Championship Manager 2001/2001 FAQ =================================== Author: Zonan Date created: Thursday, July 18, 2002 Email : Since there is no faq posted about this game on, I guess it is only right for me to try to make one. Please accept my humble apologies if my first faq is not up to your expectations. ============================================================================================================ 1. INSTALLATION: ================ Very important for your gaming pleasures. Depending on your computer, having too many leagues running concurrently might not be a good thing. I'll show you my computer specs and from there you can figure out how many leagues you want to run as well as the background games: AMD Duron 1ghz 20gig hdd 256 RAM I am running 3 leagues namely English Premier League, Spanish Primera Liga and Italian Leagues without any background leagues. If your computer is better than the above specs, adding the German Bundesliga is recommended. For me, running extra background game have no meaning since you cannot become a manager there as opposed to the active leagues. But, it all depends on user preferences. DO NOT burden yourself with extra informations as deciding the tactics and strategies is already a headache ^^ 2. GETTING STARTED: =================== After the game is initialized, you will be required to choose your name and then a club team you want to manage. Choosing a name would be simple :P but choosing a team, depends whether you already have your own favourite team or a neutral gamer. Choosing a rich club has its advantages, one thing noticeable is that you will have a lot of money to spend in getting quality players, coaching staffs and scouts. The downside is that the BoD (Board of Directors) wants success in every competition. Choosing a relatively poor club, is opposite of the rich :P you have to go by with existing players since you don't have the money to buy 5 star players. However, as the old saying goes "Its easy to get to the top than staying on top" lower clubs have targets in which to achieve for example avoid relegation, mid-table standings and so on. You decide to where your team will go from there. 3. GAME PLAN: ============= Going around the game is pretty simple, just click on anything you want to know and it is self explanatory. The only thing that I found out that many players asked for how to create the best tactics and how to use the training section. Tactics and training are important for your club's success. First, get to know your players...WELL!. We will discuss training first. 3.1 TRAINING: ============= Under the training option you can see various tabs. 1. Overview 2. No training 3. General 4. Fitness 5. Shooting 6. Skills 7. Tactics 8. Gk 9. Unused 10. Unused You only need to look at General, Fitness, Shooting, Skills, Tactics and Gk (Goalkeeping). Overview is for general information on players and coaches. The 2 unused tabs are for you to create specific training sessions such as training an attacking midfielder to become a defensive midfielder or to train a right sided player to play on the left side. You can change a coach specific job function (not neccessary) from the Overview tab. 3.1.1 Strikers: -------------------- Put them under the skill tab. Click on a player and drop him to the skill tab. You can put attacking midfielders here as well. Edit the training schedule to intensive for skill and medium on others except goalkeeping. The next step is to save the training session. 3.1.2 Midfielders: ------------------------- Put your midfielders into the tactics tab. This includes defensive midfielders and attacking midfielders. It is recommended to once in a while to juggle your midfielders training between skills and tactics. Edit the training schedule to intensive for tactics and medium for others except goalkeeping. Dont forget to save. 3.1.3 Defenders: ----------------------- Just leave them in the general tab. Edit the training schedule all to medium and save. 3.1.4 Goalkeepers: ----------------------------- They are in the Gk tab by default and should be left there. Edit the training schedule to intensive for goalkeeping and medium on fitness. Leave the others on normal. SAVE! 3.1.5 Results you get from training: ----------------------------------------------- When a player's stats is green, it means that they are improving. Red means a decrease while white means unchanged. Move your player to approriate training tabs when you see red ^^. If you don't understand what the abbreviation on a player's stat, just look into the player's profile (or any other player) to find out what each abbreviation means. For example Acc. denotes acceleration. 3.2 Tactics: ---------------- This is it. The headache room for all managers. The right tactics (or wrong) that can turn a champ...into a chump ^^. Honestly I cannot tell you the tactics that might be good for your team. After all, what is good for my team in MY game, might not be working for your in YOUR game :P. So, I'll just give you the basics of tactics making. The secret is, SAVE OFTEN on any tactics that you create. You may want to revert back to the old ones should you make a boo boo. Included in the Tactics section is a drop down menu of preset tactics which you can Use as template to creating your own tactics. Next, you will notice a green field with 11 round buttons on the right side of your screen. You will either see position names or player's name with their jersey numbers if you already choosen a first 11. Click and drag the buttons as you see fit to make your own tactics. The important thing is the "With ball" and "Without ball" formation tabs. With ball means your team has the ball and the formation that they take. Without ball is just the opposite. Again I cannot tell you what formation is good when your team has the ball or not. Its up to you to decide...cos...YOU ARE THE MANAGER! ^^ Continuing on, you can see 2 drop down menus namely Team Instructions and View. Click on Team Instruction opens a window giving you the option to modify team movements. Mentality, Passing and so on. This one pretty easy but the ones you need to take into account is the option of choosing who will take left and right freekicks and cornerkicks. Not forgetting who will the 1st and 2nd playmaker. The term playmaker means the players that will be the mastermind during the game (preferrably a player with high creativitiy). ALWAYS go to this section everytime to make neccesary changes you see fit before you play a match!!! 