Menzoberranzan Walkthrough THE VILLAGE AND AREA Just exit the tavern out into the village. Grab some buckets from outside the tavern. Head over to the burning house in the southeast corner of the village and use (by putting in your hand and swinging them) the buckets by every little fire. When you run out of water, head over to the well in the center of the city to refill. Once the fire has been put out (you will get a message), go to the guardhouse and get the NPC there to join you. Return to the tavern and talk to the barkeep. Get the helmet from him. Leave the tavern and head east to the woods outside the village. Enter the house in the middle of the area. Talk to the old man (Vermulean) and he will tell you that you will need special gems to enter the Underdark. Leave the cottage, and go east to the next area. Go to the east of the area and enter the cave on the eastern edge of it. Collect all four gems from this Verbeeg lair and exit, head back to Vermulean and he will enchant all the gems to protect you from the Underdark. Distribute the gems, one to each character. Leave, go back to the Icewind Dale Plains 1 and this time head south. On the way, you will meet up with Drizzt who will join you if asked (he's a level 15 ranger with magical weapons). Now, head south to the next area. Just enter the cavern in the south-east part of this useless area. You have now entered the Underdark. THE UNDERDARK These areas are generally useless, so it's just a matter of making it to the exit. In the first level, you must go down the stairs in the south to level 2. On level two you will appear in the eastern part. Make your way to the north and take the stairs up which are there. Keep in mind that to get through the webbed portals, you have to drink a passweb potion. On level 1 again, you will appear in the northwest corner of the level. Walk down to the southwest, and before taking the stairs down right in the southwestern corner, take the pickaxe close to them. Now back on level 2, you will appear right in the south. Head up all the way to the northwest corner of the level and use the doorway there to enter the Underground Lake which is just a useless little area with one easy monster. Leave the underground lake through the other exit and you will now appear a little south of where you exited. Now just head south until you come to a webbed passage with ochre jellies behind it. Just kill them and proceed through the doorway to the dwarven mines. DWARVEN MINES Make your way to the entrance to the temple of Dumathoin in the north part of the mines. There is absolutely nothing else here. TEMPLE OF DUMOTHAIN LEVEL 1 Go to the head of the eastern hammer, enter through the secret door, push the button, go to the room slightly west, and retrieve the Holy Symbol. Go two rooms south, and get into the room on the east side with the key in it. Pick up the key therein (you will spy on a conversation between the savant and a priestess) and go to the room north-east, and open it using the key you just found. Kill the savant, and take his key. Use it to open the western most little room, and go down the stairs to level 2. TEMPLE OF DUMOTHAIN LEVEL 2 Go to the south part of this level, retrieve the key, go to the north eastern room, use the key to open the teleportal, use it, push the button on the south wall, go west, open the door, retrieve the horn, enter the teleportal in the west. Go to the south west, push the button (in the head of the hammer on the south wall) go through the opened door. Use the horn by the statue of the dwarf holding a chalice. Take the chalice, proceed east, long the south wall. The door will open to let you through (make sure you have both the holy symbol and the chalice) and go down stairs to level 3. TEMPLE OF DUMOTHAIN LEVEL 3 On this level, retrieve the key in the north western part of the level, and the axe key in the north east. Also, you will need the diamond from the room right below the one with northwestern key in it. Your characters will tell you there is a diamond in the room, just locate it, and use your pick axe by it. Take the diamond, use the axe key to open the doors in the centre of the level, then use the other key to open the door to the eastern part of the level. Use the diamond on the fountain, and after you get all the goodies, proceed down the southern corridor to the exit, and follow the stairs up, and up again back to the mines level. Here, Drizzt will get captured, and taken away from your party. Proceed through the doorway into the cavern of Galeb Dhur. CAVERN OF THE GALEB DHUR Make your way to the center of the cavern and talk to the stone face there. It will quest you for a necklace and it will open a way there. Get the necklace from the northwestern part of the level and return to the face. It will now open a new way to the west. Just make your way to the exit and the cavern of the driders. CAVERN OF THE DRIDERS This is a big and useless area. Just make sure that you collect the three blue gems from this level (if you have some from previous levels, then you only need to collect enough so that you have three in total). Then make your way to the teleportal marked on the map. You will get teleported into a closed off area with more teleportals in it. Just teleport around until you end up in the small room in the middle. Then just use the exit. In the much smaller second cavern just find the Drider Mage who will give you a special scroll with which you can get by a web which is unpassable by any other means. Return to the first drider cave and make