GamingHyena's Walkthrough to Hitman Codename 47 v1.03 Although hated by many people for having long levels and no save system, Hitman Codename 47 is a fun, if frustrating game. I've decided to write a walkthrough to help you get the most fun out of the game without endlessly restarting. Let me quickly explain the basics of this walkthrough. Background is a summary of the information given to you about the mission in the briefing. Objectives are the listed tasks you must complete to beat the level. Required Equipment is the barebones equipment that is absolutely necessary to complete the mission. Optional Equipment is equipment that makes the level easier to beat if you are having difficulty. Although I did not put bullets in the equipment list for each gun, it's still a good idea to buy them : ) *NOTE* This FAQ cannot be put on any website, public or private, without express permission of the author. Want permission? E-mail: Also, if you send me any tips I can use, I will be sure to credit you in the FAQ. Check out my website for reviews and more walkthroughs at Copyright 2003 All rights reserved *NOTE* v1.00: Initial Release v1.01: Minor spelling errors and typos fixed. v1.02: Added list of sites where FAQ can be posted v1.03: Added AIM screename, revised list. (4/4/03) *NOTE* The following websites have my permission to post this FAQ. If you see it on any unauthorized sites, please let me know: Training This level is fairly straightforward. Simply follow the instructions given to you and try out Hitman's different moves and weapons. The only trouble you can get into is when the orderly comes to get you. Kill him and take his clothes. Don't let him get too close with the shocker or else you will have to start over. The next guard at the gate will let you through. Kill him and proceed down the hall. It will switch to a cutscene and end the level. Kowloon Triads Gang War Background: Your ultimate goal is to assassinate Lee Hong, leader of the Red Dragon Triad. However, you must weaken the Triad first to have a chance. It is hoped that by killing the Red Dragon negotiator, it will trigger a gang war. Objectives: -Kill the Red Dragon Negotiator -Blue Lotus Negotiator must survive Required Equipment: $1550 Blaser Jagdwaffen R93 Sniper Optional Equipment: $30 Compass Follow the street until you see a yellow dumpster at the curve. Duck into that alleyway, and on your right you should see the park where the meeting will take place. Take a right down the main street, and then a left. Go until you see a blue building. In the alleyway there should be an elevator. Take the elevator to the roof. You should now have a perfect vantage point over the park. Wait until you see the cutscene of the negotiator getting out of the limo. The two negotiators end up standing near the statue in the middle of the park. Line up a clear shot and fire (remember, kill the red one). A helicopter with two Blue Lotus guards shows up. Immediately put your rifle back in the suitcase and get off the roof. Now just go back the way you came to the extraction point. The guards won't hassle you provided you get off the roof fast enough. Ambush at the Wang Fou Restaurant Background: The Blue Lotus have sent an emissary to explain the events at the park. If you can kill the emissary, it will look like the Red Dragons have retaliated. The meeting will be held at the Red Dragon's headquarters, the Wang Fou Restaurant. Objectives: -Eliminate Blue Lotus Emissary -Kill all Blue Lotus gang members -Return to Rendezvous Point Required Equipment: $110 Fiber Wire $550 AMT 1911 'Hardballer' $3000 Car Bomb with Remote Detonator Optional Equipment: $900 Kevlar Body Armor $1200 Desert Eagle Mark XIX Go up through the alleyway with the yellow trash bin and the open sewer line. This sewer line will become very important shortly. If you continue going up, you will find yourself in front of the restaurant. Wait there until the limo pulls up. The emissary will get out and the driver will go into the alleyway to relieve himself in the sewer line. Make sure the coast is clear (usually there is a civilian in the alleyway, so wait until he leaves) and kill the driver with the fiber wire. Throw his body into the open sewer and take his clothes. Now you can go back to the limo and plant the bomb without anyone noticing. Wait until the emissary gets in the car, duck into the alley (the blast can kill you too), and detonate the bomb. If you wait too long, the guard on the sidewalk will walk up to you and realize you aren't the driver. The blast should take all the Blue Lotus out, but if it doesn't you should shoot the survivors. Head back to your car and look down the street. You should see some Blue Lotus guards standing