######### # Original Title Artwork ########### ## by #### ### #### Chris Porter ### ## ## ### # ### # ASTLE ### # ### # # OF THE ### # ## ### ## ## #### #### ########## ## ## ### ### ######## ### ### ## ### # ### # ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ## ##### ### ### ### ### ### ##### ##### INDS ### ### PART ONE # # A QUESTION OF VENGEANCE Castle of the Winds Part One: A Question of Vengeance SHAREWARE Walkthrough by Chris Porter(carnival_creepa@yahoo.com) Version 2.1 Copyright (c), 2002 Chris Porter. All rights reserved. NO COMMERCIAL USE OR DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PRIOR CONSENT FROM AUTHOR, CHRIS PORTER. 1. Version Info 2. Walkthrough I. A Tiny Hamlet II. A Small Village 3. General Tips 4. Extra Item Types 5. Extra Enemies 6. Useless Items 7. Traps 8. Cheats I. Constitution Cheat II. Hex-Editing 9. Contact the Author 10. Credits 1. VERSION INFO Version 2.1 - Fixed a minor formatting issue, changed my e-mail address, and added a contact the author section. Version 2.0 - The first released version. Version 1.0 - First version, never released. This version was never released because I did it on my palm pilot in just one day. 2. WALKTHROUGH Part one: A Tiny Hamlet This is where you start off. You can do all the basic stuff like buy and sell items and heal. The temple of Odin is at the bottom and above that is Bjorn the Blacksmith (weapon shop) and Gunnhild's General Store, and above them are Olaf's Junk Store, and Snorri the Sage. There are a few farmhouses but they don't matter. When you go out of the town gate you find your home, burned to the ground. When you approach it you get a message that talks about your farm being burned down. Now you must venture into the Mines. The first level is the same in every game; first the path splits in half. In the left half there is a normal suit of leather armor and a Kobold. Going in the right half you come to another intersection take the right half and you find a room with two Giant Rats. Go the left half and you will come to a room with a Goblin and some stairs going down. This is where the similarities end. The next three levels of the Mines are different in every game, on the fourth level you will find a scrap of parchment that, upon examining it, reads something about returning to the fortress. After getting the parchment leave the mines and go back to the hamlet. When you get out of the mines and if you haven't read the parchment you will automatically read it. When you go down to the hamlet you will find that it is burned down, and you will get a message that says you have to go to Bjarnarhaven. You can't sell any of the items you have right now so keep all you can carry. You must now go to the town of Bjarnarhaven. Go up to where your burnt farm is and go left on the big road in the middle. Part two: A Small Town This is the second part of the game. In this place you can do everything you could in the first village, but in different stores, plus you get to use the bank. The bank is a very handy building, you get rid of your money but you can still use it. The benefit of the bank is that you don't have to carry around all the money so you can carry more items. There are eight useless building in the upper right-hand corner and two useless villas in the lower left and right-hand corners. At the bottom of the town is the Temple of Odin, above that are two buildings the First Bank of Crossroads (branch office), and Myrkjartan's Miscellaneous Magic Shop. To the left is Rognvald's Outfitters, and above is Sverting's Armor Shop, Thangbrand's Sword and Scabbard, another Snorri the Sage, and another Olaf's Junk Store. Go out of the town's gate and follow the path up to the fortress. The first level always has one large green room when you walk in with three rooms on both sides, which contain a few enemies. The green room has a secret door at the top that leads to a small room with some stairs leading to the next level. You will go through the fortress like you did at the Mines. When you reach level four you will come across an Ogre that has a scrap of parchment. When you read the parchment it tells you about the orders of someone named Hrungnir. Now would be a good time to go to town and sell your items. Continue in the Fortress until you find two chests guarded by a thief and two bandits. When you open one of the chests you get a message saying that these items came from your village. Now might be a good time to go back to town. Venture into the Fortress one last time as because once you reach level eleven you must have a showdown with the hill giant lord, Hrungnir. Once you beat him you get the amulet of your fathers back, once you get it put it on, use it and go back to town to suit up for your next adventure. Now go and buy part two. 3. GENERAL TIPS *Identify things before you use them. You have, by my calculations, a 33.3% chance that an item will be normal, enchanted, or cursed. Although most of the items generally tend to be normal you still are taking a chance by trying them on unidentified. *Unless you have nothing else to do then leave the rusty, broken, or cursed items. The most you can ever get from any of them is just 25cp so just leave them if you can. Besides which would you rather have a normal short sword, which can get you 480cp, or a broken sword that can only get you 25cp? *Always rest when you get the chance and if you need to. You will be sorry if you come across a couple thieves and you only have 5 mana left and even less hp. *Save often. *Never sell a spellbook unless you have the spell. *Try to fight from a distance if you can. *The Scroll of Monster Summoning or the Wand of Monster Summoning can be useful or hurtful. On one hand, you can gain experience from the monster and possibly items and cp. On the other hand, the monster could hurt or even kill you, so be careful. *Steel items are better than iron items, so opt for steel. *Never underestimate the usefulness of the Rune of Return spell. *Save often. 4. EXTRA ITEM TYPES This list is what is not given in the help file that comes packaged with the game. It gives the item name, its weight, and its bulk. NAME WEIGHT BULK CONTAINERS Broken Pack 1000 1000 Small Pack 1000 1000 Medium Pack 2000 1500 Large Pack 4000 100000 Small Bag 300 500 Medium Bag 500 700 Large Bag 900 900 Small Chest 5000 50000 Medium Chest 15000 150000 Large Chest 25000 250000 Broken Belt 300 300 2 Slot Belt 300 300 3 Slot Belt 300 300 4 Slot Belt 300 300 Utility Belt 300 300 Purse 300 300 OTHER ITEMS Rusty Armor 10000 30000 Broken Sword 1000 5000 Broken Helmet 1000 1000 Broken Shield 4000 35000 Rusty Gauntlets 500 2000 Rusty Bracers 500 2000 Broken Boots 1500 4000 Ripped Cloak 500 6000 5. EXTRA ENEMIES These are the enemies that the help file does not mention. They are in no particular order. *Rat-man *Wolf-man *Bandit *Berserker *Evil Warrior *Animated Wooden Statue *Animated Bronze Statue *Animated Iron Statue 6. USELESS ITEMS These items should generally be left in the dungeons, as they do not wield any use or very much value. *Any cursed or uncursed items *Distillation of Water *Ring of Adornment *Rusty armor *Broken weapons or shields *Ripped cloaks, broken packs, or broken boots *Rusty bracers or rusted gauntlets *Blank scrolls *Dead wands *Broken Belt *Scroll or Wand of Haste Monster *Amulet of Burden *Scroll of Sleep 7. TRAPS This is the best list of traps I could type up. I don't know if it is all of them and I didn't include glyphs. *Scything Blade *Acid Pool *Arrow *Pool of Water *Falling Rocks *Pit *Teleporter *Trap Door *Poison Gas Trap 8. CHEATS Constitution Cheat This cheat will boost your constitution to its max in three easy steps. 1. Pick your first spell. 2. In town, use the spell. 3. Keep using the spell until your health goes back to a high number. Your health will go back up when your mana reaches around -21. Go to the character screen and notice your constitution is all the way up. To maximize the effects of this cheat, at the character creation screen, put the constitution a low as you can and use the points to boost up the other stats. Then do the cheat. Hex-Editing (NOTE: Make a back-up copy of your saved game, especially if you are new to hex editing. I cannot be held responsible if you ruin your character. Also some amount of knowledge must be had when dealing with hex-editing, look around on the Internet for a tutorial.) First you will need a hex-editing utility, if you don't know what this is then look around on the Internet. It does not matter which one you use there are a lot out there. You will also need a hexadecimal converter, whether this is a scientific calculator, or one built in your hex-editor, or even a separate program, the calculator program in Windows has one. Also, the first hex cheat will be used to explain the process plus give the offset and all the rest will just give the offset. Now on to the editing! Hit Points First you need to find out your HP in hexadecimal using one of the methods listed above or one of your own. Next open up your hex-editor, I will be using Frhed it is free and easy to use. Go to open and open your saved game. Take the number you got in hexadecimal and look for it in the hex mode on the right side. They will be backwards, like "ad" will be "da" or "fda" will be "ad 0f". Now change them to whatever you want (64=100, ff=255). You have to keep the numbers backwards. When you are done go to file and save, then load up your character in Castle of the Winds and see what happened. Offset-0x94, 0x96(you must edit both numbers) Mana Offset-0x98, 0x9a(again, you must edit both numbers) Armor Value (without armor on) Offset-0xa6 Character Experience Offset-0x9e, 0xa2(again, both characters) For the next cheats you can't type in any number you want. You must type in 64(if you want the maximum). Green Strength Offset-0x80 Blue Strength Offset-0x84 Green Intelligence Offset-0x81 Blue Intelligence Offset-0x85 Green Constitution Offset-0x82 Blue Constitution Offset-0x86 Green Dexterity Offset-0x83 Blue Dexterity Offset-0x87 9. CONTACT THE AUTHOR If you would like to contact me for any reason whatsoever my AIM screen-name is carnivalcreepa. My e-mail address is carnival_creepa@yahoo.com. 10. CREDITS I would like to thank: Epic Megagames - for making such an awesome game Raihan Kibria - for making the hex-editor that I use on all my hex-editing needs, "Frhed". Castle of the Winds is copyright and TM of Epic Megagames. All game data and names are copyright and TM of Epic Megagames. Frhed is copyright and TM of Raihan Kibra.