I Was an Atomic Mutant! Unofficial Strategy Guide and FAQ by Kasey Chang released January 29, 2004 0 Introduction 0.1 A word from the author A quick browse through the gamefaq.com shows that there is no FAQ available for this cute little budget title, so here's my version. This is a FAQ, NOT a manual. You won't learn how to play the game with this document, and I'm NOT about to add it to ease the life of software pirates. This USG only covers the PC version since that's the only version that I have. Some of you may recognize my name as the editor for the XCOM and XCOM2: TFTD FAQ's, among others. 0.2 Terms of Distribution This document is copyrighted by Kuo-Sheng "Kasey" Chang (c) 2004, all rights reserved excepted as noted above in the disclaimer section. This document is available FREE of charge subjected to the following conditions: 1) This notice and author's name must accompany all copies of this document: "I was an atomic mutant! Unofficial Strategy Guide" is copyrighted (c) 2004 by Kasey K.S. Chang, all rights reserved except as noted in the disclaimer." 2) This document must NOT be modified in any form or manner without prior permission of the author with the following exception: if you wish to convert this document to a different file format or archive format, with no change to the content, then no permission is needed. 2a) In case you can't read, that means TXT only. No banners, no HTML borders, no cutting up into multiple pages to get you more banner hits, and esp. no adding your site name to the site list. 3) No charge other than "reasonable" compensation should charged for its distribution. Free is preferred, of course. Sale of this information is expressly prohibited. If you see any one selling this guide, drop me a line at ksc1@aol.com. 4) If you used material from this, PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE the source, else it is plagiarism. 5) The author hereby grants all games-related web sites the right to archive and link to this document to share among the game fandom, provided that all above restrictions are followed. Sidenote: The above conditions are known as a statutory contract. If you meet them, then you are entitled to the rights I give you in 5), i.e. archive and display this document on your website. If you don't follow them, then you did not meet the statutory contract conditions, and therefore you have no right to display this document. If you still do so, then you are infringing upon my copyright. This section was added for any websites that don't seem to understand this. For the gamers: You are under NO obligation to send me ANY compensation. However, I do ask for a VOLUNTARY contribution of one (1) US Dollar if you live in the United States, and if you believe this guide helped your game. If you choose to do so, please make your US$1.00 check or $1.00 worth of US stamps to "Kuo-Sheng Chang", and send it to "2220 Turk Blvd. #6, San Francisco, CA 94118 USA". If you don't live in the US, please send me some local stamps. I collect stamps too. 0.3 Voluntary Contribution Gamers who read this guide are under NO obligation to send me ANY compensation. However, a VOLUNTARY contribution of one (1) US Dollar would be very appreciated. If you choose to do so, please make your US$1.00 check or $1.00 worth of stamps to "Kuo-Sheng Chang", and send it to "2220 Turk Blvd. #6, San Francisco, CA 94118 USA". If you don't live in the US, please send me some local stamps. I collect stamps too. For the record, out of ALL the FAQs I wrote (48 at least count), I've received exactly 54 dollars, and 5 sets of stamps, as of latest release of this guide. So I'm NOT exactly making any money off these guides, folks. 0.4 How and when to contact me PLEASE let me know if there's a confusing or missing remark, mistakes, and thereof... If you find a question about this game that is not covered in the USG, e-mail it to me at the address specified below. I'll try to answer it and include it in the next update. Please do NOT write me for technical support. I do NOT work for a game company and thus I do NOT provide support. Please do NOT ask me to send you a list of controls, the manual, etc. If you borrowed the game without borrowing the manual, curse at your own stupidity. If you bought the game without a manual, please blame your own stupidity as well. If you copied the game without copying the manual, you're scum in my book. Please do NOT ask me to answer questions that had already been answered in this guide. It makes you look REALLY idiotic. I will NOT answer stupid questions like the ones above unless I'm in a really good mood. If you send questions like that, do NOT expect a reply. The address below is spelled out phonetically so spammers can't use spambots on it: Kilo-Sierra-Charlie-Hotel-Alpha-November-Golf-Seven-Seven AT Yankee-Alpha-Hotel-Oscar-Oscar DOT Charlie-Oscar-Mike To decipher this, simply read the first letter off each word except for the numbers and the punctuation. This is "military phonetics" or "aeronautical phonetics" in case you're wondering. This document was produced on Microsoft Word 97. Some editing was done with Editpad (editpadclassic.com). 