof Vest, Samurai Armor, Zulu Shield, "Crimson Mists of Myamato", "Shroud of the Dark Walker" Description: Mr. Wenlock has been trapped and wandering on the Ethereal Plane for some time. He will ask for your help, even before you reach the Ethereal Plane itself! (Remember the breathing wall in The Asylum...?) Unfortunately, your abilities are not sufficient to rescue him, and he will be trapped on the Ethereal Plane forever. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't at least offerto help...if he senses that your intentions are good, he will share some important items and information to help you on your quest. CARL WINTHROP Location: Level 4 (The Museum), Room #16; The Egyptian Tomb, Room #4 Attack: Physical (Knife) Best Attack: Any Best Defenses: Bulletproof Vest, Samurai Armor, Zulu Shield, "Crimson Mists of Myamato", "Shroud of the Dark Walker" Description: Carl is a young man with blonde hair. When you meet him in the Museum, he can provide you with some helpful information. But be careful! He is armed with a knife, and is very high-strung; too many questions, and he is very likely to attack you. When you see Carl in the Egyptian Tomb, he is beyond talking. The only thing you can do is avoid him entirely, or kill him promptly. ****THE MONSTERS**** BLOODBEASTS Location: Level 3 (The Asylum); The Ethereal Plane Attack: Physical (Bite) Best Attack: Any (Ranged attacks preferable) Best Defenses: Bulletproof Vest, Samurai Armor, Zulu Shield, "Crimson Mists of Myamato", "Shroud of the Dark Walker" Description: Bloodbeasts are the nastiest non-magical creatures you are likely to encounter. They are grayish in color, and look like coiled snakes with two flat, rounded heads (one at the top, one at the bottom) and two big mouths full of sharp teeth. They float above the floor, and can move fairly quickly. When faced with a Bloodbeast, the best bet is to attack it from a distance with a gun or with spells. If you must fight in close combat, make sure you are wearing armor or using a protective spell (preferably both!). Their attack is devastating, but they cannot hit you unless you are right next to them, as they have no ranged attacks. CARRION Location: The Egyptian Tomb Attack: Sound Best Attack: Any Best Defenses: Distracting noise (such as music) Description: These creatures look exactly like mummies from ancient Egypt. They seldom wander, generally staying in a single room or corridor. Carrion attack through the use of sound. This means that they have very good range, and can even attack through walls and doors. Normal physical defenses are ineffective against them. However, loud noise (such as music) will greatly decrease the accuracy of their attacks. DAEMONS Location: Level 2 Attack: Physical (Claws) and Magical Best Attack: Holy Water Best Defenses: At range: Circlet of Magic Protection, "Aura of Mystic Defense" In close combat: Bulletproof Vest, Samurai Armor, Zulu Shield, "Crimson Mists of Myamato", "Shroud of the Dark Walker" Description: The Daemons are fast moving, purple creatures which fly around this level of the house. They move very quickly, and have the ability to launch magical attacks froma distance. Most weapons will work against them, but they are very strong and hard to kill by physical or magical means: their ability to attack magically will generally bring about your demise before you can kill them. However, the Daemons' one weakness is holy water. A single thrown bottle will kill them instantly. DEATH LEECHES Location: Basement Level 2 Attack: Physical (Bite) Best Attack: Rock Salt Best Defenses: Bulletproof Vest, Samurai Armor, Zulu Shield, "Crimson Mists of Myamato", "Shroud of the Dark Walker" Description: The death leeches move in leaps and bounds, burrowing through the ground between leaps. They have an excellent stealth advantage - they are below your field of view if they are right next to you. You can easily be surprised by one that pops up out of the ground directly in front of you. Because they stay so low to the ground, the only effective way to attack them is from a distance, with either guns or spells. Rock salt is particularly effective against them, but you must first find some way of delivering the salt to the target (throwing it won't work). Two shots of salt should kill them. FIRE SPAWN Location: Level 3 (The Asylum); The Astral Plane Attack: Physical Best Attack: Fire Extinguisher Best Defenses: Bulletproof Vest, Samurai Armor, Zulu Shield, "Crimson Mists of Myamato", "Shroud of the Dark Walker" Description: These strange creatures from the Astral Plane appear only as an orange blob of flame. They are relatively slow, and do little damage per attack, but they are nearly impossible to kill by any physical means. Offensive magic seems to have little or no effect on them. Luckily, even in their home dimension, fire is fire. You can extinguish them with just a couple of blasts from an ordinary fire extinguisher. GHOSTS Location: Level 2 Attack: Physical Best Attack: Free the ghosts from their earthly bonds. (See Puzzles and Solutions section for details) Best Defenses: Bulletproof Vest, Samurai Armor, Zulu Shield, Crimson Mists of Myamato, "Shroud of the Dark Walker" Description: The ghosts which wander the second floor of the mansion, are actually servants of Melchoir. Their souls are in eternal torment, and they are bound physical plane by magical means. Most of the ghosts will attack you on sight. They move at an average speed, but have the ability to move through walls and other obstructions, making hiding much more difficult. Offensive magic has little effect on them, and physical attacks are nearly as futile. Like the daemons, however, they can be destroyed by holy water. There is one ghost in the game who will attempt conversation with you. It is advised that you listen to what he has to say - it is definitely important, and will provide you with a clue to sending the ghosts back to their own plane of existence. GHOULS Location: Basement Level 1 Attack: Physical (Claws), Poison Best Attack: Any (Ranged attacks preferable) Best Defenses: Bulletproof Vest, Samurai Armor, Zulu Shield, Crimson Mists of Myamato, "Shroud of the Dark Walker" Description: Ghouls are green creatures who move around quickly on all fours. They have no method of ranged attack, but will attack fiercely with their claws when you are face to face with them. Repeated attacks from a ghoul can cause you to be poisoned. If this happens, you will need to cure the condition, or it will eventually lead to your death. For this reason, it is best to avoid close contact with these creatures. Use a gun or magic to attack them from a distance. They are fairly easy to kill. HELLIONS Location: Basement Level 2 Attack: Physical (Weapon) Best Attack: Assegai and Zulu Shield combined Best Defenses: Bulletproof Vest, Samurai Armor, Zulu Shield, Crimson Mists of Myamato, "Shroud of the Dark Walker" Description: These creatures look like muscular daemons with bat-wings and rather mean looking weapons. They move fairly slowly, and are average fighters. They have no means of ranged attack. Although any offensive spell or physical weapon will work against them, the best means of attack and defense is the combined use of the assegai and the Zulu shield. Possession of these items will lessen the accuracy of their attacks, and increase the effectiveness of yours. LURKERS Location: All Levels Except: The Mausoleum, The Egyptian Tomb, and The Ethereal and Astral Planes Attack: Magical Best Attack: None! Best Defenses: Circlet of Magic Protection, "Aura of Mystic Defense" Description: Lurkers are fearsome looking creatures: green, with multiple tentacles and gaping mouths full of sharp teeth. They float through the air and through walls at a leisurely pace, and are found almost anywhere you go. They are easily the most powerful non-deity creatures you will meet. You will meet your first Lurker fairly quickly (and you'll know when you have by the way your character becomes petrified with fright and screams uncontrollably!). Whatever you do, don't attack them! Unless they are attacked first, they are completely harmless, and will just look you over occasionally. If you do attack, they will respond by hurling every spell in the book at you. It is unlikely that you will have the power or health, even at late stages of the game, to stage an effective offensive. (Caution!: Once you know a Lurker is in the area, be careful to make sure he's not in the path of any offensive spell or gunshot you launch at another monster (or any