Money Round: Pass through all the gates on a course and enter the bonus Cash Course, which consists of $5 and $10 Gates! Submission: Damian Gick ( Last Password: 254, 071, 216, 094, 085, 085, 177, 113, 104 Will let you begin with only one race left (San Francisco) Submission: Damian Gick ( Extra First Race Money: 229, 013, 066, 016, 000, 000, 000, 000, 031 After you use this password, complete the first race (Utah) using Paul Dillon. When you finish the race you will now have $1,110 Submission: Damian Gick ( Mega-Password: To have a super-atlete, $5030, all the possible vehicles, first place of the season/first 2 races : Go to "Exhibition", press any button on your joypad to put yourself into "Continue Season"-mode. When asked whether you want to load from memory card, press "No" and enter the following codes : 237 190 190 080 000 000 176 113 219 Super athlete: Go to "Exhibition", and enter "Continue Season" mode. Then, select "No" when prompted to load from the memory card. Now enter 237 190 190 080 000 000 176 113 219 as a password. A super athlete, $5030, all the possible vehicles, and a record of first place of the season (first two races) will be loaded. Flight mode: At the play/help screen, highlight the "Help" option and press Triangle(5). Then while playing a game, jump to fly. Extra first race money: Enter 229, 013, 066, 016, 000, 000, 000, 000, 031 as a password. Then, use Paul Dillon to beat the Utah race. Now you will have $1,110 after the race. Final race of the season: Enter 254, 071, 216, 094, 085, 177, 113, 104 as a password to start at the final race in San Francisco. End of Extreme level: Enter 190, 069, 254, 049, 105, 048, 001, 016, 146 as a password. Money round: Pass through all the gates on a course to enter the bonus Cash Course, which consists of $5 and $10 Gates. Unlimited money: Go to the TV marked with a "1" in the equipment room and press X to deactivate the CPU opponent. Then, highlight the equipment selections and deactivate them all by pressing X. Now choose a course and begin the race. Because there are no opponents, you will always finish in first place. Repeat this process to collect an unlimited amount of money. Hidden crypt: Race in Italy and watch for a section that dips downhill past some columns about halfway through the the course. Then, go through the purple gate that is in the extreme left side of the screen. Now a hidden passageway through a crypt with skeletons and extra gates will appear. Race in reverse: Come to a complete stop and hold Triangle. Extreme Level: Enter 190 069 254 049 105 048 001 016 146 Secret Passage: On the Italy level there is a hidden crypt with x-tra gates. About 1/2 way 3/4 of the way through the course you will be going down hill pass some columns, look to the extreme left and you will see a purple gate, go through it and it will open up a secert passage way . Get on the path of the street and you will be in the secert crypt with skeletons and the buried dead.