Gunbound Asate FAQ Created by Smashnuke (12/29/03) Newest version at: --------------------------- 1)Introduction --------------------------- Gunbound is a online shooting/strategy game. You play as one of 16 tanks, out to destroy all opposition. You have various weapons, items, and tatics to either kill or 'bunge' your opponent. This guide will give you various stratiges for the Asate mobile to destroy anyone who gets in your way! --------------------------- 2)Table of Contents --------------------------- 1)Introduction 2)Table of Contents 3)Death from Above: The Asate - Vital Statistics - The Shots - Rules of Distance - Tricks of the Trade 4)Mobile Specific Strategies 5)Avatar Setups 6)Closing --------------------------- 3)Death from Above: The Asate --------------------------- =========================== Vital Statistics =========================== Name: A. Sate Appearance: A yellow floating bowl thingy which your avatar rides in. Hovering above this is a satellite which is the business end of this bot. The satellite is guided by a tracer fired from the 'nose' of the bowl. Chassis: Shield (strong vs laser weapons, weak vs hit weapons) Weapon Type: Laser (strong vs organics, weak vs shields) Health: 800 Shield: 200 ============================ The Shots ============================ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shot 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Delay: 730 + 10 for each second you take to fire Angle: 40 degrees, all true Damage: 100 damage on a direct hit Notes: A tracer is fired, and wherever the tracer lands, a green laser will fire from the satellite. Note how low the satellite is: this is the lowest position for it. A good way to clear a shot if you get stuck in a hole, due to Sate's low firing point, and test shots. However, stick with the second shot for damage. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shot 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Delay: 880 + 10 for each second Angle: Same as shot 1 Damage: 100 for one laser on a perfect hit. The shot consists of 3 lasers, but the spreading will usually get you 250-275 on a perfect hit. Notes: The satellite flys off the screen, and will fire 3 lasers where the tracer lands. These lasers are fired left to right, so if your firing right, land your shot on their backside or middle for full damage. The lasers will spread over long range, and can even spread to the point where only one can hit in very distant shots. Also note that both the tracer and the lasers are affected by tornadoes, making this a hassle due to a heavy downwards angle of the shot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Skill ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Delay: 1280 + 10 for each second Angle: Shot 2's angle with 5 degrees max and min taken off Damage: usually 70 per laser, with 6 lasers fired, meaning 400-450 depending on how close to the center and their bot type (Excellents on boomer are very easy) Notes: The satellite is the same as shot 2. A green ball is shot, and upon reaching the destionation, the satellite will move over the spot where the shot landed. The satellite fires 6 lasers straight down, moving slightly to the left and right as the attack progresses. Upon finishing, the satellite returns to its normal position. Note that the satellite only moves horizontally, so firing on someone on a high elevation from a low elevation causes screwiness. Also, the SS is denied any weather effects unless the opponent is actually INSIDE the weather or the side to side movement causes the satellite to move into the weather, regardless of wether the tracer went through one. ============================== Rules of Distance ============================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Melee/Close Range ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is what I consider right on top of your opponent to about full 87 from Boomer. Here is where you want to be most of the time. Shot 2's lasers stay bunched up and Good Shots are easily dealt. Your main threats here are Nak, Turtle, and possibly Raon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Medium Range ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Slight damage drop from Melee, but you can still deal some nice damage. 2 lasers will hit, with the third missing or tapping them for like 25 damage. You tend to mess up the opponent's angle more at this range. Watch out for Boomer and Mage since they have access to their SS easier ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Long Range ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Avoid this range. Your shots tend to spread too much, making only 1 laser hit, 2 if your lucky. Only stay here in large games if the opposing team is bunched up. In 1vs1 situations, tele over to your opponent. Any bot except Bigfoot can beat Sate here. ============================== Tricks of the Trade ============================== - Your shots spread heavily at long range, so tele close to your opponents to ensure you get max damage per shot. - Never hit the left side of the mobile, due to how the lasers fire. The shots always hit to the left of the tracer and move to it. You can shotgun to the left but not the right side - If you see someone in a Thunderbolt, you can put them in one HELL