offensive spell the monster in question might launch at you!). This will be interpreted as an attack on the Lurker! Once a Lurker has been attacked, he is your enemy for the rest of the game.) NIGHTCRAWLERS Location: Level 4 (The Museum) Attack: Physical Best Attack: Banishment from the Physical Plane (see Puzzles and Solutions section for details) Best Defenses: Bulletproof Vest, Samurai Armor, Zulu Shield, Crimson Mists of Myamato, "Shroud of the Dark Walker" Description: The Nightcrawlers are red, crab-like creatures that can be found guarding the Museum level. They are fast, launch vicious attacks, and are highly resistant to damage from physical weapons. Spells are the most effective way to attack, since the Nightcrawlers have no ranged attack. However, the solution of one of the Museum puzzles will completely banish all Nightcrawlers from the level. Make sure that you read all of the notes - one of them will give you the clue you need to solve this puzzle. ROCK FIENDS Location: Basement Level 1 Attack: Physical Best Attack: Any (Magic or high-damage weapons such as the chainsaw are best) Best Defenses: Bulletproof Vest, Samurai Armor, Zulu Shield, Crimson Mists of Myamato, "Shroud of the Dark Walker" Description: These are gray, troll-like, slow-moving creatures which are found on the first basement level. They use no magic, and do only average damage, but they are very hard to kill due to their thick, stone-like skin. Avoid them if you can, but if you must attack them, use physical weapons with high damage potential or use magic. SEA DAEMONS Location: Basement Level 3 Attack: Physical (Spear) Best Attack: Any Best Defenses: The Smoke From Burning Mogana Leaves, Bulletproof Vest, Samurai Armor, Zulu Shield, "Crimson Mists of Myamato", "Shroud of the Dark Walker" Description: The sea daemons roam the cave sections of the third basement level. They are green and fish-like in appearance, with huge eyes and scaled skin. They are not particularly fast, but there are a lot of them. They are vulnerable to any physical or magical attack. You can avoid fighting them by finding a container in which you can burn the leaves of the mogana plant. The sea daemons are affected by the fumes, and anyone carrying burning mogana leaves will not be subject to sea daemon attacks. SERVITORS Location: Basement Level 3 Attack: Physical, Magical Best Attack: Magic or the Sacrificial Dagger Best Defenses: Disguise; otherwise: At range: Circlet of Magic Protection, "Aura of Mystic Defense" In close combat: Bulletproof Vest, Samurai Armor, Zulu Shield, "Crimson Mists of Myamato", "Shroud of the Dark Walker" Description: These strange orange beings resemble nothing more than humanoid squids in long robes. Their job is to prepare the human sacrifices for the sea daemons. They do not move quickly, but they will attack with magic from a distance. They are formidable opponents. Servitors can be injured by any means, but ordinary weapons cannot kill them. The only way to kill a servitor is with offensive magic or the sacrificial dagger. The best defense to use against the servitors is disguise. If you look like them, they will not attack you (unless you attack them first). If you search carefully, you will be able to come up with a very convincing disguise... SKELETONS Location: Mausoleum Attack: Physical (Spear) Best Attack: Any Best Defenses: Bulletproof Vest, Samurai Armor, Zulu Shield, "Crimson Mists of Myamato", "Shroud of the Dark Walker" Description: The skeletons are all that remain of the bulk of the Winthrop family (and, of course, they aren't spending eternity lying quietly in their crypts as they should be...). Surprisingly fast for dead folks, you'll find a skeleton around just about every turn. Skeletons are affected by any sort of offensive spell or weapon (and the chainsaw seems particularly effective...). When you defeat a skeleton, it will collapse into a pile of bones on the floor. Unfortunately, they have a tendency to come back to life if you walk over their remains, making it necessary to defeat them once again. To prevent this, you must either avoid walking over their remains or destroy the bones by dissolving them with coffin dust (which you can find at various locations throughout the house). SLIMES Location: Level 4 (The Museum) Attack: Physical Best Attack: Physical (Melee Weapons) Best Defenses: Carrying the (lit) Hand of Glory; otherwise: Bulletproof Vest, Samurai Armor, Zulu Shield, "Crimson Mists of Myamato", "Shroud of the Dark Walker" Description: The slimes appear as nothing more than roaming green puddles. When they are adjacent to you, however, they will sprout pseudopods which will strike out at you. Because they travel along at floor level, ranged attacks do not work against them. Even melee weapons do only minimal damage, because the slimes are difficult to hit. They will shy away from the light cast by the relic known as The Hand of Glory. When you are carrying this item, they will leave you alone. ZOMBIES Location: Level 1 (Entry Level), Mausoleum Attack: Physical Best Attack: Any Best Defenses: Carrying a symbol of voodoo magic; otherwise: Bulletproof Vest, Samurai Armor, Zulu Shield, "Crimson Mists of Myamato","Shroud of the Dark Walker" Description: The zombies are the slowest moving, least intelligent, and easiest to defeat enemies in the game. They are also the first ones you encounter, so this works out nicely. All forms of attack work against them. They have a habit of instinctively following you once they have seen you. All of the defenses listed above are effective against them. However, most of them are not available to you at the start of the game. (Hint: Since they are low on both speed and intelligence, a good way to avoid figting them is to get them to follow you to a room. When you enter, they remain outside the door. Turn and open the door. The zombies will enter, and you can leave. The door closes behind you, locking the zombies inside! (Just remember where you put them so you don't inadvertently release them later!)) The other way to keep them from attacking you is to carry the juju fetish. Not all of the zombies are as dumb as they seem. You may encounter one that knows how to use a ranged weapon - like a shotgun! (See Puzzles and Solutions section for details.) ****THE DEITIES**** These are the immortal beings who are behind the insidious forces which are in control of the Winthrop mansion. They lurk in various areas, guarding certain sections of the house and manipulating the evil force which controls it. ALBEROTH Location: Basement Level 2 Attack: Magical Best Attack: None! Best Defenses: Banishment from the Physical Plane (See Puzzles and Solutions section for details); Circlet of Magic Protection; "Aura of Mystic Defense" Description: Alberoth is a yellow, tentacled creature which has the annoying ability to hover at every entrance to Basement Level 2 simultaneously. He always attacks you on sight, and will never attack physically (he doesn't have to - he knows every spell in the book!). He will pound you mercilessly with powerful spells until you either die or leave. No attack, physical or magical, has the least effect on Alberoth - he is immortal, and is not entirely on the physical plane at any time. The only way to get past him (and you must, in order to win the game!) is to banish him completely from the Physical Plane. (See Puzzles and Solutions section for details). BELTHEGOR Location: The Astral Plane Attack: Magical Best Attack: Magical (The stronger, the better!) Best Defenses: The Golden Torc of Gothua; Circlet of Magic Protection; "Aura of Mystic Defense" Description: Belthegor is an ugly, reddish monster with an evil visage, and many tentacles. He hides in a secret chamber, and never leaves the Astral Plane. The goal of the game is the destruction of Belthegor. As the gods go, he is the most vulnerable (relatively speaking - at least magical attacks will affect him!). He will attack immediately with powerful magic, and only spells can affect him. Once you destroy Belthegor, you have won the game. (Hint - Make sure that you prepare both defensive, offensive, and healing spells to their maximum level prior to confronting Belthegor.) THE KARCIST Location: The Egyptian Tomb Attack: Magical, Touch Best Attack: Destruction of The Heart of the Karcist Best Defenses: Circlet of Magic Protection; "Aura of Mystic Defense" Description: The Karcist is technically not a god, but he is immortal. He is actually what is left of Elias Winthrop, who sold his soul to Belthegor in exchange for