----------------------------------------- - Master of Magic (TM) - Instant spells - ----------------------------------------- ---- by G.DIBARBOURE and J.M.FORHAN ---- ----------------------------------------- ---- Last modification 14 Dec 1995 ---- ----------------------------------------- What are these "instant spells" ? ------------------------------- In the Multi-player shell v4.2 (cf http://www.proaxis.com/~jarvinen/magic/magic.shtml) an editor allows hot keys during the game. Hence the idea of some new spells. For example, since alt F4 transports a structure or some units from a square to another, a 'teleport spell' can be created... So if you want to use these instant spells you will need the Multi-player shell. Can I use any instant spell whenever I want ? -------------------------------------------- Of course not. First of all, if you want to use a spell, you need at least three books in its realm of magic. Then, the advantage of these spells (they are really instant spells, which means no spell blast, or disanchant possible!) must be balanced. So you must give the Warlord retort to your opponents (or Channeler if one is already Warlord). Then an 'instant skill' is necessary to prevent you to cast 10000 mp during only one turn ! Your instant skill will be: INSTANT SKILL = 10 * basic skill You cannot cast an instant spell if its cost is higher than your instant skill. You cannot cast more than one instant spell per turn. Mono-color spells: ----------------- Arcan spells: - arcan bug (100mp): transform one of your unit into any basic unit of any race. The unit will be dismissed at the end of the next turn. example: ALT F6 - reduce your mana by 100. ALT F3 on the unit - a stag beetle for example. ALT F5 - transform it into a basic unit - hammerhand dwarves - teleport (20 mp/unit + you must sacrifice a unit of the same tape as the teleported unit): teleport the unit anywhere on the map except on nodes, lairs, cities, and black squares. example: if you teleport one of your death knight, you must dismiss another unit of death knights (arrgh !!!) - probe (30 mp) ALT F5 authorized once on lairs and nodes, no modification allowed. - magical source (50 mp + sacrifice 2 inhabitants of the city) allow you to add a special resource on a square controlled by a city of yours. example: ALT F2 for the magical resource : coal for example ALT F5 on the city to reduce the inhabitants number by two Death spells: - plague (100 mp + sacrifice 1 inhabitant of yours): a violent plague strikes a city on the map. This city loses 3 inhabitants. A warded city CAN also be plagued. - death bug (summoning cost/2 mp + 100mp ) transform one of your unit into a death creature for a turn. The creature will be dismissed at the beginning of the next turn. NB: The summoning cost is the summoning cost of the creature in which you will transform your unit. Life spells: - life bug: (summoning cost/2 mp + 100mp ) transform one of your unit into a life creature for a turn. The creature will be dismissed at the beginning of the next turn. - instant growth: (75 mp) add one inhabitant in one of your cities. Nature spells: - nature bug: (summoning cost/2 mp + 100mp ) transform one of your unit into a nature creature for a turn. The creature will be dismissed at the beginning of the next turn. - transform terrain: (100 mp) change any terrain into any other type of basic terrain. - clean terrain: (50 mp) remove corruption from a square. Chaos spells: - chaos bug: (summoning cost/2 mp + 100mp ) transform one of your unit into a chaos creature for a turn. The creature will be dismissed at the beginning of the next turn. - shatter city: (50 mp/inhabitant of the shattered city) change the owner of target city to raiders. You cannot shatter the capital of a wizard, or a warded city, or a nightshaded city. - move lairs and nodes: (200 mp) move a lair or a node to anywhere on the map except in the sea, on black squares, on cities, and on other lairs or nodes. Sorcery spells: - sorcery bug: (summoning cost/2 mp + 100mp ) transform one of your unit into a sorcery creature for a turn. The creature will be dismissed at the beginning of the next turn. - city binding : (50 mp/inhabitant of the binded city + sacrifice 1 of your inhabitants for two inhabitants of the binded city) change the owner of the city to yourself. Your cannot bind the capital of a wizard or a warded city. - teleport city: (200 mp + 10 mp for each inhabitant of the city + 10 mp for each unit in the city) not on occupied squares or and sea. Multi-color spells: ------------------ Sorcery+Death spells: - remove mana: remove two mana pts of a wizard for one mana pt you spend. - mana convert: transform one inhabitant of one of your cities into 50 mp. - death node (500 mp): transform a sorcery node into a "death node". You can chose what creatures you put into the node and what will be the reward according to the following ratio: a creature is worth some pts: skeletons - 1 pt zombies - 1 pt ghouls - 2 pts night stalker - 10 pts shadow demons - 20 pts wraiths - 20 pts death knights - 50 pts demon lord - 50 pts (minimum pts total: 60) the pts total can be divided into: 10 mp is worth 5 pts 10 gold is worth 5 pts 1 item is worth 20 pts 1 prisonner is worth 30 pts 1 common spell is worth 15 pts 1 uncommon spll is worth 25 pts 1 rare spell is worth 50 pts 1 very rare is worth 100 pts 1 retort is worth 200 pts example: change the creature in a chaos node into 4 demon lords and 5 night stalkers is worth 250 pts (1 retort or spell book + 1 item out of 16 + 1 prisonner if you want) Sorcery+Life spells: - Giant growth (100 mp): add two inhabitants in one of your cities. - life node (500 mp): transform a sorcery node into a "life node". You can chose what creatures you put into the node and what will be the reward according to the following ratio: a creature is worth some pts: guardian spirit - 2 pts unicorns - 10 pts angel - 20 pts arch angel - 45 pts (minimum pts total: 50) the pts total can be divided into: 10 mp is worth 5 pts 10 gold is worth 5 pts 1 item is worth 20 pts 1 prisonner is worth 30 pts 1 common spell is worth 15 pts 1 uncommon spll is worth 25 pts 1 rare spell is worth 50 pts 1 very rare is worth 100 pts 1 retort is worth 200 pts Nature+Death spells: - Gold leak (50 mp): remove two gold to wizard for each gold you spend. - Gold convert : transform an inhabitant of yours into 50 gold. - death node (500 mp): transform a nature node into a "death node". You can chose what creatures you put into the node and what will be the reward according to the following ratio: a creature is worth some pts: skeletons - 1 pt zombies - 1 pt ghouls - 2 pts night stalker - 10 pts shadow demons - 20 pts wraiths - 20 pts death knights - 50 pts demon lord - 50 pts (minimum pts total: 60) the pts total can be divided into: 10 mp is worth 5 pts 10 gold is worth 5 pts 1 item is worth 20 pts 1 prisonner is worth 30 pts 1 common spell is worth 15 pts 1 uncommon spll is worth 25 pts 1 rare spell is worth 50 pts 1 very rare is worth 100 pts 1 retort is worth 200 pts Nature+Life spells: - Transport people (20 mp / inhabitant transported): transport inhabitants from one of your cities to another. - People convert: transform 100 gold into an inhabitant of one of your cities. - life node (500 mp): transform a nature node into a "life node". You can chose what creatures you put into the node and what will be the reward according to the following ratio: a creature is worth some pts: guardian spirit - 2 pts unicorns - 10 pts angel - 20 pts arch angel - 45 pts (minimum pts total: 50) the pts total can be divided into: 10 mp is worth 5 pts 10 gold is worth 5 pts 1 item is worth 20 pts 1 prisonner is worth 30 pts 1 common spell is worth 15 pts 1 uncommon spll is worth 25 pts 1 rare spell is worth 50 pts 1 very rare is worth 100 pts 1 retort is worth 200 pts Chaos+Death spells: - Hell twist: remove a skill pt of a wizard for each 100 mp you spend. - death node (500 mp): transform a chaos node into a "death node". You can chose what creatures you put into the node and what will be the reward according to the following ratio: a creature is worth some pts: skeletons - 1 pt zombies - 1 pt ghouls - 2 pts night stalker - 10 pts shadow demons - 20 pts wraiths - 20 pts death knights - 50 pts demon lord - 50 pts (minimum pts total: 60) the pts total can be divided into: 10 mp is worth 5 pts 10 gold is worth 5 pts 1 item is worth 20 pts 1 prisonner is worth 30 pts 1 common spell is worth 15 pts 1 uncommon spll is worth 25 pts 1 rare spell is worth 50 pts 1 very rare is worth 100 pts 1 retort is worth 200 pts Chaos+Life spells: - Heaven boost (70 mp + your skill total): add 1 skill pt to your total. - life node (500 mp): transform a chaos node into a "life node". You can chose what creatures you put into the node and what will be the reward according to the following ratio: a creature is worth some pts: guardian spirit - 2 pts unicorns - 10 pts angel - 20 pts arch angel - 45 pts (minimum pts total: 50) the pts total can be divided into: 10 mp is worth 5 pts 10 gold is worth 5 pts 1 item is worth 20 pts 1 prisonner is worth 30 pts 1 common spell is worth 15 pts 1 uncommon spll is worth 25 pts 1 rare spell is worth 50 pts 1 very rare is worth 100 pts 1 retort is worth 200 pts -- __ / _ _ _ _ /_/ (__)(-/ (/((/ (E-mail : Gerald.Dibarboure@supaero.fr)