~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HUGO 3: THE JUNGLE OF DOOM Part 3 of the Hugo Trilogy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FAQ/WALKTHROUGH 1.0-Updates 1.0-Walkthrough started and ended, the walkthrough, gameplay, and controls are done. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.1-Story After you and your wife Penelope spent your honeymoon at you great Uncle Horace's, you prepare to fly off, then a freak magnetic storm occurs and you spin out of control. You land in the South African Wilderness, Penelope being the curious and wandering person she is, decides to stroll off. Afterwards, she is bitten from behind by the dreaded TREE SPIDER, now, Hugo must find the magical water to cure Penelope within 48 hours...or Penelope will DIE!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.2-Introduction Hello! To whomever reads this guide, welcome to my walkthrough of Hugo's house of Horrors! I've beaten this game many, many times in the past. It is because I know this game very well and the fact that this game may be difficult and confusing because of its low ability to accept certain phrases that I have written a FAQ... not because I like this game. If you wish to contact me, my e-mail is: myantidrugisdrugs@hotmail.com This is version 1.0-Finished at Friday, July 30, 2004 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.3-Gameplay All three games in the Hugo series play like this: you use the arrow keys to move. You only need to push it once, so don't hold any buttons down. If you wish to stop moving in a direction simply press the same arrow key. For instance, if you push the right arrow and move right, if you wish to stop, just push the right arrow again. Now as for actions, you type them in. Most of the time you might know what to do, but the phrase you are typing in isn't in the game, and therefore it won't understand what in the hell you are trying to do (what this walkthough is for). Some actions will get a response, but it won't necessarily be important, like climbing up a tree, or typing in a swear word (hehe). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.4-Controls Left arrow Key : Move left Right arrow Key : Move right Down arrow Key : Move down Up arrow Key : Move up (To stop just push the arrow key that corresponds to the direction you are walking in) F1: Displays information about the game. F2: Mute/Unmute sound effects and music F3: Re-types the last word phrase entered F4: Save game F5: Restore game F6: Shows the items you are carrying F8: Turbo button-Speeds up game F9: Exits out to DOS, type in exit to go back in Hugo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.5-Table of Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0-Updates 1.1-Story 1.2-Introduction 1.3-Gameplay 1.4-Controls 1.5-Table of Contents 1.6-Walkthrough/Landing and the Wilderness... 1.7-Walkthrough/The Natives and the Magical stuff... 1.8-Copyright/Distribution 1.9-Points 2.0-FAQ 2.0-Credits ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.6-Walkthrough/Landing and the Wilderness... After all the talking is done, immediately go back and up into the plane. Go near it and type in look in plane. Get the cube, the water flask, the pins, the clay, and the sandwich. After that exit the plane. Go right, until you reach a bridge. If you try and cross it, there will be a warning that the bridge seems unstable. So to fix this little issue, tie the bridge with vines. Then cross, make sure you got everything from the plane, because if you didn't you can't go back, for the bridge collapses. Upon entering the new area to the left, there should be 2 paths. I suggest you go to the right one and swing from vine to vine when you get to the river, simply because it's a commonly missed place with points. While you are on the right side of the river, there should be a little patch of land. It looks like this. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^*^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^*^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^**^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^***^^^^^^^^^^^ *******~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~************** *******~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~************** *******~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~************** *******~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~************** *******~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~************** *******~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~************** ^=jungle/scenery ~=water *=Land (you can walk on it) See that little segment of land that sort of curves up on the right side? Go in it and fetch out the book. Then get it. Now swing from vine to vine back. Go to the left path and get the scroll while you are walking on the left path. Just keep going right, ignore the ghost, and pick up the bell that's on one of the screens. You should reach a boulder, go near it and type look behind boulder. A crystal ball is found, be sure to get it. Now if you go to the upper left exit, you should have found a native village... 1.7-Walkthrough/The Natives and the Magical Stuff... Go into it and hang out near some natives. One native should come up to you and start talking. You can stay and listen to all she has to say. OR, you can just give her the cube from the beginning of when she talks. After she accepts you gift, you shall receive a blowgun from her. If you go right, you should arrive at the witch doctor's hut. Like the native said, if you listened to her, the witch doctor is insane near this time. So naturally, go in. From the moment you set foot in the hut, he should imprison. Well? How do we get out? We don't have any weapons, and Hugo's a wuss, he can't fight back. Ah but we do have a weapon, voodoo! From the clay you got back in the plane, make effigy. Then put the pins into the clay. Oooo, now look what you have done, the witch doctor's now a screaming pile of flesh =). Open the cage door, and get the candle. Open the cage door (the small cage), and put the sandwich in the cage. Now just walk over to the right side of the room until you cannot walk anymore and wait... A rat will scurry into the cage, and the doors will close shut. Grab the cage and leave the hut, and the village. Go west and save. Now in order to do this, you have to be at least a mediocre typist. Type: Shoot elephant, then put down cage, then open cage door as fast as you can. The elephant will run into the river then fall asleep, leaving Hugo the perfect opportunity to get some magic water. Now... Go all the way to the 2 paths and go to the western one. When you get to a waterfall, stop. Go near the waterfall and you should enter a secret passage. On the other side of this passage is pond filled with magical water!! Fill the water flask with water, and leave. If you don't the elephant will move, and you will never get it. Now then, go to the cave with the ghost that you saw earlier, read the book and send the evil spirit away. Approach the cave, and you will find... The Riddler from Hugo's House of Horrors!! Don't worry, he's a little softer this time, and now he will try and guess what you have in your pocket. When he asks if you have a flask of magical water, say yes, he will thank you for his crystal ball, and with a whist of magic he will send you back to the other side of the bridge! Quickly give the water to Penelope and beat the game! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.8-Copyright and Distribution I really don't care what you do with this FAQ, so do whatever you want. Just don't do any commercial activities with this like selling it. If you post this in a website, magazine, or anything else that can be viewed by the public, please give me credit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.9-Points Event Points/Total ----- ------------ Get clay 5/128 Get cube 10/128 Get water flask 15/128 Get pins 20/128 Get sandwich 25/128 Tie bridge with vines 28/128 Get scroll 31/128 Get bell 33/128 Getting the crystal ball 42/128 Give cube to native girl 45/128 Make effigy 52/128 Getting the mouse in the cage 66/128 Put pins in clay 69/128 Get cage 70/128 Get candle 73/128 Put down cage 72/128 Open cage door (must be near elephant) 76/128 Elephant sleeps in river 95/128 Fill flask with water 97/128 Getting the book 107/128 Getting rid of the spirit 119/128 Getting past the old man 122/128 Give water to Penelope 124/128 Swing from vine to vine 128/128 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2.0-FAQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q-What is this game? A-It's an old game, where you have to go and type your actions in. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q-I'm missing points, WHY?!?! A-Most people forget to swing from vine to vine, and unless for some odd reason, you drop an item, that's the only way you can lose points in this game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q-Why did you write this Walkthrough? A-I knew how to get through it, and just for the heck of it, I decided to write a Walkthrough. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q-You went from Hugo's House of Horrors to Hugo 3: Jungle of Doom. Why? What about Hugo 2: Whodunit? A-I can't remember off the top of my head how to get through Hugo 2, I probably will write a Walkthrough for it once I play through it again, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2.1-Credits Me: I wrote this... CJayC: The creator of www.gamefaqs.com, the best game site on the web, and the only site I use. David P. Gray: He made this game and the trilogy... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After this Walkthrough, I'm going to probably write one on Hugo 2. I may write some on upcoming titles, like Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, or Star Ocean 3: Till the End of Time. Until then See you Later.