around. Mow them down and run back to the extraction point. The Massacre at Cheung Chau Fish Restaurant Background: You've done such a good job at causing a war between the Triads that the local police have become concerned. The chief of police has arranged a meeting between the Triads to try and broker a truce. If the police think the Red Dragons are responsible for killing the chief, then they will remove their protection for Lee Hong. Objectives: -Kill the Red Dragon Emissary -Hide the Red Dragon Emissary's body -Place Red Dragon Amulet inside the restaurant -Kill the Chief of Police -Return to the Rendezvous Point Required Equipment: $110 Fiber Wire $775 Beretta 92 Silenced Optional Equipment: $900 Kevlar Body Armor $550 AMT 1911 'Hardballer' $900 Israeli Military Industries Uzi Head left up the street until you reach the restaurant. Go inside and talk to the bartender to get the bathroom key. Go to the bathroom, and if you are carrying any guns (except the Beretta 92) stash them in here. Then go outside and right down the street until you see the sewer line. Wait there until the Red Dragon emissary shows up. Kill him with the fiber wire and dump him in the sewer. Make sure to take his clothes and the amulet. Go back to the restaurant. You will be searched and any weapons (except the Beretta 92) will be taken from you. Drop the amulet on the table. If you did not talk to the bartender before, you can get the bathroom key now. Stand in the entranceway to the bathroom and kill the chief. Then immediately put your gun away and go through the window in the bathroom. The guards out front will be in the restaurant with the chief, so head back down the road to the rendezvous point. *NOTE* It is important that should things go awry, you not get into a gun battle with the police. Not only are they well armed, but money is deducted from your account if you kill them. If they start shooting at you, run in a side-to-side pattern to make yourself a harder target. The Lee Hong Assassination Background: With the Triads at war and no police protection, Lee Hong is holed up in his restaurant. However, he still has a small army guarding him, and the compound is more a fortress than restaurant. It will take stealth, deception, and a bit of luck to succeed. Although this is one of the two extremely hard missions of the game, it can be beaten if you stay sharp. Objectives: -Find Safe Combination -Find Safe Location -Deliver Jade Figure to Herbal Shop -Eliminate Lee Hong -Captured Agent must survive -Escape to Rendezvous Point Required Equipment: $110 Fiber Wire $775 Beretta 92 Silenced $900 Kevlar Body Armor Optional Equipment: $900 Israeli Military Industries Uzi $1200 Desert Eagle Mark XIX Go into the building, and head to the bar. Talk to the bartender to get the flyer, which will allow you into the VIP area and the second floor. Now, follow the signs to the bathroom. You should see a guard in the little entranceway. Strangle him, and put him in the women's bathroom (women apparently don't go to the bathroom in this game). Put on his clothes and take his Uzi. Since everyone thinks you are a guard now, (apparently not noticing how white and bald you are compared to the other guards) you can openly carry the Uzi. Personally, I would put it away since the chances of an accidental shooting are greater when you have it ready to fire. Go into the door next to the bathroom sign and the guard should welcome you. Go through the hall and talk to the fat man. Go up the stairs to the second floor. Talk to the old woman and follow the girl into the room. Talk to her and follow her out onto the roof. Go to the ladder, and it should switch to a cutscene. Kill the Red Dragon member, and take his clothes and AK-47. Go back and talk to the girl, and she gives you the safe combination and a kiss (how cute). Now, walk through the kitchen and down the stairs to the basement. Again, I would holster the AK-47. Follow the corridor down another flight of stairs, then take a right down yet another flight of stairs. If there's a Red Dragon guard down at the bottom of the short fight of steps, you know you came to the right place. There is a guard walking around this level of the basement; kill him and hide his body. Then go back to the guard at the stairs, kill him, and hide him as well. Now, all that should be left is a guy guarding a door, who tells you to leave if you get too close. Kill him, and drag his body into the room with the CIA guy. Talk to the CIA guy, and pay attention to his cutscene, as he tells you which safe holds the jade figure. The location of the figure switches every game. Retrace your footsteps back up the stairs to the kitchen, then head out to the large room in the front of the restaurant (the one you went through at the beginning to go to the bar). Depending on what the CIA guy said (and you did pay attention, didn't you?), the jade figure is in one of two places: Storage Room: Head through the doors with the two vases and two guards, and you'll end up in the large room with the fat man (the one you talked to before to get to the second floor). Go forward, through the door with the one guard and down the hall. There is a large room with several boxes, a guard, and the safe. Kill the guard quietly (the silenced Beretta is good for this) and hide him behind the boxes. VIP Room: Head through the doors at the top of the staircase with the guards and you should see some double doors guarded by two guards. Go through the doors and you should see two guards and the safe. One of the guards walks around, so quietly kill him when the other guard next to the safe can't see you. Then drop down behind that guard and strangle him. Open the safe, get the figure, and get out quickly. Go to the herbal shop (the large double doors behind the banner in the dining room) and give the old man the figure. In return, he will give you poison. Run to the bathroom and wait for one of the waiters. Kill him, hide the body, take his clothes, and go to the kitchen. Pour the poison in the bowl and serve it to Lee Hong. His bodyguard will taste it first and die, letting Lee Hong escape. Now, you may be asking yourself why didn't you just kill Hong at the dinner table and be done with it? Well, the guards would mow you down in a second. Plus, the bodyguard is the only one that can recognize you aren't a real Red Dragon, so it makes it easier now that he's dead. Best of all, Hong retreats to the heart of his base, only two floors away from the extraction point. Quickly go back to where you left the Red Dragon uniform. It is vital that you not change clothes if guards are coming after you, as they will probably not be fooled and the disguise will be blown. Kill any that chase after you, then when the coast is clear change back into the Red Dragon uniform and go into the kitchen. Go back down the stairs to the basement, only this time walk through the door guarded by the two red dragon members. Follow the passage to the elevator. Go down to basement 2 and go down the passage. Follow the passage to the next elevator, and go up. Congratulations, you are now in Lee Hong's stronghold. Go up the stairs and you'll see Lee Hong and a bunch of guards. Wait until he goes into one of the rooms and strangle him (make sure none of the guards can see you). Go back down the stairs to the first level, and take the other elevator to the docks. Kill the last guard next to the boat and drive off. *NOTE* Since you are so heavily outnumbered in this level, it is vital that you avoid long battles. Gunfire will only bring more and more people into the fray, and will probably get you killed. If you do happen to get involved in a loud gun battle, kill the person as quickly as possible and run away from the area. If you can do this, the guards will find the dead guy but not associate him with you. Under no circumstances should you take the dead guy's clothing, as the guards will recognize him and will be on the look out for a suspicious guy in that clothing (you). Also, under no circumstances should you change clothes if your enemies are in hot pursuit. Odds are they will catch you and not be fooled by that set of clothing either. Find the U'wa Tribe Background: You have been contracted to kill Pablo Belisario Ochoa, a powerful Columbian druglord. However, intelligence is sketchy about there whereabouts of his camp. The local Indian tribe knows, and if you recover their artifact from the plane crash they will show you. Objectives: -Secure Religious Idol -Bring idol to the Indian village -Rescue the Chief's brother from the soldiers Required Equipment: $110 Fiber Wire $550 AMT 1911 'Hardballer' $900 Kevlar Body Armor $30 Compass Optional Equipment: $750 Binoculars $700 Kalashnikov AK-47 Unlike previous missions, the Columbian jungle is one big wide-open space, making it easy to get lost. Therefore, it is easier to show you on the map where to go. Once you drop down from the chopper, head northwest and take the ammo from the crates. The continue heading northwest until you reach the second group of crates. Take the guns and the ammo and head southwest to the crash site. It is essential that you hurry and beat the soldiers to the crash site. If you don't, then it becomes very difficult to take them out. Along the way down there, you should see a group of soldiers and an officer. Kill them, and take their weapons and their clothing (there is no difference between officers