Grim Fandango Walkthrough v1.0a Copyright (C) 2003 by OutRider WARNING: This walkthrough (like the others) contains spoilers. Please use at your own risk, and don't say I didn't warn you. To see the other guides that I have written, please check out this link: With a new year comes big changes, so I've decided to lie out the rules for using this guide and the many others that I have written. - Do not plagiarize this guide. If it ever comes to my attention that a guide has been plagiarized, I will take legal action against you. You will pay for any damages, legal fees, airfare, etc. - Do not distribute or reproduce this guide for profit. - Do not contact me to add any of my guides to your website. They can be found at many places already, so those are good enough. If it comes to my attention that you have added my guides without permission, you will be asked to remove them and if you refuse, legal action will be taken against you. - Any contact information such as mailing addresses, email addresses, etc. are not to be used for SPAM purposes. I get enough of it already and you had better be surprised I haven't decided to abandon my current email in search of a new one to avoid the SPAM. Any SPAM sent to me will be blacklisted and bounced using a program called MailWasher. - Do not flame me or make idle threats. I do not make these guides for profit. This is just a little hobby of mine and I enjoy doing it. I don't have to do this; I do this for the benefit of you gamers. If you have a problem with something, please criticize constructively. Do not send me something like 'Your guides suck ass. The help you gave me did nothing. Do not write another guide ever again'. Any flames or any useless emails will be ignored and deleted. - If you have a question about something, please be sure to include the name of the game and system that it is for, preferably in the subject heading. I'm not clairvoyant, I don't always know what you're talking about, and so doing this will be greatly appreciated. - Please contact me using coherent English, I don't understand anything else. With all that being said, here's the walkthrough: YEAR ONE: The main character of the game is Manuel 'Manny' Calavera, and when the game opens up, you'll find yourself in Manny's office. Go over to the message tube by the window and take the message that you see inside. Read it and then go out of the office. Head down the hallway and past the receptionist, Eva, and go down the elevator that takes you to the parking garage (on the left wall near the other elevator). Notice that the last car leaves as soon as you arrive. Go to the far corner of the garage and knock on the door that you see. A huge being named Glottis will come out, so when you start talking to him, choose these choices: "Hey, are you a driver?" "I'm Calavera. Manny Calavera." "Looks like I need a new driver." "You want to be my replacement driver?" "Come on, Glottis. I need you to be my driver." "You're not too big. The cars are just too small." He'll give you a work order, which you need to get signed by the boss, Don Copal. Head back up to the lobby and give the work order to Eva. She'll try to get Don Copal to sign it, but without any luck. Go down to the main lobby (the other elevator) and head outside. Go around to the side of the building and you'll notice a tie rope dangling around. Climb up it and go through the open window nearby. You'll find yourself in Don Copal's office. Since it appears he's not here, I wonder how he answered his intercom? Check out his computer to notice that he has it wired to answer his intercom whenever someone tries paging him. Change the message so it says 'Ah, cripes Eva! Just sign it yourself, will ya? I'm busy!' Head back down to the ground and go back into the building. Give Eva the work order this time and you'll get it signed. Watch the ensuing sequences and you'll find yourself in the Land of the Living. All you need to do is whip out your scythe and use it on the body bag. You'll end up in the office hallway after the next sequence. Go into Manny's office and on the table to the left, you'll see a deck of playing cards. Pick them up and then go over to Eva's desk. If you look carefully, you'll see a hole punch sitting on it. Use the deck of cards on it and Manny will mark one of the cards. Go down to the lobby and as you attempt to head outside, a purple demon will come out from one of the rooms and start berating Manny. After he's finished, go outside and go check out the carnival. Talk to the clown and use these choices: "Practicing what?" "Twist me up one of them, eh fella?" "Bet ya can't do a cat." "A dead worm." He'll end up giving you a deflated balloon. Put it away for now and talk to him again using these choices: "My kid wants another balloon animal." "Got any more dead worms back there?" You'll get another deflated