of a hole with your SS. Not only will you deal an Excellent Shot, but they will be stuck in a thin hole and may damage themselves trying to make a shot. - If the level or land damage allows it, try to get directly beneath your opponent and do a 0-power shot 2 or SS. Since they are between the path from the satellite to the tracer, they take the damage. In Tag mode, you could start with primary Bigfoot and dig down then sideways, then tag to this to unleash hell. Just make sure you dont go down too far or you could have your satellite in the earth :P - If firing to the left, shooting in front of them will make a nice hole. It isn't as big as what bunge bots can do, but it gets the job done when you can bunge the opponent easily. - Watch out for tiny ledges, due to the low firing point. If you have no choice then use your shot 1 to clear a hole and deal less to yourself. - Sate is heavily offensive, so make your set-up that way too. Bring a tele always, just incase your stuck in long range (where Sate can only do around 150 max unless you SS) or get caught on the verge of bunging. Duals can easily do 500 or more, so pack one of those. For the last 2 item slots, you could go Dual or Dual + (since that's all that seems to be in games nowadays -.-') or go for one of the Power-up items (good just incase you need over 250 but a dual would be overkill on your delay) or a bunge shovel. Heal items are a bad idea since the percentage is only applied to your green bar. - AVOID. NADOS. LIKE. THE. PLAGUE. Your shots will be affected twice, once for the tracer, and once for the laser(s). Only fire into one if someone is inside it (aka Free Nado Bonus!) ------------------------------ 4)Mobile-Specific Strategys ------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Armor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you get caught in long range, teleport over to it. Fire quickly and use your superior delay to win. You might not be able to do as much damage, but you can lap it if you play wisely and can consistently hit. Save your heavy offenses for Thor or a Lightning. Try to give it hard shots or force it into fake angle to give you as much of an edge. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get as close as possible and pound away. From far away, it can hit you with a SS which will take out your shield. It will be a bit of a drawn-out fight: your both Shield-Lasers, meaning your strong against each other's hits. If a Thor comes up, use the SS if you still have it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nak ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nak's second shot will give you hell, taking off up to 300 damage and digging a hole. Try to stand back a bit, and play carefully. Don't tele into long range because his shot one is stronger than your one (then again, what isn't ;p) and it could still still nail you with a good shot 2 if the wind allows it. One of Sate's toughest opponents. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Trico ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another melee monster, so be wary of getting up close, instead hanging back a bit. You will be able to outdamage it, due to it being organic, so just keep hitting it and dump a dual or SS on it. Overall, you should be able to leave it crying most of the time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bigfoot ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Don't give him a chance to bunge you, and you should easily outdamage. At long range, the damage is slightly in your favor. The Bigfoot's low defense will give you an easy close range victory should it try to fight you. Hit hard when you see an opprotunity. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boomer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is going to be one fast fight, and it is going to be a close one. He's Organic-Hit, your Shield-Laser. End result: You deal massive damage to each other. Your SS can take 500 easily, and most players lead with SS against this mobile, hoping to dual for the kill. You can do this, but if the Boomer can hit you well, your dead if you fail to kill. Also, this thing will easily outdamage you at long range, so get over to it with teleport. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raon Launcher ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pregbot may make an upset over the Sate if you get careless. Its mines can put you into a thin hole, and the irreguarities in a shot 1 hole can throw a shot of yours into your face. You do have type advantage (he's Metallic-Laser, your strong against his shots while he's neutral to yours), but the tactics employed by him could cause you to take a few of your own shots yourself. If you can, try to get the mines to turn on it, but don't waste your time destroying them if you can't. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lightning ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Be careful: This thing's shot 1 could take your entire shield in one shot. It can also pull the same tactics as you, such as getting under you and hitting you from below. If there is a lot of land above your heads, you should have the advantage because you can dig through the land faster. Try to shield yourself, and it -will- fall. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another hard battle for Sate, because of the holes it can put him in. Beware if he is firing into the wind, a vertical hole is something you do NOT want as a Sate user. Your low shot 2 delay should prevent lappage if you get in its face, but save your power moves, as one shot 2 followed by a 2-1 Dual+ is going to make you waste a turn getting out. If he does this enough, he could get enough pokes in with shot one to get him the Ending Bonus. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A.Sate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Don't let him pull any of the tricks I've mentioned. If there are more players and a nado comes up, shoot at an opponent that isn't behind a nado, and make him waste time if he REALLY wants to kill. Don't stand in thunderbolts, and if your going to get close, get to the right side as most Sate users tend to mess up shots to the right. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ice ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This guy's loaded on HP, and can do long range much better, so get over to it with a well placed Teleport. Note that when it has a half bar, a Dual won't be enough unless Thor or Force is out, so strike with one more shot 2 then SS finish. Note that each time it hits you with 2, you lose Hit defense. In Score this carries over from life to life so if you die go for a non-Hitter (aka not Nak, Boomer, Ice, and Turtle) as your already weak against them due to being Shield type. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Turtle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Try to force this thing to move as much as possible, as each second gives it 12 instead of 10 delay. Avoid situations that give it an easy shotgun, as you can easily lose over 250 health from it. As long as is forced to lob its shots, it hopefully won't be able to do full damage. Don't bet on this at long range, as the streams will come together, and Dual+ could easily screw your angle. Pick a good spot close to it where it has to lob and send yourself over. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Grub ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You the Grub won't be makeseing so much money gold when Sate gets over to you and pounds you with its superior damaging shots. Just be careful for that SS if it gets you in a hole, as it is one of the strongest in the game. If it just throws its shot 2 into your face shotgun-style, this is the easiest mobile to beat. If it rolls it to you, expect a tougher fight, but still easy. If it uses Thunderbolts, expect some trouble, as these things can generate a thin hole perfect for Grub and anything but for Sate. If it does get you in one, shot 1 one of the walls, then shot 2 there to make a slope away from you, then high angle for it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aduka ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do what you usually do (if it isn't obvious, teleport up close), and start attacking with 2. You start out easily outdamaging it in a shot 2 duel. Just be careful if a Thor weather comes up. If you think you can deal enough damage to kill it, load up Dual or SS and hit it. If you miss, at least you won't pump Thor's level. If you hit but fail to kill and it can shot 2 and lap, prepare to be hurting because Thor will probably be a good level and can take around 250 a shot. Hopefully your Shield type chassis will keep you alive to finish it off. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dragon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get into middle range. If you try to get close, you'll get obliterated by shot 2, and the 1 will beat you in long range. Being very large, shot 2 should hit completely, and its low life will allow you to end it quick. If you survive, that is. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Knight ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You're screwed. This thing can easily take off 275 HP, even though it uses Laser type weapons! It also has all the projectiles sent right at the tracer in a reverse cone fashion, so it does just as well at long range as in close range engagements. Taking away Pwny's angle is hard as hell too, as it has the same range as Boomer but all true. You can bunge better, so if you can bunge it go for it. ------------------------------ 5)Avatar Setups ------------------------------ None yet, as I usually play Avatar off :x ------------------------------ 6)Closing ------------------------------ Version History: Version 1.0 - 8/18/04 - Submitted to GameFAQs Version 1.1 - 8/26/04 - Few misc. changes, added, gave approx. HP count (only the green bar). I still need some avatar suggestions Disclaimer: This FAQ is copyrighted 2004 to Robbie Smith A.K.A. Smashnuke This is for personal use only, you may not put this in your site or use it to make a profit. If you wish to use this FAQ on your site, contact me at me e-mail or IM me and I will consider it.Do not distribute this document, or alter it in any way, shape or form. It can be printed out for personal use only. You can NOT use this document without my permission on your site. If you find the FAQ on a site other than - - or have something to add, please contact me at: Thanks to: Softnyx - for making the game