SILENT HUNTER The Wolf's Den Strategy and Tactics Theory, Strategy, and Hints will take up the space on this page. Most of the tips here will have been sent to WolfPack or discovered through the NewsGroups ( a wealth of information for tactics). Enjoy...and I hope this improves some scores! From BdU:To all Boats:Some tried and proven tactics for use against convoys. Listen to the pattern of the Asdic as you are being tracked by the escorts. The Ping is Asdic signals going out and the Pong is the return from your boat. If the Pong is missing, the escorts do not yet have your position pinpointed. Keep the Gyro angle low. The greater the distance to your target, the greater the angle that the torpedo will have to travel to intercept. When the escort makes a run at you, at the moment that the ASDIC pings stop, make a hard course change to shear off. The change will put you at right angles to his attack and may get you out from under the depth charges. If you are detected, dive under the convoy. All of their noise may help mask your boat from the ASDIC search. Then cut your engines to 1/3 until the Pings quiet. Remember that Otto Kretschmer's favourite tactic was attacking from within the convoy. The escorts had a very difficult time determining your position and in the confusion, you may score some very big hits. Surprise is your best chance and the convoy never expects you to be in the middle of the columns. Try attacking from the front of the convoy, where you can lie in wait. It is tougher doing an end around and you may be detected. At night, surface attacks are a must and give you the best chance of working in close to the convoy...approach slowly! During day attacks, get in front to intercept then drop to periscope depth and wait. I rarely am detected when I have been waiting for some time and come to periscope depth and fire quickly. Do not give the escorts time to trace the origin of the attack. If they detect you, go deep and run dead slow. In shallow water near coasts there may be cold thermal layers that can help mask your presence. Thanks to Ken Fishkin and his trigonometry for the following tables.... They may help with some of the angles! TABLE 1: DESIRED ANGLE TO TARGET: Suppose the target is D meters away. You wish to shoot ahead of the target and be positioned such that when the target is K meters directly ahead of you it'll be a close, straight-on shot. This requires that when you're perpendicular to the target, your bearing to it be arccos(WD). Here's sample values of this, with D going from 1 to 20K, and K at 400 and 500: D K = 400 K = 500 1000 66.4218 60 2000 78.463 75.5225 3000 82.3377 80.4059 4000 84.2608 82.8192 5000 85.4114 84.2608 6000 86.1774 85.2198 7000 86.7242 85.904 8000 87.134 86.4167 9000 87.4527 86.8153 10000 87.7076 87.134 11000 87.9161 87.3947 12000 88.0898 87.612 13000 88.2368 87.7958 14000 88.3628 87.9533 15000 88.4719 88.0898 16000 88.5675 88.2092 17000 88.6517 88.3146 18000 88.7267 88.4082 19000 88.7937 88.492 20000 88.854 88.5675 If your actual current bearing is LESS than this, then you'll be too far away If your actual current bearing: is GREATER than this, you'll be too close. TABLE 2: WHEN TO SHOOT Suppose that the target is presently D meters away, and you are lined up perpendicular to it. Suppose that the target is at speed S. If you fire when the target is directly in front of you, your torpedo will actually have to veer off at an angle, since the ship is steaming away. At higher speeds, this can be significant. Instead, you want to fire before that, when the torpedo should hit if fired directly straight - lead the target. Assuming the target is moving right to left,you should fire when the target is at (theta) degrees, where theta = arctan(S/s), where 's' is the speed of the torpedo. Setting's' to 30 (the onIy speed I've seen so far), you get the following table: TARGET SPEED - FIRE WHEN AT BEARING 2 3.81407 4 7.59464 6 11.3099 8 14.9314 10 18.4349 12 21.8014 14 25.0169 16 28.0725 18 30.9638 20 33.6901 22 36.2538 24 38.6598 26 40.9144 28 43.0251 30 45 You can reach me by e-mail at: