sco's FF2 Walkthrough [version 2.0] "In a far off land... A long peace has ended. The Palamecia Empire has summoned Hellspawn in hopes to rule the world... The people of Fynn fought bravely for their kingdom... And lost. Now four of Fynn's youth must flee to Altair, with the enemy just behind..." Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Pre-Adventuring Tips 2A. Skills/Stats 2B. Improving Stats 2C. Weapon/Spell Skills 2D. Boosting Stats 2E. Stat Boosting Tricks/Tips 2F. Combat a. Basics b. Fight c. Magic d. Item e. Run f. Rows g. Revivification 2G. Status Ailments/Buffs a. Permanent Ailments b. Temporary Ailments c. Buffs 2H. Character Weapons/Magic/Items a. Weapons b. Magic c. sco's Spell List 1. White Magic 2. Black Magic d. Items 2I. INT/SOUL penalties 2J. Key Terms/Items 2K. Menus/Translation 3. Walkthrough I. The Beginning I-A. The Journey Begins I-B. Basic Training I-C. Head to Fynn I-D. Back to Altair I-E. Search for the Mithril (Semitt Falls) I-F. Returning with the Mithril II. The Warship II-A. Contact the Spy II-B. The Bafsk Sewers II-C. Report Back to Hilda II-D. Finding the Goddess's Bell II-E. Ice Cave II-F. The Kas'ion Ruins II-G. Destroying the Warship II-H. Back to Altair III. Striking Back at the Empire III-A. Traveling to Deist III-B. Deist Castle III-C. Deist Cave III-D. Back to Altair, again... III-E. To the Battle Arena III-F. Recapturing of Fynn IV. The Path to Ultima IV-A. Exploring Fynn IV-B. The Down-Below IV-C. Finding the Black Mask (Tiny Island) IV-D. The Mysidian Cave IV-E. Side-Tracked Straight Down (Leviathan) IV-F. The Mysidian Tower V. The Emperor's Final Stand V-A. Reporting Back to Fynn V-B. Inside the Eye (Cyclone) V-C. Celebrating the Emperor's Beat-Down V-D. Acquiring the Airship V-E. Castle Palamecia VI. Pandaemonium, the Forbidden Fortress VI-A. Return to Deist VI-B. Get Ya Weight Up VI-C. The Jade Passage VI-D. Pandaemonium VI-E. The Finale (The Final Battle) 4. Secrets 4A. Snowcraft Mini-Game 4B. Chocobo 4C. Normal Mode 4D. Blood Sword 4E. Waterfall Magic Shop 5. Revisions/History 6. Legal crap 7. Thanks ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1. Introduction Final Fantasy II was the ACTUAL second installment in Square's very popular Final Fantasy series. Commonly known as "FF2j", Final Fantasy II was originally released on the NES, a.k.a. "old nintendo", and never made it over to the U.S. Because of this, and the fact that FF3 never made it here either, the FF2 that did make it to the U.S. on Super Nintendo is actually FF4. Eventually, however, the game was officially released to the U.S. in 2003, as Final Fantasy Origins. Final Fantasy II was playable in the U.S. before then by getting the NES ROM, and playing it on an NES emulator. FF2 is a great game, with many original features. From the way the heroes are developed, to key word feature, FF2 accomplished many things never seen before in an RPG at that time. FF2 also had many “firsts" along with it. It was the first Final Fantasy to have the Chocobo, and also the first to have an actual plot. Many trademark enemies of the Final Fantasy series first made their appearance in this game. This is my very first walkthrough, and I picked one hell of a game to write/type one to. I probably should've started with something like NES Gauntlet, or Pong. Anyway, I decided on a FF2 walkthrough because of a number of reasons. One, it's a pretty cool game, two, I have a site floating somewhere around, and a walkthrough is just about mandatory. And three, while I've always been a huge fan of FF1, driving my nephew/cousin crazy playing it constantly through those long summer days with nothing to do, I was able to do the same thing with FF2. Playing through the same game, multiple times, on three different systems can't be fun to watch, or hear about. I always get the question "How can you do that over, and over, and over again?" Heh, heh, heh, no 2P games for you! Anyway, e-mail any questions, corrections, and pithy comments to Don't be too harsh though... There are, in fact, multiple "translations" for Final Fantasy II. I chose to use the translation from the Playstation version for this walkthrough. A few things, however, may be little different. I may have used abbreviations for spells from the NES version. Also there are a couple of enemies that I refer to from the NES version. It's basically the same, but not. So don't hate, I've went through the game many times, so whatever stuck, sticks, got it, good? Moving on, there ARE spoilers in the walkthrough. EVERYWHERE. So if you don't want the plot to be ruined your first time through, don't read the walkthrough. Repeat, if you don't want SPOILERS, DO NOT read the walkthrough. If you do need some help though, you can read the Pre-Adventuring Tips section for a few hints and tricks. Well, I hope you enjoy the walkthrough, and find a lot of useful and helpful information in it. Again, e-mail me with any questions and the like. Good luck with the game, and have fun I guess... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2. Pre-Adventuring Tips Getting started in Final Fantasy II isn't hard at all. Although, a few things set FF2 apart from most RPGs. I'll start with the most complex stuff first(the stats), then move on to battles and stuff. Once you get the basics, like anything, it's not so bad, and it makes the game flow so much better. The fact that the characters are developed, or "leveled", so differently from many "traditional" RPGs, may have turned a few gamers away from FF2. In this Pre-Adventuring section, I'll attempt to break-down and explain various topics that should lead you to success, and hopefully help you better understand FF2 and it's many functions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2A. Skills/Stats FF2 has it's own way of developing the 'heroes' in the game. There are no experience levels, or even experience points. Rather, how you fight in battle dictates how your characters will improve. For example, if you use a lot of Magic in a fight, your magical abilities will improve, or if you always attack in a fight, your strength will increase, but magical abilities may begin to decline. All "raw stats" can be increased in battle, and some will decrease. Raw Stats include Strength(STR), Agility(AGL), Vitality(VIT), Intelligence(INT), Soul(SOUL), and MagicPower(M.PWR). Other stats that can increase in battle are Max HitPoints(MaxHP), Max MagicPoints(MaxMP), Evasion(EVA), and MagicDefense(M.DEF). Modified Stats are those that depend on various factors, such as the Raw Stats themselves, weapons, armor, and other conditions. They include Attack(ATK), Hit Percent(HIT%), Defense(DEF), Evasion Percent(EVA%), and Magic Defense(M.DEF). Modified Stats cannot be increased in battle. Here's what all the stats do: Raw Stats: STR - base damage output and accuracy of physical attacks AGL - base evasion% and when a character's turn is in battle VIT - rate a character's MaxHP increases each time it goes up INT - power and success rate of Black Magic SOUL - power and success rate of White Magic M.PWR- rate a character's MaxMP increases each time it goes up Modified Stats: ATK - final damage output of physical attacks HIT% - number of and accuracy of attacks DEF - amount of damage a character can absorb EVA% - chances a character has at avoiding physical attacks M.DEF- defense against Magic and Special Attacks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2B. Improving Stats Characters can improve their skills and stats in battle by attacking, using magic, or being attacked. Below shows each stat, and how it is affected in battles. MaxHP- lose a lot of HP in a battle MaxMP- lose a lot of MP in a battle STR - attacking a lot; decreases from excessive White Magic use AGL - being targeted and avoiding physical attacks *Increases fast with dual wield, faster with a Shield *Sometimes increases randomly *Known to increase by failed 'RUN' attempts, not sure VIT - lose a lot of HP during the battle; decreases from Black Magic use INT - cast many Black Magic spells; decreases from attacking a lot SOUL - cast many White Magic spells M.PWR- lose a lot of MP during a fight EVA - be target of a lot of physical attacks **Only increases Evasion Count, not base percentage M.DEF- be target of a lot of spells **Only increases M. DEF Count, not base percentage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2C. Weapon/Spell Skills Weapon and Spell skills also improve in battle. Weapon skills can increase by attacking with a certain weapon type in battle. The Shield skill also goes up if one is equipped while attacking. The higher the weapon skill, the higher a characters Attack Count. A higher Attack Count gives the fighter an extra 'hit' per attack, thus raising chances for the attack to succeed, and increasing damage output and chances for critical hits. A higher shield level boosts the effectiveness of the shield wielded. A shield with the evasion percentage of 15%, matched with a shield skill level of 3, becomes a shield with the evasion percentage of 45%. Simple enough, yeah? Spell skills increase when a certain spell is used. Once a new spell is learned, it starts a level 1. Let's say someone learned FIRE, they would have FIRE 1. After using it a buncha times, it becomes FIRE 2. Each individual spell is leveled separately, but it's effectiveness increases with every level. Most status ailment spells need to be greater-than or equal to the enemies M.DEF Count to work. The spell won't always WORK, nor could it always MISS if this isn't the case, but it's a good general rule to go by. Weapon and Spell skills are MAXED OUT at level 16. 16... an impressive number, yeah? Especially when you count 8 weapon types(including shields), 40 spells, 3 main characters, and 6 side characters throughout the game. Raw stats MAX OUT at 99(or A5), MaxHP at 9999, and MaxMP at 999. That's a lot to build up, so your good friend 'sco here will give you some tips to boost those skills and stats real fast-like. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2D. Boosting Stats Now, in this section, I'm going to explain how to boost stats up faster, and higher than normal. FF2j can be an extremely hard game not using these "tricks", especially with the spells. But if you've got the skillz, or patience, then going through the game "normally", is a fun challenge. And I should maybe emphasize CHALLENGE. Not that it can't be done, because it very well can, just if you get stuck, and don't want to spend time fighting battle after battle, then you can use these "tricks" to help speed up the process. Using these "tricks" also helps bring up skills and spells up to levels not "normally" reachable. Weapon Skills/STR - To build up weapon skills quickly, instead of attacking over, and over, and over, and over, and over, killing enemy, after enemy, after enemy, simply target the enemy, and when the next character steps up for commands, cancel back to first character and repeat the process. Lost? Here, checkout this example: Maria wants to increase her weapon skill... 1. Maria steps up to attack 2. Maria selects 'Fight' 3. Maria then selects her target 4. Guy steps up to attack 5. Hit the cancel button, Guy steps back, Maria steps up 6. Repeat steps 2-5 over, and over, and over, and over, and... You should get the picture now. Each time you do that, you'll receive 1 point toward your weapon skill. Do it 100 times to increase your skill. Once you get a high skill level, you may need to do it more times, or find stronger foes with a higher rank. Doing this trick will also increases the character's STR stat. Magic Skills/SOUL/INT - Building magic skills is essentially the same as weapon skills. However, the process is a little longer, and there are just too many spells. The process is easier, however, if the spell you wish to build up is the first one on the character's spell list. Doing this trick with the spells raises the character's SPRT or INT, depending on what kind of spell is being used. Here's another example for the hell of it: Guy wants to increase his BREAK spell... 1. Guy steps up to attack 2. Guy selects 'Magic' 3. Guy chooses the BREAK spell on his spell list 4. Guy then selects a target 5. Josef steps up to attack 6. Hit the cancel button, Josef steps back, Guy steps up 7. Repeat steps 2-6 Now, you may be thinking, "well, what if there is no fourth character?", or "what if the next character is dead?", or even "what about the fourth character?" Well, the answers are simple. If there's no fourth character, Guy's S.O.L., and can't do the trick, same with the fourth character, he/she can't do the trick. If the next character is dead, asleep, paralyzed, or can't act for whatever reason, then if there's nobody left to act, then the 'round' will be forced. Long story short, you need another 'usable' character below you to do the trick. MaxHP/VIT - Simply beat the crap out of your own team. MaxMP/M.PWR - Have everyone cast spells on each other, or spells that won't kill the enemy. The RASP and OSMOSE spells can be used to damage a characters MP, making it easier to build up. AGL/EVA Count - The easiest way to build AGL, is to equip a shield. Sometimes it just increases randomly, but usually, you have to be a target of an attack. Dual wielding sometimes makes it rise more often, but not as much as a shield. EVA Count will go up from time to time, but to really boost it up, kill off everyone in your group, then fight monsters that use only physical attacks. A high AGL, and a shield are recommended for this. I believe that the higher the enemy's Attack Count, the higher your EVA Count can get. Not too sure, just need some more testing with that one. M.DEF Count - Simply fight monsters that use high-leveled magic. Sometimes they don't even have to use it to get a boost. M.DEF levels from time to time, I've never really "intentionally" leveled it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2E. Stat Boosting Tricks/Tips SWAP trick - To build up your MaxHP, VIT, MaxMP, M.PWR, and possibly SPRT, all in one shot, use the SWAP trick. Find or purchase the SWAP spell and level it a little, say 4 or 5. Go over to the Altair area and battle the Goblins, or Hornets, or something weak like that. Cast the SWAP spell on them to change stats. Your HP will drop to around 6, and MP to 0. Finish off the fight and reap the rewards. You can do this over and over and Max out your HP fairly quickly, along with MP. The only downside is that the Inn prices will eat your wallet, but near the end of the game, money shouldn't be an issue. Additional tips - Sometimes selecting 'Fight' 100 times, along with a target, can be a mind- numbing process. And building up each and every spell like that can drive you crazy as well. So I've come up with a few 'alternative' methods to build weapon and spell skills, while continuing on with the game almost unnoticed. Bulk Method - If I need to build up spells for three different party members, choosing the spells 300 times is boring. Instead, of using it 100 times, use it 25-35 times per character. This guarantees a Stat Boost, plus builds the spell. Do it for 3-4 battles to get an increased skill level and some extra stats. Tiny Method - Instead of just picking a time to build skills, do it while fighting all those monsters in the dungeons. If I want to build a weapon skill, every round I select a target 5-10 times before continuing. Same with spells. Maybe besides selecting a spell every round, I'll select it 10-20 times every time I use it, or if it's a boss, 20-50. Doing it this way breaks up the 100 uses, and makes it a little bit less monotonous, all the while increasing chances for a stat boost every battle. Heh... was all that clear? Anyway, the only downside to this is as your skills become way higher than the enemies rank, it becomes harder to build up skills. That's why you should seek out tougher enemies, or select the skill a couple of extra times. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2F. Combat Now that you know the how to boost stats n' such, let's move on to the basics of combat. You'll spend most of your time playing FF2j in dungeons, and in battles. While treading the world map or exploring a dungeon, the party can be forced into random battles. As I've mentioned before, how you battle is how your characters are developed, so let's learn how to fight, yeah? a. BASICS The battle system in FF2j is turn-based. Each 'round' consists of you choosing the actions of your characters. Once you're finished, your party and the enemies attack each other. Each character's Agility determines when they'll attack in the round. There are four actions each character can take in battle. The four actions are FIGHT, MAGIC, ITEM, and RUN. Your battle strategies will change, depending on the enemy being fought, and how you've developed your characters. A balanced party is key in making your journey a lot easier. b. FIGHT This action makes a character use a normal physical attack with his/her equipped weapon(s). You must first select a target to attack. Once a target is selected, and the round has begun, the character will attack the chosen target. c. MAGIC Use this action to have a character cast a certain spell during a battle. First, you must choose the spell the character will use, then you must choose the target for the spell. After the round has started, the character will use the chosen spell. Spells are important for strategy in a fight. Use them to heal the party, and to exploit enemy weaknesses. d. ITEM Items that are equipped in a character's inventory can be used in battles. Items can be used to restore HP and MP, cure status ailments, or even cast certain spells on the enemies. A character can equip extra weapons into their inventory and swap them out in battle. Some weapons can be used as items. To use an item, first you must select the item in the inventory, then a target for the item's use. Once the round begins, the character will use the item when his/her turn occurs. e. RUN Sometimes, there are situations that running from the battle is the best option. You may not have the strength, or time for fighting. Use the RUN command to escape from the battle. Simply select RUN, and once the character's turn occurs in the round, he/she will attempt to escape. Running from battle is based on the character's AGL, the enemy being fought, and a little luck. Many enemies won't allow you to escape, such as bosses. The undead are also some pesky enemies that you can't run from. Pick and choose your fights, it may not seem the most useful option at times, but sometimes it's the only thing between you and certain doom. f. ROWS In battle, there is a front-row and a back-row. There must always be at least one party member in the front row at all times. Party members in the back-row cannot be attacked by the enemies' physical attacks, but they can only attack with Magic or a Bow. If you have any hardcore spell casters, keep them in the back-row, out of trouble. Enemies have rows as well. You cannot attack enemies that are in the back-row with physical attacks, until you have defeated the enemies in the front. The first two rows are the enemies' front-row, anything behind that is the enemies' back-row. Rows can be selected using the Formation Command in the menu. On the NES version, use the SELECT button to assign rows. Note: If playing the NES version, any party member that dies, is put into the back-row automatically. Remember to put them back into correct formation after reviving them. g. REVIVIFICATION Should a hero in your party happen to fall in battle(HP reaches 0), there are a number of ways to revive him/her. You can use the Phoenix Down item, or the LIFE spell. If you don't have either, you'll have to take them to a shrine in a village or town. The shrine is usually the house with no sign on it. The INN, and all of the shops have signs, the shrine does not. Once inside the shrine, speak with the Goddess statue at the top of the room. This will revive all KO'd party members with 1 HP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2G. Status Ailments/Buffs There are a number of Status Ailments that can be inflicted on your party in Final Fantasy II. Status Ailments can cause a character to be weakened in battle. Status Buffs are conditions that improve a character's fighting ability. Some ailments, and all buffs are removed after battle, but some conditions plague a character until cured. Ailments that wear off after battle can be healed during a fight with the BASUNA spell or by using the Unicorn Horn item, I refer to these as "Temporary" ailments. These ailments can also wear off during battles as well. Ailments that continue after battle can be healed using the proper item or ESUNA spell, I refer to these as "Permanent" ailments. A higher level of these spells are needed to heal more advanced conditions. You can use status ailments and buffs to gain the advantage over the enemy in battle. ***Also NOTE that status ailments PREVENT your characters from gaining*** ************stats after battle on the NES version!!!!!!!!!!