immortality. He is a twisted, evil being, and he can only be summoned through the performance of a special ritual (see Puzzles and Solutions for details). He attacks through the use of magic, and his touch causes severe damage. You have the chance to talk with him prior to fighting him. Avail yourself of this opportunity, as you might learn something valuable. When the inevitable happens, any attack will work against him, but use ranged attacks if possible. He can also be easily defeated if you destroy his heart (see Puzzles and Solutions section for details). MELCHOIR Location: Basement Level 3; The Ethereal Plane Attack: Magical Best Attack: None! Best Defenses: Wearing the Golden Torc of Gothua; otherwise: Circlet of Magic Protection; "Aura of Mystic Defense" Description: Melchoir looks like a giant, flying jellyfish. As soon as he sees you, you will be attacked. Melchoir cannot be harmed or banished by any means, and he is next to impossible to dodge. The only way to keep him from attacking is to wear the Golden Torc of Gothua; as long as you don't attack first, this will protect you. (5) MAP KEYS ****The Ground Floor (Level 1)**** (1) Entrance foyer. The stairs lead up to 3 doors which are nailed shut and cannot be opened. Items: note; letter; statue of Cartag; metal vase; spell book (if you don't already have one) (2) Closet. Items: note; first aid kit; briefcase (3) Items: small caliber revolver; green bottle (4) Empty room. (5) Item: security key (behind secret door) (6) Item: vial of holy water (7) Item: magic crystal (8) Item: note (9) Item: Spell - "Shroud of the Dark Walker" (10) Item: flashlight (11) Empty room. (12) Empty room. (13) Locked room. (There is no key to this room!) Item: mechanical tool kit (14) Item: note (15) Empty room. (16) Item: first aid kit (17) Item: speed load (for small caliber revolver) (18) Fuse box (broken). (19) Empty room. (20) Music room. Item: shrunken head (in dumbwaiter) (21) Empty room. (22) Empty room. (23) Item: fast food (24) Item: vial of holy water (25) Item: magic crystal (26) Room of confusion: with each step forward, you turn one facing to the left. Item: rune stone (27) Item: note (28) Trap door room (trap doors lead to Basement Level 1, room #21). Item: chipped key (29) Item: key ring (30) Item: speed load (for .38 revolver) (31) Items: video tape (in safe); green bottle (32) Item: sheet music (33) Empty room. (34) Item: fireplace poker (35) Item: speed load (for small caliber revolver) (36) Item: Spell - "Iron Fist of Agatta" (behind secret door) (37) Item: worn key (38) Items: Juju Fetish; green bottle; first aid kit; speed load (for small revolver) (39) Items: vial of holy water; leather bag of coffin dust (40) Item: note (41) Torture chamber. Teleporter to Egyptian Tomb (location #1). ****Daemons and Ghosts (Level 2)**** (1) Door #1 Item: note (2) Door #2 (3) Door #3 (4) Door #4 (5) Door #5 (6) Door #6 Items: statue of Pthark (7) Door #7. Dee Kirby is locked inside (she's the source of the knocking noises). (8) Items: magic crystal (9) Empty room. (10) Empty room. (11) Items: can of oil (12) Empty room. (13) Items: diary page (14) Items: diary page; vial of holy water (15) Items: book of matches (16) Button on the wall - teleports you to location #33. (17) Empty room. (18) Entertainment center. VCR and television. Items: first aid kit (19) Items: vial of holy water; book (20) Items: speed load (for .38 revolver) (21) Empty room. (22) Items: vial of holy water (23) Fuse box. (24) Items: alloy key (25) Small room containing a painting. Items: speed load (for small caliber revolver) (26) Room which is home to a friendly spirit. Items: bullet-proof vest (27) Items: magic crystal; note (28) Empty room. (29) Empty room. (30) Empty room. (31) Items: museum plaque ("shuriken"); Spell: "Aura of Mystic Defense" (behind secret door); speed load (for .38 revolver) (behind secret door) (32) Button on wall - teleports you to location #33. (33) Two buttons on wall - top button: teleports you to location #32; bottom button: teleports you to location #16. (34) Empty room. (35) Items: fast food (36) Empty room. (37) Items: .38 revolver; vial of holy water (38) Button on wall - teleports you to location #39. (39) Two buttons on wall - top button: teleports you to location #40; bottom button: teleports you to location #39. (40) Button on wall - teleports you to location #39. (41) Item: baseball bat (42) Item: diary page (43) Empty room. (44) Item: green gem (45) Item: note (46) Empty room. (47) Item: first aid kit (48) Room with a fireplace. (49) Secret room with a plaque on the wall. Items: note; first aid kit; Spell - "Flames of Desolation" (50) SAFE ROOM. Items: note; document wallet (51) Force field (bounces you backwards). (52) Item: shotgun shells (53) Item: heavy key ****The Asylum (Level 3)**** (1) Items: note; Chinese coin (2) Hallway. Wandering here (or nearby) is Ellen Prentiss. Items: (in Ellen's possession) straight jacket; axe (3) Items: Spell - "Dimensional Rift"; book (4) Empty room. (5) Teleporter room. Both "a" and "b" teleport you to location #24. (6) Item: speed load (for small caliber revolver) (7) Item: note (8) Blue rune on wall. (9) Item: fungi (10) Small room with a safe. (11) Laughing room. Spins you around in circles. Empty. (12) Item: Chinese coin (13) Item: Chinese coin (14) Blue rune on wall. (15) Item: fire extinguisher (16) Empty room. (17) Item: first aid kit (18) Item: first aid kit (19) Padded cell with a breathing, talking wall. (20) Item: circlet of magic protection (21) Items: 2 speed loads (for .38 revolver) (22) Empty room. (23) Item: batteries (24) Button on wall - reveals secret door. Item: note (25) Empty room. (26) Room with open dimensional portal. Item: Chinese coin (27) Item: note (28) Item: note (29) Empty room. (30) Item: statue of Scaruk (31) Fuse box. Item: Spell - "Crimson Mists of Myamato" (32) Item: note (33) SAFE ROOM. Item: security card (34) Items: box of tasty Snax; ammunition clip (for .45 automatic) (35) Item: Chinese coin (36) Item: lantern (37) Button on wall - opens secret door. (38) Items: Spell - "Key of the Shadow Lord"; fire extinguisher; parchment (39) Item: ledger (40) Items: note; ammunition clip (for .45 automatic) (41) Item: ammunition clip (for .45 automatic) (42) Empty room. (43) Confusion room - only lets you walk in every other space. Items: Hand of Glory; remote control (in chest of drawers) ****The Museum (Level 4)**** (1) a - plaque that says "right". b - display stand protected by a force field. Item: Mayan jade effigy (2) Display stand protected by a force field. Items: demon mask; note (3) Item: first aid kit (4) Item: box of tasty Snax (5) Open dimensional portal. (6) Items: 2 ammunition clips (for Winchester rifle) (7) Item: note (8) Room with empty safe. Items: 2 ammunition clips (for Winchester rifle) (9) Empty. (10) Item: note (11) Item: can of oil (12) Empty. (13) Plaque on the wall (says "back"). Alcove protected by a force field. Item: Zulu spear (14) The "Room of Power". Three empty display stands. (15) Items: the Heart of the Karcist; magic crystal (16) Carl Winthrop is hanging out here. Talk to him (but be careful - he's paranoid and armed). Items: 2 notes (17) Japanese "Mon" symbol. (18) Japanese funeral resting place with open stands for two items Item: Katana sword (19) Alcove protected by a force field. Item: Samurai armor (20) Broken "Mon" symbol. (21) Empty. (22) Display stand protected by force field. Item: Key of Abophmet (23) Empty display stand marked "Shuriken", and another display stand protected by a force field. Item: shuriken (24) Evil temple. Item: map of levels 1-3 (inside pedestal) (25) a - Plaque ("left"); b - alcove protected by a force field. Item: Zulu shield (26) Item: note (27) Items: magic crystal; fast food (28) Two empty display stands (marked "Hand of Glory" and "Horned Skull"). (29) Items: note; Spell - "Guiding Eye of Xython" (30) Item: Winchester rifle (31) Item: ammunition clip (for .45 automatic) ****Shotguns and Skeletons (The Mausoleum)**** (1) Item: note (2) Item: leather bag of coffin dust (3) Well-armed zombie. Items: (in zombie's possession) cool shades; double-barrel shotgun; 3 shotgun shells (4) Zombie. Button on wall - must be pushed to open southern door. Item: (in zombie's possession) first aid kit (5) Zombie. Button on wall - must be pushed to open southern door. (6) Items: shotgun shells; 2 leather bags of coffin dust; Spell - "Sight of the Dark Walker" (7) Stone switch in floor. Opens the door you are facing when you step on