0.5 The Author I am just a game player who decided to write my own FAQs when the ones I find don't cover what I want to see. Lots of people like what I did, so I kept doing it. Previously, I've written Unofficial Strategy Guides (USGs) for XCOM, XCOM2:TFTD, Wing Commander, Wing Commander 2, Wing Commander 3, Wing Commander 4, Privateer, Spycraft, 688(I) Hunter/Killer. Mechwarrior 3, MW3 Expansion Pack, Mechwarrior 4, Mechwarrior 4: Black Knight, Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed, The Sting!, Terranova, Fallout Tactics, Starfleet Command Volume II, DS9: The Fallen, Dominion War, Driver, and a few more. To contact me, see 0.4 above. 0.6 Disclaimer/ Copyright Information I was an Atomic Mutant! is a trademark of Canopy Games, published by ValuSoft. This USG is not endorsed or authorized by either entities. The information compiled in this USG has been gathered independently through the author's efforts. 0.7 Release log 29-JAN-2004 First release 0.8 The Most Frequently Asked Questions Q: Can you send me I was an atomic mutant? A: No. I bought it for $10, so can you. Q: Can you send me the manual (or portions thereof)? A: No. Q: Can you tell me how to play the game? A: Read the manual. Q: What's the latest version? A: There is a V1.10 patch available on the official website http://www.atomicmutant.com Q: What exactly is "awesome might"? A: That's IWAAM-speak for "life points". When you run out, you use up a life. When you use up all your lives, you go down for good. Q: What exactly is "atomic power"? A: It's a measure of your attack power. Each of your attacks depletes a different amount of power. Some attacks take a LOT of power, while others take very little. If you're out of power, you can't attack. Rest of a bit and it will regenerate, or you can find a powerup. Q: What is CanopyVision 3D? A: It's the "cinematic viewpoint" where you view yourself (the mutant) from ground level. Q: So the difference between Cinema and Drive-in is... A: Slightly different background and frame. 1 Game Information This section contains the general game information. 1.1 Game Information I was an atomic mutant! (IWAAM for short) is a "monster rampage" game where you play as one of the four monsters rampaging through the old US in the 1950's. In your way are police, army, air force, and special forces determined to stop you. You rampage from one town to another. When you destroy a town, your "life" is replenished and you move on to the next tougher town. How far can you go? Each "monster" has a tongue-in-cheek description that uses a LOT of hyperbole and sensationalism about the misuse of atomic energy. Each has at least five different attacks, ranging from long-range energy shots to short-range stomp. Some can even pick up humans and vehicles and throw them as weapons. Beyond that, there really isn't much else to the game. It's a little bit of mindless fun, like the old Atari "Rampage" game where you play as a monster and knock down as many buildings as possible. 1.2 Hardware requirements Operating System: Windowsr 98/Me/2000/XP DirectXr: 8.1 minimum Processor: Pentiumr II 400 MHz or higher (Recommended: Pentiumr III 500 Mhz or higher) RAM: 128 MB Hard Drive Space: 200 MB Free Drives: 8x CD-ROM Cards: 8 MB 3D Accelerator with DirectX 8.1 compliant video drivers, DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card (Recommended: 16 MB 3D Accelerator with DirectX 8.1 compliant video drivers.) 1.3 Author's review of the title IWAAM is a campy little "shooter" that lets you play as a monster rampaging through a town or city, grabbing cars and toss them like toys, vaporize buildings, and cause general havoc. In your way are various opposition, from police to army to air force and special forces (special weapons). The game is in full 3D, with very 50's style interface that puts you in the right mood. Blow apart buildings, see people run away, grab cars and throw them as weapons, fighters strafing you... It is a lot of campy fun. You basically go from town to town, leveling each one. You get regenerated in between. You can even locate powerups that can supercharge you to double damage, temporary invulnerability, and so on. The game really isn't that deep, nor was it meant to be (being a $20 budget title), thus some design flaws can almost be overlooked. The interface could use a bit of help. It's not that easy to find that "last building" you need to blow up to finish the level. The enemies never stop coming thus you're under severe time limit (of sorts). There's no way to save a particularly good rampage to share with others (no record or replay). And the four monsters aren't that different. 2 The Monsters 2.1 She-Beast EYE-BLAST: long-range beam power STOMP: point-blank area attack THROW: pick up an item, then point it at a target and let go! SONIC SCREAM: short-range area attack PUNCH: point-blank frontal attack 2.2 Invader from Dimension X Invader from dimension X (just "invader" from now on) is a huge space ship with 2 legs and 3 tentacles. It has decent speed and a lot of long-range attacks. X-CANNON: long-range bolts of xplasma, low energy drain, your best weapon. Shoot every thing from long range, then close for precision work. X-BASH: point-blank area attack, good for leveling close-by buildings and enemies that's too close for X-Cannon. THROW: pick up an item, then point it at a target and let go! Fun to try with cars, tanks, and so on. Try to hit a bunker with your target! DEATH RAY: heavier (but uses more energy) version of X-cannon WHIPLASH: short-range version of X-cannon, uses even LESS energy, not that useful as X-Cannon is pretty low-drain already. 