balloon, so put it away and head back into the building. Go into the packing room, which is to Manny's right, and use a balloon on the red hose and the other on the blue hose. Go to your office and put both balloons into the message tube, and watch what happens. Go back down into the lobby and go to the tube switching room (across from the packing room). Turn the deadbolt on the door and then talk to the demon. "Who would do a terrible thing like this?" "Well, I gotta split." Manny will go grab a fire extinguisher to use on the foam, but the demon will stop him from using it because it'll cause the foam to explode. Head out of the room and then immediately go back in. The demon will leave and shut the door, but if you turned the deadbolt like I told you to, then there's nothing to worry about. Open up the door and use the marked playing card on the red tube. You'll get a new client, but you can't do a whole lot for her at this point, so tell her that you have to go straighten this mess out. Go to Don Copal's office and watch the sequence. When you regain control, you'll find yourself locked in Glottis's office. Knock on the door and a voice will start talking to you. "I'm thinking about getting out and getting even. That's it." "The DOD runs a crooked game, and I intend to prove it." "I'm gonna blow the lid off this place." The voice will open the door and you'll be introduced to Salvador Limones, the leader of the LSA, or Lost Souls' Alliance. He'll take you to LSA HQ and you'll find out that Eva is a member as well. Go over to Salvador and say: "Okay, I'm in. What do I have to do?" "You want me to be the messenger?" "If I grab some pigeons from the roof, will you let me go?" "I'm off." Go to the clown at the festival and have him make you a balloon in the shape of a cat. Grab some bread from the stand next to him and then go back up onto the roof. Go around the corner and enter the window at the end to find yourself in Domino's office. Punch the punching bag until you see a blue mouthpiece fall off. Pick it up and then go over to his desk. Open up the drawer and take the coral you find inside. Leave the office through the window. Go back to the tie rope and grab the other end of it. Set it down on the ledge and tie the coral to it. Pick the coiled rope back up and throw it so it attaches itself to the ladder. Shimmy across and climb up the ladders until you're at the very top of the building. Go across the roof until you see a bowl- shaped vent. Use the cat balloon on it and then use the bread. Some birds will come over and start eating the bread, but then they'll be scared off when the balloon is popped. Go over to the bird's nest and take some eggs and then go back down to the street level. Enter the garage and go over to Glottis's office. You'll notice what appears to be a coffee maker, but is actually auto body filler. Use the mouthpiece on the filler and then turn so that Manny isn't looking at anything and use the mouthpiece to have Manny bite down and make a perfect impression of his teeth. Leave the garage and go back down to LSA HQ by using the blue eye that Salvador used when he brought Manny down. Give the eggs to Sal and then give Eva the mouthpiece. Manny will now be allowed to leave. When you regain control of Manny, you'll find yourself in the Petrified Forest. Walk down to the next screen, where you'll see Glottis bawling like a baby because he was fired. Talk to him and watch as he rips out his own heart and throws it into the forest behind him. Go to where he threw it and notice that it is stuck in a spider web. Take a bone out of the pile near the web and use it on the web. Use the scythe on the web and Manny will fling the heart off the web. Go back to where Glottis is sleeping, pick up the heart, and put it in Glottis's body. After the sequences, you'll find yourself in the Bonewagon. Drive off to the right where'll you see an odd machine. This is the first big puzzle of the game. What you need to do is to synchronize the pump so that the two pumps on the left pump at the same time and the pumps on the right pump after the ones on the left do. Right now it's currently out of sync, and to get it synchronized, you need to plug up the hose by moving the wheelbarrow onto it. It's a bit hard to explain accurately, but it's all a matter of timing. When you've managed to get it synchronized, you'll notice that the machine starts to rock back and forth. Flip the switch and watch as Glottis climbs on up the machine to unbalance it even further. While he's working on it, flip the switch back on and watch the sequence. When you arrive back on the main screen, get out of the Bonewagon and take the sign that's in the ground. Carry it off to the northwest and here's another puzzle for you. What you need to do is place the sign into the ground and go into the direction in which