it. (8) Empty. (9) Empty. (10) Stone switch in floor. Opens the door you are facing when you step on it. (11) Empty. (12) Stone switch in floor. Opens the door you are facing when you step on it. (13) Empty. (14) Stone switch in floor. Opens the door you are facing when you step on it. (15) Empty. (16) Chapel, complete with pipe organ. (17) Empty. (18) Item: chainsaw (19) Stone switch in floor - releases all skeletons in the tomb. Item: shotgun shells (20) Stone switch in floor. Opens the door you are facing when you step on it. (21) Empty. (22) Item: (in skeleton's possession) holy water (23) Stone switch in floor. Opens the door you are facing when you step on it. (24) Item: (in skeleton's possession) shotgun shells (25) Stone switch in floor. Opens the door you are facing when you step on it. (26) Item: (in skeleton's possession) can of gas (27) Stone switch in floor. Opens the door you are facing when you step on it. (28) Empty. (29) Item: (in skeleton's possession) magic crystal (30) Item: leather bag of coffin dust (31) Item: (in skeleton's possession) magic crystal (32) Item: shotgun shells (33) Item: (in skeleton's possession) Spell - "Sword of the Shadow" (34) Empty. (35) Item: leather bag of coffin dust (36) Empty. (37) Items: leather bag of coffin dust; shotgun shells (38) Item: box of tasty Snax (39) Item: magic crystal (40) Item: first aid kit (41) Empty. (42) Item: first aid kit (43) Items: book; the Golden Torc of Gothua ****Downstairs (Basement Level 1)**** (1) Item: note (2) Empty. (3) Item: magic crystal (4) Item: can of oil (5) Empty. (6) Empty. (7) Item: speed load (for .38 revolver) (8) Items: metal crescent; speed load (for .44 revolver) (9) Item: Japanese funerary urn (10) Item: book (11) Item: magic crystal (12) Item: speed load (for .38 revolver) (13) SAFE ROOM. (14) Item: Spell - "Belgor's Mental Violation" (15) Empty room with open dimensional portal. (16) The screaming room. You can't get in! (17) Item: vial of holy water (18) Item: Savage .311 shotgun (modified to shoot rock salt) (19) Item: museum plaque ("Eye of Abophmet") (20) Item: vial of holy water (21) Item: kitchen knife (22) Items: 2 vials of holy water (23) Items: can of gas; rock salt (24) Items: Spell - "Elixir of Health"; ammunition clip (for M-16); batteries (25) Room with a safe. Item: (in safe) electronic tool kit (26) Trap door (leads to Basement Level 2, location #34). Items: note; freshly cut key (27) Item: note (28) Fuse box. (29) Red skull-temple. (30) Item: box of tasty Snax (31) Item: document wallet ****The Sub-Basement (Basement Level 2)**** (1) Button on wall - reveals the door to location #2. (2) Item: book (3) Button on wall (4) Room of confusion - multiple teleporters change your position and facing. Item: mogana leaves (5) 2 Buttons on wall - Top button: reveals secret door to room #6; bottom button: activates lightning trap. Item: incense burner (6) Empty. (7) Item: fast food (8) Item: first aid kit (9) Item: vanity mirror (10) Items: 2 piles of rock salt (11) Items: bottle of red liquid; pile of rock salt (12) Alberoth - he is guarding the stairway. (13) Empty. (14) Item: dead squid (15) Item: book (16) Item: speed load (for .44 magnum) (17) Button on wall - reveals entrance to location #18. Item: Spell - "Arcane Tower of Reason" (18) Empty. (19) Large room with a book in the center. You cannot get in - the entrances teleport you to room #35. (20) Item: Spell - "Maelstrom of the Mind" (21) Item: book of matches (22) Alberoth - he is guarding the stairs. (23) Items: museum plaque ("Mayan effigy"); speed load (for .44 magnum) (24) Empty. (25) SAFE ROOM. Item: note (26) Items: 3 notes (27) Item: dented key (28) Items: 2 piles of rock salt; fast food (29) Item: mortar and pestle (30) Items: .44 magnum (the most powerful handgun in the world); note (31) Items: bottle of red liquid; astrolabe (32) Item: magic crystal (33) Item: wakizashi sword (protected by a teleport puzzle) (34) Items: 2 piles of rock salt (35) Items: 2 piles of rock salt (36) Alberoth - he is guarding the stairs. (37) Open gate to the Ethereal Plane. ****Servitors and Sea Daemons (Basement Level 3)**** (1) Teleporter to Level 1. Item: box of tasty Snax (2) Button on wall - re-opens one-way door (and summons some company...) (3) Items: M-16; ammunition clip (for M-16) (4) Items: first aid kit; ammunition clip (for M-16) (5) Empty. (6) Room with safe. Items: (in safe) dead squid; servitor's robes (7) Item: ammunition clip (for M-16) (8) Empty. (9) Lair of Melchoir - jellyfish from Hell. (10) Items: mechanical tool kit; can of gas (11) Items: flashlight; note (12) Item: key marked "N. Prentiss" (13) Items: first aid kit; sacrificial dagger (14) Item: note (15) Gong. Summons a servitor, and opens secret door to the northwest. (16) Empty. (17) Items: book; Spell - "Swift Limbs of Mercury" (18) Item: speed load (for .44 magnum) (19) Item: servitor's robes (20) Item: scummy jar (21) Item: magic crystal (22) Items: rune stone; Spell - "Malevolent Compression" (23) Item: book (24) Sea Daemon temple. Item: meteorite fragment (25) Teleporter to Basement Level 1 (near location #31). (26) Item: snake wand (27) Empty alcove. (28) Teleporter to location #36. (29) Cave opening. Teleporter to Astral Plane (location #2). (30) Item: scummy jar (31) Teleporter to location #27. (32) Item: note (33) Melchoir - he really gets around! (34) Empty. (35) Empty. (36) Item: note ****Carrion, Stars, and the Karcist (The Egyptian Tomb)**** (Items marked with an asterisk (*) are illusions!) (1) Torture chamber. Teleporter to Level 1 (location #41). (2) Empty. (3) Item: horned skull (4) Carl Winthrop (and he's not interested in talking!) Item: ritual robe (5) Room with an empty safe. Item: note (6) Item: Spell - "Malevolent Compression" (7) Loose stone on floor is a switch. (8) Item: note (9) Item: magic crystal (10) An observatory with a telescope. (11) Item: Spell - "Mantle of Endurance" (12) Item: M-16* (13) Sarcophagus. Item: fungus (14) Empty. (15) Loose stone on floor is a switch. (16) SAFE ROOM. (17) Item: box of tasty snax (18) Sarcophagus. Item: note (19) Empty. (20) Empty. (21) Empty. (22) Item: note (23) Item: Spell - "Obsidian Shards of Annihilation" (24) Empty. (25) Loose stone on floor is a switch. (26) Items: crystal flute; batteries (27) Item: chainsaw* (28) Item: first aid kit* (29) Empty. (30) Item: boom box (31) Empty. (32) Loose stone on floor is a switch. (33) Switches on the east and west walls (open secret doors). Coin slot on north wall. (34) Item: magic crystal (35) Switches on the north and south walls (open secret doors). Coin slot on west wall. (36) Item: magic crystal (37) Switches on the east and west walls (open secret doors). Coin slot on south wall. (38) Item: first aid kit (39) Switches on the east and west walls (open secret doors). Coin slot on east wall. (40) Item: first aid kit (41) Room with 5 bowls. The Karcist is summoned here. Item: (in the Karcist's possession) note ****Showdown With Belthegor (The Astral Plane)**** (1) Open gate to the Ethereal Plane. (2) Empty niche. (3) Force field. (4) Home of Belthegor - the location of the final showdown. ****The Ethereal Plane**** The Ethereal Plane is a dangerous place to be. There are no walls, ceilings or floors, and there is no easy way to tell exactly where you are at any given time. Thus, it is very easy to get lost. There are also a large number of Bloodbeasts here, and Melchoir himself guards one of the gates. On the brighter side, the Ethereal Plane is a terrific short-cut to any level of the mansion. Each of the spinning cubes you encounter corresponds to one of the open gates to the Ethereal Plane, or to one of the red runes scattered thoroughout the house. Once you have used the "Dimensional Rift" spell to open all of the runes, you can short-cut from gate to gate through the Ethereal Plane. The map for this level shows all of the gates, and the list below shows where each of the cubes leads in the house. There is also another being that you will encounter here: an occultist named Charles Wenlock is trapped for all eternity on the Ethereal Plane. If you talk to him, he will give you important information about your quest, as well as a couple of important items: crystal glasses and a Spell: "Winds of Destruction". (1) Level 2, Room #12. (2) Basement Level 3, in the corridor south of Room #2. (3) Level 1, Room #11. (4) Level 4 (The Museum), Location #7. (5) Level 3 (The Asylum), in the corridor south of Room #37. (6) Level 1, in the alcove north of Room #36. (7) The Astral Plane, Location #1. (8) Basement Level 2, Room #14. (9) Basement Level 3, Room #20. (10) Level 4 (The Museum), in the corridor north of Location #22. (11) The Mausoleum, Room #16. (12) Basement Level 1, in the corridor south of Room #6. (13) Level 3 (The Asylum), Room #26. (14) Basement Level 1, Room #15. (15) Level 4 (The Museum), in the corridor south of Location #11. (16) Level 2, Room #48. (17) The Egyptian Tomb, Room #30. (18) Basement Level 2, Location #37. (19) Level 1, in the corridor east of Room #6. (6) PUZZLES AND SOLUTIONS Here it is! The section that I suspect many will go to first. The following is a list of all of the game puzzles in "The Legacy", along with the details of each of their solutions. ****6.01 - The Ground Floor (Level 1)**** Puzzle: How do I stop the Zombies from attacking me? Room #: Many Solution: The Zombies will not attack you if you are carrying the Juju Fetish (Level 1, room # 38) in your hand when you encounter them. (Note: they will fight back if you attack them first, even if you are carrying it!) Puzzle: What is the significance of the warlock painting? Room #: 1 Solution: The warlock painting actually hides a secret door. If you examine the painting, you will see that there is a hole where on the necklace worn by the warlock with shards of green glass in it. The secret door can be opened by placing the green gem (Level 2, room # 44) in the hole. Puzzle: How do I get the statue out of the glass case? Room #: 1 Solution: Simply break the glass by using a heavy object (such as the vase in room #1) or by shooting the case. Puzzle: How do I open the doors which are nailed shut. Room #: 1 Solution: None; you can't open them. Puzzle: How do I open the secret door? Room #: 5 & 36 Solution: Simply walk through the wall. If you watch your movement arrows, you'll notice that when you are adjacent to a secret door of this type, the arrow pointing in the direction of the door will remain red (thus indicating that movement in that direction is still possible). Puzzle: How do I get the key without falling through one of the trap doors? Room #: 28 Solution: There are two buttons just inside the door to the room. Press both of the buttons, and the trap doors will both disappear. Puzzle: How do I open the safe? Room #: 31 Solution: The safe can be unlocked with the security key (found in Level 1, room #5) Puzzle: What do I do about that "green thing with tentacles"? Room #: 38 Solution: Nothing. This is a Lurker, and it will not harm you as long as you leave it alone. You will encounter many of these throughout the house; you'll be just fine as long as you keep them out of the line of fire. Puzzle: How do I get past the swinging chains? Room #: 41 Solution: Step toward the center of the room just as the chains begin to swing out away from the center. Puzzle: EEEK! The lights went out! What do I do? Room #: Variable Solution: This is a problem which can be encountered on any level, but you'll see it here first. There are a number of solutions: (1) find a flashlight or lantern and light it; (2) cast the spell "Sight of the Dark Walker"; or (3) locate the fuse box for the level and turn on the lights. The fuse boxes may not be in working order (as is the case on Level 1). If this is the case, you must use the electronic tool kit (found 1n Basement Level 1, room #25) to repair the fuse box. Puzzle: What do the red runes mean? Room #: Many Solution: Each of the red runes represents an entry point to the Ethereal Plane. The runes can be activated by casting the "Dimensional Rift" spell (Level 3, room #3) on the rune. Puzzle: How do I get into room #13? Room #: 13 Solution: There is no key to this room - you must either force the door or use the "Key of the Shadow Lord" spell (Level 3, room #38) or a mechanical tool kit to unlock the doors. ****6.02 - Daemons and Ghosts (Level 2)**** Puzzle: What do the numbered doors mean, and why isn't my map mapping anymore? Room #: 1-7 Solution: Door 7 is locked, and there is knocking coming from inside the room. In order to unlock door 7, you must walk through doors 1-6 in numerical order without back-tracking and re-opening any of them. Once you have completed the sequence, the map for this section of the level will appear, and door 7 will be unlocked. If you break the sequence, you must start over at door 1. Puzzle: How do I avoid being zapped when I follow the wandering woman? Room #: 15, 16, 32, 33, 38, 39, 40 Solution: Don't bother following her. She is just an illusion, and she can't hurt you or interact with you. Each of the "zap traps" is marked by a bloodstain on the floor. Adjacent to each of these, are buttons which, when pushed, will teleport you safely past the traps. Puzzle: Why can't I watch television? Room #: 18 Solution: You need to insert the Video Tape (found in Level 1, room #31) in order for the television to work. Puzzle: How do I open the secret door to room #49? Room #: 48 Solution: Press the center of the mantel above the fireplace. Puzzle: How do I get down this hallway? Room #: 51 Solution: In order to pass through the force field, turn and face the side of the corridor, and walk sideways down the hall. Puzzle: I can't move more than one step from the corners of the southwest corridor! Room #: Southwest Corridors Solution: Movement is reversed in these corridors; to move forward, click the backward arrow; to move left, click the right arrow; etc. Puzzle: How do I get rid of the Ghosts? Room #: Many Solution: Holy Water makes a good weapon against the Ghosts. However, you can get rid of all of the ghosts on the level by using the matches (Level 2, location #15) to burn the painting of the Melchoir Cult (in Level 2, room #25). Puzzle: How do I get rid of the Daemons? Room #: Many Solution: Holy Water is the best weapon against the Daemons, but attack spells work well too. You can usually dodge the Daemons' spells by turning sideways just after the spell is launched. Puzzle: The worm in the toilet keeps "savaging" me! Room #: Several Solution: Don't open the toilets; there is nothing in them which is of any use to you. Puzzle: Those little demon statues in the bedrooms keep attacking me! Room #: Several Solution: Leave them alone, and they'll leave you alone. You don't need to touch them; the demon statues you are looking for are much larger. Puzzle: How do I open the doors which are nailed shut? Room #: Several Solution: None; you can't open them. ****6.03 - The Asylum (Level 3)**** Puzzle: How do I reason with Ellen Prentiss? Room #: 2 (but wandering constantly) Solution: You don't. Ellen is beyond reasoning. If you don't kill her, she'll certainly kill you. When you do kill her, you will need to take her straight jacket. Puzzle: I get injured if I cast "Dimensional Rift" on the blue runes. Room #: 8 & 14 Solution: The blue runes are traps; they cannot be opened. Puzzle: How do I open the secret door and get to the central part of the Asylum? Room #: 10 Solution: Open the safe. This will reveal the hidden door. Puzzle: I can't get to the south-central part of the Asylum. Room #: General Solution: Go to room #5, and walk to either location "a" or "b". You will be teleported to room #24. Puzzle: Now I can't get out of the south-central part of the Asylum! Room #: General Solution: Press the button on the wall of room #24. It reveals a one-way secret door out of this section. Puzzle: Almost every door is locked, and none of my keys work! Room #: Many Solution: The locks on this level are electronic. Some of them can be opened by the Security Card (found in Level 3, room #33). The rest of the locked doors can be opened using the Remote Control (hidden in the chest of drawers in Level 3, room #43). Puzzle: How do I open the secret door to room #38? Room #: 37 Solution: Pressing the button on the wall at location #37 will open it. Puzzle: I can't get to the center of the room to get the Hand of Glory. Room #: 43 Solution: You must enter the room from the north. Each step forward that you take will also teleport you one square to the right. You'll eventually get there. Puzzle: Okay, fine: I've got the Hand of Glory, but I can't get to the chest of drawers to get the Remote Control! Room #: 43 Solution: To get to the chest of drawers, enter the room from the west, and follow the same movement rules as when you got the Hand of Glory. Puzzle: Just what is the "click" I hear when I enter the cell with the plaque outside of it? Room #: 18 Solution: If you read the plaque, you will see that no firearms are allowed inside the room. If you are carrying a pistol or rifle when you enter