============================ NBA Live '96 (SNES) FAQ v0.1 Created November 7, 1995 ============================ The latest version of the FAQ can always be found through the WWW at: http://www.undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca/~sstackho/nbaliv96.faq ---- Copyright information: Feel free to distribute this FAQ in its entirety. Hell, you can even print this stuff in a magazine, but at least have the common courtesy to credit the FAQ. ---- New in this version of the FAQ: Everything. This is the first version of the FAQ. It's a beta version! I just wanted to get this out since a lot of people were asking about the hidden characters. I've only been playing the game for about a week, and I'm in the middle of midterms, so it'll be a while before I get to play the game extensively. :( ---- Contents: Introduction What's New in Live '96? "Hidden" characters Bugs ---- Introduction: Welcome to the NBA Live '96 Frequently Asked Questions List. With this list I hope to point out the special undocumented features of the game, as well as answer any other important relevant information. I don't want to pad the FAQ with a lot of junk, so I'll try to include only relevant information, and keep it short. However, the FAQ can only be as good as its users. I monitor r.g.v.n regularly, and will look for important information on the game. Please send me any additions or modifications to the FAQ as you see fit (at sstackhouse@undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca), as you will improve the FAQ and people's enjoyment of the game. I will include credits of all those who contribute. ---- What's New in Live '96? Well, NBA Live '95 was the most complete basketball game that I have ever palyed, and it would be hard to improve it too much. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it), EA decided not to screw around with NBA Live '96 too much, so it is quite similar to NBA Live '95. The gameplay and graphics are rather similar. Major Changes: - Toronto Raptors and Vancouver Grizzlies included (with draft mode) - Create and Edit Player functions included - "Hidden" players included - New dunks and lay-ups - Much harder to block dunks and lay-ups - Can call plays on the fly - Fouls occur differently - Foul shooting changed (nice touch!) - More injuries! - Players' mug shots have been removed - Cartridge size remains unchanged at 12Mbits If you own NBA Live '95, I might suggest renting before you buy '96 since '95 might keep you satisfied as it is. ---- "Hidden" characters: In the spirit of NBA JAM, NBA Live '96 has many hidden players that are not regularly playable. These players include some new rookies for the 95-96 season, some of the best to ever play the game, some players not regularly in the game and some of the programmers. You can access these players by selecting the Edit Player choice from the Set Rosters menu. You select the hidden players by editing the current name (from "Roster PG" or whatever) to one of the names from the list below. When you enter the name correctly, the stats for the player will automatically change, and the player has been "created". Your changes will be saved to the battery. This should be all of the hidden characters you can use. I will add detail (and maybe the correct teams for the players) later on. J. Smith McDyess Stackhouse (no relation to the maintainer of the FAQ :( ) Wallace Garnett B. Reeves Stoudamire Respert O'Bannon K. Thomas Trent Parks Williamson E. Williams B. Barry Henderson Sura Ratliff Childress Caffey Finley Zidek Best Meyer Vaughn Ford Bennett Ostertag C. Alexander Roe Tarlac Rencher Burrough DeClercq J. King Moten F. King Griffith D. Marshall Whitfield Meek Boyce Snow Pelle T. Brown Banks Edney Davis Allen Lewis Bodiroga Hoiberg Popa Ilgauskas McDonald C. Carr Martin A. Reid Barkley Jordan Bird Johnson Erving Jabbar Thompson Laimbeer Chamberlain B. Russell Hayes Robertson R. Barry Gervin Baylor West I. Thomas Maravich Worthy Walton Archibald Frazier Havlicek McHale Cousy Mikan Thurmond Murphy Cowens Ted M. Rammer Norvell Ice Daniel Ng Andy R. Allan J. Reddekopp Thursty Sab Daddy-O Enzo Air Dyck Traz Ranata Nelson McKibbin Willard Ivan A. Gary L. Chow Bass Whew! That should be all of them. Not all of these have been tested, but many have. Please report any corrections to this list to me. If you're like me, then you may be asking "Barkley?" Barkley being in there *really* surprised me. I believe Acclaim has his video game rights, and that's why he isn't in there regularly. This could be lawsuit potential. However, they only use his name, number, school and physical statistics, so maybe it could be a different guy named Barkley who just has those same stats. :) I do not know why Jordan is not in the game regularly. Maybe at the time of programming, he hadn't returned to the NBA. ---- Bugs: I think I started this section just so I can point out one of my pet peeves. (so much for keeping irrelevant stuff out of the FAQ, eh?) Alley-oops are not tracked correctly in your User Stats. This problem was also in Live '95. I was getting sick and tired about my team stats showing me shooting 70%, but then my stats showing me (as a user) shooting 55%. So I think I finally got to the bottom of it, and it's because I love to do alley-oops. After playing a quarter on Live '96 and doing one alley-oop, my team was shooting 10/11. However, my user stats showed me shooting 9/11. So although my team had only missed one shot, it claims that I as a user had missed two shots. Hmmmm.... So that's my excuse why my roommates' field goal percentage is always higher than mine. :) So, alley-oops will actually HURT your stats, rather then helping them. ---- Enjoy the game! Thanks, Shawn Shawn Stackhouse | "Having a smoking and non-smoking 3B Actuarial Science | section in a restaurant is like University of Waterloo | having a urinating and sstackho@undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca | non-urinating section in a pool." ========== END OF FAQ ==========