the arrow points. Pick up the sign and move in that direction a bit and plant it again. Follow this process until the sign doesn't point anywhere and a cave is opened up. Head down into the cave and look at the sign near the corner of the screen. Manny will read it and start shaking it to get the key to fall. He'll pick it up and you can now exit the cave and head back to the Bonewagon. Get into the car and drive to the rocks to the northeast. Go to the door and open it up, but you be chased back out by a demon beaver. Go back in and go up to the bridge near the small green bone and take three bones. Go down the path to the left of the bridge and go up to the river of tar. Notice that a demon beaver is on the rock above you. Toss a bone into the tar and just before the beaver drops down; bring out the fire extinguisher and use it as the beaver goes down into the tar. Repeat the process until all the demon beavers are gone and if you run out of bones, go back to the spot near the green bone and get more. Go back outside the gate and notice there's a lock to the left of the door. Use the key you got from the cave on it and you'll be on your way to Rubacava. When you arrive, go up the stairs and go into the diner. Talk to the guy working there, Celso, and say: "What are you doing here?" "You must love her very much, Celso." "How do you know your wife hasn't gone ahead of you?" "I'll help you find your wife. What did she look like?" "Well, I'd better go see how my other clients are doing." You'll end up getting the photo of Celso's wife, so go down stairs and at the bottom, turn left and walk into the fog. Manny will get lost, fall off a cliff into a lake, and be saved by the man standing on the dock. Manny's rescuer is named Velasco. Talk to Velasco and then say, "Don't let me interrupt your car talk." Show the photo to him and then say, "how do you know she sailed out of here? I don't believe it." He'll end up giving you the port log, which you should take to Celso. Watch the sequences and the game will advance one year later. YEAR TWO: A lot has changed in Rubacava in a year. Manny now owns his own nightclub and notice that it's no longer foggy. Go into Manny's office by going through the door nearby. Pick up the letter from Salvador off of the table and then head downstairs. As you try to head out the door, Lupe'll stop you. Tell her to go back to work and head outside. Walk down the stairs and you'll get to see Meche, or so you think. It's actually a scary-looking raven type thing, but as Manny watches it fly away, he'll see Domino taking Meche onto a ship. After the sequence is finished, talk to Velasco: "Alright, I'm ready to sail!" "I'll work." "Okay, if I get Glottis some tools, can we board?" "Who's the one guy who hasn't boarded yet?" "What if Naranja doesn't show up? I can fill his spot, right?" "So let me get this straight." "I'd better go finish packing." Go back to the Calavera Caf‚ by going to the junction, taking the north path to the Blue Casket restaurant, using the elevator next to it and heading up the stairs. Go into the bar and take the bottle of gold flakes sitting on the ledge behind the counter. Go into the casino and talk to Charlie, the darker-looking guy sitting in a booth: "Right. So what are you doing in it?" "How did you print fake betting stubs?" "What else can you counterfeit?" "Can you make reasonable union cards?" After the conversation, you'll end up getting a VIP pass and a betting ticket printer. Go back into the bar and give Glottis the pass and watch as he runs off with it. Head over to the cat racetrack by going south at the junction and then pulling the lever closest to the Bonewagon storage area to extend the bridge across the gap. Go up the stairs and go into the hallway across from where you enter. Go through the door near the large cat to enter the litter room. Take the can opener sitting on one of the large cans and go into the VIP lounge by heading up the stairs and go through the doorway to the right. NOTE: If you have a fast computer, you will want to upgrade Grim Fandango to v1.01 before attempting the upcoming puzzle. Go into the kitchen and grab the baster near the lower left corner of the screen. Wait until the waiter comes in and disappears into the pantry. When he does, close the doors and use the scythe to lock him in. After Glottis has finished off the wine in the cask, climb up the ladder and use the can opener on it to hop in. You'll eventually wind up in the basement and once you're inside, operate the forklift and drive it into the elevator. Position the forklift so that it's near the right side of the elevator door, push the red button, and then hop back on and move it forward so that the prongs are in one of the slots. When the forklift has caused the elevator to stop moving, get off the elevator and pull the lever on the other