4. SEARCHING FOR PLAYERS AND STAFFS: ======================================== There are 3 ways to search for players. 1. Through the option located in your name menu "Player & Staff search" 2. Nations and Clubs menu (if you know the name of the country or clubs you want to search for a player) 3. Find menu (to find a nation, club, player) directly. All the above located on the main menu on the left screen. The one option I used most is the first one. Under Player and Staff search you can see various tabs namely Short list, Player Search, Staff search, Scout 1-7. Easy right? The thing is, do you know what you looking or want?? If you are looking for a player, click on the Player search. In this section you will notice the Filter button. Another window will popup and leave you with quite a number of filters for you to search your dream player with ^^. Under the general option you see: ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Text (name you want for your search) 2. Nationality (players nationality) 3. Age (players age) 4. Language (knowing the language where the player would work will make it faster for them to adapt to your training) 5. Based (the country where the players' you are looking for) 6. Value (prices of players you can afford) 7. Status (cannot remember :P) 8. Contract (to choose between expiring contract and so on) 9. Position (players position) 10. Side (right sided or left sided) 11. Injuries (option whether you want to include injured players or not in your search) 12. Interested (to filter out whether the players are interested or not to move to your club) 13. Include squad (to show where the player's "pecking order" in his current team) Next, under the attribute option you will see and even larger filter options: 1. Acceleration (attacking players) 2. Balance (attacking players) 3. Creativity (attacking players) 4. Decisions (goalkeepers and attacking players) 5. Driblling (attacking players) 6. Flair (attacking players but not neccessary) 7. Heading (defensive players) 8. Jumping (defensive players) 9. Marking (defensive players) 10. Pace (attacking players) 11. Positioning (all) 12. Set pieces (attacking players) 13. Strength (goalkeepers and defensive players) 14. Teamwork (all) 15. Work Rate (all) 16. Aggression (defensive players) 17. Anticipation (goalkeepers and defensive players) 18. Bravery (goalkeepers) 19. Crossing (attacking players) 20. Determination (all) 21. Finishing (attacking players) 22. Handling (goalkeepers) 23. Influence (all but not neccessary) 24. Long shots (all but preferrably attacking players) 25. Off the ball (attacking players and defensive players) 26. Paasing (all) 27. Reflexes (goalkeepers) 28. Stamina (defensive and attacking players) 29. Tackling (defensive players) 30. Technique (attacking players) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Use the above guidelines if you want to search for a player. 20 is the maximum points any player can reach and 1 is the lowest. Mind you, the higher the player's stat, it is more likely that they will be more expensive ^^. NB: Midfielders, Attacking midfielders, forwards, strikers are considered attacking players. The same goes for when you want to search for a new staff. You can search them using the Staff search. Again in this section you will see the filter button to help you minimize the search result of staffs. General staff options: -------------------------------- 1. Text (not neccessary) 2. Nationality (staff nationality) 3. Age (staff age) 4. Language (what type of languages can a staff speak. not the foul ones :P) 5. Based (location where the staff is located) 6. Job (position of staff you want to search for) 7. Interested (to filter the staffs who want to move to your club or not) As a reminder, the staff may not be interested, however they may be if you try and offer them high wages. Goes the same with players as well. Just.....becareful with your wallet ^^ Attributes option: ------------------------ 1. Adaptability (coaches and asst. manager) 2. Coaching outfield players (coaches. outfield players by the way means players other than the goalkeeper) 3. Judging lpayer ability (scouts) 4. Level of discipline (coaches and asst. manager) 5. Motivating (physiotherapist, coaches and asst. manager) 6. Tactical knowledge (coaches) 7. Coaching goalkeepers (coaches) 8. Determination (all type of staff) 9. Judging player potential (scouts and asst. manager) 10. Man management (asst. manager) 11. Physiotherapy (physio) 12. Working with youngsters (coaches and asst. manager) Thats it on the search section! whew.... ------------------------------------------------- I guess I've covered all the basics to get you started. Please do email me at ( if you want to add anything to this FAQ. You can use this FAQ as a template if you want to make your own but please do give credit where its due and email me because I want to know as well. Finally I wish to thank should they post this FAQ up ^^. ENJOY!!! (C)opyright 2002 Zonan. All rights reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------END OF FAQ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------