Important Notes: ICON: U - Up D - Down A - Away from opponent T - Toward oppenent 1 - Punch 2 - Kick Addittions: f = forward b = back p = punch k = kick Example: A,T, 2 = press away then press toward then press kick button. ZIA's moves: Orphaned, she was taken by monks of the Shaolin temple who taught her the secrets of kung fu wushu. She uses excellent kicking tech- niques, quick strikes and huge jumps. Shreiking Scream - Freezes oppenent: (f,f,p) D, T, 1 Saumersault Kick: (f,f,k) T, T, 2 Wushu Snake - Calles snake up from the ground: (b,f,p) A, D, T, D, 1 CARCERES's moves: Born in carthage, he was captured by the Romans to become a gladia- tor. He is now the champion of the coliseum. He fights with sword and armour, giving slow but deadly blows. Battering Ram - Runs into oppenent with his head: (f,f,p) T, T, 2 Roman Butt - Jumps in the air and lands on the opponent (f,f,k) A, T, D, 2 Trident Throw: (b,f,p) A, A, T, 1 HANK's moves: He signed up with the marines to fight in vietnam and acquired deadly combat techniques. Expert at full contact and kick boxing, he also uses modern weapons. Grenade - Rolls grenade at oppenent: (f,f,p) D, A, 1 Rushing Attack - Hits for two: (f,f,k) A, D, T, 2 Rocket Launcher: (b,f,p) T, T, A, 1 CORTO's moves: Ruthless pirate of the west indies, he scours the seas, sinking every ship and taking no prisonners. He makes up for his lack of strength by agility and extreme cruelty. Dagger Throw - Throws dagger at oppenent: (f,f,p) T, T, 1 Rushing Attack: (f,f,k) A, T, T, 2 Skeleton Attack - Causes his skeleton to come out and attack opponent (b,f,p) T, A, D, A, 2 GHOR's moves: Born in the Jurassic period, this creature has evolved to become a supreme killer. He reacts mainly as an animal. He has strange fighting techniques using his teeth, claws and tail. Invisibility: (f,f,p) A, T, T, 1 Acid Spit: (f,f,k) T, T, 2 Spikes Away - Spikes from his body attacks: (b,f,p) T, D, A, 2 TECUMSEH's moves: Born in the Shawnee tribe, he was initiated in the secrets of combat to struggle against the palefaces. He uses many techniques with his tomahawk and the power of the spirits. Lightning: (f,f,p) T, A, D, 1 Shawnee Spirit - Ghost attacks opponent: (f,f,k) D, D, 1 Scalper - Jumps up and lands on opponent: (b,f,p) T, T, T, 2 FERGUS's moves: The Druids of Erin predicted he would be a warlord. He has become the most feared fighter. This savage warrior uses fists and head to bring down his enemies. Sonic Lash - Rush of air attacks opponent: (f,f,p) D, T, 1 Head Butt: (f,f,k) T, T, 2 Giant Fist - Body tuns into a giant and hits opponent: (b,f,p) A, T, 2 MEATBALL's moves: Born in the streets of the Bronx he fought as a boxer, then became head of a powerful gang. His destructive combat style is a mix of boxing and streetfighting. Laced Mace - Sprays mace at opponent: (f,f,p) D, A, 1 BaseBall - Hits baseball at opponent: (f,f,k) A, D, T, 1 Moltov Cocktail - Throws firebomb at floor: (b,f,p) D, A, A, 2 NEFTIS' moves: Born in ancient Egypt, she was initiated to the occult secrets of sorcery and seduction. She has sold her soul to the most evil gods. She is pretty weak but very agile and sly. Air Cobra: (f,f,p) A, D, D, 2 Teleport - Teleports behind or in front of opponent as possible: (f,f,k) D, T, 2 Shrinking RA - Shrinks opponent: (b,f,p) A, D, D, A, 1 OSINKIRA's moves: Born in the greatest of the Masai tribes he learned the fighting techniques of the animal kingdom. He uses his assegai to take advantage of his reach. Fire Spear: (f,f,p) A, T, 1 Flaming Lion: (f,f,k) D, A, 2 Extended Punch: (b,f,p) T, D, A, A, 2 MASTER's moves: Real mean! Tentacle attack: (f,f,p) F,F,P Green zap: (f,f,k) B,F,P Sucks in opponent and punches 'em: (b,f,p) F,F,K Summons bats to attack opponent: (b,f,k) B,F,K Sources for Savage Warrior: SAVAGE WARRIORS Special Moves List 1.0 by Sanny Yoon (SYOON1@AOL.COM), additions by Dave Kearney ( We took all the moves from this list. Rock'n'Roll, guys. Other sources: Dirty Little Helper June issue 1995, cheats, translation by Bernd Wolffgramm