and soldiers in this game, but I would still take the officer's clothing). Head to the crash site and pick up the idol. Head northeast to the next group of crates on your map. Two soldiers guard the crate, but since you are wearing a uniform you can just take the ammo. Keep going northeast to the village. The chief is in the southern part of the village. Give him the idol, and he will ask you to free his brother from some heavily armed soldiers (did you really think it would be that easy?). Follow the river down until you see a bridge and a guard tower. Go up to the guard tower, kill the guard, and pick the rest off with the sniper rifle (pick up the ammo before getting the rifle because they will immediately shoot you when you pick up the rifle). When they are all dead, the brother will run back up to the village, and an armed helicopter will show up. It's not hard to avoid; just run back into the jungle and you shouldn't have any problems. Go back to the village and talk to the chief to end the mission. *NOTE* Although you don't have to, you can explore and grab the other caches of weapons shown on your screen. Although most just contain ammo, there is one group at the top of the map that gives you some pretty heavy weaponry. The Jungle God Background: This mission is a walk in the park compared to your previous assignments. The tribe has shown you a secret passage into Pablo's camp, through the temple ruins. A hungry jaguar the natives call Tezcatlipoca, or the God of Death, guards the entrance. Since the animal is sacred to the tribe, you can't kill it. Objectives: -Find the secret passage to Pablo's camp *No additional equipment will be provided This mission is about as easy as they come. Head south until you reach a large temple. Go through the temple and you should see the cliffs up ahead. Go through the little maze of walls until you see a large bloody rock. Run for the cave, dodging left and right to avoid being a target for the jaguar. Even if the jaguar mauls you a little, you should have enough health to get to the cave (your health will replenish between levels). Don't kill the jaguar, since there are three natives armed with lethal blowguns guarding the entrance. *NOTE* If you kill one of the wild pigs and drop it off near the bloody rock, the jaguar will go for it instead of you. It isn't really necessary since it's just as easy to avoid the jaguar, but it's your option. Plus you cannot carry a rifle and a pig at the same time. The pig is marked on your map as a little exclamation point southwest of your starting position. Say Hello to My Little Friend Background: You end up just a few feet from Pablo's camp. The base also has a drug lab that must be destroyed as well. A small passenger plane near the runway will provide a quick escape. Objectives: -Eliminate the Drug Lord -Blow up the laboratory -Use the plane to escape *No additional equipment will be provided This will be by far the toughest mission you have faced. Not only are there several difficult objectives, but the base is crawling with heavily armed soldiers. Fortunately, your enemy uniform will make getting to those objectives a bit easier. If you've used up your body armor, there is a set of armor nearby along with some knives. Head west and then south, following the base's perimeter. When you get to the base's entrance, head south and pick up the cache of weapons. Make sure you get all the ammo; you'll need it. Go into the base and search the tents. You should find some more armor, a silenced Beretta, and some pistol ammo. Near the mansion you should grab some more AK-47 ammo. You'll also come across a minigun, but in this mission it's more trouble than it's worth (soldiers will shoot you on sight if they see you with the minigun, but not with the AK-47). Head around to the back of the house and find the door. The guard inside won't say anything to you, so kill him and the nearby guards as silently as possible. Eventually, someone will notice you and start shooting. For once, that's fine. It will only attract the guards in and immediately outside the mansion, so kill them all. Then clear out the second floor, but do not open the double doors on the second floor until you have cleared out the entire mansion. When you are ready to get Pablo, open the double doors. Pablo is pretty easy to beat if you move to the side until you can only see half the room. Wait until you see Pablo and aim for the head. Pablo doesn't go down easily, so prepare to endure his insults for a while. Since Pablo is incredibly high on cocaine at the moment, he tends to shoot wildly about the room. Make sure neither he nor you shoot out a window, since this seems to alert everyone to your presence. When he