side of the forklift to raise the prongs. Go through the hallway and into the door on the other end. Take the suitcase and watch the sequences. Go to the Blue Casket and go to the back of the bar, where you'll meet Lola and Olivia. Tell Olivia bye and go into the kitchen (the double doors next to her). Watch the man put some dirty hookah water into the drinks and then leaves. Use the baster on the dishwater and then go to Toto's shack by going to where the Bonewagon is being stored, but go to the south, towards the water. Cross the dock and you'll find the shack. Go to the refrigerator to the left of Toto and open it. Open up the crisper drawer and while Naranja is distracted, use the baster on his drink and he'll be knocked out cold. Search his body to find his dog tags. Go to the cat track and head upstairs to the blimp security checkpoint. Drink some of the gold flake liquor and walk through the metal detector before Manny burps. Tell Carla: "Hey Carla, that's an awfully nice metal detector you have." "Yes." Carla will become upset that you're still chasing Meche, and she'll throw the metal detector out the window. Go to the litter room and go out on the metal ledge, turn to Manny's right and use the scythe to get the metal detector. Go to the morgue by heading up top, crossing the bridge, and entering the double metal doors. When Membrillo isn't looking, use the dog tags on a body that he's not currently looking at and then give him the metal detector. Go to the Blue Casket and go to where the three beatniks are sitting. Show them Salvador's letter and they'll let you take the red book. Leave and go to where the Seabees are milling around by going left to the next screen. After Bogen has dragged off the lead bee to jail, go to the VIP lounge and talk to Nick: "Nick, I need a lawyer." "Friend of mine is in the slammer." "An excellent lawyer." "The very best is good enough for me." "You are, Nick." He'll tell you to buzz off, so talk to him again: "Virago, I REALLY need a lawyer." "I could tell Max about you and Olivia." Nick will get up and leave to go talk to Max, and he'll end up leaving his cigarette case. Pick it up and take it to Carla: "I don't know. I found it under your desk." "Yes." She'll think it's a bomb and toss it into the detonator. Manny will pick up the key and then you can go to the lighthouse (head past the Seabees). Unlock the door using the key and go inside. You'll find out that Lola has been sprouted, but after she disappears, you'll see a card in her place. Manny will pick it up and you should go back to the Calavera Caf‚. Give the card to Lupe and you'll get a jacket. Examine the jacket to find a piece of paper. Before you leave, Lupe says that you have a message, but she can't find it, so leave and go to Toto's. Show Toto the piece of paper and then go to the cat track. Use the ticket printer to print a ticket for Week 2, Tuesday, Race 6. Take the ticket to the photo finish window. I think it's the one opposite the VIP hallway. Anyway, when you have your photo, go see Nick and show it to him. The lead bee will be set free and Manny will punch Nick for sprouting Lola. Go to Manny's office at the Caf‚ and use the roulette system underneath the green thing on his desk. When the red light is on the right wheel, use the magnet button and Bogen will end up shutting the club. As a result, Glottis will be kicked out of the VIP lounge and the game will take us to one year later, where Manny has become the captain of the Limbo. YEAR THREE: Go down into the ship and you'll see that the crew has been sprouted. Climb down the ladder and try to go down into the hall, but the "customs guards" will hear you and try to advance on you. When you think the end is near, Glottis comes out and saves Manny before it's too late. Push the red button on the right wall to raise the starboard anchor. Go over to the levers and push the right arrow to have the port anchor dragged over to the starboard side. Lower the starboard anchor and then raise it again. You should see the port anchor attached to the starboard one, and when you do, use the scythe on it to have Manny pull them over and hook them onto the porthole. Raise the port anchor and the anchors will tear the ship from porthole to porthole. Go to the levers and pull back (down arrow) and watch as the ship is ripped in half and Manny and Glottis are sent skyrocketing to the middle of nowhere. The half of the ship that they were on will sink and they'll be at the bottom of the sea. Walk to the edge of the light and Glottis will warn Manny not to go any further unless he wants to be killed by a sea monster. Wait a bit and Glottis will tell Manny that a sea monster is coming. What it turns out to be is a little man named Chepito. Tell him "Well, I don't wanna break your stride there." and when Chepito gets close enough, grab his light