this room, it will automatically jam ("click!"). Puzzle: Who or what is breathing behind the wall? Room #: 19 Solution: That's Charles Wenlock, the occultist who's trapped in the Ethereal Plane. You can find him and talk to him by searching the Ethereal Plane, but he can never be rescued. Puzzle: I can't get past the force field. Room #: Eastern Corridor Solution: Wear the straight jacket you took from Ellen Prentiss. You'll be able to pass right through the force field. Puzzle: How do I open the doors which are nailed shut? Room #: Several Solution: None; you can't open them (get the idea?). Puzzle: How do I fight the screeching things? Room #: Many Solution: There is no easy solution to an encounter with a Bloodbeast. Run away if possible, or attack from a distance with ranged weapons or spells. Puzzle: How do I fight the little orange blobs? Room #: Many Solution: The Fire Spawn are made of just that; fire! A couple of shots from a Fire Extinguisher (found in Level 3 rooms #15 & #38) will kill them. Puzzle: Why do I keep dropping things? Room #: Many Solution: Because you picked up the Fungi in room #9. It is useless, so just get rid of it. You'll find that you won't have any problem with dropping your items afterwards. ****6.04 - The Museum (Level 4)**** Puzzle: How do I get rid of the green slime things? Room #: General Solution: The Slimes will not harm you as long as you are carrying the Hand of Glory (found in Level 3, room #43). The Hand of Glory must be (a) lit and (b) in your hand (not in your briefcase) in order to be effective. Puzzle: The Hand of Glory keeps extinguishing! How can I keep it lit? Room #: General Solution: Level 4 is a drafty place, and occasionally the Hand of Glory will be blown out by the wind. When this happens, just use the Book of Matches to re-light the Hand of Glory. Puzzle: How do I get rid of the red crab things? Room #: General Solution: Getting rid of the Nightcrawlers involves several objects and actions. When you arrive at Level 4, you need to have the 3 Demonic Statues in your possession: the statue of Cartag (Level 1, room #1); the statue of Pthark (Level 2, room #6); and the statue of Scaruk (Level 3, room #30). Take these statues to The Room Of Power (Level 4, room #14), and place each of them on the display stand whose plaque matches the statue's name. Once you have done this, destroy each of the statues with a "Flames of Desolation" spell. All of the Nightcrawlers will then be banished from the material plane. Puzzle: How do I get the items off of the display stands which have no plaques? Room #: 22, 23 Solution: In order to get these objects, you must place the correct name plaque on the stand containing the item in question. The plaques are located in the following rooms: "shuriken" (Level 2, room #31); "Eye of Abophmet" (Basement Level 1, room #19). A third plaque which is labeled "Mayan effigy" is in Basement Level 2, room #23. However, this item must be obtained in a different manner (as described below). Puzzle: How do I get the Mayan Jade Effigy? Room #: 1 Solution: There is a plaque on the wall which simply says "right". The way to get through the force field is to turn so that the display stand is to your right, and then step sideways (to the right). You will then be able to take the Mayan Jade Effigy from the display stand. Puzzle: How do I get the Zulu Spear? Room #: 13 Solution: There is a plaque on the wall which simply says "back". The way to get through the force field is to turn so that the display stand is behind you, and then step backwards. You will then be able to take the Zulu Spear from the display stand. Puzzle: How do I get the Zulu Shield? Room #: 25 Solution: There is a plaque on the wall which simply says "left". The way to get through the force field is to turn so that the display stand is to your left, and then step sideways (to the left). You will then be able to take the Zulu Shield from the display stand. Puzzle: How do I get the Samurai Armor? Room #: 19 Solution: You will notice that there are two "mon" symbols on the wall, but one of them is broken. In order to get the armor, you must rebuild the broken "mon" by placing the Metal Crescent (Basement Level 1, room #8) on the broken "mon". The force field will then disappear. Puzzle: Is there any significance to the daisho (funeral resting place) where the Katana is found? Room #: 18 Solution: Yes. There are places on the stand for the Funerary Urn (Basement Level 1, room #9) and the Wakizashi sword (Basement Level 2, location #33). When these items are placed on the stand, the spirit of the dead Japanese warrior who once owned them gives the swords magical properties which make them more powerful weapons. Puzzle: How do I take the chalice in the Evil Temple? Room #: 24 Solution: You can't, and attempting to do so will only injure you. However, if you examine the plaque on the left front pedestal, a secret compartment will open, and a map of Levels 1-3 will fall out. ****6.05 - Shotguns and Skeletons (The Mausoleum)**** Puzzle: How do I get past the Zombie with the Shotgun? Room #: 3 Solution: The best strategy is to move quickly into the second alcove on your left (location #2). Attack with a pistol or rifle by stepping into the corridor, firing a shot, and stepping quickly back into the alcove. A few shots should do it. The shotgun does a lot of damage, so defensive spells or armor will do much to increase your chances. Puzzle: I don't see any doors! Room #: 3 Solution: All of the doors on this level are disguised to look like part of the wall. The auto-mapping feature of the game will show where they are. To open the doors, simply left-click them. Puzzle: I can't open the second door to the south. Room #: Corridor, south of room #6 Solution: At the locations marked 4 and 5 there are Zombies which must be killed. Once they have been eliminated, 2 gold switches (one at location 4 and one at location 5) will be revealed. Pushing each of these buttons once will unlock the south door. Puzzle: The Skeletons keep coming back to life! Room #: Many Solution: Skeletons, once killed, are reduced to a pile of bones on the floor. They will stay dead as long as they are not disturbed, but if you walk over the bones they will come back to life. In order to prevent this, the bones themselves can be destroyed by dropping a bag of Coffin Dust on them. Puzzle: There are too many Skeletons to fight at once. Room #: 19 Solution: If you step on the switch at location 19, it will release all of the Skeletons on the level at once. Release them one at a time by opening each of the doors along the way. In order to get past the door at location 19, all of the Skeletons must be killed. Puzzle: I can't open the door at location 19. Room #: 19 Solution: The door cannot be opened until all of the Skeletons are killed. Note: it is not required that you destroy the bones as well in order to get through the door. Puzzle: There isn't enough Coffin Dust to destroy all of the bones. Room #: Many Solution: Use the Coffin Dust sparingly; only use it on Skeletons which are killed in narrow corridors, or in areas in which you are likely to walk again. Puzzle: Is the Chapel significant in any way? Room #: 16 Solution: Yes. If you put the Sheet Music (Level 1, room 32) on the organ, it will open a portal to the Ethereal Plan (gate #11). ****6.06 - Carrion, Stars, and the Karcist (The Egyptian Tomb)**** Puzzle: These Carrion are relentless, and they can attack me through doors! What do I do? Room #: Many Solution: The Carrion attack with sound, so hiding behind doors won't work very well. If you are within earshot of them, they can harm you. They can be affected by any weapon or spell, but must be killed quick since they do quite a bit of damage. The best way to reduce the damage is to repair the Boom Box (Egyptian Tomb, room #30) with the Electronic Tool Kit (Basement Level 1, room #25). Turn the Boom Box on, and carry it around with you. While the music is playing, the accuracy of the Carrion sonic attacks is reduced. Puzzle: How do I open all of the locked doors on this level? Room #: Many Solution: The doors are not actually locked: they are magically sealed. There is no key to the doors, and they cannot be forced. You must unlock them by casting the "Key of the Shadow Lord" spell. (Some of the doors may require you to prepare the spell to a stronger level, or to cast it several times to open the door.) Puzzle: How did Carl Winthrop get down here, and why can't I communicate with him now? Room #: 4 Solution: The person you