does die, grab the bomb on the table and change clothes just to make sure. If all goes well you should be able to walk out without anyone shooting you. Follow the road until you get to the interior compound. You will find a bunch of soldiers guarding the entrances. Shoot them all and clear out the lab. Set the bomb on the crates and get out. It's remote controlled, so blow it whenever you're clear. Run back to the mansion, with lots of enemy soldiers in hot pursuit. Go inside the mansion and shut the doors, shooting anyone dumb enough to follow you. Open the doors and kill any that might be milling about outside. That should clear out most of the soldiers that were chasing you. Make your way to the back of the mansion and run to the airplane shed. Hop on the plane and get out of there. *NOTE* I don't recommend initially getting the minigun, as it will attract too much unwanted attention towards you early in this mission. It does make a great tool to use against all the soldiers that run after you after you blow up the drug lab. Plus it's on the way to the airplane. If you want to have the minigun and still run, holster it. Traditions of the Trade Background: The Thermal Bath Hotel is holding a world summit. Although security is very tight, a terrorist, Frantz Fuchs, has smuggled in a chemical weapon. You must eliminate Fuchs and retrieve the chemical weapon. Objectives: -Eliminate Frantz Fuchs -Secure Terrorist Bomb -Escape to Rendezvous Point Required Equipment: $110 Fiber Wire Optional Equipment: $900 Kevlar Body Armor $1550 Blaser Jagdwaffen R93 Sniper Its kind of frustrating to finally be able to buy some decent guns when the only thing you can bring with you is the fiber wire. Anything else triggers the metal detector, and the guards will shoot you without hesitation. The only exception is the sniper rifle, which for some reason passes through the metal detector. Too bad it's the worst gun for close quarters combat. That aside, this is still my favorite level due to all the James Bond sneaking around you get to do. You finally have a real assassination job to do. When you enter the hotel, check in with the front desk. In the ledger you see that Frantz Fuchs (Heinrich Wulf is his assumed name) is in room 202. Immediately run into the men's pool area and change. Once in the pool room, head to the steam bath. You should see a man in a purple bathing suit in the steam room. Talk to him and he will tell you he has a weak heart. Turn up the steam until he dies, then go back and grab the X- Ray key. Why did you just murder this seemingly innocent man? He is the hotel dentist, Fritz Fuchs, and inside the X-Ray room is the chemical weapon (Fritz Fuchs, Frantz Fuchs, you see the connection?). Killing him now only saves you the trouble of tracking him down later. There are two ways to kill Frantz Fuchs (the terrorist): The Bellboy of Death Get dressed and leave the pool area. Go up the main stairs to the right and look for a hotel staff member cleaning the rooms. When he goes in, he will leave the master key in the door. Grab it and go through the Authorized Personnel Only door. Change into hotel staff clothes and go to room 202. Talk to the guard outside and tell him you have clean towels for Mr. Fuchs. He will step aside to let you through. Wait until the coast is clear (if the hotel staff are cleaning near you, take their master key and they will go downstairs and get a new one) and strangle the guard. Hide the body in a nearby room for now. Then go into room 202 and walk around the room. The guard will throw you out. Go back in and he will be looking into the mirror. Run in and strangle him. Now take the Do Not Disturb Sign and put it on the outside of the door to make sure the maid doesn't find all the bodies. You'll need to drag the guard in the other room back into room 202 or else the cleaning staff will eventually find him. Or don't (even if they find his body, they won't link it to you unless you hang around). Now, go into the bathroom and strangle/shoot Fuchs in the shower. Agent 0047 Take the master key from the bellboy and go to room 201. Go outside to the balcony and jump across to the next balcony. Congratulations, you are now in room 202. Kill the guard in the room, then open the door and strangle the guard at the door (watch out for the cleaning staff and guard). Alternatively, you can wait for the guard in the room to go out on his balcony, and kill him with the sniper rifle if you so choose. However you do it, immediately go out and put the Do Not Disturb sign on the door, then kill Fuchs. Before you leave, drag the bodies of the guards into the bathroom. Should the security guard pass by when you are leaving and see the bodies in the