and drag him over to Glottis. At the next screen, walk over to the rock you see sticking out of the ridge and walk around it counterclockwise. Watch as Chepito is caught and taken into the sub by the octopus while Manny and Glottis sneak onto the back. Go into the elevator and go off the screen to the right. Go through the doorways and you'll eventually find Meche, but Manny will have fallen into one of Domino's traps. When you wake up, you'll find yourself in a room with a cage and two bird-kids in it. (For some reason, when Manny got up, his mouth continued to move, but he wasn't saying anything) Anyway, talk to the kids: "Why do you want to bite me?" "Listen children, I'm here to help." "I'm here to help you get out of this cage." "My hands are not too big to make light bulbs." "I just don't have any of those little, tiny tools, that's all." The boy will clunk Manny on the head with a small hammer. Pick it up off of the floor and go back to Meche's office. You can see that she's smoking right now, but what you want to do is time it so when she knocks the ashes off, Manny will move the ashtray out of the way and the ashes will land on her hosiery. It'll take a few tries, but when you manage to get it right; she'll take her hose off and toss it into the trash. Take it out and then go down the elevator. Go to the bottom of the screen and to the left and go to where Chepito is working. Hand him the little hammer, and in return he'll give you a Bust-All. If you give him the hosiery, he'll give you a semi-automatic sproutella gun. Go back towards the elevator and take the lighted path off to the right of the elevator. Use the lever to change the conveyor's direction and run up it. Go up the stairs nearby to enter the crane and move it to the opposite side of the island. Lower the crane (down arrow) and get off. Go to the crane's claw and use the Bust-All on it to have the boom collapse. Get back on the crane and lower the chain. Raise it to destroy the grinders and take the crane back to the other side of the island. Lower the chain onto the conveyor belt and get out of the crane. Go down the conveyor and hop off. Flip the lever to change the direction again and then flip it again. Get on the crane again and raise the chain to save Glottis. Go back to Meche's office and use the gun on her. Watch the sequence and you'll end up having to free Meche. Go out of her office and you'll see a door nearby with a wheel on it. Use the Bust-All on the jamb to break it open and expose the tumblers. What you want to do is get the tumblers so that the flat sides are lined up next to the jamb. You can accomplish this by turning the wheel to the left to get the fourth tumbler lined up, and then right to get the third, left for the second, and right for the first. Use the scythe on the tumblers to keep them from moving ("Stay!") and pull the latch. If you messed up somehow, you'll have to reset the tumblers and try again. Enter the door and close it behind you. Use the scythe on the gold plate above the door and Meche will be freed. Go into the room you opened up and use the scythe on the sprinkler system above you. Manny's attempt to flood the room didn't help, so drain the water by turning the wheel on the pipe. Notice that the water seems to drain into a tile on the floor. Go back to the other room and drag the axe near the statue into the secret room and put it on that tile. Pick it up and Manny will drop it and shatter the tile. Watch the sequences and when you regain control of Manny, you'll be face to face with Domino on his sub. Use the scythe on the octopus's eye and watch as Glottis's reef grinders kill Domino. This will conclude Year Three and the game will advance one year later to Year Four, where it seems like it's the end of the road. YEAR FOUR: Go all the way downstairs and you'll see a couple of DOD cars along with a coffin. Open up the coffin to learn that inside is Bruno, the guy you packed up near the beginning of the game. He'll throw the mug at you, which you should put away for now. Go back upstairs and watch the sequence. As you get ready to leave, the Gatekeeper will drop down a note from Hector. Go down the stairs, and head off to the right to find Glottis: "What can I get you? Will anything help?" "Can't we make a new hot rod?" Go down into the kitchen and use the mug on the rack. Open the drawer to get a rag and then go out and use it on the oilcan. Go back into the kitchen and use the rag on the toaster to discover a new means of fuel. When you arrive back in Rubacava, go down to the docks and talk to Velasco. After he leaves, grab the bottle and go to the Blue Casket. Go into the kitchen and use it on the keg. Go back to Glottis and Meche and give the bottle to Glottis. Talk to him and watch as he pukes into the Bonewagon shed. Go to Toto's and in the medicine cabinet, take the