============================================================ Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast Multiplayer Weapons Guide v1.1 ============================================================ Welcome to my Jedi Knight II multiplayer weapons guide. Here you will find extensive and in-depth information and tactics regarding each weapon in the game except for the saber. I would like to thank my friends Trekker and especially Dimmu for their contributions. Unfortunately, I don't play the game anymore, so this guide will remain unfinished. The numerical weapon damage is completely recorded, though, which was the primary goal for this guide. Enjoy! slacker ======================== A few interesting observations: - Your own explosive weapons only harm you half as much as they should. For instance, one enemy mine will take away a maximum of 104 hit points. Damage from your own mine will only take away a maximum of 52 points. Also, damage from your own explosive weapons lose any armor piercing properties they may have, although this may simply be because you are receiving splash damage and not getting hit directly. Although this damage reduction helps reduce embarrassing self-inflicted deaths, it does NOT mean that projectiles that are force pushed back at you also do less damage. If your rocket is pushed back at you, it retains its full damage values and armor penetration. - All projectiles can be deflected by Force Push. This includes blaster fire, crossbow bolts, repeater bullets and grenades, the primary fire of the DEMP gun, flechette spikes and grenades, rockets, and thermal detonators. Due to the relatively high rate of fire for most blaster type weapons, Force Pushing is not the most effective defense. However, this information can still be used to your advantage in certain situations. - Headshots do NOT exist in multiplayer. If you shoot someone in the head with any weapon, the damage will be the same as if you had shot him in the chest. Spread the word. ======================== Stun Baton ------------------------ Damage: - Without armor: 20 - With armor: 10 from both health and armor ROF: About 3 jabs per second ------------------------ Pros: + Choosing the baton frees up lots of force points + Element of surprise: No one ever expects to be attacked with the stun baton + Can't be blocked + Can't be pulled from your grasp + Penetrates armor + Decent ROF + Entertaining Cons: - Relatively weak - Emits crackling sound that can't be turned off - Does not block attacks like the lightsaber - You can't roll, wall run, wall flip, or kick flip as you can when you have the saber - Very limited range To get the stun baton, simply don't invest any points into lightsaber offense. This saves you tons of force points that you can allocate elsewhere. Many people laugh at the idea of using a stun baton, as the lightsaber is far more useful and powerful. However, the stun baton inflicts a decent amount of damage: five hits will kill an unshielded opponent. Even if your opponent has 199 armor, it will never take more than ten zaps to kill him, due to the armor penetrating properties of the stun baton. The effectiveness of the stun baton is greatly increased through the use of force powers. Force Speed helps you to catch up with someone who is backing away from you. Force Pulling a person and then zapping them when they fall down will enable you to get in two to five hits, depending on how fast he gets up. You can repeat this until your force power runs out, or they turn on absorb. Dark Rage is an excellent force power to use with the stun baton, as this will bring its ROF up to 4 jabs per second, and you will be resistant to enemy attacks while it is active. Once you enable Dark Rage, you should have enough Force energy to use pull on someone twice (provided that you started with a full Force energy pool). If you succeed in pulling someone to the ground while you have Dark Rage on, this means that you be able to get a LOT of jabs in while they are on the ground and getting up. Mind Trick is good for hilarious stealth zappings. On team games, another fun thing is to zap an enemy team member while your teammate grips him, holding him stationary. (Your teammate should move the enemy around a corner so that the enemy cannot Force Push himself free.) Be sure to constantly pull weapons away from the people using them against you. Recommendations when using the stun baton: - Activate at least either Force Protect or Dark Rage to help reduce your extreme vulnerability. - Use the third person view to increase your field of vision. - Disable automatic weapon pick up (that is, if you are trying to use the baton exclusively). Go to the "controls" menu, and look under "other". - Lure saber users into backstabbing you when you have Dark Rage on. This means that they will remain stationary, enabling you to get quite a few jabs in. Tactics against stun baton users: - Turn absorb on (to avoid getting pulled down) and use pretty much any method of attack. - Don't embarrass yourself by pulling them down and backstabbing. It's overkill and, to be honest, if you can't kill someone who has a stun baton unless you pull them down, you are pretty pathetic. - Don't encourage them to use their Force Powers. They have more points invested in them than you do. ======================== Bryar Pistol ------------------------ Damage: - Primary fire: 10 - Secondary fire: up to 85 ROF: - Primary fire: 3 per second - Secondary fire: 1.7 seconds to charge completely Ammo consumption: - Primary fire: 2 blaster ammo units - Secondary fire: Up to 8 blaster ammo units ------------------------ Pros: + You start out with it + It can't be pulled from your grasp + Very powerful secondary (85 damage!!!) + Charged shot knocks enemies back quite a bit Cons: - Slow ROF for secondary - Weak primary - Can be blocked by saber - Doesn't penetrate armor The Bryar pistol is a very effective weapon, but most people overlook it. The incredible damage dealt by the secondary fire means that even a fully shielded opponent will not be able to withstand three fully charged shots (that it, unless they have the large shield powerup). It isn't capable of dishing out 236 points of damage a second like the flachette can, but I have gotten first place in most FFA's using only the Bryar pistol. When you charge the pistol, it will make a high-pitched noise, but it will be done charging before the noise has ended. The ammo counter will go down six units, and then when you fire, it will take away two more units. After a few seconds, the pistol will discharge automatically. To avoid firing when you don't want to, switch weapons and then go back to the pistol. This means that you will lose the six units of ammo, though. The best way to snipe an enemy who is far away and stationary is to charge the secondary fire completely, shoot him, and then immediately follow up with a barrage of primary shots. If they are not dead at that point then get a little closer, depending on how good your aim is, and use charged shots. One advantageous feature of the Bryar pistol is the dramatic knockback dealt by the charged shot. If you hit someone on a catwalk with a fully charged shot, he'll always get knocked clean off it. This makes the pistol extremely useful on the Nar Shadaa maps. Recommendations when using the Bryar Pistol: - Don't always wait for the secondary fire to charge up completely before shooting. If you have a good shot, take it, even if it's only partially charged. - Snipe people who are running along catwalks. They will be easy to hit because they are traveling in a straight line, and the knockback will make them fall to their doom. - Take cover from people carrying guns with a high ROF. Duck behind a corner, charge up, pop back out around the corner, and shoot. Repeat with various corners. - Stay out of narrow corridors and rooms. In these confined spaces, the Bryar is no match for overpowered weapons and there is no room to dodge. Tactics against Bryar pistol users: - Use Force Push or Pull to interrupt someone who is charging their pistol. This is VERY effective, because the charging process is reset when they lower their pistol to block the push or pull. - Take out your saber and block the shots. - Use a gun with a high rate of fire to overwhelm them and throw off their aiming. ======================== E-11 Blaster ------------------------ Damage: - Primary fire: 20 - Secondary fire: 20 ROF: - Primary fire: 4 per second - Secondary fire: 8 per second Ammo consumption: - Primary fire: 2 blaster ammo units - Secondary fire: 3 blaster ammo units ------------------------ Pros: + Excellent damage + High ROF for secondary + Accurate primary Cons: - Can be blocked by saber - Inaccurate secondary - Secondary fire consumes ammo quickly Recommendations when using the E-11: - Don't forget to use the primary fire on targets that are far away. - Use in crowded corridors and close quarters Tactics against E-11 users: - Take out your saber and block the shots, and then pull their gun away. - Get out into the open so that you can evade their shots more easily, and wait for them to run out of ammo. ======================== Tenloss Disruptor Rifle ------------------------ Damage: - Primary fire: 30 - Secondary fire: (charged zoomed shot) up to 130 ROF: - Primary fire: 2.3 per second - Secondary fire: 1.5 seconds to maximum zoom, 1.9 seconds to charge completely Ammo consumption: - Primary fire: 5 power cell units - Secondary fire: Up to 27 power cell units ------------------------ Pros: + Instant hit + Very accurate + Has a zoom function + Powerful charged shot + Blocked shots won't bounce back at you + Decent damage for primary + Charged shots penetrate targets Cons: - You can't move while zoomed and charged - You can't zoom out while charged - Hard to use primary fire because of lag - Not ideal for close combat - Zoomed view lacks real crosshair Recommendations when using the Disruptor Rifle: - Use Mind Trick to hide from people when you are zoomed and immobile. - Use Force Seeing to spot distant or hard-to-see targets before zooming. - If you have targeted two people who are fighting each other, wait until one is behind the other in your crosshairs so that you can take them both in one shot. - If you have hit someone with a charged shot and he is still alive, try hitting him with some primary shots to finish him off. - High-altitude, low-traffic areas are best for sniping with this gun. Tactics against Disruptor Rifle users: - Having your saber out makes you a pain to hit. - Use level 3 Force Sight to dodge all shots - If you are in a group of people, and you see a sniper who is far away, act like you don't notice him, so that you won't make yourself a high-priority target. ======================== Wookie Crossbow ------------------------ Damage: - Primary fire: - One bolt: - Without armor: 50 - With armor: 25 from both health and armor - Three bolts: - Without armor: 40 for each bolt - Max damage: 120 total - With armor: 20 for each bolt from both health and armor - Max damage: 60 total from both health and armor - Five bolts: - Without armor: 30 for each bolt - Max damage: 150 total - With armor: 15 for each bolt from both health and armor - Max damage: 75 total from both health and armor - Secondary fire: - Without armor: 50 - With armor: 25 from both health and armor ROF: - Primary fire: 2 per second, 1.8 seconds to charge completely - Secondary fire: 2 per second Ammo consumption: - Primary fire: 5 to 25 power cell units - Secondary fire: 5 power cell units ------------------------ Pros: + Penetrates armor + Very high damage + Secondary projectile reflects off walls Cons: - Slow projectile speed - Slow ROF - Can be blocked by saber - Primary charge spread is too wide Recommendations when using the Crossbow: - Use Force Speed to get up close to people and use the charged primary shot. - Use Force Seeing level 2 or 3 to aim reflective shots at targets around corners. ======================== Imperial Heavy Repeater ------------------------ Damage: - Primary fire: 14 - Secondary fire: 60 ROF: - Primary fire: 12 per second - Secondary fire: 2 per second Ammo consumption: - Primary fire: 1 metallic bolt unit - Secondary fire: 15 metallic bolt units ------------------------ Pros: + Very high ROF for primary + Powerful and effective secondary shot + Secondary cannot be blocked by saber Cons: - Very inaccurate primary fire - High ammo consumption for secondary - Secondary has range limitations - Primary can be blocked by saber ======================== DEMP Gun ------------------------ Damage: - Primary fire: - Without armor: 11 - With armor: 35 from armor, no penetration - Secondary fire: Extremely variable, 133 max damage with full shields ROF: - Primary fire: 3 per second - Secondary fire: 2.5 seconds to charge completely Ammo consumption: - Primary fire: 8 power cell units - Secondary fire: Up to 27 power cell units ------------------------ Pros: + Both modes of fire cannot be blocked by saber + Primary rips armor apart + Pretty good ROF for primary + Secondary can be very damaging + Secondary is practically an instant hit + Secondary can throw people around pretty far + Secondary will not harm you with "splash" damage Cons: - Both modes of fire will quickly consume ammo - Primary is weak against people without armor - Secondary is unpredictable ======================== Flechette Weapon ------------------------ Damage: - Primary fire: - Without armor: 60 total (12 each spike) - With armor: 30 from both health and armor - Secondary fire: 118 max (59 each projectile) ROF: - Primary fire: 2 per second - Secondary fire: 2 per second Ammo consumption: - Primary fire: 10 metallic bolt units - Secondary fire: 15 metallic bolt units ------------------------ Pros: + Easy to hit with primary + Easy to kill with secondary + Primary penetrates armor + Secondary cannot be blocked by saber Cons: - Secondary is spammed to no end - Good chance of blowing yourself up with secondary ======================== Portable Missile System ------------------------ Damage: - Primary fire: - Direct hit: - Without armor: 100 - With armor: 50 from both health and armor - Maximum splash damage: 85 with no armor penetration - Secondary fire: - Direct hit: - Without armor: 100 - With armor: 50 from both health and armor - Maximum splash damage: 85 with no armor penetration ROF: - Primary fire: 2 per second - Secondary fire: About .75 seconds minimum to lock target Ammo consumption: - Primary fire: 1 rocket ammo unit - Secondary fire: 2 rocket ammo units ------------------------ Pros: + Direct hits penetrate armor + Very competent missile tracking with secondary + Very good damage + Good ROF for primary + Cannot be blocked by saber Cons: - Slow projectile speed for primary - Even slower projectile speed for secondary - Can be difficult to lock onto targets - Indirect hits don't penetrate armor - Rockets are easy to push back at you - Scarce ammo ======================== Thermal Detonators ------------------------ Damage: - Primary fire: 70 max - Secondary fire: 70 max ROF: - Primary fire: Variable - Secondary fire: Variable Ammo consumption: - Primary fire: 1 thermal detonator - Secondary fire: 1 thermal detonator ------------------------ Pros: + Hard to dodge or push back secondary + Primary can be used to confuse and distract opponents + Very good damage + Cannot be blocked by saber Cons: - You can only hold ten - You will never find ten to hold - Tricky to arm and aim ======================== Trip Mines ------------------------ Damage: - Primary fire: 104 max - Secondary fire: 104 max ROF: - Primary fire: 2 per second - Secondary fire: 3 per second Ammo consumption: - Primary fire: 1 trip mine - Secondary fire: 1 trip mine ------------------------ Pros: + Nice damage + Very faint trip laser, hard to see, especially on low detail settings + Surprisingly high ROF for secondary + Cannot be blocked by saber Cons: - Good chance of hurting yourself - Mine packs are scarce ======================== Det Packs ------------------------ Damage: - Primary fire: 198 - Secondary fire: N/A ROF: - Primary fire: 2 per second - Secondary fire: N/A Ammo consumption: - Primary fire: 1 det pack - Secondary fire: N/A ------------------------ Pros: + Extreme damage + Can be used to get to inaccessable high places Cons: - Packs can't be stacked (they blow up) - Very slight delay between placing the pack and being able to detonate it - Good chance of hurting youself, while you are blowing others into the exosphere ======================== This document (c)2002. This guide may not be used or distributed for commercial use. It may not be distributed at all without written permission from the author. This guide must be displayed in its entirety. No pieces of it may be removed and/or copied to another location for public display. Written 7/8/02 by slacker sarcastic_slacker@hotmail.com ========================