************** ============================================================================== a. PERMANENT AILMENTS Ailments / Cured By / Description ============================================================================== Poison - ESUNA Lv.1 - damages the victim after every 'round' Antidote if not cured, damages victim with every step Blind - ESUNA Lv.1 - reduces the Hit% of the victim Eyedrops Amnesia - ESUNA Lv.2 - victim forgets spells and is unable to use them Mallet Curse - ESUNA Lv.3 - reduces the effectiveness of the victim's attacks Cross and spells Toad - ESUNA Lv.4 - the victim of this spell has lowered ATK and Hit%, also, he/she cannot cast spells Stone - ESUNA Lv.5 - the victim is turned into stone, and cannot act Gold Needle until cured, this condition is similar to K.O. K.O./Dead - LIFE Lv.1 - a character is put into this condition, and cannot Phoenix Down act once their HP reaches 0. If all party members are put into this condition, the game is over... ============================================================================== b. TEMPORARY AILMENTS Ailment / Cured By / Description ============================================================================== Venom - BASUNA Lv.1 - a weak poison that damages the victim every round Sleep - BASUNA Lv.2 - once asleep, the victim cannot act until awakened Mute - BASUNA Lv.3 - the victim is silenced, and cannot cast spells Mini - BASUNA Lv.4 - the victim is shrunk, reducing the effectiveness of his/her attacks and defense Paralyze - BASUNA Lv.5 - similar condition to Sleep, but a little stronger Confused - BASUNA Lv.6 - the victim begins to attack his/her own team ============================================================================== c. BUFFS Buff / Item Used / Description ============================================================================== Blink - N/A - Increases EVASION, easy to dodge attacks Safe - N/A - Increases DEFENSE, enemies' physical attacks do less damage Shell - Magiconch - Increases M.DEFENSE, enemies' spells aren't as effective, and do less damage Barrier - N/A - Boosts defense against enemies' special attacks Wall - MithrilMirror- Can completely nullify enemies' black magic Berserk - Bacchus' Wine- Increases ATK power, allowing more damage done by Yoichi's Bow physical attacks Haste - Hermes - Increases Attack Count, allowing more 'hits' Masamune Aura - N/A - Boosts attack against various enemies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2H. Character Weapons/Magic/Items In FF2, any character can use any weapon, armor, and spell. It also takes awhile to build up and MAX weapon and magic skills. Therefore it's a smart move to decide 'who's using what' at the start of the game. Based off the starting stats, Guy leans a bit more toward STR, VIT, and HP, sacrificing AGI. Maria has a lot more AGI, and INT, but lower HP and STR. While Frioniel is mostly balanced at the beginning. a. WEAPONS As I mentioned earlier, any character can use any of the equipment. Guy starts with an Axe, Frioniel a Sword and Shield, and Maria a Bow. I highly RECOMMEND that someone trains with the Sword, as the strongest weapon is a Sword. It doesn't really matter WHO, if you want to switch it up and give Maria or Guy the Sword, it's quite okay. Some people say that only Frioniel should use the Sword, or that Guy can only use Axes and Maria magic, but it doesn't really matter too much, it's whatever you want. Lionheart has a decent Sword skill near the end of the game, but it'll be a pain to get it to Lvl 16, if even possible. So if you want MAXIMUM damage, Frioniel, Maria, or Guy will have to use it. If you wish to play through the game "normally" (without using tricks to build up skills and stats), then you don't need to train with the sword if you don't want to, because Lionheart does have a high skill level with it anyway. Also, I recommend that someone train BAREHANDED. This skill is very often overlooked, but very powerful, especially at the beginning of the game. The only downside is that you can't dual-wield or use a shield barehanded. Every time you build up your Fist skill to the next level, your ATK increases with barehands. If you plan on maxing out your skill level, then the Fists will easily be the 2nd most powerful weapon in the game. Other than that, just pick you favorite weapons with whomever. Just be sure to consider the INT/SOUL penalties of the weapons. Bows can be used in the back row effectively(which may seem useful to a mage), but cripple the INT/SOUL of whoever wields them by 70. Knives have great Hit% and a low INT/SOUL penalty. Spears and Staves/Maces are fun. Staves have a low INT/SOUL penalty, however Maces have one of 20(with certain exceptions). Anyway, you can even mix it up and duel-wield some unique pairs. Also, while duel-wielding, both weapons level up. And if duel-wielding the same weapon type, it level's twice as fast. Here are the strongest weapons for each type, and their stats: 1) Sword - Masamune(150-ATK; 90%-HIT; INT/SOUL -0) 2) Fists - (Based on STR and Skill Lvl; INT/SOUL -0) 3) Axe - Rune Axe(95-ATK; 60%-HIT; INT/SOUL -50) 4) Bow - Yoichi's Bow(90-ATK; 75%-HIT; INT/SOUL -70) 5) Staff - Diamond Mace(90-ATK; 75%-HIT; INT/SOUL -5) 6) Spear - Holy Lance(90-ATK; 70%-HIT; INT/SOUL -40) 7) Knife - Cat Claws(86-ATK; 80%-HIT; INT/SOUL -5) I'll get into more depth on INT/SOUL penalties later. b. MAGIC As for Magic, anyone can have any spell, and it's up to you who gets what. Maria starts with higher INT, but not that much higher than Frioniel and Guy. Some say to just stick Maria with Magic and put her in the back row. But Magic is more used as a strategic skill, rather than an all out offensive skill. Although, if you've been slacking a little, then many bosses and a few enemies WILL require offensive magic. FIRE, ICE, BOLT, ESUNA, and CURE are absolute MUSTs. FIRE, ICE, and BOLT are the main elemental spells, and can deal high damage to multiple foes. ESUNA heals all status ailments after reaching LVL 6. And CURE for the obvious reasons. You may want 2 or even 3 characters with this spell. LIFE, EXIT, SWAP, BERSERK, and POISON are other really useful spells. LIFE to revive KO'ed allies, EXIT to escape from dungeons in tight situations, SWAP for the easy stat boosting trick, BERSERK for a high damage boost, and POISON is another 'elemental' spell. Buffs are often times underestimated. Buff spells such as SAFE, SHELL, HASTE, WALL, etc. can make a lot of fights easier. SAFE and SHELL can be used to lower the damage of the enemies' physical, and magic attacks respectively. A high leveled WALL can completely nullify the enemies' black magic. Use HASTE and BERSERK to buff your attacks, helping to deal more damage to the enemy. Don't underestimate status ailment spells either. You'll have to build them up at first, but spells such as CURSE, SLEEP, MUTE, BLIND, etc. can come in handy. Use CURSE and BLIND to weaken a hard-hitting opponent, and MUTE to stop those annoying mages from casting. Spells like STUN, STOP, and SLEEP can stop an enemy from attacking, other spells like DOOM, MINI, TOAD, and BREAK can instantly kill an enemy, taking them out of the fight completely. c. sco's Spell List I'm gonna attempt to breakdown every spell in FF2j here, and give MY opinion on them. I'll tell ya whether or not these spells are worth getting, building up, and even using. So here goes... ============================================================================== 1. White Magic ============================================================================== CURE - Maybe THE MOST important spell in FF2j. You don't really have to TRY and build this one up, as you'll be needing to recover HP constantly. Try to have two or even three party members using this spell, you'll need it. Also, don't forget to increase the MP of your main healer. This spell is actually useful offensively when battling those annoying undead monsters. ---10/10 LIFE - Another important spell. This revives dead allies, a useful ability. You really don't NEED to build this spell up, though, if you do, the HP a character is revived with, is closer to his or her MaxHP. I typically don't spend time building it up, however, when a bunch of people start falling over... ---8/10 ESUNA - A pretty good spell overall. This spell heals Permanent status ailments. The more you build it up, the more ailments it recovers, and the higher chance you have in healing those ailments while in battle. Once it reaches Lv5, ESUNA can heal all status ailments, which can help lighten your inventory. Usually, you only need one or two characters with this spell. ---8/10 BASUNA - Not an entirely useful spell. This spell heals Temporary status ailments. As with ESUNA, higher the level, the more ailments it heals, and with better chances. However, Temporary status ailments USUALLY wear off after a round or two, and there is only a CHANCE that the ailment will be healed. Most times you can wait it out or defeat the enemy completely. A Unicorn Horn is better to keep handy. ---4/10 BLINK - A VERY useful spell indeed. This spell increases your Evade%, causing enemy attacks to miss. BLINK, combined with BLIND, cripples those hard hitting monsters completely. At first, the spell isn't too reliable, often times missing, but the higher you build it up, the better chance it has to work. Once at Lv6, this spell is pretty reliable. This spell truly shines when fighting those hard hitting enemies, such as the Hill Gigas. ---9/10 SAFE - Not as useful as BLINK, but useful nonetheless. SAFE increases the DEF of the target, weakening the attacks of the enemies. The more you build this spell up, the more reliable it becomes, and seems to get more effective. A good spell to backup BLINK with for those enemies with a high Hit%. ---7/10 SHELL - I don't find this spell useful at all. It supposedly increases your M.DEF, but it's hardly noticeable. You're better off casting a CURE spell to offset the damage... ---3/10 BARRIER - This spell stinks too. It boosts defense against special attacks, but... why? To be honest I never really picked this up to use it. It just doesn't sound too useful. ---1/10 WALL - This is an iffy spell. WALL can completely nullify the enemies Black Magic, however, it's got to be at a really high level to do so. Unless you're lucky, by the time you get this, the enemies will be using level 8 or higher spells, which means you have to build WALL up really high, really quick for it to be useful. To be honest, a Mithril Mirror works better... ---3/10 EXIT - A handy spell EXIT is. This instantly teleports you outside of a dungeon in exchange for HP, however, you cannot EXIT out of every single dungeon. Still a useful spell, you can use this in battle to instantly kill enemies, though it doesn't work all that well. At higher levels, EXIT uses less HP when escaping, and has a better chance at killing foes. I usually keep this at level 1 though... EXIT is Matter elemental. ---8/10 DISPEL - Okay, I figured out what this spell exactly does. DISPEL does in fact lower the defense of elemental attacks. This can be useful in conjunction with status ailment spells and instant-death spells. There's one catch though, DISPEL is broken in the NES version. ---3/10 MUTE - This spell has potential, but just falls short. You can use this spell to stop casters from casting. Maybe it's my luck, but MUTE just seems to only work on monsters that don't cast. You'll need to build it up pretty good to be effective though, especially if you want it to work on those Wizard-type enemies. Just not worth the trouble if you ask me, however that Mute Bell came in handy a time or two, so who knows... MUTE is Body elemental. ---4/10 FOG - A little better than MUTE, partly because it causes a Permanent status ailment. It does seem to work a little better for me, but the spell is just found to late to be useful. You can, however, work with it and build it up, but why bother? FOG is Mind elemental. ---4/10 FEAR - This is supposed to scare enemies and cause them to flee. Note that I said SUPPOSED to. What it really does is lower the morale stat of the enemy. I don't see the point in this spell, it sucks and doesn't work. Well, technically it does, however, "Feared" enemies still stick around and fight. Don't bother with this spell, it sucks, hard. FEAR is Mind elemental. ---0/10 SLOW - This spell has potential also, the only problem is, it rarely works. SLOW reduces the enemies ATK Count really low, which is a great effect. It just hardly ever seems to work when you'd want it too. Maybe you gotta build it up really, really, high, but the price isn't worth the effect, there are better spells... SLOW is Body elemental. ---2/10 MINI - Now this is a fun spell to use. It's an instant-death spell for White Mages. MINI isn't at the top of the list, more like somewhere in the middle. You get it rather late in the game, and you need it to be at a high level to be effective, but it's fun to shrink the Thunder Gigas down in the Mysidian Tower... MINI is Matter elemental. ---5/10 SWAP - A useful and strategic spell when used properly. You can use this spell against weak foes to build up your stats after battle. What SWAP does is "swap" HP and MP between the caster and the target. It needs to be rather high to be reliable, but SWAP can really turn the tide in a heated fight. Another mid-line spell. SWAP is Matter elemental. ---6/10 RASP - This reduces the targets MP. Very useful against those annoying mages. Also you can use this on your party to help raise their MP after battle. It has it's place. RASP is Mind elemental. ---5/10 HOLY - Not exactly the best spell, but a decent one. It's an offensive spell for a "White Mage". You might think that it destroys the undead, but in fact, it does it's regular damage to them. HOLY is a non-elemental spell, which makes it really useful against those strong monsters, resistant to everything. HOLY does have it's place, and is useful in the Final Battle. ---8/10 ULTIMA - This spell is ALL hype. They claim it's the "ultimate" spell, but it isn't. ULTIMA's damage is supposed to be based on your entire party's total stats, but uh, I don't think it is. On the NES version, ULTIMA mostly does only 1 point of damage, massive, eh? It's more like a watered-down FLARE, but sometimes seems to have a random damage "boost" every now and then. A weird spell... NES/ version ---2/10 ============================================================================== 2. Black Magic ============================================================================== FIRE - FIRE is an elemental spell, and very useful. This causes Fire damage to the target, and the more you build it up, the more powerful it becomes. Many enemies are weak against FIRE, and the undead loathes it. This is a must-have spell for your arsenal. ---9/10 BOLT - Another elemental spell, this causes Thunderbolt damage to the target. Level this spell up for more damage. BOLT works well on water-based enemies, machines, and poison-based enemies. You'll need this, so pick it up from the start. ---9/10 ICE - This inflicts Ice damage to it's target. Many foes are weak against ICE, which makes it useful from the start. It's damage increases with each level. ---9/10 POISON - POISON is actually an elemental spell. You may find it late in the game, however, so you must spend extra time to catch this one up with your other spells. POISON is a little bit stronger than the other elemental spells, but only a select few enemies are weak against it. With this said, POISON is still a useful spell, with place in any Black Mage's spell book. ---8/10 FLARE - This is THE spell. It's probably the most powerful offensive magic in the game. It's non-elemental though, which means no enemy is weak against it, but no enemy is strong against it either. You find this spell really late in the game, so be sure to take a lot of extra time to level it up. Once built up, this spell definitely makes it's mark in the Final Battle. ---9/10 DRAIN - Not incredibly useful, though, it does have it's moments. This spell steals the target's HP, and gives it to the caster. Like with all the other offensive spells, the more you build it up, the more damage it does, thus, the more HP drained. The only problem is that the damage is really low. Oh, and DO NOT use this on an undead enemy... ---2/10 OSMOSE - A great spell OSMOSE it. This spell is similar to DRAIN, but instead of absorbing HP, OSMOSE absorbs MP! The amount absorbed is decent, even at Lv1. This spell can save you thousands of Gil, and make those annoying mage enemies to quit casting. Build this spell up to absorb insane amounts of MP, but still don't cast this on the undead... ---8/10 BLIND - This spell blinds it's target, lowering their Hit%. This spell combined with BLINK creates an unbeatable combination. If you find this spell early on, start leveling it immediately. The higher level it's on, the better chance it has to blind the target. BLIND is a Body elemental spell. ---8/10 CURSE - Another useful status ailment spell. CURSE lowers the damage output of it's victim. The ATK and magic damage of whoever is cursed is greatly lowered. CURSE works on more opponents than most think, if fact, all status ailments work a lot of opponents. The only problem is that the spells have to be build up so high to break the opponents M.DEF. CURSE is Mind elemental. ---8/10 CONFUSE - This spell confuses the target into attacking it's own group. The spell COULD be useful, but by the time you can acquire it, you may not feel like building it up. CONFUSE is a Temporary ailment also, which means that it could wear off in a round or two. CONFUSE is Mind elemental. ---3/10 SLEEP - Although a Temporary ailment, SLEEP has it's uses. It seems very effective on the bigger, hard-hitting enemies, giving you a chance to buff or heal your team. SLEEP is also Mind elemental. ---5/10 STUN - This spell paralyzes the target. Some enemies seem to stay stunned forever, but some just don't. Technically the same as SLEEP. STUN is Body elemental. ---4/10 STOP - STOP is the same as STUN. It does SEEM to work more often, but generally, the same as STUN, maybe because it's a Matter elemental spell. ---5/10 TOAD - This spell turns the target into a frog. It instantly kills an enemy if you use it on them. A very fun spell to use. You gotta build it up high though, but that's with most instant-death spells anyway. If you get this one to Lv16, all the cards in the hidden Snow Sled matching game turn into frogs. The prizes you get become outstanding... TOAD is Matter elemental. ---6/10 BREAK - A semi-useful spell, this instantly kills the enemy by turning them into stone. The higher level it's on, the higher success rate you will have. It's nothing to rely on, like most instant-death spells. BREAK is also Matter elemental. ---4/10 DOOM - DOOM causes the target to drop dead. Not much else to say, just your average, everyday instant-death spell. Of course, it is Death elemental, oh, and you don't want to use it on the undead... ---5/10 BANISH - This spell warps you to the previous level in a dungeon. Useful if you happen to need to go back a floor or two. You can also use this spell against enemies for an instant-death effect. The more you build BANISH up, the higher chance it has to kill enemies, and the more floors in a dungeon you'll warp back. If build up enough, BANISH can become more like EXIT. If you only want to warp back 1 level though, you'll have to keep this spell at lv1. BANISH is Matter elemental. ---6/10 BERSERK - An offensive buff, and a great one indeed. This spell increases the ATK of the target. The Yoichi's Bow gives a similar effect, but only at level 3. If you want maximum damage build this spell up. Using BERSERK, you can easily break through the enemies' DEF. If you find this spell early on, build it up, as it will make the game A LOT easier. ---9/10 HASTE - HASTE is really only a useful spell if you find it early on. The Masamune casts HASTE 11 on all members, so if you discover it late in the game, why waste time building it up? What HASTE does is increase the target's ATK count, giving them more "hits" per attack. If you find it early, use it, it'll help. ---7/10 AURA - This boosts damage against various foes by giving elemental properties to your attacks. The higher level that Aura reaches, the more elements you recieve. Unfortunately, this spell is broken in the NES version, which explains why I didn't know what the f^%! it did. ---3/10 ============================================================================== d. ITEMS As you explore various dungeons and slay monsters in FF2, you'll undoubtedly find items that have spell effects when used in battle. Use these items when you find them, instead of saving them for later. Chances are, you'll forget about them and they'll wind up taking space in your inventory. You'll have to equip the items in your character's inventory to use them in battle, the same applies for regular items such as Potions. Most of the Magic Items cast spells on the enemies, such as FIRE or SLOW. And many of them can be used multiple times. A few weapons also can be used as items in battle to cast various spells. Here is list of weapons that can be used as items: 1)Mage's Staff - Bolt Lv 5 (All enemies) 2)Spellbinder - PoisonLv16 (Random Target) 3)Thunder Spear- Bolt Lv16 (All enemies) *Only one use* 4)Holy Lance - Holy Lv 8 (All enemies) *Only one use* 5)Rune Axe - Fog Lv 6 (All enemies) 6)Yoichi's Bow - BersrkLv 3 (All allies) 7)Masamune - Haste Lv11 (All allies) Also, magic spells can be used as items in battle if equipped in your character's inventory, rather than used and learned. The spell is cast as a Lv 8 spell, and targeted against all enemies, or allies, depending on the spell used. This is a more expensive way to use magic, but doing so will allow you to use the spell instantly without learning it. Also, I think that a character's INT isn't factored into the spells when used this way. The damage done is a bit low, so there's reason to believe that the INT used is low maybe like 1, or maybe 3... Anyway, the same goes for the Magic Items used as well. Here's a list of the many Magic Items, and the spells they cast in battle: Garlic - Undead Damage Mute Bell - MUTE Hellfire - FIRE Thanatos* - FEAR South Wind - ICE Hourglass - STOP Acid Bottle - POISON Unicorn Horn - BASUNA Gaia Drum* - QUAKE Magiconch - SHELL Zephyr Flute*- TORNADO Mithril Mirror- WALL Slumber Stalk- SLEEP Hermes - HASTE Silk Web - SLOW Sage's Wisdom - Boosts INT Backstabber - CONFUSE Saint's Spirit- Boosts SPRT Bacchus' Wine- BERSERK * - Multiple uses ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2I. INT/SOUL Penalties Often times, I've heard questions and comments about why Magic in FF2j can just plain suck. While this may or may not be true, there is, however, a good explanation for this generalization. The equipment the caster wears plays a MAJOR role in his/her casting ability. You see, each piece of equipment has an INT/SOUL penalty attached to it, and although you can't see it on the status menu, it is there. For example, let's say Frioniel has a SOUL of 53. He equips a Mithril Mace(-20 SOUL), a Buckler(-70 SOUL), a Bronze Helm(-8 SOUL), a Bronze Mail(-20 SOUL), and some Mithril Gloves(-24 SOUL). This leaves Frioniel with a grand total of -89 SOUL. Not good, and if you look at the status screen, it still says that Frioniel has a SOUL of 53. Don't believe me? Try it out. I didn't believe it at first either, so I tried it, and here are my results: Maria with INT of 99 and Lvl 16 ICE, fully decked out in Genji Gear, complete with Excalibur and a Rune Axe, did around 800-900 damage to a Sergeant. Next battle, same stats, only this time Maria is barehanded with only the Black Robe, ICE 16 did around 1600-1750 damage to a Sergeant. That's almost a 100% increase in damage, yeah? The biggest downside is that your true INT/SOUL doesn't appear on the status screen(very, very, EVIL), so you don't really know what your true INT/SOUL is. That's what this walkthrough is for though. I got the INT/SOUL penalties for each piece of equipment. Once you see the numbers, you may realize why Magic "can just plain suck": ============================================================================== Weapons ============================================================================== ALL Knives: -5 INT/SOUL Bloodsword: -100 INT/SOUL Masamune: -0 INT/SOUL ALL other Swords: -50 INT/SOUL Mace: -20 INT/SOUL Mithril Mace: -20 INT/SOUL Werebane: -20 INT/SOUL Power Staff: -20 INT/SOUL ALL other Staves: -5 INT/SOUL ALL Axes: -50 INT/SOUL ALL Spears: -70 INT/SOUL ALL Bows: -70 INT/SOUL ============================================================================== Armor ============================================================================== Leather Cap: -2 INT/SOUL Bronze Helm: -8 INT/SOUL Mithril Helm: -8 INT/SOUL Giant Helm: -24 INT/SOUL Flame Helm: -26 INT/SOUL Diamond Helm: -34 INT/SOUL Genji Helm: -60 INT/SOUL Gold Hairpin: -0 INT/SOUL Headband: -2 INT/SOUL Ribbon: -0 INT/SOUL ALL Shields: -70 INT/SOUL Clothes: -2 INT/SOUL Leather Armor: -4 INT/SOUL Bronze Mail: -20 INT/SOUL Mithril Mail: -20 INT/SOUL Golden Mail: -20 INT/SOUL Knight's Armor: -44 INT/SOUL Flame Mail: -58 INT/SOUL Ice Mail: -72 INT/SOUL Diamond Mail: -86 INT/SOUL Dragon Mail: -50 INT/SOUL Genji Armor: -100 INT/SOUL Copper Plate: -1 INT/SOUL Silver Plate: -1 INT/SOUL Gold Plate: -1 INT/SOUL Ruby Plate: -1 INT/SOUL Diamond Plate: -1 INT/SOUL Black Outfit: -1 INT/SOUL Power Sash: -1 INT/SOUL White Robe: -0 INT/SOUL Black Robe: -0 INT/SOUL Leather Gloves: -4 INT/SOUL Bronze Gloves: -24 INT/SOUL Mithril Gloves: -24 INT/SOUL Thief's Gloves: -40 INT/SOUL Giant Gloves: -60 INT/SOUL Ice Gloves: -80 INT/SOUL Diamond Gloves: -100 INT/SOUL Genji Gloves: -100 INT/SOUL Power Armlet: -2 INT/SOUL Protect Ring: -0 INT/SOUL ============================================================================== It's easy to see why people think magic sucks when a lot of them equip their caster with a bow(having -70 INT/SOUL), along with other equipment. Bows, shields, swords, gloves, etc. can cripple a "mage's" effectiveness. I hope this clears up A LOT of confusion about how a "mage" character is very dependant on the equipment he/she uses. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2J. Key Terms/Items Progressing through FF2 requires you to learn certain words called KEY TERMS, and finding KEY ITEMS. These terms and items are necessary to advance the story. Certain terms must be spoken to certain NPCs(non-playable characters) to gain hints on your next destination, or to continue with the story. Key items are those that are essential to your mission. Sometimes you have to give the items to an NPC, other times, you must use the items in a certain location or on an object. Here's a list of the key terms and items you will encounter in your journey: Key Terms: Key Items: Wild Rose Ring Mithril Canoe Airship Mithril Dreadnought Pass Goddess's Bell Snowcraft Sunfire Goddess's Bell Dragoons Egil's Torch Hiryuu Sunfire Mysidia Pendant Ultima Dragon Egg Mask White Mask Ekume Black Mask Cyclone Crystal Rod Palamecia Hiryuu Jade Passage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2K. Menus/Translation If you're playing a version of FF2 on an emulator, there are a few chances, especially if you have the WSC version, that the game may be in Japanese. If this just so happens to be the case, the first thing you should do is go to my site( and download the translation patch and patcher for your ROM(s). They're in the downloads section. If for whatever reason you can't get to the site, can't get the patch the ROM, or just don't want to, here's the translation of the game's basic menus: WSC - Main Menu Item Magic Equip Status Form Words Config. Quit(QuickSave) Save NES - Main Menu Item - Magic - Equip - Stats - Save ============================================================================== BREAKDOWN Item: This brings you to your everyday item menu. From here you can access all of your items for use, such as to restore HP/MP, heal status ailments, learn new spells using spell books, etc. You can also sort your entire inventory from here and discard unwanted items. NES version - you can only hold 32 items, and must sort them manually WSC/PS version - you can hold up to 63 items and are given the "Sort" option located at the top of the screen to arrange items automatically Magic: Select the Magic option, then select the character whose spells you wish to use/view. This brings you to a character's spell list. From here you can use or look at the spells a character has. You can view the current skill level of each spell. You can also arrange the spells or even choose to forget them. Once a spell is forgotten, it is discarded from the character's spell list. If you wish to learn it again, it will start from Lv. 1. Each character can only learn up to 16 spells at once. Equip: This option brings to the selected character's equipment screen. From here you can view or change a character's weapons, armor, and personal inventory. Each character can equip a weapon or shield in each hand, a helmet, armor, gloves, and any two items for their personal inventory. Items equipped in a character's inventory can be used in battle by that character only. WSC/PS versions - you are given three options at the top of the screen. Equip: Manually Equip a character Strongest: Equips a character with the best equipment in your inventory Best Defense: Equips a character with the best armor in your inventory Status: After choosing this option from the main menu, you must select a character whose status you wish to view. From a character's status screen you can look at much information about a character. You can view a character's Raw Stats, Modified Stats, Weapon Skill Levels, etc. WSC/PS versions - a character's primary hand, and equipment list also appear on the status screen Formation: Use this option to put a character in the front-row or back-row. One character must be in the front-row at all times. NES version - you cannot access rows from the main menu. Instead, press the SELECT but to change the party's rows. Words: This option simply takes you to a list of the Key Terms you've learned. You can read a little bit about them if you can read Japanese. Not terribly useful... Config.: Change different options about the game. Here's each option: Target Mode: Normal - Classic Mini Map : Globe - Plain Dash Mode : Normal - Classic Sound : Stereo - Mono Functions : Default - Custom (Sets buttons for quick menu options) -Item -Magic -Equip -Status -Form -Words -Quit -Save -Menu Msg. Speed : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 B.G. Color : R? - G? - B? Sort Order : (Order of Items) Quit(WSC version): Creates a "Quick Save" that is deleted upon loading it. This allows you to save anywhere, except battle, if stressed for time. However, once you load the data, it is erased. So if you die, you'll have to start back at the area that last SAVED the game. PS version - the "Quick Save" isn't deleted when loaded. But, once you turn off, or reset the PS, the "Quick Save" is then deleted Save: Saves your progress for later use. If you turn the game off, or die, you can start back at the point in which you saved. You can only save on the world map though. You must select a "save file" to save your current progress to. ============================================================================== WSC - Battle Menu Fight Magic Item Run NES - Battle Menu Fight Run Magic Item **You can checkout the Breakdown on the Battle Menu in the 'Combat' section** ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3. Walkthrough **Notes** **At the beginning of each section, I have put HP, MP, and skill level indicators for reference, since there are no experience levels in FF2. The indicators are in this format: (HP:???? WPN:?? MP:??? SPL:??) HP is for the average MaxHP your party should have. WPN is the general weapon skill level everyone should be at with his or her main weapon. MP is for MaxMP, and SPL is the spell level for your most used spells. The indicators are meant to be a simple guide to the party's strength, so use them liberally. **I went through this walkthrough without using the quick stat boosting tricks --a.k.a.--beating the crap out of your own team. Not using these tricks helps pin-point what your strength should be at, if not the minimum, for each area and boss. Spell Leveling and the such was done, but legit. Not everyone has the patience for this, so if you wish you build skills/spells up faster(especially status ailment and buff spells) for an area, use the tricks in the Pre-Adventuring Tips section. It took A LOT of time between dungeons to build certain spells, but it can be done, simply by using them over, and over, and over, and over, and over... **Going through the game like this greatly reduces the effectiveness of status ailment spells. Add a level or two to the Spell Level indicator for these to be useful, add three or four to be reliable. **Before each dungeon, I show the gear and spells I currently had. Just because some characters don't have shields equipped, doesn't mean I didn't use them throughout the game. Shields are key in reducing damage, and increasing AGL at certain points, however, they also reduce ATK power, and greatly reduce the effeciency of magic. Keep one handy in your inventory just in case. Also, remember to unequip it before casting. ============================================================================== I. The Beginning ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I-A. The Journey Begins (HP: N/A WPN:N/A MP:N/A SPL:N/A) As the game begins, the party is instantly attacked by 4 Black Knights. There is no hope to win this fight, as the party is wiped out quick. Frioniel is shown in a room with Hilda and Ming-wu, who help him recover from his injuries. As Frioniel awakens, he wonders where his friends have gone. Just outside, he finds Maria and Guy, but Lionheart is missing... The three head into the main chamber to speak with Hilda, and tell her that they wish to join the rebellion. She tells them the rebel’s password, WILD ROSE, and hints that Maria's brother may be held captive at Fynn. Hilda allows the party to reside in Altair as long as they wish. Once you gain control over you characters, speak with Hilda again to learn "WILD ROSE". Also, before leaving the rebels' base, remember to grab a Potion from the single chest inside. Walk around, talk with some people, and see what's happenin'. After you're finished with everything, head into the village. Inside the village, you'll find many colorful characters. There's Gordon, the Prince of Kas'ion, who's kingdom was destroyed. His confidence is shot, as he chickened out and fled Fynn as it was attacked too. Then there is Paul, a master thief from Fynn who makes his living stealing from the Empire. You can meet Toboul in the weapon shop, but he won't reveal himself unless you speak the password. But instead of just walking around, wasting time, you should be figuring out your party's setup. Character Stats/Equipment/Spells For my setup, I equipped Frioniel with a Spear/Shield combo. I gave Guy a Knife, and equipped Maria with a Staff. I put Maria in the front row, and also kept guy in the front for now. Since I found out about the INT/SOUL penalties, I went through FF2 again with them in mind. This allowed me to create some equipment combinations well suited for 'mage'-type characters. This is also the reason behind buying a Staff and Knife. However, buying the Staff, Javelin, and Knife requires you to sell off old gear you don't need, which in turn can deplete GIL, that can be used for spells. Equip your characters however you wish, just be sure it's something effective, unlike everyone with the same weapon. Also give everyone "secondary" weapons. This'll help keep new, stronger weapons in your hands as you find them. I let Frioniel use his Fists for a secondary weapon, Maria used a Sword, and Guy the Bow. Unique setup still, yeah? For Spells, I usually give everyone a particular elemental spell, but this time I made 'Black Mage'(Guy) and 'White Mage'(Maria) combos. I usually try and keep my MAIN buffs/debuffs between different characters, that way the squad can buff themselves or debuff the enemy in one or two rounds. Mix 'n match your spells, or do whatever you wish. Whatever floats your boat, but again, just make sure it's effective. Also, be attentive to INT/SOUL penalties on ALL equipment. Heavy casters should wear 'lighter' armor, and have at least one, Primary or Secondary, weapon that wields a low penalty, such a Knife, Staff, or Barehands. This way you can switch between weapons when using spells for maximum efficiency. Okay, enough BS, back to the walkthrough... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I-B. Basic Training (HP: 30 WPN: 1 MP: 5 SPL: 1) While in Altair, be sure to check out the Weapons and Armor Shops for gear, and equip your party to your needs. Also the first thing you should get is the CURE spell from the Magic Shop. CURE is a vital spell in FF2. Once you're out in the wilderness, outside Altair, your first concern should be to build up your party. Just battle the small creatures around the villages, but be careful not to wander to far, or you may get squashed by an Ogre or something... Build your HP to around 30-60, and you weapon skills to 2. If you have GIL, try to get the CURE spell as soon as possible. Try to get your MP up to 10 or so with whoever has the spell. After your party is built somewhere around there, you'll be more than ready for the first mission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I-C. Head to Fynn (HP: 40 WPN: 2 MP: 5 SPL: 1) After you are prepared, you should head to Fynn. From Altair, just follow the river north and travel around the lake. You cannot enter the castle yet, so go ahead and enter the town. Upon entering, you'll notice there aren't people roaming the city, but instead there are guards. It would be smart NOT to speak to the guards, because they'll try to kill you. Talking to one begins a fight with a Captain, who'll promptly lay the smackdown on your party under normal conditions. Also you'll notice that monsters roam the city, attacking the group at random. You can enter the shops and such, but there are no shopkeepers in them. Head all the way to northern part of the city, right before the exit. You're able to walk above and around the trees, leading around the city to the pub. Inside the pub, avoid the guards and speak to the man around the bar. Tell him the rebels password, "WILD ROSE" and he'll show you a secret passage to an injured soldier. Grab the Potions from the 3 chests, then talk with the soldier. Say "WILD ROSE" and discover it is Scott, Gordon's brother. He tells you that Borghen is the traitor and gives you the 'Ring'. With news of Scott's death and no information about Maria's brother, the party should head back to Altair. With the newly acquired 'Ring', you can view a Map of the world by pressing Select+B while on the world map. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I-D. Back to Altair (HP: 40 WPN: 2 MP: 10 SPL: 1) Return to Altair and show Hilda the 'Ring'. She tells you to keep the 'Ring', and that she needs your help to obtain some "MITHRIL" to make equipment with. Hilda requests that you go to Salamand with Ming-wu, and speak with Josef about where to get some 'Mithril' ore. Speak to Ming-wu, and he will join the party to help search for 'Mithril' and he'll give you his 'Canoe'. Ming-wu is a White Mage who joins the party with a great array of spells, and a decent amount of MP. He's equipped with a Staff, and some Copper Armor. Since he has 175HP, trade his armor with another party member, as his HP is most likely greater than anyone in the party. Ming-wu has no skills in any weapon, so sticking him with the Staff is usually the best option. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I-E. Search for the Mithril (HP: 70 WPN: 3 MP: 15 SPL: 1) Head northeast from Altair and cross the lake, this will lead you to Paloom. Nothing much to buy here, a few White Magic spells, and some slightly better equipment. It's better just to save your Gil for now. You have a choice to buy a ticket to take a ship to Poft for 32Gil or walk to Poft. I recommend to just walk to Poft for now, especially if you're low on Gil. Start heading north from Paloom, and just follow the coast to Poft. In Poft, head to the Pub and talk to Cid. He tells you about his "AIRSHIP" and that he'll give you a ride somewhere for some Gil. Talk to Cid's apprentice to get a ride to Bafsk, Salamand, Semitt Falls, or Kas'ion. From Poft, head just northwest to Salamand. Upon entering, discover that the townsmen have been enslaved by the Empire. Speak with Josef to find out that they have been taken to Semitt Falls to search for Mithril, along with his daughter. Check out the gear at the shops. By now, I would just recommend to have a Bronze Helmet or something. Equipped, Frioniel had Leather Armor and Bronze Helm. Maria had Leather Armor and Leather Glove. And Guy had just Ming-wu's Copper Armor, while Ming-wu only had the Clothes. For weapons, just save your Gil, there is really no need to upgrade yet. The only NEEDed spells for now are just Cure and maybe Ice. From Salamand, start heading directly west. Keep west until you reach the ocean and see a river. Follow the river into the lake and you should see the entrance to the Semitt Falls cave. For an easy way to the Semitt Falls, head back to Poft and pay Cid to fly you there. Here's my gear/spells before entering the Semitt Falls: Frioniel: Right: Javelin Spells: Bolt Lv 1 Left : Buckler Head : Bronze Helm Armor: Leather Armor Glove: N/A Maria: Right: Staff Spells: Cure Lv 1 Left : N/A Head : N/A Armor: Leather Armor Glove: Leather Glove Guy: Right: Knife Spells: Ice Lv 1 Left : N/A Head : N/A Armor: Copper Plate Glove: N/A Ming-wu: Right: Staff Spells: Default Spells Left : N/A Head : N/A Armor: Clothes Glove: N/A Upon entering, head to the northwest corner to find 10Gil in a chest, and the southeast corner for 200Gil. Head to the southwest corner to the stairs to B2. The northwest corner of B2 holds Eyedrops. Go east for a chest with a Potion inside. Now go to the southeast corner for another Potion. Just north from there are 4 doors, choose the first one on the left. Going into the wrong door takes you to an empty room with a high chance of random encounters. Once on B3, go directly south for a chest with a King's Ransom worth of Gil! After rejoicing, travel west and across the bridge for 50 more Gil! There is nothing more to the south across the bridge, so head back across and go north above the bridge. There are 3 doors, again choose the one on the left. Inside you'll see the townsmen of Salamand, along with Nellie, Josef's daughter. Speak with Paul and he'll tell you that he will rescue the Townsmen, and asks you to find some Mithril hidden deeper inside the mine. After Paul escapes with everyone, you're about halfway through the dungeon. If your party is in bad shape, now is the best chance to escape Semitt Falls and resupply the group. If the party is doing well, (which they should if you even remotely read this walkthrough) then continue downward. On B4, head north across the bridge and open the chest for the FIRE Spell. Go east to the bridge intersection and take the northern bridge. Follow along and descend the stairs to B5. Walk across the bridge and around to the chest. DO NOT open it yet. Heal the party first and prep up for a fight. Upon opening the chest, you'll receive the EXIT Spell, but also be attacked by a Spiketoise. The Spiketoise has a high defense and can pack a punch. If you've followed the walkthrough, you should have the ICE spell, at least at level 2. If not, cast any other damage spell and cast SAFE and/or BLINK with Ming-wu. Spiketoise isn't too tough, but can be deadly if you're unprepared. Claim your prize, and go back across the bridge. Go north from the bridge and choose the door on the left yet once more. Inside, you'll see a guard, and behind him a chest. If you want that chest, you're gonna have to slap that guard around a little bit... Heal up then talk to him. BOSS FIGHT: SERGEANT HP: 140 MP: 10 ATK: 35 HIT%: 2-70% DEF: 25 EVA%: 1-30% M.DEF: 3-50% WEAKNESSES: none STRENGTHS: none ABSORBS: none TYPE: none SKILLS: ARROW3 This guy is very similar to the Spiketoise, except he has no elemental weakness. Cast SAFE and BLINK with Ming-wu and focus on keeping the party alive. If you have spells, cast them. If you bought better weapons, or have someone using Fists, you'll have a better chance to damage him. All in all, the Sergeant is a pushover, however, if you came in ill-prepared and cannot damage him you'll be thrashed... After takin' out the Sergeant, grab the Mithril from the chest and escape the dungeon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I-F. Returning with the Mithril (HP: 100 WPN: 3 MP: 15 SPL: 1) With the Mithril, it's time to head back to Altair. First stop by Salamand and recover. Head back to Poft, if you sailed to Poft before, you can sail back to Paloom, if not, then you'll have to walk all the way back. Once back in Altair, Hilda tells you about the "DREADNOUGHT" and tells you to take the 'Mithril' to Toboul, the Blacksmith. Find Toboul at the Weapon Shop and hand him the 'Mithril'. He quickly makes equipment for the resistance. Some new gear is available at the shops in Altair, Paloom, and Poft now! Speaking back with Hilda, she tells you to meet with a spy in Bafsk. You have to stop the "DREADNOUGHT" before it is completed! ============================================================================== II. The Warship ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ II-A. Contact the Spy (HP: 110 WPN: 3 MP: 20 SPL: 1) After buying some new gear at Altair, head back to Poft. From Poft, either pay Cid to fly you to Bafsk, or travel east on foot. Once in Bafsk replenish the party, check out some more 'affordable' gear, and look at some new spells. After you're done taking your tour of Bafsk, head south and speak with the soldier blocking a path. Tell him "WILD ROSE" and discover that he is the spy. Tell him you're here to see the "DREADNOUGHT" and he'll let you pass into the sewers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ II-B. The Bafsk Sewers (HP: 120 WPN: 3 MP: 25 SPL: 2) Here's my gear/spells into the Bafsk Sewers... Frioniel: Right: Spear Spells: Bolt Lv 2 Left : Bronze Shield Head : Bronze Helm Armor: Leather Armor Glove: Mythril Glove Maria: Right: Staff Spells: Cure Lv 2 Left : N/A Exit Lv 1 Head : Leather Cap Armor: Leather Armor Glove: Leather Glove Guy: Right: Knife Spells: Fire Lv 2 Left : N/A Ice Lv 2 Head : Leather Cap Armor: Copper Plate Glove: Leather Glove Ming-wu: Right: Staff Spells: Default Spells Left : N/A Head : N/A Armor: Clothes Glove: N/A After entering the sewers, follow the water north to a chest with a Long Sword inside. Continue following the stream to the southwestern corner of the room. Grab a Long Bow from the chest before heading up the stairs. On 1F, head east from the steps and follow the winding path until you meet up with the Dark Knight, the Emperor's right-hand man. He tells you that the Warship is complete and retreats to it, followed closely by Borghen. The party heads out the cave only to see the Dreadnought take off. Head back inside and check out the room off to the right. Take the 'Pass' from the chest and use the teleporter on the east side of the room to exit the cave. The party now needs to return to Altair and report back to Hilda. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ II-C. Report Back to Hilda (HP: 130 WPN: 4 MP: 25 SPL: 2) On your way back to Altair, stop by Poft and learn of the Dreadnought's devastation. Speak with Cid inside the pub. Ask about his "AIRSHIP" and he will tell you about the "SUNFIRE". This should give you some insight on how to stop the Dreadnought. ***UNEQUIP MINDU, AS HE IS GOING TO LEAVE THE PARTY SOON*** Upon returning to Altair, speak with Hilda and learn that the King's condition worsens. Ming-wu stays behind to help the King, the party must find a way to stop the Dreadnought. Ask the King about the "SUNFIRE" to learn that it is in Kas'ion. The only way to carry the 'Sunfire' is with 'Egil's Torch', hidden deep in Kas'ion. But Kas'ion was sealed by Scott, and only the 'Goddess's Bell' can open the gates. Ask Hilda about the "GODDESS'S BELL" and she'll hint that Josef of Salamand may know something of it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ II-D. Finding the Goddess's Bell (HP: 130 WPN: 4 MP: 25 SPL: 2) Return all the way back to Salamand and speak with Josef. Inquire about the "GODDESS'S BELL" and he will tell you that it's hidden inside the Ice Cave in the northern snowfield. The only way to navigate the snowfield is with the 'Snowcraft', which Josef has conveniently hidden in the Semitt Falls. Josef joins the party to help with the search for the 'Goddess's Bell'. Go back to Semitt Falls. On B1 head west until you see a blue stone. That's Josef's mark. Search the wall northeast of it to reveal a passage. Grab the 'Snowcraft' from the chest and you're done, time to leave. Now's a good opportunity to strengthen the team and make your preparations before the next dungeon. Once you're finished, follow the mountains west of Salamand, and continue following them north until you reach the entrance to the snowfield. The Ice Cave is on the eastern side of the field. The recommended spells are CURE, FIRE, and ICE. ESUNA would is also very useful for healing the status ailments, i.e. Blind. As for armor, any Mithril gear is a plus. The enemies in the Ice Cave can pack a punch, so a decent armor for the group will help. With weapons, if you're still carrying around a Bronze Sword, you may be in trouble. Fists are very useful here, since Gil may be tight. Again, any Mithril stuff will help. If no one is using a shield, remember to equip one to build up AGILITY faster. If all party members have been using one, you should be okay. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ II-E. Ice Cave (HP: 140 WPN: 4 MP: 30 SPL: 2) Here's my gear/spells into the Ice Cave... Frioniel: Right: Spear Spells: Bolt Lv 2 Left : Bronze Shield Head : Bronze Helm Armor: Leather Armor Glove: Mythril Glove Maria: Right: Staff Spells: Cure Lv 2 Left : N/A Blink Lv 1 Head : Leather Cap Exit Lv 1 Armor: Leather Armor Glove: Leather Glove Guy: Right: Knife Spells: Fire Lv 2 Left : N/A Ice Lv 2 Head : Leather Cap Armor: Copper Plate Glove: Leather Glove Josef: Right: N/A Spells: N/A Left : N/A Head : Leather Cap Armor: Leather Armor Glove: Leather Glove Note, that you cannot EXIT out of the Ice Cave. If you begin to run into trouble, start out with enough strength to WALK to the exit, AND through the snowfield, AND back to Salamand. Okay, now that we've been warned, upon entering the cave, climb the stairs, and travel west. Open the chest on the northwest corner for 100Gil. Continue south and grab another chest for 150 more Gil. Descend the stairs to B2. Nothing much here on B2. Follow the path and skip the door, there is nothing in there anyway. Once on B3 head north and around the wall for a South Wind, an item that may come in handy. Return to the stairs, and from there head south and follow the path east. When you reach the fork, go north if you're interested in treasure hunting. Go south to continue deeper into the Ice Cave. Assuming you wish to be quite the treasure hunter(like me), or just like exploring EVERYTHING, then heading north led you to some stairs back up to B2. Just stay along the path and you should run into the first chest at the southeast corner of the room. It contains a Battle Axe. The second chest is at the southern part of the area and has an Antidote inside. Stay on the path and you'll reach the last chest with a Mithril Mace inside. BEWARE, guarding the chest are Grenades. This should be an easy fight, just thought I'd let you know about it though. Retrace your steps back to B3. Head south until you reach the fork. Obviously, keep heading south at the fork because it's the only path you haven't chosen. Use this point to check your party's condition. If you're not doing so good, and have used up all you resources already, head back now. If you're stomping and destroying everything in sight, then by all means, proceed. The path should take you to the southwest corner of B3 and down to B4. The northwest corner of B4 holds a Potion inside a chest. Directly east of that chest is another with the ICE spell inside. If nobody has it(shame on you if they don't) give it to someone as it will definitely come in handy. Make your way directly south from there to discover another chest with a Potion. Go northeast towards a chest with a Mithril Spear. Continue north to the northeast corner of B4. Bypass the door on the way, as it is an empty room as well. Go down the steps to B5. From the steps, go directly west. This should lead you to a chest in the northwest corner of the room, along with a door below it. The chest contains a Mithril Shield, and the door, you guessed it, nothing. Make your way to the southwest corner of B5 to find the Ancient Sword. It's guarded by a few undead creatures, but nothing you can't handle. The Ancient Sword has a ridiculously low Hit%, but has the ability to Curse opponents, thus reducing the effectiveness of their attacks. From here, head to the southeast corner of the room to find a door. This is the door you want to enter. So go inside. Inside you'll see a buncha weird beaver-like creatures. Talking to the roaming ones does no good, as they just make noise. Speak with the 'leader', who is standing in the corner of the room, Guy can understand him. Have Guy ask him about the "GODDESS'S BELL" and he will reveal a passage beyond the wall to the right. Walk east to discover that you can actually walk through the wall... WOW! Follow the winding path down and around until you stumble upon a turtle. Grab the chest to get a suit of Silver Armor. If by now Bells and Whistles aren't going off saying... "BOSS FIGHT" then you may need some help, seriously... Prep Up and take the Goddess's Bell's "Guardian" head on. BOSS FIGHT: ADAMANTOISE HP: 450 MP: 0 ATK: 50 HIT%: 2-75% DEF: 60 EVA%: 0-00% M.DEF: 1-50% WEAKNESSES: ICE STRENGTHS: none ABSORBS: none TYPE: DRAGON, EARTH SKILLS: none This fight SHOULD be insanely easy. If you picked up the South Wind on B3 (which you should have) or if you have the ICE spell(hopefully you do), then the battle will go rather smoothly. If you do not have either of these, then you: A)really hate Ice or B)haven't been reading the walkthrough and need to KILL YOSELF!!!!!!!! Either way, just keep your party at full health, 'cuz this guy hits hard. Also, Adamantoise has high defense, so unless you have high-tier weapons or high-level fists, physical attacks won't do much. Keep your HP in the high 100s if possible and keep blasting it with ICE and/or any other spells. Whack him with the Ancient Sword you found earlier, and if you're lucky, it'll Curse the Adamantoise, thus weakening his attacks. If you've built them up, SAFE or BLINK are handy too, but at low levels they tend to be unreliable. After slaying the Adamantoise, head up the stairs and through the door. This will take you back to B1. From there, head north to exit the cave. Before you exit the cave, you'll see Borghen waiting for you. If you're an equipment Hog, you can unequip Josef now, because he's about to leave the party. Speak with Borghen and he will try to kill you. ***UNEQUIP JOSEF, HE'S ABOUT TO LEAVE THE GROUP*** BOSS FIGHT: BORGHEN HP: 240 MP: 20 ATK: 25 HIT%: 1-75% DEF: 17 EVA%: 1-40% M.DEF: 3-50% WEAKNESSES: none STRENGTHS: none ABSORBS: none TYPE: none SKILLS: HI-POTION Borghen is a pushover, especially when compared to Adamantoise. Just use physical attacks, why waste MP on him? This fight is just a waste of time. If you're really lucky, he may drop a Mithril Dagger. After laying the smackdown on Borghen, he triggers a sneaky trap, causing a boulder to roll down the stairs after you India Jones style. Josef braves the giant rock and holds it long enough for you to escape it's path. Watch Josef get squished and then leave the cave. Travel back to Salamand to rest up. With the 'Goddess's Bell' in hand, you can now enter the gates of Kas'ion to acquire the 'Sunfire'. You can either return to Poft and support Cid by paying him a little Gil to fly you to Kas'ion: the easy way, or go on a lonnnnnnnnng hike: the hard way. Personally, I'd rather just fly there, it's A LOT faster, plus, you can't get lost. But if you wish to walk, head east from Salamand until you see the ocean, then go south 'till you get to Bafsk. From there travel southeast 'till you run into some mountains, then follow them east a little. You should see a break in the mountain range leading into a dense forest region. Go southwest into the forest and you should see Kas'ion surrounded by a small mountain range and a lake. Kas'ion can be a really tough dungeon. And by really tough, I mean really really hard. Be sure to stock up on Potions to save your MP throughout the dungeon. EXIT, CURE, and LIFE are your friends here. If you find yourself getting stomped, EXIT out, instead of continuing on and dying. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ II-F. The Kas'ion Ruins (HP: 160 WPN: 4 MP: 35 SPL: 2) Here's my gear/spells into Kas'ion... Frioniel: Right: Mithril Spear Spells: Bolt Lv 2 Left : Mithril Shield Safe Lv 1 Head : Mithril Helm Armor: Mithril Mail Glove: Mithril Glove Maria: Right: Mithril Mace Spells: Cure Lv 2 Left : N/A Life Lv 1 Head : Leather Cap Esuna Lv 1 Armor: Silver Plate Blink Lv 1 Glove: Leather Glove Exit Lv 1 Guy: Right: Knife Spells: Fire Lv 2 Left : N/A Ice Lv 2 Head : Leather Helm Armor: Copper Plate Glove: Leather Glove Entering Kas'ion, head up. Bypass the big Flame in the room. It is the 'Sunfire', but you can't grab it without 'Egil's Torch', which is hidden deep inside the ruins. Anyway, head up to the locked door and use the 'Goddess's Bell'. This unlocks the door, so go inside. Just through the door you find Gordon waiting. He had access through the door, but was unable to compete with the monsters inside. He joins up with the party, and after seeing his stats, you can see why the monsters were to strong for him. Actually, he has some decent stats as far as STR, AGI, INT, etc., etc. are concerned. But he has low HP(64), no weapon skills, and no spells. He starts with a Spear, and a Bronze Shield, Glove, and Armor. I usually just keep him with the spear, since he's not a permanent member, but give him whatever your fancy. Sometimes I give him a sword. If you want to build him up a little before continuing on, it may be a good idea. Okay, back to the dungeon. Go east and descend the steps. This'll take you to 1F. From the steps, go south, this'll take you to a chest with the CURE spell. Head back to the steps, and this time go west. On the north- western corner you'll see a door, ignore it and head south. Go up the steps to 2F. Once there take the fork south, then east, to the southeast corner. Go north to the northeastern corner and open a chest for 300Gil. Go west and around to the stairs. Now on 3F, proceed to the west. From the corner, move south, this will lead you into an open room. Take the second path from the left downward, then go back west to a chest in the southwest corner of 3F with some Monsters(Wererats) and a Gold Shield. Move back north to the open room and go east. Take the eastern passage south and curve around back to the northeastern corner to reach the stairs. From the 4F stairway travel west until you reach a fork, from there, go south and enter the first door you see. Inside the room will be three chests. From left to right, the chests contain: a Mithril Axe, a Werebane Mace, and a Mithril Sword. Exit the room and go back north, head westward to the northwest corner, then south. You should see the stairs from there. Ignore all other doors on this floor, because they are empty. Ascend the steps to 5F. You'll be greeted with a fork upon entering 5F. Go east, the other way leads you to an empty room. Moving eastward should bring you to a 3-way. Take the road straight down to a guarded chest. Upon opening, a few Mines attack. A decent level BOLT and FIRE will take 'em out. Your reward, Gold Armor. Move east from there until the next 3-way, then go north. This should bring you to the northeast corner with a door. Go inside for some treasure. From left to right: a Mallet, an Antidote, and some Eyedrops. Nice treasure, eh? Exit the room and make your way to the southwest corner of 5F. The southeast corner has a door, but it's empty, so don't waste your time in there, unless you don't believe me. Anyway, once at the southwest corner you'll see stairs going down. So go down them. Back on 4F, there's only a small room with a door. Inside, you'll see a chest with a fireball-looking thing in front of it. That's the boss. Make sure you're healed up for this one. BOSS FIGHT: REDSOUL(a.k.a. Shrieker) HP: 540 MP: 30 ATK: 35 HIT%: 1-80% DEF: 40 EVA%: 1-60% M.DEF: 4-40% WEAKNESSES: none STRENGTHS: none ABSORBS: ALL TYPE: MAGIC, AIR, EARTH SKILLS: FIRE8, ICE8, BOLT8, POISON8 The RedSoul isn't too tough, but if you're caught off guard, you could be toast. First off, magic doesn't hurt this guy, it heals him, and any, I repeat ANY spell will heal him. Second, all he does is cast Lv8 spells all over your party, every single round, that is until he runs out of MP. You can stay defensive until this occurs, or you can go all out and crush him ASAP. The SHELL spell helps, a little. A lowly level 1 or 2 SHELL can't stand up to the RedSoul's Lv8 spells. Using a SHELL spell as an item doesn't help that much either, so when I stay on defense, I just throw a lot of CURE spells now and then, along with some Potions. If you can't damage him with physical attacks that well, then you'll be fighting awhile, there's no other way to beat him. A high-lvl Fist or a few good smacks with a Mithril Axe or Werebane will take the fight out of 'em. Try to Curse the RedSoul with the Ancient Sword to weaken his attacks. After beating the RedSoul, claim your prize, 'Egil’s Torch'. From here, you can EXIT out, or travel all the way back through the castle. But either way, return back to the main chamber on 1F. Walk up to the Sunfire and use the 'Egil’s Torch'. You've now acquired the 'Sunfire'. Exiting the Kas'ion Ruins, you see Cid's Airship being chased by the Warship. Return to Altair to report and find out what's going on. HINT: For an easy route back to Altair, move DIRECTLY SOUTH of Kas'ion. You'll wind up in the Chocobo Forest, grab one and leave the forest, it should be waiting for you just outside. Once back inside Altair find out that Hilda went on Cid's Airship to meet you at Kas'ion, and that they were captured by the Dreadnought. Speak with various people to find out that the Dreadnought is being refueled and repaired in a field northwest of Fynn. Rest and resupply your soldiers, then move out in that direction. Traveling northwest of Fynn you'll meet up with some stronger foes. Use this as an opportunity to strengthen the team, especially Gordon. Once you're ready, go inside, but remember to save, many things can go wrong inside the Warship, like running out of MP. Don't forget to bring along some Ether just in case. Like the Ice Cave, there is no warping to the outside. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ II-G. Destroying the Warship (HP: 250 WPN: 5 MP: 55 SPL: 3) Here's my gear/spells into the Warship... Frioniel: Right: Mithril Spear Spells: Bolt Lv 3 Left : Gold Shield Cure Lv 2 Head : Mithril Helm Safe Lv 2 Armor: Mithril Mail Glove: Mithril Glove Maria: Right: Werebane Spells: Cure Lv 3 Exit Lv 1 Left : N/A Life Lv 1 Head : Leather Cap Esuna Lv 2 Armor: Silver Plate Blink Lv 1 Glove: Leather Glove Rasp Lv 1 Guy: Right: Mithril Knife Spells: Fire Lv 3 Left : N/A Ice Lv 3 Head : Leather Cap Armor: Silver Plate Glove: Leather Glove Gordon: Right: Mithril Sword Spells: Cure Lv 1 Left : Mithril Shield Head : Mithril Helm Armor: Golden Mail Glove: Bronze Glove Okay, now that you're ready for the Warship, head inside and give the guard the 'Pass' you acquired in the Bafsk Sewers, without saying "WILD ROSE". Trust me, he won't like you if you say that... Don't speak with any other guards because they won't be as dumb as that one was. Move east until you see steps going down. This'll take you to 2F. All that is on this floor is a chest locked behind bars. To reach it, you must walk through a hidden passage DIRECTLY west of the chest. The chest is guarded by some Soldier and Mage type enemies. Dispatch them to receive the Sleep Sword. Now climb the stairs back to 1F. Now head west, up the steps and go west. Ignoring the doors, you should see a chest, grab it for 400 Gil. Now head east from the chest. Follow along until you reach a fork. Take the fork east and down the steps. This should take you around and up some steps to a door. Enter it. Inside is a small room with steps going down. This takes you to another part of 2F, follow the path south until you're at a fork, go west, and at the second fork, go west again. This should lead you to a chest with the Shade Bow inside. Now get back to the second fork, but this time go south. This'll take you to yet another 3-way. To the left, a chest with the Thief Glove, and to the right, a cell with Hilda and Cid. Speak with Cid, who tells you that he'll help Hilda escape, while you destroy the Dreadnought by throwing the 'Sunfire' into the engine. Now head all the way back to the first fork, and go east. You'll reach two chests, both only with Potions inside. Make your way back to the steps to 1F. Retrace your steps back to the 3-way, and go south, because it's the only way you haven't been yet. Follow along and go down a flight of steps, then go back east to find some more steps downward to 3F. This'll take you to a large room, with guards walking below. Walk ALL the way around and enter the door. Inside go down the steps to 4F. On 4F, walk ALL the way back around to the east side of the room. Skip the steps and make your way northeast, avoiding the guards. On the northeast part of the room lies four chests. From left to right: The Trident, the Main Gouche, GUARDED(HillGigas-a mean bastard) an Ice Shield, and a Giant's Helmet. TOUGH FIGHT: HILL GIGAS HP: 750 MP: 0 ATK:100 HIT%: 3-80% DEF: 60 EVA%: 1-30% M.DEF: 4-40% WEAKNESSES: none STRENGTHS: none ABSORBS: none TYPE: GIANT SKILLS: none Remember to Rejuvenate your party before the Hill Gigas fight. He has lots of ATK, DEF, and HP. If you're not careful, he could knock a party member out in one hit. Buff your party up with SAFE and BLINK, you'll need all the defense you can get. Use the Shade Bow, Sleep Sword, and Ancient Sword, and pray that the status ailment effects work. If you found the BERSERK spell from a monster drop, use it to boost your ATK power, other than that, use magic to wear the giant down, but be sure to keep him asleep using the Sleep Sword. You don't actually have to damage the HillGigas to put him to sleep. For good results, have whoever is using swords to dual-wield the Ancient Sword and the Sleep Sword. If you managed to survive the HillGigas, go back and climb the set of center stairs. This will take you to the center of 3F. Go inside the door and down those stairs. Now you're on 5F, the tricky part. Okay first off, you should notice that there are a buncha ways to go. Next, you should see that there are guards blocking certain ways. They won't do anything to you unless you talk to them. So don't unless you want to fight them. Even if you're strong enough to defeat one, when you return from battle, he'll still be right there, so fighting isn't an option here. So now you're thinking, "how the heck am I supposed to get through here if the guards are in the way?" Well, that's what the walkthrough is for, I'm here to tell you. But you'll have to read carefully. Okay, here goes. From the stairs, take a couple of steps to the right, and you'll be at the 1st fork, go north. All the way up. Once you're at the top, move west, then south. Walk by the guard, that's the 1st fork, now take either the 2nd or 3rd fork east, then south all the way to the bottom. Now go east, passing the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd forks, and taking the 4th one north. There should be a guard just to your left, now head east and go north again at the fork. While going north, pass the 1st fork(there should be a guard a few steps to the left blocking the way), and make it all the way to the northeast corner of 5F. Head west and take the 2nd fork you see(should be your only option) south. Then east, then south again. Go all the way south you can, then west. From here you should see a door. You made it. Inside is the engine room. Walk up to the engine and throw the 'Sunfire' inside. Shortly after, everything starts shaking and blowing up. The Dark Knight curses you and Maria hears a familiar voice. With no time to spare, however, the party must escape before they are toasted and blown to bits... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ II-H. Back to Altair (HP: 300 WPN: 5 MP: 55 SPL: 3) ***UNEQUIP GORDON, HE'LL SOON HAVE OTHER THINGS TO DO*** Back at Altair, you should unequip Gordon of any useful gear. Head to the King's bedroom, his condition is getting worse. Hearing of Gordon's recent accomplishment's, the King asks Gordon to help lead the rebellion. He asks Ming-wu to find the Forbidden Spell, Ultima. And finally asks your party to travel to Deist and ask the Dragoons for help. With his final path set, the King passes on. Hilda is broken up about her father's death, so Gordon is in charge for now. Go into the main room and speak with him. Gordon will tell you about Deist, the "DRAGOONS", and the "HIRYUU". Talk to the other people to find out that Deist is located on a far off island. So to get there, you'll need a ship. Use this information and head to Paloom. ============================================================================== III. Striking Back at the Empire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ III-A. Traveling to Deist (HP: 300 WPN: 5 MP: 55 SPL: 3) After destroying the Dreadnought, your party may be fatigued, and weighed down with all the loot looted! Reorganize and sell of what you don't need. If you were lucky, you may have picked up various Spells from defeated enemies. Replenish your team and supplies, then depart towards Paloom. Upon entering, you should see a woman next to the boat-ride guy. Speak with her. She offers a ride to Deist, how convenient. Maria doesn't trust her, but who listens to her anyway, right? Okay, it is a LITTLE suspicious, but why pass up such an opportunity? She tells you that she'll be waiting outside of town. Take care of any business you may have, then leave. You should spot a ship a little east of Paloom. Get onboard. After sailing a lil' ways, you'll be taken to a scene onboard where Leila gets her crew to attack. Bad news, eh? BOSS FIGHT: PIRATE x8 HP: 45 MP: 0 ATK: 17 HIT%: 1-60% DEF: 4 EVA%: 1-30% M.DEF: 2-40% WEAKNESSES: none STRENGTHS: none ABSORBS: none TYPE: none SKILLS: none Actually, I don't think it's possible to lose to these guys. If you've made it this far, then these chumps are nothing. Wipe them out and move on. Mad that you defeated her crew, she accepts defeat. Afterwards, you ask her to join the rebellion. Why not, yeah? So Leila and her crew join your group and you get a ship. Don't worry though, the pirates won't be used for battles. Leila starts with low HP and MP. Her stats are average at best, except for AGL, which is very high. She has some weapons skills in the Sword and Knife, and starts with the BOLT spell. Leila has some decent gear, 'cept maybe the weapons. I still keep her with the Sword/Knife, as it's my favorite combo anyway. Hmmm... Anyway, now that you got a ship, it's fun time. Well not really. You can go pretty much anywhere now though. The ship can dock anywhere in this Final Fantasy, unlike the first one. Okay, to get to Deist(the real reason you're here), start by sailing south- east of where you are. There should be a small channel around a peninsula at the southeast corner of the sea. From there, keep south. After aways, follow the sea southeast some more. You should run straight into the island. If you're lost, use the map(select+B on NES), it's the big island almost directly west of Fynn Castle. Once you reach the island, find Deist Castle, that's where you want to be next. Take this moment to really beef up your party, especially if you got your butt kicked in the Warship. Build up Leila's HP, and try to bring up everyone's AGL, if needed. Attacking first and strategic escapes will be very useful now, although running isn't an option for some battles(bosses, undead, annoying baddies, etc.). Regardless, now is the time to build up everyone's HP, MP, weapon/spell skills and the such if you've been slacking up 'till now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ III-B. Deist Castle (HP: 320 WPN: 5 MP: 60 SPL: 3) Once entering Deist Castle, you should see a boy. Upon talking to him, he runs off. Treading further, you see him again, and he runs up the stairs. Follow him up. You'll see a chest with a Cottage inside in the northwest corner. Now head south from the steps and speak with the boy and his mother. They tell you that all the Dragoons are dead, and only one Hiryuu remains. To speak with it, however, you're gonna have to find a 'Pendant' used by the Dragoons to understand the Hiryuu. The mother hints that one is hidden nearby, maybe in the Deist Cave perhaps? Explore the empty castle for treasure. Along with the Cottage you should have found earlier, you'll find: a PhoenixDown; a UnicornHorn; the STUN spell; the STOP spell; the CURSE spell; a GoldNeedle; a Sage's Wisdom; an Antidote; some Eyedrops; a Cross; a Saint’s Spirit; a Mallet; and a WingedSword. Nifty, yeah? After the looting, exit the castle and head north to find the Deist Cave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ III-C. Deist Cave (HP: 350 WPN: 6 MP: 70 SPL: 3) As soon as you enter the cave, head east. There should be a chest with 30Gil inside, take it. Take a few steps north, then keep east again. This with lead you down to some stairs. On B2, you'll be in a small room with an object. Search the object to find the 'Pendant'. See that wasn't so hard... Unless you got thrashed by a couple of HillGigas's or something. Regardless, take the 'Pendant' and get out, quick. Don't worry, you'll be back soon enough, trust me. Take the 'Pendant' and speak with the last Hiryuu. Ask him about the "HIRYUU" and he'll give you an 'Egg'. He wants you to submerge the 'Egg' into the Pool of Life located at the bottom of the Deist Cave. See, told ya you'd be back in the cave. If you had a lot of trouble just getting the 'Pendant', you're gonna need to build up some more, or change tactics. If you've been keeping up with spells, you'll have a decent leveled FIRE, very useful against the Undead monsters. For the HillGigas's and other hard-hitting enemies, the SAFE and BLINK spells are useful to possess. Use the CURSE spell to weaken foes, although you'll need to bring it to a higher level. BLIND and SLEEP are also handy at higher levels, if you found them that is. If not, make use of the Ancient Sword, Crescent Sword, and Shade Bow for these effects. Remember to bring along some Ether to sustain your MP though. Unless you're super-strong, 'hack-n-slash' isn't going to cut it here. Here's my gear/spells into the Deist Cave... Frioniel: Right: Trident