bottle of liquid nitrogen and then go back to the Bonewagon shed. Use the nitrogen on the puke to freeze it and then go over to the bomb rigged to the Bonewagon and use it to find yourself back in El Marrow. When you regain control, take the arm from the soldier's body and then talk to Meche. Go outside the hideout and go past the Bonewagon. Climb up the ladders to find yourself in the backstage area of the casino. Take the coffeepot and climb up the ladder near the guys. Dump the coffee on them and climb back down. Put the coffeepot back and go into the doorway nearby to get makeup put on you. Climb back up the ladder and use the arm on the handheld grinder. Pick it up and put it away and then climb back down the ladders until you're back in the area with the Casino doorway and the ladder that takes you backstage. Go through the doorway and go down the ramp and talk to the soldier in the trench coat twice. Talk to Meche twice and then use the sheet on Charlie. Hurry up and talk to the soldier again and when you regain control, go into the bathroom and Manny will have a complete disguise. Go back to LSA HQ and get the photo out of the trash can. Use the note you got from Hector on the pigeon sitting in its cubby and then use the photo on it. Watch the sequence and leave the HQ. Manny will swipe the remote from Glottis, and then go behind him to find yourself in the sewers. Go all the way over to the tunnel and use the grinder (w/ arm still inside) on it and you'll move forward. An alligator will soon come in, in which case you should hurry up and take the remote out and use it to raise the Bonewagon. Move the Bonewagon forward until Manny can reach the ledge. Get up on it and then start to climb down the ladder. When the gator turns around, climb back up and use the remote to lower the Bonewagon onto its tail. Climb down the ladder and go into the florist shop. Turn around and use the scythe on the ball of tape above the door. Manny will then leave, but you should go back in and the guy will give you a sproutella gun and some ammo. Head back into the casino and go talk to the pink demon. When he asks you a question, the answer to it is the last number to appear on the Keno board behind you. If you happen to miss it, keep track of the numbers on the board and ask again. When you get the question right, you'll be allowed to go on up the elevator. Talk to Celso: "Actually, I work for Hector. He sent me to answer your questions." "The real question is, don't you feel that you're worth it?" "What exactly are you saving your money for? A rainy day?" "Well, enough about you guys, let me tell you about my problems." "I just got back from the worst vacation I've ever had!" Watch the sequences and when you regain control, you'll be on the ledge of the Lady Luck. Follow the path around and climb up the ladder. Go over to the sign's arm and notice that there's a crack in one of the supports. Use the grinder on the crack and then use the can of Sproutella on it to have the support break and the sign fall over. Climb up the ladder and Manny will slide down the leg to the other roof. Watch the sequences and you'll end up arriving at a greenhouse. Go up to the greenhouse and enter. Hector will shoot Manny with a slow-acting sproutella gun, so to counteract it, use the liquid nitrogen on Manny. Go back to the car and take a look in the backseat. Talk to Salvador until Olivia interrupts and watch, as Sal not only kills himself, but Olivia as well. Open up the suitcase to find Manny's scythe and Sal's Number 9 ticket. Pick up the ticket near Sal's head and take it to the rear of the greenhouse. Listen to the ticket waving, and follow the direction it's waving in. If it stops, you may have to go back until you hear it again and try again. When you get to the right spot, the ticket will fall out of Manny's hand. Search Salvador's body to find the trunk key and then use it to unlock the trunk and get the gun. Go to the water tower at the bottom of the hill and shoot it with the gun. Enter the greenhouse and the game will end. Congratulations! You've just successfully completed Grim Fandango! Credits: CJayC - The head honcho of GameFAQs. This guide was based on his, and with a few minor tweaks and corrections, I managed to turn it into what you see before you. LucasArts - For making such a fun and entertaining game. I wonder if you realize there's still some glitches in the game, even with the patch installed? I still managed to finish the game, but not without a few curses thrown because of Manny wasn't doing something I wanted him to do. For all the FAQ sites that know me - I continuously credit you guys in each guide I make, but I have to. You guys take the time out of your busy day to add my guides (along with many others) to your sites and it helps get the word out there. Thanks for doing so much for me.