see in this room is actually only an image of Carl Winthrop. He is here simply to guard the Ritual Robe. You cannot communicate with him: you must kill him in order to take the Ritual Robe. Puzzle: Why can't I cast any spells? Room #: 4 Solution: Because you are carrying the Horned Skull. This object is cursed, and as long as you have it in your possession, it will render your magic useless. It has no purpose in the game, so just get rid of it. Puzzle: How can I avoid taking damage when I encounter the "E" symbol? Room #: Several Solution: There are two ways to avoid damage. If you are wearing the Ritual Robe (Egyptian Tomb, room #4) you will take no damage from the cult symbols. However, since the power of the symbols is strictly visual, you can avoid damage by approaching the symbols backwards or sideways so that you cannot see them. Puzzle: Why can't I see anything through the telescope? Room #: 10 Solution: You must first open the skylight in the room (by clicking on it) before you use the telescope. Puzzle: What is the use of the telescope? Room #: 10 Solution: When used in conjunction with the Astrolabe, you can banish Alberoth from the Material Plane. (Full details on this puzzle can be found under Section 6.08). Puzzle: How do I get to the center section of this level? Room #: 7, 15, 25, 32 Solution: In each of the listed rooms, there is a pressure plate on the floor. You will need to enter each of the rooms (in no particular order) and step on each of the pressure plates once. (Don't step on any twice, or you will have to start the sequence over again!) When you step on the fourth plate, a doorway leading toward the center of the level will appear. Puzzle: I've stepped on the pressure plates, and found a series of rooms, but there still seems to be another room in the center of this level. Room #: 33, 35, 37, 39 Solution: In each of the listed rooms, you will see a coin slot on the wall closest to the center of the map. In each of the coin slots, place one of the Chinese Coins (Level 3, rooms #1, #12, #13, #26, & #35). Once you have placed the fourth coin in the slot, the walls will disappear, revealing a room at the center of the level. Puzzle: What are the 5 bronze bowls in the center room? Room #: 41 Solution: These are offering bowls for summoning the Karcist. To summon the Karcist, pick up the 4 Chinese Coins you used to open the walls (they will now be on the floor near each of the 4 exits). Place one of the coins in each of the 5 bowls. When the fifth coin is placed in the bowl, the Karcist will appear. Puzzle: How do I deal with the Karcist? Room #: 41 Solution: The Karcist will attempt to talk to you before any battle takes place. Go ahead and talk; just remember that he is an expert liar, and don't believe any promises he makes to you. He is affected by all types of weapons and spells, but ranged weapons and spells are the safest. Keep moving and avoid his touch - it is his most deadly attack. The best strategy is to have the Heart of the Karcist (Level 4, room #15) with you when you confront him. He will ask you to give him the heart. DON'T! Instead, destroy it. This kills him instantly. ****6.07 - Downstairs (Basement Level 1)**** Puzzle: How do I fight the Ghouls? They keep poisoning me! Room #: Many Solution: It is best to fight the Ghouls with ranged weapons or with spells. If they manage to bite you, they will inflict a poisonous wound which is eventually fatal. The poison can be counteracted by drinking a vial of Holy Water, or by successfully casting the "Elixir of Health" spell (Basement Level 1, room #24). Puzzle: The Rock Fiends are too tough to kill! Room #: Many Solution: Yes, they are tough to kill. Your best bet is to fight them with magic, or with weapons that do a high amount of damage (the Chainsaw, for instance). These creatures are also not terribly fast, so you can usually dodge by them without having to fight. Puzzle: The doors are disappearing as soon as I walk through them! Room #: Many Solution: Many of the doors on this level are one-way doors; there is no way to open them from the inside. Once you have passed into the northern half of Basement Level 1, the only way to get back to the southern half (without leaving this level) is down the corridor which runs south from room #9. Puzzle: I'm trapped in a room which has a door that I can see, but can't open. Room #: 4 Solution: The door in the southern wall of the room is an illusion. You can simply walk straight through it. Puzzle: There are a lot of corridors that are just dead-ends. Room #: Several Solution: Always check the movement arrows on the screen when you reach a dead end: some of the walls are illusory. If this is the case, your forward movement arrow will be red, indicating that you can walk through the wall. Puzzle: What is supposed to happen in the Red skull-temple? Room #: 29 Solution: This is one of the most important puzzles in the game, and it must be solved in order to win. This is the room where you must create the Eye of Agla. The first step is to place the Vanity Mirror (Basement Level 2, room #8) into the beam of light. The light will be reflected. (You may have to adjust the positioning of the mirror in order to get the light to reflect at the proper angle.) Once the light has been deflected properly, a stone pillar will rise up in the center of the room. You must then place the Meteorite Fragment from the Sea Daemon temple (Basement Level 3, room #24) into the opening in the stone pillar. Magically, the Eye of Agla will be created. You must then take the Eye of Agla, and have it with you when you prepare to meet Belthegor in the final confrontation. Puzzle: How do I get into the room that screams? Room #: 16 Solution: You can't. There is a teleporter in the doorway which transports you out every time you try to enter. Puzzle: How do I open the safe? Room #: 25 Solution: The same key that opens the safe on Level 1 (the Security Key: Level 1, room #5) will open this safe as well. Puzzle: A "feeling of dread" is preventing me from moving. Room #: 9 Solution: You have to fool yourself into moving where you want to go in this room. You can only move by using the sideways (left and right) movement arrows. ****6.08 - The Sub-Basement (Basement Level 2)**** Puzzle: No matter what I do, I can't get past that thing at the bottom of every stairway. Room #: 12, 22, 36 Solution: This is Alberoth, one of the evil deities. He is very powerful, and cannot be killed by any means. He can, however be removed from the material plane. In order to do this, take the Astrolabe (Basement Level 2, room #31) to the observatory (Egyptian Tomb, room #10). Open the observatory doors, and place the Astrolabe on the telescope. Alberoth will depart the material plane and you will be able to safely enter and leave Basement Level 2. Puzzle: If I have to use the Astrolabe to gain safe entry to Basement Level 2, how do I get the Astrolabe FROM Basement Level 2? Room #: 31 Solution: There is a trap door in Basement Level 1, room #26. What you must do is fall through this trap door. You will find yourself slightly injured, but you will end up in Basement Level 2, room #34. From here you can proceed easily to room #31 and retrieve the Astrolabe. In order to get back out of this level, go to the stairway in the southeast corner and quickly rush past Alberoth. You should be able to make it. Otherwise, you can take a quick shortcut to a different level through the Ethereal Plane, via the open portal at location #37. Puzzle: How do I deal with the worms? Room #: Many Solution: The Death Leaches are fairly easy to avoid, as they always move in an easily determined, set pattern. However, they can be most easily killed by loading the Savage .311 Shotgun (Basement Level 1, room #18) with Rock Salt and firing it at the Death Leach. Two shots are usually sufficient. Rock Salt is found at various locations on Basement Levels 1 and 2. Puzzle: How do I deal with the bat-winged creatures? Room #: Many Solution: The Hellions are affected by any normal weapon or by magic. However, the easiest way to fight them is by carrying the Assegai (Level 4, room # 13) and the Zulu Shield (Level 4, room #25). Both objects, carried in one hand, will decrease the accuracy of the Hellions' attacks. You can attack them with the Assegai while holding the objects in this manner. Puzzle: How do I get that book in the center of the big room? Room #: 19 Solution: You can't. There is a teleporter just inside both doors which will teleport you to room #35 if you attempt to