Spells: Bolt Lv 3 Left : Ice Shield Stop Lv 2 Head : Giant's Helm Cure Lv 2 Armor: Golden Mail Safe Lv 2 Glove: Mithril Glove Maria: Right: Werebane Spells: Cure Lv 4 Exit Lv 1 Left : N/A Life Lv 1 Head : Leather Cap Esuna Lv 2 Armor: Silver Plate Blink Lv 2 Glove: Leather Glove Rasp Lv 2 Guy: Right: Main Gouche Spells: Fire Lv 4 Left : N/A Ice Lv 4 Head : Leather Cap Curse Lv 2 Armor: Silver Plate Glove: Leather Glove Leila: Right: Mithril Knife Spells: Bolt Lv 2 Left : Winged Sword Stun Lv 2 Head : Gold Hairpin Armor: Silver Plate Glove: Thief's Glove Alright, when you're ready, get back into the Deist Cave. On B1, make your way to the southeast corner of the room. Take the stairs down to B2. Follow along and at the fork, take the first path down to nab a chest with a Mithril Helmet. Then take the fork up for Mithril Armor. If you'd like to nab all the treasure, head south down into the next downward path, and down the steps to B3. From here, go north. Ignore the bridge for now and just go north. You should spot a chest with a Mithril Glove inside, take it. Keep going around and you'll run into another chest with a MithrilMirror inside. Now go back to the stairs, you should see a bridge to the left. It looks funny, but take it anyway. It should break just as you're about to cross it entirely. You'll fall to B4. On B4, make your way to the northwest part of the floor, and go down the steps to B5. Rather straightforward here, walk along to the east side of B5 and you'll see lots of treasure. The chest in the southeast corner holds a few Adamantoises and some Knight Armor. There are 3 more chests above it. The top-left chest contains a Flame Bow. The top-right chest holds an Sage’s Wisdom, and the bottom-right one has a Saint's Spirit. Now head back to B4. From there go to the southeastern part of the room. There should be some stairs, take them up to B3. Small room here, walk along and take the stairs up to B2. On B2, head west, and take the first fork south for a chest with a Potion inside. Go back, and keep heading west. Take the steps up. You're now on the southwest corner of B1. Take the opportunity to exit and recover if you need to. If you're still in good shape, continue on. Okay, now get back to B2, taking the southeast stairway. Return to the fork, but now keep heading west. This should take you to yet another fork. Go south to find a chest with a Mage's Staff inside. The chest is guarded by screamers, but don't worry, if you stand around long enough, they'll actually heal your party. Move back north and keep north, the cave will curve around and take you back south, where some stairs are. Go down them. You should now be on B3. Go east and you'll see a chest. Open it for a Mithril Shield. Now, go north and pass the bridge. DO NOT cross it, unless you want to fall down, again. Keep going north and cross the small bridge lying vertical. Follow the path east, and south once you reach the northeast corner of B3. This'll lead you to some more steps downward. Now on B4, you should go west. You should see a chest in the corner of the room. An AcidBottle is inside. Other than that, take the steps to the south to B5. On B5, head northeast from the steps and you'll encounter 4 doors. If you guessed that's there's only 1 correct door to enter, you guessed right. Pick the 3rd door from the left to continue onward. The others just lead to empty rooms. After going through the door, you'll notice a 'lil monster just standing around, not doing much. Wonder what it's doing way down here? Let's ask it, but be sure to heal up first... BOSS FIGHT: CHIMERA x(?)3-4 HP: 640 MP: 80 ATK: 60 HIT%: 4-75% DEF: 50 EVA%: 1-50% M.DEF: 3-50% WEAKNESSES: none STRENGTHS: none ABSORBS: none TYPE: DRAGON, AIR SKILLS: BLAZE7 As Greek mythical beasts, the Chimeras aren't all that tough, though they love using their flame attack, BLAZE, and can hit rather hard. BLAZE does a modest amount of damage to the party, and if all the Chimeras use it, it can get annoying. Equip the Ice Shield to decrease the effectiveness of BLAZE. Keep your party healthy using CURE, and take 'em down one by one. SAFE and BLINK can help protect your party, as usual, but most offensive spells are useless, as physical attacks should be enough to bring these monsters down. After defeating the Chimeras, walk up to the Spring of Life and drop the 'Egg' that the Hiryuu gave you inside. Nothing happens... Well, you did what you were supposed to do, so head back to Deist Castle. Use the EXIT spell if you have it, it's quicker. Upon returning to Deist, you'll find out that the Hiryuu died. What a waste of time that was. No Dragoons, no Hiryuu, no support for the Rebels. Hey, at least you got a ship out of it all. So sail back to Altair and see what Gordon's got cookin'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ III-D. Back to Altair, again... (HP: 420 WPN: 6 MP: 85 SPL: 3) Take a moment, now returned to Altair, to recover and resupply/get rid of some stuff. After you're done, enter the rebels’ base and speak with Gordon. He(and everyone else if you spoke with them) thinks that there is something wrong with Hilda. Gordon asks you to speak with her. Be sure to unequip Leila of any IMPORTANT items you may want to keep. ***UNEQUIP REILA, SHE'LL LEAVE AFTER THIS FIGHT*** Enter Hilda's room and talk with her, she seems to want to speak with Frioniel, alone. Hilda wants Frioniel, and wants him now. Frioniel thinks this is a bit odd, but figures, "Ah, why not?" But before he can get some hot princess action, Hilda turns into a monster. Frioniel sure is a freak... Anyway, the party rushes back into the room and a battle ensues. BOSS FIGHT: LAMIA QUEEN HP:1290 MP:370 ATK: 50 HIT%: 8-95% DEF: 50 EVA%: 2-75% M.DEF: 7-40% WEAKNESSES: none STRENGTHS: none ABSORBS: none TYPE: MAGIC SKILLS: BLINK16, CHARM9 Don't waste time with the Lamia Queen. She can charm/confuse your allies with her CHARM skill, turning them against you. Casting SAFE and BLINK is a good idea to protect you from her physical attacks, and your own. She has a high Hit Count and Hit%, so she can hit hard. The Lamia Queen isn't weak against any particular spells, and with her M.DEF so high, status ailments will be tricky to pull off, so stick with attacking. She'll cast a level 16 BLINK sometimes, which can be annoying IF your attacks start missing, this'll force you to use spells... The Sage's Wisdom can come in handy to give your Black Magic more "umph". Also her attacks can sometimes cause SLEEP. Knock her down quickly, or you may be quick to dispatch your own squad. After defeating the Lamia Queen, everyone begins to wonder where Hilda could really be. Just then, a guard busts in and informs you that Hilda is being held captive at the Coliseum in Palamecia. Great timing... Gordon joins the party to once again save Hilda, and leaves Leila in charge of the rebel army. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ III-E. To the Battle Arena (HP: 475 WPN: 6 MP:100 SPL: 4) The Coliseum is located by Palamecia castle. There are many ways to get there. The easiest is to go back to Kas'ion Castle, catch a Chocobo in the forest to the south. From there ride east a little, then south into the large desert. Stay on the eastern side of the desert and keep going south. Find the mountain range and follow it and you should see the Coliseum. It's the tiny building below the castle on top of the mountains. The monsters around Palamecia can thrash you if you're not prepared. Bring a Cottage or two along in case you need to replenish your group before and after the Coliseum. You cannot EXIT out of this dungeon either, so bring in enough supplies to cure various status ailments if your ESUNA isn't too high.(Gold Needles*HINT HINT*) Here's my gear/spells into the Palamecia Coliseum... Frioniel: Right: Trident Spells: Bolt Lv 4 Left : Ice Shield Stop Lv 3 Head : Giant's Helm Cure Lv 3 Armor: Knight's Armor Safe Lv 3 Glove: Thief's Glove Maria: Right: Mage's Staff Spells: Cure Lv 4 Exit Lv 1 Left : N/A Life Lv 1 Head : Gold Hairpin Esuna Lv 3 Armor: Silver Plate Blink Lv 3 Glove: Leather Glove Rasp Lv 3 Guy: Right: Main Gouche Spells: Fire Lv 4 Left : N/A Ice Lv 4 Head : Leather Cap Curse Lv 3 Armor: Silver Plate Glove: Leather Glove Gordon: Right: Wing Blade Spells: Cure Lv 2 Left : Mithril Shield Head : Mithril Helm Armor: Mithril Mail Glove: Mithril Glove Okay, anybody with half a brain would expect this to be a trap, so keep the party in full health. Enter the Coliseum and march toward the Emperor. Upon reaching him, you become trapped inside and the Emperor tells you to fight. A large monster comes out the gate and charges at you. BOSS FIGHT: BEHEMOTH HP:1620 MP: 0 ATK: 85 HIT%: 3-95% DEF: 50 EVA%: 1-40% M.DEF: 4-50% WEAKNESSES: none STRENGTHS: none ABSORBS: none TYPE: EARTH SKILLS: none The Behemoth has a simple attack strategy: HIT HARD. If possible, start the battle off with SAFE and BLINK. The Behemoth has a lot of HP, and not a lot of weaknesses. Try the SLEEP spell if you have it, and it's a high level. CURSE and BLIND come in handy to cripple the beast's offensive powers. If you picked up the BERSERK spell, use it to boost your fighter's ATK power. Other than that, keep up with your HP, and wear the monster down. It can only hit one of you, after all. After slaying the beast, you charge the Emperor, only to be caught in a trap. The guards surround you, and stupidly throw you in jail. After stewing for awhile, Paul comes to your rescue, evening the score from Semitt Falls. After leaving the cell(How could they not see that coming?), start following Paul east. Ignore the door an continue following the water. You should be led to a chest with an Antidote, guarded by some monsters. Now, retrace your steps back, follow the water north. You'll see a few doors ahead, make your way past them all, they're all empty, and into the door on the far east(almost just west of the chest with the Antidote inside). Inside will be three chests, containing (from left to right) an Ether, an Elixir, an a Cottage. Leave the room and go north. Now enter the small room in the northeastern corner. Climb the steps to B1. Rather straightforward here. Just walk along all the way around the jail cells, you'll eventually see Hilda in one. Keep walking until you're at the southeast corner of B1. Then take the small slit up and ALL the way back around to Hilda's cell. ***UNEQUIP GORDON, HE'S TAKING OFF FOR GOOD THIS TIME*** Unequip Gordon here, because upon releasing Hilda, he takes off with her ahead of the party. Hightail it outta there, by getting to the southwest corner of B1. The stairs there take you to 1F, where you are safe. From there, just exit the Coliseum. See, simple as pie... Guess your next step. If you guessed "head back to Altair", you win. You can take the long way and go walk all the way south, or head north toward Kas'ion and grab a chocobo in the forest there. If you sailed near the Coliseum, you may want to grab your ship... Once back in Altair, you'll see a guard. He tells you that the Rebels have gathered their forces and are ready to retake Fynn. Leila sure was busy! If you didn't notice it earlier, there is now a small tent just south of Fynn. Go there, after you recover and resupply of course. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ III-F. Recapturing of Fynn (HP: 525 WPN: 7 MP:120 SPL: 4) There isn't much to do at the Rebels' camp. Gordon and Hilda ask you for help in the raid on Fynn. Lucky you. Exit the camp and march north to the castle of Fynn. Once inside the castle, go straight up. You'll meet up with Leila, who'll join the party once again. Hook her up with some decent gear, and continue onward, up the stairs to 2F. You can hang around the entrance and fight monsters to strengthen your team if needed. When you're ready, head up to 2F. Beware of the Wizards and Sorcerers inside the castle. They can tear your group to shreds with status ailment spells, and pop you off instantly with the DEATH spell. If you happen to run into to them, take them out first. Their HP is low, so single out the casters in the back row with damage spells, or try and cast MUTE on them. They have a decent M.DEF though, so unless you focused on the MUTE spell, and got it to level 4 or 5, it may not be all that reliable... Ignore all the goodies you see for now, and keep going north, ascend the steps to 3F. Then up some more steps to the 4F throne room. Keep on going up and eventually you'll see Gottos sitting on one of the thrones. Walk straight up to him, and lay the smackdown on his monkey-ass. BOSS FIGHT: GOTTOS HP:2000 MP: 80 ATK: 70 HIT%: 6-90% DEF: 60 EVA%: 1-65% M.DEF: 5-40% WEAKNESSES: none STRENGTHS: none ABSORBS: none TYPE: none SKILLS: HASTE, BACCHUS' WINE(berserk) Gottos isn't really tough at all. Although, if you allow himself to buff, with spells like HASTE and BERSERK, he can hit pretty hard. Try the STOP or CURSE spells to counteract this. Also, SLEEP can work well. Just pound him into the ground with heavy hits and/or magic. This guy shouldn't be a problem at all. If you do have trouble, fall back on the BLINK/BLIND combination, it's flawless. You may not have the BLIND spell yet, use the Shade Bow instead. Gottos has a M.DEF count of 5, so your spells will have to be a little high to be effective. After removing Gottos, Fynn will be regained. Easy, wasn't it? Go ahead and speak with Hilda and Gordon. Both are worried about Ming-wu, and want you to travel to "MYSIDIA" and help him find "ULTIMA". However before you leave, you'll need two "MASKS", one of which is hidden in the catacombs underneath Fynn. Hilda knows the secret word "EKUME" which can unseal the doorway. Maybe Paul might know where it is, yeah? But before we head into town, let's grab all the treasure we skipped previously. Go back down the steps, all the way back to 2F. From there, grab the chest to the east. There's only a Potion inside, but some monsters want it. So fight them off. Go DIRECTLY east from that chest to walk through a secret passage in the wall. Go south to find a chest with some Giant's Gloves. Double back to the steps, but now go west. Take the chest for the AURA spell, and be greeted by some more monsters. Go DIRECTLY south from this chest and into the small chamber below. There should be another secret passage in the wall going west. Find it, and go north to reach a chest with a Werebane. Get back to the steps to 1F. From the steps go east, you'll be led into a little chamber with two chests. One with 2000Gil, the other with 1000Gil. Head back to the stairs, and go west, make your way to the northwest part of 1F for a chest with another 1000Gil. Now get to the southwest corner of 1F, and go up the steps. Then on 2F, climb the steps to 3F. From here follow the hallway east, to reach a door on the northeast corner. Go inside for three chests. From left to right, they contain: the BREAK spell, the DEATH spell, and the TOAD spell. That's it for the treasure in Castle Fynn(for now), so feel free to explore. Not much left to checkout except for the room with the big Mirror. Now that you've saved Fynn, the town is free. Now you can roam without being attacked, but most importantly, now you can buy stuff. So spend some Gil, upgrade your gear and spells. Then checkout Paul's house on the southwest corner of town. He'll tell you to check out the upper-right corner. Let's try the throne room. *wink* *wink* Make sure you're ready and prepped up first though. ============================================================================== IV. The Path to Ultima ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IV-A. Exploring Fynn (HP: 550 WPN: 7 MP: 120 SPL: 4) After speaking with Paul, and gettin' re-upped, go back into Castle Fynn. Head all the way back up to the throne room and check out the wall in the northeast corner. Say the password "EKUME" and a passage should open up. Go through and down the stairs until you are on 1F. Now before you descend the stairs, check out the walls to the east. You should be able to pass through yet another secret passage. Staying close to the castle, go south into the chamber below via another passage. There's a room there, and inside are three chests. Containing some Gold Mail, a Gold Shield, and a Gold Plate. Get back to the stairs and continue downward. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IV-B. The Down-Below (HP: 550 WPN: 7 MP:120 SPL: 4) Here's my gear/spells into the Fynn Catacombs... Frioniel: Right: Trident Spells: Bolt Lv 4 Left : Ice Shield Stop Lv 3 Head : Giant's Helm Aura Lv 1 Armor: Knight's Armor Cure Lv 3 Glove: Giant's Glove Safe Lv 3 Maria: Right: Mage's Staff Spells: Cure Lv 5 Rasp Lv 3 Left : N/A Life Lv 1 Exit Lv 1 Head : Gold Hairpin Esuna Lv 3 Armor: Gold Plate Blink Lv 3 Glove: Leather Glove Mini Lv 1 Guy: Right: Main Gouche Spells: Fire Lv 5 Left : N/A Ice Lv 5 Head : Leather Cap Curse Lv 3 Armor: Gold Plate Doom Lv 1 Glove: Leather Glove Leila: Right: Mithril Knife Spells: Bolt Lv 3 Left : Wing Blade Stun Lv 2 Head : Giant's Helm Break Lv 1 Armor: Gold Armor Toad Lv 1 Glove: Thief's Glove From the B1 to F1 steps, go southeast. This'll take you to the southeast corner of B1 and a chest containing a Knife. Lucky you. Go back to the steps, ignore the door to the southwest, it only leads to an empty room. From the steps, go west, and get to the northwest corner for a chest with some Eyedrops. From there, go east, and at the fork, go south to find a chest with a Shirt, keep east at the fork to reach the stairs. Once on B2, you should see a chest northeast from you. It holds a Potion. Head west, and in the southwest corner of B2 is another chest with a Potion. Go northeast(ignoring the door directly north). At the fork, go west to reach the northwest corner with a chest that has a Maiden's Kiss inside. Go back to the fork and go east. Make your way to the northeast corner of B2 to find the stairs to B3. Go south, and make your way to the southeast corner of the B3 to discover a chest with yet another Potion. Bypass all doors you come across, trust me. Head west and travel to the southwest corner with a chest that has a Flame Shield. From here, move northward, towards the northwest corner to reach a chest with a Silk Web, and the stairs. Now on B4, go north. Once at the northwest corner, go directly east for a chest guarded by some undead minions. The chest contains the Blood Sword, a very unique weapon. Although the sword wields an amazing 0 ATK power, it is really strong against certain monsters. Also, it drains the health from enemies, but beware, against the undead it is useless, as it with steal your HP and heal the undead. Go back, and go south at the fork. Follow along to the next fork and go north. Get to the northeast corner(still ignoring doors) to find a chest with some Flame Armor. Go south from there towards the southeast corner and you should see a chest and the stairs. Grab the chest for a Backstabber, then descend the steps. From the B5 stairs, go east. All the way east. As you start to go north at the fork, you may notice a chest towards the northwest. Nab it for the Orichalcon. Unfortunately for you, it's guarded by Rhyos, the unstoppable. Actually, they're pretty easy. But beware, because they can turn your entire team to stone, or at least a few members, with their BAD BREATH attack, so be sure to have some Gold Needles or a Lv 5 ESUNA spell handy, just in case. Okay, go north from the chest, and east at the fork. You'll run into a bunch of doors. Choose the 2nd door from the right, the others are empty. Go north inside the room to find a lonesome little treasure box. Inside is the 'White Mask'! Wow! Now continue up to a teleporter to exit the dungeon. Okay, with the 'White Mask' in your possession, there's really nothing more in Fynn now. Your next objective is to find Ming-wu and help him find ULTIMA. After recovering and resupplying in the village, it's time to travel to Mysidia. There are a few ways to get to Mysidia, the quickest being your ship. If you have the ship docked on what I call the 'Fynn Side', that being in the sea to the left of Fynn on the map, then set sail south, following the coast until you cannot go south any more. Head southeast from there and you should run into Mysidia. If your ship is docked on the 'Altair Side' or in the sea to the right of Fynn, then sail southwest of Altair, between the two peninsulas, and continue southwest. You should meet with a mountain range, you'll want to dock on the eastside of it, as it's closer. From there, follow the mountain range below that one and you'll reach Mysidia. If you docked your ship far, far away, or just want to go on a hike, then travel south/southwest of Fynn. You'll know you're on the right track if you begin to battle stronger monsters. Just keep south and you'll make it. Also, speaking of the enemies, if you haven't noticed yet, their means of attack have varied greatly. Though smash 'n bash tactics may still work, a strategic attack is still best. For a lot of the spells to be reliable, they'll need to be at higher levels. If you've found the BERSERK spell, it's buff will greatly heighten the effectiveness of the "smash 'n bash" stuff. Also, spells like BLIND and SLEEP can help render enemies useless. I haven't included them in the walkthrough yet, because they haven't been officially found, but can be found through various monster drops. If you have them, by all means, build them up and use them. Remember, if you turn an enemy into a frog using the TOAD spell, they're knocked out of the fight. Also, when you find them, use those weird battle items you find or enemies drop. They're usually high-level spells, and helpful if you know what they do. Unless you're super-strong, a small buff or status ailment may be the edge you need to win the fight. Since we're on the way to Mysidia, I'll get into spells later. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IV-C. Finding the Black Mask (HP: 625 WPN: 8 MP:130 SPL: 4) As you figured, Mysidia is full of mages and magic, but they also have some excellent gear. Check out the Weapons and Armor shops to upgrade your party. Most notable is the Ogreslayer Axe, a must buy. Mysidia also has mountains of spells for your team to learn. The newer spells being BARRIER, WALL, SWAP, and HOLY. BARRIER is kind of useless, sort of like WALL, you're better off using a MithrilMirror instead. The effort that must be put into it isn't worth the effect it gives. SWAP is great if you want to do the easy build up trick, or to use it strategically against foes. HOLY is a White Mage's attack spell, which means it's power is based on the user's Spirit Attribute. It's damage is okay, but not so much more than the elemental spells. I don't think anything is actually weak against it. FIRE works much better on the undead. But, HOLY can come in handy when fighting monsters that have no weakness. Since it's the first "non-elemental" spell you can acquire, you have more time to build it up and make it powerful. It may be worth picking up though, as it can be used on the final boss. Anyway, as you walk around Mysidia, you'll gather information by speaking to the various mages. You'll learn that Ming-wu has already passed through. Also, you'll find out that ULTIMA is locked away in the Mysidian Tower. To enter the tower, however, you'll need a 'Crystal Rod', and to get that you'll need two masks. One of which you already should have, the 'White Mask'. The other is the 'Black Mask', which is located on a small island in the sea. Once you have both masks, can you enter the Mysidian Cave to get the 'Crystal Rod'. Well, it seems you have some work to do, so let's get crackin'. To find the tiny island, you may need to use your map. It's the little spec in the sea southeast of Mysidia. On your map, it's almost DIRECTLY south of Paloom, although you'll have to sail around the big peninsula to reach it. Chart your own path to the tiny island, because it is your next destination. Here's my gear/spells into the Tiny Island... Frioniel: Right: Trident Spells: Bolt Lv 4 Left : Ice Shield Stop Lv 3 Head : Giant's Helm Aura Lv 2 Armor: Flame Mail Cure Lv 4 Glove: Giant's Glove Safe Lv 3 Maria: Right: Mage's Staff Spells: Cure Lv 5 Rasp Lv 3 Left : N/A Life Lv 1 Exit Lv 1 Head : Gold Hairpin Esuna Lv 4 Holy Lv 1 Armor: Gold Plate Blink Lv 3 Glove: Leather Glove Mini Lv 2 Guy: Right: Orichalcon Spells: Fire Lv 5 Left : N/A Ice Lv 5 Head : Leather Cap Curse Lv 3 Armor: Gold Plate Doom Lv 2 Glove: Leather Glove Leila: Right: Main Gouche Spells: Bolt Lv 3 Left : Wing Blade Stun Lv 2 Head : Giant's Helm Break Lv 1 Armor: Knight's Armor Toad Lv 1 Glove: Thief's Glove The monsters in the cave here aren't all that tough. In fact, it's open season with magic spells here. If your spells need to be, or you just want to upgrade them, this is a great spot to do so. You can also RUN from most of the enemies in this cave too, so if you're in a hurry... Okay, on B1, go straight down, ALL the way down. You'll see a chest with some Eyedrops inside. Go north, after grabbing the chest, on the other side from which you came down from. This'll lead you to two chests with Hi-Potions in each. Go back south, now this time head west at the fork, then south at the next for a chest with an Ether inside. Go back to the fork and continue north. At the next fork, keep west for a chest with a Silk Web, and go north to be led to the steps. Once on B2, make your way to the northwest corner. Open the chest for some Slumber Stalk, then head down the stairs just below you. Now on B3, just go south and you should see a chest, inside is another Silk Web. Just below that is the steps to B4. On B4, simply head north, you'll soon discover steps that leads into a strange village. The village is full of weird masked-people. If you're playing the NES version, they sorta look like the ShyGuys from Super Mario Bros. 2. Hmmm, that's just what the remind me of... I wonder if... nah... Anyway, there's not really much to do here, there's a couple shops, and the crazy shyguys to talk with. The shops don't offer much, as your gear is possibly better. Notable though, is the Gaia Drum sold at the shop. It unleashes the unique QUAKE spell, not all-powerful, but interesting nonetheless. The shop also sells the Demon Axe and Demon Spear, and is the only place to buy and acquire these two items. Okay, retrace your steps back to B2. From the steps there, go east. You should see a chest in the northeast corner. It contains the POISON spell. From there, head south, to the southeast corner of B2. There you'll find the BLIND spell. Come out of the corner, and go west. You'll discover a chest with another POISON spell inside. Go down an around, at the fork there, go southwest for another BLIND spell, and north/northeast to reach the steps. Go down to B3. Go straight down to find a chest in the southern corner with Garlic inside. From there go all the way north and back around to find the stairs to B4. Rather simple, yeah? From the steps, go south. You should see another set of steps leading back up to B3. Take them to reach another part of B3 that holds a chest. Inside is a bunch of undead guarding a Phoenix Down. Go back down to B4, and from those stairs, head directly east. You'll find more stairs going up to B3, take them and head north to go down another set of steps back to B4. Go south from there and down some steps to B5. Follow along west to find three chests. The top-left is guarded, and contains a Gaia Drum. The other two both contain Slumber Stalk. Return all the way back to B4, then B3, and back down to B4. Now at the southeast corner of B4, make your way to the northwest corner. Descend the steps to B5 to find a small room with a chest. Inside is a Thanatos. Go back to B4, and head east. You should see a chest at the northern part of the room. Grab it for 1000Gil, and continue east. Take the stairs down to B5. There should be a chest just southeast of you. It holds the SLEEP spell. Go west/southwest from there to stumble upon a room. Wonder what’s inside... Why not go in...? because inside there's a big mean rhino looking thing, and behind it, a chest. Maybe we should just leave, and not disturb that big rhino, he looks like he's really, really mad, and could easily smush us... yeah, right... BOSS FIGHT: GIGAN RHINO HP:1140 MP: 0 ATK: 50 HIT%: 4-85% DEF: 50 EVA%: 1-60% M.DEF: 6-30% WEAKNESSES: none STRENGTHS: none ABSORBS: none TYPE: none SKILLS: none You may or may not have encountered the Gigan Rhino already. Either or, the Gigan Rhino isn't really a challenge. Just hack 'n slash this guy. If you're not doing a lot of damage, and he's hitting hard, try BLINK and SAFE to buff the party's defenses. It's an all-you-can-cast fest with status ailments spells on this "boss", as long as their around level 6 or so. You probably don't need them though, but it can be fun to CURSE or STUN the Gigan Rhino. You can even kill him with BREAK, MINI, etc. if you've built them high enough. I think the most important factor in this battle is to just have fun. Once you've offed the boss, nab the treasure box for the 'Black Mask'. After that, you're task is complete here. Go north to use a teleporter to warp out, or just walk out if you wish to build up spells or whatever some more. Once you've left the cave, sail back to Mysidia. Back at Mysidia, rest up and recover. I spent some time building up a few of the newer spells I acquired here. If you're getting your butt kicked, take some time to strengthen your entire party. After taking care of all your business, go to the southern part of Mysidia. Go down the stairs on the small island in the lake. You'll find the Goddess Statue down there. If you haven't already done so, place the 'White Mask' on the statue. Hmmm... Nothing happened... or so you think. Mwu-hahahahahahahahahaha. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IV-D. The Mysidian Cave (HP: 650 WPN: 8 MP:150 SPL: 5) After placing the 'White Mask', and the 'Black Mask' in your possession, you're ready to enter the Mysidian Cave, in search of the 'Crystal Rod'. On your map, the Mysidian Cave is just southeast of Mysidia, surrounded by a mountain range. Hike east of Mysidia, following the mountains until they stop. Go around and head back west. After you leave the forests heading west, go south and you should see the cave. It's a long hike, so you may want to bring along a cottage or two. Be sure to bring along some Gold Needles, in case someone is petrified. Here's my gear/spells into the Mysidian Cave... Frioniel: Right: Demon Spear Spells: Bolt Lv 5 Left : Ice Shield Stop Lv 4 Head : Giant's Helm Aura Lv 2 Armor: Flame Mail Cure Lv 4 Glove: Giant's Glove Safe Lv 4 Maria: Right: Mage's Staff Spells: Cure Lv 5 Rasp Lv 4 Left : N/A Life Lv 1 Exit Lv 1 Head : Gold Hairpin Esuna Lv 5 Holy Lv 3 Armor: Gold Plate Blink Lv 4 Glove: Leather Glove Mini Lv 3 Guy: Right: Orichalcon Spells: Fire Lv 5 Curse Lv 4 Left : N/A Ice Lv 5 Doom Lv 3 Head : Leather Cap PoisonLv 2 Armor: Gold Plate Blind Lv 2 Glove: Leather Glove Sleep Lv 2 Leila: Right: Main Gouche Spells: Bolt Lv 3 Left : Wing Blade Blind Lv 1 Head : Giant's Helm Stun Lv 2 Armor: Knight's Armor Break Lv 1 Glove: Thief's Glove Toad Lv 1 From the entrance, climb the stairs to the upper-level just to your left. Stay westward at the first fork. Climb down the stairs when you reach them, and grab the chest just below them. It holds a Gold Hairpin. Climb back up the stairs, ignoring the door, it's empty. Head back east to the very first fork, and take it south and the next east. Climb down the stairs to reach the chest below. It contains a Black Outfit. Go back up, and head west, taking the fourway west also. Follow the winding path, passing up the first set of steps. As you head south, go down the steps DIRECTLY in front of you. This'll take you to the Doppelganger. Since you placed the 'White Mask' on the statue in Mysidia, the Doppelganger cannot move. Place the 'Black Mask' on him and he'll die. Enter the doorway behind him. Just for the curious though, if you didn't place the 'White Mask', the Doppelganger will move and you'll be unable to place the 'Black Mask' on him. Moving on, descend the stairs to B2. Go straight up from the steps on B2. As you take the corner and start east, take the steps to get to the chest below. It has a Power Staff inside. Ignore the door and, go back up the stairs. Continue east. See, that chest to the east? Want it? Of course you do. As the path turns south, follow it ALL the way down. Once you can't go further, turn east and keep walking. You'll walk through the wall, leading you to the chest for a Flame Lance. Go back through the wall and go all the way west. Take the fork south, and the next one back west. Use the stairs to your left to reach the door below. Go inside to find the stairs to B3. On B3, climb the stairs to the upper-level and go west. At the first fork, continue west. See that door down there? That's where you want to go, but first, I'm gonna lead you to a treasure box. Walk all the way to the left. To reach the chest in the top-left corner, walk through one of the walls a couple of steps above you. You'll receive the Ice Bow. Go back east, and south at that fork. Take the next fork east. Follow along the path, and continue east at the third fork. This'll take you to some steps leading to the lower-level. The chest you see is guarded, grab it for an Ogreslayer. Then head west. Pass the first door you see, and keep going west, then north as the path goes up. Go inside the door at the end to find the steps to the next floor. Now on B4, go west, then south, and as you head east, take the steps you see to the upper-level, and go west at the top. Follow along the path for awhile, and go down the steps. Grab the chest for a Potion. Go southwest from there to find three doors. Go inside the center door to find three chests. From left to right they hold: a Phoenix Down, a Mute Bell, and a Gold Needle. Exit the room and go southeast to reach the room with the steps down to B5. Take the chest to the right of the stairs for the DRAIN spell. Careful though, it is guarded. Make your way to the southeast corner to get up some stairs to the upper-level. Walk along the eastern wall. If you want to reach the chests over there, you have to find another wall to walk through. Check the walls to the left to find it. About halfway up, you should be able to find the passage. Grab the chest just southwest of you to find the MINI spell. Go north from there to find four more chests, containing from left to right: a Potion, another Potion, a third Potion, and one more Potion. Nice treasure, eh? Go back through the wall, and go north. Follow the path up, then all the way west. Then go south, all the way. Go down the steps to the lower-level, and double back all the way north. Go inside the room to discover three chests, containing the DRAIN spell, the OSMOSE spell(a mage's best friend), and the 'Crystal Rod'. Now that you have the 'Crystal Rod', you can use the EXIT spell to exit the cave, or you could just walk all the way back out. Get back to Mysidia and recover and resupply the troops. After you're all rested up, SAIL back to Altair, your next destination is near there. Note that I used SAIL, because your next stop is the Mysidian Tower, on an island to the west of Altair. You'll need your ship docked around that area. If you had your ship set just northeast of Mysidia, then you should be okay. Oh, yeah, and now is a good time to unequip Leila, unfortunately... So now, with your new and shiny 'Crystal Rod', you can now enter the Mysidian Tower and unseal the "ultimate" spell... ULTIMA. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IV-E. Side-Tracked Straight Down (HP: 650 WPN: 8 MP:150 SPL: 5) ***UNEQUIP REILA HERE, IT SUCKS, I KNOW... STUPID WHIRLPOOL*** Just before you reach the Mysidian Tower, a whirlpool created by Leviathan sucks you and your ship underwater. Then Leviathan swallows everyone. The party finds themselves actually inside Leviathan's stomach. MMMMmmmmmmmm, heroes... Leila is M.I.A. now, but the party must move forward regardless, and search for a way out. Here's my gear/spells into Leviathan... Frioniel: Right: Flame Lance Spells: Bolt Lv 5 Left : Ice Shield Stop Lv 4 Head : Giant's Helm Aura Lv 3 Armor: Flame Mail Cure Lv 5 Glove: Giant's Glove Safe Lv 4 Maria: Right: Power Staff Spells: Cure Lv 5 Rasp Lv 4 Left : N/A Life Lv 1 Exit Lv 1 Head : Gold Hairpin Esuna Lv 5 Holy Lv 4 Armor: Gold Plate Blink Lv 4 Glove: Leather Glove Mini Lv 3 Guy: Right: Orichalcon Spells: Fire Lv 6 Blind Lv 3 Left : N/A Ice Lv 5 Curse Lv 5 Head : Gold Hairpin PoisonLv 3 Sleep Lv 3 Armor: Black Outfit Drain Lv 1 Doom Lv 4 Glove: Leather Glove OsmoseLv 1 You start in Leviathan's Intestines. It pretty straight-forward here. Just follow along and collect the treasure you see. You should first find the Headband, and then the Power Sash. Take note, that as you step inside the yellow watery stuff, the party takes damage. But also notice that as you wade through the goo, you won't encounter any battles. Eventually, you'll head up into Leviathan's Stomach. There are no monsters here, in fact, there are actually people! One of such importance is a Knight who is in the center of the room, blocking your way to the other side. Above him, is a chest, go up and grab it for a Power Armlet, then speak with him. Ask him various things to find out that he was also searching for ULTIMA. Show him your 'Crystal Rod', and he'll reveal his name, and that he is a Dragoon. Richard joins your party to help unseal ULTIMA. Although he's not as cool as Leila, he's still okay. You're stuck with him for awhile now, so may as well make the best of things, yeah? He tells you of a ship stuck in Leviathan's mouth. Head to the northwest corner of this floor to reach the mouth. Once in the mouth, go a little to the northwest of the steps to see a chest. Open it to receive the Terra Sword. From the chest, go all the way south to discover another chest. It contains a Diamond Shield and some Shriekers. Now head to the western side of the mouth to find your ship and some ugly worm thing in front of it. BOSS FIGHT: BARREL WORM HP:2000 MP: 0 ATK:120 HIT%: 6-95% DEF:100 EVA%: 1-10% M.DEF: 4-50% WEAKNESSES: none STRENGTHS: none ABSORBS: none TYPE: MAGIC, AIR, EARTH SKILLS: none The Barrel Worm can hit really, really, hard, but that's about it. Keep your party protected, especially Richard, since unless you built him up, may have lower HP than the rest of your party should. Throwdown some SLEEP, CURSE, or BLIND spells to cripple the worm's massive attacks. BLINK and BLIND are, as always, the perfect combination here. Just keep smacking him, and he should die soon. Jump back onto your ship and head back to Altair to recover. You won't have to worry about Leviathan anymore, so it's safe to go back. Once you recover, take a chance to look at your party's stats. If you had a tough time in Leviathan, then you will suck in the Mysidian Tower. So get to building up. But, if you've been following this walkthrough, then your spell and weapon skills should be pretty good. Bring your spells up to around 5, 6, or even 7. If your team is attacking dead last, then you definitely need to raise Agility. Somewhere around 25-40 is pretty good. Also, MP needs to be high, especially for those with the CURE spell. Once you're ready, enter the Mysidian Tower. Be sure to bring along some Elixirs and Phoenix Downs in case something goes wrong(trust me, it can happen). ******************************BESTIARY NOTE*********************************** If you're looking to fill out you're bestiary, be sure to fight these monsters before ascending the Mysidian Tower: -Queen Bee - (Salamand Region) -Phorusracos - (Northwest of Fynn, around the Warship site) -Antlion - (Palamecia desert region) -Sand Ray - (Palamecia desert region) -Dive Eagle - (Sea) -Killer Fish - (Sea) -Sea Snake - (Sea) -Buccaneer - (Sea) ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IV-F. The Mysidian Tower (HP: 715 WPN: 8 MP:150 SPL: 5) Here's my gear/spells into the Mysidian Tower... Frioniel: Right: Flame Lance Spells: Bolt Lv 5 Left : Ice Shield Stop Lv 5 Head : Giant's Helm Aura Lv 3 Armor: Flame Mail Cure Lv 5 Glove: Giant's Glove Safe Lv 5 Maria: Right: Power Staff Spells: Cure Lv 6 Rasp Lv 5 Left : N/A Life Lv 1 Exit Lv 1 Head : Gold Hairpin Esuna Lv 5 Holy Lv 5 Armor: Power Sash Blink Lv 5 Glove: Power Armlet Mini Lv 4 Guy: Right: Orichalcon Spells: Fire Lv 6 Blind Lv 4 Left : N/A Ice Lv 6 Curse Lv 5 Head : Twist Headband PoisonLv 4 Sleep Lv 4 Armor: Black Outfit Drain Lv 1 Doom Lv 4 Glove: Leather Glove OsmoseLv 1 Richard: Right: Terra Sword Spells: Cure Lv 2 Left : Diamond Shield Life Lv 1 Head : Titan's Helm Armor: Knight's Armor Glove: Titan's Glove Use your 'Crystal Rod' and enter the Mysidian Tower. Once inside, go to the right. On the right side of 1F, there should be a chest with a Staff inside. Next, head to the northeast corner and take that chest for another Staff. From there go straight down, all the way down until you hit the wall. Then go directly left and through the wall to reach the next chest. It holds the White Robe, which boosts SPRT slightly. Come back out and head south towards the stairs. If you want the last chest on 1F, go west toward the leftside of the floor. There'll be a chest at the top with another Staff inside. Go back to the stairs and head up to 2F. Go straight up from the steps, then go right. Follow through the path and spot two chests in the top right corner. One has a Flame Bow inside, the other holds a Flame Lance. As you start to go down heading back, take only a couple of steps down, then walkthrough the wall to the left. At the fork, head up, but ignore the door. As you walk along the winding path, notice that chest? Check the walls on the left to find another passage(It should be about halfway down). Double-back up to reach the chest. Inside is a Flame Shield. Now go ALL the way down, following the western edge of 2F. Once in the southwest corner, follow the southern edge east, to the southeast corner of 2F to find the stairs to 3F. On 3F, go west, walking through the fire. Skip all the doors along the way, if you want to check them out you can. There's nothin' in 'em though. The door you want to go in is all the way to the left. Go in the door and you'll be taken to the northwest corner of 3F. From there head east, passing the stairs you see. All the way east lies a chest with a Flame Sword in it. Get back and go up the steps you passed by. Before going into the door, check out the east and west corners for some chests. In the top right corner is Flame Mail, and the top left, a Flame Helm. Go through the door now. A small Black Mage is standing in front of some steps. Speak with him to see what he's doing here. BOSS FIGHT: FIRE GIGAS HP:1800 MP:240 ATK:100 HIT%: 6-95% DEF:100 EVA%: 1-40% M.DEF: 4-50% WEAKNESSES: ICE STRENGTHS: none ABSORBS: FIRE TYPE: GIANT SKILLS: FIRE16, THROWSTONE9 Apparently he wants to smash you, because he changes into a FireGigas. Using FIRE on this guy is a bad idea, unless you want to heal him. Blast him with ICE and smack him around. He's not really that tough, though if you let him slap you a few times, you'll feel it... If your ICE is at a high level, you shouldn't have anything to worry about. Use SAFE, BLINK, and BLIND to disable his damaging physical attacks. His M.DEF is rather low, but his evade is lower, so if you can't seem to cast BLIND effectively, bring out the Shade Bow. If you focus mostly on offense, then this flaming giant should go down quickly. If you're super lucky, he may drop the CONFUSE spell. After taking out the FireGigas, head up the stairs to 4F. From the stairs(if you're in a hurry, check out the eastern wall to find a hidden wall that leads to the 5F stairs), go west to find a chest with an Ice Shield. Go down and head up the steps to the 5F. From there go straight down to get a chest with an Ice Lance. Go back down the steps to 4F. Continue south and grab the chest for the Ice Glove. Go east from the chest, as you start to head north, double-back west. Grab the chest in around the center of 4F, just below the 4F steps, for the Ice Mail. From there, go northeast to the 5F stairs. Follow along through the ice and the winding path. Eventually you'll see a chest with the Ice Brand inside. Continue onward toward the door. Inside there you'll find another 'lil Black Mage. Seeing all the ice around, you guessed it. He turns into an IceGigas. BOSS FIGHT: ICE GIGAS HP:2000 MP:140 ATK:120 HIT%: 7-95% DEF:120 EVA%: 1-50% M.DEF: 4-50% WEAKNESSES: FIRE STRENGTHS: none ABSORBS: ICE TYPE: GIANT SKILLS: ICE12, THROWSTONE9 Same strategy as before really, except use FIRE and not ICE. Use the Flame weapons and armor you acquired to your advantage, although he can absorb a lot of physical damage. He's only slightly tougher than his Fire counterpart, so you shouldn't have too much trouble. When you're done here, head up to 6F. From the steps, go all the way east to open a chest with a Potion. Go back, and then south across the bridge. Then head back east, and at the four-way, keep going east. At the three-way here, ignore the doors and go south. Follow along the bottom of 6F, and at the fork go up for a chest with the Spellbinder. Head towards the door to the left(you'll have to walk back around), and up the stairs to 7F. Go east as soon as you enter, you'll see a chest with a Silk Web inside. Now make your way to the northeast corner of 7F(ignoring the doors). In the corner is a chest with a Hermes inside. Now start heading west. Get the chest you see for a Unicorn Horn. Continue west, you should see a door on the western wall. Go inside. Yet another Black Mage blocks your path. This time, however, he turns into a ThunderGigas. Make sure your crew is healed up for this one. BOSS FIGHT: THUNDER GIGAS HP:2500 MP:370 ATK:150 HIT%: 8-95% DEF:150 EVA%: 1-60% M.DEF: 4-50% WEAKNESSES: POISON STRENGTHS: none ABSORBS: BOLT TYPE: GIANT SKILLS: BOLT12, THROWSTONE9 The ThunderGigas is actually pretty tough. He has a lot more HP than the other two jabronis, and can do way more damage. If you built up the POISON spell, it'll be your best friend here. If you're a risk taker, you can use that Spellbinder staff you just found for a chance to nail him with a level 16 POISON. The target is randomly chosen, so beware, there's four of you and one of him. Now's a great time to use those SlumberStalks, AcidBottles, etc. Cast the usual buffs/debuffs as needed, the BLINK/BLIND combo will save your @$$ here. This doesn't put him out of the fight yet, as he can use his BOULDERS 9 attack, and THUNDERBOLT 12, on top of getting lucky and occasionally landing a strike. CURSE him to eliminate his offensive capabilities. Just beat on him, and POISON him long enough, and he'll die... eventually. Now on 8F, head up, all the way up. To the east is a chest with the FLARE spell, guarded by a few thugs. FLARE is maybe the strongest spell by a hair, but it is non-elemental. Which means that there are no enemies strong against it, but nor are there any weak against it either, very useful... Go through the door just below the chest. Go up those stairs in there to 9F. Walk north from the steps to find a chest with an Hourglass inside. Make your way to the southwest corner for a chest that has a Cross in it. Now go northwest. Climb the stairs to the upper level of 9F. Go to the northeast corner. There's a chest there with a Black Robe inside guarded by a White Dragon. TOUGH FIGHT: WHITE DRAGON HP:2500 MP:140 ATK:150 HIT%: 6-95% DEF:120 EVA%: 1-75% M.DEF: 5-50% WEAKNESSES: FIRE STRENGTHS: none ABSORBS: ICE TYPE: DRAGON, AIR SKILLS: SNOWSTORM16 The WhiteDragon can be pretty tough, but his weakness is FIRE. Blast him with that a bunch of times, and if you've built it up, and he should go down quickly. The White Dragon uses his SNOWSTORM 16 ability a lot, which does around 150 points of damage to each party member, so be sure to equip that ice-resistant equipment. Have a decent leveled CURE spell handy to counteract this ability when the damage starts stacking. The WhiteDragon can also hit hard, so use SAFE and BLINK if you think you need to. Keep the heat on him, and he should die before you do. Just below the chest(a little to the southeast really) are four doors. Take the 2nd one from the left. Go up the stairs to the 10F. Go up and you'll see Ming-wu. Wonder how he got there so fast...? Ah, anyway, see what he's up too. He informs you that there is a seal on the door, and that he's going to focus all of his energy to blast it away. Hmmmm, makes for a good show, so sit back and watch. He blasts the door DBZ style, and then falls over for naptime. I bet he could use a CURE spell, or even a LIFE spell now, but too bad, he's the big-bad white mage, not us, so screw it. That would take too much time, plus he'd just slow everyone down. So continue on through the door he opened for you. Inside are five pedestals, grab the four around the center one to increase your STR, AGL, INT, and SOUL. The orb in the center gives you the ULTIMA spell. Yay. Now you have the 'ultimate' spell. ULTIMA is white magic, and most definitely not the strongest spell there is. You can build it all the way to 16, and it's still not very strong. Not as stronger than FLARE, but close to it. I've heard that the damage is based on your entire party's total stats. I'm not to sure on it though. But, if you're playing the NES version, then ULTIMA does somewhere around 1 damage. Some ultimate spell, yeah? It is a non-elemental spell, so it can come in handy against enemies with high defense and no weakness. If you want to build it up, have at it. I won't stop you. Back to matters at hand, now that you do have ULTIMA, and found Ming-wu, well, sorta, it's time to... you guessed it: Go back to Fynn and speak with Hilda. ============================================================================== V. The Emperor's Final Stand ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V-A. Reporting Back to Fynn (HP: 850 WPN: 8 MP:175 SPL: 5) If your party is in bad shape, use a Cottage. There's something different about the overworld now... Stronger foes and angry soldiers now roam about looking to rough ya up. You'll also notice as you pass by Altair and Gatrea, that they've been demolished. You can't enter the towns anymore, nor the cities of Paloom and Poft. Head to Fynn to find out what's going on. After reaching Fynn, in case you didn't notice, there's a huge cyclone just behind it. Hilda and Gordon, will tell you about the "CYCLONE" conjured up by the Emperor. There's no way to enter it on foot... Ask Hilda about the "HIRYUU" and she'll say something about the 'Pendant', Dragoon, and the 'Hiryuu'. You have a Dragoon and a 'Pendant', but no 'Hiryuu'. Make your way to the big mirror room and use the 'Pendant' at the mirror. An image of the egg you placed in the Life Spring hatches into a 'Hiryuu'. The 'Hiryuu' then flies into the castle and is united with Richard. With the 'Hiryuu' now in your possession, walk up to the Cyclone to fly inside. In case you're wondering, if you speak with various mages in Mysidia, they tell you to use the 'Pendant' on the big mirror in Fynn. Anyone who's played an old-school RPG knows that talking to the "towns people" will provide important clues to figure out where to go, and what to do next. Yeah, anyway... Before charging in head first, however, return to the city of Fynn and resupply the party. Check out Paul's house, and let him know that you're planning to take on the "CYCLONE". He'll tell you about a secret passage in his house beside the bed. It's his secret stash! There are eight chests. Inside them are: a Ninja Suit, a Ruby Plate, a Thief Glove, a Gold Plate, an Elixir, a Gold Hairpin, a Silver Plate, an another Blood Sword. Not all of the treasures there may be useful, so just sell of what you don't need for some extra cash. Take some time to build up a few spells, and when you're fully prepared, fly into the Cyclone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V-B. Inside the Eye (HP: 850 WPN: 8 MP:175 SPL: 6) Here's my gear/spells into the Cyclone... Frioniel: Right: Ice Lance Spells: Bolt Lv 6 UltimaLv 2 Left : Ice Shield Stop Lv 5 Head : Giant's Helm Aura Lv 3 Armor: Ice Mail Cure Lv 5 Glove: Ice Glove Safe Lv 5 Maria: Right: Spellbinder Spells: Cure Lv 6 Rasp Lv 5 Left : N/A Life Lv 2 Exit Lv 1 Head : Gold Hairpin Esuna Lv 5 Holy Lv 5 Armor: White Robe Blink Lv 5 Glove: Power Armlet Mini Lv 5 Guy: Right: Orichalcon Spells: Fire Lv 6 OsmoseLv 1 Left : N/A Ice Lv 6 Blind Lv 5 Head : Twist Headband PoisonLv 5 Curse Lv 6 Armor: Black Robe Flare Lv 3 Sleep Lv 5 Glove: Leather Glove Drain Lv 1 Doom Lv 5 Richard: Right: Ice Brand Spells: Cure Lv 2 Left : Diamond Shield Life Lv 1 Head : Flame Helm Armor: Flame Mail Glove: Giant's Glove The Cyclone is a just a cover for the tower inside. The enemies that dwell throughout can be pretty tough. If your party's health and magic start to become exhausted, use the EXIT spell to exit and resupply. If you don't have the EXIT or BANISH spell, then well, you're stuck. The Cyclone also has many treasures. Be sure to collect them all before you complete it. You cannot return afterwards. Head to the northeast corner of 1F, and climb the steps. Grab the chest just to your northwest once on 2F for the Ripper. Go south from there and around to climb the stairs to 3F. Follow along and around to grab the Venom Axe inside the chest. Now head all the way back to 1F. Go west from those 1F steps to climb another set of steps to the 2F. Not much on 2F here except to climb to 3F. Now on 3F, go west and ascend the first steps to 4F. From here, go all the way north, go to the left to find a chest with a Diamond Glove, head to the right for a Diamond Helmet. Head back down the steps to 3F, and continue south from there. You should reach another set of stairs to 4F. Go east from the stairs. You'll come upon two sets of steps, leading to 5F. Take the first one on the left. Walk along to the southern part of 5F. The first chest on the right has the Defender in it. Go further south from there, and walk along the bottom to reach another chest. It is guarded by some Generals, and holds Diamond Mail. Make your way back to the steps leading down to 4F. Ignore the stairs east, past the damaging tiles, they only lead to four doors on the 6F with nothing in them. Now back on 4F, take the second set of steps to the right. Now back on 5F, just go north to reach some steps to 6F. You can go north, or east from here. Simply make your way to the northeast corner of this floor. The steps are there, along with a chest with a Zephyr Flute inside. Beware though, the chest is guarded by a big mean Green Dragon. TOUGH FIGHT: GREEN DRAGON HP:3000 MP:190 ATK:150 HIT%: 7-100% DEF:150 EVA%: 1-75% M.DEF: 8-40% WEAKNESSES: BOLT STRENGTHS: none ABSORBS: POISON TYPE: DRAGON, AIR SKILLS: POISONMIST16 Just as you might think, the Green Dragon can be pretty tough. First of all, he absorbs POISON spells. Therefore, his weakness is BOLT. Blast him with a lot of those, and keep you party in top shape. The Green Dragon loves to use it's POISONMIST attack on your team, and also smush you with attacks. It has high defense, so if need be, use buffs/debuffs, such as SAFE, BLINK, CURSE, BLIND, SLEEP, etc. His M.DEF is really high, so unless you've really beefed up your spells, you may have to rely on buffs, CURE, and offensive spells. If his POISONMIST is picking you apart, use RASP and OSMOSE to wipe out the Green Dragon's MP. Keep your party healed, and just pick the dragon apart with BOLT spells. The Mage's Staff can also help a little here. After slaying the Green Dragon, head up to 7F. Recover your party at this point, then go up to face the Emperor. Before your second meeting with the Emperor, he calls some cronies to try an knock you off. Wipe out the two teams of Royal Guards, and prepare yourself for the Emperor. There's no resting between battles, so make your group is in good condition before killing the last guard. BOSS FIGHT: EMPEROR, ROYAL GUARD x2, WOOD GOLEM x1 HP:1290 MP:190 ATK: 70 HIT%: 6-80% DEF: 50 EVA%: 1-65% M.DEF: 4-40% WEAKNESSES: none STRENGTHS: none ABSORBS: none TYPE: none SKILLS: BLINK8, BARRIER8, SLOW9, BOLT10, HASTE8, ELIXER The Emperor won't fight you alone... smart guy... He'll also have two Royal Guards and a Wood Golem with him. He has a lot of spells, a favorite being HASTE. His pawns can do some damage if he uses this, so take them out first. Wood Golems can put you to sleep if they hit you, so blast 'em with FIRE to take them out quick, physical attacks are almost useless. The Royal Guards can poison you, but are pushovers. The Emperor has a bunch of spells at his disposal, but he is only a man. If you have them, cast the SILENCE or FOG spells to stop his magic, or use RASP and OSMOSE to drain away his MP. Now is an excellent time to use all those battle items you've acquired. The Backstabber can be used to confuse those stupid Royal Guards. An Hourglass can actually STUN all the enemies, including the Emperor. The Slumber Stalk works well to put him to sleep. In fact, the Emperor's M.DEF is rather low, so cast whatever on him. The usual buffs/debuffs apply here, but may not be needed. WALL and SHELL could come in handy. Just bash the Emperor's head in with physical attacks until he dies, not too difficult. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V-C. Celebrating the Emperor's Beat-Down (HP: 900 WPN: 8 MP:190 SPL: 6) Right after stomping the crap outta the Emperor, everyone returns to Fynn to tell the tale, and share the news. Everyone starts singing and dancing, lala- lalalala. Ah, you know this isn't the end of the game from how easy the Emperor was. A guard rushes in and tells everyone that the Dark Knight has taken over and has become the 'new' Emperor. Great, as if that wasn't enough, the Dark Knight turns out to be Lionheart, Maria's brother. You knew it all along didn't you. You know you did. Hilda informs you that there is only one place he could be, Castle Palamecia. The problem is, Castle Palamecia is located in the mountains, above the Coliseum. There's no way to reach it on foot, so you'll have to find other means... Paul may know a way to get into the castle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V-D. Acquiring the Airship (HP: 900 WPN: 8 MP:190 SPL: 6) You'll find Cid at Paul's house, injured from the Cyclone. He knows that he's done for, but his Airship is okay. He lends you his Airship to fly into Palamecia Castle, and stop the Dark Knight. Before he dies, Cid tells you that his Airship is at Poft, in perfect condition. Make your way to Poft and grab the airship. There's good news and bad news to this. The good news is that you can go anywhere you want, easily. The bad news it, you've pretty much been everywhere already, so the only place left is Castle Palamecia. The airship is badass though, so feel free to fly around for awhile if that's your thing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V-E. Castle Palamecia (HP: 900 WPN: 8 MP:190 SPL: 6) Now that you have Cid's airship, you're free to go ahead and fly to Castle Palamecia and face the Dark Knight. But before you go, get ya crew's stats up a little. Weapon skills, Magic skills, HP, MP, raw stats, everything. If you're still getting whooped by enemies, then you definitely need to do this. Also, make sure to resupply. Elixirs are way more handy than Ethers, and can save space in your inventory. Expensive, yes, but you should have the cash to spare, so spend it. Once you're ready, get in the airship and fly towards the coliseum. Land on the top of that castle just above it. Here's my gear/spells into Castle Palamecia... Frioniel: Right: Ice Lance Spells: Bolt Lv 6 UltimaLv 3 Left : Ice Shield Stop Lv 6 Head : Diamond Helm Aura Lv 3 Armor: Ice Mail Cure Lv 5 Glove: Ice Glove Safe Lv 6 Maria: Right: Spellbinder Spells: Cure Lv 6 Rasp Lv 5 Left : N/A Life Lv 2 Exit Lv 1 Head : Gold Hairpin Esuna Lv 6 Holy Lv 6 Armor: White Robe Blink Lv 6 Glove: Power Armlet Mini Lv 5 Guy: Right: Ripper Spells: Fire Lv 7 OsmoseLv 1 Left : N/A Ice Lv 6 Blind Lv 6 Head : Twist Headband PoisonLv 6 Curse Lv 6 Armor: Black Robe Flare Lv 4 Sleep Lv 5 Glove: Leather Glove Drain Lv 1 Doom Lv 6 Richard: Right: Defender Spells: Cure Lv 3 Left : Diamond Shield Life Lv 1 Head : Flame Helm Armor: Diamond Mail Glove: Diamond Glove Entering the castle takes you to 7F. Take note, if you run into trouble, and have to EXIT out, your airship will be located at Fynn. The best way to reach it, would be to head northwest and grab a Chocobo. Be careful though, as the enemies outside can be deadly, so if you must EXIT, save enough strength to travel to the Chocobo Forest. If you're playing the PSX version, you cannot EXIT out... Okay, head north from the entrance point, and enter the door. Once inside, go DIRECTLY north, you'll fall into a pit and be taken to 1F. Go south from there and you should eventually see a chest to the right. Grab it for a Diamond Plate. Ignore the door below, and head back to the northwest corner. Go ALL the way east from there. From the northeast corner, start going south, take the fork to the left to reach a set of steps. Now on 2F, just head west to get a chest with an Hourglass inside. Go back to 1F, and continue to the south east corner. Start heading west. Keep west at the fork to reach a chest with some Garlic, take the fork north to reach some more steps to 2F. As you head east from the 2F steps, take the three-way south to find a chest in the southeast corner with a Knife inside. Head to the northeast corner for a chest with a Buckler inside. Head west from there and walk all the way around to the southwest corner. Go east to reach the steps to 3F. Walk ALL the way north from the stairs. Go west at the three-way and around to the southwest corner. There's a chest there holding the Thunder Spear, and a sneaky monster. TOUGH FIGHT: FALLEN EMPEROR HP:3000 MP:240 ATK:120 HIT%: 8-100% DEF:120 EVA%: 1-80% M.DEF: 8-30% WEAKNESSES: none STRENGTHS: ICE, POISON, MIND, BODY, MATTER ABSORBS: DEATH TYPE: UNDEAD, MAGIC, AIR, EARTH SKILLS: CURSE8, DOOM8 The Fallen Emperor is way tougher than his former self. Although he is undead, he has no weakness. He has plenty of strengths though, along with a high DEF, and deadly ATK. The only strategy here is to survive. The Fallen Emperor loves casting DOOM, so if your M.DEF isn't high, you may find it difficult to beat him. Wear him down with physical attacks and high leveled offensive spells. Once you beat him, go back to the three-way, and continue east to reach the steps to 4F. As you go north from the steps, make a U-Turn back south. You should see a chest. Take it for a Saint's Spirit. Then go north again. At the intersection, go left for another chest. This one has a Slumber Stalk inside. Go back to the intersection, and take it north. Now at a three-way, go west. This should lead you to the southwest corner. To the right is a door, and inside that door, three chests. From left to right they contain: a Mage's Staff, the Healing Staff, and a Spellbinder. The Healing Staff is a fun toy to play with, especially against the undead... Backtrack to the three-way, and take it east, to the northeast corner. Ascend the stairs. Now on 5F, head west. Take the steps to 6F. There's a chest below the stairs. Make your way to it for the Sunblade, careful though, because it is guarded by monsters. Continue south from the Sunblade, walk around to the northeast corner for steps leading to the 7F. Climb the steps, then head west. Take the fork south(the only logical way to go) until you see a door. Go inside and find three chests, each containing Elixirs, yay! Now go back and return to 5F. Walk east from the 5F stairs, then go south. This'll take you all around 5F, ending in the northwest corner with more stairs to 6F. Go up them. Not much to do here, go south from the steps, and make your way to the southeast corner. Climb the stairs there to 7F. Once there, just head north, and climb those steps to 8F. On 8F now, go down, to the southeast corner, and then west, ALL the way to the southwest corner. Head up to the northwest corner for two chests. One has a Hellfire, the other a Zephyr Flute. Return back south. At the intersection, in the center of 8F. Start to head north. At this point you should unequip Richard of useful equipment, 'cuz somethin's about to go down. Make your way north now, up the small set of stairs, and across the pretty red rug. At the top of 8F, sitting on the throne, you see the Dark Knight, Lionheart. He looks a little lonely, so chat with him for a second. ***UNEQUIP RICHARD, HE WON'T NEED HIS GEAR ANYMORE*** Lionheart was expecting you, but isn't quite in the mood for a reunion. He likes his throne, and doesn't want to hear his sister tell him to give it up. Amidst the commotion, the Emperor pops-in outta nowhere to reclaim his throne. Lionheart doesn't like the idea, and challenges the undead Emperor. The Emperor reveals that he's not interested in the petty throne, and lays out his grand scheme to make the world a living hell, you being his first victims. Great. Before that happens though Richard tells you to ride his Hiryuu out while he battles the Emperor. He doesn't stand much of a chance(especially if you took his gear), but it's the best shot you have at escaping. The Hiryuu picks everyone up and flies them to safety. Back at Fynn you debrief Hilda on the situation. The Emperor has risen from the dead to wreck havoc, and the last Dragoon is dead. Maria tries to convince Lionheart to join the party and help defeat the Emperor. Lionheart, although, dispirited, joins the group. Go to the throne room in Fynn, and speak with Hilda. She'll inform you that the Emperor has risen Pandaemonium, an ancient demon castle, in place of Castle Palamecia. Learn about the "JADE PASSAGE" from her, the only way into Pandaemonium. ============================================================================== VI. Pandaemonium, the Forbidden Fortress ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VI-A. Return to Deist (HP:1000 WPN: 8 MP:190 SPL: 6) It's not necessary to go back to Deist, but it is beneficial. After recovering, get into your airship(which should be just outside of Fynn) and fly to Deist, to pay Richard's wife and son a visit. Tell them of Richard's sacrifice, and mention "DRAGOONS" to her. She'll decide to move on to another village and leave Deist behind them. Before she goes, she gives you a sword prized by the Dragoons: Excalibur. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VI-B. Get Ya Weight Up (HP:1100 WPN: 8 MP:190 SPL: 6) Unless you've been stomping absolutely everything you've come across, you're gonna have to build up your squad, especially Lionheart. Lionheart has no spells, and very low MP, but decent stats. Also, he has pretty good weapon skills, the axe and sword being his highest skills. Take this time to build up his HP, your HP, and spells. Also, don't forget your raw stats, if they are low. Bring plenty of Elixirs, and other healing items into the Jade Passage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VI-C. The Jade Passage (HP:1300 WPN: 9 MP:200 SPL: 6) When you feel fully prepared, head to the Jade Passage. It's located on the long peninsula far to the east of Mysidia. You could also fly southeast from Altair, or southwest from Kas'ion. The Jade Passage is a portal that leads into hell, so you can bet that the monsters won't be too friendly there. Here's my gear/spells into the Jade Passage... Frioniel: Right: Thunder Spear Spells: Bolt Lv 6 UltimaLv 5 Left : Diamond Shield Stop Lv 6 Head : Diamond Helm Aura Lv 3 Armor: Diamond Mail Cure Lv 6 Glove: Diamond Glove Safe Lv 6 Maria: Right: Spellbinder Spells: Cure Lv 7 Rasp Lv 5 Left : N/A Life Lv 2 Exit Lv 1 Head : Gold Hairpin Esuna Lv 6 Holy Lv 6 Armor: White Robe Blink Lv 6 Glove: Power Armlet Mini Lv 5 Guy: Right: Ripper Spells: Fire Lv 7 OsmoseLv 1 Left : N/A Ice Lv 7 Blind Lv 6 Head : Twist Headband PoisonLv 6 Curse Lv 6 Armor: Black Robe Flare Lv 6 Sleep Lv 6 Glove: Leather Glove Drain Lv 1 Doom Lv 6 Lionheart: Right: Orichalcon Spells: Cure Lv 4 Left : Excalibur Life Lv 1 Head : Diamond Helm Esuna Lv 2 Armor: Black Outfit BasunaLv 1 Glove: Thief's Glove Once you enter the Jade Passage, go east. Follow the water eastward. Before the water ends, you should see a chest. Take it for the Diamond Mace, the strongest Cane/Mace weapon. Follow the river back west, ignoring the door to the north. Once back near the entrance, make your way to the southwest corner of this floor for another chest. Inside this one is a Hellfire. Take it, then go straight east. ALL the way. There'll be a door on the east side, go inside it to find the stairs leading down to the next level. Now on B2, ignore the door just southeast of you, and head north. Go to the northwest corner for another Hellfire. Follow the river east. As it turns south, there'll be a chest to the right of it. Grab it for a South Wind. Head southwest from there, and keep southwest until you see a chest. It's guarded by a Blue Dragon, but inside it holds the Cat Claws. TOUGH FIGHT: BLUE DRAGON HP:3500 MP:240 ATK:180 HIT%: 8-100% DEF:150 EVA%: 1-75% M.DEF: 8-40% WEAKNESSES: POISON STRENGTHS: none ABSORBS: BOLT TYPE: DRAGON, AIR SKILLS: LIGHTNING16 The Blue Dragon loves BOLT, so use POISON attacks. Use the same strategy from the other dragons. Keep your team buffed and in top shape. If you're POISON is at a decent level, the dragon should fall quickly, if not, well, then you're in for a fight... From the chest, go east. Ignore the door in the southeast corner, and proceed to the one in the northeast corner. Go inside the door there to find the steps to B3. B3 is a long, winding path, with a waterfall splitting it into two sides. You'll have to cut through the waterfall a couple of times, and it will damage your party a little. There are a buncha doors along the way, but they are all empty, except for the one in the southeast corner of B3. That's your goal. Follow the winding path from the northwest corner, down to the southeast corner. Along the way, you may spot a chest. Inside is the Rune Axe, but if you try to take it, you'll be attacked by the King Behemoth. TOUGH FIGHT: KING BEHEMOTH HP:5000 MP: 0 ATK:150 HIT%: 8-100% DEF:120 EVA%: 1-50% M.DEF: 8-30% WEAKNESSES: none STRENGTHS: none ABSORBS: none TYPE: EARTH SKILLS: none He can be a tough fight, due to his lack of a weakness, and the fact that he hits very hard. In fact, that's his strategy, hit you hard. Use this to your advantage and rely on debuffing spells such as CURSE, BLIND, and SLEEP. Your spells will have to be pretty high, but if you've taken the time to build them up, it'll come in handy. I found that the Shade Bow and Ancient Sword worked well in afflicting the beast with BLIND and CURSE. Once you take away it's offensive power, it's just a matter of time before the King Behemoth is dethroned. Also, along the way, at the very bottom, behind the waterfall, is a hidden magic shop. No one knows who the vendor is. Some believe it to be Ming-wu. Others believe it to be a banished Mysidian Mage, perhaps from FF1. I've even heard rumors of it being Yojimbo, believe it or not. Oh, it's true. Regardless of who it is, this guy or gal is pushing some unique spells, which if you haven't been lucky enough to get a hold of via monster drops, you can get here. Up for sale is the DOOM, BERSERK, HASTE, and FLARE spells. He/She requires a pretty penny for the spells, but it should be nothing you can't handle. But what they're gonna do with the cash down in a pit infested with monsters is their business. I couldn't tell you... renovating...? eh, now moving on... Continue to the southeast corner. There'll be three doors. Take the one all the way on the right. Go down those steps to B4. Start by heading north from the steps. You should see a chest to your right eventually. Grab it for a Backstabber, then continue north. Once you cannot go north anymore, start to go east, and go inside the door at the top of B4. Inside are three chests, containing from left to right: the Aegis Shield, the Dragon Armor, and the Holy Lance. Exit the room and continue heading east, toward the northeast corner of B4. Grab the chest there for the Yoichi Bow, and a Red Dragon. TOUGH FIGHT: RED DRAGON HP:5000 MP:450 ATK:180 HIT%: 8-100% DEF:180 EVA%: 1-75% M.DEF: 8-40% WEAKNESSES: ICE STRENGTHS: none ABSORBS: FIRE TYPE: DRAGON, AIR SKILLS: BLAZE16 These guys just keep getting tougher and tougher. The Red Dragon is the strongest of all the dragons, but don't let that scare you. The same gameplan should still work. Blast this guy with ICE and keep the party in good health. If you can, try to CURSE it, among other ailments. The Red Dragon hits hard, so beware. Once you're done, head south from the chest, and go inside the door along the eastern wall. Descend the stairs, and tread deeper into the cave. Now on B5, the path is rather straight-forward. On the wall by the steps is a sign saying something about the gates of Hell, so you know you're close. At least now you're sure that you didn't take a wrong turn, good thing that message was there, yeah? Heh, anyway, continue by following along the path, and eventually you'll spot a chest. Grab it for a Hi-Potion. Close to that chest, is another chest to the northeast. Inside is a Protect Ring. Ignore the door next to this chest, though, unless you enjoy looking at empty rooms. Continue along the path, and you'll spot another chest, with another Hi-Potion. Follow the path south, until you see the door at the end of it. Go inside to and down the stairs to B6. Another easy floor to navigate. Just follow the path on B6 around, and climb up a few steps until you see a small rectangular room. There's a teleporter in that room that will take you to Pandaemonium. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VI-D. Pandaemonium (HP:1500 WPN: 9 MP:200 SPL: 7) If you got your ass whooped, and barely made it here, then EXIT out, quickly. You're HP should have boosted quite a bit in the Jade Passage. If it didn't, then you probably didn't wind up fighting all those annoying Abyss Worms. Anyway, if you had trouble getting this far, then escape, return to town, restock your crew, and build up a little more. Here's my gear/spells into Pandaemonium... Frioniel: Right: Holy Lance Spells: Bolt Lv 7 Safe Lv 6 Left : Aegis Shield Stop Lv 6 UltimaLv 6 Head : Diamond Helm BersrkLv 2 Armor: Dragon Armor Aura Lv 3 Glove: Diamond Glove Cure Lv 7 Maria: Right: Diamond Mace Spells: Cure Lv 8 Rasp Lv 5 Left : N/A Life Lv 2 Exit Lv 1 Head : Gold Hairpin Esuna Lv 6 Holy Lv 7 Armor: White Robe Blink Lv 6 Glove: Power Armlet Mini Lv 5 Guy: Right: CatClaw Spells: Fire Lv 8 OsmoseLv 2 Left : N/A Ice Lv 7 Blind Lv 6 Head : Twist Headband PoisonLv 7 Curse Lv 7 Armor: Black Robe Flare Lv 7 Sleep Lv 6 Glove: Protect Ring Drain Lv 1 Doom Lv 6 Lionheart: Right: Ripper Spells: Cure Lv 5 Left : Excalibur Life Lv 1 Head : Diamond Helm Esuna Lv 2 Armor: Black Outfit BasunaLv 1 Glove: Thief's Glove Pandaemonium is full of monsters, dead-ends, rooms, floors, steps, teleporters, secret passages, and of course my favorite: Treasure! All of the good stuff is guarded by big mean Bosses. But don't worry, that's what I'm here for. Of course, now that you're in Pandaemonium, you cannot leave, unless you have the EXIT or BANISH spells. On 1F, start by heading south, and walking all the way around to the southeast corner. Then up the long set of steps. From those steps, head west and around the winding path to find and reach the steps to 2F. Head south from the steps, then make a U-Turn back north. All the way north lies a chest with an Ether inside. Go south from that chest, and down a set of steps on the left. Double-back north once again, at the top of 2F are two pillars with a teleporter in the center. Use the teleporter to get to 3F. Notice, that once you enter the teleporter, you can't go back... Go south from the entrance point, then a little east for a chest with some Eyedrops inside. Return to the entrance point, the go north. Turn east as you hit the top of 3F. Then as you turn south, go west. This will lead to what appears to be a dead-end, but it's not. Walk through the wall, and continue south. This made your path to the teleporter a lot quicker. Now on 4F, go north. There'll be four doors. Choose the one all the way on the left first. Now on 5F, follow the path. You should pass through a few 'tunnels' along the way. As you pass the third one, continue north until you hit the wall. From there, go west to find a hidden passage. This'll take you north, to a small room with a chest. Inside are the Genji Gloves, but don't think receiving them will be that easy. TOUGH(well, not really) FIGHT: ZOMBIE BORGHEN HP:2500 MP:370 ATK:120 HIT%: 6-95% DEF:120 EVA%: 1-60% M.DEF:10-100% WEAKNESSES: FIRE STRENGTHS: ICE, BODY, MIND ABSORBS: DEATH TYPE: UNDEAD SKILLS: FLARE16 It seems that Borghen has come back for revenge. But wait, he looks different. Borghen has turned into a... a... a Zombie! Set Zombie Borghen on FIRE, and slap him around like before. If someone is using Canes/Maces, equip the Heal Staff for major damage. Really, if you're here, and lose to this guy, then there really is no helping you... Go south from the chest and through the first tunnel. Take the second tunnel north. This should take you to the top of 5F, and east of the chest you took. Continue east, and STAY east. You can walk through both walls that block your path along the way. You should bump into a pillar. Walk around it, but stay below it. Check out the wall east of the pillar to be taken to a hidden room with some nice treasure. Inside the room is the Masamune, the most powerful weapon in the game. The chest itself isn't guarded, but the room is filled with random encounters with some rather strong foes. This room makes for a great place to build up your squad and find some unique treasure from monster drops. Retrace your steps back to 4F, the floor with the four doors. Take the next door on the right to enter another part of 5F. Head west from the door, and through the tunnel. Climb the small set of stairs, and check out the wall to the west. In the corner should be a secret passage, go through it to the west, and then through the tunnel north to be taken to a chest with the Genji Helm inside. This chest is guarded by Tiamat. TOUGH FIGHT: TIAMAT HP:5000 MP:450 ATK:150 HIT%: 8-100% DEF:180 EVA%: 1-80% M.DEF: 8-70% WEAKNESSES: BODY STRENGTHS: MIND ABSORBS: FIRE, ICE, BOLT, POISON TYPE: DRAGON, AIR SKILLS: BLAZE16, SNOWSTORM16, LIGHTNING16, POISONMIST16 Tiamat absorbs all elemental spells. So only HOLY, FLARE, and ULTIMA can hurt him. On top of that Tiamat has a variety of spells to cast on your party, and can hit hard. Buff your attacks with BERSERK and HASTE. If need be, use Yoichi's Bow for BERSERK 3 and the Masamune for HASTE 11. If you can, try to use BLIND on him to reduce his Hit%. He has a weakness to the STUN spell, so nail him with that if you've got it built up. Wear him down, and stay healthy. Keep your HP up, and you should win. After you've taken down Tiamat, you can go back. There's nothing else here, so you might as well go back to 4F, you know, the room with the four door. You've been there before, yeah? Once back on 4F, take the door ALL the way to the RIGHT. This'll take you to a portion of 6F, along the eastern wall. Follow it all the way up until you see the chest. Grab it for the Genji Armor, and to challenge Beelzebub. TOUGH FIGHT: BEELZEBUB HP:5000 MP:450 ATK:150 HIT%: 8-100% DEF:180 EVA%: 1-80% M.DEF: 8-70% WEAKNESSES: none STRENGTHS: ICE ABSORBS: FIRE TYPE: MAGIC, AIR, EARTH SKILLS: BLINK16, DISPEL16, FIRE16, FLARE16, STUN16, CONFUSE16 Beelzebub is strong against ICE, and absorbs FIRE. His defense is rather high also. Buff your attacks and go to work. High level POISON, FLARE, HOLY, and ULTIMA work pretty good. He likes to Paralyze characters, so a decent leveled BASUNA can come in handy. Go all out offense, and take 'em out quick, just be sure to keep your HP in check. Once finished, return to 4F, and into the final door(the next one to your left). Follow the path, and go through the first three tunnels. As you approach the fourth, turn west before going under. The wall is a secret passage that will cut a lot of steps. It will also get you to the chest a lot faster. Open it up for a Ribbon, and to unleash Astaroth. TOUGH FIGHT: ASTAROTH HP:7000 MP:540 ATK:150 HIT%: 8-100% DEF:180 EVA%: 1-80% M.DEF: 8-70% WEAKNESSES: none STRENGTHS: FIRE, ICE, BOLT ABSORBS: none TYPE: MAGIC, AIR, EARTH SKILLS: FIRE16, POISON16, DRAIN16, BLIND16, DOOM16 This battle can be a walk in the park, or a nightmare. Astaroth is resistant to most elemental attacks. Again, POISON, HOLY, FLARE, and ULTIMA are your friends. Other than that, you'll have to use the Masamune to break his DEF, unless you use the BERSERK spell. Watch out for Astaroth's physical attack though, if he connects, he'll recover a lot of HP. Use SAFE and BLINK to protect yourself. If Astaroth stupidly cast his spells, then you'll have a good chance of an easy victory. However, if he's set on bashing your head in, then you'll have a fight on your hands. If you seem to be having a hard time with him, nail him with the Blood Sword a few times for a quick kill. Continue westward from the chest. You can walk through one of the walls just west of the chest. From there make your way to the southwest corner to find the teleporter. Yet another hidden passage is located in the wall northeast from the teleporter. It should save you a couple of steps. Now you should be back on 4F, but at the upper level. Travel north, then east to find the next teleporter, and to reach 7F. Go west, and grab the chest above you to receive a Sage's Wisdom. Continue west and climb the stairs. Walk along back east, then south, and finally back west to the southwest corner and the teleporter to 8F. Really a simple floor here. You start in the southwest corner. The southeast corner holds a chest with a Hellfire inside. The northwest corner has a chest that contains an Acid Bottle. And the northeast corner is where the teleporter lies. Grab the chests and hit the teleporter to reach 9F. Yet another easy floor. Just go southwest into the corner. That's where the teleporter is. Take it to 10F, and where the Emperor is located. The time for the final battle is at hand, or is it...? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VI-E. The Finale (HP:1750 WPN:10 MP:225 SPL: 7) If you made it this far, and are in pretty good shape, then that would be a good sign. If you barely made it, are outta MP, Elixirs 'n stuff, and desperately need to escape, do so with the EXIT spell. Now that you have all the treasures in Pandaemonium, navigating should be easier the next time through. Before heading into the final battle, you may want to increase the party's HP and skills. Doing so will make the journey back to the Emperor easier and leaving you more HP and MP. Also, finding superior gear in Pandaemonium from monster drops is a good idea. If you haven't faced him already, a rare monster appears in the first few floors of Pandaemonium. The Iron Giant drops all of the Genji gear, the Aegis Shield, and the Excalibur, but he only drops one item at a time, and an item drop isn't guaranteed. Still, if you want to max-out your party on defense, hunt down the Iron Giant in Pandaemonium. Sometimes it may take forever just to find one, other times they just keep popping up. Be patient, as the rewards can be great. The Genji gear has the most Defensive protection, but also kills your Evade Percentage, however, if you have a Shield and wield it at a high level, it shouldn't even phase your Evasion. When you get ready, head all the way back to Pandaemonium. You'll have to travel through the Jade Passage again, but it shouldn't be a problem any longer. Tread Pandaemonium again, and make your way to 10F to confront the Emperor, and the final battle. Here's my gear/spells before facing the Emperor... Frioniel: Right: Holy Lance Spells: Bolt Lv 7 Safe Lv 6 Left : Aegis Shield Stop Lv 6 UltimaLv 7 Head : Diamond Helm BersrkLv 4 Armor: Genji Armor Aura Lv 4 Glove: Genji Glove Cure Lv 7 Maria: Right: Diamond Mace Spells: Cure Lv 9 Rasp Lv 5 Left : N/A Life Lv 2 Exit Lv 1 Head : Ribbon Esuna Lv 6 Holy Lv 7 Armor: White Robe Blink Lv 6 Glove: Power Armlet Mini Lv 6 Guy: Right: CatClaw Spells: Fire Lv 8 OsmoseLv 2 Left : N/A Ice Lv 7 Blind Lv 7 Head : Twist Headband PoisonLv 7 Curse Lv 7 Armor: Black Robe Flare Lv 8 Sleep Lv 6 Glove: Protect Ring Drain Lv 1 Doom Lv 6 Lionheart: Right: Ripper Spells: Cure Lv 5 Left : Masamune Life Lv 1 Head : Genji Helm Esuna Lv 2 Armor: Dragon Armor BasunaLv 1 Glove: Thief's Glove When finally reaching the Emperor, everyone’s HP was at around 1000-2000. Carry enough Elixirs to fully rejuvenate the squad, and have a few extras for the battle itself. When you're ready, walk north from the entrance point on 10F, and speak with the Emperor, who is awaiting your company at the top of the room. The Emperor runs his mouth for a bit, then the battle ensues... FINAL BOSS: EMPEROR(Chaos) HP:10000 MP:540 ATK:180 HIT%: 8-100% DEF:210 EVA%: 1-80% M.DEF:16-70% WEAKNESSES: none STRENGTHS: ALL ABSORBS: DEATH, MATTER TYPE: AIR, EARTH SKILLS: DISPEL16, SLOW16, FLARE16, BLIND16, CURSE16, METEO10 The Emperor has many attacks to hit you with. Some of his favorites being METEO(Starfall), FLARE, SLOW, BLIND, CURSE and his physical attack. Beware of his physical attack. It does an insane amount of damage, and heals him in the process. If you're not careful, he can take you out in one hit. Occasionally, he uses DISPEL, reducing your special defenses, which in turn increases the potency of his spells. However, in the NES version, DISPEL doesn't work, so if you're playing the NES version, then lucky you. SLOW will override HASTE, and make the victim's attacks next-to useless. Keep your HP high, and protect yourself from his attacks using SAFE and BLINK. SHELL, BARRIER, and WALL may not be as useful, his spells are at level 16, but aren't all that threatening anyway... not when compared to his physical attack. METEO damages the entire party for about 250 points, and his FLARE spell causes about 600-700 damage to a single character. The Emperor's defenses are second to none. He has resistance to just about everything, and absorbs the rest. Regular weapons aren't particularly useful, as his Defense is just to high. Cast HASTE and BERSERK on whoever wields the Masamune, or if they're at high levels, the entire party. Remember, whoever does have the Masamune can cast HASTE by using the item in battle. Lv16 Fists do well against the Emperor as well, if you can get them that high. HASTE gives you higher attack counts, giving you a better chance to 'Critical Hit' through the Emperor's high defense. Since he is resistant to everything, only non-elemental spells such as HOLY, FLARE, and ULTIMA will be truly effective. If you've worked hard, and got those three spells built up to around 7 or 8, they'll serve you well, inflicting anywhere from 250-600 points of damage. Combine these spells with Sage's Wisdom and Saint's Spirit for a little extra damage. Keep any fighters 100% by nulling the Emperor's BLIND and SLOW spells immediately. Also, be sure to heal any character who is CURSED. A cursed member's offensive and defensive capabilities are reduced, making them a perfect target for the Emperor's almighty attack. Speaking of that attack, you may want to have a couple of characters with the LIFE spell handy... Stay on the offensive, but always try to keep everyone close to full HP. If you're lucky, he may just continually cast spells. If you're not, then he'll just keep smashing your squad until they're squish. ***EASY WAY*** The Emperor does, in fact, have a weakness: The Blood Sword. It may seem weak and dumb at first glance, but this thing just slices and dices the Emperor to bits, and heals whoever wields it. You can actually kill him in one single hit with this, and there are two Blood Swords in the game. The first is found in B4 of the Castle Fynn Sewers, the other is located in Paul's stash. The second one is only obtainable by talking with Paul BEFORE you enter the Cyclone. If you get smashed by the Emperor, and are using this sword, then, my friend, you suck. Anyway, after stomping the hell outta the Emperor, again... Serenity is restored and everything is A-OK. Good job, you just won Final Fantasy II. Now sit back, enjoy the ending, and watch the credits roll. See. That wasn't so hard, now was it? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4. Secrets 4A. Snowcraft Mini-Game (WSC, PS, and GBA versions only) Like FF1, there is a mini-game in FF2. Hop aboard your snowcraft and hold down the A button(accept), and press the B button(cancel) 22 times. This will take you to a card matching game. This is sorta like the matching game from Super Mario 3. Match up the characters on the cards and earn prizes for winning. The fewer times you 'miss' a match, the better your prizes you win. The cards aren't shown to you at the beginning though, so you have to be psychic, or just be really good at guessing. Your prizes(as far as the WSC and PS versions are concerned) are based on your number of misses, and the time taken. If you can beat the clock for a set number of misses, then you get the full prize, however, if you don't get the best time, you only get a portion of the prize. It's pretty much impossible to not get the best time at first, as the time to beat is 99 hours and 59 minutes. If you have built the TOAD spell up to 16, all the characters turn into frogs. Now, I'm sure you may be thinking "so what". But get this, once you do this, you can earn some killer prizes. I'm talking Aegis Shield, along with some Genji gear. Definitely worth checking out. The prizes vary from the GBA, and PS/WSC versions of FF2. Below I've listed the prizes from each version. For the Playstation and WSC versions, the bottom prize for each miss is what you receive for not getting the best time. The rewards listed for the GBA version are straight from the official strategy guide, I've not played the GBA version yet, so... Here are the list of prizes for each version: ============================================================================== PS & WSC Regular TOAD lv.16 ============================================================================== Misses - 0 - 40,000Gil;Elixer;PhoenixDown - 10,000Gil;AegisShield 24,000Gil;Elixer - 8,000Gil;Hermes;UnicornHorn - 1 - 12,000Gil;PhoenixDown;Cottage - 5,000Gil;Ribbon 6,000Gil;PhoenixDown - 3,000Gil;Bacchus'Wine;M.Mirror - 2 - 3,000Gil;GoldNeedle;Ether - 2,000Gil;GenjiHelm 2,000Gil;Ether - 1,500Gil;Magiconch;GaiaDrum - 3 - 1,000Gil;Hi-Potion;Maiden'sKiss- 1,000Gil;GenjiArmor 600Gil;Hi-Potion - 600Gil;Saint'sSpirit;Hourglass - 4 - 300Gil;Hi-Potion;Antidote - 400Gil;GenjiGlove 200Gil;Potion - 300Gil;Sage'sWisdom;Hellfire - 5+- 100Gil - 200Gil ============================================================================== GBA Regular TOAD lv.16 ============================================================================== Misses - 0 - 20,000Gil;Elixer;Cottage - 40,000Gil;Masamune - 1 - 15,000Gil;Elixer - 25,000Gil;AegisShield - 2 - 10,000Gil;PhoenixDown;Cottage- 10,000Gil;GenjiArmor - 3 - 5,000Gil;PhoenixDown - 5,000Gil;GenjiGloves - 4 - 2,500Gil;GoldNeedle;Ether - 2,500Gil;GenjiHelm - 5 - 1,500Gil;Ether - 1,500Gil;Hermes - 6 - 500Gil;GoldNeedle - 1,000Gil;Sage'sWisdom - 7 - 300Gil;Hi-Potion;Antidote - 500Gil;Saint'sSpirit - 8 - 200Gil;Hi-Potion - 300Gil;Bacchus'Wine - 9 - 100Gil;Potion;Antidote - 200Gil;Conch Shell -10 - Potion - 100Gil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4B. Chocobo The Chocobo made it's first appearance in FF2j. There is only one Chocobo Forest in the game, and it's located directly south of Kas'ion. The forest is more hidden on the NES version, but on the other versions you can tell where it is by an open patch in the forest. Once inside the forest, find and 'catch' the 'lil chocobo running around, then just head out of the forest and the chocobo will be waiting for you. The chocobo is like any other regular chocobo. You can pretty much ride it wherever you can walk. Your restrictions being mountains, water, the snow, etc. While riding the chocobo, you encounter no random battles, which makes it useful at certain parts of the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4C. Normal Mode (WSC and PS versions only) Once you complete the game, you have the option to save your completed data(PS). Upon doing so, you open up the ability to play Normal Mode. This puts the game at it's original difficulty. Auto-target and dash are turned off, plus your weapon and spell skills level-up a little slower, like intended. Good stuff, you haven't beat the game until you beat it in this mode. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4D. Blood Sword At first glance, this may seem to be the weakest weapon in the game. And in many situations, it is. The Blood Sword has 0 ATK power, and if used on the undead, it absorbs your health and gives it to the monster. Although if used on regular monsters, it absorbs the damage done, and heals whoever wields it. A handy feature, but because of it's low ATK, it's not always a reliable source to use for healing. What really makes this sword shine though, is that certain monsters have a hidden weakness against the Blood Sword. Most notable are the Mithril Golem, Astaroth, and the Final Boss himself. Not only does it slice 'n dice these guys to bits, but you absorb a bunch of the damage done, nice side effect. I've mentioned this all before, but there are only two Blood Swords in the game. The first is found in Fynn's Down Below, at B4. The other is located in Paul's stash, and the only way to gain access to that is to speak with Paul BEFORE you enter the Cyclone. Tell him that you plan on entering the "CYCLONE" and he'll let you have his loot. In one of the chests is the Blood Sword. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4E. Waterfall Magic Shop At the bottom of B3 in the Jade Passage(the room with all the waterfalls), there is a secret magic shop in the big waterfall. No one knows who the shop keeper is, and rumors have popped up here and there on who it could actually be. But whoever it is, is hustlin' some rare spells, on the spot. I'm talkin' DOOM, BERSERK, HASTE, and FLARE. That's right, FLARE. You'll need a heavy wallet, 'cuz what's being pushed is the real deal. Don't ask questions, just get down to B3 in the Jade Passage, at the bottom, behind the waterfall. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 5. Revisions/History Version 1.0 --- [01/19/2006] Version 1.1 --- [02/07/2006] - Updated the "Thanks" section, forgot a few peeps, heh... - Added the "Secrets" section - corrected numerous spelling errors Version 2.0 --- [04/27/2006] - Added info. about INT/SOUL Penalties - edited equipment due to penalties - corrected/added info. about spells - corrected status ailment info. - edited/corrected boss tactics and stats - corrected more spelling errors ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 6. Legal crap This walkthrough is copyright (c) 2006 to 'sco This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. --If you want to print it out only to ball it up and throw it at people, or light it on fire and throw it at people, or just light it on fire, or whatever, go ahead. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. --Honestly, I can't physical stop you, but be courteous and let me know what you're gonna do and why. --Currently only for use on my site and GameFAQs Anyway, do what you do, tear it up, save it and delete it, read it, use your imagination... If you just so happen to read it, gimme some feedback on it. Any tips, corrections, and what not, will be greatly appreciated. E-mail me at Disclaimer: This is by no means an official strategy guide, although I did use a tid-bit of facts from the PSX handbook, and Dawn of Souls Strategy Guide. Mostly status ailment stuff and enemy strengths/immunities. Also used for info. on the Snowcraft Mini-game. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 7. Thanks Square - providing this great RPG, and many fly ones afterwards NEO Demiforce - for translating the NES version of FF2j RPGOne - making the translation patch for the WSC version of FF2j Final Fantasy Classics - a killer FF1 site, that inspired my FF2 site, which in turn inspired this walkthrough FCE Ultra, NESticle, WSCamp, & Cygne - Couldn't play the ROMs without these programs, so thanks to these guys The People - I gotta thank all the people who send me e-mails 'n stuff about my site, a great source of motivation, thanks for the support You - you're reading the thing, so... thanks