your way to the webbed chasm. Your characters will tell you when to use the scroll, and when they do you should use it to get by that web. When you do you will end up by the underground river. Talk to the ferryman and he will take you across for three blue gems. This is just a useless ride while assorted monsters get to take swings at you. At the end of the boat ride, you will be placed in a useless area called approach to Menzoberranzan. There is absolutely nothing useful here, so just find the way out and you are now in the city of Menzoberranzan. MENZOBERRANZAN First, head over to the Merchant Bazaar and find the store of Ssar Tarrell. Talk to her about the Drider mage and she will direct you to a sorceror in the Tower of Sorcere. Leave the Merchant Bazaar and head over to the Tower of Sorcere. Talk to the mage in the western section, northern room, and he will offer to help you if you can bring him a music box. Return to the Merchant Bazaar, and find the other shopkeeper. He will offer to trade the music box for the helmet from the inkeeper on the surface. Refuse and he will tell you to find Trincia's Gauntlets for him instead. Go to the north-eastern mantle cavern and get the Trincia's Gauntlets. Return to the merchant and exchange them for the music box. As you leave the store, the helmet will get stolen by a thief from house Do'Urden, but there is nothing you can do about it. Return to the sorceror and he will give you a scroll which will allow you to return the drider to human form. Leave the tower and go to House Baenre. You will release the drider, and the inkeeper from the surface will get killed. Now leave and return to Ssar Tarrell. She will tell you that the prisoners and Drizzt have been taken to house Do'Urden. She will also tell you about a wizard from house Fey Branche who will help you get into house Do'Urden. Go to house Fey Branche and talk to that wizard in the south western part of the structure. He will change your entire party to drowish appearance, and he will tell you about Rizzen Do'Urden in the Carpathian Tavern who can help you get into house Do'Urden. Also, he will inform you about the Spider Helmet which was stolen from you. Return to the merchant's bazaar and talk to the witch once again. Ask her to contact Vermulean and he will reveal one of the stones as the one needed to activate the spider helm. You will also receive this stone. Now go to the Carpathian Tavern and talk to Rizzen. He will give you the password for the house, but he will be unable to give you the insignias and will instead direct you to Jarlaxle in Glovellius' Tavern. Go there and talk to Jarlaxle. He will quest you for a necklace from the second Mantle Cavern. Go to the north-western Mantle Cavern and get the necklace from the secret room in the middle. Return with it to Jarlaxle and he will inform you of a drow patrol from house Do'Urden in the first mantle cavern. Go there and in the south-western corner of the cavern you will encounter the patrol. Wipe them out and take their insignias. Now go to house Do'Urden in the western part of the city. HOUSE DO'URDEN Commoner's Area: Talk to the two guards and they will allow you to pass. Now retrieve the key from the northern part of the level and use it to open one of the three doors leading west. Now retrieve the key from the southern rooms to open one of the next three doors. The last key is located right in the north-west corner of the level, behind the illusionary wall. You will walk by the prisoners' cell, but you cannot rescue them yet. Just open the door at the end of the corridor in the south-west and go to the big doors to "float" up to the first Noble's Area. Noble's Area 1: You will soon come to a big door which is guarded and you cannot pass through it yet. Just go to the northern part, find the elevator up, and take it. Noble's Area 2: Make your way to the teleportal in the very northwestern corner of the level. You will appear in a maze in the south. Continue west and pass through the illusionary wall into a room with the Spider Helmet. You will be attacked by Rizzen and some fighters, wipe them out and pass through the illusionary wall to the east. Get the chest and take the helmet and key out of it. If you want you can now put the gem which Vermulean gave you into the helmet to make it a lot better (-4AC). Take the teleportal at the end of that niche and return to the elevator. Take it down. Noble's Area 1 Again: Now you can pass through that big door using the key you just found. Go to the southwestern part of the level and get the key from the room near where Twinkle and Icingdeath, Drizzt's scimitar's are stored. Now go to the north-west corner and open the door there. Follow the rooms and go through the illusionary wall in the last one. Get the blue key. You can now open one of the three doors leading into the western part of the level. Open up one of them and you will be attacked by Vierna Do'Urden, a wimpy priestess. Go through the teleportal in the western wall into the chapel. Matron Malice is preparing to sacrifice Drizzt as you walk in. You will first have to get rid of the Handmaiden of Lloth which will block your way, so make sure you have Drizzt's scimitar's equipped with someone. Then, go after Malice herself. She is very wimpy, so it's not a big problem. When Malice is dead, the Do'Urden house will supposively be attacked. Just bump off all the drow who will appear in the room, especially the no-name priestess. Once that priestess is dead, the game is over and you get your final animation. THE END.