room, he freaks and alerts all the other guards in the area, possibly even associating you with the murders (it's happened to me before). Take the silenced pistol, letters, and bomb case with you and use the upper walkway path to go to the other side of the hotel to avoid the metal detectors. Follow the arrows until you reach the dentist office. Kill the guard and receptionist, and retrieve the bomb from the X-Ray room. Remember that the chemical bomb will trigger the metal detectors. Now run towards the exit. You will probably trigger the metal detector as you flee, but just ignore it and get out. You can go out the front doors, which is a tad dangerous but looks really cool when the limo races around the corner and picks you up while the guards try and shoot you. Alternatively, you can go down the stairs through the restaurant's kitchen and out the back, avoiding the metal detectors, which is safer but less dramatic. *NOTE* Ever wonder what the florist is for in this mission? Bring Frantz Fuchs' key to the front desk to pick up his mail. There will be a letter from the florist. Go to the florist to get a shotgun hidden in a box of roses. You can walk around with the box of roses undetected, but don't go through the metal detectors. Not necessary for the game (in fact the shotgun will get you into more trouble than it's worth), but cool anyways. If you do choose this route, don't talk to the clerk at the front desk until you've got Fuchs' key. *NOTE* Another unnecessary but cool thing to do is to kill a security guard and take his clothes. You can then carry pistols without setting off the metal detector (of course you are docked cash for killing the cop, so its not a good idea to do this unless you are just messing around). *NOTE* An alternative route to get to the X-Ray room is to take the emergency exit out to the roof, then climb through the window. Kill the guard in the dentist's office, then go to the X-Ray room. It's a less bloody way to grab the chemical bomb. *NOTE* If for whatever reason you don't immediately kill Fritz Fuchs (the dentist), then you will have to track his sorry butt down. Ask the receptionist where he is, and she will either say the pool room, casino, or dining room. You know what to do if he's in the pool room. If he ends up in either the casino or dining room, wait for him to go to the bathroom and kill him (silently). Gunrunner's Paradise Background: Arkadij Jegorov, AKA Boris, was supplying the both Triads and the drug lords with weapons. Your job is to take him out. He is hiding out in a ship somewhere in the harbor, but we don't know which one. A small Dutch gang has arranged a meeting with his group to buy guns. Track the gang to find the location of the meeting, then hide a GPS locator in the briefcase to find Boris' hideout. Objectives: -Place GPS tracker in gang car -Move GPS tracker to money suitcase -Give the suitcase to Ivan Required Equipment: $110 Fiber Wire $900 Kevlar Body Armor $0 GPS Receiver $4000 GPS Transmitter $30 Compass $550 AMT 1911 'Hardballer' Optional Equipment: $2700 Heckler & Kotch MP5SD Your first target is the strip club where the Dutch gang is hanging out. However, you can't walk into a strip club dressed like you are and not expect to get noticed. If you head right, you should see a drifter. Kill him silently and take his clothes and MP5. When you get to the strip club, talk to the bartender. When the stripper is done, meet her in her dressing room. She will go out and "entertain" the gang member watching the car. This should give you ample time to place the GPS tracker. Wait until the car takes off and watch it on your map. It should end up in one of two enclosed warehouses. Switch the levers near the train switches to force the train to run into the fence gate. Shoot any dogs around and go in the warehouse. Kill all the gang members in the warehouse and you'll have 3 minutes to hide the bodies. There's a group of boxes near the wall that makes good cover. Remove the GPS tracker from the car and put it in the suitcase. When the limo shows up, give Ivan the briefcase and you're done. Plutonium Runs Loose Background: The GPS tracker gave us the location of Boris' ship. Now, all that remains is to take him out. Once he is dead, pilot the ship into international waters. By the way, intelligence has just indicated that Boris has an old nuclear bomb on board the ship. Just thought you should know. Objectives: -Eliminate Boris -Nuke must be disarmed -Take ship to international waters Required Equipment: $110 Fiber Wire $2200 Heckler & Koch MP5 $775 Beretta 92 Silenced $900 Kevlar Body Armor Optional Equipment: $750 Binoculars $30 Compass Unfortunately, like in Pablo's camp mission, you must be a