Strategy Tips for Hellbender: If you liked Fury3 you will like Hellbender! But be warned, it is a LOT tougher than Fury3, and that's good. (I found Fury3 easy even on the harder modes!) Well, here are some tips for Hellbender. FIRST, USE A QUALITY STICK!!! Let me say it again, USE A QUALITY STICK!!! (I use a MS Sidewinder 3D Pro.) There, enough said. Secondly, use the VAL cannon as much as possible! It is probably THE weapon of choice, and since its ammo is infinite, USE IT! (The next weapon of choice is the VIPER missile.) In the first several levels of the first three planets or so use the VALS for EVERYTHING. The reason is simple: COLLECT AS MUCH AMMO FOR EVERYTHING ELSE AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN BECAUSE YOU ARE GOING TO NEED IT LATER ON!!! So use the VIPERS only when you are surrounded by a swarm of enemies, then switch back to VAL when it's less hectic. I got to the final planet with 1000 VIPERS, 800 SLEDGEHAMMERS, 5000 RFLS, well, you get the picture . . . I had plenty of firepower for everything! You should also know that there are lots and lots of treasure troves (i.e., weapons caches) all over the place, and some are HUGE! So look for them. There are all kinds of secret areas and an occasional trap or two. So, save often! One other little trick is to use weapons targeting systems to find out where your enemies are. Some weapons like VIPERS target air targets, others like SCORCHERS target ground targets, etc. Also, don't disdain the humble little DOOMSDAY MINE. Remember, each weapon has its own unique "personality." Third, use HELLION missiles ONLY for your life! Don't waste them on enemies. (Well, if you have to have lives, and there happens to be an enemy you can take out at the same time, good!) When you use one they act as an "extra life" and refill almost everything!!! So save them up. Up to the last planet (Snow City) I only had to use four HELLIONS. In Snow City .. . . well, we won't talk about how many I had to use to survive. (Hehe.) Fourth, learn how to use your instruments! Learn to use the map and objectives screen. It really helps when you get lost in the tunnels. But, be warned, in some levels and planets, the map and objectives screen does not work! Microsoft says that this is by design and not a bug. Also, figure out how to fill up your thrusters. (Hey, I'm not going to tell you everything.) And cloaking is available too, but I never used it . . . probably should have though. You should also note that there are a few "problem areas" in the game where you will have to search and search and search for the next target or exit to a tunnel. One more thing, LISTEN TO YOUR MISSION OBJECTIVES!!! Sometimes, it's the only way to make it. Now, for the enemies: Watch out for SAM (Surface to Air Missiles) sites, they are B-A-D!!! You will know when you are being targeted. You can either run using thrusters (maybe you will make it, maybe you won't) or you can go on a search and destroy mission. That's my choice - face them head on. Ignore everything else and take out the SAM sites or you will be sorry. (For taking out SAMS I used SLEDGEHAMMERS as my weapon of choice.) Different enemies require different weapons! If one isn't working, switch quickly to another. This is one of the reasons you need a quality stick with lost of programmable buttons that work well with Windows 95. (For instance, there are some alien craft later on in the game that can "only" be killed with the DISPERSION CANNON.) Well, that's it for now. If you have any tips or cheats, let me know. Maybe I'll add to this and post it from time to time, as it grows. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop me an email. Brent