enter. Puzzle: How do I get to the Wakazashi? Room #: 33 Solution: You must enter the corridor to the immediate west of location #33. If you walk into this small corridor, you will be teleported right to the Wakazashi. Puzzle: How do I get to the Mogana Leaves? Room #: 4 Solution: There are multiple teleporters in the room which change your position and facing. The pattern is easily discerned by watching the on-screen map. Puzzle: I can't get to location #16 for some reason... Room #: Corridor south of 16 Solution: There are two spinner traps in the corridor. The first one will spin you around 180 degrees and move you north. If you step forward again, you are back where you started from! The secret is to step backwards once the first spinner has turned you around. The second spinner will then turn you back towards location #16. ****6.09 - Servitors and Sea Daemons (Basement Level 3)**** Puzzle: How do I get past the Sevitors? Room #: Many Solution: The Servitors cannot be killed by any normal weapons; you must use either magic or the Sacrificial Dagger (Basement Level 3, room #13). However, the best way to deal with the Servitors is not to kill them, but to blend in with them! If you wear a Dead Squid (Basement Level 2, room #14; Basement Level 3, room #6) and a Servitor's Robe (Basement Level 3, rooms #6 & #19), the Servitors will not attack you (unless you attack first). Puzzle: Is there any way to get from the northwest half of the level to the northeast half? Room #: General Solution: No. You must go up to Basement Level 2 and go back down using the northeastern stairs. Once you enter the northeast section of Basement Level 3, you can bang on the gong at location #15. This will open the secret door which connects this area to the northwest section. (Make sure you are disguised when you ring the gong, because it also attracts Servitors!) Puzzle: There are several locked rooms where none of my keys will work! Room #: 6, 17 Solution: These particular doors have no keys, and cannot be opened by forcing them. You must use the "Key of the Shadow Lord" spell (Level 3, room #38) in order to open them. Puzzle: I seem to be trapped in a cell of some sort... Room #: 2 Solution: There is a button on the wall which will reveal the one-way door you entered, allowing you to leave. The button also summons 2 Servitors to the cell, so make sure you are disguised or ready to fight. Puzzle: How the heck did I get back to Level 1? Room #: 1 Solution: There is a teleporter in the center section of the northern wall of room #1. If you step into it by mistake, you will be teleported to Level 1. Puzzle: How do I get to the southern half of this level? Room #: 8 Solution: If you go to the end of this "L" shaped room, you will notice that your forward movement arrow will still be red. Simply walk right through the wall. Puzzle: I made it to the southern half - but now a giant jellyfish is attacking me! Room #: 9, 33 Solution: This is Melchoir, one of the deities. Like Alberoth, he cannot be killed or harmed in any way. However, as long as you are wearing the Golden Torc of Gothua when Melchoir is around, he will not attack you (unless you attack him first). Puzzle: All of the doors in the green caves are locked, and none of my keys will work. Room #: Many Solution: The doors in this section require a very special key. To unlock the doors, use the Shrunken Head (Level 1, room #20) as a key. Puzzle: How do I deal with the Sea Daemons? Room #: Many Solution: The Sea Daemons can be fought with any weapon, but the best way to deal with them is to avoid them. They will not attack you if you burn incense made from Mogana Leaves while in their presence. To make the incense, take the Mogana Leaves (Basement Level 2, room #4) and grind them into a powder by putting them in the Mortar and Pestle (Basement Level 2, room #29). Put the powder into the Incense Burner (Basement Level 2, room #5) by dragging the Mortar and Pestle onto it. When you are entering an area with Sea Daemons present, light the Incense Burner using the Book of Matches (Level 2, location #15; Basement Level 2, location #21). As long as you carry the lit Incense Burner in your hand, the Sea Daemons will not attack you (unless you attack first). Puzzle: I keep getting teleported to Basement Level 1! Room #: 25 Solution: Don't step into alcove #25! It's a teleport trap. Puzzle: I'm in the Sea Daemon Temple, but where is the Meteorite Fragment? Room #: 24 Solution: There is a dome in the center of the room. If you have examined, poked at it and prodded it, you will discover that it produces an F-sharp musical note when struck. As you may have guessed, the Meteorite Fragment is inside the dome, and you must break the dome to get it. To break the dome, blow on the Crystal Flute (Egyptian Tomb, room #26). This will shatter the dome and reveal an opening. The Meteorite Fragment is inside. Drag the opening with the mouse cursor to retrieve it. Puzzle: I keep getting zapped by the electricity when I try to take the Meteorite Fragment! Room #: 24 Solution: It's all a matter of timing: time your attempt so it coincides with the power surge (not when the surge has stopped!). You should then be successful in your attempt. Puzzle: Where does the cave opening lead? Room #: 29 Solution: The cave opening is actually the easiest entrance to the Astral Plane, where Belthegor resides. Stepping through the opening will teleport you to location #2 on the Astral Plane. ****4.10 - The Ethereal Plane**** Puzzle: How can I keep from being injured when I enter the Ethereal Plane? Room #: N/A Solution: You will always take some damage when you enter the Ethereal Plane, unless you are carrying the Mayan Jade Effigy (Level 4, room #1). If this object is in your hand when you enter the gate, you will not be injured as you step through. Puzzle: Why can't I enter all of the spinning cubes? Room #: N/A Solution: Each of the spinning cubes corresponds with one of the red runes or open gates somewhere in the house or on another plane. The cubes which you cannot enter correspond to a rune which has not yet been activated (opened by casting the "Dimensional Rift" spell on it). You cannot open the gates from the Ethereal Plane. Puzzle: Melchoir, the giant jellyfish is back again. Room #: N/A Solution: On the Ethereal Plane, Melchoir guards the gate which leads to the Astral Plane. As before, if you are wearing the Golden Torc of Gothua, Melchoir will not attack you. ****6.11 - Showdown With Belthegor (The Astral Plane)**** Puzzle: Why do I keep getting transported to other levels of the house? Room #: N/A Solution: The small, spinning cubes on the Astral Plane serve a similar function to the spinning cubes on the Ethereal Plane; however, on this level they are wandering the corridors rather than being stationary. Make good use of the alcoves and niches on this level to determine the movement patterns of the wandering gates, and time your movements so that you do not come into contact with them. Puzzle: There's a force field blocking my way, and I can't get past it! Room #: 3 Solution: In order to pass through this force field, you must be carrying the Eye of Agla in your hand. Details on the Eye of Agla can be found in the puzzle solutions for Basement Level 1. Puzzle: I've explored the entire area, but there is no door to Belthegor's lair. Room #: 4 Solution: Once again, the secret is to watch the movement arrows. When you are outside Belthegor's lair, all you will see is a blank wall; however, you will be able to simply walk through it. Puzzle: Belthegor doesn't seem to be affected by any of my weapons at all, and he kills me right away! Room #: 4 Solution: Fighting Belthegor requires some preparation. First, you must be wearing the Golden Torc of Gothua, and you must possess the Eye of Agla. Before entering, cast as many defensive spells as possible. Belthegor is not affected by any physical weapon; you must fight him with magic. Prior to entering his lair, prepare an offensive spell to the highest possible level ("Flames of Desolation" seems to work well). Heal yourself to full health, and bring your magic level up to full power. When you enter the lair, Belthegor will appear from a bottomless vortex, and will begin to attack immediately. As soon as you see him, begin your attack, and don't let up. Be prepared to cast an occasional "Elixir of Health" spell, or heal your self with a First Aid Kit if the battle starts to go badly. Belthegor is a difficult opponent, but if you attack ruthlessly and quickly, he can be destroyed.