soldier first and assassin second. Another bit of bad news is that you will be unable to just slip through the checkpoints littered throughout the level. Worse yet, if any of Boris' guards warn him, he will arm the bomb and try to escape. If you can't be silent, at least be thorough. If any guards start to run away, make them your primary target. Do yourself a favor and try and keep your kills quiet; this mission is tough enough without adding a time limit as well. Kill the guard next to the warehouse and take his uniform and gun. Go around and clear out all the guards in the area (don't forget about the one on the roof) with either the fiber wire or silenced Beretta. Now head north and slip through the open door. Kill all the guards at the next checkpoint and head to the pier. There are several guards on the dock and guarding the limo. Make sure none of them sound the alarm, then grab the thug's clothing (the purple suit) and head on the ship. Should Boris be alerted, kill him as quickly as possible before he escapes in his limo. Head down to the bottom level of the ship (you should see several large containers). There will be a stairway leading down to the engine room. Kill the guards and disarm the bomb in the next room. Make sure you have cleared everyone off the ship and go up to the bridge. Kill the captain, grab the controls, and you're in business. *NOTE* Boris' boat is in the middle pier, but on the last pier there is a cache of good weapons (MP5SD, a sniper rifle, and some ammo among other things). The problem? It's guarded by lots of dogs and soldiers, and there's an excellent chance you will be detected killing them all. Plus, you can't carry most of the weapons openly and still sneak unnoticed aboard the ship. If you're finding yourself constantly outgunned, go for the cache. It's not really necessary to complete the mission though. The Setup Background: It turns out all of your contracts have been with one person, not four. This mysterious person has asked you for one final hit. Doctor Kovacs is your target this time. You are to infiltrate the high security mental hospital and eliminate him. Be careful, this job sounds suspicious (as if any mission called 'The Setup' didn't sound suspicious). Mission Objectives: -Kill Doctor Kovacs Required Equipment: $900 Kevlar Body Armor Optional Equipment: None Go into the hospital and talk to the receptionist. He will tell you that the doctor is on the second floor, but first you should prepare yourself. There will be a cutscene with the receptionist phoning Professor Ort-Meyer, and the Professor calling the cops. Doesn't sound good. Go straight through the double doors, and up the stairs to find the shotgun and Uzi. Take all the weapons and proceed back up the main stairs to the third floor. There is more ammo in the cabinets. Now go to the second floor, and straight through the operating room and right to the office. Feel free to explore the asylum for as long as you like until you stay away from Dr. Kovacs' office. Talk to the doctor and you should see a cutscene with what look like SWAT team members creeping up to the door. It's easier to avoid detection if you just shoot the good doctor right away and change into his clothes, so if you go that route this is the conversation you missed: Hello and welcome Mr. Rieper - how may I assist you? That depends - are you the only Doctor Kovacs here? Yes I am. Hey. I recognize you - you were the one with the needle. It wasn't me - I was hardly involved with the experiments. It was Professor Ort- Meyer, he was the one in charge - yes, yes, he's the one to blame, not me! Kill the doctor quickly (he'll try to run), take his clothes, and drop the shotgun if you still have it (don't forget to take the keys on the wall). The SWAT team members should not bother you if you've done in time. Head back to the first floor, and take the stairs up that lead to the T.V. room. Open the doors to the receptionist area to get the antidote, and give it to the man in the chair (this is the same CIA guy you saved in the basement in Hong Kong). He will take you down to the basement. *NOTE* Some of the other mental patients want their stuff back (a children's book, duck, and bear to be precise). In turn, they will tell you useless information on where stuff is in the asylum (like where the guns and antidote are kept). It's kind of cool just to hear them talk though. The children's book is on the first floor in the office. The bear is on a bench behind a gate on the second floor (you'll need the key to open the gate), and the duck is in the shower. *NOTE* For a high security insane asylum, there sure are a lot of weapons lying around. In addition to the guns I mentioned, there are also