2.3 Brain from Beyond Infinity PSI-BLAST: long-range attack power PSI-FLING: just like throw MIND-WHOMP: point-blank area attack INSANITY RAY: turns enemy harmless, useful as defense, then use psi-fling to turn them into weapons! PSI-PUNCH: short-range frontal attack 2.4 Reptomicus Reptomicus (or "Repto" for short) is a decent monster that has the ability to self-regenerate by eating humans it grabs. Atomic bite and fireball shold be enough for 90% of the time. Fireball: long-range fire bolts, pretty useful as it's low-drain. Use it to shoot everything before continuing. Tail-Whack: point-blank area attack, good for group of buildings or amongst enemies too close for fireball. Inferno: continuous stream of fire, very low-range, uses a LOT of power Throw or Eat: Rep can pick up objects like throw, but if it picks up a human, it can eat the human instead! It'll even gain a little health from it. Just don't throw (i.e. release the button) and Rep will eat instead. Atomic Bite: frontal point-blank attack. Charge in there and do building after building. Uses practically NO power at all so you can keep using it again and again. 3 The Opponents The following descriptions are taken from the manual. 3.1 RIFLE TROOPER Data: This is the basic army unit equipped with a standard bolt action rifle. This unit gains strength in numbers and its small size makes it hard to see. Shoot them from a distance with your long-range weapon. Class: Infantry Speed: Low Damage: Low Health: Low Threat Level: Very Low 3.2 MACHINE GUN TROOPER Data: Similar to the Rifle Trooper, this unit has a faster rate of fire with his gun. Again, shoot them from long distance is best. Class: Infantry Speed: Low Damage:Low Health:Low Threat Level: Low 3.3 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TROOPER Data: The strongest of the Infantry; the Hazmat Trooper uses the power of modern science to enhance his weapon with a toxic gas attack that really drains Health. Fires green-ish gas but has to be pretty close. Don't let him get that close! Shoot him with long-range firepower, or if he got that close, use the close-in area attack. Class: Infantry Speed: Low Damage: Medium Health: Low Threat Level: Medium 3.4 M-8 ARMORED CAR Data: Fast and hard to hit, this light armored vehicle has a mounted 20mm Cannon and is skilled at run and gun fighting. They can do a fair amount of damage, and they keep moving. Keep shooting at it and follow it with your stream of fire. Class: Wheeled Armor Speed: High Damage: Low Health: Low Threat Level: Medium 3.5 ELITE M-8 ARMORED CAR Data: More skilled drivers and gunners command the elite versions of the M8, making it an opponent that you don't want to ignore. They are a slightly different color than the regular one (black instead of brown), and a little tougher to kill. Class: Wheeled Armor Speed: High Damage: Medium Health: Low Threat Level: Medium-High 3.6 M-24 CHAFFEE TANK Data: This light- tank has a heavy cannon mounted on its turret. The shots are small orange dots, hard to see unless you really look carefully. Shoot them from a distance. Class: Armor Speed: Low Damage: Medium Health: Medium Threat Level: Medium-High 3.7 M-4A3 SHERMAN TANK Data: The Sherman medium tank is a more formidable opponent than the Chaffee and packs a heavier punch. Shots are small red/orange dots. Avoid getting hit as they can take a bite out of you. Shoot them from LONG distance, as far away as possible. Class: Armor Speed: Low Damage: High Health: High Threat Level: High 3.8 LRM-4 MISSILE TANK Data: Slow to fire and slow to reload are the only negative aspects of this extremely high powered weapon. One of these missiles can stun you for several seconds so other attackers can pick you apart. Shoot them from as far away as possible. If you see a missile heading your way, back up! Class: Armor Speed: Low Damage: Extremely High Health: High Threat Level: Very High <<==== 3.9 P-51 MUSTANG Data: Highly maneuverable; this WWII left-over packs twin wing mounted machine guns. Fortunately, it doesn't do that much damage. A couple shots should bring it down. Class: Aerial Fighter Speed: High Damage: Low Health: Low Threat Level: Very Low 3.10 F-86 SABER Data: As first dependable jet fighter, the Saber is very fast and is armed with two wing mounted rocket pods. They do a little more damage, but still easily killed... If you can hit it. Class: Aerial Fighter Speed: Extremely High Damage: Low Health: Low Threat Level: Low 3.11 ELITE F-86 SABER Data: Skilled pilots fly this version of the Saber. They also have upgraded weapons mounted on the aircraft.(i.e. better rockets). Still easily killed, but fast-moving. Class: Aerial Fighter Speed: Extremely High Damage: Medium Health: Low Threat Level: Medium-Low 3.12 XB FLYING WING Data: Shrouded in mystery, this secret Air Force prototype is ready to prove its skills on whatever threat may present itself. Drops stream of big bombs in its wake, not that hard to kill if you can see it. Class: Aerial Bomber Speed: Low Damage: High Health: Medium Threat Level: Medium 3.13 B-52 BOMBER Data: This new bomber specialized in dropping huge bomb-loads with somewhat good accuracy. However, it's slow and not that hard to kill with a long-range weapon. Class: Aerial Bomber Speed: Low Damage: Extremely High Health: Medium Threat Level: Medium High 3.14 HEAVY MACHINE GUN BUNKER Data: This fortification is centered around a .50 Cal Machine Gun with a very high rate of fire. It can sting you. Look for them near "entrances" to a town as well as the edges. Sometimes they are located close enough to the entrance and off to the side that you can't see them until you're almost in point-blank range. Class: Bunker Speed: None Damage: Medium Health: High Threat Level: Medium 3.15 FLAK CANNON BUNKER Data: A high rate of fire and devastating Flak shells combine to make this a target to watch out for. You often find these ringing the edge of a town or important facility. They can do a fair bit of damage, so hit them fast. Class: Bunker Speed: None Damage: Medium Health: High Threat Level: Medium-High 3.16 Blue Missile Tower? Data: similar to missile tank but fixed, the blue missile is launched by a building. Usually found near nuclear plants? Class: Bunker (?) Speed: None Damage: Extremely High Health: High Threat Level: Extremely High <<==== 4 Power-ups Note: you'll get different power-ups depending on whether you're in arcade or monster mode. Red HEALTH UP Green ATOMIC POWER UP Yellow COMBO UP (health and atomic power) Purple DOUBLE DAMAGE (limited time) Blue INVULNERABLE (limited time) Cyan EXTRA LIFE 4.1 Monster Mode In Monster Mode, you only have ONE life, but INFINITE atomic power. Thus you won't get any green powerups, and yellow powerup only gives extra health. 4.2 Arcade Mode Arcade mode gives you three lives, but you can run out of energy if you attack too frequently. You can get all powerups in this mode. 5 Some strategies Here's some strategies you may wish to employ while in search of the perfect rampage... There is no point is listing the levels since each level is randomly created based on some basic layout of town. 5.1 Go first-person You will need to install the V1.10 patch to get this viewpoint. Hit F1 to switch until you get the first-person (first-mutant?) view. Then use that to aim your shots, threats first. This makes aiming much easier and more accurate. However, first-person viewpoint is bad for movement, as there's no way to know your actual HEADING (movement) vs. facing. (No HUD in a mutant!) Thus, you may need to switch back into third- person or the new third-person-far viewpoint for navigation (and powerup gathering). 5.2 "Honor the threat" When you see something that shoots at you, shoot it first. Look for shots that fly in your direction and fire back. That is called "honoring the threat". The only exception is aircraft, as they usually don't hit very hard, so you can afford to ignore them for a little while. Ground-based threats can be extremely serious. The atomic ray guns (fires blue bolts) can do a LOT of hurt, but fortunately are fixed. The missile tanks are very dangerous as it can stun you for a few seconds. The tanks can do significant damage to you as well, and bunkers with machine guns can really chip into you. Remember, even small wounds will kill if you get a lot of them, so take care of threats first, THEN target practice. 5.3 Ground attacks are far more serious Ground attacks from bunkers, blue towers, missile tank, etc. do a lot of damage. The aerial attacks don't do that much damage overall. If you see a shot coming your way, stop and fire back as you reverse course and back up. 5.4 Know your attacks Remember when you should use your short-range punches vs. long- range shots. Save the energy and it can save you in a big battle. 5.5 Use long range attack first In first-person view, you can hit things that are VERY far away, esp. with the monsters that have the attack powers. Keep firing and you'll blow things up left and right. Don't even move, but just shoot from where you start. Some planes may attack, but you can shoot those down when you can, and they don't do much damage. Shoot EVERYTHING that can be shot from your present location, then move forward a little and shoot the exposed area. Keep doing this until you clear the map. If you don't approach the town, often the enemy (except fighters and bombers) will not attack you. Another advantage to this method is it reveals all the power-ups so you can grab them first, THEN finish off the last buildings. 5.6 Clear out one section at a time That way, you don't need to "backtrack" to locate that ONE building you did NOT blow up the first time, with a ton of enemies shooting at you in the meanwhile. 5.7 Watch out for extra low buildings and domes It's very easy to miss those extra-log buildings and domes, so clear ONE section at a time and look at the other stuff later. 5.8 Watch out for inifnite respawn enemies Some enemies respaw automatically and comes in via tunnels. So stay AWAY from the tunnels if you don't want to get pummuled. 6 Other Stuff 6.1 Cheat Codes When creating a player profile, enter "Goober" (without the quotes) and start arcade mode game. You'll get TEN lives, instead of the normal three. Enter "Shift+2" during gameplay for infinite Awesome Might (infinite life) Enter "Shift+N" during gameplay for infinite Atomic Power (attack power) -- end faq --