some on the roof, should your encounter with the SWAT team go awry. *NOTE* If you kill the orderly (the guy in blue herding the patients around with the shocker) and hide his body, you can take his clothes and the SWAT team won't bother you as long as you are not showing a weapon. Meet Your Brother Background: This mission is the final battle. It all comes down to this. While certainly not the most difficult mission you've faced, it can be tricky if you aren't careful. Objectives: -Kill Professor Ort-Meyer *No additional equipment will be provided Kill the guard by the desk and take the shotgun and ammo out of the locker. You will flash to a cutscene with several Hitman clones. Head left, kill the guard, and loot the other locker. Hitman clones will come out armed with MP5's to kill you. Wait in that corridor for them to come to you and kill all ten. The Professor will begin speaking to you while the clones come out. It's hard to both fight the clones and listen to the doctor prattle on, so here is what he says: The return of the prodigal son - now this calls for a celebration! Heeeere's daddy! Welcome home! I gave you the best start in life - perfect genes! You are a perfect diamond, but it seems there is a bit of grinding to do, before you're finished! You little ingrate! I should have known you would rebel against your old man - not at all like no. 48. Now there is a loyal and trusting clone. Man was made at the end of the week's work, when God was tired. I greatly improved on all of the built-in flaws. I'll prove to the whole world who's right - and decide who will be left! A little play on words, my boy - I know you like that sort of thing. Son - I hope you know that you will hurt me more than you. The effort to make you! Every little manipulated gene! Oh you were so pampered! You are the apotheosis of Man! When I created you, I was standing on the shoulders of midgets. But I ironed out all the wrinkles - and still you turn on me! I discovered the true power of 47 chromosomes. Do you think that was easy? As always, I was ahead of my time. They shook their bony little heads, looked at me with their beady little eyes and said I was crazy. You, my friend, and living proof I'm not! I know you want me dead, my boy, and I forgive you! But let me tell you - dying is the last thing I plan to do! You wouldn't believe what my experiments in recombinant DNA have made possible! It's such a comfort to see you working so perfectly - I knew I was on the right track. I will close this chapter, and turn a fresh page! You have problems with subordination, and we can't have that, can we? I have the power to create life, to mold, tailor and perfect humans - do you have any idea of the potential - no mushy sentiments, no quirky traits - and no betrayal! - DO YOU HEAR ME? If you only knew what painstaking research went into this project. I had a clear vision of it - but you look into the sun, and all you see is darkness! I had the power to shed new light, to erase all previous scientific knowledge in this field. I was setting new standards - don't you understand? The best way to kill the clones is to use the MP5 or Uzi. Stay in the hallway with the locker wait for the clones to come to you. They will either come down that long hall or through the doors to you left. When you kill them, run and get their MP5's as quickly as possible and repeat. The shotgun is too slow and very inaccurate at long distances, making it a bad choice for fighting in a long hallway. There is a minigun in one of the closets, but the problem with the minigun is that it takes too long to fire. After all ten clones are dead, drag one with you to the biohazard door where all the clones came out and stand one the footprints. A cutscene will show him holding the body up to the scanner to get through. Make sure you are carrying a body before you step on the footprints. If you aren't carrying a body, then Hitman will be scanned and the doors will lock and deadly gas will flood into the room. After the body is scanned, get a weapon ready, and step into the next room. Finally, you meet the Professor himself. You proved to be my greatest son - I am so proud of you! He then charges you with a shocker. Don't let him get you, or it starts you over at the cutscene at the beginning of the game (Noooooo!). When you shoot him, it will show a slow motion death sequence (like when you die). Y-You.I.should have known. I-I-I didn't even recognize m-my own son. Y-You broke my heart, my son. W-What good is a b-bullet-proof vest, if dead strikes within? The Professor goes down for the count, and Hitman leans over his father, cradling him in his arms (awww). Then he grabs his head and snaps his neck! The credits roll.